Puran As
Puran As
Puran As
The Puranas
A compact, English-only version of the Major 18 Puranas in one document
(overview of 18 pa-Puranas, and !8 additional Puranas - "#$%
Issue 1, Draft 1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Inde !
I"T#OD$CTIO" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2& SO$#C'S! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%2( 1 )#*+,* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %2&'& L("D B"A)*A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '+, 1.1.1 A Profile of Brahmaji............................................................................................................ ..................28 1.1.2 Scriptural Appearance of Brahmaji..................................................................................... ...................28 1.1.3 Four Heads of Brahmaji................................................................................................................... ......28 1.1.4 White Beard of Brahmaji.................................................................................................................. ......28 1.1. S!an as a "ehicle.............................................................................................................. ...................28 1.1.# Purpose of Holdin$ "edas..................................................................................................... ................2% 1.1.& 'osar( in Second Hand................................................................................................................... ......2% 1.1.8 )amandalu *+oconut Shell Bo!l,............................................................................................ ..............2% 1.1.% Seat of the -otus......................................................................................................... ..........................2% &'+ -(DD.// /A"A/VA01''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''+2 1.2.1 Appearance of Saras.ati............................................................................................ ...........................2% 1.2.2 Si$nificance of Boo/ and "eena *-(re,............................................................................................. .....30 1.2.3 Beaded 'osar(............................................................................................................................. .........30 &'3 L("D V1/)4%'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''35 1.3.1 Appearance of -ord "ishnu........................................................................................... ........................30 1.3.2 'eflection of Scriptural Appearance............................................................................. .........................30 1.3.3 Scientific 1epiction of "ishnu2s Appearance................................................................................. .........30 1.3.4 Wh( does -ord "ishnu rest on Sheshana$a3.................................................................................... ....31 1.3. Wh( is -otus in the 4a.el3.................................................................................................. ..................31 1.3.# Wh( does "ishnu sta( in the Sea of 5il/3..................................................................................... ........31 1.3.& 'eason for holdin$ the Wheel...................................................................................... .........................31 1.3.8 'eason for holdin$ the +onch............................................................................................ ...................31 1.3.% Purpose of )austu6hamani........................................................................................... ........................31 1.3.10 Wh( does -ord "ishnu hold a 5ace3................................................................................ ..................32 1.3.11 Wh( is 7aruda *8a$le, the "ehicle of "ishnu3............................................................... .....................32 &'6 -(DD.// LA7*1'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''3+ 1.4.1 Wh( 7oddess -a9mi presses the feet of 7od3............................................................ .........................32 1.4.2 'eason for -i:uidit( of -a9mi........................................................................................ ........................32 1.4.3 Wh( is the o!l the .ehicle of -a9mi3........................................................................................... ..........32 2 P*D,* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%33 +'& /)"1/)01K)A4D''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''33 2.1.1 ;he Be$innin$ of +reation......................................................................................................... ............33 2.1.2 -ord Brahma2s -ife<Span and the +hronolo$ical =rder of the >8ras2.............................. .......................34 2.1.3 ;he Four Prominent +astes................................................................................................................. ..3 2.1.4 ;he 5anifestations of 7oddess -a9mi....................................................................... ...........................3 2.1. Sati $i.es up her -ife............................................................................................................. ................3# 2.1.# ;he =ri$in of 1eities? 1emons and Serpents................................................................ ........................3# 2.1.& ;he =ri$in of 5arud$anas......................................................................................................... ............3& 2.1.8 )in$ Prithu and the Sur(a 1(nast(.............................................................................................. ..........38 2.1.% Bash/ali? the 1emon /in$.......................................................................................................... ............3% 2.1.10 Sri 'am /ills Sham6u/......................................................................................................................... 40 2.1.11 5anifestation of 7anesh @ )arti/e(a............................................................................................ .......40 2.1.12 An Adeal Brahmin and the Si$nificance of the 7a(atri 5antra................................. ............................41 2.1.13 A Brahmin2s -i.elihood.............................................................................................. ..........................42 2.1.14 4arottam B ;he Brahmin.............................................................................................. .......................42 2.1.1 ;he Si$nificance of 'udra/sha? Amla @ ;ulsi................................................................... ...................44 2.1.1# ;he Amportance of Sur(a2s Worship.................................................................................................... .44 +'+ B)%*1K)A4D''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''66 2.2.1 1ifferent ;(pes of Sin and "irtue......................................................................................... ..................44 2.2.2 )in$ Ca(ati propa$ates "aishna.a<1harma................................................................. .........................4
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
2.2.3 Ca(ati marries Ashru6indumati......................................................................................... .....................4 2.2.4 )unjal B ;he 8nli$htened Parrot................................................................................................... .........4# 2.2. )unjal Preaches "ijj!al................................................................................................. ........................4# 2.2.# )unjal 4arrates a6out his Pre.ious Birth.............................................................................. .................4& +'3 /8A"-AK)A4D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''69 2.3.1 Some Prominent Hol( Places in Bharat<"arsha............................................................. .......................4& 2.3.2 Dam6u6ar$? 'i.er 4armada? Amar/anta/.......................................................................................... ....48 2.3.3 >1harma<;eertha2 @ Camuna<Snan.................................................................................. ......................48 2.3.4 )ashipuri? )apardish!ar @ 7a(a.................................................................................................. .........4% 2.3. Puranas B ;he 8m6odiment of Sri Hari................................................................................ .................4% +'6 :A0ALK)A4D''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''62 2.4.1 Sheshna$ narrates the ;ales of Sri 'ama2s 'eturn from -an/a.............................................. ..............4% 2.4.2 'a.ana B ;he 5i$ht( 1emon................................................................................................... ............. 0 2.4.3 A$ast(a Ad.ises Sri 'ama to Perform Ash.amedh(a Ca$(a.................................... ............................ 1 2.4.4 ;he Horse is -et -oose.......................................................................................................................... 1 2.4. -a. Fastens the Horse........................................................................................................................... 1 2.4.# -a. "an:uishes the Whole Arm(................................................................................................ ........... 1 2.4.& -a. Becomes Enconscious........................................................................................... ........................ 1 2.4.8 ;he Arm( 'eturns to A(odh(a.................................................................................................... ........... 2 2.4.% Sri 'ama sends -a9man to 6rin$ Sita............................................................................. ...................... 2 2.4.10 Sita 'eturns to A(odh(a..................................................................................................... ................. 2 +'; %00A"K)A4D''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''';3 2. .1 Badri/<Ashram............................................................................................................................... ........ 3 2. .2 ;he 1escent of 'i.er 7an$a.............................................................................................. ................... 3 2. .3 1asharatha Pacifies Shani............................................................................................ ........................ 3 2. .4 Fualities of a "aishna.a......................................................................................................... ............... 3 2. . Andraprastha.................................................................................................................. ........................ 4 2. .# "ai/unth B ;he A6ode of -ord "ishnu......................................................................... .......................... 4 2. .& ;he Ancarnations of 5ats(a and )urma...................................................................................... ........... 4 2. .8 4riSimha Ancarnation............................................................................................................. ................ 2. .% "aman Ancarnation............................................................................................................................... .. 2. .10 Sri 'ama2s Birth............................................................................................................................. ...... # 2. .11 Sri 'ama 7ro!s Ep................................................................................................................. ............ # 2. .12 Sri 'ama2s 89ile............................................................................................................ ...................... & 2. .13 Sri 'ama2s +oronation....................................................................................................................... .. & 2. .14 Sri )rshna..................................................................................................................................... ....... 8 2. .1 )illin$ of )ansa........................................................................................................................... ......... % 2. .1# Darasandh..................................................................................................................................... .......#0 2. .1& A6duction of 'u/mini.................................................................................................................. .........#0 2. .18 Sri )rshna2s Fueens..................................................................................................................... .......#1 2. .1% Anirudha 5arries Esha......................................................................................................... ...............#2 2. .20 ;he 1ecline of the Cadu 1(nast(....................................................................................................... ..#2 2. .21 'ituals of "ishnu Worship................................................................................................................. ...#3 2. .22 -ord "ishnu B ;he Almi$ht( 7od.......................................................................................... ...............#4 2. .23 Parashuram .......................................................................................................................... ..............#4 3 .IS+"$ P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%&& 3'& <)A:0." & (:A"0 &)''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''=9 3.1.1 Antroduction and =ri$in of the Eni.erse from Basic 8lements.............................................................. ..#& 3.1.2 Birth of Brahma and Sal.ation of 8arth 6( "araha........................................................ ........................#8 3.1.3 1i.isions of 8arth and =ri$in of +ereals..................................................................................... ...........#% 3.1.4 Birth of Prajapatis and their Pro$en(..................................................................................... ................#% 3.1. +reation of 'udra and =mnipresence of -a9mi................................................................................... ..#% 3.1.# 1hru.2s 5i$ration to the Forest.......................................................................................................... ....&1 3.1.& 1hru. Pleases 7od !ith his Penance........................................................................ ...........................&2 3.1.8 ;ale of )in$ "en and Prithu............................................................................................... ....................&3 3.1.% Birth of Prachin Barhi Worship of 7od 6( Prachetas............................................................. ................&4 3.1.10 5arria$e of Prachetas and Birth of Prajapatis.................................................................. ...................& 3.1.11 ;ale of Prahlad and 4arasimha Ancarnation............................................................................ .............&& 3.1.12 Attempts to )ill Prahlad............................................................................................ ...........................&8 3.1.13 1escription of -ord2s "irtues 6( Prahlad and Protection of Prahlad 6( Sudarshan +ha/ra.................&%
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
3.1.14 Appearance of the -ord.................................................................................................. .....................80 3.1.1 -inea$e of )ash(ap2s =ther Wi.es and =ri$in of 5arud$ana........................................ .....................80 3.1.1# ;he 1escription of Eni.ersal =rder.......................................................................... ...........................81 3'+ <)A:0." + (:A"0 +)''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''',& 3.2.1 1escription of Pri(a.rat2s -inea$e................................................................................... ......................82 3.2.2 7eo$raphical 1escription............................................................................................... .......................82 3.2.3 1i.ision of Bharat and =ther -andmasses..................................................................... .......................83 3.2.4 1escription of =ther 1.ipas............................................................................................................ .......83 3.2. 1escription of the 4ether Worlds.................................................................................................. .........84 3.2.# 1escription of Hells............................................................................................................................ ....84 3.2.& 1escription of +elestial Worlds...................................................................................................... ........8 3.2.8 =rder of the Sun? the Stars and other +onstellations....................................................... .....................8 3.2.% ;!el.e 4ames of the Sun.............................................................................................................. ........8# 3.2.10 1escription of Sur(a Sha/ti and "aishna.a Sha/ti................................................................. .............8& 3.2.11 1escription of the 4ine Planets....................................................................................................... .....8& 3.2.12 -ife S/etch of Bharat..................................................................................................... ......................88 3.2.13 Dada6harat Preaches the )in$................................................................................... .........................%0 3.2.14 ;ale of 'i6hu and 4idaa$h............................................................................................ ......................%0 3.2.1 'i6hu Preaches 4idaa$h.............................................................................................................. .......%0 3'3 <)A:0." 3 (:A"0 3)''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''2& 3.3.1 1escription of 5an.ataras......................................................................................................... ............%1 3.3.2 Birth of Sa.arni 5anu and 1escription of the 4e9t 5an.ataras.................................... ........................%2 3.3.3 1escription of "eda "(asa and the Si$nificance of Brahma7(ana.......................................................%3 3.3.4 89pansion of the Branches of the '$ "eda........................................................................... ................%3 3.3. 1escription of the Branches of the Cajur "eda........................................................... ...........................%3 3.3.# ;he Branches of the Sama "eda and the 18 Puranas........................................................................ ...%4 3.3.& Cama 7ita................................................................................................................................... ...........%4 3.3.8 1uties of Four +lasses of Societ(...................................................................................................... ....% 3.3.% 1escription of 1ifferent Ashrams......................................................................................... ..................% 3.3.10 +ustoms and +onsecrations.............................................................................................................. ..%# 3.3.11 1escription of 'i$hteousness......................................................................................... .....................%# 3.3.12 Sanctification after Birth and 1eath................................................................................ .....................%# 3.3.13 1a(s for 5onthl( =6lations................................................................................................................ ..%& 3.3.14 5ethod for =6lations..................................................................................................... ......................%& 3.3.1 1o2s and 1on2t durin$ =6lation................................................................................................. ...........%8 3.3.1# ;he Battle of 7ods and 1emons............................................................................... ..........................%8 3.3.1& 1ialo$ue of 5a(amoha !ith 1emons.................................................................................. ................%8 3'6 <)A:0." 6 (:A"0 6)''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''22 3.4.1 1escription of "ai.as.at 5anu2s -inea$e............................................................................. .................%% 3.4.2 1escription of A/sh.a/u2s -inea$e................................................................................. ......................100 3.4.3 Pro$en( of 5andhatr? Ascend of ;rishan/u to Hea.en and Birth of Sa$ar..........................................102 3.4.4 1escription of Sur(a.ansh............................................................................................................ .......102 3.4. ;ale of 4imi and 1escription of his -inea$e.................................................................................... .....104 3.4.# 1escription of Soma.ansh and the ;ale of Purura.a................................................................... ........10 3.4.& Birth of Damada$ni and "ish!amitra............................................................................ .......................10# 3.4.8 1escription of )ash(a.ansh............................................................................................. ...................10# 3.4.% 1escription of )in$ 'aji and his Sons............................................................................................. .....10# 3.4.10 ;ale of Ca(ati................................................................................................................ .....................10& 3.4.11 1escription of Cadu.ansh and the ;ale of SahastrArjuna............................................. .....................10& 3.4.12 1escription of )roshtu.ansh...................................................................................................... ........108 3'; <)A:0." ; (:A"0 ;)''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''&5, 3. .1 Puru.ansh................................................................................................................... ........................108 3. .2 1escription of )uru.ansh.................................................................................................................... .10% 3. .3 Ancarnation of -ord )rshna................................................................................................................ ...110 3. .4 Appearance of -ord in 1e.a/i2s Wom6............................................................................ ....................111 3. . )illin$ of Putana and Sal.ation of other 1emons............................................................... ..................111 3. .# ;he Sa$es +urse Cadu.anshis........................................................................................................... .138 3'= <)A:0." = (:A"0 =)''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''&65 3.#.1 1escriptions of 1(nasties in )ali<Cu$a................................................................................. ...............140 / S0*"D* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1/2
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
6'& *A)./)8A" K)A4D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''&6+ 4.1.1 1a/sha2s Animosit( to!ards -ord Shi.a................................................................................... ...........142 4.1.2 Sati jumps into the Sacrificial Fire.................................................................................................... ....142 4.1.3 "irtues of Worshippin$ -ord Shi.a....................................................................................................... 143 4.1.4 +hurnin$ of the =cean............................................................................................ ............................143 4.1. ;he 8mer$ence of Am6rosia.............................................................................................. .................144 4.1.# -ord Brahma2s Boon to ;ara/asur................................................................................... ....................144 4.1.& Shi.a tests Par.ati2s 1e.otion........................................................................................ .....................144 4.1.8 ;he Arri.al of the Sapta<'ishis.......................................................................................... ..................14 4.1.% Birth of )arti/e(a............................................................................................................ .....................14 4.1.10 )arti/e(a )ills ;ara/asur............................................................................................. ......................14# 4.1.11 "irtues of =6ser.in$ a Fast on Shi.a<'atri............................................................................. ...........14# 4.1.12 )arti/e(a2s Sorro!....................................................................................................................... ......14& 4.1.13 )illin$ of Pralam6........................................................................................................................... ....14& 4.1.14 )aal6hiti2s Austere Penance................................................................................................. .............14& 4.1.1 )arandham2s Fueries........................................................................................................... .............148 4.1.1# Arunachal Shi.a -in$a............................................................................................................. ..........14% 4.1.1& -ord Shi.a B ;he So.erei$n +reator........................................................................... ......................14% 4.1.18 89ecution of Shum6h? 4ishum6h and 5ahishasur............................................................. ...............1 0 4.1.1% Par.ati 'ecei.es Arunchalesh!ar2s 7race............................................................................... .........1 1 6'+ VA1/)4AV K)A4D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''&;& 4.2.1 -ord "arah satisfies Prith.i2s +uriosit(............................................................................................ .....1 1 4.2.2 -ord "arah 5antra....................................................................................................................... ........1 1 4.2.3 5anifestation of Padma.ati.......................................................................................... .......................1 2 4.2.4 Padma.ati 6ecomes -ord Hari2s +onsort................................................................... .........................1 2 4.2. )in$ Pari/shit..................................................................................................................................... ..1 2 4.2.# )rshna ;eertha.................................................................................................................. ..................1 3 4.2.& Some =ther Places of Pil$rima$e on "en/etachal 5ountain................................... ...........................1 3 4.2.8 Anjana2s Penance at A/ash<7an$a ;eertha.................................................................... ....................1 4 4.2.% -ord "ishnu Ad.ises -ord Brahma to $o to Purushottam )shetra......................................... ..............1 4 4.2.10 5ar/ande(a 8ulo$iGes "ishnu............................................................................... ...........................1 4 4.2.11 Hol( Places in the .icinit( of Purushottam<)shetra...................................................................... ......1 4.2.12 "id(apati 8ulo$iGes -ord 4eel5adha.a......................................................................... ...................1 & 4.2.13 Andra(umna -ea.es for Purushottam<)shetra................................................................ ...................1 8 4.2.14 Andra(umna 'eaches 8/amrachhetra......................................................................... ......................1 8 4.2.1 Andra(umna 8ulo$iGes -ord 4eel5adha.a............................................................................ ............1 % 4.2.1# 4arad Anstalls the Adol of 4riSimha............................................................................... .....................1 % 4.2.1& Andra(umna Performs Ash.amedh(a Ca$(as..................................................................... ...............1 % 4.2.18 Da$anath Adol is +ar.ed =ut........................................................................................... ...................1 % 4.2.1% +onsecration of the Adols....................................................................................................... ............1#0 4.2.20 'ath Catra.................................................................................................................................... ......1#1 4.2.21 Some Prominent Places of Pil$rima$e........................................................................ ......................1#1 4.2.22 ;he 5ajest( of Badri<)shetra......................................................................................... ...................1#1 4.2.23 ;he Amportance of Hindu 5onth? )arti/............................................................................ .................1#2 4.2.24 ;he Amportance of Hol( 1ips in 5ar$ashirsh.............................................................................. .......1#2 4.2.2 ;he Si$nificance of +harit( made in "aisha/h.................................................................................. .1#2 4.2.2# A(odh(apuri................................................................................................................................ .......1#3 6'3 B"A)* KA4D''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''&=3 4.3.1 'amesh!ar )shetra............................................................................................................ ................1#3 4.3.2 Setu Bandh................................................................................................................................... .......1#3 4.3.3 'amesh!ar -in$a............................................................................................................................ ....1#4 4.3.4 1harma'an(a )shetra....................................................................................................... .................1#4 4.3. -oss of 5oral "alues in )ali(u$a.................................................................................................. .......1#4 4.3.# ;he Si$nificance of +hatur5as(a "rata...................................................................... ........................1# 4.3.& Amportance of A6stinence durin$ +haturmas.................................................................................. .....1# 4.3.8 'ituals Pertainin$ to Shodash Epachar.................................................................................... ...........1# 6'6 KA/)1 K)A4D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''&== 4.4.1 "idh(achal =6structs the Path of Sur(a........................................................................... ...................1## 4.4.2 A$ast(a orders the "indh(a 5ountains to diminish their siGe.................................................. ............1## 4.4.3 )ashi B ;he Sacrosanct Place of Pil$rima$e................................................................................ .......1#& 4.4.4 -ord )arti/e(a 1escri6es the 5ajest( of )ashi.......................................................... .........................1#&
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
4.4. ;he =ri$in of )ashi.................................................................................................................... ..........1#8 6'; AVA401 K/).0"A K)A4D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''&=, 4. .1 Sanat )umar 7lorifies 5aha/aal ;eertha............................................................................. ...............1#8 4. .2 )apal 5ochan.................................................................................................................................... ..1#8 4. .3 "arious 4ames of Ejjainipuri................................................................................... ............................1#% 4. .4 ;he 7randeur of A.antipuri................................................................................................................ ..1&0 4. . ;he 1escent of 4armada.................................................................................................................... .1&0 4. .# 4armada 5arries Puru/utsu......................................................................................................... .......1&1 4. .& 5anu 'ecei.es a Boon from 4armada........................................................................................... .....1&1 4. .8 Damada$ni recei.es )aamdhenu.............................................................................. ..........................1&1 4. .% 1escription of Hell..................................................................................................... ..........................1&1 6'= 4A-A" K)A4D'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''&9+ 4.#.1 ;rishan/u cursed 6( "ashishth2s Sons........................................................................ ........................1&2 4.#.2 "ish!amitra +ommences 4e! +reation..................................................................... ........................1&3 6'9 :"AB)A/ K)A4D''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '&93 4.&.1 1escription of Puranas and Ep<puranas........................................................................................ ......1&3 4.&.2 Pra6has ;eertha................................................................................................................ ..................1&4 4.&.3 Somnath -in$a........................................................................................................... .........................1& 4.&.4 1ifferent 4ames of Somnath....................................................................................... ........................1& 4.&. Siddhesh!ar -in$a and Siddha -in$a............................................................................ .....................1& 4.&.# +handra 1e.a 8ulo$iGes Shi.a............................................................................................. ..............1&# 4.&.& ;he Si$nificance of 7ettin$ =ne2s Head ;onsured............................................................... ...............1&# 4.&.8 ;he 8mer$ence of Saras.ati in Pra6has )shetra....................................................................... .........1&& 4.&.% Pra6has B ;he A6ode of ;rinit( 7oddesses................................................................ ........................1&& 4.&.10 1.ar/a 5ahatm(a B Sa$es Fueries to Prahlad.............................................................................. ...1&8 4.&.11 ;he Sanctit( of 1.ar/apuri............................................................................................................. ....1&8 1 S+I.* ,*+*2P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%1-0 ;'& V1DY./)8A" /A*)10A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''&,& .1.1 Sa$es 8n:uire....................................................................................................................... ..............181 .1.2 Proposition and 5eans............................................................................................................. ...........181 .1.3 -istenin$? )irtan? +ontemplation................................................................................................. .........182 .1.4 7reatness of Shi.a -in$a............................................................................................. .......................182 .1. ;he 1eities $o to )ailash 5ountain...................................................................................... ...............182 .1.# Anaal<Stam6h *;he Pillar of Fire,................................................................................ ........................182 .1.& Shi.a =6li$es Brahma.............................................................................................................. ...........183 .1.8 +onsecration of 5ahesh!ar.................................................................................................... ............183 .1.% =m/ar............................................................................................................................................ ......184 .1.10 'ituals of Shi.a Worship................................................................................................................... .184 .1.11 Sacred Pil$rima$es of Shi.a.................................................................................................... ..........184 .1.12 +onduct of the respecti.e +astes............................................................................................ ..........18 .1.13 ;(pes of 1harma........................................................................................................ .......................18 .1.14 Appropriate Place and ;ime for Worshippin$ Shi.a................................................ ..........................18 .1.1 Worshippin$ the Adol of Shi.a.............................................................................................. ..............18# .1.1# ;he 5ajest( of Prana. Pancha/shar....................................................................................... ..........18# .1.1& Worldl( Bonda$e and Sal.ation...................................................................................................... ...18& .1.18 ;he Worship of Parthi.a -in$a................................................................................. .........................18& .1.1% 5ethods of Worshippin$ Parthi.a -in$a........................................................................... .................18& .1.20 4um6er of Parthi.a Shi.alin$as.............................................................................. ..........................18& .1.21 Amportance of 4ai.ed(a and Bil.a -ea.es........................................................................................ .188 .1.22 ;he 5ajest( of Shi.a2s 4ame............................................................................................. ...............188 .1.23 ;he Amportance of Bhasma in Shi.a2s Worship................................................................. ................188 .1.24 Amportance of 'udra/sha.......................................................................................... ........................18% ;'+ "%D"A /A*)10A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''&,2 .2.1 Shrishti<)hand....................................................................................................................... ..............18% .2.2 "ictor( of 4arada o.er >)ama2............................................................................................. ................18% .2.3 4arada2s 8$o Su6duedH..................................................................................................................... ..1%0 .2.4 "ishnu Preaches 4aradH.............................................................................................................. ........1%0 .2. Brahmaji Preaches 4aradH.................................................................................................................. .1%0 .2.# ;he =ri$in of "ishnu................................................................................................................ ............1%0 .2.& =ri$in of Brahmaji....................................................................................................................... .........1%1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
.2.8 1ispute Bet!een Brahmaji @ "ishnuji................................................................................................. .1%1 .2.% Sha6da<Brahma........................................................................................................ ..........................1%1 .2.10 Sha6da<Brahma ;anu.................................................................................................................... ....1%2 .2.11 Shi.a 8nli$htens Brahma @ "ishnu.......................................................................... .........................1%2 .2.12 A$e of Brahma? "ishnu @ 'udra............................................................................................... .........1%2 .2.13 ;he 5ethods of Worshippin$ Shi.a......................................................................................... ..........1%2 .2.14 Ac:uirin$ of Shi.a -in$as 6( the 1eit(.................................................................... ..........................1%2 .2.1 5ethods of Worshippin$ Shi.a -in$a.......................................................................... ......................1%3 .2.1# ;he "irtues of Worshippin$ Shi.a 5ethodicall(............................................................................. ....1%3 .2.1& ;he =ri$in of )ailash @ "ai/unth.......................................................................................... .............1%3 .2.18 ;he 8mer$ence of 'udra<A.atar............................................................................................ ...........1%3 .2.1% +reation................................................................................................................................. ............1%3 .2.20 7unanidhi? ;he Brahmin2s Son............................................................................................... ...........1%4 .2.21 7unanidhi2s Sal.ation........................................................................................................... .............1%4 .2.22 Shi.a Blesses 7unanidhi............................................................................................................ .......1% .2.23 Shi.a $oes to )ailash....................................................................................................... .................1% .2.24 ;he 5anifestation of >)ama2........................................................................................... ...................1%& .2.2 Brahma +urses )amade.a.............................................................................................................. ..1%& .2.2# )ama 5arried 'ati......................................................................................................................... ....1%& .2.2& Sandh(a does Penance.................................................................................................................... .1%& .2.28 Sandh(a 'ecei.es a Boon from Shi.a........................................................................ ......................1%8 .2.2% Sandh(a2s Birth @ her 5arria$e !ith Sa$e "ashistha................................................................... .....1%8 .2.30 Appearance of Sprin$ Season *"asant 'itu,................................................................ .....................1%8 .2.31 ;he +reation of 5ar$anas and )ama2s Futile Attempts........................................ ............................1%% .2.32 1ailo$ue Bet!een Brahma @ "ishnu.......................................................................................... .......1%% .2.33 7oddess 1ur$a....................................................................................................... ..........................1%% .2.34 1a/sha Worships 1e.i............................................................................................... .......................1%% .2.3 1a/sha +urses 4arad................................................................................................ .......................1%% .2.3# Birth of Sati........................................................................................................................... .............200 .2.3& Sati does Penance................................................................................................. ...........................200 .2.38 Brahmaji ma/es a re:uest to -ord Shi.a............................................................................... ............200 .2.3% Shi.a Blesses Ema !ith a Boon............................................................................................... .........200 .2.40 Shi.a 5arried Sati........................................................................................................ .....................200 .2.41 -ord Brahma Faces the Wrath of Shi.a....................................................................................... ......201 .2.42 1eformed Face of Brahma........................................................................................ ........................201 .2.43 Shi.a<Sha/ti as Hus6and @ Wife............................................................................................. ..........201 .2.44 Shi.a<Sha/ti 1epart for Himal(a.................................................................................................... ....201 .2.4 ;he Amportance of 1e.otion in )ali(u$a................................................................................ ............201 .2.4# Sati2s 1ou6t.................................................................................................................. .....................202 .2.4& Shi.a does not see Sati as his consort................................................................................... ...........202 .2.48 1a/sha2s Animosit( to!ards Shi.a.................................................................................... ................202 .2.4% 1a/sha Performs Ca$(a.................................................................................................... ................203 .2. 0 Sati2s Arri.al at the =6lation Site............................................................................. ..........................203 .2. 1 Sati2s 1ishonor...................................................................................................... ............................203 .2. 2 Sati 7i.es Ep Her -ife...................................................................................................... .................203 .2. 3 5anifestation of "eer6harda @ 5aha/ali............................................................................ ...............203 .2. 4 "eer6hadra @ )ali Assem6le their Arm(................................................................................ ............204 .2. 1a/sha 89periences Anauspicious Si$ns............................................................................... ............204 .2. # -ord "ishnu Preaches 1a/sha.................................................................................... ......................204 .2. & 1a/sha 7ets his Head Se.ered.............................................................................. ..........................204 .2. 8 +ontention 6et!een )shu.a @ 1adhichi............................................................................................ 204 .2. % Battle 6et!een "ishnu @ 1adhichi............................................................................................... ......20 .2.#0 ;he 1eities $o to -ord Shi.a.................................................................................... .........................20 .2.#1 1a/sha 6ecomes Ali.e................................................................................................. .....................20# .2.#2 1a/sha =r$aniGes Ca$(a once a$ain....................................................................................... .........20# .2.#3 Par.at )handH Himal(a 5arries 5aina........................................................................ ......................20# .2.#4 5aina $ets -i6erated from the +urse..................................................................... ...........................20# .2.# An.ocation of Ea............................................................................................................................. ....20& .2.## 7oddess Ema +onsoles the 1eities........................................................................................ ..........20& .2.#& 5aina and Himal(a +ommence Penance.......................................................................................... 20& .2.#8 Birth of Par.ati.................................................................................................................... ...............20&
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
.2.#% 1i.ine +hildhood Pla(s of Par.ati.................................................................................................. ....20& .2.&0 ;he 1reams of Par.ati and Himal(a........................................................................................ ..........208 .2.&1 ;he Birth of >Bhaum2<5ars.................................................................................................... .............208 .2.&2 Shi.a Arri.es at Himal(a............................................................................................................... .....208 .2.&3 +on.ersation 6et!een Par.ati @ Shi.a.............................................................................................. 20% .2.&4 ;he Birth of "ajran$.................................................................................................................. .........20% .2.& Birth of ;ara/asur and his Penance........................................................................................... ........210 .2.&# ;ara/asur 'elin:uishes Hea.en on the Ad.ice of -ord Brahma.............................................. ..........210 .2.&& )amade.a Sent to -ord Shi.a............................................................................................. ..............210 .2.&8 8fforts of )amade.a.......................................................................................................... ................210 .2.&% )amade.a 'educes to Ashes........................................................................................................... .210 .2.80 ;he An$er of Shi.a Su6sides.......................................................................................................... ...211 .2.81 4arada Preaches Par.ati.......................................................................................................... .........211 .2.82 Par.ati does Penance................................................................................................................ ........211 .2.83 ;he 1eities $o to -ord Shi.a.................................................................................... .........................212 .2.84 Salutations 7i.es His Appro.al......................................................................................................... .212 .2.8 Par.ati2s -o.e for Shi.a ;ested 6( the Sapta<'ishis.............................................. ...........................212 .2.8# -ord Shi.a ;ests Par.ati.......................................................................................................... ..........212 .2.8& Par.ati2s 'epl(.............................................................................................................................. .....212 .2.88 Shi.a 'e.eals his ;rue Adentit(............................................................................. ............................212 .2.8% Shi.a 1emands Par.ati as his +onsort...................................................................... .......................213 .2.%0 Shi.a2s 1elusionar( Po!er................................................................................................. ...............213 .2.%1 Shi.a Anstructs Sapta<'ishis to +on.ince 5aina @ Himal(a.................................................. ............214 .2.%2 Anaran(a? ;he )in$............................................................................................................. ..............214 .2.%3 Padma and Pippalad................................................................................................... ......................214 .2.%4 Himal(a Sends -a$na<Patri/a........................................................................................ ...................21 .2.% -ord Shi.a An.ites the 1eities......................................................................................... ...................21 .2.%# -ord Shi.a2s 5arria$e Procession.................................................................................... .................21 .2.%& Shi.a 1i.ine Pla(s................................................................................................................... ..........21 .2.%8 5aina2s Wail............................................................................................................... .......................21 .2.%% Himal(a Besto!s Par.ati to Shi.a...................................................................................... ...............21# .2.100 Shi.a Brin$s Bac/ )amade.a Ali.e........................................................................................ .........21# .2.101 Shi.a2s 1eparture.......................................................................................................... ..................21# .2.102 )arti/e(a........................................................................................................................................ ..21& .2.103 Search for )arti/e(a....................................................................................................... .................21& .2.104 )arti/e(a2s +oronation.................................................................................................................. ...21& .2.10 )arti/e(a2s AmaGin$ +haracter.................................................................................................... ....21& .2.10# ;he Battle..................................................................................................................... ...................218 .2.10& )illin$ of ;ara/asur...................................................................................................... ....................218 .2.108 )illin$s of Pralam6 @ Banasur..................................................................................... ....................218 .2.10% 7anesh................................................................................................................................ ............218 .2.110 7anesha 1efeats ;he Shi.a$anas @ ;he 1eities...................................................................... ......21% .2.111 Shi.a Se.eres 7anesh2s Head.............................................................................. ..........................21% .2.112 7anesh Becomes Ali.e............................................................................................................. .......21% .2.113 7anesha2s 5arria$e...................................................................................................................... ...21% .2.114 Cudh<)handH ;ripurasur< ;he ;hree 1emon....................................................................... .............220 .2.11 ;he 1eities 8ulo$iGe Shi.a @ "ishnu...................................................................................... .........220 .2.11# 8mer$ence of Atheism............................................................................................................... ......221 .2.11& ;he 1eities 8ulo$iGe -ord Shi.a........................................................................................... ...........221 .2.118 )illin$s of ;ripurasurs................................................................................................................... ....221 .2.11% ;he 1eities 'ecei.e a Boon from Shi.a................................................................. .........................222 .2.120 -ord Shi.a Spares ;he -ife of Andra............................................................................... .................222 .2.121 5anifestation of Daladhar................................................................................................................ .222 .2.122 Battle Bet!een Dalandhar @ ;he 1eities.................................................................. .......................223 .2.123 Battle Bet!een -ord "ishnu @ Dalandhar............................................................... .........................223 .2.124 4arad2s Strata$em.................................................................................................................... .......224 .2.12 Battle Bet!een -ord Shi.a @ Dalandhar................................................................... .......................224 .2.12# "rinda 7ets 1ishonored......................................................................................... .........................224 .2.12& )illin$ of Dalandhar.................................................................................................... ......................22 .2.128 ;he 1eities 89press 7ratitude................................................................................................ .........22 .2.12% 5anifestation of Amla *5(ro6alan,? ;ulsi *IBasil, and 5alti........................................ ....................22
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
.2.130 Birth of Shan/hachuda............................................................................................. .......................22 .2.131 Shan/hachuda2s 5arria$e................................................................................................ ...............22 .2.132 Shan/hachuda Becomes the 'uler of All ;hree Worlds.................................................. ................22# .2.133 Shi.a Assures the 1eities..................................................................................................... ...........22# .2.134 +on.ersation Bet!een Pushpadant @ Shan/hachuda.............................................. ......................22# .2.13 Shi.a Proceeds !ith his Arm(................................................................................. ........................22# .2.13# Shan/hachuda Proceeds !ith his Arm(............................................................... ...........................22# .2.13& Battle Bet!een the 1eities and the 1emons.......................................................... .........................22# .2.138 ;he Battle Bet!een Shi.a2s Famil( @ Shan/hachuda.................................................. ...................22# .2.13% Strate$( 8mplo(ed to )ill Shan/hachuda................................................................................. .......22# .2.140 -ord Shi.a )ills Shan/hachuda........................................................................................ ...............22& .2.141 ;ulsi +urses -ord "ishnu...................................................................................................... ...........22& .2.142 )illin$ of Hiran(a/sha..................................................................................................... .................22& .2.143 -ord Shi.a ;eaches ;he Secrets of 5rita<Sanji.ani "id(a to Shu/rachar(a...................................22& .2.144 Andha/2s Splendors.............................................................................................................. ...........228 .2.14 Battle Bet!een -ord Shi.a and Andha/............................................................... ...........................228 .2.14# 'eemer$ence of Shu/rachar(a........................................................................................ ...............22% .2.14& )illin$ of 7ajasur.................................................................................................. ...........................22% .2.148 )illin$ of 4irhaddait(a.......................................................................................................... ............22% .2.14% )illin$ of "idal and Etpal......................................................................................................... .........230 ;'3 /)A0"%D"A /A*)10A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''+35 .3.1 Sadhojat *1,............................................................................................................................ .............230 .3.2 4aamde.a *2,.............................................................................................................................. ........230 .3.3 ;atpurush *3,................................................................................................................ .......................230 .3.4 7horesh *4,................................................................................................................. ........................231 .3. Ashan * ,....................................................................................................................... .......................231 .3.# 8i$ht Adols of Shi.a.................................................................................................................... ..........231 .3.& Shi.a as Ardhanarish!ar........................................................................................................... ..........231 .3.8 "arious Ancarnations of "(asa and -ord Shi.a................................................................. ...................231 .3.% 4andi/esh!ar.............................................................................................................................. ........232 .3.10 Bhaira. 7ets -i6erated from his Sin.................................................................................. ................233 .3.11 Shi.a ;a/es an Ancarnation as Shara6h............................................................................................. 233 .3.12 "ish!anar 'ecei.es a Boon from Shi.a.................................................................................... ........233 .3.13 Shi.a2s Ancarnation as 7rihapati....................................................................................... .................234 .3.14 7rihapati2s Penance.................................................................................................. ........................234 .3.1 -ord Shi.a2s Ancarnation as Ca/shesh!ar.................................................................. .......................234 .3.1# 1ash A.atar *10 Ancarnations of Shi.a,...................................................................... .......................23 .3.1& ;he =ri$in of 8le.en 'udras.................................................................................... .........................23 .3.18 Shi.a2s Ancarnation as 1ur.asa................................................................................... ......................23 .3.1% Ancarnation of Hanuman............................................................................................. .......................23# .3.20 Shi.a2s Ancarnation as 5ahesh................................................................................................ ..........23# .3.21 -ord "ishnu +reates ;ur6ulences.................................................................................................... ..23# .3.22 Shi.a2s Ancarnation as "risha6h....................................................................................................... ..23& .3.23 )illin$ of "rittrasur............................................................................................................................. .23& .3.24 Shi.a2s Ancarnation as Catinath................................................................................................. .........238 .3.2 Shi.a2s Ancarnation as )rshna 1arshan..................................................................................... ........238 .3.2# -ord Shi.a Appears as a Be$$ar.......................................................................................... .............23% .3.2& -ord Shi.a Appears in the 7uise of Andra *Suresh!ar,.................................................................. ....23% .3.28 Sa$e "(asa Ad.ises the Panda.as to Worship Shi.a....................................................... ................240 .3.2% Andra Appears 6efore Arjun....................................................................................................... .........240 .3.30 -ord Shi.a Appears in the 7uise of )irat................................................................................. ..........241 .3.31 )irat Blesses Arjun................................................................................................... .........................241 .3.32 ;he ;!el.e D(otirlin$as............................................................................................ .........................241 ;'6 K(01 "%D"A /A*)10A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''+6+ .4.1 ;he 7reatness of Epalin$as................................................................................................... .............242 .4.2 Atri and Anusu(a do Penance.................................................................................. ...........................243 .4.3 ;he 7reatness of Atri........................................................................................................................ ...243 .4.4 ;he Brahmin Woman Attains to Hea.en.......................................................................................... ....243 .4. 5aha6al Shi.a -in$a........................................................................................................... ................244 .4.# ;he 'eason Behind Phallic Worship.............................................................................. .....................244 .4.& ;he =ri$in of Batu/nath................................................................................................................. ......24
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
.4.8 ;he =ri$in of Somnath............................................................................................ ............................24 .4.% ;he =ri$in of 5alli/arjuna.............................................................................................................. ......24# .4.10 ;he =ri$in of 5aha/alesh!ar.................................................................................................... ........24# .4.11 ;he =ri$in of =m/aresh!ar...................................................................................................... .........24# .4.12 ;he =ri$in of )edaresh!ar......................................................................................................... .......24& .4.13 ;he =ri$in of Bheema Shan/ar..................................................................................... ....................24& .4.14 ;he =ri$in of "ish.esh!ar.............................................................................................................. ...24& .4.1 ;he =ri$in of ;ra(am6a/esh!ar................................................................................................... .....24& .4.1# ;he =ri$in of Baid(anath....................................................................................................... ............248 .4.1& ;he =ri$in of 4a$esh!ar D(otirlin$a............................................................................................. .....24% .4.18 8sta6lishment of 'amesh!ar.............................................................................................. ..............24% .4.1% ;he =ri$in of 1hushmesh D(otirlin$a............................................................................................ .....2 0 .4.20 -ord "ishnu 'ecei.es Sudarshan +ha/ra........................................................................... ..............2 1 .4.21 Shi.a Sahastranaam................................................................................................... ......................2 1 .4.22 ;he 7reatness of Sahastranaam................................................................................................... ....2 1 .4.23 ;he 1e.otees of Shi.a............................................................................................... .......................2 1 .4.24 Austerities @ Fastin$s +onnected !ith Shi.a2s Worship........................................................ ............2 1 .4.2 5ahashi.aratri..................................................................................................................... ..............2 2 .4.2# Accomplishment of Shi.ratri *Edd(apan,....................................................................................... ....2 2 .4.2& ;he 7reatness of Shi.aratri....................................................................................................... ........2 2 .4.28 1ifferent Sta$es of -i6eration......................................................................................... ...................2 3 ;'; %*A /A*)10A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''+;6 . .1 +on.ersation Bet!een )rshna @ Epaman(u..................................................................................... ..2 4 . .2 Sri )rshna 1oes Penance............................................................................................ .......................2 4 . .3 +lassification of 7ra.e Sins.......................................................................................................... .......2 . .4 ;he 1escription of Hell.................................................................................................. ......................2 . . +harit( and its Amportance............................................................................................................ .......2 . .# ;he 1escription of the 4ether!orld *Patal -o/a,................................................................... ..............2 # . .& -i6eration From Hell....................................................................................................... .....................2 # . .8 ;he 1escription of Se.en Aslands......................................................................................... ...............2 # . .% ;he 1escription of Planets.................................................................................................................. .2 & . .10 +ate$ories of Austerit( *;apa,..................................................................................... ......................2 & . .11 ;he =ri$in of Bod(................................................................................................................. ............2 & . .12 Purification of the Bod(................................................................................................................ ......2 & . .13 +ontrol o.er 1eath *Achchha 5rit(u,........................................................................................ ..........2 & . .14 ;he 1escent of 7an$a....................................................................................................................... 2 8 . .1 ;he Austerities of "ed "(asa....................................................................................................... ......2 8 . .1# Ancarnation of 5aha/ali...................................................................................................................... 2 8 . .1& Ancarnation of 5ahala9mi.................................................................................................................. .2 % . .18 Ancarnation of 5ahasaras.ati........................................................................................................... ..2 % . .1% Ema Warns the 1eities.............................................................................................................. ........2#0 . .20 ;he Ancarnation of Sha/am6ari....................................................................................................... ...2#0 ;'= KA1LA/) /A*)10A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''+=5 .#.1 +lassifications of Co$a....................................................................................................................... ..2#0 .#.2 +onduct of a San(asi.............................................................................................. ............................2#1 .#.3 5ethods of Shi.a Worship............................................................................................................. ......2#1 .#.4 ;he 7reatness of Prana( 5antra.............................................................................. ..........................2#1 .#. Anitiation of a San(asi.............................................................................................. ............................2#1 .#.# -ast 'ites of an Ascetic *San(asi,.................................................................................... ...................2#2 ;'9 VAYV1YA /A*)10A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''+=+ .&.1 ;he =ri$in of "id(a *)no!led$e,.............................................................................................. ...........2#2 .&.2 ;he ;ale of 4aimisharan(a....................................................................................................... ...........2#3 .&.3 ;ime B ;he 'adiance of Shi.a.................................................................................. ..........................2#3 .&.4 ;ime B +alculation.................................................................................................................... ...........2#3 .&. 5editation................................................................................................................................ ............2#4 .&.# 'ituals +onnected !ith Shi.a2s Worship..................................................................... ........................2#4 .&.& Pashupat "rata and its 'ituals................................................................................. ...........................2#4 .&.8 Antroduction of the Eni.erse.......................................................................................................... .......2# .&.% 1uties of a Brahmin............................................................................................................. ................2# .&.10 +hantin$ of 5antras.................................................................................................... ......................2## .&.11 8sta6lishin$ 1eities in the form of Alpha6ets !ithin the Bod(.................................................... ........2##
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
.&.12 5ental Worship of Shi.a.............................................................................................................. ......2## .&.13 5ethod of 1oin$ 5ental Worship............................................................................. .........................2## .&.14 5ethod of Performin$ Ha.an..................................................................................................... ........2#& .&.1 Auspicious 1a(s for Performin$ Shi.a Worship................................................................................ .2#& .&.1# 1esira6le 'ituals *)am(a )arma,........................................................................... ..........................2#& .&.1& 'ituals Pertainin$ to Shi.a Worship *Shai.a )am(a )arma,........................................................... ..2#8 .&.18 Anstallation of Shi.a -in$a........................................................................................................... .......2#8 .&.1% +lassification of Co$a................................................................................................ ........................2#8 .&.20 Hurdle in the Path of Co$a........................................................................................................ .........2#8 .&.21 Shi.a Co$a.............................................................................................................. ..........................2#% .&.22 Sanat)umar 'ecei.e Shi.a<7(an from 4andi................................................................................. ..2#% & .*,*"* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%2(1 ='& 140"(D%<01(4'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''+9& ='+ 0AL./ (> L("D /)1VA'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''+9& #.2.1 Shi.a 'eturns to 5andaar 5ountain.............................................................................. .....................2&1 #.2.2 Atonement of -ord Shan/ar...................................................................................................... ...........2&2 #.2.3 Sati 7i.es up her -ife.................................................................................................... ......................2&2 #.2.4 ;he 1estruction of 1a/sha2s Ca$(a........................................................................................... ..........2&3 ='3 0AL./ (> D.*(4/'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''+93 #.3.1 Andha/ B ;he 1emon )in$............................................................................................................. .....2&3 #.3.2 Su/eshi2s Fueries.......................................................................................................................... ......2&4 #.3.3 Sinful 1eeds..................................................................................................................... ...................2&4 #.3.4 Dam6ud!eep and Bharat.arsh.............................................................................................. ..............2&4 #.3. 1ashaan$ 1harma.................................................................................................... ..........................2& #.3.# ;he 'ise and Fall of Su/eshi2s )in$dom.......................................................................... ...................2& ='6 0AL./ (> 4A"?4A"AYA4A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''+9= #.4.1 5anifestation of 4ar<4ara(ana.................................................................................................. ..........2&# #.4.2 Prahlad meets 4ar<4ara(ana............................................................................................... ...............2&# #.4.3 Prahlad 6lessed 6( 4ar<4ara(ana................................................................................................. ......2&# ='; *A41>./0A01(4 (> V.-.0A01(4 >"(* 0). D.101./'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''+99 ='= *A)1/)A/%"A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''+99 #.#.1 5ahishasura2s Atrocities........................................................................................................... ...........2&& #.#.2 ;he 1emons B +hand and 5und...................................................................................................... ...2&8 #.#.3 )illin$ of 5ahishasura.............................................................................................. ...........................2&% #.#.4 'eincarnation of 7oddess 1ur$a.............................................................................. ..........................280 ='9 0AL./ (> K14- K%"% A4D K%"%K/).0"A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''+,5 =', BAL1 ! 0). D.*(4 K14-''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''+,& #.8.1 1eities $o to Brahma -o/a.......................................................................................... ........................281 #.8.2 ;he 1eities do Penance............................................................................................... .......................281 #.8.3 -ord 4ara(ana Blesses )ash(ap.............................................................................. ..........................282 #.8.4 -ord "ishnu Appears..................................................................................................... ......................282 #.8. Bali2s Fueries to Prahlad.................................................................................................. ...................282 #.8.# 5anifestation of -ord "aaman.................................................................................................. ...........282 #.8.& -ord "aaman2s 1emands............................................................................................. .......................283 ='2 /A"A/VA01 "1V."'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''+,3 ='&5 K%"%K/).0"A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''+,6 ='&& /A-. *A4KA4AK .%L(-1@./ /)1VA''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''+,6 ='&+ /(*. /A<".D :LA<./ (> :1L-"1*A-.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''+,6 #.12.1 Aushanas ;irtha.............................................................................................................................. ...284 #.12.2 "ashishtha<pa.ah ;irtha......................................................................................................... ...........28 #.12.3 )am(a/.an ;irtha......................................................................................................................... .....28 #.12.4 Sthanu ;irtha...................................................................................................................... ...............28 ='&3 /A-./ 0AK. L("D /)1VAA/ ".>%-.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''+,= ='&6 -".A04.// (> /0)A4% 01"0)A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''+,9 #.14.1 ;he 7reatness of Saanihit(a Saro.ar and Sthanu ;irtha.......................................... ........................28& #.14.2 =ther Prominent -in$as............................................................................................................... ......28& #.14.3 )in$ "en? Birth of Prithu......................................................................................... ...........................28& #.14.4 "en Attains Hea.en......................................................................................................... ..................288 ='&; 0). ("1-14 (> B"A)*./)8A"A/ >(%" ).AD/'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''+,, ='&= :"10)%DAK 01"0)A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''+,,
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
='&9 B1"0) (> %*A A4D )." *A""1A-. 0( /)1VA''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''+,2 #.1&.1 5ena $i.es 6irth to Ema.............................................................................................................. ......28% #.1&.2 -ord Shi.a sends 5arria$e Proposal............................................................................................ .....2%0 #.1&.3 Ema 5arries -ord Shi.a........................................................................................................ ............2%0 #.1&.4 "ish!a/arma +onstructs a Palace................................................................................... .................2%1 #.1&. )illin$ of 4ishum6h and Shum6h................................................................................................... ....2%2 #.1&.# Birth of )aarti/e(a........................................................................................................ .....................2%3 #.1&.& )aarti/e(a )ills ;ara/a and 5ahishasura................................................................................ ..........2%4 #.1&.8 'itudh!aj Anjures Paatal/etu.......................................................................................... ...................2% #.1&.% -ord Shi.a does Penance................................................................................................................. .2% #.1&.10 -ord "ishnu )ills 5ura............................................................................................................. ........2%# ='&, D./<"1:01(4 (> ).LL/''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''+29 ='&2 K14- DA4DA A4D A"A#A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''+29 #.1%.1 Andha/asura B ;he 1emon.................................................................................................... ...........2%& #.1%.2 "ish.a/arma 6ecomes a 5on/e(........................................................................................... ...........2%8 #.1%.3 Search for +hitran$ada and "eda.ati....................................................................................... .........2%% #.1%.4 Sa$e Shu/rachar(a +urses 1anda.............................................................................. .....................301 ='+5 L("D /)1VA :".:A"./ >(" 0). BA00L.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''35& #.20.1 7anas ;hron$ 5andar 5ountain.............................................................................................. .........301 #.20.2 ;he Battle +ommences.................................................................................................... .................302 #.20.3 Shu/rachar(a Eses Sanjee.ani "id(a........................................................................................ .......302 #.20.4 -ord Shi.a )ills Andha/........................................................................................................... ..........304 #.20. ;he =ri$in of 5arut 7anas.............................................................................................. ..................30 #.20.# 5arut 7anas of 1ifferent 5an.ataras........................................................................................... .....30 #.20.& -ord "ishnu )ills )aalnemi................................................................................................. ...............30# ='+& K14- BAL1''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''359 #.21.1 Bali 'ules Hea.en............................................................................................................. ................30& #.21.2 ;he Splendors of Bali.................................................................................................. ......................30& ='++ *Y0)(L(-1<AL 0AL./'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''359 #.22.1 1hundhu Performs Ash.amedh(a Ca$(a....................................................................... ...................308 #.22.2 Purura.a 'e$ains his 7ood -oo/s.................................................................................... ................308 #.22.3 ;he 1escription of 4a/shatra Purusha................................................................................... ...........30% #.22.4 Prahlad2s Pil$rima$e................................................................................................................... .......30% #.22. ;ales of Epaman(u and Shridama................................................................................................... ..310 #.22.# 7ajendra and the +rocodile....................................................................................................... ........310 #.22.& ;he 7reatness of Saras.at Stotra..................................................................................................... .311 ='+3 BAL1 :.">("*/ A/)VA*.D)YA YA-YA'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''3&& #.23.1 Bali2s Arri.al at )uru/shetra................................................................................................ ...............311 #.23.2 Arri.al of -ord "aaman at )uru/shetra................................................................................. .............312 #.23.3 -ord "aaman2s 1emands.......................................................................................... ........................313 #.23.4 -ord Brahma Worships -ord "aaman............................................................................................. ...314 #.23. Bali -i.es in Paatal -o/a................................................................................................................... .314 #.23.# Bali2s Fueries to Prahlad............................................................................................... ....................314 ='+6 B.4.>10/ (> /0%DY14- VA*A4A :%"A4A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''3&6 ='+; VAA*A4 14<A"4A01(4''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '3&; #.2 .1 Andra does Penance to Atone for his Sins..................................................................................... .....31 #.2 .2 Bali A6uses -ord "ishnu............................................................................................................. .......31 ='+= 0). D.101./ "./014- DAY/'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''3&= ( ,*#0*"D'3* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%31( 9'& 140"(D%<01(4'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''3&9 9'+ VA"1(%/ <".A01(4/ A4D >A*(%/ *Y0)(L(-1<AL <)A"A<0."/'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''3&9 &.2.1 Birth of Four Birds............................................................................................................................ ....31& &.2.2 Birds 5i$rate to "indh(achal................................................................................................ ...............318 &.2.3 1i.ine Pla(s of 7od............................................................................................................. ................31% &.2.4 1raupadi2s Fi.e Hus6ands................................................................................................................ ...31% &.2. 89piation of Balaram................................................................................................ ...........................320 &.2.# )illin$ of 1raupadi2s Sons............................................................................................................ ........320 &.2.& )in$ Harishchandra............................................................................................................. ................321 &.2.8 ;he Stor/ and the Partrid$e............................................................................................................... ..323 &.2.% Birth of -i.in$ +reatures..................................................................................................... .................324
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
9'3 D./<"1:01(4 (> D1>>.".40 ).LL/''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''3+6 &.3.1 Antroduction................................................................................................................................... .......324 &.3.2 Camadoot and the )in$ of "ideha............................................................................. ..........................32 &.3.3 1escription of ;ortures in Hell........................................................................................................ ......32 &.3.4 Attenuation of Sins............................................................................................................................. ..32 9'6 >A*(%/ *Y0)(L(-1<AL <)A"A<0."/'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''3+= &.4.1 7reatness of Bein$ +haste *and 6irth of 1ur.asa? 1attatre(a? +handrama,.......................................32# &.4.2 1attatre(a Preaches )arta.eer(a Arjuna................................................................. ...........................32& &.4.3 )u.ala(ash.a and the Horse )u.ala(a.............................................................................. .................328 &.4.4 )u.ala(a $oes to Patal -o/a? )illin$ of 1emon Patal )etu and 5arria$e !ith 5adalasa....................328 &.4. Separation of 5adalasa.................................................................................................................. .....32% &.4.# 5adalasa is 'e6orn......................................................................................................................... ....330 &.4.& 'itudh!aj 'eunites !ith 5adalasa............................................................................................. .........330 &.4.8 Birth of 5adalasa2s Sons........................................................................................................ .............331 &.4.% Preachin$s of 5adalasa..................................................................................................... .................331 9'; D%01./ (> :.(:L. B.L(4-14- 0( VA"1(%/ A/)"A*/'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''33& &. .1 "arnashram 1harma.................................................................................................. .........................331 &. .2 1uties of a 7rihastha *Householder,.............................................................................. .....................332 9'= /)"AD)A A4D 10/ "10%AL/''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''333 &.#.1 'e$ular and +ausal 1uties........................................................................................................... .......333 &.#.2 1os and 1on2t 1urin$ a Shraadha.............................................................................................. .........334 &.#.3 Auspicious 1a(s and 5onths.................................................................................. ............................334 &.#.4 For6idden and Permitted Atems.................................................................................. .........................33 9'9 K14- ALA"K A4D )1/ B%."1./ AB(%0 Y(-A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''33= &.&.1 )in$ Alar/ 'ecei.es a 'in$........................................................................................... ......................33# &.&.2 Wisdom of Alar/................................................................................................................................. ..33# &.&.3 1attatre(a Preaches Alar/........................................................................................................ ...........33& &.&.4 Co$adh(a(.................................................................................................................................. .........33& &.&. Perfection in Co$a................................................................................................................................ 33& &.&.# 1ail( 'outine of a Co$i................................................................................................ ........................338 &.&.& 1escription of =m/ar................................................................................................................ ...........338 &.&.8 1escription of 1isastrous ;raps................................................................................................. ..........338 &.&.% Alar/ 5asters Co$a and Penance of Dada and his Father.................................................. .................33% 9', 0). %41V."/. A4D L("D B"A)*AA/ *A41>./0A01(4''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''332 &.8.1 ;he =ri$in of the Eni.erse............................................................................................................ .......340 &.8.2 -ord Brahma2s -ife Span.................................................................................................. ...................341 &.8.3 4atural and Fla!ed +reations.......................................................................................... ...................342 &.8.4 +reation of the 1eities........................................................................................................ .................342 &.8. +opulati.e +reations..................................................................................................... ......................343 &.8.# 1a/sha2s -inea$e............................................................................................................... .................343 &.8.& 1escendants of 1uhsah............................................................................................... .......................344 &.8.8 ;he +reation of 'udras................................................................................................ .......................34 9'2 0). VA"1(%/ *A4AVA40A"/''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''36; &.%.1 S!a(am6hu.a 5ana.antar............................................................................................... ..................34
9'2'&'& #ambudveep'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''36= 9'2'&'+ 0he (rigin o the -anga'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''36= 9'2'&'3 A Description o Bharat?Varsha'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''36= 9'2'&'6 0ortoise 1ncarnation''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 369 9'2'&'; 0he Descriptions o Bhadrashva'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''369 9'2'&'= 0he Description o Kimpurush?Varsha''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''36,
&.%.4 ;amas 5ana.antar................................................................................................................. .............3 3 &.%. 'ai.at 5ana.antar.................................................................................................... ..........................3 3 &.%.# +ha/shush 5ana.antar.................................................................................................................. .....3 4 &.%.& "ai.as.at 5ana.antar..................................................................................................... ....................3 &.%.8 ;he Sa$es of Saa.arni/ 5ana.antar....................................................................... ...........................3
9'2','& Killing o *adhu Kaitabha'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''3;; 9'2','+ 0he Destruction o *ahishasuraAs Army'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3;= 9'2','3 0he Deities .ulogiCe -oddess Bhagwati''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3;= 9'2','6 -oddess :arvati and /humbhAs *essenger''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3;9 9'2','; Killing o Dhumralochan'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''3;9 9'2','= Killing o <hand and *und''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''3;9 9'2','9 Killing o "aktabeeD''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''3;, 9'2',', Killing o 4ishumbh''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''3;, 9'2','2 Killing o /humbh''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''3;, 9'2','&5 Devi /totra'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''3;2 9'2','&& -oddess Bhagwati Blesses the Deities''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3;2 9'2','&+ -oddess Bhagwati Blesses /urath and the Vaishya''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3;2 9'2','&3 /avarna *anavantar''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3=5
9'&5 *A41>./0A01(4 (> 0). /%4 -(D (AD10YA) A4D 0). V.DA/''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''3=3 &.10.1 -ord Brahma 8ulo$iGes Sur(a............................................................................................. ..............3#3 &.10.2 Pro$en( of )ash(ap Prajapati and Aditi2s 8ulo$( of 1i.a/ar................................................ .............3#3 &.10.3 Aditi $i.es 6irth to Adit(a................................................................................................................. ...3#4 &.10.4 "ish!a/arma 8ulo$iGes Adit(a................................................................................................. .........3#4 &.10. 'aj(a.ardan2s Su6jects 8ulo$iGe Adit(a for their )in$2s -on$ -ife.............................. ......................3#4 &.10.# 5artandade. and his 1escendants.............................................................................. .....................3# 9'&& >A*(%/ *Y0)(L(-1<AL 0AL./'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''3=; &.11.1 )in$ Prishadhna.................................................................................................... ............................3# &.11.2 Prince 4a6ha$................................................................................................................... ................3## &.11.3 +urse of Sa$e Pramati..................................................................................................................... ..3## &.11.4 A$ast(a2s Brother +urses )ripa.ati................................................................................................... .3## &.11. Bhalandan and "atsapri............................................................................................................... ......3#& &.11.# ;he )in$doms of Pranshu? Prajaati and )hanitra............................................................. .................3#8 &.11.& )in$ )hanitra................................................................................................................ .....................3#8 &.11.8 )in$ "i.insha................................................................................................................... ..................3#8 &.11.% )in$ )haninetra........................................................................................................... ......................3#% &.11.10 )arandham................................................................................................................. .....................3#% 9'&+ K14- AV..K/)10''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''3=2 &.12.1 Birth of A.ee/shit and A6duction of "aishaalini................................................................. ................3&0 &.12.2 A.ee/shit $ets defeated in Battle................................................................................................... ....3&0 &.12.3 -i6eration of A.ee/shit and his 1isenchantment........................................................... ....................3&0 &.12.4 A.ee/shit Promises his Father to $et 5arried.......................................................... .........................3&1 &.12. A.ee/shit 'escues "aishalini.......................................................................................... ..................3&1 &.12.# A.ee/shit 5arries "aishalini............................................................................................. .................3&2 9'&3 K14- *A"%0''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''39+ &.13.1 Birth of 5arut....................................................................................................................... ..............3&2 &.13.2 5arut Ascends the ;hrone.................................................................................... ............................3&3 &.13.3 A Hermit Ad.ises 5arut on 6ehalf of "eera................................................................. ......................3&3 &.13.4 ;he Serpents ta/e the 'efu$e of Bhamini *"aishalini,............................................ ..........................3&3 &.13. ;he Hermit2s Sons +ome to -ife A$ain................................................................................... ...........3&4 9'&6 K14- 4A"1/)YA40'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''396 &.14.1 Sumana +hooses 1ama as her Hus6and.................................................................. .......................3&4 &.14.2 )illin$ of 4arish(ant................................................................................................................ ...........3& 9'&; K14- DA*A A4D )1/ *A""1A-. 810) /%*A4A''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''39; &.1 .1 1ama "o!s to )ill "a(ushmaan............................................................................................. ...........3& &.1 .2 )illin$ of "a(ushmaan.................................................................................................. .....................3&#
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
9'&= 0). B.4.>10/ (> L1/0.414- 0( 0). *A"KA4DAYA :%"A4A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''39= - .*#*+* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3(( ,'& L("D VA"A) .4L1-)0.4/ :"10)V1'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '399 8.1.1 Prith.i2s Fueries...................................................................................................... ............................3&& 8.1.2 Pri(a.rata Attains to Hea.enl( A6ode................................................................................................. .3&% 8.1.3 Ash.ashira2s Enification !ith -ord 4ara(ana................................................................................ .......380 8.1.4 )in$ "asu and Sa$e 'aim(a Enite !ith Sri Hari.......................................................... .......................381 8.1. 5ats(a A.atar.............................................................................................................................. ........383 8.1.# )in$ 1urja(............................................................................................................................. .............383 ,'+ /)"ADD) "10%AL/''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''3,6 8.2.1 Pitras and the Si$nificance of >Shraddh.................................................................................... ...........384 8.2.2 ;he Appropriate ;ime for Performin$ Shraddh....................................................................... .............38 8.2.3 Shraddh )alpa............................................................................................................................. ........38 8.2.4 Ho! to An.ite Brahmins to a Shraddh +eremon(......................................................................... ........38 8.2. 4um6er of Brahmins....................................................................................................................... .....38 8.2.# ;(pes of Shraddh................................................................................................................................. 38 8.2.& Shraddh 5antra........................................................................................................................... ........38# 8.2.8 ;he 'ituals of Pinda 1aan............................................................................................................ .......38# 8.2.% Bali.aish.a 1e.a.................................................................................................................. ...............38# ,'3 0). *A41>./0A01(4 (> VA"1(%/ D.101./'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''3,= 8.3.1 A$ni............................................................................................................................ .........................38# 8.3.2 Ash!ini )umars....................................................................................................................... ............38# 8.3.3 7oddess Par.ati................................................................................................................... ...............38& 8.3.4 -ord 7anapati.............................................................................................................................. ........38& 8.3. 4a$ 1e.ta........................................................................................................................................... .388 8.3.# )arti/e(a............................................................................................................................................. .388 8.3.& -ord Adit(a.............................................................................................................. ............................388 8.3.8 Ashta 5atri/as......................................................................................................................... ............388 8.3.% 7oddess 1ur$a......................................................................................................... ..........................38% 8.3.10 1ash 1ishas................................................................................................................... ...................38% 8.3.11 )u6er.............................................................................................................................. ...................38% 8.3.12 -ord "ishnu............................................................................................................. ..........................38% 8.3.13 1harma........................................................................................................................................ ......3%0 8.3.14 -ord 'udra....................................................................................................................................... ..3%0 8.3.1 ;anmatras..................................................................................................................................... .....3%0 8.3.1# +handra<5a..................................................................................................................................... ..3%0 ,'6 A%/0."101./ ".LA0.D 810) L("D V1/)4%A/ 14<A"4A01(4/''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''32& 8.4.1 5ats(a<1.adashi "rata............................................................................................... ........................3%1 8.4.2 )urma<1.adashi "rata................................................................................................ ........................3%1 8.4.3 "arah<1.adashi "rata............................................................................................. ............................3%1 8.4.4 4riSimha<1.adashi "rata................................................................................................. ...................3%1 8.4. "aman<1.adashi "rata.................................................................................................................. ......3%1 8.4.# Damada$n(a<1.adashi "rata.................................................................................... ..........................3%1 8.4.& )al/i<1.adashi "rata......................................................................................................... ..................3%2 8.4.8 Padmana6h<1.adashi "rata............................................................................................................ ....3%2 8.4.% 1harni<"rata................................................................................................................... .....................3%2 8.4.10 Buddha<1.adashi "rata.................................................................................................................. ...3%2 ,'; /(*. (0)." A%/0."101./'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''32+ 8. .1 Shu6h<"rata.............................................................................................................. ..........................3%3 8. .2 1han(a<"rata........................................................................................................... ...........................3%3 8. .3 )anti<"rata........................................................................................................................................ ...3%3 8. .4 Sau6ha$(a<"rata........................................................................................................................... ......3%3 8. . A.i$hna<"rata...................................................................................................................... ................3%3 8. .# Shanti<"rata..................................................................................................................................... ....3%4 8. .& )aam<"rata............................................................................................................... ..........................3%4 8. .8 Aaro$(a<"rata................................................................................................................................... ...3%4 8. .% Putra<Prapti "rata..................................................................................................................... ...........3%4 8. .10 Shaur(a and Sar.a Bhaum "rata..................................................................................... .................3%4 ,'= 0). /1-41>1<A4<. (> D).4%?DAA4''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''32; 8.#.1 ;il 1henu<1aan......................................................................................................... ..........................3%
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
8.#.2 Dal 1henu<1aan................................................................................................................................ ...3% 8.#.3 'asa 1henu 1aan................................................................................................................ ...............3% 8.#.4 7ud<1henu 1aan...................................................................................................... ..........................3% 8.#. Shar/ara<1henu 1aan.................................................................................................................... .....3% ,'9 /A<".D :LA<./ (> :1L-"1*A-.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''32= 8.&.1 )o/amu/h ;eertha............................................................................................................................. ..3%# 8.&.2 5a(apuri *Harid.ara, ;eertha................................................................................................... ...........3%# 8.&.3 )u6jaamra/ *Hrishi/esh, ;eertha................................................................................ ........................3%& 8.&.4 Badri/ashram............................................................................................................. .........................3%& 8.&. 5andar ;eertha............................................................................................................ .......................3%& 8.&.# Somesh!ar -in$a....................................................................................................................... .........3%& 8.&.& Shal$ram )shetra....................................................................................................................... .........3%8 8.&.8 'uru )shetra.............................................................................................................. .........................3%8 8.&.% 7onish/raman ;eertha.................................................................................................... ....................3%8 8.&.10 Stoots!ami ;eertha............................................................................................................. ..............3%8 8.&.11 1.ara/a.................................................................................................................... .........................3%8 8.&.12 Sanandoor ;eertha.............................................................................................................. ..............3%% 8.&.13 -ohar$al ;eertha.............................................................................................................................. ..3%% 8.&.14 5athura...................................................................................................................... .......................3%% 8.&.1 +ha/ra ;eertha..................................................................................................................... .............3%% 8.&.1# )apil ;eertha..................................................................................................................................... .3%% 8.&.1& 7o.ardhan ;eertha.................................................................................................................... ........3%% 8.&.18 7o/arn ;eertha........................................................................................................................... .......400 ,', 14/0ALLA01(4 (> 1D(L/''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''65& 8.8.1 Adol 5ade of Wood.................................................................................................... ..........................401 8.8.2 Stone Adol.................................................................................................................... ........................401 8.8.3 8arthen and +opper Adols............................................................................................................. .......401 8.8.4 BronGe Adol.................................................................................................................. ........................402 8.8. Sil.er and 7old Adols................................................................................................ ...........................402 ,'2 "10%AL/ :."0A1414- 0( LA/0 "10./''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''65+ 8.%.1 -ast 'itesH Pitra Ca$(a.............................................................................................. ..........................402 8.%.2 -ast 'itesH Ashaucha and Pinda )alp............................................................................................... ...403 8.%.3 -ast 'itesH ;he Fla!ed Shraddh and its Pre.ention.................................................................. ..........404 8.%.4 -ast 'itesH Preparation of >5adhupar/2........................................................................................... .....404 ,'&5 D./<"1:01(4 (> ).LL''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''656 8.10.1 4achi/eta2s 89perience.................................................................................................. ...................404 8.10.2 )arma "ipa/...................................................................................................................... ................40 8.10.3 "irtues of +hastit(............................................................................................................................. .40 8.10.4 -i6eration from Sins...................................................................................................................... .....40# ,'&& *1/<.LLA4.(%/'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''65= 8.11.1 7o/arnesh!ar........................................................................................................ ...........................40# 8.11.2 ;he 5eans of "ishnu 'ealiGation.............................................................................. ........................40& 8.11.3 -ord "ishnu B ;he Almi$ht( 7od................................................................................. ......................40& 8.11.4 Sa$e 7autam curses the Brahmins................................................................................. ..................40& 8.11. Pra/riti and Purush..................................................................................................... .......................408 8.11.# Bhu.an<)osh and the Aslands............................................................................................ ................40% 8.11.& Dam6ud.eepa............................................................................................................... .....................40% 8.11.8 Sha/ 1!eepa......................................................................................................... ...........................410 8.11.% )usha 1!eepa....................................................................................................... ...........................410 8.11.10 )rauncha 1!eepa.................................................................................................... .......................410 8.11.11 Shalmali 1!eepa.......................................................................................................... ...................410 8.11.12 ;risha/ti............................................................................................................... ............................410 4 )#*+,* .*I.*#T P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/13 2'& :".L1*14A"1./''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''6&3 2'+ *(". <".A01(4'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''6&6 2'3 DAK/)AA/ (>>/:"14-'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''6&6 2'6 :"10)%'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''6&= 2'; *A4VA0A"A/''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''6&, 2'= 0). /%4 A4D 0). /(LA" DY4A/0Y''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''6&, 2'9 VA1VA/VA0A *A4%A/ <)1LD".4'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''6&2
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
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Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
13 ,*TS3* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%121 &3'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ';+= 13.1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. . 2# 1/ 5*#$D* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%12( &6'& 140"(D%<01(4''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''';+9 14.1.1 -ord "ishnu2s Ancarnations.................................................................................... ............................ 2& 14.1.2 Ho! 7aruda Purana !as propa$ated................................................................... ............................ 28 14.1.3 -ord "ishnu re.eals his omnipotent nature..................................................................................... ... 28 14.1.4 -ord "ishnu Blesses 7aruda.............................................................................................. ............... 28 14.1. ;he Be$innin$ of +reation.................................................................................................... ............. 2% 14.1.# ;he Be$innin$ of +opulati.e +reation.............................................................................. ................. 30 14.1.& ;he 1hru.a 1(nast(............................................................................................................... ........... 30 &6'+ :(8.">%L *A40"A/'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''';3& 14.2.1 4a.$rah 5antra........................................................................................................................ ......... 31 14.2.2 Shi.a 5antra............................................................................................................ ......................... 32 14.2.3 Saras.ati 5antra..................................................................................................... .......................... 32 14.2.4 -a9mi 5antra............................................................................................................................. ........ 33 &6'3 A/0"(L(-Y 14 -A"%DA :%"A4A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''';33 14.3.1 ;he +hariots of 4a.$rahas......................................................................................................... ....... 33 14.3.2 1escription of Co$as and 5uhurtas....................................................................................... ............ 33 14.3.3 Amrit Co$a...................................................................................................................... ................... 34 14.3.4 "isha Co$a......................................................................................................................................... 34 14.3. 7raha 1asha................................................................................................................. .................... 34 14.3.# Predictions 6ased on Ph(sical ;raits............................................................................... .................. 34 14.3.& Predictin$ A$e !ith the help of Forehead -ine........................................................... ....................... 34 14.3.8 Predictin$ A$e 6( Palmistr(.................................................................................................... ........... 3 14.3.% Prediction 6ased on ph(sical traits of !omen............................................................................ ........ 3 14.3.10 "arious 4ames of >Shali$ram2......................................................................................................... . 3 14.3.11 Ho! De!els =ri$inated................................................................................................. ................... 3 &6'6 :"(*14.40 :LA<./ (> :1L-"1*A-.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''';3= 14.4.1 ;he Si$nificance of 7a(a ;eertha.................................................................................................... .. 3# 14.4.2 ;he 'ituals of Pindadaan.......................................................................................... ........................ 3& 14.4.3 ;ale of )in$ "ishal............................................................................................................. ................ 3& 14.4.4 Prajapati 'uchi2s 1isenchantment......................................................................................... ............ 38 14.4. Prajapati 'uchi marries 5anini.................................................................................................. ........ 38 &6'; D./<"1:01(4 (> VA"1(%/ <(4/.<"A01(4/''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''';3, 14. .1 Epana(ana Sans/ara....................................................................................................... ................. 3% 14. .2 )eshant Sans/ara........................................................................................................ ..................... 3% 14. .3 7rihasta Ashrama...................................................................................................................... ........ 3% 14. .4 +opulation Prohi6ited on +ertain 1a(s........................................................................................ ...... 40 14. . Purification of 1ifferent Articles................................................................................................... ....... 40 14. .# Brief 1escription of Shraadh 'ituals........................................................................................ .......... 40 &6'= KA"*A A4D 10/ <(4/.B%.4<./ ! KA"*A V1:AK''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''';65 14.#.1 Atonin$ for Sins......................................................................................................... ........................ 41 &6'9 D1>>.".40 K14D (> A%/0."101./'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''';6& 14.&.1 Cama *'estrainin$ Passion,....................................................................................... ....................... 41 14.&.2 4i(ama *1ail( 'outine,................................................................................................................ ...... 42 14.&.3 5ahasantapana "rata............................................................................................... ........................ 42 14.&.4 Parna )richchha "rata..................................................................................................................... .. 42 14.&. ;apta )richchha "rata................................................................................................ ....................... 42 14.&.# Paad )richchha "rata................................................................................................................ ........ 42 14.&.& Ati )richchha "rata............................................................................................................ ................ 42 14.&.8 )richchha Ati/richha "rata............................................................................................................... .. 42 14.&.% Para/ "rata.................................................................................................................................... .... 42 14.&.10 +handra(ana "rata......................................................................................................................... . 42 14.&.11 Anan$ ;ra(odashi "rata.............................................................................................................. ..... 43 14.&.12 A/hand 1.adashi "rata................................................................................................. .................. 43 14.&.13 Shi.a 'atri "rata............................................................................................................................. . 43 14.&.14 "irtues of =6ser.in$ Fast on Shi.a 'atri 4i$ht................................................... ............................ 43
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
14.&.1 ;he Po!er of +hastit(.............................................................................................. ....................... 43 &6', 0). 0AL. (> "A*AYA4A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''';66 &6'2 /"1 K"/)4A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''';6= &6'&5 0). 0AL. (> *A)AB)A"A0'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''';69 &6'&& 0). .0."4AL 0"%0)''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''';62 14.11.1 ;he Supreme Co$a............................................................................................................ .............. 4% 14.11.2 1e.otion B ;he Path -eadin$ to the Almi$ht(.................................................................... .............. 0 &6'&+ D1V14. /0(0"A/'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''';;5 14.12.1 4riSinha Stotra........................................................................................................... ..................... 0 14.12.2 )ulamrit Stotra........................................................................................................................ ......... 0 14.12.3 5rit(u Ashta/ Stotra.............................................................................................. .......................... 1 &6'&3 /ALVA01(4 0)"(%-) Y(-A'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''';;& 14.13.1 Self 'ealiGation............................................................................................................................ .... 2 14.13.2 Brahm<7ita................................................................................................................... ................... 3 &6'&6 -A"%DAA/ B%."1./''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''';;3 14.14.1 Sal.ation throu$h 'ituals.......................................................................................................... ....... 4 14.14.2 1eath and After.............................................................................................................................. .. 11 )#*+,*"*"D* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%11& &;'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ';;= 1 .1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. . # 1& S+#I,*D )+*5*.*T* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%11( &='& <)A:0." &''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '';;2 1#.1.1 =6eisance to the Supreme Bein$............................................................................................ .......... % 1#.1.2 Performance of 7(an Ca$(a........................................................................................................ ...... % 1#.1.3 Sutji narrates Purana.............................................................................................................. ........... % 1#.1.4 -ord "ishnu B ;he Source of All +reation................................................................................... ....... #0 1#.1. ;he +reation and +ompilation of the Purana................................................................................... .. #0 1#.1.# "ed<"(as B ;he Partial Ancarnation.............................................................................. ..................... #0 1#.1.& 4aradji2s Ad.ice to "ed<"(as..................................................................................................... ........ #0 1#.1.8 )in$ Pari/shit encounters )ali Cu$a........................................................................................ .......... #1 1#.1.% )in$ Pari/shit dishonors Sa$e Shami/................................................................................... ........... #1 1#.1.10 Shu/hde.ji2s Arri.al............................................................................................. ............................ #1 &='+ <)A:0." +''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '';=+ 1#.2.1 +ontents of this +hapter........................................................................................................ ............ #2 1#.2.2 +reation of the World................................................................................................................... ...... #3 &='3 <)A:0." 3''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '';=3 1#.3.1 +ontents of the third +hapter.......................................................................................................... ... #3 1#.3.2 "idur !arns 1hritarashtra.................................................................................................... .............. #3 1#.3.3 "idur comes to /no! a6out )aura.a2s 1estruction.......................................................................... .. #4 1#.3.4 "idur meets 5aitre(..................................................................................................................... ...... #4 1#.3. 1escription of 10 Wa(s of +reation 6( 5aitre(........................................................................ .......... #4 1#.3.# Sa$e )ardam.................................................................................................................................. ... ## 1#.3.& -ord )apil.................................................................................................................. ........................ ## 1#.3.8 -ord )apil Preaches 5etaph(sical )no!led$e to 1e.huti........................................................... ...... ## &='6 <)A:0." 6''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '';=9 1#.4.1 1escription of the +lans of 5anu2s 1au$hters............................................................................... .... #& 1#.4.2 5is6eha.ior of 1a/shaprajapati !ith -ord Shi.a................................................................. .............. #8 1#.4.3 ;ale of 1hru............................................................................................................... ....................... #% 1#.4.4 ;ale of Prithu..................................................................................................................................... . &0 1#.4. Fa6le of Puranjan......................................................................................................... ..................... &1 &='; <)A:0." ;''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '';9+ 1#. .1 ;ale of Pri(.rata.......................................................................................................................... ....... &2 1#. .2 ;ale of Bharat............................................................................................................. ....................... &3 1#. .3 1escription of the 89tent of the -andmass...................................................................... .................. &4 &='= <)A:0." =''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '';9; 1#.#.1 ;ale of Ajamil................................................................................................................ ..................... & 1#.#.2 1ialo$ue of Cama and Camaduts.................................................................................................. ..... &# 1#.#.3 Birth of 1a/sh from Prachetas.................................................................................................. ......... &# 1#.#.4 Ansult of Brhaspati 6( the 7ods....................................................................................................... ... &&
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1#.#. Preachin$ of 4ara(ana )a.ach *shield, to Andra 6( "ish.arup...................................................... .... &8 1#.#.# )illin$ of "ish.arup? 1efeat of the 7ods and +onstruction of "ajra !ith the 6ones of 1adhichi........ &8 1#.#.& )illin$s of "ritrasur 6( Andra..................................................................................................... .......... &% &='9 <)A:0." 9''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '';92 1#.&.1 'emo.al of 1ou6t a6out 7od2s Partialit(............................................................................. .............. 80 1#.&.2 1ialo$ue of 4arad B Cudhishthira *;ales of Da(<"ija(,............................................................ ........... 80 1#.&.3 ;ale of Hiran(a/sh and Hiran(/ashipu.................................................................... .......................... 80 1#.&.4 S/etch of Prahlad? ;he 7reat 1e.otee.................................................................................. ............ 81 1#.&. Attempts to )ill Prahlad.......................................................................................... ........................... 82 &=', <)A:0." ,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '';,3 1#.8.1 1escription of the 5an.ataras............................................................................................. .............. 83 1#.8.2 ;ale of 7ajendra? the elephant and 7rah? the crocodile.......................................... .......................... 8 1#.8.3 +hurnin$ of the Sea...................................................................................................................... ..... 8# 1#.8.4 +on:uerin$ of Hea.en 6( )in$ Bali......................................................................................... .......... 8& 1#.8. ;ale of 5at(sa<A.atar............................................................................................................. ........... 8% &='2 <)A:0." 2''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '';25 1#.%.1 1escription of the "ai.as.at 5anu 1(nast(.......................................................... ............................ %0 1#.%.2 1escription of A/sh.a/u 1(nast(.................................................................................................... .... %2 1#.%.3 +handra 1(nast(..................................................................................................................... .......... %4 &='&5 <)A:0." &5'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''';2; 1#.10.1 5arria$e of "asude.a and 1e.a/i........................................................................................... ........ % 1#.10.2 Arri.al of 7od in En6orn Ba6(....................................................................................... .................. %# 1#.10.3 Birth of -ord )rshna................................................................................................................... ...... %# 1#.10.4 Festi.ities in 7o/ul for -ord2s Birth.......................................................................... ........................ %& 1#.10. Sal.ation of Pootana........................................................................................................................ %8 1#.10.# )illin$ of Sha/at..................................................................................................................... .......... %8 1#.10.& Sal.ation of ;rina.art.......................................................................................................... ............. %8 1#.10.8 4amin$ of -ord )rshna.............................................................................................................. ...... %% 1#.10.% +hildhood of -ord )rshna................................................................................................... ............. %% 1#.10.10 E/hal Bandan @ Sal.ation of Camarjun......................................................................... ................#00 1#.10.11 5i$ration to "rinda.ana................................................................................................. ................#00 1#.10.12 Sal.ation of "atsasur........................................................................................................... ..........#01 1#.10.13 Sal.ation of Ba/asur................................................................................................................ ......#01 1#.10.14 Sal.ation of A$hasur.................................................................................................................. ....#01 1#.10.1 Attachment of Brahmaji..................................................................................... ............................#01 1#.10.1# Sal.ation of 1henu/asur.............................................................................................................. ..#02 1#.10.1& 7race on )alia? the 4a$a..................................................................................... .........................#02 1#.10.18 1rin/in$ of 1a.anal *Forest Fire,.............................................................................................. .....#03 1#.10.1% Sal.ation of Pralam6asur............................................................................................................. ..#03 1#.10.20 "enu$eet................................................................................................................ .......................#03 1#.10.21 Stealin$ of +lothes............................................................................................ ............................#04 1#.10.22 -iftin$ of 7o.ardhan 5ountain.................................................................................................... ...#04 1#.10.23 Andi$nation of Andra............................................................................................................. ...........#0 1#.10.24 Worship of 7o.erdhan............................................................................................................ .......#0 1#.10.2 An$r( 'etaliation of Andra....................................................................................... .......................#0 1#.10.2# +eremonial Bath of -ord......................................................................................................... .......#0 1#.10.2& 'aas -eela........................................................................................................... .........................#0# 1#.10.28 Pitia6le +onditions of 7opis in -ord2s A6sence................................................... ..........................#0# 1#.10.2% 7opi/a 7eet........................................................................................................ ..........................#0& 1#.10.30 'eappearance of the -ord Amon$ the 7opis................................................................................ .#0& 1#.10.31 5aha<'aas...................................................................................................................... ..............#0& 1#.10.32 Sal.ation of Sudarshan @ Shan/hchuda............................................................... ........................#08 1#.10.33 Sal.ation of Arishtasur........................................................................................................ ...........#08 1#.10.34 )ans sends A/rurji................................................................................................................ .........#08 1#.10.3 1eparture of )rshna<Balarama for 5athura................................................................................. ..#0% 1#.10.3# Appearance of the -ord 6efore Arjun................................................................................ .............#10 1#.10.3& Arri.al in 5athura........................................................................................................................ ...#10 1#.10.38 7race on )u6ja.......................................................................................................................... ....#10 1#.10.3% Brea/in$ of the Bo!....................................................................................................................... #10 1#.10.40 )illin$ of the 8lephant........................................................................................................ ............#10 1#.10.41 Sal.ation of Wrestlers...................................................................................................... ..............#11
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1#.10.42 Sal.ation of )ansa............................................................................................................ .............#11 1#.10.43 Ca$(opa.it of )rshna<Balarama................................................................................................. ....#11 1#.10.44 Sendin$ Edha. as 5essen$er............................................................................................ ...........#11 1#.10.4 Bhramar 7eet................................................................................................................. ...............#12 1#.10.4# Battles !ith DarasandhH +onstruction of 1.ar/a<puri.................................................... .................#13 1#.10.4& ;ale of 5uch/und................................................................................................. .........................#13 1#.10.48 5arria$e of Balarama................................................................................................... .................#14 1#.10.4% 5essa$e of 'u/mani for the -ord.............................................................................................. ....#14 1#.10. 0 1efeat of 'u/mi @ Shishupal................................................................................................ .........#1 1#.10. 1 5arria$e of 'u/mini @ )rshna.............................................................................................. .........#1 1#.10. 2 Birth of Prad(umna? )illin$ of Sham6arasur.................................................................... ..............#1 1#.10. 3 ;ale of S(amanta/? the 7em................................................................................. ........................#1 1#.10. 4 5arria$e of Sat(a6hama @ )rshna........................................................................................... .....#1# 1#.10. ;heft of S(amanta/........................................................................................................................ #1# 1#.10. # -ord2s 5arria$e !ith )alindi....................................................................................................... ....#1# 1#.10. & -ord2s 5arria$e !ith 5itr.inda............................................................................................. ..........#1# 1#.10. 8 With Sat(a................................................................................................................ .....................#1# 1#.10. % With Bhadra......................................................................................................................... ..........#1& 1#.10.#0 With -a/shmana................................................................................................................. ...........#1& 1#.10.#1 Sal.ation of Bhaumasur............................................................................................................... ..#1& 1#.10.#2 -ord2s 5arria$e !ith +apti.e Princesses.............................................................................. .........#1& 1#.10.#3 Prad(umna2s 5arria$e !ith 'u/m.ati................................................................... ........................#1& 1#.10.#4 5arria$e of Esha<Anirudha.......................................................................................................... ..#1& 1#.10.# ;ale of )in$ 4ri$........................................................................................................ ....................#18 1#.10.## Sal.ation of Paundra/ @ )ashraj................................................................................... ................#18 1#.10.#& Sal.ation of 1.i.id........................................................................................................ .................#18 1#.10.#8 5arria$e of Sam6.......................................................................................................... ................#1% 1#.10.#% Sendin$ of 8missar( *)in$s in capti.it( see/ the -ord2s help,............................................ ...........#1% 1#.10.&0 -ord2s 1eparture for Andraprastha........................................................................................... .......#1% 1#.10.&1 )illin$ of Darasandh................................................................................................. ......................#1% 1#.10.&2 Sal.ation of Shishupal................................................................................................. ..................#20 1#.10.&3 Sal.ation of Shal.a............................................................................................................. ...........#20 1#.10.&4 Sal.ation of 1ant.a/tra @ "idurath................................................................................... .............#21 1#.10.& Sudama B ;he -ord2s Friend................................................................................... ......................#21 1#.10.&# 5eetin$ of -ord !ith 7opas<7opis.......................................................................... ......................#22 1#.10.&& =r$aniGation of Ca$(a 6( "asude.a................................................................................. .............#22 1#.10.&8 'e.isitin$ of 1e.a/i2s Si9 Sons...................................................................................................... #23 1#.10.&% -o.e @ 5arria$e of Su6hadra<Arjun........................................................................ ......................#23 1#.10.80 Pra(ers of "edas....................................................................................................... ....................#23 1#.10.81 'elease of -ord Shi.a from +risis........................................................................... ......................#24 1#.10.82 ;estin$ of ;rinit(........................................................................................................................ .....#2 1#.10.83 'e.i.al of Brahmin2s dead children............................................................................................... .#2 &='&& <)A:0." &&''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''=+= 1#.11.1 +urse of Sa$es to Cadu.anshis........................................................................................ ...............#2# 1#.11.2 Preachin$ of 4arad a6out Bha$.ad..................................................................................... ............#2# 1#.11.3 -ord2s 1eparture to his A6ode............................................................................. ............................#2& 1#.11.4 Bhi/shu<7eet................................................................................................................... ................#28 &='&+ <)A:0." &+'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''=+, 1#.12.1 1escription of 1(nasties in )ali(u$a................................................................... ............................#28 1#.12.2 -ast Preachin$ of Shu/de.ji......................................................................................... ...................#2% 1#.12.3 Final Beatitude of Pari/shit................................................................................................. .............#2% 1#.12.4 4a$a(a$(a of Danameeja(a......................................................................................... ...................#2% 1#.12. Branches of "edas and 1i.ision......................................................................................... .............#2% 1#.12.# Penance of 5ar/ande( @ Si$htin$ of 5a(a.............................................................................. .......#2% 1( 6I"5* P$#*"*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&31 &9'& L14-A :%"A4A :A"0 &'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''=3& 1&.1.1 Sutji 4arrates the 1i.ine ;ales of -in$a Purana........................................................ ........................#31 1&.1.2 ;he Be$innin$ of +reation.................................................................................................... .............#32 1&.1.3 ;he =ri$in of +reation................................................................................................ .......................#33 1&.1.4 -ord Shi.a B ;he Supreme -i6erator............................................................................................ .....#33
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1&.1. Ancarnations of 5anu @ "(as................................................................................................... ..........#34 1&.1.# ;he 8ssence of Co$a....................................................................................................................... ..#34 1&.1.& =6stacles in the Path of Co$a................................................................................ ...........................#34 1&.1.8 Bali B ;he 'ealiGation of Shi.a................................................................................................. .........#3 1&.1.% "enera6leness of Sad(ojaat.................................................................................................. ............#3 1&.1.10 -ord "aamde.......................................................................................................... ........................#3 1&.1.11 -ord ;atpurush........................................................................................................................ .........#3 1&.1.12 -ord A$horesh.............................................................................................................. ...................#3 1&.1.13 -ord Ashaan................................................................................................................................... ...#3# 1&.1.14 ;he =ri$in of Shi.a -in$a............................................................................................. ...................#3# &9'+ L14-A :%"A4A :A"0 +'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''=3= 1&.2.1 -ord Shi.a Blesses Brahma and "ishnu.......................................................................................... ..#3# 1&.2.2 ;he 5anifestation of -ord Brahma.......................................................................... ..........................#3& 1&.2.3 -ord Brahma Becomes the +reator................................................................................... ................#3& 1&.2.4 1escription of 1ifferent )alpas...................................................................................... ....................#38 1&.2. Ancarnations of Shi.a 1urin$ "arious 1.apar Cu$as..................................................... ....................#38 1&.2.# 'ituals of Shi.a<-in$a Worship *Purit(,............................................................................ .................#3% 1&.2.& -ord Shi.a ;ests the Patience of Sa$es............................................................................ ................#40 1&.2.8 Sa$e Sh!eta.................................................................................................................. ...................#40 1&.2.% Sa$e 8ulo$iGes -ord Shi.a.............................................................................................................. ..#41 1&.2.10 -ord Shi.a Preaches the Sa$es................................................................................. .....................#41 1&.2.11 1adhichi Su6ju$ates the Sa$es *)shoopa,........................................................... ..........................#41 1&.2.12 )shoopa Accepts 1efeat........................................................................................... ......................#42 1&.2.13 Shilad2s Ampossi6le 1emand................................................................................ ...........................#42 &9'3 L14-A :%"A4A :A"0 3'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''=63 1&.3.1 ;he +haracteristics of the Four 8ras................................................................................. ................#43 1&.3.2 )ali Cu$a................................................................................................................... ........................#43 1&.3.3 5anifestation of -ord Brahma.......................................................................................................... ..#43 1&.3.4 5anifestation of -ord 4andish!ar................................................................................. ....................#44 1&.3. ;he 4ether World......................................................................................................... .....................#44 1&.3.# ;he Se.en Aslands................................................................................................................... ..........#44 1&.3.& Bharat "arsh................................................................................................................................ ......#44 1&.3.8 ;he 5eru 5ountain................................................................................................. ..........................#4 1&.3.% ;he Prominent 5ountains................................................................................................................. .#4 1&.3.10 ;he Sun.............................................................................................................................. .............#4 1&.3.11 -ord Brahma assi$ns lordships to the 1eities........................................................................ ..........#4 1&.3.12 ;he +hariots of the Sun? 5oon and Planets....................................................................... .............#4# 1&.3.13 ;he 'adiance of Sur(a........................................................................................................ ............#4# &9'6 L14-A :%"A4A :A"0 6'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''=6= 1&.4.1 1hru.a B ;he Supreme 1e.otee........................................................................................ ...............#4# 1&.4.2 ;he =ri$in of 1eities............................................................................................................... ...........#4& 1&.4.3 Sa$e Parashar................................................................................................................................ ...#4& 1&.4.4 ;he -inea$e of Adit(a............................................................................................................... .........#48 1&.4. ;he Cadu 1(nast(.................................................................................................... .........................#4% 1&.4.# Sri )rshna................................................................................................................................... .......#4% 1&.4.& -ord Brahma 6lesses the 1emons......................................................................... ...........................#4% 1&.4.8 Appointment of Andha/ as -ord of the 7anas.............................................................. .....................# 0 1&.4.% ;he -i6eration of 8arth..................................................................................................... .................# 0 1&.4.10 )illin$ of Dalandhar.................................................................................................... ......................# 1 1&.4.11 ;he =ri$in of -ord 7anesh.................................................................................... ..........................# 1 1&.4.12 Shi. ;anda.......................................................................................................................... ............# 1 &9'; L14-A :%"A4A :A"0 ;'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''=;+ 1&. .1 Epaman(u...................................................................................................................... ...................# 2 1&. .2 ;he 7reatness of 1!adasha/shar 5antra...................................................................... ..................# 2 1&. .3 Shada/shar 5antra...................................................................................................... .....................# 3 1&. .4 -ord Pashupati........................................................................................................ ..........................# 3 1&. . ;he 5ajestic -ord 5ahesh!ar......................................................................................................... ..# 4 1&. .# ;he Sun B 5anifestation of Shi.a2s Po!er.................................................................... ....................# 4 1&. .& Shi.a ;at.a............................................................................................................................. ...........# 4 1&. .8 ;he 7reatness of Shi.a......................................................................................................... ............# 4 1&. .% ;he Amportance of the 7uru............................................................................................................. ..#
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
.10 ;he 'ituals of Anitiation.................................................................................................. ..................# .11 Anstallation of Shi.a -in$a................................................................................................. ...............# .12 "rajesh!ari "id(a.............................................................................................................. ..............# # .13 1ifferent ;(pes of Co$a........................................................................................ ...........................# #
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Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
2( .*#$"* P$#*"* 7$P*2P$#*"* 48%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%&(4 +9'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '=92 2&.1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. .#&% 2- 0*6I0* P$#*"* 7$P*2P$#*"* 108%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&(4 +,'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '=92 28.1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. .#&% 24 S*,)* P$#*"* 7$P*2P$#*"* 118%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%&-0 +2'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '=,5 2%.1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. .#80 30 "*"DI P$#*"* 7$P*2P$#*"* 128%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&-0 35'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '=,5 30.1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. .#80 31 S$#3* P$#*"* 7$P*2P$#*"* 138%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%&-0 3&'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '=,& 31.1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. .#81 32 P*#*S*#* P$#*"* 7$P*2P$#*"* 1/8%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%&-1 3+'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '=,& 32.1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. .#81 33 .*SIS+T+* P$#*"* 7$P*2P$#*"* 118%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&-1 33'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '=,& 33.1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. .#81 3/ D'.I2)+*5*.*T* P$#*"* 7$P*2P$#*"* 1&8%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&-2 36'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '=,+ 34.1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. .#82 31 5*"'S+* P$#*"* 7$P*2P$#*"* 1(8%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%&-2 3;'& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '=,+ 3 .1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. .#82 3& +*,S* P$#*"* 7$P*2P$#*"* 1-8%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &-2 3='& <)A:0."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '=,3 3#.1.1 Section.............................................................................................................................................. .#83
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
At presentF there is no single place where Dharmins (G)indusA) can go to download and read ALL their scriptures 14 0).1" .401".0Y' 4umerous sites eHist that provide portions o scriptures andEor commentary on scripturesF but no single website has thus ar undertaken the immense task o posting all scriptures o /anatana Dharma (I)indu?ismJ)' 0here are three goals o this e ortK &) 0he short?term goal (3?; years) o this proDect is to collectF organiCeF publish (online and in hardcopy) and disseminate knowledge o all Dharmic scriptures throughout the world' +) 0he intermediate?term goal (;?9 years) o this proDect is to glean the best knowledge and wisdom rom all these scriptures and rom other sources (modern eHperienceF ideas) into a singleF uni ied holy book or Dharmins ! 0he Dharma Veda' 0his book will act as a guide or Dharmins and as an indeH into all the supporting scriptures' %nlike the Bible and Buran o <hristianity and 1slam respectivelyF the Dharma Veda will 4(0 be a closed canon ? roCen in time based upon mindless dogmas' 1t will be updated on a regular basis with the input o the Dharmasya (global Dharmic community)' 0he essence o Dharma is 0ruth and %niversal Law ! it is 4(0 dogma or blind belie (as is the case with *atas such as <hristianity and 1slam)' 0he term LmataL means a belie F view or opinion and )A/ 4(0)14- 0( D( 810) D)A"*A' 0here oreF it is important to eHplain to non?Dharmins that /anatana Dharma is based on the 0ruth and is there ore a much higher concept than a GreligionA' >or the purposes o conversationF we can re er to Dharma as a religionF but it is then necessary or the Dharmin to educate the non? Dharmin as to the higher meaning and greater 0ruth o Dharma' 3) 0he long?term goal (9 years and beyond) o this proDect is to leverage the Dharma Veda to bring about a -lobal Dharmic "enaissance that will leave no nation untouched' 0he world needs a more robustF more sophisticated GreligionA to practice and the time or /anatana Dharma has come' 0he +&st century may become the Dharmic <entury a ter all$ 0hank youF Dharmic /criptures 0eam
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&) 8ebsiteK www'urday'com
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1 )rahma Purana
0his :urana contains 6 <hapters as ollows'
&'&'+ /criptural Appearance o BrahmaDi Scriptures describe the appearance of Brahmaji thus: CHATURMUKHD V DADHARAH SAKSHASUTRA KAMA!DA"UH # HA!SARUDH$ RAKTAVASA BRAHMA"$KA %&TAMAH ## Meanin': He has four heads( ho)ds Vedas( Rosar*( +a'*opa,ita -Sacred thread. and Kamanda)u -bo/).0 /ears red cothes and rides a s/an1 He is none other than Brahmaji( 'randfather of a)) of us1 &'&'3 >our )eads o BrahmaDi
BrahmaDi is shown with our headsF Besides being the creator o the universeF BrahmaDi is a deponent o the deeds o all the creatures as wellF alloting the creatures various incarnations as per their deed is duty o BrahmaDi' )ence the ull knowledge o a creatures deed is an indispensable precondition be ore deciding an incarnation or it' (nly then ull Dustice could be assured or a creature' )ence to look around in all the directionsF BrahmaDi is shown with the our heads'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&'&'9 "osary in /econd )and The 'reat 'randfather of a)) the creatures "ord Brahma teaches b* his appearance that the human incarnation is not just for the mundane jobs1 &nstead amon' the mundane jobs( human bein' must 2eep on rememberin' the a)mi'ht* %aramatma1 Because /ithout recitin' the name of a)mi'ht* 3od /e)fare of an* human bein' is simp)* not possib)e1 Hence( b* the rosar* in second hand Brahmaji teaches that( a)/a*s 2eep on te))in' the name of a)mi'ht* 3od( for *our /e)fare1 &t is therefore /ritten a)so 4 5A%ATA S&DDH&H 5A%ATAS&DDH&H 5A%ATAS&DH&H !ASA!SHA+AH
*eaning K (ne gets per ection only in the name o almighty -odF there is no doubt in it' )enceF comprehensing these things human being must keep on reciting and telling the name o omnipresent -od whether he is movingF or sittingF eating or drinking and sleeping or awakening'
0hat is water is li e' 8ater is the basic physical element that caused the whole creation to eHist' 0he coconut shell bowl (Kamandalu) held by BrahmaDiO also holds waterF thus depicting the hassle ree eHistence and continuence o the whole creation'
&'+'& Appearance o /arasvati "itera))*( Saras/ati means SARAH 4 Kno/)ed'e( STHA!AM+AS+AH AST&T&1 Thus( Saras/ati is the 'oddess /ho ru)es a)) 2inds of 2no/)ed'e /ithout /orshippin' her no one can be a )earned person1 Hence fo))o/ers of other re)i'ious a)so /orship Saras/ati( thou'h the name and appearance ma* differ s)i'ht)*1 Appearance of Saras/ati is thus described in the scriptures : SHUK"AM BRAMHAV&CHARASA RA %ARMAD+AM 5A3ADV+A%&! M V !A%USTAK DHAR&!&MABHA+ADAM 5AD+A!DHAKARA %AHAM # HAST S%HAT&KA MA"&&KAM V&DADH& %ADMASA! SAMSTH&TAM #
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
VA!D TAM %ARAM SHVAR M BHA36AT M BUDDH& %RADA+ SHARDAM ## Meanin' : 6earer of the /hite c)othes 'i,er of the po/er to ref)ect the essence of Brahma( supreme po/er( ho)der of ,eena -"*re.( boo2( beaded rosarr*( the bene,o)ent 3oddess is seated on a )otus1 & respectfu))* pra* the 3oddess /ho 'i,es us 2no/)ed'e1 &'+'+ /igni icance o Book and Veena (Lyre)
4oted sage Bhartrihari writes that without literature and musicF a man is not more than an animal' )ence the book and veena in the hands o /araswati teach that i the humans wish to do away with their brutenessF knowledge o literature and music is must or them' )enceF -oddess /araswati is shown with a book and Veena the symbols o literature and music respectively'
*eaningK 1 worship that Lord Vishnu who has a peace ul body (postures)O who rests on /heshanaga (the mighty serpant ? cobra)O who has a lotus in his navelF who is the base o the worldF who is like the skyO who has a colour like cloudF who is the lord o Lakshmi (wealth)O who has eyes like lotusO who is seen by yogis in their meditationO who is the remover o all the di erences and who is the only Lord o all the three Lokas (8orlds)F 1 worship such Lord Vishnu'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*eaningK 1 -od )ari Vishnu is known as V1/)VA*B)A" ( eeder o the world) 1 need not worry or anything in the world' 1 he were not thereF where the milk would come rom in the breast o a mother be ore childLs birth' /o -od illed the breast o a new mother with complete ood that is milk' 1t is clear rom the above eHample that Lord Vishnu assumes di erent orms Dust to eed all the creatures in the worldF o these di erent orms o the -odF the milk is one' Acording to another principle o scripturesF -od is present in every grain' )ence he is also present in the milk also' 1t is also the supreme duty o the humankind to maintain the original pure orm o the milkF because the milk is prone to damage Muickly' /imilarilyF all these desirious o /alvationF must ollow Vaishnava religionF otherwise any deviation in it may damage all o their penance'
themF they will have to move towards this gem once advancedF they will eel the eternal light in li e and desired uni ication with -od and ultimate salvation'
1t also implies that at places where black?money is mainF Lakshmi rides an owl' /uch a wealth canLt be put in the service o nationF people religion etcF or in any worthy taskF instead it is sMuandered in abhorant deeds' /ince owl is a bird that sees in the darkness aloneF and darkness sumboliCes ignorance' Because o ignoranceF money is generated in wrong ways and spent in wrong deeds' 0hus owl is a symbol o black money and misdeeds'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
2 Padma Purana
0his :urana contains ; <hapters as ollowsK /econd among the eighteen :uranasF :adma :urana contains ive parts? /rishtikhandF BhumikhandF /wargkhandF :atalkhand and %ttarkhand' &) /rishtikhand contains an eHplanation o metaphysical knowledge in a dialogue style between Bheeshma and the sage :ulastya' 1t contains a description o :ushkar 0irth' /urprisinglyF this part ridicules the worship o the planets (-rahas)' +) Bhumikhand has a description o the earthF besides the tales o the kings like :rithuF 4ahushF YayatiF :rabhriti and the sages like /hiva VarmaF suvrata and <hyvan' >or its description o the earth and archaic matterF this part is o ten regarded as the geography and the history o a period' 3) /wargakhand describes the seMuence o creation irst and then the glory o the holy places as well as the geographical eHpansion o 1ndia along with her mountainsF rivers and the people' 6) :atalkhand ? /utaDi narrates the tales related to the li e and plays o Lord "ama in an assembly o the sages' 0his part also contains a description about the li e and plays o Lord Krishna' ;) %ttarkhand contains a discussion about the metaphysical knowledge o religion presented in a dialogue style between Lord /hiva and :arvati' 0his part also contains thousand names o Lord Vishnu and one hundred names o Lord "ama'
)aving revealed the contents o all the :uranas to his son %grashravaF /age Lomaharshan instructed him to go to L4aimisharanyaL and spread it among the sages doing penance over there' 0here is an interesting tale how this sacrosanct orest o 4aimish derived itLs name ?? (nceF the sages sought Lord VishnuLs help in inding a suitable placeF where they could per orm their religious activities unhindered' Lord Vishnu released his chakra and instructed them to ollow it' L0his chakra had many circum erences (4emi) and all o you can commence your penance at the place where one o them gets detached rom the chakraL ???said Lord Vishnu' 0he /ages ollowed the chakra as per the instruction o Lord Vishnu' (nce o the circum erences o chakra got detached and ell at a place called -angavarta' 1n course o time this particular place was amous as L4aimishL because the term L4emiL in /anskrit means circum erence' 8hen %grashrava who was popularly known as L/utDiL reached L4aimisharnyaL all the sages received him with enlighten all the sages on the divine tales o :adma :uran' /utDi replied??? :adma :uran consists o ive sections and i ty? ive thousand shlokas' 0he names o these sections are /hrishti?KhandF Bhumi?KhandF /warg KhandF :atal Khand and %ttam?Khand' 0he tales o :adma?:uran praise the glory o Lord Vishnu' 0hese tales were narrated to Lord Brahma by Lord Vishnu himsel F who in turn propagated them in this world through various sages'
instructed :ulastya to go to -angadwar and bless Bhishma' A ter reaching thereF :ulastya told Bhishma that Lord Brahma was pleased by his penance' LAsk any boon you wish orL said :ulastya' Bhishma thanked his good ortune o getting a chance to meet /age :ulastya' )e reMuested :ulastya to reveal how Lord Brahma had created the world' :ulastya replied??? During the initial phase o his creationF Lord Brahma created the *ahattatva irst o all' A ter that he created the three types o .go rom the *ahattatva???/atvaF "aDas and 0amas' 0hese three types o .go are the origins o all the ive sense?organsF organs o action and all the ive basic elements??spaceF waterF ireF air P earth' An enormous egg came into eHistence with the permutation and combination o these ive basic elements' 8ithin this egg eHists the whole universe including the mountainsF islandsF oceansF planetsF deitiesF demons and the human beings' 0he layers o waterF ireF airF space and darkness envelop this enormous egg' 0hese elements are once again covered by the L*ahattatvaLF which in turn is enveloped by the L:rakritiL (nature)' Lord Vishnu himsel does creation in the orm o Lord Brahma and also takes various incarnations to protect the mankind' At the end o the KalpaF it is only )eF who annihilates in the orm o "udra' A ter the end o KalpaF he takes rest on the back o /heshnag or the ull period o deluge'
+'&'+ Lord BrahmaAs Li e?/pan and the <hronological (rder o the G.rasA
:ulastya says???Lord BrahmaF the embodiment o Lord Vishnu has a li e?span o one hundred years' )is li e?span is also called L:arLF and hal o its period is known as L:arardhaL' (ne LKashthaL consists o &; 4imesha while a Kala consists o 35 LKashthasL' A muhurta consists o 35 Kalas' 0he periods o 35 muhurtas are eMual to one day and 4ight o the human beings' A month o this world is eMuivalent to 35 days and nights' /iH months make an LAyanL and a year consists o two LAyansL' 0hese two LAyansL are also known by two other names???Dakshinayan and %ttarayan' Dakshinayan is the night o the deities where as %ttarayan is their day' >our yugas are eMuivalent to twelve thousand years o the deitiesF which occur in a cyclic order???/atyaF 0retaF Dwapar and Kaliyuga' 0he periods o these yugas are as ollows???
/atya Yuga Q 6555 years 0reta Yuga Q 3555 years Dwapar Yuga Q +555 years Kali Yuga Q &555 years 0otal Q &5F555 years .ach yuga is ollowed by the hibernation periods o L/andhyaL and /andhyanshF which are as ollows?? /andhya /andhyansh /atya Yuga 655 655 0reta Yuga 355 355 Dwapar Yuga +55 +55 Kali Yuga &55 &55 0otal &555 years &555 years >our Yuga are collectively known as L<haturyugaL' A BrahmaLs day consists o one?thousand such L<haturyugasL' AltogetherF ourteen *anu appear during this whole period o &555 <haturgas or in other words a day o Lord Brahma' .ach L*anvantarL is named a ter a *anu and is eMuivalent to little more than 9& <haturyugas' 1t also has its own 1ndraF /aptarishis and other deities' 0his wayF a manvantar is also eMuivalent to ,F;+F555 years o the deities or divine years' -oing by the standard o the years o this world a manvantar is eMuivalent to 35F=9F+5F555 years' (n the basis o the years o this worldF a BrahmaLs day is eMuivalent to 35F=9F+5F555 H &6 Q 6F+2F65F,5F555 yrs' 0his is the period a ter which a BrahmaLs day is over and a deluge takes place when all the three worlds becomes devoid o li e due to unbearable heat' Lord Brahma then takes rest or the same period (6F+2F65F,5F555 yrs) which is his night' A ter the night is overF Lord Brahma again commences his creation' /oF this process continues or the whole period o BrahmaLs li e spanF i'e' &55 yrs'R Bheeshma reMuested /age :ulastya to describe how Lord Brahma created li e in the beginning o the present Kalpa'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
:ulastya replied??? At the end o the previous kalpa when Lord Brahma awakened rom his sleepF he ound the whole earth submerged in water' )e meditated on Lord VishnuF who took the incarnation o LVarahL and retrieved the earth and established it in its original position' Lord Brahma then created all the our worlds??BhurlokaF BhuvarlokaF /wargloka and *aharloka and divided the earth into seven islands' >irst o allF Lord Brahma created the L*ahattatvaL' A ter that he created the L0anmatrasLF 1ndriyas (sense? organs)F the immovable things like mountainsF riversF animalsF deitiesF demonsF human beings etc'
ignorant demons' During the process o ocean?churningF various kinds o things emerged out rom the ocean?? :ariDatF siHty crore apsarasF the moon and the Kaalkut (poison)F which were distributed among the demons and the deities' Lord *ahadev drank the Kaalkut when he saw that there was no taker or it' 0he churning o ocean also resulted into the mani estation o ambrosia?potF %chchaishrava (horse) and .ravat (elephant)' %ltimatelyF goddess LaHmi mani ested hersel F seated on a lotus' 0he deities eulogised her by chanting the mantras o /ri /ukta' 0he deities were desirous o having goddess LaHmi on their sideF so were the demonsF but Lord Brahma instructed Vishnu to accept her as his consort' 0he demons became urious and snatched the ambrosia?pot rom the hands o /age Dhanvantari' Lord Vishnu then disguised himsel as the most enchanting woman and ooled the demons into giving back the ambrosia?pot' Lord Vishnu gave the pot to the deities who became immortal a ter drinking ambrosia' A tremendous battle was ought between the demons and the deities' ButF the demons were de eated in this battle and led to the netherworld to protect their lives' 0he deities eulogised Lord Vishnu and returned to heaven'
have all together ,6 crore progenies known as the "udraganas' /age Kashyap had thirteen wives???AditiF DitiF DanuF ArishtaF /ursaF /urabhiF VintaF 0amraF KrodhvashaF 1raF KadruF Khasa and *uni' Kashyap had two sons rom Diti???)iranyakashipu and )iranyaksha' )iranyakashipu had our sons???:rahladF AnuhladF /anhlad and )lad' :rahlad also had our sons???(ne o them was Virochan' Virochan was the ather o Bali' VanasurF who had one thousand armsF was the eldest son o Bali')iranyaksha had our sonsF who themselves had +9 crore sons and grandsons in all' Kashyap had begotten one hundred sons rom DanuF among whom Viprachitti was the most power ul'Viprachitti had ourteen sons rom /inhika???/ainhikeya ("ahu)F KansaF /hankhF 4alaF VatapiF 1lwalF 4amuchiF KhasrimaF AnDanF 4arakF KaalnaabhF :armanuF Kalpavirya and Dhanuvanshavivardhan' Kashyap also had siH daughters rom 0amra??/hukiF /hyeniF BhasiF -ridhiF /ugridhi and /huchi' All siH o them gave birth to various species o birds' /huki was the mother o :arrots and (wls' /hyeni gave birth to hawks while Bhasi was the mother o ospreys (a large ish eating birds') -ridhi gave birth to Vultures and /ugridhi was the mother o pigeons' /huchi was the mother o cranesF /wans and other similar aMuatic birds' Vinita was the mother o -aruda and Arun???/upreme among birds' Arun was the ather o /ampati and #atayu'/ursa was the mother o the serpents and had given birth to one thousand snakes' /imilarlyF Kadru gave birth to one thousand cobras'/urabhiF one o the thirteen wives o Kashyap had given birth to cowsF bu aloes as well as beauti ul women' *uni was the mother o the celestial damsels ??apsaras' Arishta gave birth to Kinnars and -andharvas' 1ra was the mother o various vegetation like grassF treesF creepers and bushes' Khasa gave birth to crore o "akshashas (monsters) and Yakshas'Kashyap had also begotten orty? nine *arudganas rom Diti'
+'&'9 0he (rigin o *arudganas Bheeshma re8uested Sa'e %u)ast*a to describe ho/ a)) the Marud'anas came into e9istence1
:ulastya replied??? All the sons and grandsons o Diti had perished in the battle ought between the deities and demons' Diti???the mother o daityas (demons) wanted to take revengeF so she started doing a penance at the bank o river /araswatiF which lasted or &55 years'Being pleased by her austere penance /age Kashyap arrived and eHpressed his desire to bless her with a boon' Diti wanted a mighty son who could kill 1ndra' /age Kashyap then implanted his sperms in DitiLs womb and instructed her to remain there (where she had been doing penance) or &55 years' )e also instructed her on various doLs and donLts which a pregnant woman is eHpected to observe' Diti agreed to ollow his instructions'*ean whileF 1ndra got wind o her pregnancy and became scared' )e wanted to destroy the oetus at any costF so he arrived at the place where Diti was staying' )e had disguised himsel to avoid being recogniCed by Diti' )e engaged himsel in her servitudeF waiting or an opportune moment to destroy the oetus' 0his wayF ninety?nine years had passed and only three days were remaining a ter which Diti was eHpected to give birth to a son' As the inevitable day approached nearerF 1ndra started becoming restless'(ne dayF Diti was very tired and ell down asleep' )er hair was untied and her head had stooped down while she was sleepingF Dust opposite to the instructions Kashyap had given to her' >inding the moment opportuneF 1ndra entered into DitiLs womb and cut the oetus into seven pieces with his VaDra' 0he seven ragments o oetus instantaneously got trans ormed into seven in ants and started wailing' 1ndra became urious and once again he attacked them with his vaDra and severed them into seven pieces each' But to 1ndraLs sheer amaCementF there were 62 in antsF all wailing loudly' )e tried to stop them rom crying by shouting L*arudL (donLt cry)F but to no avail' 1ndra realiCed that the in ants had attained immortality on account o the L:ournamasi VrataLF which Diti had devoutly observed during the course o her penance' 1ndra named the in ants as *arudganas and blessed them' )e then begged or DitiLs orgiveness and took her along with the *arudganas to heaven' 0he *arudganasF despite being born in the clans o demonsF never associated with them and hence were revered even by the deities'Bheeshma eHpressed his curiosity to know about the detailed
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
description o all the ourteen manvantars' :ulastya said??0he irst manvantar was called /wayambhuvaF named a ter /wayambhuva? *anu' Yamya was the prominent deity o this manvantar' *arichi and other siH prominent sages were the /aptarishis o this manvantar' /wayambhuva? *anu had ten sons???AaghnighaF AgnibahuF VibhuF /avanF #yotishmanF DyutimanF )avyaF *edhaF *edhatithi and Vasu' 0he second manvantar was named a ter /warochish??*anu' /warochish??*anu had our sons??4abhF 4abhasyaF :rasriti and Bhavan' 0ushit was the prominent deity o this second manvantar' DattatreyaF AtriF <hyavanF /tanbaF :ranF Kashyap and Vrihaspati were the saptarishis o this manvantar' 0he third manvantar was called Autam and derived its name rom Autami *anuF who had ten sons?? 1shaF %rDF 0anuDF /huchiF /hukraF *adhuF *adhavF 4abhasyaF 4abh and /ahaF Bhanusangyak was the prominent deity o this manvantar' /age %rD and other siH sages were the saptarishis then' 0he ourth manvantar was called 0aamas??named a ter 0aamas?manuF who also had ten sons like his predecessor' 0he names o his sons were??AkalmashF 0apodhanvaF 0apomoolF 0apodhanF 0aporashiF 0apasyaF /utapasyaF :arantapF 0apobhagi and 0apoyogi' KaviF :rithuF AgniF AkapiF KapiF #anya and Dhama were the /aptarishis o this manvantarF while /aadhyagana was the prominent deity' 0he i th manvantar was called "aivat??named a ter "aivat *anuF who had ten sons as well??VarunF 0atvadarshiF chitimanF )avyapF KaviF *uktF 4irutsukF /atvaF Vimoh and :rakashakF BhutraDaa and :rakriti were the two prominent deities o this manvantar and the names o the saptarishis were?? DevabahuF /ubahuF :arDanyaF /omapF *uniF )iranyaroma and /aptashva' 4eHt arrived the siHth manvantar???<hakshush' 0his *anvantar derived its name rom <hakshush?? *anuF who had ten sons and among whom "uru was the most prominent one' LekhF "ibhuF :rithagbhootF Varimool and Divau were the prominent deities o this manvantar' 0he names o /aptarishis were??BhriguF /udhamaF ViraDF VishnuF 4aradF Vivaswan and Abhimani' 0he present manvantarF which is the seventh in orderF is called Vaivaswat' 0he /aptarishis o this manvantar are???AtriF VashishthF KashyapF -autam??yogiF BhardwaDF Vishwamitra and #amdagni' 0he eighth manvantar will be called /avarnya and will be named a ter /avarni *anuF /avarni *anu will have ten sons???DhritiF VariyanF YavasuF /uvarnaF DhrishtiF <harishnuF AadyaF /umatiF Vasu and /hukra' 0he /aptarishis o this manvantar will be??AshwatthamaF "ishyashringaF KaushikyaF -alavF /hatanandF Kaashyap and :arashuram' 0he nineth manvantar will be named a ter "uchi??*anu and will be called "auchya manvantar' "uchi?? manu will have a son named "auchya' 0he tenth manvantar will be called Bhautya and will derive its name rom Bhautya *anu??/on o Bhuti' 0he eleventhF twel thF thirteenth and ourteenth manvantars will be named a ter *erusavarniF "ibhuF Veetdhama and Vishkvasen *anus respectively' All these ourteen *anus successively rule this world or the total period o &555 <haturyugas' At the end o Kalpa each o them unite with Lord Brahma'
immoral deeds' 0he sages tried to bring him to the virtuous path but to no avail' 0hey became urious and cursed Ven as the result o which he died' 0he sages then churned his dead bodyF which resulted into the mani estation o a mean caste called *lechchha' 0hey kept on churning his body and in the processF an eHtremely virtuous entity mani ested rom the right hand o Ven' )e held various weapons like maceF bow and arrows in his hands' )e was none other than :rithu??the embodiment o Lord Vishnu' A ter being crowned as a kingF :rithu was saddened to see the prevalence o immorality throughout the length and breadth o earth' 0he lack o virtuosity and religiousness among the inhabitants o earth made him eHtremely urious' )e decided to destroy the earth' 0he earth became scared and led in the guise o a cow' :rithu chased her wherever she went' At lastF the cow halted at a place as she had got tired' 0o save her li eF the cow agreed to ul ill all the desires o :rithu' :rithu then milked the cowF which later on got trans ormed into cereals' /imilarly all the deitiesF ancestors and other human?beings milked the cow and received numerous invaluable things' :rithu was a Dust king' :eace and prosperity prevailed during his reign' :eople were religious and ree rom any kind o sorrow' 0he earth is named a ter him as :rithvi'/age :ulastya then went on to give a detailed description o /urya dynasty???Vivaswan (/urya) had three Mueens???/angyaF "agyi and :rabha' "agyi had a son named "aivat while /omgya was the mother o Vaivaswat??*anuF Yama and Yamuna' (nceF /angya being unable to bear the eHtreme radiance o /urya created a super icial entity rom her body and instructed her to act as /uryaLs wi e in her absence' 0he name o this super icial woman was chhayaF who had two sons and two daughters rom /urya' 0he names o her sons were /aavarna??*anu and /hanaishcharF while the names o her daughters were 0apti and Vishti' /hanaishchar became immortal as a planet while Yamuna and 0apti became rivers' Vaivaswat *anu had ten sons among whom L1laL was the eldest' A ter appointing 1la as his successorF VaivaswatF manu went to do penance'(nceF 1la trans ormed into a woman a ter tresspassing a orest where Lord /hiva and :arvati were enDoying privacy' 1t was Lord /hivaLs curse that any male who ventured in to that orbidden orest would become a woman' Later onF Buddh became enchanted by 1laLs beauty and married her'
*eanwhileF when 1la did not return to his kingdomF his brother 1kshvaku went in search o him' 1kshvaku reached the outskirts o the same orest but did not enter it' )e managed to please /hiva by his devotion' 8hen Lord /hiva appearedF 1kshvaku reMuested him to make 1la a man once again' /hiva told him that it was impossible but assured him by saying R1 you per orm an Ashwamedha yagya and donate all the virtue thus acMuired to meF then your brother will be able to live as a man or one month' ButF a ter one month he will again become a woman' 0husF his orm will keep on changing every alternate months'R *eanwhile 1la gave birth to our sons among whom %tkalF -aya and )aritashwa were prominent' 0his wayF 1la became the source rom which the lineage o chandra sprouted'1kshvaku ruled over *adhya?desh' )e had one hundred sonsF all o whom ruled the territories situated north o *eru *ountain' 1kshvaku also had one hundred and ourteen more sonsF who ruled over the areas situated south o *eru'Kakusttha was 1kshvakuLs grand?son' Kakusttha had a son named /uyodhan' /ome other prominent kings coming rom this lineage were??:rithuF VrihadashwaF KuwalashvaF :urukutsuF DharmasetuF *uchukundF 0ridhanvaF 0raidharunF /atyavrat and /atyarath' 0he most truth ul king )arishchandra was /atyarathLs son and "ohit was his son' >amous kings like "aghuF Dilip ADaF Dirghabahu and :raDapati?Dasharath were the descendants o 1kshvaku' Dasharath had our sons among whom /ri "am was the eldest and who had killed the demon king "avana' "am had two sons??Lav and Kush'
matter' Lord Brahma contemplated on Lord Vishnu who appeared in a very short time' 8henF Lord Vishnu came to know about the deitiesLs pitiable conditionF he promised them that very soon BashkaliLs wings would be clipped' Lord Vishnu said???RVery soonF 1 will take incarnation as Vaman' 1ndra will have to come along with me and demand a piece o land measured by my three steps' 1 shall then reveal my giant orm and send him to the patalloka a ter making him bere t o his kingdom' 1n course o time Lord Vishnu mani ested as Vaman rom AditiLs womb' )is mani estation was simultaneously marked by various auspicious signs??the air became ull o ragranceF the deities started reDoicingF the trees started shedding lowers on their own and all the desires o living beings were ul illed'
Lord Vaman then went to BashkaliLs palace accompanied by 1ndra' Both o them marvelled at the grandness o BashkaliLs cityF which was surrounded by a high boundary?wall'Bashkali was a very virtuous and benevolent king' )e was truth ul and well versed in all the scripture' )is subDect lived in prosperity and enDoyed a long li e'8hen the demons saw 1ndra coming with a dwar they in ormed Bashkali' Bashkali instructed the demons to bring both the guests with due respect' Bashkali treated his guests with all honour and asked 1ndra about the reason or his sudden arrival' 1ndra praised BashkaliLs benevolence and said???R0he short brahmin accompanying me is desirous o a piece o land measured by his three steps'R Bashkali was amused at this ridiculous demand and reMuested Vaman to ask or anything he wished' ButF Vaman wanted nothing more than a small piece o land measured by his three steps' /hukracharya?BashkaliLs guru smelled something ishy and warned himF but he was not to listen' Bashkali then reMuested Vaman to go ahead and measure the land by his three steps'/uddenlyF Lord Vaman trans ormed his physiMue into a giant siCe' )is irst step reached the /urya?loka and his second step touched the dhruva?loka' )e hit the top o the universe with his third step as a result o which water poured down' 0he water got collected and came to be known as Vaishnavi river' ButF the land had still not been measured and hence Lord Vaman reminded Bashkali o his vow and ultimately the helpless Bashkali surrendered to the will o Lord Vaman and sought his re uge' Lord Vaman blessed him and sent him to :atalloka'
(nceF Lord /hiva became so deeply ascinated by her consort' :arvati hat he did not come out rom his palace or &555 years' 0he deities became worried and sent Agni to ind out the reason' Agni disguised himsel as a parrot and entered the palace where /hiva was enDoying privacy with :arvati' *eanwhileF :arvati went at the bank o a reservoir to Muench her thirst' A ter reaching there she saw siH divine women (matrikas) carrying water in the leaves o lotus lowers' As :arvati was thirstyF she reMuested them to give some water' 0he matrikas agreed on the condition that a son born to her (:arvati) should also have to be accepted as their son' :arvati gave her conscent' 0he matrikas gave :arvati water to drink' )ardly had :arvati inished drinking water than a divine child emerged out rom her womb' 0he child possessed various weapons likeF tridentF shakti and a noose in his hands' )e was none other than Kartikeya'0he deities appointed Kartikeya as the commander o their army' During that timeF a mighty demon named 0arakasur used to torment the deities' Kartikeya killed that demon on the reMuest o deities'
+'&'&+ An 1deal Brahmin and the /igni icance o the -ayatri *antra Describin' about the 8ua)ities of an idea) brahmin( Sa'e %u)ast*a said444 $nce( !arad had as2ed "ord Brahma as to /ho /as /orth* of recei,in' Vishnu:s b)essin's1 "ord Brahma had to)d !arad that "ord Vishnu sho/ered his b)essin's on those /ho en'a'ed themse),es in the ser,ice of brahmins1 A brahmin shou)d be ,irtuous and /e)) ,ersed in a)) the scriptures1 A brahmin /ho does not obser,e the ritua)s as mentioned in the Vedas( brin's dis'race to his ancestors1 An idea) brahmin is respectfu) to/ards his parents( teachers and treats his 'uests /ith due honour1 He ne,er aspires for /omen other than his /ife and chants the sacred 3a*atri mantra e,er*da*1 3oddess 3a*atri is said to ha,e manifested in the )inea'e of San2h*a*an1 She is of fair comp)e9ion and fire is the s*mbo)ica) e9pression of her mouth1 "ord Brahma d/e))s on her forehead( "ord Vishnu in her heart and "ord Rudra has his abode in her braided hair1 The 3a*atri mantra consists of ;< )etters and each of them is re)ated /ith a specific deit*1 There is a mention of 3a*atri mantra( /hich consists of => )etters1 &t be'ins /ith the /ord :a'ni: and ends /ith :s/aha:1 The mantra is as fo))o/s444$M A3! RVAK%U!S& +A5URD D&! 5USHTA S$MAM %&BA S6AHA1 A person( /ho chants the mantra for =?? times( becomes )iberated from 'ra,est of sin1 The ,arious deities re)ated /ith the t/ent*4four )etters of 3a*atri Mantra are as under4 Deit*
&st letter ???? Agni +nd letter ???? Vayu 3rd letter ???? /urya 6th letter ???? Aakash ;th letter ???? YamraD =th letter ???? Varun 9th letter ???? Vrihaspati ,th letter ???? :arDanya 2th letter ???? 1ndra &5th letter ???? -andharva &&th letter ???? :oosha &+th letter ???? *itra &3th letter ???? 0washta
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&6th letter ???? Vasu &;th letter ???? *arudganas &=th letter ???? /oma &9th letter ???? Angira &,th letter ???? Vishwadeva &2th letter ???? Ashwini kumar +5th letter ???? :raDapati +&st letter ???? All the deities ++nd letter ???? "udra +3rd letter ???? Brahma +6th letter ???? Vishnu A devotee should then per orm the ritual o LnyasL by mentally establishing di erent words o the -ayatri mantra in the various parts o his body as given below ?? (* B)%) ??? in the heartF (* B)%VA) ??? in the headF (* /8A) ??? in the top?knot (/hikha)F (* 0A0/AV10%"VA".4YA* ??? in the whole bodyF (* B)A"-(D.VA/YA D)1*A)1 ??? in both the eyes (* D)1Y( Y( 4A) :"A<)(DAYA0 ??? in both the hands' "egular chanting o -ayatri mantra bestowes similar virtues attained by the study o all the our vedas' A brahmin who does not know -ayatri mantra is considered to be worse than a shudra' Anybody who chants -ayatri mantra attains salvation' body as given below ??
