Linux Commnd
Linux Commnd
Linux Commnd
man <command> - shows all information about the command <command> --help - shows the available options for that command
File Handling(contd...)
pwd - print name of current working directory Usage: pwd vim Vi Improved, a programmers text editor Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]... eg. vim file1.txt
File Handling(contd...)
cp copy files and directories Usage: cp [OPTION]... SOURCE DEST eg. cp sample.txt sample_copy.txt cp sample_copy.txt target_dir mv move (rename) files Usage: mv [OPTION]... SOURCE DEST eg. mv source.txt target_dir mv old.txt new.txt
File Handling(contd...)
rm - remove files or directories
Usage: rm [OPTION]... FILE... eg. rm file1.txt , rm -rf some_dir
find search for files in a directory hierarchy Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern] eg. find file1.txt, find -name file1.txt history prints recently used commands Usage: history
A Pattern is an expression that describes a set of strings which is used to give a concise description of a set, without having to list all elements. eg. ab*cd matches anything that starts with ab and ends with cd etc. ls *.txt prints all text files
Text Processing
cat concatenate files and print on the standard output Usage: cat [OPTION] [FILE]... eg. cat file1.txt file2.txt cat -n file1.txt echo display a line of text Usage: echo [OPTION] [string] ... eg. echo I love India echo $HOME
Text Processing(contd...)
grep - print lines matching a pattern Usage: grep [OPTION] PATTERN [FILE]... eg. grep -i apple sample.txt wc - print the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files Usage: wc [OPTION]... [FILE]... eg. wc file1.txt wc -L file1.txt
Text Processing(contd...)
sort sort lines of text files Usage: sort [OPTION]... [FILE]... eg. sort file1.txt sort -r file1.txt
3 types of file permissions read, write, execute 10 bit format from 'ls -l' command 1 234 567 8 9 10 file type owner group others
eg. drwxrw-r-- means owner has all three permissions, group has read and write, others have only read permission read permission 4, write 2, execute -1 eg. rwxrw-r-- = 764 673 = rw-rwx-wx
System Administration
chmod change file access permissions Usage: chmod [OPTION] [MODE] [FILE] eg. chmod 744 chown change file owner and group Usage: chown [OPTION]... OWNER[:[GROUP]] FILE... eg. chown remo myfile.txt
Process Management
ps report a snapshot of the current processes Usage: ps [OPTION] eg. ps, ps -el kill to kill a process(using signal mechanism) Usage: kill [OPTION] pid eg. kill -9 2275
tar to archive a file Usage: tar [OPTION] DEST SOURCE eg. tar -cvf /home/archive.tar /home/original tar -xvf /home/archive.tar zip package and compress (archive) files Usage: zip [OPTION] DEST SOURSE eg. zip original unzip list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive Usage: unzip filename eg. unzip
ssh SSH client (remote login program) ssh is a program for logging into a remote machine and for
executing commands on a remote machine
Usage: ssh [options] [user]@hostname eg. ssh -X guest@ scp secure copy (remote file copy program) scp copies files between hosts on a network Usage: scp [options] [[user]@host1:file1] [[user]@host2:file2]
eg. scp file1.txt guest@
File Systems
fdisk partition manipulator eg. sudo fdisk -l mount mount a file system Usage: mount -t type device dir eg. mount /dev/sda5 /media/target umount unmount file systems Usage: umount [OPTIONS] dir | device... eg. umount /media/target
File Systems(contd...)
du estimate file space usage Usage: du [OPTION]... [FILE]... eg. du df report filesystem disk space usage Usage: df [OPTION]... [FILE]... eg. df quota display disk usage and limits Usage: quota [OPTION] eg. quota -v
Advanced Commands
reboot reboot the system Usage: reboot [OPTION] eg. reboot poweroff power off the system Usage: poweroff [OPTION] eg. poweroff
Suggested !aterial
The UNIX Programming Environment by Kernighan and Pike (PrenticeHall) Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide by Sumitabha Das
Thank You
Editor commands
kate KDE Advanced Text Editor Usage: kate [options][file(s)] eg. kate file1.txt file2.txt vim Vi Improved, a programmers text editor Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]... eg. vi hello.c gedit - A text Editor. Used to create and edit files. Usage: gedit [OPTION] [FILE]... eg. gedit
Process Management(contd...)
bg make a foreground process to run in background Usage: type 'ctrl+z' and then 'bg <job id>' fg to make background process as foreground process Usage: fg [jobid] jobs displays the names and ids of background jobs Usage: jobs
find - search for files in a directory hierarchy Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern] eg. find -name file1.txt locate find or locate a file Usage: locate [OPTION]... FILE... eg. locate file1.txt