Paris High School and Junior High Daily Announcements March 12, 2014 High School
Paris High School and Junior High Daily Announcements March 12, 2014 High School
Paris High School and Junior High Daily Announcements March 12, 2014 High School
SENIORS: Bring 5 pictures to Mr. Freitag for the senior slide show by April 4 . Also any group pictures you want added. Prom Committee meeting today during intervention in Ms. Ottos room. Seniors - Please sign up in the office if you want to play volleyball or basketball at the CTA games on Monday, March 17. Please remember to bring your baked goods for the cake walk on Monday too. Thanks! All Seniors sign up to help at the After Prom Fundraiser on March 30 . Sign up list is in the library. Winter sports banquet will be Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 pm in the HS gym. Each family is asked to bring two dishes. This year's CTA senior-faculty games are scheduled for Monday, March 17. Seniors - plan to sign up to play basketball or volleyball against teachers and other school personnel. Each senior should also plan to bring 1-2 items to donate to the cake walk. This event funds the CTA scholarship for a senior entering the field of education. Hope to see everyone there participating!
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The state park service has job openings for this summer. If anyone is interested in applying, please let Mr. Willingham know.
SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES: MFA Foundation due to Mrs. Youse- March 15 NEMO Old Threshers- March 20 MO Insurance Education Foundation- March 31 MACC Institutional Scholarship- April 1 United Credit Union Scholarship- April 1 Shelter Insurance Scholarship- March 31 Cindy Hays Memorial Scholarship- April 15 Thomas L. Jones Cattlemens Scholarship- April 15
ALL STUDENTS: Miss Paris and Jr. Miss Paris forms are due to Ms. Otto ASAP.
TEACHERS & STAFF: Sign up for the CTA games in the teachers lounge. Need people to play, work and donate items. Supervision this week: AMJH: D. Rinz AMHS: J. Rinz 1st Lunch: Fox 2nd Lunch: Watson 3rd: Ensor Supervision next week: AMJH: J. Rinz AMHS: Thomas 1st Lunch: Forrest 2nd Lunch: Fible 3rd Lunch: Freitag UPCOMING ACTIVITIES: 3-17 3-18 3-20 3-27 3-31 6:00 6:30 5:00 5:00 4:00 CTA Games Winter Sports Banquet Pre season Scrimmage V/JV BB @ Sturgeon HS Track @ Westran