which it was burnt to death' )is special power vanished due to the sin acMuired by killing an innocent bird' 4owF no longer his clothes remained in suspended position in the sky' 4arottam became very sad' /uddenly he heard a heavenly voice instructing him to see a LchandalaL named *ook' R)is discourses would be bene icial or you'R? /aid the heavenly voice' 4arottam went in search o *ook??the chandal and ound him in the servitude o his parents' *ook was a great devotee o his parents and his total devotion towards his parents had blessed him with an eHtraordinary power? his house used to hang in the air without any support'4arottam was deeply amaCed at this wonder ul sight' )e wanted to know how *ook had acMuired such divine powers' ButF *ook reMuested him to waitF which made 4arottam very angry' *ook then told 4arottam???R1 can talk to you only a ter attending to my parents' 1 am not that crane which was charred to death by your curse' 1 you donLt have time then go and meet that L aith ul?wi e' /he will answer your Muestions'R 4arottam did not know where that aith ul wi e livedF so he stood there wondering what to do neHt' /uddenly Lord Vishnu emerged rom *ookLs house disguised as a brahmin' )e took 4arottam to the L aith ul?wi eLs house' All along the way Lord Vishnu preached 4arottam on the Mualities o a chaste woman' As both o them were about to reach that chaste womanLs houseF lord Vishnu disappearedF leaving 4arottam all alone' 4arottam reMuested the woman to enlighten him on the iner points o virtuosity' ButF the woman was busy attending her husband and reMuested him to wait' 4arottam threatened to curse herF to which the woman replied???1 am not that crane whom you had cursed' 1 you are in a hurry then you can go and meet LDharm??0ulaadharL' )e is an honest businessman and is capable o answering your Mueries'R Lord Vishnu once again appeared rom that womanLs house disguised as a brahmin' 4arottam asked him as to how were both *ook and aith ul?wi e aware o the incident in which the crane was charred to death' Lord Vishnu told him that both o them had acMuired this special power by the virtue o their respective religiousness' Lord Vishnu and 4arottam proceeded towards the place where Dharmtuladhar did his business transactions' As they were about to reach the placeF Lord Vishnu disappeared once againF leaving 4arottam all alone'4arottam saw Dharmtuladhar busy in his dealings with total honesty' )e reMuested him to reveal as to what made the wet clothes to hang in the air without any support' Dharmtuladhar reMuested him to wait but 4arottam was in a hurry to get answer to his Muestions' Dharmtuladhar told 4arottam??:lease wait or sometimeF as 1 am busy doing my business transactions' 1 you donLt have time then you can go and meet AdrohakF who is ully capable o giving answer to your Muestions' Lord Vishnu once again accompanied him disguised as a brahmin' 8hen both o them were about to reach the place where Adrohak used to liveF lord Vishnu disappeared and 4arottam was le t all by himsel F once again' 4arottam reMuested Adrohak to preach on the essence o religiousness' Adrohak was a man o impeccable conduct and had ull control over the sensual urges' )e advised 4arottam to meet the supreme devotee o Lord VishnuF who lived nearby' Adrohak said?? You would get answers to all your Muestions' )e will reveal to you the reason that made wet clothes to hang in air without any support'4arottam then proceeded towards the place where the supreme devotee o Lord Vishnu lived' Lord Vishnu once again accompanied him in the guise o a brahmin'A ter reaching thereF 4arottam eHpressed his desire o seeing Lord Vishnu' 0he supreme devotee took him to a temple situated inside the house?premise' 4arottam was amaCed to see the same brahminF who had been accompanying him all along the wayF siting on a lotus lower' )e realiCed that the brahmin was lord Vishnu himsel ' Lord Vishnu blessed him and said???Be respect ul towards your parentsF i you want to attain to my abode' 1 dwell in the houses o people who are virtuousF truth ulF possessed eMuanimity and who have ull control over their passion' 0his is why you ound me present at the homes o chandalF 0uladhar P Adrohak' 4arottam realiCed his mistake and decided to be in the servitude o his parents or the rest o his li e'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
other sin ul deeds' L(ne who obstructs a hungry man rom having his ood or thirsty person rom Muenching his thirst commits a sin similar to that o killing a brahmin' *atali described some other types o sins ??? Back bitingF seeing aults with others and demeaning their e ortsF acMuiring otherLs land by un air meansF killing innocent animalsF having illicit relationship with women other than oneLs wi eF telling liesF showing disrespect to the guests etcF are considered to be sin ul deeds' Describing about the various types o virtuous deedsF *atali said ??? 4on?violenceF orgivenessF truth ulnessF devotion towards godF benevolenceF abstinenceF oblation P meditation are some o the virtuous deeds' Donating ood?grainsF domesticated animals like horseF cow etc' giving water to a thirsty person are some other types o virtuous deeds'A person who donates wooden sandals a needy brahmin attains to the heaven' 8orshipping Lord /hiva or Lord Vishnu enables a man to attain to the /hivaloka or Vishnuloka respectively'
4owF Yayati became young once again and went to meet Ashrubindumati' ButF AshrubindumatiLs riend Vishala was still not convinced and eHpressed apprehension that her riend would never play second iddle to his two wives??/harmishtha and Devayani'King YayatiF being blinded by his lustF assured Vishala that Ashrubindumati would enDoy the supreme authority and she had nothing to ear' )e said??R1 promise that you will be my only wi e and 1 will have nothing to do with my wives'R 0his way Yayati married Ashrubindumati and enDoyed a bliss ul married li e or twenty?thousand years' (nceF Ashrubindumati eHpressed her desire o visiting all the divine places??1ndralokaF BrahmalokaF /hivaloka and Vishnuloka' Yayati took back his old age rom :uru and returned his youth' )e appointed :uru as his successor and instructed his subDect to live peace ully' ButF the people wanted to be with YayatiF so all o them accompanied him to the heaven' Yayati visited all the divine places and ultimately attained to Vishnuloka'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/age Vashishth continued with the description o some other prominent places o pilgrimage like #ambumargF 4armada Amarkantak etc'
0he yamdoot replied?You are being metted out this special treatment on account o your virtues acMuired by bathing twice in river Yamuna'0here was a brahmin riend o yourLs named /wamitra'You had accompanied him to *athura and twice taken bath in the holy Yamuna' By the virtue o the irst bath you became liberated rom all your sinsF while the second bath helped you in attaining to the heaven'Vikundal reMuested the yamdoot to allow his brother to accompany him to heaven' Yamdoot replied that his brother could accompany him to the heaven provided he donated all his virtues to him' Vikundal agreed to donate his virtues to his elder brother or the sake o his liberation' 0his wayF both /hrikundal and Vikundal attained to the heaven'
+'6'& /heshnag narrates the 0ales o /ri "amaAs "eturn rom Lanka
(nceF /ages reMuested /utDi to describe about /ri "amLs return rom Lanka' /utDi narrated the same taleF which /heshnag had once told Vatsyayan'/heshnag said??A ter the killing o demon king "avanF /ri "am appointed Vibhishan as the king o Lanka' )e then decided to return to Ayodhya on :ushpak?VimanF which Vibhishan had presented to him' )e along with /itaF LaHmanF /ugreev and )anuman boarded the aircra t and lew towards Ayodhya'0he earth looked beauti ul rom such a high altitude and /ri "am was continuously describing about the importance o various places over which the aircra t lew' As the aircra t was about to enter the airspace o
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
AyodhyaF /ri "am recogniCed BharatF who was living at 4andigram at that time' Bharat had vowed not to enter Ayodhya till the return o /ri "amF hence he stayed at 4andigram situated at the outskirts o Ayodhya awaiting /ri "amLs return' )e led an austere li e as the result o which he had become weak and eeble' (n seeing BharatF /ri "am instructed )anuman to in orm him about his ("amLs) arrival' )anuman went to the hermitage o Bharat and in ormed him about /ri "amLs arrival' BharatLs Doy knew no bound and he eHpressed his desire to reward )anuman or bringing such auspicious news' Bharat then accompanied )anuman and went to meet /ri "am'/ri "amLs heart was illed with grie when he saw BharatF who looked like a hermit in his LValkalL and LKaupinL' (n the other hand Bharat cursed himsel or being the cause o /ri "amLs miseries' Bharat asked or /ri "amLs orgiveness and said???L( Lord$ You had to go into eHile only because o me' 1 can never be absolved o my sin'L /ri "am consoled him and a ter taking Bharat into his embrace enMuired about his wel are' )e told Bharat that he had to undergo the su erings o eHile because o his own destiny'LYou are not at ault' DonLt curse yoursel or my misery'L said /ri "am' At last all o them including Bharat boarded :ushpak Viman and the aircra t took? o or Ayodhya'<ontinuing with /ri "amLs taleF /heshnag said??8hen /umanth brought the news o /ri "amLs arrival at AyodhyaF people danced in DoyF :reparations started being made or /ri "amLs grand reception' 0he whole city o Ayodhya was decorated with rows o lighted lamps' /ri "am and /ita alighted rom the :ushpak Viman and both o them were carried in a palanMuin to the palace' :eople stood in Mueues on both sides o the road with olded hands' /ri "am blessed them by raising his hand'>irst o all "am went to meet Kaikayi who was ull o remorse and guilt' /ri "am consoled her and then went to meet /umitra to pay his obeisance to her' At lastF he went to meet his own mother??KaushalyaF who was dying to see him' Kaushalya blessed /ri "amF /ita and LaHman' Bharat then instructed the royal astrologers to decide upon an auspicious moment or /ri "amLs coronation' 0hus /ri "am became the king o Ayodhya' During his reign peace and prosperity prevailed everywhere' :eople were virtuous and there was no sign o sin'
Lord Vishnu assured them by saying ??? R1 shall take incarnation as "am at a place called Ayodhya' :resentlyF Ayodhya is being ruled by
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
DashrathF who inspite o having three MueensF does not have any son' 1 shall mani est mysel as "am' DonLt worry$ 1 shall eliminate the menace called "avana'R /age Agastya also told /ri "am that "avana belonged to the caste called LBrahmrakshasL' 0his wayF /age Agastya a ter having inished his narration looked at /ri "am anticipating urther Mueries'
with no other option but to ight' A tremendous battle was ought between them' /hatrughan released volleys o arrow towards Lav but all o them were neutraliCed by him' >or a brie time /hatrughan lost his consciousness' A ter regaining his consciousnessF he aimed his most lethal weapon towards Lav' 0he arrow hit Lav and he ell down unconscious' LavLs companions went and in ormed /ita about the whole incident' Kush came orward to ight against /ri "amLs army' 8hen he reached the battle ield he saw Lav who was held captive by the enemyLs armyLs' By that timeF Lav had regained his consciousness and a ter seeing Kush he somehow managed to ree himsel rom the clutches o his captors' 4owF both the brothers launched a ierce attack on the enemy' 0he whole army o /ri "am started running helter and shelter' 1t did not take much time or Lav and Kush to vanMuish the whole army' All the great warriors like )anumanF /ugreevaF :ushkalF Angad Veermani and even /hatrughan were either held captive or inDured in the battle'Both the brothers astened )anuman and /ugreeva with ropes and took them to /ita' /ita immediately recogniCed )anuman and /ugreeva' /he instructed both her sons to set them ree as well as the horse' Lav and Kush ollowed the instruction o /ita and released everybody rom their captivity' /ita then whispered???L*ay all the dead soldiers become alive'L )er words came true and all the dead soldiers became alive once again' /hatrughan regained his consciousness too'
had become a horse due to DurvasaLs curse' LLater on /age Durvasa had mercy on me and assured that 1 would regain my human orm by the divine touch o /ri "am'L )aving said this the man attained to the heaven' 1n course o time /ri "am organised two more Ashwamedha yagyas and his glory reverberated through all the three worlds'
+';'& Badrik?Ashram
(nceF on being asked by the sages about the greatness o BadrikasharamF /utDi narrated the same taleF which Lord /hiva had once told sage 4arad ??? Lord *ahadeva had told 4arad that altogether there were one lakh and twenty? ive thousand mountains and Badrikashram was supreme among them' Lord *ahadeva said???Badrikasharam is the abode o Lord 4ara? 4arayan' 4arayan??the origin o all creations has our arms and his compleHion is dark' 4arayan mani ests himsel in both orms??/akar as well as 4irakar' )e is the eternal :urusha and is worshipped by people during the ull period o %ttarayan' /ince Badrikashram is covered with snow during the period o DakshinayanF 4arayan is not worshipper during these siH months' All the deities dwell at Badrikasharam' 0he sages live in their hermitages at Badrikasharam' "iver Alaknanda lows at Badrikasharam' Anybody taking a dip in the holy water o Alaknanda becomes liberated rom his sins'
mere sight o a Vaishnava is enough to liberate a sinner rom all his sins' >eeding a Vaishnava bestowes virtue eMuivalent to eeding thousand o ordinary Brahmins'
+';'; 1ndraprastha
0he sages enMuired rom /utDi about the holiest city situated on the banks o river yamuna' /utDi narrated the tale which /age /aubhari had once told Yudhishthir???(nceF 4arad and :arvat were travelling through an aerial routeF while they were lying over Khandav orestF they were lured by the beauti ul sight o river Yamuna' 0hey decided to take rest or a while' Both o them descended down and entered river yamuna to take their bath'*eanwhileF King /hibi who ruled over %shinar saw them' )e eagerly waited at the bank o Yamuna' 8hen 4arad and :arvat emerged out o the yamunaF they ound king /hibi eagerly waiting or them' *eanwhile king /hibi had noticed the remains o numerous Lhavan?kundasL (oblation?altars) spread in a large area' A ter the ormal eHchanges o pleasantaries were overF King /hibi asked 4arad about those havan? kundas' 4arad replied??During ancient times 1ndra had per ormed numerous Yagyas at this place to eHpress his gratitude to Lord VishnuF with whose blessings he had regained the heaven rom the clutches o )iranyakashipu' 1n course o timeF this place became amous as 1ndraprastha' 0his sacrosanct place is holier than all the holy places combined together' 1ndraprastha is spread in the area o one yoDan rom east to west and our yoDans rom north to south'
Durvasa was the son o /age Atri' (nceF he went to 1ndraloka to see 1ndra' At that timeF 1ndra was planning to go out somewhere' Durvasa presented a garland o :ariDat lowers to 1ndra' 1ndraF a ter receiving the garland rom Durvasa kept it carelessly on the orehead o his elephant?.ravat' 0his garland was trampled under its eet by the elephantF which in uriated /age Durvasa' )e cursed 1ndra by saying???1mmense prosperity has made you arrogant' But you will become a pauper within a very short time' DurvasaLs words came to be true and 1ndra ound that not only the heaven but all the three worlds had become bere t o goddess LaHmi' :rosperity vanished and poverty prevailed everywhere'0he deities became worried and went to take the help o Lord Brahma' Lord Brahma took the deities to Lord Vishnu' Lord Vishnu became pleased with their eulogy and said ?? 1 will take incarnation as Kurma' 1 the ocean were churned with the help o *andarachal mountain and VasukiF then goddess LaHmi would mani est hersel ' 1 shall hold the *andarachal mountain on my back'0his way the churning o ocean commenced' 0he *andarachal mountain was uprooted and placed inside the LKsheer?/agarL and which rested on the back o Lord Kurma' 0he serpent??VasukiF was held by deities and demons on both the ends' >irst o all the most venomous poison??Kalkut emerged rom the ocean' /eeing both the deities and demons unwilling to accept it' (Lord /hiva) drank it'
A ter the emergence o KalkutF goddess Daridra and Varuni mani ested themselves' /imilarlyF .ravat? elephantF %chchaishrava?horseF DhanvantaariF /urabhi??cow and :ariDat? tree emerged rom the ocean'%ltimatelyF goddess LaHmi mani ested hersel ' 0he deities reMuested her to dwell in the heart o Lord Vishnu and bless all the three worlds by her presence' -oddess LaHmi agreed and blessed them'
1ndra the Lord o all the three worlds' Lord Vishnu promised that he would take incarnation as Vaman'1n course o timeF Aditi became pregnant and ultimately gave birth to Lord Vaman' Lord Vaman appeared in the orm o a LBrahmchariL' )e wore a deer??/kin and carried a stick and a LmekhalaL in both his hands' Lord Vishnu enMuired the deities about the uture course o action' 0he deities in ormed him that Bali was busy per orming a yagya and he would not turn down any demand made to him because i he did so there was a ear o loosing all his virtues attained by the per ormance o the yagya' Lord Vaman went to the oblation site where Bali was per orming a yagya and demanded a small piece o land measured by his three steps' Bali agreed to meet the demand o his guest inspite o /hukracharyaLs warning'Bali resolved to donate land by holding holy water in his palm' 4owF Lord Vaman abandoned his dwar ish orm and appeared in a giant orm' )e measured the whole earth by his irst step' Lord Vishnu then measured the whole sky by his second step' 0he helpless Bali agreed to donate all the three worlds to protect his vow'%ltimatelyF Lord Vishnu sent Bali to the "asatala and thus 1ndra became the ruler o heaven once again'
Dasharath had come to attend the marriage ceremony accompanied by Bharat and /hatrughan' Bharat was married to *andavi while /hatrughan married /hrutkeerti' *eanwhileF on learning that /ri "am had broken /hivaLs bowF :arshuram arrived there and challenged himF but ultimately :arashuram realiCed about the divinity o /ri "am and accepted his superiority'At lastF /ri "amF LaHmanF Bharat and /hatrughan returned to Ayodhya alongwith their respective consorts'
>eeling pity on her conditionF Valmiki took her to his hermitage where /ita gave birth to Lav and Kush' *eanwhile /ri "am decided to per orm Ashwamedha yagya at the bank o river -omati' ButF since the yagya could not have been accomplished without /itaF there ore he per ormed the rituals seated beside a golden idol o /itaF 1n the mean time Valmiki arrived thereF accompanied by /ita' )e reMuested /ri "am to accept /itaF vouching or her chastity'/ri "am told Valmiki??L1 am con ident o /itaLs chastity but she will have to prove her chastity or the satis action o common people'L /ita was deeply hurt by /ri "amLs unkind remarks' /he said??L*ay mother earth swallow me i 1 ever had thought about any man other than my lord /ri "am'L )ardly had /ita inished her lines than the earth cracked and /ita vanished into that crevice' /ri "amLs heart was illed with remorse but thinking that it was perhaps in his destiny to live in separation with /itaF returned to Ayodhya accompanied by Lav and Kush' 1n course o timeF KaushalyaF /umitra and Kaikeyi le t or heavenly abode' /ri "am continued to rule Ayodhya or &5F555 more years' (ne dayF Kala (death) arrived and reminded /ri "am that the time had arrived or him to leave his mortal body' *eanwhile LaHman became aware o /ri "amLs decision o leaving his mortal body' )e gave up his li e by taking samadhi in river /aryu' /ri "am could not bear the sorrow caused by LaHmanLs bereavment' )e appointed Lav and Kush as the kings o Dwarawati and Kushawati respectively and decided to leave or heavenly abode' /ri "am entered the water o river /aryuF lowing at the distance o three yoDans rom Ayodhya'
+';'&6 /ri Krshna %ar,ati re8uested "ord Mahade,a to narrate the di,ine ta)es of Vasude,a Krishna1 "ord Mahade,a rep)ied44Vasude, /as the descendant of *adu1 His father /as De,ameedha1 He /as married to De,a2i44 the dau'hter of U'rasena1U'rasena a)so had a mi'ht* son named Kansa1 Kansa /as e9treme)* affectionate to/ards his sister De,a2i1 After her marria'e( /hi)e De,a2i /as 'oin' to her husband:s house on a chariot bein' dri,en b* Kansa( sudden)* a hea,en)* ,oice /as heard1 :Kansa( *ou /ou)d meet death at the hands of De,a2i:s ei'hth son1: Kansa became ,er* scarred and /anted to 2i)) his sister then and there1 But( Vasude, re8uested Kansa to spare De,a2i:s )ife and promised to hand o,er an* chi)d that she 'a,e birth to1 Thus Kansa imprisoned both Vasude, and De,a2i1&n course of time( De,a2i 'a,e birth to se,en sons and Kansa 2i))ed each of them1 "ord Sri Hari manifested himse)f /hen De,a2i concei,ed for the ei'hth time1 &t /as the month of Shra,an and the da* /as :Krishna4ashtami: /hen Sri Hari too2 his incarnation at midni'ht1 Soon after ta2in' his incarnation he 'a,e a ')impse of his di,ine form to Vasude, and De,a2i1 $n the instruction of Sri Hari( Vasude,a carried the infant to !and:s house1 He had no prob)em in mo,in' out of the prison as a)) the 'uards had fa))en as)eep due to the i))usion of Sri Hari1 $n seein' the s/ift currents of o,erf)ooded *amuna( Vasude, became /orried1 But the )e,e) of ri,er +amuna receded as soon as Sri Krishna touched the ri,er /ith his feet1 Sheshna' protected Sri Krishna from hea,* rain /ith his thousand hoods1 6hen Vasude, reached !and:s house he found that !and:s /ife44 +ashoda had 'i,en birth to a bab* 'ir)1 +ashoda /as s)eepin' at that time and Vasude, had no prob)em in e9chan'in' Sri Krishna /ith that bab* 'ir)1 Vasude, then returned to the prison and )aid do/n the bab* 'ir) beside De,a2i1
0he baby?girl started crying and the guards immediately woke up' 0hey in ormed Kansa about the birth o DevakiLs eighth child' Kansa tried to kill that baby girl by smashing her headF but she escaped rom his hands and lew up in the sky' /he thundered???LYour death is certain as your assasin has already taken birth'L Kansa was terri ied at the prospect o his death' )e instructed his soldiers to kill all the in antsL whereever they were to be ound in his kingdom' )e also ordered the release o Vasudev and
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
DevakiF as there was no point keeping them in captivity'*eanwhileF /ri Krishna grew up under the guardianship o 4and and Yashoda' (ne day Kansa sent a wicked ogress named :utna to kill /ri Krishna' :utma had applied poison on her breasts and tried to kill Krishna by breast? eeding him' /ri Krishna sucked her breast with such erocity that she died' 0husF /ri Krishna gave the irst glimpse o his divinity to the inhabitants o VaDra'/ri Krishna accomplished many such divine deeds during his childhood' )e grew up to be a mischieveous child and used to play numerous pranks on the ellow -opis' )e used to steal their butter and curd' (ne dayF all the -opis complained to Yashoda about /ri KrishnaLs misdeeds' Yashoda became angry and tied him with a wooden?mortar in order to prevent him rom troubling the -opis' /he then placed that mortar between two trees so that Krishna could not move' ButF /ri Krishna toddled away uprooting both the huge trees' (nceF a demon named Bakasur disguised himsel as a huge heron and tried to kill /ri Krishna' ButF /ri Krishna hit him with a stone with such orce that he met an instant death'0his way /ri Krishna had killed many erocious demons while he was still a small child' /ome o them well Kaliya??the serpent etcF DhenukasurF ArishtF Keshi etc' A signi icant incident had occurred during KrishnaLs childhood' :eople o VraDa were devotees o 1ndra and used to worship him' /ri Krishna stopped this tradition and encouraged people to worship -ovardhan mountain' 1ndra became eHtremely urious and caused incessant rain or one week' /ri Krishna protected the people by li ting -ovardhan mountain and shielding them rom the continuous downpour'At lastF 1ndra accepted de eat and eulogiCed /ri Krishna'
+';'&; Killing o Kansa Continuin' /ith the di,ine ta)es of Sri Krishna( "ord Mahade,a to)d %ar,ati446hen Kansa fai)ed in his repeated attempts to 2i)) Sri Krishna( he instructed :A2rura: to in,ite both Krishna and Ba)aram to Mathura on the prete9t of attendin' a ceremon* ca))ed Dhanush4*a'*a1 Kansa had p)anned to 2i)) Sri Krishna b* deceitfu) means1A2rura /as a 'reat de,otee of Sri Krishna and /as a/are of Kansa:s e,i) intentions1 But( he had no other option but to fo))o/ the command of his master4Kansa1 So( A2rura /ent to Vraja /here Sri Krishna and Ba)aram used to )i,e1 Sri Krishna and Ba)aram /ere de)i'hted to meet A2rura1 After the forma) e9chan'e of p)easantaries( Krishna too2 A2rura to his home1 A2rura con,e*ed the instructions of Kansa to !anda and re8uested him to send both Sri Krishna and Ba)aram to Mathura1 A2rura said44:Sri Krishna is the incarnation of "ord Vishnu and Kansa /i)) be 2i))ed b* him1:!anda and +ashoda /ere re)uctant to send Sri Krishna to Mathura but Sri Krishna con,inced them( U)timate)*1 A2rura returned to Mathura accompanied b* Krishna and Ba)aram1 The peop)e of Vraja became sad /hen the time for Krishna:s departure to Mathura arri,ed1 6hen A2rura reached Mathura accompanied b* Sri Krishna and Ba)aram it /as a)read* e,enin'1 Sri Krishna sa/ a d*er /ith co)ourfu) appare)s 'oin' to/ards Kansa:s pa)ace1 Sri Krishna p)a*fu))* demanded some set of c)othes from that d*er /hich he refused to 'i,e1 Sri Krishna /as infuriated and s)apped him so hard that he started ,omitin' b)ood1 &n a short time the d*er /as dead1 Sri Krishna and Ba)aram chose some beautifu) set of c)othes for themse),es and proceeded to/ards the pa)ace of Kansa1 After sometime the* met a croo2ed /oman carr*in' :sanda)4/ood4paste:1 Sri Krishna demanded some sanda) /ood paste from her( /hich she 'a,e /ithout an* hesitation1 Sri Krishna b)essed that croo2ed /oman as a resu)t of /hich she /as cured of her ph*sica)44deformit*1 At )ast( both Sri Krishna and Ba)aram reached the ob)ation44site /here :Dhanush4*a'*a: /as suppossed to be performed1 Sri Krishna )ifted the di,ine bo/ 2ept there and bro2e it into t/o pieces16hen Kansa )earnt that the di,ine bo/ had been bro2en( he ordered Chaanur to 2i)) Krishna in a /rest)in'4bout1 Kansa a)so fortified his pa)ace b* positionin' /i)d e)ephants and mi'ht* /arriors at a)) the entrance4 points1Sri Krishna and Ba)aram spent the ni'ht at the ob)ation4site1 &n the mornin' both of them
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
proceeded to/ards the pa)ace1 Sri Krishna found an e)ephant named Ku,a)*apeeda standin' at the main entrance of the pa)ace1 He 2i))ed that ferocious e)ephant /ithout much difficu)t*1
/ri Krishna and Balaram then entered the gymnasium where wrestling?bouts were supposed to take place' All the demons those who had witnessed /ri Krishna killing that huge elephant without any problemF became terri ied and led away rom the gymnasium' /ri Krishna and Balaram entered the chamber o Kansa' Kansa became terri ied and ordered his trusted lientenants??<hanur and *ushtik to kill Krishna'<hanur con ronted /ri Krishna while *ushtik ought a duel with Balaram' %ltimatelyF both the demons were killed a ter a ierce duel' 4owF Kansa was le t all aloneF /ri Krishna pulled Kansa rom the throne where he was sitting and slapped him so hard that he ell down on the ground' 0he inDury proved to be atal and as a result Kansa died' Balaram also killed KansaLs younger brother whose named was /unama' A ter killing KansaF Krishna and Balaram went to meet their parents??Vasudev and Devaki' 0hey also reed their maternal grand ather? %grasena who had been imprisioned by Kansa' At last they appointed %grasena as the king o *athura'
+';'&= #arasandh
#arasandh was the ather?in?law o Kansa' 8hen he learnt about KansaL death he surrounded *athura with a huge army' /ri Krishna was well aware o #arasandhLs might and bravery' )e was also convinced that it would not be easy to de eat #arasandh' /oF he remembered Daruk??his eternal charioteer and sought his help' Daruk appeared with a divine chariot named /ugreeva??pushpak' 0he chariot was well armed with all the divine weapons o lord Vishnu' /ri Krishna and Balaram then entered the battle ied mounted on that divine chariot' A ierce battle was ought between /ri Krishna and #arasandhLs army' #arasandh covered Krishna chariot with his various weapons but /ri Krishna destroyed them with his L<hakraL' /ri Krishna then destroyed #arasandhLs army by showering volley o arrows rom his amous bow??/harang' /eeing the death and destruction in his armyF #arasandh came orward to ight Balaram' Balaram attacked #arasandh with his dangerous weapon??)ala (plough) and destroyed his chariot' #arasandh ell down on the ground and as Balaram was about to kill him /ri Krishna reMuested Balaram not to kill #arasandh' A ter being de eatedF #arasandh sought the help o KaalyanF who had a large army' Kaalyavan agreed to help #arasandh and surrounded *athura with his army' "ealiCing that *athura was no longer a sa e place to liveF /ri Krishna shi ted the whole population o *athura to Dwarka and went to ight Kaalyavan' 0he battle continued or a long period and a ter realiCing that it was not easy to de eat his enemyF /ri KrishnaF ran towards the cave where L*uchkundL had been sleeping since many past eras' *uchkund was blessed with a boon according to which any person upon whom he put his glance a ter woking rom his sleep would die' Krishna hid himsel behind *uchkund' KaalyavanF who was chasing KrishnaF entered the cave and kicked *uchkund' *uchkund opened his eyes and saw Kaalyavan' Kaalyavan was burnt to ashes' 0his wayF /ri Krishna was able to de eat his power ul enemy by his cleverness'
Balaram'/ri Krishna reached Vidarbha on the same dayF "ukmini was supposed to marry /hishupal and abducted her to Dwarka' #arasandh and "ukmi chased KrishnaLs chariot but Balaram de eated #arasandh while /ri Krishna astened "ukmi with the chariot' /ri Krishna also shaved o "ukmiLs hairF which illed him with so much o shame that he decided not to return to Vidarbha'A ter reaching DwarkaF /ri Krishna married "ukmini on an auspicious day'
+';'&, /ri KrshnaAs Bueens Continuin' /ith the di,ine ta)es of Sri Krishna( "ord Mahade,a to)d %ar,ati44Sri Krishna had =@ thousand 8ueens amon' /hom Sat*abhama( Ka)indi( Mitra,inda( etc1 /ere prominent1Kin' Sattajit had a price)ess diamond named44S*amanta2( /hich he had presented to his *oun'er brother44%rasena1 Sri Krishna /as fascinated b* that diamond and demanded it from %rasena( /hich he refused to part /ith1 $ne da*( Sri Krishna a)on'/ith %rasena and other *ada,as /ent into the forest for huntin'1 6hi)e chasin' a deer( %rasena seceded from his 'roup and /as 2i))ed b* a )ion1 The )ion too2 the diamond and started p)a*in' /ith it1 &ncidenta))*( 5amba,an44/ho had once fou'ht a)on' /ith Sri Ram a'ainst Ra,ana( sa/ the )ion p)a*in' /ith the diamond1 He 2i))ed that )ion and too2 the diamond in his possession1 6hen Sri Krishna returned to D/ar2a( he /as surprised b* a stran'e rumour( /hich per,aded the /ho)e cit*1 Some peop)e suspected that Sri Krishna had 2i))ed %rasena for the diamond1Sri Krishna /as ,er* much distributed b* this base)ess rumour1 To c)ear the doubts( he /ent into the forest accompanied b* a)) the residents of D/ar2a and sho/ed the dead bod* of %rasena( /hich /as sti)) )*in' there1 6hen peop)e sa/ the muti)ated corpse of %rasena( /hich bore mar2s of the )ion:s c)a/s and canines( the* became con,inced of Sri Krishna:s innocense1 6hi)e returnin' bac2 to D/ar2a( Sri Krishna sa/ an effu)'ent ca,e1 Sri Krishna /as ,er* surprised and /anted to find out the source of )i'ht1 He entered the ca,e and sa/ %rasena:s diamond han'in' on top of a crad)e( in /hich a chi)d /as )*in'1 A /oman /as sin'in' a )u)ab* so that the chi)d fa))s as)eep444:The )ion 2i))ed %rasena /hi)e 5amba,an 2i))ed the )ion and ac8uired this diamond from its possession1 $ chi)dA Don:t cr* as this price)ess diamond be)on's to *our father1:Sri Krishna furious)* b)e/ his conch1 5amba,an came out from the ca,e after )istenin' to the sound of the conch1 A fierce due) too2 p)ace bet/een them( /hich continued for ten da*s1 At )ast( 5amba,an rea)iBed that the person a'ainst /hom he /as fi'htin' /as none other than Sri Ram himse)f1 5ambha,an then 'a,e his dau'hter445amba,ati to Krishna in marria'e and 'a,e )ot of /ea)th as do/r* inc)udin' that :S*amanta2: diamond1 Bhadraraj had three dau'hters44Su)a2shamana( !a'najiti and Sushee)a1 Sri Krishna had married a)) three of them in a :S/a*am/ara:1 This /a*( Sri Krishna had a)to'ether ei'ht prominent 8ueen consorts44Ru2mini( Sat*abhama( Ka)indi( Mitra,inda( 5amba,ati( !a'najiti( Su)a2shamana and Sushee)a1
0here lived a mighty demon named 4arakasur' )e had de eated the deities and snatched the divine earrings o Aditi??the mother o deities' )e had created an aerial city in which he lived alongwith other demons' 0he deities went to /ri Krishna and sought his help' /ri Krishna lew up in the sky mounted on the back o -aruda' /atyabhama was also accompanying him' /ri Krishna was amaCed to see the well orti ied palace o 4arakasur' 8hen the demons saw /rikrishnaF they attacked him but /ri Krishna challenged them by blowin his conch' 4arakasur came orward to ight /ri Krishna' A ierce battle took place in which /ri Krishna broke 4arakasurLs bow with his arrows' %ltimatelyF /ri Krishna was success ul in killing 4arakasur' /ri Krishna then returned the whole wealth to the deitiesF which 4arakasur had looted rom them' )e also liberated siHteen thousand women whom 4arakasur had imprisoned' A ter being liberated all the women accepted /ri Krishna as their husband'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
+';'+5 0he Decline o the Yadu Dynasty %ar,ati /as )istenin' to the di,ine ta)es of Sri Krishna /ith rapt attention1 "ord Mahade,a to)d %ar,ati44 :%aundra2 /as the 2in' of Kashi1 He did an austere penance for t/e),e *ears to p)ease me1 6hen & appeared before him( he re8uested me to ma2e his appearance )oo2 )i2e Sri Krishna1 & b)essed him /ith an appearance simi)ar to that of Sri Krishna1 %eop)e became confused as to /ho the rea) Krishna /as1 $ne da*( !arad arri,ed at Kashi and casti'ated %aundra2 b* sa*in' that his intention of befoo)in' peop)e /ou)d not meet success as )on' as rea) Krishna /as a)i,e1 %aundra2 /ent to D/ar2a /ith a )ar'e arm* and cha))en'ed Sri Krishna for a due)1 Sri Krishna se,ered the impersonator:s head /ith his cha2ra1 Mean/hi)e( 5arasandh continued to torment the *ada,as1 Sri Krishna decided to sett)e the matter for once and a))1 He ad,ised Bheema to cha))en'e 5arasandh for a /rest)in'4bout1 5arasandh and Bheema fou'ht ,a)iant)* for ;C da*s1 6hi)e both of them /ere fi'htin'( Sri Krishna si'na))ed Bheema to tear apart 5arasandh:s thi'hs1 After the 2i))in' of 5arasandh( Sri Krishna re)eased a)) the 2in's /ho had been imprisoned b* him1 After the 'reat /ar of Mahabharat had ended( +udhishthir decided to perform a Rajasu*a4*a'*a at &ndraprashth1 Sri Krishna a)so /ent there to b)ess the %anda,as1 Shishupa) /as a)so present at the ceremon*1 He had an o)d 'rud'e a'ainst Sri Krishna and started abusin' him1 &nitia))* Krishna tried to o,er)oo2 his abuses but /hen situation /ent be*ond repair Sri Krishna se,ered his head /ith his cha2ra1
Dantavaktra attacked *athura to avenge the death o /hishupal' A long battle was ought at the bank o river yamunaF which continued or many days' %ltimatelyF /ri Krishna was success ul in killing Dantavaktra with his mace' 0here was a childhood riend o /ri Krishna whose name was /udama' )e was a poor brahmin' (nceF he went to meet /ri Krishna' /ri KrishnaF being an incarnation o the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
almighty immediately understood the precarious situation his poor riend was living in' )e blessed /udama as a result o which he got rid o his poverty and became prosperous' /ri Krishna had one crore sons rom his siHteen thousand Mueens' :radyumna was his eldest son' 0he yadavas dominated the whole earth and had become arrogant a ter being intoHicated by their power' 0here is an interesting tale how this power ul yadava dynasty met their down all ?? (nceF some young yadavas played a prank with /age KanvaF which caused the down all o the Yadavas' (ne dayF some Yadva children went at the bank o river 4armada where sage Kanva was doing penance' /amba was one o those Yadava children' )e disguised himsel as a pregnant woman by keeping a pestle under his clothes' All the yadava children then went near /age Kanva and asked him as to when was the pregnant woman supposed to deliver a child'/age Kanva uriously cursed them that the whole clan o yadavas would be liMuidated because o that very pestle' All the children were scarred and told /ri Krishna about the mistake they had made' /ri Krishna ordered that the iron pestle be crushed to powder and be thrown into a pond' ButF that was not the end o the matterF as long reeds grew all around the pond' 0he reeds had very sharp edges' A ish swallowed a small part o that iron pestle and was subseMuently caught by a owlerF who retrieved that iron?piece rom the ish and iHed it on the top o his arrow' 1n course o time all the Yadavas developed enemity among themselves and killed each other with those sharp?edged reeds' (nceF /ri Krishna was taking rest under the shade o LKalpaL tree' 0he owler mistook his pink oot to be that o a deer and pierced it with his arrow' 8hen the owler arrived at the spot he ound /ri Krishna in an inDured condition' 0he owler regretted his action and begged or /ri KrishnaLs pardon' /ri Krishna consoled the owler by saying that he had committed no crime' *eanwhileF Daruk arrived there on his chariot' /ri Krishna instructed Daruk to call ArDuna as soon as possible' ArDuna arrived at the site within a short time' /ri Krishna told ArDuna??L0he time or my inal departure has arrived' :lease call all my eight Mueen consorts'L ArDuna rushed towards Dwarka to summon the Mueens but /ri Krishna had already le t or his heavenly abode be ore he could come back with the Mueens' ArDuna in ormed the Mueens about /ri KrishnaLs inDury' 1n a short time the news spread like a wild ire and all the residents o Dwarka rushed towards the site o incident' A ter reaching thereF the eight Mueen consorts o Krishna ound that their beloved husband had already departed' All o them gave up their lives and united with /ri Krishna' 0he great Yadavas like VasudevF %grasena and Akrur ollowed suit' Balaram could not bear the sorrow caused by /ri KrishnaLs separation and he gave up his li e' )is wi e??"evati entered the burning pyre with her husbandLs body in her lap' /imilarly all the rest o /ri KrishnaLs amily members like "ukmiLs daughterF :radyumnaF %sha and Aniruddha le t or heavenly abode' ArDuna per ormed the last rite o all the dead Yadavas'.ventuallyF Dwaraka got submerged into the ocean' 0husF /ri Krishna a ter having liberated the earth rom all the sinners le t his mortal body' A ter completing his story Lord *ahadeva told :arvati that /ri Krishna takes incarnation whenever there is predominance o sin or sinners' )e also revealed to her that /ri Krishna would incarnate as Kalki at the ag end o Kalkiyuga to liMuidate the LmlechchhasL'
scriptures like /hrutiF /mritiF Vedas etc' )e should chant the shlokas o :urush?/ukta as well as the cryptic mantra or the accomplishment o L/hodashopacharL' )e should light a ghee lamp and make o erings o articles like camphor and betel leaves to Lord Vishnu' 8hile making o erings in the sacri icial? ireF chanting o a shloka either rom :urushsukta or /hrisukta is madatory' 0here are some speci ic days which are considered to be specially auspicious or the worship o lord Vishnu??AmavasyaF /aturdayF /olar eclipseF lunar eclipse etc'
+';'++ Lord Vishnu ! 0he Almighty -od Describin' about the superiorit* of "ord Vishnu amon' the trinit* 3ods: Sa'e Vashishth narrated the fo))o/in' ta)e44Durin' ancient times( S/a*ambhu,a manu had once 'one to Mandaracha) mountain to perform a *a'*a1 Man* scho)ars and )earned men had come to attend that *a'*a1 Ver* soon( the* 'ot into a debate as to /ho /as the supreme amon' a)) the deities1 Some of them eu)o'ised the 'reatness of Brahma( /hi)e some said that )ord Shi,a /as the 'reatest of a)) the deities1 Dai)in' to come to an* conc)usion a)) of them re8uested Sa'e Bhri'u to find out as to /ho /as the 'reatest amon' the trinit* 3ods1 Sa'e Bhri'u /ent to meet "ord Shi,a at Kai)ash mountain1 He sa/ !andi standin' 'uard at the main entrance1 Sa'e Bhri'u arro'ant)* ordered !andi to inform "ord Shi,a of his arri,a)1 !andi refused to comp)* /ith Bhri'u:s command1 Sa'e Bhri'u cursed "ord Shi,a b* sa*in'44+our master4 Shi,a( /ou)d bear the conse8uences of sho/in' disrespect to me1 Drom toda* on/ards peop)e /ou)d ma2e offerin's of forbidden artic)es to him1: Sa'e Bhri'u then /ent to meet "ord Brahma1 After reachin' Brahma)o2a( he made sa)utations to )ord Brahma1"ord Brahma a)so did not 'i,e an* respect to Sa'e Bhri'u and ne')ected him1 Sa'e Bhri'u became furious and cursed "ord Brahma444:Bein' into9icated b* *our Rajo'una( *ou ha,e sho/n disrespect to me1 Drom toda* on/ards peop)e /i)) not /orhsip *ou1: Sa'e Bhri'u then /ent to meet "ord Vishnu at his abode4 Ksheersa'ar1 He did not ha,e an* prob)em in reachin' the p)ace /here "ord Vishnu /as ta2in' rest on Sheshna'( en'rossed in his *o'anidra1 3oddess "a9mi /as pressin' Vishnu:s )e's /ith tota) de,otion1 Sa'e Bhri'u 2ic2ed "ord Vishnu on his chest1 "ord Vishnu /o2e up and seein' sa'e Bhri'u said444:$ 3reat BrahminA +our tender foot must ha,e 'ot hurt because of m* chest( /hich is as hard as Vajra1 Ho/ b)essed & am to ha,e been touched b* a brahmin:s foot1: "ord Vishnu 'ot up and eu)o'ised Sa'e Bhri'u1 This 'esture of "ord Vishnu made Sa'e Bhri'u cr* in jo*1 !o/( he /as con,inced as to /ho /as the supreme amon' a)) the three deities1Sa'e Bhri'u returned to Mandaracha) mountain /here a)) the sa'es /ere an9ious)* /aitin' for him1 He dec)ared44
LLord Brahma is the possesser o "aDogunaF while Lord /hiva possesses tamoguna' (nly Lord Vishnu is the proud possessor o /atvaguna and hence )e is the supreme among all three o them'L A ter inishing his taleF /age Vashishth told the sages that anybody who worships Lord Vishnu with complete aith and total devotion become liberated rom all his sins' A devotee o Lord Vishnu attains to Vishnu Loka a ter his death'
+';'+3 :arashuram
Describing Lord VishnuLs incarnation as :arshuramF Lord *ahadeva told :arvati??/age #amadagni came rom the lineage o Bhrigu' )e had pleased 1ndra by his tremendous penance and received /urabhi cow in return' 1n course o time he married the daughter o king "enuk whose name was "enuka' A child was born to themF who was named L"amL by /age Bhrigu' 0he child was also known as L#amadganyaL because o #amdagni' A ter growing upF "am became pro icient in all the scriptures' )e also mastered various weaponaries' (ne dayF the king o )aihaya named ArDun arrived at the hermitage o #amadagni' /age #amdagni treated the king with due honour and respect' )e presented numerous gi ts to the king' ArDun wanted nothing else but the /urabhi??cow
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
rom /age #amdagni which he was unwilling to part away with' %ltimatelyF ArDun orcibly took away the divine cow' 0he cow was unwilling to go alongwith ArDun and she attacked his army with her sharp horns' As a resultF ArDunLs whole army was liMuidated within no time'0he revenge ul ArDun killed #amadagni' At the time o this incident' "am was not present in the hermitage' "am wanted to avenge his atherLs death and did a tremendous penance to please Lord Vishnu' Lord Vishnu became pleased by his devotion and presented many divine weapons to him' 0he weapons included the amous aHe??:arshu and Vaishnav?bow' A ter acMuiring :arshu rom Lord VishnuF "am became amous as :arshuram' )e had vowed to kill all the KshatriyasF which he did onlyF the clan o 1kshavaku was spared by him as he had promised his mother that he would not harm 1kshavaku and his clan' A ter reeing the earth rom the terror o KshatriyasF :arshuram per ormed an Ashwamedha yagya and donated his whole kingdomF to the brahmins' )e then went to do penance at the hermitage o 4ar?4arayan'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
3 .ishnu Purana
0his :urana has = <hapters (= :arts) as ollowsK :art &K Describes the creation o the universeF birth o the gods and the demonsF :ralayaF churning o the seaF tales o the devotee DhruvaO killing o )iranyakashipu etc' :art +K <ontains the description o :riyavrataAs sons and Bharat dynasty' 1t also has a geographical description o #ambu dweepF Bharat varshF /hatdweepF :atal (the hades)F the sun and the planetsF chariot o the sunF origin o the -anges etc' :art 3K <ontains a detailed description o *anavantarasF KalpaF Veda VyasaF religion and the caste system etc' 1t also has a description o the origin o Buddhism' :art 6K (rigin o Brahmanand Daksha etc' Birth o :ururavaF marriage o Balarama with "evati' Birth o 1kshavaku' Kukutstha dynasty' 0ale o Yuvanashva and /aubhari' /arpvinasha mantra' A 4arayana dynastyF Birth o /agar' Ashwamedha by /agar' Descendence o the -anges through the penance o Bhagirath' Birth o Lord "ama' Yagya o VishwamitraF birth o /itaF tales o <handra dynasty' Abduction o 0araF (rigin o AgnitrayoF birth o Dhanvantri and his clan' 8ars with the demonsF clan o 4ahushF tale o YayatiF Yadu dynasty' Birth o Kartveerya ArDun' 0ales o KrishnaAs birthF marriage o Krishna with #ambvanti and /atyabhama' /alvation o /hishupaal' (ver population o Yaduvanshis' Birth o Karna and his ind him by Adhirath' #anameDaya dynasty and origin o Bharat' <lans o #ahnu and :andu' <lan o :arikshit and royal dynasties o the uture' >uture generation o 1kshvaku dynasty' >uture generation o Brihad dynasty' >uture generations o :radyot dynasty' Kingdom o 4and' Advent o Kali Yuga and description o royal dynasties o Kali Yuga' :art ;K *arriage o Vasudev and Devaki' 1ncarnation o Lord Vishnu to kill Kansa' Arrival o Yagmaya in Yashoda womb and o the Lord in DevakiAs womb' Birth o Lord KrishnaF carrying o Krishna to -okulF Dialogue o *ahamaya with KansaF acMuiring o de ensive stance by Kansa' "eleasing o Vasudeva and Devaki' Killing o :utana' Killing o /hakat' 4aming o Krishna and Balarama' )umiliation o Kaliya' Killing o DhenukasuraF killing o :ralambF description o estival devoted to 1ndraF worshipping o -ovardhanaF arrival o 1ndraF killing o Arishtakasura' Arrival o 4arad in KansaAs court' Killing o KeshiF Arrival o Akrur in Vrindavana' Arrival o Lord Krishna in *athura' Lord KrishnaAs mercy on KubDa' Arrival o Lord Krishna in amphi?theatre and killing o Kansa' <oronation o %grasenaF bringing o /udharma in *athuraF de eat o #arasandhaF birth o KalayavanF killing o Kalayavan' Vrindavan tour by BalaramaF getting o Varuni by Balarama' Abduction o "ukmaniF abduction o :radyumnaF getting o :radyumna by *ayavatiF killing o /hambar by :radyumnaF killing o "ukmi by BalaramaF getting o siHteen thousand Mueens by Lord Krishna' Abduction o :ariDat' >ight with 1ndra' Begging or pardon by 1ndra' *igration to DwarkaF bow battle' 0elling o dream by %shaF abduction o AniruddhaF ight with Lord /hivaF amputation o Bana by Lord KrishnaF killing o KashiraD :aundraka' :utting o Varanasi on lames' Abduction o Lakshmana' :resentation o /amb be ore the sages as an eHpecting mother' (rigin o pestle' Destruction o Yadu vansha' Ascendence o Lord Krishna to heavenF beginning o Kali YugaF preaching o ArDun by Vyasa' <oronation o :arikshit' :art =K Description o religion in Kali Yuga' Description o the importance o Kali YugaF /hudra and women olk by Vyasa' Description o Kalpa' Description o a day o Brahma' :osition o Brahma in :ralaya' 4atural disasters' Di erent kinds o sorrows' 0orturing in hell' Awakening o BrahmaF :reaching o Yoga' 0ale o KeshidhwaDa' Killing o the religion and the cow' )olding o counsel by Khandikya' /el knoweldge' "idicules o body?spiritualism' Buerries o Yoga' Brahmagyana (Vedas)' <oncepts o tangible?intangible appearances o -od' /alvation o Khandikya and KeshidhwaDa' .Hcellence o Vishnu :urana' Virtues o Lord VishnuAs names' "esults o hearing LordAs name'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
ego' 0husF the ten deities who rule ten sense organs and the eleventh entity mind are /attvic in nature' /kinF eyesF earsF nose and tongue? these ive organs aid the mind in its unction' ( *aitreya$ AnusF seH organsF handsF legs and speech organs are the ive organs that help in action' 8orks like eHcretionF reproductionF movement and speech are carried out with the help o these ive organs' All the ive elements like skyF airF ireF water and earth are ull o emotions' )enceF they are also known to have a special signi icance' All these elements have di erent and distinct powers' 8ithout their combinationF creation o the universe was impossible' 1n the beginningF all these elements were present in the great ball or eggF which came into eHistence because o the inspiration o the Lord' As this ball increased in siCeF it ormed the base as :rakriti in whichF Lord Vishnu )imsel entered as )iranyagarbh' 8hen the universe comes into eHistenceF Lord Vishnu osters it till the end o Kalpa' At the end o KalpaF Lord Vishnu )imsel devours the entire physical elements in "udra appearance' During that timeF )e inundates the entire universe and )imsel sleeps on /hesha in Ksheersagar' 8hen he awakes once againF )e begins the process o creation in the appearance o Brahma'
camelF pony rom )is ageF chestF mouthF belly and eet respectively' >rom the innumerable body hair o the LordF ruitsF lowers and herbs were produced' >rom )is east? acing headF Lord produced -ayatri mantraF "igvedaF and Yagyas' >rom )is south? acing headF )e produced YaDurveda' >rom west? acing headF )e produced /amaveda and rom )is north? acing headF )e produced Atharvaveda'
:ashupatiF BheemaF %gra and *ahadev' Brahma also iHed /uryaF waterF earthF airF ireF skyF Dikshit (graduate scholar) Brahmin and the *oon )is abode' /ince thenF all these things idolise /hiv' 0hese eleven idols o /hiv have wives like /uvarchalaF %shaF VikeshiF AparaF /hivaF /wahaF Disha and "ohini' /hanaishcharF /hukraF LohitaangF *anoDavF /kandF /argF /antaan and Buddh are the sons o these idols respectively' "udra )imsel got /atiF the daughter o Daksha :raDapati as )is wi e' /ati had committed sel ?immolation because o the disrespect that her ather had shown or her husband' 1n her neHt birthF she had appeared as :arvatiF the daughter o )imalaya and *aina' :arvati too got married to /hiv' Khyaati got married to Bhrigu and gave birth to two sons Dhata and Vidhaata and a daughter Lakshmi' Lakshmi then married Lord Vishnu' *aitreya says ? R( sage$ 1t is heard that Lakshmi was produced rom Ksheersagar during the churning o the sea but you say that Lakshmi was the daughter o Bhrigu and Khyaati' )ow is it possibleNR :arashar says? R( great Brahmin$ Lakshmi who never separates rom the Lord is )ersel eternal like )im' But stillF as you have eHpressed your doubtF 1 will narrate you the real story'R 0he amous short?tempered sage Durvaasa is a partial incarnation o /hankar' (ne dayF he was wandering on the earth when all o a suddenF he happened to see an eHtremely divine beauty' /he was wearing a garland o beauti ul lowers' 0he sage reMuested the beauty to give him that garland' /he presented the garland respect ully to the sage' 0he sage adorned the garland on his head and began to wander again' "ight at that momentF he saw 1ndra riding on Airaavat and going somewhere in the procession o the gods' 1nstinctivelyF sage Durvaasa put that garland around the neck o 1ndra but 1ndra removed it and put it on AiraavatAs head' Airaavat pulled the garland with his trunk and smashed it on the ground' 0his whole seMuence o events in uriated Durvaasa who cursed 1ndra' R( 1ndra$ You are so inebriated with your luHuries that you dared to insult my humble gi t' )enceF all your splendour shall be destroyed' You will lose all your wealth'R 1ndra at once descended rom the elephant and began to reMuest sage Durvaasa' Durvaasa said? R1ndra$ >orgiveness has no place in my personality' /oF all your repenting is meaningless'R /aying thisF sage Durvaasa departed rom the scene and 1ndra to le t or Amravati' Very soonF the curse began to show its in luence' 8ith the loss o 1ndraAs luHuriesF all the verdancy on the earth too began to wane' )ermits too began to give up Yagyas' All the human beings began to be guided by greed and gave up pious virtues' And at a place where pious virtues have no roomF Lakshmi too doesnAt stay there' /he made her abode in the abysmal depth o the sea' Very soonF the demons launched an attack on the gods and drove them out o heaven' 1ndra along with other gods approached Brahma and told him the whole thing' Brahma suggested them to take re uge at Lord Vishnu' )e assured them also that Lord Vishnu would de initely protect them' Brahma even accompanied the gods to Lord Vishnu' 0hereF they together prayed Lord Vishnu and intimated )im about their ordeal' :leased by their prayersF Lord Vishnu appeared be ore them and said? R1 will de initely help you regain your splendour' :resentlyF do what 1 say' You reconcile with the demons and convince them to carry out the churning o the sea' 0hen bring all kinds o herbs and put them in the sea' 8ith the help o the demons and using *andaraachal as churner and VaasukiF the 4aag as the rope to carry out the churning o the sea' 0husF you will recover ambrosia drinking whichF all o you will become immortal and regain your strength'R >ollowing the advice o Lord VishnuF the gods reconciled with the demons and convinced them to carry out the churning o the sea' 0hey together procured all kinds o herbs and put them in the sea' 0hen they began the churning using *andaraachal *ountain' As soon as the churning beganF *andaraachal began to sink' Lord Vishnu took incarnation o Kachchhap (the great tortoise) and bore the weight o the mighty mountain on )is back' During the churningF KamadhenuF the wish ul cow was the irst to emerge' 1t was presented to the sages as an aid or their Yagyas' 1t was ollowed by the damselF VaaruniF Kalpavriksha (the wish ul tree) a ter whichF beauti ul elves appeared' 0he *oon ollowed the elves and was taken up by /hiva on )is orehead' During the churningF huge Muantity o poison had also emerged' 1t was drunk by Lord /hiva and some parts o it were taken up by the serpents' 1n the endF Dhanvantari himsel emerged rom the sea carrying the urn o ambrosia' 1t was during the churning itsel that Lakshmi appeared once again rom the sea holding lotuses in her hands' All the sages prayed her' 0hen taking bath with divine waterF goddess Lakshmi took her seat in the heart o Lord Vishnu' 8hen the demons saw that Lakshmi had chosen Lord VishnuAs heart as her abodeF they got perpleHed' 0hey at once snatched the urn rom Dhanvantari and ran away' 0hen a row broke out among them over the drinking o
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
ambrosia' .ach o the demons wanted to drink ambrosia in maHimum Muantity' *eanwhileF Lord Vishnu also arrived there in the guise o an eHtremely pretty woman *ohini and took possession o the urn' *ohini had pleased the demons with her sweet smile while distributing ambrosia among the gods' 0husF the gods came to drink ambrosia' 8hen at lastF the demons realised that they had been cheated they immediately attacked the gods' But since the gods had regained their strengthF they soon de eated the demons without much ado' A terwardsF the gods prayed Lord Vishnu and returned to heaven to rule it' 0he world also regained its verdancy' A ter regaining his splendourF com orts and luHuries o the heavenF 1ndra prayed goddess Lakshmi with devotion and respect' :leased by the prayers o 1ndraF Lakshmi asked him to seek a boon' 1ndra said? R( goddess$ 1 you are pleased with meF kindly bless me with a boon that irst you will never desert this world and also that you will never desert those who worship you with this prayer'R Lakshmi granted these boons' 0husF Lakshmi had appeared as the daughter o Bhrigu and his wi e Khyaati' 0hen second timeF she emerged rom beneath the sea during its churning' 0husF whenever Lord Vishnu takes an incarnationF Lakshmi accompanies )im' 8hen -od appears in divine ormF she too takes a divine appearance' 8hen -od appears in human ormF Lakshmi appears in human orm also'
*arichi said?R( prince$ 4obody can attain such an unparalleled position without the worship o -ovind (an epithet o Lord Vishnu)F so you also worship that eternal /upreme Being'R Atri said? R)e who is ar above the tangible can only satis y )im and bring you that supreme position'R Angira said?R-o and worship -ovind who holds the entire universe within )im'R :ulastya said?R.ven the wretched people attain the rare salvation worshipping )ari'R :ulaha said?R-o and worship that Vishnu worshipping whom even 1ndra attained the position o the godsA king'R Kratu said? R-o and worship #anardana who is supremeF who is deity o the Yagyas and Yagya )imsel 'R Vashishta said?R( son$ You will attain whatever you wish by worshipping Lord Vishnu'R Dhruv said ? R( sages$ At my prayers all o you told me about whom 1 should worship' 4ow kindly tell me what should 1 do to please the Lord'R 0he sages said? R1t is imperative or a personF who wishes to worship Lord Vishnu that irst o allF he should eHpel all other menial thoughts rom his mind and replace them with the contemplation Lord alone' ( prince$ 0hus concentrate on that omnipotent eternal Lord with the mantra ? G(* 4A*( B)A-8A0. VAA/%D.VAAYA ' Your grand ather /wayambhu *anu had himsel recited this mantra during the previous age and had received the per ection o his desire rom the Lord' /o you too go and recite the same mantra in order to please Lord Vishnu'R
%ltimately pleased by the severe penance o DhruvF Lord Vishnu appeared be ore him in his ormal our?armed orm and said? RDhruv$ *ay it all be well or you' 1 am very much pleased with you'R )earing these words Dhruv opened his eyes and to his amaCement ound Lord Vishnu standing be ore him' >or a moment he did not believe his eyes' /tanding be ore him was the same Lord Vishnu whom he used to see in contemplation' >or a momentF Dhruv orgot how to pray -od' )e then took re uge o -od and said? R( Lord$ 1 you are pleased with meF kindly bless me with power to pray you' *y mind is eHhilarated with devotion or you' 1t wishes to pray you'R )earing these words the Lord touched Dhruv with )is conch and as soon as it happenedF an unbinding stream o devotional prayer sprang rom DhruvAs mouth' At the completion o the prayer Lord Vishnu said? R( son$ Your penance succeeds with my sight but my presenting a sight should also not go waste' /o seek a boon o your desire'R Dhruv said? R( Lord$ 4othing is hidden rom your divine sight' 1 started this severe penance out o desperation caused by the harsh words o my stepmother' /he had ridiculed my insistence o playing in my atherAs lap saying that as 1 was not born to herF 1 had no right to the kingAs love' )enceF ( Lord$ 1 wish to attain such a position that could be the base o the entire universe'R Lord said? R( son$ You were born in a Brahmin amily in your previous birth' 0hen you had pleased me by your abidance to the religion' You were also a riend o a prince and wished to enDoy the same royal luHuries that your riend was enDoying' You had in act wished to be a prince' )ence ( son$ You are born as a prince in this birth' 1t is rare to get a place in the lineage o /wayambhu *anu' But this honour has no value or a devotee like you' ( son$ 1 will de initely accord you the position that is eHcellent among all the three worlds' 1n uture you will be the base o all the planets and all the constellations' 1 grant you a iHed position that is ar above the /unF the *oonF the planetsF constellationsF /aptarishis and all the gods who ly about in divine aircra t' Besides itF you will stay there or a complete Kalpa whereas even the gods do not stay in their position more than a single *anvantara' Your mother /uniti too will come to stay with you as a bright star or the same period o time' 0here she will stay on an aircra t' :eople will see you with aith or you will show them the right direction'R 0hus receiving a boon rom Lord VishnuF Dhruv occupied a iHed position in the northern sky' .ven the sage like /hukracharya praises Dhruv that how ortunate he is'''' that even /aptarishis go around himN 0hat pivotal position o Dhruv would continue even in the ages to come'
0he sages then churned the thighs o issue?less king and produced an ugly black man' )e was eeling eHcited and asked the sages what he should doN 0he sages asked him to 4ishid (sit down)O hence he came to be known as 4ishaad' )is progeny came to be known as 4ishaadgana' Appearance o 4ishaad did away with all the sins o Ven' 0he sages then churned VenAs right hand and produced prowessive :rithu whose body was radiating like ire' As soon as he appearedF bow and arrow and shield o Lord /hiva descended rom heaven and all the subDects elt eHtreme Doy' 8ith the birth o such a pious sonF Ven attained a position in the heaven' >or the coronation o :rithuF Brahma himsel had appeared there with the water rom all the rivers and oceansF all kinds o gems and along with all the deities' :resence o chakra in right hand o :rithu pleased Brahma' 0his chakra o Lord Vishnu is present in the hands o eHtremely dominating kings' /uch a king remains una ected even by the gods' 0hus occupying the royal throneF King :rithu was a boon or his subDects' )e was so religious that the seas and mountains paved way or him' )is lag always remained resh and new' .ven there was no need to sow the seedsO the earth hersel provided all the cereals' <ows gave milk spontaneously and every lea o all the trees in the kingdom was ull o honey' 1mmediately a ter his appearanceF King :rithu organised a grand Yagya' At the time o /omabhishek (bathing with grape?wine) during the YagyaF a man and a woman appeared rom the earth' 0he sages advised them to pray King :rithu' 8ith olded hands they asked that the king had arrived moments be ore them' )is reputation had not spread ar and wide' 8hy should then they pray such a kingN 0he sage said that they should pray the king or the great achievements he would attain in uture' King :rithu thought that it was because o merits that a man becomes praiseworthy' G)ence 1 will do eHactly the same things that this couple would recite during the prayersA thought the king' 0hus during the later courseF king :rithu planted those virtues irmly in his conscience and ruled the earth' During his ruleF he per ormed many great Yagyas' During the anarchy o his atherAs regimeF all the vegetation had been destroyed rom all over the earth' 0here was nothing or the subDects to satis y their hunger with' /oF they approached him and said? R( great king$ Due to the anarchy o your atherAs regimeF the earth had annihilated all the cereals within her' Your subDects have no choice but to starve' Kindly protect us rom this condition'R :itiable condition o the subDects in uriated king :rithu' 0aking the divine weapons o Lord /hivaF he ran a ter the earth' 1n guise o the cowF the earth ran in all the three worlds but wherever she went she ound :rithu still chasing her' 0hus shivering with earF she ultimately appeared be ore him and said? R( king$ DonAt you see the sin in killing a helpless woman'R :rithu said? R1 killing a wretched person bene its scores o other peopleF there is no sin doing so'R 0he earth said? RYou want to kill me in the interest o your subDects but think what will be the base o the subDect thenNR :rithu said? RYou need not worry about that' 1 will mysel support my subDects'R 0hese words rightened the earth' /he greeted the king and said? R( king$ All the tasks started with a distinct purpose reach their completion success ullyF so 1 am telling you a way out o the present condition' Do thenF as you desire' 1 can give out all the herbs and cereals that 1 have annihilated in the orm o milk' /oF or the bene it o the subDectsF kindly produce such a cal or which 1 can give milk spontaneously with motherly eelings' You then provide me with a plain sur ace everywhere so that 1 can produce milk that is the seed o all the cereals and herbs'R King :rithu then uprooted many great mountains with his bow and arrow and stowed them at a single place' Be ore that there was no distinct demarcation o villageF townsF cities etc' because o the plain sur ace o the earth and there was no distinct seMuence o cerealsF cowsF agriculture and trade' All this systems started rom the time o :rithu' /ince then people began to populate those parts o the earth that were plain' >or the bene it o his subDectsF King :ritu himsel milked all the cereals rom earth making /wayambhu *anu a cal ' 1t is the cereals that still sustain the entire population o the world' /ince then King :rithu came to be known as the ather o earth because he had spared her li e'
King :rachin Barhi married again with /avarnaO the daughter o /amudra and they together produced ten sons' All o them were known as :rachetas who were eHpert in the art o archery' All o them observed serious penance under the sea or &5F555 years' *aitreya says? ( great sage$ Kindly narrate to us the reason or which :rachetas observed severe penance under the sea' :arashar says? (nce by the inspiration o BrahmaF King :rachin Barhi asked his sons :rachetas to continue the progeny in an honoured way' :rachetas agreed to obey the dictate o their ather but they asked? ( ather$ Kindly narrate to usF what should we do to enable ourselves so that we could carry out the process o reproduction' King :rachin Barhi said that worship o Lord Vishnu was the only thing that enabled a person to achieve his desired obDectives' )e dictated his sons to worship Lord Vishnu' 1t was by the dictate o the ather that all the ten :rachetas observed severe penance or ten thousand years under the sea' At the end o their penanceF /hri )ari appeared be ore them radiating with blue light like a reshly bloomed blue lotus' Accepting the greetings o the :rachetasF Lord Vishnu asked them to seek a boon' :rachetas then told the dictate o their ather' Lord granted their boon' 0herea ter all the :rachetas re?emerged rom the waters'
passed nine hundred and seven years siH months and three days' )earing thisF the sage began to curse himsel that he was so sunk in the carnal pleasure with the el that he even orgot the time' )e also began to ret that his whole penance had been brought to nought' 0hus cursing himsel F the sage also scolded the el and asked her to leave his hut at once' R0he el was shivering in ear while her whole body was drenched in sweat' 8hen she le t the hermitageF she wiped her sweat with the leaves o the trees' 8hile having carnal pleasure with the sageF :rabhalocha had conceived' )er oetus also ooCed out in the orm o sweat and was collected on the leaves' 0he wind brought the di erent parts o the oetus together while 1 nourished it with my rays' 0hus the oetus grew sa ely and ultimately took birth as a girl childF *arisha' 0he trees will present you that same girl as your wi eRF said /oma' (n the other hand a ter his penance was disturbed sage Kandu migrated to :urushottam region (modern #agannath?:uri) and began his penance a resh to please Lord Vishnu' 0ale o *arishaLs previous birth *arishaF daughter o sage Kandu and :rabhalocha was a Mueen in her previous birth' /he had lost her husband without having any child' /he had then pleased Lord Vishnu with her devotion' 0he Lord had then asked her to seek a boon' /he said? R( Lord$ )aving been widowed at a young ageF 1 eel that my li e has gone utile' 1 am very un ortunate' )ence ( Lord$ *ay 1 have by your graceF a virtuous husband like you and sons like :raDapati in my neHt birth' *ay 1 take birth not rom the body o my mother' Lord Vishnu said? RAll your wishes shall come true in your neHt birth' You will have ten prowessive and popular husbands' 8ith their helpF you will give birth to :raDapati whose progeny will populate all the three worlds' You will take birth not rom your motherLs body still you will be unmatched in beauty'R 0husF coerced by /omaF :rachetas dropped their angry stance and accepted *arisha as their wi e' >rom the parts o :rachetasF *arisha gave birth to Daksha :raDapati who had emerged rom Brahma earlier' >ollowing the dictate o BrahmaF Daksha :raDapati produced di erent kinds o living beings as his children' >irst o allF he created women olk rom his mind' )e got ten o those women married to Dharma' 0hirteen women were married to Kashyap while twenty?seven were married to <handrama' All the godsF demonsF 4agasF cowsF birdsF -andharvasF ApsarasF giants etc' are the progeny o those i ty women' *aitreya says? R( great sage$ 1 want to hear the tale o origin o the godsF the demons and all other creatures in detail'R :arashar says? RDaksha created the sagesF -andharvasF demonsF and serpents rom his mind irst' But none o those creatures could continue the progeny' /oF with an intention o producing his progeny through carnal unionF Daksha married AsikniF the daughter o another :raDapati' Daksha and Asikni together produced ive thousand sons' All o those sons were eager to continue the process o reproduction when Devarshi 4arad approached them and said? R( children$ 1t appears rom your action that all o you are eager to begin the process o reproduction right now' But be ore you do anythingF kindly listen to what 1 say' All o you are so ignorant that you do not know anything about the earth' )ow then will you carry out the reproductionN Look$ You can move anywhere in the universeF so why donLt you go and see the end o the earthNR 0hus motivated by 4aradF all the ive thousand sons o Daksha dived into the sea and never returned therea ter like a river annihilates in the ocean' Daksha then married Vairuni and produced one thousand sons' 0hey also intended to carry out reproduction but were misguided by 4arad' 0hey too ollowed the ootsteps o their elder brothers' Learning about the ate o his sonsF Daksha cursed 4arad' 0hen Daksha and Vairuni gave birth to siHty daughters' 0en o them were married to DharmaF thirteen to KashyapF twenty?seven to /omaF our to Arishtnemi and two to Angira and Krishasva each' ArundhatiF VasuF YaamiF LambaaF BhaanuF *arutvatiF /ankalpaF *uhurtaF /aadhya and Vishwa were the wives o Dharma' Vishwa gave birth to VishwadevaF
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/aadhya to /aadhyaganaO *arutvaan was the son o *arutvati' Vasu gave birth to eight Vasus' Lambaa gave birth to -hoshaF Yaami to 4aagveethi whereas Arundhati gave birth to all other creatures that dwell on earth' /ankalpa produced /ankalp that is omnipresent resolution' 4ames o the eight Vasus were AapF DhruvF /omaF DharmaF AnilF AnalF :ratyush and :rabhas' VaitandF /hramF /hant and Dhvani were the sons o Aap' All annihilating Kaal was the son o Dhruv' Varcha was the son o /oma' DravinF )utaF 1tyavarF /hishirF :ran and Varun were the sons o Dharma' *anoDav and Avigyaatgati were the sons o Anil' /harastambF /haakhF Vishaakh and 4aigmeya were the sons o Anal' :ratyush had a son Deval' Vatstree the sister o Brihaspati was the wi e o :rabhas' 0hey had Vishwakarma as their son' Vishwakarma himsel had our sons? ADaikpadF AhirbudhanyaF 0washtaF and "udra' 0he great penancer Vishwaroop was the son o 0wasta' ( great sage$ )arF BahuroopF 0reyambakF AparaDitF VrishakapiF /hambhuF KapardiF "aivatF *rigvyadhF /harpa and Kapaali are the eleven "udras' /age Kashyap had thirteen wives? AditiF DitiF DanuF ArishtaF /urasaF KhasaaF /urabhiF VinataF 0aamraF KrodhavashaF 1raF Kadru and *uni' 4ow listen to the description o their progenies' During the previous *anavantarF there were twelve gods named 0ushit' At the end o the *anavantarF they met together and said? R( brothers$ Let us now enter the womb o Aditi and take birth as the gods again in Vaivasvat *anavantar'R 0husF VishnuF 1ndraF AryamaF DhataaF 0washtaF :ushaaF VivasvaanF /avitaF *aitraF VarunF Anshu and BhagaF these twelve sons o Aditi came to be known as Aditya' 0he twenty?seven wives o /oma gave birth to many talented sons' 8ives o Arishtnemi gave birth to siHteen sons' 0hus in all thirty?three gods including eight VasusF eleven "udraF twelve AdityaF :raDapati and Vashatkar have been described in the Vedas' All o them are capable o taking birth at will' #ust as the /un rises and setsF similarly these gods also appear in di erent Yugas' >rom the part o KashyapF Diti gave birth to two invincible sonsF )iranyakashipu and )iranyaaksh and a daughter /inhika who was married to Viprachiti' )iranyakashipu had our sons? AnuhladF AahladF /ahlad and :rahlad'
)iranyakashipu said? R>ool$ 8ho can be :armeshwar other than meN Do you want to die that you are babbling like thatNR :rahlad said? R( ather$ Your anger is baseless' Lord Vishnu is the creator o all o us including you and me' )e controls our breaths'R 1n uriated )iranyakashipu then ordered the teachers to take :rahlad away at once and wash his brain thoroughly' 0he teachers took :rahlad with them to their -urukula' :rahlad began to concentrate in his studies' A ter many monthsF )iranyakashipu once again called :rahlad to his palace and asked about his learning' (nce againF :rahlad began to praise Lord Vishnu' 0his timeF )iranyakashipu ordered his assassination' )e began to see his son as a threat to his throne' By the orders o )iranyakashipuF many ormidable demons attacked :rahlad with their weapons but :rahlad stood un aCed' )e said? R( ools$ Lord Vishnu is present in youF in me and even in your weapons' *ay your weapons have no e ect on me'R 1ndeedF the weapons o the demons could not even touch :rahlad' )iranyakashipu said? R1 can still pardon your li e provided that you stop praising my opponent'R :rahlad said? R( ather$ 1 ear nothing' By the -odAs graceF 1 am ree rom the ear o birth and death'R )iranyakashipu then got :rahlad thrown amidst venomous snakes' ButF biting by the snakes had no e ect on :rahlad because his mind was contemplating in Lord Vishnu' )iranyakashipu then got :rahlad trampled by big bull elephants' But even elephants could not harm :rahlad' 1nstead their tusks were broken as soon as they touched :rahlad' .ven then :rahlad tried to paci y his ather that it was LordAs strength that protected him every time' :rahladAs teachers who were the sons o /hukracharya then assured )iranyakashipu that :rahlad was having a ickle mind because o his tender age' 0hey also assured the demon king o trans orming :rahlad and took him to their hermitage once again' :rahladAs :reaching But in the hermitageF :rahlad assembled other demon children and said? R >riendsF listen to my preaching care ully and donAt take it or granted because 1 have no personal interest in it' .very living being takes birth and su ers a lot while passing his li e through childhoodF youth and old age' 0he end result o li e is nothing but death' 1t is oneAs Karma that accompany him birth a ter birth' But in every birthF this soul mistakes hungerF thirstF cold or hot or the pleasures' *ore o the luHuries one collectsF more the sorrow increases' Attachment and passion are the greatest cause o sorrow' .ven a ter passing a li e that is ull o sorrowF one su ers the agony o death and rebirth again' 0his whole cycle continues again and again' Lord Vishnu is the ultimate re uge or the soulF which eels drowned in the ocean o sorrow'R DonAt be con used with my young age' 1 am a boy like you' But the soul that stays within me is eternal' 0he soul has no distinct stages in li e' But a human being is in licted with lot o misconceptions' 1n the childhoodF he pre ers to play than contemplating on -od' 1n the youthF lust and carnal pleasures attract the mind' /till a human being doesnAt get serious about his bene it' )e keeps on postponing his spiritual matters or his old age' But in old ageF a human being has no option but to see his trembling ingers and repent about his past' 0hus a human being spoils his whole li e' A wise person hence must ignore the di erent stages o his bodyAs stay on earth and make e orts or his bene it right in his childhood' 8hat 1 have told you is unchangeable act' /tart reciting Lord VishnuAs name or my pleasure atleast' )is remembrance is enough to destroy all the sins' *ay your mind always contemplate on )im day and night' 0hus all your miseries shall come to an end'
)iranyakashipu then ordered the priests who were :rahladAs teachers to invoke the ogress Kritya in order to kill :rahlad' 0he teachers tried to convince :rahlad be ore invoking KrityaR( princeF you are the son o great )iranyakashipu and have taken birth in BrahmaAs lineage' 8hat have you to do with matters like -od and all thatN 0he whole world is dependent on your ather' You should also take re uge o your ather and stop praising his opponent' >ather is revered and even greater than the teachers'R :rahlad said?R( ortunate ones$ 1 know the prowess o my ather' 1 also do not doubt regarding my atherAs reverence and greatness' 1 will not commit any crime against him but kindly listen to me what 1 mean by the endless -od'R R( teachers$ 0here are our attainable goals in oneAs li e' You ask me what have 1 to do with )eF who helps all the human beings to attain these our goals? DharmaF ArthF Kama and *oksha' You are my teachers' You are ree to say anything to me' But within me stays )e who is the creator o allF who is the preserver o all and who is the destroyer o all o us' Kindly orgive me i 1 have committed any thing wrong in your honour'R 0he teachers said?R( oolish boyF we saved you rom imminent death thinking that you are our disciple and that you will not balderdash in uture' But still you speak nonsense' ListenF i you donAt drop your stubbornness weAll have to invoke Kritya the ogress in order to get you slain'R %n aCed :rahlad said that li e and death were immaterial or the soul that protects or destroys itsel through auspicious and inauspicious deeds' )ence one should always strive to behave in an auspicious way' But :rahladAs words urther enraged his teachers' 0hey invoked the ogress Kritya to get :rahlad slain' Kritya hit :rahladAs chest hard with her trident' But as soon as the trident touched his chest it broke into pieces without harming :rahlad' /eeing her attempt ailedF Kritya killed the teachers and disappeared' )is teachersA death caused immense pain or :rahlad' *ourning or their deathF he prayed Lord Vishnu to resurrect them' )earing his prayersF Lord Vishnu once again granted li e to his teachers' 0he teachers got up as i rom a deep slumber' 0hey realised their mistake and blessed :rahlad and resolved never to have hostility against him' 0hen they went to the palace and in ormed )iranyakashipu about all the happenings'
3'&'&3 Description o LordAs Virtues by :rahlad and :rotection o :rahlad by /udarshan <hakra
)earing the news o KrityaAs ailure to kill :rahladF killing o teachers and their subseMuent revival as e ected by :rahladF )iranyakashipu called his son and asked i all those miracles were natural or he knew some magical tricks' :rahlad said? R( atherF neither 1 know any magic nor is the miracle a part o my nature' All these are ordinary things or he who has eternal -od in his heart' 4o one can harm those who never wish ill or the others' All the living beings are eMual or )im' 1n every creatureF 1 see the same Lord Vishnu who is present within meO hence 1 never try to harm him or her' 1 cannot even think o harming anybody' 1t is this eeling that protects me rom every physicalF mental or divinely discom ort'R But these words ailed to please )iranyakashipu' )e ordered his men to throw :rahlad rom a very high ort' .ven this attemptF however ailed to cause any harm to :rahlad or the mother earth took him in her lap tenderly in the midway' /uspecting some illusionary powers helping :rahladF )iranyakashipu ordered /hambarasur to kill him using his illusionary powers' /hambarasur created many illusions to kill :rahlad' But right then Lord Vishnu sent )is /udarshan <hakra to counter those demonic illusions and protect :rahlad' /udarshan <hakra destroyed all the demonic illusions one by one' 0hen )iranyakashipu ordered Vayu to dry up :rahlad to death' 8hen Vayu entered :rahladAs body and began to dry him upF the Lord came to stay in his heart where -od absorbed all the drying e ects o the air thus rendering it weak' A ter all those attempts ailedF :rahlad returned to his teachersA hermitage and resumed his education once again' 0he teachers trained him all the relevant subDects' 0hen they once again took :rahlad to his ather and told him that now his education was over' )iranyakashipu asked? R( son$ )ow should one behave with the othersN 0ell me what have learned so ar' 1 am eager to know your opinions'R :rahlad said?R( atherF indeed my teachers have taught me in di erent subDects' 1 have too learned them with heart' 0hey taught me that diplomatic policies should be applied in order to train riendship' But eHcuse me atherF 1 see no riend or no enemyF so in my opinion these policies are totally irrelevant' 0ell me ( ather what is the use
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
o means when there is nobody to be trained' Lord Vishnu is present everywhere' 1n youF in me and in all other creatures' )ence instead o using in sinisterly actionsF one should use his wits or good and bene it o all'R R( ortunate oneF everybody longs or the throne and a big kingdom' But only those attain these things who really deserve and have them in their destiny' .ven the most inert and imprudent people who are weak and know nothing about the policies get these things because o destiny' )ence all those who wish or splendour must strive to accumulate pious actions' 0hose who long or salvation must strive to acMuire impartial view or all' /uch actions please -od and when )e is pleased all the miseries are attenuated'R )earing these wordsF )iranyakashipu kicked :rahlad hard and ordered his demons to tie him in 4aagpaash and throw into the sea' 0he demons obeyed their master and threw :rahlad into the sea a ter tying him in 4aagpaash' 8ith :rahladAs motion great disturbances occurred in the seaF seeing that )iranyakashipu ordered the demons to cover the sea with huge mountains so that :rahlad could not get a passage to escape' 8hen the demons uprooted huge mountains and put them into the seaF :rahlad began to pray -od with concentrated mind'
1ndra' Kashyap granted her boon but stipulated that she would have such a son only when she observes complete sanctity during one hundred years o gestation period' Diti agreed to abide by the stipulation' 0hen they copulated as a result o which Diti conceived' 8hen 1ndra came to know that Diti had conceived a son who would be able to destroy even him he arrived at KashyapAs hermitage and began to serve Diti with ull devotion' )e had in act arrived there to see i by chance Diti ever violated the stipulation or then he would easily destroy the unborn child without incurring any sin' /ometime be ore the completion o gestation periodF one dayF Diti did violate the stipulation' /he orgot to wash her eet a ter attending natureAs call and retired on the bed' 1ndra was waiting or the moment' )e at once entered DitiAs womb carrying his mace in hand' 0here he broke the oetus into seven pieces but still the oetus survived and began to cry loudly' 1ndra then broke each o those seven pieces into seven pieces more and consoled them not to cry' 0hose orty?nine pieces o DitiAs oetus later on came to be known as *arudgana the assistants o 1ndra'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Among the eight VasusF one was )ima' *erudevi was his wi e' 0hey had a son "ishabh' "ishabh had one hundred sons among which Bharat was the eldest' 8hen he grew oldF "ishabh trans erred the onus o his kingdom on his eldest son Bharat and himsel took to penance in the orest' /ince thenF this landmass that stretches rom the snowy peaks o )imalayas to the splashing 1ndian (cean is known as Bharatvarsha' Bharat had a religious minded son /umati' 1ndradyumna was the son o /umati' 1ndradyumnaAs son was :armeshthi' A ter himF the lineage o :riyavrata continued as ollows? :ratihaar? :ratiharta? Bhava? %dgeeth? :rastav? :rithu? 4aka? -aya? 4ar? Virat? *ahavirya? Dheemaan? *ahaant? *anasyu? 0wasta? ViraD? "aD? /hataDit' /hataDit had one hundred sons whose descendants populated the earth' 0hey divided Bharatvarsha into nine parts'
0owards the east o /umeru *ountain is Bhadrashvavarsha and towards the west is Ketumaalvarsha' *idway between the two is 1laavritvarsha' (n the eastern side o *eru *ountain is the orest o <haitrarath' 1n the south is -andhmaadan and in the west is VaibhraaD and towards the north is the orest named 4andan' *ount /umeru also holds our holy lakes named ArunodayaF *ahabhadraF Asitoda and *aanas' /hitambhF KumundF KukriF *aalyavaanF Vaikank are some o the peaks situated towards the eastern side o /umeru' 0owards the southern side are the peaks o 0rikutF /hishirF :atangF "uchak and 4ishaad' 1n the west are situated peaks o /hikhivaasaF VaiduryaF KapilF -andhmaadan and #aarudhi and in the north are situated the peaks o /hankhkootF "ishabhF )ansF 4aag and KaalanD' Above the mount *eru is situated Brahmapuri o Brahma which has an eHpansion o &6F555 YoDans' 0he -anges that rises rom the eet o Lord Vishnu circles the lunar sphere be ore alling in
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Brahmapuri' 0hence it divides into our rivers? /itaF <hakshuF Alaknanda and Bhadra that low into our directions' 0he landmasses o BharatF KetumaalF Bhadraashva and Kuru appear like lotus lea in shape' Among all the peaks that surround *ount *eru are present beauti ul caves' 0here also eHist beauti ul towns and gardens' 1n these towns are situated beauti ul temples o LakshmiF VishnuF Agni and /urya' "avines o these mountains are populated by -andharvasF "akshasaF Yaksha and Daanavas' Besides themF scores o religious people also live there' Lord Vishnu stays as )ayagreev (human igure with horse head) orm in Bhadrashvavarsha' 1n KetumaalvarshaF )e is in boar orm and in BharatvarshaO )e stays in turtle orm' 1n KuruvarshaF Lord Vishnu stays as ish' 0hus Lord Vishnu is present everywhere' :eople o these eight landmasses are ree rom all kinds o sorrowF painF emotionsF hunger etc' and lead a healthy and rich li e that eHtends up to ten or twelve thousand years' All these landmasses have seven indigenous mountains each rom which hundreds o rivers rise'
"ivers in 1ndia? >rom the )imalayas rise /hatudri (/utleD) and <handrabhaaga rivers' >rom :aariyaatra *ountain rise Veda and /mriti rivers' 4armada and /urasa rivers rise rom Vindyachal' 0aapiF :ayoshani and 4irvindhya rivers rise rom "iksha *ountain' -odavariF Bheemrati and Krishnaveli rivers rise rom /ahaya *ountains' Kritmaala and 0amraparni rivers rise rom *alayaachal' 0risaama and Aryakulyaa rivers rise rom *ahendragiri' "ishikulya and Kumaari rivers rise rom /huktimaan *ountain' All these rivers have scores o other branches and tributaries' >our Yugas namely /atayugF 0retayugF Dwaparyug and Kaliyug descend on Bharatvarsha' 1n BharatvarshaF sages observe penance to attain better li e in another worldF people organise Yagyas and o er donations to the Brahmins respect ully' 1n #ambudweepF Lord Vishnu is worshipped in Yagyas' Bharatvarsha is the land par eHcellence in #ambudweep or it is a land o action' /oul passes through millions o birthsF only then it inds a chance to take birth in Bharatvarsha when its pious deeds accumulate to a certain eHtent' .ven the gods envy those people who take birth in Bharatvarsha' :eople in Bharatvarsha act without a desire to get ruits rom their action' 0hey dedicate their whole action to Lord Vishnu and ultimately mingle with )im'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/haalmaldweep? Vayushmaan was the ruler o /haalmaldweep' )e too had seven sons? /hwetF )aritF #ibhootF "ohitF VaidyutF *aanas and /uprabh' )ence /haalmaldweep was also divided into seven divisions named a ter these princes' A sea o sugarcane Duice surrounds this island' /haalmaldweep has seven mountains which are the source o all the gemstones' /even rivers low in /haalmaldweep' 0hese rivers contain innumerable kinds o medicinal herbs' Lord Vishnu is worshipped there in Vayu orm' Because o the abundance o /emul (silk cotton) treesF this island came to be known as /haalmaldweep' A sea o wine surrounds this island'
Kushdweep? 0he ruler o KushdweepF #yotishmaan had seven sons' 0heir names were VenumaanF VairathF LambanF -hritiF :rabhakar and Kapil' 0he divisions o this island were named a ter them' 0his island too has seven mountains and seven rivers' Lord Vishnu is worshipped here in #anardan orm' Because o abundance o Kusha grassF this island is known as Kushdweep' A sea o ghee surrounds this island' Kraunchdweep? 0he ruler o KraunchdweepF Dyutimaan had seven sons named KushalF *andakF %shnaF :eevarF AndhkaarakF *uni and Dudhumbi' )ence the seven divisions o this island were named a ter these princes' 0his island too has seven mountains and seven main rivers with hundreds o small rivers and tributaries' Lord Vishnu is worshipped here in "udra orm through Yagyas' A sea o whey surrounds this island' /haakhdweep? 0he ruler o /haakhdweep BhavyaF also had seven sons named #aladF KumarF /ukumarF *arichakF KutumodF *audaaki and *ahadrum' )ence the seven divisions o this island were named a ter these princesO this island too has seven mountains and seven holy rivers' Lord Vishnu is worshipped here in /urya orm' Because o an abundance o /haakh treesF this island got its name' A sea o milk surrounds this island' :ushkardweep? 0his is the largest among all the seven islands' 1ts ruler /avan had two sons? *ahavir and Dhaataki' )enceF this island has two divisions? *ahavirkhand and Dhaatakikhand' A huge mountain named *aansotra is situated at the centre o this great island' Brahma stays on a huge Banyan tree in this island' A sea o sweet water surrounds this island'
Beneath the nether worlds is situated an idolised orm o Lord Vishnu' 1t is known as /hesh' .ven the demons and giants cannot describe )is virtues' )e has thousands o hoods each carrying a bright gemstone that illuminates the aCimuths' 1n )is presenceF the demons lose their strength' )is eyes are red and )e wears an earringF crownF garland and blue length o cloth' Bearing the low o -angesF )e stays like the Kailash *ountain' At the end o the KalpF poison emanates rom )is thousands o hoods and destroys all the three worlds taking the orm o "udra named /ankarshan' 4obody can ind the ends o )is virtuesO hence )e is known as Anant'
KrimibhoDanF AsipatravanF KrishnaF LalabhakshaF DaarunF :uyuvahF :aapF VahniDwaalF AdhahshiraF /andanshF KaalsutraF 0amasF AavichiF /wabhoDanF Apratishthit and Aprachi are the main hells' 0hese are all under the domain o YamaraaD'
0hose who give alse witness are thrown into "aurav hell' 0hose who kill unborn babies and cows or destroy the villages all into "odha hell' 0hose who drink wineF kill Brahmin or steal gold all into /ukar hell' 0hose who kill Kshatriya or Vaishya all into 0aal hell' 0hose who copulate with teacherAs wi e or their own sister all in 0aptakumbh hell' 0hose who sell women and horses all in 0aptloha hell' 0hose who copulate with their daughter or daughter?in?law all into *ahaDwaal hell' 0hose who criticise the teachers and the Vedas or sell Vedas all into Lavan hell' 0hose who violate social norms all in Vilohit hell and those who envy the godsF the Brahmins and their parents all in Krimibhaksha hell'
0hose who dine irst even be ore the parentsF the gods and the guests all into Lalabhaksha hell' 0hose who manu acture arrows all in Vedhak hell' 0hose who manu acture swords all in Vishsan hell' BackbitersF killers o riends and sellers o wine all in "udhiraandh hell' Destroyers o Yagya and villages all in Vaitarni hell' 0husF the sinners have to su er scores o tortures in these and many other hells' 0hese sinners a ter passing their lives in the hell take birth as wormsF aMuatic animals and birdsF terrestrial animalsF human beingsF religious people etc' (nly those sinners who do not eHpiate or their sins all into the hell' (ur sages have made provisions o eHpiation or those sinners who eel guilty in their conscience a ter committing their sins' "emembrance o LordAs name is in itsel the greatest eHpiation' "emembrance o LordAs name anytime in li e destroys all the previous sins instantaneously' )ence recitation o VasudevaAs name is sure way o attaining salvation' 0hus those who recite and remember Lord VishnuAs name never all in any hell because their sins have been destroyed' Anything where one eels pleasant is heaven and opposite o it is hell'
0herea ter the nights begin to decrease in comparison o the days' 0hen travelling through AriesF 0aurus and -eminiF the /un enters <ancer to begin its southward Dourney'
0he period o time between the day and night is dusk twilight' At that timeF ormidable demons try to swallow the /un' 0hus they have ierce battle with the /un' 0he recitation o hymns by learned Brahmins during dusk twilight helps the /un regain his lost radiance' 8ith his brilliance then the demons are destroyed' 0hus the /un is a per ect orm o Lord Vishnu' 1t shines with its inner radiance' (mkar is a symbolisation o the /un' 1t is also mandatory or the Brahmins to per orm evening worship' 0hose who do not worship in the evening hurt the /un'
0owards the north o /aptarishi constellationF where polestar is situatedF there is an abode o Lord Vishnu' (nly those sages can reach there who are ree rom aults and whose sins and pious deeds have been attenuated' /upremely brilliant Dhruv stays in the abode o Vishnu' .very other thing is dependent upon Dhruv' All the 4akshatras also depend on Dhruv' (n 4akshatras depend the clouds and on the clouds depends the rain and on the rains depend the nourishment o entire world' 0husF all the other things come to depend upon Dhruv' 0he sacred -anges which is the destroyer o every sin also rises rom the abode o Lord Vishnu' Dhruv bears the -anges on his head' >lowing through the sphere o the *oonF the -anges alls on *ount *eru and lows in every direction to sancti y the entire world' Bathing in the water o the -anges destroys all the sins' ( ering o oblations in the waters o -anges satiates dead ancestors or one hundred years' /tarryF chameleon?like appearance o Lord Vishnu can be seen in the night sky' A polestar is present in its tail' All the other starsF the /unF the *oon and other planets are present on di erent parts o this chameleon and go round the polestar' %ttanpaadAs son Dhruv had pleased this chameleon?like appearance o Lord Vishnu with his penance and sought a iHed position in )is tail' .ven the /un is dependent on Dhruv' 0he /un keeps on evaporating the water or eight months in a year' 0his evaporated water then rains or our months and nourishes the soil and produces di erent kinds o cereals or the nourishment o the entire world' 0he water that is evaporated by the /un also nourishes the *oon' But the *oon itsel does not consume that water' 1nstead it gives that water to the clouds' During winter seasonF this water released by the *oon alls on earth as snow and dew' 0he /un draws water rom Akashganga (the *ilky 8ay) also and causes it to rain on earth at once' 0hat water is so sacred that mere touch o it destroys all the sins' 0he rains that all during 4akshatras like KritikaO "ohiniF Addra etc' come rom the water o Akashganga'
1n the month o BhaadrapadF the /un is known as Vivasvaan' 8ith -andharva %grasenaF sage BhriguF YakshaF AapuranF el AnubhlochaF snake /hankhpaal and the demon Vyaghra as his assistants' 1n the month o AshwinF the /un is known as :usha with -andharva VasuruchiF demon VaatF sage -autamF snake DhananDayF Yaksha /ushen and the el -hritaachi as his assistants' 1n the month o KartikF the /un is known as :arDanya and is assisted by the -andharva VishwabasuF sage BharadwaDF snake AiravatF el VishwashreeF Yaksha /enDit and the demon Aap' 1n the month o *aargsheershF the /un is known as Ansh and is assisted by sage KashyapF Yaksha 0arkshyaF snake *ahapadmaF el %rvashiF -andharva <hitrasen and the demon Vidyut' 1n the month o :aushF the /un is known as Bhaga and is assisted by sage KratuF -andharva %rnaayuF demon / urDaF snake KarkotakF Yaksha Arishtnemi and el :urvachitti' 1n the month o *aaghF the /un is known as 0wasta with sage #amadagniF snake <ambalF el 0ilottamaF demon BrahmopetF Yaksha "itaaDit and -andharva Dhritarashtra' 1n the month o :hagunF the /un is known as Vishnu and is assisted by snake AshwatarF el "ambhaF -andharva /uryavachaF Yaksha /hataDitF sage Vishwamitra and the demon Yagyopet' 0hus having some parts o Lord VishnuAs radianceF these seven ganas stay in the sphere o the /un or one month alternatively' 0hey are also the cause o seasons like summerF winter and rain'
Lord VishnuF who represents energy o this trinityF never rises nor sets' )is Vaishnavi /hakti never parts with the /unAs chariot and stays there irrespective o the changing names o the /un with months' 0husF the /unF which causes the ormation o day and night always satiates :itraganaF Devgana and human beings' (ne o the /unAs rays named /ushumna nourishes the *oon during its brighter phase' 0hen during the darker phaseF the gods drink the phases o the *oonF which are in actF ambrosia accumulated during the brighter phase' 8hen two days are le t or the completion o darker phaseF :itragana drink the remaining two phases o the *oon' 0husF the /un satiates the gods and the deceased ancestors' 0he water that the /un draws rom earth is returned to the earth in the orm o rains' 0his rain all produces cerealsF which nourish the entire population on earth'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
8hen the gods brought even the last drop o nectar rom the *oonF it enters the /unAs sphere' 0hat day is known as Amavasya (moonless night)' 0hat dayF the *oon irst enters the water then the oliage o the treesF creepers etc' and ultimately enters the /unAs sphere' 0hat is whyF anybody who cuts trees or even plucks a lea commits crime eMual to killing o Brahmin' (n the day o AmavasyaF :itragana drink the nectar rom the *oon and eel sated' 0husF *oon sates the gods during the brighter phase and the :itragana during darker phase' 0he *oon also showers its nectar on the treesF creepers and other vegetation' 1t also causes eHhilaration or the human beingsF animalsF birds and creatures like insects etc'
Buddha (*ercury) is the son o the *oon' )is chariot is made o ire and air and is hauled by eight horses o deep yellow colour' 0he chariot o /hukra (Venus) is also very splendid and is adorned by beauti ul lags' *angal (*ars) rides a golden chariotF which is born rom the ire' )is chariot is hauled by eight red horses' Brihaspati rides a golden chariot hauled by eight yellow horses' /hani (/aturn) is amous or slow motion' )e rides a chariot which was born rom the sky' 0he colour o his chariotAs horses is also very peculiar' "ahuAs chariot is brown in colour and is hauled by eight black horses' KetuAs chariot is also drawn by eight horsesF which are red in colour' <hariots o all the nine planets are tied to Dhruv' 0husF all o them traverse the same path again and again year a ter year' /ighting o /hishumaar chakra (constellation path) in the night destroys all the sins that a human being commits during the daytime' 8ater is a tangible orm o Lord Vishnu' .ven the earth was born out o water' /tarsF all the three worldsF orestsF vegetationF mountainsF directionsF riversF sea and entire nature is the orm o Lord Vishnu' 0his vivid nature thus shows omnipresence character o Lord Vishnu'
But the awn could not give up its natural instincts' 8hen it grew upF one dayF it happened to sight a herd o deer and mingled with it to ind a mate o its own choice and since that dayF it never returned to the hermitage' /eparation rom the deer proved atal or the King Bharat' 8hile dying his mind was ully concentrating on the thoughts o the deer which he had ostered with love and care' Because o itF Bharat took his neHt birth as a deer' But still he remembered his past li e' /o he deserted his herd and ound a place in /haalgraam where he passed his time eating dry grass and oliage' 1n his neHt birthF Bharat was born in a cultured Brahmin amily' 1n this birth alsoF he remembered his past lives' /ince birthF Bharat knew all the rituals and scriptures and saw his soul in a transcendental way' )enceF even a ter his thread ceremonyF he did not take up his education' .ven the teachers ailed to incite his interest in education' Bharat roamed here and thereF clad in rags and was hence insulted by ellow Brahmins and village olk'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0hus Bharat remained indi erent to the othersA treatment and sustained himsel on whatever little he got to eat' A ter the demise o his atherF his brothers made him work hard in the ields but gave little to eat' Because o his inertnessF he was known as #adabharat' (ne nightF when #adabharat was guarding his ieldsF the kingAs commander?in?chie F VrishatraaD caught him and took him away' 0he king wanted to sacri ice him be ore goddess *ahakali' But seeing the supreme Yogi being brought as a votive animalF goddess *ahakali eHpressed her wrath by decapitating the king and drank his blood' 1n another incident later onF the king o /auveer was travelling in a palanMuin to visit sage Kapil or religious preaching' 1ncidentallyF one man ell short to carry his palanMuinF so the other carriers saw and caught #adabharat to orcibly engage him in the work o carrying the palanMuin' 8hile walkingF #adabharat was taking care not to put his eet on any creature' /o he was moving very slowly whereas other carriers were walking briskly' As a result o itF the palanMuin was moving Derkily causing irritation to the king' 0he king enMuired the carriers about the reasons o that Derky motion' 0he carriers in ormed him that it was because o the new recruit who is moving very slowly' 0he king shouted at #adabharat? RYou appear to be Muite burly' DonAt you have enough strengthN Does a little work tire youNR #adabharat said? R( king$ 4either 1 am burly nor carrying your palanMuin' 1 am neither tired nor there is any need or me to labour'R 0he king said? RApparently you are burly and my palanMuin is also resting on your shoulder' <arrying a load always tires anybody' )ow are you di erent then rom the othersNR #adabharat said? R( king$ >irst o allF tell meF what do you see directlyN Your saying that 1 am carrying your palanMuin is also meaningless' 4ow listen to what 1 say' Both my eet are resting on the earth' (n the eet are thighsF and on the thighs is bellyF on the belly are chestF shoulders and arms' Your palanMuin is resting on the shoulders' 8hat load am 1 carrying thenN You are in the palanMuin and 1 am on the earth are meaningless words' All the creaturesF you and me are all carried by the ive basic elements' .ven our virtues are controlled by our action' (nly action is born out o ignorance' 0he soul is pureF non?degradableF calmF intangible and beyond all nature' 0his same soul pervades all the creatures' 1t neither grows nor decays' 8hy did you say then that 1 am burlyN 1 this palanMuin that is resting on my shoulders?chest?belly?thighs and eetF could be a burden or meF it could also be a burden or you' Like thisF all the living beings are carrying not only this palanMuin but all the mountainsF treesF houses and even the earth'R /aying thisF #adabharat became silentF still carrying the palanMuin' 0he king at once got down rom the palanMuin and ell at #adabharatAs eet and said? R( Brahmin$ Leave this palanMuin and tell me why have you taken this guise' 8ho are youN 8hat is the reason o your coming hereN 1 am eager to know about you'R #adabharat said? R1 cannot tell what 1 am and or the reason why 1 came hereF 1 can say only that coming and going are all done so that one can eHperience their result' 0he soul takes an incarnation only to eHperience the Doy and sorrow as per its deeds' 8hy are you then enMuiring speci ically about the reason or my coming hereNR 0he king said? R0he soul transmigrates rom one body to another only because o its action' 1 want to hear rom you preaching regarding Gwho am 1 cannot be toldA' ( Brahmin$ 0he soul that is eternal and eHperiences the results o its action is 1' 0his mark o ego is not a cause o demerit in the soul'R #adabharat said? RYou are right that words do not cause any demerit in the soul' But the ego eHpressed in the orm o words is the reason or demerit in soul' 8hen the same and single soul stays in everybodyF possessive words are then meaningless' You are the king' 0his is the palanMuin' 0hey are the carriers and those are the subDects' ( king$ 4one o these words has any meaning' 0his palanMuin is made o the wood received rom some tree' /o tell me what it should be called as? a palanMuin or wood' 4obody says that the king is sitting on a tree' 1t is because o speci ic construction that a heap o wood has assumed the shape o a palanMuin' >or the purpose o actionF the same soul is identi ied
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
physically as a manF a womanF a cowF a goatF a horseF an elephantF a bird or a tree' But in actF the soul is none o them' 0hings like wealthF kingF kingdomF kingAs army and all other things that you possess are not act' 0hey are imaginations' >or the subDectsF you are king' >or the sonF you are ather' >or the wi eF you are husbandF and the ather o her children' ( king$ 0ell meF what should 1 address you asN Are you di erent rom any o these nounsN )enceF always be care ul while considering who am 1N ( king$ 0he soul is so arranged in di erent roles that it is very di icult to tell speci ically its real identity'R
1 the wealth is the goal while it is spent in religious activities' 1 the son is the goalF the ather too might have been a goal or someone' 0husF there is no supreme goal because everything eHists or a time then ceases to eHist' )ence the assumption o any physical thing as a supreme goal is meaningless' And consideration o soul separate rom supreme soul is also utile' 0he soul is oneF all pervasiveF impartialF pureF intangible and transcendental' 1t is ree rom the cycles o birth and death' 1t can neither be created nor be destroyed' 1t is supremely omniscient' 1ts mani estation in di erent li e orms is temporary and identi ication o soul with living beings is baseless' /oul which is present in scores o living beings is basically single and same' (nce one comes to know thisF he doesnAt remain in darkness' Veil o ignorance then parts with him'
"ibhu asked? R 1t appears rom your words that you know everything about your town' Kindly tell me who is the king and who are the subDectsNR 4idaagh said? R0he one who is riding an elephant is the king and those who are ollowing him on the ground are his subDects'R
"ibhu said? R( 4idaagh$ You have shown me the king and the elephant together but did not show their distinguishing symptoms separately' 8ho is the king among them and who is the elephantNR 4idaagh said? R0he one who is above is the king and the one who is beneath is the elephant'R "ibhu said? RKindly elaborate what is above and what is beneathNR As soon as "ibhu inished his wordsF 4idaagh climbed on his shoulders and said? RLookF like the kingF 1 am above you and like the elephantF you are beneath me'R "ibhu said? R1 you are like the king and 1 am like the elephantF kindly eHplain to meF who are you and who am 1NR
4idaagh at once climbed down and ell at "ibhuAs eet and said? R<ertainlyF you are the great sage "ibhu'R "ibhu said? RYesF 1 am "ibhu and 1 have come to preach you out o a ection'R 0herea ter "ibhu preached 4idaagh on the universality o soul and development o impartial view and le t' By his preachingF 4idaaghAs ignorance dispersed and he began to see all the creatures eMual to impartially' ( king$ Like the Brahmin who attains salvation because o impartial viewF you also develop an impartial view regarding soul' 0hen you will not see anyone separate rom you' .verything in this world is a mani estation o soul' :arashar says? R0hus preached by #adabharatF the king o /auveer le t his partial attitude' #adabharat too received salvation when he realised the true knowledge'R
During "aivat *anvantaraF Vibhu was 1ndra' 0here were our categories o the gods namely AmitabhF BhootrathF Vaikunth and /umedha with ourteen gods each' )iranyaromaF VedshriF %rdhvabaahuF VedbaahuF /udamaF :arDanya and *ahamuni were the /aptarishis' >our *anus /warochishF %ttamF 0aamas and "aivat are said to be the direct descendant o King :riyavrat'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
During <haakshush *anvantaraF 1ndraAs name was *anoDav' AapyaF :rasootF BhavyaF :rithuk and Lekh were the categories o gods each with eight deities' /umedhaF ViraDaF )avishmaanF %ttamF *adhuF Atinaama and /ahishnu were the /aptarishis' During the present *anvantaraF the /unAs brilliant son /hraaddhdev is *anu' AdityaF Vasu and "udra are the categories o the gods' 1ndraAs name is :urandar' VashishtaF KashyapF AtriF #amadagniF -autamF Vishwamitra and BharadwaD are the /aptarishis' :resent *anu has nine sons 1kshvaakuF 4rigF DrishtF /harayaatiF 4arishyantF 4aabhaagF ArishtF Karush and :rishadhra'
During the neHt *anvantaraF /aavarni will rule as *anu' /utapF Amitabh and *ukhya will be the categories o gods each with twenty deities' DitimaanF -aalavF "amaF KripF AshwatthamaF "ishishring and my sonF Vedavyasa will be among the /aptarishis' By the grace o Lord VishnuF VirochanAs son Bali will occupy the throne o 1ndra' Daksha /aavarni will be the ninth *anu' During that *anvantaraF :aarF *aarichgarv and /udharma will be the three categories o the gods with twelve deities each' Adbhut will be 1ndra' /avanF DyutimaanF BhavyaF VasuF *eghatithiF #yotishmaan and /ata will be among the /aptarishis' Brahma /aavarni will be the tenth *anu' During that *anvantaraF /udhaama and Vishuddh will be the two categories o gods with hundred deities each' /hanti will be 1ndra' )avishmaanF /ukritF /atyaF 0apomurtiF 4aabhaagF ApratimauDa and /atyaketu will be among the /aptarishis' Dharmasaavarni will be the eleventh *anu' VihangamF Kaamgam and 4irvaangati will be the categories o gods each with thirty deities' 1ndraAs name will be Vish' 4ihsvarF AgniteDaF VayushmaanF -hriniF AaruniF )avishmaan and Anagh will be among the /aptarishis' "udraputra /aavarni will be the twel th *anu' "itudhaama will be 1ndra and )aritF "ohitF /umnaF /ukarma and /uraag will be the ive categories o the gods each with ten deities' 0apasviF /utapaF 0apomurtiF 0aporatiF 0apoghritiF 0apodyuti and 0apodhan will be among the /aptarishis' "uchi will be the thirteenth *anu' /utramaF /ukarma and /udharma will be the categories o the gods each with thirty?three deities' Devaspati will be 1ndra' 4irmohaF 0atvagarshiF 4ishprakamF 4irutsukF -hritimaanF Avyay and /utapa will be among the /aptarishis' Bhaum will be the ourteenth *anu' /uchi will be 1ndra' <haakshushF :avitraF KanishthF BhraaDik and Vaachaavriddh will be the ive categories o the gods' AgnibaahuF /uchiF /hukraF *aagadhF AgnidhraF Yukt and #it will be among the /aptarishis'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
8ith the passing o these ourteen *anvantarasF a Kalpa that comprises o one thousand Yugas will come to an end' 1n /atayugF Lord Vishnu preaches about the metaphysical knowledge in KapilAs incarnation' 1n 0retayugF )e destroys the evil doers and protects the world' 1n DwaparyugF )e divides the Vedas into our divisions' At the end o KaliyugF Lord takes Kali incarnation and inspires corrupt people to religious path' 0husF Lord Vishnu maintains order in all the our Yugas and causes the creationF sustenance and ultimately destruction o the universe'
/age :ail divided "igveda into two divisions and taught them to two o his disciples? 1ndrapramiti and Vaashkal' 1n his termF Vaashkal divided his branch into our sub?branches and taught them to his disciples' 1ndrapramiti taught his branch o "igveda to his talented sonF sage *aandukeya' 0hus branches and sub?branches o "igveda grew substantially' 1n this traditionF /haakalyavedamitra learnt a /amhita and divided it into ive sub?branches' (ne o his disciples named /haakpurn created three /amhitas whereas his another disciple created 4irukta -rantha' Vaashkal created three /amhitas and taught them to KaalaayaniF -aargya and 0athaaDa'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Yagyavalkya said? RLord$ All these Brahmins are eHtremely dull' 1 will alone do away with your sin'R 0hese boast ul words in uriated Vaishampayan' )e said? IYou are insulting these Brahmins so at onceF regurgitate whatever 1 have taught you'R Yagyavalkya said? ILord$ 1 uttered these words out o devotion or you' /till you wish me to regurgitate what you have taught me' )ere it is$ /aying thisF Yagyavalkya vomited out all the /hrutis o YaDurveda' (ther disciples o Vaishampayan pecked them in the orm o partridges' /ince thenF they came to be known as 0aitriya Brahmins' )olding his breathF Yagyavalkya then started the worship o the /un with a desire to regain YaDurveda'
:leased by his prayersF /urya appeared be ore him in horse orm and asked him to seek a boon' Yagyavalkya reMuested /urya to preach him those /hrutis o YaDurvedaF which were not known even to his teacherF Vaishampayan' /urya preached him those /hrutis o YaDurvedaF which were known as Aayaatyaam' 0he Brahmins who read these /hrutis came to be known as VaaDi' 4owadaysF there are i teen sub?branches o these VaaDi /hrutisF which were initially eHpounded by sage Yagyavalkya'
3'3'= 0he Branches o the /ama Veda and the &, :uranas
/age #aiminiF a disciple o VedavyasaF e ected branches o /amaveda' /age #aimini had a sonF /umantu' /umantu in turn had a sonF /ukarma' Both o them studied a branch o /amaveda each' /ukarma divided his branch o /amaveda into sub?branches and taught them to his two disciples? Kaushalya )iranyanaabh and :aushpinDi' )iranyanaabh had ive hundred disciples' %pon receiving the knowledge o /amaveda branch rom )iranyanaabhF these disciples came to be known as :rachya /aamaag' Disciples o :aushpinDi also e ected divisions in /amaveda that they received rom their teacher' (ne more disciple o )iranyanaabh named Kriti taught twenty? our /amhitas o /amaveda to his disciples'
/age /umant taught Atharvaveda to his disciple Kabandh' Kabandh divided it into two parts and taught them to Devdarsh and :athya respectively' A disciple o :athya named /haunak divided his /amhita into two parts and gave one o them to his disciple Vabhru and another to /aindhav' /aindhavAs disciple *unDikesh divided his /amhita into three parts' :resentlyF ive /amhitas o Atharvaveda namely 4akshatrakalpaF VedakalpaF /amhitakalpaF Aangiraskalpa and /hantikalpa are considered authentic'
/till unsatis ied by his achievementF sage Vedavyasa created :uraan /amhita and taught them to his amous disciple "omaharshan /uta' 0he /amhita that was created by "omaharshan was the base o three /amhitas? AkritvranaF /aavarni and /haanspaayan created by Kashyapgotriya Brahmins' Vishnu :uraan is in a way a summation o these our /amhitas' 0here are in all eighteen :uraans' 1n chronological orderF these are as ollows? Brahma :uraanF :adma :uraanF Vaishnav :uraanF /haiv :uraanF Bhaagwat :uraan' 4aarad :uraanF *arkandeya :uraanF Agneya :uraanF Bhavishya :uraanF Brahmavaivart :uraanF Linga :uraanF Varaha :uraanF /kand :uraanF Vaaman :uraanF Kaurma :uraanF *atsya :uraanF -arud :uraan and Brahmaand :uraan'
YamaraaD is lord o all the human beings eHcept Vaishnavas' (nly Lord Vishnu is able to control YamaraaD' About the devotee o Lord VishnuF YamaraaD says ? )e who does not deviate rom his duties even in severest o crisisF who does not steal the wealth o others and kill animals is undoubtedly a devotee o Lord Vishnu' )e who bears Lord Vishnu in his heart is a devotee o Lord Vishnu' )e who is ree rom all kinds o ego and illusions and always wishes well or the others with pure and peace ul
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
heart is a devotee o Lord Vishnu' 0hus those who always contemplate on Lord Vishnu donAt even ear death' YamaF YamadootF YamapaashF Yamagana and even tortures o Yama are unable to hurt them'
1n the time o emergencyF a Brahmin may shi t to the occupations meant or Kshatriya and Vaishya' A Kshatriya may take the occupation o a Vaishya during emergency but none o them should ever take to the occupation o /hudra'
A ter the completion o education and paying all the duesF the disciple is ready to start second stage o his li e that is -rihasthashram' >or this he should irst ind a suitable girl rom his class and make merry' During this stageF he should earn his livelihood by occupations ascribed or his class' )e should please the gods by YagyasF his ancestors by oblationsF :raDapatis by producing childrenF spectres by o ering sacri ices o cereals and society by love' .ven the ascetic and celibates depend on married people or their daily bread' )ence married li e or -rihasthashram is stated to be eHcellent among all the Ashrams' A -rihastha must welcome and warmly treat the guests who arrive uneHpectedly' /uch a household rom where a guest returns desperately never succeeds in religious matters' All the worship and Yagyas o ered in such a household go utile' )ence it is not proper or the householder to show ego and abuse a guest otherwise he will have to eHpiate or it later' A person must always be on alert to recognise the time when it is apt to take Vanprastha' 8hen the children grow and begin to hold the responsibility o the householdF one enters the third stage i'e' Vanprasthashram' /oF leaving his wi e in the shelter o his children or taking her with himF one should
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
migrate to the orest and live a simple li e sustaining on whatever little is available rom the nature' 0his stage must be passed observing severe penance and restraining oneAs senses' /anyaasashram is the ourth stage o li e' (ne should give up all activities related to DharmaF Artha and Kama in this stage' )e should keep an impartial view or all and cultivate a eeling o love or all the creatures' )e should not hurt anybody by his wordsF actions or even thoughts' )e should not stay in a village or town or more than ive days' )e should sustain his li e on alms'
0he second stage in a childAs li e is when he or she begins education' 1n ancient timesF thread ceremony used to be carried out and the children were sent to their teacherAs hermitage or education' 1n modern ageF thread ceremony is ollowed more or less in similar way as it used to be in the past' But children are not sent to -urukul or education any more' A ter completing educationF a person should get married and run his own li e' 1n the pastF there had been elaborate rituals or the selection o suitable bride' .lders o the house used to select a proper match or the boy' 0heir choice in most cases depended on many attributes and bodily eatures o the girl' But in modern ageF with increased interaction among the peopleF it is not possible to ollow each and every custom related to selection o bride' /till one should take care not to marry in his motherAs lineage or up to i th generation and in his atherAs lineage up to seventh generation'
1 the household is having some cattleF the head o the amily should himsel milk them and then wait or the guest' 1 and when a guest arrivesF the head o the amily must o er him a seat respect ully and treat him well with delicious ood and pleasant talk' 1n 1ndian traditionF a guest is regarded eMual to a deity' )e should take ood only a ter eeding the guest' .vening time has also elaborate rituals or a married man' >irst o allF a ter inishing daily choresF a married man must worship with peace ul mind' 1t is also good or his health to take ood early in the evening and retire to a wooden bedstead' 4ight time is considered suitable period or enDoying carnal pleasure' )ere tooF a married man should enDoy intimacy with his wi e only'
birth or death occurs in it' 0here are di erent sancti ying customs to be carried out on both these occasions' A ter the birth o a sonF the ather should o er oblations to please the gods and his ancestors a ter taking a bath'
8hen a death occurs in a householdF close relatives should take bath and carry the cadaver adorned with lowers and garlands outside the village or well?demarcated cremation ground or cremation' As per the religious tradition o the deceasedF the body should either be consigned to the lames or buried' 0hen the relatives should again take bath in the pond or river acing south and o er watery oblations to the dead person' /ince that dayF :indadaan (o ering sweet balls made o barley lourF sesame seedsF Daggery and honey) should be done or ten days' (n the ourth day o the cremationF ashes should be collected or immersion in holy places o pilgrimage'
0he person who had carried out the cremation must abstain rom intimacy or thirteen days' (utsiders are also barred rom eating cereals rom such a household where a death has occurred' >or the di erent classes o )indu societyF this sancti ying period varies' >or BrahminsF it is ten daysF or KshatriyasF it is twelve daysF or VaishyasF it is i teen days and or /hudrasF this period has been iHed or one month' (n the same day in every subseMuent monthF oblations should be o ered to the dead or one year'
3'3'&6 *ethod or (blations 6hi)e ma2in' ob)ations to the dead ancestors( one shou)d feed his near and dear ones as /e)) as )earned Brahmins /ho respect their parents1 &ntimac* /ith /omen is barred for those /ho ha,e ta2en food in an ob)ation1 An* 'uest /ho happens to arri,e une9pected)* and unin,ited shou)d be treated /e))1 Before feedin'( p)ain cerea)s shou)d be offered thrice to the fire recitin' fo))o/in' h*mns1 A3!A+ KAV+A VAAHAA!A+ S6AHAA # S$MAA+ %&TRAMAT S6AHAA # VA&VASVATAA+ S6AAHA ## Remainin' cerea)s then shou)d be ser,ed /ith the food to the Brahmins and some parts shou)d a)so be cast on earth and /ater shou)d be offered on them1 After the feast( the Brahmins shou)d be seen off /ith respect1 The host shou)d then ta2e food a)on' /ith his fami)*1 An'er o,er enthusiasm and /a)2in' on the street is forbidden for the host durin' ob)ation period1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
)earing the pleas o the godsF Lord Vishnu produced *ayamoha rom )is body and giving them to the godsF said? R*ayamoha will cause illusion in the minds o the demons' 0he illusion will in luence the demons to violate the path shown by the Vedas' You can kill them a ter thatR' /aying thisF the Lord disappeared' 0he gods took *ayamoha and reached the abode o the demons'
they happened to sight an imposter Brahmin who was coming rom the opposite direction' 0he Brahmin was a riend o the kingAs teacher' /oF the king treated the Brahmin with respect' But his chaste wi e did not show any respect or the imposter and kept silent all through the talk' /he then had a sight o the /un to eHpiate or the meeting with an imposter' (n their return to the palace the king and the Mueen worshipped Lord Vishnu with proper rituals'
1n due courseF the king died' 0he Mueen also committed /ati' /ince the king had committed the sin o talking to an imposter during his penance the king had committed the sin o talking to an imposter during his penanceF he took birth in a dog orm whereas Mueen /haivya took birth as the daughter o a Kashi king' /he was eHtremely beauti ul and knew everything about her previous birth' 8hen her ather decided to marry her o F she reMuest ully re used or she knew that her previous birth husband was roaming the streets and lanes o Vidisha in a dog orm' 0he princess o Kashi then reached Vidisha and ound out that dog was in act King /hatadhanu' /he ed the dog with delicious ood eating which the dog began to wag its tail and show humility be ore the princess' 0he princess saluted the dog and narrated the whole thing to it that it was because o his sin o talking to an imposter during penance that he had to take birth as a dog' 0husF reminded by the princessF the dog contemplated or long on the events o his previous birth' )e grew so sad that he gave up the dog orm on the outskirts o the town' 1n his neHt birth however he was born as a Dackal' Again the princess came to know that the Dackal was King /hatadhanu and asked him whether he continued to talk to the imposter a ter their conversation in the previous birthN (nly thenF King /hatadhanu came to realise his mistake' )e then observed ast till death' But in his neHt birthF he was born as a wol ' Again the princess reminded him o his previous birth' 0he kingAs became a vulture in his neHt birth' A ter thatF he took birth in crow orm and then as a peacock' During that timeF King #anak was organising an Ashwamedha Yagya' 1n the YagyaF the peacock was also given a ceremonial bath by the princess' During the bathF the princess reminded the peacock (King /hatadhanu) o his previous birthF the peacock too died and took neHt birth as the son o King #anak' 1t was only a ter the birth o King #anakAs son that the princess told her ather to organise a /wayamvara or her' 1n the /wayamvaraF the prince also arrived' 0he princess accepted him respect ully as her husband'
:ururavaAs progenies spread in all directions and acMuired Kshatriya caste' *anuAs sonF :rishadhra became a /hudra because o killing a cow o his teacher' *anuAs another sonF Karush produced an
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
eHceptionally strong Kshatriya named Kaarush' Lineage o Dishta grew as ollows? 4aabhaag? Balbandhan? Kirtimaan? Vatsapreeti?:raanshu? :raDapati? Khanitra? <haakshush? Vimbha? Vivimbhak? Khaninetra? Ativibhuti? Karandham? Avikshit? *arut' *arut had a sonF 4arishyant' Lineage o 4arishyant grew as ollows? Dama? "aDvardhan? /uvriddhi? Keval? /ughritti? 4ara? <handra? Keval? Bandhumaan? Veghvaan? Buddha? 0rinvindu' 0rinvindu had a daughter 1lavila and a son Vishal' Vishal in later course ounded Vishaala' Lineage o Vishal grew as ollows? )emchandra? <handra? Dhumraksh? /rinDay? /ahadev? Krishasva? /omadutta? #anmeDaya? /umati' *anuA son /harayaati had a daughter /ukanya who was married to sage <hyavan in peculiar circumstances' Aanart was the son o /harayaati' Aanart had a son "aivat who ounded his capital at Kushasthali and ruled his kingdom on earth' "aivat had one hundred sonsF the eldest among whom was Kakudmi' )e had a daughter "evati' "aivat took "evati with him and approached Brahma who asked about a suitable match or her' At that timeF -andharvas were singing near Brahma' "aivat listened to their songs intently and orgot about the passage o time' *any ages passed like that but "aivat elt as i only an hour had passed' 8hen the -andharvas stopped singingF "aivat once again asked Brahma about a suitable match or "evati' Brahma asked "aivat about his own choices irst' "aivat counted the names o many deserving princes and kings all o whom belonged to earth' Brahma said smiling? R4o one even in the progeny o these people is alive on earth because here listening to the -andharvas songs you have passed our ages' :resently even the age o eighteenth *anu is about to end on earth and Kaliyug is about to start'R 0hese words rightened "aivat who greeted Brahma and asked? R( Lord$ 4ow tell me whom should 1 marry "evati toNR Brahma said? R0hat unborn all pervasive :armeshwar Lord Vishnu had taken an incarnation on earth' ( king$ Your capital at Kushasthali which was eMual to 1ndraAs abode Amravati is now Dwarkapuri' 1n that DwarkapuriF stays Baldev who is a part o Lord Vishnu' *arry this daughter to him because she is a Dewel among the women olk and Baldev is praised all over the world by all' )ence only he deserves to be your son?in? law'R )earing the verdict o BrahmaF :raDapati "aivat descended on the earth and saw that an amaCing trans ormation had taken place in the appearance o people who were now smaller in statureF uglyF dull and devoid o strength' .ven his capital Kushasthali had acMuired a new appearance and was now known as Dwarkapuri' "aivat ound out Baldev and married his granddaughter "evati to him' But "evati appeared Muite large and taller in stature than Baldev because o age di erence' Baldev pressed her slightly with anterior part o his plough and she assumed a stature eMual to normal women' A ter marrying "evati to BaldevF "aivat migrated to the )imalayas to observe penance'
0he gods approached :uranDay and reMuested?R( great among the Kshatriyas$ Kindly help us to de eat our enemies'R :uranDay said?R/hatkratu is 1ndra' 1 1 ight the battle riding his shoulderF 1 will be able to kill the demons'R
0he gods accepted his condition' 1ndra took the guise o the bull riding which :uranDay killed the demons because Lord Vishnu had partially arrived in his body' /ince then :uranDay got the name Kakutsth' )e had a son Aneyna' Lineage o Aneyna grew as ollows? Aneyna? :rithu? Vishtrabhva? <haandrayuvnashva? /haavasta' /haavasta ounded the town o /haavasti (modern /hraavasti)' Lineage o /haavasta continued as ollows? /haavasta? Vrihadashva? Kuvalayaashva? Dridaashva? 0andraashva? Kapilaashva'
>or a long timeF Yuvanashva did not have a child' /oF he organised a :utreshti Yagya in the auspices o learned sages' 0he Yagya lasted or a whole day' At mid?night when the Yagya endedF sages ell asleep because o tiredness keeping the urn o Yagya water near the altar' 0he water had been empowered with sacred mantras' *eanwhile the thirsty king came there and drank that water rom the urn' 8hen the sages awakenedF they enMuired about the water in the urn' Yuvanashva told them that he had himsel drunk it' 0he sages told that as the water had been empowered with sacred mantras and was meant or the Mueen in order to make her conceive' )ence the king instead o the Mueen will conceive now' As a result Yuvanashva conceived and in due course gave birth to a child rom his right armpit' But the childAs birth did not kill the king' 0he baby was *andhaata' 1n due course *andhaata ruled the entire earthF which was divided into seven islands' *andhaata married BindumatiF the daughter o /hatabindu' 0hey had three sons? :urukutsaF AmbareeshF and *uchukunda' 0hey also had i ty daughters' 8hen all the daughters grew young a sage /aubhari arrived in the palace and reMuested *andhaata to marry one o his daughters to him' 0he sage appeared old and rail' /oF *andhaata hesitated and tried to send him o making many eHcuses' 0he sage assured him about his physical abilities' But still the king elt hesitant and said?I( sageF it is our tradition that we marry our daughter only to he whom our daughter chooses as her husband' Your reMuest is beyond our desires'R )earing *andhaataAs word sage considered or a moment and said?RAll right ( king$ Kindly instruct the eunuch who guards the Muarters o your daughters to escort me there'R >earing a curse rom the sageF *andhaata instructed the eunuchs to escort him into the Muarters o his daughters' 8hile entering the MuartersF the sage assumed the appearance o an eHtremely handsome -andharva' /oF when he arrived thereF a row started among the girls as to who would choose him as her husband irst' .ach one o them claimed that she had irst chosen him' 0hus all the daughters o *andhaata chose sage /aubhari as their husband' 8hen the eunuchs in ormed the king about this developmentF he ell in deep thoughts how it could happen' But still he was bound by his promise so he had no choice but to marry all his daughters to sage /aubhari' *arrying all the i ty girlsF sage /aubhari brought them to his hermitage' <alling VishwakarmaF he instructed him to build separate castles or each o his wives' 1n no timeF Vishwakarma erected i ty beauti ul palaces in a row' .ach one o them had ample spacious and airy roomsF surrounded by beauti ul gardens' /ince thenF all the girls occupied those palaces and began to live there' .very kind o luHury and ood was available to them' (ne dayF drawn by the love or his daughtersF King *andhaata decided to visit /aubhariAs Ashram' But in place o AshramF he ound a row o beauti ul palaces' 0hereF he met his daughters and enMuired about their well being' 0he daughters in ormed him that they were happy to live with the sage and that their husband was capable enough to provide them with all the luHuries' But still they remembered their native place' .ach o the girl also eHpressed one grie that her husband enDoyed intimacy with her at all times and did not share time with her other sisters' 0hese words o the girls surprised the king' %ltimately he met /aubhari and worshipping him he said?R( lord$ 1t is the result o your severe penance that you are able to keep all the i ty girls happy'R /taying there or a ew daysF the king returned'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1n due courseF the daughters o *andhaata gave birth to one hundred and i ty sons' 0hose sons grew up and produced their progeny' At that time sage /aubhari thought? G1 have seen the birth o my sons' 4ow they have their own sons' 1 1 stay thereF 1 will long to see my great?grandchildren' Desires do not end till death' AcMuiring a human body is in itsel a great sorrow' 1 have received enough in li eF enDoyed intimacy with i ty princesses' 1 1 keep more desiresF 1 will receive nothing but sorrow' )ence 1 should take to the penance o Lord Vishnu'A 0hinking that wayF sage /aubhari migrated to the orest along with his i ty wives' 0here they conducted Yagyas and passed their time worshipping Lord Vishnu'
/taying at the hermitage o sage AurvF the Mueen consort gave birth to a son' /ince the child was born with the e ect o the poisonF /age Aurv named him as /agar' /agar began to grow in he hermitage in natural surrounding' (ne day he asked his mother about his ather' 0he Mueen narrated the whole incident to him' /agar then and there took an oath to eHterminate the Kshatriyas who had been the cause o his atherAs death' Acting as per his oathF /agar destroyed )aihaya Kshatriyas whereas /hak Kshatriyas got their heads shaven out o ear' /ince those Kshatriyas had given up their religionF hence Brahmins boycotted them' As a result they became *alechchha' 0herea ter King /agar returned to his capital and ruled the earth'
remain suitable or living'J /age Kapil assured the gods that the siHty thousand sons o /agar would meet their ate very soon' By the instigation o sage KapilF King /agar organised an Ashwamedha Yagya'
0he siHty thousand princes also ollowed the horse guarding it' But somehow 1ndra managed to kidnap the horse and tethered it at the hermitage o sage Kapil' 0he siHty thousand princes searched or the horse and ollowing the ootprintsF they also reached the hermitage' 0here they ound the horse and also a sage in deep meditation' 0hinking that the sage might have been responsible or abduction o the horse they began to abuse him' As soon as sage Kapil disturbed by the abuses opened his eyesF a lame appeared and incinerated all the siHty thousand princes' 8hen King /agar came to know about this incidentF he sent Anshuman to bring back that horse' Anshuman also reached the hermitage and greeted sage Kapil with respect' :leased by his politenessF sage Kapil blessed Anshuman and instructed him to take the horse away with him' )e also asked him to seek a boon' As the boonF Anshuman only sought the salvation or his siHty thousand dead uncles' /age Kapil assured Anshuman that his ancestors would certainly attain to the heaven but only a ter a long wait and that his grandson Bhagirath would bring the -anges onto the earth and that the -angesA waters would wash the ashes o his ancestors to the ocean and cause their salvation'
0hus blessed by the sae KapilF Anshuman returned to the capital with the horse in order to help his grand ather inish the Yagya' Anshuman had a son Dileep' DileepAs son was Bhagirath who observed severe penance and pleased -anga to descend on the earth' /ince the -anges had descended on earth because o BhagirathAs penanceF she also got a name Bhagirathi' 0he lineage o Bhagirath grew as ollows? Bhagirath? /uhotra? /hruti? 4aabhaag? Ambareesh? /indhudweep? Ayutayu? "ituparn? /arvakaam? /udas and /audas' (ne dayF King /audas went hunting in the orests' 0here he spotted a pair o the tigers' 0hey were actually a tiger and a tigress in mating' /audas killed one o them by his arrowF while the other turned into a demon and threatening o an avenge disappeared rom the scene' 1n due courseF King /audas organised a Yagya in the auspices o sage Vashishta' 0owards the end o YagyaF sage Vashishta went away to take bath' *eanwhile the same demon arrived there in the guise o Vashishta and eHpressed his desire to eat non?vegetarian ood' 0hen the demon arrived be ore the king in the guise o the cook' 0he king ordered him to cook meat or the sage' 0he cook cooked human lesh and served it be ore the sage' /age Vashishta knew that the ood contained human lesh' )e cursed the king in anger to be a demon' 8ithin three daysF King /audas became a demon and began to roam in the orests' /ince then he ate the humans only' (ne dayF /audas in demon orm saw *uni who was in the process o mating his wi e' 0he demon caught and ate the *uni neglecting all the cries and wailing o his wi e' 0he Brahmani angrily cursed the demon that as her husband had been killed while he was about to sate his carnal lust similarly he would also die right in the same process' King /audas remained in the demonAs orm or twelve more years' A ter that he recovered rom the curse and began to rule like a pious king' (ne dayF King /audas saw the Mueen in an amorous condition and an impulse o carnal pleasure ran within his body' )e made advances to satis y his lust but the Mueen who knew everything about the curse stopped him reminding him o the curse' /ince then the king stuck to celibacy' /ince the king had no sonF he allowed his Mueen *adayanti to conceive a child with the help o sage Vashishta' 0he Mueen did conceive but the oetus remained unborn or seven years at length' At last the irritated Mueen hit her oetus with a stone' 0his resulted in the birth o child at once' 0he child was named Ashmak' 0he lineage o Ashmak grew as ollowsK Ashmak? *oolak? Dasharath? 1livil? Vishvasah and Khatwang' Khatwang had killed many ormidable demons ighting by the side o the gods' :leased by his gallantryF the gods wanted to grant him a boon' Khatwang wanted to know how long would live more' 0he gods told him that he would live or one *uhurta more' )earing thisF Khatwang came back on earth and prayed Lord Vishnu to take him in )is re uge' At last he did annihilated with Lord Vishnu'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Lineage o Khatwang grew as ollows?Khatwang? Deerghbahu? "aghu? ADa and Dasharath' King Dasharath had three Mueens who gave birth to our sons?"amaF LakshmanaF Bharat and /hatrughana' "ama was an incarnation o Lord Vishnu' )is li e too had lot o ups and downs' A ter being trained in archeryF )e and Lakshmana spent most o their boyhood time in the hermitage o sage Vishwamitra guarding his Yagyas rom the demons' A ter that when Vishwamitra was taking them to *ithila Lord "ama salved Ahilya who had been converted into a stone by the curse o her husband sage -autam' 1n *ithilaF Lord "ama broke the bow o Lord /hiva and won /ita as )is wi e' 8hen they returned to AyodhyaF King Dasharath decided to crown "ama as the new king' But misguided by *antharaF Mueen Kaikeyee stubbornly sought that her son Bharat should be crowned as the new king whereas "ama should be sent on an eHile or ourteen years' Bounded by his promises that he had made to Kaikeyee earlierF King Dasharath had no choice but to accept her demands' 0hus to keep )is atherAs wordsF Lord "ama accepted the eHile' /ita and Lakshmana also ollowed )is steps' 1n the orestsF the demon king "avan deceit ully abducted /ita' 1t was ollowed by meeting o "ama with )anumana and /ugreevF killing o Baali? /ugreevAs brotherF inding o /ita by )anumana in LankaF bridging o the sea that separated LankaF ierce battle with the demons and ultimately killing o "avan by Lord "ama' A ter the completion o eHile period Lord "ama returned to Ayodhya and ruled there or twelve years' Lord "ama had two sons? Lava and Kusha' Lineage o Kusha grew as ollows? Kusha? Atithi? 4ishadh? Anal? 4abh? :undareek? Kshemdhanwa? Devaneek? Ahinaka? "uru? :ariyatrak? Deval? Vanchal? %lka? VaDranabha? /hankhan? Yushhitashva? Vishvasaha? )iranyanaam? :ushya? Dhruvsandhi? /udarshan? Agnivarn? /highrag? *aru? :rasushrut? /usandhi? Amarsh? /ahaswan and Vishvabhav' Vishvabhav had a son Brihdal who was killed by Abhimanyu in the battle o *ahabharat'
(n the other handF at end o Yagya when the gods appeared to accept their due share rom the o eringsF the sages prayed them to grant 4imi some boon' 4imi however sought nothing in boon but eHpressed his desire to stay in eyes o the people orever' 0he gods granted that desire' Be ore that nobody had ever blinked his eyes' Blinking o eyes came into practice because 4imi stays there' 1n order to save the kingdom rom anarchyF the sages churned the dead body o 4imi with a stick o BombaH tree and produced a son' 0hat son came to known as #anak' /ince he was born rom the dead body o his atherF the boy also came to be known as Vaideha' Lineage o #anak continued as ollowsK #anak? %davasu? 4andivardhan? /uketu? Devrat? Brihadukth? *ahaveerya? /udhriti? Dhrishtketu? )aryashva? *anu? :rateet? Kritrath? Devbheed? Vibudh? *ahadhriti? KritraD? *aharoma? /uvarnaroma? )rasyaroma and /eerdhvaD' 8ith a desire o a sonF /eerdhvaD was once ploughing the earth when he stumbled upon a pitcher' 1n the pitcherF he ound a beauti ul baby whom he named as /ita'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
A ter a year King :ururava once again reached that place where %rvashi handed over his son Aayu' As per her promise she also stayed with :ururava or a night and conseMuently in later course gave birth to ive more sons' %rvashi in ormed :ururava that because o their love -andharvas wished to bless him with a boon' :ururava sought a li e?long union with %rvashi' -andharvas presented him with an altar and instructed to conduct regular Yagyas properly' 0hen all o his desires would come trueF the -andharvas assured :ururava' But King :ururava le t that altar in the orest and returned to his capital' At mid?nightF he awakened suddenly as i rom a trance and hurried to the orest to recover his altar' But the altar was no more thereO it had trans ormed into a peepal tree' :ururava got that tree elled and brought it to his capital where the carpenters made Arani (a wooden implement used in ancient 1ndia to produce ire) rom its wood' /ince then :ururava conducted regular Yagyas with the help o that Arani and attained to the -andharvaloka where he was never separated rom %rvashi again'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
8hen /atyavati and her mother were about to eat the kheerF her mother eHchanged her part o kheer with that o her daughter saying that her son had to oster the world while the son o the sage had nothing to do with wealth and all that' /atyavati agreed to that and ate that part o kheerF which was reserved or her mother whereas her mother ate /atyavatiAs part' 8hen "icheek returned rom the orestF he noticed ormidable changes in the body o his wi e' )e understood that she had eaten her motherAs part o the kheer' Angrily the sage predicted that she would have a son who would be Kshatriya?like in virtues whereas her mother would have Brahmin?like son' /atyavati begged pardon and reMuested the sage to change his prediction saying that the crime was committed by mistake and that she would be happy to have a Kshatriya?like grandson but not a son' At her reMuest the sage changed his prediction' As per the predictionF /atyavati gave birth to #amadagni whereas her mother gave birth to Vishwamitra' A ter giving birth to #amadagni turned into a river named Kaushiki' 1n later courseF as a partial incarnation o Lord VishnuF :arashuram took birth as the son o sage #amadagni'
Lineage o Alarka continued as ollows? /annati? /unith? /uketu? Dharmaketu? /atyaketu? Vibhu? /uvibhu? /ukumar? Dhristhaketu? Vitihotra? Bhaarga and Bhaargbhumi' 1t was progeny o Bhaargbhumi who gave rise to our classes o people'
0hen the gods also approached King "aDi and reMuested him to take their side' "aDi put the same condition be ore them also to which the gods agreed'
1n a ierce battle and aided by King "aDiF the gods de eated the demons' A ter their victoryF 1ndra bowed be ore King "aDi and eHpressed his desire to present him with the kingdom o heaven' 0hus King "aDi became 1ndra' A ter the demise o "aDiF 4arad instigated his sons to acMuire the rule o heaven' All the ive hundred sons o "aDi approached 1ndra and reMuested him to give them the rule o heaven but 1ndra re used plainly' At that "aDiAs sons dethroned 1ndra orcibly and themselves became 1ndra' A ter much time had passedF 1ndra approached Brihaspati and prayed him to help him regain the rule o heaven' Brihaspati assured him that he would soon establish him at the throne'
A terwards Brihaspati created illusions in the minds o "aDiAs sons' )e also conducted many Yagyas to increase the radiance o 1ndra' -uided by the illusionsF "aDiAs sons began to behave in anti?religious ways' 0hen 1ndra easily killed them all and regained his designation'
/ahastrarDun had one hundred sons among whom /hurF /hursenaF VrishasenaF *adhu and #ayadhwaD were prominent' #ayadhwaD had a son 0aalDunga' 0aalDunga had one hundred sons among whom Vitihotra and Bharat were prominent' Bharat again had one hundred sons whereas *adhu also had hundred sons among whom Vrishni was prominent' A ter the name o their ore ather YaduF this clan came to be known as Yaduvansha'
As the e ect o their conversation Mueen /haivya soon conceived and gave birth to a son inspite o her advancing age' 0hey named the son as Vidarbh' 1n due course o timeF Vidarbh got married to that lady whom his ather had brought home earlier' 0hey had three sons? KrathF Kaushik and "omapad' "omapad had received preaching rom 4arad' Lineage o Krath grew as ollows? Krath? Kunti? -hrishti? 4ighriti? Dashaard? Vyoma? #imoot? Vikriti? Bheemrath? 4avrath? Dasharath? /hakuni? Karambhi? Devraat? Devakshatra? *adhu? Kumarvansh? Anu? Kurumitra? Anshu? /atvak' /atvak was the ore ather o a clan that was named a ter him'
3';'& :uruvansh
0he lineage o :uru grew as :uru? #anmeDaya? :rachinvaan? :raveer? *anasyu? Abhayad? /udayu? Bahugat? /anyati? Ahamyaati? "audraashva' "audraashva had ten sons among whom "iteshu was the most prominent' "iteshu had three sons among whom Apratirath was most prominent' Lineage o Apratirath is as ollows? Apratirath? Aileen? Dushyant and Bharat' King Dushyant had allen in love with /hakuntalaF the daughter o sage Vishwamitra and el *enaka'
0hey got married secretly in the orest and a ter a ew daysF King Dushyant returned to his kingdom promising /hakuntala that he would call her as soon as he reached his palace' )e had given /hakuntala his ring as a memento' But while /hakuntala was crossing the river on her way to the palaceF the ring slipped rom her inger and was swallowed by a ish' 1n the absence o the ringF King Dushyant re used to identi y /hakuntala' /oF she returned to the hermitage o sage Vishwamitra and gave birth to a child who later on became amous as Bharat' Bharat had been very prowessive since his childhood' )is irst meeting with King Dushyant was also very dramatical' 1t is said that once King Dushyant was hunting in the orest and he saw a boy who was counting the teeth o a lion' 1mpressed by the bravery o the boyF the king enMuired about his parentage and reached the hermitage where sage Vishwamitra narrated him the whole story' *eanwhile a isherman had also recovered the ring rom the ish and handed it to the king who had thus recalled the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
whole story' 1n the hermitageF King Dushyant came to see /hakuntala and he candidly accepted her and his son Bharat' Bharat had three Mueens and nine children' /ince none o the children resembled him in eaturesF he eHpressed his doubts about their paternity' >earing the wrath o BharatF his Mueens killed all the children' 0hen with a desire to have a sonF Bharat organised a *arutsoma Yagya' As a result he got BharadwaD as his son' BharadwaDAs second name was Vitath' )is lineage grew as ollows? Vitath? *anyu' *anyu had many sons like BrihatkshatraF *ahaveerF 4araF -arg etc' 0heir lineage grew as ollows 4ara? /anskriti? -urupreeti and "antidev' -arg had a son /hini who became amous as -aargya and /hainya also' *ahaveer lineage is as ollows? Durukshay? 0rayyaruni? :ushkarinya and Kapi' 1n the lineage o Brihatkshatra occurred a king )asti who ounded the city o )astinapur' )asti had three sons? ADmirh? DwiDmirh and :urumirh' Among the sons o ADmirh were included :anchals and a daughter Ahilya' Ahilya was married to sage -autam' 0hey had a son /hatanand' /atyaghriti was the son o /hatanand' (nce /atyaghriti happened to sight the eHtremely amorous and beauti ul el %rvashi' )er mere sight was enough to cause the eDaculation o his semenF which ell on a reed and divided into two parts' >rom these two parts were born a boy Krip and a girl Kripi' King /hantanu discovered Krip and Kripi in the orest and brought them to his palace' 1n later courseF Kripi was married to DronacharyaF the teacher o Kauravas and :andavas' Ashwatthama was the son o Dronacharya' (ne o the king named Kuru in the lineage o ADmirh established the sacred region o Kurukshetra'
be ore Vedavyasa' Vinita appeared naked be ore Vedavyasa without any ear or shyness' )ence she begot an eHtremely wise son Vidur' 1n later course Dhritarashtra got married to -andhaariF the princess o Kandahar whereas :andu received two wives KuntiF the daughter o /hoorsen and *adriF the princess o *adra' Dhritarashtra had one hundred sons and a daughter Dushala' Duryodhan was the eldest among the one hundred sons o Dhritarashtra' :andu on the other hand had ive sons among whom Yudhishthir was the eldest' All the ive sons o :andu were born with the help o ive gods? DharmaF VaayuF 1ndra and Ashwini kumars because :andu was carrying a curse that he would die i he ever tried to copulate' :anduAs ive sons? YudhishthirF BheemaF ArDunF 4akul and /ahadev came to be known as :andavas' >ive :andavas were married to DraupadiF the daughter o :anchal King Drupad' >rom Draupadi each o the :andavas had a son' 0heir names were :rativindya rom YudhishthirF /hrutsen rom BheemaF /hrutkirti rom ArDunF /hrutaneek rom 4akul and /hrutkarma rom /ahadev' Besides them Yudhishthir had a son Devak rom Yaudheyi' >rom )idimbaF Bheema had a son -hatotkachch and rom Kashi a son /arvak' >rom ViDayaF /ahadev had a son /uhotra whereas rom "enumatiF 4akul had a son 4irmitra' ArDun was the most prowessive among the :andavas' Apart rom Draupadi he had three more wives? %lupi who belonged to the 4agasF <hitrangadaF the princess o *anipur and /ubhadraF the sister o Lord Krishna' >rom these three wives ArDun had three sons?1ravaan rom %lupiF Vabhruvaahan rom <hitrangada and Abhimanyu rom /ubhadra' 1n the battle o *ahabharat all these sons o the :andavas ought valiantly and sacri iced their lives' 1t was AbhimanyuAs son :arikshit who continued the lineage o :andavas and ruled the earth till right now'
/hesha who would appear as the seventh issue o DevakiF in the womb o "ohiniF the second wi e o Vasudev so that he could appear as her son instead o DevakiAs' Lord instructed *ahamaaya to appear in the womb o Yashoda in -okul while )e )imsel would appear as the eighth issue o Devaki' )e also told *ahamaaya that )e would take birth on the eighth day o the darker phase in the month o Bhaadrapad while she would take birth on the ninth day and that immediately a ter )is birthF Vasudev would himsel carry )im to -okul and leaving me beside YashodaF he would carry her back to *athura'
4and was awayF an ogress :utana had stolen the little Krishna in the night and was breast? eeding him with her poisoned milk' But little Krishna sucked even her li e through her breast' *aking a loud noise and assuming a huge bodyF :utana ell on earth and died' (nly then the village olk came to know about the incident' 0hey also saw little Krishna sitting in the lap o :utana' 0he rightened Yashoda swept little Krishna with the tail o a cow to do away with all the bad omens' 0he other cowherds also prayed Lord Vishnu to protect the child rom all calamities' K1LL14- (> /)AKA 8hen Lord Krishna was twenty?seven days oldF a estival was organised in -okul' *ata Yashoda bathed the baby while the Brahmins recited hymns' Yashoda saw that baby was eeling sleepyF so putting him in a cradleF she le t it under a cart' 0he cart was loaded with pitchers o milkF curd and butter' A ter sometimeF lord Krishna awoke and began to cry or a eed' But amidst estivitiesF Yashoda could not hear his cries' *eanwhile a demon /hakatasur rode the cart wishing to press the cart and thereby kill the Lord' But be ore he could actF the Lord touched the cart with )is eet and lo and behold$ 0he cart turned over and all the utensils kept on it came crashing down' .ven the demon was crushed to death under the cart' (ther boysF who were playing nearbyF in ormed the -opis (ladies olk) that the little Kanhaiya had turned over the loaded cartF but they did not believe the kids' Yashoda ran in horror and li ted the baby in her lap' 0he Brahmins recited paci ying hymns then' 0herea ter the baby was bathed again with sancti ied water' A east o Brahmins ollowed then' %ltimately they were seen o with many gi ts' /ALVA01(4 (> 0"14AVA"0 (nce *ata Yashoda was playing with the baby lord in her home' All o a sudden she elt as i the baby was getting disproportionately heavy' /oonF she elt hersel unable to bear the child anymore' /o she le t the child on the ground and began to pray :urushottam Lord "ama' /oon a terwards she orgot about the eventF but all was not over yet' 0rinavartF a demon minister o KansaF had arrived in -okul as a ierce cyclone' )e covered entire -okul with dust and blinded the people temporarily' >or a moment people could not see anything and during that moment 0rinavart blew the baby in air with him' 8hen the dust settledF Yashoda did not ind the baby Krishna where she had le t him' /he elt eHtremely sorry and ell on ground in depression' (ther women olk also gathered round her' 0hey too began to cry not seeing baby Krishna there' 1n the orm o cycloneF the demon 0rinavart had blown baby Krishna with himO but he too could not bear his heavy burden' /o he began to lose his velocity' Lord Krishna caught him by neck' 0he demon died in a ew moments and his dead body ell in VraD' And Yashoda got a new lease o li e when she saw baby Krishna sa e and sound' 4and and other -opas too were overDoyed' 4A*14- (> L("D K"1/)4A (nceF the supreme ascetic -argacharya arrived in -okul' )e was the ancestral teacher o Yaduvanshis' 4and Doy ully welcomed and treated the hermit' 0hen he reMuested him to carry out the ritual o naming and suggest suitable named or both o his sons' Acharya -arg saidF R( 4andF everyone knows that 1 am the ancestral teacher o the Yadavas' 1 1 carry out the naming ritual or these boysF people will understand that they are DevakiLs sons'R /o 4and reMuested -argacharya to name his sons secretly' -argacharya accepted his reMuest and carried out the naming rituals secretly in 4andLs cattle shed' -arg saidK R0his son o "ohini will cause by his virtueF great pleasures or his near and dear ones' /o his second name will be "ama' And because o eHcessive strengthF people will call him as Bala also' /ince he will unite the people alsoF so one o his names would be /ankarshan'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0herea terF -arg said pointing to Yashodanandan' )e has taken incarnation in every age' 1n the past agesF he had taken whiteF red and yellow compleHions respectively' 0his time he has taken dark compleHionF so he will be known as Krishna' (nce he has been the son o VasudevF so people will call him as Vasudev also' )e will cause salvation o all o youF and great Doy or the ellow -opas and cows' 8ith his helpF you will overcome even the severe crises' ( 4andF 0his boy will be eMual to 4arayana in virtuesF wealthF beautyF ame and in luence' >oster this child with care and earnestness'R 0hus naming the boys as per their virtuesF -arg returned to his hermitage' <)1LD)((D (> L("D K"1/)4A 0he time passed in -okul as usual' Balrama and Krishna too grew normally' /oon they began to walk on knees and palms' 8ith their childish plays they both amused men and women olk o -okul' .veryone took special care o them and looked a ter them to save them rom any possible danger' Ladies olk were especially care ul about them' /oon a terwardsF both the kids began to walk trottingly' 4ow their movement no longer con ined within the boundary o their home' Because o his special virtuesF Krishna began to lead other kids o his age group whereas his elder brother Balaram was somewhat serious in nature' Krishna specially enDoyed teasing the girls and milkmaids o -okul' ( ten he would eat stealing their milkF curd and butter' At other timesF )e did not hesitate even to break their pitchers' 1n such situations the ladies olk used to gather in 4andLs home to complain against Krishna' And every time Yashoda promised them to punish Krishna' But every timeF when she proceeded to punish himF she orgot everything be ore his sweetF innocent smile' (ne dayF Balaram complained against KrishnaF R*aF the little Kanhaiya has eaten mud' 8orried about KrishnaLs healthF Yashoda scolded at himK R0ell meF ( mischievous KrishnaF why did you eat mudR' At that momentF little KrishnaLs eyes were moving with ear' )e made an eHcuseK R4o *aF 1 have not eaten any mud' 0hey are telling you a lie' 1 you donLt believeF me see yoursel 'R /aying thisF Krishna opened his little mouth' Yashoda peeped into his mouth and what she saw there amaCed her' /he could not believe it' 0he entire universe was visible in his little mouth' Yashoda saw strange placesF entire VraD and even hersel in the little mouth o Krishna' /he elt diCCy' 8ith his illusionary powersF Lord wiped out the memory o this incidence rom the mind o YashodaF and she again immersed in love with her child' %K)AL BA4D)A4 A4D /ALVA01(4 (> YA*ALA"#%4 (nceF wishing to eed Krishna with butterF Yashoda began to churn milk in the morning' Very soonF Krishna too awakened and not inding the mother on her bedF )e set out to search her' /oon )e ound her in the courtyard where she was churning the milk' )e began to insist or breast eeding at once' /o Yashoda stopped churning and began to breast eed Krishna' A ection played on her ace' /uddenly the milk kept on the ire pot began to boil' Yashoda le t Krishna in order to attend the boiling milk' But the unstiated Krishna illed with anger and broke the pitcher o curd' 0hen he went inside and began to eat butterF when Yashoda came backO she understood the matter and began to search him with a stick in her hand' A ter eating butter himsel F Krishna was now eeding the monkeys with it' /eeing the mother come in hot pursuitF Krishna Dumped over the mortar and ran away' Yashoda chased himF but soon elt tired because o her bulky body' 0herea terF Yashoda proceeded to tie Krishna as a punishment' /he got a rope and tried to tie Krishna' But the rope ell short by two ingers' /he Doined many ropes together but the result was same' .very time the ropes ell short by two ingers' /oonF Yashoda was bathing in sweat' 8hen Krishna saw his mother in depressionF he himsel tied in the ropes' 0ethering little Krishna to a heavy mortarF Yashoda engaged in usual household tasks' 0ethered to the mortarF Krishna glanced at the two ArDun treesF which were standing on the gate like two sentries' )e resolved to salve them'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*aitreya asked :arashar about the trees' :arashar saidK R0he lord o wealth Kuber had two sons 4alkubar and *anigreev' (ne day they were enDoying the sweet company o pretty women on the bank o *andakini "iver' #ust by coincidenceF Devarshi 4arad arrived there' (ut o /hynessF the women olk at once covered themselvesF but both the sons o Kuber stood boldly without eeling any shame' 1ndignant 4arad cursed them to become trees and stay in that orm or one hundred years' 4arad showed kindness as well that despite being in tree ormsF they would have the memory o -od alive and would be salved by Lord /hri Krishna' 0husF to keep the words o his supreme devotee 4aradF Lord dragged the mortar to the two ArDun trees' )e walked in such a way that the mortar got stuck between the trees' Krishna then pulled the mortar and in no time the trees were uprooted' 0wo divine men appeared rom the uprooted trees and bowed at the eet o Krishna and prayed him with pure hearts' 0hen they departed to their heavenly abode' *1-"A01(4 0( V"14DAVA4A 0he uprooted ArDun trees ell with thundering sound' All the people shivered with ear and elt as i lightning had struck somewhere' All the elders including 4and met together and discussed the matter' %nanimously they concluded thatF o late disturbance had increased in -okul and the circumstances were no longer conducive to raise the kids like Balaram and Krishna there' /o they unanimously decided to leave -okul and migrate to a verdant place named Vrindavana' 1n their opinionF Vrindavana had ample vegetation and ertility to support them and their cattle' 0husF on an auspicious dayF the entire population o -okul set out or Vrindavana' 0hey packed their households on bullock carts and drove their cattle in herds and started in convoy' 1n Vrindavana they built their houses and started their li e once again' :arashar saysK R0he verdant environment o VrindavanaF -ovardhan mountain and crystal clear waters and sandy banks o Yamuna river together illed the hearts o Balaram and Krishna with Doy' Along with the ellow cowherdsF they began diverse kinds o plays there' /ALVA01(4 (> VA0/A/%" (ne dayF Balaram and Krishna were graCing their cattle on the bank o Yamuna "iver' A demonF meanwhileF took the guise o a cal and miHed with the herd' (bviouslyF he had malicious intentions' Lord Krishna had already seen the demon taking cal Ls guise and miHing up with the herd' )e signalled Balaram and they together reached near the cal ' 0he cal appeared particularly healthyF so Krishna and Balaram mockingly saw it with admiring eyes' /uddenly they held the cal with its hind legs and tail twirling it in air they threw it in the sky' 8hen the demon diedF they threw him on a Kath (wood?apple) tree' /ALVA01(4 (> BAKA/%" (ne dayF all the cowherds took their cattle to a large pond to let them drink water' 0here they say a huge creature sitting like a hillock on the bank' 0hey were rightened by its appearance' 0he creature was in act a demon named Bakasur who had arrived there in the guise o a storke' )e was himsel very strong and had a long pointed bill' As soon as the cowherds drew near himF 0he storke hastily picked up Krishna and swallowed him' (ther cowherds including Balaram were stupe ied' 0hey could not believe their eyes' But inside the beakF Lord Krishna made him eHtremely hot and caused severe burning in demonLs throat' /o the demon could not swallow Krishna and regurgitated himF and began to hit him with his strong beak' But Lord held his beak with both his hands and tore the demonLs mouth apart' And as son as the demon diedF a ripple o Doy surged among the cowherds' /ALVA01(4 (> A-)A/%"
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(ne dayF Krishna planned a picnic near 4andanvan' /o rising early in the morningF )e awakened his ellow cowherds sounding a horn' 0ogetherF all the cowherdsF and their cattle went to the orest' 0hereF on the bank o Yamuna "iver they began to play Doy ully' 4andanvan was in act an abode o the demon Aghasur' Kansa had sent him there' /eeing the boys playingF he elt eHtremely Dealous' Knowing that Krishna had killed his brother Bakasur and sister :ootanaF it seemed an ideal moment or the demon to avenge the death o his siblings' 0hinking thusF the demon took guise o python and lay in the way and opening his mouth like an opening o a cave' 0he cowherds too ell in his trap' 0hus driven by curiosityF all the cowherds entered the demon mouth one by one' 8hen Lord Krishna saw that his riends had entered demonLs mouth' )e too entered it to protect them' Aghasur wanted to masticate the cowherds including lord KrishnaO but the lord increased his body and choked demon throat' 4ow the breath o demon stopped' )is eyes rolled over and at last his li e le t his body through Brahmrandhra (cosmic pore)' 8ith his ambrosial eyeF Lord resurrected these dead ellows and their cattle and together they came out o the demonLs mouth' As soon as the demon diedF a divine lame emerged rom the pythonLs mouth' 1t waited there sometime or -od' And when lord Krishna came outF the lame mingled with him' A00A<)*.40 (> B"A)*AF /0.AL14- (> <A00L. A4D <(8)."D/ :arashar saysK 0he cowherds told the tale o AghasurLs salvation to their parents only a ter a year o the incidence' During that period o one yearF Lord Krishna multiplied himsel and took the guise o his ellow cowherd and their stock o cattle to remove the illusion o BrahmaF who was the cause o the ollowing incidence' A ter AghasurLs li e mingled with -odF Lord Krishna came with )is ellow cowherd on the bank o Yamuna' 0hey le t their cattle to graCe reely and they sat together to take their lunch' All o the cowherds tasted one?anotherLs oodF as they wanted to eed Krishna with the tasty ood' *eanwhile surprised by AghasurLs salvationF Brahma too had arrived there and saw Krishna eating ood de iled by the cowherds' 8ith that sightF Brahma grew suspicious i Krishna was indeed an incarnation o lord' 0hus driven by the illusion and to test the authenticity o lordLs incarnationF Brahma kidnapped all the cattle irst and when Krishna went out to search the cattle Brahma kidnapped and concealed the cowherds also' /oon lord Krishna understood the cra tiness o BrahmaF so he multiplied himsel into his ellow cowherds and cattle' "eplicas resembled truly to the cowherds in appearanceF compleHionF natureF activitiesF voiceF sticks and even in costumes' 0he replicas remain in eHistence or complete one year' Back thereF when Brahma returned a ter hiding the cowherds and the cattleF he was stunned to see the cowherds and cattle as usual' Brahma was eeling diCCy when lord bestowed his grace on him' Brahma saw 4arayana in every dust particle' Brahma there ore bowed his head at the eet o lord and saidK R( lordF 1 submit be ore you' You can be won only with devotion and not by ego' 4o one can know your omnipresent appearance' 0hus praying and worshipping lord 4arayanaF Brahma returned to his abode' 0he cowherds remained separated rom -od or one year' But they elt as i only hal a second had passed because o the illusionary in luence o -od' 0hat is why they related the incidence o AghasurAs killing to their parents only a ter a year it took place' /ALVA01(4 (> D).4%KA/%" 8hen Krishna and Balaram entered siHth year o their agesF they got the permission to take the cattle out or graCing' Along with their ellow cowherds the two brothers too began to take their cattle to Vrindavana' 0hus they sancti ied the earth o Vrindavana with their pious eet' /eeing the beauty o VrindavanaF with beauti ulF colour ul lowers and sweet ruitsF Lord Krishna elt overDoyed' )e then used to graCe his cattle at the oothills o -ovardhan and on the banks o Yamuna "iver' :laying lute was his avourite pass time' (ne day KrishnaLs beloved riend /udama saidK RKanhaiyaF there is a beauti ul orest name 0alvana' 1t has uncountable numbers o trees laden with ripe ruits' But a ormidable demon Dhenukasur guards that orest' )e is very strong' /o no one goes thereO even animals and birds
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
shun that place' But we are tempted to eat those sweet delicious ruits' 1 you and Daau (Balaram) wishF we may go there and eat those delicious ruits'R 0hus hearing thisF Krishna and Balaram guided all o them to 0alvana' 0here they shook the trees and in no time a heap o ripeF delicious ruits gathered under the trees' All the cowherds began to eat ruits' 8hile eatingF they were also making lot o noises' Disturbed by the sound o ruits alling and noise o the cowherdsF the demon Dhenukasur arrived there as a donkey' )e was braying loudly and tried to hit BalaramF but Balrama caught him by his hind legs and threw him in the air' 0he demon died in an instance' /ince that dayF everyone visited 0alvana earlessly and the cattle graCed there reely' -"A<. (4 KAL1Y 0). 4A-A (ne dayF Bala?Krishna arrived on the banks o Yamuna with their riends' Balaram was not with them that day' 0he water o the river Yamuna was intoHicated by the poison o Kaliy? the 4aga' 1t was eHceptionally hot that day and all the cowherds and cattle were very thirsty' /o without giving any thoughtF they all drank the water rom Yamuna and died' But Lord Krishna resurrected them by his ambrosial sight' 0hen Lord Krishna decided to puri y the waters o Yamuna' 0hus tying a cloth round his waistF Krishna climbed a <adamba tree and Dumped into the river' 1n the water the lord started playing and splashing water' /oon the waves began to rise high' 8hen Kaliy? the 4aga heard the noise' )e got eHtremely angry and appeared be ore Krishna' )e saw a beauti ulF tenderF dark compleHioned boy playing Doy ully in the waters' )e stung him and tied him in his spirals' 0ied in the spirals o KaliyF lord became absolutely motionless' /eeing Krishna in death like situationF all the cowherds and even the cows elt very sorry' #ust then lord reed himsel rom the hold o Kaliy' 0hen a game o hide and seek began between them' Lord dodged the 4aga or a long time' 0herea ter he rode on KaliyLs hood and began to dance there' 0he ollowers o -odF like -andharvas etc' began to play *ridangF Dhol etc' to give him a company' 0ired rom the blows o lordLs eetF Kaliy soon began to vomit blood' 4agaLs wives began to pray -odF R( lordF your incarnation is to punish the evil ones or their sins' You have shown your grace on us also' 8e are ortunate to have a sight and touch o your eet' :ity ( lord' 0his 4aga can no longer bear your momentum' )e will die' 8e are all your slaves' Kaliy is our lord' Kindly orgive him'R 8ith kindnessF lord released KaliyF who prayed thusK ( lord in your creation we snakes represent 0amoguna (dark virtues)' 8e are con used by your illusions'R Lord dictated Kaliy to migrate with his amily to "amanakdweep' /ince then water o Yamuna became pure or humans and animals' D"14K14- (> DAVA4AL (>("./0 >1".) A ter de eating KaliyF Lord Krishna and all other people o VraD elt eHtremely tired' 0hey were very hungry and thirsty also' /o they did not go back to VrindavanaF but stayed on the bank o Yamuna in the night' Because o intense heat o summerF surrounding orests had been shrivelled' At midnight those shrivelled orests caught ire and the sleeping people were engul ed by it' 0hey awakened startled and took shelter at Krishna' /eeing their horri ied appearanceF Lord Krishna drank the in ernal orest ire and thus saved the lives o innocent people who had rested their lives at him with aith' /ALVA01(4 (> :"ALA*BA/%" (ne dayF Balaram and Krishna were play ully graCing their cattle along with other cowherds in the orests' 8hen a demon :ralamb arrived there with an intention o kidnapping Krishna and Balaram' 0he demon had come in the guise o a cowherdF but the -od easily recognised him' 0hey accepted his proposal o riendshipF but were thinking about the way or his salvation' -od therea ter summoned all his riends and saidK R:alsF today we shall divide ourselves in to two teams and play Doy ully' 0hus the teams were divided and each team chose Krishna and Balaram as its captain respectively' 1t was
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
stipulated that the members o de eated team would carry the members o winner team on their back up to the place pointed by them' 0hus the game began and soon both the teams reached a secluded place' At one timeF the team headed by Balaram won' /o the members o KrishnaLs team were to carry them on their back' Demon :ralambasur o ered Balaram a ride on his back' Balaram agreed to ride on the demonLs backO but as soon as he rode on the demonLs backF the demon galloped' But he could not go ar or not being able to bear BalaramLs weight' 0hem the demon regained his huge ormidable siCe and tried to escape by lying' >irst Balaram elt terrorised but soon he realised his real powers and hit on the demonLs head with a power ul ist' 0he blow shattered demonLs head and he ell on earth dead like a huge mountain' :arashar saysK R*ost o the time o Lord KrishnaLs boyhood passed in Vrindavana' 0here )e graCed cattle and played lute' )is lute had a divineF enchanting sound' 0he -opis used to gather around )im drawn by the enchanting tunes'R 0hey also heard the enchanting Venugeet that ills one hearts with the memory o Bhagwat' (ne o the girls said to her riendK R( dear riendF having the privilege o seeing Lords beauty and receiving )is kindness is the real salvation' Another girl saidK R( riendF what penance this lute had observed that it has got a closer contact with lips o 4andnandan (an epithet or Krishna)' .ven the siblings o this luteF trees and other vegetationLs are pleased with its ortune and are hence showering their leaves and lowers on him'R (ne more saidK R( riendF lookF even Bhagwati Lakshmi has le t her luHurious abode in Vaikunth and arrived in Vrindavana to have a look o lord Devakinandan'R A -opi eHpressed her DealousyK R.ven this doe is better than usF ( riendsF look how engrossed is she looking at -od that her eyes are not blinking'R )earing the sweet enchanting tunes o lute even the heavenly elves gather in the sky over Vrindavana' 0hey also see the beauty o lord Krishna and showered the lowers o their braids on him' .ven the cows orgot graCing when then heard the enchanting music o lute' 0he calves too orgot drinking milk and began to look at lord Krishna with Doy' 0his is the real devotion or lord Krishna' You have to orget yoursel in order to ind him' <ondition o girls o Vrindavana was eHactly the same' A ter having the sight o lord Krishna they remembered nothingO not even the way back to home' 0hey stood in the orests in a tranceF completely tiredF unaware o their sel ' A girl said pointing to the aunaK RLook ( riendsF look at these birds' Do you know that these birds were the saints and sages in their previous births' 1n this birth also they are sitting in a state o trance' Look they have orgotten their knowledge hearing the sweet enchanting music o the lute' And look at Yamuna' /he is also unable to contain her eHhilaration' /he is eagerly splashing her waves to wash LordAs eet' Yet another girl saidK RLook riends the clouds cannot see their lord scorching in the sun' /o they have covered the sun and shaded Lord Krishna' 4ow they are driCCling as i showering petals'R A girl saidK R>riendsF lookF these Bheelanis are better than us' 0hey have such a strong urge o KrishnaLs sight that when -ovind returns homeF they smear their body with dusts o his eet' Blessed is this mountain which has dedicated its entire sel in the eet o BraDnandan and eels overDoyed' 1t is his supreme devotee' Kanhaiya has in used even non?living things with li e by his sweet tunes o lute' /0.AL14- (> <L(0)./ 0he unmarried girls o Vrindavana elt as i their lives were dedicated to Lord Krishna' .ach o them wished heartily to have lord Krishna as her husband' /o in order to get their desire ul illedF all o the spinster girls o VraD began to take bath in Yamuna early in morning o )emant season and worshipped goddess Katyayani' 8hen *adan*ohan learned that the unmarried girls wished to marry him' )e went to see them at dawn' 0he girls were bathing naked in the riverO their clothes were kept on the bank' Lord Krishna stealthy took those clothes and climbed on a <adamba tree' Lord had not stolen their clothes with malicious intentions' )e had stolen them to remove their laws and make them realise their
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
real appearance that they were not mere girlsF but pure souls' 8ithout realisation o the real sel F one can not eHperience the -od' 0he girls wereF in actF the hymns o VedasF /adhanaF /iddhisF /ages and Brahmvidyas (Vedas) themselves that took the guise o girls to enDoy the vicinity o -od' -od removed their clothes that symbolised lust' Because o the lords grace they all were able to enDoy -odLs company' :arashar saysK R( *aitreyaF 0hus Lord Krishna removed the shyness o the girls o VraD through )is sweet talks' )e derided at themF made them dance like puppets and even stole their clothes when they were bathing nakedF but they did not deter his actions' 1nstead they elt overDoyed by the close presence o their beloved Kanha'R L1>014- (> -(VA"D)A4 :arashar saysK (ne dayF Balaram and Krishna saw that many delicious kind o sweetmeats were being cooked at home' 8ith curiosity and politenessF they asked 4and and other eldersK R>atherF which estival are you preparing orN 8hich god will be worshippedN 8hat purpose will such worship serveN 4and Baba eHplainedK R/ons DevraD 1ndra is the god o clouds' 1t is because o 1ndraLs grace that we get rain' /o these materials are being prepared to worship 1ndra' Krishna saidK >ather every creature in the world enDoys com orts or su ers as per his ate' 4one o the gods can change the results' Action is primary in the world' (ne gets the results as per his actions' .ven 1ndra is -od as a result o his action' AnyoneF who per orms one hundred Ashvamegh YagyasF becomes 1ndra' But even a ter per orming crores o Ashvamegh Yagyas one can not stay in VraD' 1t is the duty o 1ndra to cause rain' /o it will rain even i you donLt worship 1ndra' But to eed the poors and satis y them with clothes and other gi ts is real worship' By their blessingF we shall be happier' 1 desire that with all these materials we should worship -iriraD -ovardhan and distribute the :rasad among the poors' 8ith which their souls will be sated and will have the grace o -od' 0hus Lord Krishna told his ather that all the people should worship unitedly and unitedly they should receive :rasad' 1 you are ready to do as per my desireF its all rightF otherwise 1 will not worship your haughty godF nor receive his :rasad' 8("/)1: (> -(VA"D)A4 A4D 14D1-4A01(4 (> 14D"A 0hus convinced by KanhaiyaLs wise reasoningF all the -opas agreed to him' 4and Baba saidF R( KrishnaF we are making all these preparation or you only and we will do as you say' 8e will worship -ovardhan' >or us -ovardhan is also like a god' 1t gives us grassF waterF and uel etc'F which are necessary or our lives' 0hus with lordAs consentF they dropped their plan to worship 1ndra and resolved to worship -ovardhan aith ully' (n the :urnima ( ull moon) day in the month o Kartik (4ovember) all the -opas (people o VraD region) gathered near mount -ovardhan' During the night all o them circumambulated the mountain' Lord invoked the -anges by his wish and bathed -ovardhan with her water' 0hen they put vermilion on itF o ered basil?leavesF lowers etc and worshipped it' Brahmins recited hymns in its praise' 0o make the people believe in their ritualsF Lord Krishna himsel appeared on the mountain in huge orm and eHclaimedK R1 am -iriraD (the king o the mountain) and began to eat the o erings' But as a childF )e was still among the villagers who aith ully bowed be ore the mountain' Among themF the child Krishna saidK RlookF what a surprise -iriraD has appeared himsel and bestowed his grace on us' )e has accepted our worship'R 0here a ter all the -opas distributed :rasad among themselves and elt supremely satis ied' 8hen 1ndra learned that the -opas had stopped worshipping himF he grew outrageous' 1n angerF he ordered the clouds to rain torrentially over VraD and cause heavy lood in VraD region' 1n no time dense clouds gathered over VraD' /oon there was lightningF thunderF darkness and storm all around' 0hen it
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
began to rain torrentially' All the people took re uge at Lord Krishna and prayed him to save them rom the anger o 1ndra' Lord Krishna saidK R0hose who regard me as theirF are mine and 1 am theirsF /o there is no need to worry or you'R /aying thisF Lord li ted -iriraD on his little inger and called all the people o VraD along with their cattle under the lee o -ovardhan' 0hen he ordered his wheel /udarshan to absorb the water o the clouds so that not even a single drop could all on earth' 0hus or seven days continuously Lord balanced -ovardhan on the little inger' 0hus Lord Krishna also came to be known as -iridhari' :eople who had gathered around himF Dust kept on seeing Lords moon?like ace and hence did not eel thirsty or hungry' 1n act the com orts those people got during those seven days are beyond verbal description' Lord held -ovardhan on one handF and conch in the otherF while with the remaining two hands )e began to play this lute' )earing the tunes o his luteF all the people o VraD began to dance with Doy' A ter the rains stoppedF all o them returned to their homes' <.".*(41AL BA0) (> /)"1 K"1/)4A 8hen 1ndra learned about the happenings in VraDF he soon realised his mistake' 1ndra himsel reached VraD and begged lord or )is pardon' 0hen he gave lord a ceremonial bath with the milk o /urabhi' >or protecting the cowsF the Lord also got one more name R-ovindR' "A// L..LA :arashar related to *aitreya the tale o KamadevLs humiliation' 0he purpose o describing this tale is Dust that common people should re lect on the sel less love o -opis or Lord Krishna and eHperience the love o -od or them as well' A ter conMuering Brahma and other godsF ego o Kamadev had surged to great heights' )eF there oreF reMuested -od to Muench his thirst or war' -od invited Kamadev to visit Vrindavana on the night o /harad :urnima (>ull moon night) in the season that precedes winterF and told him that on that divine night )e would enDoy the company o crores o -opis' R1 1 have slightest passion or any o themF you will winF otherwise you will lose'R 0hat night Lord Krishna added more divinityF more brilliance to it with a resolution o "aas with the help o Yogmaya (personi ied illusion)' 1t was a per ect night or the purpose ? lowers bloomed in VrindavanaF ull moon shoneF and gentleF cool breeCe blew rom the banks o river Yamuna' Amidst this stimulating ambience Lord Krishna began to play an enchanting tune on his lute' 0he tune attracted -opisF their passion surged to its Cenith and under the in luence o love or lord Krishna and as i in tranceF all o them ran to meet their beloved Kanhaiya leaving all their earF bondageF patience and shyness behind' /ome o them were intercepted by their husbands and dragged back to home' But only their physical bodies stayed putF their souls reached Vrindavana' 1n Vrindavana on the bank o YamunaF -opis saw Vrindavana Vihari (epithet or Krishna) near their amiliar <adamba tree' Yogmaya adorned all the -opis rom tip to toe' 1n act those -opis were not ordinary women' *aitreya asksK R-opis had not regarded Krishna as :araBrahma' 8hat was the basis or their passion thenNR :arashar saysK 8hen a wretched person like /hishupalF who always abused lord Krishna could ind supreme positionF there should be no doubt or -opis who had such a pro ound passion or Lord'R /o -opis arrived and gathered around Lord Krishna' 0o test their devotion and to enhance the honour o KamadevF Krishna said to themK R( -opisF the pure onesF it is not it or you to stay here at this hour o night' -o and serve your husbands' Your duties
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
must be irst to your husbandLs children and cows' 0hey will be waiting or you eagerly' -o and console them' You can gain me by hearingF recitingF seeing etc' You need not sit here' -o to your homes'R -opisF however saidK R-ovindF we have come to you leaving all the mundane lusts behind' 4ow going back is like ruining our lives' 1t is the greatest mis ortune i someone returns to mundane a airs even a ter being at your eet'R 0hese words that re lected divine eelings o -opis pleased Lord' )e began to enDoy their company' But a eeling o ego began to creep in the minds o -opis because o lordLs closeness' 0hey began to assume themselves as highly ortunate' 0o remove their egoF Lord disappeared right among them' :101ABL. <(4D101(4 (> -(:1/ 14 -(DL/ AB/.4<. A ter the disappearance o -odF -opis were perpleHed' 0heir hearts burned with desire' 0hey had dedicated their entire selves in the eet o Lord' 0hey were entirely merged in the love o Krishna' 0hus driven by passionF -opis began to search Lord Krishna' 0hey asked treesF creepers and vegetation or the whereabouts o their beloved' 0hey then spotted )is ootprints at one place' >ootprints o "adha were also there' L1ndeed )e would have carried herF that great ortunate oneF on )is shoulders'L 0hey thought' Lord had indeedF a ter disappearing rom amidst -opisF taken "adha to an isolated place' /he had then began to think hersel superior to other -opis' /o at one placeF she saidK R( LordF 1 canLt walk now' *y tender eet are tired' Kindly carry me on your shoulders to wherever you wish'R At her reMuestF Lord Krishna agreed to carry her on his shoulder' But as soon as she proceeded to rideF Lord disappeared rom there also' 4owF "adha began to cry and wail and ainted' At the same timeF other -opis also reached there and ound "adha lying unconscious on the ground' All o them including "adha then returned to the bank o Yamuna and began to wait or KrishnaLs appearance' ".?A::.A"A4<. (> L("D A*(4- -(:1/ 8hen the beloved -opis burst into tearsF KrishnaLs patience gave away' )is heart melted at their condition and )e appeared amidst them' A sweet smile played on his beauti ul ace' )e wore a garland o resh VaiDayanti lowers and yellow clothes' )is beauty could have moved even Kamadev' /eeing their beloved Kanha once again amidst themF -opis got a new lease o li e' All o them began to embrace Lord and thus Muench the ire o separation that was burning their bodies' 0herea terF along with the beauties o VraDF Lord came to the bank o Yamuna' -opis put their Mueries be ore him or solution' Lord saidK R( beloved -opisF 1 do not reciprocate to the desire o my beloved ones or physical love' Because o it their conscience remains always engrossed in me' )enceF 1 take to hiding even a ter meeting so that you could eel complete imbibement in me' *A)A"AA/ >rom the words o the LordF -opis orgot the pains o separation' >rom the closeness o their belovedF their lives were success ul now' 8ith those -opisF Lord Krishna started *aharaas on the pious banks o river Yamuna' All the gods gathered in sky to witness that divine estival' -opis were even more ortunate than Lakshmi' But even amidst crores o -opisF who were eager to devote their everything to )imF Lord completely re rained rom desiresF eelings and even actions' 0hus Lord de eated even Kamadev and removed his ego' /ALVA01(4 (> /%DA"/)A4 A4D /)A4K)<%" :arashar saysK (nce on the occasion o /hivaratriF 4and Baba and all other -opas drove their carts with amilies and reached Ambikavana on a pilgrimage tour' 0here they took bath in the river /araswati and with devotion worshiped lord /hiva and :arvati' 0hey also observed day long ast and decided to pass their night on the bank o /araswati' But a huge python inhabited that place' During the night the python emerged and caught hold o 4andLs leg' 4andbaba cried loudly' All the -opas gathered around him' )e cried againK RKanhaiyaF 0his snake is all set to strangulate me' /ave me'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Lord touched the python with his eet and instantaneously the python vanished' 1n its place appeared a divine?looking human being' )e saidK R( LordF 1 was a Vidyadhar named /udarshan' 1 was so much obsessed with my beautyF youthF luHury and com orts that 1 used to insult others' (ne day 1 had derided at the ugly appearance o the sage Angira' /o indignantly he cursed me to become a python' ButF pleased by my realisation o mistakeF he had told that when -od himsel would touch meF 1 would regain my original appearance'R 0herea terF /udarshan went round the -odF worshiped )im and with his permissionF departed to his abode' (n another occasionF Lord arrived in Vrindavana during Vasant "itu (spring /eason)' 0here )e took part in Vasantik "aas ("aas o spring season) with the -opis' During "aas itsel F a demon /hankhchur tried to escape away kidnapping some o the -opis' A stampede resulted among -opis' )earing their noiseF Lord ran a ter the demonF carrying a huge /al (/horea) tree in his hands' 1n no time )e overtook the demon and killed him by Dust one blow' )e picked up the gem rom demonLs head and handed it to Balaram' /ALVA01(4 (> A"1/)0A/%" (nceF Kansa sent a demon Arishtasur to Vrindavana' 0he demon arrived there in a bullLs guise' 0hat huge bull came to Vrindavana and began to terrorise the people with his loud sound' /eeing the bullF Balaram said to KrishnaK RKanhaiyaF 1 have never seen such a huge bull be ore'R All the people began to cry or help' Lord consoled them and challenged the bull demonK I( oolF why are you terrorising these cows and cowherdsN 1 am going to shatter your ego'R 0he challenge rom -od pinched the demon' 0apping his hooves angrilyF the demon attacked -od' )e wished to gore )imF but -od held his horns and pushed him back' 0hen kicking the demon -od killed him in no time' KA4/A /.4D/ AK"%" A ter the killing o ArishtasurF Devarshi 4arad visited Kansa and askedK R( KansaF the girl who had slipped orm your hand was in act the daughter o Yashoda' Krishna and BalaramF who are staying in VrindavanaF are in act the sons o Devaki and "ohini respectively' Because o your earF Vasudev has kept them under the supervision o his riend 4and' 0hose two boys have killed the demons sent by you'R )earing these wordsF Kansa shook with anger and put Vasudev and Devaki in prison again' 0herea ter he called his minister Akrur and asked him to set out at once or -okul' )e said to AkrurK RAkrurDiF you are an old riend and well?wisher o mineF -o to -okul and bring the sons o VasudevF who are staying at 4andLs home' 1nvite them to visit *athuraF to witness the estivities o Dhanush?Yagya'R Akrur understood KansaLs intentionsF but eared that i he re usedF that demon would kill him' /o he decided to visit -okulF and also have the opportunity o seeing -od' )e was eeling overwhelmed by the mere thought o it' 4eHt dayF he set out on a grand chariot to meet his supreme Lord in -okul' *editating in the eet o LordF Akrur was heading towards Vrindavana' )e was eeling himsel as the most ortunate one or he was sure to have a sight o Lord' 0hus obsessed with many kinds o devotional eelingsF Akrur alighted rom the chariot at the border o Vrindavana and started walking' )e ound it unDust to ride a chariot on the land o Vrindavana where lord Krishna treaded' By the timeF he reached VrindavanaF Lord Krishna and Balaram had returned home a ter graCing their cattle' /eeing themF Akrur ell at their eet' Both the brothers raised Akrur and addressed him as R<hachaR (uncle)F and escorted him into the house' Akrur was given a warm welcome and treatment there' A ter the dinnerF they assembled in 4andLs drawing room' 4and inMuired about the reason o his sudden arrival' Akrur saidK RKansa is organising a wrestling competition in *athura' )e has invited all the big and small kings to the competitions' )e has invited you with Krishna and Balaram as well' Beauti ul *athura is worth seeing' -ullible 4and elt pleased by AkrurLs talking and saidK RKing Kansa has shown a great honour to me' )e has sent invitation only to other kingsF but has sent his minister to call me and a golden chariot or my kids'R /o it
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
was announced in -okul that all the people would go to *athura the neHt day and witness the estivities there' D.:A"0%". (> K"1/)4A?BALA"A* >(" *A0)%"A 8hen the -opis heard about Krishna leaving -okul to visit *athuraF they began to wail and cry' 0hey were getting so much restless by the news thatF they eltF their lives would end be ore the sunrise' 0hey started imprecating ate that it had no kindness' >irst it provided them with a closer contact with their beloved KanhaF now it was causing a long separation rom him' /ome o -opis even begged or deathF they elt it better than living without Kanha' All the -opis kept on crying and wailing nightlong' *other Yashoda awoke early in the morning neHt day' /he churned out butter and adding *ishri (sugar candies)F she took it to Krishna to eed him' But there she ound that both Krishna and Balaram were getting ready to set out or *athura' 0hey held motherLs eet and saidK R:ardon usF ( motherF we are going to *athura'R 0hese words disturbed Yashoda' /he ran and ell at AkrurLs eet and saidK R1 am your slave' ( AkrurF please do not take my beloved sons to *athura' 0hey are inseparable rom my heart' 8hy Kansa has summoned them to *athuraN ( AkrurF go and tell him to take everything rom usF but spare our sons' 8e are also ready to live in DailF but canLt lose our beloved sons'R Akrur consoled Yashoda' RBhabhi (sister?in?law)F donLt worry' 0hese two brothers are going to *athura to witness the estivities there and will return soon to com ort your heart'R Yashoda saidK RAkrurDiF *athura is a town o gold and both o my sons are too young yet to be needed there or any reason'R 0ouching the eet o 4and and YashodaF both the brothers saidK R>atherF motherF we will de initely return' :resently we wish to see the grandeur o *athura'R *eanwhile all the -opis and -opas had gathered there' <rying and wailingF the -opis saidK RYou are very <ruelF ( AkrurF who named you as Akrur' You have come here to lacerate our hearts'R /econd -opi saidK R4o riendF it is not a ault o Akrur' (ur complaints are with /hyamsundar' 8e le t everythingF our husbandsF childrenF our homes and dedicated our entire selves in your service' And now you are deserting us so ruthlessly' 8e have no support or our li e eHcept youF ( *adhusadan'R /aying thisF all the -opis burst into tears again' All the -opasF including /hridama surrounded the chariot and saidK R( Krishna we had not even dreamt that you would desert us so ruthlessly' ( Kanhaiya we have seen with our eyes that even 1ndraF VarunF /anakadi and Brahma bow be ore you' But we have never regarded you as -od' 8e regarded you as our riend' Are you angry with usN ( my childhood riend KanhaiyaF we reMuest youF we will never abuse you in uture' 1 you were intending to goF why did youF then save us rom the in ernal orest ire' 8hy did you save rom the deluging rainsN 8e cannot live without you' 0ell us ( benevolent riendF 8hen will you return'R Lord Krishna consoled them all and took many o them with )im' 0he chariot began to move' As long as the lag o the chariot remained visibleF people kept on crying and wailing' .ven the eyes o Akrur illed with tears' Lord asked himK RKakaF why are you weepingNR Akrur repliedK R( LordF Kansa is the great sinner' 1 eel he will try to torment you by all means' /oF my heart saysF that 1 should take you back to VrindavanaF because i Kansa did any harm to youF their spirits will curse me or ever'R AK"%" )A/ A /1-)0 (> L("D 14 >(%"?A"*.D >("* )earing AkrurLs wordsF Lord understood that when he had arrived in VraDF he was a licted with a eeling o maDesty' But nowF it has been replaced by a ection now' )e there ore decided to remove his dilemma' 0husF Lord said to himK RKakaF *athura is still some distance away' /o you take a bath in Yamuna' 8e brothers are waiting or you in the chariot'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
As soon as Akrur took a dip in YamunaF Lord showed him a sight o )is abode Vaikunth and his 4arayanaLs appearance in whichF he was holding conchF wheelF mace and lotus in each o his our hands and was lying on the bed o /heshnaga' 8ith olded handsF Akrur prayed to lordK R( lordF you are the reason or the eHistence o Brahma and the %niverse' ( LordF 1 pray at your eet again and again' 4ow 1 recognise you' You are the one who took the incarnations o *atsyaF KachchapF VarahF 4arsinhF VamanaF "ama etc' 0hus a ter bath and worshipF Akrur returned to the chariot' Lord Krishna understood that now a devotional eeling had arisen in the mind o Akrur or 4arayana' Lord askedK RYour condition seems miserable' Did you see anything eHtra?ordinary under waterNR Akrur saidK R( LordF now bestow your grace on me' Kindly come to my home and accept my hospitality'R A""1VAL 14 *A0)%"A A ter the departure o AkrurF 4andbaba too set out or *athura along with the -opas' (n the way itsel F they caught up with Krishna and Balaram' All o them then reached *athura together' 0here they stayed in a garden' A ter sometimeF with 4andLs permissionF both the brothers set out to see the city o *athura' *athura was indeed a beauti ul town' All the residents o *athura thronged on roadsF roo s and attices to have a sight o Krishna and Balaram' -"A<. (4 K%B#A (n the wayF they met a pretty but hunched woman' /he introduced hersel as KubDaF the maid o Kansa' )er duty was to smear the members o the royal amily with sandalwood paste' -od asked her i she would smear him with sandal paste' KubDa saidK R( *anmohanF 1 see no one more itting than you or the sandal paste'R 0hus she smeared LordLs orehead with sa ron' (n DauLs orehead she smeared musk containing sandal pasteF other -opas smeared all the remaining sandal paste on their heads' Lord thenF put )is eet on KubDaLs and holding her chin gave her head a slight Derk' And in no timeF KubDaLs hunch was gone and she turned into a pretty woman' /he begged lord or )is love' 0he Lord promised her a meeting in utureF and proceeded ahead' B".AK14- (> 0). B(8 A ter salving KubDaF Lord Krishna and other -opas moved ahead' At a place they saw a huge bow kept on a high stage' *any strong men were guarding it' Lord entered the canopy and easily li ted the bow and broke it into pieces' 0here was a big applause rom all around' Dau saidK RKrishnaF now the crowd will increase hereF so let us escape in time' 0husF both the brothers and their riends beat a retreat to their camp' 0here they rested or night' 0here in *athuraF breaking o the bow had rightened Kansa' )e could not sleep during the night' .ven in his dreamsF he saw nothingF but Krishna everywhere around him' K1LL14- (> .L.:)A40 .arly in the morningF Kansa summoned his minister and ordered him to make KuvalayapeedF the elephant to stand in the centre o the main gate' )e thought that the elephant would kill both the boys i they dared to enter the ort through main gate' Back there in the gardenF Krishna and Balarama set out in wrestlers guise or the ort' At the gateF seein an elephant blocking the passageF they asked mahout loudlyK R( *ahoutF why have you made the elephant stand in the centre o the gate' *ove it either ahead or back'R But instead o moving the elephant out o the passageF the mahout steered it right on them' But be ore elephant could attack themF Balarama caught its trunkF while Krishna caught its tail' Both the brothers then dragged the elephant out o the gate and lo ted it in the air' 0he elephant ell on the ground with a loud thud and died on the spot' /ALVA01(4 (> 8"./0L."/ Kansa elt very nervous by the news o elephantLs killing' Be ore he could take stock o the situationF Lord Krishna and Balaram arrived in the amphi? theatre' 0he spectators present in the amphitheatre
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
saw Lord as per their eelings' 0he men olk saw Lord as a #ewel among the men' 8omen olk saw him as an incarnation o Kamadev' <owherds saw their natural riend in LordF while to Kansa )e appeared as his death' But to his mother and atherF Devaki and Vasudev and to 4andF Krishna and Balarama appeared as small kids' /ages and ascetics saw nothing but metaphysical coming in boysL guise' Learned ones sighted )is cosmic orm while to Yadavas )e appeared as their tutelary -od' As soon as the Lord and Balaram arrived in the ringF the wrestlersF who were already present thereF stood up like springs' A wrestler <hanur dragged Krishna and one named *ushtik dragged Balarama into the ring' 0hey said to themK RBoth o you and we are the subDects o the great king Kansa' 1t is our duty to please our king with our art and skill' *ore over we will receive many rewards also'R Krishna saidK R( wrestlersF you please ight among yourselves' 8e are boys yetF so we shall witness your ight rom a distance'R <hanur saidK R4o you are neither boy nor teenagers' You are stronger than the strongest' You have Dust killed an elephant which was stronger than thousand elephants'R 0husF both the brothers were compelled to wrestle with the royal wrestlers' Balaram beat *ushtik on the ground so hard that he died at once on the spot' Krishna similarly killed second wrestler <hanur' All the remaining wrestlers met similar ate one by one' 0he massive crowd present there applauded them Doy ully' /ALVA01(4 (> KA4/A /eeing the shame ul de eat o his wrestlersF Kansa in uriated with anger and proclaimedK R0ie all the opponentsO tie %grasenF DevakiF Vasudev and 4and in ropes and bring them be ore me'R Lord Krishna could not tolerate this and in a single DumpF )e reached on the stage where Kansa was present' Lord Krishna caught him by hair and saidK R( KansaF once you have caught a helpless woman by hairF 1 have avenged that insult' 4ow you will receive the ruits or your atrocities'R /aying thisF Lord began to twirl Kansa catching him by hairF and threw him down rom the stage' 0hen Lord Dumped once again and landed on the chest o Kansa' Kansa died instantaneously' 0husF Kansa who was an incarnation o the demon Kaalnemi received salvation' Lord Krishna thenF released his parents rom the prison and crowned his maternal grand ather %grasen as the king o *athura' YA-Y(:AV10 (> K"1/)4A?BALA"A*A A ter the success ul completion o all the royal ceremoniesF the consecration o Krishna and Balaram was carried out' 0herea terF they came to stay at the hermitage o sage /andipani or ormal education' .Htraordinarily brilliant Krishna success ully learned all the knowledge in short period o time' 0henF as -urudakshina (paying respect to the teacher) Krishna brought back his dead sons rom the abode o YamaraaD' 0aking convocation bathF therea terF Lord Krishna returned to *athura' 0hereF though living among royal luHuries and grandeur Lord Krishna remained indi erent' *emory o his sentimentalF beloved devotees riend and other people o VraD kept on pricking him' /.4D14- %DD)AV A/ *.//A4-." /avant %ddhavF the son o YadavaLs minister Brihaspati was an intimate riend o Lord Krishna' (nly he had the permission to enter LordLs sanctum' /eeing his riend Krishna in remorseF %ddhav askedK R*athuranathF you seem to be upset' 8hat is troubling youNR Lord Krishna repliedK R%ddhavF 1 eel perpleHed' 1 remember my days in Vrindavana' :lease go to Vrindavana and get the news regarding -opis there' Also give them my message'R 0hus Lord Krishna donned %ddhav in his attire and sent him to VraD in his chariot' 0here he stayed at 4andLs home' At nightF %ddhav enMuired about 4and and YashodaLs well being and about VraD in general' 0hat whole might passed in chatting' B)"A*A" -..0
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
4eHt dayF when the -opis got the news o %ddhavLs arrivalF they thronged in and around 4andLs residence' 0hey recognised the chariot parked in ront o the gate' 1t was the same chariot on which Krishna and Balaram had departed or *athura' >irst they thought that their beloved Krishna had returned' But someone in ormed that it was %ddhavF KrishnaLs /avant riendF who had come to preach them about metaphysical knowledge' /oon a terwardsF %ddhav came out and spoke out loudK R( -opisF listen to the preaching o %ddhav'R But instead o listening to himF -opis covered their ears' >eeling insultedF %ddhav eHpressed his dissatis action over their behaviour' -opis said to himK I( gentlemanF irstly we are not amiliar with youF secondly we have no capacity to hear your preaching' Yes i you wish to give us a message o our most belovedO thousand o ears are eager to hear that'R %ddhav then introduced himsel as the intimate riend o Lord Krishna' Knowing his identity -opis welcome and treated %ddhav warmly' %ddhav then began to say againK R( -opisF the personF whom you are declaring as your beloved riendF in act recognises no motherF no ather and no other relation' )e has no ormF no colour and no body' )e is above allF non?eHisting all pervasive and the giver o Doy' )e is never separate rom his devotee and beloved ones' All o youF tooF eel the presence o that /upreme Being and be happy orever'R -opis saidK R%ddhavF as long as -hanashyam stayed with usF we saw endless virtues in him' But only within siH months o his stay in *athuraF you wiped out all o his virtues and turned him virtueless' 0ell us with which mouth did he eat butterF with which hand did he break our pitchersF with which eet did he pasture cows in the orests and with which eet did he dance on the hood o Kaliy' 8as he another KrishnaNR )arsh reaction o the -opis startled %ddhav' )e began to think where he had been caught' )is knowledge o Vedanta was proving ine ective on the -opis who were sunk in so much love' (n the other handF -opis too were eeling embarrassed or treating the guest bitterly' But they were also not prepared to listen to such preaching that condemned love' *oreoverF they had let out their long accumulating eeling' *eanwhile a bumblebee perched at "adhaLs eet mistaking them or lotus' :ointing to itF all the -opis saidK RBeware ( bumblebeeF beware i you dare to touch the eet o our "adha' 1t appears that you are a disciple o Krishna' 0here is now no secret regarding the virtues and actions o your riend' But it is good that he and you tied in riendship' You are black and your riend has a black heart' Virtues o both o you are same' >irst )e imbibed us in )is loveO then le t us ruthlessly orever' )e is not sorry or us' But why does Lakshmi serve in those eetN /he must be care ulF lest she should be deceived like us' ( bumblebee you also appear to be a polymath who has come here to preach us' But you wonLt get an audience in BraD' You should better go to *athura' 0here is one KubDa go and relate your tale to her' You will receive ample donations rom her' 8hat will you get rom the -opis hereN 0hey have already lost their mental balanceF because o separation rom the beloved Krishna' 1 you have come to askF why we loved Krishna' ( bumblebeeF we have no knowledge' But we know that our love or Krishna was not a mistake' .ven the goddess Lakshmi does not leave )is eet or a moment' 8hy should we leave his eet thenN But ( bumblebeeF have you really come to convince us' 8hen )e could not come out o shameF )e sent you to console us ? the dea and dumb -opisF But be care ul i you put your head at the eet o "adha' -et awayF we have already seen enough o lattery and lirtation o your riend' Deserting our a ection or ephemeral thingsF we loved that eternal one' But )e too abandoned us' <an you guess about our conditionN 0ell usF ( %ddhavF shall we ever get the sight o /hri Krishna againN
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
)earing the tragic tale o the -opisF %ddhav too elt very sorry or them' )e elt as i *athuranathF lord Krishna was indeed neglecting those -opis' %ddhav stayed in Vrindavana or siH months' 0here he saw every placeF every spot where lord Krishna had played once' 8hen he was returning to *athuraF mother Yashoda presented him with butterF "adha gave him the lute' 0hus immersed in the love and overwhelmed by its eelingsF %ddhav reached *athura' )e said to KrishnaK RLordF the real appearance o loveF that 1 saw in Vrindavana is the only truth'R /hri Krishna saidK R%ddhavF You are weeping' #ust look at me'R %ddhav looked at him with wideF opened eyes' 1n every single hair o LordF there eHisted -opis' %ddhav was indeed a /avant' But Lord had sent him to BraD only to be taught a lesson o love' A ter the death o Kansa his widowed Mueens Asti and :rapti returned to their ather #arasandhLs home and in ormed him that Krishna and Balaram had killed their husband Kansa' 1n uriated by the newsF #arasandh at once launched a massive attack on *athura' 0he people o *athura were rightened by the strength o #arasandhLs army' Lord Krishna too ell in deep thought' #ust thenF divine weapons and chariots appeared rom the heaven' Both the brothers took the weapons and boarded their chariots' 0hen they ought a ierce battle and slayed all the army o #arasandh' Balaram uriously caught #arasandh and was about to kill him' But Lord Krishna stopped him' 0hey then released #arasandh and let him go unhurt' #arasandh elt ashamed that Krishna released him because o his helpless condition' :arashar saysK Despite his shame ul de eatF #arasandh attacked *athura seventeen times with huge armies' But every timeF the Lord de eated him and released him in kindness' And every time #arasandh elt more humiliated'R At lastF instead o attacking *athura himsel F #arasandh sent Kalyavan to de eat /hri Krishna' Kalyavan launched an attack on *athura with one crore strong *alechchh army' 0his time Lord Krishna decided to vacate *athura instead o countering the attack' )e got Dwarkapuri constructed by Vishwakarma and settled all the people o *athura there' 0henF unarmedF Lord Krishna walked past Kalyavan' :ointed by 4aradF Kalyavan at once recognised Krishna and gave )im a chase' )e also challenged )imF but the Lord did not listen to his challenges and kept moving with ace turned away' Kalyavan chased )im or longF but could not catch up' %ltimately the Lord entered a cave' Kalyavan too ollowed )im into the cave' 1n the cave the Lord saw that someone was sleeping there' /o )e covered the man with his yellow length o cloth and himsel hid inside the cave' Kalyavan too arrived there and saw the sleeping man' )e mistook him or -od and saidK RKrishnaF you might have thought that braves do not attack on sleeping people' /o 1 will irst wake you up and then kill you'R /aying thus Kalyavan kicked the sleeping man hard' )oweverF as soon as the man awakened and glanced at KalyavanF Kalyavan got incinerated at once' 0AL. (> *%<)K%4D *aitreya askedK R-urudevF who was that sleeping manNR :arashar saysK R( kingF that sleeping man was *uchkundF the son o the king *andhaata' 0he gods had sought his assistance in their war against the demon during the /atayug' 8ith *uchkundLs helpF the gods had de eated the demons and thus pleased had asked him to seek a boon' *uchkund then had sought a boon o seeing -od in tangible orm' 0he gods had assured him that he would have a sight o -od in Dwapar Yuga' /ince Dwapar Yuga was still ar awayF so *uchkund had askedK R8hat should 1 do till thenNR 0he gods asked him to sleep somewhere and blessed him with a boon that whoever waked him up would be incinerated at onceF by his glance' 0husF in order to get Kalyavan incinerated and show *uchkund with his Divine ormF Lord had gone to that spot where *uchkund was sleeping'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*uchkund got the sight o -od in <haturbhuD ormO and sought a boon o continuous devotion or three births' 0husF Lord de eated *alechchh army and captured all their wealth' )e also de eated #arasandh and caused great Doy or the people o Dwarka' *A""1A-. (> BALA"A*A 0he king o AnartF "aivat got his daughter "evati married to Balaram with the blessing o Brahma' *.//A-. (> "%K*A41 >(" L("D :arashar saysK RBheeshmak was the king o Vidarbh' )e had ive sons and a daughter "ukmani' "ukmiF the eldest son o BheeshmakF had iHed his sisterLs engagement with /hishupalF the prince o <haidi' 4arad did not like this development' )e went to KundanpurF the capital o Vidarbh and said in the court o BheeshmakK ( KingF 1 am coming rom Dwarka'R Bheeshmak said$ R( great /ageF 1 have never heard about any city named DwarkaR' 0husF in the court o BheeshmakF 4arad narrated about the li e o Lord Krishna and the grandeur o Dwarka' Bheeshmak heard the tale with ull attention' )is daughter "ukmani too enDoyed the tale' But "ukmi had a strong opposition against lord Krishna' 1gnoring the wish o his atherF he was not ready to get his sister married to Lord Krishna' (n the appointed dayF /hishupal appeared thereF in a processionF to get married with "ukmani' But "ukmani was determined to marry Lord Krishna' /he sent a love letter to Krishna through a loyal Brahmin and declared a ast unto death' Lord Krishna read her letterF which saidK R( 0rilokinathF since the momentF these ears have heard about your virtuesF actionsF character and playsF my soul eHperiences divine peace' ( AchyutF my mind is dedicated in your eet' ( great among the menF this "ukmani has dedicated hersel in your eet' 4ow it is up to you to see that no Dackal could take away the lionLs share'R 0he BrahminF the carrier o the letterF returned to Kundanpur with an assurance rom the Lord' Lord too called the charioteer and set out at once or Kundanpur' 0here in KundanpurF "ukmani a ter getting the assurance rom the Brahmin was thus waiting or LordLs arrival' :reparations or "ukmaniLs marriage with /hishupal were on with ull swing in Kundanpur' All the housesF streets and lanes were cleaned and sprinkled with scented water' All the men and women olk donned new clothes and ornaments' King Bheeshmak worshipped his ancestors and gods and welcomed the Brahmins liberally' .Htremely beauti ul princess "ukmani was given ceremonial bath and donned with auspicious clothes and bracelets' 0he king o <hediF Damaghosh got the auspicious rites or the marriage o his son /hishupalF per ormed by Brahmins' All the Baratis (people in marriage procession) were given grand reception' *any great kings like /halvF #arasandhF DantvaktraF Vidurath and :aundrak were present in the marriage procession' 0hey had come with their armies with an intention o ighting Krishna and Balaram' A ter KrishnaLs departureF Balaram too set out or Kundanpur with chaturangini (with our wings) armyF or he had known about their opponentsL preparedness' "ukmani was eagerly awaiting LordLs arrival' /he had received the news that Dwarakanath (Krishna) had resolved to take her away' /he was eeling overwhelmed in her heart' /eeing Lord Krishna arrived intently in the marriage ceremonies o his daughterF king Bheeshmak welcomed him' /eeing himF even the common people o Vidarbh prayed R*ay our princess "ukmani get /hri Krishna as her husband' At the same timeF "ukmani emerged rom her palace to go to the temple o AmbikadeviF soldiers were guarding her' 1n the templeF "ukmani prayed peace ullyK R( *other Ambika 1 greet you and -anapatiF who is sitting in your lap' 1 seek your blessing that may my wish be ul illed and may 1 receive /hri Krishna as my husband'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(n her way backF "ukmani was walking very slowly or she was awaiting LordLs arrivalF which was due in any moment' #ust thenF Lord Krishna appeared be ore her' Be ore she could ride her chariot Lord li ted her rom amidst the crowd' And in the presence o hundreds o kingsF Krishna and Balaram eloped away with "ukmani' D.>.A0 (> "%K*1 A4D /)1/)%:AL )earing the news that Krishna has eloped with "ukmaniF "ukmi and all other kings present there boiled with anger' Accompanied by their huge armiesF they decided to give them a chase' 0hus chased my themF Yadnvanishis stopped and encountered the kings boldly' 8ith a true ambition to winF brave Yadav soldiers de eated the enemies' All the kings like #arasandh led or their lives' "ukmi had resolved that without getting "ukmani released rom KrishnaLs captivityF he would not show his ace in Kundanpur' )e chased Lord Krishna or long' But Dwarakanath de eated him and got his head shaved' *A""1A-. (> "%K*A41 A4D K"1/)4A 0hus de eating all the kingsF Lord Krishna brought "ukmani to Dwarka' 0here they got married ormally' All the people o Dwarka celebrated estivities or many days' :eople presented them with lot o precious gi ts' All the people were in great Doy to see Lakshmi as "ukmani with her husband Lord Krishna' B1"0) (> :"ADY%*4F K1LL14- (> /)ABA"A/%" Kamadev was a part o lord himsel ' A ter getting incinerated by "udraF Kamadev took re uge in the supreme lord to get an incarnation once more' 0husF Kamadev was born as "ukmaniAs irst son :radyumn' But Dust a ter his birthF :radyumn was kidnapped by a demon /hambarasur' 0he demon dropped the baby into the seaF where a huge ish swallowed him in whole' <oincidentally the ish was caught by the ishers and presented to the kitchen o /hambarasur' 8hen the cooks cut the ish openF an eHtremely beauti ul baby emerged' *ayawatiF the governess o the kitchenF elt overDoyed to see the baby' /he began to rear the baby with love and a ection' (nce 4arad arrived in the kitchen and saidK R*ayawatiF do you know who is in your lapN R R4oF ( DevarshiF 1 ound him rom the belly o a ishFR said *ayawati' Devarshi 4arad saidK R)e is your husband Kamadev and you are his wi e "ati' 1n this birthF he has appeared as :radyumn the son o Krishna' )earing thisF *ayawati saluted 4arad with respect' /ince then she regarded :radyumn as her husband and served him accordingly' 8hen :radyumn matured' *ayawati reminded him about his real appearance' :radyumnF therea terF killed /hambarasur and got married with *ayawati' 0hen the couple arrived in Dwarka' 0AL. (> /YA*A40AK 0). -.* A person named /atraDit was a great devotee o Lord /uryanarayana' :leased by his devotionF /uryadev presented him a gem called /yamantak' 0he gem had radiance eMual to the /un' Bearing that gemF /atraDit arrived in LordLs court' By the radiance o his gemF all the people and the courtiers mistook him or /uryadev and stood in his regard' But the Lord recognised him and asked his courtiers to be calm' 0hen to /atraDitF Lord /aidK R/atraDitF your gem is really very beauti ul' 4ana (maternal grand ather) %grasen is the king o this region' 1 you present this gem to himF it will be very good' But /atraDit re used to present that gem' (ne dayF later onF /atraDitLs brother :rasenDit went huntingF wearing the gem in his neck' 1n the orest a lion killed him and snatched the gem' 0he lion was in turn killed by the ursine king #ambvant' #ambvant took the gem to his cave and gave it to his children to play with' 8hen :rasenDit did not return rom huntingF /atraDit elt sorry and accused Krishna that )e had killed his brother or the gem'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
8hen lord Krishna heard that he was being blamed or the mishapF )e himsel went to the orests' 0here he ound the dead body o :rasenDitF but there was no sign o gem around the cadaver' )e ound only ootprints o a lion leaving rom there' >ollowing the ootprintsF )e discovered the dead lion and the ootprints o a great bear' >ollowing the ootprintsF )e reached in the cave where #ambvantLs daughter #ambvati was playing with the gem' As soon as lord Krishna proceeded to take the gemF #ambvant arrived' A ierce duel resulted between them' 0hey continued to ight or twenty?siH days without truce' (n the twenty?seventh day #ambvant reMuested Lord$ R:lease wait ( Lord'R Lord saidK RDo you want to take restNR R4oRF said #ambvantF R1 have recognised you' You are none other than Lord 4arayana )imsel ' 4obody else has the power to de eat me'R Lord appeared be ore #ambvant as /hri "ama' #ambvant prayed and worshipped )im' )e was eeling guilty that he dared to ight Lord' Lord said that )e had arrived there or the gem only' #ambvant gave him the gem and also his daughter #ambvati' Lord returned the gem to /atraDit and married #ambvati ormally' *A""1A-. (> /A0YAB)A*A A4D K"1/)4A Lord summoned /atraDit to )is court and in the presence o the king %grasenF related the seMuence o incidents that took place in the Dungle' /atraDit elt ashamed' 8ith a eeling o repentance he took the gem' )e was getting a raid also that he made enemity with lord Krishna without reason' )ence to eHpiate his crimeF /atraDit thought o presenting the gem /yamantak and his daughter /atyabhama to Lord Krishna' Lord Krishna accepted /atyabhama as his wi e but returned the gem to /atraDit sayingK R1t is a gi t o lord /uryadev' Keep it with you' You are reMuired to deposit the gold that you get rom itF in the royal treasure'R 0).>0 (> /YA*A40AK Akrur and Kritvarma were not pleased with the marriage o /atyabhama' /o they got /atraDit killed by /hatadhanva' /hatadhanva killed /atraDit in his sleep and absconded with the gem' Lord Krishna was then away in )astinapur' /atyabhama too reached there and in ormed Krishna about her atherLs assassination' 8ith BalaramF Lord Krishna chased /hatadhanva' But even a ter killing himF they could not trace the gem' /hatadhanva had given the gem to Akrur to keep till his return' But a ter the death o /hatadhanvaF rightened Akrur came to stay in Kashi' >rom the e ect o the gem Akrur per ormed many grand Yagyas there' Lord summoned Akrur rom Kashi' A ter welcoming and treating him in the courtF Lord asked him about the gem' Akrur showed the gem in the court' But Lord returned the gem to Akrur' *A""1A-. (> L("D K"1/)4A 810) KAL14D1 (nce Lord Krishna visited 1ndraprasth to see :andavas' 0here riding a chariot with ArDunaF )e came to the orests' (n the bank o river Yamuna a pretty woman was observing penance' By the instinct o -odF ArDun drew near her and asked or her identity' /he saidK R1 am KalindiF the daughter o /uryadev' 1 am penancing here in order to get married with Lord Krishna'R Lord got Kalindi boarded on the chariot and got married to her ormally' L("DL/ *A""1A-. 810) *10"V14DA *itrvinda was the sister o Vind Anuvind the king o %DDain' /he had a desire to get Lord as her husband' But her brotherF Vind Anuvind was a ollower o Duryodhan' /o he stopped his sister *itrvinda rom getting married to Krishna' But Krishna eloped with *itrvinda rom the court and got married to her ormally later on' L("DL/ *A""1A-. 810) /A0YA /atya was the daughter o 4agnDitF the king o Kaushal' /he was eHtremely beauti ul lady' 0he king had resolved that he would marry his daughter only to him who would de eat his seven most ormidable
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
oHen' *any princes has tried their luck since then but ailed' 8hen Lord Krishna heard about thatF )e reached Kaushal with his army' 0he king o Kaushal welcomed and treated him wellF and told him about his resolution' Lord then took seven guises and in no time de eated his seven ormidable oHen' -ladly the king married his daughter /atya to Lord Krishna' L("DL/ *A""1A-. 810) B)AD"A :arashar saysK R:arikshitF LordLs aunt ( atherLs sister) /hrutkirti was married in the kingdom o KaikauDa' Bhadra was the daughter o /hrutkirti' BhadraLs brothers like /antardan etc' themselves had got their sister married to Lord Krishna' L("DL/ *A""1A-. 810) LAK/)*A4A Lakshmana was the daughter o the king o *adra' /he was very beauti ul and meritorious' Lord abducted her all alone rom the /wayamvara organised or her marriage' LaterF Lord married to her ormally' /ALVA01(4 (> B)A%*A/%" :ragDyotishpur was the capital o the demon Bhaumasur' )e was very strong and power ul' )e had snatched the canopy o VarunF earrings o Aditi the mother o the godsF and *aniparvat o the gods on *eru' Apart rom theseF he had also captured siHteen thousand and one hundred princesses as well' DevraD 1ndra himsel visited Dwarka and :rayed Lord to get them rid o BhaumasurLs atrocities' 8ith the dear wi e /atyabhama and riding his vehicle -arud' Lord Krishna arrived in the capital o Bhaumasur' But to enter :ragDyotishpur was an impossible task' But with the blows o his mace and arrowsF Lord easily broke the hillsF destroyed strategic positions and cut the snares with sword' By his wheel he destroyed the walls o ireF water and air' 8ith the loud sound o conchF Lord rendered the machinesF installed thereF useless' %ltimatelyF -od destroyed the rampart o the citadel' Disturbed by the noiseF the ive?headed demon *ur ran with a trident to kill -od' But with a single shot o his arrowF Lord broke his trident and cut his head with his wheel' /oldiers and commanders o Bhaumasur were also killed' Bhaumasur then came himsel to ight' )e had donned a shinning crown and was wearing big earrings' 8ith his wheelF Lord cut the demonLs head' As soon as )e beheaded the demonF the gods showered lowers on the Lord and worshipped )im' .ven the mother earth came and put a garland o ive colours around lordAs neck' /he also presented to him the earrings o AditiF canopy o VarunF and a great gem' At the reMuest o earthF Lord assured BhaumasurLs son Bhagdatt reedom rom his ears' L("DL/ *A""1A-. 810) <A:01V. :"14<.//./ A ter slaying BhaumasurF Lord entered his palace' 0here )e released the siHteen thousand one hundred captive princesses' 0he princesses were very much impressed by the Lord' 0hey had all accepted in their mindF Lord Krishna as their husband' Lord too bowed be ore their love and accepted them as his wives and arranged to send them to Dwarka' :"ADY%*4L/ *A""1A-. 810) "%K*VA01 "ukmvati was the daughter o "ukmiF the brother o "ukmani' 8hen a /wayamvara was organised or herF she saw :radyumn' /he was so impressed by him that she chose him as her husband' But it was not acceptable to other princes' 0hey tried to stop their marriage' But de eating them allF :radyumn abducted "ukmvati and married her ormally' 0hen to please his sister "ukmaniF "ukmi got his granddaughter "ochana married to "ukmaniLs grandsons Anirudh' *A""1A-. (> %/)A?A41"%D)
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0he son o the demon king BaliF Baanasur was a great devotee o Lord /hiva' Baanasur ruled over the kingdom /honitpur' By the grace o Lord /hivaF he had received thousand arms' .ven all the gods including 1ndra used to serve him' 0hus blinded by his physical strengthF Baanasur sought a boon rom Lord to meet a match or his strength' Lord /hiva saidK R( oolF your thirst or war shall be Muenched when your lag is broken'R Baanasur had a daughter named %sha' (nce she had a dream in which Anirudh was making love with her' /he was very much perpleHed by the dream' A ter a ew days with the help o her riend <hitralekhaF Anirudh sneaked into her palace' )e stayed there and enDoyed the company o %sha or long' But AnirudhLs clandestine stay could not remain hidden rom the eyes o Banasura' /o he put Anirudh in prison' 0here in DwarkaF everyone was worried by AnirudhLs long absence' 1t was 4aradF who ultimately revealed the act that Anirudh was in the prison o Baanasur' )earing the newsF Lord Krishna launched an attack on Baanasur' )is armies surrounded /honitpur' During -hurabandi the lag o BaanasurLs palace ell' Lord /hankar arrived to assist Baanasur' Lord Krishna cut all the arms o Baanasur' At the reMuest o /hivaF he le t only our o his arms intact' Baanasur bowed his head be ore Lord Krishna and brought Anirudh and %sha respect ully be ore )im' 8ith them Lord Krishna returned to Dwarka where ormal marriage o %sha and Anirudh took place' 0AL. (> 0). K14- 4"1(nceF Lord KrishnaLs sons visited the orests' 0here they saw a huge <hameleon allen in a largeF deep well' 0hey tried to pull it out but in vain' 0he princesF there oreF returned to the palace and related this strange episode to Lord Krishna' Lord too came to the well and with )is le t handF easily pulled the <hameleon out' As soon as the chameleon came outF it turned into a divine god and began to worship -od' )e saidK R( LordF 1 am 4rig' 0he king 1kshvaaku was my ather' 1n my li eF 1 had donated uncountable numbers o cows to the Brahmins' But once a cowF donated by meF returned to my cowshed' By mistake 1 made a resolution to donate it to another Brahmin' *y action led to a dispute between the two BrahminsF and my wisdom ailed to settle their dispute' Both the Brahmins went away unsatis iedF but 1 met this ate a ter death' /ince thenF 1 had been in this well in the orm o a chameleon' 4owF by the grace ul touch o your handsF ( LordF 1 have received salvation'R King 4rig then went around the Lord and returned to his heavenly abode'R /ALVA01(4 (> :A%4D"AK (nce Balaram and Krishna had gone to BraD to see 4andbaba there' *eanwhile the king :aundrak o Karush sent an envoy to lord Krishna with a message that saidK L1 am Lord Vasudev'L :andrakLs envoy arrived in the court and read out the messageK R0o bestow my grace on the peopleF 1 have taken an incarnation' You have alsely named yoursel as Vasudev and bore my insignia' 0ake my re uge or ace the battle'R )earing the message o :aundrakF %grasen and other courtiers began to laugh' Lord asked the envoy to in orm :aundrak that )e would launch )is wheel on him and his army' "eceiving the message :aundrak launched an attack on Dwarka with two Akshauhini armies' 0he king o Kashi was a riend o :aundrak' )e too came to his assistance with three Akshauhini armies' :aundrak had disguised as Vasudev and was bearing arti icial conchF wheelF mace and lotus and' )e had also adorned /wastikaF Kaustubh etc' All the people began to laugh at :aundrakLs clown like attire' 1n no timeF the Lord stripped him o all his adornments' )is wheel cut his head' 0hen with an arrow the Lord cut the head o the king o Kashi' )is head ell in ront o his palaceLs gate' /udakshinF the son o the Kashi kingF organised a grand Yagya to avenge his atherLs killing' An ogressF Kritya emerged rom the Yagya and began to burn Dwarka' All the people prayed Krishna to protect them' Lord assured
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
them to be earless and ordered )is wheel /udarshan to kill Kritya' /udarshan eHtinguished the ireF killed Kritya and destroyed Kashi' 0hen it returned to the LordLs inger' /ALVA01(4 (> D81V1D 0here was once a monkey named Dwivid' )e was the riend o Bhaumasur' 8hen Dwivid heard about BhaumasurLs killing by /hri KrishnaF he began to cause large?scale destruction in the kingdom' )is disruptive activities in the country began to terrorise the subDects o Lord Krishna' (nce hearing sweet musicF the monkey was drawn towards the "aivtak *ountain' 0here he saw Balaram amidst beauti ul young women' 0he monkey began to behave indecently' Angered by his indecencyF Balaram hit him with his pestleF named /unandF and killed the monkey' *A""1A-. (> /A*B /amb was the son o lord Krishna and born to #ambvati' )e had Kidnapped LakshmanaF the daughter o Duryodhan rom her /wayamvara' 1n uriated Kauravas chased them andF with di icultyF they caught /amb and tied him' 8hen the Yaduvanshis got the newsF they began preparations to launch an attack on Kauravas' Balaram paci ied them and reached )astinapur alone' 0here he received a warm welcome rom the Kauravas' Balaram said to themK R1t is an order o the king %grasen that you should see /amb o with his newly wedded wi e'R )earing BalaramLs words Kauravas got angry and began to deride Yaduvanshis' 1n uriated by Kauravas derisionF Balaram trained his pestle and plough' )e intended to turn over the town o )astinapur into the river Yamuna' 8hen the city began to shakeF Kauravas elt perpleHed and begged Balaram or his pardon' Balaram assured them to be earless and returned to Dwarka with /amb and his newly wedded wi e Lakshmana' 0). K14-/ 14 <A:01V10Y /..K L("DL/ ).L: (nce Lord Krishna was holding )is court when an emissary arrived in the court' 0he kings who were held captive orcibly by #arasandh had sent him' 0he emissary related the miseries o those kings to Lord Krishna' 0hrough the emissaryF the kings had reMuestedK R( Lord o the worldF Kindly get us ree rom our miseries' 8e are in your re uge' 8e desire your sight' Kindly bestow us with your grace'R Lord Krishna sent the emissary o with assurance o timely action' *eanwhileF Devarshi 4arad arrived in the court and in ormed the Lord o YudhisthirLs intention to organise a grand "aDsuy Yagya and his cordial invitation or the Lord to attend the ceremony' Lord asked his riend %ddhav or an advice as to where )e ought to go irst ? to 1ndraprasth in "aDsuy Yagya or to liberate the king rom the captivity o #arasandh' %ddhav advised Lord to go to 1ndraprasth irst' 0here )e would be able to serve both the purposes' L("DL/ D.:A"0%". >(" 14D"A:"A/0)A %ddhavLs advice was in the interest o all' .veryone supported it' 0aking permission rom )is priest and teachersF Lord set out on a chariot with the whole amily to reach 1ndraprasth' 1n 1ndraprasthF :andavas accorded the Lord with warm?hearted elicitations' By the dictate o LordF *ayasur built a divine looking court or Yudhishthir' 0he courtroom was a marvellous piece o architecture' 0he shinningF smoothF loor o it appeared like waterF while water bodies presented a look like marble loors' K1LL14- (> #A"A/A4D) During YudhisthirAs "aDsuy YagyaF all the :andavas set out in all the directions to conMuer the kings and eHpand the boundaries o their kingdom' 8arriors like BheemaF ArDun de eated great kings all around and eHtended the boundaries o YudhisthirLs empire' But to de eat #arasandhF ? BheemaF ArDuna and Lord Krishna went in the guise Brahmins' 0hey reached #arasandh capital -irivraD and prayed him or donations' #arasandh promised to give them the things o their desires' Lord Krishna then introduced them and begged #arasandh or a duel with any o them' #arasandh accepted to ight a duel with
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Bheema' )e gave Bheema a mace and both o them came out to the outskirts o the townF where they began their duel' Both o them were eMually strong and eMually brave and well pitted' 0wenty?seven days passedF but their duel remained inconclusive' (n the twenty?eighth dayF during the ightF Lord signalled Bheema a way to kill #arasandh' )e took a small twig in his hands and tore it apart into two' Bheema understood the signal and beating #arasandh on groundF he tore him apart in two pieces and threw them in opposite directions' 0hus came the end o evil #arasandh' Lord Krishna and ArDuna heartily greeted Bheema or his success' 0hey then enthroned #arasandhLs son /ahadev and also got the captive kings released' /ALVA01(4 (> /)1/)%:AL King Yudhishthir had invited great Vedic Brahmins and Acharayas on the occasion' :ersons rom Kauravas side like DronaF BheeshmaF KripacharyaF DhritarashtraF Vidur and Duryodhan etc' were too invited to witness the celebrations' .ven BrahmaF /hivF 1ndraF -andharvasF Vidyadhar had too arrived' But be ore the Yagya could start a dispute cropped up among the great sages as to who ought to be worshipped irst in the Yagya' 1n the opinion o /ahadev (youngest o the :andava brothersF not the son o #arasandh)F Lord Krishna deserved the irst worship' .very one supported him' (nly /hishupal could not tolerate the decision' )e stood up and saidK R1n the presence o such great asceticsF savantsF polymaths and sagesF how can this cowherd deserve the irst worship'R Despite /hishupal bitter remarks Lord Krishna kept Muiet' But /hishupal did not' .ncouraged by LordLs silence he began to attack the kingsF who stood by LordLs sideF with sword' )e was simultaneously abusing Lord Krishna also' Lord had assured /hishupal o this orgiveness or up to one hundred sins' But now /hishupalLs sins have crossed that permitted number' /oF Muieting allF Lord cut his head with )is wheel' As soon as the dead body o /hishupal ell on the groundF a lame emerged rom it and merged with Lord Krishna' /hukdev saysK R( :arikshitF eelings o hostility had been accumulating in the heart o /hishupal or his past three births against Lord Krishna' 1t was because o these intense hostile eelings that /hishupal met salvation eventually' A ter the salvation o /hishupalF ceremonies and rituals o Yagya proceeded unabated' At the end king Yudhishthir presented all those present there with itting gi ts and took ceremonial bath' At the reMuest o :andavasF lord Krishna stayed in 1ndraprasth or many months' /ALVA01(4 (> /)ALV /hukdev saysK R:arikshitF now listen to the tale o how Lord caused salvation or /halv' /halv was the childhood riend o /hishupal and had attended the marriage o "ukmani as a member o /hishupalLs wedding party' At that timeF Yaduvanshis had de eated them all including #arasandh and /halv' "ight at that momentF /halv had resolved to destroy Yaduvanshis and began worshipping -ods o the gods :ashupati (/hiv)' Lord Ashutosh /hiva was pleased with him' As a boonF /halv had got an aeroplane that was invincible even or the godsF demonsF humansF 4agasF etc and was particularly ormidable or Yaduvanshis' By the dictate o Lord /hivaF the demon *aya constructed such an aeroplane o iron' 0he aeroplane named /aubh was as big as a city and was di icult to be spotted or caught' 1t could move as ast as oneLs wishes' /oon a ter getting the aeroplaneF /halv launched an attack o Dwarka' /urrounding DwarkaF /halv began to destroy buildings and houses there' /eeing the people terrorisedF :radyumn consoled them to be earless and he set out on a chariot to counter /halv' )e pierced /halv with arrows' But /halvaLs minister Dyumana attacked :radyumna with a mace' By the blow o the maceF :radyumn lost his consciousness' But soon he came around and began to slay /halvLs orces' 0he ierce battle continued or twenty?seven days' Lord was away then in 1ndraprasth Yagya' But )e was sure that in his absence Kshatriya kings o /hishupal side would be attacking on Dwarka'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Lord reached Dwarka and saw a ierce battle between :radyumn and /halv' /eeing Lord arriveF /halv began to attack )im with sharp arrows' Lord hit /halv with a power ul blow o mace and he began to spit blood rom his mouth' )e then tried to show many illusions and showered Lord with weapons' But Lord wounded /halv with his arrowsF broke his aeroplane with his mace' Very soon therea ter the aeroplane plunged in to the sea' /halv then attacked Lord with mace but Lord cut his head with /udarshan wheel' /eeing his endF all the gods showered lowers on Lord' /ALVA01(4 (> DA40VAK0"A A4D V1D%"A0) A ter the killing o /hishupalF /halv etc' Dantvaktra arrived in the battle ield carrying a mace' 8hen Lord saw him comingF )e too Dumped down rom the chariot and balked his movement with a mace' Dantvaktra tried to humiliate -od with his abuses and hit him on head with his mace' Lord easily bore the blow o mace and hit DantvaktraLs chest with his mace named Kaumodaki' DantvaktraLs heart tore apart by the blow and he ell dead' Vidurath was the brother o Dantvaktra' )e came in the ield with sword and shield to avenge his brotherLs death' /eeing him ready to launch an attackF Lord cut VidurathLs head with his wheel' 0husF Lord Krishna entered Dwarka only a ter killing /halvF Dantvaktra and Vidurath' All the gods and other inhabitants o heaven showered lowers on )im' /%DA*AK 0). L("DL/ >"1.4D During his stay as a disciple at the hermitage o sage /andipaniF Lord Krishna had a Brahmin riend named /udama' )e was very indi erent in nature with no desires or the material things' A ter their educationF Lord Krishna came to Dwarka while /udamaF who had no any inclination or accumulating material wealthF got married and began to pass his li e with his wi e /usheela in abDect poverty' (ne day his wi e /usheela saidK R( lordF your riend Krishna is the king o Dwarka' )e is very benevolent to Brahmins and his devotees' 1 you go to see himF he will understand your miseries and grant you a lot o wealth'R But /udama plainly re used sayingK RDeviF 1 have chosen the path o devotion or sel upli tment and not or the wealth'R /usheelaF howeverF kept o insistingK RAll rightF donLt go or the wealth' But at least you can go to see your old riend' /udama accepted this propositionF thinking that only the sight o Lord yields supreme bene it to the devotee' But he wanted something as a gi t to present to his old riend' At thisF his wi e tied our hand uls o raw rice in a bundle' 8ith that humble gi tF /udama set out or Dwarka' )is poverty was at its helm' But he kept on reciting LordLs name all along the way' A ter walking or some distanceF /udama elt thirsty' )e drank waterF Muenched his thirst and thanked -od that )e at least does give water to drink' /udama kept on walking the whole day' 1n the eveningF he kept the bundle o rice under his head as a pillow and slept' 4ow it was -odLs turn to show )is gratitude or the devotee' 8hen /udama awoke in the morningF he ound himsel right in ront o Lord KrishnaLs palace' At irst he could not believe his eyesO but the people told him that he was in Dwarka and standing right be ore the lordLs palace' /udama reMuested the gatekeeper to in orm Lord Krishna that his childhood riend /udama had come' Lord Krishna was sitting in the company o "ukmani when the gatekeeper delivered the message' As soon as Lord Krishna learned about /udamaLs arrivalF )e stood up and ran helter?skelter to welcome his childhood riend' At the gate )e cordially embraced /udama and escorted him into his private chamber and made him sit on the throne' Krishna and Mueen "ukmani both washed /udamaLs eet one by one' By the mere touch o his riendF Krishna was eeling overDoyed' )is eyes illed with tears' )e and /udama were holding each otherLs hands' 0heir hearts were beating with the memories o their period as disciples at the hermitage o /andipani' >or longF none o them could utter a word' At last /udama saidK R( #agadguru KrishnaF 1 have the ortune o being your riend' 8hat remains or me to doNR
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Lord Krishna saidK RBrotherF have you brought or me something sent by my sister?in?lawN 1 love to accept even the pettiest thing presented with a ection'R At the LordLs wordsF /udama elt ashamed and he did not reveal the our hand uls o raw rice that he had brought as gi t' 8ith shameF /udama began to look at the ground' Lord knew everything that his dear riend /udama had never remembered him with a desire or wealth' 0his time too he has come at the insistence o his wi e' L)enceF 1 will give him the wealth that is rare even or the godsFL thought Lord Krishna and snatched the bundle o raw rice and opened it with great respect' )e put one hand ul o it in his mouth' 8hen Lord proceeded to take neHt hand ulF Mueen "ukmani held his hand and prayedK R( Vishvambhar ( osterer o the world) or the prosperity o entire world this one hand ul is su icient'R /udama stayed that night in the palace o /hri Krishna' 0here he eHperienced the com ort o Vaikunth (abode o -od)' /taying there or many daysF /udama at lastF took leave o /hri Krishna and set out or his home' Lord did not give /udama anything apparently nor did /udama asked or )is avour' )e was travelling overwhelmed by a divine sense o devotion and elt that Krishna might have not given him wealth lest he should orget )im' 0husF sunk in myriad kinds o thoughtsF /udama reached his home' But at the placeF where his dilapidated hut stood once there was now a divine palace surrounded by verdant gardens' 0he loors o the palace were embedded with precious gems and stones' /tanding at the gateF /udama elt con usedF when his wi e /usheela came out with scented water to welcome him' 0ears were rolling on her cheeks' 8ith love she greeted /udama and escorted him inside the palace' /udama was still re lecting over the -odLs grace and prayingK R*ay 1 have the riendship o lord in every birthF may my a ection increase or LordLs eet' 1 donLt want wealth'J /ince thenF /udama enDoyed the com orts o the palace as the bounty o Lord bestowed upon him by none other than the Lord Krishna himsel ' )is devotion increased day by day' *..014- (> L("D 810) -(:1/ /hukdev saysK R( :arikshitF Lord Krishna was passing his time with pleasure in Dwarka' A total solar eclipse happened to all during that period' :eople rom all over 1ndia thronged in Kurukshetra to take a dip in sacred -anges on that great occasion' All the Yaduvanshis too arrived there' 8hen VraDvasis (1nhabitants o VraD) learned about Krishna and BalaramLs arrival in KurukshetraF they too assembled there' During the estivalF Lord Krishna met )is oster? ather 4and and other cowherds who were his childhood riends' Lord Krishna met the -opis also who had been pining or his sight since long' 0hey enDoyed the meeting and kept on chatting or long' (verwhelmed by love and DoyF Vasudev embraced 4and' Lord Krishna and Balaram respect ully greeted mother Yashoda and ather 4and' 0hey too embraced Krishna?Balaram cordially' -opis were specially overwhelmed by LordLs sight' 0hey had no other desire but to have a sight o Lord' 0hat day their long cherished dream had come true' -opis imbued the captivating appearance o Lord and eHperienced the Doy o embracing )im' Lord met all the -opis and embraced them' 1nMuired about their well being and preached them with spiritual knowledge' By the virtue o that knowledgeF eeling o living disappeared among the -opis and they merged with -od orever' ("-A41/A01(4 (> YA-YA BY VA/%D.V Devarshi 4aradF Vyasa and many other great sages arrived in Kurukshetra to have a sight o Lord' Lord welcomed them all' 0hen Vasudev greeted them and enMuired about way or his sel ?upli tment' LaughinglyF 4arad saidK RVasudevF a personF already living at the bank o the -angesF discards her holy water and goes to other places o pilgrimage or his puri ication' 1n the presence o Krishna?BalaramF the sages saidK RYou regard the indescribableF eternalF /achchidanand /hri Krishna as your sonF and seek the way o your sel upli tment rom us' ( VasudevF
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
recognise )im' 0ake to )is re ugeF only )e can salve you'R Vasudev got the meaning o sageLs words and began to develop eelings o devotion or his son' .very human being has obligation or the godsF sages and his ancestors' 0he sages got a Yagya per ormed in Kurukshetra by Vasudev to ree him rom the obligation or gods' ".V1/014- (> D.VAK1L/ /17 /(4/ 1n DwarkaF Krishna and Balaram used to greet their parentLs irst daily in the morning' 4ow Vasudev had recognised )is identity' /o a ter their return rom KurukshetraF when Krishna?Balaram went as usual to greet their parentsF Vasudev greeted them irst' Lord Krishna then preached his ather about the metaphysical knowledge' 8ith that knowledgeF Vasudev began to see Krishna everywhere' *other Devaki was also present there' *emory o her siH childrenF who were killed by KansaF was still a resh in her mind' /he had heard that Krishna had etched the dead son o /andipani rom Yamloka' /o she prayed to them R You both are venerable even to the gods' Kindly grant me my desire' /how me my siH sons who were killed by Kansa' By their motherLs dictate and helped by YogmayaF both the brothers reached /utal Loka' 0he demon king Bali welcomed them there and o ered them a seatF and washed their eet' King Bali then asked -od what could he do or )im' Lord saidK ( demon kingF in /wayambhu *anvantaraF siH sons were born to %rna the wi e o :raDapati *arichi' 0hey were all gods' 0hey had once seen Brahma trying to copulate with his own daughter and hence derided at him' 1ndignant Brahma had then cursed them to take birth in demon incarnation' 0hey there ore were born as the sons o )iranyakashipu' 1n the present eraF Yogmaya had made them born as DevakiLs sons who were killed by Kansa' 0hey are all now in your Loka' *other Devaki is mourning or themF so we shall take them with us' 0hey will thus be reed rom the curse and go to their heavenly abode'R 0hus Lord Krishna and Balaram brought those siH babies to Dwarka and handed them to mother Devaki' /eeing her babies againF DevakiLs heart illed with love or her sons' *ilk began to lood her breasts' /he breast? ed them' Drinking the milkF all the babies received salvation' 0hey then departed to their heavenly abode' L(V. A4D *A""1A-. (> /%B)AD"A A4D A"#%4 King :arikshit askedK R-urudevF how did my grand ather ArDun and grandmother /ubhadra got marriedN 1 want to hear this tale' Kindly narrate it to me'R /hukdev saidK :arikshit once travelling on a pilgrimage tourF ArDun reached in :rabhas region' 0here he learned that Balaram was desirous o marrying his sister /ubhadra to Duryodhan' But Vasudev and Krishna were not in the avour o this marriage' /oF a strong urge took hold in his mind to get /ubhadra as his wi e' Acting as per the urgeF ArDun reached Dwarka in the guise o Vaishnav sage' 1t was rainy season thenF so with an eHcuse o <haturmasya Vrata ( our months long ast)F ArDun stayed in Dwarka' During his stayF Balaram served and looked a ter him very well' But neither Balaram nor any other inmates o the palace could recognise ArDun' (nce Balaram invited ArDun to his home' 0here he o ered goodF delicious ood to ArDun' /ubhadra too served him well' 0hereF they ell in love with each other' Later onF boarding a chariotF /ubhadra went out o the palace or a Doy ride' At the outskirts o the townF ArDun was awaiting or her' )e had already taken permission o Devaki?Vasudev and Krishna' /ubhadra too had silently nodded her acceptance' /o that evening ArDun and /ubhadra eloped rom Dwarka' 0he news o /ubhadra eloping with ArDun irst outraged Balaram' But Lord Krishna and other near and dear ones convinced and paci ied him' ".L.A/. (> /)1VA >"(* <"1/1/
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*aitreya askedK R-urudevF those among the godsF human beings and the demonsF who worship Lord /hivaF get wealth very soon' But thoseF who worship Lord 4arayanaF remain a licted with scarcity' 8hat is the reason or thatNR 1n replyF Lord Krishna had saidK R( YudhishthirF 1 take away all the wealth rom those whom 1 bestow my grace' 8hen they are poorF their relatives desert them' 1 even render their e orts useless when they try to earn money' 0hus being unsuccess ul repeatedlyF the people develop an attitude o indi erence or wealth' 0hen they begin to take shelter as my devotee and mingle with me' (nly thenF 1 bestow my ull grace on them and they receive me as /achchidanand :araBrahma' 0husF pleasing me through my worship is eHtremely di icult' )enceF ordinary people give me up and worship other deitiesF which are in act di erent orms o me' Lord /hiva is Ashutosh and bestows his devotees Muickly with grace' )e gives wealth and other riches to his devotees' But once they get wealthF the devotees become despotic and even orget the -od who had blessed them'R (nce upon a timeF there was a demon Vrikasur' )e had pleased Lord /hiva and sought a boon that the personF upon whose head the demon put his handF should be incinerated at once' Lord /hiva granted the boon without considering the conseMuences' But as soon as the demon got this supernatural powerF he ran to incinerate Lord /hiva irst' 0he demon was eyeing -auri :arvatiF so he was determined to eliminate Lord /hiva' 4ow a raid o his own boonF Lord /hiva ran or his li eF with the demon ollowing him in hot pursuit' At last /hiva reached in Vaikunth and told Lord Vishnu about his crisis' Lord at once illumined the demon and made him put his handF on his own head' By the virtue o the boonF the demon was incinerated in no time and thus Lord /hiva could be saved' 0./014- (> 0"1410Y (nce upon a timeF all the sages assembled on the bank o /araswati "iver' A dispute erupted among them as to who among the trinity was the greatest' By consensus they appointed sage Bhrigu to test the trinity o BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahesh' Bhrigu reached to BrahmaF but did not greet him' Brahma got in uriated but since the sage Bhrigu was his sonF )e did not curse him' 0hen Bhrigu visited /hiva' Lord /hiva proceeded to embrace the sage' But instead o accepting /hivaLs welcomeF the sage began to abuse )imF sayingK RYou violate the dignity o VedasF so 1 will not meet with you'R Angry /hiva raised his trident to kill himF but Bhagwati stopped )im' At last Bhrigu reached Vaikunth to see Lord Vishnu' Lord was lying with head in the lap o Lakshmi' Bhrigu kicked hard at )is chest' But instead o getting angryF Lord got upF bowed his head be ore the sage and begged pardonK R( /ageF pardon meF 1 could not welcome you at onceF at your arrival' Your eet are so tF 1 hope they are not hurt' All my sins have been washed by the touch o your eet'R Bhrigu elt very pleased by the serious talks o Lord' )is heart elt overwhelmed with eHcess o devotion' )e returned to the assembly o the sages and narrated his eHperience' /ince then Lord Vishnu is regarded as the /upreme and giver o peace and earlessness' ".V1VAL (> B"A)*4L/ D.AD <)1LD".4 0here in Dwarka lived a Brahmin' 8hen the irst son was born to his wi eF it died immediately a ter birth' 0he Brahmin took his dead son to the royal court and complainedK R*y /on has died because o anti? Brahmin and licentious actions o the king'R (ne by oneF thusF eight sons were born to the Brahmin coupleO but they all died immediately a ter birth' And the Brahmin kept on dumping his dead sons at the gate o the royal palace' 8hen his ninth son was bornF and diedF ArDun was also there in Dwarka' )e made a promise to the BrahminsK 1 shall guard your son or commit sel ?immolation' At the time o neHt deliveryF the agitated Brahmin came to ArDun' 0raining his bow and arrowsF ArDun made all arrangements to protect BrahminLs tenth son' /ancti ied by many mantrasF ArDunLs arrows constructed a ence around the labour room' A child took birthO but it too died a ter some time' BrahminF thenF cursed ArDun'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
ArDun scouted through all the three worlds and even the netherworlds in search o the BrahminLs dead sonF but he could not ind him anywhere' %ltimately accepting his ailure and as per his promiseF ArDun proceeded to immolate himsel ' *eanwhileF Lord Krishna too learned about ArDunLs vow and stopped him rom sel ?immolation' 0herea terF riding a divine chariotF Lord set out with ArDunF towards west' Beyond the limits o cosmos' 0hey reached the abode o Lord Vasudev in 0ripadvibhuti' 0here ArDun saw that Lord was present in :urushottamAs appearance' /hri Krishna and ArDun greeted )im' Lord :urushottam said in a serious voiceK R( Krishna and ArDunaF only to have a sight o both o youF 1 brought the BrahminLs sons to me' Both o you had taken incarnation on earth rom my part to protect the religion' All the demons have been slain by now' 4ow you too return to me' /hri Krishna and ArDun again greeted Lord and returned on earth with all the sons o the Brahmin' ArDun was greatly surprised to see the supreme abode o Lord' )e elt that whatever strength a living being hadF it been all by /hri KrishnaLs grace' Like commonF ordinary peopleF the Lord stayed on earth enDoying mundane com ortsF per ormed Yagyas like kingsF behaved like idealistic peopleO deterred )is subDects and slayed evil kings to re?establish religion on earth'
4A"AD :".A<)./ VA/%D.V AB(%0 B)A-A8A0 (nce 4arad arrived in Dwarka' Vasudev prayed him and reMuested to provide him with pious company o Bhagwat Dharma' 4arad saidK R( kingF once upon a timeF nine great sages arrived in the court o the king #anak' King #anak had put the same curiosity be ore them also' 1 will narrate the conversation that ollowed there between the sages and the king'R >irst o allF the irst Yogishwar Kavi saidK R( king #anakF dedication is the irst duty (Dharma) o a Vaishnav' )e should devote everything ? his actionsF ruits o actions and even himsel F at the eet o Lord' )e ought to hear about LordLs virtues' /uch a devotee shall be indi erent to the worldly a airs and shall laughF dance or sing occasionally and sancti ied all the three worlds'R 0he king then asked about the characteristics o the LordLs devotees' Another Yogeshwara )ari saidK RA true devotee o the Lord remains una ected by eelings like hungerF thirstF li eF deathF labourF painF ear and desire' /uch a
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
devotee is the eHcellent kind o Bhagwat' .ven the wealth o all the three worlds cannot shake the aith o such a devoteeF because Lord /hri )ari himsel stays in his heart'R R8hat is illusionNR A Yogeshwara Antariksh repliedK RKingF an illusion is also -odLs play' )aving a possessive eeling about mundane is illusion' 0hinking in terms o L1LF L*eLF L*ineLF L*yLF LYouLF LYourL is also illusion' 1 one can have such an a ection or -od as he has or worldly thingsF one can easily surmount the illusion'R King #anak then asked about the method o worshipping Lord' A YogeshwaraF KarbhaDan saidK R ( kingF the Lord had a air compleHion in /atayug' :eople used to receive )im through methods like meditationF reconciliationF etc' 1n 0retayugF the Lord had reddish compleHion and Yagyas were the main means to achieve )im' 1n DwaparyugF the Lord had yellowish compleHion and )e could be pleased through worships' 1n the present KaliyugaF Lord has dark compleHion and one can receive )im through means like recitationF narration and hearing o )is name and plays' 0husF 4arad preached Vasudev about Bhagwat Dharma' 4ow the heart and mind o Vasudev were thoroughly clean and pure' L("D D.:A"0/ 0( )1/ AB(D. A4D D./0"%<01(4 (> YAD%VA4/)1/ 0o remind the Lord about the moment o )is departureF Brahma arrived in Dwarka accompanied by all the gods' )e prayed to )imK R( LordF you have completed your duty o what we had once reMuested you' 4owF You please return to your abode' Lord saidK R(n the seventh day rom nowF Dwarka shall submerge in the sea and Yadavas shall ight among themselves to death' 1 too shall depart then' 0he arrow o a hunter shall be the cause o my departure'R 8hen %ddhav learned that Lord was about to wind up )is playsF he approached )im and saidK R1 understandF ( LordF that this all is happening by your wish' But 1 cannot part or a moment rom your eet' )enceF take me also with you to your abode'R Lord saidK R%ddhavF 1 will not go anywhere' *y entire brilliance will be present in /hrimad Bhagwat' You stay here preaching Bhagwat Dharma'R /aying thusF lord preached %ddhav about the -eeta -yana through the tale o Avadhoot' Lord narrated thusK R%ddhavF (nceF our ancestor Yadu happened to see Lord Dattatreya in a orest' Lord was indulged in the supreme Doy in the guise o Avadhoot' Yadu asked him about the reasons or his whimsical state'R Avadhoot had saidK R( kingF making the various animalsF birdsF insects etc as my teacherF 1 have learned about spirituality rom them' 0hat is why 1 am ree rom mourning and attachment' .arthF airF skyF waterF ireF the moon the sunF pigeonF pythonF seaF grasshopperF bumblebeeF honey beeF elephantF eHtractor o honeyF deerF ishF prostituteF ospreyF boyF girlsF arrow?makerF snakeF spider and wasp are all my teachers' 1 took re uge at these twenty? our teachers and learned rom their behaviour' 1 learned orgiveness rom earthF purity rom the skyF holiness and cleanliness rom the waterF innocence and renunciation rom the ireO indi erentness rom the airF to remain una ected by circumstances rom moonF abdication rom the /unF incoherence rom the pigeonF dependence upon ate and remain e ortless rom the pythonF to remain always happy and serious rom the seaF to be under the control o sense organs and hence meet total destruction rom the grasshopperF acMuiring o virtues rom bumblebeeF ault in cumulating rom honey beeF to abstain sensuous talks rom the DeerF to eliminate greed rom the ishF sorrow in hope and happiness in desperation rom the prostituteF to eel happy in uncertainty rom ospreyF dispute among many rom the girlsF concentration rom the arrow? makerF to roam alone and detachment rom a particular place rom the snakeF virtues o the creator Lord rom the spiderF and 1 learned similarity rom the wasp'R 1n the guise o AvadhootF Lord Dattatreya saysK R( kingF 1 learned wisdom and apathy rom my body alsoF because li eF deathF li e and death again are inseparably intertwined with it' )ence the net result o
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
loving this body is nothing but sorrow' 0hus our own body also helps us to learn about metaphysical knowledge' Lord Krishna also eHplained %ddhav regarding utility o physical and heavenly luHuries' 0his human body is like a treeF on which two birds ? #eevatma and :aramatma (microcosm and supreme soul) ? have taken shelter' 0wo ruits ? happiness and sorrow ? appear on it' #eevatma (microcosm) eats these ruits while :aramatma (supreme soul) stays as an indi erent onlooker' 0here are three kinds o #eev ? Baddh (Bound)F Bhakt (devotee) and *ukt (liberated)' Baddh #eevas (bound souls) are those who indulge in sensual pleasures and those who dislike pious company' *ukt #eev (liberated souls) are those who are ree rom attachment and bindings' Bhakt (devotees) are those who meditate on me and dedicate their everything in my eet and have love or my virtues' *y devotee is kindF ree rom lawsF tolerantF has eeling o raternity or all and controls his desires' B)1K/)% -..0 Lord saidK R%ddhavF in the worldF there is indeed a dearth o such tolerant people who can tolerate bitter remarks o evil ones' 1n this conteHt there is a tale o a greedy Brahmin who lived in %DDain' 0hat Brahmin had been badly tormented by the evil people a ter he had lost his wealth' But still the Brahmin did not lose his patience and regarding his present state as a result o his previous birthLs deedsF he eHpressed his eelings thusK 0hese people are not the cause o my miseriesO neither the godsF nor bodyF even planets and timeF can be blamed or my miseries' /criptures and learned ones held the mind itsel guilty o oneLs miseries' 1t is the mind that runs the cycle o the world and makes every kind o e orts' 1n the absence o mindF even the soul is rendered motionless' 8hen one accepts the dictates o the mind and indulges in sensual pleasuresF soul too comes to be bound with them' 0he ultimate outcome o all the spiritual e orts like celibacyF study o Vedas etc' and abidance to pious actions is the concentration o mind' <oncentration o mind and is abstaintation rom sensual pleasures are the primary conditions or attainment o :aramyoga (supreme meditation)' 0hus Lord preached %ddhav about -yana -eeta' %ddhav too took Bhagwat (which is a orm o the Lord) with honour and departed or Badrikashrama'
but it has only one great virtue ? that the people will acMuire divine position only by reciting LordLs name' "ecitation o LordLs nameF regardless o intention and motivation?? whether it is loveF derisionF laCiness or maliceness? would destroy oneLs sins' But the sinister people would do even the most di icult tasks in KaliyugF but they would not recite LordLs name' 0hey would not have an interest in the Lord' 0heir interests would be more in sensuous things like soundF touchF beautyF scent etc' 0he :aramgati (supreme salvation) that people could receive by ten thousand years o meditation in /atayugO by per orming Yagya or hundred years in 0retayug and by worshipping LordAs idol or ten years in DwaparF that supreme salvation is easily available or people in Kaliyug simply by reciting LordLs name or one day and one night continuously' But stillF in Kaliyug people would not have aith in LordLs name' 1t is their mis ortune'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/ S9anda Purana
Largest o all the :uranas' <ontains eighty eight thousand and one hundred /hlokas (stanCas)' )as seven parts? *aheshwarF VaishnavaF BrahmaF KashiF AvantiF 4agar and :rabhasa' :urana got its name rom /kand (Kartikeya) the son o Lord /hiva' Birth o /kandO its reason and e ects constitute the main theme' Kartikeya was the commander o the godsA army and had killed the demon 0arkasura' 0his :urana contains 9 chapters'
(*eaning)??? /alutations to Lord /hankar who has entrusted the Dob o creation to Lord Brahma??8ho has instructed Lord Vishnu to nurture the world and who himsel acts as the supreme annihilator'During ancient timesF onceF /age /haunak had per ormed a grand LyagyaL at his hermitage in 4aimisharanya orest' *any sages had thronged 4aimisharanya to attend it' (ne o them was /age Lomesh'A ter the yagya was overF all the assembled /ages reMuested /age Lomesh to narrate the divine tales o Lord /hiva' /age Lomesh said??Daksha?:raDapati had got his daughterF /ati married to Lord /hiva' (nceF he had per ormed a grand yagya in which he had invited everybody eHcept his own son?in?law'8hen /ati learnt about the yagyaF she sought Lord /hivaLs permission to attend that yagya' Lord /hiva tried to convince her that it was not proper to attend a ceremony in which one had not been invited' But /ati did not pay any heed and was bent upon attending that yagya' %ltimatelyF Lord /hiva had no option but to give his conscent' But he did not orget to send his L"udraganasL with her or her protection'
0he de eat o his army enraged Veerbhadra to such an eHtent that he created havoc in the ranks o deitiesL army' )e showered volleys o arrow on themF which orced the deities to make a hasty retreat rom there' Veerbhadra dashed /age Bhrigu against the ground and uprooted his beard' )e then severed the head o Daksha and threw it in lames o sacri icial ire'Lord Brahma took the re uge o Lord /hiva and reMuested him to stop Veerbhadra rom causing urther death and destruction' Lord /hiva told Brahma??L4obody else but Daksha himsel was responsible or his death'ButF Lord Brahma reMuested Lord /hiva to make Daksha alive once again' Lord /hiva then went to DakshaLs place and iHed a goatLs head on the trunk o DakshaLs body' 0his way Daksha became alive once again albeit with a goats body' )e was very ashamed o his behaviour and reMuested Lord /hiva to orgive him' Lord /hiva blessed him and said?? R/alvation can not be attained merely by per orming the rituals' 1 you are desirous o salvation then engage yoursel in virtuous deeds with'R
0he deitiesF a ter being de eated went to seek Lord VishnuLs help' Lord Brahma was also present with them' A ter giving a deep thought to the whole issueF Lord Vishnu advised them to patch up with the demons so that all the wealth could be retrieved rom the ocean bed'0he deities went to :atal?loka and convinced the demons to participate in the churning o the ocean' 8hen the process o churning o the ocean beganF *andarachal mountain was used as a churner and the serpent ?Vasuki as the rope'Both the parties immersed the *andarachal mountain into the ocean but it sank downF as there was no base upon which it could be placed' /oF Lord Vishnu took the orm o a tortoise and held the mountain on his back' <hurning o the ocean resulted into the emergence o many things like <handramaF /urabhi (cow)F Kalpa treeF KaustubhF %chchaihshrava ()orse)F .ravat (elephant)F goddess LaHmiF poisonF ambrosiaF intoHication etc'8hen poison emerged rom the sea bedF neither the deities nor the demons made any claim or it' 0he poison was so venomous that the whole world started getting in lamed by it' Lord /hiva then drank the )alahal poison and thus the world was saved'Lord Vishnu accepted goddess LaHmi as his consort'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
All the deities and demons were made to sit in separate rows' *ohini then started distributing ambrosia to the deities' A demon named "ahuF who had disguised himsel as a deity was also sitting among the deities' )ardly had "ahu gulped down some ambrosia then *ohini severed his head on the in ormation given by chandrama (*oon)'0he severed head o "ahu tried to take revenge by swallowing chandramaF who took the re uge o Lord /hiva' /hiva kept chandrama within the lock o his hair' *eanwhileF "ahu too came chasing chandrama and Lord /hiva wore his head as a garland in his neck'
All the deities eulogiCed Lord Brahma and they heard a heavenly voice saying??? L4obody can kill 0arakasur eHcept /hivaLs son' /o you must put all your e orts to help /hiva get married'L 0he deities were aware that a ter the death o /atiF /hiva had lost all interest in li e and was living like a recluse' 4everthelessF they wanted to give a try' /o they went to )imalayaF who had no progeny at that time and reMuested him to beget a girl' )imalaya agreedF as he was aware o the misdeeds o 0arakasur'1n course o timeF )imalayaLs wi eF *ena gave birth to a girl child who was in act the reincarnation o /ati' 0he girl child was named -iriDa'-iriDa was brought up with great love and care' 8hen she attained the age o eightF )imalaya once took her to the cave where Lord /hiva was doing penance' 1nitiallyF /hiva was little hesitant to meet )imalaya because -iriDa was accompanying her ather and he had vowed never to put his glance on any woman a ter the death o /ati' ButF Later on he relented and allowed both o them to meet him whenever they liked' 4owF -iriDa made it her habit to visit Lord /hiva regularly' /he used to look a ter all the needs o /hiva while he was engrossed in his penance' .ven a ter the passage o a long time the deitiesL wishes did not look like getting ul illedF as /hiva remained as nonchalant as ever' /oF the deities reMuested KamadevaLs help in sowing the seeds o love and passion in /hivaLs heart'Kamadeva went to the place where Lord /hiva was doing his penance' )e tried to sow seeds o compassion in /hivaLs heart only to receive his wrath' Lord /hiva was in uriated by the e orts o Kamadeva' )e opened his third eye as the result o which Kamadeva was charred to death'"ati started wailing inconsolably at the death o her husband but -iriDa assured her that she would try to bring Kamadeva back to li e'-iriDa commenced her penance to please Lord /hiva' 0here was a great turmoil in the world on account o her penance' Lord Vishnu led the deities to /hiva and reMuested him to marry -iriDa so that the world could be protected rom the torments o 0arakasur' >inallyF /hiva gave his conscent and went to the place where -iriDa was doing penance'
:enance' #ayaF one o :arvatiLs companions in ormed him that her riend was doing penance in order to get Lord /hiva as her husband' #aya also in ormed Lord /hiva that her riend -iriDa was the daughter o )imalaya'
Lord /hivaF who was in the guise o a hermit said???L8hy is this tender girl so eager to marry /hiva who is an embodiment o inauspiciousness??who carries a skull in his hand and who lives in a crematorium' )ow can your riend think o marrying one who has been eHpelled by Daksha rom the yagya ceremonyN Does your riend know that /hiva wears a snake around his neck and is surrounded by numerous spirits and ghostsNL
:arvatiF who had been listening to all those nonsensical utterancesF told #aya???L0his ellow seems to abhor /hiva' 8e should not talk to this evil person' 0ell him to leave at once'LLord /hiva was eHtremely pleased by :arvatiLs unwavering devotion towards him' )e appeared in his original orm and said??LYou can ask or anything you wish'L But :arvati replied??? L( /upreme Lord$ 1 am the same /ati or the sake o whom you had destroyed DakshaLs yagya' DonLt you recogniCe meN 0here is a great purpose behind my reincarnation' A son born to us would kill 0arakasur' /o go to my ather and reMuest or my hand in marriage'LBut Lord /hiva re used to make a reMuest to )imalaya considering it as an undigni ied act' )e then returned to the place where he had been meditating'A ter a whileF )imalaya and *ena arrived there and asked :arvati how her penance had been progressing' :arvati narrated the whole incident how Lord /hiva had inally given his conscent to marry her')imalaya and *ena were eHtremely pleased by this good news'
/age -arg /upervised the rituals o marriage ceremony' Vishwakarma constructed the canopyF where marriage ceremony was supposed to take place'A ter the marriage was overF )imalaya per ormed the ritual o Kanyadan and this way /hiva returned with his consort'
As the result o :arvatiLs curseF Agni really started eHperiencing unbearable in lammation in his body' )e reMuested Lord /hiva to reveal the means by which his pain would come to an end' Lord /hiva instructed Agni to implant those sperms in any womanLs womb to get rid o the unbearable in lammation'0husF AgniF who was su ering rom eHtreme heat that generated in his bodyF sat at a lonely place waiting eagerly or a woman to arrive there')e did not have to wait or too longF as siH
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
KritikasF shivering with cold arrived there to warm themselves' 0he sperms o /hiva entered into their bodies through the pores' 0hese siH Kritikas became pregnant' 8hen their respective husbands learnt about their pregnancy they cursed them' As a result they got trans ormed into L4akshatrasL and established themselves in the sky' ButF they aborted their respective oetus at )imalaya mountain be ore getting trans ormed into siH constellations' 0he holy -anges carried that oetus to a secluded placeF which was covered with dense bushes o reeds'1n course o timeF Lord Kartikeya mani ested rom those reed bushes' )e had siH heads' 0he deities were delighted at the birth o Kartikeya' Lord /hiva along with :arvati went to the place where Kartikeya had incarnated' :arvati took young Kartikeya in her embrace'
0he battle commenced and the irst phase was dominated by the demons' 0he deities could not stand up to the might o demons' .ven 1ndra was severely wounded when 0arakasur attacked him with his deadly weapon? L/haktiL' (n seeing the level o destruction caused in the deitiesL armyF King *uchkundaF who was on the side o the deitiesL attacked 0arakasur' 1n the ensuing battle *uchkunda got inDured and ell down on the ground' )e got up uriously and tried to kill 0arakasur with his Brahmashtra' /age 4arad told him that Brahmashtra would be o no use as 0arakasur had been blessed with invincibility against mortals' 4arad said??L(nly Kartikeya is capable o killing 0arakasur' /oF you all need to have patience till Kartikeya accomplishes his mission'L *eanwhile Veerabhadra was ighting a dual bought against 0arakasur' )e had already caused indescribable losses to the demons' 8hile the ight was going onF 0arakasur realiCed that it was not easy to de eat him' /oF he decided to use his illusionary powersF which helped him in acMuiring ten thousand hands' 0he deities ran away rom the battle ieldF when they saw erocious 0arakasur approaching them'Lord Vishnu instructed Kartikeya to kill 0arakasur be ore it was too late' Kartikeya chased 0arakasur with his deadly weapon? /hakti in his hand' A ierce ight took place between both o them' Kartikeya attacked 0arakasur with his /hakti' 0arakasur retaliated by hitting him with his own /hakti' 0he assault was so severe that Karikeya lost his consciousness or ew moments' 8hen Kartikeya regained his consciousnessF he got up Muickly to ight against 0arakasur' (nce again a ierce battle commenced' Kartikeya remembered his parents in reverence and released his /hakti in the direction o 0arakasur'0arakasur died instantly' 0he deities were delighted at the death o their tormentor'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(nce upon a time a brahmin widow developed an illicit relationship with a L<handalL (a low caste man)' Later on she gave birth to a son who was named Dussah' )er son had all the bad Mualities one can think o ?? a gamblerF a drunkerF a thie F a murdererF etc'
(ne dayF Dussah went to a /hiva temple with the intention o committing robbery' 1t was the estive night o /hivaratri and people had thronged the temple in a large number' /oF he did not get an opportunity to steal temple property' )e remained awakened or the whole night waiting or an opportune moment but his wishes remained un ul illed' )e spent his time listening to the divine tales o Lord /hiva that was being narrated by the temple priest' 0hough he was a sinner yet he took his neHt birth in a royal amily on account o his two virtuous deeds??he had remained awakened or the whole night o /hivaratri and he had listened to the tales o /hiva' 1n his neHt birthF he was born to a king named <hitrangad and he himsel was named Vichitraveerya'Vichitraveerya was a great devotee o Lord /hiva' )e ultimately united with lord /hiva and mani ested as Veerabhadra at the time when Lord /hiva had shaken his head violently a ter hearing the sad news o /atiLs demise'0here are numerous instances o people attaining salvation by observing a ast on /hivaratri' 0he names o some great devotees to do so are King BharatF *andhataF DhundhumarF )arishchandra etc'
L*ay my o erings made in the orm o sesame seeds reach 0arak??the descendant o /age Kashyap'L 0his wayF Kartikeya was absolved o his sins'
A long tunnel had been created as the impact o /haktiLs penetration o the earth' 0his tunnel was later on illed up with the water o :atal -anga and became amous as L/iddha?koopa'L
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1n course o time *antiLs wi e became pregnant but amaCingly did not deliver a baby even a ter a long time' >our years passed like this but *antiLs wi e did not deliver the child' *anti was perpleHed by this unusual event so he asked the babyF who was still in his motherLs womb as to why he was hesitant to come out'0he child replied that he eared LKaalL and this was the reason why he was not taking birth' 0he child said??L1 you can assure me o protection rom LKaalL then 1 shall certainly take birth'L )ow could have *anti given such an assurance' /o he took re uge in Lord /hiva'Lord /hiva ordered our o his ganas to go and convince the baby' 0he names o these ive ganas were DharmaF -yanF Vairagya Aishwarya and Adharma' 0hey assured the baby by saying??L-et rid o your ear' 8e assure you that each our o us (DharmaF -yanF Vairagya and Aishwarya) will never abandon you'R
0he i th gana named Adharma on the contrary promised not to caste his evil /hadow on the baby' 0hese assurances were enough or the baby to come out rom the womb' ButF even a ter taking birth the child was trembling and wailing in ear'0he ganas said??*anti$ Your child is still ear ul o the Kaal' )e is trembling and crying inspite o the best o our e orts to drive away is ears' /o he will become amous as Kaalbhiti (one who is ear ul o Kaal)' Kaalbhiti grew up to be a virtuous person' )e used to engage himsel in various kinds o austerities' )e was a great devotee o Lord /hiva'(ne dayF as Kaalbhiti was meditating under a LbaelL tree (wood apple)F he went into his trance' 0he Doy eHperienced during trance period was somethingF which he had never eHperienced be ore' )e decided to regularly meditate under that tree' )e did penance or one hundred years standing on his toe'Lord /hiva became pleased by his devotion and appeared in the guise o a human being' Lord /hiva said??L( -reat soul :lease discontinue with your penance' 1 have brought some water or you$ :lease Muench your thirst$L But Kaalbhiti re used to take water rom an unknown person' )e reMuested Lord /hiva to reveal his identity' Kaalbhiti also inMuired Lord /hiva about his religion and conduct' Lord /hiva told him that he was beyond any religion or conduct'8hen Kaalbhiti re used to have waterF Lord /hiva dug up a large pit and emptied the pot into it' A ter that he disappeared'Kaalbheeti stood iHed at that placeF being stunned by the disappearance o Lord /hiva' /uddenlyF an e ulgent /hivalinga appeared under that bael (wood apple) tree' Kaalbheeti worshipped that shiva?linga which was radiating light in all directions'4owF lord /hiva appeared and blessed Kaalbheeti to become ree rom the ear o Kaal(Death)' >rom that day onwards the /hivalinga situated there became amous as *ahakaal' Be ore disappearing once againF Lord /hiva instructed Kaalbheeti to preach /age Karandham who was eHpected to visit him shortly' Kaalbheeti himsel became renowned as *ahakaal because he had been success ul in conMuering death'
*ahakaal replied???4ot all :itras (dead ancestors) are bound by their karma' :itras belonging to di erent classes like deitiesF LasurasL and LyakshaL are unembodied and ormless (amurta)' /imilarlyF the dead ancestors o all the our castes are called Lmurta :itrasL (with orm)' 0hese seven types o :itras are considered to be eternal and power ul' 0hey also transcend the law o Karma' A total number o 3& ganas are subordinate to them' 0he rituals o /hraddh are per ormed or the paci ication o these seven eternal :itras' 0hese seven :itras are the ones who shower blessings on the per ormers o /hraddh rituals'LKarandhamLs neHt Muestion was??L/ome people are o the view that one can attain salvation only by taking re uge in Lord Vishnu' 8hile some think that only Lord Brahma is capable o giving salvation' 0here are many people who consider Lord /hiva as the supreme liberator' 8hat do you have to say on thisNL
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*ahakaal replied??L-od is one' 0he three deities you have named even they eulogiCe each other' 1t is nothing but oolishness to grade them as superiorF average or in erior' 0he thingF which matters most in the path o salvationF is individualLs un linching aith and devotion' Any deity in whom he has total devotion is capable o giving salvation'Karandham then reMuested *ahakaal to describe the appropriate rituals related with the worship o Lord /hiva' *ahakaal replied???A devotee who puts on LtripundL mark on his oreheadF chest and both the shoulders while worshipping Lord /hiva is blessed to see the divine appearance o Lord /hiva' )e should enter the temple premise with a pure heart' A ter entering the temple he should puri y the /hiva linga by removing all the unnecessary articles which may be lying there' )e should then ill up our L-aruasL (drinking pot with a curved spout) with water' Articles like milkF curd clari ied butterF honey and /ugarcane Duice are kept to the le t side o /hiva linga'0he devotee should then come out o the temple and worship the LdwarpalasL' A ter thatF deities like KuldevtaF 4andiF *ahakaal Dhata and Vidhata are worshipped' (nce again he should enter the temple and sit in ront o the /hivalinga and meditate on Lord /hiva' 8hile per orming LardhyaL he should make o erings o articles like waterF akshatF Kusha grassF sandalwoodF lowersF mustard seedsF milkF curd and honey')aving o ered ardhyaF a devotee should per orm the ritual o ablution with waterF milkF curdF honeyF clari ied butterF and sugarcane Duice in the given order' 8hile per orming this ritual the devotee should also o er dhupa (incense) and chant
LLord /hiva agreed to minimiCe his siCe as well as his e ulgence by establishing himsel in the orm o LArunachaleshwarL'0he holy place o Arunachaleshwar remains untouched while the whole world gets submerged in water at the time o deluge'
/imilarlyF Lord Brahma had also created *anu who is believed to be the person rom whom human race originated' All the sages as well as the Kshatriyas are the descendants o /age Atri' Yakshas originated rom :ulastya whereas "akshashas were the descendants o :ulah' Agni as well as /ages like <hyavan was the descendant o Bhrigu' *any amous sages came rom the lineage o Vasishth' 0hese are the names o ew prominent sagesF whose descendants have populated the earth'0husF Lord /hiva is the /overeign creator because he created Brahma??the creator'
)aving accomplished her missionF Kali Kaushiki did a tremendous penance at L-auri?peakL and regained her air compleHion' 1n course o time she became the mother o -anesh and Kartikeya' (nceF goddess :arvati went to Arunachal mountain where /age -autam was doing penance' /he was so enchanted by the scenery over there that she decided to do penance' /he instructed goddess Durga to stand guard till she accomplished her penance' /he also ordered the two goddesses /ubhaga and Dhundhukumari to keep a watch in all directions' *ahishasur??the demon sent a emale messenger to convince :arvati into marrying him' 0he emale messenger disguised hersel as a emale hermit and tried to impress all the three goddess who were keeping surveillance by praising the glory o *ahishasur?? L( beauti ul ladies$ 8hy is your mistress living in such a secluded placeN /he is worthy o living in a royal palace' 0here is nobody among the deities who is it enough to marry her' ButF *ahishasur??the lord o all the three worlds is certainly it to become her husband'LBut all the three goddesses drove the emale messenger away' %ltimatelyF *ahishasur came accompanied by a large army to orcibly abduct goddess :arvati' 0he commotion caused by the demons disturbed :arvatiLs meditation' /he instructed Durga to kill all the demons'-oddess Durga trans ormed her appearance' 4ow she looked erocious in her new appearance' /he was well eMuipped with all sort o lethal weapons and was mounted on a lion' /he thundered loudly and challenged *ahishasur' <ountless LyoginisL mani ested rom her body' 0hese yoginis attacked *ahishasurLs army and killed many demons' 0he whole battle ield was splashed with blood' -oddess <hamunda (Durga) severed the heads o L<handL and L*undL with her chakra' *ahishasur was enraged and he attacked goddess Durga' /ome other demons like :rachandaF <hamarF *ahamauliF *ahahanuF %gravaktraF Vikataksha and Dahan also came orward to help him but each one o them was killed by goddess Durga'4owF *ahishasurLs anger crossed all limits and he menacingly ran towards goddess Durga' A severe battle was ought between both o them' 8hen *ahishasur realiCed that the goddess was dominating the battleF he started changing his guises reMuently' )e tried to dodge goddess Durga by trans orming his appearance into that o a boar' ButF goddess Durga kept on chasing him' 0henF *ahishasur became a lion' 0his way he kept on changing his appearances reMuently to avoid getting killed by goddess Durga' (nce he trans ormed himsel into a bu alo but goddess Durga attacked him' 0his wayF *ahishasur was orced to change his appearance reMuently on account o relentless attack by goddess Durga' %ltimately Durga killed him' -oddess Durga picked up his severed head and danced in Doy' 0he deities were relieved at the death o *ahishasur'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1n the meantimeF an amaCing incident took place' 8hile goddess Durga was taking her bath with *ahishasurLs skull in her handF a /hivalingaF which was struck in *ahishasurLs throat ell down' 0his /hivalinga later on became amous as L:apanashan /hivalingaL' /he then released the skull and came out rom the pond'Arunachaleshwar (Lord /hiva) became pleased by :arvatiLs devotion and appeared be ore her' Lord Arunachaleshwar then made :arvati to sit by his le t side' 0he neHt moment :arvatiLs identity mingled with that o Lord Arunachaleshwar' 0he place where this incident took placeF there is situated a grand temple o goddess Apitastani and Lord Arunachaleshwar'
,&! +aishnav 2hand 0his <hapter contains + sections each with &6 and &+ sub?sections respectively' 1n order to simpli y the presentation o in ormation hereF the + sections will be combined into one with all += sub?sections listed as sections'
0he mountain ranges situated to the south o )imalaya are ArunachalF )astiF -ridhachal and -hatikachal' /ages believe that in /atyayuga Lord Vishnu had his abode at AnDan *ountainF while in tretayugaF dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga he has his abode at 4arayangiriF /inhachal and /hrivenketachal respectively'Lord Varah and :rithvi lew away towards Venkatachalgiri mounted on -aruda'
(ne dayF 4arad visited the palace and met both the children' )e was impressed by VasudanLs intelligence but :admavati appeared to be shy and absorbed in her own thoughts' 4arad lovingly called her and instructed her to spread her le t palm' 4arad was amaCed to ind signsF which predicted :admavatiLs marriage to Lord Vishnu' .verybody living in the palace became happy a ter getting this news' 4arad then went away'
1n treta yugaF when 1 had incarnated as "amF "avan had deceit? ully abducted my consort??/ita' But ortunately she was not /ita but AgniLs consort /waha' Be ore this incident could occurFAgni had already taken /ita to :atalloka and kept his own wi e L/wahaL in her place' 1ndraLs act had special purpose behind it??to avenge /wahaLs deathFwho was Vedavati in her previous birth and who had committed suicide a ter being touched by the same demon'ActuallyF AgniLs consort L/wahaL was LVedavatiL in her previous birth' /oF in reality "avan had abducted Vedavati instead o /ita' Later onF 1 thanked Agni and promised him that 1 would make Vedavati my consort in Kaliyuga' 0he same vedavati has taken birth as :admavati' You must go and convince :admavati to become my consort'Vakulmalika went to 4arayanpur and in ormed the king about /ri )ariLs desire' .mperor Akash was eHtremely delighted at the prospect o having /ri )ari as his son?in?law' An auspicious day was chosen or the marriage and thusF Lord /ri )ari got :admavati as his consort'
not respond to :areekshit Muery' 0his made :areekshit eHtremely angry and he wrapped a dead snake around /hamikLs neck as a punishment or not having answered his Muestion' ButF it made no di erence to /age /hamik and he continued with his meditation' :areekshit went back uming in anger'
/hringi was the son o /age /hamik' 8hen he saw a dead snake coiling around his atherLs neckF he cursed??L8hoever has tried to insult my ather will not live to see the seventh day because a takshak nag would bite him to death'L 8hen sage /hamik learnt about his sonLs curseF he reproached his son and sent a disciple named LDaurmukhL to in orm :areekshit so that he (:areekshit) could take some preventive measures' Daurmukh went and narrated the whole incident to king :areekshit':areekshit became very scarred and he started living on a canopy that had been constructed in the middle o river -anges on his instructions' 4ow he elt secured and sa e'*eanwhile a poor brahmin named Kashyap came to know about the curse that poor :areekshit had received' )e knew how to cure a person bitten by snake' /o he thought that it was an eHcellent opportunity or him to receive monetary awards rom the king' /oF he proceeded towards the place where :areekshit was staying' (n his wayF Kashyap met a brahmin who in reality was takshak in disguise' 0akshak was on his way to kill :areekshit' )e asked Kashyap about the reason he was going to meet :areekshit' Kashyap revealed to 0akshak that he could neutraliCe the in luence o poison in any person bitten by a snake' 0akshak wanted to eHamine the authenticity o KashyapLs statementF so he inserted his poisonous angs into the trunk o a huge tree' A man was sitting on the branches o that tree' 0he tree as well as the man was charred to death within no time' KashyapF really brought the tree and that man back to li e' 0akshak was stunned by this unbelievable act' )e asked Kashyap how much he eHpected as reward rom the king' Kashyap revealed the amountF which he eHpected rom :areekshit in lieu o giving him a resh lease o li e' 0akshak gave lot o wealth to him as a bribe and Kashyap went back home satis ied'0akshak then summoned all his companions and instructed them to go to the place where :areekshit livedF disguising themselves as hermits' All the serpents went to meet :areekshit impersonating as hermits and o ered ruits to him' According to his planF0akshak had hidden himsel within a plum ruit' )e bit :areekshit as soon as he got a chance' :areekshit died instantly'#anmeDaya was crowned as the neHt king' *eanwhileF people started criticiCing the treacherous conduct o KashyapF which had resulted in the death o king :areekshit' )e decided to make a pilgrimage to Venketachaleshwar so that he became liberated rom his sin'
.ulogiCing Lord VenketashwarF /utDi says??? LA manF who has the good ortune o seeing the divine appearance o Lord /rinivas even or a momentF attains salvation'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/utDi replied???0here are about one hundred and eight holy places situated on Venketachal mountain' Among all these holy placesF siH are considered to be capable o bestowing salvation???/wami pushkariniF Akash gangaF :apvinashanF :anduteerthF Kumar dharika teerth and 0umbu teerth'
Acting as per *atangLs instructionsF AnDana went to Akashganga teerth and did her penance' >inally Lord Vayudeva appeared be ore her and promised to incarnate as )anuman'
0his wayFLord Brahma went to :urushottam kshetra as per the instructions o Lord Vishnu'
called LAkshay VatL' *arkandeya continued to swim along the coast wondering how that place had managed to remain una ected by deluge when the whole world had been submerged' /uddenly he heard a voiceF which appeared to be coming rom the direction o the Akshay Vat??L( *arkandeya$ DonLt worry$ 0ake my re uge and you shall be protected'L
*arkandeya was very surprised and looked all around' )e kept on swimming and saw Lord VishnuF who was engrossed in his yoga nidra in ksheer sagar' 1 (LaHmi) was also present there' *arkandeya eulogiCed Vishnu in the ollowing way??L/alutations to the supreme lord? the source o all creations$ ( #agannath$ :rotect me rom getting drowned'L Lord Vishnu opened his eyes and ound *arkandeya gasping or breath' (n realiCing the gravity o the situation he said??L"aise your head and look at the top o this Kalpa Vat' You would ind an in ant sleeping on a lea o the Kalpa Vat' 0he in ant is none other than Kaal himsel ' You should enter inside his (KaalLs) body through his opened mouth and live peace ully as there is no other place or you to live in'L *arkandeya entered into KaalLs body as per the instructions given by Lord Vishnu and was amaCed by the eHpanse o his bellyF which appeared like a bottomless pit' )e also saw all the ourteen Bhuvans eHisting within KaalLs belly including all the creatures?deitiesF sagesF siddhasF gandharvasF etc' *arkandeya wandered all over the place and a ter getting tired came out through KaalLs opened mouth' )e ound Lord Vishnu was still present there accompanied by his consort?LaHmi' *arkandeya made salutations to both o them and narrated his eHperiences he had inside KaalLs belly'Lord Vishnu blessed him and made a revelation??L 0he place you had visited ew moments ago is beyond the limits o creation or deluge' 0he name o this holiest place is :urushottam kshetra and it is my permanent abode or 1 do not leave it even or a moment'L*arkandeya was very impressed and reMuested Lord Vishnu to allow him to live there' Lord Vishnu replied??L ( Brahmarishi$ 1 shall remain at :urushottam?kshetra till the end o this kalpa' 1 shall also create a sacrosanct placeF which would enable you to become immortal'L /age *arkandeya then dug up a reservoir with the help o VishnuLs chakra' )e did an austere penance to please lord *aheshwar as the result o which he was indeed blessed with immortality' 1n course o timeF this reservoir became amous as L*arkandeya kundL'
-oddess LaHmi said??L ( DhanraD$ 0his holy place is beyond your Durisdiction because people living there never eHperience death' 1t is well protected by eight goddesses rom all the eight directions' 0he names o these eight goddesses are *anglaF LambaF KaalratriF *arichikaF VimlaF /arvamanglaF Ardhashini and <handrupa' )ow can lord "udra be absent when "udrani has mani ested hersel in eight ormsF soF he has mani ested himsel in eight di erent orms as well? KapalmochanF KshetrapalF YameshwarF *arkandeyeshwarF 1shanF BilveshwarF 4eelkanthF and Vateshwar'8hile describing the maDesty o :urushottam kshetraF goddess LaHmi revealed to lord Brahma??L 1n the coming satya yuga there would be a king named 1ndradyumna and would be amous or his un linching devotion in lord Vishnu' Being pleased by the kingLs devotionF lord Vishnu would ultimately mani est himsel rom a wooden structure to bless him' Vishwakarma would then carve out our idols (#agannathF BalbhadraF
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/ubhadra and /udarshan chakra) rom the wooden block all o which would be installed by none other than you (Brahma)'L (nceF while sage #aimini was describing the greatness o :urushottam kshetra to the assembled sagesF all o them curiously asked him?? L 8here is :urushottam kshetra situated N #aimini replied ??L %tkal is situated at the eastern coast o Bharatvarsha' At the time o delugeF when everything gets submerged in water %tkal remains una ected and it is the very place rom where the knowledge o the Vedas spread in all directions' 0he residents o %tkal are not only learned but also very prosperous' 0here is not a single person in this land who is not a devotee o lord Vishnu' All the people belonging to the our prominent castes (BrahminF KshatriyaF Vaishya and /hudra) diligently ollow their respective dharma' 0his holy place never eHperiences natural calamities o any kind'L /age #aimini then went on to narrate the tale o king 1ndradyumna to all the assembled sages ?? L1n satya yuga there lived a noble and virtuous king named 1ndradyumnaF who ruled over the province o *alva' )e was a great devotee o lord Vishnu' (ne dayF while worshipping in a templeF he asked the priest?1 have a wishF which still remains un ul illed' 1 have a deep desire o seeing lord #agannath with my mortal eyes' 1s there any means with the help o which 1 can get my wish ul illedN 0he royal priest had no answer to the kingLs Muery so he kept Muiet'/uddenlyF he saw a group o pilgrims coming towards the temple' )e thought that perhaps one o them might be having an answer to the kingLs Muery' 8hen the pilgrims arrived at the templeF the royal priest posed the same Muestion to them' (ne o the pilgrims answered??L 0here is a place called (dhraF where is situated a grand temple o lord #agannath' 0his sacrosanct place is also amously known as :urushottam kshetra and is situated at the oothills o the 4eelachal mountain' 0here is a holy pond called "ohin situated nearby' At the eastern bank o this pond is situated a maDestic temple o lord Vasudev' 0he idol o lord Vasudev is made o L1ndraneelL diamond' 0o the west o this temple lies L/habardeepL hermitageF rom where starts a path leading to #agannath temple'L )aving said thisF the pilgrim disappeared rom everybodyLs sight' 4ot only 1ndradyumna but all the pilgrims were eMually amaCed by his sudden disappearance' 1ndradyumna was convinced that lord #agannath had himsel come there in the guise o a pilgrim' 4owF his desire o visiting :urushottam kshetra became even more intense' 1ndradyumna instructed his priest to ind out the eHact location o :urushottam kshetra by sending somebody over there' Later onF the priest went home and sought the help o Vidyapati?his younger brother in this regard' Vidyapati readily agreed to help his brother and one ine day he proceeded on his Dourney with a select group o his trusted riends' A ter a long and arduous Dourney all o them reached L.kamravanL orestF situated at the oothills o 4eelachal mountain' 0he thought o being so near their destination made everybody eHtremely eHcited' ButF despite their best o e orts they could not ind /habardeep ashram' Being tiredF all o them decided to take rest or a while and then recommence their e orts to ind out the location o /habardeep hermitage' >inding a huge treeF all o them took rest under the shade o that tree' /uddenlyF they heard a heavenly voiceF which appeared to be coming rom the western direction' 0hey ollowed the voice and reached /habardeep ashram in a short time' 0here they saw a large gathering o devotees' (ne o the devoteesF whose name was VishvavasuF curiously asked Vidyapati??L1t is not easy to reach this place' >rom where are you coming and where do you intend to goN You must be tired??waitF till 1 return with some re reshment or all o you'L Vidyapati was not in a mood to waste his timeF as he was aware that 1ndradyumna was eagerly waiting or him to return' )e told Vishvavasu?? 1 have a di icult mission to accomplish soF 1 am not in a position to waste my time' 1 am the younger brother o the royal priest o king 1ndradyumna' 0he king has vowed not to have a single morsel o ood till he makes a pilgrimage to :urushottam kshetra' )e has sent me
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
with a speci ic purpose o inding the eHact location o :urushottam kshetra and the easiest route leading to it' /oF help me reach the temple o lord #agannath as soon as possible'L
Vishvavasu replied?? 1t is not as di icult as you believe' /ince :urushottam kshetra is a sacrosanct place and it is reMuently visited by the deities who make divine o erings to lord #agannath' 1 collect the residuals o whatever is o ered to #agannath rom the temple and bring it home' /oF 1 really donLt have to make any special e orts to accumulate divine ood stu s' (n account o eating these divine ood stu sF not only we have been blessed by eternal youth but also we are never troubled by old age'Vidyapati was very impressed and reMuested Vishvavasu to become his riend' )e also reminded Vishvavasu that he wanted to return as soon as possible so that the king could go on a pilgrimage to :urushottam kshetra' ButF Vishvavasu made a shocking disclosure to Vidyapati and said?? King 1ndradyumna will never be able to have a divine glimpse o lord #agannath as the lord is soon going to disappear' ButF donLt disclose this act to the king otherwise he would get disheartened and abandon his plan o making a pilgrimage to :urushottam kshetra' >inallyF when the king in his utter rustration would try to end his li e a ter not being able to have a divine glimpse o 4eelmadhavF the most gracious lord will appear in his dream and instruct him to get constructed our wooden idols o #agannathF BalbhadraF /ubhadra and /udarshan chakra' )aving accomplished his missionF Vidyapati proceeded on his return Dourney and once again he visited :urushottam kshetraF which ell on the way' )e picked up a garlandF which had been o ered to 4eelmadhav by some deity'>inallyF when he reached *alwa he ound king 1ndradyumna eagerly waiting or him' A ter presenting the garland to the kingF he narrated his eHperiences he had at :urushottam kshetra??L ( king$ Lord #agannathLs idol is made o 4eelmani diamond and is very ancient' .ven the deities have deep regards and undiluted reverence or lord #agannath and are reMuent visitors to :urushottam Kshetra' 0he garlandF which 1 have given youF was in act had been o ered to Lord #agannath by the deities? these lowers do not wither and have ragrance lasting or eternity' :urushottam kshetra remains untouched by old ageF sorrow or disease and gives salvation to anybodyF who goes on a pilgrimage over there'L
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
8hile the conversation was going onF the ever wandering sage?4aradF arrived there and in ormed 1ndradyumna how pleased were the deities a ter learning o his holy intention o developing :urushottam kshetra into a maDor place o pilgrimage' 4arad also dwelt on length on the virtues o #agannathLs worship' 1ndradyumnaF thinking that 4arad might prove to be o great help during the course o pilgrimage because o his vast travelling eHperienceF reMuested him to accompany him to :urushottam kshetra' 4arad readily agreed to accompany the king and said??L ( king$ 1 shall reveal to you the importance o all the holy places that we come across in the course o our pilgrimage'L >inallyF king 1ndradyumna le t or :urushottam kshetra ollowed by a large processionF that consisted o his subDectF all the ministers and army o icers' 0he entourage touched the bank o river *ahanadi by evening' Deciding to take rest and spend the night thereF king 1ndradyumna irst took his bath and then worshipped Lord #agannath' A ter the king had taken his bathF all the rest o the people also took their bath and then everybody sat down to have their dinner' A ter the meal was overF while 1ndradyumna was busy discussing with his ministers on the uture course o actionF somebody came with the news that the king o %tkal had arrived' 1ndradyumna ordered the messenger to bring the esteemed guest with all the honour and respect' 0he king o %tkal arrived and broke a disturbing news?? L 1ndradyumnaF 1 am a raid your intention o having a divine glimpse o Lord #agannath is not going to ructi y as lord 4eelmadhav has presently concealed himsel beneath a huge heap o sand caused by a erocious sandstorm' 0he allout o this inauspicious incident has been eHtremely adverse on my kingdom?? as my people are eHperiencing acute amine' 1ndradyumna was shockedF especially the thought o not getting a chance to have a divine glimpse o lord 4eelmadhav made him deDected? he saw all his e orts going in vain' ButF 4arad consoled him by saying ??L DonLt worry$ Lord 4eelmadhav is eHtremely merci ul and he will certainly give you an opportunity to have his divine glimpse'L
4arad assured lord 0ribhuneshwar that all his instructions would be ollowed in letter and spirit' 0he procession then le t or the place indicated by Lord 0ribhuneshwar'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1ndradyumna bowed in reverence to the place where lord #agannath was supposed to re?mani est himsel in the near uture' )e eulogiCed the lord as i he were already present there and this was true as #agannathLs idol was indeed present there albeit hidden beneath heaps o sand' )e prayed??L ( lord$ You are the one in whom every living creature ultimately takes re uge' *y only wish is to be able to see your idolF which is presently hidden beneath heaps o sand'L)ardly had 1ndradyumna inished his prayer when he heard a heavenly voice??L( king$ Do not worry$ 0he day is not ar when you would see me with your mortal eyes' You Dust need to ollow 4aradLs instructions and your wish will be ul illed'
Leaving 4arad alone near the 4eelkanth templeF 1ndradyumna went near the sandalwood treeF which was at a little distance rom the templeF and was surprised to ind /ughat? VishwakarmaLs son waiting or him' )e reMuested /ughat to construct a grand temple with its main entrance acing west' /ughat constructed the temple within our days' (n the i th dayF 4arad arrived there with an idol o lord 4risimhaF which had been carved out by Vishwakarma' An auspicious day was chosen or installing the idol' A ter the idol had been installedF every body including king 1ndradyumnaF 4arad as well as the people accompanying the procession worshipped Lord 4arsimha'
himsel in the orm o this tree' 4owF you should make preparations to get this tree installed on the great altar inside the temple'L 0he tree to which 4arad had pointed was uniMue in the sense that it had only our branches on it' 1ndradyumnaF ollowing the instructions ordered his men to uproot the said tree and then install it on the L*ahavediL inside the temple' ButF at the same time he was wondering as to who would carve out the our idols o #agannathF BalbhadraF /ubhadra and /udarshan chakra' /uddenlyF a heavenly voice was heard??L Lord Vishnu would mani est himsel on the sacred altar on his own' An old carpenterF who is standing among youF should be sent inside the temple premise' 0he main door o the temple should then be shut and nobody should try to enter the temple till the idols are ready' (ne more thing to be kept in mind is that all o you should keep on beating drums so that nobody hears the sound emanating rom the carving o the idols' AnybodyF who hears this soundF is doomed to become dea ' /imilarlyF anybody who tries to see the act o idols being made shall loose his power o sight'L 1ndradyumna made elaborate arrangements as per the instructions given by the heavenly voice' 0he old carpenter was sent inside and the main door o the temple shut' (n the i teenth dayF Lord #agannath mani ested himsel along with BalbhadraF /ubhadra and /udarshan chakra' (nce again heavenly voice was heard which said??L ( king$ -et all the our idols coloured on the basis o the compleHion o the respective deities' 0he colour o #agannathLs idol should be dark blue similar to that o dark clouds' /imilarlyF the idol o Balbhadra should be coloured in white Dust like his air compleHion' 0he colour o goddess /ubhadraLs idol should be reddish Dust like the rising /un' /udarshan chakra should be painted deep red' .ither the descendants o Vishvavasu or your royal priest are entitled to participate in the consecration ceremony o the idols in uture events'L 1ndradyumnaF once again ollowing the instructionsF got the idols coloured in the way speci ied by the heavenly voice' A ter thatF all the our idols were adorned with beauti ul apparels and ornaments' 4owF they really looked divine in their new looks' Looking at the divine idols o #agannathF 1ndradyumna went into trance' /eeing his conditionF 4arad advised not to waste time and seek any boon rom lord #agannath because the sole purpose or which #agannath had mani ested himsel was to bless him and to ul ill his wish' 1ndradyumna immediately realiCed what 4arad meant to say' )e eulogiCed lord #agannath in the ollowing way??L ( #agannath$ )elp me out rom the sorrows o this world' 1 donLt aspire or anything else'L
/ubseMuentlyF 4arad and the whole entourageF which had come along with king 1ndradyumna worshipped lord #agannathF BalbhadraF /ubhadra and /udarshan chakra' Lord #agannath was worshipped amidst the chanting o dwadashakshar mantra while #agannath was worshipped with :urush sukta' /imilarlyF /ubhadra and /udarshan chakra were worshipped amidst the chanting o Devisutra and vedic verses respectively' >inallyF donations were made to the brahmins and everybody was sent o with respect'
1t did not take much time to construct the three chariots as per the instructions given by 4arad' Very soon lord Brahma arrived thereF accompanied by all the deitiesF to per orm the consecration o the our idols' (n seeing Lord BrahmaF 1ndradyumnaLs Doys knew no bounds and he paid his obeisance to the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
creator' Lord Brahma said??L /ee how ortunate you are' All the deities and sages have come here to help you in your cause'L Lord Brahma then per ormed the rituals o consecration on the auspicious day o ashtami o the bright hal o the hindu month Vaishakh' 0he day was 0hursday and the 4akshatra was :ushya'
Lord /hiva had told Kartikeya?? LAnybody who goes on a pilgrimage to Ayodhya becomes absolved o all his sins' Lord )ari dwells at Dwarka and does not abandon it even or a moment' A devoteeF who takes a holy dip in river -omti and then pays obeisance to lord KrishnaF attains salvation even i he is ignorant' 1n the same mannerF one who takes a bath in the holy :anchganga at VaranasiF becomes ree rom the cycles o birth and death' AnybodyF who goes on a pilgrimage to Kashi and pays obeisance to lord VishwanathF is reed rom all the bondage o this world' -reat importance has been attached to the per ormance o LtarpanL at Vishramteerth and anybody who per orms the rituals o tarpan with sesame seeds and waterF his ancestors are reed rom the tortures o the hell' 0aking a holy dip in Kotiteerth at AvantipuriF in the hindu month o Vaishakh and worshipping lord *ahakaleshwar too absolves a man o all his sins' Donating gold either at Kurukshetra or "amteerthF on a solar eclipse dayF helps a man in attaining salvation' -oing on a pilgrimage to :urushottam kshetra and worshipping lord #agannath a ter taking a holy dip in *arkandeya sarovarF bestows incomparable virtues' BadrinathF the dwelling place o lord VishnuF is considered to be the supreme place o pilgrimage and even its remembrance is capable o giving salvation' Virtues attained by the per ormance o various deeds (tapaF yogaF samadhi)F appear to be insigni icant as compared to virtues attained by going on a pilgrimage to Badrikashram'
0o emphasiCe the signi icance o BadrikashramF lord /hiva narrated the ollowing tale to Kartikeya??L 1n /atyayugaF lord Vishnu eHisted in his physical orm at Badrikashram or the benediction o human beings' ButF in 0retayugaF only sages had the privilege o perceiving him with the help o yoga' At the advent o Dwapar things changed drastically and lord Vishnu Dust disappeared rom Badrikashram' Deities became worried and asked lord Brahma about the reason that made lord Vishnu disappear' .ven lord Brahma had no answer to this Muestion' 0hinking that lord Vishnu must have gone to Ksheer sagar?his eternal abodeF all the deities led by Brahma went there' 0hey eulogiCed VishnuF who emerged rom the Ksheer sagar' ButF none o the deities eHcept lord Brahma could see him' Lord Vishnu told Brahma that the main reason why he disappeared rom Badrikashram was the lawed intelligence and arrogance o the deities' Brahma in ormed the deities whatever Vishnu had told him' All the deities were ashamed o themselves and returned to heaven with long aces' >eeling pity on the deitiesF 1 (/hiva) disguised mysel as a sanyasi and carried lord VishnuLs idol rom 4aradteerth to Badrikashram and installed it over there to upli t the sagging morale o the deities' 0his is how lord Vishnu once again graced Badrikashram with his presence' .ven a grain o LprasadL had at Badrikashram is enough to liberate a man rom all his sins'
travelers and provides water to them attains imperishable virtues' 4o charitable deed can ever match the virtue o donating ood grains and one who accomplishes this great act can be aptly called a L:itaL (>ather)'
6'+'+= Ayodhyapuri
(nceF on being asked by sage BhardwaD and ew others about the grandeur o AyodhyaF /utDi replied??L AyodhyaF a sacrosanct city is based on the bank o river /aryu' 1t is the very city where the amous king 1kshavaku ruled once upon a time' 0he term Ayodhya means unconMuerable and consists o three root lettersK a? symboliCing BrahmaF y?symboliCing Vishnu and dh?symboliCing "udra' 1t is a place where lord Vishnu has his abode or eternity and does not leave it even or a moment' According to the scriptures Ayodhya is based on /udarshan chakra' 1t is well eHpanded in the radius o one yoDan' 1ts eastern boundary stretches up to one yoDan rom a place called L/ahastradhanL' /imilarlyF the western ront stretches up to one yoDan rom a place called L/amaLF the southern up to one yoDan rom the bank o /aryu and its northern boundary up to one yoDan starting rom the bank o river 0amsa' 1n ancient timesF a brahmin named Vishnu /harma had per ormed an austere penance at Ayodhya' Lord Vishnu had appeared a ter becoming pleased by him and had created a holy place by digging up the earth with his /udarshan chakra' AnybodyF who takes a holy dip in <hakrateerth becomes absolved o all his sins'
(neF who criticiCes sages A sel ish person who cooks ood only or himsel F (ne who destroys well laid path making it di icult or people to tread uponF (ne who accepts ood rom a LchandalL and (ne who sells ood grains to a chandal' ButF all these Dust disappears once the sinner reaches "ameshwar'
/ri "am and his army aced an uphill task o reaching Lanka or they had to cross the oceanF which lay as a great barrier between them and their destination' /amudra (ocean) revealed to /ri "am that 4ala had divine powers and whatever he would throw in the (cean would not sink down but keep on loating' 4ala tried to check the authenticity o /amudraLs statement by throwing a huge rock into the oceanF as he himsel was not aware o his powers' 0o the sheer amaCement o everybody present there
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
the rock started loating on the sur ace o the ocean instead o sinking down' All the rest o the monkeys tried to emulate 4alaLs eat by throwing huge rocks into the ocean and to their own surprise ound that the rocks did not sink' 0his was how a bridge was built and across the ocean which made it possible or /ri "am and his army to cross the ocean' 0hen length o /etu "ameshwar Bandh is hundred yoDan and it is ten yoDan broad' 0here are many holy places situated on the bridge prominent among which are <hakra?teerthF :aap?vinashan teerthF /ita ?sarovarF *angal? teerthF Amrit?watikaF Brahma?kundF )anumat? kundF Agastya?teerthF "am?teerthF LaHman?teerthF #aya?teerthF LaHmi?teerthF Agni?teerthF /hiv?teerthF /hankh?teerthF Yamuna?teerthF -anga?teerthF Koti?teerthF *anas?teerth and Dhanushkoti teerth'
1ndra then instructed a beauti ul Apsara named Vardhini to go to the place where Dharma was doing penance and disturb him by corrupting his thoughts' Vardhini went to the place where Dharma was engrossed in his penance and was success ul in disturbing him' 8hen Dharma opened his eyes he ound a beauti ul Apsara in ront o him' Vardhini asked Dharma??L ( Lord$ 8hat is the obDective with which you are doing such an austere penanceN Being an embodiment o virtuosity yoursel F you prevail in the whole world' /oF in a sense you already the lord o the world ? what else do you needNL Dharma told Vardhini that he was doing penance with the obDective o having a divine glimpse o lord /hiva' Vardhini in ormed him that 1ndra was scarred o losing his kingdom and hence had sent her to disturb his penance' Dharma was pleased by her truth ulness and wanted to reward her or that' Vardhini eHpressed her desire o having her abode in 1ndraloka or eternity and also o having a place o pilgrimage named on her' Dharma blessed her a ter which she returned to 1ndraloka' Dharma once again engrossed himsel in penance' %ltimatelyF Lord /hiva became pleased and appeared be ore him' L Ask or any boon and it shall be bestowed to youLF said Lord /hiva' DharmaraD replied ?L ( lord$ 1 want this place to be named a ter me' 1 also reMuest you to grace this place by your presence'L Lord /hiva blessed him and ul illed both his wishes' 0his was how Dharmakshetra got its name' /ubseMuentlyF lord /hiva appeared in the orm o Dharmeshwar linga in accordance with the second wish o DharmaraD' A ter his penance was overF Dharma also had created a holy reservoir over there which is believed to absolve a man o all his sins'
become untruth ul and would become critical o revered sages' *oral values would decline to such an eHtent their minds would be preoccupied by nothing else but the thought o seH' 1n Kaliyuga women will eel most insecure and even her near and dear ones would become untrustworthy ? men belonging to their own gotras would try to eHploit her' Brahmins would be criticiCed because o their inappropriate conduct? 0hey would become arrogantF would start trading their knowledge and would not ollow the teachings o the Vedas' /imilarlyF Kshatriyas would become cowards and a mere re erence o battle would be enough to scare them' *aDority o people would indulge in immoral deeds like gambling and consume variety o intoHication' 0hey would always look out or an opportunity to grab otherLs wealth by deceit ul means' *arried women would not ul ill their obligation towards their husbands' <ows would give lesser milk and trees would bear ewer ruits' Young girls would become pregnant at the raw age o eleven years' BrahminsF by their conduct would undermine the importance o holy places and would indulge in eHcessive eating and drinking' 1n KaliyugaF people would not give any importance to caste system' Kings would loose their kingdoms and *lechhas would become the rulers' 0reacheryF enemity and disrespect towards elders would become the norms o the day'
A devotee must not orget to per orm the rituals o L0arpanL a ter taking his daily bath' )e should also observe abstinence and avoid indulging in sensual pleasures during this period o our months' 0here is special signi icance o making donations during this periodF especially donating ood?grains'
A devotee should worship Lord Vishnu on the auspicious day o Kark sankranti' 4ormally black plums are o ered to Lord Vishnu while worshipping' <elibacy is believed to be the best austerity and anybody who observes it during the period o chaturmasF never eHperiences sorrow in his li e'
/imilarly richas like Lsahastra?sheersha purushahL and i teen others are considered to be most appropriate or the worship o almighty Vishnu' >irst o allF a devotee should per orm the ritual o LnyasL by mentally associating all the siHteen richas with di erent organs o the body as per the instructions given in the smritis' 0he same rituals o LnyasL are then per ormed on the idol o lord Vishnu or /haligram' A ter that an invocation is made to Lord Vishnu by chanting the irst richa o :urush sukta??L/ahashtra sheersha :urushahL with a slight modi ication i'e' by adding LomL in the beginning o the mantra' /imilarlyF Lord Vishnu and other L:arshadsL should be installed at the place o worship by chanting the second richa? L:urush evedamL' 8ith the chanting o third richaF Lord VishnuLs lotus eet are washed a ter which LardhyaL is o ered with the holy water collected rom all the seven seas and other holy rivers' /ubseMuentlyF the ritual o LachamanL is per ormed amidst the chanting o i th richa' 0he ritual o ablution is then per ormed in which the idol o Lord Vishnu is bathed amidst the chanting o the siHth richa' 0he idol is adorned with beauti ul apparels amidst the chanting o seventh richa'
/imilarlyF a sacred thread is o ered to Lord Vishnu amidst the chanting o eighth richa while sandalwood paste is smeared on the idol amidst the chanting o ninth richa' /ubseMuentlyF amidst the chanting o tenthF eleventhF twel th and thirteen richasF lowersF incenseF lighted lamp and naivedya are o ered to the deity respectively' 4aivedya should consist o cereals' 8hile per orming LaartiL the ourteenth richa should be chanted' A devotee should then circumambulate around the idol amidst the chanting o i teenth richa' 1magining himsel as an inseparable part o lord VishnuF he should meditate amidst the chanting o the siHteenth richa'R
Bhairav' )e then reached the place where Vindhyachal had obstructed the path o /urya' LopamudraF his wi e accompanied him' 8hen Vindhyachal ound Agastya starring angrily at him he became scarred and immediately minimiCed his siCe' /age Agastya was pleased that his obDective had been achieved without making any e ort but he knew Muite well that once he le t the place Vindhyachal would regain his mammoth siCe' /o he decided to do something so that Vindhyachal could not obstruct the path o /urya' )e worked out a plan according to which he instructed Vindhyachal to wait or him until he returned a ter accomplishing his pilgrimage' Vindhyachal agreed assuming that Agastya would return in a short time' Vindhyachal thanked his good ortune o escaping AgastyaLs wrathF which could otherwise have threatened his very eHistence' /age Agastya then went away never to return and Vindhyachal kept on waiting or his arrival' 0his wayF the path being clearedF /urya was once again able to move reely on its orbit without any problem and as a result normalcy returned to the world' (n the other handF Agastya who was not at all happy leaving his dearest Kashi was desperate to get there back as soon as possible' ButF he knew that his wish was going to remain un ul illed' 8hile wandering aboutF he reached Kolapur where he worshipped goddess *ahalaHmi' 8hen goddess *ahalaHmi appearedF he asked her whether he would ever be able to reach Kashi in his present li e' -oddess *ahalaHmi replied??L Your wishes will be ul illed in the coming nineteenth dwaparF when you would incarnate as Vyas and would contribute a great deal in the propagation o the Vedas and :uranas' 0here is a sacrosanct place o Kartikeya not very ar rom here' -o there and pay your obeisance to Lord Kartikeya and he would unravel the mysterious aspects o Kashi to you'L /age Agastya and his wi e Lopamudra then went to the mountain called /ri /hailF where Kartikeya lived at that time'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
stay there or at least a year' A ter one yearF when the time or departure came he released the skull rom his hand as a memorial'
8hen lord Brahma came to know o this incidentF he instructed all the deities to reach *ahakal orest without wasting any time so that a grand yagya could be per ormed at the place where /hiva had le t the skull' All the deities went to the said place and worshipped Lord /hiva by employing the rituals o :ashupat vrataF which Lord Brahma had taught them' Lord /hiva became pleased by their devotion and said??L :erhaps you all are not aware that there was a speci ic obDective behind my act o releasing the skull rom my hand' 0his act o mine was done to protect your lives but it seems you are unaware o its signi icance' 1n a wayF all o you have already received my blessings in advance or your deep devotion' 8hat else do you wish or NL
Deities were amaCed by /hivaLs statements and were wondering what /hiva was trying to convey' /oF they reMuested /hiva to unravel the mystery so that they could understand what he meant to say' Lord /hiva told them?L 0he ollowers o *aya were planning to kill you while you were busy doing penance but no one o you was aware o their evil motive' 1 came to know about this in my deep state o meditation and dropped the skull rom my hand' As soon as the skull touched the ground a thunderous sound was made as the result o which all the demons were killed instantaneously'L All the deities thanked Lord /hiva or protecting their lives' 1n course o time this particular place became amous as Kapal mochan temple and is presently situated in %DDain'
demons and became the ruler o heaven' 0he term LAvanL means Lthe protectorL and since it had protected the deities hence it became amous as Avanti' /anat kumar also described how Kushasthali also came to be known as %DDaini?L (nceF a demon named 0ripur did an austere penance to please Lord Brahma' 8hen Brahma appeared he eHpressed his wish o becoming immortal' Lord Brahma ul illed his wish as the result o which 0ripur became arrogant and started tormenting the deities' 0he deities sought the help o Lord /hivaF who assured them that he would kill the demon' /ubseMuentlyF Lord /hiva did kill 0ripur with his most lethal weapon Lpashupat ashtraL a ter a ierce battle' 0he place where this incident took place became amous as %DDaini because o the ierce battle ought between /hiva and 0ripur' <ontinuing with the tale which described the reason why %DDainipuri also came to be known as :admavatiF /anatkumar told Vyas?L During the time o ocean churning ambrosia had also emerged rom the ocean bed along with many other valuable things' 0he demons wanted to drink ambrosia so that they could become immortal but the deities were against this idea' Very soonF the arguments turned into a maDor dispute and both the sides started Muarrelling' 4arad reMuested Lord Vishnu to do something in this regard' Lord Vishnu disguised himsel as a beauti ul lady and was success ul in in atuating the demons' >inallyF he started giving ambrosia to the deities who a ter drinking it became immortal' A demon named "ahu was sitting in the rows o the deities a ter changing his guise' Lord Vishnu was unable to recogniCe "ahu and gave some ambrosia to him mistaking him to be a deity' ButF hardly had "ahu gulped down Ambrosia and be ore it could reach down his throatF Vishnu severed his head' "ahuLs head became immortal as the result o ambrosiaLs in luence' 0his incident had taken place at *ahakal orest' Later on all the deities distributed the whole wealthF which had emerged rom the ocean among themselves' 0his is the reason why %DDainipuri came to be known as :admavati because :adma is another name o -oddess LaHmi'
ancestors so that they became liberated rom their sins' :ururva complied and thus by per orming tarpan liberated all his ancestors'L )aving inished his taleF *arkandeya told Yudhishthira that one who takes a holy dip in 4armada attains virtues similar to that o per orming Ashwamedh yagya'
*arkandeya replied? L Donating ood to needy people is an eHtremely virtuous deed and there is no virtuous deed greater than this' A person who donates cereals can be aptly called LAnnadataL? one who provides ood' (ne who has never donated cereals in his li etime is de inite to go to hell and has to tread an arduous path leading to it that is ridden with prickly thornsF pointed nails and other sharp obDects' 0he entire path leading to hell is eHtremely dark and covered with large pits' 0he path is also covered with unbearably hot sand spilled all over the place' 0he sinner is orcibly taken by the Yamdoots despite their reluctance' 0he sinners repent or the sins they have committed but it is o no use to themF as they will have to reap the ruits o their evil deeds' 0hey have to undergo all sorts o pain ul eHperience? they are orced to pass through ire and pits ull o ilth'
0hose sinners who have atoned or their sins are not treated so harshly by the Yamdoots' A ter they appear be ore YamraDF <hitragupta reminds them o all the sins they had committed' 0herea terF YamraD orders his attendants to puri y the sinners by putting them into the ocean o the )ell' 0here are 0wenty?eight types o hells? AtighoraF "audraF -hortamaF DukhDananiF -horrupaF 0arantaraF BhayanakaF KaalratriF -hatotkataF <handaF *ahachandaF <hndakolahalaF :rachandaF VaragnikaF #aghanyaF AvaralomaF BhishniF 4ayikaF KaralaF VikaralaF VaDravinshtiF AstaF :anchkonaF /udirghaF :arivartulaF /aptabhaumaF Ashtabhauma and Deerghamaya' .ach o the latter hell is more horri ic than the ormer'/inners have to undergo unbearable pain and su erings in the hell' 0hey are tied up by very hot iron chains and hanged down rom trees' Yamdoots attach hot and heavy iron balls to their eet and thrash them with hot iron rods' 0hey are then put into wells o ilth' 0he tongue o a liar is rooted out with brute orce and a personF who shows disrespect to his elders and teachersF his mouth is illed with hot sands and boiling oil' /imilarly immoral womenF who do not ul ill their obligation towards their husbandsF are thrown into a horri ic hell named Lohakumbh' ( Yudhishthir$ A manLs li e is too short and uncertain' (ne is not sure when his inal call would come' /oF one should try to lead a virtuous li e to the best o his ability'L
(ne dayF while wandering in the orestF 0rishanku met sage Vishwamitra and narrated his miserable tale to him' /ince Vishwamitra was a competitor o VashishthF he took it as a golden opportunity to prove his superiority to his adversary' /oF he assured 0rishanku that he had the reMuisite power to send anybody to heaven and said? L 1 shall help you per orm a grand yagyaF which would allow you to attain to the heaven with your mortal body' But be ore that you will have to go on a pilgrimage so that you become pure once again'L Both Vishwamitra and 0rishanku set out on a pilgrimage and reached LArbudachalL where they met sage *arkandeya' A ter the pleasantries were overF *arkandeya asked Vishwamitra about 0rishankuF who was standing Muietly' Vishwamitra revealed everything to *arkandeya and said ? 1 had taken a vow not to take rest until 0rishanku got absolved o the evil in luence o the curse given by VashishthLs sonsL' 1 have not achieved success in my obDective till dateF so 1 have decided to renounce the world'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/eeing Vishwamitra in such desperationF *arkandeya consoled him and instructed him to go to )aatkeshwar where taking a holy dip in :atal -anga would puri y 0rishanku and solve all his problems'Both Vishwamitra and 0rishanku reached L)aatkeshwarL and bathed in the holy :atal -anga' 0o his pleasant surpriseF 0rishanku ound that he had indeed become puri ied and all the lowly Mualities had vanished within no time' Vishwamitra was delighted as the irst condition or 0rishankuLs departure to )eaven had been met' )e decided to go to Brahma loka to reMuest Lord Brahma to be present at the Yagya which was to be per ormed or the success o 0rishankuLs departure to heaven' But be ore leavingF he instructed 0rishanku to make all the necessary preparations be ore his return' A ter reaching Brahma lokaF Vishwamitra narrated the whole story to Lord Brahma and reMuested him to grace the Yagya by his presence' Lord Brahma told him that it was Dust impossible or any mortal to attain to heaven in his physical orm but he added that i 0rishanku per ormed the rituals diligently then he would certainly attain to heaven a ter his death' Vishwamitra did not like BrahmaLs words and challenged him that no power on earth could stop him rom sending 0rishanku to )eaven'
/utDi began by saying?L During ancient timesF Lord Brahma once did a very austere penance resulting into the mani estation o all the our Vedas' Later onF all the eighteen :uranas too appeared rom his mouth' 0hese eighteen :uranas were? Brahma :uranF Vishnu :uranF /hiva :uranF Bhagawat :uranF Bhavishya :uranF 4arad :uranF *arkandeya :uranF Agni :uranF Brahma vaivarta :uranF Linga :uranF :adma :uranF Varah :uranF /kanda :uranF Vaman :uranF Kurma :uranF *atsya :uranF -aruda :uran and Vayu :uran'Apart rom these eighteen main :uranasF there are also similar number o secondary :uranas known as %p? :uranas' 0hese %p? :uranas are ? /anat kumarF 4arsimhaF /kandF /hiva DharmaF DurvasaF 4aradF KapilF *anuF %shanaF BrahmandF VarunF KalikaF *aheshwarF /aambF /auraF :arasharF *aarich and Bhargava'L /utDi then went on to describe the other eatures o each :urana?L Brahma :uran contains ten thousand shlokas in it whereas :adma :uran contains i ty? ive thousand shlokas' /imilarlyF there are twenty? three thousand shlokas in Vishnu :uran' Vayu :uran contains the tales related with Lord /hiva and it contains twenty? our thousand shlokas in it' /imilarly the remaining :uranas like BhagawatF 4aradF *arkandeyaF AgniF BhavishyaF BrhmavaivartaF LingaF VarahF /kandaF VamanF KurmaF *atsyaF -aruda and Brahmanda :uran contain &,F555F +;F555F 2F555F &=F555F &6F;55F &,F555F &&F555F +6F555F ,&F&55F &5F555F &9F555F &6F555F &,F555 and &+F+55 shlokas respectively'L /utDi told the sages that all the %p? :uranas owe their origin to the main :uranas which are eighteen in number' )e also revealed to them that they could be categoriCed into three main types? /atvikF "aDas and 0amas' /atvik :uranas contain the tales o Lord Vishnu while "aDas :uranas contain the tales o Brahma and 0amas :urans contain the tales o Agni and "udra' (ne o the chie characteristics o :uranas is that each o them is divided into ive sections? L/argL (Description o how creation began)F L:ratisargaLF LVanshL (Description o prominent dynasties)F L*anvantarL and LVanshanucharitL (0ales related with the descendants o the amous sages)'
:arvatiF who had been listening to the tale with rapt attentionF became even more curious to know about :rabhas kshetra' /o she reMuested Lord /hiva to shed more light on the other important aspects o this sacrosanct place' Lord /hivaF continuing with his description o :rabhas kshetraF said? L 0his sacrosanct place has temples o three deities on itLs three sides' 0o its east is situated a grand temple o /urya 4arayan while there is a magni icent temple o *adhav to itLs west' 1n the same way there is a beauti ul temple o goddess Bhavani to the north o :rabhas kshetra and towards itLs south lies the ocean' 0his holy place is spread in the area o ive yoDans and is divided in three maDor areas? *aheshwarF Vaishnav and Brahma' 0here are about one crore temples related with di erent deities in Vaishnav and Brahma kshetras while *aheshwar kshetra contains one and hal crore temples' As the name impliesF each area has been named a ter one -od orming the 0rinity' Anybody who has the good
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
ortune o living in the central part o :rabhas kshetra becomes absolved o all his sins even i he has committed most abhorrent sins' 0he signi icance o this holy place can be understood by the act that a man born there does not take a second birth and attains salvation' (ne whom scholars o the Vedas call LKaalagni "udraL is amously known as Bhairav in :rabhas kshetra'
#aigishavya wanted nothing but total devotion in his deity (*ahoday)' Lord *ahoday blessed him with immortality and said?L 0here would be nobody as power ul as you' Your eats achieved in spiritual things will be unmatched and you would become amous as LYogacharyaL or teacher o Yoga' (ne who regularly worships this particular Linga which you have been worshipping with such deep devotion till now is certain to get absolved o all his sins'L )aving blessed Yaigishavya thusF Lord *ahoday disappeared rom his sight' A ter this incidentF *ahoday linga also came to be known as Yaigishavyeshwar' 1n course o timeF when the Kaliyuga o that Kalpa arrivedF some sages named LBalkhilyasL had gone to the same place and worshipped Lord *ahoday' /imilarlyF many more sages went there and attained LsiddhiL or accomplishment' 0his is how this Linga came to be known as L/iddheshwarL (the lord o all accomplishments)' 0here are many holy places in the vicinity like /iddha lingaF which was installed by lord /urya' Anybody who worships this linga on the auspicious day o trayodashi o the bright hal o the hindu month <haitra attains virtues similar to the accomplishment o L:undareek YagyaL'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0he names o these sages were )iranyaF VaDraF 4yanku and Kapil' 8hile /araswati was about to comply with their reMuestF suddenly /amudra arrived there and he too eHpressed the same wish' 0hus /araswati divided hersel into ive di erent streams? )ariniF VaDriniF 4yankuF Kapila and /araswati' .ventuallyF when /araswati reached near the oceanF Badwanal whom she was carrying was surprised to see the high tides rising in the ocean' )e thought that the /amudra was rightened o his ury so he asked /araswati? 8hy is the ocean scarred o meN /araswati in lated his ego by saying that who would not be scarred o him' Badwanal was pleased and wanted to grant her a boon' /araswati remembered Lord VishnuF who instantly gave his divine appearance in her heart' /he narrated the whole story and sought his advise' Lord Vishnu advised her to ask Badwanal to make his appearance small like the eye o a needle' /araswatiF ollowing the advise o Lord Vishnu asked Badwanal to become small like a needle and keep sucking the ocean' /ubseMuentlyF /araswati summoned /amudra and told him to accept Badwanal to which he agreed' 0his way /amudra devoured BadwanalF who continues to suck the water o the ocean even today as per the instructions given by /araswati' 1t is believed that tides are nothing but the mani estation o BadwanalLs eHhalations' 0his was how /araswati emerged in :rabhas kshetra'
Lord /hiva then went on to describe how goddess Vishalakshi got her name?L A ierce battle had taken place between the deities and demons during <hakshus manvantar' Lord Vishnu ought along with the deities and helped them in de eating the demons' Demons led towards the south but were chased by the deities' "ealiCing that it was not easy to annihilate the demonsF Lord Vishnu remembered goddess *ahamaya and sought her help' *ahamaya appeared instantly and looked at Lord Vishnu with her large eyes' 0his is how she got her name' 1n the present kalpa she is also known as Lalitoma' 0o the south o Vishalakshi temple is situated the temple o goddess <hatwarpriya' -oddess <hatwarpriya is the saviour o people living in that area' Anybody who worships her on the auspicious day o *ahanavami with appropriate rituals is blessed'
revelations made them more curious about DwarkaF so they reMuested :rahlad to disclose how the holy -omti descended down to Dwarka' :rahlad began by describing the virtues o going on a pilgrimage to Dwarka?L 0he mere resolution o going on a pilgrimage to Dwarka is enough to liberate oneLs ancestors rom the tortures o the hells' .ach step that a devotee takes towards Dwarka gives virtues similar to what is attained by per orming Ashwamedh Yagya' (ne who encourages others to go on a pilgrimage to Dwarka certainly goes to Vishnu Dhaam'L :rahlad then switched over to the second part o the sagesL Muestion and said?L 0here is an interesting tale describing how sage Vashishth had brought down -omti rom the heaven to earth' At the time o deluge when the whole world had submerged in waterF a lotus lower mani ested rom Lord VishnuLs navel on which was seated Brahma' Lord Vishnu instructed him to per orm his duty as a creator to which Brahma agreed' >irst o all Brahma created his ten manasputras (/anakF /anandanFetc') and sought their help in increasing the population o the world by becoming householders' ButF all o them were eHtremely virtuous and did not show any inclination towards getting married' %ltimately all o them went to the western coast and engaged themselves in austere penance' 0heir penance continued or a number o years a ter which L/udarshan chakraL appeared be ore them' As all o them looked up in bewildermentF they heard a heavenly voice ?L ( sons o Brahma$ Very soon the almighty Vishnu is going to mani est himsel ' 0he L<hakraL you are seeing is his' You all must per orm the rituals o LardhyaL in the name o Lord Vishnu to show your reverence towards him'L All the *anasputras eulogiCed /udarshan? <hakra with deep devotion' All o them wished that there were a holy riverF with whose water they could per orm the rituals o ardhya' But to their utter dismay there was no such holy river nearby' 0hey then remembered Lord BrahmaF who immediately understood what they desired' Lord Brahma instructed -anga by saying?L -anga$ -o to the earthF where you would be known as -omti' /age Vashishth will lead you to your destination' #ust ollow him like a daughter ollows her ather'L >inallyF when sage Vashishth ollowed by -omti reached their destinationF all the *anasputras were delighted' 0hey eulogiCed -anga and eHpressed their gratitude to Vashishth or bringing -anga on earth' All o them thanked Vashishth by saying?L /ince you have brought -omti on earthF you would be considered as her ather'L 0hey o ered LardhyaL to -omti and subseMuently eulogiCed Lord Vishnu' Lord Vishnu appeared a ter being pleased and blessed them?L Your un linching devotion in me has pleased me no bound' /ince you did this penance with the obDective o *oksha (salvation)F this place would become amous as *oksha Dayak (giver o salvation)' 0his sacrosanct place would also be called <hakra teerth because o /udarshan chakraF who in ormed you all o my mani estation at Dwarka :uri' 1 assure you that 1 wonLt abandon this sacrosanct place even or a moment'L 0his wayF all the *anasputras were inally success ul in their obDective o o ering ardhya to Lord Vishnu with the holy water o -omti' At lastF -omti having ul illed her mission or which she had descended down to .arth merged with the ocean' Lord Vishnu disappeared rom there and *anasputras continued to live there'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1 Shi:a ,aha2Purana
>irst o allF /age /haunak eHpressed his desire to /utDi about knowing the meansF which could help a man in this era o Kali to attainment lord /hivaF by cleansing all the impurities o his mind and recti ying his inherent demonic tendencies' /utDi then described about /hiv *ahapuran ? the supreme o all the puranasF which was narrated by Lord /hiva himsel and which was later on retold by /age Vyas with the permission o *aharshi /anatkumarF or the benediction o common man' /utDi saidF RBy understanding the mysteries o /hivmahapuran and singing its praisesF a man attains greater virtues than that which could be attained by being charitable or by the per ormance o all the UyagyasL' <ontemplating on the subDect matters o /hivmahapuran give auspicious ruits Dust like a LKalpa?taruL (A mythological tree which ul ills all the wishes)' /hiv *ahapuran contains twenty? our thousand shlokas and seven' /hivmahapuran is the best means or manLs liberation' :"(:." *.0)(D (> L1/0.414- 0( /)1V:%"A4 /age /haunak reMuested /utDi to tell about the proper method o listening to /hivpuranF so that the man kind gets complete bene it' /utDi replied? R>irst o allF an auspicious moment should be determined by an Astrologer' A ter thatF riends and relatives should be invitedF especially those who have the tendency o being away rom such occasions' 0he sages and the virtuous people should be invited too' 0he LKathaL must be help in scared places like /hiva templeF any place o pilgrimage or in oneLs home a ter doing a Bhumi :uDan o the land 8here one intends to held the Katha o /hiv :uran' 0he canopy should be well decorated'R RA ter making a resolution and doing worship o -anapati ? the destroyer o all hurdles and obstacles the Katha should be commenced' 0he person who is telling the LKathaL should be acing north and all the listeners should sit acing east' 0he person who is telling the LKathaL should be a scholar and should be capable o clearing all the doubts rom the listenerLs mind' 0here should be no kind o distraction during the LKathaL period' A devoteeF who listens to the Katha leaving behind all o his worldlys worries get complete bene its' A devotee should also make donations and o erings according to his capacity and capability otherwise he would become a wretched man' 0he *antra L(* 4A*A) /)1VAYL should be chanted through out the period o Katha' "1-)0 (> L1/0.414- 0( /)1V*A)A:%"A4K? An uninitiated person does not have the right to listen to the Katha o /hivmahapuran' /o a man desirous o listening to /hivmahapuran should irst get initiated' A%/0."101./ 0( B. >(LL(8.DK A devotee who has taken the vow o listening to the Katha o /hivmahapuranF should ollow a celibate li e' )e should sleep on the loor and should have only ruits in the diet' )e can have his normal dinner only a ter the completion o the Katha' 0he diet should be resh and pure' )e should also try to avoid sin ul tendencies like lustF angerF greedF attachment and condemning otherF etc' *aking donations o even meager things give undiminishing virtues' "10./ :.">("*.D (4 <(*:L.01(4 (> (B/."VA4<.K? A ter the methodical completion o the KathaF a devotee should per orm %DDYA:A4 (<onclusion o the Katha)F which is similar to the <)A0%"DA/)1 %DDYA:A4' 0he devotee should also <haritably make donations to all the brahmins who have helped in the per ormance o Katha' (n the neHt day the L:athL o /)1V -10A should be per ormed' 1 the devotee (listener o the Katha) is a householdersF then he should per orm L)avanL with the ghee prepared rom <owLs milkF or the paci ication o the unhindered
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
completion o the Katha' 0he )avan should be per ormedF either with the help o L"udra /amhita mantrasL or L-ayatri *antraL or with the shlokas o :uran' 0his :urana consists o the ollowing 9 <haptersK
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/imilarly BrahmaDi trans ormed himsel into a swan and lew up in the sky to ind its limit' 8hile going through the aerial route he met a withered LKetakiL lowersF which had still some reshness and ragrance le t in it'R RLord /hiva smiled at the utile attempts o /hri BrahmaDi and VishnuDi' As a result o his smile the Ketaki lower ell down rom the branch' Ketaki lower told BrahmaDi that he had been present there since the beginning o the creationF but was unable to know about the origin o that L:illar o ineL' 0he lower also advised BrahmaDi against making any e ort in that directionF as it would be o no use'R
RBrahmaDi then sought the help o Ketaki lower to give a alse witness be ore lord VishnuF that he (BrahmaDi) had been success ul in seeing the limit o that pillar o ire' Ketaki lower agreed' Both o them went to VishnuDi and BrahmaDi told him that he had seen the limit o that :illar o ire' Ketaki lower gave a witness' VishnuDi accepted the superiority o BrahmaDi'R
RLord /hiva became very angry with BrahmaDi' )e proceeded to punish BrahmaDi or his alsehood' Lord Vishnu reMuested Lord /hiva to spare the li e o BrahmaDi' Lord /hiva became pleased with VishnuDi and accorded him the same status as )at o his own'R
Later on /hiva brought back to li e all the people who had died in the battleF ought between BrahmaDi and VishnuDi'
;'&'2 (mkar
Lord /hiva then preached BrahmaDi and VishnuDi on the ive duties (:anchakritya) saying that L/hrishtiL (creation)F L/thithiL (position)F /amhar (Annihilation)F 0irobhav (<oncealment) and LAnugrahL (obligation or kindness) are the ive duties by which this world unctions' 0he source o this world in L/argaL or 4ature' 0he establishment o this world is L/tithiL or position' 0he tendency o this world to destroy is /amhar or destruction' 0he eeling o absence o this world is 0irobhav or <oncealment and *oksha or /alvation is obligation or Anugrah' Lord /hiva then goes on to eHplain that the irst our duties like /arga (4ature) etc help in the nurturement o the world and the i th duty Anugrah is a giver o /alvation' Lord /hiva also told them (BrahmaDi P VishnuDi) that he (/hiva) had blessed both o them to look a ter the two duties i'e' /hrishti and /thiti' "udra and *ahesh have been entrusted with the Dob o /anhar P 0iribhav' R0he i th duty LAnugrahL has been kept by me'R /aid /hiva' A ter describing about the allocation o the various dutiesF Lord /hiva described the meaning o L(*KA"L to them' )e said that (*KA" signi ied the world and contained the power o both /hiva and /hakti' 0his power ul mantra gives all kinds o worldly accomplishment as well as salvation' A ter that Lord /hiva initiated both BrahmaDi and VishnuDi with the (*KA"L mantra' )e also preached them on the importance o the worship o /hivalinga'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
+) Dharma per ormed by indulging in physical activities' 0he per ormance o Yagya etc comes in the irst category' *aking pilgrimages o holy places comes in the second category' During the /atya?YugaF meditation was the way to attain sel knowledge' During 0reta?YugaF it was attained by penanceF during Dwapar Yuga it was attained by per orming LYagyaL while in the present era o Kali YugaF idol worship is considered to be the means to achieve sel ? realiCation' 1nvirtuosity invites sorrow while virtuosity bestows Doy and happiness' L0). 1*:("0A4<. (> A-41?YA-YAL 0he sages then asked /utDi about the Agniyagya Brahma yagya and -uru :uDa in order o importance' /utDi said? R:er orming LhavanL by o ering matter and materials into the sacred ireF is called Agni yagya' 0his ritual is especially meant or the brahmachari (<elibates)' :er orming havana during the evening time brings prosperityF while per ormance o havana during the morning times gives long li e' *aking sacri ices to the deities during the day time is called LDeva YagyaL' A brahmin should per orm LBrahma yagya with the help o the study o the Vedas'R R>irst o all lord /hiva adopted an auspicious day or himsel and named it /unday' A ter that he named the /iH remaining days o the week and attributed them to the ollowing deities respectively ? *onday (Durga)F 0uesday (/kand)F 8ednesday (Vishnu)F 0hursday (Yama)F >riday (Brahma)F and /aturday (1ndra)' 8orshipping the deities on their respective days give peace properity and all kinds o accomplishments'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
R8orshipping /hiva at a pure place in a house gives appropriate ruitsF while worship done in a cowshed gives virtueF which are ten?times more than the ormer one' 8orshipping /hiva at the banks o a river givesF ten times more virtues than the second one' 8orship o /hiva done either in templeF under the basil plant etc' or at the banks o /apt -angaF gives ten times more virtue than the third one' 1 /hiva is worshipped at the seashore than the ourth oneF while worshipping /hiva on the peak o a mountainF gives ten times more virtue than the i th one' But worship done with a ully concentrates mindF gives the best ruits' 1*:("0A4<. (> 01*.K During the /atya?yuga per ormance o Yagya and donations gave complete results' During the 0reta?yuga it gave hal F while in the present Kaliyuga it gives one? ourth results' Virtuosity per ormed with a pure heart does not go in vain' 0he other auspicious days in order o their increasing importance are L/urya?/ankrantiLF 0ula /ankranti and *esh?/ankrantiF Lunar eclipse and /olar eclipse respectively'
Be ore commencing the study o Vedas pronouncing (*KA" is a must' By chanting L:ranavL or nine crore times man becomes pure' By chanting it or urther nine crore times a man develops a control over natural orces like windF smell and earth etc' 0his :ranav mantra is considered to be most power ul and helps a man to attain the abode o /hiva'
must worship' (ne thousand ive hundred :arthiva Lingas' A man who is desirous o attaining salvation must worship one crore :arthiva Lingas'
:arthiva lingaF which is eMuivalent to the height measured by the our ingers and which has been established on a beauti ul pedestalF is considered to be the best' :arthiva Linga which is the hal o the above mentioned height is considered to be L*ediumO and still hal than the second category is considered to be in erior :arthiva Linga' 1t is better and advisable to worship a single :arthiva Linga dailyF because it is eMuivalent to the worship o the whole world' 4obody is barred rom worshipping /hivaF eHcept the people whose ancestors had been cursed by the sages like DadhichiF -autam' /uch people should also worship the eight idols (earthF waterF ireF airF skyF sunF moon and the host) alongwith the :arthiva linga'
A brahmin should worship :arthiva linga as per the methods described in the vedas' 8orship should be doneF acing north'
B1LVA (8((D A::L.)?K Bilva ruit is considered to be a orm o lord /hiva 1tLs greatness has been eulogiCed even by the deities himsel ' 1t is believed that all the places o pilgrimagesF dwell in the Bilva? lea ' Lord /hiva is believed to have his abode in the roots o the Bilva tree' A devotee who waters the roots o the Bilva tree attain greater virtues than o ering water to the deities o all the places o pilgrimages' /imilarly a devotee who worships the roots o the Bilva tree attains to the abode o lord /hiva'
cowdung is called Aagneya Bhasma' Applying L0ripundaL on the orehead with the ashes a ter the completion o YagyaF is to the upanishad rituals like /andhya and #apa should only be per ormed a ter applying tripunda on the orehead'
6udra )amhita
;'+'& /hrishti?Khand
0he sages eHpress their desire o knowing about the mani estation o /hiva and %maF their marriage and their li e as a householder and the other aspects o /hivaLs divinity /utDi narrated the story o 4aradLs attachment and lust ? how they were ultimately destroyed' )e also narrated o 4aradLs deep desire to know about /hiva'
Lord /hiva listened to his arrogant statement' )e advised 4arada not to reveal this secret to anybody' But 4arada went to Brahmaloka and boasted about his eet to Lord Brahma' Lord Brahma listened to his boisterous statements and advised him not to reveal this to anybody' But 4arada was not satis ied' )e wanted to give the news o his achievement to Lord Vishnu' /oF he went to Lord VishnuLs abode and boasted about his eat o de eating Kamdeva' Lord Vishnu with a desire to subdue his in lated egoF mani ested his illusionary power with the blessings o Lord /hiva'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/ome o the /hivaLs gana too were present there in the guise o a brahmin' 0heir names were *arud ganas' 8hen they saw 4arada to see the re lection o his ace in the water' 8hen 4arada saw his ace in the waterF he saw that he was looking like a monkey' )e became very urious and cursed the *arudganas to be the born as demonsF even though being brahmins by birth' >urious 4arada then went to Lord Vishnu and cursed him? RYou too would su er due to separation rom your wi eF during your incarnation o "am and the monkey would come to your help'
A ter preaching 4aradaFF Lord Vishnu vanished rom his sight' 4arada then descended down to earth and while having darshan o numerous /hivalingasF he saw two o the *arudganasF whom he had cursed' )e told both o them that they would take birth rom a giantessLs wombF but their ather would be sages' )e also told them that they would become very amous due to their devotionF 4arad went to lord Brahma and reMuested him to tell about the divinity o /hiva'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Lord /hiva named the child as Vishnu and advised him to do a penance which would help him to attain all kinds o accomplishment' )e then o ered him the knowledge o VedasF through his breath' >or this reason it has been said?
RYA/YA 41/)VA/10A* V.DA) R *eaningK 8hose eHhaled air is Veda' Vishnu ollowed the instruction o /hiva and did a tremendous penance or twelve yearsF but still he was not success ul in having a darshan o lord /hiva or the second time' )e became worried' )e heard a heavenly voiceF instructing him to do urther penance' Vishnu then recommenced his penance' 1t continued or many days' By the blessings o /hivaF numerous ountain o streams errupted rom his bodyF which spread in all directions in the orm o Brahma' VishnuDi was very pleased to see that stream' )e went to sleep in that streams due to which he also came to be known as L4arayanL' (ne who has his abode in the water' A ter thatF all the ive elements mani ested rom his sel ' 0he three Mualities? /alvaF "aDos and 0amas as well as the ego mani ested rom his body' /imilarlyF ive 0anmantras (/ubtle orm o matter)F :anchabhuta (/ky waterF airF ire and earth) and ultimately ive sense organs and ive organs o action also mani ested rom' Altogether twenty? our types o element mani ested rom the body o /hri Vishnu'
;'+'2 /habda?Brahma
8e heard a sound (*' 8e became curious to know the origin o that sound' VishnuDi saw a letter LAL towards the south o that /hivalinga' )e also saw the letters L%L and L*L centre towards the north o the /hivalinga and in its centre respectively' )e also saw the mantra L(*LF which was daCCling like a /un' 0here was no beginning and end to this mantra (*' As we were making e orts to know about its originF suddenly /hiva appeared in the orm o a sage' )e gave us the knowledge regarding (*' )e also revealed to us that 1 originated rom the letter LALF VishnuDi originated rom letter L%L and /hiva himsel originated rom letter *' 0he letter A signi ies creationF % /igni ies nurturement and * signi ies salvation'
0he three letters AF V P * also symboliCes the basic causes o creation' A or brahma also symboliCes the semenF % or Vishnu symboliCes the Vagina and the sound o (* is *aheshwar? the combined sound o AF % and *' All the three united rom which mani ested a golden egg' 0his golden egg
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
remained submerged in the water or one thousand years' 0he almighty then cut that egg into two halvesF rom which appeared heaven and .arth' 8e also saw the divine beauty o *aheshwar'R
goldden /hivalinga or BrahmaDi' /imilarly Vishwadeva was given a /hivalinga made up o silverF the Ashwini Kumars were given /hivalinga made up o bronCeF LaHmi was given a /hivalinga made up o <rystal (/phatik)F /un?god was given a /hivalinga made o copper and the moon was given a /hivalinga made o pearl'
;'+'&2 <reation
:reaching 4arad on the essence o /hivatattvaF BrahmaDi said?
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
R8ith the permission o /hivaF 1 created the ive basic elements rom which the matter is made and also all types o arts' 1 also created the time' Despite all these creationsF 1 was not satis ied' 1 created sage *arichi rom my eyesF /age Bhrigu rom my heartF /age Angira rom my headF /age :ulaha rom my Vyan VayuF /age :ulatsya rom my %dan VayaF /age Vashishth rom my /aman VayuF /age Kratu rom my Apan VayuF /age Atri rom my earF Daksha :raDapati rom my vital air You (4arad ) mani ested rom my lap' /age Kardam and Dharma mani ested rom my /hadow' 0hen 1 divided my body into two partsF and rom each o the two parts' *anu and /hatarupa mani ested respectively' Both o them got married and in this way commenced the conDugal creation' :riyavrata and %ttanpad were the two sons born to them' /hatarupa also gave birth to three daughters whose names were Aakuti Devahuti and :rasuti' /age "uchi was married to AakutiF /age Kardam was married to Devahuti and Daksha :raDapati was married to :rasuti' /age Yagya and Dakshina were born to sage "uchi and Aakuti'R R4umerous daughters were born to sage Kardam and Devahuti' /imilarly twenty? our daughters were born to Daksha and :rasuti' Daksha married thirteen o his dhauthers to Dharma' 0he rest o his daughters were married to sages like :ulastya etc' All the three worlds are inhabited by the progenies o these sages' 0he same Daksha :raDapati had siHty daughters in another KalpaF who were married to sages like Kashyap' .tc' 1n this KalpaF L/ati was one o his daughters who was married to Lord /hiva' L/atiL being distressed by the disrespect sown by her ather?DakshaF to her husband? /hivaF had given up her li eF by Dumping into the sacri icial ire' 1n her neHt birth she was born as :arvati and was again married to /hiva' 0his wayF 1 created this world with the permission o /hiva'R
pieces o clothF he was wearing and made a thick wick and put it in the lamp' 4ow the light was su icient to enable him to see whatever had been o ered to the deity'R R)e carried as much ruits and other eatables as possible and tried to sneak out rom the temple' %n ortunatelyF he dashed against a devotee woke up and chased him shouting thie ?thie 'R R)earing his cries all the other devotees woke up and caught -unanidhi' )e was given such a nice thrashing that proved to be atal and as a result -unanidhi died'R 0he YamadutLs arrived to take his soul to yamloka' But right thenF the /hivaganas arrived and prevented the Yamadutas rom carrying his soul' 0hey in ormed the Yamdutas that -unanidhi was entitled or /hivaloka as he had devoutly observed the /hivaratri astF had listened to the tales o /hiva and lighted up the lamp which was about to go o ' 0he /hivaganas also in ormed the Yamadutas thatF in his neHt birth -unamidhi would become the king o Kalinga'R
R1n this way -unanidhi attained to /hivaloka' 1n his neHt birth he was born as a son o king Arindam? the king o Kalinga' )e was named as Dama'R R8hen he was still youngF his atherArindam dies' /o Dama succeeded him as the king o Kalinga' )e renovated all the /hiva?templeF which came under his Durisdiction and passed a stricture which made the worship o lord /hiva compulsory or all the subDects' By the blessings o lord /hivaF he became the king o Alkapuri and was known as Kubera'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
R)earing the sound o his damaruF all the deities including BrahmaF Vishnu and /adashia appeared be ore him'R R8hen Kubera saw lord "udra be ore himsel F he o ered his seat to him and worshipped him' )e also worshipped the other deities' "udra was so pleased with Kubera that he decided to stay near him' )e called Vishwakarma and ordered him to conduct his abode at Kailash mountainF so that he could live in could live in the vicinity o his great devotee?Kubera' Kubera constructed a beauti ul city as per his instruction' An auspicious moment was chosen and /hiva went to live at Kailash mountain' )e was coronated by the deities'R BrahamaDi in this way told 4arada about /hivaLs departure to Kailash mountain' /A01 K)A4D 1n the /ati Khand o "udra?/amhitaF 4arada enMuires lord Brahma about the reasonF why lord /hiva married /atiF inspite o being a LyogiL' )e also reMuested BrahmaDi to tellF how /ati became the daughter o Daksha :raDapati and in her neHt birth as %ma the daughter o )imalaya' )ow did %ma get lord /hiva as her husbandN? asked 4arada Lord Brahma narrated the ollowing tale?
RA girl by the name o /andhya mani ested rom my being' 1 was amaCed by her heavenly beauty' "ight then a divine entity appeared be ore meF whose beauty could not have been matched even by the deities' )e was Kamadeva? the god o love' )e in luenced me to such an eHtent that 1 orgot that /nadhya was my daughter and got in atuated by her'R
R8hen "udra came to know about my lust or /andhyaF he admonished me and ridiculed about my character' 1 elt ashamed' But 1 also became Dealous o "udra' 1 decided to in luence him with the power o in atuationF but 1 was unsuccess ul in my attempts' 1 remembered lord Vishnu and he tried to make me understand about the utility o my attemptsF as according to him (Vishnu)F "udra was beyond the reach o any human emotions'R RBut 1 instructed my son ? Daksha to help in the procreation o a girl child rom the womb o Ashwinivirini' 0hus /ati was born' /ati later on became amous o %ma and got "udra as her husband on account o her tremendous penance'R R0hough "udra was ree rom all kinds o attachmentF but still he became so in luenced by the desire or procreation that he married with /ati' )e enDoyed a bliss ul married li e or a very long time'R R"udra ather in lawF Daksha in his arrogance started condemning his son in law ?"udra' (nceF Daksha organised a grand yagya ceremony' )e gave invitation to everybody eHcept "udra and %ma' Despite o "udraLs disinclination to allow /ati to go to her atherLs yagyaF /he insisted and ultimately she was success ul in convincing "udraF to allow her to go'R R8hen /ati reached thereF she was not given respect by her ather?Daksha' 4ot only thisF Daksha made un o "udra' >eeling dishonouredF /ati gave up her li e by Dumping into the sacri icial ire'R R8hen "udra got the news o /atiLs death he became eHtremely urious' 0o take revengeF he created Veerbhadra rom his locks o hair' Veerbhadra went to Daksha place and destroyed his oblation site' )e severed DakshaLs head' All the deities became a raid and prayed to "udraF to have mercy' "udra then brought back Daksha to li e and helped him the accomplished o the still incomplete Yagya' 0he site where /ati had died later on became amous as #walamukhi devi'R R0he same /ati in her neHt birth was born as :arvati to )imalaya' By her tremendous penance she again got lord /hiva as her husband'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
A ter that lord Brahma told 4arada about the mani estation o Kama ? the god o love'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Lord Brahma then instructed Vashishtha to go to her in disguise and help in getting her initiated' )e went to <handrabhaga mountain in the guise o a brahmin and gave the mantra ? (* 4A*A) /)A4KA"AYA (* to her and also told her the methods o doing worshipF then he returned back'
Lord /hiva blessed her by saying? L.VA*A/0%$L Lord /hiva then categorised the li e?span o a man into our parts ? <hildhoodF adolescenceF youth and old age' )e than told her that it was written in her destiny to die by burning' )e also advised her to go and surrender her body in the sacri icial ire o the yagyaF per ormed by *edhatithi' RBe ore Dumping into the sacri icial ireF Dust remember anybodyF whom you want as your husbandF and your wish would be ul illed in your neHt birthF 8hen you would take birth as a daughter o Daksha :raDapati' Your ather? Daksha :raDapati would marry his +9 twenty daughter to *oonF but the moon would have a ection only towards "ohini and rest o his wives would be neglected by him' >or this reason he would be cursed by Daksha' All the deities would take your re uge'R A ter blessing /andhya in the way lord /hiva went back to Kailash mountain'
A ter thatF Daksha married :anchaDani rom whom were born thousand o sonF but all o them ollowed the path o salvation and were not interested in creation' 4arada was instructed in changing their mind' Daksha :raDapati became very urious with 4arada and cursed him to become an eternal wandered' )e said? RYou will never remain at a place or long'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Lord /hiva proceeded towards DakshaLs abode on the auspicious moment o :halgunF Krishnapaksha and on the thirteenth day o :halguni 4akshatra' /itting on the back o 4andi and accompanied by all the deities including lord BrahmaF VishnuDi he reached DakshaLs residence' 0he marriage?procession was received by Daksha with great respect' /hiva narrated /ati in an auspicious lagna' Being pleasedF all the deities eulogised /hiva and danced in Doy'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
R1 had burnt the time (Kala) or the bene it o the devoteesF with my third eye' >or the sake o my devoteesF 1 even abandoned "avana without any partiality' >or the wel are o my devoteesF 1 even instructed 4andi to punish sages VyasF who was eHiled out o Kashi'R /hiva preached on may topics like devotion types o devotionF yantraF mantraF scriptures etc'
Lord /hiva then paci ied 4andiLs anger and both o them went back to their abode' Daksha too went back to his place and started having hatred towards /hiva'
Veerbhadra and *ahakali were instructed by /hiva to destroy the yagya o Daksha and to kill all the people who were present during the time o /atiLs deathF including the deities and the sages'
Kshuva elt down unconscious' 8hen he regained his consciousness he attained sage Da dhichi with his weapon named VaDraF which inDured Dadhichi' Dadhichi sought the help o /hukracharya' /hukracharya healed his wounds by his mantras' )e also taught Dadhichi the mahamrityunDay mantra' Dadhichi then did a tremendous penance to please lord /hiva' Lord /hiva appeared be ore him and blessed him with three boonsF they were &) his bonesF would become as hard as lightning (VaDra)F ii) he would not be killedF iii) he would never be humiliated' Armed with these three boonsF /age Dadhichi again went to ight Kshuva' )e kicked himF in return Kshuva too attacked him with his weapon named VaDraF but it did not have any e ect on Dadhichi as his bones had become as hard as lighting' King Kshuva did a tremendous penance to please lord Vishnu' Vishnu revealed to him that Dadhichi had become immortal because o the blessings o lord /hivaF but assured him that he would certainly help him in de eating Dadhichi'
Brahma and all the other deities' All o them eulogiCed and worshipped /hiva' 0hey also reMuested him to bring Daksha back to li e'
/ages /anak eeling pity on them told that *aina would become the wi e o )imalayaF in her neHt birth and give birth to :arvatiF /imilarly Dhanya would be married to king #anak and /ita would be born to themF similarly Kalawati would be married to Vrishbhan and "adha would be born to them' /age /anak also told themF that in this way all three o them would attain to the heaven'
;'+'=; 1nvocation o %a
BrahmaDi told 4arad that a ter getting married with *ainaF )imalaya enDoyed a happy married li e or a long time' (nceF lord Vishnu paid a visit to his placeF accompanied by all the deities' )imalaya was very pleased by his arrival' A ter making salutationsF he asked or the purpose o their visit' 0he deities revealed to them that very soon the incarnation o /ati ? :arvati is going to take birth' R0here oreF ( )imalaya$ be prepared or that glorious occasion'R /aid the deities' )imalaya was very pleased at this news' 0he deities started invocating %ma'
destined to be the wi e o an entityF who would be beyond the reach o all the three Mualities' )e also revealed to themF that her husband would be devoid o any laws and would be sel born?"udra' 4arad told )imalaya that to have "udra as her husbandF :arvati will have to accomplish great austerities and penance' 4arad then went away'
0his attempt o Brahma was unsuccess ul' /hiva LburntL Kamadeva with the help o his third eye' :arvatiF then redoubled her e ort to attract the attention o /hiva by engaging hersel in a tremendous penance'
BrahmaDi said? RKashyap?the son o *arichiF had thirteen wives Diti was the eldest among them' /he was the mother o )iranyakashipu and )iranyaksha' Both her sons were killed by lord Vishnu in his incarnations o 4risimha and Varaha respectively' Diti became very sad by the death o her sons' A ter somtime she again became pregnant but the oetus was destroyed by 1ndraLs weapon? VaDra in the womb itsel ' )owever 1ndra was not able to destroy the oetus completelyF but was only success ul in dividing the oetus into orty?nine parts' 0hese orty?nine partsF later on became amous as L*araudganasL' Again Diti gave birth o VaDrangF who was very valiant and brave' 8hen he grew upF Diti ordered him to de eat the deities' 8ith his motherLs permission and blessingsF VaDrang de eated the deities and held them captive' )e astened all the deities' 8ith strings and himsel became the king o heaven' /eeing the pitable state o the deities 1 (brahma) went to VaDrang accompanied by Kashyap and reMuested him to ree the deities' VaDrang agreed to ree them but said he did not have any aspiration o becoming the king o heavenF he only wanted to teach a lesson to 1ndra'
VaDrang returned the heaven to the deities' Later on the married VaranDi who had been created by me (Brahma)' 8hile VaDrang was o virtuous natureF Varangi was met'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Kamadeva becameterri iedF he started remembering godF but be ore the deities could come at his rescue the third eye o lord /hiva got opened and Kamadeva was reduced to ashes' :arvati got scarred a ter seeing Lord /hiva in such a destruction anger' /he went to her house along with her companions' "ati? the wi e o Kamadeva wept unconsolably' 0he deities arrived and consoled her by saying that by the grace o lord /hivaF her husband would be alive once again' A ter that the deities went near lord /hiva and did his worship' 0hey told him that it was not the ault o KamadevaF as he had acted in accordance with the aspirations o the deities' 0hey also told him the mystery o 0arakasurLs death' 0he deities then reMuested him to make Kamadeva alive once again'
Lord /hiva told the deities that Kamadeva would take birth as the son o Krishna and "ukmini in the era o dwapar' A demon by the name o /hambar would throw him o in the sea' )e would kill that demon and marry "atiF who too would be living in a city near the sea'
But the deities were not satis ied' 0hey reMuested lord /hiva to help "ati to unite with her husband' Lord /hiva then told them that Kamadeva would become his ganaF but he also warned them against revealing this act to anybody' "ati then went to the city where the demon /hambar was eHpected to appear in the era o dwapar' 0he deities too went back to the heaven'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
R0his condemner should be killedF i this is not possible then we must leave this place at once'R As she was about to leave that placeF lord /hiva revealed his true identity and by holding her hand said? RYou have been my wi e since time immemorial where are you goingNR :arvati became very pleased and her heart was illed up with eHtreme Doy' /he reMuested him to take to her ather regarding their marriage' Lord /hiva agreed' )e went back to Kailash mountain and narrated the whole story to his -anas ? 4andiF Bhairav etc' .veryone became very happy and awaited eagerly or the day /hiva would marry :arvati'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
;'+'&5&/hivaAs Departure
/hiva remained at his in?laws house or many days' (ne day he sought the permission o )imalaya to go back' .verybody became sad at the prospect o /hivaLs departure' .specially *aina who was very saddened by this news' At last it was time or /hiva to depart or KailashF accompanied by :arvati' Lord /hiva and :arvati were bliss ully enDoying their martial statusF unaware o the eagerness with which the deities were awaiting the arrival o their progeny' 0arakasur ? the demon continued tormenting the deities' 8hen their miseries became unbearable they went to lord Brahma to seek their help' All o them then went to lord Vishnu' 0hey told him that even a ter passing o such a long duration o timeF :arvati and /hiva had not yet become parents' 0hey reMuested lord Vishnu to remind /hiva about the purpose behind his marriage' 1nitially lord Vishnu showed his disinclination to disturb /hivaLs martial blissF but when the deities insisted he went to /hiva accompanied by all o them' All o them eulogised /hiva and :arvati' 0he deities then reMuested /hiva to make his contribution in the destruction o 0arakasur' /hiva understood everything' /ome drops o his semen ell down on the ground' (ne being insisted by the deities' Agni trans ormed his appeared in the orm o a pigeon and pecked up those drops o semen' "ight then :arvati arrived there and became eHtremely urious on seeing the semen going waste' /he cursed the deities that their respective wives would remain issue less as the conseMuences o their mindless acts' Agni was having in lammation in his stomach because o the /hivaLs semen' Lord /hiva advised him to trans er it into the womb o any noble woman' Agni ollowed the instruction and inDected the semen into the body o siH women through the pores o the hair on their body' 0hose women could not bear the eHtreme luster o the /hivaLs semen' 0hey went to )imachal and evacuated it' .ven )imachal could not bear its eHtreme e ulgence and immersed it into the lowing -anga' "iver -anga carried it with her current and established it amidst bushes o reed (/arkanda)' 1nstantaneously a beauti ul child mani ested rom it' )is birth made all the deities eHtremely Doyous including /hiva and :arvati' 1t was the siHth day (bright hal o the lunar month) o the hindu month o *argashirsha' )e was Kartikeya'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/age Vishwamitra arrived at the spot where the child had mani ested' (n the repeated insistence o the childF Vishwamitra per ormed his puri ication rites and named him L-uhaL' 0he divine child blessed Vishwamitra and bestowed divine knowledge to him' )e also blessed him to become amous as LBrahmarshiL' Agnideva arrived there and gave a divine weapon named L/haktiL to that child' -uha went to the Kroncha mountain and banged his weapon on it' 0he mountain could not bear the e ect o the blow and started crumbling down' 1nnumerable demons living on that mountain came to kill him' But the child killed all o them by his weapon' 8hen 1ndra heard about his braveryF he came along with other deities to ight him 1ndra assaulted -uha with his VaDra on the right side o his bodyF which resulted into the mani estation o a very power ul entity named L/hakhL' 1ndra again assaulted him on the le t side o his bodyF rom which mani ested an eHtremely power ul entity named LVishakhL' 1ndra assaulted -uha or the third time? this time his chest was the target' >rom this third blow o 1ndra mani ested L4aigamL' -uha accompanied by all the three power ul entities? /hakhF Vishakh and 4aigam attacked 1ndra and his armyF but they led away' /iH goddesses arrived on the scene' All o them tried to eed that small child out o a ection' 0hey started Muarelling among themselves' "ight then they were surprised to see the child appearing with siH head' 4ow their problems were solved' .ach o the goddesses ed their breast milk to the child' 0hey took -uha with them and brought him up with great love and care' -uha later on became amous as Kartikeya'
;'+'&53/earch or Kartikeya
(ne dayF :arvati curiously asked /hiva about his semen which had allen on the ground' Lord /hiva summoned the deities and asked them about it' 0he deities narrated the whole story' Both /hiva and :arvati were very pleased to know about Kartikeya' Lord /hiva then ordered his -anas to bring Kartikeya rom the possession o Kritika' 0he -anas reached Badrikasharam where Kritika lived' 8hen Kritika saw the -anas she became very rightened but Kartikeya gave him solace' 0he -anas reMuested Kartikeya to come along with him' Kartikeya happily took permission rom his mothers and proceeded to meet /hiva and :arvati'
;'+'&56KartikeyaAs <oronation
At the time or KartikeyaLs departureF the mothers had become very emotional' Kartikeya consoled them' )e then boarded the beauti ul chariot which had been sent by :arvati and proceeded towards Kailash mountain' All the deities including /hiva were eagerly awaiting his arrival' 8hen Kartikeya reached Kailash mountainF he was given a royal reception' 0he whole atmosphere was illed up with Doy' .verybody was celebrating' .ach o the deities presented him their respective weapons to him' Lord /hiva coronated him as the king with the help o the brahmin' 0his way he had now become the lord o Kailashpuri'
R1 the goat was not oundF my vow would remain un ul illed'R /aid 4arad 1 went in search o that goat' 1 ound it in the Vishnuloka where it was creating nuisance ' 8hen the goat saw meF it tried to attack me with its sharp horns' 1 climbed on its back' A ter travelling through all the three worldsF the goat returned back to his original place' 1 climbed down rom its back' 4arada arrived and demanded his goat' 1 told him that his Yagya had been accomplished by my blessings and there was no need to sacri ice the poor goat' 4arada ? the brahmin went back satis ied'
;'+'&5=0he Battle
0he deities were very encouraged by the presence o Kartikeya amidst themselves' 0hey were beaming with con idence and enthusiasm' 0he deities assembled at the seashore' 0arakasur arrived their with his huge army' 0he battle began' 0arakasur appeared to be invincible' )is blow was so severe that 1ndra ell down unconscious' All the LLokpalasL met the same ate' A ter that 0arakasur ought with Veerbharda and made him unconscious' .ven Lord Vishnu could not sustain or long and was ultimately de eated' Lord Brahma reMuested Kartikeya to ight with 0arakasur as nobody eHcept him would be able to kill him'
;'+'&59Killing o 0arakasur
(n being instructed by lord Brahma Kartikeya came orward to ight with 0arakasur' 0arakasur ridiculed the deities or taking the shield o a small child' R1 he gets killed by meF the responsibility should lie on you'R 0hundered 0arakasur' A ierce battle started between both o them in which both o them got inDured' At last seeing an opportune momentF Kartikeya hit 0arakasur on his chest with his weapon? /hakti' 0he blow proved to be atal and as a result 0arakasur died' Kartikeya eat was hailed by all the deities' A ter killing 0arakasurF Kartikeya went to mother :arvatiF who a ectionately took him into her lap' )e was eulogiCed by all the deities'
(nce 4arada had a desire to listen to the tales o -anesha' BrahmaDi replied? R0here were various -aneshas in di erent Kalpas' During the period o L/hweta?KalpLF -anesha was born to /hiva and :arvatiF when they went to Kailash mountain shortly a ter their marriage'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
R(nce while going to take her bathF :arvati instructed 4andiF to stand guard at the entrance and not to allow anybody to enter the premise without her permission' Lord /hiva arrived there by chance' Despite o 4andiLs re usal to allow himF in he went inside' :arvati did not like this' (ne day it happened so that (nce againF :arvati wanted to take her bath' /he made an idol rom the dirt o her body' /he made the idol alive and instructed him not to allow anybody without her permission' /he also gave him a stick or his protection' 1ncidentally lord /hiva arrived once again' )e tried to enter inside but -anesha re used to let him go inside' But when /hiva tried to go inside orciblyF -anesha hit him with his stick' Lord /hiva became urious and ordered his ganas to kill him'
;'+'&&3-aneshaAs *arriage
Both Kartikeya and -anesha grew up to become handsome youths in due course o time' /hiva and :arvati started to think about their marriage' 8hen -anesha and Kartikeya came to know about the plan o their marriage both o them started Muarreling among themselves as to who should get married irst' Lord /hiva and :arvati devised a plan to sort out this problem' 0hey told them that whoever between them return a ter circumambulating the earthF will get married irst o all'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Kartikeya and -anesha agreed' Kartikeya proceeded on his Dourney to circumambulate the earth' -anesha was very intelligent' )e reMuested his parents ? Lord /hiva and :arvatiO to sit at a place together and circumambulated them or seven times and said? RAccording to VedaF <ircumambulating oneLs parents give virtues eMuivalent to that o circumambulating the whole earth' /o now you must get me married irst'R Lord /hiva and :arvati were very impressed by his intelligence' 0hey decided to get him married with /iddhi and "iddhi?the daughter o Vishwaroop :raDapati' 1n due course o time two sons were born to them Kshem and Labh' 8hile Kartikeya was returning a ter circumambulating the whole earthF he met sage 4arad on the way' )e told Kartikeya about -aneshaLs marriage' Kartikeya became very sad and elt like having been cheated by their parents' 8hen Kartikeya reached Kailash mountain he made salutations to lord /hiva and :arvati and without saying anythingF went to Kraunch mountain to do his penance'
:arvati was very sad' /he went to Kraunch mountain to meet Kartikeya accompanied by /hiva' 8hen Kartikeya saw them coming he moved to another place' Lord /hiva and :arvati ollowed him and ultimately met him' Both these places have religious signi icance' )aving a darshan o Kartikeya on the ull moon day o Kritika nakashatra is considered to bestows immense auspicious and destroyes all the sins o a man'
three demon?brothers' But these spirits were no match or the 0ripurasurs might and they had to run or their lives' 0hey came to lord Vishnu and narrated the whole story' Lord Vishnu became very worried' )e sent back all the deities and started thinking about the meansF 0ripurasurs could be killed'
;'+'&&=.mergence o Atheism
Lord Vishnu came to the conclusion that the 0ripurasurs could not be killed till they remain Virtuous and religious' )e then created an illusionary entity rom his body who had no hairs on his head' )e had worn dirty clothes and a bag was hanging down his shoulder' )e also had a broom in his head' 0he entity asked lord Vishnu about the purpose o his eHistence and his name' Lord Vishnu told him that his name was Arihan' )e also instructed him to create a scripture which stresses upon the importance o action (Karmavad5 and which is di erent rom the rituals eHplained in the Vedas' Lord Vishnu speci ically instructed him to keep the language o that scripture as simple and degenerated as possible' Lord Vishnu then preached Arihan on the science o illusion which stressed that the heaven or the hell does not eHist anywhere elseF but on this earth itsel ' Lord Vishnu instructed Arihan to get 0ripurasurs initiated into with this philosophy so that the demon? brothers become irreligious' Vishnu ordered Arihan to make his residence in a desert with his disciples' RYou should propagate your philosophy when Kaliyuga arrivesR ? said Lord Vishnu' A ter giving his instruction lord Vishnu disappeared' Arihan then created our illusionary entities rom his bein who were supposed to act as his ollowers' 0heir names were "ishiF YatiF Keerya and %padhyay'
4ow the time had arrived to enter the orts o 0ripurasurs' All o them entered the orts and in a gradual manner started increasing their in luence' As a result the 0ripurasurs became irreligious' 4ot only that their subDects too became irreligious in a very short time'
;'+'&&,Killings o 0ripurasurs
8hen /hiva agreed to kill the demon ? brothers 0ripurasur the deities became eHtremely Doyous' 0hey gave their respective weapons to /hivaF so that he did not have any di iculty in killing the demons' Vishwakarma gave his beauti ul chariot to him' Lord /hiva proceeded towards the orts o 0ripurasur ollowed by a huge army o the deities' )is army entered the orts o his bow but he was not able to release it' )e remained in this position or one thousand years but still he was not success ul in releasing his arrow' Lord /hiva then worshipped -anesha and heard a heavenly voice instructing him to use his weapon ? :ashupat' Lord /hiva released it in the direction o the orts o 0ripurasur' All the three orts were destroyed by the assault o :ashupat and it created havoc among the demons'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/eeing death and destruction all around them ? 0ripurasurs prayed to lord /hiva to have mercy on them' Lord /hiva assured them that a ter their death they would be born as his ganas' At last 0ripurasurs were burnt to death' *aya was the only demon who survived' A ter their death the 0ripurasurs were privileged to be reborn as the ganas o /hiva'
8hen #alandhar grew up he married VrindaF who was the daughter o Kalnemi' Later on he became the ruler o the demons'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Being unde eated by Lord Vishnu himsel F #alandhar became the ruler o all the three world' All his subDects were satis ied by his Dust and virtuous ruleF eHcept the deities' 0he deities now eulogiCed lord /hiva to seek his help in de eating #alandhar'
;'+'&+64aradAs /tratagem
According to the wish o lord /hivaF /age 4arad came to meet the deities' 0he deities narrated their woe ul tales to him' >eeling pity on their conditionF he went accorded a grand reception by #alandhar which pleased him very much' 4arad praised the splendours and prosperity o #alandhar but added that it was nothing in comparison to /hivaLs splendours 4arad told him that inspite o all his authority and splendoursF his prosperity was still incompleteF as he did not have a consort' #alandhar asked curiously as to where could he ind his consort' According to his strategyF 4arada advised #alandhar to make :arvati as his consort #alandhar ell into 4aradLs trap' )e sent L"ahuL to lord /hiva with a proposal to part with :arvati' "ahu went to lord /hiva and demanded :arvatiF which made lord /hiva eHtremely urious' )is anger resulted into the mani estation o a erocious creatureF which ran towards L"ahuL to devour him' "ahu had no option but to take the re uge o Lord /hiva' Lord /hiva protected the li e o L"ahuL' 0he hungry creatureF asked /hiva as to what should he eat to satis y his hunger' Lord /hiva instructed him to devour his own limbs' 0he creative ollowed his instructions and devoured his limbs' Lord /hiva was very pleased by his sense o obedience' )e named that creature o his palace' )e also blessed him saying that he too would be worshipped along with him (/hiva)'
(ne dayF came to know about the real identity o the personF who was impersonating as her husband' "ealiCing that her chastity has been breachedF she cursed lord Vishnu by saying that Dust as he had played a deceit ul trick with her in the same way somebody would deceit ully abduct his wi e and he too would wander in her search' A ter cursing lord VishnuF Vrinda embraced death by entering into the ire'
;'+'&+9Killing o #alandhar
(n the other sideF a ter the departure o :arvati rom Kailash *ountain and a ter the illusionary powers created by #alandhar had ended all the apsaras and gandharvas vanished' /hiva realiCed that whatever he was watchingF was nothing more than illusion'
Lord /hiva recommenced his battle' 0he demons?/humbh and 4ishumbhF came orward to ight with himF but ultimately they had to lee rom the battle ield' Lord /hiva warned both o them that though they had escaped death at that momentF but they would be killed by :arvati'
4ow #alandhar again arrived to ight with lord /hiva' A ierce battle commenced between them' >inding an opportune timeF /hiva severed the head o #alandhar by his L<hakraL which had been created rom his toe' A ter his deathF #alandharLs soul united with /hiva'
;'+'&35Birth o /hankhachuda
/utDi narrated the tale o the birth o /hankhachuda and how /hiva killed him with his 0rishula' )e told the sages that /hankhachuda was born to the demon king LDambhaL' /hankhachuda was in actF /udamaF in his previous li e' )e was born in the amily o demons due to the curse o "adha'
;'+'&3&/hankhachudaAs *arriage
8hen /hankhachuda gre upF he went to :ushkar (ADmerF "aDasthan) and did a tremendous penance to please lord Brahma' Lord Brahma blessed him and said that he would remain invincible' )e also instructed /hankhachuda to go to LBadrikashramL where he would ind his would be wi e 0ulsi? the daughter o DharmadhwaDa'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/hankhachuda went to Badrikasharam and married 0ulsi as per the instructions o lord Brahma' )e then returned back to his capital accompanied by his wi e? 0ulsi'
/hankhachuda gave his armour to him without any kind o suspicion' Lord Vishnu then went to /hankhachudaLs wi e in the guise o her husband i'e' /hankhachuda' )e destroyed the chastity o 0ulsi ? /hankhachudaLs wi e' /hankhachuda derived his power rom the chastity o his wi e and it vanished the momentF her chastity was destroyed'
;'+'&6+Killing o )iranyaksha
)iranyakashipu was illed with grie when he heard the news o his brothersL death' 0o avenge )iranyakshaLs deathF he started to torment the deities' Becoming homelessF the deities started wandering here and there' )iranyakashipu was still unsatis ied' )e wanted to acMuire more power and authority' )e went to the *andarachal mountain and started doing a tremendous penance to please Lord Brahma' Lord Brahma appeared be ore him and asked him demand anything he wished to be ul illed' )iranyakashipu said? R( Lord$ Bless me so that 1 do neither die during the day nor during the nightO neither on the earth nor in the skyO neither by the deities nor by the demonsO neither by a human being nor by an animal' Bless me ( Lord$ ( that 1 do not get killed by any type o weapon'R Lord Brahma blessed )iranyakshipu and said Lso be itL' 4owF )iranyakashipu became more ruthless and arrogant' )e declared himsel the almighty -od and ordered his subDects to worship him and his idol' )is son?:rahlad was a very great devotee o lord Vishnu' )e did not pay heed to his atherLs command and continued to worship Lord Vishnu' )iranyakashipu tried to kill :rahalada many timesF but each time he survived by the blessings o lord Vishnu' 8hen )iranyakashipuLs atrocities crosses all its limitsF the deities went to lord Vishnu and reMuested him to kill )iranyakashipu' Lord Vishnu appeared in his incarnation o 4risimha (hal lion and hal man) and killed )iranyakashipu with his sharp nailsF during the dusk' A ter giving his kingdom to his son ? :rahalad Lord Vishnu went back to his abode'
8hen Lord /hiva did not appear even a ter such a tremendous penanceF then he indulges himsel in severest orm o penanceF by Muitting having ood and water' )e now started living only on air' 0his continued or thousands o year' Lord /hiva became very pleased with his penance' )e mani ested rom the very /hivalingaF /hukracharya had been worshipping till now' )e taught the secrets o L*ritasanDivaniL viddya to him and told him that by the help o this viddya he would become capable o making alive the dead persons' Lord /hiva also blessed /hukracharya to become a star and attain respectability among all the planets' A ter blessing /hukracharya like thisF Lord /hiva disappeared into the same /hivalinga rom which he had appeared'
;'+'&66AndhakAs /plendors
(nceF Andhak brothers Dokingly told him thatF since his real parents were somebody else (/hiva and :arvati) there ore he was not it to rule them' 0hough they had told this in good humourF yet Andhak was very much saddened by their remark' )e relinMuished his throne and went to a deserted place in the orest and started to do a severe penance' Lord Brahma became very pleased by his penance and appeared be ore him' )e asked him to demand anything he wished to be ul illed' Andhak said? R1 only long or the love and a ection o my brothers' ( Lord$ Bless me so that nobody should be able to kill one eHcept lord /hiva'R Lord Brahma blessed him and said? Lso be itL' Andhak returned to his kingdom and with the co?operation o his brothers like :rahalad etc he brought even the deities under his control' But drunk with power he became very arrogant and started tormenting all the creatures' )e did not show any respect to the VedasF brahmin and the deities'
A ter killing all the demonsF lord /hiva li ted Andhak with his trident and hanged him between the earth and sky' Andhak remained there or a very long period o timeF bearing the heat o the sun and the showers o rain' But he remained alive' %ltimately he had to take the re uge o Lord /hivaF to save his li e' Lord /hiva became pleased by his eulogy and made him his L-anadheesL (leader o all the -anas)'
;'+'&6="eemergence o /hukracharya
8hen lord /hiva swallowed up /hukracharyaF he became very restless and started to ind out a way through which he could come out rom /hivaLs stomach' But all o his e orts went in vain' >inding no other optionF he started to chant the name o lord /hiva' )is chantings continued or one hundred years' By the blessings o /hivaF he came out rom /hivaLs stomach through the eDaculated semen' A ter coming outF /hukraharya eulogiCed Lord /hiva' /hiva became pleased with him and showered him with a ection Dust like his own son' A ter being blessed /hukracharya went and reDoined the army o the demons'
;'+'&69Killing o -aDasur
-oddess Durga had killed the demon ? *ahishasurF who used to torment the deities' -aDasur was the son o *ahishasur' 0o avenge his atherLs deathF -aDasur did a tremendous penance to please lord Brahma' Lord Brahma appeared be ore him and asked him to demand any boon' -aDasur said? R( Lord$ .ven a L#eetendriyaL (one who has ull control over his senses) should not be able to kill meFR Lord Brahma blessed him by saying ? L/o be itL' -raduallyF -aDasur atrocities crossed all limits' )e became the lord o all the three worlds' )e orced even the deities to worship him' )e used to torment the brahmins and the other religious people' (ne day -aDasur arrived at Kashi and started tormenting the people living over there' 0he deities came to lord /hiva and reMuested him to rescue Kashi by killing -aDasur' Lord /hiva came to Kashi and ought a battle with -aDasur' )e killed -aDasur with this trident' At the time o his deathF -aDasur eulogiCed Lord /hiva and reMuested him to put his (-aDasurLs) skin on his (/hivaLs) body' Lord /hiva agreed to ul ill his wish' At the spot whereF -aDasur was killed a amous /hivalinga by the name o Krittivaseshwar was constructed as per the own wish o lord /hiva'
;'+'&6,Killing o 4irhaddaitya
Diti was illed with grie when she came to known about her sonLs ()iranyaksha) deathF who was killed by lord Vishnu' 4irhad daityaF who was the maternal uncle o :rahlad consoled her an promised to avenge the death o )iranyaksha' )e thought to destroy the vedic religion' According to him the deities derived their strength and power rom this very vedic religion' )e planned to eliminate the priestly class?brahminsF so that the chances o LYagyasL being per ormed becomes eHtinct and the deities were starved to such an eHtent that they became weak and powerless' 0hinking that then it would not be very di icult to kill the LweakL deities' 4irhaddaitya arrived at Kashi to eHecute his planF which during those time was the chie centre o the brahmins' )e attained the orm o a tiger and stationed himsel in a nearby orest' )e used to kill any brahmin who used to come over there to collect LKushaL grass and uel' 8ith the help o his illusionary powers he used to attain the orm o a hermit during the day time and lived among them' But during the nightF he used to enter into the houses o the brahmins in the orm o a tiger and used to devour them'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(n one night o /hivaratriF when a brahmin was busy worshipping Lord /hivaF 4iraddaitya who was in the orm o a tiger entered the temple' ButF since the brahmin was engaged in the worship o Lord /hivaF he could not harm the brahmin' Lord /hiva emerged rom the very /hivalingaF which the brahmin was worshipping and punched the demon with his clenched istF so hard that he died'
/&* )hatrudra )amhita 0he sages reMuested /utDi to describe about the di erent incarnations o Lord /hiva' /utDi told them thatF although Lord /hiva took many incarnations but ive o his incarnations were very important? /adhoDat 4amadevaF 0atpurushF Aghoresh and 1shan'
0his <hapter contains 3+ sections'
<onsidering this entity as Lord /hivaF Lord Brahma started chanting the mantras o /hiva -ayatri' A ter the chantings o the mantrasF numerous entities mani ested who had put on apparels o yellow colour on their body' 0his way the third incarnation o /hiva popularly known as 0atpurush mani ested'
During the third dwapar sage Vyas took his incarnation as Bhargava and lord /hiva became amous as Daman' Lord /hiva in his incarnation as Daman had our disciples among whom Vishoka was very amous' 8hen Kaliyuga arrived a ter this third dwapar' Lord /hiva along with his Disciples helped /age Vyas' During the ourth Dwapar /age Vyas took his incarnation as Angira and Lord /hiva as L/uhotraL' .ven in this incarnation Lord /hiva had our disciples among whom /umukh was very amous' Lord /hiva along with his disciples helped Angira' During the i th dwapar sage Vyas took incarnation as /avita and Lord /hiva as LKankaL who was very amous or his tremendous austerities' Kanka had our disciples among whom /anak was very amous' During the siHth dwapar sage Vyas took incarnation as *rityu and Lord /hiva as LLokakshiL' Lokakshi had our disciples among whom /udhama was very prominent' During the seventh dwapar sage Vyas mani ested himsel as 1ndra and Lord /hiva as #aigisatya' #aigisatya had our disciples among whom /araswat was very prominent' During the eighth dwapar sage Vyas took incarnation as Vashishth and Lord /hiva as Dadhivahan' Dadhivahan had our disciples among whom Kapil was very amous'
During the nineth dwapar sage Vyas took incarnation as /araswat and Lord /hiva as L"ishabhL' Lord /hiva in his incarnation as "ishabhdeva had our disciples among whom :arashar was very amous'
;'3'2 4andikeshwar
8hile describing about the incarnation o 4andikeshwar /utDi says? /age /hilad did a tremendous penance to please lord /hiva with an aspiration to have a son' Lord /hiva appeared be ore him and asked him to demand any boon he wished' /age /hilad eHpressed his desire o having a son who is not born rom a physical body and who is pro icient in all the sriptural knowledges' Lord /hiva blessed him by saying ! L/o be itL' /age /hilad then returned to his hermitage and per ormed a LYagyaL' >rom the yagya?kunda appeared a child who possessed our arms and three eyes' /age /hilad was very pleased to see that child' 0he birth o the child was celebrated with great an are' Lord /hiva and :arvati arrived to bless the child' 0he child was named 4andi as his birth had given immense Doy (anand) to sage /hilad' Later on 4andi lived with his ather like any other normal child and was brought up with great love and care' )e became pro icient in all the scriptures within seven years' Being inspired by lord /hivaF two brahmins came to sage /hilad and in ormed him that a ter one year 4andi would be no more' /age /hilad became eHtremely sad'
/eeing his ather in his sorrow ul moodF 4andi consoled him and later on went to do penance' )is tremendous penance pleased Lord /hiva and :arvati and both o them appeared be ore him' Lord /hiva blessed him and said? IYou are Dust like meF so you will never dieJ'
Lord /hiva also gave one o his garlands to him' As soon as 4andi wore that garland he imbibed all the Mualities o lord /hiva' A ter that Lord /hiva took out some water rom his locks o hair and sprinkled on himF as a result o which ive rivers came into eHistence' 0hese ive rivers were later on came to be known as :anchanad' Lord /hiva then made him the leader o all his ganas'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Later on goddess :arvati took 4andi under her guidance and considered him Dust like her own son' 4andi was married to /uyasha? the daughter o *arut' %ltimately all o them accompanied lord /hiva to his abode'
Lord /hiva became very pleased by his devotion and he appeared be ore Vishwanar rom the /hivalinga' 8hen Vishwanar eHpressed his desireF lord /hiva agreed to take birth as his /on' Vishwanar came back to his house happily'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
a ast on L.kadashiL' 4eHt dayF when he was about to break his ast sage Durvasa arrived accompanied by his large number o disciples' Durvasa was very urious with king Ambareesh' )e said? IYou had invited me or this particularF but you have also insulted me by breaking the ast by drinking water in my absence'J /age Durvasa would have burnt king Ambareesh to ashes by his curseF had not /udarshan?the weapon o Vishnu came to his rescue' /udarshan then tried to burn sage Durvasa when suddenly a heavenly voice was heard rom the sky which said?
IDurvasa is no one but the incarnation o lord /hiva himsel 'J )earing this /udarshanLs anger was paci ied' King Ambareesh then begged his orgiveness rom sage Durvasa'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
A tremendous battle was ought between the deities and the demons to have control over the vessel containing 4ectar' 0he demons had snatched that vessel rom the deities' By the divine inspiration o lord /hivaF Vishnu appeared in the orm o *ohini ! the enchanting beauty' )e success ully recovered that vessel rom the control o the demons' 0o distract the attention o the demons rom the nectarF lord Vishnu created numerous enchanting beauties' 8hen the demons saw themF they orcibly carried these enchanting beauties to their abode ! the 4ether world' A ter that they again returned to take control o the 4ectar' By that timeF Vishnu had made the deities drink all the nectar' 8hen the demons came to know about thisF they became very urious and attacked the deities' A tremendous battle ensured between both the sides' %ltimately the demons got de eated' 0o save their lives the demon ran towards their abode' Lord Vishnu chased the demons and entered the 4etherland' )e killed all the demons'
Lord Vishnu then saw those enchanting beauties who had been abducted by the demons' 1ronicallyF lord Vishnu got in atuated by their beauty? who were his own creation' Lord Vishnu remained there or a long time'
4abhag told lord /hiva thatF since the wealth was given to him by sage Angiras himsel F it naturally belonged to him' Lord /hiva then sent 4abhag to his ather?/hraddhdev to know about his opinion' 4abhag went to /hraddh deva who revealed to him that the person who was staking his claims on the wealth was none other then lord /hiva' )e also told him that whatever remained a ter the accomplishment o the yagya belongs to lord /hiva only' 4abhag was now satis ied' )e went back to lord /hiva and narrated everything what his ather had said' )e then eulogiCed and worshipped lord /hiva' Lord /hiva blessed him which helped 4abhag to attain salvation'
)is mother told him that i he wanted milk then he should worship lord /hiva as he only was capable o making the milk available' %pamanyu proceeded towards the )imalaya and started doing penance to please lord /hiva? continuously chanting the mantra (m 4amah /hivay' )is penance generated so much o heat that all the three worlds started burning' 0o test his devotionF Lord /hiva and goddess :arvati appeared be ore him disguised as 1ndra and 1ndrani respectively' Both o them told %pamanyu to stop doing penance' 0hey said? I8e 1ndra and 1ndrani are eHtremely pleased by your devotion' /top worshipping /hiva' 8e will ul ill all your desires'J Lord /hiva and goddess :arvati did not stop at this' 0hey even cursed /hiva' %pamanyu became very urious and got up to attack the abuser ! 1ndra' /hiva and :arvati were satis ied by his total dedication and devotion' 0hey revealed their real identity and blessed him' /hiva promised %pamanyu that he would be present in the vicinity o his hermitage along with :arvati orever' %pamanyu returned back to his home and narrated the whole story to his mother who was very pleased' Lord /hiva got the name L/ureshwarL because he appeared in the guise o 1ndra'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0he seventh incarnation o lord /hiva was as Vishwanath at Kashi' 0his #yotirlinga is considered to be very sacred and ul iller o all the desires o a man' Lord /hiva took his eighth incarnation at the bank o river -autami at the reMuest o sage -autam' 0his #yotirlinga too is considered to be very sacred and a ul iller o all the desires o a man' 0he ninth incarnation o /hiva was as Baidyanath at Deoghar in Bihar' 0his #yotirlinga was established by the demon King "avana' A devotee who worships this #yotirlinga gets all o his wishes ul illed' Because o thisF it ia also known as Kamanalinga' Devotees carry the holy water o the -anges rom /ultanganD and both the idol o Baidyanath in the months o /hravan and Bhadrapaksha according to the )indu calendar' Lord /hiva took his tenth incarnation to kill the demon Daruk who used to live in Daruk orest' A devotee who worships 4ageshF never aces any calamity' 0he eleventh incarnation o lord /hiva was as "ameshwar lingaF this linga was established by /ri "am while the construction o a bridge over the sea was going on' )aving a darshan o this #yotirlinga bestowes both worldly pleasures and salvation' Lord /hiva took his twel th incarnation as Dhumeshwar a ter being pleased by Dhushma ? the wi e o /umedha' )aving a darshan o this #yotirlinga helps a devotee to ul ill all o his desires' All the above mentioned twelve #yotirlingas are very sacred and give total accomplishment to the devotees'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
willing to move away rom the cow' 0he brahmins trashed the cal very badly' 0his made the cow very sad and vowed to teach that wicked brahmin a lesson' 0he cal tried his best to convince his mother against doing this as her action might make her commit the gravest o sins ? the brahmahatya' But the cow was not worriedF as she knew the method o nulli ying that sin' /uvad was surprised that the cow knew the method o nulli ying the sin o brahmahatya' 4eHt morningF the brahmin entrusted the Dob o milking the cowF the brahminsL son gave a severe trashing to the cal who was unwilling to move away rom his mother' 0he angry cow li ted the BrahminLs son with her horns and dashed him against the ground' 0he BrahminLs son died on the spot' 8hen the brahmin returned to his home he became very urious on seeing his son dead' )e drove both the cow and the cal out o his houseF a ter beating them very badly' 0he colour o the cow had turned blue due to the trashing she got rom her brahmin' 0he cow went to the temple o 4andikeshwarF situated at the bank o river 4armada' 0o neutraliCe the sin o Brahmahatya she took dip in the water o river 4armada or three times' As a result she regained her original colour' /uvad had ollowed the cow all along the way' )e was amaCed to see the cow regaining her original colour' )e proceeded on his urther Dourney towards Kashi' )e met a beauti ul lady on the way who enMuired as to where was he going' /uvad told her that he was going to immense the ashes o her mother in the holy water o the river -anges' 0he lady advised him to immerse the ashes in the water o 4armada itsel F as the holy -anga hersel comes to meet 4armada on the seventh day o Vaishakh every year' R0oday is the same auspicious day when the holy -anga will be coming to meet 4armada'R /aid the beauti ul woman' /he also told him that immersing the ashes in the waters o 4armada would help his mother to attain to the divine abode' 0his beauti ul lady was none other than -anga hersel ' A ter advising /uvad she disappeared' /uvad ollowed the instruction o that beauti ul lady' )e immersed the ashes in the waters o 4armada' )e saw his mother attaining a divine body' )is mother blessed /uvad and then attained to the abode o Lord /hiva'
RLong long agoF some sages used to do penance in a /hiva temple situated near Daruk orest' (ne day they went to collect woods needed or the Yagya' Lord /hiva wanted to test their devotionF so he arrived be ore the sagesL wives in naked position holding his own phallus in his hand' 0he wives o the sages became rightened by /hivaLs appearance' R8hen the sages returned a ter collecting woodsF they became very urious to see a naked person luring their wives' 0hey asked /hiva to reveal his identity' 8hen /hiva did not give any replyF they cursed him to become a phallus'R R0he :hallus ell down rom the hand o Lord /hiva and generated so much o heat that all the three worlds started to burn' 0he sages became very nervous and went to seek the help o lord Brahma' Lord Brahma revealed to then that the person who they cursed was none other than Lord /hiva himsel ' )e also instructed them to please goddess :arvatiF as she only could have them rom /hivaLs wrath by appearing in the orm o Vagina and holding the :hallus'R R0he sages ollowed the instruction o Lord Brahma' -oddess :arvati appeared in the orm o Vagina and held /hivaLs phallus in hersel ' 0he sages then worshipped the /hivalinga' 0his Dyotirlinga became amous by the name o )aatkeshwar'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*oon went to :rabhas area and chanted *ahamrityunDaya mantra or ten crore time a ter sitting in one posture' Lord /hiva appeared be ore him and asked him to demand anything he wished' *oon reMuested lord /hiva to liberate him rom the curse given by Daksha' Lord /hiva told moon that the words o Daksha can never became untrue' )owever he blessed moon by saying that he would wane during the dark lunar phase due to the curseF but waH during the dark lunar phase due to his (/hivaLs) blessings' Lord /hiva also provided moon that he would be present along with :arvati near him (moon)' 0hus Lord /hiva established himsel as /omanath' 0he deities constructed a LKundaL named <handrakunda' 1t is believed that the *oon because liberated rom the curse by taking a bath in this :unda'
/age -autami did a tremendous penance to please Varun appeared be ore -autamF he was reMuested to cause rain' But Varun eHpressed his inability in causing rain' )e told -autam to please lord /hiva so that his wish could be ul illed' Later on Varun instructed -autam to dig a up a pitF which he (Varun) illed with water' Varun blessed -autam by saying that this pond would never dry up' 0he sages who had abandoned that place returned there' .verybody became happy and satis ied' (ne dayF sage -autam instructed his disciples to etch some water rom that pond' 8hen the disciples reached thereF they ound the wives o numerous sages present at the bank o the pond' 0he sagesL wives did not allow them to take water and instead they rebuked them' 0he disciples returned back to the hermitage and narrated the whole story to sage -autam' Ahilya paci ied the angry disciples and went to the pond to etch water' >rom that day onwards this became very daily routine' (ne day Ahilya met the wives o the sages' 0hey tried to prevent her rom etching water' 4ot only that they went back to his respective hermitages and illed the ears o their husbands' All the sages became very angry' 0he sages worshipped lord -anesha to please him' 8hen -anesha appearedF they reMuested him to drive -autam out rom that place' At irst -anesha was reluctant to accept their demand but when they kept a persisting he agreed at last' -anesha entered the ield o -autam in which barley was being cultivated' -anesha had disguised himsel as a cow' )e started graCing the barley crops' 8hen -autam saw the cow graCing cropsF he tried to drive her out rom the ield by hitting a grass on her back' 0he arti icial cow died instantly' -autam was very sorry or his act' *eanwhile all the sages rom the surrounding area arrived there' 0hey orced -autam to abandon that place at once' -autam le t that place and made his hermitage at a little distance rom there' (ne day he came to the sages and asked them as to how could he atone or his sins' 0he sages told him that his sins could be atoned only when he circumambulates the whole earth thriceF all the while sayingF L1 have killed a cowL' 0hey also told him that a ter that he would have to per orm austerities or one month' 1 this is not possible then you will have to help -anga mani est hersel and take bath in her water' (therwise you will have to worship three crores :arthiva lingas' (nly thenF you can get liberated rom the sin o killing a cowFR said the sages' -autam made the :arthiva lingas and started worshipping them' Lord /hiva became very pleased by his devotion and appeared be ore him' /age -autam reMuested lord /hiva to liberate him rom the sins o killing a cow' )e also reMuested lord /hiva to mani est the stream o river -anga that place' Lord /hiva tried his best to make him understand that he was innocent and the real culprits that he was innocent and the real culprits were those wicked sages' ButF -autam was unconvinced' At last lord /hiva instructed -anga to appear in the orm o a woman' -autam eulogiCed -anga' By the blessings o lord /hiva -autam was liberated rom his sins o killing a cow' A ter that -anga eHpressed her desire to go back but lord /hiva asked her to remain on the earth till the twenty?eighth nanvantar' -anga accepted to do thatF on the condition that Lord /hiva along with :arvati too would remain present on the earth' Lord /hiva established himsel as 0rayambakeshwar #yotirlinga and -anga became amous as -autami -anga'
"avana with unparalleled power and strength' Lord /hiva also made him a ten headed demon once again' But "avana was not satis ied' )e reMuested lord /hiva to come along with him to Lanka' Lord /hiva gave "avana s /hivalinga and warned him against keeping it on the earthF as then no power on the earth could li t that /hivalinga rom there'
"avana proceeded with the /hivalinga' (n the way he elt the urge o urinate' "avana gave that /hivalinga to a cowherd boy and went to urinate' 0he cowherd boy held the /hivalinga or sometime' )e elt that the /hivalinga was becoming heavier and heavier' )e could not bear the weight o the /hivalinga or too long' )e kept it on the ground' 8hen "avana returned he became very sad a ter seeing the /hivalinga on the ground' )e knew thatF now it was impossible to li t it rom that place' "avana established the /hivalinga thereF which became amous as LBaidyanath DyotirlingaL'
(ne day engripped by eHcessive Dealousy and angerF she killed DhushmaLs son while he was asleep' /he cut his body into many pieces and threw those pieces into the same pondF in which Dhushma used to immerse the :arthiva lingas' 8hen the daughter in law noticed a piece o lesh on the bed she started crying' /he went to Dhushma and narrated the whole story' )earing the news o her sonLs killingF Dhushma too started crying /udeha also wept arti icially' /udharma arrived there' 0hough he himsel was very sad yet he instructed Dhushma to do the daily worship o :arthiva linga as usual' Dhushma obeyed the command o her husbandF /he worshipped the :arthiva lingas and went to the pond o immense' By the blessings o lord /hivaF her son was standing at the bank o the pond alive' )e came towards his mother and said? R*other$ 1 have become alive even a ter my death'R Dhushma was still engrossed in her thoughts o lord /hivaF so she could not listen to her son' Lord /hiva appeared and blessed Dhushma' )e also eHpressed his desire to punish her wicked sister ? /udeha or her evil deedF but Dhushma reMuested him to orgive her' /he also reMuested lord /hiva to stay there orever' Lord /hiva accepted her demand and established himsel in the orm o Dhushmeshwar #yotirlinga' /udharma and /udeha arrived at that place and worshipped /hiva' At last everybody returned home happily'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
day o the bright lunar monthF a devotee should observe a ast or the whole period o day and night' (n the thirteenth day o dark?lunar month a devotee must observe ast or the whole period o day and nightF whereas on the thirteenth day o a bright lunar phase he should observe a ast during the day and break it in the night' A ast observed on *onday should be broken only in the night'R
;'6'+; *ahashivaratri
Lord /hiva continued with his statements? RAmong all the austerities and astings *ahashivaratri holds a supreme place' 1t alls on the ourteenth day o the dark lunar month o :halgun' (n this day the devotee should take a vow to observe a ast a ter awakening in the morning and inishing his daily choirs' )e must observe a ast or the whole day and night' 1n the night he should worship me either in the temple or in his own home according to his convenience' )e should worship me with the help o siHteen modes o worship (/hodasopachar)' )e should either chant the mantras o Laghurudra or per orm LabhishekL during the course o worship' 8hile doing worship he should eulogiCe me and per orm LartisL in my praise' )e can per orm LabhishekL with either o the ollowings ? *ilkF waterF sacred water o belonging to a place o pilgrimageF sprinkling water with KushaF /ugarcane DuiceF )oney and -hee etc' 0he devotee should engage himsel in my devotion or the whole day' 1n the end he should eed the brahmins and make donation to them' A ast observed in this way gives in inite virtues to the devotee'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*ean while the sister o emale deer arrived there with her young ones' 8hen -urudruha sow herF he got ready to kill her' /uddenly his movements on the treeF made some leaves o bael and ew drops o water to all on the /hivalings' 1t was the second :rahara o the night and -urudruha had again per ormed the worshiped o /hiva unawaringly' 8hen the emale deer (/econd) heard the noise made by alling drop o water /he looked up towards -urudruha' /he asked him about his desire' 8hen -urudruha told about his desireF she reMuested him to allow her to go so that she could hand over her young ones in the sa e custody o her husband' 1nitiallyF -urudruha was reluctant to allow her to goF but when she promised to return backF he allowed her to go' -urudruha sat on the branches o the bael tree waiting or his prey' 0he second prahar o the night was coming to an end and the third prahar about to begin' 0he deer arrived there searching his wi e and children' -urudruha again made himsel ready to kill that dear' Again some leaves and ew drops o water ell on the /hivalinga' 0he worship o /hiva during the third :rahara had been accomplished by -urudruhaF though unawaringly' (n hearing the noise made by the alling drops o waterF the dear looked up and asked -urudruha about his desire' -urudruha told him about his desire' 0he deer reMuested -urudruha to allow him to meet his wi e and children or once' 0he deer promised to return back' A ter becoming satis ied by his intentionsF -urudruha allowed him to go to meet his amily' -urudruha sat on the bael tree waiting or the deers anHiously' 0he third prahar o the night was approaching its end and the ourth prahar was about to begin' /uddenly -urudruha saw all the three deerLs coming towards the pond' )e became eHtremely pleased at the prospect o getting lesh o three animals' )e got read with his bow and arrows' )is movements on the bael tree again made some leaves and ew drops o water to all on the /hivaling' -urudruha had success ully accomplished the worship o /hiva even during the ourth :rahar' 4ot only this he had also remained awake or the whole night o /hivaratri' 0he ast observed by -urudruha on /hivaratri along with the worship o /hiva though unawaringly had made him on enlightened person' 0he thought o killing the deers remained no longer in his heart' )e thanked all the deers or their help in his attainment o enlightenment' Lord /hiva became eHtremely pleased and appeared be ore him' )e blessed -urudruha that in his neHt birth he would get an opportunity to serve /ri "am and would become amous as 4ishad' Lord /hiva also told -urudruha that by the blessings o /ri "am he would attain salvation by the blessings o /ri "am he would attain salvation' /utDi while describing about the virtues o observing ast on /hivaratri told the sages that i a ast observed unwaringly on /hivaratri gives such virtues then what could be said about a ast which is observed deliberately' According to /utDi such a ast would bestow both worldly pleasures and salvation'
Lord Brahma is believed to be the master o the three elementary Mualities i'e' /atF "aDa and 0ama' /hiva is beyond these Mualities and even the nature itsel ' )e is ormless' Lord /hiva is a mystery which remains unsolved even though many sages and even lord Brahma have tried to solve this mystery called /hiva' 0he i th stage o liberation is called Kaivalya which is attained by having complete devotion towards lord /hiva' 1n the present era o KaliF where the attainment o sel knowledge is very di icultF devotion is relatively an easier path' .ven devotion has been categorised into two typesK a) /agun (8ith orm) b) 4irguna (>ormless) 1 man worships lord /hiva with total devotion he attains sel knowledge' .ach and every obDects o this world is nothing but the mani estation o /hivaLs power' 0he creation achieves eHpansion only when he desires' /hiva is omniscient but himsel invisible' #ust as the ireF which already eHists in the wood but is visible only a ter it is rubbedF similarly only the L-yanisL can eHperience lord /hiva even though he is omnipresent' #ust as there is no di erence between cause and e ectF but is appears so due to our ignoranceF similarly an ignorant man can never eHperience the omnipresent /hiva by his sense organs' 0he living things possess ego but lord /hiva is egoless' A man can success ully subDugates his ego by becoming knowledgeable and attains liberation a ter uniting with lord /hiva' 0his knowledge was received by lord Vishnu rom /hiva' Lord Vishnu later on revealed it to lord Brahma and Brahma in turn revealed it to his manasputra ? /anakF etcO 0he manasputra revealed this knowledge to 4arad and 4arad revealed it to Vyas'
*ay he attain immortal ameF 3) *ay he has his abode in /hivaLs proHimityF 6) *ay his aith and devotion in /hiva be unswervingF ;) *ay he have ten valiant sonsF =) *ay he be victorious against his enemiesF 9) *ay all his enemies be destroyed and ,) *ay be dear to all the yogis' A ter receiving eight boons rom Lord /hivaF Krishna demanded one boon rom goddess :arvati *ay he always be in the service o his parents and the brahmins' /ri Krishna then went back to %pamanyu and narrated the whole story' At last he returned to Dwarka'
adeMuate rest on the way' *aking donations o -old or silver to brahmin helps a man to attain to heaven'R A man who donated ood grains enDoys all the pleasures o li eF because ood grains sustain li e' .venF making donation o water is considered to be o supreme value because li e can not eHist without it' A manF who digs up wells and ponds or the bene it o peopleF acMuires great virtues' :lanting treesF especially which gives ruits or lowers are considered to give immeasurable virtues' *aking donations o cowF landF knowledge and such obDects that can be weighed are considered' *aking donations o -oldF /esameF elephantF girlF maidF servantF houseF chariotF diamondF cow whose colour is pure white and ood grains are considered to be *ahadan (great donation)' 0he donations should be made only to worthy brahmins'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Both the ears should be shut by the indeH ingers or the period o one hour' A ter doing this he would be able to hear the sounds emerging rom within' )e should try to concentrate his mind on that sound' 1 this eHercise is practiced daily or two hoursF then he will have ull control over his death'
0his particular eHercise helps a man to attain great accomplishmentsF sel ?knowledge and salvation'
R(n seeing lord Brahma sitting on the lotus lowerF which emerged rom the navel o lord VishnuF both the demons tried to kill him' Lord Brahma eulogiCed yoga nidra' /o that lord Vishnu could be awakened rom the sleep' -oddess Bhagawati became pleased and told Brahma that in a short while rom now she would be mani esting hersel to kill the demons'R
RBhagawati mani ested hersel in the orm o Kali rom the mouth and eyes o lord Vishnu' *eanwhile lord Vishnu awakened rom his sleep' )e ought with the demons or one thousand years but could not de eat them' At last the demons told lord Vishnu that they wanted to bless him with a boon' Lord Vishnu demanded their death' /eeing water on all sides the demons told him that he could kill them where no water was ound' Lord Vishnu then severed their heads a ter laying them on his thighs'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Angered by his brotherLs deathF /humbha attacked Kaushiks with his Various weaponsF but she neutraliCed all o them' At lastF she killed /humbha with her trident'
Devotion or Bhakti helps a man to attain -yan or knowledge' -yan or Knowledge gives salvation' Yoga is the path through which a man can attain liberation whereas Kriya?yoga is the chie means to attain it'
>irst o all the ront portion o the head should be shaved o a ter that the back portion o the head should be shaved o ' 0he disciple should then get his beards and moustache shaved o ' A ter this the disciple should massage his body with mud and take bath by taking twelve dips in a pond' A ter taking his bath he should worship his -uru and meditate on lord /hiva'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
A BrahmaLs day is eMuivalent to one divine Kalpa' A BrahmaLs year is eMuivalent to one thousand Kalpas' A BrahmaLs yuga consists o eight thousand such years' A BrahmaLs L /avanL consists o his one thousand yugas' BrahmaLs li e span is complete a ter three thousand such /awanas' >ive lakh and orty thousand numbers o 1ndras succeed one a ter another during the whole li e span o Brahma' A Vishnu day is eMuivalent to the whole li e span o Brahma' 0he whole li e span o Vishnu is eMuivalent to a day o L"udraL' 0he whole li e span o "udra is eMuivalent to a day o lord /hiva' 1n the whole li e o lord /hiva ive lakh and our thousand numbers o "udras come and go'
A /hivaLs day commences with the creation and be ore the end o the night the whole creation gets annihilated' /adashiva is eternal'
;'9'; *editation
Describing about *editation Vayudeva told the sages that to concentrate oneLs restless mind during meditative stateF a man needs some kind o orm (/warupa) or appearance' 1dol worship is very help ul in this regard' 1 an idol o the deity is worshipped with ull devotionF then a time comes when a man can have its sight even in an empty space' 1dol worship also helps a devotee to reach towards the almighty -odF who is ormless' 1t is easy or a devotee who believes in L/akarL (with orm) to change over to the 4irakar ( ormless) worship o -od' But it is very di icult or a devotee who believes in the ormless almighty to switch over to /akar mode o worship' 0he knowledge o /hivaLs essence is a must attain salvation in both the modes o devotion'
)avana KundaF he should smear his body with the ashes' )e should then take his bath and put on dearLs skin or bark o the tree' )e should also hold a stick and put on a waist band (*ekhala)' A ter that he should again rinse (Achaman) his mouth and smear ashes on his body' )e should per orm the eHercise o Ashtanga yoga' 0hree times in a day as per the instructions o his guru' 0his way a man is reed rom the beastly Mualities present in him' :ashupat Vrata can be per ormed by a devotee as long as he is alive or he can continue it or twelve years o three years or one year or siH months or one monthF or twelve days or three days or even one day' (n the completion o :ashupat VrataF a devotee should establish a /hiva idol and worship it with all the siHteen modes o worship (/hodasopachar)' At last he should per orm Awaran :uDan and then worship his guru' 0hrough out the period o astF a devotee should have ruits only and he should sleep on the bare land' :ashupat Vrata done in such a way helps a devotee to attain to the abode o lord /hiva'
1n this specialiCed worship the /hivaLs idol should be bathed irst o all' 0hen the idol should be clothed' A sacred thread should be o ered to the /hivaLs idol along with the other o erings like LtilakLF Akshat etc' A ter this the Lawaran puDan o /hiva should be done along with the worship o /hivaLs amily' 1 the devotee eels that something was lacking in the worshipF he should atone or that mistake by chanting the :anchakshar mantra (m 4amah /hivay'
0hese rituals (Kamya Karma) are per ormed by making a mandal acing towards east and doing Lawaran puDanL as well as worship o lord /hiva' 8orship o lord /hiva done in this way ul ills all the desires o a man'
0he ability to decipher the meaning o animalLs language is called LVrataL' Being able to see divine things without making any e ort is called LDarshanL' 0he powerF which enables a man to know about the taste o a thing without actually tasting itF is called LAswadL' LVedanaL means the knowledge o all types o touch'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/anat Kumar passed on that knowledge to /age VyasF who again passed it on to /utDi' /utDi then revealed this knowledge to those sages who had assembled at :rayag' A ter receiving that knowledge rom /utDi all the sages went to :rayaga teertha and took their bath' As they saw the signs o approaching KaliyugaF they went to Kashi and per ormed the :ashupat Vrata' All o them attained liberation with the blessings o Lord Vishnu' Listening to /hivapuran or one time liberates a man rom all o his sins' Listening to it or two times helps him to develop devotion in lord /hiva' Listening to /hivapuran or three timesF helps a man to attain to the abode o /hiva'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Lord /hiva in his arrogance asked BrahmaF his identity and origin' Lord Brahma then arrogantly asked /hankarF his identity' 0his wayF a dispute ensued that later on turned into a ight in whichF Brahma de eated /hankar' Lord /hiva severed two o the ive heads o Lord Brahma' But the second head ell and got stuck on Lord /hivaLs le t palm' AngrilyF Lord Brahma created a terri ic creatureF which challenged /hankar and ridiculed him by saying that as he (/hankar) was a sinnerF there oreF he would not dirty his hands by killing him' Lord /hankar was ashamed o himsel ' )e went to Badrikashrama and reMuested Lord Vishnu or some alms' Lord Vishnu asked /hankar to hit on his (VishnuLs) le t arm' /hankar hit VishnuLs le t arm with his trident and the impact resulted in the creation o three streams' 0he irst stream went up in the sky and established itsel as Akashganga' 0he second one was *andakiniF which was received by sage Atri' 0he third stream ell on the skullF which was stuck in Lord /hankarLs le t palm' 0his resulted in the mani estation o a divine child who was erocious and well armed with bow and arrows' /hankar instructed him to kill that creatureF which was created by Brahma' A tremendous duel was ought between themF which was inconclusive or thousands o divine years'
Veerbhadra then went near the sacri icial ire' 0he sages were terri ied and ran towards Lord Vishnu who attacked Veerbhadra with arrows but it did not hurt him at all' Vishnu then attacked him with other divine weapons' But stillF Veerbhadra succeeded in neutralising those weapons' Vishnu was enraged and attacked him with his /udarshan chakra that Veerbhadra swallowed' 0his angered Lord Vishnu urther' )e li ted Veerbhadra and dashing him to the groundF pressed VeerbhadraLs stomach as a result o whichF the /udarshan chakra came out rom his mouth' But Lord Vishnu spared VeerbhadraLs li e' Veerbhadra then went to Lord /hiva and narrated his woe ul tale o de eat' Lord /hiva instructed Veerbhadra to leave or a sa er haven and himsel went to the oblation site accompanied by Bhadrakali' 0he sages became scared on seeing his terri ying appearance'
YamaraD was ighting rom the deitiesL side' )e attacked :rahlad who was ighting rom AndhakLs side' 1t became impossible or YamaraD to match :rahladLs valour and bravery' As a resultF he was orced to lee rom the battle ield' 1nspite o having mighty warriors like Varun and Agni in their ranksF the deities could not match the valour o the demonLs armyF which comprised o valiant and brave ighters like VirochanF *aya and /hambar' %ltimatelyF the deities were de eated in this battle' 0he victorious demon King Andhak returned to :aatal loka with his army'
southF )arivarsh towards south?westF Ketumaalvarsh towards westF "amyakvarsh towards north?west and Kuruvarsh towards north' All these nine Varshas are ull o natural beauty' 0he inhabitants o all the eight Varshas eHcept 1ndia are never troubled by old age or death' 0he inhabitants are also religious and virtuous by nature' 0hey attain great accomplishment without making any real e ort' Bharatvarsh has nine sub?islands' All these islands are surrounded by oceans on all sides and it is di icult to go rom one island to another' 0hese sub?islands are 1ndradweepF KaserumaanF 0aamravarnaF -abhastimaanF 4aagdweepF KaraahaF /inhalF Vaarun and Kumar' Kiraat live towards east o Bharatvarsh while Yavan live towards the west' :eople living towards the south o Bharatvarsh are called Andhra and those living towards the north are called 0uruyak' Bharatvarsh is mainly inhabited by people belonging to all the maDor our castes i'e' BrahminF KshatriyaF Vaishya and /hudra' 0he seven prominent mountains situated within Bharatvarsh are *ahendraF *alayF /ahyaF /huktiF *aanrikshF Vindhya and :aariyaatra though there are many more mountains' 0he ollowing rivers originate rom )imalaya *ountain? /araswatiF YamunaF )iranvatiF /utleDF <handrikaF 4eelaF VitastaaF .ravatiF KuhuF DevikaF %shiraF DhaatakiF "asaaF -omtiF -andkiF KaushikiF /arayu etc' /imilarlyF many rivers originate rom the other mountains'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
de eat youN You are none other than Lord #anardan' You are the one who has taken incarnation o )rishikeshF <hakrapaani and )ayagreev'R 4arayan was pleased by his devotion' )e told 4arayan that though he was not able to de eat him in the battle but he was success ul in doing so by his devotion' 4arayan also blessed :rahlad' :rahlad then returned to his capital' Andhak eHpressed his desire to make :rahlad the king once again but it was turned down by him' :rahlad spent the rest o his li e preaching on the virtues o religiousness and truth ulness'
1&/ Manifestation of +egetation from the $eities :ulastya says? RLotus lower mani ested rom VishnuLs navel in the month o Ashwin' /imilarlyF other vegetation also mani ested rom the di erent organs o the deities? Kadamb tree rom the palm o KamadevF Dhatura tree rom the heart o Lord /hivaF Khair tree rom the middle portion o BrahmaLs bodyF Kataiya tree rom VishwakarmaLs body'
Kundalata mani ested rom :arvatiLs palmF /induar tree rom -aneshaLs bellyF :alaash tree and -ular tree rom the right and le t armpits o YamaraD' /imilarlyF /arpat mani ested rom the body o /heshnaagF black and white Durva grass rom the tail and back o Vaasuki 4aagF )arichandan tree mani ested rom the heart o a devotee'
the meantimeF the seriously inDured bull ell into a divine lake and died' AmaCinglyF its body trans ormed into a demon' 0he Yakshas decided to cremate "ambhLs body' 0he bu alo too decided to embrace death by Dumping into the burning pyre' But as soon as the pyre was litF a erocious demon emerged rom it with a sword' )e drove away all the Yakshas and killed the bu alo but spared her cal ' 0his erocious demon later on became amous as "aktabeeD' )e had de eated all the deities including 1ndraF "udraF /urya and *arut' But the cal F which became amous as *ahishasura was even mightier than "aktabeeD' All the de eated demons had accepted him as their leader and he was crowned as their king' *ahishasura de eated all the deities and drove them out rom heaven' 0he de eated deities accompanied by Brahma went to Lord Vishnu and narrated their woes to him' Lord /hiva too was present there' Both o them became urious a ter hearing the atrocities committed by *ahishasura' Divine e ulgence appeared rom the mouth o all the angry deities' 0hese e ulgence got collected at a place resulting in the mani estation o -oddess Katyayani' All the deities presented their weapons to her? Lord /hiva gave his tridentF Lord Vishnu gave his chakraF Agni gave his /hakti etc' A ter acMuiring all the weaponsF -oddess Durga thundered loudly' 0he deities eulogised her a ter which she proceeded towards Vindhya *ountain mounted on her lion' Vindhya *ountain had been cursed by sage Agastya as a result o whichF its enormous siCe turned into a hill' 0he tale behind this curse is as ollows? 1n the ancient timesF Vindhya *ountain was so high that it became very di icult or the /un to make its movement' 0he /un went to sage Agastya and reMuested him to minimise the siCe o Vindhya *ountain' /age Agastya went near the Vindhya *ountain and said? R1 am going on a pilgrimage but you are coming in my way' /ince 1 am an old manF it is impossible or me to climb your steep slopes' 1 reMuest you to reduce your siCe and remain in the same position till 1 return rom my pilgrimage otherwise you will have to ace my wrath'R Vindhya *ountain accepted his reMuest and turned into a hill' /age Agastya then proceeded on his pilgrimage towards south but did not return according to his promise' )e constructed a magni icent hermitage and asked Lopamudra? the daughter o Vidarbha King to stay there and himsel returned to his hermitage' Vindhya *ountain remained in that position waiting or sage AgastyaLs arrival' 0his wayF sage Agastya solved the problem o the /un' -oddess Durga chose this very mountain to launch her assault' All the deitiesF /iddhasF 4agasF Apsaras etc' were present with her'
)earing thisF -oddess Durga laughed loudly and said? R( demon$ According to the tradition o our clanF only such a person can marry a woman who de eats her in the battle'R Dundubhi went back to *ahishasura and narrated the whole story' *ahishasura instructed <hikshur to go and bring -oddess Durga a ter enslaving her' <hikshur proceeded with a huge army' /eeing him coming in the direction o -oddess DurgaF Lord Brahma instructed her to use an armour to protect hersel ' 0he -oddess re used by saying? R4o demon can stand be ore me in a battle'R All the deities then chanted VishnupanDar /totra or her sa ety' :rotected by the /totraF she was success ul in killing many demons' /eeing his devastated armyF *ahishasura himsel came to ight her'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1&4 "ales of 2ing 2uru and 2uru.shetra 1n course o timeF 0apti gave birth to a sonF who possessed all the signs o royalty' A ter growing upF he mastered all the our Vedas and other scriptures within a very short period' At the raw age o +6F he became a scholar' 8hen he attained marriageable ageF he was married to /audamini? the daughter o /udama' Later onF he was appointed as the successor by his atherF /amvaran'
A ter becoming the kingF Kuru ruled his subDects in a Dust manner but very soon he got bored o his monotonous li e' )e knew that only those kings became immortal who accomplished amaCing eats' )e decided to do something or which people would remember him' 8ith the obDective o making his name immortalF he went to the most sacred place called /amantpanchak and decided to cultivate the eight virtues ? 0apaF /atyaF KshamaF DayaF /hauchF DaanF Yuga and Brahmacharya on its barren land' )e started ploughing a piece o land with a golden ploughF which was pulled by Lord /hankarLs bull and YamaraDLs bu alo named :aundrak' 8hile he was busy ploughing the ieldF 1ndra approached him and asked suspiciously as to what he was trying to cultivate' 8hen Kuru revealed his intentionsF 1ndra made un o him and went back' But Kuru was not worried and continued to cultivate the land' 1n a very short timeF he had already cultivated the land measuring 9 kosas' (ne dayF Lord Vishnu arrived and asked the same MuestionF which 1ndra had asked' 8hen Kuru revealed his intentionsF Lord Vishnu was surprised and wondered as to rom
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
where he would get the seeds to grow these things' Kuru told him that all these eight virtues were present in his own body and it would not be a di icult task to cultivate these things' Lord Vishnu wanted to test his commitment and sincerity and said? R-ive the seeds to me' 1 would sow the seeds while you should plough the ield'R Kuru outstretched his right hand but Lord Vishnu cut it into thousands o pieces with his chakra' All the pieces were distributed among the deities but Kuru was un aCed and again stretched his le t hand towards Lord Vishnu' But his le t hand too met the same ate' 1n this wayF the most generous and benevolent King Kuru o ered all his organs to Lord Vishnu' But all the organs were severed by Lord Vishnu' At lastF Kuru o ered his head as he had nothing else to o er' Lord Vishnu was pleased by his generosity and asked him to demand anything' Kuru replied? RAll the area cultivated by me should become amous as a sacred pilgrimage' All the devotees who visit or die at this sacred pilgrimage must attain salvation' 0his place should be known by my name'R 0his is how the most sacred place o pilgrimage? Kurukshetra came into eHistence'
Lord Brahma was pleased and presented a black coloured deer skin to him' /imilarlyF sages like *arichiF VashishthF BrihaspatiF Angira etc' presented :alaash DandaF kamandaluF sacred thread and silken clothes respectively' Lord Vaaman then proceeded towards the place where King Bali was per orming his oblation' Lord Vaaman was in the appearance o a hermit' 0hough he was o diminutive siCeF yet each o his steps were enough to shake the earth'
1&9 )arasvati 6iver 0he sages reMuested Lomaharshan to reveal about river /araswatiLs originF which lowed in Kurukshetra' Lomaharshan said? R/araswati originates rom :aakad tree (1ndian ig tree)' /he enters Dwaitvan a ter passing through numerous mountains' 8hile describing about her maDestyF sage *arkandeya elt that /araswati was the source romF which everything originated? all the three worldsF three VedasF Vidya (learning)F heavenly bodies like /unF *oon etc' (nceF sage *arkandeya eulogised /araswati by saying? R( /araswati$ You mani est in the orm o cryptic mantra? R(*KA"R' You are the eternal orm through which the Almighty -od (Brahma) mani ests himsel in di erent appearances'R
/araswati was pleased by his devotion and said? R( Brahmin$ 1 am willing to go wherever you want to take me'R According to *arkandeyaF river /araswati was initially known as Brahmasar' Later onF she became amous as "amhalad' /age *arkandeya reMuested /araswati to low in the territory o Kurukshetra where sage Kuru was doing his penance' 0his wayF /araswati diverted her course towards Kurukshetra'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1&1: 2uru.shetra 0he sages reMuested Lomaharshan to describe about the geographical condition o Kurukshetra' Lomaharshan replied? R0here are 9 di erent orest ranges in Kurukshetra' 0hey are? RKamyakvanF AditivanF VyasavanF :halkivanF /uryavanF *adhuvan and /heetvan' 4ine rivers low across Kurukshetra? /araswatiF VaitarniF AashgaF *andakini -angaF *adhustravaF VaasuF KaushikiF Kaggar and )iranyavati' Kurukshetra is believed to be the most sacred place o pilgrimage' A pilgrim visiting Kurukshetra should begin his pilgrimage only a ter worshipping the Yaksha' )e should then pay a visit to the amous Aditivan where Aditi had accomplished a severe penance to get a son' By doing thisF he is blessed with sons possessing all the good Mualities' A ter thatF he should pay a visit to a place called /avan where Lord )ari dwells' A devotee who pays a visit to Lord Vimaleshwar becomes liberated rom all his sins and goes to "udraloka a ter his death' /ome other places o pilgrimage situated in Kurukshetra and which are considered to be very sacred are :aritlavF KaushikiF DharaniF DakshaLs hermitageF /haalukiniF /arpeedadhiF the temples at the bank o :anchnad riverF Vaaraha templeF /omeshwar temple etc'R
RA devotee should also pay a visit to "amkunda where :arashuram had constructed ive ponds and illed them up with the blood o the KshatriyasF whom he had killed' )e had paci ied the soul o his ancestors by per orming 0arpan with the blood o the dead Kshatriyas' 0he dead ancestors were pleased with him and blessed him in becoming ree rom the sinsF which he had acMuired because o killing Kshatriyas'R
1&11 )age Man.ana. Eulogi;es )hiva /age *ankanak was the *anasputra o Kashyap' )e had seven sonsF who were amously known as *arud -anas' 0hey are the one who hold all the movable and immovable obDects o this world'
(nceF sage *ankanak inDured his inger by the sharp edge o Kusha grass while he was trying to pluck them or his religious rites' But he was Muite surprised when he ound vegetative Duice (/haak "asa) ooCing out rom the wound instead o blood' )e thought that perhaps his blood had trans ormed into vegetative Duice by the virtue o his penance' 0his abnormal event made him arrogant and he started dancing in Doy as a result o which the whole world started to swerve' Lord Brahma became puCCled by this sudden development' )e went to Lord /hiva and reMuested him to stop *ankanak rom dancing so that the universe became steady' Lord /hiva went to sage *ankanak and said? R( supreme sage$ Being a hermitF you are supposed to have control over your emotions' *ay 1 know the reason o your eHtreme DoyF which makes you dance'R *ankanak told him that his penance had given him great power due to which vegetative Duice was ooCing out rom the wound instead o blood and this was the reason or his eHtreme Doy and happiness' R0hat is why 1 am dancingRF said *ankanak' But Lord /hiva was not amused and wanted to teach him a lesson' )e hit the thumb with the nail o his inger as a result o whichF ashes poured out rom the wound' *ankanak was surprised by this' Being ashamedF he said? R1 knowF you are none other than Lord /hiva because nobody else can per orm this amaCing eat' 1 am your great devotee' You are the one on whomF deities like Brahma and Vishnu are dependent' 1 need your blessings so that the virtues o my penance remain intact'R Lord /hiva blessed him and promised to dwell in his hermitage orever'
religious duties' Bad smell emanating rom the severed head was unbearable' /ome sages advised him to pay a visit to Aushanas to become ree rom his problem' "ahodar went to Aushanas and as soon as he touched the holy water o the riverF the severed head got detached and ell in the river' DelightedF he went back to his hermitage' >rom that dayF Aushanas also came to be known as Kapaalmochan'
inhabitants' Being under the in luence o "aDo -unaF he planned to commence his creation' At the same timeF Lord Vishnu awakened rom his sleep and broke that egg a ter seeing that the whole world had merged inside him' /ubseMuentlyF Lord Brahma began his creation starting rom the word? L(*KA"L' A ter thatF the terms? BhurF Bhuvah and /wah respectively came into eHistence' 0he brilliant e ulgence radiating rom the egg had dried up the water as a result o whichF the remaining water had turned into the shape o an embryo' 0he reservoir? /aanihitya is situated at the same place where the egg had mani ested itsel ' *eru *ountain is nothing but the outer shell o that egg and all the other mountains are its membrane' 0he oceans and the rivers are the luid inside that egg' 0here is a great reservoir near the navel area o Lord Brahma' A big Banyan tree is situated Dust in the middle o that reservoir' 0his tree appears like a pillar (/thanu)' All the three maDor castes (BrahminF Kshatriya and Vaishya) originated rom that tree' Lord Brahma then created his *anasputras? /anatF /anandan etc' /ubseMuentlyF he created the /aptarishis and the Baalkhilyas' All the Baalkhilyas did a severe penance or thousands o years without having a morsel o ood' 0hey had become very weak but still Lord /hiva was not pleased with them'R (nceF Lord /hiva and %ma were travelling by aerial route when suddenly %ma saw the weak Baalkhilyas engaged in penance' /he was saddened to see their rail bodies and reMuested Lord /hiva to end their miseries' Lord /hiva told her that the Baalkhilyas had not attained a bit o virtuousness inspite o their severe penance' R0hey have still not become ree rom anger and desiresRF said Lord /hiva' But %ma was reluctant to believe his words' Lord /hiva then asked her to wait there and himsel went to show their real worth to her to prove his point' Lord /hiva then shed his apparels and became naked' As a mendicantF he visited the hermitages o all the Baalkhilyas' At that time the Baalkhilyas were engaged in penance and hence only women olk were present at the hermitages' 0he women olkF in atuated by Lord /hivaF started running a ter him' 8hen the Baalkhilyas came to know about thisF they uprooted his private organ (Linga) and threw it on the ground' )ardly had the Linga allen on the groundF the whole world got engul ed by the process o destruction' All the sages and learned saints became worried and went to seek Lord BrahmaLs help' Lord Brahma revealed to them that this destruction was due to /hivaLs wrath' )e also told them about the utility o their penance as they were still under the in luence o anger and lust' RYou cannot attain per ection until your laws are removedRF said Lord Brahma'
1&1* )ages "a.e 'ord )hiva<s 6efuge AshamedF the sages reMuested Lord Brahma to tell them the way to paci y Lord /hiva' Lord Brahma assured them that they would be orgiven i they took Lord /hivaLs re uge' Lord Brahma went to Kailash :arvat accompanied by all the sages' A ter reaching thereF he eulogised Lord /hiva with deep devotion' 0he sages also worshipped Lord /hiva'
Lord /hiva was satis ied by their eulogy and devotion' )e instructed the sages to establish the severed Linga at /aanihitya /arovar' RBy doing thisF you would have all your desires ul illed' 0he Linga would become amous by the name o /thanu? the whole world' A devotee who pays a visit to this sacred place o pilgrimage would become liberated rom all his sinsRF said Lord /hiva' 0he sages returned to the place o Lord /hivaLs allen Linga' 0hey tried their best to li t it but were unsuccess ul in their attempt' 0hey became worried and went to Lord Brahma or help' Lord Brahma told them? R/ince /hivaLs Linga had allen on his own willF hence nobody eHcept him can li t that Linga'R All o them went back to Kailash :arvat but Lord /hiva was nowhere to be ound' Lord Brahma went into a state o deep meditation and sighted Lord /hiva in the guise o an elephant' 8hen Brahma and the deities proceeded on their wayF they ound a goddess with a kamandalu in hand and o ered them Amrit' A ter being re reshedF the sages asked whether she knew o Lord /hivaLs whereabouts' /he told them that Lord /hiva was presently living in the middle o /aanihitya /arovar' A ter reaching the reservoirF they ound Lord /hiva in the guise o an elephant' 0hey reMuested him to help themF establish his Linga at the desired place' Lord /hiva agreed' All o them then went to the site o Lord /hivaLs allen Linga' )e li ted it with his trunk and established it towards the west o /aanihitya
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/arovar' 0he sages were satis ied and eHpressed their gratitude to Lord /hiva' Lord /hivaF pleased by their eulogy and devotionF decided to make the Linga as his abode'
diseases i he is taken to /thanu 0irtha and made to take a dip in the holy /aanihitya /arovarRF said 4arad' )e went to the site and ound his ather living among the *lechchas' A ter taking the *lechchasL permissionF he brought his ather to /thanu 0irtha' )is e ort o helping his ather to take a bath was resisted by the deity? Vaayu who said? R0he waters o /aanihitya /arovar would get polluted i such a lowly sinner took a bath in it' >irst o allF you must go on a pilgrimage and visit all the sacred places to make your ather pure' (nly then he will be entitled to take bath hereR' :rithu accompanied by his ather went on a pilgrimage and visited all the sacred places' 8hen both o them returned to /thanu 0irthaF his ather had become pure by this time' Ven took his bath and became liberated rom his sins' )e worshipped Lord /thanu and eulogised him with total devotion'
1&1/ "he =rigin of #rahmeshwar<s >our ?eads A ter creating all the movable and immovable living thingsF Lord Brahma created a beauti ul lady' )e was so in atuated by her beauty that he eHpressed his desire to procreate with her help' As a result o this grave sin committed by Lord BrahmaF one o his our heads got detached and ell on the ground' )e carried his severed head and went to /aanihitya /arovar to atone or his sins' A ter reaching that siteF he established a our?headed /hiva Linga and worshipped it daily' :leased by his devotionF Lord /hiva appeared be ore him' )e blessed Lord Brahma and said? RYou have become ree rom the sin due to the virtue attained by establishing a our?headed /hiva Linga at this sacred place'R A ter blessing himF Lord /hiva disappeared'
A ter getting liberated rom his sinF Lord Brahma worshipped the idol o our?headed *ahadev and established another /hiva Linga in the middle o a nearby lake' )e also created a reservoirF which is named a ter him? Brahmasar' )e established two other /hiva Lingas? one towards the east o his hermitage and another at the bank o river /araswati' A devotee who goes on a pilgrimage to these sacred places created by Lord Brahma becomes liberated rom all his sins and attains salvation'
1&11 Prithuda. "irtha Describing the maDesty o :rithudak 0irthaF *ahadev told the deities? RAll o you must pay a visit to this sacrosanct place o pilgrimage situated near /aanihitya reservoir' 0he day on which *oonF /un and #upiter unitedly come under *rigshira 4akshatra is called Akshay 0ritiya' You must go to that sacred place and per orm /hraadh o your ancestors'R
All the deities led by 1ndra went to Kurukshetra where :rithudak was situated' Vrihaspati was also present with them' A ter taking their bathF the deities reMuested Vrihaspati (#upiter) to enter into the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*rigshira 4akshatra as directed by *ahadev' Vrihaspati agreed to do that and entered into the *rigshira 4akshatra along with the /un and the *oon on Akshay 0ritiya' All the deities then worshipped their dead ancestors by o ering :ind comprising o sesame seeds and honey' 0he ancestors were pleased and presented *ena to the deities' 0he deities in turn presented *ena to )imalaya' )imalaya was pleased to have *ena as his wi e' 1n course o timeF three daughters were born to them'
1&14 #irth of ma and her Marriage to )hiva 0his chapter contains &5 sectionsK
Lomaprabha' )earing thisF the mendicant laughed loudly and made un o /hiva' )e tried to dissuade %ma rom marrying Lord /hiva' %ma became eHtremely angry and asked the mendicant to keep mum' But when the mendicant continued with his abusesF she got up and tried to move away rom the side' Lord /hiva became pleased by her total devotion and appeared in his real orm' )e assured %ma to go back home and said? R1 will send the sages to your house with a marriage proposal' 0he idol which you have been worshipping with such deep devotion would become amous as Bhadreshwar' %ma returned home and /hiva proceeded on his way to :rithudak'
sperms (Veerya) under the soil' But Lord /hiva prohibited him rom doing so and said? RDonLt destroy this Virya' >rom it would mani est ,5F555 Baalkhilyas'R Lord /hivaLs prophesies came true and in a very short timeF ,5F555 Baalkhilyas appeared there' Lord /hiva then returned to *andaar :arvat accompanied by his consortF %ma'
will become amous as Vinayak and the whole world would worship him'R Lord /hiva then entrusted the task o childLs security to -hatodar' 0husF both Lord /hiva and %ma lived happily' 0he same %ma later on took incarnation as -oddess Katyayani and killed the demons? /humbh and 4ishumbh'
light illuminates all the living creatures' You are the only power through which creationF nurturing and annihilation takes place' You are the BrahmaniF *aheshwari and the Kaumari' 8e salute you because you have protected us rom the terror o the demons' 8e need your protection rom all the calamities o this world'R -oddess <handika was very pleased by their eulogy' /he asked them or any wish' 0he deities said? R( Akhileshwari$ 8e need your protection' <lear all the obstacles rom our path' .liminate our enemies'R -oddess <handika replied? RDuring Vaivasvat *anavantarF 1 will take incarnation rom YashodaLs womb? the wi e o 4andF to kill the demons /humbh and 4ishumbh' A ter thatF 1 will kill the demon? Vaiprachit in my most aggressive orm' (ne hundred years laterF 1 will mani est mysel and would be known as /atakshi because o my hundred eyes' *y neHt incarnation would be known as /hakambhari because 1 would nurture the whole world during the period o drought' 1 will kill the demon Durgam during that drought period' 1 will kill the demon Arun? the tormentor o all the three worlds by taking the orm o a bee' Due to thisF 1 will be known as Bhramari' 1 will take incarnations every time the demons torment the world' -oddess <handika says? R1 will clear all the obstacles rom the path o such a man who worships me' 1 a devotee listens to the great tales o how 1 killed *ahishasuraF /humbh and 4ishumbhF on the eighthF ninth and ourteenth days o any month then he would be liberated rom poverty and all his sins' )e would become ree rom ear' A devotee must listen to my divine tales during all the religious ceremonies like making sacri iceF worship and per orming Yagya' By doing thisF all his enemies will be eliminated' A man who remembers me when aced with dangerous situations remains protected by me'R A ter blessing the deitiesF -oddess <handika disappeared rom their sight' All the demonsF who had survived a ter the killings o /humbh and 4ishumbhF went to the nether world to save their lives'
like to have as his guardian'R All o them went to that reed orest and ound Kaartikeya in the lap o one o the Kritikas' Kaartikeya knew about their desires' /eeing them worriedF he mani ested in our di erent appearances o KumarF VishaakhF /haakh and *ahasen' Kumar went towards Lord /hiva while Vishaakh went towards %ma' /imilarlyF /haakh went towards Kutila while *ahasen went towards Agni' 0husF everybody was satis ied' Lord /hiva then blessed the Kritikas by saying that Kaartikeya would become amous deriving his name rom them' All the deities arrived there and decided to make KaartikeyaF the chie commander o their army'
)e waited or *ahishasura to come out' Lord BrahmaF Lord Vishnu and Lord *ahesh appeared and advised Kaartikeya to kill the demon' 1ndra too advised him the same' But Kaartikeya did not pay heed and told them that he would kill *ahishasura only a ter he came out rom the cave' >uriousF 1ndra told Kaartikeya that a man did not become a sinner i he killed one person to sa eguard his communityLs interest' -iving his own instanceF he narrated as to how he had killed his own brother? 4amuchi' But Kaartikeya was not convinced and re used to act according to 1ndraLs instruction' Very soonF their arguments turned into a maDor dispute when 1ndra boasted o his strength' Kaartikeya challenged him or a duel' 1ndra proposed a plan according to whichF whoever circumambulated the Kraunch *ountain irst would be considered as the winner' 8hen Kaartikeya returned a ter circumambulating Kraunch *ountainF he ound 1ndra sitting there' >uriouslyF he asked 1ndra why he was seated' 1ndra replied that he was the winner as he had already inished circumambulating the Kraunch' Both o them Muarrelled but were not able to decide the winner' /oF both o them went to Lord BrahmaF Lord Vishnu and Brahma to take their help' Lord Vishnu advised them that only Kraunch *ountain could decide the winner' Both o them went to Kraunch *ountain and reMuested him to tell as to who the winner was' Kraunch *ountain said? R1ndra is the winner since he was the irst to circumambulate me' Kaartikeya became urious and attacked Kraunch *ountain with his /hakti as a result o whichF the great mountain was ragmented into pieces' *ahishasura who was hiding in the cave o Kraunch *ountain was also crushed to death' Later onF Kaartikeya elt very sorry or having killed his maternal cousin? -uh and a ter being advised by Lord VishnuF he went to :rithudak 0irtha to atone or his sin'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
8hen %ma came to know about his decisionF she was unhappy but Lord /hiva consoled her by relating the signi icance o his decision' Be ore leavingF he entrusted the responsibility o her security to 4andi' )e started wandering in search o a suitable place or doing penance' /ometimesF he did penance under the treeF sometimes on the mountain peaks and sometimes on the banks o a river' 1nitiallyF he used to eat only kand and *oola but later on he stopped eating even that and lived only on air' 0his wayF 255 years passed during which he travelled to all the three lokas' %ltimatelyF he even stopped breathing' )e inserted a small wooden block in his mouth to stop the air rom entering his body' 0his act o /hiva resulted in the tremendous generation o energy inside his body as a result o which that wooden block blasted o through his skull and ell on the )imalaya *ountain with such orce that the wooden block levelled numerous peaks o )imalaya *ountain to the ground' 0he amous place o pilgrimage? Kedarnath is situated at this very place' A ter thatF Lord /hiva did a severe penance by immersing his whole body in the waters o /araswati river' )e remained immersed in the water or one complete year and did not come out' All the seven worlds including the oceans and the mountains started shaking violently' 0he stars and the 4akshatras started alling down on the earth' <urious to know why this happenedF the worried deities went to Lord Brahma' .ven Lord Brahma could not satis y their curiosity as he had no answer' All o them then went to Lord Vishnu but he too was not aware o the reason' All the deities including Lord Vishnu then went to *andaar :arvat to see Lord /hiva' But they were surprised to ind out that neither Lord /hiva nor %ma were present there' Lord Vishnu was aware o Lord /hivaLs penance in the /araswati river' Due to the sin o causing *ridaniLs oetus to abortF the deities could not know the act behind this strange event' 0he deities then per ormed the most austere 0aptakrichcha Vrata to atone or their sin' Lord Vishnu then gave them a glimpse o /hiva LingaF which mani ested in his heart' All the deities again worshipped that /hiva Linga and made o erings' Lord Vishnu then took them to Kurukshetra where Lord /hiva was doing his penance in the waters o /araswati' 0he deities eulogised Lord /hiva by saying R/0)A4AV. 4A*A)R and 1ndra reMuested him to stop doing his penance as the whole world was in turbulence' Lord /hiva accepted their reMuest with a smile and discontinued with his penance' .ven a ter Lord /hiva had stopped doing his penanceF the earth continued to shake violently' /urprisedF he started wandering here and there to know the truth behind this turbulence' )e ound sage /hukracharya doing penance on the bank o river (ghavati with the obDective o learning the most secret *ritsanDeevani Vidya' Lord /hiva blessed him and his desire was ul illed but the earth still continued to shake violently' Lord /hiva then proceeded towards /aptasaraswat where he ound sage *ankanak was dancing in Doy and his steps were causing the earth to shake' /age *ankanak had acMuired tremendous virtues due to his severe penance and as a result instead o bloodF vegetative Duice secreted rom his wound' )e had become arrogant and thought that it happened only because o his penance' Lord /hiva then subdued his arrogance by causing wound on his inger rom which ashes poured out' /age *ankanak was ashamed o himsel and stopped dancingF and the earth became calm once again'
(nceF *ura challenged a king named "aghu who was pro icient in rituals or a duel' At that timeF "aghu was busy per orming his Yagya' )e admonished *ura by saying? R8hat is the great deal in ighting with the mortalsN 1 you are really that brave then you should de eat YamaraD'R 0he arrogant *ura then went to Yama loka and challenged Yama' Yama was aware o Lord BrahmaLs boon given to *ura' /oF he went to take Lord VishnuLs help' Lord Vishnu advised him to send *ura to Vishnu loka by any means'
1&18 $escription of ?ells Lord BrahmaF on being enMuired by /anat Kumar on the di erent hells said? R0hose who have illicit relationship or are in the company o sinners go to the irst hell' >elling o trees and stealing the ruits o othersL tree lead to the second hell' :eople who kill creatures unworthy o killing and those who Muarrel over property dispute go to third hell' 0errorising the living creatures and deviating rom oneLs own religion lead to the ourth hell' Behaving deceit ully with riends and taking alse oath lead to the i th hell' Keeping somebody in captivity and causing hurdles in the path o others would lead to the siHth hell' /tealing o royal property or copulating with the Mueen leads to the seventh hell' -reed and misuse o hard earned money lead to the eighth hell' /tealing o BrahminLs property and condemning others lead to the ninth hell' :eople who lack courtesy or who steal sacred teHts go to the tenth hell'R AltogetherF Lord Brahma described about &= hells' 1&19 2ing $anda and Araja 0his chapter contains 6 sectionsK
unconscious and ell in the /araswati river' 0he power ul currents o /araswati drowned her and she was ultimately thrown in -omti river' -omtiLs current abandoned her near a orest inhabited by erocious lions'R A ter narrating her storyF AraDa told King Danda that she would certainly not accept his proposal as she did not want to meet the same ate as that o <hitrangada' 0he king told her that the story was still incomplete and narrated the ollowing tale? R8hen <hitrangada regained her consciousnessF she ound hersel in a dense orest' /eeing her in a sorrow ul moodF AnDan? a -uhyak consoled her by saying that very soonF she would re?unite with her husband' )e also advised her to go on a pilgrimage to /hrikanth' <hitrangada went to /hrikanth situated towards the south o river Kalindi' A ter taking a bath in Kalindi riverF she visited the /hrikanth temple and worshipped Lord *aheshwar' *eanwhileF a sage arrived there and seeing <hitrangada Mueried about her staying in a deserted place' <hitrangada narrated the whole story as to how she was cursed by her own ather' 0he sage became eHtremely urious a ter hearing her woe ul tale and cursed Vishwakarma to become a monkey' )e also advised her to go to /aptagodaavar and engage in the worship o Lord )aatkeshwar where one day she would meet Devavati? the daughter o demon Kandarmaali' <hitrangada went to /aptagodaavar and engaged hersel in the worship o Lord )aatkeshwar' 0he sage wrote the ollowing lines on the walls o /hrikanth temple? R1s there anybody who could liberate this beauti ul girl rom her sorrowNR A ter thatF the sage proceeded on his pilgrimage to :ushkarnath'
a ternoon to worship Lord /hiva' You can seek his help'R 4andayanti went to "itdhwaDLs hermitage as per the instruction o #abaali' (ne day while she was worshipping in the /hrikanth templeF she saw those lines inscribed by the sageF who had once cursed her ather? Vishwakarma' /he added one more line to that inscription? R/age *udgal had prophesised that 1 would become a Mueen' 1nstead o becoming a MueenF 1 am going through my most turbulent period' 1s there anyone who could help me outNR A ter thatF she went to the bank o river Yamuna where she ound a beauti ul hermitage' /he entered inside the hermitage and ound Vedavati sitting there' Very soonF both o them became ast riends' 1n the meantimeF sage "itdhwaD had gone to o er prayers in the /hrikanth temple and saw those lines inscribed on its walls' )e went into deep contemplation and understood what those lines meant' A ter worshippingF he le t or Ayodhya where he met King 1kshvaaku' )e reMuested 1kshvaaku to instruct his son? /hakuni to release #abaali rom the monkeyLs captivity' 1kshvaaku instructed his son to ul il sage "itdhwaDLs desire' All three o them including 1kshvaaku went to the site o #abaaliLs captivity' /hakuni being a master archerF cut all the creepers that had grown around #abaali' /age "itdhwaD climbed up the tree and ound that #abaali was tied to the branch' )e tried to open the knot but was unsuccess ul and called /hakuni or help' /hakuni tried hard to open the knot but even he was unsuccess ul' )e then cut that branch into three pieces by unleashing a volley o arrows' 0hus #abaali became ree albeit partially as he was burdened with the three pieces o that branch'
/aptagodaavar' <ome with me and 1 will help you to re?unite with her'R All o them then le t or /aptagodaavar' 1n the meantimeF as -hritaachi? DevavatiLs mother arrived at %daygiri *ountain to where she came across a monkey and enMuired i he had seen her daughter' 0he monkey told the rail looking -hritaachi that he had taken a young woman named Devavati to a hermitage near /hrikanth temple' -hritaachi revealed to the monkey that the girl whom he was re erring as Devavati was actually her daughter Vedavati' /he reMuested the monkey to help her in locating her lost daughter' -hritaachi proceeded towards river Kaushiki in search o Vedavati ollowed by the monkey' A ter reaching thereF -hritaachi took a holy dip in the waters o Kaushiki' 1n the meantimeF #abaali and "itdhwaD too had reached the banks o river Kaushiki' 8hen #abaali saw that monkeyF he told his ather "itdhwaD by pointing his inger towards that monkey? R0his is the same monkey who had enslaved me and tied me up with creepers'R /hakuniF the master archer became urious and sought "itdhwaDLs permission to kill that monkey' "itdhwaD paci ied him by saying? RBondage is because o your past KarmasF so it is useless to kill this poor monkey'R )e then reMuested the monkey to ree his son? #abaali rom the weight o the three branchesF which were still tied to his body' 0he monkey opened the knots and #abaali was now absolutely ree' "itdhwaD was pleased and wanting to bless the monkeyF said? RYou can demand anything rom me' 1 am willing to ul il any o your wishes'R 0he monkey replied by saying? R( great sage$ DidnLt you recognise this un ortunate monkeyN 1 am <hitranagadaLs ather whom you had cursed to become a monkey' Bless me that 1 become liberated rom all my sins'R "itdhwaD blessed the monkey and said? RYou would be liberated rom all your sinsF the day you procreate a child rom -hritaachi' You would also regain your human body on that day'R 0he monkey became pleased a ter receiving the blessings' 1n course o timeF -hritaachi became aware o the monkeyLs real identity and developed physical intimacy with it' At irstF both o them stayed at Kolaahal *ountain but later onF they shi ted to Vindhya *ountain' *eanwhile the group o ive people? "itdhwaDF #abaaliF /hakuniF 1ndradyumna and /urath reached /aptagodaavar 0irtha' All o them got down rom the chariot and took bath in the holy river' 0he thirsty horses Muenched their thirst and satis ied their hunger by graCing on the green grass' A ter satis ying their hungerF the horses galloped towards )aatkeshwar temple' 8hen <hitrangadaF and her companions heard the galloping soundF they climbed on top o the temple and looked all around' <hitrangada saw "itdhwaD and his companions taking bath and immediately recognised him' )er companion? 4andayanti too recognised #abaali' 0hey were eHtremely pleased and climbed down rom the roo top o the temple' 0hey worshipped and eulogised Lord )aatkeshwar to eHpress their gratitude' A ter sometimeF "itdhwaD and his riends arrived at the temple to worship Lord )aatkeshwar' )e recognised <hitrangada and was pleased to meet her' 1n the meantimeF -hritaachi and the monkey also arrived there' -hritaachi was pleased to meet her daughter? Vedavati and embraced her' "itdhwaD instructed the monkey to summon -uhyak rom the AnDan *ountainF Kandarmaali rom the :aatal loka and the -andharva King :arDanya rom heaven respectively' -uhyakF Kandarmaali and :arDanya arrived at the )aatkeshwar temple and all three o them were pleased to meet their respective daughters' <hitrangada accusing hersel or her atherLs turning into a monkeyF tried to give up her li e' But "itdhwaD consoled her by saying that her ather would regain his human body very soon' -hritaachi too approved his statement and said? RA ter ten monthsF 1 would give birth to a son and on that same dayF your ather would be liberated rom sage -aalavLs curse and regain his human body'R A ter ten monthsF -hritaachi gave birth to a son who later on became amous as 4ala' Vishwakarma became liberated rom the curse and regained his human body' <hitrangada was delighted to meet her ather' A grand marriage ceremony was organised at /aptagodaavarF which was witnessed by the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
deitiesF the -andharvas and the demons' 1n this marriage ceremonyF sage -aalav per ormed the rituals a ter whichF #abaali was married to KandamaaliLs daughterF 1ndradyumna to VedavatiF /hakuni to the YakshaLs daughter and /urath was married to <hitrangada' A ter the marriage ceremonyF everybody returned to their respective places' A ter completing this storyF King Danda once again reMuested AraDa to accept his proposal' But she was not convinced and said? R/ay whatever you like but 1 will never surrender to your evil intentions'R
1&!: 'ord )hiva Prepares for the #attle 0his chapter contains 9 sectionsK
/adashiva to the -anas' 0he -anas were bewildered on seeing the whole universe eHisting within /adashiva' Lord /adashiva then trans ormed his appearance into that o Lord Vishnu' 0he -anas also viewed the orms o deities like 1ndraF /urya and Lord Brahma etc' in him' 0hey were now convinced that both Lord /hiva and Lord Vishnu were the same' 0he dawning o this realisation liberated them rom their ignorance' Lord /hiva blessed the -anas and embraced them' All the -anas then took their position all around *andaar *ountain and readied themselves or the orthcoming attack'
/hukracharya reMuested Lord /hiva to give him a way so that he can come out rom his stomach' Lord /hiva agreed and asked him to come out immediately' /hukracharya started searching or an eHit point but was amaCed by the vastness o /hivaLs stomach in which he saw the eHistence o the whole universe' )e made ceaseless e ort or one divine year but was unsuccess ul in his attempts to come out rom /hivaLs stomach' At lastF he surrendered to the will o Lord /hiva' Lord /hiva told /hukracharya? RBy entering into my stomachF you have become my son' 4owF i you want to become ree then you should come out through the pore o my Linga'R A ter saying thisF Lord /hiva liberated /hukracharya through his Linga who a ter being released made salutations to him and Doined the demonsL army once again' 0he demons were eHtremely pleased at his arrival' (nce againF a ierce battle took placeF which continued or eight divine years' 8hen the demons realised about the deitiesL supremacy in the battleF they started employing illusionary tactics and swallowed all the -anas and the deities' 0he scene o the battle ieldF *andaar *ountain became devoid o -anas and the deitiesF which made Lord /hiva eHtremely urious' )is eHtreme anger resulted into the mani estation o #rimbhayika? a erocious entity' 0he mere touch o #rimbhayika made the demons to yawn' All the deities and the -anas came out rom the opened mouths o the demons' (nce againF the battle commencedF which continued or 955 years' 8hen Andhak realised that Lord /hiva was invincible then he decided to acMuire :arvati by deceit ul means' )e sought the help o one o his most trusted commander? /unda by saying? R( brave /unda$ You are like my brother' 1 need your help' 0he battle has continued or such a long period but has still remained indecisive' 1 have decided to approach :arvati in the guise o her husband? /hiva and 1 want you to disguise yoursel as 4andi'R /unda agreed to disguise himsel in the orm o 4andi to help his master' Andhak went to *andaar *ountain in the guise o Lord /hiva mounted on /undaLs back who had disguised himsel as 4andi' 8hen :arvati saw the inDury marks on /hivaLs (AndhakLs) bodyF she told her companions? RLookF how grievously the demons have inDured my husband$ :lease bring the medicinal herbs Muickly so that 1 can dress his wounds'R )er companions rushed to bring the medicinal herbs and in the meantimeF :arvati started observing the wounds o /hiva (Andhak) minutely' /he was surprised to see the absence o both the shoulders on his body' /he immediately realised that somebody else had come in the guise o her husband? /hiva' /ensing dangerF she ran away to protect hersel ' )er companions ran behind her and Andhak chased all o them' :arvati and her companions hid behind bushes' Being unable to locate :arvatiF Andhak returned to the battle ield and the battle continued' 0he deities were ighting valiantly' Lord Vishnu created havoc among the enemy ranks and Lord Brahma sprinkled holy water rom his kamandaluF which had increased the strength and power o the deities' 1ndra attacked the demon? Bala on his head with his VaDra but it was broken into pieces' (n seeing the destruction o his weaponF 1ndra became scared and wanted to lee rom the battle ield' #ambhF the demon made un o him and challenged him or a duel' 1ndra then reMuested Lord Vishnu to provide him with a weapon so that he could ight #ambh but Lord Vishnu sent him to Agni' Agni made a replica o his weapon? /hakti and gave it to 1ndra' )olding his new weaponF 1ndra then proceeded on his way to ight #ambh mounted on his elephant? Airavat' #ambh assaulted Airavat with such orce that 1ndra started alling down towards the ground' 8hen the /iddhas and <haranas saw 1ndra alling downF they provided a magni icent chariot to him so that he could ight with the demons' *eanwhile 1ndra dashed against the ground with a great thud as a result o whichF the earth shook violently' /age /hamikLs wi e thought that the earth was shaking violently due to the impact o earthMuake' /he reMuested her husband to carry their son outside the hermitage so that he remains unharmed and said? R0he astrologers say that whatever is kept outside home during an earthMuake becomes stable'R /age /hamik was very surprised but still ollowed her instructions' A ter the shaking o the earth had subsidedF /hamikLs wi e reMuested him to bring back the child' /age /hamik went outside and was
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
surprised to ind two children instead o one' )e came back carrying both the children in his lap and asked his wi e as to what made the second child to mani est' /he told him that the second child will become the charioteer o 1ndra and assist him in the battle' 0his second child was none other than *aatali who acted as the charioteer o 1ndra during the battle' 4owF 1ndra had both the chariot and the charioteer in his possession' )e went to the battle ield mounted on his new chariot' (n the wayF he saw a multicoloured bow and arrows lying on the ground' )e picked up the weapons and ought valiantly with the demons' )e killed many mighty demon warriors' #ambh and KuDambh ran menacingly towards him but Lord Vishnu severed the head o KuDambh with his /udarshan chakra' #ambh assaulted 1ndra with his mace but 1ndra retaliated by attacking with his /hakti as a result o which #ambh was killed' 0he rest o the demons led rom the battle ield'
desire to bless him with a boon' Andhak said? R1 donLt want anything' 1 Dust want to become liberated rom all my sins and remain in the proHimity o Lord /hiva'R :arvati blessed him and made him the -ana o /hiva who became amous as Bhringi'
R:utna went to the place where KratudhwaDLs sons were doing penance' 0here was a river nearby where KratudhwaDLs sons arrived one day to bathe' Acting according to her planF :utna too entered into the river to take bath' KratudhwaDLs sons were in atuated by her divine beauty' 0hey could not control themselves and as a resultF they had an eDaculation' :utna was success ul in accomplishing her mission o corrupting the thoughts o KratudhwaDLs sonsF who a ter realising that their penance had gone in vain returned to their atherLs kingdom' 0he released sperms o KratudhwaDLs sons was swallowed by a ish named /hankhini' (ne dayF she was caught by a isherman and presented to KratudhwaDLs sonsF who again released her into a nearby pond' 1n course o timeF /hankhini died a ter giving birth to seven young ish' 0he seven young ish started crying at their motherLs death' Lord Brahma appeared and advised them not to cry and or this reasonF they were called *arut' Lord Brahma blessed them by saying? RAll o you would attain the status o deities and would be capable o lying in the air'R A ter inishing his storyF sage :ulastya told 4arad that this was how *arut -anas originated during /warochish *anvantara' /age :ulastya says? R4owF 1 am going to describe about the *arut -anas o %ttam *anvantara' #yotishmaan was the son o Vayushmaan and his wi e was the daughter o sage Vrihaspati' As they were sonlessF both o them decided to do penance to beget a son' 0he /aptarishis arrived there and enMuired as to why they were doing such a severe penance' #yotishmaanLs wi e told the /aptarishis that they were desirous o a son' 0he /aptarishis blessed her by saying that she would become a mother o seven sons' 1n course o timeF #yotishmaanLs wi e became pregnant' (ne ate ul dayF #yotishmaan passed away' )is sorrow ul wi e wanted to commit /ati' 8hile he was sitting on the burning pyreF suddenlyF a piece o burning lesh ell into the nearby river and got ragmented into seven pieces' /even *arut -anas mani ested rom these seven pieces o lesh'R /age :ulastya says? RDuring 0aamas *anvantaraF "itdhwaDF the son o 0aamas *anu did a severe penance with the desire o getting a son' )e made o erings o his own leshF blood and sperms to the oblation ire' /uddenlyF he heard a heavenly voice instructing him not to make o erings o his sperms' But the king continued with his o ering and as a resultF he died' A ter sometimeF seven in ants mani ested rom the oblation ire who later on became amous as the *arut -anas o 0aamas *anvantara'R King "ipuDeet was the descendant o "aivat' )e was sonless and a ter being pleased by his eHtreme devotionF the deity? /un had blessed him with a daughter named /urati' 1n course o timeF she grew into a beauti ul woman' (ne dayF "ipuDeet passed away and a grieved /urati decided to give up her li e' 0he /aptarishis arrived there and they were so in atuated by her beauty that they tried to prevent her rom doing so' But unrelenting /urati did not listen and gave up her li e by Dumping into the burning pyre' 0he sorrow ul /aptarishis went away a ter casting lusty glances on her' /even in ants mani ested rom the burning pyreF who became amous as *arut -anas o "aivat *anvantara' During <haakshush *anvantaraF a sage named *anki did a tremendous penance at the banks o /aptasaraswat' But he ell down rom grace a ter being in atuated by the beauty o an Apsara named Vapu' )is sperms eDaculated and ell into the /aptasaraswat river rom which mani ested the seven *arut -anas'
8hen Kaalnemi? the demon saw that his comrades were scared o ighting Lord VishnuF he attacked the deities with renewed vigour and swallowed many o the YakshasF Kinnars and the deities' 0he deities became scared and started running away rom the battle ield' 0he demons became delighted considering it as their victory and the de eat o Lord Vishnu' Lord Vishnu became urious and covered the %dyachal *ountain with a volley o arrows named 4aarach' Bali and *aya became terri ied and instigated Kaalnemi to ight against Lord Vishnu' Kaalnemi con ronted Lord Vishnu with a mace but it was destroyed by VishnuLs chakra' A ter destroying KaalnemiLs weaponF Lord Vishnu irst severed both his hands and then his head' 0he news o KaalnemiLs death spread like a wild ire in the demons army and they led rom the battle ield'
would become wealthy once again but worrying about your lost wealth will only have ill e ects on your health and you would become weak' (n being instructed by their leaderF the ghosts o ered ood to the hungry /udharma' A ter satiating his hungerF /udharma asked the leader o the ghosts? 8ho are youN )ow could you provide me such a delicious dish in this deserted orestN 0he leader o the ghosts said? R1n my previous birthF 1 was a Brahmin and my name was /omasharma' 1 was very poor but my neighbour /omashrava was a rich and prosperous trader' Being a poor BrahminF 1 was not able to per orm my religious duties' (nceF people o all castes thronged 1rawati and 4advala to take a holy dip on the auspicious occasion o /hravan Dwadashi' 1 ollowed them and a ter taking my bathF per ormed all the necessary rituals' As 1 was poorF 1 could donate things o little importance like umbrellaF shoesF sweetsF curds etc' 0his was the irst and the last timeF 1 had donated anything in my li e' A ter my deathF 1 became a ghost' *y companions also never donated anything in their previous li e' 0he delicious ood which you had relished Dust now was due to the virtue o ood items donated in my previous li e' 0his /hami tree is due to the virtue o donating umbrella'R /omasharma was surprised and asked the leader o the ghosts whether he could be o any help to him to which the leader reMuested him to o er :ind Daan at -aya so that he became liberated rom :reta Yoni' /omasharma went to -aya and per ormed the necessary rituals o :ind Daan as a result o whichF the ghosts went to Brahma loka a ter being liberated' /omasharma continued to observe the ast o /hravan Dwadashi every year' (ne ate ul dayF he passed away and was reborn in a royal amily' A ter reaching youth ageF he became the king o /haakal :uri and indulged in enDoyments and sensual pleasures' A ter his deathF he was born in a Brahmin amily' 0hough uglyF he was well versed in all the scriptures' A ter a ew yearsF he got married' )is wi e would make un o his ugly looks which annoyed him' )e went to 1rawati and worshipped Lord #agannath with ull devotion' Lord #agannath blessed him and his ugly looks turned into a handsome appearance' )e enDoyed a very satis ied married li e and a ter his death was reborn as King :ururava'
deities and the sages' 0he deities sought the re uge o Lord Vishnu' 0hey accompanied Lord Vishnu to )imalaya *ountain to meet Lord /hiva' Lord Vishnu and Lord /hiva eHchanged their weapons' Both o them went to kill the demon who on seeing them got scared and hid in a nearby river' Lord Vishnu and Lord /hiva waited eagerly or him on the opposite banks o the river'R RA ter sometimeF #alodbhav came out o the river thinking that both o them must have departed by now' )e climbed up the )imalaya *ountain and both the deities chased him' Lord /hiva attacked him with his chakra while Lord Vishnu pierced his trident in his chest' #alodbhav died and ell down rom the )imalaya *ountain'R A ter inishing his storyF :ulastya says? R0his was the reason why both Lord Vishnu and Lord /hankar had eHchanged their weapons' 0he spot where Lord /hankar had kept his oot resulted into the mani estation o river Vitastaa' :rahlad a ter worshipping Lord Vishnu and Lord /hiva at *adhunandini went to Bhrigutung 0irtha situated on the )imalaya *ountain'R
Lord Vaaman said? R0he whole universe including the skyF earthF oceanF mountainsF clouds are pervaded by my eHistence' All the deitiesF sagesF living and non?living things have mani ested rom me' 8hen 1 took my irst incarnation o *atsya 1 had my abode in the holy waters o *anas /arovar' As my second incarnation o tortoiseF 1 had my abode in the holy waters o Kaushiki "iver' 1 had my abode at )astinapur when 1 took my incarnation as -ovind' As 4arayanF 1 had my abode at BadrikashramaF as #ayeshF 1 had my abode at Bhadrakarna'R 0his wayF Lord Vaaman described about his di erent abodes in great detail'
release me by opening the cage door' 0he Mueen opened the door and 1 became ree' 1 caught hold o her and tried to satiate my lust but right then the guards arrived there and killed me' (nce again 1 went to the hell and a ter su ering the pains 1 was reborn as an ass' *y master was AgniveshyaF a Brahmin' (nceF his wi e? /umati wanted to go to her atherLs house' Agniveshya advised her to go riding on my back and instructed his servant to escort us' 8hile on our DourneyF we reached a river and /umati eHpressed her desire to take bath' /he went to take bath and 1 waited or her to return' 8hile she was taking her bathF 1 became in atuated by her beauty and caught hold o her' 0he servant who was escorting us saw this and became angry' )e killed me by hitting with his stick' (nce againF 1 went to hell and was reborn as a parrot' A wicked owler trapped and sold me to a traderLs son' Although 1 lived a luHurious li eF yet 1 was not happy because o my slavery' (nceF his daughter arrived near my cage and play ully kept me on her breasts' 1 became in atuated and tried to have physical relations with her' But 1 was su ocated to death a ter getting entangled in her necklace' (nce againF 1 went to hell and a ter su ering the torturesF was reborn as a bull' *y master was a <handaal and 1 used to pull his cart' (nceF his wi e was sitting in the cart 1 was pulling' %nmind ul o her surroundingsF she was singing songs in a beauti ul voice' A ter listening to her melodious voiceF 1 became in atuated and tried to have physical relations with her' 1 turned back but the noose around my neck became tight and 1 was su ocated to death' (nce again 1 went to hell and a ter su ering the painsF was reborn as a blind and dea son to you' 1 remember all my previous lives and 1 am aware that my physical disabilities are only because o my past sins' 1 have decided to atone or all my sins by doing penance and indulging in virtuous deeds' A ter saying thisF he went to Badrikashrama to do penance' A ter inishing his storyF Bali told /hukracharya that a man inherits his Mualities rom his past li e and it is impossible or him to change them' R1t is applicable to both good and bad Mualities' *y penanceF virtuosityF benevolence and generosity have been inherited rom my past li e and come what mayF 1 have decided not to shun them'R :ulastya says? R0his wayF Bali remained irm in his resolve to meet any demand made by his esteemed guest and started waiting eagerly or his arrival'R
you go against their wishes then you would be astened by VarunLs noose'R A ter saying thisF Lord Vishnu disappeared'
1&!, #enefits of )tudying +amana Purana /tudy o Vaaman :uraan helps a man to enhance his knowledge and makes him ree rom all kinds o worldly attachments' 1t also increases his love and devotion towards the lotus eet o Lord Vishnu'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0here are ten characteristics evident in all the :uraans? &) /arg' +) Visarg' 3) /thaan' 6) :oshan' ;) %ti' =) Vritti' 9) "aksha' ,) *anvantara' 2) Vansh' &5) %paashraya' /arg deals with the descriptions o the origin o this universe' Visarg enlightens us as to how a living thing trans orms itsel rom one species to another' /thaanF :oshanF %ti and Vritti deal with the descriptions o various means which are employed by a man or his survival' "aksha describes about the various incarnations o Lord Vishnu which he takes or the protection o the humankind' *anvantara deals with the complete description o the history o the whole *anvantara period' Vansh describe about the lineage o all the kings including Lord Brahma' %paashraya enlightens us on the real meaning o Brahma' :ulastya says? RA man who listens to the divine tales o Vaaman :uraan attains to Vishnu loka a ter becoming ree rom all his sins' )e attains the same virtues which a per ormer o Ashwamedha Yagya does' .ven listening to one part o Vaaman :uraan bestows great virtues and eMuivalent to making pilgrimage o numerous sacred places' 4aradF Vaaman :uraan is the &6th among all the &, :uraans which describes about the maDesty o Lord Vishnu'R >ive names o Lord Vishnu has been mentioned in Vaaman :uraan? Kaaran VaamanF 4arayanF AmitvikramF /haargang chakra and :urushottam' A devotee who chants any o these sacred names o Lord Vishnu and makes salutation either by speechF thought or deed attains to Vishnu loka'
true but donLt lose heart' -o and take re uge in /hri )ari? the supreme protector' )e will liberate you rom all your sorrows'R A ter saying thisF :rahlad went on his pilgrimage'
1&!1 "he $eities 6esting $ays Lord Vishnu takes rest on /heshnaag during the whole period o %ttaraayanF which begins Dust a ter the last day o the bright lunar phase in the )indu month o Ashaadh is over' A ter he goes to sleepF all the deitiesF -andharvaF Devamaata etc' ollow suit'
4arad reMuested /age :ulastya to shed light on the days when the deities take rest' /age :ulastya replied? RA devotee should consider the eleventh day o the )indu month o Ashaadh /hukla :akshaF when the /un enters the Codiac o -emini as the day when Lord Vishnu goes to rest' A devotee should make a replica o /heshnaag and a ter worshipping the idol o Lord VishnuF lay him down to rest on the twel th day' Kamadev is said to take rest on the thirteenth day on his bed made o Kadamb lowers' 0he Yakshaganas take rest on the ourteenth day o the )indu month o Ashaadh /hukla :aksha' 0heir beds are made o yellow lotus' Lord /hiva is believed to take rest on :urnima' )is bed is made o tiger skin'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
( ,ar9andeya Purana
0his :urana consists o &= chaptersK
4&1 7ntroduction (nce #aiminiF a disciple o sage Vedavyasa eHpressed his curiosity be ore *arkandeya? L( Lord$ 1n the great epic *ahabharatF which was created by VedavyasaF description o DharmaF ArthF Kama and *oksha appears to be intertwined at times and at other timesF it appears to be separate rom one another' Vedavyasa had described the normsF the stages and the means to per orm the duties in all the our stages' 0his epic contains cryptic knowledge o Vedas' )ence ( great sage$ 1 have approached you in order to grasp the ull knowledge contained in *ahabharat with your help' 8hy did Lord take human incarnation even though )e is the cause o the originF perpetuation and destruction o the universeN )ow did Draupadi become the wi e o ive :andavasN )ow did Balaram eHpiate or the sin o killing a BrahminN )ow did DraupadiLs sons give up their livesN Kindly narrate all these things in detail' L
*arkandeya says? L( *uni $ :resently 1 am engaged in evening worship' )ence 1 do not have time to narrate these things in detail' But 1 am telling you about the birds which will narrate you the entire content o *ahabharat' 0hose birds will also remove all your doubts' /ons o the great bird Drona? :ingakshaF VibodhaF /uputraF /umuk etc' stay in the caves among the hills o Vindhyachal' 0hey are pro icient in Vedas' -o and ask themF they will remove all your doubts'L *arkandeyaLs words surprised #aimini' 0o con irmF he asked again? L1t is surprising that the birds could narrate the content o *ahabharat Dust like human beings' 1t is even more surprising that they are pro icient in Vedas knowledgeF which is even rare to ind among humans' Kindly tell me how did they come to acMuire such pro ound knowledge despite having being born in the orm o birds' 8hy do you call them as the sons o DronaNL *arkandeya says? LLong agoF a strange event took place in 4andanvan involving 1ndraF Devrishi 4arad and some o the elves' (ne dayF 1ndra was enDoying his time in the 4andanvan orest along with his elves' At the same time 4arad also arrived there' 1ndra welcomed and o ered him a seat' 0he elves also greeted 4arad' 1ndra then said? L*univar$ 0ell me what you desire nowN 1 you desire to listen to a songF should 1 order the -andharvas or i you wish to watch the danceF should 1 order one o my elvesF *enkaF "ambhaF *ishrakeshi or %rvashiN Any o these our can per orm a seducing dance be ore you'L 4arad eHpressed his desire to watch the dance o an el F who was superior in beauty to the other elves' 0his led to a row among the elves' .ach one o them was proud o her beauty and talent' 4arad then advised them to test their beauty by breaking sage DurvaasaLs penance who was at that time staying on a hilltop' All the elves eHpressed their inability to per orm this task success ully' (nly an el named VapuF driven by her haughtiness accepted to break the penance o sage Durvaasa' Accordingly she reached the hill where Durvaasa was staying and began to sing an in atuating song in her sweet voice' Very soonF the song began to show its e ect on Durvaasa' Attracted by the sweet voiceF Durvaasa went in search o the origin o the voice and ound Vapu singing at a distance' Durvaasa understood that the el had come to break his penance' AngrilyF he cursed the el that she would take birth in the lineage o the birds or siHteen yearsF she would not bear a child and ultimately would be killed by a weapon to regain her heavenly abode' A ter saying thisF sage Durvaasa migrated to Akashganga'
4&! +arious 0reations and >amous Mythological 0haracters 0his chapter contains 2 sections'
was enDoying privacy with his wi e and drinking wine' /eeing KankF the demon showed his displeasure at his arrival at an improper time' But Kank boldly asserted his right on the mountain as according to himF it belonged to all' 0he in uriated demon decapitated Kank with his sword' )earing the news o his brotherLs killingF Kandhar resolved to kill the demon' A ter per orming the last rites o his brotherF he also arrived on the mountain where the demon Vidrayudrup was still drinking wine with his wi e' 0he demon lost his temper again' Kandhar then challenged the demon to have a ight with him' A ierce battle ensued between them' %ltimatelyF Kandhar killed the demon' 0he demonLs wi e? *adanika inding hersel in a helpless situation accepted Kandhar as her husband' 0husF Kandhar returned to his palace with a newly ound wi e' *adanika was in act the daughter o *enkaF the el and could change her guise at will' A ter marrying KandharF she took the guise o the bird' 0he bird *adanika was born as el ? Vapu in her neHt birth due to the curse o sage Durvaasa' Kandhar named her 0aarkshi' A Brahmin named *andapal had our sons' Drona was the youngest among them and pro icient in scripturesF Vedas etc' Kandhar married his daughterF 0aarkshi to Drona' A ter their marriageF Drona and 0aarkshi were spending their time happily' 0aarkshi conceived during the same time when the battle o *ahabharat was going on' As destiny would have itF 0aarkshi lew over the battle ield where she saw ArDuna and BhagdattF the king o :ragDyotishpurF ighting valiantly against each other' Accidentally an arrow aimed at Bhagdatt went in the direction o 0aarkshi and struck her in the abdomen and tore it apart' As a result o thisF our eggs ell on the ground' At the same timeF a huge bell ell rom /upratikLs neckF the elephant o BhagdattF and covered the eggs sa ely' A ter the battle o *ahabharat was overF a sage /hami visited the battle ield' 0here he happened to spot the bell and heard aint chirping coming rom underneath the bell' 0he sage removed the bell and discovered our wingless chicks beneath it' /urprisingly he said to his disciples? LLook$ >alling o these eggs and getting sa ely covered by the bell simultaneously shows that these chicks are no ordinary birds'L 0hen he instructed his disciples to carry the eggs to the hermitage and keep it securely at a place sa e rom predators' 0he disciples did as told'
also ell at our atherLs eet and begged or his pardon' 8e reMuested him to take back his words but he said that his words would not go utile' But still he blessed us to have supreme knowledge even in the orm o birds'L <oncluding their talkF the birds said? L( lord$ 0hus controlled by destinyF our ather cursed us' A ter sometimeF we took birth in bird orm in the battle ield where you ound us and ostered us in your hermitage' 4ow we are strong enough to ly long distances' /o kindly ree us rom your obligation'L )earing the words o the birdsF sage /hami said to his disciples? LLook$ 1 had already told you that these birds were no ordinary creatures' 0hey even survived the battle o *ahabharat' 1t shows their greatness'L 0hen sage /hami granted them permission to migrate to the Vindhyachal' 0he birds decided to pass their time by studying the Vedas and doing penance as long as they stayed there'
to bear the burden o their atrocities' /he approached the deities and reMuested them to get her rid o the burden' 0husF to relieve :rithvi o her burdenF the deities began to take incarnation on earth' Dharma and Vayu implanted 1ndraLs radiance in the womb o Kunti' 0his resulted in the birth o Yudhishthir and Bheema' 0hen 1ndra himsel produced ArDuna rom Kunti' 4akul and /ahadev were born because o 1ndraLs radiance implanted by Ashwini kumars in the womb o *adri' 0hus all the ive :andavas originated rom the same source even though they appeared as distinct entitiesF whereas Draupadi was none other than /huchiF the wi e o 1ndraF produced rom the altar in DrupadLs palace' 1n human incarnationF Draupadi got ive :andavas as her husband'
kingdom to youF you are its master'L Vishwamitra said? L1 1 am the master o this kingdomF what are you doing hereN Leave at once$ But be ore leavingF remove all your clothesF ornaments and other royal insignia and go out wearing treeLs bark only'L 0hus a ter losing his kingdomF King )arishchandra got ready to leave with his wi e /haivya and son "ohit' Vishwamitra then intercepted him and said? L8here are you going without paying a Dakshina or "aDsuya Yagya' )arishchandra said? L( lord$ 1 have donated my whole kingdom' 4ow only our bodies remain with us' 8hat can 1 give you nowNL Vishwamitra said? LYou cannot leave without paying a Dakshina because you have promised me'L )arishchandra said? LDonLt be angryF ( Brahmin$ 1 have nothing at present in my position but 1 will de initely pay you your Dakshina in due time'L Vishwamitra said angrily? L/peci y the time period within which you will give me my Dakshina or else be ready to get cursed by me'L )arishchandra said? L1 will pay the Dakshina within a month'L 0herea terF )arishchandra started to live in seclusion with his wi e and children' /eeing the kingLs pitiable conditionF his entire subDects began to ollow him' /eeing their conditionF )arishchandra halted and took a look on his subDects' At the same timeF sage Vishwamitra also arrived there and began to curse )arishchandra or having attachment towards his subDects' )earing the harsh words o VishwamitraF )arishchandra le t the kingdom with his wi e /haivya and son "ohit' 0o drive the king away as soon as possibleF Vishwamitra began to beat the MueenLs back with a stick'
VishwamitraLs abhorrent action enraged the ive guardian deities o the directions and they condemned him' .nraged Vishwamitra cursed them? L( sinners$ -o and take birth as human beings'L 0his curse o Vishwamitra rightened the deities' 0hey begged his pardon' :leased by their prayersF Vishwamitra said? L*y words cannot be undone' But despite having incarnation o human beingsF you will remain bachelors throughout your li e' You will never eel attachment and allurement or anybody'L 0hus due to VishwamitraLs curseF those ive guardian deities took birth as the ive sons o Draupadi' DronacharyaLs sonF AshwatthamaF ultimately killed them'
)arishchandra and began to drag the Mueen by her hair' 0he boy "ohit began to cry holding the hem o her mother' /eeing the condition o her sonF the Mueen reMuested the Brahmin? L( Arya$ Kindly let me see the ace o my child or once'L 0hen the Mueen turned towards "ohit and said? L( son$ Your mother is no longer ree now' /he has become a slave' Do not touch me because 1 have become an untouchable'L 0hen the old Brahmin began to orcibly drag the Mueen with him' "ohit also ollowed them crying loudly or his mother' 0he old Brahmin angrily kicked him' But still the boy did not give up ollowing them' At lastF the Mueen reMuested the Brahmin? L( lord$ 1 will not be able to serve you without my son' /o kindly buy him also'L )earing the words o the MueenF the Brahmin once again stu ed some more money in the clothes o )arishchandra and tied the boy with the Mueen and began to drag both o them' *eanwhile Vishwamitra also appeared there and demanded the Dakshina' )arishchandra gave him all the money he had got rom selling his wi e and son' /eeing that amount o moneyF Vishwamitra boiled with anger and said? L( wretched among the Kshatriyas$ You call this small amount o money as Dakshina$ 4ow look at the powers o my penance'L )arishchandra trembled with ear and said? L( lord$ :lease wait a little more'L Vishwamitra said? L4ow onlyF a Muarter o the day remains' 1 will wait only or this period and not more'L /aying thisF Vishwamitra went away' 8ith stooped aceF )arishchandra once again said addressing the crowd? L4ow 1 am available or sale' 8hoever wishes to buy meF please come orward be ore sunset'L Dharma in the guise o a <handaal stepped orward rom the crowd' )e had a huge stinking body' )e said? L1 will buy you'L )arishchandra asked? L8ho are youNL 0he <handaal said? L1 am a <handaal' *y name is :raveer and 1 am the resident o this very town'L )arishchandra thought? L1t is better to accept the curse than accepting the slavery o a <handaal'L At the same timeF Vishwamitra also arrived there and said angrily? L0his <handaal is ready to pay you a lot o money' 8hy donLt you then pay my DakshinaNL )arishchandra said? L( lord$ 1 am born in /uryavansh' Accepting the slavery o a <handaal causes great pain or me' 1 have no money now' /ince now onwardsF 1 will be your slave and do whatever you will ask me to do'L Vishwamitra said? L1 you are my slave and ready to obey meF then 1 sell you to this <handaal or &555 gold coins' -o and become his slave'L 0he <handaal then presented many villages that were spread over an area o &55 YoDans to Vishwamitra and tying )arishchandra with a rope dragged him to his town' 1n the <handaalLs houseF )arishchandra contemplated? L0he Mueen must be thinking that 1 would soon get her reed rom the slavery o the old Brahmin a ter paying his dues' But she does not know that 1 mysel have become the slave o a <handaal'L A ter a ew daysF the <handaal appointed )arishchandra as the supervisor o the cremation place and instructed him to be there present all the time and to cremate each dead body only a ter thorough investigation' )e also instructed him to collect the toll or cremating every dead body and divide it in such a way that one siHth part o the toll goes to the king and rom the remaining ive partsF three parts should be reserved or him he should take only the remaining two parts as his remuneration' /ince that dayF )arishchandra began to live in the cremation ground' )e always remembered the glorious days o his kingdomF his Mueen and his son' )e had great regret that Dust because o the anger o VishwamitraF he lost everything' Very soonF his new ound occupation began to show on his appearance' )is hair grew long and was unkemptF his body dry and stinking' 1n this guiseF he began to roam in the cremation ground always carrying a stick in his hand' )is whole day passed in the assessment o the cremation toll and its division among the various claimants' )e had lost his mental stature as he even orgot the count o the days and could not distinguish between the day and night' (ne dayF a snake bit "ohit as a result o whichF he died' /haivya brought "ohitF crying and wailing to the cremation ground' .ven in the unkempt guiseF she recognised )arishchandra' )earing her wailingF )arishchandra went near her eHpecting to get the clothes o the deceased' 0here he saw a woman carrying a dead boy wrapped in a black cloth' )e could not recognise Mueen /haivya but the royal appearance o the boy orced him to think? L0o which royal amily did this un ortunate boy belong toN )ow pitiableF the cruel Kaal did not even spare this boy' *y son "ohit would have attained the same age by now'L )is silence urther hurt the Mueen who said? L( lord$ ( king$ )ow comeF you have been living here without caring or your wi e and sonN 8e have already lost our kingdom' 4owF we have lost our son also' ( destiny$ Did you not destroy everything o )arishchandraNL )arishchandra began to
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
think who that woman could be and who that dead boy wasN L1snLt she my wi eNL 0hus recognising his wi e and dead sonF )arishchandra began to cry loudly and ainted' 0he Mueen a ter seeing her husbandLs condition ainted too' A ter sometime both o them regained their consciousness' 0hen the king took the dead boy in his lap and once again ainted' Bueen /haivya began to wonder why )arishchandra was staying in the cremation ground' >or a momentF she orgot her sorrow and began to look at her ainted husband' 0hen she noticed the stick in )arishchandraLs hand' %sually <handaals used to carry that kind o stick' /he became deDected with the thought that she had become the wi e o a <handaal' /he then began to curse the destiny and began to wail embracing King )arishchandra and said? L( king$ 1 donLt know whether 1 am dreaming or it is a reality' 1 have lost the power o thinking'L )earing the words o the MueenF the king opened his eyes and narrated the whole events that led to his becoming a <handaal' 0hen the Mueen narrated her eHperiences and how their son "ohit died because o snakebite' )arishchandra ell on the ground and began to hug his dead son' )e was wailing? L)ow un ortunate 1 am that even my wishes are not under my control' 8ithout the permission o the <handaalF 1 cannot even commit sel ?immolation' But nowF 1 will not di erentiate between the sin and virtuosity' 1 will destroy my body in the pyre o my son'L 0he Mueen said? L( king$ 1 am also unable to bear the burden o sorrows' 1 will also commit immolation with you' 0hen all three o us will stay unitedly in the heaven' 1t wonLt matter to us even i we su er the tortures o hell'L 0hen the king arranged a huge pyre and put his dead son on it' 8ith the MueenF he began to pray to -od' #ust then all the deities arrived there led by Dharma' /age Vishwamitra also accompanied them' 0hey praised )arishchandra' 0hen DharmaF 1ndra and Vishwamitra came closer to the king' Dharma said? L( king$ You have satis ied me with your merits like patienceF enduranceF truth ulness etc'L 1ndra said? L)arishchandraF you are very ortunate' You have won our hearts along with your wi e and son' You have even won the heaven with your action' 1 invite you to stay in heaven along with your wi e and son'L 0hen 1ndra sprinkled ambrosia on the dead "ohit' "ohit got up and sat up in no time' )arishchandraF his wi e and son "ohit were clad in divine clothes and garlands' 1ndra invited them to stay in the heaven orever but )arishchandra said? L( king o the deities$ 8ithout the permission o this <handaalF 1 cannot go anywhere' L Dharma said? L( king$ 1 had learnt in advance about the miseries you would su er in uture' 0hatLs why 1 took the guise o a <handaal and showed you all the grotesMue action'L 1ndra once again invited them to heaven but once againF )arishchandra re used saying that in KoshalF people must have been living mourn ully in his absence' L1 cannot leave them in that pitiable condition to enDoy the com orts o the heavenLF said )arishchandra' 0henF 1ndraF Dharma and Vishwamitra led )arishchandra to AyodhyaF the capital o Koshal' 0here they carried out the coronation o "ohit' 0herea terF they took )arishchandra and his Mueen /haivya to the heaven'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
9'3'& 1ntroduction
0he Brahmin says? ( son$ Describe in detail about hell' /umati says? ( ather$ Yamadoots carry and lynch those people who eat inedible thingsF who deceive and dishonour their riendsF who indulge in illicit relationshipsF who desert their wi eF and who destroy public properties like gardenF water sources etc' Yamadoots tie hands and legs o such people and throw them into the ire' (n their way to hellF such people are bitten by crowsF storksF wolvesF vultures etc' 0hey stay in the in erno or thousand years' 0hen they are shi ted to another hell named 0amaF which is always shrouded in darkness' /inners who kill the cows and their brothers are thrown into this hell' 0hey panic due to darkness and eHtreme cold' 0hey get nothing to eat and drink' *oreoverF chilling winds aggravates their miseries by making their
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
bones sti ' 0hese sinners then drink their own blood and eat their own lesh' 0hey stay there until all their sins have been attenuated completely' 0hen they are thrown into yet another hell named 4ikrintanF which revolves like the wheel o a potter' )oisting the sinners on the wheelF Yamadoots cut their organs but still their su erings do not end because the cut organs reDoin and get cut repeatedly' 0his continues or thousand o years' 0hen the sinners are put in Aprathisth hell where they eHperience unbearable sorrow and miseries' 0he sinners are then put in <hakrasankar hell where they are tormented with wheels and huge bells' 0hey are disembowelled and their eyes are also pricked' 0he sinners have to pass through di erent hells namely AsipatraF 0aptakumbha and Lohakumbha'
o abusing his parents' A person who does not worship his tutelary god be ore eating takes birth as a monkey' 0raitors take birth as ish' 0hose who steal cereals take birth as mice' A /hudraF who manages to establish intimacy with a Brahmin womanF takes birth as a worm' /imilarlyF killers o woman and children also take birth as worms' %ngrate ul people take birth as wormF insectsF grasshoppersF scorpionF crows etc' .ncroacher o land takes birth as grass shrubsF creepers and in erior trees' Butchers who kill bulls take birth as eunuchs' 0hus a person has to ace the result o his Karma according to the gravity o his sins' /umati says? As Yamadoot began to push the king aheadF all the creatures in hell gave a loud cry? L( king$ :lease stay here or ew more moments' 0he wind that blows towards us a ter touching your body gives us immense Doy' 0his wind has ended our su erings and pains' )ave pity on us'L 0he king asked the Yamadoot? L8hy are these people so Doyous by my presenceN Yamadoot said? L( king$ 1nitiallyF you used to sustain your body by the le tovers o the deitiesF ancestorsF guests and ascetics' 0his is the reason why the wind that blows touching your body causing such pleasure to these people' L 0he king said? L1 1 can eliminate the su erings o these sinners merely by standing hereF 1 will de initely stay here'L Yamadoot said? L4oF you cannot stay here' 1t is a place or the sinners only' <ome with us' You will have to enDoy the pleasure o your pious action'L 0he king said? L4oF 1 will not go anywhere leaving these poor people in this pitiable condition'L Yamadoot said? L( king$ LookF Dharma and 1ndra have themselves arrived to escort you to the heaven' L Dharma said? L( king$ You have worshipped me' )ence ollow me to the heaven'L 0he king replied? L4oF 1 will not go anywhere leaving these thousands o people in the hell'L 1ndra said? L.veryone has to taste the ruits o his Karmas' You cannot help them'L 0he king said? L( 1ndra$ 0ell meF how virtuous was 1 in my previous li eNL Dharma said? L 0hough your pious actions are athomlessF be sure that their signi icance are not much than drops o water in an oceanF the stars in the sky' 0he kindness you have shown towards these sinners has urther enhanced your virtuosity'L 0he king said? L1 it is soF may all these people be released rom their su erings by the virtue o my good Karmas'L 1ndra said? L( king$ By your wordsF your pious action has increased like the height o the mountain and these sinners have also been released rom their su erings'L
houseF as he had become too weak and eeble' Being chasteF the wi e collected some money and began to carry the Brahmin on her shoulders to the home o the prostitute' (n their wayF they reached a place where sage *aandavya was hanged but still was alive' 1n the darknessF the woman could not see the things clearly and the Brahmin who was riding her shoulders happened to touch the sage' 0he sage cursed angrily that whoever had touched him would die be ore sunrise' )earing the words o the sageF the BrahminLs wi e thundered that there would be no sunrise tomorrow' 8ords o the woman came to be true as neHt morningF the /un did not rise' 0hus the whole world was shrouded in darkness as a result o whichF the deities became worried' 0he deities apprehended that without the occurrence o sunriseF the whole universe might be destroyed' 0hey were also worried that without the di erentiation o day and nightF how could the months be calculated and the seasons known' .ven the calculation o year would be impossible' 0he chastity o Brahmins wi e had orced even the mighty sun to eschew its daily routine' As a result o thisF religious activities like )avanF Yagya etc' also came to a halt' /eeing them perpleHedF Brahma advised the deities to eulogise AnsuyaF the wi e o sage Atri' All the deities then pleased Ansuya who assured them to convince the wi e o the Brahmin to retract her words' A ter thatF Ansuya reached the BrahminLs hut and said to his wi e? L( ortunate one$ *ay you always serve your husband with ull dedication' A chaste woman enDoys hal the virtues o her husbandF which he earns by his religious activities'L Brahmini said? L1 am blessed today that the deities have at last glanced at me' 4owF tell meF what should 1 doNL Ansuya said? L( /aadhvi$ 1n the absence o the dayF all the religious activities have ceased to eHist' 0he world is on the verge o eHtinction' (nly your wish can protect the world rom imminent calamity' )enceF be pleased now and allow the /un to rise as usual'L Brahmini said? L( ortunate one$ /age *aandavya had cursed that my husband would die with sunrise' 1 cannot a ord to lose my husband'L Ansuya said? LDonLt worryF ( chaste woman$ 1 will resurrect your husband' /oF kindly allow the /un to rise now'L 0henF Ansuya invoked the /un by o ering water as an oblation' )oweverF the leper?in licted Brahmin died as soon as the /un rose' 0hen by the powers o her penanceF Ansuya resurrected the Brahmin and trans ormed him into a disease? ree handsome young man' /he also blessed the couple to live or hundred years' 0he deities were pleased with Ansuya and asked her to seek a boon' Ansuya eHpressed her desire to give birth to the trinity o BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahesh as her sons' 0he trinity blessed her with this boon' 1n due course o timeF BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahesh took birth as <handramaF Dattatreya and Durvaasa rom Ansuya'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
9'6'6 Kuvalaya goes to :atal LokaF Killing o Demon :atal Ketu and *arriage with *adalasa
:rince "itudhwaD stayed in the hermitage o sage -aalav and helped him to per orm his Yagyas without any problem by clearing all the minor obstacles' 0he demons were not aware o his arrival in the hermitage' (ne dayF a demon arrived in the hermitage disguised as a wild boar and began to rub his bushy head against the body o sage -aalav' /eeing thisF his disciples began to scream' :rince "itudhwaD at once rode the horse and wielding a weapon dashed a ter the boar' 0he prince inDured the boar with an arrowF which was sickle?shaped' 0he demons led rom the scene' :rince "itudhwaD ollowed the boar everywhere it went on the mountainsF in the orests and on the riverbank' )e was determined to slay the demon that had been disturbing the sage or long' %ltimatelyF the boar Dumped into a pit' "itudhwaD also ollowed it but could not see the boar anywhere in the pit' 1nstead he saw a beauti ul town which could have matched even the abode o 1ndra' )e entered the town where he saw an eHtremely pretty girl who was walking briskly' "itudhwaD tried to know about her destination but she ignored him and climbed the stairs o a palace' "itudhwaD also ollowed her and in the palaceF he saw a beauti ul girl sitting on a bedstead' As soon as the girl saw himF she ainted' )er beauty attracted even "itudhwaD' )e assured her that there was nothing to be a raid about' 0hen the same girl whom "itudhwaD had sighted earlier came there and began to an the ainted lady' 0he prince enMuired about the reason o her unconsciousness' But the girl did not say anything' 1nstead she whispered something in the ears o her riend who then said? L( stranger$ 0his is the daughter o VishwavasuF the king o -andharvas' )er name is *adalasa' (ne dayF while she was playing in her gardenF a demon :aatalketu abducted her' /ince then she stays here in his captivity' (n the coming thirteenth day o this month that demon will marry her' But he doesnLt deserve to be her husband' YesterdayF she was ready to commit suicide but the cow /urabhiF assured her that a man rom the earth would come and kill the demon' (nly he would be suitable or my riend' 1 am her riend' *y name is Kundala' 1 am the daughter o Vindhyavan and wi e o :ushkarmali' *y husband had been killed by the demon /humbh' /ince then 1 have been touring various places o pilgrimage in order to receive salvation' 0hat wretched :aatalketu had taken the guise o a boar but a brave man has inDured him with his arrow' 1 have arrived
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
here only to investigate who is that man' Do not worry about my riendLs unconsciousness' /he has ainted because o your in atuating handsomeness' /he has begun to love you but her problem is that only that man can marry her who has inDured the boar' 0his thought has caused her to lose her consciousness' 4ow reveal your identity'L "itudhwaD said? L1 am the son o King /hatruDit' 1 have been staying in the hermitage o sage -aalav to protect the sages' #ust a ew days backF a boar arrived in the hermitage and began to torment the sages' 1 have inDured that boar with my arrow' 4ow 1 have arrived here ollowing that boar and happened to see you'L )earing the words o "itudhwaDF *adalasa elt shy as well as eHtreme Doy' Kundala then said to her riend? L0he prince speaks the truth' 8ords o /urabhi cannot go wrong'L /he then said to "itudhwaD? L( brave man$ Doubtlessly you have killed the demonF :aatalketu' *y riend *adalasa is blessed now' 4ow its your duty to marry my riend and take her home as your bride'L "itudhwaD said? L)ow can 1 marry your riend without the permission o my ather' 1 am still not ully independent'L Kundala said? L:lease do not say this' *y riend is a divine beauty' *arry her right now'L :rince "itudhwaD then agreed to marry *adalasa then and there' *adalasa happily remembered their amily priest 0umbaru who arrived there instantaneously' 1n the presence o sacred ireF 0umbaru carried out the rituals o marriage and tied them in nuptial knot' 0herea ter blessing the newly wed coupleF 0umbaru and Kundala took to their respective paths' (n the other handF when "itudhwaD and *adalasa started o riding the horseF KuvalayaF demonsL army surrounded them' A ierce battle ollowed' 1n no timeF prince "itudhwaD slayed the entire army and reached his kingdom' 0here he narrated the whole incident to his ather /hatruDit' King /hatruDit elt very much pleased by the prowess o his son and blessed them heartily' 0herea terF "itudhwaD came to his palace with his wi e *adalasa' 0hey then began to live happily'
my desired task' 1 have met my obDectiveF so you may go now'L :rince "itudhwaD then returned to his palace riding his horse'
o your deceased wi e'L /aying thisF 4aagraD called *adalasa who was staying secretly in his palace and asked "itudhwaD? L0ake a good lookF ( sonF i she is your wi e'L /eeing his wi e be ore himF the prince ainted' 8hen he regained his consciousnessF he stepped orward to touch her but Ashwatar stopped him cautioning that she was not real but illusionary and would vanish as soon as he touched her' )earing thisF "itudhwaD once again lost his consciousness' 8hen he regained his consciousnessF he uttered nothing but L/heLs mine$ /heLs mine$L /eeing the pitiable condition o the princeF 4aagraD revealed the whole story o *adalsaLs resurrection' "itudhwaD became eHtremely Doyous a ter re?uniting with his wi e' 0hen he contemplated on his divine horse as a result o whichF it appeared within a moment' "iding the horseF prince "itudhwaD returned to his kingdom with his wi e *adalasa'
4&/ $uties of People #elonging to +arious Ashrams 0his chapter contains + sections'
and Yagya are also the religious duties o Kshatriyas' :rotection o land and using weapons are vocation or Kshatriyas' "eligious duties o a Vaishya are also same like that o the Brahmins such as donationF study and Yagya' >or a livingF Vaishya may take up animal rearingF agriculture and trade as pro ession' /erving all these three above mentioned castes as well as making donations and per orming Yagya are the religious duties o a /hudra' 0illing the earthF serving BrahminsF eeding animalsF selling and purchasing items are pro essions o a /hudra' A person belonging to DwiD class may relatively enDoy reedom until his sacred thread ceremony has not been per ormed' A ter the sacred thread ceremonyF he should come to stay at the home o his teacher and observe celibacy strictly while studying scriptures' 0here he is eHpected to serve the -uru sincerely' At the completion o educationF he should pay Dakshina to his -uru' )e may get married and start the second stage o his li e that is -rihasthashram' )e should then subseMuently opt or Vanprastha and /anyaas respectively' A ter the completion o education and paying all the duesF the disciple is ready to start second stage o his li e that is -rihasthashram' >or this he should irst ind a suitable girl rom his caste and get married' -rihasthashram is considered as the best stage o li e' 1t is in itsel a complete Yagya' As a householderF he is eHpected to oster those who are dependent on him' During this stage o his li eF he should earn his livelihood by occupations ascribed or his caste' )e should please the deities by per orming YagyasF his ancestors by making oblationsF :raDapatis by producing childrenF spectres by o ering sacri ices o cereals and society by showering love' .ven the ascetic and celibates depend on married people or their daily bread' )ence married li e or -rihasthashram is stated to be superior among all the Ashrams' A -rihastha must welcome and treat even his uneHpected guests with great warmth' A householder who ails to satis y his guest never succeeds in religious matters' 0he Yagyas that are o ered in such households go utile' )ence it is not proper or the householder to show ego and abuse a guest otherwise he will have to eHpiate or it later' 8hen the children o the householder grow up and his body becomes senileF he should go to the orest a ter relinMuishing the world' 0hereF he should pass his time by indulging himsel in austerities and religious activities' 0his stage is known as Vanprasthashram and is most necessary or the sancti ication o his soul' 0his stage is ollowed by /anyaasashram? the stageF which reMuires complete renunciationF celibacyF control o senses and anger etc' 0he virtues like truth ulnessF sanctityF non? violenceF toleranceF orgivenessF kindnessF generosity and contentment are the religious merits applicable to all the Ashrams eMually' 0hose who abide by their religion stay in the abode o BrahmaDi till the reign o ourteen 1ndras' 0he king punishes those who violate this religious code' 1 the king doesnLt punish themF he is himsel destroyed' )ence a king must irst o all abide by the duties as prescribed or di erent Ashrams in his li e and only then he has the right to punish those people who violate these dictates' L
again in the eastern sideF to Yama in the southern sideF to Varun in the western side and to /oma in the northern side o the home' At the threshold o the houseF sacri ice should be o ered to Dhaata and Vidhaata' (ne must sit acing the south while o ering sacri ice to his dead ancestors' >or the dogs and birdsF sacri ices should be given on the ground in the morning and evening' At the arrival o a guestF a -rihastha must worship him by o ering waterF cerealsF lowers etc' as per his inancial condition' 1 possibleF a -rihastha should eed one or more Brahmins in order to paci y his ancestors' )e should give alms to a beggar and a celibate' 8ithout giving almsF a -rihastha must not proceed to dine' )e should also eed starving and diseased people irst' /uch kind o living de initely bene its a -rihastha'
urine and semen or one month' )ence a virtuous BrahminF whom the host is intending to eedF should be in ormed about the /hraadh one day earlier in advance' 1 a Brahmin is not availableF a true celibate can be ed on the day o /hraadh' A ter the Brahmin has carried out all the necessary ritualsF )avanF oblation etc'F he must be ormally insisted to dine' All kinds o edible items that a Brahmin may wish to eat should be o ered' 8hile reciting the "akshodhn mantraF grains o sesame and mustard should be scattered on the ground' A ter the Brahmin has dinedF he should be o ered with water to wash his hands and some cereals that should be scattered on the ground with his permission' 0hen sitting on the seat o Kusha grassF the host should o er a :ind made o sesame seedsF barley lourF sugarF ghee etc' An oblation o water should ollow it' At the endF the Brahmin should be seen o with proper Dakshina' (nly then the host is ree to dine himsel along with other invited guests and amily members'
/hraadh per ormed on the thirteenth day leads to long li e and luHuries' /hraadh per ormed on the ourteenth day and Amavasya lead to the ul ilment o all the desires' >ruits o /hraadh per ormed during di erent 4akshatrasK 4AK/)A0"A "./%L0K K"101KA Abode in heaven "()141 1ncrease in progeny *"1-/)1"A "adiance A"D"A Bravery :%4A"VA/% 1ncrease in land property :%/)YA 1mprovement in health A/)L./)A /ons *A-)A )elp rom relatives :%"VA:)AL-%41 -ood ortune %00A"A:)AL-%41 1ncrease in the virtues )A/0A 1ncrease in greatness <)10"A Beauty and handsome personality /8A01 1ncrease in trade V1/)AAK)A 1ncrease in progeny and ul ilment o desires A4%"AD)A "espect #Y./)0)A Dominance *((LA Disease? ree li e :%"VAA/A")A :opularity %00A"A/A")A >reedom rom sorrows /)"AVA4 Attainment o auspicious abode D)A41/)0)A 1mmense wealth AB)1#10 Knowledge o Vedas AB)1#10 Knowledge o medical science /)A0AB)1/)A 1ncrease in animal wealth :%"VAB)AD"A:AD 1ncrease in knowledge and cattle %00A"AB)AD"A:AD "eceiving o precious metals like gold and silver ".VA01 "eceiving o horses A/)8141 1ncrease in average li e B)A"A41 :rosperity and increase in com orts
vacant or it may have adverse e ect on oneLs lineage' 0he whole area inside the home should be plastered with cow dung daily or washed with pure water' All these activities should be carried out by the better hal o the householder' 0hose womenF who prepare ood during the last Muarter o the nightF su er rom in ertility in uture births' 0hose womenF who do not sweep their home in the eveningF remain unmarried and are bere t o wealth in uture births' /uch women also lose their wealthF li e?span and reputation' Kicking the ollowing things like broomF hearth and mortar etc' or touching them with eet also leads to the loss o progeny and wealth' 0he householder should not use broken seatF board and black blanket or sitting purpose' )e should not comb his hair while acing south' 0hose who do not dineF per orm )avan or make donations at the appropriate time are no better than eunuchs' 0hose who shun these activities despite having wealth are worse than mice' 0hose who do not respect the deitiesF teachersF wi e o the teacherF cowF Brahmin etc' are boycotted by the society' 4aked are those who are devoid o VedasF other religious scriptures and rituals' /uch a house is really contemptibleF which is boycotted by the Brahmins and where daily routines are not ollowed regularly' A ter birth or death in the amilyF a Brahmin becomes puri ied in ten days' During this period o ten daysF he should avoid all the religious activities' 1n similar conditionsF a Kshatriya gets puri ied in twelve days a ter a birth or death in his amilyF a Vaishya in i teen days and a /hudra in one month' Dead body o a person should be cremated outside the boundaries o the village' )is amily members should o er oblation o water to paci y his soul on the irstF ourthF seventh and ninth days a ter the cremation' Ashes should be collected rom the ourth day' 1n case o deaths caused by a snake bite or poisoning amily members may get puri ied a ter a day' 0here is no impurity in case o the death o a childF an immigrant and the one who has renounced everything' .ven their cremation is not carried out nor oblation o water is made' 1 one more death occurs in the amily while the mourning period o the earlier death is still continuingF impurity o the second death lasts as long as that o the irst one' /imilar rules are applied to the impurity caused by the birth' 0hus abiding by these normsF the householder can easily attain the our obDectives o li e that is DharmaF ArthF Kama and *oksha'
4&4 2ing Alar. and his Aueries a5out @oga 0his chapter contains 2 sections'
)e then remembered the ring presented by his mother *adalasa' )e opened the ring and ound a letter in it' 0he letter said? L8hen you lose your everythingF give up the company o your present advisors and Doin the company o learned sages'L 0his message made Alark to pine or the company o the learned sages' Very soonF he went to the re uge o Dattatreya and reMuested him to remove his miseries' Dattatreya assured him o removing his miseries at once but be ore doing thatF he wanted to know the reasons or his miseries' Alark said? L1 do not long or pleasures but my elder brother wants to grab my kingdom'L
9'9'6 Yogadhyay
Dattatreya says? ( king$ 8ith the attainment o knowledgeF people come to conDugate with the /upreme Almighty and which results into dispersion o their ignorance' 0o attain *okshaF it is necessary or a man to shun attachment irst o all' (nly a ter thatF he will become ree rom sorrows' 8hen he becomes ree rom sorrowF he unites with the supreme almighty' 0his phenomenon is known as Yoga' %ni ication with the supreme almighty enables a man to attain knowledge and inally *oksha (salvation)' 1t is there ore essential or the all those seeking salvation that irst o all they should renounce a ection and attachment or the worldly obDects including their near and dear ones' Knowledge and renunciation are nothing but two sides o the same coin and one is necessary to give rise to the other' )ome is nothing but the place or stayingF ood is nothing but the energy reMuired sustaining our body and knowledge is nothing but an aid to attain salvation' Anything that caused obstacles in the way o salvation is ignorance' A living being is bound to receive the ruits o action no matter whether they are good or bad' )ence one should carry out his duties without bothering or the results' 8ith the attenuation o the results o the action per ormed in the previous birthsF a living being becomes ree rom the cycles o li e and death' 8ith the attainment o YogaF Yogis take re uge in none other than Brahma' But the path o attaining Yoga is indeed di icultF i not impossible' (ne has to conMuer his soul irst o all because the soul itsel is regarded as invincible' <ontrol o physical impurities with the help o :ranayamF sins by determinationF lust by sel ?restrains and contemplation on -od are the ways to conMuer the soul'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
( king$ 0here are many more disastrous symptoms that indicate death' A Yogi must always be alert regarding these signs' 8henever a Yogi perceives the appearance o all or some o these disastrous symptomsF he must at once take to Yoga to minimise the e ects' Brahmagyan? A Yogi eHperiences eHtreme Doy when he meditates while doing Yoga' (nly then can he eHperience Brahma' :hysical body is ephemeralO hence a true Yogi does not mourn over the loss o physical body' )enceF a Yogi must train his mind in Yoga ignoring sorrow or a ection' 0his is indeed a di icult task to achieve' Alark says? ( Brahmin$ By your blessingsF my ignorance has ended' 4ow 1 will do everything so that ignorance does not grip me once again' 0hen taking DattatreyaLs permissionF Alark went back to the king o Kashi and said? L( king$ You have a desire or the kingdomF so take this kingdom and enDoy its luHuries yoursel or give it to /ubahu'L 0he king o Kashi asked Alark as to why he was renouncing the kingdom without ighting a war' )e also tried to instigate Alark by saying that his conduct did not suit the Kshatriyas' Alark said? L(nly Brahma is truthF all the other things are alse' 4ow controlling my sensesF 1 will attain per ection in Yoga'L
9'9'2 Alark *asters Yoga and :enance o #ada and his >ather
8ords o Alark pleased the king o Kashi' .venF /ubahu got up gladly and a ter embracing Alark said to the king o Kashi? R( kingF 1 had taken your re uge to win the kingdom' 4owF 1 have got it without ighting a war and without a drop o blood being shed' ButF 1 am leaving nowF renouncing everything'R 0he king o Kashi said? R/ubahuF why had you taken re uge in meN 8hat have you received nowNR /ubahu said? R( king$ *y younger brother Alark had been so ar indulging in luHuries despite having metaphysical knowledge' )e was in act eHperiencing miseries in his household' 8hen the miseries cross all limitsF only then renunciation arises in the mindF as is the case with Alark' 0hat was why 1 had taken your re uge' *y Dob is inished now' /o 1 am leaving to attain per ection in Yoga' ( kingF 1 regard those people who ignore their near and dear ones in their miseries as heartless' /uch people are degraded rom their position o DharmaF ArthF Kama and *oksha and are criticised everywhere'R 0he king o Kashi said? R( /ubahuF You have salved your brother Alark' 4ow kindly salve me also'R /ubahu said? RAttainment o DharmaF ArthF Kama and *oksha are the our maDor obDectives or the attainment o which humans have been created' You have already attained DharmaF Artha and Kama' (nly *oksha remains to be attained now' L1t is mineLF L1t is meL etc' are eHpressions o ego' -uarding the sel rom these thoughts is the true knowledge' A man must know L8hat is to be knownN L8ho is to knowNL and L8ho is heNL A knowledge o these automatically leads to the knowledge o all'R /aying these wordsF /ubahu le t the palace' 0he king o Kashi too returned to his kingdom' Alark crowned his elder son as the new king and he began to practice Yoga in a orest' A ter many years o rigorous practiceF Alark attained salvation and his abode in Brahma loka' 0he BrahminLs son said? R( ather$ 4ow you too must take re uge in Yoga in order to attain Brahma' 1 too will try to attain salvation'R 0he birds say? R( Brahmin$ 0hus the ather and son began their penance and attained salvation'
4&8 "he niverse and 'ord #rahma<s Manifestation 0his chapter contains , sections'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
L4ow 1 am going to reveal the identity o Brahma to you' #ust as drops o water all down rom the body o a wet man immersed in waterF in the same wayF Lord Brahma too discards o the egg in the end' 0he nature is nothing else but Kshetra (spaceF area) and Brahma is also known as Kshetragya' 0his wayF the whole creation came into being Dust like lightning'
ive hundred such years make one :arardha' (ne :arardha o Brahma has already passed at the end o which :adrama *ahakalpa occurred' 0he present periodF which alls under the second :arardhaF is also known as Varaha Kalpa'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
L#yotsnaF evening and day contain the Muality o /atva in themselves' 4ight has the Muality o 0aamas in itsel ' 0he deitiesF demons and human beings are most power ul during the dayF night and #yotsna period respectively' 0he ancestors are most power ul and invincible during the evening time'L LBrahma then created creatures who had moustaches and beard on their ace' /ome creatures among them started attacking the others' 0hose who were being attacked and pleaded Lsave usL were called the "akshasas (demons)' 0he attackers who thundered Lwe would devour you upL were known as Yakshas (celestial beings)' LBrahma was very displeased by their tantrums' /ome o his hair ell down on earth and thus were created the snakes' 0he lesh?eating -anas were neHt to be created' 0hese -anas were eHtremely volatile in nature' A ter thatF Brahma created the -andharvas'L L0his way a ter having created these eight types o divine creationF Brahma created all the animals and birds rom his body' )e created the goat rom his mouthF lamb rom his heartF cow rom his stomach and backF animals like horseF elephantF donkeyF rabbitF deerF camel and mule were created by Brahma rom both his legs' Variety o vegetation and medicinal plants were created rom the hair o his body'L LBrahma then created the ollowing things rom the irst o his our mouths? -ayatriF 0ri? rikF tri? vritF /aamF "athantar and Agnishtom' >rom his mouth acing southF he created YaDuhF 0raishtumchhandF :anchadasha?stomF Vrihatsaam and %ktha' >rom his mouth acing westF he created /haamF #agatichhandF :anchadasha?stomF Vairoop and Atiraatra' >rom his mouth acing northF he created twenty?one AtharvaF AaptoryaamF Aanushtubha and VairaaD'L L1n the beginning o KalpaF Brahma created the natural things like lightningF VaDraF cloudF rainbow and birds' A ter that he created the deities etc' )e then created stable things like mountainsF living creatures that could moveF demonsF birdsF animals and snakes etc' All these living creatures take birth and re? birthsF reap the ruits o the past Karmas done in their previous li e' 0his is the way Brahma had done creation at the end o the dissolution period'L
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Brahma instructed that entity to bisect his body into two distinct orms o a man and a woman' 0he entity ollowed BrahmaLs instruction and this way /wayambhu *anu and /hatrupa came into being' *anu accepted /hatrupa as his wi e' 0wo sons were born to them? :riyavrata and %ttanpada' Apart rom these two sonsF two daughters were also born to them? Akuti and :rasuti' :rasuti was married to Daksha while Akuti was married to "uchi' 0wenty? our daughters were born to Daksha and :rasuti out o which thirteen o them were married to Dharma' 0he remaining eleven daughters were married to sages like BhriguF *ahadevF *arichiF AngiraF Atri etc'L LDharma athered Kama rom /hraddha' /hri gave birth to DarpaF Dhriti and 4iyama' 0ushti gave birth to /antoshF :ushti to LobhaF *edha to /hrutF Kriya to DandF Buddhi to BodhF LaDDa to VinayF Vapra to VyavasaayF /hanti to KshemaF /iddhi to /ukh and Kirti gave birth to Yash' KamaF the son o Dharma was the ather o Atihrishta'L L)imsa? the wi e o Adharma gave birth to Anrita' Anrita was married to 4irriti' 0wo sons named 4arak and Bhaya and two daughters named *aya and Vedana were born to them'L L*aya gave birth to *rityuF whereas Dukha was born as a result o 4arakLs marriage with Vedana' >ive children were born to *rityu? VyadhiF #araF /hokaF 0rishna and Krodha' All o them were very irreligious by nature and they never got an opportunity get married and have progenies'L L*rityuLs wi e? 4irriti is also known by the name o Alakshmi' Altogether ourteen sons were born to them' All these ourteen sons o *rityu dwell in the organs o human beingsF during the time o destruction' (ut o these ourteen sonsF ten dwell in the sense organs o human beings and the eleventh son dwells in the mind' 0hey in luence the sense organs and the mind o a man in a negative way by means o attachment and anger' 0he twel th son eHists in the orm o arrogance' 0he thirteenth son? Apar adversely a ects the intelligence o a man' 0he ourteenth son? Duhsah resides in the house o males' Duhsah is nakedF always hungryF his mouth acing downwards and caws like the crow'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/haakdweep into seven parts and distributed them among all his sons' /imilarlyF Dyutimaan too had seven sons to whom were distributed his kingdom Kraunchdweep a ter sub?dividing it into seven parts' #yotishmaanF Vayushmaan and *edhatithi made their respective sons the rulers a ter giving them kingdoms' Agnighna was the ruler o #ambudweep' )e had nine sons' )is kingdom was eMually distributed among all o them' 4aabhi? the son o Agnighna was the ather o "ishabh' Bharat was the son o "ishabh' Bharat was given the southern part o "ishabhLs kingdom' (ur country is named a ter Bharat'L Jambudveep *arkandeya says that the total area o #ambudweep comprises o one lakh YoDan while the area o :lakshdweep is twice the area o #ambudweep i'e' two lakh YoDans' /imilarlyF /haalmali is twice the area o :laksh while Kusha is twice the area o /haalmali' 0he area o Kraunchdweep is twice the area o Kushdweep whereas the area o /haakdweep is twice the area o Kraunchdweep' 0he island o :ushkar is twice the area o /haak' /even mountains are situated in all these seven islands' 0hey are )imavaanF )emkutF "ishabhF *eruF 4eelF /hwet and /hringi' 1lavrit is situated in the middle o siH mountainsF which themselves are situated in the middle o the ocean surrounding all the seven islands named earlier' /umeru *ountain is situated in the central part o 1lavrit' :eople belonging to all the our castes? BrahminF KshatriyaF Vaishya and /hudra reside in 1lavrit' #ust above 1lavrit are the dwelling places o Lokpals like 1ndra etc' Lord BrahmaLs assembly is situated at the center' Beneath 1lavrit are situated the our mountains? *andaarF -andhmaadanF Vipul and /upaarshva' 0hese our mountains are situated in each o the our directions' 0he -reat *ountain 4ishadh is situated towards the west o *eruF while the -reat *ountain :ariyatra is situated Dust behind it' 0owards the south o *eru are situated the great mountainsF Kailash and )imavaan' 0he mountains /hringvaan and #aarudhi are situated towards the north o *eru *ountain' "iver #ambu lows all around the *eru *ountain in a circular path' The Origin of the Ganga *arkandeya says? L"iver -anga originates rom a place named Dhruvaadhar' 0his particular place is related with 4arayana' "iver -angaF then alls on the /umeru *ountain and gets distributed into our main streams' (ne o these streams lows towards <haitrartha orest' 0he name o this particular stream is /ita' 0he same /ita -anga enters into the Varunoda reservoir and rom thereF it moves towards the ocean and again changes its course to get submerge into that stream o -angaF which has allen on the -andhmaadan *ountain and which is known as Alaknanda' Alaknanda a ter submerging into *ansarovar subseMuently entered the *ahadri )imalaya where Lord /hankar held her in )is locks o hair' )e released river -anga only at the reMuest o sage Bhagirath' A ter being releasedF river -anga got sub?divided into seven streams and ultimatelyF all those seven streams submerged into the ocean' 0he stream o -anga which originates rom the west o /umeru *ountain is known as /uchakshu' 0his stream gets submerged in the ocean towards the southF a ter passing through many mountains' 0he ourth stream reaches /avita orest a ter passing through two mountains? /uparshu and *eru' 0his particular stream is amously known as Bhadrasoma' Bhadrasoma -anga ultimately get submerged into the ocean a ter passing through mountains like /hankhkoot and Vrishabh etc' A Description of harat!"arsha Kraustuki asked *arkandeya? L( lord$ :lease describe about Bharatvarsha'L *arkandeya replied? LBharatvarsha is surrounded by oceans on all its three sides' :eople living towards the east o Bharatvarsha are known as Kiraat while people living towards the west are called Yavan' 0he central part o Bharatvarsha is inhabited by all the our castes? BrahminF KshatriyaF Vaishya and /hudra' 0he seven mountains are situated in the central part o Bharatvarsha' 0hey are *ahendraF *alayaF /ahayaF /haktimaanF "ikshF Vindhya and :ariyatra' 0here are thousands o hills situated in the vicinity o these seven mountains' 0he central part o Bharatvarsha is sub?divided into #anpadas' 0he residents o these #anpadas are known as *lechha and Arya' All the maDor rivers o Bharatvarsha like -angaF /araswatiF
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/indhuF <handrabhaagaF YamunaF /hatadruF VitastaaF 1rawatiF -omtiF Vipaasha and -andki etc' originate rom the mountains situated in the central parts' 0he names o the prominent #anpadas situated in the central part o Bharatvarsha are *atsyaF AshwakootF KulyaF KuntalF KashiF KoshalF ArbudaF KalingaF *alakF Vrik etc' "iver -odavari lows towards the north o /ahya *ountain' A city named -ovardhan is situated near this mountain' /ome other prominent places situated in the vicinity o this mountain are BahalikF VaataghaanF Aamir and Kaaltoyak' KshatriyaF Vaishya and /hudras live in the ollowing states? /hudraF :ahalavF <harmakhandikaF -andhaarF YavanF /indhuF /auveerF BhadrakF /hatadruDF :aarad and Kekaya' 0he ollowing states are situated in the north o Bharatvarsha? 0aamasF )ansmargF KashmirF /hulikF KuhakF %rnaF Darva etc' /tates like AbhrarakF *udgarakF AntagiriF :lawangF *alF DaamalF VartikF %ttarbrahmaF :raagDyotishF *adraF VidehaF 0amraliptakF *alla and *agadh are situated in the east o Bharatvarsha' /tates situated in the south o Bharatvarsha are :aandyaF KeralaF <holaF *aharashtraF *aahishikF Kalinga and Aamir' 0hese are the #anpadas where /habar live'L L#anpadas situated in the west o Bharatvarsha are /uryarakF KaalibalaF DurgF KahaF :ulindF 0oshal and Koshal etc' Bharatvarsha is the only country in the whole world where all the our Yugas? /atyaF 0retaF DwaparF and Kali occur in a cyclic way' Bharatvarsha is the root o all orms o divinity where deities reside and almighty -od takes incarnation'L 7.9.1.# Tortoise $ncarnation Kraustuki asked *arkandeya? L( lord$ )ow does /hri )ari live in the orm o a tortoiseNL *arkandeya replied? L/hri )ari in the orm o a tortoise sits acing east' /tates situated in the central portion o his body are VediF *adraF *aandavyaF /haalvaF KhaasaF /araswatF *atsya etc' /tates which are situated in the mouth o the tortoise are VrishadhwaDF AnDanF KashaF *agadhF :raagDyotishF *ithilaF Koshal etc' 1n the right oot o the tortoise are situated states like KalingaF Banga etc' Vindhya *ountain is also situated in the right oot' /tates which are situated in the tail o the tortoise are *animeghaF KshuradriF KhanDF KonkanF :anchmadF VamanF /harkarF <hulikF Ashwakesha etc' *andakyaF <handarwarF AshwaF KalandF -horF -huratwadi are the states that are situated in the le t oot o the tortoise' #anpadas like KailashF )imalayaF KraunchF KaikayaF 0akshashilaF -andharF KharasF Yaudheya and "aDanya etc' are situated in the le t side o the tortoiseLs abdomen'L 4arayana in the orm o tortoise is that inconceivable soul in which reside all the lords o deities and constellations' 7.9.1.% The Descriptions of hadrashva *arkandeya says? LBhadraashva Varsh is situated towards the east o the great mountain Devakut' >ive more mountains are situated within its area? KauranDF /hwetaparnaF 4eelaF /haiwaal and :arnashaalagra' Bhadraashva consists o thousands o #anpadas' 4umerous rivers like /itaF /hankhavaliF Bhadra and <hakravarta lows there' :eople living in Bhadraashva Varsh are ull o radiance and they live or &555 years' 4arayana dwells in Bhadraashva in his incarnation o )ayagreev'L L4ow 1 am going to tell about Ketumaal Varsh which has seven mountains within its area? VishaalF KambalF KrishnaF #ayantF )ariparvatF VishokaF and Vardhamaan' 0here are thousands o smaller hills apart rom these seven maDor mountains where people live' 0he names o the rivers lowing at Ketumaal Varsh are VankshuyamaF /wakambhaF AmoghaF KaminiF /hyama etc' 4arayana dwells in Ketumaal Varsh in his incarnation o a boar (Varaha)'L L4ow listen about %ttarkurudesha' 0here are thousands o treesF which are ruit laden in all the seasons' Apparels are made rom the bark o the trees and ornaments rom its ruits' A ter being degradedF the residents o Devaloka take birth here' %ttarkuru has two mountains? <handrakant and /uryakant' 0he river? Bhadrasoma lows between these two mountains' 4arayana in his incarnation o
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*atsya ( ish) lives at %ttarkuru' <handradweep and Bhadradweep are the two amous islands situated at %ttarkuru'L 7.9.1.& The Description of 'impurush!"arsha *arkandeya says? L0he people residing in Kimpurush Varsh enDoy a long li e' 0hey live or &5F555 years' 0hey are never bothered by any kind o disease or sorrow' #ust behind Kimpurush Varsh is situated )ari Varsh' 0he residents o )ari Varsh enDoy an eternally youth ul li e because o the sugarcane Duice they intake' *eru VarshF which is situated near )ari VarshF is also known as 1lavrit' 1t is devoid o the light o the /un but gets su icient light rom the radiant /umeru *ountain' 1t is so bright that even the /un gets overshadowed' :eople living in *eru Varsh enDoy a very long li e or 35F555 years' /imilarly people living in "amyak Varsh sustain themselves by drinking ruit Duice' 0hey live or &5F555 years' )iranyamay Varsh is situated towards the north o "amyak Varsh where the river )iranvati lows' 0he residents o )iranyamay are power ulF rich and handsome in appearance'
Varudhini had once insulted a -andharva named Kali sometime in the past' <hancing upon the opportunityF Kali went to Varudhini take his revenge' )e had disguised himsel as a Brahmin' 8hen she saw himF she said? L1 need your protection i you heed to my reMuest then you will certainly attain virtuosity' Kali did not want her to know about his real identityF so he replied? L1 you really want my protectionF then you must have your eyes closed while having copulation'L Varudhini agreed' +is )arriage ,ith )anorama 1n due course o timeF Varudhini became pregnant' /he gave birth to a child who was named /warochi' 0he child was eHtra?ordinary' 1n a very short timeF he became pro icient in all the scriptures' (ne dayF young /warochi saw a terri ied girl near the *andaar *ountain' 8hen the girl saw /warochiF she pleaded or help' /warochi assured her and asked about her identity' /he said? L*y name is *anorama' (nce 1 had made un o a sage who was doing penance near the Kailash *ountain' At that timeF two o my companions? Vibhaavari and Kalavati were also present with me' 0he sage cursed all three o us' Vibhaavari and Kalavati got in licted with leprosy and tuberculosis due to his curse' .ven 1 was not spared' 1 am being chased by a erocious demon since then' 1 need your protection rom that demon' 1 am giving you this very power ul weapon with which you can success ully kill the demon'L /warochi took the weapon' During the conversation between /warochi and *anoramaF a demon arrived Dust then' 0he demon wanted to devour *anorama' /warochi was con usedF as he did not want the sageLs curse to go utile' )e allowed the demon to get hold o *anoramaF who then started wailing' )earing her wailF /warochi thought o killing the demon' Becoming a raidF the demon released *anorama rom his clutches and pleaded /warochi to spare his li e' )e then narrated his own story' )e said? LYou have rescued me rom sage BrahmamitraLs curse' ActuallyF my name is 1ndivaraaksha' 1 had reMuested Brahmamitra to teach him the nuances o AyurvedaF which he re used' 1 decided to learn Ayurveda while sage Brahmamitra taught his disciples by hiding mysel ' (ne dayF the sage came to know o this' )e cursed me to become a demon' 1 begged or his orgiveness' )e said? L8hatever 1 have said will de initely come true' You will certainly become a demon' A ter becoming a demonF you will try to devour your own daughter but would regain your original orm o -andharva due to the touch o Astraanal weapon with which you would be attacked' ( great soul$ /ince you have liberated me rom the curseF there oreF 1 hand over this girl to you' Accept her as your wi e' 1 will also bestow the knowledge o AyurvedaF which 1 had learnt rom sage Brahmamitra'L *anorama reMuested /warochi to cure her companions rom the diseases they were su ering rom' /warochi assured *anorama that he would certainly cure her companions with the help o AyurvedaF which the demon had taught him' Both /warochi and *anorama got married' /warochi then went to her companions and cured them rom their diseases' -,arochi(s Other )arriages *arkandeya says? LA ter getting cured rom their respective diseasesF both the companions o *anorama eHpressed their gratitude to /warochi' /warochi married both Vibhaavari as well as Kalavati' 0o show her gratitudeF Vibhaavari taught /warochiF a special art that helped him to understand the language o all the living creatures' Kalavati on the other hand while narrating her taleF said? LA demon named Ali had asked my hand in marriage rom my ather but my ather re used' 0he demon got angry and killed my ather' 1 wanted to commit suicide but /atiO the wi e o /hambhu prevented me rom doing so by saying? L You would be ortunate to become a wi e o great soul /warochi'L 7.9.2.# -,arochi(s .eproachment *arkandeya says? A ter getting marriedF /warochi started living happily along with all his three wives at *alaya *ountain' (ne dayF impressed by the mutual loveF /warochi and his wives had or each otherF a emale ruddy goose told another one? LVery rarely are ound such couples who have love or each other'L But the other emale ruddy goose did not agree' /he replied? LYou are wrong' /warochi is not a blessed man' ActuallyF he deceives all o his three wives' .ven his love or all the three wives is varied' 8hen one wi e is desirous o his loveF he embraces the other wi e' /o where is the Muestion o having
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
mutual love or one anotherN 1n comparisonF my husband and 1 are blessed because we have mutual love and respect or each other'L /warochiF who was listening to their conversationF realised how true the ruddy goose was' But stillF he did not change his ways and continued to live with his wives or &55 years' (ne day while wanderingF /warochi saw a deer surrounded by a herd o doe' (ne o the doe on having a desire to copulate with the deer started sni ing him in anticipation' But the deer became angry and said? LDo you think 1 am as shameless as /warochiN A manF who is sought by numerous beautiesF his condition becomes laughable' 4ot only does the daily routine o such a man gets disturbedF but also his behaviour is never air towards his wives'L 7.9.2.% The Origin of -,arochish )anu *arkandeya says? L/warochi became very sad a ter hearing the deerLs utterances' )e realised how lowly and mean he had become' )e decided to renounce li e a ter abandoning his wives' But this did not happen because as soon as he met themF he orgot everything about renunciation' )e continued to live with his wives' 1n due course o timeF /warochi begot three sons? ViDayF *erunand and :rabhaav' /warochi ordered the construction o three cities or his sonsF which he donated to each o them' 0he city situated towards the east was given to ViDay while the city situated towards the north named 4andvati was given to *erunand' 0he city named 0aalF which was situated in the southF was given to :rabhaav' /warochi then lived happily with his wives' (ne dayF /warochi had gone or hunting' )e saw a wild boar and adDusted his arrow on the bowstring to kill it' #ust thenF a doe arrived and reMuested him to kill her instead o killing that boar' /he said? LKill me with your arrow so that 1 get liberated rom my sorrows' 1 donLt want to live because 1 have become in atuated with such a LpersonL whose heart lies somewhere else' *y aspirations remain un ul illed' /o death is my only re uge'L /warochi was very much amaCed' )e asked? L8ho is that ellowNL 0he doe replied? L1t is nobody than you'L /warochi was puCCledF L)ow can this beN 1 am a man whereas you are an animal'L 0he doe then reMuested /warochi to embrace herF which /warochi agreed to do' As soon as /warochi embraced that doeF she got trans ormed into a beauti ul lady' /warochi was very much astonished but the doe said that? LDonLt get puCCled' 1 am the presiding deity o this orest' 1 have come to seek your help on the reMuest o the deities' 1t is your duty to help me in giving birth to a son named *anu' /warochi married her and in course o timeF she gave birth to a son' 0he whole atmosphere became Doyous and happy at the birth o that child' -andharvas started singing songs and the Apsaras danced' 0he deities showered lowers rom heaven' 0he child was so radiant that all the our directions became illuminated by his brilliance' /warochi named this child as Dyutimaan' 0his child was later on also known as /warochishF the son o /warochi' (ne dayF while wanderingF /warochi saw a swan who was telling his wi e? L4owF we have become oldF so what is the use o remaining attached to each other' 1ts timeF we must seriously start thinking o renouncing li e'L But his wi e said? L0his world is meant or enDoying sensual pleasures' .ven the Brahmins per orm Yagyas with that purpose in their mind' All the virtuous people indulge in virtuous activities with the sole desire o eHperiencing the pleasures o li e' )ow come the idea o renunciation has entered your mindNL 0he swan replied? L(ne who is not attracted towards sensual pleasures is totally devoted to -od' (ne who is attached by worldly matters can never reach -od' )ave you not seen the state o /warochiN )ow can he be liberated rom the sorrows o the world i he is not even willing to shun the attachmentsN 1 am not like /warochi' 1 know that a ter enDoying a ully satis ied li eF this is the time to renounce everything'L A ter hearing thisF /warochi was very much ashamed o himsel ' )e decided to do penance' )is wives also accompanied him' All o them ultimately went to heaven by the virtue o their penance'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
7.9.2.& -,arochish )anavantar *arkandeya says? LDuring this /warochish *anavantarF 1ndra was amously known as Vipaschit' 0he other deities were known as :aaraavat and 0ushit' 0he names o the /aptarishis who lived during this *anavantar were %rDaF /tambF :ranF DuttF AliF "ishabhF 4ischar and Arvaveera' /warochish *anu had seven sons who were very mighty and brave' <haitra and Kimpurush were two o them' 0he descendants o /warochish ruled the earth till the end o this *anavantar' Kraustuki asked? L( lord$ 0ell me about the treasures o this world'L *arkandeya replied? L-oddess Lakshmi is the presiding deity o learning (Vidya) called :admini' A ter getting per ection in this VidyaF a man becomes the master o eight types o treasures? :admaF *ahapadmaF *akarF KacchuppF *ukundaF 4andakF 4eel and /hankh' 0he treasure called :adma is pure in nature' A man who becomes the master o this treasure mainly deals in things like gold and silver etc' 4ot only heF but also his descendants derive bene its rom this particular treasure' A person who is the master o *ahapadma deals in things like pearlsF corals etc' 0his particular treasure does not abandon a man till his seventh generation' 0he treasure called *akar is 0aamasik in nature' A man who is the master o this particular treasure is basically 0aamasik by nature' /uch a man has mastery in handling over various weapons like swordsF bows and arrows etc' 0his particular wealth remains with a man only or one generation' 0he treasure called Kacchupp is also 0aamasik in nature' A master o this particular treasure enDoys all the pleasure o this world and he does not trust any person easily' 0his treasure also remains with a man only or one generation' 0he treasure called *ukunda comprises o "aDas Muality' A master o this treasure becomes pro icient in our types o musical instruments like VeenaF VenuF *ridang etc' /uch a man earns lot o money by eHhibiting his art' 0he treasure called 4andak is a combination o "aDas and 0aamas Mualities' A man who gets in luences by this treasure becomes immobile' /uch a man deals in things like metalsF DewelsF cereals etc' 0he master o this treasure is very benevolent and kind hearted' 0his particular treasure remains with a man till the seventh generation' 0he treasure called 4eel is also a combination o "aDas and /atva Mualities' A master o this treasure deals in things like clothesF cottonF pearlsF ruitsF lowers and things made rom wood' 0his particular treasure remains with a man till three generations' A possessor o this treasure is a great social worker and constructs bridgeF ponds etc' 0he treasure called /hankh comprises o "aDas and 0aamas Mualities' (nly one person can master this particular treasure' /uch a man enDoys good ood and is ond o wearing eHpensive clothes' 4ormallyF this type o man does not give shelter to other people and is constantly thinking o his own betterment' L
hybrid class' )is ancestors are degraded rom the heaven because o such type o sons' 1 am not able to per orm my religious obligations because o the absence o my wi e' ( king$ :lease help me'L 8hile searching the BrahminLs wi eF King %ttam saw a sage at a secluded place' 8hen the sage saw King %ttamF he wanted to o er some Ardhya (some type o o ering) to himF which his disciples prohibited him rom doing' 0henF the sage changed his mind and o ered his seat to the king' 0he king asked about the reason why he changed his mind o o ering the Ardhya' 0he sage replied? L0hough you are the descendant o /wayambhu *anuF but since you have committed a grave sin by abandoning your wi eF 1 decided that you are not it to be o ered the Ardhya' 4o matter how mean your wi e isF it is your duty to protect her at all costs'L King %ttam was very ashamed o himsel ' )e asked the sage about the whereabouts o the BrahminLs wi e' 0he sage replied? L)is wi e has been abducted by the demonF Balaak? the son o Adri' )e has kept her in the orest called %tpalaavat' -o and help the Brahmin to meet his wi e so that he doesnLt commit a grave sin like you' rahmin(s 0ife .eturns +ome *arkandeya says? L8hen King %ttam reached %tpalaavat orestF he saw a woman eating a /hriphal ruit' 0he king asked that woman whether she was the wi e o that Brahmin? /usharma' 0he woman replied in the a irmative and said? L0he demon abducted me while 1 was sleeping' /ince that dayF he has kept me here' 1 am very a raid o that demon'L 0he king then asked the woman about the demonLs whereabouts' 0he woman pointed towards the direction o the demonLs path' 0he king went in that direction' 8hen the demon saw the king approaching himF he bowed down in reverence and said? L( king$ 8hat can 1 do or youNL 0he king asked? L8hy have you abducted the wi e o this Brahmin'L 0he demon replied? L1 am not the demon who devours human beings' 1 devour their L lawsL' 1 have many beauti ul wives' /o where is the need o aspiring or another womanN ActuallyF the Brahmin is a very learned man and has mastered the mantras' By chanting "akshodna mantras during oblationsF he has increased my hunger by making incantations' 0here oreF 1 have abducted his wi e to prevent him rom accomplishing any Yagya'L 0he king became very sad' )e thought? L8hat a grave sin 1 have committed by abandoning my wi e$ .arlierF that sage too did not ind me it or giving Ardhya' 4owF this demon is also aware o the importance o oneLs wi e in religious ceremonies' )ow cruel 1 have been to my wi e'L 0he demon told the king? L( king$ 8hat should 1 do or youNL 0he king replied? LDevour the laws o this woman so that she becomes humble' A ter thatF carry her back home' 0he demon acted as per the instructions o King %ttam' As a resultF the BrahminLs wi e became very humble' /he said to the king? L1t seemsF there is no ault o this demon' :erhapsF 1 must have caused separation between a husband and wi eF in my previous li e and or that very reasonF 1 was orced to su er this separation with my husband in this present li e' 0he demon said? L( king$ 8hat else do you want rom meN 0he king said? LYou must be present be ore me whenever 1 remember you'L 0he demon agreed' )e carried the BrahminLs wi e to her home' The -age and 'ing /ttam *arkandeya says? LKing %ttam wondered as to what should he do to get liberated rom the sins o abandoning his wi e' )e reMuested the sage to help him in this regard' 0he sage in ormed the king that his wi e was living at "anatal' 0he king o the serpents? Kapotak is looking a ter her' Kapotak has a daughter named 4anda' Being concerned about her motherLs utureF 4anda had hidden your wi e' 0he sage became very urious and cursed her' As a resultF she became dumb' %ttamF your wi e was always a chaste woman' 1t was only due to evil in luences o the planets that she was not paying adeMuate attention to you' 4owF you should go and take her back to your home' %ttam returned back to his palace'L 7.9.3.# The irth of Auttam )anu *arkandeya says? L%ttam met the Brahmin and told him that now as he had reunited with his wi eF it was now his turn to help him (king) to re?unite with his wi e' 0he Brahmin assured %ttam that he would
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
per orm a Yagya named *itravindaF which would help him to achieve his goal' )e reMuested %ttam to bring his wi e so that the Yagya could be per ormed' %ttam remembered 4isacharF a demon and reMuested him to bring his wi e' 4isachar went to :ataal loka and brought his wi e' 0he Mueen was very happy to see her husband once again' /he reMuested him to cure 4anda who had become dumb or no ault o hers' /araswat #apa was chanted to cure 4anda' 8hen 4anda regained her voiceF she came to the oblation site and a ter embracing the MueenF blessed her by saying that she would become a proud mother o a very amous son named *anu' A ter thatF she went back to :ataal loka' 1n due course o timeF the Mueen gave birth to a son who was named Auttam by the sages' L 7.9.3.% Auttam )anavantar *arkandeya says? L( sage$ 0he ollowing -anas who reigned during Auttam *anavantar are very amous' 0hey are the irst -ana? /wadhama' 0he second -ana? /atya was related with the deities' 0he third -ana was /hivaF the ourth was named :ratardan and the i th -ana was Vashvarti' .ach o the -anas are the master o twelve deities' 1ndra by the name o /ushaanti rules all the three worlds by the virtue o accomplishing one hundred Ashwamedha Yagyas' )e along with /hiva and /atya etc' bestows peace to the world' 0he descendants o Auttam ruled the whole earth or the ull period o Auttam *anavantar' 0he /aptarishis during this Auttam *anavantar were the sons o sage *ahatapa' 0he description o this third *anavantar is now complete' 4ow 1 am going to tell you about the ourth *anavantarF which is also known as 0aamas *anavantar' L
All the our directions became illuminated and a reservoir was created' A girl mani ested rom that reservoir' A sage named :ramuchi brought that girl to his hermitage and named her as "evati' 8hen the girl became youngF the sage was very worried about her marriage' (ne dayF )utaashan revealed to him that she would get married to DurgamF the eldest son o /wayambhu *anu' (ne day Durgam arrived at :ramuchiLs hermitage' )e saw "evati and asked her? L( beauti ul lady$ <an you tell me where sage :ramuchi isN 1 have come here to pay my obeisance to him' At that timeF sage :ramuchi was busy per orming his Yagya' )earing his voiceF he came out' /eeing Durgam at his hermitageF he instructed his discipleF -autam to bring Ardhya or him' 0he sage said? LDurgam is not only a king but also my son?in?law'L Durgam was very surprised at what sage :ramuchi had said' )e asked sage :ramuchi as to how could he be his son?in?law and who was his wi eN 0he sage replied? LYour wi e is none other than the girl whom you met sometime earlier' )er name is "evati' 0hen the sage narrated the whole story how sage -arg had prophesised about "evatiLs marriage with Durgam'L Durgam started contemplating on this peculiar situation' /age :ramuchi started to make arrangements or the marriage' 8hen "evati saw the arrangements being made or her marriageF she reMuested him to get her married in "evati 4akshatra' /age :ramuchi revealed to her that this particular 4akshatra did not eHist in the sky any more' "evati then reMuested him to establish this 4akshatra in the sky' /age :ramuchi re?established "evati 4akshatra in the sky by the help o his divine powers' 0husF "evati and Durgam got married' A ter getting marriedF Durgam reMuested the sage to bless him with a mighty son' /age :ramuchi blessed him' A ter sometimeF "evati gave birth to "aivat *anu' "aivat *anu was pro icient in all the scriptures' 0he chie -anas o "aivat *anavantar were /umedhaF BhupatiF Vaikunth and Amitabhaichar' 0here were ourteen deities present in each o the -anas' 0he presiding deity o these deities was 1ndra by the name o Vibhu' 0he /aptarishis present during this *anavantar were )iranyaromaF VedshriF %rdhvabaahuF VedbaahuF /udhaamaF *ahamuniF :aryanya and Vashishta' "aivat *anu had our sons? BalabandhuF *ahaveeryaF /uyastanya and /atyak'
like %ruF KuruF /hatadryumna etc' 4ow 1 am going to tell you about the seventh *anu who was called Vaivasvat'R
his sons had driven him out o his home a ter taking all his wealth' But inspite o thisF his love or them remained intact' Both /urath and /amadhi went to sage *edha and told him that? L1nspite o our miserable conditionF we are unable to understand why we still have a ection and love or our near and dear ones even though they have cheated us'L /age *edha replied? L( king$ Due to the illusions o this worldF human beings are deeply in luenced by attachments' /oF there is nothing to be amaCed' -oddess *ahamaaya in luences the mind o each human being' /he does not spare even the most learned one' 8hen she becomes pleasedF she bestows liberation'L 0he king asked? L8ho is this *ahamaayaN :lease tell us about her'L /age *edha then told them about *ahamaaya? L( king$ -oddess *ahamaaya is beyond the reach o origin and destruction' 8hen the whole earth was submerged in water at the end o the KalpaF Lord Vishnu took re uge o Yoganidra' 8hile )e was sleepingF two demonsF *adhu and Kaitabh mani ested rom the waH o his ears' 0he demons wanted to attack Brahma' Lord Brahma got scared and sought help rom -oddess 4idra' /he mani ested rom the body o Lord Vishnu and appeared be ore Lord Brahma' Lord Vishnu woke up rom his sleep' )e saw that the demons were trying to kill Lord Brahma' )e ought with both the demons or ;F555 years' -oddess *ahamaaya in luenced the demonsL minds as a result o whichF they asked some boons rom Lord Vishnu' Lord Vishnu granted the boons to them and said? LBoth o you will get killed by me'L 0he demons said? L8e are ready to get killed on the condition that you kill us only in such a place where there is no water'L As the whole earth was submerged in waterF so the demons thought that Lord Vishnu would not be able to get a base to kill them' But Lord Vishnu severed their heads a ter making them sit on )is thighs' The Destruction of )ahishasura(s Arm* *arkandeya says? LDuring ancient timesF the deities and the demons ought a ierce battle which lasted or a hundred years' 0he deities were de eated in this battle' *ahishasura drove out the deities rom heaven and ascended the throne o 1ndra' 0he de eated deities went to seek the help o Lord BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahadev' 0hey narrated their woe ul tale to all the three deities' BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahadev became urious at the demonsL cruelty' A power ul e ulgence appeared rom the mouth o BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahadev' /imilar e ulgence appeared rom the bodies o all the deities' 0he super e ulgence was created rom the unison o all these e ulgence and a -oddess mani ested rom it' 0he deities were very pleased' All the deities presented their weapons to the -oddess' A ter thisF they hailed her name in a loud voice by chanting? LVictory be to her'L 0he -oddess laughed loudly' )er laughter shook the whole earth violently' 8hen *ahishasura heard her laughterF he proceeded towards her accompanied by a huge army' 8hen he reached thereF he was amaCed at the appearance o the goddess' )e attacked her with his armyF which boasted o mighty warriors like <haamarF <hikshurF %dagraF AsilomF *ahaahanuF VaashkalF :arivaaritF Vidaal and Kaal' 0hese demons had dangerous weapons like 0omarF /haktiF aHeF mace etc' (ne by oneF the -oddess destroyed all the demonsL weapons and launched an attack on them' 0he deep eHhalations made during the battle resulted into the creation o numerous -anas' 0hese -anas Doined the -oddess in the battle' %ltimatelyF the -oddess succeeded in killing all the demons' 0he battle ield was covered by demonsL corpses as well as carcasses o elephants and horses' 0he deities were pleased by the outcome o this battle' The Deities 3u2ogi4e Goddess hag,ati *arkandeya says? LA ter the killing o *ahishasuraF all the deities including 1ndra eulogised -oddess Bhagwati and said? L8e make salutations to her who has mani ested hersel as a result o the unison o the powers o all the deitiesF one who is revered by all the deities and the sages' *ay she bless us' 8e make salutations to that -oddess whose powers are indescribable even by Lord BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahesh' ( goddess$ :lease nurture the whole world with your love and care' 8e ind ourselves incapable o describing your grandeur and magni icence'L -oddess Bhagwati became very pleased with their devotion and asked them to demand any boon' But the deities replied? L( goddess$ By killing *ahishasuraF you have already ul illed our aspirations' 1 you
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
really want to bless usF then please appear be ore us at the time o our need' 0he goddess blessed them by saying? L/o be itL' *arkandeya says? L4owF 1 am going to tell you how -oddess Bhagwati protected the deities by killing the demons? /humbh and 4ishumbh'L 7.9.1.# Goddess 5arvati and -humbh(s )essenger *arkandeya says? LDuring ancient timesF the demons? /humbh and 4ishumbh had captured all the three worlds a ter de eating the deities' 0he deities went to -oddess :arvati and eulogised her by saying? L( goddess$ You had promised us that you would come to our help at the time o our need' 0he time has arrived'L As the deities were busy eulogising -oddess :arvatiF she was preparing to go or her bath' /he came near the deities and asked them as to who were they eulogising' /uddenlyF a divine entity mani ested rom her body and answered on behal o the deities? L0hese deities are eulogising me'L 0his divine entity was none other than -oddess /hivaa' As /hivaa had mani ested rom the cell (Koshika) o :arvatiLs bodyF she was also known as Kaushiki' Kaushiki possessed divine beauty' 0he demonsF <hand and *und happened to see her' Both o them went to /humbh and described to him about KaushikiLs beauty' /humbh wanted to marry her' )e sent a messenger named /ugreev to Kaushiki to in orm her about his intentions' /ugreev went to Kaushiki and said? LYou are so beauti ul' You are it to marry a mighty demon king like /humbh who rules over all the three worlds'L 0he goddess laughed and said? L( messenger$ 1 am ready to marry /humbh or 4ishumbh because 1 know they are very power ul but there is one problem' As 1 have taken a vow that 1 would marry only such a person who de eats me in a battle'L 0he messenger replied? L( beauti ul lady$ )ow can you ight the mighty /humbh who has de eated even the deities and who is the master o all the three worldsNL /ugreev made persistent reMuests but the goddess re used to go along with him' /he instructed him to in orm /humbh and 4ishumbh about her vow' 7.9.1.% 'i22ing of Dhumra2ochan *arkandeya says? L/ugreev went back to /humbh and narrated the whole story' /humbh became very urious and instructed Dhumralochan to bring her by orce' Dhumralochan went to -oddess Bhagwati accompanied by =5F555 demons' 1nitiallyF he reMuested her to come along with him' )e also threatened to take her orcibly i she did not accept her proposal' -oddess Bhagwati re used to go along with him' Dhumralochan angrily ran towards her' 0he -oddess made a loud roar as a result o whichF DhumralochanLs body was reduced to ashes' A ter his deathF DhumralochanLs army attacked -oddess Bhagwati' 0he mount o the -oddess? /imha killed all the demons' 8hen /humbh got the news o DhumralochanLs deathF his anger knew no bounds' )e instructed <hand and *und to go and bring -oddess Bhagwati a ter capturing her' 7.9.1.& 'i22ing of 6hand and )und <hand and *und proceeded with a huge army' At that timeF -oddess Bhagwati had positioned hersel at the peak o )imachal *ountain' /he was mounted on the back o /imha and was smiling sweetly' <hand and *und tried to enslave her but suddenlyF -oddess Kali appeared rom her mouth and erociously attacked the demons' /he devoured some o them and killed the rest' A ter seeing his huge army vanMuishedF <hand angrily ran towards -oddess Kali' *und attacked her with a range o arrowsF which in uriated -oddess Kali and she pulled <hand by his hair and severed his head by a sword' /eeing him all to the groundF *und ran towards -oddess Kali but even he was killed' 0he rest o the army retreated' A ter killing <hand and *undF -oddess Kali told -oddess Bhagwati? L1 have done my duty' 1 have killed <hand and *und' 4ow you should do the same by killing /humbh and 4ishumbh'L -oddess Bhagwati replied? L/ince you have killed the demonsF <hand and *und rom now onwardsF you will also become amous as <handika'L
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda 'i22ing of .a7tabee8 *arkandeya says? L8hen /humbh got the news o <hand and *undL s deathF he became very urious' )e proceeded to ight -oddess Bhagwati accompanied by numerous mighty warriors like %dayudhF KambuF KotiveeryaF DhumravanshaDaatF KaalakF Kaalkeya etc' 8hen -oddess <handika saw them comingF she made a loud sound by pulling the bowstring' 0he demons came near and surrounded -oddess <handika and -oddess Bhagwati rom all the sides' Lord BrahmaF Lord /hiva and Lord Vishnu became anHious' 0hey created divine entities with the help o e ulgence emanating rom their bodies' 0hese divine entities resembled -oddess <handika' 0hey instructed these divine entities to kill all the demons' -oddess <handika reMuested Lord /hiva to approach /humbh and 4ishumbh as her messenger and in orm him that they should either take re uge in the :aatal loka or be ready to die' Lord *ahadev went to the place where Katyayani was ighting the demons' 0he demons attacked her with di erent weapons but <handika gave them a be itting reply' %nable to ace the assault o the goddessesF the demons started leeing' /eeing thisF "aktabeeD came orward to ight' "aktabeeD was blessed with a boon that was i a single drop o his blood ell on the groundF this drop would create another orm o his' 0his wayF in a very short timeF thousands o "aktabeeDas covered the battle ield' 0he deities became a raid' /eeing the rightened deitiesF Bhagwati said to Kali? L( <hamunda$ (pen your mouth and drink each drop o blood coming out rom the inDuries o "aktabeeD'L A ter saying thisF -oddess Bhagwati attacked "aktabeeD with her trident' -oddess Kali drank all the blood coming out rom his wound' At lastF "aktabeeD was killed' 0he deities were pleased' -oddess Kali started to dance with erocity due to the intoHication caused by drinking o the blood' 'i22ing of 9ishumbh *arkandeya says? L8hen /humbh and 4ishumbh heard about "aktabeeDLs deathF they were in uriated' 4ishumbh attacked the goddess with a huge army' /humbh attacked rom the other side' 1n the ierce battleF -oddess Bhagwati broke the sword as well as the shield o 4ishumbh' 4ishumbh then attacked -oddess Bhagwati with his weapon? /hakti' -oddess Bhagwati broke it with her <hakra' At lastF she attacked him with her arrows at him and as a resultF 4ishumbh got inDured and ell' L 8hen /humbh saw 4ishumbhF inDured and unconsciousF he ran towards -oddess Bhagwati to kill her' -oddess Bhagwati blew her conch and made a thunderous noise by pulling the bowstring' /humbh released the dangerous weapon? %gradipti in the direction o -oddess Bhagwati' But her weapon *aholkanaamni destroyed it' /humbh thundered loudly and attacked -oddess Bhagwati with a volley o arrows but none could cause any harm to her' >inallyF -oddess Bhagwati attacked /humbh with her trident' /humbh ell down unconscious' A ter sometimeF he regained his consciousness and attacked -oddess Bhagwati with his arrows' But she destroyed all the arrows' 1n the meantimeF 4ishumbh had regained his consciousness' )e got up and attacked -oddess Bhagwati with his trident' 1n the endF -oddess Bhagwati killed 4ishumbh by piercing her trident in his heart' As 4ishumbh was dyingF an another demon mani ested rom his body' .ven he was killed by her' )er mount /imha devoured all the dead demons' 'i22ing of -humbh *arkandeya says? L/humbh became angry at the death o his brother? 4ishumbh' )e uriously told the goddess? L( wicked lady$ Do not be proud o your strength borrowed rom others'L -oddess Bhagwati replied? L( wicked demon$ 1 am the only power o this whole universe' 1 am the origin o cause and e ect' Look$ All the divinities are entering into my body'L 0he neHt momentF all the divine entitiesF which had earlier mani ested rom the bodies o the deities united with the goddess' 4owF the goddess was alone' A tremendous battle was ought between -oddess Bhagwati and /humbh' Ambika attacked him with numerous divine weapons' ButF /humbh neutralised her attack with his own weapons' /humbh covered the whole body o -oddess Bhagwati with his arrows' /he broke his bow' A ter thisF /humbh attacked her with his weapon named /haktiF which was broken into pieces by her <hakra'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
4owF /humbh took out his sword and attacked her with it' /he broke his shield and sword with her arrows' /humbh then attacked her with his mace' .ven his mace was broken into pieces' /humbh had no more weapons le t with him' )e attacked the goddess on her breast with his clenched ist' /he slapped him on his ace because o which he ell down' 0he neHt momentF he got up and mani ested himsel in the sky' 4owF a tremendous duel was ought between them in the sky' 1n the endF she dashed him on the ground and pierced the trident in his heart' /humbh was instantly killed' A ter the killing o /humbhF all the deities became pleased' 0he -andharvas and the deities reDoiced' 0he Apsaras danced' 0he whole atmosphere echoed with the sound? L/)A401 /)A401L (Let there be peace)' -totra *arkandeya says? A ter goddess Bhagwati had killed /humbhF all the deities under the leadership o 1ndra and Agni started eulogising her? L( -oddess$ Be pleased up on us$ :rotect the whole worldF as you are the goddess o this whole universe' You appear in the orm o this earth? the base on which everything is situated' Your light illuminates all the living creatures' You are the only power through which creationF nurturing and annihilation takes place' You are the BrahmaniF *aheshwari and the Kaumari' 8e salute you because you have protected us rom the terror o the demons' 8e need your protection rom all the calamities o this world'L -oddess Bhagwati was eHtremely pleased by their eulogy' /he asked them or any wish' 0he deities said? L( Akhileshwari$ 8e need your protection' <lear all the obstacles rom our path' .liminate our enemies'L -oddess Bhagwati replied? LDuring Vaivasvat *anavantarF 1 will take incarnation rom YashodaLs womb? the wi e o 4andF to kill the demons /humbh and 4ishumbh' A ter thatF 1 will kill the demon? Vaiprachit in my most aggressive orm' (ne hundred years laterF 1 will mani est mysel and would be known as /atakshi because o my hundred eyes' *y neHt incarnation would be known as /hakambhari because 1 would nurture the whole world during the period o drought' 1 will kill the demon Durgam during that drought period' 1 will kill the demon Arun? the tormentor o all the three worlds by appearing in the orm o a bee' Due to thisF 1 will be known as Bhramari' 1 will take incarnations every time the demons torment the world' hag,ati 2esses the Deities -oddess Bhagwati says? 1 will clear all the obstacles rom the path o such a man who worships me' A devotee who listens to the great tales o how 1 killed *ahishasuraF /humbh and 4ishumbhF on the eighthF ninth and ourteenth days o any monthF would be liberated rom all sins and poverty' )e would become ree rom ear' A devotee must listen to my divine tales during all the religious ceremonies like making sacri iceF worship and per orming Yagya' By doing thisF all his enemies will be eliminated' A man who remembers me when aced with dangerous situation remains protected by me'L A ter blessing the deitiesF -oddess Bhagwati disappeared rom their sight' All the demonsF which had survived a ter the killings o /humbh and 4ishumbhF went to the nether world to save their lives' hag,ati 2esses -urath and the "aish*a 0he sage says? L( king$ 1 have described in detail about the greatness o -oddess Bhagwati who is the creator o this universe' /he is the one who bestows the knowledge o sel to us' /he is the *aya (illusion) by whom the whole world is in luenced' You must take her re uge' You can achieve all the pleasures o this worldF heavenF as well as liberation'L King /urath and the Vaishya went to do their penance' 8hile doing their penanceF they chanted the mantras o Devi /ukta' 0hey made an earthen idol o Bhagwati and worshipped it by o ering lowersF Dhup etc' 0hey did an austere penance or three years implying various modes o worship' /ometimesF they observed astF the other timeF they o ered their own blood to please -oddess Bhagwati' At lastF
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
the goddess was pleased and appeared be ore them' /he said? L1 am pleased with both o you' 1 will ul il whatever you wish'L King /urath sought her blessings in regaining his kingdom rom the clutches o his enemies' )e also reMuested her to bless him with an undivided kingdom in his neHt li e' 0he Vaishya reMuested her to make him ree rom all kinds o attachments' -oddess Bhagwati said? L( king$ Very soonF you will be able to regain your whole kingdom rom your enemies' 1n your neHt birthF you would be born as /aavarni *anuF the son o /urya' You will also attain sel ?knowledge and become ree rom all kinds o attachments'L A ter blessing both o themF -oddess Bhagwati disappeared' )anavantar *arkandeya says? L( great sage$ 4ow 1 am going to tell you about the *anavantar o /aavarnF which will be the ninth *anavantar' /aavarn was the son o Daksha' During this *anavantarF there will be three prominent groups (-anas) o deities' .ach group would comprise o twelve deities' During this *anavantarF 1ndra would be known as Adbhut' 0he names o the /aptarishis o this *anavantar would be *edhatithiF VasuF /atyaF #yotishmaanF DyutimaanF /abal and )atyavaahan' /aavarn will have eight sons? DhrishtketuF BarhaketuF :anchahastaF 4iraamayF :rithushravahF AchishmaanF Bhuridruymna and Bhrihadmay'L 0he tenth *anavantar will be named a ter the tenth *anasputra o Lord Brahma' During this *anavantarF the names o two prominent groups o deities will be /ukhasin and 4iruddha' 0he total population during this *anavantar will be hundred people' 0he total number o deities during this *anavantar will also be o the same number' 0he name o 1ndra during this tenth *anavantar would be /hanti and the names o the /aptarishis during this tenth *anavantar would be AapomurtiF )avishmaanF /ukritF /atyaF 4aabhaagF Apratim and Vashishta' 0he tenth *anu would have ten sons? /ukshetraF %ttamoDaF BhurishenF VeeryavaanF /hataanikF VrishabhF AnmitraF #ayadrathF Bhuridruymna and /uparva' 0he eleventh *anavantar will be named a ter /aavarnF the son o Dharma' During this *anavantarF there will be three prominent groups o deities? VihangamF Kaamag and 4irmaanpati' .ach group would comprise o 35 deities' 1ndra would be known by the name o Vrishakhya' 0he name o the /aptarishis o this *anavantar would be )avishmaanF VarishthaF 4ischarF AnaghF VishtiF Agnidev etc' 0he eleventh *anu would have siH sons? /arvatragF /usharmaF DevaneekF :urudwahaF )emdhanva and Dhridhayu' 0he twel th *anavantar will be named a ter /aavarnF the son o "udra' 0he names o the ive prominent groups o deities o this *anavantar will be /udharmaF /umanaF )aritF "ohit and /uvarn' .ach group will comprise o ten deities' During this *anavantarF 1ndra would be known by the name o Kratadhaama' 0he names o the /aptarishis during this *anavantar would be DyutiF 0apasviF /utavaF 0apomurtiF 0aponidhiF 0aporati and 0apodhiti' 0he *anu o this *anavantar would have siH sons? DevavaanF %padevF DevashresthaF VidurathF *itravaan and *itravinda' "auchya would be the *anu during the thirteen *anavantar' 0hree prominent groups o deities would be /udharmaF /ukarma and /usharma' During this *anavantarF 1ndra would be known by the name o Divaspati' 0he name o the /aptarishis o this *anavantar will be DhritimaanF AvyayF 0atvadarshiF 4irutsukF 4irmohaF /utapa and 4ishkamp' During this *anavantarF *anu would have eight sons? <hitrasenF VichitraF 4iyatiF 4irbhayF DhridhF /unetraF Kshatrabuddhi and /uvrat'
"uchi accepted her proposal' "uchi married *aalini in the presence o sages' 1n course o timeF *aalini gave birth to a son who was named "auchya' "auchya *anavantar was named a ter him' .uchi Advised to get )arried *arkandeya says? LDuring ancient timesF the ancestors o "uchi were not pleased by his unmarried status' )e was a sage o high degree and used to have ood once a day' 0he ancestors asked him? L( son$ 8hy didnLt you get marriedN -rihasthashram holds a very important place in the li e o a man' 1t is only a ter paying his three debts (rina) that a man is entitled to become a householder' All your e orts in paying o your debts towards the deities and ancestors are useless unless you are married' Your aspirations o attaining the supreme abode would go in vain unless you have become a ather'L "uchi replied? L-etting married is the root cause o all sorrows' 1t also obstructs the upward spiritual movement o a man' 0hat is why 1 am not having any interest in getting married' )aving sel control helps a man to attain salvation'L 0he ancestors said? L0he path you have chosen would never lead you towards salvation' A man reaps the ruits o his Karmas committed in his previous lives in the orm o happiness and sorrow' An intelligent man must act in such a manner that his soul remains aloo rom his Karmas'L "uchi replied? L0he path o actions (Karma) has been described as an Avidya in the Vedas' 8hy are you pushing me towards that pathNL 0he ancestors replied? L1t is true what you have said' But at the same timeF it can be proved wrong by oneLs Karmas because Karmas are the means by which a man attains sel ?knowledge' Your belie that your actions are puri ying your soul is based on alse notions' ActuallyF by not doing your KarmaF you are only torturing your soul' Karma is very bene icial or a manLs upli tment' /oF you must get married to enDoy a bliss ul li e'L "uchi replied? L( great ancestors$ 8ho will give his daughter to a poor and an old man like meNL 0he ancestors warned "uchi that i he went against their wishesF he would ace degradation in every sphere o his li e' A ter saying thisF the ancestors disappeared' .uchi 3u2ogi4es his Ancestors *arkandeya says? LA ter the departure o his ancestorsF "uchi started wandering here and there in his restlessness' A ter sometimeF when he regained his composureF he decided to do penance to please Lord Brahma' )is penance continued or one hundred years' A ter the accomplishment o his penanceF Lord Brahma appeared be ore him and asked what he desired' "uchi eHpressed his desire o getting married as per the aspirations o his ancestors' Lord Brahma blessed him and also instructed "uchi to eulogise his ancestors so that his wishes could be ul illed'L "uchi eulogised his ancestors by chanting /totras? L1 make salutations to my ancestors who preside over the ceremony o /hraadhF who are paci ied even by the deitiesF by the chanting o /wahaF made during the ceremony o /hraadh' 1 make salutations to my ancestors who dwell in the space and in the heaven' *ay my ancestors accept the o eringsF which 1 am making in the orm o lowersF cerealsF waterF Dhup etc'L 7.9.9.# Ancestors 2ess .uchi *arkandeya says? L)ardly had "uchi accomplished his eulogy o the ancestorsF a very bright e ulgence appeared in ront o himF who were in act his ancestors' 0hey said? LDemand any boon'L "uchi replied? LLord Brahma has instructed me to enhance the process o creation' /o 1 need a wi e or that purpose' 0he ancestors said? L)ere at this very placeF you will ind a very beauti ul wi e' /he would give birth to "auchya' You too would become very amous as :raDapati because o your numerous sons and you will attain salvation in the end'L A ter blessing "uchiF the ancestors departed or heaven'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
endF the word /atya was createdF which was the grossest o all' 0hese seven mystic words related with the (mkar illustrate the gross and the subtle orms o Vivasvaan'
4&1: Manifestation of the )un (od (Aditya% and the +edas 0his chapter contains = sections'
*arkandeya says? LA ter Brahma came out rom that eggF "igveda mani ested rom his irst mouth' >rom the mouth acing southF mani ested the YaDurveda' A ter thatF /amaveda mani ested rom his mouth acing west' 1n the endF Atharvaveda came out rom the mouth acing north' 0he "igveda symbolises the "aDo -una while the YaDurveda symbolises the /atva -una' /amaveda comprises o 0amo -una whereas Atharvaveda is the miHture o /atva and 0amo -una' 0he mani estation o the Vedas had illuminated the whole atmosphere' But the mani estation o (mkar overlapped their radiance and covered all the Vedas' At lastF the radiance o the Vedas got united with that o the (mkar' 0he "igveda symbolises the orm o Brahma during the period o creation while YaDurveda symbolises Lord Vishnu during the whole period o nurturing' /amaveda is symbolical o "udra at the time o annihilation'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
youth and a li e ree rom all the deities' 8e want our king to live or &5F555 years' 0he /un god blessed them by saying? L/o be itL' A ter receiving the boonsF all o them came to the kingLs palace and narrated the whole story' 0he Mueen was very pleased but the king was worried' 0he Mueen was surprised at the kingLs sadness even a ter getting such good news' 0he king replied? L8hat is the use o remaining alive or &5F555 yearsN You wonLt be alive then' 8ill 1 be able to enDoy my li e in your absenceN 8ill not the deaths o my sonsF my grandsons and my near and dear ones make me sadN 0he boon o mysel enDoying li e or &5F555 years will actually prove to be a curse'L 0he Mueen sadly said? L8hatever you have said is true' 1 could not understand this act because o my ignorance' 4owF you must do your dutyF as the boon o the /un god is not going to go in vain' 0he king decided to go to the *ountain? :rabhriti and do penance' )e wanted to receive a boon rom /un godF which enabled all his subDects and his relatives to remain alive as long as he lived' 0he Mueen also decided to move along with the king' Both o them did an austere penance' 0he /un god appeared be ore them and blessed them' 0husF "aDyavardhan lived or &5F555 years along with his subDects'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
and who was named Bhalandan' 8hen he grew upF his mother entrusted him the Dob o looking a ter the cows' Bhalandan knew nothing about the Dob he was entrusted with' )e went to sage 4eep and told his problem' /age 4eep understood everything and taught him the nuances o handling various weapons as a result o whichF he became a master in this art' A ter thisF Bhalandan went to VasuraatF the son o :itravya and demanded his share in the kingdom o his great?grand ather' Vasuraat re used to give anything by saying? LBeing the son o a VaishyaF you are not entitled to become a king'L Bhalandan became very angry and attacked Vasuraat with a huge army' 1n this battleF Vasuraat was de eated' 4owF Bhalandan had control over the entire earth' )e returned to his atherF 4aabhaag in order to hand over the reign o the kingdomF he had won in the battle' But 4aabhaag re used to take anything by saying ? L1 have been cursed by my ather to become a Vaishya' 1 cannot go against his wishes by taking over the responsibility o a king as this would disturb the peace o my ancestors who are in heaven and even 1 would not attain liberation' 0he second thing is that you have won this kingdom by your power and strength' 1t will not be proper or me to rule over this kingdom'L /uprabhaF the wi e o 4aabhaag was listening to their conversation' /he could not stop laughing' /he said? LYou are not a VaishyaF because 1 too belong to a Kshatriya amily' During ancient timesF a king named /udev had a riend? 4ala' (ne day both o them went to the orest to hunt' 1n the orestF 4ala saw sage :ramatiLs wi e and became enchanted by her immense beauty' )e wanted to marry he and tried to orcibly abduct her' Being a chaste womanF :ramatiLs wi e started shouting or help' /age :ramati heard her screams and arrived at the site' )e became enraged when he saw 4ala trying to abduct his wi e and King /udev doing nothing to protect her' :ramati reMuested King /udev to protect his wi e rom 4ala' King /udev lied to sage :ramati about his casteF to help his riend? 4ala' )e said? L1 cannot help you because 1 am a Vaishya' You must go to any Kshatriya to take help' /age :ramati was eHasperated' )e umed? LYou will certainly become a Vaishya as you have lied to me about your caste'L
between him and the demon' 0his battle continued or three days' (n the inal day o the battleF the demon tried to take the help o his mace and went to grab hold o it' But sensing that the demon was going to pick up the maceF she immediately touched the mace as a result o which it became powerless' Being unaware o this happeningF the demon attacked Vatsapri with that powerless mace' But he could not harm Vatsapri' %ltimatelyF Vatsapri was success ul in killing the demon' Vatsapri released all three o them? /unitiF /umati and *udaavati rom the demonLs captivity and brought them back to the kingLs palace' A ter the death o the demonF /heshnaag acMuired the mace' *udaavatiLs name was later changed to /unandaF a ter that mace' King Vidurath became very pleased and married *udaavati to Vatsapri'
son who was named Vivinsha' Vivinsha was a very mighty king' During his reignF the earth had become very populated' 0he enemies o King Vivinsha were very a raid o him but his subDects were satis ied by his Dust rule' King Vivinsha had per ormed numerous Yagyas and a ter ruling or a long timeF he attained martyrdom while ighting a battle'
*arkandeya says? LKing Khaninetra went at the bank o the river -omti and started doing a severe penance to please 1ndra' A ter being pleased by his devotion and eulogyF 1ndra appeared be ore him' )e said to Khaninetra? L( king$ 1 am very much pleased by your devotion' Demand anything you wish'L 0he king replied? L( lord$ 1 you are really pleased with meF then bless me with a religious and virtuous son because 1 am a sonless person'L 1ndra blessed him by saying? L/o be itL and then disappeared' Khaninetra returned to his palace' 1n course o timeF a son was born to him' )e named the child Balaashva' 8hen Balaashva grew upF he became the king a ter the death o his ather' )e anneHed many kingdoms a ter de eating his enemies and imposed taHes on them' A ter sometimeF his enemies not only stopped paying him the taHes but also regrouped themselves and recaptured their lost territories' Balaashva had become weak due to the constant battles' )e had only the capital city in his possession and had lost the other territories' (ne dayF his enemies surrounded his capital' Balaashva became restless as he would be no match or his enemies' 1n a sorrow ul moodF he heaved deeply covering his ace by both his hands' 0he eHhaled air resulted into the mani estation o numerous valiant ightersF chariotsF elephants and horses' Very soonF this huge army covered the whole area' 0his army battled under the leadership o Balaashva' %ltimatelyF the enemies were de eated' Later onF King Balaashva became amous as Karandham because o the huge armyF which had mani ested rom between both the trembling hands o Balaashva'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/udati Vaishaalini said? L)ow can 1 become a mother without a husbandN 1 have decided that nobody eHcept Aveekshit will be my husband' But he has turned down my proposal' /oF 1 have vowed to remain unmarried in this li e'L 0he envoy said? L( great soul$ 1 have been asked not to reveal much' You must take care o your health' Due to the virtues o your penanceF you will certainly become a mother'L /udati ollowing her instructions and broke her ast'
Aveekshit demanded a valiant son or himsel as per the aspirations o his ather? Karandham' 0he deities said? LYou would get your son rom this very womanF you have rescued' 0he child would become a very mighty king a ter growing up'L Being unaware o the real identity o VaishaaliniF he told the deities? L1 had vowed to remain a bachelor but changed my decision only due to the word 1 had given to my ather' But 1 cannot marry this woman because by doing soF 1 would be breaching the trust o that woman who wanted to marry me and who had reDected everybody or my sake'L 0he deities then revealed to him that this lady was none other than Vaishaalini whom he was talking about' L/he had done a severe penance to be your wi e'L A ter saying thisF the deities disappeared' Vaishaalini reMuested him to accept her as his wi e' LYou have rescued me rom this demon' 1 o er mysel to youLF said Vaishaalini'
A ter saying thisF Aveekshit picked up his bow and arrows and went to the oblation site accompanied by his wi e'
4&1, 2ing 3arishyant 0his chapter contains + sections' *arkandeya says? LAmong the eighteen sons o *arutF 4arishyant was the eldest' *arut ruled over his kingdom or 95F5&; years a ter which 4arishyant succeeded him as the king' *arut went to the orest to do penance' A ter becoming the kingF 4arishyant decided to per orm a grand YagyaF the like o which had never been accomplished by his ancestors' 4arishyant made such huge donations to the Brahmins that it was more than enough or their uture generations to come'
(nceF 4arishyant decided to organise another Yagya grander than the earlier one' But no priest was ound to supervise it' At his repeated reMuestsF some Brahmins agreed to supervise the Yagya' But this particular Yagya was uniMue o its kind because the Brahmins played the part o host as well as that o priests' 0he Brahmins made donations to the Brahmins who were acting as priests' 1n this grand YagyaF crores o Yagyas were per ormed in all the directions o the earth at one time' 0his grand Yagya was possible only because o the wealth donated to the Brahmins by King 4arishyant' 4arishyant was such a religious and virtuous king' 4arishyant elt Doyous that due to his donationsF the Brahmins had become wealthy and at the same timeF he was also sad that his desire o per orming a grand Yagya was not going to be accomplished as the Brahmins no longer needed donations'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/umanaF the daughter o King <harusharma had chosen Dama as her husband in a /wayamvara' But *ahanandF Vayushmaan and *ahadhanu did not like her decisionF as they too wanted to marry her' All three o them decided to abduct her by orce and marry who ever among them she decided to marry with' 0heir evil intentions were corroborated by the riends o Dama' 0husF all three o them abducted /umana' Dama became angry' )e asked all the kings who were present in the /wayamvara? L0ell me whether /wayamvara is religious or irreligiousNL (ne o the kings said that certainly a /wayamvara is religious and only Dama has the right to marry /umana as she had hersel chosen him' But some other kings supported DamaLs opponents' 0hey said? L"aakshas Vivaaha is the norm prevalent among people possessing arms' (nly such a person has a right to marry /umana who has de eated his rivals'L Dama became urious with them' )e knew that they were saying such things out o Dealousy' But still he decided to accept their proposal' )e threw an open challenge by saying? LAnybody who wants to die may abduct my wi e in ront o my eyes'L A tremendous battle was ought between Dama and his opponents' At irstF *ahanand came orward to ight him with a sword in his hand' Dama showered a volley o arrows at him' All the arrows were neutralised by *ahanand' A ter thatF *ahanand Dumped and climbed on the chariot o Dama' Dama severed his head' A ter the killing o *ahanandF Vayushmaan came orward to ight Dama but his sword was broken into two pieces by the assault o Dama' Dama then killed his charioteer' A ter thatF Vayushmaan picked up his spiked mace but Dama destroyed even this mace' 1n the battleF Vayushmaan got inDured and ell on the ground' Vayushmaan Muit the idea o ighting' /eeing him reluctant to ightF Dama spared his li e' At lastF <harusharma married his daughter /umana with Dama' A ter staying or some days at his ather?in?lawLs placeF Dama returned home accompanied by his wi e? /umana'
4&1/ 2ing $ama and his Marriage with )umana 0his chapter contains + sections'
have ailed in my duty' Being a kingF it is my duty to punish the wicked people and protect the virtuous ones' But my enemy is still alive a ter committing a heinous crime' 4owF 1 will per orm my atherLs 0arpan only with the blood o Vayushmaan' 1 1 ail in doing thisF then 1 would give up my li e by Dumping into the ire' 1 will not only kill Vayushmaan but also his whole amily' 8hoever tries to help him will be put to death' .ven i the deitiesF Yama or Kuber try to help himF they will get destroyed'L
4&11 "he #enefits of 'istening to the Mar.andaya Purana 0he birds said? L( #aimini$ 0his was the wayF sage *arkandeya had narrated the divine tales to Kraustuki' A person who either studies this :uraan or listens to it achieves great accomplishment' All his desires are ul illed and he enDoys a long li e' )e becomes ree rom all his sins' *arkandeya :uraan is the seventh among all the eighteen :uraans' Listening to it helps a man to atone or all the sins committed during the period o one hundred crore Kalpas' 0he virtues attained by listening to *arkandeya :uraan are eMuivalent to the virtues attained by making donations at :ushkar or by studying all the Vedas'L
#aimini replied? L( birds$ You have enlightened my mind by narrating the tales o *arkandeya :uraan and have made it ree rom all sorts o con usion' *ay the almighty -od bless youF may you enDoy a long li e ree rom all the diseases'L
/aying like thisF #aimini went back to his hermitage'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
- .araha Purana
0his :urana consists o the ollowing && sectionsK 4arrates the tale o rescuing o the earth rom "asatal by Varaha incarnation o Lord Vishnu' 1ts contents in brie are as ollowsK? *angala charanK :raying o 4arayana by :rithvi (earth)' 0ale o the creation' (rigin o "udraF /anatkumarF *arich etc' 0ale o :riyavrata' 0ale o Dashavatar (ten incarnations)' 0ale o Dharma? Vyadha' 0ale o /uprateek and sighting o Viratroop (colossal appearance)' 0ale o -aurmukha' Karma related to /hraddha' 0ale o :raDagana' (rigin o Agni ( ire)' 0ale relating greatness o the days' -auri' Destruction o Daksha Yagya' 8edding o )ar:arvatiF -aneshaF 4agaF KartikeyaF AdityaF killing o Andhakasura' *atriganaF Katyayani' KumerF DharmaF "udra etc' and their origin' 0ale o Aruni' 0ales o the days alling in di erent months' Agastya -eeta' 0ale o /hubhvrata' 0ale o Dhanyavrat' Dialogue between 4arad and Vishnu' *ethods or eHpiation' 0ale o Agastya' -eographical description o #ambhudweepF KushadweepF Kraunchdweep etc' 0ale o AndhakasuraAs vrata etc' (rigin o Vaishnava etc'Killing o *ahishasura' "itual o Kapalik vrata' Dialogue between :rithvi and /anatkumar' Dialogue between 4arayana and :rithvi' 1n this section 1 will introduce some terminology that will be used in most o this paper' *any o these terms may be un amiliar to the readerF but they are based on sound reasoning (versus historical miscommunications)' 0ale di erentiating between sorrow and happiness' 0ale describing twelve kinds o crime' .Hpiation to destroy the sins' *ethods o Vishnu worship in the evening' Description o /anatan Dharma' Description o illusion' Description o the karma or salvation' )istory o -ridhra and /hringali' Dialogue between <handal and Brahmarakshasas' -reatness o Kokamukh' -reatness o Badrikashrama' -reatness o *athurakshetra' -reatness o /halgram' 0ale o /halankayank' -reatness o /tutswamitirth' -reatness o LohargalamF :anchar kslutraF Vishran tirth and Devavana' 8orship o Lord Vishnu at the con luence o Yamuna?/araswati' -reatness o Krishna?-anga' 0ale o /amb' -reatness o Dwadashi vrat in "ama 0irth' "ituals o installing di erent kinds o idols' Description o the origin o /hraddh' *ethods o removing impurities' *edhatithi :itrasambad' Kinds o :indsankalpa' "itual o *adhupark' Kinds o *adhupark donation' Description o the appearance o Yama' Description o the court o Yama' Description o the ate met by sinners' Description o hell' Description o the appearance o Yamadoot' Description o <hitraguptAs e ect' Directions by <hitragupt or eHpiation' 1ndications by <hitragupt o the ruits o auspicious? inauspicious karmas' Description o :ativrat' Dialogue between Yama and 4arad' -reatness o :rabodhini' Description o the greatness o -okarneshwar' -ranting o boon by 4andikeshwar' Description o greatness o #aleshwar' Description o the greatness o /hringeshwar'
8&1 'ord +arah Enlightens Prithvi 0his section contains = sections as ollowsK
tremble in ear'Lord Vishnu then trans ormed his appearance and revealed his divine orm to :rithvi so that she could become ree rom her right'8hen :rithvi saw the divine orm o lord VishnuFwho was in his meditative sleep taking rest on /heshnagFall her ear vanished'/he was eHtremely pleased to see the divine appearance o lord Vishnu and thanked her good ortune':rithviF illed with eHtreme devotion eulogiCed lord Vishnu' Lord Vishnu was eHtremely pleased by her eulogy and said?R0he answers to the Muestions you have asked are not easy to understandFbut still 1 /hall try to satis y your curiosity'0he supreme Almighty is eternal'1n the biginning o creationF.go(ahamkar) as well as the ive basic elements? spaceFwaterFearthFair and ire mani est themselves rom the supreme Almighty'/ubseMuentlyFthe great element?mahattatvaFnature and collective conciousness mani est themselves'0he collective conciousness then combines with each o the three basic Mualities?satva(pure)FraDas and tamas(dark) and eHits in three di erent states'1tLs combination with the dark Muality results into the mani estation o *ahadbrahm which is also called prakriti or nature by the enlightened ones'Kshetragya(soul) is considered to be more superior than the :rakriti'0his way the di erent permutations and combinations o all the three gunas with collective intelligence result into the creation o di erent RtanmatrasR(subtle orm o matters)'>rom the tanmatras are created the R1ndriasR or sense organs'0his is the way how the %niverse comes into eHistence'1 then create all the living creatures with the help o ive basic elements'R R1n the beginning there was nothing but empty space'/ubseMuentlyFvarious natural elements like RshabdaR(sound)FRakashR(ether)FRvayuR(air)FRteDaR(light) and Dal(water) came into being respectively ? each o the latter mani esting rom the ormer'0henF1 <reated you(earth)to provide base to all the living creatures'0he combination o earth and water resulted into an R.ggR(anda)'As the egg grew in siCeF1 mani ested mysel as 4arayan within it'During each kalpa a lotus mani ests itsel rom my navel upon which is seated lord Brahma'1 then reMuest lord Brahma to commence creation'1nspite o all his e ortsF lord Brahma does not succeed in commencing his creation'As a result he becomes urious and rom his ury mani ests a divine child who starts to wail incessantly'0he divine child is none other than "udra who is reMuested by lord Brahma to begin creation but the child being incapable o doing that decides to acMuire power by doing penance and enters into deep water'R RLord Brahma then created :raDapati rom his great toe o his right oot and :raDapatiLs consort rom the great toe o his le t oot'0he mani estation o :raDapati and his consort marks the beginning o copulative creation and thus /wayambhuva *anu is born'1n course o time population increases'0his is the way how creation takes place in each kalpa'R *other .arth reMuested lord Varah to shade some more light on the creational process as her curiosity had still not been totally satis ied'Lord Varaha replied? RAt the end o the last kalpaFwhen the whole universe was engul ed in darknessF4arayan went into his yogic?sleep'A ter waking up he ound the world devoid o any creature'4arayanFbeing the supreme Almighty?the creatorFthe nurturer as well as the annihilatorFdecided to commence creation'0he term 4arayan means one who has his abode in the water? naar means water and ayan means abode'>irst o all ive types o RavidyaR( alse knoledge) mani ested rom 4arayan? tamas(darkness)F moha(attachment)Fmahamoha(absolute attachment)Ftamisra(Dealousy) and andhatamisra(anger)'A ter the mani estation o these ive RavidyasRFcame into eHistence immovable things like mountainsFtrees etc'0hese being the primary creations came to be known as Rmukhya sargaR(main creation)'<ontinuing with his creationsFlord Brahma created species that were superior to the earlier creation?animals'0his particular creation was called R0iryaksrotaR(Muadruped)'0his way Brahma did his creation'BrahmaLs siHth creation was called /atvik sarga which consisted o the deities who were all virtuous by nature'0he creation o human beings was seventh in order and was known asRArvaaksrota sarga'.ven human beings were o three types ?those who were predominantly virtuous possessed satva guna had radiant personality and never eHperienced sorrow but those who possessed raDas and tamas gunas eHperienced sorrows'R RBrahmaLs eighth creation was called RAnugrah sargR in which he created the sages and the hermits or the benediction o the world'0he nineth creation o Lord Brahma was called RKaumar sargR(creation o adolescent beings)'/oFthese are the nine main types o creation through which Brahma creates'>irst o
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
all "udra and other deities mani ested themselves and then came into being eternal adlescents like /anakF/anandanF etc'/ubseMuentlyFall the ten manasputras o Brahma mani ested themselves? *arichiFAngiraF AtriF:ulahFKratuF:ulasyaF:rachetaFBhriguF4arad and Vashishth'R RLord BrahmaLs irst creation?"udra had mani ested himsel as Ardha narishwar(hal male and hal emale)' At the reMuest o BrahmaF"udra dismembered his emale part resulting into the creation o two distinct orms? one male and the other emale'Later onFten more "udras mani ested rom the male orm and all o them collectively came to be known as L.leven "udrasL'R
to see his divine orm with my mortal eyes' 0herea terF1 devoted my li e to the worship o /ri )ari'A ter my deathF1 attained to brahmaloka? 1 had been adeMuately rewarded or my devotion toward lord /ri )ari'Later onF1 mani ested as one o the ten manasputras o lord Brahma when he commenced his creation'1t was only because o the blessings o /ri )arithat 1 came to be regarded as Llok guruL by the masses'/o :riyavratFi you are desire o attaining salvation then you should ollow my eHample and devote your li e in the name o Lord /rihari'R :rithviFwho was listening to the tales narrated by Lord Varah with rapt attention asked him whether it was possible or anybody to see Lord 4arayan with hisEher mortal eyes'Lord Varah replied ?RLord 4arayan has taken ten incarnations in various orms such as matsya( ish)Fkachchap(tortoise)Fvarah(boar)Fnarsimh(hal human and hal lion)Fvaman(dwar )FparshuramF"amFKrishnaFBuddha and kalki'0he last incarnation?Kalki is yet to take place'A man can realiCe Lord 4arayan by having total devotion in any one o the ten incarnations' .ven the deities are incapable o this divine eHperience?what to say about humans'Lord Brahma is the mani estation o all the three Mualities o /ri )ari and actually it is )e(/ri )ari) who creates in the orm o Lord Brahma?it is )e who mani ests himsel in various natural orms like earthFwaterF ireFair and sky?it is )e who mani ests himsel in various abstract Mualities like consciousness? )e is omnipresent and the whole universe is pervaded by him'R :rithvi was anHious to know whether 4aradLs sermons had any e ect on :riyavrat and asked Lord Varah regarding this'Lord Varah replied? :riyavrat was so impressed by 4aradLs discourses that he relinMuished his throne and went to do penance a ter eMually distributing his kingdom among his sons'%ltimatelyFhe did manage to attain to the abode o lord /ri )ari by the virtue o his total devotion'
countless orms'0he whole universe is )1/ creation and ). is present in every single creature'1t is impossible or a mortal being to bear the radiance o almighty 4arayan and it is only when ). appears in his more gentle orm that the enlightened person is able to see him'0here oreFyou should engage yoursel in the service o mankindFconsidering each human being to be the medium through which lord 4arayan mani ests himsel ' Ashvashira was satis ied by the eHplanation given by both the sages but there was still one Muestion bothering him a lot soF he asked? L8ho is most likely to attain salvation?a knowledgeable person or a person who indulges in right ul deedsNL /age Kapil narrated the ollowing tale?L(nceFsage "aimya and king Vasu had asked the same Muestion to sage Vrihaspati'At that time Vrihaspati had replied that anybody who per ormed his duties with a sense o detachment is sure to attain salvation and to prove his point he had narrated the ollowing tale?LDuring ancient timesFthere lived a brahmin named /anyaman')e was the descendant o sage Atri'(ne dayFwhile he was going to take his bath he met 4ishthoor?a owlerFwho used to catch birds and animals or his livings'L /anyaman reprimanded 4ishthoor or his evil deeds and said? 8hy do you trap innocent birds and animalsN 4ishthoor replied?L0he almighty -od is present in each living creature'(ne who is desirous o attaining salvation must under no circumstances allow his ego to dominate him'0he LdoerL is not the man but the supreme Almighty present in him'Keeping this act in his mind a man should per orm his duties with nonchallance and a sense o detachment'1 1 earn my livelyhood by catching birds and animals then it is the will o almighty'L 0o prove his pointFthe owler spread his iron?net and kept dry blocks o wood underneath it and then reMuested /anyaman to ignite those blocks'/anyaman was surprised but burnt the wodden?logs as per the owlerLs instruction'1n a short time all the wodden?blocks became ablaCe and the lames startes coming out rom the thousand o small holes o the iron?net'0he owler then told /anyaman that although the lames coming rom each hole appeared to have distinct sourcesFyet the act was that the lames mani ested rom the single source?wodden blocks that were burning beneath the iron?net' 0he owler said?R1t was impossible to eHtinguish the ire untill and unless the source o the ire was eHtinguished'.ach hole o the iron?net can be compared with an individual and the almighty -od with the source o ire'A man does what -od wills and he can never eHperience sorrow provided he constantly remembers the Almighty even while he is per orming his daily chores'R /anyaman was very much impressed by the owlerLs wisdom' )aving inished his taleFsage Vrihaspati told "amya?R4ow it must be evident to you that salvation is within the reach o any individual'1t does not make much di erence whether the seeker o salvation is a householder or a hermit aspiring or knowledge'R <ontinuing with the story o AshvashiraFlord Varah told :rithvi?RKing Ashvashira was so impressed by KapilLs preachings that he went to 4aimisharanya and spent his rest o his li e in the service o lord 4arayan'(nceFwhile he was per orming yagyaFsuddenly lord Vishnu mani ested himsel rom the altar in the orm o a brilliant e ulgence and the identity o Ashvashira merged with it'0his wayFAshvashira got united with lord Vishnu by the virtue o his deep devotion'
,'&'6 King Vasu and /age "aimya %nite with /ri )ari
:rithvi was anHious to know about the e ect sage VrihaspatiLs discources had on King Vasu as well as sage "aimya'/he asked lord Varah?R8hat did both king Vasu and sage "aimya do a ter listening to the preachings o sage VrihaspatiNR Lord Varah replied?RKing Vasu was so impressed by VrihaspatiLs discources that he decided to spend the rest o his li e in the service o lord 4arayan')e appointed Viwasman?his eldest son as his successor and le t or :ushkar teerth')e engaged himsel in austere penance by chanting pundarikaksha stotra'(ne dayFwhile Vasu was chanting pundarikaksha stotraFhe eHperienced an amaCing incident?an entity whose compleHion was blueF mani ested rom his body and stood with olded hands'1n his bewildermentFking Vasu reMuested the stranger to introduce himsel ' 0he entity narrated the ollowing tale to him ? R( KingFyou were the ruler o #anasthan in your second previous birth'(nceFwhile you had gone deep
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
into the orest on a hunting spreeFyou were delighted to ind a deer which in act was none other but mysel '1n actF1 had disguised mysel as a deer and was wandering in the orest'Being oblivious o this act you had killed that dear'Later onFwhen you realiCed your mistakeFyou cursed yoursel or having killed an innocent brahmin'0o get absolved o this sinFyou had observed a ast on .kadashi and had donated a cow to please lord 4arayan'ButFinspite o all these austerities you did not attain liberation because at the time o your death you had chanted your wi eLs name whose name was 4arayani instead o 4arayan'0his blunder o yourLs had stopped you rom attaining to Vishnu loka or one complete kalpa'ButFmy revenge ul soul continued to torture your soul till it was driven out by lord 4arayanLs escorts'1t was only then that you were able to attain to Vishnu loka'R R1n your neHt birth you were born as the king o Kashmir'1 did not spare you even in that birth and possessed your body'You per ormed numerous yagyas to get rid o me but all your e orts went in vain as you had not chanted the holy name o lord Vishnu in any o the rituals that you had per ormed'ButFnow 1 was orced to abandon your body since you have been constantly chanting the sacrosanct pundarikaksha stotra'1 have also become absolved o all my sin by the virtue o listening to the pundarikaksha stotra'R King Vasu eHpressed his gratitude to the entity or shedding light on his previous births'/uddenlyFa divine aircra t descended rom the heaven and king Vasu le t or Vishnuloka mounted on it'*eanwhileFsage "aimya got the news o VasuLs ascension to heaven to VishnulokaFhe wanted to emulate the eat o his riend')e reached -aya and per ormed shraddh in the name o his ancestors')e then engaged himsel in an austere penance'/anat kumar?one o the manasputras became very pleased by "aimyaLs penance and appeared be ore him')e complimented "aimya or liberating his ancestors by per orming shraddh at -aya')e then described the virtues o per orming shraddh at -aya and narrated the ollowing tale ! R0here lived a king named Vishal who had no son'(ne dayFhe invited ew brahmins to his palace and asked them how he could beget a son'All the brahmins revealed to him that he did not have son because o the curse o his ancestors'RYou have not per ormed their shraddh soF they are angry with you and you can never beget a son unless you per ormed shraddh rituals at -aya'Vishal went to -aya as per the instruction o the brahmins')e per ormed the shraddh rituals and o ered pinda?daan in the name o his ancestors'8hile he was still per orming the ritualsFhe was amaCed to see three men descending rom the sky?one o them was o air compleHion while the remaining two were o wheatish and dark compleHion respectively'Vishal curiously asked them as to who they were'0he air? compleHioned person replied? L1 am your ather?LsitL'0he person with wheatish compleHion is my ather and the third person amongst us is my grand ather'*y ather had committed grave sins while he was alive and killing a brahmin was one the gravest sin he had committed'*y grand ather was even worst than my ather and his dark compleHion is nothing as compared to his grave sins')e had killed numerous innocent sages or no ault o theirs'All three o us have come to eHpress our gratitude as we have become liberated rom our sins by the virtue o the shraddh rituals you have per ormed'0he water which you had o ered to us while per orming the rituals have given us the ability to communicate with youFeven though we are spirits'L A ter inishing his taleF /anat kumar told sage "aimya that -aya was supreme among all the places o pilgrimage and the virtues o per orming shraddh overthere is incomparable'/age "aimya dedicated rest o his li e to the worship o lord -adadhar'At lastFlord -adadhar appeared be ore him'/age "aimya reMuested the lord to give him a place in his abode which was dwelled by sages like /anak and /anandan'Lord -adadhar blessed him by saying?L/o be it'L0his wayFsage "aimya attained enlightenment with the blessings o the merci ul lord -adadhar and ultimately attained to the divine abode o lord Vishnu'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
variety delicacies to him as well as his whole army' DurDay wanted to have chintamani diamond at any cost and there ore sent his minister?Virochan to persuade -aurmukh to part with that diamond'-aurmukh became urious a ter coming to know about the evil intention o DurDay and told Virochan to ask DurDay to leave at once'ButF-aurmukh knew Muite well that the greedy DurDay would not give up so easily and would de initely try to acMuire chintamani by orce'/oF he reMuested chintamani diamond to create a huge army' *eanwhileFDurDay ordered his chie ?commanderFnamed 4eel to bring chintamani at any cost'4eel proceeded with a large number o soldiers'A ierce battle took place between both the armies in which 4eel was killed and his army got vanMuished'>inallyFDurDay himsel came orward to ight but even he was de eated' 1n the meantimeF)etu and :rachetu got the news that their son?in?law was in trouble'Both o them proceeded with a huge army to help their so?in?law'ButFthey were no match or the might o their adversary and both o them eventually dieed in the ensuing battle' *eanwhileFsage -aurmukh ound DurDay standing at the entrance o his hermitage with a small number o surviving soldiers')e sought the help o lord VishnuFwho appeared within no time'-aurmukh reMuested him to punish DurDay or his evil intention'Lord Vishnu severed DurDayLs head with his sudarshan chakra'0he place where DurDay was killed later on became amous as 4aimisharanya'/age -aurmukh continued to live at 4aimisharanya without any problem'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
8&* "he Manifestation of +arious $eities 0his section contains &= sections as ollowsK
During tretayugaFthere lived a king named :raDapal'(nceFwhile he was on his hunting spreeFhe entered into a dense orest')e was delighted to see a dear who started running or itLs li e a ter hearing the noise' :raDapal let his horse loose in the direction o the running dear'/age *ahatapa had his hermitage in that orest'8hile chasing that dearF:raDapal arrived at the hermitage o *ahatapa'Being curiousFhe entered the hermitage and saw sage *ahatapa'0he sage treated his guest with all the respect and o ered him ruits to eat'A ter the ormalities were overF:raDapal reMuested *ahatapa to describe the appropriate way o contemplating on the various orms o lord 4arayan which gave salvation to a man' /age *ahatapa replied?R0he Vedas proclaim that all the deities owe their eHistence to lord Vishnu?AgniFAshwini kumarF-auriF-aDananF/heshnagFKartikeyaFAditya -anasFDurgaFall the =6 matrikasFKuberF VayuF YamaF "udraF<handramaF:itra -anasFetc'have originated rom lord /ri )ari'All the deitiesFalthough appearing to to have distinct identityFare in act inseparable rom lord Vishnu'R
,'3'& Agni
R8hen Agni mani ested himsel rom BrahmaLs angerFhe reMuested him(Brahma) to assign an auspicious day to him or his worship'Lord Brahma said?L/ince you have mani ested irst o all the deitiesFthere ore the irst day(pratipada) will be reserved or your worship'(ne who per orms havan on pratipada would be blessed'R
knowledge o ayurveda will be unmatched in the world'L1t was LdwitiyaL(second day) when lord Brahma had blessed both the Ashwini kumars'0his is the reason why this particular day is the reason why this particular day is deeply attached with the worship o Ashwini kumars'L
belly'/uddenlyF lord Brahma appeared and reMuested lord /hiva by saying?LYou should make this divine childFwho has mani ested rom your mouthFthe lord o all these Vinayakas'0husFlord /hiva made -anesh the lord o all the Vinayakas and blessed him?LYou will be the irst deity to get worshipped in any ritual'L <haturthi has deep association with the worship o lord -aneshFas it was on this very day that he had mani ested himsel ')aving prasadFprepared rom sesame seeds and worshipping lord -anesh on this day is believed to bring great auspiciousness'A devotee who worships lord -anesh on chaturthi never eHperiences any kind o obstacle in his work'
,'3'= Kartikeya
Describing KartikeyaLs mani estation and how his worship got associated with the auspicious day o shashthiFsage *ahatapa told king :raDapal?(nceFa ierce battle was between the deities and demons in which the deities got de eated'0he reason behind their de eat was the absence was the absence o an able commander who could lead them'0he deities went to seek the help o lord Brahma'Being unable to solve their problemFlord Brahma took the deities to lord /hiva' Lord /hiva invoked L/haktiL present within his body and thus mani ested lord Kartikeya')e was named a ter the siH LKritikasL who had nurtured him by eeding their breast milk'Lord shiva then made Kartikeya the commander o the deities on the auspicious day o shashthi'%nder his able leadershipFthe deities inally managed to de eat the demons' A devotee who worships lord Kartikeya on shashthi enDoys prosperity and gets all his desire ul illed' A childless couple must worship on this auspicious day to get blessed with a son'
lord Brahma' Being tormented by AndhakasurFall the deities went to seek lord BrahmaLs help'Lord Brahma took the deities to lord /hiva who agreed to kill the wicked demon?Andhakasur' 0he battle commenced and a ierce dual ight broke out between Lord /hiva and Andhakasur'/hiva attacked Andhakasur with his trident'/tream o blood ooCed out rom the woundFbut to /hivaLs utter amaCement each drop o blood alling on the ground resulted in into the creation o numerous Andhakasuras'1n a short time the battle ield was overcrowded with countless Andhakasuras'4owF/hivaLs anger crossed all limits and he thundered loudly'>lames emanated rom the mouth o enraged /hiva resulting into the mani estation o goddess LYogishwariL'/imilarlyFseven more goddesses mani ested themselves rom di erent deities? Vaishnavi rom lord VishnuFBrahmi rom lord BrahmaFKaumari rom KartikeyaF*ahendri rom 1ndraFYami rom YamaFVarahi rom lord Varah and *aheshwari rom lord 4arayan'All these eight goddesses came to be known as L*atrikasL and lord assigned them the auspicious day or their worship'A devotee who worships these eight matrikas on ashtami are blessed'0he use o LbaelL(wood?apple) ruit on this day has great signi icance'
,'3'&& Kuber
<ontinuing with the tales o the mani estation o various deitiesFsage *ahatapa said?R1n the process o doing his creationFlord Brahma bellowed as a result o which Kubera mani ested himsel 'Lord Brahma assigned kubera the lordship o all the wealth and prosperity'1t was LekadashiL when Kubera had mani ested himsel Fso this particular day has deep association with his worship'(ne who observes a ast on the auspicious day o ekadashi never lives in poverty'R
the /un and *oon adorn your person in the orm o shrivatsa and kaustubh diamonds'*ay -aruda be your mount and goddess LaHmi your consort'*ay people desirous o salvation worship you on the auspicious day o dwadashi'(ne who worship you on this day will de initely attain to the heaven'L
,'3'&3 Dharma
/age *ahatapa then told king *ahapal about the mani estation o Dharma and the signi icance o trayodashi?LDharma mani ested himsel rom the right part o almighty -od and appeared like a bullock' 0he almighty -od instructed him to protect the mankind rom all evils and sins'All the our eet o Dharma signi ied our various virtues?truthFpurityFpenance and charity'1n satyayugaFDharma was our ooted?all the our virtues were prevalent during that era'1n treta yugaFthe eet reduced to three'0he subseMuent eras o dwapar and kaliyuga saw the urther decline in virtuosity in which Dharma had two eet and one oot respectively'L L(nceFa ierce battle was ought between the deities and demons'0he bone o contention was a woman or whom both the side made claims'Dharma intervened and solved the contentious issue to the satis action o both the warring sides'Lord Brahma was very impressed by the de tness with which Dharma had handled such a tough situation and blessed him by saying?1 am assigning the auspicious day o tryodashi to you'(ne who observes a ast and worship you on this day will be liberated rom all his sins'L
,'3'&; 0anmatras
Describing the importance o amavasyaFsage *ahatapa told :raDapal?R(nceFwhile lord Brahma was Dust about to commence the process o creationFsuddenly LtanmatrasL(subtle orms o matter) revealed themselves rom his mind'All o them being eHtremely virtuous were eager to go up in the sky to do penance byt lord Brahma reMuested them to become the LpitrasL(ancestors)o the human beings'All the tanmatras then reMuested Brahma to make arrangement or their sustenance'Lord Brahma blessed them by saying?L1 assign to you the auspicious day o amavasya'Anybody who per orms the rituals o LtarpanL(libation) on this day would become absolved o his sins'You would sustain yourselves on various things like waterFsesame seedsF and kusha grass which are o ered by human beings to their ancestors on this day'A
,'3'&= <handra?*a
Describing the importance o purnima sage *ahatapa said?RDaksha :raDapati had cursed <handramaFhis son?in?law or maltreating his daughters'As the allout o that curse <handrama started waning day by day and eventually became invisible on amavasya'All the deities became worried and
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
went to seek lord VishnuLs help'Lord Vishnu advised them to get the ocean churned'8hile the ocean was being churnedF<handrama once again mani ested himsel rom the ocean'Lord Brahma then assigned the auspicious day o purnima to him and blessed him'A devotee should observe a ast on purnima and worship <handrama or the attainment o kowledgeFprosperity aswell as salvation'
8&, Austerities 6elated with 'ord +ishnu<s 7ncarnations 0his section contains &5 sections as ollowsK
should donate the idol to a brahmin'A devotee who observes a ast on this day gets all his wishes ul illed and attains to Brahma loka'
,'6'2 Dharni?Vrata This particu)ar austerit* is obser,ed in the hindu month of Karti21The ritua)s commence b* /orshippin' ,arious or'ans of )ord !ara*an amidst the chantin' of different mantras /hich are as fo))o/s4
om sahastra shirse namah ? head om purushay namah ? arms om vishwa rupine namah ? throat om gyanastray namah ? weapons om shri vatsaaya namah ? chest om Dagad grasishnave namah ? abdomen om divya murtaye namah ? waist om sahastra paday namah ? eet' /imilarlyFsrikrishna dwadashi is celebrated in the hindu month o AshadhFshukla? paksha'A devotee should worship lord Krishna on this day and observe a ast'
om damodaray namah ? eet om hrishikeshay namah ? waist om sanatanay namah ? abdomen om shri vatsadharine namah ? chest om chakrapanaye namah ? arms om haraye namah ? throat om manDu keshay namah ? head om bhadray namah ? top?knot(shikha)'
A ter the accomplishment o the ritualsF the idol should be donated to a brahmin'
8&/ )ome =ther Austerities 0his section contains &5 sections as ollowsK
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
,';'& /hubh?Vrata
0his particular austerity on the irst day o the hindu month?margashirsh'1t is related with the worship o lord Vishnu and the rituals have some special characteristics?having one meal on the eleventh day o the month(ekadashi)Fdonating barley to brahminsFworshipping the idol o goddess :rithvi on LekadashiLF etc'0he austerity concludes on dwadashi' (n ekadashiFgoddess :rithvi is also worshipped alongwith lord Vishnu'Both the idols are installed side by side and covered with white clothes'A ter that some rice grains are scattered in ront o both the idols' As per the norms o the ritualsFa devotee is reMuired to remain awake or the whole night'4eHt morningFhe should invite twenty? our brahmins and eed them')e should also donate a cowFapparelsFornamentsFan umbrellaFwoodden sandle and similar articles to them'A devotee who observes a ast on this auspicious day enDoys prosperity'
,';'+ Dhanya?Vrata
0his particular austerity is a orm o Lnakta?vrataLFwhich means observing ast or the whole day and breaking it in the night'0he austerity commences on the irst day o the bright hal o the hindu month? aghan and lasts or a year'"ituals include worshipping Agnideva?an embodiment o lord VishnuFchanting o certain mantras praising the glory o the deity and per orming LhavanL'0here are speci ic instructions on the type o ood a devotee should have during the course o this austerity? or our months(chaitra to ashadh) he should have delicacies like LkheerL seasoned in pure ghee'>rom shravan to kartik he should have ood?items prepared rom gram? lour' 0his wayFthe austerity lasts or one year whereby a devotee observes ast on the irst day o every month that ollows'0he austerity concludes by worshipping an idol o lord Agni made o gold'0he idol is adorned with a piece o red?cloth and red? lowers are o ered to the deity while worshipping'A ter the rituals are accomplishedFthe idol should be donated to a brahmin'0he observance o this particular austerity brings good ortune to a man and makes him prosperous'
,';'3 Kanti?Vrata
0his austerity is related with the worship o sri Krishna and Balaram'1t commences on the second day o the bright hal o the hindu month?kartik and lasts or a year whereby a devotee observes ast on the second day(bright hal ) o every month that ollows'8hile worshipping BalaramaFa devotee should chant?Lom baldevay namahLand while worshipping sri Krishna he should chant?Lom keshavay namahL' /ubseMuentlyFLardhyaLis o ered to both the deities'A devotee should have ood prepared rom barley? lour in the night but those devotees who have resolved to observe this austerity or our months beginning rom L algunL should live only on LkheerL'( erings o rice and sesame seeds are made in the sacri icial? ire during the months o LaghanL and LkartikL respectively' 0he rituals conclude by worshipping the deity L<handramaLat the end o the year'>inally all the three idols (sri KrishnaFBalram and <handrama) should be donated to brahmins'A devotee who observes this austerity is bestowed with a charming personality'
,';'6 /aubhagya?Vrata
0his austerity commences on the third day o the bright hal o the hindu month? algun and lasts or a year whereby a devotee observes ast on the third day(bright hal ) o every month that ollows'According to the tradition a devotee can either worship L/hiva?:arvatiL or L/ri )ari?LaHmi on this auspicious day' 8hile worshippingFthe devotee should chant the ollowing mantras?om gambhiray namahF om saubhagyay namahFom devdevay namahFom trinetray namahFom vachaspataye namahFom rudray namahFetc'(ne important eature o the rituals is making o erings o honey and ghee to the sacri icial ire'During the course o the ritualsFa devotee should have ood prepared rom pure cereals pre erably wheat' A ter the rituals are accomplished at the end o the yearFthe idols should be donated to brahmins'(ne who observes this austerity is blessed with good ortune in his successive seven births'
,';'; Avighna?Vrata
As the name impliesFthis austerity clears all the obstacles aced by a man'1t commences on the ourth day o the bright hal o the hindu month? algun and lasts or our months whereby a devotee observes ast on the ourth day(bright hal ) o every month that ollows'(ne important characteristic o this
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
austerity is the importance and use o sesame seeds in itLs rituals'1t is not only the chie constituent o the diet but it is also o ered in the sacri icial ire and donated to the brahmins as well'A ter observing this austerity or our monthsFa devotee should conclude it by worshipping lord -anesh in the i th month and donating the -anesh?idol to a brahmin alongwith ive pots illed with sesame seeds'8hile worshipping lord -aneshFhe should chant the ollowing mantras?om shooray namahF om dhiray namahFom gaDananay namahFom lambodaray namahFom ekdanshtray namahFetc'A devotee thus becomes ree rom all kind o obstacles and all his wishes are ul illed'
,';'= /hanti?Vrata
0his austerity commences on the i th day o the bright hal o the hindu month?kartik and lasts or a year whereby a devotee observes ast on the i th day(bright hal ) o the every month that ollows'1t is related with the worship o lord Vishnu and /heshnag'A devotee should abstain rom hot and spicy ood during the course o this austerity'Lord VishnuLs idol is puri ied by chanting mantras and by per orming ablution with milk'( erings o sesame seeds and milk are made in the sacri icial ire'A ter the accomplishment o the rituals at the year endFbrahmins are invited and ed'>inallyFthe idol o /heshnag is donated to one o them'A devotee who per orms this austerity becomes ree rom all kinds o turbulence in his li e and eHperiences peace and tranMuility'
,';'9 Kaam?Vrata
0his austerity is related with the worship o lord Kartikeya and is observed in the bright hal o the hindu month?pausha'(n the siHth day o this monthFa devotee is eHpected to live on nothing else but ruits'Lord Kartikeya is also known by several other names? /hadananF/enaniFKritikasutFKumarF/kandFetc' 0he austerity concludes by eeding the brahmins at the year end and making donations to them'A devotee who observes this austerity gets all his wishes ul illed'
,';', Aarogya?Vrata
0his austerity is related with the worship o lord /urya 4arayan who is also known by several other names like AadityaFBhaskarF"aviFBhanuFDiwakarF:rabhakarFetc'A devotee should observe a ast on the seventh day o any month and worship lord /uryanarayan'0he ast should be broken on the neHt day? ashtami'A devotee can continue this ritual or one year ollowing the above mentioned rituals' A devotee who observes the rituals o this austerity becomes ree rom all kind o diseases and enDoys a healthy li e'
curd'*aking sacri ices in the name o all the ten directions are the inseparable part o this austerity'A devoteeFwho observes this austerity lasting or a year remains invincible in whatever he does'
8&4 )acred Places of Pilgrimage 0his section contains &, sections as ollowsK
bath'8e became anHious and started searching or you when you did not return till evening'R R0he hermit was bewildered by the turn o events as he was aware o every incident that had occured')e was also well aware that he had spent i ty years as nishad?woman but according to the statements o hermits he had been absent only or ew hours'0he hermit was totally con used about his real identity'1(lord Varah) elt pity on his miserable condition and decided to li t my magic spell'1 asked him whether his wish o witnessing my divine powers had been ul illed or not'0he hermit eulogiCed me and agreed that it was impossible or any mortal to understand the ways o Aimighty'1 then blessed him and trans ormed him into /omsharma once again'R /uch is the grandeur o *ayapuri?the sacrosanct place where lord sri )ari has mani ested his divine powers'A devotee who goes on a pilgrimage to *ayapuri never gets entangeled in the worldly illusions'
,'9'6 Badrikashram
<ontinuing with his taleFlord Varah told :rithvi?R0here is a sacred place in the )imalayas which is very inaccessible'1t is amously known as Badrikashram and holds an important place among all the holy places'(ne who makes a pilgrimage to that place gets all his wishes ul illed'0here is a reservoir at the mountain top called Brahma kund'(ne who observes ast or three consecutive nights and takes a holy dip in that reservoir attains virtues similar to RAgnishtom yagyaR'(ne who takes his last birth in itLs vicinity certainly attains to my abode'0here are several other holy places in the vicinity o Badrikashram like Agnisatya padF 1ndra lokaF/atya lokaF<hatuhsrotaFVed dharFetc'Ved dhar is the same place where the vedas had mani ested rom lord BrahmaLs mouth'
believed to liberate a man rom all his sins'1n course o time this place became amous as /omeshwar linga'
,'9'&& Dvaraka
Lord Varah told :rithvi?R0here is a holy place called L:anchsarL in Dwarka'Anybody who stays there or siH days and takes holy dips in L:anchasarL enDoys all the pleasures o li e'Dwarka is situated at the sea? shore and the crocodiles living there never trouble people taking their bath'0hese crocodiles also have one uniMue characteristic?they never eat anything that is o ered to them by a sinner but unhesitatingly accept anything rom a virtuous person'0here are several other holy places in and around Dwarka?
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
:anchpindF)anskundaF)ansteerthF<hakrateerthF"aivatakF Vishnu?sankaramFetc'Vishnu sankaram is the very place where 1Fin my incarnation as Krishna would be killed by a hunter named #ara'
,'9'&6 *athura
Describing the maDesty o *athuraFlord Varaha told :rithvi? R*athura is very dear to me because this is the very place where 1 shall be taking incarnation as Krishna'*athura is the most sacro?sanct place and no other holy place can be compared to it' 0here are many other holy places in and around *athura? VishrantiF /urya teerthFKoti teerthFVayu teerthFetc'.ach one o them has itLs own religious signi icance'A holy pond named LVatsa?krindanL lies in *athura region'Anybody taking a holy dip in that holy pond is certain to attain to the abode o LVayuL'1n the vicinity lies VrindavanFthe holiest place which would be witness to many o my divine plays'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
-okarna assured them that he would convince the king to abandon his evil plan i he got a chance to meet him'0he divine women then provided -okarna with a divine aircra t boarded on which he reached *athura'-okarna met the king and managed to convince him against destroying beauti ul gardens'0he king was eHtrtemely impressed by his knowledge and presented great amount o wealth to him'0his way all the divine women became happy once again'R R-okarna then went home and met his amily members')is parents and his wives were very pleased to see him'-okarna then got constructed a shukdev temple to honour his saviour?the learned parrot'1t was only because o that parrot that he could acMuire such wisdom and knowledge'0o eHpress his gratitude to the owler he donated all the virtues he had acMuired by taking bath in the holy con luence(triveni) because had it not been or the owler he would never have got the knowledgeable parrot'-okarna lived happily or a long time'R
R0he best time or the installation o copper idol is said to be during LchitraL nakshatra'0he idol should be installed acing north and should be puri ied with the help o holy waterF panchagavyaFetc'0hen the deity is invoked to dwell within the idol'0he invocation is made by chanting sacred mantras'4owFthe idol is it to be worshipped'0he rituals are same as mentioned earlier'R
8&9 6ituals Pertaining to 'ast 6ites 0his section contains 6 sections as ollowsK
R4imi remembered his ather who had died long ago')is ather revealed to him that the rituals which he had per ormed were in act the rituals o Lpitra?yagyaL'Describing the importance o pitra?yagya 4emiLs ather told him? L0he name pitra?yagyaL was given by none other than lord Brahma himsel who was the irst one to per orm the rituals'Later onFlord Brahma had described the rituals to 4arad and this is why 4arad was convinced that you had committed no wrong'4emiLs ather then described as to what should be done with regard to the person who lay dying? L8hen the death approaches a person looses his consciousness and becomes eHtremely ear ul'At that timeFa brahmin should constantly study the scriptures so that he could die in peace'Donating a cow helps to paci y the soul o a dead person'1 sacred mantras are whishpered in the ears o a dying person he dies peace ully'8hen the death seems imminentFa morsel o L*adhuparkL(miHture o curdFwaterFhoney and clari ied butter) should be kept in the mouth o the dying person'8hile doing this one should pray to the almighty to liberate the dead manLs soul'L L0he dead body should then be carried and kept under a tree where it is puri ied by smearing gheeFoilFper umesFetc'1t is then carried to creamation ground and kept at the bank o a river? eet pointing towards south'A ter thisFthe dead body should be bathed by remembering all the sacred places o pilgrimage'1t should then be kept on the pyre? eet pointing south'0he pyre should be lit and the ollowing prayer should be said?( Agnideva$1 pray to you to burn all the sins committed by this person so that he attains to heaven'4owFcircumambulation around the pyre is made and the pyre is lit towards the head side'L LA ter consigning the dead body to lamesFthe rituals o LtarpanL and Lpinda?daanL are per ormed'All the people assembled there should puri y themselves be ore returning home'0he period starting rom the time the dead body is consigned to lames till the neHt ten days is called LAshauchaL'1t is applicable to all the relatives coming rom the same gotra o the deceased'L
Donating things like an umbrellaF clothesF cerealsF ornaments to the brahmins are believed to be auspicious'
impossible or anybody to tresspass its territory' 1 saw sinners eHperiencing unbearable torture over there' 1 also saw couple o rivers lowing there??:ushpodakaF at the bank o which there are trees in abundance and VaivaswatiF which lows through the central part o Yamapuri' Vaivaswati contains divine water which never dries up' Yamapuri has two entrances???one through which only virtuous souls like sages and hermits are allowed to enter and the second through which sinners enter Yamapuri' 0he ormer entrance is such that even heat loses its Muality in its vicinity' 0he latter entrance is situated in the south and has a large iron gate' 1 also saw three large ditches called LAudoombarLF LAvirchimanL and L%chchavachL which are meant or the sinners' /inners are also orced to pass through the lames that continuously keep on errupting to the west o Yamapuri' R1 saw a grand assembly hall where truth ul and virtuous people live' 1t is graced by the presence o sages like *anuF VyasF AtriF -autamF AngiraF Bhrigu and others' 0hereF 1 saw a goddess who is worshipped by YamaraD' 0he goddess controls all the unctions o the world' 1 also saw the erocious Kala' )e possesses eHtreme anger and is very power ul' 0ime does not have any in luence on him as the result o which he enDoys eternal youth' 1 also saw various types o demons and giants in the hell'R 1 saw many messengers o YamaraD punishing the sinners' /ome were beating the sinners with sticks in their hands while some sinners were being orced to enter ire' 1 saw all the sinner wailing and repenting or their sin ul deeds' *any sinners were kept at a very dark place where there was no light' 0hose who had committed graver sins were put in boiling oil' 1 saw many sinners being given all sorts o severe punishment' 1 saw a place where iron nails were spread all around' 0his was the place where people who breached the modesty o women were given punishment'R R1 saw ten di erent hells??0aptaF *ahataptF "auravF etcO .ach o the latter is more erocious than the ormer' 0he sinners are sent to all these hells on the basis o the gravity o their sins' YamaraD himsel instructs chitragupta on the punishment to be given to these sinners'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
,'&&'& -okarneshwar
0he amous battle o L0arakamayaL had ended' 0he deities a ter having de eated the demons had once again regained the control o heaven' Lord Brahma being satis ied with the postive outcome o the war was engrossed in his meditation when /anat Kumar arrived and asked??R( Lord$ 1 am anHious to know about the origin o three amous /hiva lingas??%ttar?-okarnF Dakshin?-okarn and /hringeshwar' 8hat made Lord /hiva to take the orm o a deer (-okarn)N :lease enlighten me on all these subDects'R Lord Brahma replied??0he northern peak o *andarachal mountain is amously known as *unDawan' 0his place is divinely beauti ul and the stones and rocks over there glitter like diamonds' 1t has many riversF lakes and springs' 0he atmosphere overthere is so serene that even the deities are tempted to have their abodes at that place' 0his sacred place is graced by the presence o L/thanu *aheshwarL' 4andi?? the lord o all the -anas o /hivaF was a virtuous brahmin in treta yuga' (nceF he did an austere penance to realiCe lord /hiva' 0he penance lasted or one thousand years' At last Lord /hiva became pleased and appeared be ore him' Lord /hiva blessed 4andi with an appearance similar to him(/hiva)' Lord /hiva said?? >rom today onwards you will be blessed with three eyes Dust like me' You will be worshipped by the deities and demons alike' You will be immortal and time and age will have no e ect upon you' You are being granted with the lordship o all my -anas' 1t will be your duty to stand guard at the entrance o my dwelling place' Lord /hiva then in ormed 4andi that in a short time the deities would be visiting him(4andi)' Due to some reason Lord /hiva had pledged not to give deities an opportunity to see his physical orm' /oF a ter blessing 4andiF /hiva disappeared and went to live in /leshmatak orest in the orm o a deer' 4andi was unaware o this act'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*eanwhileF a ter being blessed by /hivaF 4andi had attained a divinely radiant orm' 8hen the deities saw 4andi possessing three eyes instead o twoF they immediately understood that this could not have happened without the blessing o Lord /hiva' All the deities arrived at *unDawan peak and reMuested 4andi to reveal /hivaLs whereabouts' 4andi eHpressed his helplessness and told them that he was not aware where /hiva went a ter blessing him' )e reMuested the deities to ind out /hiva on their own' 0he deities searched or /hiva in all the three worlds but could not ind him' 1 (Lord Brahma) was also present in the search?team o the deities'1 sat down to meditate' 1n the deep state o meditationF 1 came to know that /hiva was living in the orm o a deer in sleshmatak orest' 1 revealed this act to the deities' All the deities then went into the sleshmatak orest and recognised /hiva living in the orm o a deer' 0he deer (/hiva) had one horn on its head' All the deities ran towards the deer with the desire o catching hold o it' 1ndra held the topmost part o the horn with a irm grip while 1 (Lord Brahma) held its middle portion' /imilarlyF Lord Vishnu held the lower part' Very soonF the horn got uprooted because o the orce which was being applied on it' Lord /hiva vanished out o our sight' 8e were le t behind with three pieces o horn in our hands' 8e cursed ourselves or our bad luck' /uddenlyF we heard /hivaLs voice instructing us to install those pieces o horns at that very place and worship them' 0he upper part o the horn become amous as %ttar -okarnF while itLs middle portion became amous as Dakshin -okarn' 0he part o the hornF which Vishnu installed became amous as L/hringeshwarL' All these three places have incomparable religious signi icance and are situated in 4epal' /leshmatak orest is situated at the distance o + miles rom the amous :ashupatinath temple'R /anatkumar thanked Lord Brahma or enlightening him on these secret topics'
narrated the incident as it had happened ??? During ancient timesF /age -autam did an austere penance in Dandakaranya orest' Lord Brahma became pleased and gave him some divine seeds capable o producing eternal crops' -autam then went to /aptashring mountain and made his hermitage there' )e sowed the seeds and became pleasantly surprised when he saw rice grains sprouting up withiin ew moments' )e lived there happily with his disciples' 1n course o timeF the whole country was struck by amine eHcept the place where -autam had his hermitage' (ne dayF ew sages arrived at -autamLs hermitage' -autam treated them with all the respect' 0hese sages enDoyed the hospitality o -autam and stayed at his hermitage till the amine phase was over' 0hen they decided to go back to their respective native places' 8hen they sought -autamLs permissionFhe reMuested him to stay or ew more days' 0he sages then decided to use deceit ul means or taking -autamLs permission' 0hey created a super icial cow with the help o their illussionary powers and le t it near the hermitage o -autam' -autam was very pleased to see that cow' )e eulogised it by sprinkling water on it' )ardly had he inished his act than the cow died' All those wicked sages arrived there and cursed -autam or killing an innocent cow' 0hey told him that they could never live along with a person who had killed a cow' -autam then reMuested those impostors to tell about the means by which he could become absolved rom the heinous sin he had committed' 0he sages told him that the cow would become alive once -anga water was sprinkled on its body' -autam once again did a tremendous penance to please Lord /hiva' 8hen lord /hiva appearedF he reMuested him to give a lock o his hair' Lord /hiva agreed to give a lock o his hair to -autam' -autam then went to the spot where the cowLs body was lying' )e sprinkled some water emanating rom the hair' 0he illussionary cow disappeared within a moment and in its place was created a river' "ight thenF the sapta rishis arrived there and blessed -autam' *eanwhileF -autam realiCed that a wicked prank had been played on him by those wicked sages' )e cursed those wicked sages that they would become bere t o the knowledge o Vedas and also that they would no longer be entitled to per orm the vedic rituals' 0he /apta rishis reMuested -autam to have mercy on those un ortunate brahmins' -autam then declared that his curse will come true only in Kaliyuga and those brahmins will not be a ected by his curse in all the remaining three yugas' 0he /apta rishis came to me and in ormed me about whatever had happened to those un ortunate brahmins' 1 created L/hiva /anhitaL rom my breath which is similar to Vedas as ar as the importance o rituals are concerned' 1 did this or the benediction o the brahmins' 1 know that brahmins would all rom grace during Kaliyuga' :eople would give little respect to the Vedas and create their own scriptures' <on usion would be prevalent and people would discover alse religions'
the process o creation' 0hen he said??1 am 4arayana??the omnipresent lord' 1 am blessing you with Ldivine visionL so that you can see my divine appearance'L 8hen 1 iHed my glance at 4arayan 1 was amaCed to see the same thumb?siCed 4arayana standing be ore me' ButF now )e was no longer having the siCe o a thumb' (n the contrary he had eHpanded his body to such an eHtent that )e appeared like a giant' 1 also saw Lord Brahma sitting on a lotus lower emanating rom his navel' 1 eulogiCed )1* with complete devotion' ). blessed me and said??LYou are eternal and nothing is beyond your knowledge' You will be worshipped by the deities' 1 shall take twelve incarnations in the coming eras and shall worship you in each o my incarnation'L )aving said thisF Lord 4arayana disappeared' 0his was how 1 saw the divine orm o the L:urushL??Lord 4arayan'
,'&&'9 #ambudveepa
Dwelling upon the prominent islandsF Lord /hiva told the assembled sages???R#ambudweepa is spread in the area o one lakh yoDan and it consists o numerous #anapadads' 1t is inhabited by LsiddhasL and LcharanasL and is blessed with incomparable natural beauty'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
LA total number o nine LVarshasL lie within the territory o #ambudweepa which itsel is surrounded by various oceans on all sides' 0owards its east and west lie salt water oceans' /ome prominent mountains o #ambudweepa are the )imalayaF the sumeruF the )emakut and the 4ishadh' 0erritory situated towards east o /umeru mountain is inhabited by the air compleHioned brahmins' 0owards its south live Vaishyas' /hudras live towards the south o /umeru and the area lying towards its north is inhabited by Kshatriyas'R
,'&&'&5Krauncha Dweepa
1t is twice the area o Kusha dweepa' 1t has seven prominent mountain ranges??KraunchF :aavanF DevavritF DevishthaF DevaanandF -ovind and :undareek' 0here are also siH prominent rivers lowing in this island??-auriF KumudwatiF "atriF *anoDavaF Khyati and :undarika' Kraunch dweepa is surrounded by an ocean o chari ied butter (ghee) on all its side'
,'&&'&&/halmali Dweepa
R1t is double the area o Kraunch dweepa and covers the Lclari ied?butterL ocean rom all sides' 0here are seven prominent mountains as well as seven rivers in this island'R 0his way Lord /hiva disappeared a ter having inished the narration o all the prominent islands'
Describing the reason behind the mani estation o L0ri/haktiL (0hree goddesses mani esting rom the bodies o Brahma Vishnu and /hiva)F Lord Varah told :rithvi??? 0here lived a mighty demon named LAndhakL who used to torment the deities' A ter being driven out o the heaven all the deities sought lord BrahmaLs help' Lord Brahma took them to Lord /hiva and reMuested him to ind some solution to the miseries o the deities' Lord Brahma then meditated on the orm o Vishnu who appeared instantly' 0he powers emanating rom the eyes o all the three deities got combined and resulted into the mani estation o goddess :armeshwari'(n the reMuest o the deitiesFgoddess :armeshwari created three more goddesses rom her body?BrahmiFVishnupriya and "udrani'-oddess Brahmi was o air compleHion while VishnupriyaLs compleHion was wheatish'-oddess "udrani appeared eHtremely erocious in her dark compleHion' Lord Brahma advised goddess Brahmi to do penance at /hwetgiri mountain'/imilarlyFVishnupriya went to *andarachal mountain to do her penance while Lord /hiva advised goddess "udrani to go to 4ilgiri mountain' 8hile Vishnupriya was doing her penance at *andarachal mountainF crores o goddesses
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
mani ested rom her body prominent among whom were VidyutprabhaF<handrakantiF/uryakantiF-ambhiraFViDayaF#ayaF #ayantiFAparaDitaFetc'All these goddesses acted as the escorts o goddess Vishnupriya who is also called Vaishnavi' (ne dayFsage 4arad visited goddess Vaishnavi and was dumbstruck by her divine beauty')e had never seen such a beauti ul woman in his li e'(n his return DourneyF4arad met *ahishasur?the mighty demonFwho had been blessed by Brahma'*ahishasur had conMuered all the three worlds'4arad praised the glory o *ahishasur but went on to add that his maDesty was incomplete untill he married Vaishnavi' 4arad said?R1 have never seen such a beauti ul woman in my li e' /he is worshipped by all the sagesFgandharvasFdeities as well as other celestial beings'AlthoughFyou are worthy o becoming her husband yet the act is that you can not have her as your wi e untill you have conMuered the deities and the gandharvas'R A ter sowing a seed o lust in *ahishasurLs mindF4arad went away' *ahishasur vowed to marry Vaishnavi at any cost' Lord Varah continued with the tale and said?RA ter 4arad went awayF*ahishasur summoned his ministers?:raghasFVighasF/hanku? karnaFVibhavasuFVidyunmaliF/umaliF:arDanya and Krura'8hen all the ministers arrivedFhe reMuested them to ind out means so that he could marry Vaishnavi' :raghas?one o the ministersF was very intelligent')e warned *ahishasur against going ahead with his evil designs and said? L0his illegal abduction could become the cause or your destruction'LVighas corroborated the statements o :raghas' >inallyFeveryone agreed that it would be better i Vaishnavi was persuaded to accept *ahishasur as her husband instead o orce ully abducting her' R/o all o themF inally came upon two conclusions? irst was to send a messenger to persuade Vaishnavi into marrying *ahishasur and the second was to de eat the deities in a battle'A demon named Vidutprabha was sent to meet goddess Vaishnavi' *ahishasur then launched a ierce attack on the deities and de eated them'0he deities were orced to lee the battle? ield and seek re uge in brahma loka'R R*eanwhileFVidutprabha had already reached *andarachal mountain' 8ithout showing any rspect to goddess VaishnaviFhe tried to impress her by narrating the amaCing tale o *ahishasurLs birth? LDuring ancient timesFthere lived a sage named /uparshva'(nceFhe was doing penance and an ogress named *ahishmati alongwith her companionsF arrived at his hermitage'*ahishmati was very much impressed by the grandeur o his hermitage and decided to occupy it'/he changed her appearance and became a bu alo'/he then started tormenting /uparshvaFwho was initially terri ied but inally came to know about her real identity'/uparshva cursed her?LYou deserve to remain as a bu alo or the rest o your li e'L R4owF*ahishmati became eHtremely terri ied and begged or being pardoned'>inallyF/uparshva took pity on her and said?LYou will get liberated rom my curse only a ter you give birth to a cal 'L 0husF*ahishmati started wandering all over the places in the orm o a bu alo'(nceFwhile wanderingF she reached the bank o river 4armadaFwhere sage /indhudweep was doing his penance' A signi icant incident had taken place Dust ew minutes be ore her arrival?/age /indhudweepFbeing unable to control himsel Fhad eDaculated sperms a ter in atuated by a beauti ul ogress taking bath in river 4armadaFwhich was lowing nearby'0he sperms ell on a rock and was eventually washed o by the swi t currents o 4armada'R RAs *ahishmati was thirstyFshe drank water rom river 4armada' 8hile Muenching her thirstFshe also consumed the sperms as the result o which she became pregnant'1n course o timeFshe gave birth to *ahishasurFwho grew up to be a mighty demon king'0he same *ahishasur wants to marry you'R A ter inishing his storyF Vidutprabha waited or VaishnaviLs response' -oddess Vaishnavi burst into a loud laughter and all the the three worlds became visible to the messengerFthrough her opened mouth'Vidutprabha was scarred to the hilt as he realiCed that the woman was eHtraordinary and divine'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
#aya?a dwarpalika o VaishnaviFtold him?L(ur goddess has taken a vow o celibacyFhence your masterLs wish will remain un ul illed'L At lastFVidutprabha went back empty handed'1n the meantimeF4arad arrived there and in ormed goddess Vaishnavi about the deitiesLs de eat at the hands o *ahishasur and reMuested her to kill the demon' -oddess Vaishnavi ordered her escorts to get prepared or the battle' /he then proceeded with a huge army to ight against the demons'1n the ensuing battleF*ahishasurLs army was severely humiliated'*ost o the demons were killed and the survivors led rom the battle ield' A demon named Virupaksha in ormed *ahishasur o the death and destruction caused by goddess Vaishnavi'*ahishasur was in uriated and came orward to ight the goddess'-oddess Vaishnavi was aware o his mightFso she mani ested her divine orm in all her glory' 4owFshe possessed ten arms and held lethal weapons like a swordF a bowFa shieldFa maceFa tridentFa chakraFetc'in each o them'/he then remembered lord /hivaFwho appeared within a moment'-oddess Vaishnavi reMuested him to be witness to the ierce battleFwhich was going to take place' A ierce battle commencedFwhich lasted or ten thousand divine years'*ahishasur ran helter and skelterFchanging his disguise reMuentlyFin order to protect his li e but goddess Vaishnavi chased him wherever he went'%ltimatelyFshe killed him at L/hata? shringL mountain by severing his head'All the deities heaved a sigh o relie and praised the glory o goddess Vaishnavi' /imilarlyFgoddess "udraniFwho had mani ested rom lord /hiva and had gone to 4ilgiri mountain to do her penance had killed a mighty demon named L"uruL' "uru was a very power ul demon king')e ruled over "atnapuriF which was situated in the middle o the ocean')e had become invincible on account o a boon received rom lord Brahma'A ter being de eated by himFall the deities went to seek the help o goddess "udrani' -oddess "udraniFwho is also known as L<hamundaL inally killed "uru?the dreaded demon'R )aving completed the taleFlord Varah blessed :rithvi and went back to his abode' .4D (> VA"A) :%"A4
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1n the beginningF there was water everywhere and the Brahman (the divine essence) slept on this water in the orm o Vishnu' /ince water is called nara and since ayana means a bedF Vishnu is known as 4arayana' 1n the water there emerged a golden egg (anda)' Brahma was born inside this egg' /ince he created himsel F he is called /vayambhuF born (bhu) by himsel (svayam)' >or one whole yearF Brahma lived inside the egg' )e then split the egg into two and created neaven (svarga) and the earth (prithivi) rom the two parts o the egg' /kiesF directionsF timeF language and senses were created in both heaven and earth' >rom the powers o his mindF Brahma gave birth to seven great sages' 0heir names were *arichiF AtriF AngiraF :ulastyaF :ulahaF Kratu and Vashishtha' Brahma also created the god "udra and the sage /anatkumara'
9&! More 0reation 0o continue with the process o creationF Brahma gave birth to a man and a woman rom his own body' 0he man was named /vayambhuva *anu and the woman was named /hatarupa' )umans are descended rom *anu' 0hat is the reason they are known as manava' *anu and /hatarupa had three sons named Vira' :riyavrata and %ttanapada'
%ttanapadaLs son was the great Dhruva' Dhruva per ormed very di icult meditation (tapasya) or three thousand divine years' Brahma was so pleased at this that he granted Dhruva an eternal place in the skyF near the constellation that is known as saptarshi or the seven sages' 0his is the constellation %rsa *aDoris and Dhruva is the pole /tar' 1n DhruvaLs line there was a king named :rachinavarhi' :rachinavarhi had ten sonsF known as the :rachetas' 0hese :rachetas were supposed to look a ter the world and rule over itF but they were not interested in such mundane matters' 0hey went o instead to per orm tapasya under the ocean' 0he tapasya went on or ten thousand years' 0he upshot was that the earth had no ruler and began to su er' :eople started to die and thick orests sprouted everywhere' /o thick were the orests that even the winds could not blow' 4ews o this catastrophe reached the :rachetas' 0hey were urious with the trees and created wind (vayu) and ire (agni) rom their mouths' 0he wind dried up the trees and the ire burnt themF so thatF very soonF there were very ew trees le t on earth' .veryone was alarmed at the e ects o the :rachetas anger' 0he moon?god /oma (or <handra) came to the :rachetas with a beauti ul woman and saidF R:rachetasF please control your anger' You need someone to rule over the world so that you can concentrate on your tapasya' 0his beauti ul woman is named Daksha' )e will rule over the worldR' 0he :rachetas agreed to this proposal and Daksha was born' 0he word praDa means subDect and the word pati means master' /ince Daksha ruled over the world and its subDectsF Daksha came to be known as :raDapati' 0he sages interrupted "omaharshana' 0hey saidF R/ageF we are completely con used' 8e have heard that Daksha was born rom BrahmaLs toe' And yet you have told us that Daksha was the son o the :rachetas' )ow is this possibleNR "omaharshana repliedF R0here is no reason or bewilderment' *any Dakshas have been born to rule over the world' (ne was born rom BrahmaLs toeF yet another was the son o the :rachetas'R
9&* $a.sha<s =ffspring DakshaLs wi e was named Asikli and Asikli gave birth to ive thousand sons' 0hey were known as the )aryashvas' 0he )aryashvas were destined to rule over the world' But the sage 4arada went to the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
)aryashvas and saidF R)ow can you rule over the world i you donLt even know what the world looks likeN Are you amiliar with its geography and its limitsN >irst ind out about these thingsF be ore you contemplate ruling over the world'R 0he )aryashvas went o to eHplore the world and never returned' Daksha and Asikli then had another thousand sons who were named the /havalashvas' 4arada told them what he had told the )aryashvas and the /havalashvas also went o to eHplore the world and never returned' Daksha and Asikli were distressed that their children should disappear in this manner' Daksha blamed 4arada or the instigation and proposed to kill him' But Brahma intervened and persuaded Daksha to control his anger' 0his Daksha agreed to doF provided that his conditions were met' RBrahma must marry my daughter :riyaFR he said' RAnd 4arada must be born as :riyaLs son'R 0hese conditions were accepted' 1n actF Daksha and Asikli had siHty daughters' (.lsewhereF the Brahma :urana mentions i ty daughters') 0en o these daughters were married to the god Dharma and thirteen to the sage Kashyapa' 0wenty?seven daughters were married to /oma or <handra' 0he remaining daughters were married to the sages ArishtanemiF VahuputraF Angirasa and Krishashva' 0he ten daughters who were married to the god Dharma were named ArundhatiF VasuF YamiF LambaF BhanuF *arutvatiF /ankalpaF *uhurta' /adhya and Vishva' ArundhatiLs children were the obDects (vishaya) o the world' VasuLs children were the eight gods known as the Vasus' 0heir names were ApaF DhruvaF /omaF DharaF /alilaF AnalaF :ratyusha and :rabhasa' AnalaLs son was Kumara' Because Kumara was brought up by goddesses known as the KrittikasF he came to be called Kartikeya' :rabhasaLs son was Vishvakarma' Vishvakarma was skilled in architecture and the making o Dewelry' )e became the architect o the gods' /adhyaLs children were the gods known as /adhyadevas and VishvaLs children were the gods known as Vishvadervas' 0he twenty?seven daughters o Daksha who ere married to /oma are known as the nakshatras (stars)' As you have already been toldF Kashyapa married thirteen o DakshaLs daughters' 0heir names were AditiF DitiF DanuF ArishtaF /urasaF KhasaF /urabhiF Vinata' 0amraF KrodhavashaF 1laF Kadru and *uni' AditiLs sons were the twelve gods known as the adityas' 0heir names were VishnuF /hakra' AryamaF DhataF VidhataF 0vashtaF :ushaF VivasvanaF /avitaF *itravarunaF Amsha and Bhaga' DitiLs sons were the daityas (demons)' 0hey were named )iranyaksha and )iranyakashipuF and amongst their descendants were several other power ul daityas liked Vali and Vanasura' Diti also had a daughter named /imhika who was married to a danava (demon) named Viprachitti' 0heir o springAs were terrible demons like VatapiF 4amuchiF 1lvalaF *aricha and the nivatakavachas' 0he hundred sons o Danu came to be known as danavas' 0he danavas were thus cousins to the daityas and also to the adityas' 1n the danava line were born demons like the poulamas and kalakeyas' ArishtaLs sons were the gandharvas (singers o heaven)' /urasa gave birth to the snakes (sarpa)' KhasaLs children were the yakshas (demi?gods who were the companions o KuberaF the god o wealth) and the rakshasas (demons)'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/urabhiLs descendants were cows and bu aloes' Vinata had two sons named Aruna and -aruda' -aruda became the king o the birds' 0amra has siH daughters' >rom these daughters were born owlsF eaglesF vulturesF crowsF water? owlF horsesF camels and donkeys' Krodhavasha had ourteen thousand children known as nagas (snakes)' 1la gave birth to treesF creepersF shrubs and bushes' KadruLs sons were also known as nagas or snakes' Among the more important o KadruLs sons were AnantaF VasukiF 0akshaka and 4ahusha' *uni gave birth to the apsaras (dancers o heaven)' DitiLs children (daityas) and AuditiLs children (adityas) continually ought amongst themselves' (n one particular occasionF the gods succeed in killing many o the demons' 0hirsting or revengeF Diti began to pray to her husbandF Kashyapa that she might given birth to a son who would kill 1ndraF the king o the gods' Kashyapa ound it di icult to re use his wi e outright' RAll rightRF he said' RYou have to bear the son in your womb or a hundred years' And throughout this periodF you will have indeed kill 1ndira' But i you do not observe these instructions to the letterF your desire will not be satis ied'R Diti resolved to do as her husband had bidden her' But 1ndra had got to know about DitiLs resolve and was waiting or an opportunity to save himsel ' 0here was an occasion whenF tired a ter her prayers' Diti went to sleep without irst washing her eet' 0his was an unclean act and it gave 1ndra the reMuired opportunity' )e adopted a miniscule orm and entered DitiLs womb' 8ith his weapon vaDraF he sliced up the baby inside the womb into seven parts' 0he baby naturally began to cry at the pain' 1ndra kept on sayingF Rma rudaFR that isF RdonLt cry'R But the bayF or rather its seven partsF would not listen' 1ndra thereupon sliced up each o the seven parts into seven more sectionsF so that there were orty?nine sections in all' 8hen these orty?nine sections were bornF they came to known as the *arutsF rom the words that 1ndra had addressed them' /ince Diti had not been able to adhere to the conditions her husband had setF the *aruts did not kill 1ndra' 0hey instead became 1ndraLs ollowers or companionsF and were treated as gods'
9&, Prithu 1n DhruvaLs line there was a king named AngaF Anga was religious and ollowed the righteous path' But un ortunatelyF AngaLs son Vena inherited none o the good Mualities o his ather' VenaLs mother was /unitha and she happened to be the daughter o *rityu' *rityu was notorious or his evil ways and deeds' Vena spent a lot o time with his maternal grand ather and picked up these evil characteristics'
Vena gave up the religion that was laid down in the Vedas and stopped all yaDnas' )e instructed his subDects that he alone was to be worshiped' 0he sages led by *arichi came to Vena to try and persuade him to mend his ways' But Vena was in no mood to listen' )e insisted that there was no one eMual to him in the whole universe' 0he sages realiCed that Vena was a lost cause' 0hey physically caught hold o Vena and began to knead his right thigh' >rom this kneading thee emerged a horrible looking creature' 1t was a dwar and its compleHionF was eHtremely dark' 0he sage Atri was so aghast at the dwar Ls appearance that he blurted outF RnishidaRF which means RsitR' >rom thisF the dwar came to be known as nishada' 0he race
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
o nishadas became hunters and ishermenF and lived in the Vindhya mountains' >rom them were also descended unciviliCed races like tusharas and tunduras' 0he evil that was in VenaLs body and mind came out with the emergence o the nishada' 8hen the sages began to knead VenaLs right armF :rithu emerged' )e shone like a laming ire and his energy lit up the our directions' )e held a bow in his hand and he was clad in beauti ul armour' As soon as :rithu was bornF Vena died' All the rivers and the oceans arrived with their waters and their Dewels to anoint :rithu as the king' 0he gods and the sages also came or the coronation' Brahma himsel crowned :rithu the king o the earth' )e also took the opportunity to apportion out the lordships o other parts o the universe' /oma was appointed lord over creepersF herbsF starts (nakshatras)F planets (grahas)F sacri icesF meditation (tapasya) and over the irst o the our classes (brahmanas)' Varuna became lord o the oceansF Kubera o all the kingsF Vishnu o the adityasF Agni o vasusF Daksha o all :rahlada o daityas and danavasF Yama o the pritris (ancestors)F /hiva o yakshasF rakshasas and pishachas (ghosts)F and )imalaya o the mountains' 0he ocean (samudra) was made the lord o all rivers' <hitraratha o gandharvasF Vasuki o nagasF 0akshaka o sarpasF -aruda o birdsF the tiger o deerF Airavata o elephantsF %cchaihshrava o horsesF the bull o cows and the ashvattha tree (a banyan) o all trees' Brahma also appointed our overlords (dikapalas) or the our directions' 0o the east there was /udhanvaF to the south /hankhapadaF to the west Ketumana and to the north )iranyaroma' :rithu was a king who ruled the earth well' During his reignF the earth was laden with oodgrains' 0he cows were ull o milk and the subDects were happy' 0o glori y King :rithuF the sages per ormed a sacri ice and rom this sacri ice there emerged two races known as the sutas and the magadhas should sing praises in honour o :rithu' RBut what praise will we singNR asked the sutas and the magadhas' R:rithu is still young' )e has not done much that can be praisedR' R0hat may be trueFR replied the sages' RBut he will do wonderous deeds in the uture' /ing praises o those wonder ul deeds' 8e will tell you about them'R )aving learnt o these uture deeds rom the sagesF the sutas and the magadhas began to compose songs and chant praises in honour o :rithu' 0hese stories were related throughout the earth' /ome o :rithuLs subDects heard these stories and came to see :rithu' RKingFR they said' R8e have heard o your great deeds' But we ind it di icult to make a living' :lease indicate to us our habitations on earth' And tell us where we may be able to get the ood we need or subsistence'R King :rithu picked up his bow and arrow' )e decided to kill the earthF since the earth was not yielding oodgrains to his subDects' 0he earth adopted the orm o a cow and began to lee' But wherever the earth wentF :rithu ollowed with his bow and arrow' )e ollowed the earth to the heaven and to the underworld' >inallyF in desperationF the earth started to pray to :rithu' RKingFR she saidF Rplease control your anger' 1 am a woman' Killing me will only mean a sin or you' BesidesF what purpose will killing me serveN Your subDects will then be without a place to live in' 0here must be some other way o ensuring that your subDects can make a living' 0he earth then hersel o ered a solution and King :rithu did her biddingF 8ith his bowF he leveled out the earth' 0he plains could now be used or villages and cities and or agriculture and animal husbandry' 0he plains could now be used or villages and cities and or agriculture and animal husbandry' 0he mountains were gathered together in select placesF instead o being littered over whole
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
earth' .arlierF :rithuLs subDects had lived o ruits and roots' 4ow :rithu milked the earth (in her orm o a cow) and obtained the seeds o oodgrains on which people could live' Because o :rithuLs deedsF the earth came to be known as prithivi'
9&/ Manvataras A manvantara is an era' 0here are our smaller eras (yugas) and their names are satya or krita yugaF treta yugaF dvapara yuga and kali yuga' .ach cycle o satya yugaF treat yugaF dvapara yuga and kali yuga is called a mahayuga' A mahayuga comprises o &+F555 years o the godsF or eMuivalentlyF 63+5F555 years or human' 9& mahayugas constitute a manvantara and &6 manvantaras constitute a cycle (kalpa)' (ne kalpa is one o BrahmaLs days and the universe is destroyed at the end o a Kalpa'
.ach manvantara is ruled over by a *anu' 1n the present kalpaF siH manvantaras have already passed and the names o the siH *anus who ruled were /vayambhuvaF /varochishaF %ttamaF 0amasaF "aivata and <hakshusha' 0he name o the seventh *anuF who rules over the seventh manvantara o the present kalpaF is Vaivasvata' 0he titles o the seven great sages (saptarshi) as well as the tile o 1ndra change rom manvantara to manvantara' 0he gods also change' 1n the present vaivasvata manvantaraF the seven great sages are AtriF VashishthaF KashyapaF -outamaF BharadvaDaF Vishvamitra and #amadagni' 0he gods now are the sadhyasF the rudrasF the vishwadevasF the vasusF the marutsF the adityas and the two ashvinis' 0here will be seven *anus in the uture be ore the universe is destroyed' >ive o these *anus will be known as /avarni *anus' 0he remaining two will be called Bhoutya and "ouchya'
9&1 "he )un and the )olar $ynasty You have probably orgotten by now that Kashyapa and Aditi had a son named Vivasvana'
0his was the sun godF also known as /urya or *artanda' /urya was married to /amDnaF VishvakarmaLs daughter' 0hey had two sons' 0he ist son was Vaivasvata *anu and the second son was Yama or /hraddhadevaF the god o death' Yama had a twin sister named Yamuna' 0he sunLs energy was so strong that /amDna could not bear to look at her husband' 0hrough her powersF she created an image rom her own body that looked eHactly like her' 0his image was called <hhaya (shadow)' /amDna told <hhayaF R1 cannot bear the energy o my husbandF 1 am going o to my atherLs house' /tay hereF pretend to be /amDna and look a ter my children' %nder no circumstances tell anyoneF certainly not my husbandF that your are not /amDna'R R1 will do as you have asked me toFR replied <hhaya' RBut the moment someone curses me or pulls me by the hairF 1 shall be orced to reveal the truth'R /amDna went to her ather Vishvakarma kept asking her to return to her husband' But this /amDna re used to do' 1nsteadF she went to the land known as %ttara Kuru and started to live there as a mare' *eanwhileF /uryaF who had not realiCed that /amDna had been replaced by <hhayaF had two sons through <hhaya' 0hey were named /avarni *anu and /hani (/aturn)' As soon as her own children were bornF <hhaya no longer displayed as much o love or /amDnaLs children as she used to do' Vaivasvata *anu was a Muiet sort o person and he ignored the implied neglect' But Yama was not the tolerant' BesidesF he was also younger' )e raised his leg to kick <hhaya' At thisF <hhaya cursed Yama that his legs would all o '
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Yama went and complained to /urya' R 1 have not really kicked herFR he said' R1 only threatened to' And does a mother ever curse her childrenNR R1 canLt undo the curseF R replied /urya' RAt bestF 1 can reduce its severity' Your legs will not actually all o ' /ome o the lesh rom your legs will all o onto the earth and create worms' 0herebyF you will be reed o your curse'R But neverthelessF /urya elt that there was some truth in YamaLs asking whether a mother would ever curse her children' )e taHed <hhaya with the truthF but <hhaya would not reveal anything /urya then grasped her by the hair and threatened to curse her' /ince her conditions were now violatedF <hhaya blurted out the truth' 1n an eHtremely angry moodF /urya dashed o to VishvakarmaLs house' Vishvakarma tried to cool him down' Rit is all because o your eHercises energy that this has happenedFO eHclaimed Vishvakarma' R1 you permitF 1 will shave o some o the eHtra energy' 0hen /amDna will be able to look at you'R /urya agreed to this proposition' 8ith the shaved o energyF Vishvakarma manu actured VishnuLs chakra (a weapon like a bladed discus)' /urya ound out that /amDna was in %ttara Kuru in the orm o a mare' )e Doined her there in the orm o a horse' As horseF they had two sons named 4asatya and Dasra' /ince ashva means horseF the sons were also known as the two Ashvinish and became the physicians o the gods' /urya and /amDna then gave up their eMuine orms and lived happily ever a ter'
9&4 +aivasvata Manu<s 0hildren Vaivasvata *anu has no children and he arranged or a sacri ice so that he might have a son' 4ine sons were born as a result o this sacri ice' 0heir names were 1kshvakuF 4abhagaF DhrishtaF /haryatiF 4arishyantaF :ramshuF "ishtaF Karusha and :rishadhra' *anu also made an o ering to the two gods *itra and Varuna' As a result o this o eringF a daughter named 1la was born'
Budha was the son o <handraF and Budha and 1la had a son named :ururva' /ubseMuentlyF thanks to a boon con erred on her by *itra and Varuna' 1la became a man named /udyumna' /udyumnaLs sons were %tkalaF -aya and Vinatashva' %tkala ruled in (rissaF -aya in the region that is also called -ayaF and Vinatashva in the west' /udyumna was not entitled to rule since he had earlier been a woman' )e lived in the city known as :ratishthana' :ururava inherited this later on' 8hen Vaivasvata *anu diedF his ten sons divided up the earth amongst themselvesF 1kshvaku ruled in the central regions' )e had a hundred sonsF the eldest o whom was named Vikukshi' Vikukshi came to be known as /hashada' 0hereby hangs a tale' 1kshvaku wanted to organiCe a sacri ice and he sent his son Vikukshi to the orest to etch some meat or the sacri ice' 8hile hunting or gameF Vikukshi elt very hungry and ate up some o the meat' 0his was a sacrilege and the sage Vashishtha advised 1kshvaku to banish Vikukshi rom his kingdom' Because the meat that he had eaten had been the meat o a rabbit (shashaka)F Vikukshi came to be known as /hashada' But a ter 1kshvaku diedF Vikukshi returned to his atherLs kingdom and began to rule there' 0his was the kingdom o Ayodhya' (ne o VikukshiLs sons was KakutshtaF and "ama o "amayana ame was born in this line'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
9&8 2u5alashva Kubalashva was one o the kings descended rom Kakutstha' KubalashvaLs ather was named Vrihadashva'
A ter Vrihadashva had ruled or many yearsF he desired to retire to the orest' )e there ore prepared to hand over the kingdom to his son Kubalashva' But learning o King VrihadashvaLs resolveF a sage named %tanka came to meet the king' RDonLt go to the orest right nowRF %tanka told the king' *y hermitage (ashrama) is on the shores o the ocean and is surrounded by sand in all directions' A strong rakshasa named Dhundhu lives under the sand' )e is so strong that even the gods have been unable to kill him' (nce every yearF Dhundhu eHhales his breath and this raises a tremendous cloud o sand and dust' >or an entire week the sun remains shrouded in dust and or the whole weekF there are earthMuakes as a result o DhundhuLs eHhalation' 0his is disturbing my mediation (tapasya) and you canLt very well go away to the orest without irst doing something about Dhundhu' (nly you are capable o killing him' 1 have accumulated a lot o power as a result o my tapasya and 1 will give this to you i you kill Dhundhu'R Vrihadashva told %tanka that there was no need or Vrihadashva himsel to kill Dhundhu' )e would go to the orest as he had decided' )is son Kubalashva was per ectly capable o killing Dhundhu and would accompany %tanka' Kubalashva and his hundred sons went to the shores o the ocean where all the sand was' Kubalashva asked his sons to start digging so that they might ind Dhundhu' Dhundhu attacked KubalashvaLs sons and killed all o them but three' 0he three who escaped were named DridashvaF <handrashva and Kapilashva' But Dhundhu himsel was killed by Kubalashva' As a result o this great eatF Kubalashva came to be known as Dhundhumara' 0he sage %tanka blessed Kubalashva and by the sageLs blessingsF KubalashvaLs dead sons went straight to heaven'
9&9 "rishan.u >rom Dridashva was descended a king named 0rayaruni' 0rayaruni was a righteous king and ollowed all the religious dictates' But 0rayarunLs son /atyavrata was Muite the opposite and re used to ollow the righteous path' King 0rayaruniLs chie priest was the great sage Vashishtha' Vashishtha advised the king that his evil son should be banished rom the kingdom' 0rayaruni accepted the sageLs advice' <onseMuentlyF /atyavrata started to live with outcasts (chandalas) outside the kingdom'
A ter some timeF 0rayaruni relinMuished his kingship and went away to the orest' 0he kingdom had no king and degenerated into anarchy' 0he absence o a king is also rowned upon by the gods and or twelve years there was a terrible drought' Vishvamitra was another great sage' 8hile all this was going onF Vishvamitra was not present in the kingdom' )e had gone away to per orm tapasya on the shores o the oceanF having le t his wi e and children in a hermitage (ashrama) that was in the kingdom' But because there was such a long spell o droughtF there was also amine in the kingdom' :eople started to starve' VishvamitraLs wi e decided to sell her son so that she might have some ood to eat' /he tied a rope round the sonLs neck and took him to the market?place' 0hereF she sold him in eHchange or a thousand cows' /ince a rope had been tied around the sonLs neck (gala)F he came to be known as -alava' But /atyavrata discovered what terrible straits VishvamitraLs amily was in' )e reed -alava and started to take care o VishvamitraLs wi e and children' /atyavrata had not been terribly ond o Vashishtha' )e blamed the sage or his banishment' 8hen thee was amine everywhereF /atyavrata stole VashishthaLs cow' )e killed the cow and served the meat to VishvamitraLs sonsF apart rom eating it himsel ' Vashishtha was in a terrible rage when he got to know about this incident' )e cursed /atyavrata'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
RYou have committed three sins (shanku)FR Vashishtha told /atyavrata' R>irstlyF you have angered your ather 0rayaruni' /econdlyF you have stolen and killed a cow' 0hirdlyF you have eaten bee F a orbidden meat' Because o these three sinsF you will hence orth be known as 0rishanku and be eternally cursed'R (0he word tri means three') /atyavrata had however taken care o VishvamitraLs amily when the sage was away on his meditation' A ter Vishvamitra returnedF he was very happy to learn about what 0rishanku had done and o ered to grant him a boon' 0rishanku desired the boon that he might be allowed to go to heaven in his own physical body' 0hanks to VishvamitraAs immense powersF even this virtually impossible task was accomplished' 0rishanku became king in 0rayaruniLs kingdom and Vishvamitra acted as his chie priest'
9&1: )agara 0rishankuLs son was )arishchandra and rom )arishchandra was descended a king named Bahu' Bahu devoted too much time to pleasurable pursuits' 0he upshot o this was that the de ence o the kingdom was not properly taken care o ' .nemy kings seiCed this opportunity to attack BahuLs kingdom' 0hey drove Bahu out and Bahu went o to the orest with his wi e YadaviF
0he enemy kings who dislodged Bahu were led by the )aihaya and 0alaDangha kings' 0hey were aided by the /hakasF YavanasF :aradasF KamboDas and :ahlavas' King Bahu died in the orest' )is wi e Yadavi desired to die on her husbandLs uneral pyre' But since Yadavi was pregnant at the timeF the sage (urva persuaded her that such an act would be a sin' )e brought Yadavi to his own hermitage and began to take care o her' Bahu had also a second wi e and she had once tried to poison Yadavi' 0he poison (gara) had however done Yadavi no harm and emerged when the baby was born' /ince the baby was born together with poisonF he came to known as /agara' 0he sage (urva took care o /agaraLs education' )e imparted to /agara the knowledge o all the shastras and also the usage o weapons' Amongst other thingsF /agara acMuired the skill o using a divine weapon known as agneyastra' 8hen he grew upF /agara attacked the )aihaya kings and de eated them through the use o agneyastra' )e then de eated the /hakasF YavanasF :aradasF KamboDas and :ahlavas and was about to kill them all' But these enemy kings led to the sage Vashishtha or re uge and Vashishtha persuaded /agara not to kill his enemies' 1nsteadF the heads o the /hakas were hal shaven o ' 0he Yavanas and KamboDas had their heads completely shaven' 0he :ahlavas were instructed that they would have to keep beards' 0hese enemy kings also lost all right to ollow the religion laid down in the Vedas' Amongst the other kings who /agara de eated were the KonasarpasF the *ahishakasF the DarvasF the <holas and the Keralas' King /agara had two wives' 0he irst was named Keshini and she was the daughter o the king o Vidarbha' 0he Brahma :urana does not tell us the name o the second wi e but rom the *ahabharata we know that it was /umati' Keshini and /umati had no sons' 0hey there ore began to pray to (urva so that they might have sons' (urva was pleased at these prayers and saidF R Both o you will have sons' But one o you will have a single son and the other will have siHty thousand sons' 0ell meF who wants what'R Keshini asked or a single son and /umati asked or siHty thousand sons' 1n due courseF Keshini gave birth to a son named :anchaDana' /umati gave birth to a gourd' 1nside the gourd there was a lump o meat' 0he gourd was placed inside a pot ull o clari ied butter (ghrita)' And rom the lump o meat were born siHty thousand sons'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
King /agara proceeded to conMuer the entire earth' As a recognition o this conMuestF he initiated an ashvamedha yaDna (horse sacri ice)' 1n this ceremonyF the sacri icial horse is le t ree to wander all over the earth' 0he siHty thousand sons accompanied the horse as its guards' 0he horse eventually reached the shores o the ocean that lies towards the south?east' 8hile /agaraLs sons were restingF the horse was stolen' 0he sons started to look or the horse and began to dig up the sands in their search' 1n this processF they came upon the sage Kapila' Kapila had been meditating and his meditation was disturbed by the terrible din that /agaraLs sons made' )e gaCed at them in ury and all but our o the sons were burnt to ashes' 0he our sons who were saved were named VarhiketuF /uketuF Dharmaketu and :anchaDana' 0he Brahma :urana is slightly con used here' 8as :anchaDana KeshiniLs son or /umatiLs sonN 0here is some inconsistency with the account given in the *ahabharata' 1n the *ahabharataF it is Keshini who gave birth to siHty thousand sons and it is /umati who had a single son named AsamanDa' Also in the *ahabharataF all siHty thousand sons were burnt to ashes' 0he Brahma :urana also tells us that the sacri icial horse was obtained by /agara rom the ocean' 0his is the reason why the ocean is re erred to as sagara' 0o come back to the account given in the Brahma :urana' :anchaDanaLs son was Amshumana and AmshumanaLs son was Dilipa' Dilipa had a son named Bhagiratha' Bhagiratha brought down the river -anga rom heaven to earth and thus redeemed his ancestors who had been burnt to ashes by Kapila' 1t was because o this that the river -anga came to be known as Bhagirathi' >rom Bhagiratha was descended "aghu' "aghuLs son was ADaF ADaLs son Dasharatha and DasharathaLs son "ama'
9&11 "he Moon and the 'unar $ynasty 0here was a sage named Atri' Atri per ormed very di icult tapasya' /o di icult was the tapasya that AtriLs energy was thrown up into the sky' 0he sky could not bear this energy and hurled it down onto the earth' 0his energy then gave birth to /oma or <handraF the moon god' Brahma took <handra up into his chariot and drove the chariot around the earth twenty?one times' >rom whatever energy was le t a ter <handra has been createdF the herbs were born'
<handra also per ormed very di icult tapasya' (ne padma year consists o &5F555F555F555F555 normal years' >or one hundred such padma yearsF <handra mediated' A ter the meditation was overF Brahma appointed <handra lord over seedsF herbsF brahmanas and the oceans' <handra also per ormed a raDasuya yaDna (royal sacri ice) as a celebration o his lordship' 0his gave him a lot pompF gloryF wealth and respect' But all this merely served to turn <handraLs head' 0he guru (teacher) o the gods was the sage Brihaspati' Brihaspati had a wi e named 0ara and <handra abducted 0ara' Despite the gods and the sages asking <handra to return 0araF the moon god would not listen' A terrible war then raged over 0araF the gods ighting or <handra' /hukracharyaF the guru o the demonsF ought on <handraLs side and /hiva ought on BrihaspatiLs side' 0his war (/amgrama) came to be known as tarakamaya samgramaF since it was ought over 0ara' >inally Brahma intervened and a truce was called' But <handra and 0ara had by then had a sonF and Brihaspati re used to accept this son as his own' 0his son was Budha' As you already knownF Budha married 1la and they had a son named :ururava' 0he Brahma :urana now describes several kings belonging to the lunar dynasty'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
9&1! @ayati 1n the lunar dynastyF there was born a power ul king named 4ahusha' )e married ViraDa and they had siH sons named YatiF YaDatiF /amyatiF AyatiF YatiF and /uyati' Yati became a hermit' /o although Yayati was not the eldestF he was crowned king a ter 4ahusha'
Yayati had two wives' 0he irst was DevayaniF daughter o /hukracharya' And the second was /harmishthaF daughter o VrishaparvaF the king o the danavas' Devayani had two sons named Yadu and 0urvasu and /harmishtha had three sons named DruhyaF Anu and :uru' Yayati conMuered the whole earth and ruled over it' 8hen he became oldF he divided the earth amongst his ive sons' Yadu was given the lands to the eastF :uru the lands in the centerF 0urvasu the lands to the south and south? eastF Druhya those to the north and Anu those to the west' Yayati gave up his weapons and decided to travel throughout the world' )e called Yadu to him and saidF R1 wish to eHplore the world and my old age is a hindrance' :lease accept my old age and give me your youth in return'R Yadu re used' R1 will notFR he said' R(ne cannot eat well when one is oldF nor can one pleasure the com orts o the world' (ld age is not pleasant' Ask one o my brothers instead'R YaduLs re usal angered Yayati' )e cursed Yadu that he or his descendants would never be kings' Yayati neHt reMuested DruhyaF 0urvasu and AnuF but they too re used and were similarly cursed by their ather' But :uru agreed to his atherLs reMuest and gladly accepted the old age' )e was blessed by his ather' A ter many years had passedF Yayati got tired o the world and returned :uruLs youth to him' )e accepted back his old age and retired to the orest to mediate' >rom :uru was descended King Bharata a ter whom the land came to be known as Bharatavarsha' Also in this line was King KuruF a ter whom all the descendants came to be known as Kauravas' 0he sacred place named Kurukshetra owes its name to King Kuru' >rom 0urvasu were descended the kings o :andyaF KeralaF Kola and <hola' >rom Druhya were descended the kings o -andhara' 0he horses o the -andhara kingdom are amous' Yadu had ive sonsF /ahasradaF :ayodaF KroshtuF 4ila and AnDika' /ahasradaLs descendants were the )aihayasF amongst whom the most amous was Kartyavirya ArDuna' ArDuna pleased the sage Dattatreya and became invincible' )e also had a thousand arms' ArDunaLs greatest deeds were his de eat and imprisonment o "avanaF king o Lanks' KroshtuLs descendants were Vrishni and Andhaka and in the Vrishni line was born Krishna'
9&1* (eography )aving heard accounts o the solar and lunar dynastiesF the sages reMuested "omaharshana' R0ell us a little about the geography o the world' 8hat does the earth look likeN 8hat are its limitsNR
"omaharshana obliged' 0he earth is divided into seven regions (dvipas)' 0heir names are #ambudvipaF :lakshadvipaF /halmaladvipaF KushadvipaF KrounchadvipaF /hakadvipa and :ushkaradvipa' 0hese regions are surrounded by seven oceans and their names are LavanaF 1kshuF /uraF /arpiF DadhiF Dugdha and #ala' #ambudvipa is in the center and right in the middle o #ambudvipa is *ount /umeru' 0o the south o /umeru are the mountains )imavanaF )emakuta and 4ishadha and to the north o /umeru are the mountains 4ilaF /hveta and /hringi'#ambudvipa itsel is divided into several regions (varshas)' >or eHampleF /umeru is in the middle o 1lavritavarsha' Braratavarsha is to the south o /umeru' 0o the east
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
o /umeru is Bhadrashvarsha and to the west is Ketumalavarsha' )arivarsha lies to the south and "amyakavarsha to the north' /till urther north is )iranmayavarsha and beyond thatF %ttara Kuruvarsha' BrahmaLs city is on the peak o /umeru' 1t is there that the river -anga descends rom heaven and gets divided into our tributaries' /ita lows eastwardsF <hakshu westwardsF Bhadra 4orthwards and Alakananda southwards into Bharatavarsha' 0here are seven maDor mountain range sin Bharatavarsha and their names are *ahendraF *alyaF /ahyaF /huktimanaF "ikshaF Vindhya and :ariyatra' Bharatavarsha itsel is divided into nine regions (dvipas)' 0he names o eight o these regions are 1ndradvipaF /oumyaF -andharva and Varuna' 0he ninth region is completely surrounded by the ocean in all directions' 0o the east o Bharatavarsha live the Kiratas and to the west the Yavanas' Below the earth lie the seven regions o the underworld (:atala)' 0heir names are AtalaF VitalaF 4italaF /utalaF 0alatalaF "asatala and :atala' 0he daityasF danavas and the snakes (sarpa) live there' 0he underworld is a wonder ul placeF more beauti ul than heaven itsel ' 0he sage 4arada once went on a trip to the underworld and was bowled over by its beauty' 1t is ull o palaces and Dewels' 0he sun rises thereF but does not radiate too much o heat' 0he moon also risesF but its beams are not at all chilly' 0he orests are populated by beauti ul trees and the ponds are thick with lotus lowersF the songs o cuckoo birds are heard everywhere' Below the underworld sleeps a great snakeF known as /hesha or Ananta' 1t has a thousand hoodsF all covered with Dewels' 1n actF this snake is really Vishnu in one o this various orms' Also part o the world are hells (naraka)F presided over by YamaF the god o death' 0hose are ull o weaponsF ire and poisons and sinners are sent there to be punished' /ins that are punished by dispatch to one o the several hells are lyingF murderF killing cowsF destroying citiesF drinkingF killing brahmanasF the tF selling wines or hairF criticiCing the VedasF insulting eldersF making weaponsF selling saltF destroying orests needlesslyF killing sheep or deerF cheating and studying under oneLs own son' .ach sinner receives a punishment that is in proportion to the severity o his sin' ( courseF i one per orms penance (prayashchitta) or oneLs sinsF one need not go to naraka' 0he best orm o penance is praying to Krishna' 0he earth (:rithivi or bhuloka) eHtends upto those arts o the sky that can be lit up by the rays o the sun and the moon' 0he eHpanse rom there to the solar circle is known as bhuvarloka and holy sages live there' Above the solar circle is the lunar circle and beyond itF in successionF come the regions o *ercury (Budha)F Venus (/hukra)F *ars (*angala)F #upiter (Brihaspati)F /aturn (/hani)F the -reat Bear constellation (saptarshi) and the :ole /tar (Dhruva)' 0he region rom the solar circle to Dhruvaloka is known as heaven (/varloka or svarga)' Beyond Dhruvaloka is *aharloka and urther awayF #analoka are 0apaloka and /atyaloka' At the end o a kalpaF all the three lokas (regions) o bhulokaF bhuvarloka and svarloka are destroyed' But the our lokas o *aharlokaF #analokaF 0apaloka and /atyaloka are not destroyed'
9&1, 2onara.a 0here is an ocean to the south o Bharatavarsha' (ne the shores o this great ocean there is a land named (ndra or %tkala (present (rissa)' %tkala is populated by religious people and the brahmanas who live there are learned in the Vedas' 0hey are very good priestsF learned in the :uranas and the shastras and skilled in the art o sacri ices' 1n the land o %tkalaF there is an image o the sun (/urya) known as Konaditya' 0he word aditya also means the sunF as does the word arka' 0husF Konaditya is the same as KonarkaF a corruption o the latter word being Konaraka' 0he image o Konaditys is so wonder ul that even i one gaCes at the imageF all oneLs sins are orgiven'
All around the temple there is sand' But neverthelessF many trees grow around the temple' 0he best time to worship the sun there is at the time o sunrise' (ne has to ace the east and draw a lotus lower on the ground with red sandalwood' 0he lotus lower must have eHactly eight petals' A copper vessel
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
has to be placed at the center o the lower and illed with paddyF sesamum waterF red sandalwoodF red lowers and sacred grass' (ne prays to /urya to descend on the lotus lower that has thus been drawn' 1 one worships Konaditya according to these prescribed ritesF the sins o seven preceding generations are orgiven' 0he twelve adityas are nothing but di erent orms o /urya' 0heir names are 1ndra' DhataF :arDanyaF 0vashtaF :usha AryamaF Bhaga VivasvanaF VishnuF AmshumanaF VarunaF and *itra' As 1ndraF /urya destroys the enemies o the gods' As DhataF he creates living beings' As :arDanyaF he showers down rain' As 0vashtaF he lives in the trees and herbs' As :ushaF he makes oodgrains grow' As AryamaF he is in the wind' As BhagaF he is in the body o all living beings' As VivasvanaF he is in ire and helps to cook ood' As VishnuF he destroys the enemies o the gods' As AmshumanaF he is again in the wind' As VarunaF /urya is in the waters and as *itraF he is in the moon and in the oceans' 1n each month o the yearF it is a di erent aditya who shines' 1ndra shines in the month o AshvinaF Dhata in KartikaF :arDanya in /hravanaF 0vashta in >algunaF :usha in :oushaF Aryama in VaishakhaF Bhaga in *aghaF Vivasvana in #yaishthaF Vishnu in <haitraF Amshumana in AshadaF VarunaF in Bhadra and *itra in Agrahayana' Vishnu has twelve hundred raysF Aryama one thousand and three hundred' Vivasvana seventy?twoF Amshumana i teenF :arDanya seventy?twoF Varuna one thousand and three hundredF 0vashta one thousand and one hundredF 1ndra two thousand and two hundredF Dhata eleven hundredF *itra one thousand and :usha nine hundred' Apart rom the names o the twelve adityasF /urya has twelve other names as well' 0hese are AdityaF /avitaF /uryaF *ihiraF ArkaF :rabhakaraF *artandaF BhaskaraF BhanuF <hitrabhanuF Divakara and "avi' Brahma once recounted to the sages the one hundred and eight sacred names o /urya' 0he Brahma :urana lists these names and we reproduce them in nine groups o twelve names each' (&) /uryaF ArchanaF BhagavanaF 0vashtaF :ushaF ArkaF /avitaF "aviF -abhastimanaF ADaF KalaF *rityu' (+) DhataF :rabhakaraF :rithiviF #alaF 0eDaF AkashaF VayuF :arayanaF /omaF BrihaspatiF /hukraF Budha' (3) AngarakaF 1ndraF VivasvanaF DiptamshuF /huchiF /houriF /hanaishvaraF BrahmaF VishnuF "udraF /kandaF Vaishravana' (6) YamaF Vaidyutam DatharaF AgniF AindhanaF 0eDohpatiF DharmadhvaDaF VedakartaF VedangaF VedavahanaF KritaF 0reta' (;) DvaparaF KaliF /arvasurashrayaF KalaF KashthaF *uhurtaF KshapaF YamaF KshanaF /amvatsaraF AshvatthaF Kalachakra' (=) VibhavasuF /hashvataF :urushaF YogiF VyaktavyaktaF /anatanaF KaladhyakshaF :raDadhyakshaF VishvakaramF 0amonudaF VarunaF /agara' (9) AmshaF #imutaF #ivanaF ArihaF BhutashrayaF BhutapatiF /arvalokanamaskritaF /hrashtaF /amvartakaF VahniF /arvadiF Alolupa' (,) AnantaF KapilaF BhanuF KamadaF /arvotamukhaF #ayaF VishalaF VaradaF /arvabhutasevitaF *anaF /uparnaF Bhutadi' (2) /highragaF :ranadharanaF DhanvantariF DhumaketyF AdidevaF AditinandanaF DvadashatmaF "aviF DakshaF :itaF *ataF :itamaha'
9&1/ 7ndradyumna and Purushottama 2shetra 1n satya yuga there was a king named 1ndradyumna' )e was a very power ul king as 1ndra himsel ' )e was handsomeF honest and truth ulF learned in the shastras and the VedasF and skilled in the use o weapons' )is radiance put the sun to shame' 1ndradyumna was devoted to Vishnu' )e once decided
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
that he would worship Vishnu' A tirtha is a sacred place o pilgrimage' 1ndradyumna scanned all the eHisting tirthas and cities' But none o them satis ied him' 4one o themF he eltF was appropriate as a place or worshipping Vishnu' 1ndradyumnaLs own capital was the city o AvantiF in the kingdom o *alva' Avanti was a beauti ul and wealthy cityF surrounded on all sides by moats and other orti ications' 0raders rom many countries came there with all sorts or commodities or trading' 0he roads o the city were lined with shopes' 0he houses were painted white' 0he kingLs stables were ull o horses and elephants' All citiCens o Avanti were pleasant o appearance and happy' /acri ices were held airly o ten' *any were the templesF groves and ponds in Avanti' Any tree that grew on earth could be ound there' 0here was a temple to /hiva in the city' 0his was known as the temple o *ahakala' 0he image there was so sacred that worshipping /hiva in the temple o *ahakala was tantamount to per orming one thousand ashvamedha yaDnas' 0he river /hipra lowed past Avanti' (n the banks o the river there was a temple o Vishnu known as -ovindasvami' Another temple to Vishnu was named VikramasvamiF But 1ndradyumna was not satis ied with these temples' )e wanted to build another temple to Vishnu' )e le t Avanti to look or a proper place' )is soldiers and subDects accompanied their kingF so that it looked as i the entire city o Avanti was on the march' A ter traveling or many daysF they arrived on the shores o the southern oceanF the ocean that is known as lavana samudra' 0here were so many waves in the ocean that the ocean itsel seemed to be dancing' *arine animals lived in the ocean and the waters were also the source o all sorts o Dewels' 1ndradyumna began to live on the shores o the ocean' )e discovered a place near the ocean that was thick with lower and ruit trees' *any types o birds gathered there to eat the ruit' 0his was the place known as :urushottama kshetra (place)F the city o :uri o modern times' :urshottama kshetra was a very important tirtha' But all knowledge o this tirtha had been hidden until 1ndradyumna arrived on the scene' 0here was a reason or this' *any years agoF there used to be an image o Vishnu thereF where people used to pray' /o sacred was the image that all the sins o the worshippers were immediately orgiven' 0he result was that Yama could not punish any o the sinners' 0hey simply prayed to VishnuAs image and escaped' Yama there ore prayed to Vishnu or a solution' Vishnu hid the image under the sand so that no one knew that it eHisted' 1ndradyumna liked :urushottama Kshetra' 0he river *ahanadi or <hitropala lowed not very ar away' 0he people who lived around the place were religious' )e decided that this was the right place or building a temple to Vishnu' (n an auspicious dayF the oundation stone was laid' 1ndradyumna then got in touch with the kings o KalkingaF %takala and Koshala' )e reMuested their help in etching stones or the building o the temple' 0he kings sent their architects to the Vindhya mountains' 0he stones were gathered rom these mountains and brought to :urushottama Kshetra in boats and chariots' *essengers were also sent to several other kings or aid' 0hey came with their armies and with a lot o wealth' 1ndradyumna told the assembled kingsF I1 wish to accomplish two di icult tasks' 0he irst is to per orm an ashvamedha yaDna here' And the second is to build a temple to Vishnu' Both o these are di icult DobsF particularly the second' But i you help meF 1 am con ident that both Dobs can be done'J 0he kings agreed to help' 0hey o ered DewelsF wealthF goldF clothesF ood grains and other obDects' 0he place where the yaDna was to be held was made entirely out o gold' 1n actF all the obDects used in the yaDna were made out o gold' Brahmanas rom all over #ambudvipa came to witness the sacri ice' 0hey were donated elephantsF horses and cows as alms' 4ever has there been any other sacri ice to rival the one that 1ndradyumna per ormed'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
A ter the sacri ice was over and the temple builtF there remained the more important Muestion o the image' )ow was this to be madeN 1ndradyumna began to pray to Vishnu or guidance' Vishnu appeared be ore 1ndradyumna in a dream and saidF I8hy are you so miserableN 8hen the sun risesF go to the shores o the ocean' 0here you will ind a tree' )al o the tree is in the water and the remaining hal in the sand' <hop down this tree' 1t s wood will give you the material or the image' 1n the morningF 1ndradyumna went to the seashore and ound the tree' 1t was Dust as Vishnu had described it to be' 8ith an aHeF he chopped down the tree' As he was about to slice the trunk in twoF two brahmanas appeared be ore him' Although 1ndradyumna did not know itF these two brahmanas were Vishnu and Vishvakarma in disguise' IKing' 8hat have you doneNJ eHclaimed the brahmanas' IYou have cut down the only tree that was on the shores o the ocean'J I>orgive meFJ replied 1ndradyumna' I1 wished to make an image o Vishnu' Vishnu has instructed me in a dream that this is the tree rom which the image should be made'J I0hat is an eHcellent ideaFJ said the brahmana who was Vishnu in disguise' I0here is nothing so holy as praying to Vishnu' *eet my companion' )e is as skilled as the great Vishvakarma himsel ' 1 you wantF he will build the image or you'R King 1ndradyumna agreed' And instructed by VishnuF Vishvakarma started to build the image' (rF to be more accurateF there were three di erent images' 0he irst one was that o Baladeva or Balarama' 0his was completely white in colourF eHcept or the eyesF which were red' 0he image was dressed in blue and a snake held its hood over BalaramaAs head' A club and a mace were in BalaramaAs hands' 0he second image was KrishnaAs' 0his was blue in colourF with eyes like lotus lowers' 0he image was dressed in yellow and had a chakra in its hand' 0he third image was that o KrishnaAs sister /ubhadra' 0his image was golden in colour and was dressed in wonder ul clothes' 8hen 1ndradyumna discovered that the images were made in a matter o minutesF he was thunderstruck' )e realised that the two brahmanas cold not be mere mortals' )e ell at their eet and saidF I:lease tell me who you are' You cannot be humans'J Vishnu and Vishvakarma then revealed their true selves and 1ndradyumna was thrilled' Vishnu blessed the king and told him that he would rule or ten thousand and nine hundred years' And even a ter 1ndradyumna diedF a place would be reserved or him in heaven' (n an auspicious dayF the three images were instated in the temple'
9&11 Mar.andeya *any years agoF a great destruction (pralaya) took place' 0he earth was shrouded in darkness and nothing could be seen' 0here was neither sun nor moon' Lightning and thunder crushed mountains and trees' 0here were showers o meteors' Lakes and rivers dried up' 0he entire earth burnt with ire and the lames o the ire reached down to the underworld' All living beings perished in this ireF including the gods and the demons'
0here was a sage named *arkandeya' 8hile all this was going onF *arkandeya was busy meditating' /uch was the power o *arkandeyaAs tapasya that the ire dared not touch him' But it is also true that *arkandeya was scared o the ire that raged all around him' )e su ered rom hunger and thirst and orgot all about his tapasya' )is lips and throat dried up rom ear' *arkandeya discovered that there was a banyan tree that was untouched by all these ravages' )e retired to the shade o the banyan tree and started to pray to Vishnu'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
<louds gathered in the sky' 0hey were thick and dark clouds and they spread all over the earth' 1t started to rain and it poured and poured' 8ater was everywhere and the earth was looded' 0he water put out the ire' 1t rained continuously or twelve years' 0he oceans looded the shores and the mountains were pulverised' Vishnu slept on the water' *arkandeya did not know what to do' 0here was water everywhere and he loated on it' But he continued to pray to Vishnu' Vishnu spoke to *arkandeya' IDo not be rightenedF *arkandeyaFJ he said' IYou are devoted to me and 1 shall protect you'J *arkandeya did not realise that it was Vishnu who was speaking' I8ho dares to address me thusNJ he demanded' IAm 1 a child that 1 should be so addressedN 1 am the great *arkandeyaF blessed by Brahma himsel 'J But try as he mightF *arkandeya cold not see anyone anywhere' 8here had the voice come rom thenN )ad it all been an illusionN 4ot knowing what to doF he started to pray again to Vishnu' /uddenly he saw the banyan tree loating on the water' A golden bed was spread on the branches o the tree and on the bed there slept a small boy' *arkandeya was eHceedingly surprised to see the small boy loating in the middle o this deluge' )e was so con used by his illusions that he did not realise that this boy was none other than Vishnu' 0he boy spoke to *arkandeya' IYou are tiredFJ said the boy' IYou are looking or a re uge' .nter my body and rest or some time'J *arkandeya was so con used thatF be ore he could reactF he entered the boyAs body through the mouth' 1nside the boyAs stomach *arkandeya discovered all the worldsF the seven regions and the seven oceans' 0he mountains and the kingdoms were all there' /o were all living beings' *arkandeya did not know what to make o all this' )e started to pray to Vishnu' 4o sooner than he had startedF he came out o the boyAs mouth' Vishnu now appeared be ore him and blessed him' 0he sage spent a thousand years with Vishnu' Vishnu then askedF I1 wish to grant you a boon' 8hat is your desireNJ I1 want to build a temple to /hiva in :urushottama KshetraFJ replied *arkandeya' I0his will prove to everyone that Vishnu and /hiva are really one and the same'J Vishnu granted the boon and *arkandeya built a temple to /hiva known as Bhuvaneshvara (Lord o the 8orld)'
9&14 2ing )hveta 1n satya yuga there used to be a king named /hveta' )e was such a good king that during his reign people lived or ten thousand years' 4o one dies as a child' Longevity was high and there was no in ant mortality'
But there was a sage named Kapalagoutama' %n ortunatelyF the sageAs son died as an in ant' 0he sage brought the dead body to /hveta and the king resolved that i he could not bring the sageAs son back to li e within a weekF he would immolate himsel in a ire' )aving thus taken an oathF king /hveta worshipped /hiva with one thousand and one hundred blue lotus lowers' /hiva appeared be ore the king and granted the boon that the in ant son might be brought back to li e' King /hveta ruled or a thousand years' )e also built a temple to Vishnu in :urushottama kshetra' 0he temple that had been built by 1ndradyumna was known as the temple o #agannatha' /hvetaAs temple was not very ar rom this and was known as the temple o /hvetamadhava' 0he image in this temple was as white as the moon'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
9&18 +ali 0here was a king o the daityas named Vali' )e was power ul and invincible' )e was also righteous and truth ul' 0he gods cold not bear to see ValiAs prosperity and began to plot how Vali might be oiled' /o well did Vali rule that diseaseF drought and evil disappeared throughout the three worlds'
1n desperationF the gods approached Vishnu' I:lease do something about ValiJF they reMuested' IYou always help us out when we are in trouble'J I0here is no di erence between Vali and the gods so ar as 1 am concernedFJ replied Vishnu IVali is devoted to me' 1 cannot there ore ight with him' But 1 will think o a way so that his kingdom might be taken away rom him and given to you'J Vishnu decided to be born as AditiAs son' 0he son was a dwar ' 0his was the vamana avatara (dwar incarnation) o Vishnu' Vali proposed to organise a horse sacri ice' *any sages came to the sacri ice and /hukracharya was the chie priest' 0he dwar also arrived to witness the yaDna' /hukracharya realised that the dwar was none other than Vishnu' )e told ValiF I1 suspect that this dwar is Vishnu in disguise' )e must have come here to ask you or something' :lease do not grant him anything without irst consulting me'J I<ertainly notFJ replied Vali' I1t is good ortune indeed that the great Vishnu has come to my house' 8hat is there to consult aboutN 1 shall grant Vishnu whatever he wants'J Vali went to the dwar to ascertain what the dwar wanted' Vishnu eHpressed the wish that he might be given as much o land as might be covered in three o the dwar As steps' 0his boon Vali readily granted' But no sooner than the boon had been grantedF the dwar adopted a gigantic orm' )e placed one oot on ValiAs yaDna and the second on Brahmaloka' I8here will 1 place my third stepNJ demanded Vishnu' I0here is no more space le t in the entire universe' >ind me a place or my third step'J Vali smiled and saidF I:lace it on my back'J Vishnu was charmed at ValiAs generosity' )e granted Vali the boon that Vali would hold the title o 1ndra in a uture manvantara' )e then appointed Vali king o the underworld' But 1ndraAs kingdom o heavenF which Vali had conMueredF was returned to 1ndra' Brahma had all this while been in Brahmaloka' 8hen Vishnu placed his second oot on BrahmalokaF Brahma elt that he should welcome his water?pot (kamandalu) to wash the oot' 0he water spilled over rom the oot and ell on the mountains' 0here the water divided into our' Vishnu accepted the low that went northwards' 0he low that went westwards returned to BrahmaAs kamandalu' 0he low that went eastwards was gathered up by the gods and the sages' But the low that went southwards got entangled in /hivaAs matted hair' 0his water was the river -anga'
9&19 (autama :art o the water o the -anga that got stuck in /hivaAs hair was brought down to earth by Bhagiratha' 0he remaining part was brought down by the sage -autama'
:arvati was married to /hivaF but /hiva seemed to be onder o -anga than o :arvati' :arvati resolved that a way had to be ound to remove -anga rom /hivaAs hair' /he tried persuasionF but /hiva re used to listen'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
At this timeF there was a terrible drought on earth which went on or ourteen years' 0he only place that was not a ected by the drought was the sage -outhamaAs hermitage' (ther people also gathered in the hermitage to save themselves rom the drought and -outama welcomed them all' -anesha thought that he might be able to devise a way to ree his mother o the -anga problem' )e went and began to live in -outhamaAs hermitage' -anesha cultivated the acMuaintance o the other sages and become Muite riendly with them' (ne o :arvatiAs companions was #aya' -anesha told #aya that she was to adopt the orm o a cow and eat up the grain in -outamaAs ields' And the moment she was struckF she was to lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead' -outama noticed that a cow was eating up his grain' )e tried to drive away the cow by striking it with a blade o grass' As soon as he did thisF the cow uttered a shrill bellow and ell down on the ground' -anesha and the other sages came running to see what had happened' 0hey discovered thatF to all intents and purposesF a cow had been struck down dead by sage -outama' 0hey there ore re used to stay in an ashrama where such a sin had been committed' -outama tried to restrain them' I:lease do not go away and orsake meFJ he said' I0ell me how 1 may per ormed penance'J IYou will have to bring down -anga rom /hivaAs hairFJ replied -anesh' I8hen that water touches the dead body o the cowF your sin will be orgiven'J IYou will have to bring down -anga rom /hivaAs hairFJ replied -anesha' I8hen that water touches the dead body o the cowF your sin will be orgiven'J -anesha was so riendly with the other sages that they all accepted his solution' -outama also agreed to do the need ul' AccordinglyF -outama went to *ount Kailasa and began to pray to /hiva' /hiva was pleased at -outamaAs tapasya and o ered to grant a boon' -outama naturally wanted the boon that -anga might be brought down to earth' /hiva agreed' 1t was thus that -anga was brought down to earth by the sage -outama' -anga has our tributaries in heavenF seven on earth and our in the underworld' /ince it was -outama who brought -anga down to earthF the river is also known as -outami -anga'
9&!: "he $oves 1n a mountain known as Brahmagiri there used to live a hunter who was very cruel' )e not only killed birds and animalsF but brahmanas and sages as well'
0he hunter once went on a hunt' )e killed many animals and birds and some he put in his cages' )e had penetrated so ar inside the orest that he was ar rom home' 1t became night and also started to rain' )ungry and thirstyF the hunter lost his way' )e climbed up a tree and decided to spend the night there' But his mind kept going back to his wi e and children at home' >or many years a dove and its amily had lived happily on that tree' Both the male and emale had gone out to look or ood' But although the make dove had returned to the nestF the emale dove had not' 1n actF the emale had been captured by the hunter and was now inside a cage' 0he male did not know this' )e mourned or his wi e' 0hese words o mourning were heard by the emale dove inside the cage and she made her presence elt' 0he male dove came down and discovered his wi e inside the cage' I0he hunter is sleeping nowFJ he said' I4ow is the time or me to ree you'J
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
I4oFJ replied the emale dove' IYou know how it is with living beings' (ne living being lives on another' 1 can ind not ault with the hunterF he is merely collecting his ood' )e is like a guest to us' And it is our duty to o er up our bodies or the sake o a guest'J IYou are Muite rightFJ said the male dove' I1 lost my sense o propriety' 8e have to serve our guest' But how do we serve our guestN 8e have nothing that we can call our own'J IAt the moment the hunter is su ering most rom the coldFJ replied the emale dove' I8e have to light a ire to warm him up' -o and ind a ire and bring plenty o dead leaves and branches so that the ire may burn'J 0he male dove ound a laming branch' )e also brought many dry leaves and branches so that the ire could burn' 0he rain had stopped and the ire warmed up the hunter' I4owFJ said the emale doveF I ree me so that 1 may immolate mysel in the ire' *y roasted lesh will serve as ood or the hunter'J I4everFJ replied the male dove' I1t is my right to serve the guest irst'J /aying thisF the male dove hurled himsel into the ire' 0he hunter had heard the entire conversation and marveled that two doves could be so altruistic' 0he emale dove now reMuested the hunter to ree her rom the cage' And as soon as he did thisF the emale dove also hurled hersel into the ire' 0his sel less deed o the two doves was so wonder ul that a space vehicle (vimana) came down to take the two doves straight to heaven' 0he cruel hunter was also impressed and repented his past misdeeds' )e told the dovesF IYou are indeed blessed' Be ore you go to heavenF please tell me how 1 may per orm penance or my sins'J I-o to -outami -anga and bathe there or i teen daysFJ replied the doves' IYour sins will also be orgiven'J 0he hunter did as he had been asked to' 0he place where the doves immolated themselves became a holy tirtha known as kapotatirthaF since the word kapota means dove'
9&!1 (aruda and Maninaga You have already been told about the great snake (naga) Ananta' Ananta had a son named *aninaga' -aruda was the enemy o the snakes and the snakes were all a raid o -aruda'
*aninaga began to pray to /hiva' )aving pleased /hivaF he obtained the boon that -aruda would be able to do him no harm' Armed with this boonF *aninaga started to wander around reely and did not run away even when aced with -aruda' -aruda ound this to be eHceedingly strange' Although he could not kill *aninagaF he captured him and kept him imprisoned in his own house' /hiva had a companion named 4andi' 4andi told /hivaF ILordF what has happened to *aninagaN 8e have not seen him or some time' 1 hope that -aruda has not done him some harm'J /hiva o curse knew what had happened' )e advised 4andi to pray to Vishnu' 4andi was to please Vishnu and then ask or the boon that *aninaga might be reed rom -arudaAs imprisonment' 4andi did this and Vishnu asked -aruda to release *aninaga' ILordFJ -aruda told VishnuFJ this is very un air' (ther masters treat their servants really well' 0hey give their servants gi ts' /ee how /hiva has sent 4andi himsel to rescue /hivaAs devotee *aninaga' You never give me any gi ts' *oreoverF when 1 obtain something on my ownF you ask me to relinMuish it' 1s this proper on your partN 1t is on me that you ride when you go out to ight the demons' 0hey get
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
de eated because o my prowess' And yet it tickles your ego no end to think that you have de eated them yoursel 'J Vishnu smiled and repliedF I-arudaF you are Muite right' You have become thin and learn rom bearing my weight' 1t is Muite true that 1 can de eat the demons only because o your prowess' You have a lot o strength' 8hy donAt you bear the weight o my little inger and demonstrate your strengthNJ Vishnu placed his little inger on -arudaAs head' /o heavy was the inger that -aruda was crushed against the ground' I:lease orgive meFJ said -aruda' I1 have been very stupid' 1 am an ignorant ass and you are the lord o everything' 1 have been completely lattened by the weight o your little inger' :lease tell me how 1 may regain my old sel 'J Vishnu asked 4andi to take -aruda to /hiva' /hiva would ind a way o restoring -raudaAs old appearance' *aninaga was releases and 4andi took -aruda to /hiva' /hiva asked -aruda to bathe in -outami -anga' 0his would make his appearance normal again' -aruda did this' 4ot only was his old appearance restoredF he became stronger and swi ter than he used to be' 0he place where -aruda bathed is a tirtha known as -arudatirtha'
9&!! +ishvamitra and 7ndra *any years agoF there was a terrible drought' 0here was no ood to be had'
0he sage Vishvamitra had come to the banks o the river -outami -anga with his disciples' VishvamitraAs wi eF children and disciples were all hungry' 0he sage there ore sent his disciples out to look or ood' 0hey searched everywhereF but could ind no ood' 0he only obDect that they could ind was the body o a dead dog' 0hey brought this to Vishvamitra' I8e have no choiceFJ Vishvamitra told his disciples' I<lean the meat care ully with water' 0hen o er it to the godsF the sages and the ancestors' 0his is what we have to live on'J ( ering the meat o a dog to the gods was unheard o ' 1ndra adopted the orm o a hawk and stole the vessel in which the meat was kept' But Vishvamitra got to know about this and got ready to curse 1ndra' 1ndra was naturally scared o VishvamitraAs curse' )e changed the dog?meat into amrita (a heavenly drink) and brought the vessel back' I1 donAt want amritaFJ Vishvamitra told 1ndra' IBring the dog?meat back' 1 donAt want to have amrita when the whole world is starving or ood' 0here is no ood available and 1 do not see any sin in eating dog? meat' 4or should there be a sin in o ering it to the gods'J 1ndra was the god o rains' )e realised that the only way to persuade Vishvamitra against eating the dog?meat was to make it rain so that there would be an end to the drought' 1nstructed by 1ndraF the clouds poured down rain' Vishvamitra and his disciples now consented to partake o the amrita' 0he place where all this happened has come to be known as Vishvamitratirtha'
9&!* )hveta 0here used to be a brahmana named /hveta' )e was a riend o the sage -outama and had a hermitage on the banks o the -outami -anga' /hveta was also devoted to /hiva' 1n due courseF /hiveta died and YamaAs messengers arrived to take /hveta to Yama' But they could not even enter /hvetaAs house'
>inding that YamaAs messengers are not returningF YamaAs companion <hitraka told YamaF I8hat do you think has happenedN 8hy arenAt the messengers returningN
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Yama now sent his companion *rityu (literally death) to ind out what was going on' *rityu went to /hvetaAs house and ound YamaAs messengers standing outside the house' 0hey eHplained that they were unable to enter the house because /hiva himsel was guarding /hvetaAs body' (ne o /hivaAs companions asked *rityu' I8hat are you doing hereN 8hat do you wantNJ I1 have come to take /hveta to YamaFJ replied *rityu' I)is time on earth is up'J *rityu lung a noose to grasp /hvetaAs body' But /hivaAs companion struck *rityu with a rod and killed him' 8hen the news o this was taken to YamaF he was urious' 8ith all his companions he attacked /hvetaAs house' 4andiF -aneshaF Kartikeya and several o /hivaAs companions came to ight on /hivaAs sideF and a battle royal raged' All the gods arrived to mediate and end the stri e' 0hings had a got a bit out o hand and Yama himsel had been killed by Kartikeya' 0he problem seemed to de y solution' Yama wasF a ter allF per orming his duty' But /hiva insisted that his devotees would never be taken to YamaF but would instead go straight to heaven' /hivaAs condition was inally agreed to' 4andi brought water rom the -outami -anga and sprinkled it on Yama and the others who had died in the ighting' 0hey were all immediately brought back to li e'
9&!, 2u5era Kubera was the eldest son o the sage Vishrava' Vishrava had two wives' 0he ist wi e give birth to Kubera' 0he second wi e was a rakshasa (demon) woman and gave birth to "avanaF Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana' Kubera used to rule in Lanka and his relations with his cousins were eHtremely good' But "avanaAs mother did not like idea o her sons miHing so much with Kubera'
/he called her sons and saidF I8hat are you up toN 8hy do you cause me so much o painN You are demons and Kubera is a god' 1s it proper that you should be so riendly with himN 0he relation between gods and demons is one o enmity' <onsider KuberaAs pomp and glory' )ave you got anything like that to show or yourselvesN Do something so as to improve your own statures'J 0hus instructed by their motherF "avanaF Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana went o to the orest to per orm tapasya' 0hey pleased Brahma with their prayers and desired the boon that they might win over the kingdom o Lanka' "avana also obtained the boon that he would become very strong' 0hus orti ied with the boonsF the demons attacked Kubera and de eated him' 0hey drove Kubera out o Lanka' Kubera possessed a beauti ul vimana named pushpaka' 0his was also appropriated by "avana' "avana also made it known that whoever gave Kubera re uge would be killed by him' 0his meant that no one dared give re uge to Kubera' Kubera sought the advice o his grand ather :ulastya' :ulastya told him to go to the banks o the -outami -anga and pray to /hiva there' /hiva appeared be ore Kubera and blessed him' )e granted Kubera the boon that Kubera would become the god o all wealth'
9&!/ ?arishchandra 1n the 1kshvaku dynasty there ruled a king named )arishchandra' )arishchandra had no son' (ne day two sages named 4arada and :arvata came to visit )arishchandra and told him that he would go to hell i he did not have a son'
I)ow can 1 obtain a sonNJ asked )arishchandra' I-o to the banks o the -outami -angaFJ advised the sages' I:ray to the god Varuna there' 8e are sure that Varuna will grant you a son'J )arishchandra pleased Varuna with his prayers and asked or a son'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
IYou will have a sonFJ said Varuna' IBut there is a condition attached' You will have to subseMuently organise a yaDna in my honour and you will have to sacri ice your son at this yaDna' 0ell me i this condition is acceptable to you'J IYes indeedFJ replied )arishchandra' 1n due courseF )arishchandra had a son who was named "ohita' Varuna came to )arishchandra and askedF I8hat about the yaDna in my honourNJ I*y son is still too youngFJ replied )arishchandra' ILet him at least attain ten days o age' 0ill thenF the baby is in any case impure and is not it to be sacri iced'J A ter ten days Varuna came again and askedF I8hat about the yaDna in my honourN I:lease let him grow his teethFJ replied )arishchandra' IAnimals are sacri iced at yaDnas' And no one becomes an animal until he actually has teeth'J Varuna waited till the teeth grew and returned when "ohita was seven years o age' I8hat about the yaDna in my honourNJ he asked' I0hese are only milk teethFJ replied )arishchandra' I0hese do not characterise an animal' :lease wait until his proper teeth have grown'J Varuna returned when the proper teeth grew and askedF I8hat about the yaDna in my honourNJ I)e is the son o kshatriya (the second o the our classesF a warrior class)FJ replied )arishchandra' IBut his training in the art o ighting has not even begun' )e cannot be called a kshatriya until he knows how to ight' 0ill that day he is an incomplete man' Do you really want such an incomplete man as a sacri iceNJ A ter some years had passedF "ohita became skilled in the art o ighting and was appointed the heir? apparent (yuvaraDa) to the kingdom' )e was then siHteen years o age' Varuna appeared again and askedF I8hat about the yaDna in my honourNJ 0his time the entire conversation took place in ront o the prince and "ohita intervened be ore )arishchandra could say anything' I>atherFJ he saidF I1 have already resolved to per orm a yaDna in VishnuAs honour' -rant me the permission to complete that irst' A ter thatF do what you will'J "ohita went o to the orest' *eanwhileF Varuna had had enough and he a licted )arishchandra with a pain ul stomach ailment' 4ews o his atherAs illness was taken to "ohita in the orest' 1n the orestF "ohita met a sage named ADigarta' 0he sage was very poor andF together with his wi e and three sonsF was starving' I8ill you sell one o your three sons to meNJ asked "ohita' I0he boy is needed or a sacri ice'J I1 shall not sell my eldest sonFJ said the sage' I*y wi e will not permit the youngest one to be sold' You can have the one in the middle' )is name is /hunahshe a' 0he price will be one thousand cowsF one thousand golden coinsF one thousand pieces o clothing and a lot o wealth'J "ohita paid the price and brought /hunahshe a home to )arishchandra'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
I8e canAt do thisFJ said )arishchandra' I1t is the duty o kings to protect the brahmanas' )ow can we sacri ice the son o a brahmanaN 1t is better to die instead' -o and return /hunahshe a to his ather'J #ust then a divine voice was heard rom heaven' 0he voice saidF I0here is no need or anyone to die' 0ake /hunahshe a to the banks o the -outami -anga and per orm the yaDna to Varuna there' -outami -anga is such a sacred river that no human sacri ices are needed i a yaDna is per ormed there' 0his is what )arishchandra did not Varuna was satis ied' As or /hunahshe aF he was adopted by the sage Vishvamitra as a son'
9&!1 +riddhagoutama 0he sage -outama had a son named Vriddhagoutama' Vriddhagoutama was also a sage' But he was very ugly' BesidesF he had no noseO had never had one since he had been born' )e was so ashamed o this de ormity that he could not bear to Doin the other children o the sages in studying the Vedas and /hastras under a teacher' But Vriddhagoutama knew some incantations (mantras) which he always chanted' )e also worshipped the god Agni'
8hen he grew a bit olderF Vriddhagoutama went out to tour the world' )e traveled to many places and met many people' /ince he was de ormedF he never got married' 8ho would want to marry a person so ugly as heN 1n the course o his travelsF Vriddhagoutama arrived at a mountain named /hitagiri' )e discovered a beauti ul cave in the mountain and thought that this might be a good place to live in' /o he entered the cave and was very surprised to ind an old woman inside' 0he old woman had obviously been living inside the cave or many years' )er body was thin and wasted rom the rigours o severe tapasya' Vriddhagoutama was about to touch the eet o such a venerable old womanF but the woman restrained him' I:lease donAt touch my eetFJ said the woman' IYou are my guru' Does a guru ever bow be ore his discipleNJ Vriddagoutama was surprised at these words' 0his was the irst time in his li e that he had met the old woman' I)ow can 1 be your guruNJF he asked' IYou are much older than me' BesidesF 1 have never learnt anything and you are clearly a respected ascetic' Your words are a complete mystery to me'J ILet me tell you my storyFJ said the old woman' I(therwiseF you will not understand'J 0here used to be a handsome and brave prince named "itadhvaDa' )e was the son o King Arshtishena' "itadhvaDa went on a hunt to the orest and arrived at that very cave' 0here he happened to meet an apsara named /ushyama' 0he two ell in love with each other and got married' But eventuallyF "itadhvaDa had to return home and /ushyama gave birth to a daughter there' /ushyama le t her daughter in the cave itsel with the instruction that she was not to leave the cave' 0he irst man to enter the cave would become her husband' 1t was this daughter who had now become the old woman' "itadhvaDa had reigned or eighty thousand years' A ter thatF ritadhvaDaAs son had reigned or ten thousand years' All this whileF /ushyamaAs daughter had lived in the caveF that isF or ninety thousand years all together' I4ow you see that you are to be my husbandFJ said the old woman' I1s a husband not a guruNJ I8hat you say is Muite impossibleFJ replied Vriddhagoutama' IYou are much older than me' 1 am only a thousand years old and you more than ninety thousand' )ow can we marryN 1 am like a child neHt to you'J I1 you do not marry meF 1 will kill mysel FJ said the old woman'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
IBut 1 am uglyFJ protested Vriddhagoutama' I1 will promise you this much' 1 1 every become handsome and learnedF 1 will indeed marry you'J I1 have pleased the goddess /arasvatiF who presides over all learningF through my tapasyaFJ said the old woman' I/he will make you learned' 1 have also pleased the god Varuna and he will make you handsome'J Vriddhagoutama became handsome and learned and married the old woman' 0hey lived happily in the cave' (ne dayF various sages came to visit the couple' Amongst them there were sages like Vashishtha and Vamadeva' But there were also young sages who ere not all that sensible' 0he younger sages started to laugh at the sight o the young and handsome Vriddhagoutama and his aged wi e' I8ho is this manNJ they asked the old woman' I1s he your son or your grandsonNJ 0he sages went awayF but the couple elt ashamed' 0hey asked the sage Agastya what they might do' Agastya told them to go and bathe in the river -outami -anga' 0he river is so sacred that all oneAs heartAs desires are thereby granted' 0he couple did this and prayed to Vishnu and /hiva' 8onder o wondersF the old woman became young and pretty' 0he place on the banks o the river where these wonder ul things happened is a tirtha named vriddhasangama'
9&!4 Pippalada *any years agoF there used to be a sage named Dadhici' )is wi e was Lopamudra' DadhichiAs hermitage was right neHt to the holy river -anga' LopamudraAs sister -abhastini also used to live in the hermitage' /uch was the sage DadhichiAs powers that daityas and danavas dared not set oot inside the hermitage'
0he gods once ought with the demons and managed to de eat them' A ter the war was overF they came to pay their respects to Dadhichi' Dadhichi welcomed his guests and wanted to know how they were aring' I0hanks to your blessingsF we are ineFJ replied the gods' I8e have Dust de eated the demons in a war' 1n actF we have a slight problem' 8e no longer need our weapons now that the demons have run away' 8e donAt know o a sa e place where we can store all these weapons' 8e were wondering i we might keep the weapons in your ashrama' 0his is one o the sa est places that can be ound'J Dadhichi consented to this proposal' 0he gods le t their weapons in the hermitage and went back to heaven' 8hen Lopamudra heard what Dadhichi had doneF she was not at all pleased' IYou have done something that is mot improperFJ she told her husband' I(ne should never accept responsibility or someone elseAs propertyF especially i one is an ascetic and has not material possessions o oneAs own' *oreoverF you have agreed to store the weapons o the gods' Dose this not mean that those who are the godAs enemies will look upon you too as an enemyN And what are you going to do i something should happen to the weaponsN 8ill the gods not blame you thenNJ IYour points are well takenFJ said Dadhichi' IBut 1 had not thought o them and 1 have given the gods my word' 1 canAt very well go back on my word now'J A hundred years passed' 0he gods did not return to collect their weapons' 0he weapons began to lose their lusterF Dadhichi did not know how the energy o the weapons might be preserved' )e washed them with holy water and the energy o the weapons got dissolve in the water' Dadhichi then drank up the water' As or the weapons themselvesF they aded away once their energy was gone'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
>inally the gods came to claim their weapons' I<an we have our weapons backN 0hey asked' I(ur enemies have become power ul again' 8e need our weapons'J I0hat may beFJ said Dadhichi' IBut the weapons are no longer there' 1 have swallowed up their energy' Let me tell you what can be done' 1 will use the powers o meditation (yoga) to give up my li e' 0hen eHcellent weapons can be made out o my bones' 0he gods were reluctantF but thee was no other solution' Dadhichi died and the gods reMuested Vishvakarma to make weapons or them out o DadhichiAs bones' Vishvakarma complied and the weapon name vaDra that he made was truly remarkable' Lopamudra was away when this incident took place' /he returned and ound that her husband had died' /he was a licted with sorrow and wished to immolate hersel in a ire' But she happened to be pregnant at the timeF so that this could not immediately be done' (nce the baby was bornF she killed hersel a ter having handed over the baby to a pippala ( ig) tree or rearing' /ince the pippala tree brought up the boyF he came to be known as :ippalada' <handra was the lord over all trees' 0he trees asked <handra or some amrita or :ippalada and <handra obliged' 0he amrita gave :ippalada a lot o strength' 8hen :ippalada grew upF he wanted to know who his parents were and the trees told him the story' :ippalada blamed the gods or his parents death and decided to seek revenge' 0he trees brought :ippalada to <handra' IYou are still too youngFJ said <handra' I>irst you must become learned and well?versed in the use o weapons' -o to the orest o dandakaranya' 0he river -outami -anga lows through that orest' :ray to /hiva there and 1 am sure that your wishes will be ul illed'J :ippalada pleased /hiva through his prayers' I8hat boon do you desireNJ asked /hiva' 1 want the boon that 1 may be able to destroy the godsFJ replied :ippalada' I1 have a third eye in the middle o my oreheadFJ said /hiva' I0he day you can see my third eyeF your wish will be granted'J 0ry as he mightF :ippalada could not see /hivaAs third eye' :ippalada there ore per ormed even more di icult tapasya or even more years' .ventually he managed to see /hivaAs third eye' >rom /hivaAs third eye was born a demon that looked like a mare' I8hat is your desireNJ asked the demon o :ippalada' IKill my enemiesF the godsFJ was the reply' 0he demon immediately attacked :ippalada' I8hat are you doingNJ asked :ippalada' I8hy are you trying to kill meN 1 asked you to kill the gods'J IBut your body has bee created by the godsFJ replied the demon' I1 will there ore kill you also'J :ippalada ran to /hiva or deliverance' /hiva earmarked a region inside the orest or :ippalada' 0here the demon was not permitted to enter' :ippalada lived thereF protected rom the ravages o the demon' *eanwhileF the gods reMuested /hiva to save them as well' /hiva persuaded :ippalada to control his
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
anger' )e convinced :ippalada that nothing was to be gained by killing the gods' 0hat would not bring his parents back' :ippalada agreed' But he wished to see his parents once' AccordinglyF vimana descended rom heaven on which Dadhichi and Lopamudra were seated' 0hey blessed :ippalada and asked him to marry and have children' As or the demonF it became a river and merged with the holy -anga'
9&!8 3ageshvara 0here was a city named :ratishthana' A king named /hurasena ruled in that city' /hurasena did not have any sons' A ter a lot o e ortF a son was born to him' But the son happened to be a snake' 0he king and the Mueen were morti ied at this turn o events' But they brought up their son in great secrecy' 4ot even the kingAs ministers and priests knew that the prince was a snake'
8hen the prince grew slightlyF he began to talk like a humanF even though he was a snake' King /hurasena arranged or the princeAs education' A ter the snake had become learned in the knowledge o the VedasF he told his atherF I>atherF it is time or me to get married' 1 1 do not have a sonF 1 am certain to go to naraka'J King /hurasena was very surprised to hear this' I)ow is that possibleNJ he asked' I8hich princess will consent to marry a snakeNJ I1 donAt knowFJ replied the prince' IBut 1 do know that 1 have to get married' (ther wiseF 1 will commit suicide' 0here are many orms o marriage that are permissible' :erhaps a princess can be kidnapped and married to me'J /hurasena called his ministers and told themF I*y son 4ageshvara has now come o age' )e has also been made the heir?apparent to the kingdom' 0here is no one eMual to him in bravery on earthF in heaven or in the underworld' 1 am getting old' :lease arrange or 4ageshvara to get married' 1 shall then relinMuish my kingdom and retire to the orest'J 0he king did not o course tell his ministers that 4ageshvara was a snake' /hurasena had an aged minister' 0his minister reported that there was a king named ViDaya who ruled in the eastern part o the country' King ViDaya had eight sons and one daughter' 0he daughterAs name was Bhogavati and she was very beauti ul' /he would be the right match or 4ageshvara' 0he aged minister was sent as a messenger to ViDaya and the king agreed to the match' 0here was a custom amongst kshatriyas that the bride did not always have to be married to the bridegroom in person' /he could also be married to the bridegroomAs sword or some other weapon' 0he minister eHplained to King ViDaya that there were some private reasons which made it impossible or 4ageshvara to come in person or the marriage' Bhogavati should be married o to 4ageshvaraAs sword' ViDaya consented to this and the marriage ceremony was per ormed' 0he entire retinue then returned to the city o :ratishthana' But what was to be done now that the marriage was overN 4ageshvaraAs mother sent a made to Bhogavati' 0he maid was to tell Bhogavati that her husband was actually a snake and then observe her reaction' 0he maid told BhogavatiF IYour husband is a godF but he has the orm o a snake'J I0hat is my good ortuneFJ replied Bhoavati' I4ormallyF women are married to men' 1 must have per ormed many good deeds in my earlier li e to have been married to a god'J
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Bhogavati was then brought to 4ageshvara and at the sight o BhogavatiF 4ageshvara remembered his earlier li e' )e used to be a snake (naga) in his earlier li e and was a companion o /hivaAs' )is wi e in the earlier li e was Bhogavati' 0here had bee an occasion when /hiva had laughed at a Doke o parvatiAs and 4ageshvara had also laughed' 0his had annoyed /hiva and he had cursed 4ageshvara that he would be born on earth as the son o a humanF but in the orm o a snake' 8hen he went and bathed in -outami -angaF the period o the curse would be over' 8hen 4ageshvara recounted these incidents to BhogavatiF she also remembered her earlier li e' 0he two went and bathed in the scared river and 4ageshvara obtained a handsome and divine orm' 4ageshavara ruled a ter /hurasenaAs death' And when 4ageshvara and Bhogavati diedF they went back to Kailasa to live with /hiva' (n the banks o the -outami -angaF 4ageshvara and Bhogavati built a temple to /hiva' 0his is a amous tirtha known as nagatirtha'
9&!9 #rahma<s ?ead Years agoF there was a war between the gods and the demons and the gods lost' 0he gods came to Brahma or advice and Brahma asked them to pray to /hiva'
8hen /hiva appeared be ore themF the gods saidF I0he demons have de eated us' :lease kill them and save us'J /hiva went to ight with the demons' )e drove the demons o rom *ount /umeru and out o heaven' )e pursued them to the ends o the earth' All this eHertion made /hiva sweat' And wherever the drops o sweat ell down on the groundF terrible ogresses named matris were created' 0he matris also started to kill the demons and pursued them down to the underworld' 8hile the matris were killing the demons in the underworldF Brahma and the other dos waited on the banks o the river -outami -anga' 0his place came to be known as :ratishthana' 8hen the matris had killed all the demonsF they returned to earth and began to live on the banks o the -outami -anga' 0his tirtha has come to be known as matritirtha' Brahma used to have ive heads' 0he i th head was in the shape o a donkeyAs head' 8hen the demons were running away to the underworldF this donkeyAs head addressed the demons and saidF I8hy are you running awayN <ome back and ight with the gods' 1 shall aid you in your ight'J 0he gods were alarmed at this paradoHical situation' Brahma was helping them in their light with the demons and BrahmaAs i th head was trying to help the demons' 0hey went to Vishnu and saidF I:lease cut o BrahmaAs i th head' 1t is causing too much o con usion'J I1 can do what you wantFJ replied VishnuF Ibut there is a problem' 8hen the cut?o head alls on earthF it will destroy the earth' 1 think you should pray to /hiva to ind a way out'J 0he gods prayed to /hiva and /hiva agreed to cut o the head' But what was to be done with the severed headN 0he earth re used to bear it and so did the ocean' >inally it was decided that /hiva himsel would bear the head' 0he place where /hiva cut o BrahmaAs i th head is known as rudratirtha' .ver since that dayF Brahma has had our heads and is known as <haturmukha (chatur connotes our and mukha connotes ace)' 0here is a temple to Brahma on the banks o the -outami -anga' 0his is a holy place known as brahmatirtha' A killer o brahmanas is pardoned his sin i he visits this temple'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
9&*: "he =wl and the $ove A dove used to live on the banks o the -outami -anga' 0he doveAs name was Anuhrada and its wi eAs name was )eti' Anuhrada was YamaAs grandson'
4ot very ar awayF there lived an owl named %luka' 0he owlAs wi e was called %luki' 0he owls were descended rom the god Agni' 0he doves and the owls were enemies' 0hey ought amongst themselves continually' 0he doves had received all sorts o weapons rom Yama and the owls had received all sorts o weapons rom Agni' 0hese divine weapons threatened to burn up everything' But Yama and Agni intervened' 0hey persuaded the owls and the doves to orget their enmity and live together as riends' 0he place where the doves lived came to be known as a tirtha named yamyatirtha' And the place where the owls lived came to be known as agnitirtha'
9&*1 "he ?unter 0here was a sage named Veda' )e used to pray to /hiva every day' 0he prayers lasted till the a ternoon and a ter the prayers were overF Veda used to go to the nearby villages to beg alms'
A hunter named Bhilla used to come to the orest every a ternoon to hunt' A ter the hunt was overF he used to come to /hivaAs linga (image) and o er to /hiva whatever it was that he had hunted' 1n the process o doing thisF he o ten moved VedaAs o erings out o the way' /trange though it might seemF /hiva was stirred by BhillaAs o erings and eagerly used to wait or it every day' Bhilla and Veda never met' But Veda noticed that every day his o erings lay scattered and a little bit o meat lay by the side' /ince this always happened when Veda had gone out to beg or almsF Veda did not know who was responsible' But one dayF he decided to wait in hiding so as to catch the culprit red? handed' 8hile Veda waitedF Bhilla arrived and o ered what he had brought to /hiva' Veda was amaCed to discover that /hiva himsel appeared be ore Bhilla and askedF I8hy are you late todayN 1 have been waiting or you' Did you get very tiredNJ Bhilla went away a ter making his o erings' But Veda came up to /hiva and saidF I8hat is all thisN 0his is a cruel and evil hunterF and yetF you appear be ore him' 1 have been per orming tapasya or so many years and you never appear be ore me' 1 am disgusted at this partiality' 1 will break your linga with this stone'J IDo it i you mustFJ replied /hiva' IBut please wait till tomorrow'J 4eHt dayF when Veda came to present his o eringsF he ound traces o blood on top o the linga' )e care ully washed away the traces o blood and completed his prayers' A ter some timeF Bhilla also came to present his o erings and discovered traces o blood on top o the linga' )e thought that he was in some way responsible or this and blamed himsel or some unknown transgression' )e picked up a sharp arrow and began to pierce his body repeatedly with this arrow as punishment' /hiva appeared be ore both o them and saidF I4ow you see the di erence between Veda and Bhilla' Veda has given me his o eringsF but Bhilla has given me his whole soul' 0hat is the di erence between ritual and true devotion'J 0he place where Bhilla used to pray to /hiva is a amous tirtha known as bhillatirtha'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
9&*! (outama and Mani.undala 0here was a city named Bhouvana' 1n that city there lived a brahmana named -outama' 0he brahmana had a vaishya riend named *anikundala' (A vaishya belongs to the third o the three classes and his primary duties are trade and agriculture)'
-outamaAs mother gave him a lot o ill advice' As a result o thisF -outama told *anikundalaF ILet us go to other countries to trade and make pro its'J IBut my ather has a lot o wealthFJ replied *anikundala' I8hat is the need to obtain more wealthNJ IYou donAt have the proper perspectiveFJ said -outama' IA success ul person is one who does not thrive on what is le t to him by his ather' )e makes his own ortune'J *anikundala was convinced by -ountamaAs logic' )e did not realise that his so?called riend was out to de raud him' 0he two riends set out on their DourneyF *anikundala providing all the capital' 1n the course o their travels -outama remarkedF I)ave you noticed how those who ollow the path o dharma (righteousness) always su erN 0hey are neither wealthy nor happy' 0here seems to be no point in being righteous'J I:lease donAt say thatFJ protested manikundala' I)appiness lies in ollowing the path o dharma' :overty and misery are inevitableF they are o no account at all'J 0he two riends argued over thisF but could not decide who was right' 0hey resolved to have a bet' 0hey would ask the opinions o others' And whoever lost the bet would surrender all his wealth to the winner' 0hey asked many people or their opinions' 4aturally most people said that it was the evil who thrived and prospered' And it was the righteous who su ered' 0he upshot o this was that *anikundala surrendered all his wealth to -outama' But *anikundala continued to praise dharma' IYou are an utter assFJ said -outama' I)avenAt you lost all your wealth to meN Yet you continue to praise dharma'J I0he wealth is o no account at allFJ replied *anikundala' IDharma is on my side and your apparent victory is only an illusion' Dharma will triumph in the end'J 0he two riends decided to have another bet' 0his time it was agreed that whoever lost the bet would have his two arms chopped o ' 0hey again asked several people and most people said that is was adharma (evil) which triumphed' /o *anikundala lost his two arms' I)ow does it eel nowNJ asked -outama' I0he same as everFJ replied *anikundala' I8hat is important is dharma' And dharma is on my side'J -outama lost his temper at this' )e threatened to cut o *anikundalaAs head i *anikundala persisted in his praise o dharma' But *anikundala was unperturbed' 0he riends decided to have another bet' 0his time it was agreed that whoever lost would or eit his li e' *anikundala lost yet again' And -outama gouged out *anikundalaAs eyes and le t him or dead' *anikundala lay on the banks o the -outami -anga and pondered about the ate that had be allen him' 1t became night'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0here was an image o Vishnu on the banks o the river and the rakshasa Vibhishana used to come there every night to pray to Vishnu' VibhishanaAs son discovered *anikundala lying there and ound out rom him the entire story' )e recounted the story to his ather' I*any years agoF 1 had Doined "ama in his ight with "avanaFJ Vibhishana told his son' I"agvanaAs son *eghanada shot a venomous arrow at "amaAs brother Lakshmana' Lakshmana ell unconscious' 0he monkey )anumana then went to the )imalayas and brought a mountain named -randhamadana to Lanka' (n that mountain there was a wonder ul herb named vishalyakarani which cures all illnesses' 8hen )anumana returned the mountain to the )imalayasF a bit o the vishalyakarani ell down at this spot' 4ear VishnuAs image' Let us try and ind it' 8e should be able to cure *anikundala'J >ather and son hunted or the herb' 0he vishalyakarani had become a huge tree' 0hey lopped o a branch and placed it on *anikundalaAs chest' *anikundala immediately regained his eyes and arms' A ter curing *anikundalaF Vibhishana and his retinue returned to Lanka' *anikundala began to travel' )e eventually came to a city named *ahapura where a king named *aharaDa ruled' *aharaDa had no sonsF only a daughter' 0he daughter was blind' *aharaDa had announced that whoever cured his daughter would become his son?in?law and rule a ter him' *anikundala cured the princess with his knowledge o the vishalyakarani' )e then married the princess and became king o *ahapura a ter *aharaDa' *any years laterF -outama was brought be ore *anikundala by the soldiers' )e had been arrested on the charge o committing a crime' -outama had lost all his wealth by then and was no more than a beggar' *anikundala pardoned his riend and shared with him whatever he had' /uch are the virtues o ollowing the path o dharma' 0here are many tirthas along the banks o the -outami -anga where these wonder ul incidents took place'
9&** 2andu 0here was a sage named Kandu' )e had a hermitage on the banks o the -outami -anga' 0he ashrama was a beauti ul place and Kandu per ormed very di icult tapasya there' 1n the summer Kandu meditated in the hot sunF in the monsoon he meditated on the wet groundF and in the winter he meditated dressed in wet clothing'
1ndra got sacred as a result o all this tapasya' )e thought that the sage Kandu might want to become 1ndra the king o the gods' )e there ore called an apsara named disturb KanduAs tapasya' :ramlocha went to the hermitage and began to sing there in a beauti ul voice' 0his disturbed Kandu and he discovered a beauti ul woman wandering around in his ashrama' I8ho are youNJ Kandu asked the woman' I1 have come here to pluck lowersFJ replied :ramlocha' I1 am your servant' 1 will do whatever you wish me to'J Kandu had allen in love with :ramlocha and he married her' )e orgot all about his tapasya and 1ndra heaved a sigh o relie ' Years passed' :ramlocha wished to return to heavenF but Kandu would not let her' A ter years and years had passedF Kandu came out o his hutF looking rather distracted' 1t was then evening and Kandu was obviously going somewhere' I8here are you goingNJ :ramlocha asked'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
I8hat a stupid Muestion$J eHclaimed Kandu' I<anAt you see that it is now eveningN 1 have got to go and observe the evening rites' 0he day has passed'J I8hat dayNJ asked :ramlocha' I/everal days have passed and several evenings have come and gone'J I4oF you came here this morningFJ said Kandu' I1 brought you to my hut and it is now eveningF 1 donAt understand what you are trying to say' .Hplain yoursel 'J I1t is true that 1 came here in the morningFJ answered :ramlocha' IBut that was a morning which dawned many years ago' )undreds o years have passed since that day'J I)ow many yearsNJ asked Kandu' I8hen did you come hereNJ I/iHteen hundred yearsF siH months and three days agoFJ replied :ramlocha' IAre you sureNJ asked Kandu' I1t seems like a single day to me'J I1 am sureFJ said :ramlocha' I1 dare not lie to you'J IYou have dislodged me rom my tapasyaFJ responded Kandu' IBut 1 will not curse youF since you have been my wi e' -o back to heaven' 1 have to atone or my sins'J 0he sage Kandu went to :urshottama kshetra and per ormed penance or his sins' )e was blessed by Vishnu' Kandu and :ramlocha had a daughter named *arisha' 0he Brahma :urana also describes several other tirthas' *ost o these are on the banks o the river -outami -anga' 0his is now identi ied as the river -odavari' A ter describing these several tirthasF the teHt describes incidents in KrishnaAs li e' 0hese we will skipF since they are described in much greater detail in the other :uranas'
9&*, +arnashrama 0here are our varnas (classes)' 0heir names are brahmanaF kshatriyaF vaishya and shudra'
0he duties o a brahmana are to donate almsF per orm tapasyaF worship the godsF per orm yaDnas and study the Vedas' 0o earn a livingF brahmanas are authoriCed to teach and act as priests at sacri ices' 0he duties o kshatriya are to beat arms and protect the earthF donate alms and per orm sacri ices' A kshatriya is also permitted to study the shastras' 0he duties o a vaishya are agricultureF animal husbandry and trade' 0hat apartF vaishyas should donate almsF per orm sacri ices and study the shastras' 0he duties o a shudra are to serve brahmanas' /hudras can also be shopkeepers and artisans' 1n times o emergencyF a brahmana is allowed to adopt the livelihoods o kshatriyas or vaishyas to earn a living' 1n similar ashionF a kshatriya is permitted to adopt the livelihoods o vaishyas or shudras and a vaishya is permitted to adopt the livelihoods o shudras' 0here are our ashramas (stages o li e) as well' 0he irst o these is known as brahmacharya (celibate studenthood)' During this periodF the individual spends his days with his guru and studies the Vedas well' )e has to serve his guru in proper ashion and live on alms' 0he neHt ashrama is that o garhasthya (householder stage)' 0he individual now gets married and has children' )e serves the godsF the sagesF the ancestors and guests' 1t is householders who provide alms or sages and hermits' 0hat is the reason why the householder stage is so very important' 0he third ashrama is known as
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
vanaprastha ( orest?dwelling stage)' 0he individual now retires to the orest and withdraws his mind rom the earthly li e' )e can leave his wi e in the care o his sons or take her with him' )e lives on rootsF ruits and leaves and makes a bed or himsel under the trees' )e is not permitted to shave or cut his hair and his clothes have to be made out o bark or skins' 0he inal ashrama is that o sannyasa (hermithood)' A hermit gives up all association with the world and lives alone' )e grows completely detached' )e lives alone' )e gets his ood through begging' )e is not permitted to spend more than one night in a villageF or more than ive nights at a time in a city'
9&*/ "he 0handala and the #rahma-6a.shasa A chandala is an outcast' (n the outskirts o the city named Avanti lived a chandala' 0here was a temple o Vishnu in Avanti and the chandala was devoted to Vishnu' )e was also a good singer' .kadashi tithi is the eleventh lunar day' .very monthF on ekadashi tithiF the chandala would ast during the day' At night he would go to VishnuAs temple and sing praises o Vishnu' )e never ailed to observe this ritual'
0he river Kshipra (/hipra) lowed by the city o Avanti' (n one particular nightF on ekadashi tithiF the chandala went to the banks o the river to collect some lowers or worshipping Vishnu' (n the banks o the river there was a tree and on that tree there lived a brahmarakshasa (demon)' As soon as the demon saw the chandalaF it wished to devour him' I:lease not tonightFJ said the chandala' I1 have to worship Vishnu throughout the night' Let me go now'J I4ot on you li eFJ replied the demon' I1 have not eaten or ten days and 1 am amished' 1 canAt let you go'J I:leaseFJ said the chandalaF Ilet me go' 1 promise that 1 will come back once the prayers are over' You will then be ree to do with me as you will'J 0he demon let the chandala go' 0he chandala went to the temple' )e worshipped Vishnu and spent the night in singing VishnuAs praises' 4eHt dayF he returned to the demon' I1 am indeed surprisedFJ said the demon' IYou are very truth ul' You canAt be a chandala' You must be a brahmana' Answer my Muestions' 8hat did you do all nightNJ I1 stood outside VishnuAs temple and sang his praiseFJ replied the chandala' I>or how long have you been doing thisNJ asked the demon' I>or twenty yearsFJ was the chandalaAs reply' IYou have acMuired a lot o punya (store o merit) through thisFJ said the demon' I:lease grant me one nightAs punyaF 1 am sinner'J I4oFJ replied the chandala' I1 will not part with my punya' 1 have given you my bodyF eat me i you will' But the punya is mine own'J IVery well thenFJ said the demon' I-ive me two hoursJ worth o punya' 1 am a sinner'J I1 have told you 1 will not give you any o my punyaFJ replied the chandala' IBut what is your sinNJ 0he brahmarakshasa related his story' )is name was /omasharma and he was the son o Devasharma' Devasharma was a righteous brahmana' But /omasharma ell into evil ways' A brahmana is not authorised to act as a priest in a sacri ice be ore he has had his sacred?thread ceremony (upanayana)' But /omasharma became a
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
priest at a yaDna even though his upanayana had not been held' As a result o this sinF when he diedF he became a demon' 0he chandala was stirred to pity at this sad story and parted with some o his punya' 0he demon was delighted and eHpressed his gratitude' )e went to a tirtha and per ormed penance' 0hus it was that the demon was reed' 8hat about the chandalaN )e returned home and then le t or a tour o all the sacred places o pilgrimage' At one such tirtha' )e remembered the story o his earlier li e' )e used to be a hermit well?versed in the Vedas and the shastras' )e used to beg alms or a living' (nce he had obtained some alms' But some thieves were then in the process o stealing cowsF and the hooves o the cows raised a cloud o dust' 0he dust ell onto the ood and the hermit threw away the alms in disgust' /ince he had thrown away almsF he was born as a chandala' A ter per orming penance or this sinF the chandala was pardoned'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
10 *;ni Purana
0his :urana is basically a preaching to the sage Vashishth by Agni' 1n his turnF Vashishth narrated it to VyasaDiF who related it to /utDi' %ltimatelyF /utDi narrated Agni :urana to an assembly o the sages in 4aimisharanya' /tarting chapters o the :urana describe about various incarnations o LordF including "ama and Krishna' (ther chapters describe about religious rituals especially those related to the worship o Lord /hiva' *any chapters have description about the earthF stars and constellations as well as the duties o the kings' 0his :urana consists o 2 chaptersK
1:&1 "he Avatars 1n the orest that is known as 4aimisharanyaF /hounaka and the other rishis (sages) were per orming a yaDna (sacri ice) dedicated to the Lord Vishnu' /uta had also come thereF on his way to a pilgrimage'
0he sages told /utaF I8e have welcomed you' 4ow describe to us that which makes men all?knowing' Describe to us that which is the most sacred in the whole worldJ' /uta repliedF IVishnu is the essence o everything' 1 went to a hermitage named Vadrika with /hukaF :aila and other sages and met Vyasadeva there' Vyasadeva described to me that which he had learnt rom the great sage VashishthaF Vashishtha having learnt it rom the god Agni himsel ' 0he Agni :urana is sacred because it tells us about the essence o the brahman (the divine essence)' 1 learnt all this rom Vyasadeva and 1 will now tell you all that 1 have learnt'J Avataras (Avatars) Do you know what an avatara isN An avatara is an incarnation and means that a god adopts a human orm to be born on earth' 8hy do gods do this' 0he purpose is to destroy evil on earth and establish righteousness' Vishnu is regarded as the preserver o the universe and it is there ore VishnuAs incarnations that one encounters most o ten' Vishnu has already had nine such incarnations and the tenth and inal incarnation is due in the uture' 0hese ten incarnations o Vishnu are as ollows' (&) *atsya avatara or ish incarnation (+) Kurma avatara or turtle incarnation (3) Varaha avatara or boar incarnation (6) 4arasimha avatara ? an incarnation in the orm o a being who was hal ?man and hal ?lion' (;) Vamana avatara or dwar incarnation (=) :arashurama (9) "ama (,) Krishna (2) Buddha (&5) Kalki ? this is the incarnation that is yet to come' 0he Agni :urana now describes these ten incarnations' 0his <hapter contains 9 /ections'
&5'&'& *atsya
Agni told Vashishtha the story o the ish incarnation'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
*any years agoF the whole world was destroyed' 0he destruction in act eHtended to all the three lokas (8orlds) o bhulokaF bhuvarloka and svarloka' Bhuloka is the earthF svarloka or svarga is heaven and bhuvarloka is a region between the earth and heaven' All there worlds were looded with water' Vaivasvata *anu was the son o the sun?god' )e had spent ten thousand years in prayers and tapasya (meditation) in the hermitage vadrika' 0his hermitage was on the banks o the river Kritamala' (nce *anu came to the river to per orm his ablutions' )e immersed his hands in the water to get some water or his ablutions' 8hen he raised themF he ound that there was a small ish swimming in the water in the cup o his hands' *anu was about to throw the ish back into the water when the ish saidF IDonAt throw me back' 1 am scared o alligators and crocodiles and big ishes' /ave me'J *anu ound an earthen pot in which he could keep the ish' But soon the ish became too big or the pot and *anu had to ind a larger vessel in which the ish might be kept' But the ish became too big or this vessel as well and *anu had to trans er the ish to a take' But the ish grew and grew and became too large or the lake' /o *anu trans erred the ish to the ocean' 1n the oceanF the ish grew until it became gigantic' By nowF *anuAs wonder knew no bounds' )e saidF I8ho are youN You must be the Lord VishnuF 1 bow down be ore you' 0ell meF why are you tantalising me in the orm o a ishNJ 0he ish repliedF I1 have to punish the evil and protect the good' /even days rom nowF the ocean will lood the entire world and all beings will be destroyed' But since you have saved meF 1 will save you' 8hen the world is loodedF a boat will arrive here' 0ake the saptarshis (seven sages) with that boat' DonAt orget to take the seeds o oodgrains with you' 1 will arrive and you will then asten the boat to my horn with a huge snake'J /aying thisF the ish disappeared' .verything happened as the ish had promised it would' 0he ocean became turbulent and *anu climbed into the boat' )e tied the boat to the huge horn that the ish had' )e prayed to the ish and the ish related the *atsya :urana to him' .ventuallyF when the water recededF the boat was anchored to the topmost peak o the )imalayas' And living beings were created once again' A danava (demon) named )ayagriva had stolen the sacred teHts o the Vedas and the knowledge o the brahman' 1n his orm o a ishF Vishnu also killed )ayagriva and recovered the Vedas'
&5'&'+ Kurma
*any years ago there was a war between the devas (gods) and the daityas (demons) and the gods lost this war' 0hey prayed to Vishnu to rescue them rom the oppression o the demons' Vishnu told Brahma and the other gods that they should have a temporary truce with the demons' 0he two sides should get together to churn the ocean' Vishnu would ensure that the devas bene ited more rom this churning o the ocean than the daityas did' 0he truce was agreed upon and the two sides got ready to churn the ocean' 0he mountain *andara was used as a churning rod and great sake Vasuki as the rope or churning' 0he devas grasped VasukiAs tail and the daityas grasped VasukiAs head' But as the churning beganF the mountain *andara which had no baseF started to get immersed in the ocean' 8hat was to be doneN Lord Vishnu came to the rescue' )e adopted the orm o a turtle and the peak was balanced on the turtleAs back' As the churning continuedF terrible poison named kalkuta emerged rom the depths o the ocean and was swallowed by /hiva' /hivaAs throat became blue rom this poison and he is there ore known as 4ilakanthaF blue o throat' 0he goddess VaruniF the goddess o wine (sura)F came out neHt' 0he gods
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
readily accepted her and thus they came to be known as suras' But the demons reDected Varuni and were there ore known as asuras' /he was ollowed by the :ariData treeF a beauti ul tree that came to occupy the pride o place in 1ndraAs garden' A Dewel named koustubha emerged and was accepted by Vishnu as his adornment' 0hree wonder ul animals came out neHt ? the cow KapilaF the horse %cchaishrava and the elephant Airavata' 0hey were ollowed by the apsarasF beauti ul women who became the dancers o heaven' 0hey were known as apsaras because they emerged rom ap (water)' 0he goddess Lakshmi or /hri came out neHt and was united with Vishnu' >inallyF Dhanvantari emerged with a pot o amrita (the li e ? giving drink) in his hands' Dhanvantari was the originator o medicine (ayurveda)' 0he daityas led by #ambha gave hal o the amrita to the devas and departed with the remaining hal ' But Vishnu Muickly adopted the orm o a beauti ul woman' /o beauti ul was the woman that the demons were charmed' I:retty ladyFJ they said' I take the amrita and serve it to us' *arry us'J Vishnu accepted the amritaF but he had no intention o giving it to the demons' )e served it to the gods instead' 0here was only one demon who was somewhat clever' )is name was "ahu' )e adopted the orm o <handraF the moon?godF and succeeded in drinking some o the amrita' 0he sun?god and the moon? god noticed what was happening and reported it to Vishnu' Vishnu thereupon cut o "ahuAs head with a sword' But "ahu had drunk the amritaF so he could not die' )e prayed to Vishnu and Vishnu granted him a boon' 0he boon was that occasionally "ahu would be permitted to swallow up the sun and the complained about him' You can see this happening at the time o the solar and the lunar eclipses' :eople who give alms during such eclipses are blessed' 0he gods obtained the amrita and the demons did not' 0husF the gods became more power ul than the demons' 0hey de eated the demons and regained heaven'
&5'&'3 Varaha
VishnuAs neHt incarnation was in the orm o a boar' 0he sage Kashyapa and his wi e Diti had a son named )iranyaksha' became the king o the asuras' )iranyakshaAs meditation pleased Brahma and Brahma granted him the boon that he would be invincible in battle' 0hus armed' )iranyaksha went out to ight with the devas' )e comprehensively de eated the gods and conMuered heaven' )e also de eated VarunaF the god o the ocean' 0husF )iranyaksha became the king o the heavenF the earth and the underworld' But the asura was not particularly ond o the earth' )e himsel had begun to live in VarunaAs palace under the ocean' /o he hurled the earth into the depths o the ocean' 0he gods went to Vishnu and prayed that something might be done about )iranyaksha' 0hey wished to be restored to heaven and they wished that the earth might be brought back rom the depths o the ocean' 1n response to these prayersF Vishnu adopted the orm o a boar and entered the ocean' 8ho should he meet there but )iranyaksha himsel N )iranyaksha o course did not know that this boar was none other than Vishnu' )e thought that it was an ordinary boar and attacked it' 0he two ought or many years' But inallyF )iranyaksha was gored to death by the boarAs tusks' 0he boar raised the earth up once again with its tusks' Vishnu thus saved the gods and the principles o righteousness or dharma'
&5'&'6 4arasimha
)iranyaksha had a brother named )iranyakashipu' )iranyakashipu was urious to learn that his brother had been killed and the resolved to kill Vishnu' But this could not be done unless h e himsel became
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
power ul land invincible' )iranyakashipuF there oreF began to pray to Brahma through di icult meditation' Brahma was pleased at these prayers and o ered to grant a boon' I1 want to be invincibleFJ said )iranyakashipu' I:lease grant me the boon that 1 may not be killed by night or dayO that 1 may not be killed by man or beastO and that 1 may not be killed in the skyF the water or the earth'J Brahma granted the desired boon' And )iranyakashipu was happy' )e thought that he had taken care o all possible eventualities' And since he had become so power ulF he conMuered all the three worlds and kicked the gods out to heaven' )iranyakashipu had a son named :rahlada' You no doubt remember that )iranyakashipu had resolved to kill Vishnu' But strangely enoughF :rahlada became devoted to Vishnu' )iranyakashipu tried to persuade his son' 0hat did not work' )e tried to kill his son' 0hat too did not work since each timeF Vishnu intervened to save :rahlada' *eanwhileF the gods had been driven o rom heaven' 0hey had also been deprived o their shares in yaDanas by )iranyakashipu' 0hese shares now went only to the asura king' 1n desperationF they went and prayed to Vishnu and Vishnu promised them that he would ind a solution' (ne dayF )iranyakashipu called :rahlada to him' I)ow is it that you escaped each time 1 tried to kill youNJF he asked' IBecause Vishnu saved meFJ replied :rahlada' IVishnu is everywhere'J I8hat do you mean everywhereNJF retorted )iranyakashipu' )e pointed to a crystal pillar inside the palace and askedF I1s Vishnu inside this pillar as wellNJ IYesFJ replied :rahlada' IVery well then' 1 am going to kick the pillarFJ said )iranyakashipu' 8hen )iranyakashipu kicked the pillarF it broke into two' And rom inside the pillarF Vishnu emerged in his orm o hal ?man and hal ?lion' )e caught hold o )iranyakashipu and placed the demon across his thighs' And with his clawsF he tore apart the demonAs chest and so killed him' BrahmaAs boon had been that )iranyakashipu would not be killed by man or beast' But then narasimha was neither man nor beast it was hal ?man and hal ?beast' 0he boon had said that the asura would not be killed in the skyF the water or the earth' But )iranyakashipu was killed on VishnuAs thighsF which were not the sky' 0he water or the earth' And inallyF the noon had promised that )iranyakashipu would not be killed by night or day' /ince the incident took place in the eveningF it was not night or day' A ter )iranyakashipu diedF the gods were restored to their right ul places' VishnuLs made :rahlada the king o the asuras'
&5'&'; Vamana
:rahladaAs grandson was Vali and Vali became very power ul' 8hen he was the king o the asurasF there was a war between the devas and the asuras' 0he gods were de eated and were driven o rom svarga' As alwaysF the gods led to Vishnu and began to pray to him to save them' Vishnu assured the gods that he would do something about Vali' AccordinglyF Vishnu was born as the son o Aditi and Kashyapa' 0he son was a dwar ' King Vali had arranged or a huge sacri ice and had announced thatF on the occasion o the sacri iceF he would not re use anyone a boon' 0he dwar arrived at this sacri ice and began to recite the VedaAs' Vali was so pleased at this that he o ered the dwar a bon' ValiAs guru(teacher) was /hukracharya and
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/hukracharya thought that there was something ishy about the way the dwar had arrived' /o he tried to restrain Vali' I4oFJ said Vali' I1 have o ered a boon and 1 shall stick to my word'J 8hat boon do you desireN 1 will give whatever you want'J Be ore a boon was actually grantedF a small rite had to be per ormed with holy water' /hukracharya was still trying to do his best to prevent the boon rom being given' /o he entered the vessel in which the holy water was kept to seal the mouth o the vessel and prevent the water rom being taken out' 0o get at the holy waterF the vessel was pierced with a straw' 0his straw also pierced one o /hukracharyaAs eyes' .ver since that dayF the preceptor o the demons has been one eyed' I-ive me as much o land as may be covered in three o my stepsFJ said the dwar ' I1 need this as dakshina ( ee) or my guru'J Vali agreed' But the dwar adopted a gigantic orm' 8ith one step he covered bhuloka' 8ith another step he covered bhuvarloka' And with the last step he covered svarloka' 0he three worlds were thus lost to Vali and Vishnu returned them to 1ndra' Vali had no option but to go down to the underworld (patala)' But so pleased was Vishnu at ValiAs generosity that he granted the asura the boon that he would bear the title o 1ndra in the uture'
&5'&'= :arashurama
0he kshatriyas were the second o the our classes' 1t was their Dob to wear arms and protect the world' And rule' 0he brahmanas were the irst o the our classes' 1t was their Dob to prayF study the sacred teHts and per orm religious rites' But the kshatriyas became very insolent and began to oppress the world and the brahmanas' Vishnu was then born as the son o the sage #amadagni and his wi e "enuka' /ince this was the line o the sage BhriguF :arashurama was also called Bhargava' :arashuramaAs mission was to protect the brahmanas and teach a lesson to the kshatriyas' 0here was a king named Kartavirya who had received all sorts o boons rom the sage Dattatreya' 0hanks to these boonsF Kartavirya had a thousand arms and conMuered and ruled over the entire world' (ne dayF Kartavirya went on a hunt to the orest' )e was very tired a ter the hunt and was invited by the sage #amadagni had a kamadhenu cow' 0his meant that the cow produced whatever its owner desired' #amadagni used the kamadhenu to treat Kartavirya and all his soldiers to a sumptuous east' Kartavirya was so enamoured o the kamadhenu that he asked the sage to give it to him' But #amadagni re used' Kartavirya then abducted the cow by orce and a war started between Kartavirya and :arashurama' 1n this warF :arashurama cut o KartaviryaAs head with his aHe (parashu) and brought the kamadhenu back to the hermitage' A ter some timeF :arashurama was away when KartaviryaAs sons arrived at the ashrama and killed #amadagni' (n the death o his atherF :arashuramaAs anger was aroused' )e killed all he kshatriyas in the world twenty?one times' (n the plains o KurukshetraF he built ive wells which were illed with the blood o kshatriyas' .ventuallyF :arashurama handed over the world to Kashyapa and went and lived on *ount *ahendra'
&5'&'9 "ama
Brahma came out o VishnuAs navel' BrahmaAs son was *arichiAs son KashyapaF KashyapaAs son /uryaF /uryaAs son Vaivasvata *anuF *anuAs son 1kshvakuF 1kskhvakkuAs son KakutsthaF KakutsthaAs son "aghuF "aghuAs son ADaF ADaAs son DasharathaF DasharathaAs sons were "amaF BharataF Lakshmana and /hatrughna' /ince "ama was descended rom Kakutstha and "aghuF he was also called Kakutstha and "aghava' /ince his atherAs name was DasharathaF he was also called
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Dasharathi' "amaAs story belongs to the solar line (surya vansha)F since one o his ancestors was /urya' Vishnu himsel wished to destroy "avana and the other rakshasas (demons)' )e there ore divided himsel into our parts and was born as "amsF BharataF Lakshmana and /hatrughna' "ama was KoushalyaAs sonF Bharata KaikeyiAs' Lakshmana and /hartrughna were the sons o /umitra' 0he sage Vishvamitra came to Dasharatha and pleaded or "amaAs help in de eating the rakshasas who were disturbing his yaDanas' "ama killed these demons and Vishvamitra was so pleased that he taught "ama the use o all divine weapons' "ama broke a bow o /hivAs that had been in the possession o the king o *ithilaF #anaka' 0his was the task that had been appointed or marrying /itaF #anakaAs daughter' "ama married /itaF Lakshmana married urmilaF Bharata married *andavi and /hatrughna married /hrutakirti' (n the way back to AyodhyaF "ama also beat :arashurama in a duel' Dasharatha resolved that "ama should be made yuvaraDaF that isF the heir apparent to the kingdom' But Kaikeyi had a servant named *anthara who plotted otherwise' 8hen he was youngF "ama had pulled at *antharaAs eet and ever since that dayF *anthara had not been kindly towards "ama' /he reminded Kaikeyi o the twoO boons that had been promised to her by King Dasharatha' Years agoF the gods had been ighting with the demon /hambara and had asked Dasharatha or his help' 1n ighting with /hambaraF Dasharatha had been inDured' )e had been nursed back to health by Kaikeyi' Dasharatha had promised two boons to Kaikeyi as a reward and *antharaAs suggestion was that Kaikeyi should now ask or these two boons' By the irst boon "ama would be banished to the orest or ourteen years and by the second boon Bharata would become yuvaraDa' Kaikeyi listened to *anthara' At *antharaAs instanceF she asked or these two boons' Dasharatha was very angryF but "ama insisted that he would indeed go to the orest or ourteen years' "amaF Lakshmana and /ita irst went to the banks o the river 0amasa' >rom there they went to the kingdom o -uhaF the king o the hunters (nishadas)' 0hey crossed the river #ahnavi and arrived in :rayagaF where the sage BharadvaDa had his hermitage' 0heir inal destination was the mountain range o <hitrakutaF on the banks o the river *andakini' *eanwhileF back home in AyodhayaF King Dasharatha who could not bear to be parted rom "amaF died' Bharata and /hatrughna had gone on a visit to their uncleAs house and were recalled' But Bharatha re used to be king' )e went to the orest to try and persuade "ama to returnF but "ama insisted that he would not return be ore the ourteen years were over' /o Bharata brought back "amaAs sandals' )e placed these sandals on the throne as a token o "amaAs kingship' And he began to rule the kingdom in "amaAs name rom 4andigramaF rather than rom Ayodhya' "amaF Lakshmana and /ita then went to the orest that is known as the Dandaka orestF dandakaranya' 0his orest was on the banks o the river -odavari and there was a beauti ul lgrove inside the orest known as :anchavati' 0hey built a hut there and resolved to live there' 0here was a rakshasa woman named /hurpanakha' /he happened to come to the place where "ama Lakshmana and /ita had built their hut' /hurpanakha liked "ama so much that she wanted to marry "ama and eat up Lakshmana and /ita' But Lakshmana cut o /hurpanakhaAs nose and ears with his sword' /hurpanakha led to brother Khara and demanded revenge' Khara and ourteen thousand other demons (rakshasas) attacked "amaF but they were all killed by "ama' /hurpanakha then went to her other brother "avanaF the king o Lanka' "avana asked the rakshasa *aricha to adopt the orm o a golden deer and roam around in ront o "amaAs hut' /ita was so charmed by the deer that she asked "ama to capture it or her' "ama was long in returning and Lakshmana went to look or him' 0aking advantage o "ama and LakshmanaAs
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
absenceF "avana kidnapped /ita' #atayuF the king o the birdsF did try to stop "avanaF but he met his death at "avanaAs hands' "ama and Lakshmana were greatly distressed to ind /ita missing and they looked or her everywhere' "ama made riends with the monkey /ugriva' )e killed /ugrivaAs brother Bali and made /ugriva the king o monkeys' 0he monkeys were sent o in all the our directions to look or /ita' 0he monkeys who had gone towards the south learnt that /ita was in LankaF across the ocean' (ne o these monkeys was )anumana' )anumana leapt over the ocean and arrived in Lanka' )e discovered the lonesome /ita in a grove o ashoka treesF the ashokavana' )anumana introduced himsel and assured /ita that he would soon be back with "ama' )anumana caused some general havoc in Lanka and was captured by *eghnada or 1ndraDitF "avanaAs son' "avana ordered that )anumanaAs tail should be set on ire' But )anumana used his burning tail to set ire to all the houses o Lanka' )e then returned to "ama with the news that /ita had been ound' "amaF Lakshmana and the army o monkeys arrived at the shores o the ocean' 0here they built a bridge over the ocean so that they could cross over into Lanka' 0here was a terrible war in which "ama killed the giant KumbhakarnaF "avanaAs brother' Lakshmana killed 1ndraDit' "ama killed "avana with a power ul divine weaponF the brahmastra' 0he ourteen years were by now over and "amaF Lakshmana and /ita returned to Ayodhya' 0here "ama was crowned king and he treated his subDects as his own sons' )e punished the wicked and ollowed the path o dharma' During "amaAs rule there was no shortage o oodgrains anywhere and the people were righteous' 4o one died an untimely death' (n "amaAs instructionsF /hatrughna killed the asura Lavana and built the city o *athura in the place where LavanaAs kingdom had been' Bharata was sent by "ama to kill a wicked gandharvaF a singer o heaven named /hailushaF who lived on the banks o the river 1ndus with his sons' Bharata killed them and built two cities thereF 0akshashila and :ushkaravati' 1n 0akshashila Bharata established his son Ataksha as king and in :ushkaravati he made his son pushkara the king' "ama and /ita had two sons named Kusha and Lava' "ama ruled or eleven thousand years be ore he died' 0his is the story o the "amayana as recounted in the Agni :urana' 1t was written by the sage Valmiki a ter he had heard the story rom the sage 4arada' "ama was the seventh avatara o VishnuF Krishna was the eighth'
terrible snake known as Kaliya' )e killed several other rakshasas named ArishtaF VrishabhaF KeshiF Dhenuka and -ardhabha and made the country sa e rom the attackso these demons' )e also stopped the worship o 1ndra' 0his led to a ight between 1ndra and KrishnaF 1ndra tried to destroy the inhabitants o -okula by sending down torrents o rain' But Krishna held alo t the mountain -ovardhana and saved the inhabitants o -okula' KamsaAs capital was in *athuraF Baladeva and Krishna went there' Kamsa let loose a mad elephant named Kuvalayapida on Krishna' But Krishna killed Kuvalayapida' Baladeva and Krishna also killed two strong wrestlersF <hanura and *ushtikaF whom Kamsa had instructed to kill Baladeva and Krishna' >inallyF Krishna killed Kamsa and made %grasena the king'
Kamsa was #arasandhaAs son?in?law and #arasandha became urious when he learnt o KamsaAs death' )e attacked the Yadavas and laid siege to the city o *athura' A ter a prolonged warF Krishna managed to de eat #arasandha' Krishna also de eated another evil king named :oundraka' (n KrishnaAs instructionsF the Yadavas built the beauti ul city o Dvaraka or Dvaravati' 0he Yadavas began to live in Dvaraka' 0here was an asura named 4araka who was killed by Krishna' 4araka had imprisoned siHteen thousand daughters o the devasF gandharvas and yakshas (guards o )eavenAs treasury)' 0hese women were reed by Krishna and Krishna married all o them' Amongst KrishnaAs other eHploits were de eating the daitya :anchaDanaF killing KalayavnaF seiCing the pariData tree rom 1ndra and bringing back to li e the sage /andipaniAs dead son' Krishna had several sons' /hamba was born o KrishnaAs wi e #ambavati and :radyumna was born o KrishnaAs wi e "ukmini' As soon as :radyumna was bornF he was abducted by the asura /hambara' /hambara threw the baby into the seaF but a ish swallowed the baby' A isherman caught the ish and brought it to /hambaraAs house' 8hen the ishAs stomach was cut openF the baby came out' 0here was a woman named *ayavati who lived in /hambaraAs house and /hambara handed over baby :radyumna to *ayavati so that he might be brought up well' 8hen he grew upF :radyumna killed /hambara and married *ayavati' 0hey returned to dvaraka and Krishna was very happy to see his lost son' :radyumma and *ayavati had a son named Aniruddha' Aniruddha secretly married %shaF the daughter o King VanaF Vana himsel being the son o Vali' VanaAs capital was in a city named /honitapura' Vana had pleased /hiva through hard and di icult tapasyaF so that sometimes he was called the son o /hiva' Vana loved to ight and he had wanted a boon rom /hiva that he might get the chance to ight with someone who was his eMual in battle' A lag with a peacock on it used to ly rom the ramparts o VanaAs palace' /hiva told him the day this lag ell down' VanaAs desire or with an eMual would be satis ied' 8ith the help o a riend o %shaAsF Anuruddha and %sha used to meet secretly in VanaAs palace' VanaAs guards in ormed him about this and there was a ierce battle between Vana and Aniruddha At the same timeF the lag with the peacock on it ell down' Krishna got to know rom 4arada about the ight between Vana and Aniruddha and heF Baladeva and :radyumna arrived in VanaAs capital' /hiva came to ight on VanaAs sideF accompanied by 4andi and /kanda or Kartikeya' But a ter a duel that lasted or a long timeF Krishna triumphed over these enemies' KrishnaAs arrows also cut o the thousand arms that Vana had' But at /hivaAs reMuestF Krishna spared VanaAs li e and gave two arms with which to make do' All o these stories about Krishna are related in detail in the )arivamsha' 0he Agni :urana merely gives a brie summary o the )arivamsha' But stories about KrishnaF the eight avatara o VishnuF also crop up in the *ahabharata' 0he Agni :uranaF there oreF neHt summarises the *ahabharata'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0he :andavas now demanded their right ul share o the kingdomF but Duryodhana re used' A war was imminent' A huge battalion o soldiers was known as an akshouhini' Duryodhana collected eleven akshouhinis or the war and Yudhishthira collected seven' Krishna was sent as a messenger to Duryodhana to try and preserve the peace' Krishna told Duryodhana that the :andavas would be satis ied with a mere ive villages' Duryodhana re used to give them even this without a ight' /o the armies gathered or a war on the plains o Kurukshetra' 4oticing that elders and relatives like Bhishma and Dronacharya were ighting on the side o the KaurvasF ArDuna was reluctant to ight' But Krishna gave ArDuna lessons which have come down to us as the -ita' )e taught there was no reason or sorrow i Bhishma or Dronacharya diedF that was only a death o their physical bodies' 0he true identity o a person was his atman (soul) which never diedF but passed rom one body to another' 0rue bliss was obtained when the atman united with the brahman (divine essence) or paramatman (supreme soul)' 0his was always the goal o a yogiF that isF a person who sought union with god' 0hus instructed by KrishnaF ArDuna started to ight' 8ith the help o /hikhandiF he de eated Bhishma' 0his happened on the tenth day o the ighting' Bhishma did not however die' )e had earlier received the boon that he would only die when he actually wished to do so' >or many daysF he lay there in the battle ield on a bed o arrows' A ter BhishmaAs de eatF Dronacharya became the general on the :andava side' Dronaharya killed VirataF Drupada and several other kings and soldiers on the :andava side' Dhrishtadyumna also killed many Kaurava soldiers' (n the i teenth day o the ightingF a rumour gained currency that AshvatthamaF DronacharyaAs sonF had been killed' Dronacharya abandoned his weapons on hearing this bad news and Dhrishtadyumna aced no problems in killing him' Karna now became the Kaurava general and lasted or two and a hal days be ore he was killed by ArDuna' /halya was the last Kaurava general' )e ought or only hal a day and was killed by Yudhishthira' Bhima and Duryodhana ought the last duel o the war with maces' Bhima broke DuryodhanaAs thighs and killed him' Ashvatthama had been uming ever since his ather Dronacharya had been killed by un air means' 1n the dead o the nightF he entered the :andava camp where he killed Dhrishtadyumna and the ive sons o Droupadi' Droupadi was disconsolate and demanded revenge' ArDuna and Ashvatthama let loose divine weapons at each other' /ince this might destroy the worldF they were asked to withdraw these weapons' ArDuna could withdraw his weaponF but Ashvatthama could not' AshvatthamaAs weapon killed the baby that was in %ttaraAs wombF but when the dead baby was bornF Krishna brought it back to li e' 0his baby was :arikshita' *any kings and soldiers died in the course o the Kurukshetra war' 0he only ones le t alive were KritvarmaF Kripacharya and Ashvatthama on the Kaurava side and :andava side' A ter the war was overF Bhishma taught Yudhishthira the duties o king' 1t was only a ter this that he died' As a kingF Yudhishthira per ormed many yaDnas and gave a lot o to brahmanas' 8hen Yudhishthira learnt that the Yadvas had been destroyedF he no longer wished to rule' )e handed over the kingdom to :arikshita and the :andavas le t on a pilgrimageF in the course o which they died' 1t was Krishna who had used the :andavas as a tool to rid the world o evil kings and establish the good ones' "ealising that the Yadavas were also evilF Krishna also ensured that the Yadavas would be destroyed' )e then gave up his li e at the place o pilgrimage that is known as :rabhasa' A ter Krishna diedF the city o Dvarka was swallowed up by the sea' 0his was the story o the eighth avatara o Vishnu'
*any years agoF there was a war between the devas and the asuras in which the demons managed to de eat the gods' 0he gods went running to Vishnu or protection and Vishnu told them that *ayamoha would be born as BuddhaF the son o /huddhodana' /uch were the illusions that Buddha createdF that the asuras le t the path indicated by the Vedas and became Buddhists' 0hese dastardly creatures per ormed ceremonies that were a sure ticket to naraka' 0owards the end o the Kali eraF all people will be dastardly' 0hey will oppose the VedasF become robbers and will be concerned only with wealth' 0he disbelievers will then become kings and these kings will also be cannibals' *uch laterF Kalki will be born on earth as the son o Vishnuyasha' )e will take up arms to destroy these disbelievers' KalkiAs priest will be the sage YaDnavalkya' 0he norms o he our classes (varna) and the our stages o li e (ashrama) will be established yet again' :eople will honour the sacred teHts and become righteous' 1t will then be time or the dawn o a new satya yugaF a resh period o righteousness' 1n every cycle (kalpa) and in every era (manvantara) Vishnu is thus born in various orms' 1t is a sacred duty to listen to the stories o the ten avataras' 0he listener attains his desires and goes to heaven'
&5'3'+ <reation
Agni neHt told Vashishtha the history o creation' Vishnu is the Lord o creationF preservation and destruction' Be ore creationF it was only the brahman that was everywhere' 0here was no dayF night or sky' >irst Vishnu created the waters' And in the waters he sowed the seeds o brahmanda' the great egg' >rom this seed there developed a golden egg which began to loat on the waters' >rom the egg Brahma created himsel ' /ince he created himsel (svayam sambhuta)F Brahma is also known as /vayambhu' )aving created himsel F Brahma stayed inside the egg or an entire year' And at the end o the yearF he split the egg into two' (ne part o the egg ormed the heavenF the other the earth' And in between the two parts o the eggF Brahma created the sky' Brahma neHt established the earth on the waters and made the ten directions' )e created timeF lightningF thunderF cloudsF rain bowsF words and anger' 0o ensure that yaDnas could be per ormedF teHts o the "ig VedaF the YaDur Veda and the /ama Veda emerged rom his body' )oly people use the Vedas to per orm <eremonies meant or the gods' >rom the powers o his mindF Brahma created seven sons' 0heir names were *arichiF AtriF AngiraF :ulastyaF :ulaha Kratu and Vashishtha' :rithu is recognised as the irst king :rithu was descended rom Dhruva' And :rithuAs ather Vena was also a king' But Vena was an evil kingO he was simply not interested in protecting his subDects' 0he sages there ore killed Vena with a straw and a ter Vena had diedF they began to knead the dead bodyAs right hand and it was thus that :rithu emerged' )e wore armour and carried bow and arrows when he was born' )e ruled wellF as per the dictates o dharma' )e looked upon all his subDects as his own sons' >rom :rithu the earth came to be known as prithivi'
1:&, "emples, ?oly Places and Astrology 0his <hapter contains 6 /ections'
A :erson who builds temples is blessed' .ven i one merely thinks o building templesF the sins o a hundred lives are orgiven' A builder o a single temple goes to heaven (svarga)' A builder o ive to shivalokaF a builder o eight vishnuloka and a builder o siHteen temples is reed rom the shackles o being born again and again' 8hat is the point o earning money i one does not build templesN *oney is also meant to be donated as alms to brahmanasF but the punya or merit earned rom building a temple is greater than the punya earned rom donating alms' 0he merit earned by builder o temples is greatest or a golden templeF lesser or a stone templeF still lesser or a wooden temple and least rom earthen 0emple' *ore punya is acMuired rom building an idol than rom building a temple' 1dols o gods and goddesses should always be set up so that they ace the cityO they should not ace away rom the city' 0he easy is or BrahmaAs' Vishnu idol can be setup anywhere at all' Di erent idols o Vishnu must have di erent orms' <onsiderF or eHampleF idols or images o the ten incarnations o Vishnu' 0he matsya ( ish) avatara must naturally look like a ish and the kurma (turtle) avatara must look like a turtle' But the varaha (boar) avatara will our arms like a man and will hold a gada (mace)F a padma (lotus lower)F a shankha (conch shell) and a chakra (bladed discuss) in these our arms' 0he narasimha avatara should have two arms holding a chakra and a gada and should wear a garland' 0he vamana (dwar ) avatara should hold an umbrella and a stick in his two hands' :arashurama will have our hands with a bow' arrowsF a sword and an aHe in these hands' "amaAs image can have either two arms or our' 1 there are our armsF the our hands will hold a bowF arrowsF a conch shell and a chakra' BalaramaAs image may also have either our arms or two' 1 there are two armsF the our arms the hands will hold a ploughF a conch shellF a club and a chakra' BuddhaAs image should have a calm appearance' 1t should be seated on a lotus' 0he ears should be elongated KalkaAs image is that o a brahmanaF seated on a horse and holding a bow and arrowsF a conch shellF a sword and a chakra' KrishnaAs image may be either two?armed or our?armed' 0hree o the our arms will hold a gadaF a chakra and a shankha' 0he ourth palm will be opened out in the act o granting a boon' (n either side o KrishnaAs imageF there will be images o Brahma and /hiva' Brahma has our aces and our arms and the image should have a pronounced rides a swan ' (n either side o BrahmaAs imageF there will be images o /arasvati and /avitri' VishnuAs image has eight arms' /even o the arms hold a swordF a maceF arrowF a bowF a shieldF a chakra and a conch shell' 0he eighth palm is spread out as i Vishnu is granting a boon' Vishnu should be shown riding on -aruda' -aruda will also have eight arms' 0o the right o VishnuAs imageF there should be images o Lakshmi and /arasvatiF Lakshmi holding a lotus and /arasvati holding a veena (a musical instrument)' 0here has also got to be and image o Vishnu eHhibiting his universal orm (vishvarupa)' 0he Vishavrupa image has our heads and twenty arms' <handiAs image has twenty arms' 0he ten arms on the right hold a spearF a swordF a shakti (a small spear)F a chakraF a pasha (noose)F a shieldF a drum and any two other weapons' 0he ten arms on the le t hold snakes a rodF an aHeF an amkusha (used or driving elephants)F a bowF a bellF a lagF a mace a mirror and a cub' 1n ront o <handiAs image there will be the image o a bu alo with its head cut o ' 0he image o an asura will be shown emerging rom the body o the bu alo' 0he demonAs hairF eyes and garland will be red in colour' 1t will be shown to be vomiting blood and it will hold weapons in its handF 0he demonAs neck will be on the lion and her le t leg will be on the demonAs back 1mages o <handi may sometimes also have ten siHteen or eighteen arms' /hivaAs image (linga) may be made out o earthF woodF ironF DewelsF goldF silverF copperF bronCe or mercury'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Dharmavrata began to wash *arichiAs eet when Brahma suddenly arrived' Dharmavrata did not know what to do' /hould she inish washing her husbandAs eetN (r should she irst attend to BrahmaF since Brahma?was *arichiAs atherN /he decided to attend to Brahma irst' At this *arichi became very angry and cursed Dharmavrata that she would turn into a stone' Dharmavrata was greatly distressed at being cursed or what she thought had not been a ault at all' /o she per ormed tapasya or many years' 8hen Vishnu and the other gods were pleased at DharmavrataAs meditationF they appeared and o ered to grant her a boon' Dharmavrata wished that the curse imposed on her by *arichi might be waived' 0he gods eHplained that this was impossibleF since *arichi was a very power ul sage' 8hat they would howeverF do was to make Dharmavrata a very holy stone desired even by the gods' 0he gods promised to be always inside this stone' 1t was this stone that was placed on -ayasuraAs body' (nce the sacri ice was overF -ayasura himsel desired a boon rom the gods and the gods granted him that -aya would become the most sacred o all tirthas' 1t was in -aya that the :andavas had prayed to Vishnu'
&5'6'3 -eography
0he world is divided into seven regions (dvipas)' 0heir names are #ambuF :lakshaF /halmaliF KushaF KrounchaF /hakaF and :ushkara' 0he seven dvipas are surrounded by seven oceans and the names o these oceans are LavanaF 1kshuF /uraF /arpihF DadhiF Dugdha and #ala' "ight in the centre o #ambudvipa is *ount *eru' *ountains named )imavanaF )emakuta and 4ishada are to the south o *eru and mountains named 4ilaF shveta and /hringi are to the north o *eru' #ambudvipa is known by that name as there are a large number o Dambu (Damun) trees in this area' (n the top *ount *eru is BrahmaAs amous city' %nder the earth is the underworld' 0his tooF consists o seven regions and their names are AtalaF VitalaF /utalaF 0alatalaF *ahatalaF "asatsala and :atala' 0he daityas and the danavas live in the underworld' Vishnu is also there in the underworldF in his orm o the great snake /hesha' 0he snake /hesha holds up the earth on its hood' 0hat part o the sky which is lit up by sun?rays is known as 4abha' Above the earth is the sunF above the sun the moonF above the moon the starsF above the stars *ercuryF above *ercury VenusF above Venus #upiter and above #upiter the constellation o the -reat Bear (saptarshimandala)' Beyond this constellation is the world o Dhruva'
&5'6'6 Astrology
0he Agni :urana neHt gives a lot o in ormation on astrology' 1t states when marriages should take place and when they should not' >or eHampleF marriages are never to be held in the months o <haitra and :ousha or under the signs o Libra or -emini' 1 one is going on a tripF then >riday is the best day to start on' *edicine should not be taken i one o the nakshatras (stars) :ushyaF )astaF #yeshthaF /hravana or Ashvini is not in the sky' 1 one wishes to have a bath a ter recovering rom an illnessF then /aturday is the best day or such a bath' 0he irst time a childAs head is shaved should never be on 0uesday or a /aturday' .ars should be pierced on 8ednesday or 0hursday' 4ew clothes should not irst be worn on 8ednesdayF 0hursday or >riday' A new house should not be entered into the months o <haitraF #yeshthaF BhadraF AshvinaF :ousha or *agha' 1t is best to reap grain on a 8ednesday'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&5';'& *anvataras
.ach manvantara (era) is rule over by a *anu' 0he irst *anu was /vayambhuva' /hatakratu held the title o 1ndra during this manvantara' 0he second *anu was /varochisha' Vipashchita held the title o 1ndra during this manvantara' 0hird *anu was %ttama and /ushanti was 1ndra then' 0he ourth *anu was tapasa and /hikhi held the title o 1ndra then' 0he i th *anu was "aivata and Vitatha was 1ndra then' 0he title o 1ndra was held by *anoDava during the siHth manvantaraF the *anu being <hakhusha' 4eHt came /hraddhadevaF the seventh *anu :urandara being the 1ndra' 0he eighth *anuAs name is /avarni and the eighth 1ndraAs Vali' 0he eighth manvantara has not yet come' 0he ninth *anu will be Dakshasavarni and the ninth 1ndra wil be Adbhuta' During the tenth manvantaraF the *anu will be Brahmasavarni and the title o 1ndra will be held by /hanti' During the rule o the eleventh *anu DharmasavarniF the 1ndra will be -ana' 0he twel th *anu will be "udrasavarni and the twel th 1ndra will be "itadhama' "ouchya will be the thirteenth *anu and Divaspati will be the thirteenth 1ndra' 0he ourteenth *anu will be Bhoutya and the title o 1ndra will then be held by /huchi' During each o BrahmaAs daysF there are ourteen such manvantaras' A ter that comes BrahmaAs nightF when all these living beings are destroyed'
:ukkashas hunters and *agadhas bards' <handalas should live outside the villages and should not touch those belonging to any other class' 0he best name or a brahmana is that which ends in /harma' /imilarlyF the best name or a kshatriya ends in VarmaF or a vaishya in -upta and or a shudra in Dasa' 0he sacred thread ceremony is to be held at the age o eight years or brahmanasF eleven years or kshatriyas and twelve years or vaishyas' 4o sacred a thread ceremony should be held beyond siHteen years o age' 0he irst stage in li e is that o brahmacharya (studenthood)' A student should never eat honey or meat and should never indulge in singing or dancing' )e should completely give up violence and speaking to women' )is duties are to discuss the shastras (holy teHts) and associate with learned men' Apart rom thatF he will meditate in solitude on the true nature o the brahman' 0he neHt stage o li e is that o garhasthya (household stage)' A brahmana may have our wivesF a kshatriya threeF a vaishya two and a shudra only one' 0he husband and the wi e should be rom the same varna' *arriage across varna is to be avoided' A woman can marry again provided that her husband has disappearedF is dead' has become a hermit or is such a sinner that he is eHpelled rom his own varna' 1 her husband diesF a widow is permitted to marry her late husbandAs younger brother' A householder should get up at dawn and pray to the gods' )e should always bathe in the morning' )e should not talk impolitely' )e should not bite his nails' )e should not laugh at those who are in erior' And he should never reside in a place where there is no kingF no doctor or no river' )e must not insult his elders' )e should never criticise the VedasF the shastrasF the devasF the sages and the king' And he must never travel without a light at night' 0he third ashrama is vanaprastha ( orest ? dwelling stage)' /uch a person should always sleep on the ground and wear skins as clothes' )e should wear his hair matted and give up the company o other people' )e has to serve gods and guests and live on ruit and roots' 1n the inal stage o li e (sannyasa) a person becomes a hermit' 1n this ashramaF a person attains true knowledge and is completely reed' But he should become a hermit only when he is convinced that he has completely lost all interest in material pursuits' /uch a person is not a ected by birth or death' )e realises that the physical body is transientF that it is o no concern at all' 1t is the knowledge o the atman (soul) that is the best orm o knowledge' 8hen one gains this knowledgeF one realises the identi ication o the atman with the brahmanF one understands that the brahman is everywhere'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0he sin o killing kshatriya is one? ourth the sin o killing a brahmana' 1 one kills a vaishyaF the sin is one?eighth the sin o killing a brahmana' And i one kills a shudraF the sin is one?siHteenth o the sin o killing a brahmana' Killing a catF a mongooseF a rogF a dogF a liCard or a crow is as sin ul as killing a shudra'
&5';'6 Vratas
Depending on the tithi (lunar day)F the day o the weekF the nakshatras (stars)F the monthF the season and the position o the sunF certain speci ic religious rites and ceremonies have to be per ormed' 0hese are known as vratas' 0he irst day o the lunar ortnight is known as pratipada' 0he day o pratipada in the months o KartikaF Ashvina and <haitra are BrahmaAs tithis' 1t is then that the worship o Brahma must be done' (n the second day o the lunar ortnight (dvitiya)F one should eat only lowers and pray to the two Ashvinis' this makes the supplicant handsome and lucky' /huklapaksha is that lunar ortnight in which the moon waHes and /huklapaksha dvitiya in the month o Kartika is earmarked or the worship o Yama' 1 one per orms this vrataF one does not have to go to naraka (hell)' 0his is also the day or praying to Balarama and Krishna' 1t was on the third day o the lunar ortnight (tritiya)F in shuklapaksha and in the month o <haitraF that /hiva married :arvati or -ouri' "ites per ormed on this day are thus known as gourivrata' /hiva and :arvati have to be given o erings o ruit' 0he eight names o :arvati have to be recited' 0hese are LalitaF ViDayaF Bhadra BhavaniF KumudaF /hivaF Vasudevi and -ouri' <haturthi vrata is per ormed on the ourth day o the lunar ortnightF is shuklapaksha and in the month o *agha' 0his is the day or worshipping the common gods (gana devata)' 0he o erings on this occasion are to be wine and ragrant per umes' (n the i th day o the lunar ortnightF one per orms panchami vrata' 0his grants good health and takes care o bad omens' :articularly auspicious or panchami vrata are the shuklapakshas in the months o /hravanaF BhadraF Ashvina and Kartika' (n the siHth day o the lunar ortnight one per orms shashthi vrata' (ne has to live only on ruit and i one per orms this vrataF the ruits o any action that one per orms live orever' /hashthi vrata should be observed especially in the months o Kartika and Bhadra' /urya is to be worshipped on the seventh (saptami) day o the lunar ortnight' 1 saptami vrata is observed in shuklapakshaF all sorrow disappears' /ins are stoned or and all oneAs desires are attained' 8omen who have no children can have sons i they observe these rites' 0he eight day o the lunar ortnight (ashtami) is very signi icant' Krishna was born on this tithi in the month o Bhadra when the nakshatra "ohini was in the sky' Ashtami is there ore auspicious in the month o Bhadra' 1 one asts on that day and prays to KrishnaF the sins o oneAs earlier seven lives are atoned or' But this vrata is to be observed in krishnapaksha and not in shuklapakshaF since Krishna was born in Krishnapaksha' 0ogether with KrishnaF "ohini and the moonF DevakiF VasudevaF YashodaF 4anda and Balarama are also to be worshipped on the occasion' /ince Krishna took birth (Danma) on this ashtami tithiF this particular day is known as Danmashtami' 0he eighth day o the lunar ortnight can be important even i it is not the month o Bhadra' >or eHampleF the eighth day o the lunar ortnight might be a 8ednesday (budha vara) in both shuklapaksha and krishnapaksha' 1rrespective o the monthF such an ashtami is important and is known as budhashtami' (n that day one has to live only on molasses and rice and per orm the vrata' 0here used to be a brahamana named Dhira whose wi e was named "ambha' DhiraAs son was KoushikaF his daughter was ViDaya and DhiraAs bull was named Dhanada' Koushika would go with the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
other cowherds to graCe the bull' (nce when Koushika was having a bath in the river Bhagirathi and the bull was graCingF some thieves came and stole the bull' Koushika and his sister ViDaya looked everywhere or itF but could not ind it' 1n searching or the bullF they came to a lake where some women were bathing in the course o per orming a vrata' Brother and sister were tired and hungry and they craved or some ood' 0he women agreed to give them oodF but only a ter Koushika and ViDaya had also per ormed the budhashtami vrata' And as soon as Koushika per omed the ritualF the bull was miraculously returned to him' /uch were the powers o the vrata that Koushika could get his sister ViDaya married o to Yama and himsel became the king o Ayodhya' A ter their parents Dhira and "ambha had diedF ViDaya discovered that her ather and mother were in naraka' 8hen she asked Yama as to how her parents might be delivered rom narakaF Yama told her that Koushika and ViDaya should per orm budhashtami vrata again' And immediately a ter they did soF the parents attained svarga' 0he ninth day o the lunar ortnight is navami and navami in shuklapakshaF especially in the month o AshvinaF is earmarked or the worship o -ouri' An animal has to be sacri iced and o ered to the goddess on this occasion' 0he brahmanas become all power ul i they observe dashami vrata on the tenth day o the lunar ortnight and donate ten cows' 0he eleventh day o the lunar ortnight (ekadashi) is or asting' 1t is also the tithi or praying to Vishnu' 0he observance o ekadashi vrata grants sons and wealth and atones or oneAs sins' 0he twel th day o the lunar ortnight is dvadashi' Any dvadashi in shuklapaksha is auspicious or worshipping Vishnu' Duadashi in the month o Bhadra is or praying to cows and calves and in the month o <haitra it is or praying to the god o love (*adana)' 1 one observes dvadashi or an entire yearF one never has to go to naraka' An especially good conDunction is dvadashi in shuklapaksha in the month o Bhadra when the nakshatra /hravana is in the sky' i one asts and observes a vrata thenF one earns greater punya than rom bathing in the con luence o sacred rivers' 1 Budha (*ercury) is also in the skyF the punya is multiplied several old' 0rayodashi vrata is on the thirteenth day o the lunar ortnight and this ritual was irst per ormed by the god o lover when he wanted to please /hiva' 0his is the tithi on which /hiva is worshipped' 1n the month o AshvinaF 1ndra is also revered on this tithi' And in the month o <haitraF the god o love is worshipped in shuklapaksha on the same tithi' 0he ourteenth day o the lunar ortnight (chaturdashi) is also earmarked or /hivaF particularly in the month o Kartika' (ne asts and donates to brahmanas and thereby attains svarga' 0he chaturdashi in krishnapaksha that comes between the months o *agha and >alguna is known as /hivaratri' 0hen one has to ast and stay awake the whole night' .arlierF there used to be an evil hunter named /undarasena' But because he per ormed a vrata on /hivaratriF all his sins were orgiven'
1:&1 ?ellish Planets, 0harity and (ayatri 0his <hapter contains 6 /ections'
su ers till the day when the world is destroyed' A killer o womenF children or old men stays in "ourava naraka or the span o ourteen manavantaras' An arsonist is sent to *aharourava and burnt there or an entire kalpa' A thie goes to 0amisraF were he is continuously pierced with spears by YamaAs servants or several kalpas' A ter thatF a thie is taken to *ahatamisra to be bitten by snakes and insects' 1 you kill you ather or motherF you will be sent to the hell Asipatravana' 0here you will be continuously sliced into pieces with swords' 1 you burn someone to deathF you will go to Karambhavaluka where you will be placed on burning sands' A person who eats sweets alone goes to Kakola and is ed only worms' A person who does not per orm yaDnas goes to Kuttala and is ed blood' An oppressor is sent to 0ailapaka and is crushed like an oilseed there' A liar is sent to the naraka named *ahapata' 0here are several other narakas or those who encourage inter?class marriagesF those who kill animalsF those who cut treesF those who eat too much meatF those who criticise the VedasF those who bear also witness and those who criticise their teachers'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
the dictates o the sacred teHts' >rom whatever is received as taHesF hal will go into the royal treasury and the remaining hal will be distributed amongst the brahmanas' 1 there is a liarF the king will impose a penalty on him to the eHtent o one?eighth o the liarAs total wealth' 1 the owner o any property is not knownF the king will keep the property is not knownF the king will keep the property is sa e custody or a period o three years' (nce the owner is identi ied within a period o three yearsF he can claim the property' But beyond three yearsF the becomes entitled to the property' 0he property rights o any minor orphan are to be protected by the king' 1 there is a the t in the kingdomF the king must immediately replace what has been stolen with wealth taken rom his own royal treasury' 1 the thie is caught and the stolen goods recoveredF they are used to replenish the treasury' (ne?twentieth o pro its made orm trade are to be paid to the king as taHes' (ne? i th or one?siHth o oodgrains are to be paid as taHes' (ne day every monthF cra tsmen will work ree o charge or the king' 0hey will only be gives ood rom the royal kitchen' 0he king has to pay proper attention to the princes' 0hey have to be taught our types o shastras' 0he irst is dharma shastraF which teaches what is right and what is wrong' 0he second is artha shastraF economics' 0he third is dhanurvedaF the art o ighting' And the last subDect that has to be taught to princes is shilpaF arts and cra ts' 0he king has to assign bodyguards to take care o the princes' )e must ensure that the princes associate with honourable and learned people and not with undesirable characters' 1n instances where the princes do not grow up properly despite the kingAs best e ortsF the king is ree to keep them imprisoned' But they should be com ortable in the prison and should not be made to su er there' 0he king should give up huntingF drinking and the playing o dice' )e must not unnecessarily waste time in travelling around' )e must irst win over his servants through his behaviour and then do the same or his subDects' 1t is only a ter this has been achieved that he attains a position to conMuer his enemies through the use o arms' Anyone who brings harm to the kingdom must immediately be killed' 1 the king delays in doing that which has to be doneF the purpose o the action is completely lost' 4or must the king in orm others in advance about what is going to be done' 4o one must get to know about the kingAs intended actions' (nce the actions have been completedF the ruits o the actions per ormed are in ormation enough or everyone to see' 0his does not mean that the king will not consult his ministers' ( course he willF that is why they are ministers' Be ore sleeping or eatingF the king must check whether the bed or the ood is sa e' 0here were seven techniMues that kings were supposed to use in ruling their kingdoms' 0hese were known as samaF danaF dandaF bhedaF mayaF upeksha and indraDala' ( theseF the irst our are the most amous' /ama means the art o gentle persuasion' Dana means the usage o donations or money to achieve oneAs purpose' Danda is punishment' And bheda is the art o aggravating dissension amongst parties opposed to each other' *aya means to use illusions or deceit and upeksha is to deliberately ignore people so as to achieve oneAs purpose' 1ndraDala literally means Dugglery' 1n this conteHtF it would mean to per orm a balancing act amongst opposing pulls and opposing parties' 8hat sort o punishment the king should mete out is also laid down' 1 anyone lies and says that his possessions have been stolenF he is to be ined an amount eMual in value to that o the possessions which have supposedly been stolen' A brahmana who bears alse witness is to be banished rom the kingdom' A person who kills cowsF elephantsF horses or camels will have a leg or a hand cut o ' A thie who steals gold or silver or an abductor o women will be eHecuted' .Hecution is also prescribed in cases o arson and poisoning' A wi e who does not obey her husband shall be torn to death by dogs' A woman who does not obey her husband or brahmanas may also have her noseF ears or arms chopped o ' /he will when be set astride a cow and banished rom the kingdom'
1:&4 $reams, =mens and )ri 6ama 0his <hapter contains 6 /ections'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&5'9'& Dreams
/ome dreams are bad omens' 1n actF they are nightmares' .Hamples areK dreams about grass or trees growing on oneAs bodyF dreams in which the dreamer is shaven?headed or is wearing shabby clothes or dreams in which one is alling orm above' 1t is also bad to dream o marriagesF singingF the killing o snakes and the killing o chandalas or animals' 1 you dream that you are drinking oil or eating bird meatF that is also a bad omen' (ther eHamples areK where the dreamer dreams that he is playing with monkeys or chandalasF when he dreams that devasF brahmanasF the king or the guru is angry or when he dreams that his house had collapsed' "emedies have to be ound i one dreams such evil dreams' Brahmanas have to be worshippedF a yaDna has to be per ormed and the dreamer has to pray to VishnuF /hivaF BrahmaF -anesha or /urya' Dreams dreamt in the irst Muarter o oneAs sleep normally come true over the neHt one year' Dreams rom the second Muarter come true over the neHt siH months and dreams rom the third Muarter over the neHt three months' Dreams rom the last Muarter come true over the neHt ortnight and dreams dreamt right at dawn come true within the neHt ten days' 1 one irst dreams a good dream and then an evil oneF it is the evil dream the will come true' 0here oreF i one dreams a good dreamF one should not sleep anymore' (ne should immediately arise' 0here are many dreams that are good dreams' >or eHampleF dreams that involve mountainsF palaces or snakes' (r the dreamer might dream that he is riding on a horse or a bull' 1t is also good to dream o white lowers in the sky or to see trees in a dream' .specially good dreams are those o the dreamerAs possessing many arms or many heads or o grass and bushes sprouting orm his navel' 8hat i you dream o wearing white garlands or clothesN 0hat too is good' 1 you dream o eclipses o the sunF the moon or the starsF by all means reDoice' And i in a dream you see that you have caught hold o the enemyAs lagF that surely means that you will triumph over the enemy' And i you actually dream o de eating the enemyF the interpretation is clear enough' /trangely enoughF a dream where the dreamer sees that he is eating rice pudding is a good dream' As is the case with dreams o drinking wine or blood' (r even o eating wet meat' A clear sky in a dream is good' Dreaming o milking a cow or a bu alo with oneAs own mouth is also good' 0he dream continues to be a good one i one dreams o milking a lioness or a she?elephant thus' (ther dreams which have good interpretations areF or eHampleF dreams o the dreamerAs receiving blessings orm devas or brahmanas or o being anointed with water' 0he dreamer who dreams o his coronation is blessed' And he is doubly blessed i he dreams that his head has been cut o or that he has died or even that his house has been burnt down' 0he relatives o such a dreamer increase in number and he also prospers' 1t is good to dream o musical instruments being played' (r o riding a bull or climbing a tree' 8et clothesF trees laden with ruit and clear blue skies in dreams are especially good'
horseF an elephantF ireF gold silverF a swordF an umbrellaF ruitF clari ied butterF curdsF a conch shellF sugarcaneF the sound o thunderF lightning and a dead body with no one crying over it' (mens are important even i one is not going on a Dourney' A peacock crying on the le t means that something is going to be stolen' 1 a donkey brays with a broken voiceF that is good omen and something good will happen' 1 a boar or a bu alo crosses over rom the le t to the rightF that is a good omen' But i they cross over rom the right to the le tF that is a bad omen' (neAs desires will be attained i horsesF tigersF lionsF cats or donkeys cross over rom the right to the le t' DackalsF molesF liCardsF pigs and cuckoos are good omens or the le t and monkeys are good omens on the right' 1 a Dackal calls onceF twiceF thrice or our timesF that is a good omen' 1t is a bad omen i a Dackal calls ive or siH times' 1t is a very good omen i a Dackal calls seven times' 1 crows caw on the le t o an armyF the soldiers will not be able to win' 1 a crow can be seen near the door a houseF this means that there will soon be a guest' A crow looking at the sum with one eye signi ies great danger' A crow covered with mud means the attainment o oneAs desires' A dog barking inside the house leads to the death o the householders' A person whose le t limbs are sni ed by a dogF will attain riches' 1 the right limbs are sni edF there will be danger' A dog blocking oneAs path signi ies the t' A dog with a bone or a rope in its mouth means the loss o property' But it is a good omen to see a dog with meat in its mouth' <ows mooing irregularly mean threats to the master o the house' 1 this happens at nightF there will be a the t or a death in the house' 1 the cows have horns that are wet or daubed with mudF that is a good sign or the householders' A cow that plays with cranes or doves is bound to die' A cow that licks its eet is also destined to die' 1 an elephant strikes its right oot with its le tF that is a good sign' :rosperity comes i an elephant rubs its right tusk with its oot' 0here is great danger i an umbrella alls Dust as one is about to leave on a trip' #ourneys are to be avoided i the stars are not avourable'
&5'9'3 Battle
(nce a king decides to go out to battleF seven days are needed or preliminaries' (n the irst dayF VishnuF /hiva and -anesha have to be worshipped' (n the second day the dikpalas (guardians o all the directions) are worshippedF the "udras on the third dayF the planets and the stars on the ourth day and the two Ashvinis and the rivers on the i th day' (n the siHth dayF the king has ceremonial bath in honour o the victory that is to come' And on the seventh dayF the king leaves to do battle' :rior to the marchingF the army must always assemble to the east o the capital city' 0he start o the march must be accompanied with the playing o musical instruments' (nce the army has begun to marchF it must never look back' A ter having travelled or a couple o milesF it must stop to rest any pray to the gods and the brahmanas' 0he king must never directly ight' Because i the king is killedF the battle is lost' 0he king must be right behind his armyF not too ar away rom it' An elephant will be guarded by our chariotsF a chariot by our horses and a horse by our in antrymen' 0he in antry will also be at the ront o armyF ollowed by archers and then by the horses' 0he chariots and the elephants come last o all' 0he cowards in the army must not be in the rontF they must be at the back' 0he ront is or the brave soldiers' 0o the eHtent possibleF one should ight with the sun behind oneAs army' 1 a soldier dies in the course o battleF he goes straight to heaven' 0he blood o brave men wash away all sins' 0o be struck with a weapon is better than to per orm many sacri ices' A person who lees orm the ield o battle per orms a sin that is worse than that o killing a brahmana' 0he ight should be between eMuals' 0hose who are running away should not be killed' 4or should spectators and those who are unarmed be killed' An enemy captured in battle should not be kept imprisoned' )e should be released and treated like a son'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&5','& Dhanurveda
0he section on Dhanurveda is on arms and weapons' 0here are ive types o weapons that are used in war' 0he irst category is that o yantramukta weaponsF released rom a machine (yantra)' 0his machine may be a launcher or even a bow' 0he second category is that o panimukta weaponsF weapons that are lung by the hand (pani)' .Hamples are spears and stones' 0he third category is known as muktasandharita' 0hese are weapons that can be lung and also withdrawn' 0he ourth category consists o weapons like swords that are never released rom the hand during battle' 0hese are known as amukta weapons' And the last category o weapons consists o brute orce and strength' 0his is o use in bouts o wrestling' 0he best orm o ighting is that with bows and arrows' 4eHt comes ighting with spearsF ollowed by ighting with swords' 8restling is the worst orm o ighting' Be ore aimingF the bow (dhanusha) should be held with the arch pointing down towards the earth' 0he arrow (vana) should be placed against the bow with the head pointing down' 0he bow should now be
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
raised and the lower end o the bow should be in line with the archerAs navel' 0he Muiver should be at the back' Be ore releasing the arrowF the bow should be held irm with the le t hand and the arrow with the ingers o the right hand' 0he string o the bow should be pulled back such that the tassel o the arrow is between the archerAs ear and right eye' 0he body should not be bent when one is releasing an arrow' 4or should on get eHcited' 0he archer has to be still as a pillar' 0he target has to be in line with the le t ist and the archerAs posture has to be like that o a triangle' 1t is best to pull back the string o the bow upto the right ear' A noose (pasha) is ten arms in lengthF with both ends o the weapon being circular' 0he main body o the weapon is made o rope' 0here are eleven di erent ways in which a noose may be held' A noose must always be lung with the right hand' A sword (asi) must hang to the le t o the waist' 8hen a sword is to be taken outF the scabbard should be grasped in the le t hand and the sword should be taken out with the right hand' 0here are thirty?two di erent way in which a sword and a shield may be held'
&5','+ :roperty
8hat happens to a personAs debts when he diesN 1 he does not have any sonsF the person who inherits the property also inherits the debts and had to pay them o ' 1 there is a sonF the son pays the debts o ' But a woman is not to be held responsible or debts contracted by her husband or her son' 4or is a man responsible or debts contracted by his wi e or son' .Hceptions are instances where a husband and a wi e contract a debt Dointly' 1 there are no witnesses to a contracted debt but the king eels that the debt was indeed contractedF the king must arrange or the debt to be repaid within a period o siHty? our days' 1n cases o a disputeF the person who brings a alse suit will be punished by the king' And a alse witness will be given twice the punishment that is meted out to the one who brings a alse suit' A brahmana who bears alse witness will be banished rom the kingdom' A person who agrees to be a witnessF but later withdrawsF will be punished eight times as much as the bringer o the alse suit' A brahmana who does this will be banished rom the kingdom' 1t is better that the details o a debt contracted be written downF with the names o the two parties and the witnesses clearly indicated' 1 the debtor pays in instalmentsF the details o all such payments must be recorded on the written document' Debts made in the presence o witnesses should also be repaid in the presence o witnesses' 1 a witness has to take an oathF the oath should be administered a ter cottonF ireF water or poison has been placed on the head o the witness' >ire or water can be used to ind out i a person is lying or not' 1 ire is usedF seven banyan leaves are placed on the accusedAs hand' A red hop lump o iron is then placed on the hand and the accused had to go around a ire seven times' 1 it is ound that the hand has not been burntF the person has been telling the truth' And i the hand has been burntF he had been lying' /imilarlyF an accused person can be immersed in the water and i he does not drownF he has been telling the truth' AlternativelyF the accused can be made to drink poison' 1 the poison does him no harmF he is truth ul' 1 the ather makes a willF the property will be divided amongst the sons in accordance with the provisions o the will' But i all the sons get an eMual share o the propertyF the wi e should also be given an eMual shareF otherwiseF the ather can leave all his property to the eldest son' 0he sons and the ather obtain eMual shares to any property or debt that has been le t by the grand ather' But the sons are not necessarily entitled to any property that has not been le t by the grand atherF but been earned by ather' 1 a son is born a ter the property has been dividedF he too will be entitled to an eMual share o any property le t by the grand ather' Daughters are not entitled to property' But sons who have go married will use one? ourth o their inherited property to get their sisters married'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
him very arrogant and he abducted the sage BrihaspatiAs wi e 0ara' 0his led to a terrible war between the devas and the asuras' 0ara was eventually restored to BrihaspatiF but /oma and 0ara had a son named Budha' >rom Budha were descended the kings o the chandra (lunar) dynasty' 0here were twelve maDor wars between the devas and the asuras' 0he irst o these was known as the 4arasimha 8ar' 0his took place when )iranyakashipu was the king o the asuras' Vishnu adopted the orm o 4arsismha and killed )iranyakashipu' )e then made :rahlada the king o the demons' 0he second war was the Vamana war and it took place when Vali was the king o the demons' Vishnu adopted the orm o a dwar (vamana) to subDugate the demons' 0he third war was the Varaha war and this took place when )iranyaksha was the king o the demons' Vishnu adopted the orm o a wild boar (varaha) and killed )iranyaksha' 0he ourth war was the Amritamanthana war and this took place over the manthana (churning) o the ocean or amrita (nectar)' 0he i th war between the devas and the asuras took place over the abduction o 0ara and this came to be known as the 0arakamaya war' 0he siHth war was known as the ADivaka 8ar' 0he seventh war took place when 0ripura led the asuras and this was known as the 0ripuraghatana war' 1t was /hiva who killed the demon 0ripura in this war' 0he eighth warF the Andhaka warF took place when Andhaka led the asuras' 1t was Vishnu who engineered that Andhaka be killed when Andhaka eHpressed a desire to abduct /hivaAs wi e' 0he ninth war was known as Vritrasamhara and took place when Vritra led the demons' 0he tenth war was simply known as #ita' 1n this warF Vishnu killed /halva and the other demonsF and :arashurama killed the evil kshatriyas' 0he eleventh war was known as )alahala' An asura named )alahala (poison) had invaded /hivaAs body and looded it with poison' But Vishnu managed to destroy the demon' 1n the twel th warF known as KolahalaF Vishnu destroyed an asura named Kolahala (tumult)'
&5','; *edicine
Dhanvantari was the physician o the gods and he taught /ushruta the art o ayurveda (medicine)' 0he Agni :urana now describes what the sage /sushruta had learntF that isF the treatment or various diseases' 0his does not simply mean the treatment o human illnesses' 0here is a section known as vriksha ayurvedaF which describes what trees are to be planted where' 1t describes how a garden is to be constructed and maintained' 0he chapters on medicine also describe the treatment o elephantsF horses and cattle' 0he mantras (incantations) which are the remedy or snake poison are also related'
those who have poetic senseF it is di icult to ind a ew who can compose poetry' :oetry is impossible without a knowledge o the rules o poetry and even more importantF without a sense o eeling' /anskrit is the language o the gods' 0he language o humans is :rakrita' :oetry can be either in /anskrit or in :rakrita' 0here are three types o poetry' 0hese are gadya (prose)F padya (poetry) or mishra (a miHture o the two)' -enuine poetry isF howeverF only padya -adya can be o three types?churnakaF utkalika and vrittagandhi' <hurnaka prose is easy on the earsF it has very ew compouond words' %tkalika prose is hard on the earsF it is ull o compound words' Vrittagandhi prose is some where between churnaka and utkalika' An epic must always be split up into sections (sarga)' 1t has to be written in /anskritF although some miHture o /anskrit words with :rakrita ones is permissible' 0he theme o an epic must always be good and historical elements may be introduced i the author so desires' Literature is useless without the lavour o sentiments (rasa)' 0here are nine sentiments that are used' 0he irst is hasya (humour)' 0he second is karuna rasa (pathos)' 0he third is roudra rasa (that which is wrath ul and awe?inspiring)' 0he ourth is vira rasa (heroic themes)' 0he i th is bhayanaka rasa (horror)' 0he siHth is bibhatsa rasa (vulgar and obscene themes)' 0he seventh is adbhuta rasa (that which is strange)' 0he eighth is shanta rasa (placidity)' And the ninth is shringara rasa (amorous themes)' But the sentiments must be used with eeling' 8ithout eelingF all literature becomes mediocre' :articularly in a playF sentiments can be supplemented with skills (kalal)' 0hese skills are normally associated with women and there are siHty? our o them' 0he more important ones are singingF playing musical instrumentsF dancingF actingF drawingF making garlandsF sewingF hairdressing and using magic' -rammatical rules o sandhi and samasa (rules or orming compound words) are neHt described' 0he di erence between the two is that in sandhiF the two words that are being Doined retain their original senses in the compound word' 0he case o samasa is di erent' /andhi occurs when two varnas (letters) met' /amasa is a condensation or conversion o two or more words into one' /andhi does not create any new word' /amasa leads to the ormation o a third word which re ers to something related to but distinct rom either or any o the words combined' :ita (yellow) and ambara (cloth) combined by way o sandhi are pronounced pitambara and mean cloth that is yellow' 0he same two words combined by way o samasa result in the third word pitambara which means Ithe one dressed in yellowJF that isF Krishna' 0here are several possible declensions o wordsF depending on the vachana and the vibhakti' 0he vachana re ers to the number' .ka?vachana is when there is only one (phalamF a ruit) dvi?vachana when there are two (phaleF two ruits) and vahu?vachana when there are more than two (phalaniF more than two ruits)' 0here are three gendersF pumlinga (masculine)F strilinga ( eminine) and klivalinga (neuter)' DevaF asuraF Vishnu areF or eHampleF masculine in gender' DeviF Kalika or maya are eminine' :ushpa ( lower) or phala ( ruit) are neuter' 0here are siH karakas (cases) and seven vibhaktis (case?endings)' 0he agent who per orms the action indicated by the kriya (verb)F is the kartri or doer' 0o the kartri karaka or 4ominative <aseF the prathama vibhakti or irst case?ending is attached' 0he obDect o the action is karma and to the karma karaka or obDective <aseF the second (dvitiya) case?ending is attached' 0he means or instruments by which the action is per ormed takes on the karana karaka or 1nstrumental <ases and the third (tritiya) case? ending' 8hen a gi t is given irrevocablyF the recipient takes on the sampradana karaka or Dative <ase and the case?ending in Muestion is the ourth (chaturthi)' 0hat which is the source o something takes on the apadana karaka or Ablative <ase and the i th (panchami) case?ending' 8hen there is a relation o possessionsF the possessor takes on the shashthi vibhakti (siHth case?ending)' 0here is no counterpart o the possessive <ase o .nglish grammar because the relation o possession is not directly related to the verb (kriya) and there ore to the doer (karaka)' 1n case o the location in which the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
action takes placeF the karaka is adhikarana (Locative <ase) and the case?ending the seventh (saptami)'
&5'2'3 Yoga
Yoga is the way to circumvent the miseries o li e' 0rue knowledge is that which in orms one about the true nature o brahman or paramatman' 0he atman or Divatman is that which characterises an individual' Yoga means unionF it is the union o the Divatman with the paramatman' Yoga concentrates oneAs mind on the paramatman'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0he irst prereMuisites o yoga is non?violence' A non?violent person is always righteous' 0he second reMuirement o yoga is truth ulness' 0he third prereMuisite is celibacy' 0he ourth is controlling oneAs senses and the last is the worship o god' (ne who practices yoga should not go around collecting material possessions' A piece o clothF a covering against the coldF and a pair o sandals are possessions enough or him' Be ore meditating on the true nature o the paramatmanF one has to seat onesel in a proper asana (posture)' 0he piece o cloth on which one is to sit should be placed in a clean place' (ne sits on such a seat and tries to puri y oneAs atman by controlling oneAs mind and senses through yoga' 0he head and the neck should be held straight upF motionless' 0he point o vision should be directed towards the tip o oneAs nose' (ne should not look in any direction' 0he arms should lightly rest on the olded thighs and the right hand should be placedF palm upwardsF on the le t palm' :admasana (lotus position) is one such recommended posture' 0he breath o li e (prana vayu) has to be controlled' 0his process o control is known as pranayama' A inger is placed on the nose when the breath is being eHhaled' 0he entire breath should be eHhaled rom the body' /ince rechana means eHhalationF this process o control is known as rechaka' 8hen the breath is inhaledF the inhalation should be such that it ills the entire body' /ince puraka literally means Gthat which illsAF this process o control is known as puraka' 8hen the breath is neither being eHhaled nor inhaledF one sits completely still like a kumbha (pot) and this is known as kumbhaka' :ranayama makes one healthyF swi tF enthusiasticF strong and collected' /ince the senses are controlledF one goes to heaven and avoids going to hell' *aterial pursuits are like the strong current o a river' 0he atman drowns in it' :ranayama alone is not enough' 1t has to be supplemented with dhyana o Dapa (meditation and contemplation)' (ne contemplates the true nature o the paramatman' 0he body is like a chariot' 0he senses are its horsesF the mind is the charioteer and pranayama is the bridle' An individual who dies while per orming dhyana is immediately assimilated with Vishnu' Dhyana involve our di erent thingsF all o which must be in complete harmony' 0he irst is the meditatorF the second is the act o meditatingF the third is the obDect that one is meditating upon and the ourth is the reason why one is per orming the mediation' (ne does not have toO sit in a rigid posture or dhyana to be possible' 1t can be done while one is walkingF sitting or even sleeping' 0he important aspect is to establish the obDect o oneAs meditation in oneAs heart' 0here are di erent ways o establishing oneAs concentration' As an obDect o meditationF one can meditate on three concentric circles which are blackF red and white' 1n the centre o the circles is a divine lotus' 0he lotus has eight petals' (ne thinks that detachment is the stem o the lotus and praying to Vishnu its stamen' "ight in the centre o the lotus is a pure spark o ire and that is the paramatman' AlternativelyF one can visualise the paramatman in a blaCe o lightF in the centre o the lotus' Dhyana is ar ar superior to any yaDna that one might per orm' (ne particular orm o deep and intense meditation is known as samadhi' 0he meditator is then completely stillF as calm as the ocean' )e loses all track o the outside world' )e does not hearF smellF see or touch' )is mind has no wishes and eels nothing' )e is completely united with god' /uch a meditator automatically gets to know all the knowledge that can be gleaned rom the Vedas or the shastras' )e can obtain all the material possessions that he wantsF but he regards them all as no more important than a blade o grass' /uch a meditator attains supreme knowledge' 1 you look at various pots ull o waterF you will ind that the same sky is re lected in them all' /upreme knowledge tells one thatF eHactly similarlyF it is the same atman that is everywhere' 1t is the atman which is the same as the paramatmanF it is this atman that is in the waterF in energyF in waterF in the earth and in metals' 0he atman is everywhere'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0he brahman is not the earthO it is beyond the earth' 0he brahman is not the windF nor is it the sky' 0he brahman has no beginningO it is independent o all action' 0he brahman is hugeO it is everywhere' 0he brahman not only has no ormF it is beyond all orm' 0he brahman cannot be heard' 1t cannot be touched' 0he brahman has neither intelligence nor mind' 1t has no sense o ego or vanity' 1t does not have li eF birthF old age or death' 0he brahman is neither happy nor unhappy' 1t does not eel hungry or thirsty' 1t cannot be measured' At the same timeF it is both nothing and everything' Li e has ive possible ends' By per orming yaDnas one can attain heaven' By per orming tapasya one can become an ascetic' By per orming actions one can attain brahmaloka' By detachment rom material pursuits (vairagya) one can merge onesel into nature' And by true knowledge the individual gets absorbed into the divine essence' 0his is known as kaivalya' Detachment means to withdraw onesel rom the e ects o all actions' And knowledge means the knowledge that the atman is no di erent rom the brahman' 0his is known as Dnana yoga (the yoga o knowledge)' 0here are ew people who attain this knowledge' (ne o those was Bharata' Bharata had done a lot he became very attached to a deer and when he diedF he died thinking o the deer' 0he result was that in his neHt li eF Bharata was born as a deer' But the deer happened to be a DatismaraF that isF it remembered its earlier li e' 0he deer eventually died and Bharata was again born as Datismara human' 0he king o /oubira was once travelling on a palanMuin and he wanted someone who would bear his palanMuin ree o charge' 0he kingAs servants caught hold o Bharata to bear the palanMuin' But Bharata moved slowly and could not keep up with the other bearers' 0he palanMuin did not progress and the king asked Bharata' I8hy are you so tiredN You have not been bearing my palanMuin or long' <anAt you some toilN You look airly strong to me'J Bharata repliedF I1 am not strong' 4or am 1 bearing your palanMuin' 1 am not tired' nor am 1 laCy' 1 am my atman and eet are and my body is balanced on my thighs' *y shoulders are on my body and your palanMuin rests on my shoulders' But 1 am not my eetF thighsF body or shoulders' 1 am the atman' 0he atman is not carrying you' /o why do you say that 1 am beating youNJ Bharata then instructed the king on the mysteries o true knowledge' 0he atman was pureF ever?lastingF calmF without traits and beyond natural characteristics' /ince the atman had no traits and since an
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
individual was the atman and not the bodyF it was meaningless to say that an individual was strong or weak' 0he physical body was made o the elements and so was the palanMuin' 8hat was the point there ore in saying that the physical body was bearing the palanMuinN )eating these words o wisdomF the king ell at BharataAs eet' I>orgive meFJ he saidF Iand let go o the palanMuinF 8ho are youNJ I8ho am 1NJF asked Bharata' I0hat is not a Muestion that can easily be answered'J 0he king answeredF I1 ail to understand' /urely the orm in which you are now eHisting is who you are'J I4oFJ said Bharata' I1 am the atman and the atman is the same as the paramatman' 0he paramatman is everywhere and there oreF the atman is also everywhere' 1 am everywhere' 1 am in all physical bodies' 1t is meaningless to ask who you are and who 1 am' 8e are all one and the same' 8ood has come rom the trees and this palanMuin is made o wood' But is the palanMuin wood or treeN 8hen you ride on the palanMuinF does anyone say that you are riding on a treeN *enF womenF cowsF horsesF elephantsF birds and treesF these are all meaningless names' 0hey are all illusions' .verything is one and the same' 1 am everywhere' 1 there had been a place or an obDect where 1 do not eHistF 1 could have everywhereF 1 do not know how to answer your Muestion' 0ell me kingF are you your head or your stomachN (r is all o itF youN But thenF what will you call that which is distinct rom your physical bodyN 0hink about what 1 have said'J BharataAs words were so pro ound that the king immediately accepted Bharata as a teacher' And Bharata told the king the story o "ibhu and 4idagha' 0he sage "ibhu was BrahmaAs son' )e was also eHtremely learned' 4idagha was "ibuAs disciple' A ter "ibhu had taught 4idagha what there was to be taughtF 4idagha went to the city to see how 4idagha was getting on' 4idagha worshiped his teacher and gave him all sorts o things to eat' A ter "ibhu had eatenF 4idagha asked himF IAre you satis iedNJ I8hat do you meanNJF asked "ibhu' I0he Muestion o satis action would have arisen had 1 been hungry or thirsty' 1 am my atman and the atman is always satis ied' /o what is the brahman that is omnipresent and so are you' You are not distinct rom meF we are both part o the same whole' 1 came to teach you this knowledge' 4ow that you have learnt that the brahman is everywhereF let me leave'J A ter another thousand years had passedF "ibhu came to the city again and discovered that 4idagha no longer lived in the city' )e had begun to live on the outskirts o the city' I8hy have you given up living in the cityNJF "ibhu asked 4idagha' IBecause 1 do not like to live in the cityF where there is a kingF I replied 4idagha' I8ho is the king NJ' asked "ibhu' I:oint him out to me in this procession that is passing' And point out to me the subDects'J 4idagha saidF I0he king is the one who is as tall as a mountain peak' )e is the one who is riding the elephant' 0he ones who are walking are the subDects'J I8hat do you meanNJF asked "ibhu' I0he brahman is in the king and the brahman is in the elephant' )ow do you distinguish one rom the otherF how do you say that one is riding the otherN 1s the king the physical body or the atman and is the elephant the physical body or the atmanN 8ho is riding on whomN 1 do not understand'J 0his knowledgeF that the atman is the same as the brahmanF is known as advaita (uni ied) brahma? Dnana' "ibhu taught this to the king o /oubira' 0his is the knowledge that all elements are one and the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
same' 1t is only those who su er rom illusions who think that di erent elements and di erent beings have di erent identities'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
11 )ha:ishya Purana
.leventh among the :uranasF contains ive parts' 0he irst part contains a description o the genesisF greatness o the dates and worship o Lord VishnuF /hiva and /urya' /econdF third and ourth parts describe about the greatness o /hivaF Vishnu and /urya respectively' 0he i th part contains a description o the heaven' Like other :uranasF Bhavishya :urana also contains a description o the ancient kings and <handra and /urya dynasties' 1nterestinglyF Bhavishya :urana contains a description o a game that resembles modern chess to a great eHtent' 1n allF the subDect matter o Bhavishya :urana seems to be an attempt to prove and establish the supremacy o Brahma' 0he Bhavishya :urana is an ancient teHt authored by /ri Vyasa *uniF the compiler o the Vedic teHts' 1t is listed among the eighteen maDor :uranas' Bhavishya means R utureR and :urana means RhistoryRF so the teHtLs name would translate literally as R0he )istory o the >utureR' 0hough the teHt was written many thousands o years be ore the recorded events took placeF by the power o his mystic visionF /ri Vyasa was able to accurately predict the happenings o the modern times' (ne o the teHtLs poetic styles is to present the events as though they have already happened' 0his is a common practice in /anskrit poetryF and does not indicate that the book was written in modern times' *odern scholars reDect the contents o Bhavishya :urana mostly on the grounds that its in ormation is too accurate' But we should ask ourselvesK 1 there was an empowered saintF who knew pastF present and utureF and i he chose to write a book named Rthe )istory o the >utureRF shouldnLt it contain accurate in ormation about the modern timesF as the title suggestsN 8e cannot disMuali y it simply because it speaks accurately o the British controlling 1ndiaF )itler ighting the worldF and *aH *ueller misrepresenting the Vedic teachings' RVedaR means knowledgeF and the Vedic teHts contain knowledge o everything ? pastF present and uture' 0his :urana consists o 9 chaptersK
11&1 #i5lical and Modern ?istory Y>rom the :ratisarga :arvaF <hapters >our to /even'Z
/uta -oswami saidK (nce upon a time in )astinapuraF :radyota the son o Kshemaka was leading an assembly and meanwhile the great sage 4arada arrived there' King :radyota happily honored him' )aving him seated on the seat the sage told king :radyotaF RYour ather was killed by the mlecchasF there ore he attained Yamaloka or the hellish planet' 1 you per orm a Gmleccha?yaDnaAF then by the e ect o this sacri ice your ather will attain the heavenly planets'R )earing this king :radyota immediately called the best o the learned Brahmanas and started Gmleccha? yaDnaA in Kuruksetra' 0hey built a yaDna?kunda which was &= yoDanas in sMuare (&+, miles)' 0hey meditated on the demigods and o ered oblations o mlecchas' 0here are harasF hunasF barvarasF gurundasF sakasF khasasF yavanasF pallavasF romaDas and those who are situated in di erent dvipas and in kamaruF china and the middle o the oceanO all o them were called with the mantra and burnt to ashes' 0hen he (the king) gave dakshina (donation) to the brahmanas and per ormed abhiseka' As a result his ather Kshemaka went to the heavenly planets' A ter that he became amous everywhere as a mleccha?hanta or destroyer o mlecchas' )e ruled the earth or ten thousand years and went to heaven' )e had a son named Vedavan who ruled or two thousand years' At that time the Kali purusha prayed to Lord 4arayana along with his wi e' A ter sometime the Lord apperared to him and saidF R0his age will be a good time or you' 1 will ul il your desire having various kinds o orms' 0here is a couple named Adama and his wi e )avyavati' 0hey are born rom Vishnu? kardama and will increase the generations o mlecchas' /aying thisF the Lord disappeared' )aving great Doy the Kali purusha went to 4ilacha
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Vyasa saidK R4ow you hear the uture story narrated by /uta -oswami' 0his is the ull story o o Kali? yugaF hearing this you will become satis ied'R 1n the eastern side o :radan city where there is a a big -od?given orestF which is &= sMuare yoDanas in siCe' 0he man named Adama was staying there under a :apa?Vriksha or a sin ul tree and was eager to see his wi e )avyavati' 0he Kali purusha Muickly came there assuming the orm o a serpent' )e cheated them and they disobeyed Lord Vishnu' 0he husband ate the orbidden ruit o the sin ul tree' 0hey lived by eating air with the leaves called udumbara' A ter they had sons and all o them became mlecchas' AdamaLs duration o li e was nine?hundred and thirty years' )e o ered oblations with ruits and went to heaven with his wi e' )is son was named /veta?namaF and he lived nine?hundred and twelve years' /veta?namaLs son was AnutaF who rulled one?hundred years less than his ather' )is son Kinasa rulled as much as his grand ather' )is son *alahalla ruled eight?hundred ninety ive years' )is son Virada rulled &=5 years' )is son )amuka was devoted to Lord VishnuF and o ering oblations o ruits he achieved salvation' )e ruled 3=; years and went to heaven with the same body being engaged in mleccha?dharma' having good behaviorF wisdomF Mualities like a brahmana and worship o -odF these things are called mleccha?dharma' 0he great souls have declared that the dharma o the mleccha is devotion to -odF worship o ireF nonviolenceF austerity and control o the senses' 0he son o )amuka was *atocchila' )e ruled or 295 years' )is son Lomaka ruled 999 years and went to heaven' )is son 4yuha (4oah) ruled or ;55 years' )e had three sons named /imaF /ama and Bhava' 4yuha was a devotee o Lord Vishnu' (nce the Lord appeared in his dream and saidK I*y dear 4yuhaF please listenF there will be devastation on the seventh day' 0here oreF you have to be very Muick that you make a big boat and ride in it' ( chie o the devoteesF you will be celebrated as a great kingJ' 0hen he made a strong boat which was 355 eet longF ;5 eet wide and 35 eet high' 1t was beauti ul and all the living entities could take shelter in it' )e then himsel rode in itF engaged in meditating on Lord Vishnu' Lord 1ndra called the devastating cloud named /ambartaka and poured heavy rain continuously or 65 days' 0he whole earthF Bharat?varsaF had merged in the water and our oceans came up together' (nly Visala or Badarikasrama was not submerged' 0here were ,5F555 great transcendentalists in Visala who Doined with king 4yuha and his amily' All o them were saved and everything else was destroyed' At that time all the sages praised the eternal energy o Lord Vishnu' Being pleased by the prayers o the sagesF the Vishnu?maya reduced the waters o devastation' A ter one year gradually the earth become visible' %nder the hill there is a place named /isina and the king was situated in that place with his other people' 8hen the water completely dried upF king 4yuha came back to his place' /uta -oswami continuedK 0he mlecchaF king 4yuha became attached to Lord Vishnu and as a result Lord Vishnu increased his generation' 0hen he created a language it or the mlecchasF un avorable to the Vedas' )e named it as brahmi?bhashaF or brahmi languageF ull o bad wordsF or increasing the degradation o Kali?yuga' 0he Lord who is )imsel the master o intelligence gave this language to 4yuha' 4yuha named his tree sons opposite' 0hey were known as /imaF )amaF Yakuta and also YakutaF /apta putraF #umara and *aDuya' 0he name o their countries were known as *adiF YunanaF /tuvalomaF 0asa and 0irasa' )ama who was the second son o his atherF had our sons know as KusaF *israF KuDa and Kanaam' Kusa had siH sons ? )avilaF /arvaF 0oragamaF /avatikaF 4imaruha1 and *ahavala' 0heir sons were known as KamalaF /inara and %raka' And their countries names are AkvadaF Bavuna and "asana' A ter telling this story /uta -oswami in luenced by Yoga?nidra entered mystic slumber' )e woke up a ter two thousand years and thereupon he saidK I4ow 1Am going to say about the generation o /ima'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Because he was the irst son o his ather he became the king' 0his mleccha king ruled over the country or ;55 years' )is son Arkansoda ruled or 636 years' )is son /ihla ruled or 6=5 years' )is son 1ratasya ruled the same length as his ather' )is son :hataDa ruled or +65 years' )is son "au ruled or +39 years' )is son #uDa ruled the same length as his ather' )is son 4ahura ruled or &=5 yearsF and he destroyed his many inimical kings' )is son 0ahara ruled the same length as his ather' )e had three sonsK AviramaF 4ahura and )arana' 0hus 1 have eHplained the generation o mlecchas with the indication o their names only' 0he mleccha language is considered the lowest language because it bears the curse o goddess /arasvati' 0hus 1 have summarily narrated the rise o the mlecchas in Kali? yuga' /anskrt is the language by which the whole Bharata?Varsa is being praised and glori ied' 0he same languageF a ter going to another country became the mleccha language and mlecchas took advantage o it' A ter hearing all thisF the sages situated in BadarikashramaF worshipped Lord 4ara?4arayana and meditated upon them or +55 years' 8hen they woke up rom their meditationF they inMuired rom their teacher /uta -oswamiK I( disciple o /ri VyasaF you are so ortunate and greatly intelligentF may you live long' 4ow please tell us who is the king at the present timeNR /uta -oswami saidK IAt the present timeF the Kali?yuga has already passed its 3555 years' 4ow the king /ankha is ruling the earth and in the mleccha countries the king named /akapat is ruling' :lease hear about how they came up'R 8hen the Kali?yuga passed +555 yearsF the dynasty o mlecchas increased' 0hey created many paths to grow and gradually the whole earth become ull o mlecchas' 0he spiritual master and teacher o the mlecchas was named *usa' )e was residing on the bank o the river /arasvatiF and he spread his doctrince throughout the whole world' As soon as Kali?yuga startedF the devotion to the Lord and the language o the Vedas were destroyed' 0here are our kinds o mleccha languagesK VraDa?bhasaF *aharastriF Yavani and -arundika' 1n this way there are our million kinds o other languages' >or eHampleK paniyam (water) is called paniF bubhuksa?hunger is called bhukh' :aniyam?drinking is called papadi and bhoDanam?eating si called kakkanam' 1sti is called suddharavaF istini is called masapavaniF ahuti is called aDu and dadati is called dadhati' 0he word pitri is called paitara and bhrata is bather and also pati' 0his is the yavani lanugage in which the asva is called aspaF #anu is Dainu and sapta?sindhu is called sapta?hindu' 4ow you hear about -urundika language' "avi?vara (the irst day o the week) is called sundayF phalguna and chaitra months are called pharvari (>ebruary)' /asti is called siHtyF these kinds o eHamples are there' <rime is becoming prominent in the holy place o /apta?puri' -radually the people o Aryavata are becoming theivesF huntersF bhillas and ools' 0he ollowers o mleccha?dharma in oreign countries are intelligent and having good MualitiesF whereas the people o Aryavarta are bere t o good Mualities' 0hus the ruling o mlecchas is also in Bharata (1ndia) and its islands' Knowing all thisF ( great and intelligent sageF you should Dust per orm the devotional service to Lord )ari' 0he great sage /aunaka inMuiredK I:lease tell usF what was the reason that the mlecchas did not arrive in Brahmavarta' /uta -oswami saidK 0hat was by the in luence o goddess /arasvati that they could not enter that place' By the order o the demigodsF when the Kali?yuga pursued his &F555 yearsF a brahmana named Kasyapa come down to earth rom the heavenly planets with his wi e Aryavatil' 0hey had ten spotless sons who are known by the namesK %padhayayaF DiksitaF :athakaF /uklaF *israF AgnihotriF Dvi?vediF
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0ri?vediF <atur?vedi and :andey' Among them was the learned one ull o knowledge' )e went to Kashmir and worshipped goddess /arasvati with red lowersF red akshata (rice)F incenseF lampsF naivedya ( ood o erings) and puspanDali ( lower o erings)' 0o please her he praised her with some prayersF asking her or better knowledge o /ankrt to put mlecchas into illusion' Being pleased by his prayers she remainded situated in his mind and blessed him with knowledge' 0hen the sage went to the country known as *isra and put all the mlecchas into illusion by the greace o goddess /arasvati' 0hen he made &5F555 people as dviDas or twice born brahmanasO he made +F555 people into vaishyasO and the rest o them as shudras' )e came back with them and staying in Arya?desha (1ndia) he engaged in the activites o the sages' 0hey were known as Aryans and by the grace o goddess /arasvati their generation gradually increased upto 6 millionF both the men and women with their sons and grandsons' 0heir kingF Kasyapa muniF ruled the earth or &+5 years' 0here were ,F555 sudras in the county known as "aDputra ("aDput) and their king was Arya?prithu' )is son was *agadha' 0he sage made him a king and le t' /aunaka inMuiredK R( disciple o VyasaF ( LomaharsanaF please tell us who were the kings to rule the earth in Kali?yugaF a ter *agadhaNR /uta -oswami saidK 8hen king *agadhaF the son o Kasyapa was ruling the earthF he remembered his atherLs administration and he separated the Arya?desha (1ndia) into many states' 0he state which is on the eastern side o :ancala is known as *agadhaF the state o Kalinga is on the east?south sideF the state o Avanta is in the southF Amarta?desha is to the south?westF /indhu?desha is on the western sideF Kaikaya is to the north?westF *adra?desha is in the northF and Koninda?desha is to the north?east' 0hese states are named according to his sonsL names' A ter per orming a sacri ice he gave the states to his sons' Lord Balabhadra became pleased with his sacri iceF and /isunaga appeared rom the sacri ice as his son' )e ruled or &55 years and his son Kakavarma ruled or 25 years' )is son Kshemadharma ruled or ,5 years and his son ruled or 95 years' )is son Vedamisra ruled or =5 years' )is son AData?nipu ruled or ;5 years' )is son Darbhaka ruled or 65 yearsF his son %dayasva ruled or 35 yearsF his son 4anda?Vardhana ruled or +5 yearsF his son 4anda?sutaF who was born rom the womb o a sudri or a low class ladyF also ruled or +5 years' )is son :ranancala ruled or &5 years' )is son :arananda also ruled &5 years' )is son /amananda ruled or +5 years' )is son :riyananta ruled or +5 yearsF his son Devananda also ruled or +5 years' his son YaDna?bhanga ruled or &5 years' )is son *auryananda ruled or &5 years' And his son *ahananda uled or &5 years' At this time Lord )ari was remembered by Kali' At that time the great and amous -autamaF the son o Kasyapa introduced the Buddhist religionF and attained Lord )ari in :attana' -autama ruled over &5 years' >rom him /hakya muni was bornF who ruled +5 years' )is son /huddhodana ruled 35 years' )is son /hakyasimha became the king on /atadri a ter +555 years and he ruled or =5 yearsF by which time all the people were Buddhists' 0his was the irst position o Kali? yuga and the Vedic religion was destroyed' 1 Lord Vishnu becomes a king then all the people would ollow )im' 0he activities o the world are carried out by the prowess o Lord Vishnu' )e is the master o maya or the illusory energy and whoever takes shelter o that Lord )ariF though he may be a sin ul and abominable personF will become liberated' Buddha?simha was born rom /hakyasimha and he ruled or only 35 years' Buddha?simhaAs son was <handra?guptaF who married with a daughter o /uluvaF the Yavana king o :ausasa' 0hus he miHed the Buddhists and yavanas' )e ruled or =5 years' >rom him Vindusara was born and ruled or the same number o years as his ather' )is son was Ashoka' At this time the best o the brahmanasF KanyakubDaF per ormed sacri ice on the top o a mountain named Arbuda' By the in luence o Vedic mantrasF our Kshatriyas appeared orm the yaDna' Among these our :ramara was samavediF <hapahani was yaDurvediF /hukla was trivedi and :ariharaka was the Atharvavedi' 0hey were
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
accustomed to ride on elephants' 0hey kept Ashoka under their control and annihilated all the Buddhists' 1t is said there were 6 million Buddhists and all o them were killed by uncommon weapons' A ter that :ramara became king in Avanta and he constructed a large city called Ambavati or his happiness' 1t was as big as 6 yoDanas or about 3+ miles' 0hen /uta -oswami saidK R*y dear brahmanas 1Am being in luenced by yoga?nidraF there oreF please go to your respective ashramas and meditate on Lord Vishnu'R A ter the completion o +F555 yearsF /uta -oswami saidK 8hen the kali?yuga had passed his 3F9&5 yearsF at that time the king was :ramara who rulled = yearsF rom him *ahamada was born' )e ruled 3 years and his son Devapi did the same' )is son Devaduta also did the same' >rom him -andharva? sena was bornF who went to the orest a ter ruling or over ;5 years and having given his kingdom to his son /hankha' /hankha ruled or over 35 years' Lord 1ndra sent a heavenly girl to -andharva?sena named Viramati' A Dewel like son was born orm her womb' At the time o his birthF there were lowers raining rom the skyF many auspicious instruments were played and the wind was blowing pleasingly' 0he name o the baby was /iva?drishtiF who later le t or the Dungle with his disciples' A ter +5 years he became per ect in Karma?yoga' 8hen kali?yuga copmleted 3F555 yearsF the terrible symptoms o kali had appeared' 0hat baby took birth in the secret place o KailasaF by the benediction o Lord /hivaF to destroy the shakas and to increase the Arya?dharma or the Vedic reigion' )is ather -andharva?sena named his son as Vikramaditya and become happy' 0his child was very intelligent and very pleasing to his parents' 8hen he was ; years oldF he le t or the orest to per orm austerities and he continued it upto &+ years' A ter &+ years he went to the holy city named Ambavati with all the opulence and accepted the transcendental throne sent by Lord /hiva' >or his security goddess :arvati created a Vetala (a king o ghosts) and sent it to king VikramadityaAs palace' (nce the power ul king went to the temple o Lord /hiva named as *ahakaleshvaraF who is the chie o the devasF and who has a bow named :inaka' 0here he worshipped Lord /hiva' 1n that place he built a religious council hall with the pillars made o various metals and decorated with many kinds o Dewels and covered with so many plants and creepers and lowers' 1n that hall he kept a celestial throne' )e invited the oremost brahmanas who are well?versed in Vedic knowledgeF worshipped them with proper hospitality and heard many religious histories rom them' A ter that one demigod named Vitala come there having a orm o a brahmana' -lori ying and blessing the kingF he sat down on the seat and saidK ( master o this earthly planetF king VikramadityaF i you are very eager to hear them 1 will describe the stories and histories to you' 0hus ends the seventh chapter o the :ratisarga :arva o the Bhavishya :urana'
11&! "he Prediction of 7slam Y>rom the third part o the :ratisarga :arva'Z
/hri /uta -osvami saidK 1n the dynasty o king /halivahanaF there were ten kings who went to the heavenly planets a ter ruling or over ;55 years' 0hen gradually the morality declined on the earth' At that time BhoDaraDa was the tenth o the kings on the earth' 8hen he saw that the moral law o conduct was declining he went to conMuer all the directions o his country with ten?thousand soldiers commanded by Kalidasa' )e crossed the river /indhu and conMuered over the gandharasF mlecchasF shakasF kasmirisF naravas and sathas' )e punished them and collected a large ammount o wealth' 0hen the king went along with *ahamada (*ohammad)F the preceptor o mleccha?dharmaF and his ollowers to the great godF Lord /hivaF situated in the desert' )e bathed Lord /hiva with -anges water and worshipped him in his mind with pancagavya (milkF gheeF yoghurtF cow dungF and cow urine) and sandalwood pasteF etc' A ter he o ered some prayers and pleased him' /uta -oswami saidK A ter hearing the kingAs prayersF Lord /hiva saidK ( king BhoDaraDaF you should go to the place called *ahakakshvaraF that land is called Vahika and now is being contaminated by the mlecchas' 1n that terrible country there no longer eHists dharma' 0here was a mystic demon named 0ripuraF whom 1 have already burnt to ashesF he has come again by the order o Bali' )e has no origin but he achieved a benediction rom me' )is name is *ahaoda and his deeds are like that o a ghost'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0here oreF ( kingF you should not go to this land o the evil ghost' By my mercy your intelligence will be puri ied' )earing this the king came back to his country and *ahamada came with them to the bank o the river /indhu' )e was eHpert in eHpanding illusionF so he said to the king very pleasinglyK ( great kingF your god has become my servant' #ust seeF as he eats my remnantsF so 1 will show you' 0he king became surprised when he saw this Dust be ore them' 0hen in anger Kalidasa rebuked *ahamadaF I( rascalF you have created an illusion to bewilder the kingF 1 will kill youF you are the lowest'''R Y'''Z 0hat city is known as their site o pilgrimageF a place which was *adina or ree rom intoHication' )aving a orm o a ghost (Bhuta)F the eHpert illusionist *ahamada appeared at night in ront o king BhoDaraDa and saidK ( kingF your religion is o course known as the best religion among all' /till 1 am going to establish a terrible and demoniac religion by the order o the Lord' 0he symptoms o my ollowers will be that they irst o all will cut their genitalsF have no shikhaF but having beardF be wickedF make noise loudly and eat everything' 0hey should eat animals without per orming any rituals' 0his is my opinion' 0hey will per orm puri icatory act with the musala or a pestle as you puri y your things with kusha' 0here oreF they will be known as musalmanF the corrupters o religion' 0hus the demoniac religion will be ounded by me' A ter having heard all this the king came back to his palace and that ghost went back to his place' 0he intelligent kingF BhoDaraD established the language o /anskrit in three varnas ? the brahmanasF kshatriyas and vaisyas ? and or the shudras he established prakrita?bhashaF the ordinary language spoken by common men' A ter ruling his kingdom or ;5 yearsF he went to the heavenly planet' 0he moral laws established by him were honored even by the demigods' 0he arya?vartaF the pious land is situated between Vindhyacala and )imacala or the mountains known as Vindhya and )imalaya' 0he Aryans reside thereF but varna?sankaras reside on the lower part o Vindhya' 0he musalman people were kept on the other side o the river /indhu' (n the island o BarbaraF 0usha and many others also the ollowers o 1samsiha were also situated as they were managed by a king or demigods'
11&* "he Prediction of #uddhism Y>rom the +2th chapter o the :ratisarga :arva'Z
Long ago in the country known as <itrarthaF the inhabitants o the heavenly planets used to come to play during the time o autumn' (ne day a heavenly apsara know as *anDughosha came to that place where the sage /huka was residing' /eeing this beauti ul boyF she tried to attract him while singing and dancingF being overwhelmed by lusty desires' /he praised him with a beauti ul prayer holding her hands and bowing down' /omehowF she pleased the muni' 0hen the glorious /hukaF hearing this auspicious prayer asked her to reMuest a benediction' *anDughosha humbly saidK J( lordF you are the protector o those who came to your shelterF there ore 1Am at your shelterF please become my husbandJ' 0he sage accepted her and a ter some time they produced a son named G*uniA who per ormed austerity very strictly upto &+ years' )e married the daughter o /varnadevaF the god o gold' 0hey gave birth to a daughter named Kinnari' /he was very young and beauti ul' /he per ormed austerity to please Lord /hivaF and as a benediction lord /hiva intrusted her to a sober sage *akaranda' 0hen her atherF *uniF asked lord /hiva to bless herF so that they will success ully make progress in this world' Lord /hiva saidK %pto 35 years you will enDoy your country in the middle o the earthF then it will be destroyed' A ter hearing this *uni went to his place with *akaranda and resided there' As soon as the +2th year started the battle took place among those kings who took birth as the incarnations o the associates o Krishna' BauddhaF the lord o nyuhas (the lessened people) attacked the beauti ul city o 4etrapalaF thinking that this city is wonder ully decorated with various kinds o Dewels' 0he power ul king Bauddha?simha who had seven?million soldiersF ought with those kings who had only three million
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
soldiers' 0he ight went on terribly between the armies or seven days and nights' 0he great power ul kingsF who killed all the inimical armies protected by Baudha?simhaF were Yoga?simhaF Bhoga?simha and ViDaya' A ter that more Buddhists came rom the countries known as /hyama and #apakaF and all o them were magicians' Again they had a large battle which lasted or one month' 0hen 4etrasimha arrived with seven million soldiers protected by eight generalsF or the destruction o the Buddhists' Being a raidF all the Buddhists le t 1ndia completely and went to <hina to continue the war rom there' 0he opposite army also continued ollowing them' 8hen they arrived on the bank o the )uha riverF it was the month o *aghF the second hal part o the month o #anuaryF the ight took place again' 0here were one million soldiers each rom the countries o /yama and #apakaF and ten million soldiers rom <hina assembled or a ight' (n the other sideF KrishnamsaF DevaF 4etrapalaF *andalikaF DhanyapadaF LallasimhaF 0alana and #ana nayaka were the generalsF each o them having one million soldiers' 0here was a terrible battle between the Buddhists and the Aryans' 1n that war seven million BuddhistsF and two million Aryans were killed' Being a raid the Buddhists ran away rom the battle and went to their home to produce a wooden army with the help o a machinery arrangement' 0hey made ten? thousand elephants (made out o wood) along with warriorsF one million horsesF one thousand bu aloesF one thousand hogsF one thousand tigersF one thousand swansF and seven thousand camels' All these creatures had wooden warriors on their back' 0hus with the wooden army which was &+;F555 in numberF they killed two million soldiers protected by Krishnamsas' /eeing this wonder #ayantaF the eHpert ighter shot ire arrows toward the wooden armiesF so that they were immediately destroyedF being burnt to ashes' (nly three million kshatriyas (warriors) were le tF and they glori ied the pro icient warrior #ayanta again and again' 0hen the Buddhists rom <hinaF made a twenty thousand strong iron horse calvary and sent them to ight' 0he power ul warrior YogasimhaF riding on an elephant held the bow and arrows in his hands and shot to the neck o the iron warriors' Being a licted by the arrows o Yogasimha ive thousand soldiers were killed' /eeing thisF Bauddhasimha made an iron tiger and sent it to Yogasimha' By the attack o that iron tiger the brave Yogasimha was inally killedF and then Bhogasimha riding on a horseF went to ight with the tiger' )e killed the tiger by throwing a missileF and roared loudly' 0hen a lion was sent to him by Bauddhasimha and thus he (Bhogasimha) was killed by a lion' 8hen the son o /warna?vati (#ayanta) saw that his maternal uncles were already deadF he rode on a power ul horse and went to Bauddhasimha' )e took illusory arrows and put the opposite army into delusion along with Bauddhasimha' )e captured ten?thousand kings including BauddhasimhaF and returned to Krishnamsas having destroyed the mechanical armies' 0hen all o them happily went to the city and orcibly IlootedJ the wealth rom the palaceF which was very opulentF and came back the ort o the king' #ayanta came and released Bauddhasimha' A ter being released he o ered his daughter :admaDa to #ayanta and also o ered &55F555F555 golden coins or the pleasure o his in law' A ter that all the Buddhists made their vows there itsel saying I8e will never go to Arya?desa to invade the country'J 0hen they o ered their homage and le t' 0hey went to 4etrapala with their three million remaining soldiers'
11&, "he Prediction of 7ndia<s 2ings Y>rom the 3&st chapter o the :ratisarga :arva'Z
/uta -oswami saidK 0he great power ul king o *adrakesa worshipped the mendicants o the heavenly planets (the Asvini kumaras) or ive years and a ter having received a benediction rom them he produced ten sons and one beauti ul young daughter named Kantinati' King *adraka invited *aharaD /uryavarna (the present king o )astinapura)F and gave his daughter to him with proper conduct' )aving accepted the new wi eF /uryavarna Muickly returned to his home with his army' 0here was a mystic demon named KarburaF the son o BigbhisanaF when he saw Kantimati the daughter o king *adrakesaF he came there and kidnapped her in their presence and went to a mountain called /ahyadri' /eeing this incident *ahiraDa became very upset and lamented again and again' *ahiraDa came to )astinapura and sent a message to Krishnamsa' )e eHplained everything to him and immediately with ive hundred warriors Krishnamsa went to /ahyadri mountain and said earlesslyK I(
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
best o the demonsF please listen' Your ather Bibhishana is a great devotoeeF and you are the dear son o himF there oreF you should not act in this manner (sin ully) which is the cause o the destruction o amily' Do you rememberF long ago mother /ita was kidnapped by "avana and what happened to himNJ 0he rakshasa saidF R:reviously she was the daughter o a -andharva and my beloved wi eF but because o a curse by a sage she took birth on the earthly planet' 0here oreF eeling her separation 1 went to *adrakesa' Although 1 stayed there so many daysF being a raid o the king 1 could not kidnap her' 4ow she is in my controlF but i you de eat me in battle you can take her back' 0hen Krishnamsa started ighting with him with a sword and it went on or seven nights' >inally he de eated the rakshasaF and with Kantimati came back to Delhi to see *ahiraDa' 0he king (*ahiraDa) o ered &5F555F555 golden coins to the great Krishnamsa' 0hen he came to :ramdavanaF or the orest called :ramodaF with his riends' /uta -oswami saidK 0here was a power ul king named :urnamala in :attana' )e worshipped the Vasus or ive years and received a benediction rom them' By their blessings he had ten sons and a daughter named Vidyun mala' >or the marriage o his daughter he invited king *ahiraDa and with seven million soldiers he gave his daughter to the son o *ahiraDa (Bhima)' Bhima came back happily to his home ()astinapura) with his beauti ul wi e' 0hen the king o paisaca? dasaF /ahodaF came with ten?thousand mlecchas to get Vidyunmala' 0hey came to Kurukshetra by the order o BaliF the grandson o :rahlada *aharaDa' 0hey broke the deities o godsF killed so many cows and in the places o sacred water they put cow?blood' /ahodaF the mleccha kingF wrote a letter and sent it to *ahiraDa' King *ahiraDa answeredK R( mleccha kingF you are the master o the mlecchasiF why are you worried about VidyunmalaN You should know that 1Am the one who can shoot arrows Dust by hearing a sound and 1Am the central point o the country o the thieves'R 0hen the king went to Kurukshetra with three million soldiers' 0here was a largeF terrible ight between them' At night in the month o #esta (#uly)F Bali *aharaDa came rom :atalaF the lowest region with ten? thousand demons and killed the soldiers o the king very MuicklyF eating them again and again' 0he kingF being a raid took shelter o goddess /arasvati' A ter that immediately Krishnamsas arrived and killed the ten?thousand demons' 0hey came to BaliF the lord o the demonsF and pleased him with their words' 0hen BaliraDa saidK 1Am very pleased with youF now you can ask or any benediction' 0hey saidK 0hese demons should never come to Aryadesha (1ndia) with youF all o you should stay always in mleccha?desha and eat the ollowers o mleccha?dharma' BaliraDa became upset hearing these ear ulF terrible words' 0hen Krishnamsa saidK as long as 1Am in this world you should simply stay in your homeF a ter that you come here and do whatever you likeJ' )earing this the mleccha king /ahoda went back to "asatalaF the siHth lowest region o demons' Y>rom :ratisarga :arvaF 6th :artF <hapter ='Z 0he sage (/aunka) saidK I( great ortunate oneF you know everything please tell us about the kings who came a ter *ahiraDa' /uta -oswami saidK 0he ghostly KutukoddinaF with human natureF was situated in the kingdom o Delhi' 0he best king BhapasenaF the grandson o Virasena was situated in the beauti ul city o Aligarh' 0his city was protected by yadavas' Kutukaddin with ten?thousand warriors went there and de eated him and returned to Delhi' 0hen so many kings orm other countries came there and de eated him and reDected him rom their countries' 8hen /hahoddina heard thisF he came to DelhiF conMuered the kings and
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
broke all the deities' A ter that so many mlecchas came rom all sides and ruled the kingdom or ;F = or 9 years' 0hey had destroyed the places o pilgrimage and the templesF there ore as a reaction they become short?lived' >rom todayF the mleccha kings will continue or a hundred yearsF there ore ( sagesF you should Muickly go to Vishala (Badarikashrama) with me'
0hen all the sages sadly le t this place (4aimisaranya) and went to VishalaF the best o the )imalayas and meditated upon Lord )ariF being in samadhi (trance)' And a ter a hundred years all o them attained the kingdom o -od'
11&/ "he Prediction of 3im5ar.a Acharya Y>rom the 9th chapter o the :ratisarga :arva'Z
0he sun godF being pleased by the praise o the demigodsF saidK By the order o the Lord KrishnaF /udarshana will take birth in the Dvapara?yugaF and will be known as 4imbaditya (4imbarka)' )e will be able to remove the declination o religious principles' /uta -oswami saidK 4ow you hear about the pastimes o the great 4imbarka' Lord Krishna personally ordered him to appear on the auspicious bank o 4armada riverF which lows to the southern side o mountain *eru' 0hat state is known as 0ailangaF the place used by the devarsisF the godly sages' Lord Krishna saidK RYou receive knowledge rom devarsi 4arada and establish the true principles o religion' You should remain in *athuraF 4aimisaranya and Dvaraka'R Lord /udarshana accepted the order o Lord Krishna saryingF RYesFR and appeared on the earth to ul ill the desires o the devotees' 0here was a broad?minded holy brahmana living in the auspicious state o 0ailanga' )is name was Aruna and was well versed in the Vedas and Vedangas' )is wi e was known as #ayanti' 0hey were living an austere li e like the sages' 0he brilliant luster o /udarshana suddenly entered in the heart o #ayantiF and by that luster she looked brilliant like the moon' 8hen the time arrived with all auspiciousness and good MualitiesF in -aura paksha purnima o Kartika monthF Vrisha rasiF the moon in KrittikaF the ive grahas (planets) situated in higher placesF in the evening at the time o sunsetF in *asa?lagnaF the Lord o the universe (/udarshana)F who engaged the whole universe in Vedic religionF appeared rom mother #ayanti (as 4imbarka)' (ne day Lord Brahma went to 4imbarkaAs ashrama Dust be ore the sunset and saidK ( brahmanaF 1Am very hungryF as long as the sun is in the skyF please give me something to eat' (1 will not eat a ter the sun sets)' 0he brahmana (4imbarka) gave him ood and while he was eating the sun went down' 0hen the brahmana by his power kept a sudarshana on a nimbe tree' Lord Brahma wondered seeing that sunlike shine and paid his obeisances to the brahmana by lying lat on the ground' :leased with his austerity Lord Brahma saidK .Hcellent' You will become amous on this earthF and you will be known as 4imbaditya (4imbarka ? (ne who made the sun appear rom a 4eem tree)'
11&1 "he Prediction of Madhva and )ridhara Y>rom the 9th chapter o the :ratisarga :arva'Z
Brihaspati saidK Long agoF during the age o tretaF ( 1ndraF there was a brahmana named /hakrasharmaF in Ayodhya' )e worshipped demigods such as the Asvini KumarasF "udrasF VasusF and /urya with the mantras mentioned in the YaDur?veda' A ter worshippingF he satis ied them by o ering oblations every day' 0hus being pleased with his worship all the 335 million demigods awarded him all desired obDects and even the rarest things' By the benediction o the demigods the brahmana lived on this earth or ten?thousand years without getting old and having no disturbance' A ter leaving his body he become the /un?god and predominated the sun planet or one hundred thousand yearsF be ore going to Brahmaloka' )e spent eight thousand celestial years or visiting the higher planets and then returned to the sun planet'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
)earing thisF Lord 1ndra with his sober intelligence began to worship the sun?god along with other demigods in the month o #une?#uly' (n the purnimaF the ull moon dayF the sun?god came down to the earth and said to demigodsK 1 will take birth in Kali?yuga in Vrindavana and this brahmana will eHecute avorable acts or the demigods' )e will be born as a son o *adhavaF named *adhu and ollow the Vedic path' /uta -osvami saidK /aying this the sun?god created a light rom his body and sent it to Vrindavana' Attracting all the irreligious people with pleasing speech he gave them Vaishnavi?shakti or the spiritual energy o Lord VishnuF the bestower o enDoyment and liberation' 0hus he become amousF known as *adhvacarya' #iva saidK 1n the age o DvaparaF there was a brahmana named *egha /harma' )e was very much religiousF intelligentF learned and a ollower o the Vedic path' )e was engaged in armingF and with the ten percent pro it rom arming he was worshipping the demigods every day with devotion' (nce there was no rain during the administration o *aharaDa /hantanu or ive yearsF but the arm o *egha sharma was about our miles wider and was watered by rain' 4aturally the grain?rate increased and *egha sharma became rich by taking advantage o the scarcity' (ther people being so distressed took shelter o the king' 0he king called *egha sharma and saidK ( great brahmanaF 1 o er my obeisances unto youF please became my -uru and guide usF so that we can be ree rom the scarcity' *egha sharma saidK when the month o /hravana (#uly?August) startsF you should call twelve Vedic brahmanas to chant one?hundred thousand times the mantra o the sun?god with the proper mind' 0hen on the ull moon day (purnima) o er one tenth the number o oblations in the sacri icial ireF through the brahmanas' 1 you could do this as mentionedF you will become ree rom anHiety' /o the king per ormed accordingly and ed all the brahmanasF then the sun?god being pleased by this poured heavy rain on the earth rom all sides' A ter this king /hantanuF engaged in per orming /urya?vrata and become a greatly pious person' 8hoever he touched with his hand immediately turned to a young man' By the mercy o the sun?godF *eghasarma lived or ive?hundred yearsF being reed rom old ageF and then went to sun?planet' A ter &55F555 years he will attain Brahmaloka' 8hile he was speaking thusF sun?god revealed his identity to #iva and went to :rayaga (Allahabad) and being in a happy mood he said to the demigodsK I1n kali?yugaF when the mlecchas will be ruling the kingdomF 1 will come to Vrindavana and preach or the mission o the Devas'R /uta saidK 0hen the sun?god descended in Vrindavana as a son o Deva?sharmaF named /ridhara' )e studied /rimad Bhagavatam very deeply and a great commentary on it which is known as /ridhar? bhasyaF the commentary o /ridhara'
11&4 "he Prediction of Cayadeva (osvami Brihaspati saidK Long ago there was a brahmana named )eliF in the beauti ul city :ampapura' )e was a worshipper o the sun?god and he knew the =6 arts' )e avoided the mood o accepting dakshina (donations) and he became an artistF having established a workshop or clothesF paintingsF picturesF metal statues etc' )e spent ive thousand coins to establish it' 8hatever pro it he made he used or worshipping the sun?god in the month o *agha (#anuary?>ebruary) by per orming sacri ices' 0hus the sun?god Vishvakarma (the architect o the gods) became pleased with this sacri ice and descended on the top o a big pillar in :ampasarovaraF the lake named :ampaF having a brilliant shining orm' At the noon timeF )eli o ered ood to the sun?god according to his desire' 1n this way he satis ied the three worlds' A ter leaving his body he entered into the sun?planet' 0here ore ( king o devas you may worship the sun?godF he will help you'
/uta saidK Lord 1ndra hearing this rom his guruF began to worship the sun?god Visvakarma along with other demigods' 0hus being pleased with their worship 0vashta (Visvakarma) saidK ( godsF please listen to my wordsF 1 will appear in a village named Bilvagram in BengalF and 1 will be the poet known as #ayadevaF the compiler o 4irukti' /aying this the sun?god went to Bengal and took birth in the house o a brahmana named Kanduke' 8hen he was Dust ive years oldF he was engaged in the service o his parents and continued or twelve years' A ter sometime his parents le t their body and #ayadeva did all
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
the inal ceremonies (/hraddha) in -aya' Being satis ied they went to heaven' 0hen #ayadeva lived in a Dungle as a detached brahmana' At the age o twenty threeF a brahmana (someone) o ered his beauti ul daughter to Lord #agannatha' At the end o his worship the eternal Lord AniruddhaF having the orm o DarubrahmaF directly spoke thusK I( /atyavrataF please listen to *eF it is my order that you o er your daughter :admavati to #ayadeva because he is the body o *ineF or he is as good as *e'J 0hen he ound the detached brahmana (#ayadeva) and leaving his daughter in ront o himF he went to his home' :admavati served her husband or so many years accepting him as a beauti ul and learned one' #ayadeva compiled a book known as 4iruktaF the Vedic vocabularyF one o the siH Vedangas' 0here were ive kinds o 4iruktasF but in Kali?yuga they were destroyed by the evil people and :rakrit?bhasha or the illiterate language was established' >or the sake o the demigodsF :anini the author o Ashtadhyayi grammarF overtook them and established the pure /anskrit languagae' (nce the evil minded Kali situated in the hearts o thievesF plundered all the money o the brahmana #ayadeva which was given to him by the king' >ollowing this they cut both his hands and legs and went home leaving :admavati aside' #aydeva was thrown into a ditch' :admavati took him out cried and lamented again and again seeing the situation o her husband' (ne dayF when the king Dharmapala was out hunting' )e saw the sage #ayadeva without hands and eet and askedK I8ho put you in such a conditionNJ #ayadeva answeredK I4o one put me in this conditionF ( king' 1t is due to my previous activities that 1 am su ering now in this abominable condition'R )aving heard this statementF the religious king put the brahmana on a palanMuin along with his wi e and brought them to his palace' 0he king built a dharma?shalaF religious institutionF a ter receiving instructions rom #ayadeva' (ne day those same thievesF dressed as Vaishnavas came to the king and saidK I8e are very much eHpert in the scriptures and there ore we have come to you' ( best o the kingsF Lord VishnuF while being in the stone (/halagrama) eats ood cooked by us everyday with love' 1 you donAt believe usF you can see this right here'J /aying thus the slaves o kali by their power showed the king a our handed orm o Lord Vishnu eating' Being struck with wonderF king Dharmapala said to #ayadevaK I( my gurudevaF some vaishnavasF the devotees o Lord Vishnu have come to my palaceF and they have shown me the Lord be ore my very eyesF there ore please come Muickly'R 0he theives saw #ayadeva and became struck with wonder' 0hey said to the king in a Doking moodK I( kingF this brahmana was a cook in the palace o the king o -audadesa (Bengal)' (nce he became very much greedy or money and he miHed some poison in the ood and o ered it to a king' 8hen the king come to know about it he ordered him to be cruci ied' 0hen we came to him (#ayadeva)F and knowing him to be an o enderF we instructed him in the Vedic knowledge' 0hen the king re used to cruci y himF but he cut o his hands and legs' At that time the king became our discipleF having been enlightened by us'J 8hile they were speaking thusF the earth broke in two and those thieves ell within the earthF being sent to the lowest hell known as patala?loka' #ayadeva began to cry to the thieves and while he was crying his hands and legs appeared to be as they were' 0hen he eHplained to the bewildered king what had happened' 0he king became very happy a ter hearing everything rom him' #ayadeva wrote a song called -ita?-ovindaF the song sung or the pleasure o Lord -ovinda' 0he king read the song and attained liberation' I( brahmanasF thus 1 have narrated the birth story o #ayadevaF now you listen about how the /upreme Lord appeared as /ri Krishna <haitanya 'R
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Y>rom :ratisarga :arvaF 6th :artF <hapter ='Z 0he sage (/aunka) saidK I( great ortunate oneF you know everything please tell us about the kings who came a ter *ahiraDa' /uta -oswami saidK 0he ghostly KutukoddinaF with human natureF was situated in the kingdom o Delhi' 0he best king BhapasenaF the grandson o Virasena was situated in the beauti ul city o Aligarh' 0his city was protected by yadavas' Kutukaddin with ten?thousand warriors went there and de eated him and returned to Delhi' 0hen so many kings orm other countries came there and de eated him and reDected him rom their countries' 8hen /hahoddina heard thisF he came to DelhiF conMuered the kings and broke all the deities' A ter that so many mlecchas came rom all sides and ruled the kingdom or ;F = or 9 years' 0hey had destroyed the places o pilgrimage and the templesF there ore as a reaction they become short?lived' >rom todayF the mleccha kings will continue or a hundred yearsF there ore ( sagesF you should Muickly go to Vishala (Badarikashrama) with me' 0hen all the sages sadly le t this place (4aimisaranya) and went to VishalaF the best o the )imalayas and meditated upon Lord )ariF being in samadhi (trance)' And a ter a hundred years all o them attained the kingdom o -od'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
12 0urma Purana
Lord VishnuF in Kurm Avatar (tortoise incarnation)F had irst preached this :urana to 4arad' 1n his turnF 4arad narrated it to /utDi who later narrated this :urana to an assembly o the great sages' 1nitiallyF this :urana had our parts namely Bramhi /amhitaF Bhagawati /amhitaF -auri /amhita and Vaishnavi /amhita' :resentlyF howeverF none o these /amhitas is available eHcept Brahm /amhita' :resent version too contains two parts?:urv and %ttar :arts' :urv :artK 0ale o 1ndradyumna' Description o Kurm :urana' Description o Varnashram' Description o the seMuence o these ashramas' (rigin o the geo?sphere' Description o various incarnations' :reaching o the gods' Description o the sel ?begotten *anu' Destruction o DakshAs yagya' Killing o )iranyakashipu' Vamana avatar (dwar incarnation)' Description o 1kshvaku clan' Description o :ururava clan' Description o "ama and Krishna incarnations' Description o /atya?F 0reta?F Dwapar? and Kali yugas' -reatness o Varanasi' -reatness o Lingas' -reatness o :rayag and Yamuna etc' %ttar :artK Yoga o uneHpressed knowledge' Appearance o Devadidev ("udra) during 0andava' Description o metaphysical knowledge' :reaching o metaphysical knowledge by the -od' Description o Ashtang Yoga' Duties o a celibate' Duties o a graduate' Description o edible and non?edible things' "ituals to be per ormed regularly' "ituals o dining' Description o the duties o a Vanaprasthi' Duties o an ascetic' Description o eHpiation' .Hpiation or drinking o wine' -reatness o di erent places o pilgrimage' 0his :urana consists o 3; chaptersK
1!&1 7ntroduction (0he samudra manthana story is given in great detail in the "amayana and the *ahabharata' As or LakshmiF some o the :uranas state that she was born as the daughter o Khyati and the sage Bhrigu' /he was then married to Vishnu' But the demons de eated the gods and 1ndra' 0he sage Durvasa there ore cursed Lakshmi that she would have to live in the ocean' And when the ocean was churnedF Lakshmi emerged yet again')
1ndraF the other godsF and the sages were charmed at LakshmiAs beauty when she appeared' I8ho is this wonder ul goddessNJ they asked Vishnu' I0his is LakshmiFJ replied Vishnu' I/he is also known as /hakti' 1t is with her help that 1 delude the universe and its inhabitants with my illusions (maya)' 1t is Lakshmi who gives me all my powersF although she is no di erent rom me in essence'J Vishnu then proceeded to tell the gods and the sages the story o 1ndradyumna'
1!&! 7ndradyumna *any years agoF there was a king named 1ndradyumna' )e ruled the world well andF when he diedF was reborn as a brahmanaF (0he brahmanas constitute the irst o the our classesF their primary duties are to study the Vedas and per orm sacri ices')
As a brahmanaF 1ndradyumna observed religious rites and meditated' )e also stared to pray to the goddess Lakshmi' 8hen Lakshmi appearedF 1ndradyumna begged o herF I:lease tell me about yoursel ' :lease give me insight into what constitutes true knowledge'J I.ven the gods and the sages are unable to comprehend my true natureFJ replied Lakshmi' I1 an VishnuAs illusions and there is no di erence between him and me' As or knowledgeF it is beyond my powers to grant you that' You will have to pray to the great Vishnu himsel 'J
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
)aving said thisF Lakshmi disappearedF and 1ndradyumna started to pray to Vishnu' /everal years passedF but 1ndradyumna continued to meditate' >inallyF Vishnu appeared and instructed 1ndradyumna on the path to true knowledge' I8hat did you tell 1ndradyumnaNJ asked the gods and the sages' I8hat was this wonder ul knowledgeNJ I1 will repeat it or your bene itFJ replied Vishnu' /ince Vishnu repeated his teachings while in the orm o a turtle o KurmaF these sacred words are known as the Kurma :urana' 0here are many subDects that VishnuAs instructions coveredF but let us irst start with the concept o varnashrama dharmaF Dharma means righteousness and these precepts lay down the undamental principles o righteous conduct' 0his is typi ied in the system o our varnas (classes) and our ashramas (stages o li e)'
1!&* +arnashrama $harma Vishnu said that be ore creation beganF there was only water in the universe and Vishnu slept on these waters' 8hen it was time or creation to beginF Brahma emerged rom VishnuAs body' And /hiva emerged rom VishnuAs anger' Lakshmi too was created rom VishnuAs body and took her place by VishnuAs side'
Brahma told VishnuF I:lease use this goddess to delude the beings whom 1 will create' 0ell her to sow the seeds o illusions in their minds' :lease tell her to make the righteous prosper'J Vishnu complied' )e reMuested LakshmiF I:lease delude and destroy godsF demons and humans who are about to be created' But please leave the righteous alone and make them prosper' 1 will tell you how to know the righteous' 0hey are those that ollow the precepts o varnashrama dharma'J 0he brahmanas constitute the irst o the our classes' Brahma created nine sons rom his mental powers' 0heir names were *arichiF BhriguF AngiraF :ulastyaF :ulahaF KratuF DakshaF Atri and Vashishtha' 0hese sons became sages and they were the irst brahmanas' 0hey were created rom BrahmaAs mouth 0here are siH types o action that are recommended or brahmanas' 0hese are yaDana (per orming sacri ices)F yaDana (acting as priests at sacri ices)F dana (donation o alms)F pratigraha (receiving gi ts)F adhyapana (teaching and adhyayana (studying)' A brahmana who per orms these tasks wellF attains the wonder ul place known as praDapatya' (0his would seem to be synonymous with BrahmaAs residence o Brahmaloka)' 0he kshatriyas constitute the second o the our classes' 0hey were created rom BrahmaAs arms' 0he duties o kshatriyas include dana (donation o alms)F adhyayana (studying) and per orming yaDnas (sacri ices)' But their primary duties are to take up arms and ightF 1t is their Dob to punish the evil and protect the good' A kshatriya who per orms these tasks wellF attains 1ndraAs residence o 1ndraloka' 0he vaishyas constitute the third o the our classes' 0hey were created rom BrahmaAs thighs' Like the kshatriyasF the vaishyas can also donate almsF study and per orm sacri icesF But their primary duty is agricultureF (1n many other :uranasF trade and animal husbandry are mentioned in addition to agriculture)' A vaishya who per orms these tasks wellF gets to live with VayuF the god o the wind' 0he shudras constitute the last o the our classes' 0hey were created rom BrahmaAs eet' 0heir primary duty is to serve the other three classes' 1n additionF a shudra can adopt artisanship as an occupationF A shudra who per orms these tasks wellF will live with the gandharvas (singers o heaven)' -enerally speakingF all our classes have to observe the religion that is prescribed in the vedas' 0here are various other shastras (religious teHts) that circulate on earth' But many o them are against the Vedas' 0he religion that is prescribed in such anti?Vedic teHts must not be ollowed' (nly sinners ollow such religionsF and they are doomed to eternal damnation'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0here are our ashramas (stages o li e)' 0he irst one is brahmacharya (celibate studenthood)' 0he primary duties o a person who is in this stage o li e are studying the Vedas and serving oneAs guru (teacher) well' )e has to live on alms that are obtained through begging' 8hen this stage o li e i overF there are two options that are available to the individual' 1n rare instancesF he may desire to devote the rest o his li e to studying and meditation' /uch a person is known as naishthika' *ore commonlyF individuals wish to step into the neHt stage o li eF An individual who does so is known as an upakurvana' 0he second stage o li e is garhasthya (householder stage)' A householderAs primary duties are serving guestsF per orming sacri icesF donating almsF worshipping the gods and keeping the sacred ire burning in the house at all times' 1n cases where the householder is absent rom the houseF these unctions are to be per ormed by his wi e or sonsF or even by his priest' A householder must not also orget to study a little bit o the Vedas every day' 0he householder stage is superior to the other three stages o li e' 0he reason is that the alms provided by a householder are the means o sustenance or individuals who are in the other three stages o li e' A householder may be one o two types' )e may be a sadhakaF in which case his chie obsession is that o satis ying his riends and relatives' AlternativelyF there may be a householder who is udasina' 0his means that he is not really interested in his wi eF his sons or in the acMuisition o material wealth' )is chie obsession is that o being reed rom the bonds o the world' 0he third stage o li e is vanaprastha ( orest dwelling stage)' /uch a person retires to the orest and lives on ruits and roots' )e studies the VedasF per orms tapasya (meditation) and observes religious rites' (ne should never embark on a orest?dwelling stage unless oneAs mind is ready or it' 0his also means that one must have had sons' 8ithout sons to carry on the lineF it is not recommended that a householder venture out on the orest?dwelling stage' 0here are two types o orest?dwellers' 0he irst type consists o individuals who primarily devote themselves to worshipping the gods and per orming religious ceremonies' /uch an individual is known as a tapasyaF because he does do some tapasya' But there are individuals who devote themselves entirely to meditation' /uch a person is known as a sannyasikaF since there is very little o di erence between him and a sannyasi (hermit)' 0he ourth and inal stage o li e is sannyasa (hermithood)' /uch individuals spend all their time in meditating' 0hey beg ood or a living' 1t is not proper to become a hermit unless oneAs mind has achieved detachment rom the world' 0here are two types o hermits' 0he irst type consists o those who are trying to realise the true nature o the atman (human soul)' /uch a person treats all other individuals as he would treat himsel and is known as a yogiF but there are also hermits who go through intense meditation so as to attain the supreme wisdom' /uch a person is known as a parameshthika' 0here are various other traits that are demanded by the righteous way o li e' (ne must orgive and display pityF one must not be Dealous and must be ready to sacri ice oneAs own sel ish interests' (ne must be truth ulF practice non?violence and learn to control the senses' (ne must also visit tirthas (places o pilgrimage)' 1t is also important to realise that one does not per orm actions or the sake o the ruits o the actions' 0he ruits o all actions vest with the brahman (the divine essence)' 1n actF it is a gross misconception to think that la speci ic action is being per ormed by an individual' All actions are per ormed by the brahmanF the ordinary human being is merely an instrument' As long as this realisation is missingF an individual is ignorant and is doomed to the shackles o worldly bonds'
1!&, 0reation Vishnu neHt narrated to the gods and the sages the history o creation'
1n the beginningF the brahman was everywhere' 0he brahman had no ormF but nor was it without orm' 1t had no beginning and no end' 1t had no traitsF but nor was it without traits' 0he brahman is impossible to describeF sense or see' BrahmaF Vishnu and /hiva are derived rom the brahmanF Brahma per orms the unction o a creatorF Vishnu that o a preserver and /hiva that o destroyer'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
8hen it was time or creation to beginF the brahman created water throughout the universe' Be ore thatF there was nothing' 1n the waterF there appeared a golden (hiranya) egg (anda)' 0he egg grew in siCe and BrahmaF the creatorF appeared inside the egg' .verything that there is in the universeF was already thereF in in embryonic ormF inside the egg' 0here were godsF the demons humansF the sunF the moonF the starsF the planets and the wind' 0he word garbha means womb and since Brahma originated rom inside a golden (hiranya) eggF he is known as )iranyagarbha' Brahma was the irst being to be created' )e had our aces' )e had no birth (Danana) in the real sense o the term' )e is there ore also re erred to as ADa (without birth)' 1t is also true that he created (bhuva) himsel (svayam)' 1t is because o this that Brahma is known as /vayambhu' Brahma was to be the lord (pati) o all the subDects who were going to be born (praDa)' 0husF Brahma acMuired the name o :raDapati' 0o appreciate how creation took placeF it is irst necessary to have some conception about the nature o time'
1!&/ A $igression on "ime 0he smallest unit o time is a nimesha' >i teen nimeshas make one kashthaF thirty kashthas are one kala and thirty kalas constitute one muhurta' 0here are thirty muhurtas in a span o day and night (ahoratra)' 0hirty such ahoratras make up a month' 0here are two pakshas ( ortnight) in every month' /iH months constitute an ayana and two ayanas a year' 0here are thus twelve months in every year' 0he names o the two ayanas are uttarayana and dakshinayanaF 8hile humans pass through uttarayanaF the gods pass through only one day' /imilarlyF when humans pass through dakshinayanaF the gods pass through merely one night' (ne year or humans is eMuivalent to a time span o one day and one night or the gods'
0welve thousand years o the gods make up one mahayuga' 0his is subdivided into our yugas (eras)' 0he names o these eras are satya yuga or krita yugaF treta yugaF dvapara yuga and kali yuga' /atya yuga has our thousand yearsF treta yuga three thousandF dvapara yuga two thousand and kali yuga one thousand' 0his adds up to ten thousand years' But there are also periods that Doin two yugasK (sandhyamsha)' /atya yuga has a sandhyamsha o our hundred yearsF treta yuga o three hundredF dvapara yuga o two hundred and kali yuga o one hundredF 0here will there ore be seven hundred additional years between satya yuga and treta yugaF ive hundred between treta yuga and dvapara yuga o two hundred and kali yuga o one hundred' 0here will there ore be seven hundred additional years between satya yuga and treta yugaF ive hundred between treta yuga and dvapara yugaF three hundred between dvapara yuga and kali yuga and ive hundred between kali yuga and the neHt satya yuga' 0hese are two thousand additional yearsF and when added up to the earlier igure o ten thousand' make up twelve thousand years' 0here are a little over seventy?one manvantaras (eras) in each mahayuga' .ach manvantara is a time period that is ruled over by a *anu' 0he irst *anu in the present kalpa (cycle) was /vayambhuva *anu and there were several other *anus a ter him' .ach kalpa in act passes during one o brahmaAs days and there are ourteen manvantaras in a kalpa' /tated di erentlyF there are one thousand mahayugas in every kalpa' 0hree hundred and siHty kalpas constitute one o brahmaAs years' (ne hundred times this time period is known as a parardha' At the end o this periodF the whole universe is destroyed and BrahmaF Vishnu and /hiva are also destroyed' At the end o the destructionF creation starts a resh and this creation is known as sarga' 0here is a smaller process o destruction that takes place at the end o every kalpa' Brahma Vishnu and /hiva are not destroyedF but everything else is' 0he creation that comes at the end o this minor destruction is known as pratisarga' 0he present kalpa is known as varaha kalpa' 0he one that preceded it was known as padma kalpa'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
I8hy is the present kalpa called varaha kalpaNJ the gods and the sages asked Vishnu' Vishnu told them the story o his boar incarnation'
1!&1 "he #oar 7ncarnation A varaha is a boar and the boar incarnation is usually catalogued as the third o VishnuAs ten incarnations'
8hen the universe was submerged in water a ter the destruction that came at the end o padma kalpaF Vishnu slept on the waters' 0hus he slept or a thousand mahayugas' /ince the word nara means water and ayana means resting?placeF Vishnu is also re erred to as 4arayana' Brahma decided to start creation a reshF but discovered that the earth was submerged in water' )ow would his creations survive i there was no earthN )e there ore reMuested Vishnu to bring the earth up rom under the water' Vishnu adopted the orm o a boar and went to the underworld' )e discovered the earth there and raised her up on the tusks o the boar' 0he boar care ully raised the earth and laid her to rest on top o the water' 0he earth began to loat like a gigantic boat' /ince Vishnu raised the earth in the orm o a boar at the beginning o the kalpaF the present cycle is known as varaha kalpa' (0he story o the boar incarnation is rather summarily disposed o in the Kurma :urana' 0he other :uranas describe it at great length' Apart rom the Muestion o raising up the earth rom under the waterF the story revolves around the demon )iranyaksha' this demon was the son o the sage Kashyapa and his wi e Diti' )e de eated the gods and drove them out o heaven' 1n desperationF the gods started to pray to Vishnu' )iranyaksha used to live under the water and Vishnu entered the water in his orm o a boar and killed )iranyaksha' )e also recovered the Vedas which had been stolen by )iranyaksha')
1!&4 0reation 0ontinued Brahma irst created ive sons through his mental powers' 0heir names were /anakaF /anatanaF /anandanaF Kratu and /anatakumara 0hese ive sons became sages and did not have any o spring' Brahma there ore had to create some more beings so that the population o the universe might increase' But prior to thatF he decided to per orm tapasya' )oweverF the meditation did not yield him any results and Brahma became very angry and disheartened' )e started to weep and a teardrop ell on the ground' >rom this dropF there emerged /hiva'
Brahma bowed be ore /hiva and saidF I:lease create some living beings'J 0his /hiva proceeded to do' But all the beings that /hiva created were mirror images o himsel ' 0hat isF they were all immortal' I1 beg your pardonFJ retorted /hiva' I0hat 1 re use to do' (ld age and disease are not obDects that should be sought a ter' 1n actF they are evil' 1 latly re use to create such evil'J IAll right then'J said Brahma' I1 will take care o creation mysel ' :lease stop creating'J 0he irst obDects that Brahma created were waterF ireF the skyF heaven (svarga)F windF riversF mountainsF oceansF treesF herbs and time' Brahma neHt created eleven sons rom his mental powers' 0heir names were *arichiF BhriguF AngiraF :ulastyaF :ulahaF KratuF DakshaF Atri VashishthaF Dharma and /ankalpa'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(1n the earlier section on varnashrama dharmaF only nine sons were mentioned' Dharma and /ankalpa did not igure in that list') 0herea terF Brahma created our classes o beings' 0hese were godsF demonsF ancestors (pitris) and humans' 0he demons were born rom BrahmaAs thighsF the gods rom his mouth' 0he snakes (sarpa)F the yakshas (demi?gods)F the ghosts (bhuta) and the gandharvas were born neHt' <ows were born rom BrahmaAs stomachF and horsesF elephantsF donkeysF deerF camels and mules rom his eet' )erbs and trees emerged rom BrahmaAs body?hair' (0his account contradicts a more common account given in some o the other :uranasF such as the Bhagavata :urana' 1n the more usual accountF all beings are descended rom the sage Kashyapa' Kashyapa married thirteen o DakshaAs daughters' 0hese daughters were named AditiF DitiF DanuF KashthaF ArishthaF /urasaF 1laF *uniF KrodhavashaF 0amraF /urabhiF /arama and 0imi' AditiAs o spring were the gods (adityas)F DitiAs the demons (daityas)' DanuAs o spring were other demons (danavas)F KashthaAs children horsesF ArishthaAs gandharvasF /urasaAs demons (rakshasas)F 1laAs o spring trees and herbsF *uniAs the apsaras (dancers o heaven)F KrodhavashaAs ghosts (pishachas)F 0amraAs birdsF /urabhiAs cattleF /aramaAs wild animals and 0imiAs marine creatures' 0he Kurma :urana itsel re ers to this alternative account subseMuently)' 0o return to the present account o the Kurma :uranaF Brahma therea ter divided his body into two' (ne hal was male and was called /vayambhuva *anu' 0he remaining hal was emale and was called /hatarupa' *anu and /hatarupa married and had two sons and two daughters' 0he sons were named :riyavrata and %ttanapada and the daughters were named :rasuti and Akuti' /ince all humans are *anuAs descendantsF they are known as manava' :rasuti married Daksha and they had twenty? our daughters' (0he :uranas are not at all consistent about the number o daughters :rasuti and Daksha had' 0he number is sometimes twenty? ourF sometimes i ty and sometimes siHty)' 0hirteen o the twenty? our daughters were married to BrahmaAs son Dharma' ( the remaining elevenF Khyati was married to BhriguF /ati to /hivaF /ambhuti to *arichiF /mriti to AngiraF :riti to :ulastyaF Kshama to :ulahaF /annati to KratuF Anasuya to AtriF %rDDa to VashishthaF /vaha to the ire?god Agni and /vadha to the ancestors (pitris)'
1!&8 #rahma, +ishnu and )hiva 0he gods and the sages told VishnuF I8e are getting a bit con used' You have told us that Brahma emerged rom VishnuAs body And yet you have also told us how Brahma was born inside a golden egg' 8hich o these is the correct accountN 0hen againF you have told us that /hiva was born rom one o BrahmaAs tears' But we have sometimes heard otherwise' 8hich is rightN :lease remove this con usion'J
I0here is no con usionFJ replied Vishnu' ILet me eHplain it or you'J Brahma was born rom the golden egg right at the beginningF at the time o the original creation' But at the end o every kalpa there is a minor destruction when all living beings other than BrahmaF Vishnu and /hiva die' 8hen the destruction is overF creation has to start a resh' At the end o the last kalpaF there was water everywhere in the universe' 0he heavenF the earth and the underworldF were all looded with water' 0here were no gods and no sages' (nly the great Vishnu slept on the water' )e had a thousand hoodsF a thousand eyesF a thousand arms and a thousand eet' 0his was his orm o AnantaF the snake (naga)' (0he Kurma :urana completely identi ies Vishnu with Ananta' *ore commonlyF the :uranas state that the snake Ananta was the son o Kadru and the sage Kashyapa' )e pleased Brahma through his prayers and obtained rom Brahma the boon that he would be permitted to hold up the earth on his hoods' 0he Kalika :urana speci ically states thatF at the time o destructionF Vishnu and Lakshmi rest
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
on AnantaAs central hood' 0he Vishnu :urana adds the in ormation that Ananta was one o BalaramaAs avataras' 0he names /hesha Vasuki and -onasa are o ten used synonymously with Ananta') 8hile Vishnu thus slept on the waterF a wonder ul lotus sprouted rom his navel' the lotus was gigantic and shone like the sun' 1ts ragrance spread in all directions' Brahma appeared inside the lotus' /ince padma means lotus and yoni means place o BirthF Brahma is also known as :admayoni' Brahma saw Vishnu sleeping on the water and woke him up' I8ho are youNJ asked Brahma' I1 am Vishnu'J replied Vishnu' I1 am the origin o everything' 0hat will be there in the universe is inside my body'J I1s that really soNJ asked Vishnu' ILet me see'J Vishnu thereupon entered BrahmaAs body' )e really ound the three worldsF the godsF the demons and the humans inside BrahmaAs stomach and was greatly surprise' )e emerged rom BrahmaAs mouth and told BrahmaF I8hat 1 have seen inside your body is truly wonder ul' But 1 too can show you many worlds inside my body' :lease enter and see or yoursel 'J 1t was now BrahmaAs turn to enter VishnuAs body' But when Brahma did thisF he could ind no end to VishnuAs stomach' 1t was true that there were many worlds inside VishnuAs body' )oweverF Brahma could ind no way o coming out rom VishnuAs stomach' )e inally Dab to emerge through VishnuAs navelF through the stalk o the lotus that was there' I)ow dare you try to con ine me inside your bodyNJ demanded BrahmaF as soon as he managed to get out' I:lease do not get angry'J replied Vishnu' I1 merely thought that 1 would play with you or a while' (therwiseF it is inconceivable that anyone should dare to con ine the great Brahma' :lease pardon me' And as a token o your pardonF please grant me the boon that hence orthF you will be known as my son' A ter allF you did emerge rom a lotus that grew out o my navel'J IAgreed'J said Brahma' ILet us make peace' A ter allO there is no one else' 8e are the lords o everythingF we are parts o the brahman'J I:lease do not orget /hivaFJ responded Vishnu' IYour words will anger him and bring about your undoing'J 8hile the two were thus conversingF /hiva appeared on the scene' )e had a third eye in the middle o his orehead and his hair was matted' A trident could be seen in his hand' I8ho is this ellowNJ asked Brahma' I)e looks like an upstart'J Vishnu calmed Brahma down' )e also gave Brahma divine eyes so that Brahma could comprehend the true nature o /hiva' Brahma then started to pray to /hiva' :leased with BrahmaAs prayersF /hiva agreed to grant Brahma a boon' I:lease grant me the boon that you will be born as my sonFJ said Brahma' /hiva agreed to do so and went away'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/uddenlyF two demons named *adhu and Kaitabha appearedF 0hey were eHceedingly strong and threatened to destroy everything that Brahma would create' Brahma there ore reMuested Vishnu to kill these two demons' Vishnu created two beings rom his own body and these two beings killed the demons' (0he *adhu and Kaitabha story is given in greater detail in other :uranasF such as the Kalika :urana' 8hile Vishnu was sleepingF the two demons were born rom his ears' (ne o them desired to have some honey as soon as he was bornF /ince the word or honey is madhuF he came to be known as *adhu' 0he other one looked like an insect' /ince the word or insect is kitaF he came to be known as Kaitabha' these brothers attacked Brahma and Vishnu had to ight with them so as to rescue Brahma' 0he ight went on or ive thousand years be ore Vishnu could kill them' a ter the demons were killedF the at (meda) rom their bodies ormed the earth' 0hat is the reason why the earth is known as medini') A ter *adhu and Kaitabha had been killedF Brahma could start to create' )e irst createdF through his mental powersF the sons whose names have earlier been mentioned' since /hiva had promised that he would be born as BrahmaAs sonF Brahma decided to per orm tapasya so as to accomplish this' )e prayed or many yearsF but nothing happened' 1n utter rustrationF Brahma began to cry' the ghosts (bhuta and preta) were born rom these tears' Brahma was so disgusted at having created these aw ul creaturesF that he committed suicide' 1t was then that /hiva was born rom BrahmaAs mouth and Brahma revived' (You will have noticed the contradiction' .arlierF it had been stated that /hiva was born rom a teardrop and there had been no mention o BrahmaAs suicideF 0he suicide is not mentioned in other :uranas eitherF nor is there any mention o /hiva or "udra being born rom a teardrop' 1n the Vishnu :uranaF he suddenly appeared in BrahmaAs lap' 1n the :adma :uranaF he was born rom BrahmaAs urrowed brows)' 0he baby started to cry as soon as he was born' IDonAt cryFJ said Brahma' J/ince you cried when you were bornF you will be known as "udra'J (0he Kurma :urana is not speci ic on why the baby cried' 0he other :uranas state that the baby cried or the want o a name' Brahma there ore gave the boy the name o "udraF as the word rub means to cry' 0he boy continued to cry and Brahma gave him several other names as well' 0he :uranas however disagree about what these various names were)' 1n addition to "udraF Brahma gave the boy the names BhuvaF /arvaF 1shanaF :ashupatiF BhimaF %gra and *ahadeva' 1n these eight di erent ormsF /hiva was to live in the sunF the waterF the skyF the ireF the windF the treesF the bodies o brahmanas and the moon'
1!&1:Parvati<s "housand 3ames /hiva was married to DakshaAs daughter /ati' /ati died and was reborn as :arvatiF the daughter o )imalaya and his wi e *ena (alternativelyF *enaka)' :arvati was married to /hiva'
1n actF )imalaya and *ena prayed so that they might have the goddess as their daughter' :leased with their prayersF the goddess arrived be ore )imalaya and *ena and showed them her divine orm' /he also promised them that she would be born as their daughter' 0here were a thousand names o the goddess that )imalaya recited in the course o his prayers (one thousand and eight to be precise)' 0hese names are as ollows' >or convenienceF we have reproduced them in groups o ten names each' (&) /hivaF %maF :aramashaktiF AnantaF 4ishkalaF AmalaF /hantaF *aheshvariF 4ityaF /hashvati'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(+) :aramaksharaF AchintyaF KevalaF /hivatmaF :aramatmaF AnadiF AvyayaF /huddhaF DevatmaF /arvagaF (3) AchalaF .kaF AnekavibhagasthaF *ayatitaF /unirmalaF *ahamaheshvariF /atyaF *ahadeviF 4iranDanaF Kashtha' (6) /arvantarasthaF <hitshaktiF AtilalasaF 4andaF /arvvatmikaF VidyaF #yotirupa AmritaF AksharaF /hanti' (;) /arvvapratishthaF 4ivrittiF Amritaprada' VyomamurtiF VyomalayaF VyomadharaF AchyutaF AmaraF AndinidhanaF Amogha' (=) KaranatmaF KalakulaF /vatahprathamaDaF AmritanabhiF AtmasamshrayaF :raneshvarapriyaF *ataF *ahamahishaghatiniF :ranarupaF :radhana?:urusheshvari' (9) /arvvashaktiF KalakaraF #yotsnaF /arvvakaryaniyantriF /arvvabhuteshvariF /amsarayoniF /akalaF /arvvashaktisamudbhavaF /amsarapotaF Durvara' (,) DurnirikshyaF DurasadaF :ranashaktiF :ranavidyaF YoginiF :aramakalaF *ahavibhutiF DurddharshaF *ulaprakritidsambhava' (2) AnadyanantavitavaF :aramaghapakarshiniF /vargasthityan 0arakaraniF /udurvvachyaF DuratyayaF /habdayoniF /habdamayiF 4adakhyaF 4advigrahaF Anadi' (&5) AvyaktagunaF *ahanadaF /anataniF AkashayoniF YogasthaF *ahayogeshvareshvariF *ahamayaF /udushparaF *ulaprakritiF 1shvari' (&&) :radhanapurushatitaF :radhanapurushatmikaF :uranaF <hinmayiF AdipurusharupiniF BhutantavasthaF KutasthaF *ahapurushasamDnitaF #anmamrityuDaratitaF /arvvashaktisamanvita' (&+) VyapiniF AnavachhinnaF :radhananu?:raveshininF KshetraDnashaktiF AvyaktalakshanaF *alavarDDitaF AnadimayasambinnaF :rakritigrahaF *ahamayasamutpannaF 0amasi' (&3) :ourushiF DheuvaF VyaktatmikaF KrishnaF AvyaktatmikaF "raktaF /huklaF :rasutikaF AkaryaF KaryaDanani' (&6) 4ityaprasavadharminiF /argapralayanirmuktaF /rishtisthityantadharminiF BrahmagarbhaF <haturvimshaF :admanabhaF AchyutatmikaF VaidyutiF /hashvatiF Youni' (&;) #aganmataF 1shvarapriyaF /arvvadharaF *aharupaF /arvvaisharyasamannitaF VishvarupaF *ahagarbhaF VishveshechhanuvartiniF *ahlyasiF Brahmayoni' (&=) *ahalakshmisamudbhavaF *ahavimana?*adhyasthaF *ahanidraF AtmahetukaF /arvva?/adharaniF /ukshmaF AvidyaF :aramarthikiF AnantarupaF Anantastha' (&9) :urushamohiniF DeviF AnekakarasamsthanaF KalatrayavivarDitaF BrahmaDanmaF )arimurtiF BrahmakhyaF Brahmavishnu?/hivatmikaF BrahmeshavishnuDananiF Brahmasamshraya' (&,) VyaktaF :rathamaDaF BrahmiF *ahatiF Brahmarupini' Vairagyaishvaryadharmatma' BrahmamurtiF )ridisthitaF ApamyoniF /vayambhuti' (&2) *anasiF 0attvasambhavaF 1shvaraniF /arvvaniF /hankararddhashaririniF BhavaniF "udraniF *ahalakshmiF AmbikaF *aheshvara?/amutpanna'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(+5) Bhuktimukti alapradaF /arvveshvariF /arvvavandyaF 4itamuditamanasaF Brahmendro? :endranmitaF /hankarechhanuvartiniF 1shvararddhasanagataF *aheshvarapativrataF /akridvibhataF /arvvartisamudraparishoshini' (+&) :arvatiF )imavatputriF :aramanadadyiniF -unadhyaF YogaDaF YogyaF #nanamurtiF VikashiniF /avitriF Kamala' (++) LakshmiF /hriF AnantavakshahsthalasthitaF /aroDanilayaF -angaF YoganidraF Asurardini /arasvatiF /arvvavidyaF #agaDDveyashtha' (+3) /umangalaF Vagdevi VaradaF Avachya KirtiF /arvvarthasadhikaF YogishvariF BrahmavidyaF *ahavidyaF /ushobhana' (+6) -uhyavidyaF AtmavidyaF DharmavidyaFAtmabhavitaF /vahaF VishvambharaF /iddhiF /vadhaF *edhaF Dhriti' (+;) /hrutiF 4itiF /unitiF /ukritiF *adhaviF 4aravahiniF :uDyaF VibhavatiF /oumyaF Bhogini' (+=) BhogashayiniF /hobhaF VamshakariF LolaF *aniniF :arameshthiniF 0railokyasundariF "amyaF /undariF Kamacharini' (+9) *ahanubhavaF /attvasthaF *ahamahisha?*ardiniF :admamalaF :apaharaF VichitramukutangadaF KantaF <hitrambaradharaF Divyabharana?Bhushita' (+,) )amsakhyaF VyomanilayaF #agasrishtivivarddhiniF 4iyantriF YantramadhyasthaF 4andiniF BhadrakalikaF AdityavarnaF Koumari' (+2) *ayuravaravahanaF VrishasanagataF -ouriF *ahakaliF /urarchitaF AditiF 4iyataF "oudriF :admagarbhavivahana' (35) VirupakshiF LelihanaF *ahasuravinashiniF *aha alaF AnavadyangiF KamarupaF VibhavariF KoushikiF VichitraratnamukutaF :ranatarti?:rabhanDani' (3&) KarshaniF "atriF 0ridashartivinashiniF VahurupaF VirupaF /urupaF "upavarDitaF BhaktartishamaniF BhavyaF Bhavatapavinashini' (3+) 4irgunaF 4ityavibhavaF 4ihsaraF 4irapatrapaF 0apasviniF /amagitiF BhavankanilayalayaF DikshaF VidyadhariF Dipta' (33) *anendrarinipatiniF /arvvatishayiniF VidyaF /arvvasiddhipradyiniF /arvveshvarapriyaF 0arkshiF /amudrantaravasiniF AkalankaF 4iradhara' (36) 4ityashiddhaF 4iramayaF KamadhenuF VrihadgarbhaF DhimatiF *ohanashiniF 4ihsankalpaF 4iratankaF Vinaya' (3;) VinayapriyaF #valamalasahasradhyaF DevadeviF *anomayiF *ahabhagavatiF BhagaF VasudevasamudbhavaF *ahendrapendrabhagini' (3=) BhaktigamyaF :aravaraF #nanaDneyaF#aratitaF VedantavishayaF -atiF DakshinaF DahanaF DantaF /arvvabhutanamaskrita' (39) YoganmayaF VibhagaDnaF *ahamohaF -ariyasiF /andhyaF BrahmavidyashrayaF ViDankurasamudhbutiF *ahashaktiF *ahamatiF Kshanti'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(3,) :raDnaF <hitiF /amvitF *ahabhogindra?/hayiniF VikritiF /hankariF /hantiF -anagandharvasevitaF VaishvanariF *ahashala' (32) DevasenaF -uhapriyaF *aharatriF /hivanandaF /hachiF DuhsvapnanashiniF 1DyaF :uDyaF #agaddhatriF Durvineya' (65) /urpiniF -uhalvikaF -unotpattiF *ahapithaF *arutsutaF )avyavahantaragadiF )avyavahasa? *udhbhavaF #agadyoniF #aganmataF #anmamrityuDaratiga' (6&) VuddhiF *ahavuddhimatiF :urushantaravasiniF 0arasviniF /amadhisthaF 0rinetraF DivisamsthitaF /arvvendriyamanomataF /arvvabhutahridisthitaF /amsaratarini' (6+) /attvashuddhikariF /huddhiF *alatrayavinashiniF #agatpriyaF #aganmurtiF 0rimurtiF AmritashrayaF 4irashrayaF 4iraharaF 4irankushapododbhava' (63) /urupaF BhaviniF )ariniF :rabhaF %nmilaniF /arvasahaF /arvvapratyayasakshiniF /usoumyaF <handravadanaF 0andavasaktamanasa' (66) /ativashuddhikariF /huddhiF *alatrayavinashiniF #agatpriyaF #aganmurtiF 0rimurtiF AmritashyaF 4irashrayaF 4iraharaF 4irankushapadodbhava' (6;) <hakrahastaF ViochitrangiF /ragviniF :admadhariniF :aravaravidhanaDnaF *ahapuushapurvaDaF VishveshvarapriyaF VidyutF VidyuDDihvaF #itashrama' (6=) VidyamayiF /ahaasrakshiF /ahasravadanatmaDaF /ahasrarashmiF /attvasthaF *aheshvarapadashrayaF KshaliniF *rinmayiF VyaptaF :admavodhika' (69) 0aiDasiF *ahamayashrayaF *anyaF *ahadevamanoramaF VyomalakshmiF /imharathaF <hekitanaF AmitaprabhaF VireshvariF Vimanastha' (69) 0aiDasiF *ahamayashrayaF *anyaF *ahadevamanoramaF VyomalakshmiF /imharathaF <hekitanaF AmitaprabhaF VireshvariF Vimanastha' (6,) VishokaF /hokanashiniF AnahataF KundaliniF 4aliniF :admabhasiniF /adanandaF /adakritiF VagdevataF /arvvabhutashrayasthita' (62) BrahmakalaF VishnushivagraDaF :aragatiF KshobhikaF BandhikaF BhedyaF BhedabhedavivarDitaF KalalitaF Kalarani' (;5) BrahmashriF BrahmahridayaF VyomashaktiF KriyashaktiF #amashaktiF AbhinnaF BhinnasamsthanaF VashiniF VamshakariniF -uhyashakti' (;&) -unatitaF /arvadaF /arvatomukhiF BhaginiF BhagavatpatniF /akalaF KalakariniF /arvvavitF /arvvatobhadra' (;+) -uhyatitaF -uharaniF :rakriyaF YogamataF -angaF VishveshareshvariF KapilaF AkapilaF KantaF Kamalabha' (;3) KalantaraF :unyaF :ushkariniF BhoktriF :uranadarapurahsaraF :oshaniF :aramaishvaryabhutidaF BhutibhushanaF :anchabrahmasamutpatti' (;6) :aramarthavigrahaF DharmodayaF BhanumatiF YogiDneyaF *anoDavaF *anoramaF *anoraskaF 0apasiF VadarupiniF Vedashakti'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(;;) VedamataF VedavidyaprakashiniF YogeshvareshvariF *ataF *ahashaktiF *anomayiF F ViyanmurtiF VidyunmalaF Vihayasi' (;=) KinnariF /urabhiF VidyaF 4andiniF 4andivallabhaF BharatiF :aramanandaF :araparavibhedikaF /arvvapraharanopetaF Kamya' (;9) KameshvareshvariF AchintyaF AnantavibhavaF BhulekhaF KanakaprabhaF KushmandiF DhanaratnadhyaF /ugandhaF -andhadayiniF 0rivikramapadodbhuta' (;,) DhanushpaniF /hivodayaF /udurlablaF DhanadhyakshaF DhanyaF :ingalalochanaF /hantiF :rabhavatiF DiptiF :ankaDayatalochana' (;2) AdyaF )ritamalodbhutaF -omataF "anapriyaF /atkriyaF -irishaF /huddhiF 4ityapushtaF 4irantaraF Durga' (=5) KatyayaniF <handiF <harichitangaF /uvigrahaF )iranyavarnaF #agatiF #agadyantrapravartikaF /aradaF *andaradrinivasaF /varnamalini' (=&) "atnamalaF "atnagarbhaF :ushtiF VishvapramathiniF :admananaF :admanibhaF 4ityatushtaF AmritodbhavaF DhunvatiF Dushprakampa' (=+) /uryamataF DrishadvatiF *ahendrabhaginiF /oumyaF VarenyaF VaradayikaF KalyaniF KamalavasaF :anchachudaF Varaprada' (=3) VachyaF AmareshvariF VandhyaF DurDDayaF DuratikramaF KalaratriF *ahabegaF VirabhadrapriyaF )itaF Bhadrakali' (=6) #aganmataF BhaktamangaladayiniF KaralaF :ingalakaraF KamabhedaF *ahasvanaF YashasviniF YashodaF /hadadhvaparivartikaF /hankhini' (=;) :adminiF /ankhyaF /amkhyayogapravartikaF <haitraF /amvatsararudaF #agatsampuraniF 1ndraDaF /humbhariF KhechariF Khastha' (==) KamburgrivaF KalipriyaF KhagadhvaDaF KhagarudaF VarahiF :ugamaliniF AishvaryapadmanilayaF ViraktaF -arudasanaF #ayanti' (=9) )ridguhagamyaF /hankareshtaganagraniF /amyasthaF /ankalpasiddhaF /arvvaviDnandayiniF KalikalkavihantruiF -uhyanpanishaduttamaF 4ishthaF Drishti' (=,) /mritiF VyapiF :ushtiF 0ushtiF KriyavatiF VishvamareshvasreshanaF BhuktiF *uktiF /hivaF Amrita' (=2) LohitasarpamalaF BhisaniF 4aramaliniF AnantashayanaF AnantaF 4aranarayanodbhavaF 4risimhiF DaityamathiniF /hankachakragadadharaF Ambika' (95) /ankarshanasamutpattiF :adasamshravaF *ahaDvalaF *ahabhutiF /umurtiF /arvvakamadhukaF /uprabhaF /ustaniF /ouriF Dharmakamarthamokshada' (9&) BhrumadhyanilayaF :urvaF :uranapurusharaniF *ahavibhutidaF *adhyaF /aroDanayanaF /amaF AnadyaF 4ilotpaladalaprabhaF AsthadashabhuDa' (9+) /arvvashaktyasanarudaF DharmadharmavivarDitaF VairagyaDnananirataF 4iralokaF 4irindriyaF VichitragahanadharaF /hvashvatasthanavasiniF /thaneshvariF 4iranandaF 0rishulavaradharini' (93) AsheshadevatamurtiF DevatavaradevataF -anambikaF -iriputriF 4ishumbhavinipatiniF AvarnaF VarnarahitaF 0rivarnaF #ivasambhavaF Anantavarna'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(96) AnanyasthaF /hankariF /hantamanasaF AgotraF -omatiF -optriF -uhyarupaF -unottaraF -oF -ih' (9;) -ovyapriyaF -ouniF -aneshvaranamaskritaF /atyabhamaF /atyasandhaF 0risandhyaF /andhivarDitaF /arvvavadashrayaF /amkhyaF /amkhyayogasamudbhava' (9=) AsamkhyeyaF AprameyakhyaF /hunyaF /uddakulodbhavaF VindunadasamutpattiF /hambhuvasaF /hashiprabhaF :ishangaF BhedarahitaF *anoDna' (99) *adhusudaniF *ahashriF /hrisamutapattiF 0amohparepratishthitaF 0ritattvamataF 0rividhaF /usukshmapadasamshrayaF /hantyatitaF *alatitaF 4irvikara' (9,) 4irashrayaF /hivakhyaF <hittanilayaF KashyapiF /hivaDnanasvarupiniF DaityadanavanirmukhiF KalakarnikaF /hastrayoniF KriyamurtiF <hatruvargapradarshika' (92) 4arayaniF 4arodbhutiF KoumudiF LingadhariniF KarmukiF KalitaF BhavaF :aravaravibhutidaF VadavaF :ararddhaDatamahima' (,5) VamalochanaF /ubhadraF DevakiF /itaF *anasviniF VedavedangaparagaF *anyumataF *ahamanyusamundbhavaF AmanyuF Amritasvada' (,&) :uruhutaF :urushtutaF AshouchyaF BhinnavishayaF )iranyaraDatapriyaF )iranyaraDaniF )aimiF )emabharanabhushitaF VibhraDamanaF DurDneya' (,+) #yotishtoma alapradaF *ahnidrasamudbhyutiF AnidraF /atyadevataF DirghaF KakudminiF )ridyaF /hantidaF /hantivarddhiniF LakshyadishaktiDanani' (,3) /haktichakrapravartikaF 0rishaktiDananiF #anyaF /hadurmiparivarDitaF /udhamaF KarmakaraniF YugantadahanatmikaF /ankarshiniF #agaddhatriF Kamayoni' (,6) KiritiniF AindriF 0railokyanamitaF VaishnaviF :arameshvariF :radyumnadayitaF DatriF YugmadrishtiF 0rilochanaF *adotkata' (,;) )amsagatiF :rachandaF <handavikramaF VrishaveshaF VishyanmatraF VindhyaparvatavasiniF )imavanmerunilayaF KailasagirivasiniF <hanurahantritanayaF 4itiDna' (,=) KamarupiniF VedavedyaF VratasnataF BrahmashailanivasiniF VirabhadrapraDaF ViraF /iddhaF *ahakamasamudbhavaF Vidyanadharanirakriti' (,9) ApyayaniF )arantiF :avaniF :oshaniF KalaF *atrikaF *anmathodbhutaF VariDaF VahanapriyaF /udha' (,,) KarishiniF VaniF VinavadanatatparaF /evitaF /evikaF /evyaF -arudatmatiF ArundhatiF )iranyakshi' (,2) *rigakshiF *anadayiniF VasupradaF VasumatiF VasudharaF VasundharaF DharadharaF VararohaF <haracharasahsradaF /hri ala' (25) /hrimatiF /hrishaF /hrinivasaF /hivapriyaF /hridhariF /hrikariF KalyaF /hridhararddhashaririniF AnantadrishtiF Akshudra' (2&) DhatrishaF DhanadapriyaF DaityasamuhaniyantriF /imhikaF /imhavahanaF /uvarchalaF /ushroniF /ukirtiF <hhinnasamshayaF "asaDna' (2+) "asadaF "amaF LelihanaF AmritasravaF 4ityoditaF /vayamDyotihF %tsukaF *ritaDivaniF VaDratundaF VaDraDihva'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(23) *angalyaF *angalaF *alaF 4irmalaF *alahariniF -andharviF -arudiF <handriF KambalashvatarapriyaF /oudamini' (26) #ananandaF BhrikutikutilananaF KarnikarakaraF KakshyaF KamsapranapahariniF YugandharaF YugavartaF 0risandhyaF )arshavardhiniF :ratyakshadevata' (2;) DivyaF DivyagandhathivasanaF /hakrasanagataF /hakriF /adhyaF <harusharasanaF 1shtaF VishishtaF /hishteshtaF /hishtashishtaprapuDita' (2=) /hatarupaF /hatavartaF VinataF /urabhiF /uraF /urendramataF /udyumnaF /ushumnaF /uryasamsthitaF /amiksha' (29) /atpratishthaF 4ivrittiF #nanaparagaF DharmashastrarthakushalaF DharmaDnaF DharmavahanaF DharmadharmavinirmatriF DharmikamangalapradaF DharmamayiF Dharmashakti' (2,) VidharmaF VishvadharminiF DharmantaraF DharmamayiF DharmapurvaF DhanavahaF DharmopadeshtriF DharmakshaF DharmagamyaF Dharadhara' (&55) *ahadevaikasakshiniF /adashivaF VishaynmurtiF VedamurtiF AmurtikaF :arameshvariF /hobhaF VishalaF :rasannavadanaF )rishtatma' 0his completes the list o the one thousand names given to the goddess' Although )imalaya had used on thousand and eight names in the course o his prayersF ten o these names are missing in the list' You will also have noticed that a ew o the names occur more than once'
1!&11"he 'ine of ttanapada 1t is hoped that you have not orgotten that /vayambhuva *anu and his wi e /hatarupa had a son named %ttanapada' %ttanapadaAs brother was :riyavarta' Dhruva was %ttanapadaAs son' Dhruva was so devoted to Vishnu that Vishnu earmarked or him a place in the heaven known as Dhruvaloka' (Dhruva became the :ole /tar' 0he complete story o Dhruva and his tapasya in given in the Vishnu :urana)'
Also in %ttanapadaAs line was born <hakshusha' )e became a manu' (<hakshusha was the siHth *anu o the present kalpa)' 1n <hakshusha *anuAs line was born VenaF and VenaAs son was :rithu' :rithu milked the earth and obtained oodgrains on which people can survive' 0hat is the reason why the earth is known as prithivi' (:rithuAs story is given in several :uranasF in addition to the *ahabharata and the )arivamsha)' :rithuAs son was /hikhandi and /hikhandiAs son was /ushila' /ushila was a very religious person' )e aith ully studied the Vedas and visited several places o pilgrimage' )is travels eventually brought him to the )imalayasF through which the sacred river *andakini lowed' 4ear the banks o the river was a beauti ul hermitage' 1t was there that /ushila began to pray to /hiva' 8hile /ushila was thus prayingF a sage named /hvetashvatara arrived' 0he sageAs body was lean with tapasya and he was smeared with ashes' /ushila inished praying to /hiva and worshipped the sage' J1 am indeed ortunate that 1 have met youFJ he told /hvetashvatara' I:lease make me your disciple and teach me all that there is to know'J 0he sage agreed' )e taught /ushila and several other disciples the knowledge o the shastras (sacred teHts)' /hikhandi had a brother named )avirddhana' )avirddhanaAs son was :rachinavarhi' )e married /avarnaF the daughter o the oceanF and had ten sons' 0hese sons were known as the :rachetas' 0he :rachetas were devoted to Vishnu and prayed to Vishnu or several years' (0he Vishnu :urana states that they meditated or ten thousand years under the ocean') All ten :rachetas married *arisha and
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Daksha was born as a result o this marriage' (*arishaAs story is given in the Vishnu :urana') 1t was this Daksha who had earlier been born as BrahmaAs son' Because he Muarrelled with /hivaF /hiva cursed Daksha that he would be born as the son o the :rachetas' I0ell us the story o DakshaFJ the sages reMuested Lomaharshana' (0he :rachetas are not to be con used with a sage named :racheta' 0he sage :racheta was BrahmaAs sonF as per the Brahmavaivarta :urana')
1!&1!$a.sha<s )tory Daksha was BrahmaAs son and had a daughter named /ati' /ati was married to /hiva' Daksha was thus /hivaAs ather?in?law'
(nce Daksha came to visit his son?in?law' But although /hiva worshipped him with all due respect' Daksha elt that he had been slighted' /ubseMuentlyF when /ati went to visit her atherF Daksha severely reprimanded her' IYour husband is worse than uselessFJ he told his daughter' I*y other sons?in?law are ar superior to him' You are not welcome in my house' "eturn to your worthless husband'J /ati could not bear to hear this abuse o her husband and immolated hersel ' /he was later born as :arvatiF the daughter o )imavana (the )imalayas) and married /hiva again' /hiva was urious to learn that /ati had died' )e visited Daksha and cursed him that he would be born on earth as the son o a kshatriya' 1t was thus that Daksha had been born as the son o the :rachetas' (DakhsaAs story is ull o inconsistencies in the :uranas' 0here is an account o a yaDna that Daksha per ormed' /hiva either destroyed this yaDna himsel F or had it destroyed by Virabhadra' But which Daksha per ormed this yaDnaF the one who was the son o Brahma or the one who was the son o :rachetasN 0he Kurma :urana suggests that it was the son o the :rachetas who per ormed this ceremony' 0he more customary accountF such as that in the Bhagavata :uranaF is that it was BrahmaAs son who per ormed the sacri ice' Daksha was angered at /hiva becauseF on one particular occasionF /hiva did not stand up to show him respectF although Daksha happened to be /hivaAs ather?in?law' Daksha there ore organised a yaDna to which he did not invite /hiva' /ati went to the ceremony uninvitedF and immolated hersel when her ather started criticise her husband' )earing o /atiAs deathF /hiva destroyed the yaDna' )e also cursed Daksha that Daksha would have to be born as the son o the :rachetas') 0o return to the account o the Kurma :uranaF the DakshaF who was the son o the :rachetasF organised a yaDna' All the gods and sages were invited to this ceremony' But as a result o DakshaAs earlier enmity with his son?in?lawF /hiva was not invited' 0here was a sage named Dadhichi who protested at this slight to /hiva' I)ow can you have a religious ceremony without inviting /hivaNJ he told Daksha' I/hiva is a worthless ellowFJ replied Daksha' I)e is not it to be worshipped together with the other gods' he wears skulls and destroys all that is created' )ow can he be treated as an eMual o the great VishnuF the preserver o all that one can seeN *y yaDna is dedicated to Vishnu' 1t is not meant or the likes o /hiva'J Dadhichi tried to persuade Daksha that /hiva should not be ignoredF but Daksha was in no mood to listen' Dadhichi re used to take part in such a yaDna and assured Daksha that his ceremony would not be success ully completed' )e also cursed the other sagesF who had sided with DakshaF that they would go to hell and would deviate rom the path laid down in the Vedas' (0he *ahabharata also records DadhichiAs protest' According to the *ahabharataF Dadhichi was devoted to /hiva')
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Daksha went ahead with his yaDna' 0he other godsF including VishnuF came to attend the ceremony' *eanwhileF :arvati got to know about the yaDna and told /hivaF I)ow can there be a ceremony at which you are not invitedN Although Daksha used to be my ather in my earlier li eF this evil act o his should not be condoned' :lease destroy the ceremony'J (1 one goes by the more customary accountF the Muestion o :arvatiAs asking /hiva to destroy the yaDna does not arise' /ati died on the occasion o the ceremony and it was the grie o /atiAs death that led /hiva to eHact vengeance' 0his happened much be ore :arvati was born as the daughter o )imavana') Because o :arvatiAs biddingF /hiva created a demon named Virabhadra' Virabhadra had a thousand headsF a thousand eetF a thousand eyes and a thousand arms' )is body shone with radiance like the sun at the time o destruction' 0he thousand arms held all sorts o weapons in them' I8hat are my ordersNJ Virabhadra asked /hiva' I-o and destroy DakshaAs yaDnaFJ was the reply' Virabhadra ascended a bull and set out or DakshaAs house' )e created thousands and thousands o demons who would aid him in the task o destruction' 0hese demons were armed with spearsF tridentsF macesF clubs and stones' :arvati also created a goddess named Bhadrakali who would help Virabhadra' 0his strange army arrived at the place where the yaDna was being held and saidF I8e are /hivaAs ollowers' 8e have come to receive /hivaAs share o the o erings'J I4o o erings have been earmarked or /hivaFJ replied the gods and the sages' I)e has not even been invited to the sacri ice' 0hese words angered Virabhadra and he began his task o destruction' )is companions uprooted the sca oldings that had been erected on the occasion o the sacri ice' 0he sacri icial horse was lung into the waters o the river -anga' (0his was an ashvamedha yaDna (horse sacri ice) that was being per ormed on the banks o the river -anga' Virabhadra caught hold o Bhaga (identi ied as the sun?god /urya) and tore out his eyes' )e smashed the teeth o the god :usha (also identi ied as another mani estation o the sun?god /urya)' As or the moon?god <handraF Virabhadra gave him a resounding kick and sent him reeling' 0he ire?god Agni had his arms and tongue sliced o by VirabhadraAs companions' 0he sages were kicked and boHed' Vishnu himsel came to intervene and Virabhadra began to ight with Vishnu' Vishnu has a wonder ul weapon named sudarshana chakra (a bladed?discuss) and he hurled this at Virabhadra' But Virabhadra easily repelled this weapon with his arrows' Vishnu is carried by -arudaF king o the birds' -aruda attacked VirabhadraF but so ierce was VirabhadraF that -aruda had to lee' 0he entire universe marvelled to see that Virabhadra could thus vanMuish Vishnu and -aruda' Brahma now arrived and sought to put an end to the ighting' )e started to pray to /hiva and /hiva and :arvati arrived on the scene' 0he assembled gods and sages also began to pray to /hiva and :arvati' :arvati was moved to pity by these prayers' I0hese gods and sages have now sought re uge with youFJ she told /hiva' I:lease pardon them their sins'J
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
IAgreedFJ replied /hiva' IYou have my blessing snow' But please remember that one cannot have a religious ceremony without 1 being worshipped'J 0he gods and the sages realised that /hiva was no di erent rom Vishnu' 0hey were really one and the sameF di erent mani estations o the same universal orce' 8hen Daksha had earlier been born as the son o BrahmaF he had married AsikliF the daughter o Virana' (0here is a minor contradiction here as well' .arlierF the Kurma :urana has stated that DakshaAs wi e was :rasuti' 1t is o course possible that :rasuti and Asikli were di erent names or the same individual') Daksha and Asikli had one thousand sons' But the sage 4arada had persuaded these sons to become hermitsF disinterested in worldly pursuits' (0he Vishnu :urana given a more complete account' >irstF ive thousand sons named the )aryashvas had been born and 4arada had persuaded these sons to become hermits' 4eHtF one thousand sons named the /havalashvas had been born and these had also become hermits at 4aradaAs instigation' 0herea terF siHty daughters had been born') 0o return to the account o Kurma :uranaF Daksha and Asikli had had siHty daughters had been married to DharmaF BrahmaAs son' (0here is again a contradiction' 1n the section on creationF the Kurma :urana had stated that thirteen daughters had been married to Dharma') 0he ten daughters who had been married to Dharma were *arutvatiF VasuF YamiF LambaF BhanuF ArundhatiF /ankalpaF *uhurtaF /adhya and Vishva' VishvaAs sons were the gods known as the vishvadevasF /adhyaAs sons the gods known as the sadhyasF *arutvatiAs sons the gods known as the bhanus' (*ore usuallyF the :uranas have a completely di erent account o the birth o the maruts' 0hey were born as the sons o DitiF KashyapaAs wi e') *uhurta gave birth to timeF Lamba to cattle (ghosha)F Yami to snakes (nagas)F Arundhati to all the obDects (vishaya) on earth and /ankalpa to resolution (sankalpa)' 0hirteen o DakshaAs daughters had been married to the sage Kashyapa' 0heir names were AditiF DitiF ArishtaF DanuF /urasaF KhasaF /urabhiF VinataF 0amraF KrodhavashaF 1raF Kadru and *uni' 0he twelve godsF known as the adityasF were born as the sons o Aditi' 0heir names were AmshaF DhataF BhagaF 0vashtaF *itraF VarunaF AryamaF VivasvanaF /avitaF :ushaF Amshumana and Vishnu' DanuAs sons were demons (danavas)' <hie among them were 0araF /hambaraF KapilaF /hankaraF /varbhanu and Vrishaparva' (/ome :uranas mention orty such sons') /urasa gave birth to the gandharvas' (*ore usuallyF it is stated that /urasa was the mother o the snakes (nagas)') AristhaAs sons were thousands and thousands o snakes (sarpas)' KadruAs sons were also snakes (nagas)' 0amraAs daughters were the ancestors o the birds' /urabhi gave birth to cows and bu aloes and 1ra to trees and herbs' Khasa was the mother o yakshas (demi?gods)F *uni o apsaras and Krodhavasha o rakshasas' Vinata had two sons named -aruda and Aruna' 0hese two sons per ormed very di icult tapasya' -aruda pleased Vishnu and obtained the boon that he would carry Vishnu around' Aruna pleased /hiva and obtained the boon that he would become the sunAs charioteer' (0he story o the rivalry between Vinata and Kadru and their respective o spring is given in the Bhagavata and *atsya :uranas')
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0his leaves Diti' /he had two sons named )iranyakashipu and )iranyaksha' 0here two sons were demons and their children came to be known as the daityas' )iranyakashipu was elder to )iranyaksha' (0he :uranas do not agree on this' 1n some :uranasF )iranyaksha is re erred to as the elder brother')
1!&1*?iranya.shipu )iranyakashipu pleased Brahma through his prayers' As a result o the boon that he received rom BrahmaF he became invisible and started to oppress the world' )e drove the gods out o heaven'
0he gods and the sages went to Brahma to persuade him to do something about )iranyakashipu' I1 cannot really help youFJ said Brahma' I-o to the northern shores o the great ocean and pray to Vishnu there' 1 will accompany you' 1t is Vishnu alone who can ind a solution'J Brahma led the gods and the sages to the shores o the great ocean and started to pray to Vishnu there' Vishnu appeared be ore them' I8hy have all o you come hereNJ he asked' I8hat do you wantNJ I1t is )iranyakashipuFJ replied the gods and the sages' I)e is oppressing the world thanks to a boon received rom Brahma' Because o the boonF he can only be killed by you' :lease kill him and save the universe'J Vishnu created a being out o his body' 0his being was as gigantic as *ount /umeru and held a lotus (padma)F a conch?shell (shankha) and a mace (gada) in his hands' I-o and kill )iranyakashipuFJ Vishnu instructed the being' 0he being thereupon ascended -aruda and le t or )iranyakashipuAs capital' )is roars made the ramparts o the city Muake' )iranyakashipu had our sons named :rahladaF AnuhradaF /amhrada and )rada' (0he more usual names are :rahladaF AnuhladaF /amhlada and )lada') Accompanied by )irayakashipuAs demon soldiersF these our sons came out to ight with the being easily repelled all o these' 0he our princes then unleashed divine weapons on the being' :rahlada used brahmastraF Anuhrada vaishnavastraF /amhrada koumarastra and )rada agneyastra' But these divine weapons could do the wonder ul being no harm' )e merely picked up the princes and lung them ar away' (n seeing that his sons had thus been disposed o F )iranyakashipu came to ight' )e gave the being a resounding kick on his chest and the creature led in pain to Vishnu' Vishnu now realised that he would have to take care o )iranyakashipu himsel ' )e adopted the orm o a being who was a hal ?man and hal ?lion' /ince nara means man and simha means lionF this came to be known as the narasimha incarnation (avatara) o Vishnu' I-o and kill this peculiar creatureFJ )iranyakashipu instructed :rahrada' :rahrada and his brothers tried to ight with VishnuF but were de eated easily' )iranyakashipu now sent his brother )iranyakasha to ight' )iranyakasha used several weapons on VishnuF including the diving weapon known as pashupata' But these weapons could do Vishnu no harm' *eanwhileF :rahrada had realised that this being could be none other than Vishnu' )e started to pray to Vishnu' )e reMuested his brothersF uncle and ather not to ight with Vishnu' But )iranyakashipuAs chest with his claws and thereby killed him' )e also killed AnuhradaF /amhrada and )rada' (A airly common story in the :uranasF such as the Vishnu :uranaF is the story o :rahlada' Despite being )iranyakashipuAs sonF :rahlada was devoted to Vishnu rom his childhood' )iranyakashipu had
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
no desire to have a son who was devoted to Vishnu and did his level best to kill :rahlada' But :rahlada was protected by Vishnu and survived all these attempts' 1n the inal incidentF narasimha appeared while )iranyakashipu was arguing with :rahlada and killed the demon?king' Vishnu then crowned :rahlada king in )iranyakashipuAs place' 0here was no Muestion o )iranyaksha becoming king a ter )iranyakashipu' 1n the more common accountF )iranyaksha was the elder brother and had already been killed by Vishnu in his boar (varaha) incarnation' 1t was )iranyakashaAs death that led to )iranyakashipuAs hatred o Vishnu' 0here is thus some variance between this more common account and that related by the Kurma :urana')
1!&1,?iranya.sha A ter )iranyakashipu diedF )iranyaksha became the king o the demons'
)iranyaksha promptly began to oppress the world' )e de eated the gods and drove them out o heaven' )e also took the earth down to the underworld' 0he gods again went to Brahma in search o a solution and Brahma took them to Vishnu' 0hey prayed to Vishnu so that )iranyaksha might be killed' Vishnu adopted the orm o a boar and killed )iranyaksha' )e also raised the earth up to its right ul place' (0his was the story that was alluded to when the Kurma :urana mentioned VishnuAs boar incarnation') 8hen )iranyaksha was killedF :rahlada became the king o demons' 1nitiallyF he ruled well' )e worshipped Vishnu and per ormed yaDnas' 0he kingdom thrived and prospered' But on one occasionF :rahrada orgot to worship a brahmana through inadvertence' 0he brahmana was urious as he thought that :rahrada had done this knowingly' IYou have dared to ignore me because you thank that you are blessed by VishnuFJ said the brahmana' I1 curse you that you will orget all about Vishnu' Your delusions will make you ight with Vishnu and you will lose all your powers'J As a result o the brahmanaAs curseF :rahrada deviated rom the righteous path' )e ignored the brahmanas and the Vedas' )e desired to have revenge on Vishnu or having killed his ather and uncle' :rahlada ought a long and bitter war with Vishnu' 8hen he was eventually de eated by VishnuF he realised the olly o his evil ways and sought re uge with Vishnu' A ter :rahradaAs deathF )iranyakshaAs son Andhaka became the king o the demons'
1!&1/A $igression on (outama *any years agoF there was a terrible drought on earth' 0here was no ood to be had and amine prevailed'
0here were several sages who lived in the orestF and they tooF su ered rom a lack o ood' -outama was a very power ul sage and he had a hermitage in the orest' /uch were the powers that -outama had that it never stopped raining in his hermitage' 0here was no amine there and plenty o ood was to be had' 0he other sages there ore went to -outamaAs hermitage and begged him to provide them with ood and shelter' 0his reMuest -outama readily agreed toF and the sages lived there happily' A ter twelve years had passedF it began to rain again' 0he drought had passed and oodgrains started to grow' 0he sages no begged their leave o -outama' I/tay or a ew more daysFJ said -outama' IBe my guests and bless my household'J 0he sages tarriedF but they were Dealous o -outama and his powers' 0hey there ore plotted to bring about -outamaAs down all' 8ith their own powersF they created a black cal ' 0his cal was nothing but
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
an illusion' But having created itF the sages sent it to -outama' -outama ound the cal wandering around and decided to take it to his cowshed' But as soon as he touched the cal F the cal seemed to die' All this was because o the illusionF but -outama did not know this' )e was thunderstruck at having killed a cow' IYou are evilF you have killed a cowFJ the sages told -outama' I1t would be a sin to remain as your guest' 8e are leaving'J By thenF -outama had got to know that the cal had been an illusion' )e was eHtremely angry with the sages and cursed themF Ibecause you have been evilF you have deviate rom the path laid down by the Vedas' You will rot in hell and will have to be born several times to be reed o your sins'J 0he sages started to pray to Vishnu and /hiva' 0hey wished that their sins might be cleansed' I8hat shall we do with these sagesNJ /hiva asked Vishnu' I/hall we pardon themN 0hey are praying or deliverance'J I4everFJ replied Vishnu' I0hose who do not ollow what is laid down in the Vedas will surely rot in hell' But since they are not permitted to ollow the sacred shastrasF let us compose some other shastras or them' 0hey will ollow those evil shastrasF rot in hell and be born on earth several times' 0hat is their penance'J 0o delude the sagesF /hiva himsel pretended to be a great religious teacher' )e preached evil ways and the stupid brahmanas began to ollow what he preached'
1!&11Andha.a 8hile /hiva was goneF he le t his companion 4andi to look a ter his household' )e also gave Vishnu the overall responsibility o ensuring that all was well with :arvati and the gods and the sages'
"ealising that /hiva was awayF Andhaka thought that this was the opportune moment or abducting :arvati' )e ound that 4andi stood guard at the entrance to /hivaAs house and began to ight with 4andi' 4andi struck Andhaka on the chest with a trident' 0his angered Andhaka and he created a thousand other demons who were Dust like him in appearance' 0his army o demons de eated 4andi and the gods' 4andi did not know what to do and started to pray to Vishnu' Vishnu created some goddesses rom his body and these goddesses killed the demon soldiers' Andhaka also led' A ter twelve years had passedF /hiva returned and learnt what had transpired' By thenF Andhaka had recovered and he returnedF determined in his bid to abduct :arvati' Both /hiva and Vishnu started to ight with AndhakaAs army' Vishnu told /hivaF IKill this demon' 4o one but you can kill Andhaka' :lease kill the demon and deliver the universe'J /hiva pierced AndhakaAs chest with a trident' )e held the trident alo tF with Andhaka trans iHed to one o its prongs' And with his trident held alo tF /hiva began to dance' But all the evil had deserted AndhakaAs body and mind as soon as he had been pierced by /hivaAs trident' )e started to pray to /hiva' 0hese prayers pleased /hiva' )e lowered the trident and told AndhakaF I1 am pleased with your prayers' *y companions are known as the ganas' /tay by my side and be a ganapatiF that isF a lord over the ganas' You will be 4andiAs companion'J
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1!&14+ali 8ith Andhaka thus taken care o F :rahradaAs son Virochana became the king o the demons' )e ruled his kingdom well'
0here was a sage named /anatakumara who once went to visit Virochana' Virochana was delighted to see the sage and /anatakumara instructed Virochana on the true nature o the universe' 0hese teachings so impressed Virochana that he no longer had any desire to be a king' )e went o to meditateF a ter having crowned his sonF ValiF as the king o the demons' Vali was a good and righteous king' )e ruled well and observed religious rites aith ully' But he de eated 1ndra and the other gods and won over heaven rom them' 1ndra and the other gods started to pray to Vishnu or deliverance' 0he mother o all the gods was Aditi and she was despondent at seeing her children su er thus' /he tooF started to pray to Vishnu' /tirred by these prayersF Vishnu appeared be ore Aditi' I8hat boon do you desireNJ he asked' I:lease grant me the boon that you will be born as my son'J replied Aditi' IAnd as my sonF you will take care o Vali'J Vishnu granted the boon and was born as AditiAs son' As AditiAs sonF Vishnu studied the Vedas under the sage BharadvaDa' *eanwhileF Vali arranged a yaDna and Vishnu came to attend the ceremony in the orm o a dwar (vamana)' (1n more usual accountsF such as the Bhagavata :uranaF Vishnu was born as a dwar ') Vali was not going to re use anything to anyone on the occasion o the sacri ice' As soon as he saw the dwar F he worshipped him and saidF I1 am ortunate that you have come to attend my ceremony' :lease tell me what 1 can do or you'J I-rant me as much o land as can be covered in three o my ootstepsFJ replied the dwar '
0his boon Vali granted' 0he dwar immediately assumed a gigantic orm' 8ith one ootstepF Vishnu covered the entire earth' 8ith a secondF he covered the sky' And with the third and inal ootstepF he covered heaven' 0he entire universe is inside and egg (anda) and outside the egg there is water' VishnuAs oot cracked the shell o the egg and some o the water that was outsideF poured in' 0his water began to low through the sky and became the heavenly -anga' (0he story o the heavenly -anga (identi ied as the *ilky 8ay) descending to earth is a separate story' 0he story o -anga being born rom VishnuAs body is given in the Brahmavaivarta :urana')
)aving traversed all the land that was availableF Vishnu resumed his orm o a dwar ' IYou have now donated to me all the three worldsFJ he told Vali' I8here will you stayNJ I1 seek re uge with youFJ was ValiAs answer' Vishnu then instructed Vali to go and live in the underworld' As or heavenF it was restored to 1ndra' 0his is the story o VishnuAs dwar (vamana) incarnation'
1!&18+ana Vali had a hundred sonsF the eldest among whom was Vana' Vana was devoted to /hiva' )e was also eHtremely power ul' )e de eated 1ndra and conMuered the three worlds'
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1ndra and the other gods went to /hiva' IYour devoteeF Vana is oppressing usFJ they told /hiva' I:lease take care o him'J /hiva took up a single arrow and with thisF he completely burnt up VanaAs city' (0his is deviation rom the usual account o the :uranasF such as the Vishnu :urana or the Bhagavata :urana' 1n those accountsF Krishna ought with Vana and de eated himF although /hiva ought on VanaAs side' 1t was because o KrishnaAs blessings that Vana became /hivaAs companion' VanaAs capital was named /honitapura') 8hen VanaAs city was being burnt upF Vana emerged and started to pray to /hivaAs linga (image o /hiva)' :leased at VanaAs prayersF /hiva made Vana a ganapati' 0husF Vana came to be /hivaAs constant companion'
1!&19"he )olar $ynasty 0he sun?godF VivasvanaF was the son o Kashyapa and Aditi' )e had our wivesF /amDnaF "aDniF :rabha and <hhaya'
/amDnaAs son was Vaivasvata *anu' "aDniAs children were YamaF yamuna and "evanta' /avarniF /haniF 0apati and Vishti were <hhayaAs children and :rabhaAs son was :rabhata' (0he names do not tally across the :uranas' >or eHampleF in the *arkandeya :uranaF the sun had only two wivesF /amDna and <hhaya' Yama and Yamuna were also the children o /amDna') Vaivasvata *anu had nine sons' 0heir names were 1kshvakuF 4abhagaF ArishtaF Karusha and :rishadhra' *anu also had a daughter named 1laF rom whom the lunar dynasty originated' 1kshvakuAs son was Vikukshi and this was the line o Kakutstha' 1n this line was born "amaF o "amayana ame' 0he names o several kings o the solar dynasty are given' But these we will not reproduceF as they are merely a catalog o names'
1!&!:"he 'unar $ynasty Budha was the son o the moon?god <handra' Budha married 1la and they had a son named :ururava'
:ururava married the apsara %rvashi and they had siH sons' (ne o these sons was Ayu and amongst AyuAs descendants was a king named Yayati' Yayati had two wives' 0he irst was DevayaniF daughter o /hukracharyaF the preceptor o the demons' 0he second wi e was named /harmishtha and she was the daughter o VrishaparvaF the king o the danavas' Yayati and Devayani had two sonsF Yadu and 0ursavu' Yayati and /harmishtha had three sonsF DruhyaF Anu and :uru' 8hen it became time or Yayati to retire to the orestF he gave puru the bulk o the kingdom and :uruAs descendants came to be known as the :auravas' Yadu was given some land towards the south?west and his descendants were the Yadavas' 0urvasu ruled to the south?eastF Druhya to the west and Anu to the north' (ne o YaduAs descendants was the king Kritavirya and KritaviryaAs son became amous as Kartavirya ArDuna' he had a thousand arms and was the most skilled o ighters' )e eventually met his death at the hands o :arashurama' Kartavirya ArDuna had several hundred sons' But the ive most important ones were /huraF /hurasenaF KrishnaF Dhrishna and #ayadvaDa' #ayadvaDa was devoted to VishnuF but his brothers were more inclined towards the worship o /hiva'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0he our brothers told #ayadhvaDa' I/top worshipping Vishnu' (ur ather was a devotee o /hivaAs and it is our duty to ollow the eHample set by our ather' Let us worship /hiva'J I1t is my duty to worship VishnuFJ replied #ayadhvaDa' IVishnu is the lord o everythingF he is the preserver' )ow can 1 do otherwiseNJ 0he brothers debated about the virtues o worshipping /hiva vis?a?vis VishnuF but could arrive at no consensus' 0hey there ore decided to seek the advice o the seven great sages (saptarshi)F chie amongst whom was Vashistha' Vashishtha told the brothersF I(ne worships the god that one choosesF there are no rules in this regard' All gods yield the desired ruitF i properly worshipped' 0o the eHtent that there are rulesF there are as ollows' Kings worship Vishnu and 1ndraO brahmanas worship AgniF AdityaF Brahma and /hivaO the gods worship VishnuO the demons worship /hivaO the yakshas and gandharvas worship <handraO the sages worship Brahma and /hivaO and women worship :arvati' But or humansF the best way is to realise that /hiva is no di erent rom Vishnu and that /hiva and Vishnu should there ore be worshipped simultaneously'J 0he Kurma :urana also gives the names o several kings belongings to the lunar dynasty' But these we will gloss overF as they are merely only a catalogue o names'
1!&!1$urjaya and rvashi 0here used to be a king named DurDaya' )e was learned in the shastras and a good king' )is wi e was a beauti ul and good woman'
(ne dayF King DurDaya went to the banks o the river Kalindi' 0here he met the apsara %rvashi and ell in love with her' )e married %rvashi and lived with her or many years' A ter several years had passedF DurDaya remembered his kingdom and wi e' )e told %rvashiF I:lease let me return to my home now'J I4ot yetF kingFJ replied %rvashi' I:lease stay with me or one more year'J I1 will return as soon as 1 have visited my kingdomFJ said DurDaya' I1 promise you that 1 will not tarry there' 0here oreF let me return'J I1 will let you go on condition that you do not live as the husband o any other womanFJ replied %rvashi' DurDaya agreed to this condition and returned home' But because o the word that he had given %rvashiF he stayed away rom his wi e and did not venture near her' )is wi e tried to ind out what the matter wasF but DurDaya would not reply' >inallyF the Mueen got to know what DurDaya had done and realised that her husband had committed a sin' )e should not have married %rvashi while his wi e was still alive' 0he Mueen there ore told DurDayaF IYou have sinned' You must per orm penance' 0hat is the sort o action that be its a kingF not this despondency that you have become addicted to'J King DurDaya went and met the sage Kanva to ascertain what sort o penance should be per ormed or the sin that he had committed' Kanva advised him to go to the )imalayas and meditate' 8hile DurDaya was going to the )imalayasF he met a gandharva king' 0he gandharva king wore a divine garlandF DurDaya remembered %rvashi' )e thought that the garland was a itting adornment or no one but %rvashi' )e began to ight with the gandharva over the possession o the garland' DurDaya managed to de eat the gandharva king and obtain the garland' )e immediately hastened to banks o the river KalindiF because he thought that he might ind %rvashi there' But %rvashi was not to be oundF and DurDaya roamed the world in search o her'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
>inallyF DurDaya arrived in the region o *ount /umeru' 0he lake *anasa is located there' And by the shores o the lakeF DurDaya ound %rvashi' )e gave the apsara the garland and lived happily with her or some time' A ter a ew days had passedF %rvashi asked DurDayaF IKing please tell me what transpired when you went home'J DurDaya thereupon told %rvashi about the conversation that he had with his wi e and about what the sage Kanva had asked him to do' %rvashi was alarmed when she heard the kingAs account' I8hat have you doneNJ she eHclaimed' I)asten backF otherwise Kanva and your wi e will curse the two o us'J But DurDaya was so smitten with love or %rvashi that he re used to listen to %rvashiAs entreaties' %rvashi there ore made hersel very ugly' 0his repelled DurDayaF and he gave %rvashi up' >or twelve years DurDaya per ormed di icult tapasyaF living only on ruits and roots' >or another twelve yearsF he lived only on air' A ter having thus meditated or twenty? our yearsF DurDaya went to KanvaAs hermitage and told the sage all that he had done' I1 am pleased that you have realised the olly o your ways and have per ormed tapasyaFJ said Kanva' IBut that alone is not enough' Your sin has been too severe' -o to the city o Varanasi and live there' /hiva is ever?present in that city and he will pardon all your sins'J DurDaya did this and was pardoned all his sins' /uch are the bene its o praying to /hiva and such are the virtues o the wonder ul city o Varanasi'
1!&!!2rshna<s "apasya Krishna was the eight incarnation o Vishnu and he was born as the son o Devaki and Vasudeva'
1nitiallyF Krishna did not have any sons Desirous o obtaining a sonF Krishna went to visit the sage %pamanyu' 0he sageAs hermitage was beauti ul' 8onderous were the trees and lowers and grew there' 0he constant chanting o the Vedas could be heard' 8ild animals lost their erocity as soon as they entered the hermitage' Lotus lowers bloomed in the ponds' /ages came rom all over the country to meditate in the hermitage' 0he sacred river -anga lowed past the hermitage' Krishna greeted the sages and they worshipped him in return' %pamanyu welcomed Krishna with various o erings and saidF I(ur meditation has been amply rewarded by your visit' 0he great Vishnu has himsel come to grace us by your presence' But is there any particular reason as to why you have come to the hermitageNJ I1 wish to meet /hivaFJ replied Krishna' I)ow does one get to met himNJ I/hiva appears i a devotee per orms di icult tapasyaFJ said %pamanyu' I1t helps i the meditation is accompanied by great aith'J )earing these wordsF Krishna began a di icult religious rite known as pashupata vrata' )e donned clothes made out o the barks o treesF smeared ashes on his body and continuously chanted /hivaAs name' A ter many years had passedF /hiva and :arvati appeared be ore Krishna' IKrishnaF why are you per orming tapasyaNJ asked /hiva' IYou are the great Vishnu himsel ' Any obDect that you desire is immediately attained' 8hy are you then engaged in this task o meditationNJ
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
I1 wish to have a son who is Dust like youFJ said Krishna' I:lease let him also be devoted to you'J /hiva gladly granted the boon and the son who was born was /hamba (alternativelyF /amba)' )e was the son o Krishna and #ambavati' (/tories about /hamba are to be ound in the Vishnu :uranaF and also in *ahabharata')
1!&!*"he @ugas (Eras% You probably remember that there are our yugas or eras ? satya yuga or krita yugaF treta yugaF dvapara yuga and kali yuga'
Lomaharshana neHt told the sages about the characteristics o these our eras' Kali yuga is the worst o the our eras' :eople are sin ul and orget the dharma o the our varnas and the our ashramas' 1n actF men are so sin ul that no prescribed penance atones or their sins' 0he only place which is ree rom such sins is the sacred city o Varanasi' 1n satya yugaF the best course to be pursued is meditationO in treta yuga it is the pursuit o knowledge (Dnana)O in dvapara yuga it is the per ormance o yaDnasO and in kali yuga it is the donation o alms' Brahma is the primary god in satya yugaF /urya in treta yugaF Vishnu in dvapara yuga and /hiva in kali yuga' .nvy and Dealousy were unknown in satya yuga and everyone was happy' 0here was no superiors and in eriors and all individuals were eMually healthy and eMually handsome' 0here were no iHed places or people to live inF no cities and no villages' men lived in the mountains and on the shores o the oceans' 1n satya yugaF water was always reely available' 0his was no longer the case in treta yuga' 8ater only became available when it rained' "ain was unknown earlier' And as it rainedF trees began to grow' :eople lived on these trees' 0he ruit rom these trees provided the sustenance reMuired to make a living' But graduallyF anger and Dealousy came to be known and many o the wonder ul trees disappeared as mankind picked up evils ways' )oweverF enough trees were le t to ensure that people did not die o starvation' 0hey lived on honey gathered rom the trees' Although men looked on satya yuga with nostalgiaF ill?health and disease continued to be unknown even in treta yuga' But towards the end o treta yugaF people became really sin ul' All the trees disappeared' 0o make a livingF mankind had to resort to agriculture and animal husbandry' 0he weather became inclement and seasons like summerF monsoon and winter led to hardship' 4otions o property were also introduced' 1ndividuals appropriated mountainsF riversF landF trees and herbs as their own' 0o instil righteousness in the minds o peopleF the principles o varnashrama dharma were set out towards the end o treta yuga' 1n dvapara yugaF hatredF anger and Dealousy became much more common' >ighting started' 1t was then that Vedavyasa spread amongst ordinary peopleF the knowledge that was in the VedasF by dividing them' DroughtF death and disease came to be known in dvapara yuga' 1n kali yugaF raudulence is the norm' 0here are severe droughts and aminesF revolutions take place' :eople are liars and sinners' 0hey are easily angered' 0hey d not respect the brahmanas' 0he brahmanasF on their partF orget all about the Vedas and yaDnas' /hudras become kings and oppress the brahmanas' /ome /hudras shave o their heads and wear sa ron clothes' 0hey pretend to be religious teachers' And horror o horrorsF people start to believe in these raudulent teachers' 8omen wear hairpins in their hair' As i this alone were not enoughF they re use to obey their husbands' 0hieves are everywhere' 0he only redeeming eature o kali yuga is the act that even i one worships /hiva Dust a little bit in kali yugaF one attains undying punya (store o merit)'
1!&!,'ingas A linga is an image o /hiva' 0here are several wonder ul lingas in the wonder ul city o Varanasi'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
0here is a gigantic linga named (mkara' Amongst other amous lingas located in the city are KrittivaseshvaraF *adhyadeshvaraF Vishveshvara and Kaparddishvara' 0he Kurma :urana recites the glories o these lingas' 1t also enumerates the various tirthas (places o pilgrimage) that are to be ound in the city o Varanasi' 1t goes on to list the virtues o the -angaF the Yamuna and the city o :rayaga (modern Allahabad)'
1!&!/(eography and Astronomy 1t is hoped that you have not orgotten that /vayambhuva *anu had a son named :riyavrata' :riyavrata had ten sons' 0heir names were AgnidhraF AgnivahuF VapushmanaF DyutimanaF *edhaF *edhatithiF BhavyaF /avanaF :utra and #yotishmana'
*edhaF Agnivahu and :utra had no desire to rule' 0hey were not interested in material pursuits and became hermits' :riyavrata divided the earth amongst the remaining seven sons' 0hus it was that the earth came to be divided into seven regions or dvipas' 0he names o these regions are #ambudvipaF :lakshadvipaF /halmalidvipaF KushadvipaF KrounchDdvipaF /hakadvipa and :ushkaradvipa' Agnidhra ruled over #ambudvipaF *edhatithi over :lakshadvipaF Vapushmana over /halmalidvipaF #yotishmana over KushadvipaF Dyutimana over KrounchadvipaF Bhavya over /hakadvipa and /avan over :ushkaradvipa' AgnidhraF the ruler o #ambudvipaF had nine sons' 0heir names were 4abhi KimpurushaF )ariF 1lavritaF "amyaF )iranyavanaF KuruF Bhadrashva and Ketumala' Agnidhra divided #ambudvipa into nine regions (varshas) and gave each o his sons a region to rule over' A king named Bharata was one o 4abhiAs descendants' A ter the name o BharataF the region that 4abhi ruled over has come to be known as Bharatavarsha' 0here are ourteen regions (lokas) in the universe' /even o them orm the upper regions' 0heir names are bhulokaF bhuvarlokaF svarlokaF maharlokaF DanalokaF tapolaka and satyaloka' Bhuloka is the earth and its limits eHtend upto the points that can be lit up the rays o the sun and the moon' 0ake the distance rom bhuloka to the solar circle' An eMual distance beyond the solar circle constitutes bhuvarloka' 0he region rom the limits o bhuvarloka to the region o Dhruva (the :ole /tar) is svarloka or svarga (heaven)' Above the solar circle is the lunar circle and above that comeF successivelyF the regions o the stars (nakshatras)F Budha (*ercury)F /hukra (Venus)F *angala (*ars)F Brihaspati (#upiter)F the saptarshisA (the constellation %rsa *aDoris or the -reat Bear) and Dhruva' /hani (/aturn)F Brihaspati and *angala move slowly' 0he sunF the moonF Budha and /hukra move relatively ast' 0he sunAs chariot is drawn by seven horses named -ayatriF VrihatiF %shnikaF #agatiF :amkiF Anushtupa and 0rishtupa' 1n each monthF the sun adopts a speci ic orm known as an aditya' 0here are thus twelve adityas ? DhattaF AryamaF *itraF VarunaF /hakruF VivasvanaF :ushaF :arDanyaF AmshuF BhagaF 0vashta and Vishnu' *aharloka is above the world o Dhruva (dhruvaloka)' 1t is reserved or those who have been reed rom the bonds o the world' #analoka is still urther away' BrahmaAs sons live there' 0apaloka is beyond Danaloka and satyaloka is beyond tapaloka' Another word or satyaloka is brahmalokaF since Brahma lives there' Vishnu lives there as well' (0he Kurma :urana does not mention the seven lokas that constitute the lower regions o the universe' 0his is the underworld (patala)') 0here are seven seas that surround the seven dvipas on earth' 0he names o the seas are KsharaF 1kshuF /uraF -hritaF DadhiF Kshira and /vadu' (0he names o the seven oceans o ten di er rom :urana to :urana')
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
"ight in the centre o #ambudvipa is *ount /umeru' 0o its south lie the mountains )imavanaF )emakuta and 4ishadhaO and to its north the mountains 4ilaF /hveta and /hringi' Bharatavarsha is to the south o *ount /umeru' BrahmaAs assembly is located on the peak o *ount /umeru'
1!&!1Manvataras You already know what a manvantara is' 0he titles o the seven great sages (saptarshi)F the names o the gods and the title o 1ndra change rom the manvantara to another'
1n the present kalpa (cycle)F siH manvantaras have passed' 0he irst *anu was /vayambhuva' 0he second *anu was /varochisha' 0he gods then were the paravatas and tushitas and the title o 1ndra was held by Vipashchita' 0he seven great sages were %rDDaF /tambaF pranaF DambholiF VrishabhaF 0imira and Arvarivana' %ttama was the third *anu' 0he gods o this manvantara were the sudhamasF stayasF shivasF pratardanas and vashavartis and the name o the 1ndra was /ushanti' "aDahF -otraF %rddhavahuF /avanaF AnaghaF /utapa and /hukra were the seven great sages' 0he ourth *anu was 0amasa' 0he gods o this era were the suravasF harisF satyas and sudhas and the title o 1ndra was held by /hibi' 0he seven great sages were #yotirdhamaF :rithuF KavyaF <haitraF AgniF Varuna and :ivara' 1n the i th manvantaraF the *anu was "aivata and the title o 1ndra was held by Vibhu' 0he gods were the bhutis and the vaikunthas and the seven great sages were )iranyaromaF VedashriF %rddhavahuF VedavahuF /uvahu and /uparDanya' (0he name o the seventh great sage is missing') 0he *anus /varochishaF %ttamaF 0amasa and "aivata were all descended rom /vayambhuva *anu' 0he siHth *anu was <hakshusha and the 1ndra then was *anoDava' 0he gods were known as the adyasF prasutasF bhavyasF prithukas and lekhas' /umedhaF VriDaF )avishmanaF %ttamaF *adhuF Abhimana and /ahishnu were the seven great sages' 0he seventh manvantara is the one that is now current and the 1ndra now is :urundara' 0he *anu is /hraddhadevaF the gods are the adityasF the vasusF the rudras and the maruts' 0he names o the seven great sages are VashishthaF KashyapaF AtriF #amadagniF -outamaF Vishvamitra and BharadvaDa' 1n the present kalpaF there will be seven more manvantaras in the uture' 0herea terF the world will be destroyed' (1t should be mentioned that the names given in this section do not necessarily tally with the names given in the other :uranas' 4ot only do the names o the godsF the sages and the 1ndras di erF the names o the uture manvantaras also sometimes di er rom :urana to :urana')
1!&!4+edavyasa 1n every dvapara yugaF a Vedavyasa is born so as to divide the Vedas and disseminate their knowledge' 1n the present eraF there have been twenty?eight dvapara yugas and there have there ore been twenty?eight individuals who have held the title o Vedavyasa' 0he Kurma :urana gives their names as ollows'
(&) /vayambhuva *anu' (+) :raDapati' (3) %shana' (6) Brihaspati'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(;) /avita' (=) *rityu' (9) 1ndra' (,) Vashishtha' (2) /arasvata' (&5) 0ridhama' (&&) "ishabha' (&+) /uteDa' (&3) Dharma' (&6) /achakshu' (&;) 0rayaruni' (&=) DhananDaya' (&9) KritanDaya' (&,) "itanDaya' (&2) BharadvaDa' (+5) -outama' (+&) Vachashrava' (++) 4arayana' (+3) 0rinavindu' (+6) Valmiki' (+;) /haktri' (+=) :arashara' (+9) #atukarna' (+,) Krishna Dvaipayana Vedavyasa divided the Vedas into our parts and taught them to our o his disciples' )e taught :aila the "ig Veda' Vaishampayana the YaDur VedaF #aimini the /ama Veda and /umantu the Atharva Veda' As or the :uranasF they were taught to Lomaharshana'
1!&!8)hiva<s 7ncarnations *ost :uranas only mention VishnuAs incarnations (avataras)' 0he Kurma :urana is one o the rate ones which mentions /hivaAs incarnations'
1n each kali yugaF /hiva has had an incarnation' 0he names o these incarnations are as ollows' (&) /hveta' (+) /utara' (3) *adana' (6) /uhotra' (;) Kankana' (=) Lokakshi' (9) #aigishavya' (,) Dadhivaha' (2) "ishabha' (&5) Bhrigu' (&&) %gra' (&+) Atri' (&3) Vali' (&6) -outama' (&;) Vedashirsha' (&=) -okarna' (&9) /hikhandaka' (&,) #atamali' (&2) Attahasa' (+5) Daruka'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(+&) Langali' (++) *ahavama' (+3) *uni' (+6) /huli' (+;) :indamunishvara' (+=) /ahishnu' (+9) /omasharma' (+,) 4akulishvara'
1!&!9"he 7shvara (ita 8hile Lomaharshana was reciting the Kurma :urana to the assembled sagesF Krishna Dvaipayana Vedavyasa arrived on the scene' Lomaharshana and the other sages reMuested Vedavyasa to instruct them about the path to true knowledge' 0his is what Vedavyasa told them'
0he paramatman (the divine soul) is the only truth' 1t is ever pure and ever present' 1t is rom the paramatman that the universe is created and it is into the paramatman that the universe merges at the time o its destruction' 0he paramatman is not the earth' 1t is not waterF energyF wind or sky' 1t cannot be touchedF nor can it be sensed' 0he paramatman is always present in the Divatman (human soul)' Any sense o distinction between the paramatman and the Divatman is due to illusions and the presence o the ego' 0he truly learned rise above such illusions' 0here oreF a wise person does not see any distinction between his own sel and other obDects' 0he same paramatman pervades everything' #ust as all rivers unite with the oceanF a learned person realises that all individuals Divatmans unite with the paramatman' Yoga (literallyF union) is a techniMue o meditation that helps to bring about this sense o identity between the Divatman and the paramatman' Yoga has eight components' 0he irst is pranayama' 0his means the control o oneAs breath' 0he breath o li e is known as prana and ayama means control' 0here are three parts to any pranayama eHercise' 8hen the breath is being eHhaledF that is known as rechakaO and the process o inhalation is known as puraka' 8hen the breath is neither being inhaled nor eHhaledF that is kumbhaka' 0he second component o yoga is pratyahara' 0his connotes the control o oneLs senses' Yoga must always be per ormed in a proper posture and this is the third component o asana' 0he ourth component is called yama' 0his means the practice o non?violenceF truth ulness and pity' 0he i th component is known as niyama' 0his encompasses worshipF studying the VedasF cleanliness and meditation' Yoga has a siHth component named dhyana' 1n this processF one conDures up an image o the paramatman and meditates continuously on it' 0he process o iHing this image in oneLs heart is the seventh componentF dharana' And the inal componentF samadhiF is a situation where the individual realises the complete identity between the Divatman and the paramatman'
1!&*:6ituals 0he sacred thread (upavita) ceremony is very important and must always be per ormed at eight year o age' Brahma had created the cotton tree so that sacred threads might be made out o cotton' But on occasions it is permissible to make sacred threads out o grass'
A guru (teacher) is always to be respected and worshipped' 1n principleF a guru is anyone rom whom knowledge might be gained' But apart rom usual teachersF a ather?in?lawF a grand ather and an individual belonging to a superior varna are also recognised as gurus' A motherF a grandmotherF a guruLs wi eF an auntF a mother?in?law and the wi e o an elder brother are recognised as being eMuivalent to a guru' (ne must a guru ever be show disrespect or argued with' A person who hates his guru is certain to go to hell'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Amongst gurus or those who are eMuivalent to gurusF the most important are a atherF a motherF a teacherF an elder brother and a husband' 0hese have to be respect ully served at all costs' A brahmana must always wash his mouth a ter eatingF drinkingF sleepingF bathingF spitting or changing clothes' 0he mouth must also be washed be ore sitting down to study' 1t is also recommended that the mouth be washed a ter talking to those who do not believe in the VedasF shudrasF outcasts and women' 1 a mouthwash is not possibleF one can cleanse onesel by touching a piece o clothing is touched inadvertentlyF the act o puri ication reMuires the touching o waterF wet grass or the earth' (ne o the most sacred mantras (incantations) that one can chant is the gayatri' Be ore chantingF thirty? two?cells must be drawnF as shownF and the letters o the mantra must be written down in the cellsF as indicated' 0o recite the gayatriF one now reads the letters as they occur in the numbered cells' 0hat isF one starts with cell number oneF moves to cell number two and so on and so orth' ; &3 +& +2 +, +5 &+ 6 vvr sya pra se Da nah va tu = &6 ++ 35 +9 &2 && 3 re dhi cho sa ra yo de vi 9 &; +3 3& += &, &5 + ni ma da va ro yo rgo tsa , &= +6 3+ +; &9 2 & yam hi yat dom pa dhi bha ta A person who kills a brahmanaF drinks wineF or steals gold rom a brahmanaF has to per orm penance by killing himsel ' A person who kills a brahmana may also build a hut in the orest and live there or a period o twelve years' But throughout the periodF he has to bear a mark signi ying the dead brahmanaAs head on his palm' )e is also not permitted to visit another brahmana or a temple as long as the penance is going on' 1t needs to be mentioned that the sin o killing a brahmana can be thus pardoned only i the killing was done inadvertently' 1 the killing was consciousF no penance will su ice' %nder such circumstancesF the sinner had best immolate himsel in a ireF drown himsel F or ast to death' >or other sinsF the observance o a religious rite (vrata) is o ten indicated' 0he maDor vratas are as ollows' (i) /antapanaK 0his involves living or one whole day on cowAs urineF cowdungF cowAs milkF curds made rom cowAs milk and clari ied butter made rom cowAs milk' 0he neHt day is a day o asting' (ii) *ahasantapanaK 0his is a more severe version o the earlier vrata' 1n the case o santapana vrataF ive items were listed as permissible ood' *ahasantapana vrata lasts or a period o siH daysF and on each o these daysF only one o the ive items mentioned may be partaken o ' 0he seventh day is day o asting' (iii) :raDapatya or krichhaK 1 this vrata is to be observedF one can eat only during the day' >or the irst three daysF one is only permitted to eat twenty?siH hand uls o oodF each hand ul being as large as a henAs egg' >or the neHt three daysF twenty?two hand uls are permittedF but only in the evenings' And or the inal three daysF twenty? our hand ul are permitted'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(iv) AtikrichhaK 0his is a more severe version o the earlier vrata' >or the irst three daysF a single hand ul o ood is permitted during the day' >or the neHt three daysF one hand ul is permitted in the evenings' (ne hand uls o oodF each hand ul being as large as a henAs egg' >or the neHt three daysF twenty?two hand uls are permittedF but only in the evenings' And or the inal three daysF three? our hand uls are permitted' (v) :arakaK 0welve continuous days o asting are reMuired or this' (vi) 0aptakrichhaK 0his vrata lasts or a period o twelve daysF during which time one is permitted to bathe only once a day' >or the irst three days one drinks only waterO or the neHt three days one lives on milkO one has to live on clari ied butter or the ensuing three days are days o asting' (vii) KrichhatikrichhaK 1 one is to observe this vrataF one has to live only on milk or the space o twenty? one days' (viii) :adakrichhaK 0his vrata lasts or our days' >or the irst day one eats only one mealO the second day is a day o astingO on the third day one can eat as much as one wantsO and on the ourth and inal dayF one asts' (iH) <handrayanaK 0his vrata lasts or an entire month and begins on the day o the ull moon (purnima)' (n the irst dayF i teen hand uls are to be eaten' 0herea terF one hand uls less is eaten on successive daysF until on the day o new moon (amavasya)F one asts completely' (n each day that ollowsF the amount o ood eaten is increased by one hand ul' >inallyF on the day o the neHt ull moonF i teen hand uls o ood are eaten and the vrata is completed' As mentioned earlierF those who kill brahmanasF steal their goldF or drink wineF are sinners' Also sinners are those who associate with these a orementioned sinners or more than one year' 0hose who associate with outcasts or more than a year are also sinners' A brahmana who drinks wine should drink boiling wine as a penance' 1t is also permitted to drink cowAs urine as atonement' A person who steals gold rom brahmanas will go to the king and con ess his guilt' )is penance will be completed when the king beats him to death with a club' 0he only eHception is a case where the thie himsel happens to be a brahmana' )e can then per orm penance by meditating' 1t is always a kingAs duty to punish sinners' 1 the king ails in this taskF the sins vest with the king' A person who associates with sinners has to observe taptakrichha vrata or one year' A man who takes on outcast or a wi e has to observe taptakrichha or santapana' A brahmana who kills a kshatriya is reMuired to observe praDapatyaF santapana or taptakrichha or one year' 1n case the victim is a vaishyaF krichhatikrichha or chandrayana are indicated' 1 a shudra is killedF ive hundred cows have to be donated' 1 an elephant is killedF taptakrichha vrata has to be observed' <handrayana will su ice i a cow is killed inadvertently' But i a cow is consciously killedF there is no penance that is adeMuate' >or minor the tsF the stolen goods have to be returned to the right ul owner and santapana observed' But i a brahmana steals oodgrainsF he has to observe praDapatya or an entire year' A cannibal can purity himsel through chandrayana vrata' A person who eats the meat o a crowF dog or elephantF has to observe taptakrichha' /antapana is or those who happen to eat mongoosesF owls or cats' An eater o camels or donkeys observes taptakrichha' A brahmana who becomes an atheist can cleanse himsel through praDapatya' 1 he revolts against the gods or against his guruF the act o puri ication involves taptakrichha' A brahmana who recites the :uranas to outcasts has to observe chandrayana' 0here are several other orms o penance that are catalogued by the Kurma :urana'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1!&*1"he )ita who was an 7llusion 1t is certain that you know the story o the "amayana and you there ore also known that "avanaF the king o lankaF abducted /itaF "amaAs wi e' But you certainly do not know the story o the /ita who was an illusion (maya sita)'
0his story clearly illustrates that no harm can come to a person who is righteous' "avana disguised himsel as a hermit and came to abduct /ita' But /ita got to know o "avanaAs plan and was determined to oil it' /he there ore began to pray to AgniF the god o ire' 0hus stirred by /itaAs prayersF Agni appeared and produced a /ita who was really an illusion' 0his maya sita he le t in the real /itaAs place' As or the real /itaF she was absorbed into the ire' 8ithout realising the substitutionsF "avana abducted the illusory /ita and the entire war was ought over a /ita who was not even real' 8hen "ama triumphed over "avana and recovered /itaF a test by ire (agni pariksha) was held' 1n the processF the sita who was an illusion was returned to the ire and the real /ita emerged once again' 0hus the real /ita was never tainted by "avanaAs touch' (0he story o the /ita who was an illusion is also given in the Brahmavaivarta :urana)'
1!&*!)hiva and #rahma *any years agoF Brahma lost his head slightly' )e began to imagine that he was superior to /hiva and Vishnu' )e told all the sagesF I1 am the supreme godhead' 0here is no one else but me'J
8hile Brahma was thus instructing the sagesF Vishnu arrived and was enraged at BrahmaAs behaviour' IYou are indeed ignorantFJ he told Brahma' I1 am the supreme godhead' You are only the creator' But 1 amF a ter allF the preserver'J 8hile Vishnu and Brahma were thus arguing the our Vedas adopted animate orms and appeared be ore them' .ach o the Vedas tried to persuade Brahma and Vishnu that /hiva was superior to both o them' Vishnu was persuaded by this reasoningF but Brahma was not' )e told the VedasF IYou must be Doking' )ow can /hiva be superior to the two o usN )e is always wandering around with ghosts and demons or companions'J 8hile all this was going onF who should arrive but /hivaN Brahma promptly proceeded to insult /hiva' /hiva then created a being named Kalabhairava rom his own body and Kalabhairava started to ight with Brahma' 1n those daysF Brahma used to have ive heads' 1n course o the ightingF Kalabhairava chopped o one o BrahmaAs heads' .ver since that dayF Brahma has had our heads and our aces' (1n many other :uranasF there is no mention o Kalabhairava' shiva per ormed the chopping o himsel )' Brahma died as soon as his head had been cut o ' /hiva did manage to revive him' But the mere act that /hiva had killed BrahmaF meant that /hiva and committed the sin o killing BrahmaF a brahmana' As a result o this sinF BrahmaAs severed head got stuck to KalabhairavaAs palm and would not be dislodged' (1n accounts where /hiva was himsel responsible or the KillingF the severed head adhered to /hivaAs palm)' Kalabhairava roamed around the world and the head accompanied him on his travels' or a thousand years o the godsF Kalabhairava continued to travel' .ventuallyF Vishnu advised Kalabhairava to go to the sacred city o Varanasi'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
As soon as Kalabhairava arrived at the city o VaranasiF the head (kapala) got dislodged (mochana)' A tirtha is a place o pilgrimage' 0he eHact spot where this wonder ul happening took place is accordingly known as Kapalamochana tirtha' 0here are many other tirthas that the Kurma :urana describesF Among these are :rayagaF KurukshetraF -aya and *adhuvana (*athura)F 0he glories o the river 4armada are also described' 0he waters o the river /arasvati puri y a sinner a ter three days o bathingF while the waters o the river Yamuna takes an entire week' 0he mere touch o a drop o water rom the river -anga puri ies a sinner' But as or the river 4armadaF the sight o the waters alone is enough'
1!&**3andi 0here used to be a sage named /hilada' )e was righteous and learned in the shastras'
0o obtain a sonF /hilada began to pray to shiva' 0he tapasya went on or a thousand years and shiva appeared be ore /hilada' I1 am pleased with your meditation'J said shivaF Iwhat boon do you desireNJ I:lease grant me the boon that 1 may obtain a son who will not be born rom a mother' I replied /hiladaF IAnd my son should be immortal'J /hiva granted the desired boon' 8hen shilada was ploughing the landF a handsome boy suddenly appeared on the top o his plough' 0he our directions shone with the boyAs radiance and the boy began to address shilada as I atherJ' 0he son studied the shastras and became learned' )e was given the name o 4andi' 4andi wished to see shiva and he also wished to become immortal' )e there ore went to the shores o the ocean and started to pray to shiva' )e chanted the reMuired mantra one crore times' 8hen /hiva appeared and wished to grant a boon' 4andi said' I:lease grant me enough o li e so that 1 can chant the mantra one crore times more'J /hiva appeared once againF and 4andi desired the same boon' 8hen this had happened three times' /hiva saidF I.nough is enough' 0here is no need or any more chanting o incantations' 1 make you immortalF 1 also make you a ganapatiF lord over the ganas' You will be my constant companion'J 0he place where 4andi chanted the incantation has become amous as Dapyeshvara tirtha' 0he maruts had a daughter named /uyasha' /hiva himsel arranged that 4andi should be married to /uyasha'
1!&*,Epilogue Vishnu completed his recital o the Kurma :urana and the sages saluted him' 0hey sung his praise'
0he Kurma :urana is most sacred' a person who reads it attains Brahmaloka' A person who reads only one chapter o the teHt is orgiven all his sins' %ndying punya is attained by an individual who donates this :urana to brahmanas in the months o Vaishakha or Kartika' :articularly sacred is the part that is known as the brahmi samhita' But the teHt should never be read or recited in the presence o shudras' A person who ignores this inDunction will surely go to hell' 0here is also a similar inDunction about reciting the teHt to those who are
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
disbelievers (that isF those who do not believe in the Vedas)F a person who violates this inDunction will be born as a dog in his neHt li e' You will almost certainly not be interested in donating the Kurma :urana to brahmanas in the months o Vaishakha or Kartika' But 1 hope you have ound the stories interesting enough or you to which to read the teHt in the original'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
13 ,atsya Purana
1tAs the siHteenth :urana' During the period o *ahapralayaF Lord Vishnu had taken *atsya avatar ( ish incarnation) to save the seeds o all lives and *anu' *atsya :urana contains a comprehensive description o *anu and *atsya avatar' -eneral contents o this :urana are Description o the greatness o 4arsimh incarnation' Description o all the ten incarnations o Lord Vishnu' -reatness o asting like Anant 0ritiya and the places o pilgrimage like :rayag' 0ales o <handra vanshF /urya vansh and Kuru vansh and the kings like YayatiF Kartveerya etc' Description o the Kalpa and Yugas' Appearance o idols' Appearance and construction o Deva?mandapa (canopy or the deities)' 0ale o /avitri and /atyavan' "esults o auspicious and inauspicious motion o the planets' Birth o :arvati' 1mmolation o *adan (Kamadeva) 8edding o Lord /hiva with :arvati' Birth o Kartikeya' Duties o a king' Description o the uture kings' 0his :urana is said to be narrated by *atsya avatar o Lord Vishnu to *anuF who was awaiting LordAs arrival during *ahapralaya in his boat anchored on a very high mountain'
[8("K 14 :"(-".//T\ According to the *atsya :urana (69'3+)F R8hen the end o an Age rolls around and time has lost its strengthF then Lord Vishnu is born among men' 8hen the gods and demons go to warF then )ari YVishnuZ is born'R 0he *atsya :urana (69'3+?;+)F or instanceF enumerates twelve avatars' *atsya :urana (++&'+)F :rosperity orsakes those who always dream o ate and avors those who persevere' (ne should there ore always be active and alert' *atsya :urana (&,5';?9)F .ven the worst problems have solutions i one only perseveres' *atsya :urana (;3'=;F=,F=2)K A :urana has ive characteristics as opposed to an Akhyana' (0he scriptures are divided into three classes ? sattvikaF raDasikaF and tamasika') 0he glory o Lord )ari is greater in the sattvika :uranasO the glory o Lord Brahma is more in the raDasika :uranasO the glory o Lord /iva and Agni is more in the tamasika :uranas' 1n the miHed scriptures the glory o /arasvati and the :itrs is eHplained'R 0he verse cited rom the *atsya :urana re ers to the ive characteristics o a :urana' 0hese characteristics are given in another verse o the *atsya :uranaF ;3'=;K sargasca pratisargasca vamso manvantarani ca vamsyanucaritancaiva puranam pancalaksanam R<reationF dissolutionF genealogyF manvantaras and descriptions o the activities o amous kingsF these are the ive characteristics o a :urana'R 0he characteristics o /rimad Bhagavatam are given in the *atsya :urana (;3'+5?++)F R0hat which eHplains the topmost principles o religionF basing it on -ayatriF and which has the incident o the killing o Vrtrasura is to be known as the /rimad Bhagavatam' 0his :urana has eighteen thousand verses' 8hoever makes a copy o the /rimad Bhagavatam andF placing it on a golden lion throneF donates it on the ull moon day in the month o Bhadra (August?/eptember)F will attain the supreme goalR' According to *atsya :urana (<hapter ;3) the )ayagriva avatara o Visnu preceded *atsyaO when the worlds were burnt downF Visnu in the orm o a horse re?compiled the our VedasF VedangasF etc' 0he Devi Bhagavata and the /kanda :urana in its Dharnmranya KhandaF howeverF allude to two di erent accounts on the origin o the )ayagriva orm o Visnu'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&3'&'& /ection
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1/ 5aruda Purana
0his :urana contains &6 <hapters ! each with many sub?sections'
siHteenth incarnation as :arshuramF he wiped out the whole caste o kshatriyas rom the ace o the earth or twenty?one timesF as they had all become immoral' 1n his seventeenth incarnation he was born as Vyas to :arashar and /atyavati and accomplished his mission o propagating the knowledge o Vedas by categoriCing them into our parts' 1n his eighteenth incarnation he mani ested himsel as /ri "am' )is nineteenth incarnation was as Krishna and his twentieth incarnation as Balram' )e will take his twenty? irst incarnation as Buddha to bring the mankind back to virtuous path by preaching against the rituals and proving that it is not proper or a seeker to get bound by them' Lord Vishnu would take incarnation as Kalki and will be born to a Brahmin named Vishnuyasha to liberate the earth rom the sinners'L
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
DharmaLs wives Vishva and /aadhya gave birth to the Vishvedevas and /aadhyaganas respectively' /imilarlyF *arutvati gave birth to *arutvaans and Vasu to Vasuganas' DharmaLs wi e named Bhanu gave birth to twelve Bhanus while *uhurta gave birth to *uhurtaganas' Lamba gave birth to -hosh while Yami gave birth to 4aagvithi' /ankalpa gave birth to /ankalpa' KashyapLs wi e Aditi gave birth to twelve Aadityas while Diti gave birth to two sons (demons)? )iranyakashipu and )iranyaksha' Diti also had a daughter named /inhikaF who was married to Viprachiti' )iranyakashipu had our sons? AnuhladF )ladF :rahlad and /anhlad' AayushmanF /hibi and Bashkal were the sons o /anhlad' :rahlad had a mighty son named Virochan who himsel had a son named Bali' Bali had one hundred sons in all and Baan was the eldest among them' )iranyaksha had siH sons all o whom were very brave and valiant' 0heir names were %tkurF /hakuniF BhutsantapanF *ahanamF *ahabahu and Kaalnaam' Danu had numerous sons who were all very brave?DwimurdhaF /hankarF AyomukhF /hankushiraF KapilF /hambarF .kachakraF *ahabahuF 0arakF *ahabalF /warbhanuF VrishaparvaF :ulomaF *ahasur and the mightiest among them?Viprachiti' :uloma and KalkaF both daughters o Vaishwanar were married to sage Kashyap' Kashyap had siHty thousand sons (demons) rom both o them' Demons such as 4ighat Kavach came rom the lineage o :rahlad' 0amra had siH daughters and their names were /hukiF /hyeniF *asiF /ugriviF /huchi and -ridhika' /huki gave birth to numerous species o birds like /huka (:arrot)F %luka (owls) and Kaak(crows)' /imilarly /hyeni gave birth to /hyen (hawks) and -ridhika to -ridh (vultures)' /huchi was the mother o aMuatic birds while /ugrivi gave birth to various animals likeF horsesF camelsF donkeysF etc'L Arun and -aruda were born to Vinta while /ursa and Kadru gave birth to serpents' Krodha gave birth to power ul :ishachasF /urabhi to cows and bu aloesF .ra to various vegetation likeF creepers and grassF Khaga to Yakshas and "akshasF *uni to Apsaras and Arishta gave birth to -andharvas' Diti gave birth to ourty?nine *arutganasF all o whom are in act the incarnations o Lord Vishnu'
&6'+'& 4avgrah *antra Describin' the si'nificance of /orshippin' !a,'raha -nine p)anets.( "ord Vishnu to)d Rudra 44: $ne /ho /orships the !a,'raha /ith appropriate ritua)s attains a)) the four :purusharth:-objecti,es of man:s )ife.4dharma-re)i'ion.( artha-mone*.( 2aam-se9. and mo2sha-sa),ation.1: He then /ent on to 'i,e ,arious mantras re)ated /ith the !a,'rahas( /hich a de,otee shou)d chant /hi)e /orshippin' them 44
/%"YA(/%4) ?? (* /%"YA *%"0AY. 4A*A)' (* )"A* )"1* /A) /%"YAY 4A*A)' <)A4D"A*A(*((4)?? (* /(*AY 4A*A)' B)A%*(*A"/)??(* B)A%*AY 4A*A)' B%DD)(*."<%"Y)??(* B%DD)AY 4A*A)' V"1)A/:A01(#%:10.")??(* V"1)A/:A0AY. 4A*A)' /)%K"A(V.4%/)??(* /)%K"AY 4A*A)' /)A41(/A0%"4)??(* /)A4A1/)<)A"AY 4A*A)' "A)%(D"A-(4L/ ).AD)??(* "A)AV. 4A*A)'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
(* )"1* /)1"/. /8A)AF (* )((* /)1K)AYA1 VA/)A0F (* )"A1* KAVA<)AY )((*F (* )"A%* 4.0"A 0"AYAY VA%/)A0F (* )"A) A/0"AY :)A0'
1,&* Astrology in (aruda Purana 0his chapter contains && sections as ollowsK
&6'3'& 0he <hariots o 4avgrahas 6hi)e describin' the chariots of a)) the nine p)anets( "ord Vishnu to)d Rudra44: The chariot of Sur*a de,a-sun. has an unbe)ie,ab)e e9panse stretchin' up to nine thousand *ojans1 The a9)e of the chariot is one crore and fift* se,en )a2h *ojans )on' and /hee)s are fi9ed at both its ends1 The /hee)s ha,e si9 circumferences s*mbo)iBin' the si9 main seasons and fi,e spo2es s*mbo)iBin' the fi,e different units of time measurement in them1 The chariot of Sur*a-sun. is pu))ed b* se,en horses1 These horses s*mbo)iBe the se,en :chhands: -stanBas used in poetr*.4 'a*atri( ,rihati( ushni2( ja'ati( trishtup( anushtup and pan2ti1 The chariot of chandrama-moon. has three /hee)s in it1 &t is pu))ed b* ten /hite horses1 The co)or of Man'a):s-mars. chariot is 'o)den and is pu))ed b* horses of dar2 red co)or1 Buddh:s-mercur*. chariot is of bro/n co)or and is pu))ed b* ei'ht horses of the same co)or1 The chariot of Vrihaspati-jupiter. is made of 'o)d and is pu))ed b* ei'ht horses of *e))o/ish comp)e9ion1 5upiter remains in each of the t/e),e Bodiacs for a *ear1 Shu2ra:s -,enus. chariot is /e)) escorted b* his arm*1 The chariot has a mast on it:s top and is pu))ed b* horses that are found on earth1
)orses pulling the chariot o /hani(saturn) are o varicolored' 0he chariot o "ahu is pulled by eight horsesF which are o the color o smoke' 0he chariot o Ketu is pulled by eight horsesF which are red in color'
&6'3'+ Description o Yogas and *uhurtas 3i,in' e)aborate description of inauspicious da*s on /hich one shou)d not underta2e tra,e)s or journe*s( "ord Vishnu to)d Shi,a44 :Various +o'inis -'oddesses. d/e)) in different directions on specific da*s and one shou)d ne,er set out on journe*s on those da*s1 A *o'ini named Brahmani d/e))s in the ast on %ratipada-first. and na,ami-ninth. of both the fortni'hts of each month and nobod* shou)d tra,e) on both these dates to/ards east1 Mahesh/ari d/e))s in the north on second and ninth of both the fortni'hts of each month and hence nobod* shou)d tra,e) to/ards north on both these dates1 Varahi d/e))s in the south on the fifth and thirteenth of both the fortni'hts of each month and hence it is unad,isab)e to tra,e) to/ards south on the abo,e mentioned dates1 &n the same manner( &ndrani d/e))s in the /est on si9th and fourteenth of both the fortni'hts of each month and therefore nobod* shou)d tra,e) in this direction on both the abo,e mentioned dates1:
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
8hile giving names o some auspicious 4akshatras suitable or undertaking DourneysF lord Vishnu said??L <onstellations like AshviniF AnuradhaF "evatiF *rigashiraF *oolF :unarvasuF :ushyaF )ast and #yeshtha are auspicious or undertaking Dourneys'L Lord VishnuF giving some speci ic combinations o days and tithis considered to be inauspicious said?L (ne should never travel on the ollowing inauspicious daysK Dwadashi alling on /unday or .kadashi alling on *onday or 4avami alling on 8ednesday or Ashtami alling on 0hursday or /aptami alling on >riday and /hashthi alling on /aturday'
ragmented into countless pieces due to the impact o erocious speed o the wind it had to negotiate' 0hese pieces scattered all over the places? oceanF riversF *ountainsF >orestsF etc' 1n course o time these places got trans ormed into countless mines o Dewels and precious stones such as VaDra (diamond)F *uktamaniF 1ndraneelF /phatikF :rawalF :ushparag and many more'
us and having dark compleHion is your -reat -rand >ather' )e had committed heinous o sins while he was alive but even he has become liberated because o you' 8e have come to eHpress our gratitude and to thank you or having liberated us rom our miserable conditions' All three o us are now departing or heaven'L )aving said this all three o them disappeared in a moment' Vishal was eHtremely satis ied that he had been success ul in ul illing one o the maDor obligations towards his ancestors (pitra?rina) by helping them attain to heaven' )e enDoyed a long li e and a ter his death he too went to heaven'
Vishnu said? L -arbhadhan /anskar is per ormed at the time o conception' 0he scriptures have clearly stated about the best time or a woman to conceive? twelve days a ter her menstruation has startedF beginning rom the i th day as the irst our days are not considered auspicious or this purpose' L:unsavan sanskarL is per ormed in the third month a ter conception while L/eemantonayan sanskarL is per ormed in the siHth or eighth month a ter conception' A ter the birth o a child the consecration named L#aat karmaL is per ormed while L4aam karan sanskarL is per ormed on the eleventh day a ter his birth whereby the new born baby is given a name' L4ishkraman sanskarL is per ormed in the ourth month and LAnnaprashan sanskarL in the siHth month' 0he consecration named L<hudamani sanskarL can be per ormed either in the irstF third or i th year o the child'L
1,&1 2arma and its conseAuences 8 2arma +ipa. 0his chapter contains & section as ollowsK <ontinuing with his discoursesF sage Yagvalkya told the assembled sages that an enlightened soul is aware o the act that the mortal world being impermanent in nature has its beginning as well as its end' )e is also aware that a man reaps the ruits o his evil deeds in the orm o LAdhidaivikL(heavenly wrath)F LAdhyatmikL(obstacles in spiritual development) and LAdhibhautikL (worldly problems like diseasesF povertyF etc') 0hat is why he endeavours to ollow the path o virtuosity so that he can attain salvation?
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
the ultimate obDective o manLs li e' Anybody engaged in sin ul deeds is de inite to go to hell whereas virtuous deeds help a man to attain to heaven' A ter tasting the ruits o his actions he once again has to take birth to realiCe the un ul illed wishes o his previous birth' 0his cycle o transmigration is an endless processF leading to countless births and deaths o a man' )e eHperiences unbearable pains in his motherLs wombs lying in an inverted position or nine months' (nce again he has to go through the same dread ul eHperiences o youthF old ageF diseases and death' A sinnerF a ter tasting the ruits o his actions in the heaven or hellF depending on his virtuous or sin ul deeds takes re?birth on the basis o the gravity o sins committed' Killing a Brahmin is believed to be the most heinous o sin and the person who has committed such a sin a ter having su ered the tortures o hell takes re?birth as a donkey or a dog' 1n the same way a person who has stolen gold takes re?birth as lowly creatures such as worms or insects' A drunkard takes re?birth as a rog and a person developing illicit relationship with his teacherLs wi e takes re?birth as grass or hay' (ne who shows disrespect to his parents is reborn as a tortoise whereas anybody who wishes ill o his riends is reborn as a donkey'
1,&4 $ifferent 2ind of Austerities 0his chapter contains &; sections as ollowsK
Describing the various types o austeritiesF Lord Vishnu named ew o them?
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&6'9'&5<handrayana Vrata
1tLs an important austerity lasting or a month which commences on >irst day o the bright hal o a month by observing ast or the whole day and breaking it in the night with one morsel o ood' (n the neHt dayF i'e' LdwitiyaL one morsel o ood is increased which means that instead o one morsel o ood now two morsels are taken' 0his way one morsel o ood is increased on each o the ollowing days till the ourteenth day (chaturdashi) when the ast is broken by having ourteen morsels o ood' A total ast
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
is observed on LAmavasyaL (dark moon)' (n the neHt day i'e' irst day o the dark hal o the month one morsel is decreased which means that the devotee should break his ast with thirteen morsels o ood' 0his way one morsel is decreased on each successive day till LchaturdashiL when a devotee breaks his ast by having only one morsel o ood' 0his is the wayF how a <handrayan vrata should be observed'
his wi e at the irst given opportunity without any rhyme or reason' )oweverF his wi e did not mind his behaviour understanding Muite well the rustrations o a man su ering rom dreaded disease like Leprosy'L (ne dayF something happened which made Kaushik eHtremely angry and in a it o rage he made an impossible demand thinking that his wi e would never comply by it giving him an opportunity to curse her to the satis action o his heart' /houting angrily at his wi eF Kaushik said? Age has started showing e ect on you' You donLt look beauti ul as be ore' You have also started neglecting me' 0ake me to a beauti ul prostitute so that 1 can satis y my seHual urge' KaushikLs wi e was deeply hurt by his rude and un air remarks but she remained cool and calm' Being a chaste and aith ul wi e she had no option but to obey her husbandLs command' /oF she le t or a prostituteLs house carrying Kaushik on her shoulders' 0he prostituteLs house was ar and it became dark while they were still on the way' Because o darknessF KaushikLs wi e could not see sage *andavyaF who in spite o his innocence was given a severe punishment by the king? he had been made to sit on a pointed cone which a ter having penetrated through his body had pierced even his skull' ButF being a great sageF *andavya was engrossed in his meditation even in such a pain ul physical condition' %n ortunatelyF KaushikLs eetF which were hanging down the shoulders o his wi eF touched *andavyaLs body' *andavyaLs meditation was disturbed and he came out rom his meditative level' As a result he became conscious o his unbearable physical pain and cursed that whoever had disturbed his meditation would not live to see the neHt day'L Kaushik died the neHt day but his wi eF who had ull con idence in her power o chastityF knew that her husband would be alive once again' /he cursed angrily ? L *andavya has a misconception about his power' )e thinks that only he can control the natural phenomena but perhaps he does not know what eats a chaste woman is capable o per orming' 1ts my command to the /un not to rise rom tomorrow onwards'L And indeedF the /un stopped rising rom the neHt morning leading to catastrophic allout' .verything went haywire in the worldF which made the deities eHtremely worried' 0hey came to me (Lord Brahma) with a reMuest to reveal why /un had stopped rising' 1 told them that it was all due to the curse o a chaste woman and then 1 narrated the whole story' 1 revealed to them that nobody eHcept /ati Anusuya was capable o bringing back order in the world' 1 advised them to seek the help o /ati Anusuya who was amous or her eHceptional chastity' /oF all the deities went to /ati Anusuya and reMuested her to make the /un rise so that everything became orderly in the world once again' /ati Anusuya agreed to lend her help in bringing back normalcy in the world' /heF by the virtue o her chastity not only made the /un rise daily but also made dead Kaushik alive once again' /uch is the power commanded by a woman practicing the austerity o chastity' 0here are numerous eHamples o such women amous or their chastity and /ita was one o them'
1,&8 "he "ale of 6amayana Lord Brahma then went on to describe the amous tale o "amayana the mere listening to which absolves a man rom all his sins' )e began by giving the details o /ri "amLs lineage and said?L 1 (Lord Brahma) mani ested rom the Lotus originating rom the navel o Lord Vishnu' /age *arich mani ested rom me while Kashyap was *arichLs son' /urya mani ested rom KashyapF Vaivaswat?*anu rom /urya and 1kshavaku was born to Vaivaswat?*anu' 0he great King "aghu was also the descendant o 1kshavaku' "aghuLs son was ADaF whose son was Dasharath'
Dasharath had three Mueens?KaushalyaF Kaikeyi and /umitra' Kaushalya gave birth to /ri "am while Kaikeyi was the mother o Bharat' /umitra had two sons?LaHman and /hatrughan' /ri "am had great devotion towards his parents' /age VishwamitraF who was tormented by the demonsF took /ri "am and LaHman along with him so that he could do his penance peace ully' )e
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
assured Dashrath that he would make both his sons pro icient in all the scriptures as well as in the usage o various weapons' 8ith great reluctanceF Dasharath allowed /ri "am and LaHman to go along with Vishwamitra' (nce in the orest /ri "am assured his -uru to do his penance without bothering about the demons' Vishwamitra commenced his penance and /ri "am killed all the demons trying to disturb him' 0he names o ew demons killed by /ri "am were 0adakaF /ubahuF etc' #anakF the ather o /ita had organiCed a grand L/wayamvarL ceremony to which he had invited all the prominent kings o that time' )e had also sent invitation to Vishwamitra' Vishwamitra set out or #anakpur accompanied by /ri "am and LaHman' #anak had a huge bow gi ted to him by Lord /hiva and which he worshipped daily with appropriate ritual' (nce during the process o cleaning the area where /hivaLs bow was keptF /ita li ted the bow and kept it a distance' Later on she orgot to keep it back at the original place' 8hen #anak came to worship the bow he was surprised to ind it to be kept at a di erent place' )e made an inMuiry and /ita con essed that she had kept it while cleaning the place o worship' #anak Dust could not believe that his tender looking daughter possessed such strength and power' 4o wonder he decided to give /itaLs hand in marriage to such a man who could break /hivaLs bow' /oF he made a declaration that anybody capable o breaking /hivaLs bow could have /ita as his wi e' 0here were many mighty warriors present at the L/wayamvarL ceremony but none had the strength to even li t the bow what to say about breaking it' >inallyF as the destiny would have liked itF /ri "am broke the bow into three pieces and thus married /ita' LaHman married %rmila? another daughter o Dasharath while Bharat and /hatrughan married *andavi and Keertimayi respectivelyF both daughters o King KushadhwaDa' Later onF when Dasharath decided to crown /ri "am as the King o AyodhyaF Kaikeyi played a spoilsport and demanded her son?Bharat to be made the King o Ayodhya and /ri "am to be sent into eHile or ourteen years' ActuallyF Kaikeyi had taken undue advantage o DasharathLs helpless condition to serve her own interest' (nceF Dasharath was busy ighting a battle oblivious o the act that one o the wheels o the chariot was about to eDect rom its aHle as the nail supporting it had allen o ' KaikeyiF who was also accompanying himF saved his li e by preventing the wheel rom alling o and thus maintaining the balance o the chariot' 8hen Dasharath learnt how Kaikeyi had saved his li e he promised to grant her two boons' At that time Kaikeyi did not ask or any thing and merely said that she would demand at the appropriate time' /oF when the time or "amLs coronation came she thought it was the best opportunity or her to remind Dasharath about the two boons he had promised to grant her' DasharathF bound by his deep love or /ri "am on the one hand and by his vow on the otherF agreed to KaikeyiLs demand with a heavy heart' /ri "am without any hesitation ollowed his atherLs order and le t or the orest' )ow could have /ita and LaHman lived without himN /oF they too accompanied him to the orest' 1n course o his DourneyF /ri "am passed by many holy places and inally a ter reaching <hitrakoot he made a L:arna kutiL (hermitage made o leaves) and started living there' 0he shock caused by /ri "amLs separation proved to be atal or DasharathF who died with an un ul illed desire o having a glimpse o his dearest son' BharatF who at that time was at his maternal uncleLs placeF returned to Ayodhya a ter hearing the news o his atherLs demise and per ormed his last rites' )e then went to <hitrakoot and tried his level best to convince /ri "am into returning back to Ayodhya' ButF /ri "am did not agreeF as it was against his principle to disobey the commands o his ather' /ri "am gave his pair o wooden sandals to Bharat as a token o love and reMuested him to return to Ayodhya' Bharat returned to Ayodhya and kept /ri "amLs sandals on the throne' )e then stationed himsel at 4andigram? a city situated at the outskirts o Ayodhya and started ruling rom there on behal o his elder brother' )e had vowed not to return to Ayodhya till the completion o /ri "amLs period o eHile'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
>rom <hitrakootF /ri "am reached Dandakaranya accompanied by /ita and LaHman and started living in a hermitage made o leaves' 0here they also met prominent sages like Atri and Agastya' (nce an ogress named L/urpanakhaL ("avanLs sister) attacked /ri "am but LaHman retaliated by severing both her ears as well as her nose' /urpanakhaF badly inDured and bleeding pro uselyF went to Khardushan and narrated her woe ul tale' Khardushan attacked /ri "am with a huge army consisting o ourteen thousand soldiers but lost all his men in the battle' 0he revenge ul "avan went to the hermitage disguised as a hermit and abducted /ita while /ri "am was away in pursuit o *arich?the golden deer' ActuallyF *arich was a demonF who had disguised himsel as a golden deer on the instruction o "avan so that /ita could be abducted success ully' "avan knew Muite well that it was impossible or him to abduct /ita in the presence o /ri "am' /oF he hatched a plan according to which *arich was to disguise himsel as a golden deer and enchant /ita' "avan was sure that /ita a ter being enchanted by the beauty o the golden Deer would ask her husband to get it at any cost' .verything happened as per the plan o "avan and he was success ul in abducting /ita' 8hen /ri "am did not ind /ita in the hermitage he became worried and started searching or her rantically' (n the way he met old #atayuF who had got inDured while trying to resist "avan rom taking away /ita' #atayu in ormed him that "avan had taken /ita towards south' #atayu was so badly inDured that he died soon a ter giving /itaLs in ormation to /ri "am' /ri "am per ormed his last rites and continued with his search' )e proceeded towards south as per the instructions o #atayu and reached L"ishyamookL mountain where he met /ugreevaF whom he be riended' )e killed BaliF who harboured enemity against his brother? /ugreeva' )e then made /ugreeva the King o LKishkindhaL and himsel went to live at L"ishyamookL mountain' /ugreeva sent monkeys in all directions to ind out /itaLs whereabouts' )anuman went towards south and with the help o /ampati managed to ind out the eHact location where "avan had kept /ita' )anuman took a giant leap and the neHt moment he ound himsel on the other side o the ocean' )e went to LAshok? VatikaL where "avan had kept /ita in captivity' )e presented the ring to herF which /ri "am had given him' /itaF in turn gave her L<hudamaniL(ornament) and reMuested him to give it to /ri "am' #umping rom one branch to anotherF hungry )anuman ate all the ruits and in the process destroyed the beauti ul garden' 8hen "avan came to know about the destruction caused in the beauti ul garden o LAshok VatikaLF he sent many demons to capture )anuman' ButF all o them were killed including Akshay KumarF "avanLs son' %ltimatelyF )anuman was made captive by *eghanad and produced be ore "avanF who ordered his tail to be set ablaCe as a punishment' )anumanF with his tail ablaCeF Dumped rom one palace to another and burnt the golden city o Lanka within no time' )e then returned to his master /ri "am and described everything in detail' >inallyF /ri "am attacked Lanka with a huge army comprising o mighty warriors like )anumanF /ugreevaF Angad and many others' A ierce battle took place in which all the demons including "avan were killed' 0he victorious /ri "am returned to Ayodhya along with his consort /ita' 0he residents o Ayodhya danced in Doy at the return o their prodigious son' /ri "am ruled over Ayodhya or eleven thousand years' >inally he ascended to the heaven taking along all the people o Ayodhya with him but be ore doing that he appointed Lav and Kush?his /onsF as his successors'
/ri KrishnaF being an incarnation o Lord Vishnu per ormed great eats right rom his childhood' (nceF Kansa sent an ogress named :utnaF who tried to kill /ri Krishna by breast? eeding him' ButF Krishna sucked her breasts with such erocity that :utna met an instant death' 1n due course o time /ri Krishna killed many more erocious demons like /hakatasurF Kaliya 4agF Dhenukasur and mesmeriCed the residents o -okul by his divine bravery' )e also per ormed many other divine eats like li ting -ovardhan mountain and per orming "aas?Lila with the -opis' /eeing all his plans o killing /ri Krishna go in vainF Kansa sent him a message challenging or a Lduel? boughtL with his court?wrestlers named L*ushtikL and L<hanurL' /ri Krishna killed both the dreaded demons without much di iculty' %ltimatelyF /ri Krishna climbed up the throne sitting on which "avan had been watching the wrestling bout and pulled him down by his hair' )e then punched Kansa on his chest so hard that he died an instantaneous death' )aving accomplished his most important mission o killing the demon king?Kansa and liberating the earth rom his tyrannyF /ri Krishna went on to complete his education under the tutelage o /age /andipani' During ancient times it was customary or a disciple to o er Dakshina to his teacherF as a mark o respect a ter his education was complete' /ri Krishna ollowing this tradition gave an invaluable Dakshina to his -uru by bringing all his dead sons alive to earth rom LYamlokaL' /ri Krishna was subseMuently crowned as the king o *athura but on account o the relentless attack by #arasandha he had to abandon his dear city and shi t his base to Dwarka' )e had eight Mueens among whom "ukmini and /atyabhama were prominent' Later on he rescued siHteen thousand and one hundred women rom the captivity o 4arakasur and married all o them' >rom "ukmini he had a son named :radyumnaF who killed /hambarasur' Aniruddha was :radyumnaLs son and he married %sha? daughter o Banasur' Banasur was a great devotee o Lord /hiva and was blessed with one thousand hands' Lord /hiva came to his rescue at the time when he was battling against the might o /ri Krishna' A ierce battle was ought between both the deitiesF which remained inconclusive even a ter a long time' Lord /hiva then reMuested /ri Krishna to spare BanasurLs li e to which he agreed albeit partially' /ri Krishna severed all the hands o Banasur barring two' >inallyF a ter accomplishing his mission o liberating the earth rom the darkness o sin /ri Krishna le t or heavenly abode'
1,&1:"he "ale of Maha5harat -iving the reasons that lead to the great battle o *ahabharatF Lord Brahma told sage Vyas that /ri Krishna had planned this great battle and eHecuted it to per ection to relieve the earth rom the burden o tyrants' 8hile giving the names o lineal ascendants o Kauravas and :andavasF he said?L 1 (Lord Brahma) mani ested rom the lotus which itsel had its origin in the navel o Vishnu' Atri mani ested rom me while <handra rom Atri' Buddh was born to <handra while he himsel was the ather o :ururava' Aayu was :ururavaLs son while he himsel was the son o Yayati'
0he names o ew amous descendants o Yayati were BharatF Kuru and /hantanu' /hantanu had two wives? -anga and /atyavati' 0he ormer was the mother o BhishmaF the indomitable warriorF who had vowed to remain a bachelor throughout his li e' 0he latter i'e' /atyavati gave birth to two sons? <hitrangad and Vichitraveerya' A -andharva killed <hitrangad while Vichitraveerya died issue?less despite having two wives? Ambika and Ambalika(both daughters o the king o Kashi)' 1n order to eHpand their clan both Ambika and Ambalika begot one son each rom sage Vyas' Ambika gave birth to Dhritrashtra while Ambalika to :andu' 0he same Vyas also had a son rom a maid servant who became amous as Vidur and who was amous or his statesmanship and tact ulness' Dhritrashtra married -andhari and begot one hundred sons rom her among whom Duryodhan was most notorious' 0hese one hundred sons o Dhritrashtra became amous as Kauravas' :andu had two wives Kunti and *adri rom whom he begot ive sons?YudhishthirF BhimaF ArDunF 4akul and /ahdevF who all grew up to be very power ul and mighty' All ive o them became amous as :andavas' :anduF their ather had died while they were still young and *adriF unable to bear the sorrow had given up her
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
li e by Dumping into the burning pyre o her dead husband' /oF the :andavas were brought up under the guardianship o Kunti' Kauravas and :andavas were bitter rivals right rom their childhood' Duryodhan never missed a chance to torment the :andavas? his cousins' Both Kauravas and :andavas were brought up under the tutelage o Kripacharya and DronacharyaF both prominent scholars o their times' (nceF Duryodhan tried to kill Bhima by poisoning him but ortunately Bhima not only came out unscathed but also with renewed strength and vigour' Duryodhan tried his luck or the second time to eliminate his enemies by setting ablaCe the house o waH in which :andavas were living but once again they came out unharmed' :andavas then went to L.kchakra 4agarL and took re uge in the house o a Brahmin amily' A demon named LBakaL used to torment the people o .kchakra 4agar' Bhima killed that demon and the people were relieved at the news o their tormentorLs death' 0herea ter :andavas went to attend the /wayamvar ceremony o Draupadi' ArDun won Draupadi as his wi e by piercing the eye o the ish hanged above his head by looking at its image in the water?pot kept below' At the insistence o Dronacharya and BhishmaF Yudhishthir reluctantly agreed to share hal o his Kingdom with the :andavas' 0hus :andavas started living at 1ndraprashthF the capital o their newly acMuired Kingdom' ArDuna married /ubhadraF his second wi e and the sister o /ri Krishna' )e pleased Agni Dev by his austere penance and received divine weapons like? a divine chariotF -andiv (bow)F imperishable arrows and an impenetrable shield' A ter being armed with these divine weapons he success ully de eated many power ul monarchies and gave the whole acMuired wealth to YudhishthirF his elder brother' Dhrithrashtra invited Yudhishthir or a game o LDyutaL (gamble) but Duryodhan de eated him by employing un air and deceit ul tactics with the active connivance o /hakuni? his cunning maternal uncle' Yudhishthir lost everything in the gamble? his whole wealthF his kingdom and even Draupadi' :andavas had to go into eHile or twelve years with an additional year o LAgyatwasL(they were not supposed to be recogniCed during this period) as per the terms and conditions laid down or the game' A ter completing their total period o eHileF :andavas reached Virat 4agar to spend their year o LAgyatwasLF which posed more dangers and challenges because i they were recogniCed during this period it would have meant another twelve years o eHile or them' )aving success ully completed their period o eHileF :andavas demanded back their Kingdom but Duryodhan was not even willing to part away with ive villages' 0hus :andavas were le t with no option but to ight or their legitimate rights' Both the rival armies boasted o mighty and brave warriors on their sides' Duryodhan appointed Bhishma as the chie commander o his army whereas /hikhandi was leading :andavaLs army' 0he irst ten days o the battle saw a ierce ight between both the rival armies during which period many warriors rom each side achieved martyrdom' >inallyF while Bhishma lay down inDuredF his whole body pierced with ArDunaLs arrowsF but still alive because he had received a boon o L1ccha *rityuL(death by his choice) prominent warriors rom both sides stood around him' 1t was only a ter the /un came north o eMuinoH (%ttarayan)F the auspicious time Bhishma had chosen to leave his mortal body that he died a ter preaching the :andavas on wide range o subDects' A ter BhishmaLs death Dronacharya led the KauravaLs army' 0his was the most crucial phase o the battle' Dronacharya had become so demoraliCed a ter his sonLs deathF that he had Dust no motivation le t in him to ight the battle' >inding an opportune momentF Dhrishtadyumna severed his head and Kauravas thus lost their most able and eHperienced commander' Duryodhan appointed Karna as the neHt commander o KauravaLs army' 0he most decisive phase o the battle began and a ter a ierce battle o two days ArDuna managed to kill his brave rival' /ubseMuentlyF Yudhishthir killed /halya'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
A ter loosing all his mighty warriorsF DuryodhanaF in a it o rage challenged Bhima or a duel o mace' Bhima killed him a ter a ierce ight' 0he revenge ul AshwatthamaF son o DronacharyaF attacked the :andavaLs camp at nightF much against the norms o battle and killed all the ive sons o Draupadi and thousand o other :andava soldiers' ArDuna avenged the death o his sons by de eating Ashwatthama and eHtracting the diamond set in his orehead' A ter the battle endedF Yudhishthir per ormed the rituals o /hraddh in the name o all the dead warriors and ascended the throne' )e ruled in a Dust manner Dust according to the instructions given by Bhishma' A ter /ri Krishna le t this mortal worldF Yudhishthir appointed :arikshit as his successor and le t or )imalaya accompanied by his brothers as well as Draupadi'
/utDi then went on to describe the means by which a man can have a pure heart and said?L Austerities like meditationF worshipF astsF oblationsF charityF etc'F certainly helps a man in getting rid o all kinds o impurities'L
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&6'&+'&4ri/inha /totra
0elling about the origin o this LstotraLF /utDi said? LLord /hiva had created this LstotraL praising the glory o Lord 4risinha and invoking him to protect the world rom the wrath o *atrikas' 0he LstotraL goes as ollows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
&6'&+'+Kulamrit /totra
/age 4arad once asked Lord /hiva about the means by which a man could become ree rom the delusions o the world' Lord /hiva revealed to him the contents o LKulamrit stotraLF eulogiCing the maDesty o Lord Vishnu' By chanting this LstotraLF 4arad success ully attained to that supreme statusF which even the most enlightened souls can only dream o ' (ne who eulogiCes Lord Vishnu by chanting this LstotraLF becomes liberated rom all the bondage o the world' 0he LstotraL goes as ollows ? YA/0% V1/)8A*A4A DYA40A *A#A*AA0*A41 /A4/0)10A*O
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/A"VA-YA *A<)ALA* V1/)4%* /ADA D)YAY.0 /A *%<)Y.0' D.VA* -A"B)( <)10A* V1/)4%* /ADA D)YAYA4 V1*%<)Y.0O A/)A"1"A* V1D)A0A"A* /A"VA-YA4 *A4("A01*' A<)ALA* /A"VA-A* V1/)4%* /ADA D)YAY.4 V1*%<)Y.0O 41"V1KAL:A* 41"AB)A/A* 41/):"A:A4<)A* 41"A*AYA*' VA/%D.VA* -%"%* V1/)4%* /ADA D)YAY.4 V1*%<)Y.0O /A"VA0KA* <)A VA1 YAVADA0*A <)A10A4YA "%:AKA*' /)%B)A* .KAK/)A"A* V1/)4%* /ADA D)YAY.4 V1*%<)Y.0O VA*YA010A* 0"1KALA-YA* V1/)V./)A* L(K/AK/)14A*' /A"VA /*ADY%0A* V1/)4% /ADA D)YAY.4 V1*%<)Y.0O B"A)*AD1 D.VA -A4D)A"VA1 *%41B)1) /1DD)A <)A"A4A1)' Y(-1B)1) /.V10A* V1/)4%* /ADA D)YAY.4 V1*%<)Y.0O /A4/A" BA4D)A4A4 *%K01 *1<))A*L.K( D)YA /)./)A0A)' /0%0VA1VA* VA"ADA* V1/)4%* /ADA D)YAYA4 V1*%<)Y.0O /A4/A" BA4D)A4AA0 K(:1 *%K01 *1<)<))A4 /A*A)10A)' A4A40 *A0YAYA* D.VA* V1/)4%* V1/)VA :"A01/)0)101*O V1/)V./)8A" *A/A"A* V1/)4%* /ADA D)YAYA4 V1*%<)Y.0'
/utDi told sage /haunak that the ultimate aim o a manLs li e was to attain salvation' A man can not attain salvation until and unless he has seen through the trappings o the worldly illusions' /utDi said?L:ractice o Yoga helps a man to live in this world with a sense o detachment and to success ully avoid the allurements o this mortal world' Yoga comprises o siH organsK :ranayam ( Breathing eHercises)F #apa ( chanting)F :ratyahar( restraining sense organs)F Dharana (resolution)F Dhyan (meditation) and /amadhi (deep meditation)' 4ot running a ter sensual pleasures by having sel ?control helps a man in diminishing his sins and diminishment o sins pleases the deities who give blessings' Blessings o deities help a man to attain salvation' :ranayamF an important part o Yoga is o two types?L-arbhaL and LAgarbhaL' :ranayamF done with simultaneous chanting o a mantra is called L-arbhaL whereas in LAgarbhaL :ranayam mantras are not chanted' 1t is natural or a man to get attracted by worldly pleasures and checking this tendency o the mind is called L:ratyaharL' 1t is not easy to control the mind and concentrate on anything or a long time but LDharanaL helps a man to do that' 8hen a man has success ully controlled his sensual desiresF then it becomes very easy or him to concentrate his mind' A concentrated mind inds it easy to meditate' 8hen he has mastered meditation it is not much di icult or him to enter into the deep state o meditation i'e' L/amadhiL' 1n the state o L/amadhiLF all sense o dualism cease to eHist as one establishes divine link with the AlmightyF which helps him in eHperiencing indescribable divine bliss'
&6'&3'&/el "ealiCation
(nceF on being asked by sage 4arad about the means that helped a man in attaining sel realiCationF Lord Vishnu told him that only those privileged ew who have understood the impermanent nature o this world and have success ully controlled their sensual desires can attain sel realiCation' All the mysteries o this %niverse are unraveled to a man o sel ?realiCation and he attains salvation' Lord Vishnu said?L 1t should be the prime obDective o a man to make incessant e orts so that he can eHperience this divine knowledge o sel realiCation?the real knowledgeF or every other kind o knowledge is super icial and o least signi icance'L Lord Vishnu went on to describe how sel ?realiCation could be attained? LYADA/A"V. V1*%<)YA40. KA*A Y./)YA )"1D1 /0)10A)O 0ADA*"10 08A *A:4(:A01 #1VA44.VA 4A /A4/)AYA)' *eaning? 8hen there is no desire le t in the heart then a man is certain to eHperience the divine taste o this nectar (sel realiCation) in his li e time?? and there is no doubt about it' %nraveling the mystery o %niverse to sage 4aradF Lord Vishnu said?L LBrahmL is the cause behind this universe and one who has understood this act can be rightly called a man o sel realiCation' A man being under the in luence o his sensual perceptions alsely believes this world to be real and is unable to understand the real cause behind the eHistence o this worldF which is not the case with a man o sel ?realiCation' 1nstead o searching LwithoutL a man should seek LwithinL because within him eHists the %niverse Dust like our sense organs perceive them eHternally' 0he whole mystery o %niverse is unraveled to a man who makes incessant e orts to undertake this inner Dourney or i his e orts are made with a pure heart and a irm determination then he is sure to reach his goal o sel realiCation one day or the other' 0he soul (Atma) is LBrahmL but this act becomes apparent only to those privileged ewF who have attained sel ?realiCation' /el realiCation illuminates the soul in the same way Dust as a lightning illuminates the dark sky at night'L
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Lord Vishnu went on to describe himsel in the ollowing words?L 1 am :ure and beyond the limits o human intelligence' 1 am beyond the con inement o three basic Mualities (/atva gunaF "aDas guna and 0amas guna)' (nly he can eHperience *. who possesses an enlightened soul because 1 mani est *Y/.L> in the heart o every individual as a divine e ulgence in order to drive away the darkness which engul s it'L
Anybody who studies the sacred teHts o LBrahm?-itaL is certain to attain salvation or it brilliantly propounds the theory o divinity o man by proclaiming that in each individual dwells LBrahmL?the supreme Almighty' .ulogiCing the glory o LBrahm -itaL Lord Vishnu said?L Brahm?-ita declares that in each individual dwells LBrahmL and one who has understood this act becomes ree rom the bondage o the world i'e' attains salvation' 4obody can deny the act that -od eHists because the Almighty mani ests himsel all around us in various orms both perceptible and imperceptible' All the ive elements (spaceF airF waterF ire and earth) are nothing but the mani estations o Almighty -od'L L %n ortunatelyF most o the people are unaware o the presence o divinity in them? the eHistence o LBrahmL in each o them' 0he reason or this is not much di icult to comprehend because this act is so subtle that only enlightened souls can eHperience it' ). lies dormant and cannot be eHperienced until and unless ). is awakened by means o austerities and penance' LBrahmL is ever present in a man and does not abandon him in any o the three states o his consciousness? while he is awakeF while he is dreaming or even while he is asleep' Despite being present in every individual he still remains una ected by his deeds because by nature ). is eternally pure' (ne more reason why man is unable to eel the presence o LBrahmL in himsel is his own egoF with which he alsely develops deep association' /oF a person who is desirous o realiCing -od must irst subdue his ego so that LBrahmL mani ests himsel in all his glory' 8ithout subduing his LegoL a man can never realiCe -od because the sense o dualism is the greatest impediment in the path o -od realiCation and LegotismL only strengthen this sense o dualism'L L(nce man has success ully subdued his egoF the dawning o -od realiCation becomes imminent because LBrahmL now has no problem in mani esting himsel in the changed scenario' LBrahmL who is absolute truthF eternally pure and the supreme Almighty' ). is the eternal bliss dwelling in each individual? the realiCation which made the Vedas to proclaim L0atvam AsiL(0hou is me) and who is beyond the con inement o time and space'L %ltimatelyF Lord Vishnu revealed to sage 4arad that LBrahmL whose glory he had praised was none other than himsel '
1,&1,(aruda<s Dueries
0his chapter contains + sections as ollowsK
/utDi once reached the orest o L4aimisharanyaL in course o his Dourney' 4aimisharanya was a holy place where sages and hermits went to do penance' A ter reaching there /utDi met many prominent sages who were pleased at his arrival' 0hey took it as a -od sent opportunity to get their doubts cleared on the mystery called death and what eHactly happened a ter a man died' /age /haunakF one o those sagesF asked /utDi?L ( "evered /age$ 8e were Dust awaiting your arrival' 1t seems -od has listened to our prayer' 8e are con used by so many diverse and contradictory opinions eHpressed on the mystery o LdeathL and what happens a ter death' /ome people are o the belie that a man takes rebirth soon a ter his death whereas there are some who believe that a man a ter his death irst goes to LYamlokaL to taste the ruits o his LKarmasL and only then he takes rebirth' 8e reMuest you to clear our doubts and enlighten us on the mystery called death'L /utDi recounted the tale o -arudaF who had once posed the same Muery to Lord Krishna' 8hile narrating the taleF /utDi said? L-aruda?son o VintaF once decided to get a irst hand eHperience o all the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
three LLokasL(worlds)' A ter visiting all the three worlds he returned to LVaikunth lokaL and narrated his eHperiences to Lord Krishna' -aruda said? L A ter visiting all the three LLokasL 1 ound the .arth (:rithvi) little overcrowded as compared to other LLokasL' 1 also ound that it provided better opportunities to a man both or materialistic enDoyments as well as his spiritual advancement' /oF 1 have come to the conclusion that L:rithvilokaL was the best o all the LLokasL in every respect' ButF all round prevalence o sorrow and misery in L:rithvilokaL made me sad' 1 was really perpleHed to see people per orming compleH rituals a ter the death o their relative' All these rituals appeared so absurd to me' 1 was really amaCed to see people laying down their dead relatives on the ground' 1 could also not understand why a dead body is laid on the bed o LkushaL grass and sesame seeds' 1 witnessed so many rituals that surprised meF or instance 1 could not understand the reason why donations are made a ter a man dies' 1 am puCCled by the mystery called death orF what becomes o him a ter he dies' 0he sight o sons li ting the dead body o their ather on their shoulders is still resh in my memory' 1 could not understand the reason why LgheeL(clari ied butter) is applied on a dead body or why the relatives o the deceased chant LYama suktaL acing north' 1 was also surprised to see the son o the deceased being debarred rom having meal along with his other relatives' ( Lord$ :lease reveal to me the signi icance o making Lpinda? daansL orF the signi icance o LtarpanL ritualsN :lease tell me the proper method o o ering Lpinda daanL and invoking ancestorsN 1 ind it hard to believe that all the deeds virtuous or evil committed by a man ollows him a ter his death'L 0his way -aruda looded Lord Krishna with a barrage o Muestions and sought clari ications on them'
Describing the eHperiences o the soul when it leaves the bodyF Lord Krishna said??R 0he soul leaves the mortal body with great reluctance because the attachment with the mortal world eHists even a ter his death' YamdootsF descend down to earth to take the soul o the dying man to Yamloka' 0hose who have committed grave sins are tied with ropes and taken to Yamloka with great humiliation but virtuous souls are taken with honour and due respect' YamraD? the lord o death receives the virtuous soul with all the honour and respect and metes out punishment to those who had committed sins during their lives' 1n his dark compleHion and with a bu alo as his mount and with a noose and iron stick in his handsF YamraD appears terri ying' (n the other handF the sight o li eless body appears disgusting and people try to dispose it o as Muickly as possible because it is worthless without a soul' /oF one must try to make the best use o this mortal body by indulging in good deeds be ore the day o his inal Dourney arrives otherwise he would be le t with nothing but regrets at the time o his death'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
11 )rahmananda Purana
&t is the ei'hteenth %urana1 %resent)* a,ai)ab)e in separate pieces( Adh*atma Rama*ana is a)so inc)uded in this %urana( but the present ,ersions of Brahmand %urana do not contain Adh*atma Rama*an1 &t has four parts4 %ra2ri*a( Anushan'a( Upota'hat and Upasamhar1 This %urana is said to be narrated b* Sutaji on the ban2 of the ri,er Drishd,ati in +a2sh 2shetra -identified /ith Sut)ej in modern Himacha) %radesh.1 Drom his narration( it is c)ear that Sutaji had heard the %urana from Veda V*asa /ho( in his turn( recei,ed it from Va*ude,1 Creation of the uni,erse( determination of Ka)pa( differentiation of +u'as( description of Man,antaras( description of 5ambud/eep and Bharat,arsh( description of Kimpurush1 Anud/eep( Ketumaa) ,arsh etc1 and description of Bharat ,ansha( %rithu ,ansha( De, ,ansh( Rishi ,ansh( A'ni ,ansh and preceptors are the main topics of Brahmand %urana1 Described in the %urana( Adh*atma Rama*ana has se,en parts1 Dirst part describes the Brahmas/arup -cosmic appearance. of Shri Rama1 &ncarnation of "ord Rama to re)ie,e the earth from the atrocities of the demons1 Baa)4)ee)a -chi)dhood p)a*s.1 mancipation of Ahi)*a1 Remo,a) of Bhar'a,aEs -%arashuramEs. e'o1 Second part contains: "ord RamaEs 'oin' into e9i)e1 Demise of Dashrath1 Aran*a2and describes 2i))in' of the i))usionar* deer and abduction of Sita1 Kish2indha 2hand describes the 2i))in' of Baa)i1 Search of Sita1 Sundar Khand has the ta)es of HanumanEs entr* into "an2a1 "an2a 2hand contains the description of 2i))in' of Ra,ana and coronation of "ord Rama upon his return to A*odh*a1 &n Uttar Khand reasons for Ra,anaEs birth ha,e been described1 &t a)so contains the description of SitaEs desertion b* Rama1 Desertion of "a2shmana1 Coronation of "u, and Kush and departure of Rama to his ori'ina) Vai2unth )o2a1
0his :urana consists o HH chaptersK
&;'&'& /ection
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/hrimad Bhagwad is regarded as a delicious ruit o Veda?Kalpa the period o our Yugas during which Vedas are supposed to be written' 0here is nothing abdicable in /hrimad Bhagwad' 0he Bhagwadkar (the orator o /hrimad Bhagwad) invites all the devotees in the world to relish this great scripture' /hrimad Bhagwad is a contemporary o VedasO there is a pro use mention o Karm (action)F %pasana (worship) and -yan (knowledge) in VedasF but Bhakti (devotion) could not ind a place in Vedas' /hrimad Bhagwad compensates or this drawbackF or it has vivid and comprehensive description o Bhakti (devotion)' 4o actionF worship and knowledge can eHist without devotion' :resentation style o /hrimad Bhagwad is also remarkableO itLs every page is lowing in the stream o devotion' All the orms and appearances o -od have been described eHhaustively' 1t is such a benevolent scripture that mere hearing o it even without getting itLs meaningF is bene icial or the listener' 1 however one re lects on the meaning o the contentF it would be a bonus' 0here are many eHamples in the past (when even the most dreaded sinister received salvation by mere hearing o /hrimad Bhagwad' /inister DhundhukariF who was in ghost ormF is one such eHample' King :arikshit tooF had a sight o his own soul by listening to /hrimad Bhagwad' /uch eHamples are getting scarcer now days' .ven then the devotees who really relish Bhagwad get ree rom the ears o death' /hrimad Bhagwad makes a man earless' Dhruv rode the death itsel or his heavenly departure' :itamah Bheeshma turned away the inevitable death many times' )enceF those devotees who have taken a shelter at /hrimad Bhagwad develop aith in themselves' 0hen they have no ear o death' /hrimad Bhagwad is an immortal scripture that generates devotion' 1t is a means to ind -od without Yoga and 0apa'
Virtues )i2e unconditiona) )o,e( 'enerosit*( 'race( 2indness and protection of the refu'ee( that are the adornments of 3od( ha,e been described in simp)e( eas* to 'rasp /a* in Shrimad Bha'/ad1 Virtues of 3od )i2e His p)a*in' and chattin' /ith ordinar* peop)e and he)pin' them in e,er* circumstance s*mpathetica))*( natura))* attract the peop)e to/ards him1 Bha'/ad ma2es a man free from doubts1 &t is a supreme creation b* V*asaji1 Bha'/ad is in fact an appearance of !ara*ana1 &t is a comp)ete scripture1 Didd)es 'et 'uidance b* )istenin' to it( /hi)e the infide)s become fidd)e1 ,en the sa'e )i2e Shu2de,ji( /ho deserted e,er*thin'( cou)dn:t 'i,e up the temptation to hear Shrimad Bha'/ad1 &t is a )ife 'i,er to a)) 2ind of peop)e1 &t has a beautifu) ba)ance bet/een the practice and a)truism1 &t has a comprehensi,e content re'ardin' the 2no/)ed'e( action( socia) duties( /omen:s duties( re)i'ion and po)itics etc1 Ha,in' heard and ref)ected o,er Shrimad Bha'/ad( there remains nothin' to 2no/ then1 &n the present era the societ* has ne')ected the 2no/)ed'e( de,otion and spiritua)it*1 &t re'ards ph*sica) achie,ements as e,er*thin'1 Bha'/ad does not forbid or den* the ph*sica) achie,ements( but it 'i,es a messa'e to ac8uire a ba)anced ,ie/ for them4neither too much indifference nor too much indu)'ence1 TATHA!AT MADHAV TAVAKAH KVACH&T BHRASH+A!T& MAR3AT VAD& BADDH SAHR&DA&1 TVA+A BH&3U%TA V&CHARA!T& !&RBHA+A V&!A+AKA!&KA%AMURDHA SU%RABH$1 TAVAD RA3A DA+A! ST MASTAVAD KARA3R&HAM 3R&HAM TAVA!M$H$!DHR& !&3AD$ +AVAT KR&SH!A !A T 5A!AM1 Preface Created b* Maharshi Badra*an an epithet of Ved V*as Shrimad Bha'/ad Mahapuran is an immorta) herita'e of the /or)d:s ancient )iterature1 &t is no )ess than ambrosia1 Shrimad Bha'/ad is e8ua))*
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
honored b* the )earned ones( de,otees( sa'es and the metaph*sica) researchers1 Ta)es from the time of the be'innin' of creation to the %ra)a*a Kaa) -The 'reat de)u'e. ha,e been s2i))fu))* inter/o,en in Shrimad Bha'/ad1 Because of it:s uni8ue( dia)o'ue )i2e presentation st*)e( Shrimad Bha'/ad is an enc*c)opaedia in itse)f1 VADA!T& TATTATTVAV&DAH TATTVAM +A$3+A!AM DVA+AM # BRAH! T& %ARA MATM T& BHA3AVA !&T& SHABD+AT # 6ord Bha'/ad )itera))* means 3od or a2in to 3od1 A)) the ,irtues of 3od( therefore and e,en those of His de,otees are e9pressed b* this seemin')* simp)e /ord( Bha'/ad /hich has been transformed into an immorta) scripture b* Krishna1 V*asji: &DAM BHA3VATAM !AM %URA!AM BRAHMA SAMBH&TAM # UTTAM SH"$R CHAR&TAM CHAKAR BHA36A!ARASH&H ## Durin' the t/i)i'ht of D/apar +u'a( Maharashi Veda4V*as tau'ht this scripture to his son Shu2de,1 $ri'in of Shrimad Bha'/ad is e,en o)der1 &n the tradition of Shrimad Bha'/ad( 3od !ara*an himse)f narrated its content to Brahma1 Brahma narrated it to De,arshi !arad /ho preached it to Badra*an V*as1 V*as brou'ht it into scriptura) form and handed it to his son Shu2 De,1 Shu2de,( in his turn( preached Shrimad Bha'/ad to the 2in' %ari2shit and SUT5&1 Kin' %ari2shit died soon after hearin' it( /hi)e SUT5& narrated this scripture to the sa'es )i2e Shauna2 et a)1 in !emisharan*a durin' his thousand *ears sta* there1 %URA! SA!H&TAM TAMR&SH&R!ARA+A!$ AV+A+AM # !ARADA+ %URA %RAH KR&SH!DVA& %A+!A+ SAH ## SAVA& MAH+M MAHARA5 BHA3VA! BADRA+A!AH# &MAM Bha'/ad& %R&TAH SA!H&TAM V D SAMM&TM ## TAM VAKSHV+ASAV SUT R&SHT&BM+$ !A&M&SHA"A+ # D&R3HSATAR KURUSHR SHTH SAM%USHRAH SHUA!AKAD&BH&M## The 'reatest feature of Bha'/ad is that it i))ustrates the mutua) but eterna) re)ationship of the 5i,atma -microcosm. and %ramatma -the supreme sprit1. &t a)so i))ustrates the se)f)ess dedication of the de,otees and unconditiona) )o,e of 3od for His de,otees1 Thus it introduces one /ith onese)f and hence )eads him to sa),ation1 The author has beautifu))* /o,en the p)a*s of 3od into enticin' ta)es /ith the he)p of the *arns of 2no/)ed'e( de,otion and action: VASUD V BHA3VAT& BHAKT& +$3A %RA+$5&TAH # 5A!+AT+A SHUVA&RA3+AM 3+A!AM CHA +ADH TUKAM ## VAM %RASA!! MA!AS$ BHA36AD BHAKT&+$3ATAM # BHA3VATTA TTVA V&3+A!AM MUKT SA!3AS+ 5A+AT ## This stor* of 3od attracts the )earned ones )i2e Shi,( Sana2( Shu2 etc1 as much as it p)eases the common peop)e /ho are stric2en /ith man* 2inds of e,i)s1 &t is indeed a /ea)th for the )o,ers of Bha'/ad( de,otees and other re)i'ious peop)e1 TAV KATHAMR&TAM TA%T 5&VA!AM KAV&BH&R&D&TAM KA"M SHA%AHAM # SHRAVA! MA!3A"AM SHR&MADATATAM( BHUV&3A!AT&T BHUR&DA 5A!AM ##
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Hence( the e9ce))ent( easi)* a,ai)ab)e and simp)e means to 2no/ the se)f are recitin'( rememberin' and sin'in' in praise of "ord Krishna1 %aramatma -"ord. enters the heart of the de,oted )istener of Hari Charitra -,irtues of 3od. in ,erba) form and destro*s the b)emishes present there1 SA!K&RT+AMA!$ BHA36A!A!T$ SHR& TA!UBHAV$ V+ASA!AM H& %U!SHAM %RAV&SHTH CH&!TAM V&DHU !$T+SH SHAM +ATHA TAM$RK$ABHRA M&VAT&VATAH1 &t is c)ear( therefore( that /ithout resortin' to an* other difficu)t and m*sterious means( one can afford his /e)) bein' simp)* b* ta2in' refu'e at Bha'/ad1 &nstead( dedicatin' himse)f to 3od and rememberin' Him( one 'ets the )o,e of 3od in his mundane )ife1 Such an achie,ement is rare e,en for 'reat ascetics1 AH$AT&DHA!+A VRA5 3$RAMA!+AM STA!+AMR&TAM %&TMT! T AH$BHA3+AMAH$BHA3+ !A!D 3$R VRA5A&KSAM # +A!M&CHAM %ARMA!A!DAM %UR!AM BRAMHA SA!ATA!AM ##
11&1 0hapter 1 0his chapter contains &+ sub?sections'
8e meditate to that :aramatma (/upreme Being) who is the eternal truthO and who creates the universeF holds it and causes :ralaya' )e is the light independence and rom o knowledge in himsel ' )e causes illusions even or the most knowledgeous ones' YetF )e is ar beyond all the illusions' 1n /hrimad BhagwadF created by the great sage VyasaDiF 0here is a description o the supreme religionF which is ree rom desire' 0here is also a description o :aramatmatatva ( the metaphysical entity) that every pious people with holy spirit must know about' /hrimad Bhagwad is a delicious and relishing ruit o Vedas' Because o a touch o /hri /hukacharyaLs lipsF it is impregnated with bliss ul nectar' /oF as long as there is li e in his bodyF a devotee keeps on relishing this nectar o divine scripture' 1t is easily available right here on the earth itsel '
&='&'6 Lord Vishnu ! 0he /ource o All <reation Dri,en b* the desire( the Adipurush -primiti,e bein'. !ara*an too2 the he)p of his %ra2riti -nature:s fema)e creationa) force. and 'enerated himse)f in Chaturbhuj -four4armed. from1 And from His na,e) appeared "ord Brahma( the creator1 That form of 3od /as fu)) of pure truth and from the parts of His bod*( a)) the "o2as -/or)ds. 'ot e9tension1 Metaph*sicists sa/ the 3od /ith innumerab)e heads( e*es( arms and )e's1 That end)ess( eterna) Supreme Bein' /as the source of a)) the A,atars -incarnations. and from the parts of His bod* /ere created 3ods( human bein's( birds anima)s and a)) other creatures1 Drom the a'es( t/ent*4four incarnations of that Supreme bein'( )i2e Sana2adi Kumar( Varah( !arad( !ar4!ara*ana( Kapi)( Dattatre*a( Rishabhde,( %rithu( Mats*a( Kachchhap( Dhan,antari( Mohini( !arsinh( Vaman( %arshu Ram( V*as Shri Rama( Ba)arama( Krishna and Buddha ha,e appeared to 'uard the peop)e and to remo,e the burden from the earth( and to sa),e their de,otees and 'ent)emen1 SUT5& sa*s( F b)essed are those /ho ha,e unconditiona) )o,e for "ord Vasude,( the )ord of the uni,erse1 Such peop)e don:t fa)) a'ain and a'ain( in the c*c)es of )ife and death1 Bha'/ad Mahapuran is such a scripture in /hich the 'reat sa'e VedV*as describes the ho)* and pious ta)es of the 3od1 Dor the benefit of the peop)e( VedV*as compi)ed this 'reat scripture ta2in' e9tracts of a)) the Vedas( and other ancient treatises1 Readin'( hearin' or ref)ectin' on /hich( the human bein' inc)ines to de,otion and finds sa),ation1 SHR&MADBha'/adAM %URA!AMA MA"AM+A DVATSH!AVA!AM %R&+AM # +ASM&! %ARAM HA!S+A M KAMAMA"A" 3+A!AM %ARAM 3&+AT ## +ATRA 3+A! V&RA3 BHAKT& SAH&TAM !ASH KAMR+AMA V&SHHR&TAM # TACHCHHR&VA! V&%ATMA! V&CHARA! %AR$ BHAKT+A V&MUCH+ !!ARAH ## &='&'; 0he <reation and <ompilation o the :urana
/haunkDi askedF R 8hen that tale was compiled in scriptural ormF that was later on related by /hukdevDi' 8here was it createdN >or what purpose and by whose inspirationF that scripture was compiled and how did /hukdevDiF who was congenital wanderedF came to study this scriptureF and how he came to see the king :arikshitN 8hat discussion took place between themNR 8hat /%0#1 narrated to the sagesF orms the main body o the great scripture /hrimad Bhagwad'?
&='&'9 4aradDiAs Advice to Ved?Vyas !aradji to)d him that thou'h he had created 'reat epics( *et a)) of them )ac2 a de,otiona) description of 3od1 That /as /h* his sou) /as sti)) /rithin'1 !aradji a)so su''ested him to describe the ')or* of Hari( or neither his ,oice( nor his creation /ou)d e,er 'et pure1 De,arshi !arad then narrated the ta)e of 3od and the ')or* of His de,otees to V*asji and said( F$ 'reat sou)( )oo2 at the effect of de,otion and compan* of the pious peop)e that & ha,e become De,arshi from an ordinar* son of a maidF After the departure of !aradji( V*asji sat in meditation and e9perienced the i))usion that cau'ht the )ife1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
He a)so e9perienced de,otion1 Thus( his fresh e9perience )ed Ved,*asaji to create this 'reat scripture1 The ,irtues of 3od had such a stron' attraction that()ured b* them( e,en se)f4indu)'ent Shu2de,i ran bac2 from the jun')es to his father and pra*ed to )et him read that scripture1 HAR R3U!A KSH&%TMAT& BHA36A! VAD RA+A!&H # ADH+A3A! MHR&DAKH+A!AM T&T+AM V&SH!U 5A! %R&+AH ## %AR&!&SHTH&T$A%& !A&R3U!+ UTTAM SH"$K " "A+A # 3R&H T + TA RA5ARSH AKH+A!AM +AD DH&TVA! ## Because of their )in2 /ith "ord Shri Krishna( SUT5& narrates the stories of %amda,as( their hea,en)* departure( coronation of %ari2shit( his a)) round ,ictories etc1 as per their se8uences in Mahabharat1 He a)so narrates the episodes of Ash/atthama the son of 3uru Drona( /orship of 3od b* Kunti etc1 and mi'ration of "ord Krishna to D/ara2a1 &='&', King :arikshit encounters Kali Yuga
During his regimeF the king :arikshit got untoward reports that Kaliyug had entered within the limits o his otherwise peace ul kingdom' 8ith a huge armyF :arikshit at once setout to the spot where Kaliyug had arrived' (n the way he saw the religion and the earth in the guises o a bull and a cow respectively' 0he cow was in death?like conditionF while the bull was somehow dragging himsel on one leg only as its three legs were broken' )e also saw that a king?likeF but impolite man was beating them ruthlessly with a stick' >rom a distanceF the king :arikshit shouted at the manF RYou scoundrelF why are you beating such helpless creatures in my kingdomNR /aying thisF the king :arikshit drew his sword to kill the evil Kali' But the clever Kali ell at the eet o the king' >or Kali was now in the kingLs re ugeF he did not kill himF but ordered that being an assistant o irreligiousF he should at once leave the kingdom' Kali then askedF R ( king wherever 1 goF 1 ind you ready to kill me with you bow and arrow' You tell me where should 1 go and where should 1 liveNR 0he king allowed Kali to live in ive things?? gamblingF drinking o wineF company o womenF violence and the -old' /ince thenF Kali i'e' the dispute has had a continuos association with these ive things' )enceF anybody disirous o sel ?improvement must avoid these ive things which are governed by Kali'
&='&'&5/hukhdevDiAs Arrival At that moment the e,er4/anderin'( indifferent4natured sa'e Shu2de,ji a)so arri,ed there1 He /as se)f indu)'ent and free from the bonda'es of ashrams -phases of )ife.1 He /as then on)* si9teen *ears o)d but appeared 8uite radiant and 'racefu)1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
TATRA BHAVAD BHA3VA! V&AS %UTR$( +ADR&CHCHHA+A 3AMARMA!$ A!$+ SHAH # A"ASKH+"&!3$ !&5"ABHTUSHT$ VR&TASHCH BA"A&RAVADH$$T V SHAH ## SH+AMAM SADA+&CH+ VA+$A!3 "AKSHM+A( STR&!AM MA!$ 3+AM RUCH&R SM&T ! # %RAT+ATTH&TAST MA!U+AH S6AS! MTAH( TAT"AKSHA!A3+A A%& 3URH VARCH SAM ## Shu2de,ji /as an honorab)e fi'ure e,en for the sa'es /ho had 'athered there as 'ust themse),es1 Kin' %ari2shit forma))* /e)comed and /orshiped Shu2de,ji and offered him a comfortab)e seat1 Kin' %ari2shit then pra*ed to him( F $ sa'e( "ord Krishna is definite)* p)eased /ith me1 That:s /h* He has sent a 'reat sa'e )i2e *ou to sa),e a /retched person )i2e me1 So( $ Mahatma -the 'reat sou).( 2ind)* remo,e m* doubts and 'uide me re'ardin' the duties of a human4bein'E 6hat shou)d one ac8uire and /hat shou)d one dropEF
11&! 0hapter ! 0his chapter is very short ! containing only + sub?sections'
&='+'& <ontents o this <hapter Shri Shu2de,ji sa*s :$ Kin'( ordinar* peop)e )itera))* /aste their )i,es in pett* matters )i2e use)ess discussions( /orr*( s)eep and feedin' themse),es1 Those /ho /ish to con8uer their fears( $ %ari2shit( must )isten to( recite and remember the ta)es that depict the p)a*s of "ord Shri Krishna1 The human birth can be successfu) on)* if b* an* means one has a remembrance of 3od in his )ast moments1 A)) the scriptures a)so dictate the same doctrine: TASMAD BHARAT SARVATMA BHA36A!&SHVAS HAR&H ## SHR$TAV+AH K&RT& TAV+ASHCH SMARTAV +ASHCH CHCHHA TAMA+AM # TAVA! SHA!KH+ +$3ABH+AM S6ADHRM %AR&!&SHTHA+A # 5A!M "ABHAH %ARAH %U!SAMA!T !ARA+A! SMR&T&H ## TA!!!&RV& D+AMA!A !AM&CHCHH TAMKUT$BHA+AM # +$3&!AM !R&%A!&R!&TAM HAR R !A MA!UK&RTA!AM ## $ne shou)d remember the hu'e( macro as /e)) as micro form of the omnipresent 3od( and must not )on' for the ph*sica) objects1 Shu2de,ji then re,ea)ed the 2inds of Mu2ti -sa),ation. as to)d in Vedas and said: :$ Kin'( there is no other /a* as beneficia) as the means to achie,e the affectionate de,otion of "ord Vasude,1 Hence( e,er* human bein' must in a)) circumstances( use his mi'ht in )istenin' to( recitin' and rememberin' the name of "ord Shrihari1 TASMAT SARVATMA!A RA5A! HAR&H SARVATR SARVADA # SHR$TAV+AH K&RT&TAV+ASHCH SMARTA!+$ BHA36A!!R&!AM## Thou'h as per the interest( nature( and the desires of different peop)e( and p)eased b* their /orship( man* 'ods ob)i'e their de,otees /ithin their po/ers1 But materia)iBation of mundane desires of the innocent peop)e has disastrous conse8uences1 "earned peop)e( therefore( /hether the* ha,e or ha,en:t an* desire( /orship %urushottam 3od /ith fer,ent de,otion1 AKAMAH SARUKAM$ VA M$KSHKAM UDARDH&H # T&UR ! BHAKT& +$3 ! +A5 T %URUSHAM %ARAM ##
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&='+'+ <reation o the 8orld The 2in' %ari2shit fe)t e9treme p)easure /hen Shu2de,ji satisfied his 8ueries1 He then be'an to fee) submer'ed in the stream of Bha'/ad Katha -ta)e of the 3od.1 His se)fish /orries re'ardin' his o/n benefits e9isted no more1 He insisted a'ain: $ Brahmin( no/ 2ind)* e9p)ain ho/ does the 3od create the uni,erse out of i))usions1 Ho/ does He preser,e the uni,erseE Ho/ does He destro* itE At the instance of the 2in'( Shu2de,ji contemp)ated on the 3od and presented the dia)o'ue of Brahma and !arad that i))ustrates the Maitre*a nature of the creation1 Brahamaji had preached !arad that because of %aramatma:s -Supreme Bein'. desire of creation( this uni,erse into e9istence from the primiti,e e)ements1 "ord Brahma a)so to)d that after creatin' the uni,erse 3od himse)f entered it1 Hence( the /ho)e uni,erse is a manifestation of 3od:s infinite appearance1 His ,irtues can not be counted1 But( to sho/ his presence( !ara*an ta2es ,arious incarnations and appears on earth time and a'ain1 Mere)*( b* )istenin' to ,arious beautifu) and enticin' p)a*s of 3od( the mind( ,oice( thou'hts and the sou) of a human bein' become ho)*1 %RAV&SHTHAH KAR! RA! DHR ! S6A!AM BHAV SAR$RUHAM # DHU!$T& SHAMA"AM KR&SH! SA"&"AS+ +ATHA SHARAT ## %ari2shit a'ain put forth man* ne/ 8ueries re'ardin' creation1 Shu2de,ji re)ated the e,ents )i2e emer'ence of Brahamji on a )otus that cropped up from the na,e) of "ord Vishnu( si'htin' of "ord Vishnu:s abode b* "ord Brahma( preachin' of Bha'/ad to "ord Brahma b* "ord Vishnu and Dash)a2shan -ten indents. of Bha'/ad etc1
A0) /A"-(V1/A"-A/)<) /0)A4A* :(/)4A*%0AYA) S *A4VA40A". /)A4%KA0)A 41"(D)( *%K01"A/)"AYA) SS DA/)A*A/Y V1/)%DDAYA"0)A* 4AVA4A*1* LAK/)A4A* S
&='3'+ Vidur warns Dhritarashtra Shri Shu2de,ji sa*s( F$ %ari2shit( Vidurji deserted his home)* comforts and )u9uries because he had to protest a'ainst injustice1F 6hen( after )osin' in the 'ame of dice( the %anda,as successfu))* passed the period of their e9i)e and sta* in 'uise( and /ere denied e,en then of their ri'htfu) share in the 2in'dom( Vidurji /as summoned for consu)tations1 Vidurji had then su''ested Dhritrashtra thus F$ 2in'( if *ou /ish to sa,e *our fami)*( *ou p)ease abandon Dur*odhan /ho is an embodiment of a)) the e,i)s1 He is jea)ous of none other than "ord Krishna1 That is /h* *ou are 'ettin' du)) da* b* da* and )oosin' *our radiance1F These /ords infuriated Dur*odhan so much so that he be'an to abusi,e)* insu)t Vidurji1 But( Vidurji didn:t mind his /ords e,en thou'h he fe)t serious)* hurt at heart1 Acceptin' his insu)t as a p)a* of 3od( Vidurji si)ent)* )eft Hastinapur and /ent on a pi)'rima'e1 3AM %AR+ATA! + DH+AV&V&KTVR&T&H # SADA%"UT$ADHAH SHA+A!$AVADHUTAH ## A"AKSH&TAH SVA&RAVDHUT V SH$ # VRATA!& CH R HAR&T$SHA!A!& ##
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&='3'6 Vidur meets *aitrey The pious Vidurji respectfu))* 'reeted the sa'e Maitre*a and said( F$ )ord( the peop)e in this /or)d perform ,arious actions /ith a desire to ha,e p)easure1 But neither do the* 'et p)easure nor is their sorro/ remo,ed1 Their sorro/ increases instead1 6hat is 'ood then( is this conte9tE SUKMA+ KARMA!& KAR$T& "$K # !A TA&H SUKMAM VA!+ADU%ARAMA! VA ## V&!D TMU+AS TAT $ VAM DUKHAM # +ADATR +UKTAM BHA36A! VAD !!AM ## $ 'reat amon' the sa'es( 2ind)* preach me the /a* to peace( fo))o/in' /hich( one meets the 3od /ho then ta2es abode in the heart of his de,otee and insti))s in him the Santan 3*an -eterna) 2no/)ed'e. that )ets the de,otee fee) the direct presence of Him1 TAT SADHU VAR+AD&SH VARTM SHAM !AH( SAMRADH&T$ BHA36A! + ! %U!SAM ## HR&DSTH&T$ +ACHCHHAT& BHAKT& %UT ( 3+A!AM SATA TVADH& 3AMAM %URA!AM ## Thus as2ed /ith de,otion b* Vidurji( Mahatma Maitre*a i))uminated the ')or* of 3od and other e,ents )i2e creation of uni,erse b* i))usion and ori'in of co)ossus bod*( and said: !o one can measure the eterna) ')or* of 3od and the i))usions created b* Him1 &n the be'innin' 3od created the primiti,e e)ements and the f)a/s associated /ith them1 Then he created the co)ossus uni,erse and entered it1 &='3'; Description o &5 8ays o <reation by *aitrey
&' By the inspiration o -od and because o imbalance in pious virtuesF creation o *ahattatva (the soul) was the irst (*ahattatva the soul)' +' >rom *ahattatva (the soul) originates Ahankaar (the ego) which generates ive primitive elements (the earthF the ireF the airF the water and the ether)F sense organs and motor organs' 3' -roup o 0anmatras (the subtle orms o matter) that generate the ive maDor elementsF is the third creation' 6' <reation o organs that have the power o sensing and moving is the ourth creation' ;' <reation o the mind that governs the senses and was appeared rom egoF is the i th creation' =' Appearance o mind and the illusions that misguide itF is the siHth creation' 9' 0he above mentioned siH creations are known as natural creations also' <reatures other than these siH have no power o knowledgeF they can eHperience the touch only' 0hese creatures like trees and other vegetables are known as the seventh creation' ,' .ighth creation is o the birds and animals'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
2' 4inth creation is o those human beings who seek pleasure in action and luHuries which are in act the cause o sorrow' &5' 0enth creation is o the great sages like /anatkumar etc' 0hus at the beginning o the KalpF -od the creator used "aDogunas (royal virtues) to create himsel in the orm o the universe'
Maitre*aji sa*s( F This /ho)e creation is a manifestation of the p)a*s of 3od1 That omnipotent 3od created the uni,erse just b* His /ish and for the sa2e of His p)a*1 Dor the e9tension of the creation( "ord Brahma /ished and create four sons4Sana2( Sanandan( Sanatan and Sanat2umar1
Thereafter( /ith a desire to create /or)d( "ord Brahma ordered them to produce popu)ation1 But "ord Brahma:s sons had no interest in /ordi)* affairs1 "ord Brahma therefore cursed them to remain in chi)dren:s form for e,er1 Then from "ord Brahma:s e*ebro/s appeared a bab*( b)ue4red in co)or1 The bab* appeared in e)e,en forms and be'an to cr* immediate)* after his arri,a)1 "ord Brahma conso)ed himA FDon:t cr* m* son( *ou /i)) be named as Rundra1F So the e)e,en forms of the bab* came to be 2no/n as e)e,en Rundras1 Rundranis -fema)e Rundra. /ere a)so created1 Drom Tamas %ra2riti -ma)i'nant nature. Rundra created the 'hosts( the spoo2s( the spectres( the de,i)s( )amias etc1 Afraid b* their appearances( "ord Brahma pra*ed Rudra( F $ Mahade,( p)ease stop creatin' such formidab)e or'anisms1 The* are a)read* enou'h in number1 !o/( *ou p)ease underta2e penance to comfort a)) the creatures1F Thereafter( "ord Brahma created ten more sons4Marichi( Bhri'u( Kratu( %u)ah( %u)ats*a( An'ira( Atri( Vashishtha( Da2sh and !arad1 !ine out of them too2 permission for the creation of their offsprin's( but !arad accepted ce)ibac* and reso),ed to preach Bha'/ad bha2ti -de,otion for 3od1. Dor the continuation of the creation( "ord himse)f appeared as a fema)e from the )eft hand and as a ma)e from the ri'ht hand of "ord Brahma1 Those ma)es and fema)es forms /ere named Manu and Shatarupa respecti,e)*1 The* /ere the first in the /ho)e creation to copu)ate and brin' about se9ua) reproduction1 The* be'ot t/o sons4 %ri*,rat and Uttanapad( and three dau'hters4 De,huti( A2uti and %rasuti1 As the primiti,e 2in'( Manu /as the fosterer of the earth1 B* then a demon named Hiran*a2sh abducted the earth and hid it under the ab*ssima) depth of the ocean( causin' /orries for "ord Brahma1 &nstant)* "ord appeared himse)f in Varah -boar. incarnation and to do a/a* /ith "ord Brahma:s /orries( He at once entered the depth of the ocean and rescued the earth on His )on' teeth1 $n the /a* the "ord had an encounter /ith Hiran*a2sh and 2i))ed the demon /ith His /hee)1
*aitreyaK says )iranyaksh represented anger' 0hose who donLt want to discharge their dutiesF but still wish to live with all the com orts are abductors o others wealth' /uch peopleF who continuously inter ere with eMual distribution o wealthF must be condemned as the demons' (n the origin o the demonsF *aitreya cryptic saidF once DitiF the wi e *aharshi KashyapF eHpressed her desire to conceive' *aharshi Kashyap tried to disuade her that time was not suitable or an auspicious Dob like conception' But Diti kept on insisting and orced her husband shamelessly to assist her in the process' <onseMuently she conceived during the dusk' KashyapDi cautioned her Ryou will give birth to the demons'R And with the arrival o the demons in DitiLs wombF nature began to mani est hersel adversely' 0here was terror and amine all aroundF and darkness prevailed even during dayF with stars appearing in the sky' >rightened by these mani estationsF the gods asked Lord Brahma about the reason o all those disturbances' Lord Brahma in ormed them that two dread demons were to take birth rom Diti' 0hose two demonsF told Lord BrahmaF were the two gatekeepers?? #ay?ViDayF o the LordLs abode' (nceF /anakadi Kumar had gone to Vaikunthdham (the abode o -od) to see -od but those two gatekeepers didnLt let them in' /anakadi tried thriceF but only to be stymied every time by those two
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
gatekeepers at the gates' )enceF /anakadi Kumar cursed them to take birth on earth as demons' 0hose two gatekeepers o the -odLs abode #ay?ViDay appeared irst as )iranyakashipu and )iranyakshaF second time as "avan and Kumbhkuran and third time as Duntvakra and /hishupal'
&='3'9 Lord Kapil Married )ife of Kardam and De,huti is a )esson for a)) the ci,i)iBed coup)es of the /or)d1 Abidin' to the )imits of human beha,iour in married )ife is a 'uarantee for the /e))bein' of the coup)e1 6ithout re)i'ion and mora)it*( a man is not more than an anima)1 Kardam and De,huti fo))o/ed strict ru)es to /e)come the arri,a) of eterna) 3od1 Thus( in due time( 3od appeared as their son1 6ith His arri,a) the 'ods sho/ered f)o/ers1 "ord Brahma a)on'/ith his sons /e)comed the 3od and said :$ pious dau'hter of Manu( Shri Hari has arri,ed as *our son1 He /i)) destro* the )ust( and i))usion and /i)) preach his o/n phi)osoph*1 He /i)) be 2no/n in the /or)d as Kapi)1 SH MA!V&T 3ARBH %RAV&SHTAH KA&V MARDA!AH # AV&D+A SA!SHA +A 3RA!TH& CHH&TVA 3AMV&CHAR&SH+AT& ## A+AM S&DDH 3A!ADH&SHAH SHA!KH+ACHAR+$H SUSAMMATAH # "$K KA%&" &T+A KH+AM 3A!TAT K&RT& VARDHA!AH ## 6orshipin' the )ord Kapi)( sa'e Kardam said :$ )ord( b* *our 'race( &:m free no/ from a)) the three ob)i'ations and a)) m* desires are no/ 'ranted1: 6ith these /ords( Kardam too2 to asceticism1 &='3', Lord Kapil :reaches *etaphysical Knowledge to Devhuti Mata De,huti pra*ed )ord Kapi) to preach the /a* for the benefaction of the sou)( /hich is attached /ith ephimera) bod*1 "ord said :$ mother( Adha*atma +o'a -spiritua) conju'ation. is the main /a* of benefaction for the human bein's1 6ith de,otion for me( sou) becomes se)f42no/in'1 Tota) de,otion of the sou) in m* form and ,irtues and )istenin' m* ta)es( unmista2ab)* sho/ de,otion1 This )eads to an inseparab)e rapport bet/een m* de,otee and me1 This is the 'reatest benefaction for the humans1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
TAVA! V "$K ASM&! %U!SAM !&SHR + S$DA+AH # T&VR ! BHAKT& +$3 ! MA!$MAR+AR%&TAM STH&RAM ## The /or)d is )i2e an ocean of death and & cause sa),ation of those /ho 'i,e up a)) their )usts and recite m* name /ith fer,ent de,otion1 This /ho)e nature has different forms( but it is ephimera) and constant)* chan'in'1 &t has t/ent*4four di,isions4fi,e major e)ements -ether( air( fire( /ater and earth.0 fi,e sou)s -sound( touch( appearance( f)uid and sme)).0 fi,e sense or'ans -e*es( nose( ears( ton'ue and s2in.0 fi,e motor or'ans -mouth( hands( )e's( penis and bones. and mind( inte))i'ence( conscience and e'o1 That omnipresent %urush -an epithet of 3od. ,o)untari)* accepted %ra2riti -an epithet for fema)e force.1 Drom her ,arious ,irtues( %ra2riti created ,arious creatures that corresponded e9act)* to the ,irtues that caused their creation1 &n the mess( the mant)e that co,ered the 2no/)ed'e a)so caused i))usion for the 5i,atma -microcosm of omnipotent spirit. /hich thus for'ot his ori'ina) appearance1
0he creature then began to assume the nature as a re lection o his own appearance?? though she is di erent rom and opposite to him?? and himsel as the doer' /uch an ego regarding ones duties leads to his entanglement in the cycles o li e and death' Di erentiating between the :rakriti and :urush and eHperiencing their real appearances respectivelyF introspecting sages have had a sight o the /upreme Being through their conscience and achieve the unparrlel Brahma :ada' Lord Kapil saysF R0hrough the union o the sperm and the ovumF the human body appears as a lump in the womb' )is body orms completely within siH months' /ense organs develop therea ter' 0wenty i th elementF the soulF then enters the human body' 8ith thatF the body begins to eHperience hunger and thirst' 0hen su ering with many kinds o desiresF the microcosm prays me to save him rom the tortures o staying in the womb' 1 present him with a sight o me in his heart' 1t then takes birth because o my grace' But as soon as it appears on the earh the human being begins to orget me' /tillF 1 present him with my sight or two to three months moreF when he begins to laugh' But people arooound him think that he is laughing or his mother' 4obody reminds him o me in his childhood' Youth o a human being passes in utile activities' 1n old ageF his organs begin to ail and a human being inds himsel unable to recite my name' 0husF the whole li e o a human being Dust passes in the illusion o L1LF LmeL and LmyL and he reaches his last stageF and begins to realiCe his mistake' But then it is usually too late or him to do anything or his bene action' 1 he has done any good deed in li eF he may meet ortuneF but without a devotion or meF no one can be happy' (nly when the soul comes in my re ugeF he gets ree rom the bondages o li e and death' *aitre saysF ( VidurF therea ter Devhuti concentrated her mind in the divine appearance o /hri )ariF as presented by Lord Kapil' At onceF she got ree rom all the su erings' /he got a sight o -od in her conscience and her body trans ormed into a holy river' 0he place where *ata Devhuti received salvation is still known as /iddhi :ada' 1t is a renowned place o pilgrimage'
world' -ati was the wi e o :ulah' 0hey begot three sons KarmshreshthaF Variyan and /ahishnu' :leased by the penance o Ansuya and AtriF the 0ridevas (trinity o BrahmaF Vishnu and Lord /hiva) sent their parts as the sons to the hermit couple' Among them <handrama appeared rom BrahmaLs partF Dattatreya rom Vishnus part and sage Durvasa appeared rom Lord /hivaLs part' 0o /hardha and Angira were born our daughters? /imivaliF KuhuF "aka and Anumati' 0hey begot two sons also? %tathya and Brihaspati' )avirbhu was married to :ulastya' 0hey begot two sons? Agastya and Vishrava' 1n later courseF sage Vishrava produced YakshraD Kuber rom 1dvidaF while his second wi e Keshini gave birth to "avanF Kumbhkaran and Vibhishan' Vashishth and his wi e Arundhati begot seven Bramarishis like <hitraketu' /age Atharva and his wi e <hitti begot a son 0aponishth' -eat sage Bhrigu and his wi e Khyati begot two sons? Dhata and VidhataF and a daughter? /hri' *anuLs third daughter :rasuti was married to DakshF the son o Lord Brahma' /he got siHteen daughters' Daksh married thirteen o them to Dharm' ( the remaining three daughtersF one was married to AgniF one to :itrgana and one to Lord Lord /hiva' /hraddhaF *aitriF DayaF /hantiF 0ushtiF :ushtiF KriyaF %nnatiF BuddhiF *edhaF 0itikshaF )ree and *urti are the wives o Dharma' ( these *urti begot the sages 4ar?4arayan' /waha the wi e o Agni begot three sons? :avakF :awaman and /huchi' 0wo daughters were born to /wadha the wi e o :itrganas' 0hey were named Dharini and Vayuna' 0hese both daughters were Brahma vadinis (eHpounders o vedas') /atiF the youngest daughter o Daksh and wi e o *ahadevF however could not begot any o spring because she had committed immolation in her youth as a protest against her atherLs misbehaviour with her husband *ahadev'
1n actF /ati had a logical mindF while Lord /hiva gave more weightage to aith than logic' /ati even had a doubt regarding -odLs incarnation as Lord "amaF that how could :arbrahma :armatmaF who is the ather o allF be a son o any human being' *oreoverF how could the /upreme Being be in so much sorrow because o his wi eLs separation' Lord /hiva and /atiF there oreF had a sight o Lord "ama in eHile' Lord /hiva silently saluted Lord "amaLs appearanceF while /ati decided to give "ama a test' /o taking a guise o /itaF /ati appeared be ore "ama' Lord "ama knew everything so he regarded her as /ati' )e also showed her some o )is glories' 4ow /ati had irm belie in Lord "ama' /he returned to Lord /hiva and gave her verdict that Lord "ama was indeed an incarnation o supreme Being' But Lord /hiva was much disturbed by /ati because o her taking the guise o /ita' Lord /hiva hadF there oreF acMuired an indi erent stance towards /ati' 0hus she was eeling anguished by Lord /hivaLs behaviour' )ence she prayed silentlyK L( LordF may my body be destroyed soonF as this body is not able to serve Lord /hivaL )enceF when she heard about the grand east organised by her atherF in abDect violation o her husbandLs dictateF /ati got ready to attend the east' Lord /hiva too sent her with a lot o gi ts and servants' 0here at DakshLs palace /ati ound that all were ignoring her because o her atherLs ear'.ven her sisters laughed at her or coming alone' 1n allF /ati ound nothing avourable in her atherLs home' (nly her mother welcomed her that too in isolation' 1ndignantF /ati went straight to the Yagya *andap (canopy or per orming oblation) and ound that no seat had been allotted there or Lord /hiva' 8ith anger she saidO L.ven the mere name o Lord /hiva is enough to destroy all the sins o the humans' 4o one can violate )is dictate' And youF ( atherF eel Dealous o such an auspicious igureF holyF Lord Lord /hivaF who is soul o every living being' 1 am ashamed o having this body produced rom an opponent o Lord /hivaF like you'L /aying these wordsF /ati threw hersel in the lames o Yagyagni(the ire o the Yagya) 0herea terF Lord /hivaLs ganas (servers) destroyed the Yagya' 0hey beheaded Daksh and dropped his head in the altar' (ther gods and the sages were also punished or showing disrespect or Lord /hiva' %ltimatelyF Lord BrahmaF accompanied by the godsF went to Kailash and paci ied Lord Lord /hiva' Ashutosh Lord /hiva granted them a boon to carry the Yagya to completion' 1n her neHt birthF /ati was born in the home o )imalayas' /he was named as :arvati' /oberF coolF and an idol o aithF *ata :arvati dedicated hersel ully to Lord Lord /hiva' 4arad gave her a talisman to get Lord /hiva as her husband' Lord 4arayan himsel reMuested Lord /hiva to accept :arvati as his wi e' Lord /hiva accepted to get married with :arvati' 0husF through hard penanceF *ata :arvati got Lord /hiva as her husband' 1n due course the auspicious marriage o *ata :arvati with Lord /hiva took place'
or the others' 0hose who cause sorrow or othersF have to ace the outcome themselves one day' Your stepmother is right' You have been born to me' .ven thenF i you wish to be enthroned like the prince %ttamF give up your Dealousy and start worshipping Lord 4arayan' .ven youLre grand ather *anu and great grand ather Lord Brahma worshipped him' (nly Lord 4arayan can remove your sorrow'L *otherLs words shook the conscience o Dhruv' )e at once set out with irm determination to please /hri )ari by penance' Leaving the townF while going in search o solitude he met devarshi 4arad in the way' Dhruv respect ully greeted 4arad' 4arad lovingly caressed his head and tried to test his determination' 4arad tried everything to convince Dhruv to send him back to his homeF but he ailed to shake the irm determination o the boy' 0hen with kindnessF 4arad preached Dhruv about LordLs appearance and gave him a mantra' 0husF 4aradDi per ormed his duty as -uru and blessing DhruvF he disappeared' Dhruv arrived in *adhuvan and took a seat under a Kadamb (<adamba) tree on the bank o the river Yamuna' 0here he began to recite the mantra and meditation' During the irst month he ate roots and tubers' 1n the second month he ate dried leaves' During the third month he managed with YamunaLs water' During the ourth month he sustained himsel on the air only' Dhruv even stopped breathing' 4owF standing on one leg onlyF he was ully concentrated in Lord Vasudev' At the moment when Dhruv stopped breathing and concentrated in :arbrahmaF all the three worlds shook with ear' All the gods ran to the re uge o Lord' Because o stopping o breath all the organisms stood still'Assuring them not to be a raidF Lord arrived in *adhuvan to see )is beloved devotee Dhruv' /eeing the Lord )imsel arrived be ore himF DhruvLs eyes illed with tears' )e saidF R ( LordF 1 donLt know how to worship you'R Lord touched his cheek with )is conch' 8ith thatF Dhruv came to realiCe the glory o -od' 8ith complete devotion and olded handsF he worshiped /hri )ariK R1 salute to such an omnipotentF omnipresent and all knowing LordF whose power is present in everybodyF and who entering my heart revived my speech'R :leased by his prayer Lord stroked DhruvLs head and saidF R Your desire shall materialiCe' A ter enDoying your kingdomF you shall come to my abode which is ar above the /aptrishisN 0hen by -odLs permissionF Dhruv returned to his atherLs palace' 0here he was given a grand welcome' .veryone wants to be kind with the one who has -odLs graceF his ather handed him the kingdom o the entire earth' )is brotherF %ttam had gone to the orest or hunting where the Yakshas killed him' 1ndignant by his brotherLs deathF Dhruv at once launched an attack on the Yakshas' But his grand ather consoled him that the devotees o -od donLt long or revenge' 0herea ter Dhruv ruled the earth or a period o thirty?siH thousand years' .ven death bowed be ore him' 1ndeedF the devotees o -od have no ear o death' 0he death ears them on the contrary'
ended because o the sins o the king Ven' 4owF 1Lm present be ore you in the orm o a cow' 4owF you please eHploit me ully to make everybody happy'R King :rithu resolved then and there to per orm a hundred Ashvmedh Yagyas' )is ninety?nine Yagyas completed unabatedly' But during the hundredth YagyaF 1ndra kidnapped the horse deceit ully' 1ndra had himsel per ormed one?hundred Ashvmedh Yagyas' )e could not tolerate anybody eMualing himF or then the per ormer would have eMual claim on 1ndraasana (the seat o 1ndra') :rithuLs son was ViDitashva' )e had seen 1ndra stealing the horse deceit ully' )e even chased 1ndra or some distanceF but 1ndra trans ormed himsel into a hermit' /omehowF the oblation completedF and -od appeared and asked the king to seek a Boon' King :rithu beggedF R ( LordF my soul remains unsatiated by your tales' /o i you are pleased with meF kindly give me a hearing eMual to the hearings o ten thousand ears'R /anakadiks preached knowledge to the king :rithu' 0herea terF ostering his subDects religiouslyF king :rithu ruled the earth or thousand years' During the ruleF kingLs popularity spread in leaps and bounds' At last he got the supreme position o god'R 0hus narrating the tale o :rithuF *aitrey says to VidurK Lthose who listen to this tale o :rithuF that shows the glory o -odF get a strong a ection or -od and receive salvation ultimatelyF like :rithu'L
select any one o them' A ter sorting lakhs o cities the microcosm selects a city like the human body' 0hat city has a lake in the center?the belly rom where the whole city is controlled' Again it has nine gates?two eyesF two nostrilsF one mouthF two earsF one reproductive organ and one anus' 1t is such a highwayF treading which no one returns' 1t has two courtiers? mind and ego' 0he living being passes his li e caught between them' Bueen :uranDani is the intellect in this body' Because o this intellect or non?knowledge the living being or microcosm begins to eel in terms o L1LF L*yL and L*eL or his body and organs' All the ten organs are his riendsF through which the living being eHperiences the sensation and per orms action' 1nclinations o the organs are his riends' All the ive :ranas (breaths) are the ive?hooded serpent that guards the body' (ld age is Kaal Kanya who launches an attack on the city (human body)' /hoka and *oha (sorrow and attachment) are the two brothers o Kaal Kanya' Kaal Kanya is married to <handveg who is also known as Varsh (year)' 1t has three hundered and siHty -andharvas (the days o the year)' 0welve months are his twelve commanders and seven days are the ministers' 0hey all together plunder the human body like the city o :uranDan' 0husF covered by Agyan (non?knowledge)F the living beingF which has a great pride on his bodyF virtually wastes his li e su ering di erent kinds o pains' >rom this mystical preaching :rachinbarhis inclination or Vedic Karmkands (action) and temptation or mundane luHuries were removed' By the grace o Devarshi 4aradF the king got a perception o -od and living being' )e at once abdicated his attachment or the body and concentrated his mind in -od'
the palanMuin properly' DonLt you know that your master is riding in itN 8aitF 1Lll teach you a lesson'R #ada Bharat stood earlessly' 0he king was stunned to see him' 1t was then that #ada Bharat opened his mouth to utter is irst words' )e elt that he had carried the king on his shouldersF and though the king was a haughty manF L'''but my li e will be a sheer wastage i 1 donLt preach the king a way to salvation'''L /o with a desire o bene iting the king #ada Bharat saidF R ( kingF li e and deathF strength and weakness are the virtues o the body' But the soul is sinless' 1 have put all my burden on the shoulders o the -od' You too have great burden on your head' Lord o everyone is one' .ven your senses are not in your control how then will you control your subDectsN ( king only knowledge is the orm o the soul' By knowledge alone you can recogniCe the soul' %nion with one homogenous and holy /upreme Being is the true introspection' But as long as you donLt bear the dust o great menLs eet on your headF you will not recogniCe the -od' )earing these wordsF the king "ahungana ell at the eet o #ada Bharat and begged his pardon' #ada Bharat then preached the king about the metaphysical knowledge' RListening to the tales o the -od continuously is the only way to concentrate oneLs mind in /hri )ari' 1n my previous birth' 1 was the king o Bharatvarsh' But because o my attachment or a deerF 1 was deviated rom the path o supreme knowledge' )enceF 1 had to take birth in deer orm' But by the grace o Lord KrishnaF memory o my previous birth persisted in a deer incarnation also' /o in my present birth 1 pre er to stay away rom the people and wander secretly' /oF rom now on drop your attachments and start reciting -odLs name' By the virtues o )is tale alone you will easily get )im' ( KingF the body is like a merchantF who is roaming on the earth borrowing this wealth o age' 1t has lost its wealth in useless worldly a airs' (ne?day arrow o the Kaal will snatch everything rom it' /oF the human being must utilise their invaluable moments in the training o the supreme knowledge'R
/halmalidweepK ? #ust double in eHtent than :lukshddweepF is /halmalidweep' 1t has a maDority o /halmali (silk cotton) treesF which comprise the abode o -arudF the King o the birds' :riyvrataLs son Yagyabahu was the ruler o this island' )e too made seven divisions in the island as per his sons? /urochamF DevvarshF :aribhadraF "amanakF /aumanasyaF Apyayan and Avigyat' 0his island too has seven mountains and seven rivers' >our classes o people inhabite this island' 0hey worship Vedmay <handrama (the moon with vedas) 0his island is surrounded by a sea o wine' KushdweepK ? 0his island is surrounded by a sea o the -hee' 1t has an eHtent o eight YoDansF and a maDority o Kush shrubs' >rom the light o their tipsF Kush shrubs illuminate this island' :riyvrataLs son )iranyarata was the ruler o this island' Dividing the island into seven divisionsF he too appointed his seven sons as the ruler o each o these divisions' 0hese divisions are? VasuF VasuddanaF DrirhruchiF 4abhiguptaF /tutyavrataF Vivikt and Vamaddev' :eople o Kushdweep worship the ire' KraunchdweepK ? 8ith an eHtent o siHteen lakh YoDanF Kraunchdweep is surrounded by the sea o milk' 0here is a gigantic mountain named Kraunch on the dweep' A ter this mountain the island is known as Kraunchdweep' :riyvrataLs sonF King -hritprishtha was the ruler o this island' )e too divided the island into seven divisions and distributed them between his seven sonsF one to each son' 0he names o these seven sons are? AamF *adhuruhF *eghprishthF /udhamaF *raDishthF Lohitarn and Vanaspati' 1nhabitants o the island worship Varundev (4eptune) the lord o water' /hakadweepK ? /urrounded by the sea o whey is /hakadweep with an eHtent o thirty?two lakh YoDans' 1t has a huge tree o /hakaF hence its name' 8ith a sweet ragrance o this treeF the whole island emits a pleasant scent' 0he ruler o this islandF *edhatithi was also a son o :riyvrata' )e too had seven sons? :uroDavF *anoDavF :awamanaF DhumranikF <hitrare F Bahurup and Vishwdhar' 0hey were made the rulers o the seven divisions o the island' :eople o the island use :ranayama to weaken their "aDoguna and 0amogunaF and worship )ari (Vishnu) in Vayu( orm) through meditation' :ushkardweepK ? :ushkardweep has an eHtent o siHty? our YoDans' 1t is surrounded by a sea o sweet water' 0here is present a huge lotus lower with a millionF golden petals' 0his lotus is regarded as a seat o Brahma' :riyvrataLs son Vitihotra was the ruler o this island' )e divided the island into two divisionsF and made his sons "amanak and Dhataki the rulers o these divisions' 1nhabitants o this island worship Brahma appearance o /hrihari (Vishnu)'
(nceF a group o *ahatmas(ascetics)came to the town' :eople greeted and o ered them with edible items' ButFthe ascetics re used to accept anything' 0hey said that they would accept the ood only rom the household where holy ood is cooked or the Lord' 1rritated people showed the ascetics the way to ADamilLs home' >rom ADamilF the ascetics accepted the alms and themselves cooked the oodF and o ered it to -od and ate themselves' 4ow the heart o ADamil and his wi e were illed with eHpiation' 0he ascetics wished to cause some bene it or ADamil' 0hey said to himF R1 you get a son nowF please name him 4arayana' Ascetics words did materialiCe and ADamil got one more sonF the tenth one' As per ascetics adviceF ADamil named him 4arayana' Being the youngest sonF 4arayana was very dear to ADamil' )e used to remember 4arayana always' .verything was passing as usualF when the time o ADamilLs departure arrived suddenly one day' Yamadutas (agents o Yama?the -od o death) began to take him or his last Dourney' 4ot seeing his youngest son 4arayana be ore himF ADamil began to call out loudlyK L4arayana?4arayana'L )earing the callsF servers o Lord Vishnu too arrived their and challenged Yamadutas' 0he rightened Yamadutas saidF R 8e are the servants o DharmraD' 8hy are you stopping usNR /ervers o Lord Vishnu saidF R1 you are the servants o DharmaraD de ine Dharma (religion) then'R Yamadutas saidF RActions dictated by Vedas are Dharma (religion) in true senseF and the actions orbidden by Vedas are Adharma (irreligious) and Veda is 4arayana )imsel 'R 0he servers saidF RYouLre unaware o :aram Dharma (/upreme religion)' 0his sinner has called out the name o -odF so his sinsF rom the past crores o birthsF have been washed away' 4ow he is no more a sinner' 8ise men say that recitation o -odLs name by any means? as a name o someone elseF in derision or derogation? automatically does away with all the sins' 0his is the bounty o -odLs name that a mere remembrance o it? whether wittingly or unwittinglyF does destroy all sins'R )earing this dialogueF ADamil awakenedF as i rom a long slumber' Yamdutas had returned to Yamaloka by then' ButF the abDect sinner ADamil had recovered rom the snare o death' 8ithout losing a momentF ADamil went to the banks o the -anges' 0hereF drinking the holy water o the -anges he le t his body and went and ound a place in Vaikunth Loka?the abode o Lord Vishnu'
there' :leased by his penance -od appeared be ore him' By the permission o -odF Daksh :raDapati married with Ashinki the daughter o :anchama :raDapati' >rom Ashinki Daksh got ten thousand sons named )aryashva' 1n due course Daksh asked his sons to reproduce' But instead o reproducing they all reached 4arayana /arovar on the banks o the river /indhu (1ndus) to a place o :ilgrimage' Besalved by the preaching o 4arad about Bhagwad Dharma' Daksh again produced one thousand sons named /havlashva and asked them to reproduce' But they too ollowed the ootsteps o their elder brothersF and took no interest in worldly a airs' 4arad preached them also about Bhagwad Dharma' 8hen Daksh came to realiCe that 4arad had converted his sons into ascetics by his preaching he angrily cursed 4arad to be a wanderer or ever with nowhere a place to stay on' 4arad accepted DakshaLs curse and blessed him with a boon to have siHty daughters or the continuation o his subDect' By the virtue o the boonF siHty daughters were born in the home o Daksh in due course' 8hen they grew upF Daksh got ten o them married to Dharma' 0hen ten to KashyapF twenty?seven to <handramaF two to Angira and Krishashva each and remaining our daughters were married to a Kashyap named 0arkshya' 0he entire world came to be populated by the o springs o these siHty daughters o Daksh' /hukdev saysF R:arikshit the names o DharmaLs ten wives were BhanuF LambaF KakubhiF #amiF VishwasF /adhyaF *arutvatiF VasuF *uhurta and /ankalpa' DakshLs daughters /arupa and Bhoota were the wives o Bhoot' /arupa begot uncountable "udragansF eleven o them are prominent' BhootLs second wi e Bhoota gave birth to ormidable spooks and -anas like Vinayak etc' AngiraLs irst wi e /wadha gave birth to pitragans while his second wi e /ati accepted a Ved? Atharvanigra as her son' KrishashvaLs wi e Archi begot DhumrakeshF while Dhishana? KrishashvaLs second wi e gave birth to our sons?VedshiraF DevalF Vayun and *anu' Kashyap named 0arkshya had our wives? VinataF KadruF :atangi and Yamini' Birds were born to :atangiF while Yamini gave birth to moths' VinataLs son is -aruda who is the vehicle o Lord Vishnu' Arun was her second son who became the charioteer o surya' 4agas (snakes) were born to Kadru' 0wenty?seven daughters o Daksh were married to <handrama (the moon)' 0hese are the twenty? seven 4akshatras like Kritika etc' But <handrama had particular love or "ohiniF so he got tuberculosis and hence could not produce a child' 4ames o KashyapLs thirteen wives are AditiF DitiF DanuF KashthaF ArihaF /urasaF 1llaF *uniF KrodhF VarshaF 0amraF /urabhiF /arama and 0imi' 0hese are the mothers o the whole world' All the godsF demonsF animalsF giants etc' were born to them'
scholar o VedasF great ascetic and abstentious person'R R/erving himFR Brahma saidF RYou will be ree rom all the crisis'R >ollowing BrahmaLs adviceF the gods made Vishwarup their teacher by reMuest' Ascetic Vishwarup used his Vaishnavi Vidya to annihilate the wealth and power o the demons and endowed 1ndraF with those powers' Vishwarup also preached 1ndra about the in allible Vaishnavi Vidya' 0hus securing himsel under the shield o this knowledge 1ndra de eated all the demonic orces'
&='='= Killing o VishvarupF De eat o the -ods and <onstruction o VaDra with the bones o Dadhichi
Vishrupa became the second Acharya (teacher) o the gods' )e also saw over indulgence o 1ndra in luscious obDects' VishwarupLs mother belonged to demon clanF so he had some inclination or the demons also' /tealthilyF he supplied parts o o erings o the oblations to the demons' Very soonF 1ndra too came to learn that their teacher Vishvarup was stealthy nurturing their enemiesF the demons' /oF indignantly 1ndra severed the head o Vishvarup and to get rid o the sin o Brahmahatya (killing o Brahmin) 1ndra distributed his sin among the landF waterF tree and the woman olkF and himsel escaped the sin' 0o take revenge o his sonLs murderF sage 0vashta organiCed a yagya with the purpose o having a son who could kill 1ndra' 0he Yagya inished success ully and as soon as the o eringLs endedF a ormidable demon appeared rom the altar' 0he demon was named Vritrasur' Very soonF Vritrasur de eated 1ndra and other gods and conMuered all the three worlds' 0erroriCed by his power and gallantryF all the gods ran into the re uge o Lord 4arayana' :leased with their aith and prayersF Lord 4arayana advised them to please the great sage Dadhichi and ask or his bones to build a VaDra (mace)' >rom that VaDra Vritrasur could be killedF -od assured them' 0husF all the godsF headed by 1ndraF reached the hermitage o sage Dadhichi' 0here they very humbly and respect ully begged or his bones' >or the bene it o the worldF sage Dadhichi gladly accepted to
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
donate his bones' 8ith those bonesF Vishvakarma built a massive VaDra which had thousand edges' 0hus by the power o the Lord and aMuiring a divine VaDraF 1ndra elt eHtremely strong' )e at once launched an attack on the demonLs armies and drove them away rom the battle ield'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
and wi e o his younger brother and himsel went away to observe penance in order to acMuire strength and gallantry' 1n the Valley o *andarachal *ountainF )iranykashipu stood on one toe only and raised his hands towards sky' )e continued to stand in the same position' %ltimately ire began to emerge rom his head' 0hat ire caused burning o all the three lokas (worlds') :anicked by the ire the gods reached to Brahma and prayed to put the ire o ' Brahma at once appeared be ore )iranykashipu and saidF R/on )iranykashipuF your penance is over now' 4ow seek a boon o your wish'L 8orshipping BrahmaF )iranykashipu saidK L*ay 1 not be killed by any living being created by youF may 1 be killed neither in day nor in nightF neither by humans nor by animalsF neither by weapons nor by armsF neither on earth nor in sky' *ay no one match me in war' *ay 1 be an undisputed emperor o all the living beings'L :leased by his penanceF Brahma granted )iranykashipu that rare boon' By the virtue o BrahmaLs boonF )iranykashipu grew eHtremely strong' 4ow he had no ear o deathF so his atrocities increased day by day' )e de eated all the godsF human beingsF demonsF demigods' .veryone accepted his superiority' 4owF )iranykashipu began to reside in heaven itsel ' )e also made an all round declarationK Lall the people who worship or even remember VishnuF shall be put to death in my kingdom' 4obody else is -od eHcept me'L 0hus all the gods and demons began to worship )iranykashipu and presented him with gi ts to please him' -andharvF /iddhasF sagesF elves etc' all began to sing in his praise' 4arad saysK L( YudhisthirF )iranykashipu had such a brilliance that he began to receive the o erings himsel o the Yagyas per ormed by Brahmins' (n all the seven islands and upto the heavenF it was his dominion' 4ow he was reely and lavishly enDoying all the luHuries' *addened by the luHuriesF he even began to violate the rulings o the scriptures' :erpleHed by his harsh ruleF all the gods went into the re uge o the Almighty' 0hrough a celestial voiceF -od com orted themK LDonLt be a raid ( gods' 1 am aware o havoc caused by this demon' 1 will destroy himF you wait or some more time' 8hen he will begin to torment his calm and devotee son :rahladF 1 will de initely kill him'L 0he demon king )iranykashipu had our sons' :rahlad was youngest o themF :rahlad was the greatest lover and devotee o -od' )iranykashipu had declared such a pious son like :rahlad a criminal o the state' 0hus he tried his best to kill :rahlad'
ducation of %rah)ad:
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Shu2rachar*a /as the teacher of the demons1 Su2hrachar*a:s t/o sons had been appointed to teach the bo*s of the ro*a) fami)*1 Sta*in' at a p)ace c)oser to the ro*a) pa)ace( these t/o brothers tau'ht the bo*s in po)itics( economics etc1 %rah)ad too /as sent to them for forma) education1 There he used to )isten to his teachers carefu))* and recite /hat he had been tau'ht1 But %rah)ad did not )i2e the education( /hich /as based on fa)sehood1 $ne da* Hiran*2ashipu too2 %rah)ad in his )ap and as2ed )o,in')*: :M* son( te)) me( /hat *ou )i2e the most1: %rah)ad said: :Dather( in m* opinion( this /or)d is nothin' but fu)) of sorro/1 Hence it is just for e,er* bein' that the* shou)d 'i,e up this b)ind4pit )i2e /or)d and 'o to the forests and ta2e she)ter in 3od( to be free of miseries1: A)armed b* these /ords( Hiran*2ashipu /arned the teachers( the sons of Shu2rachar*a( to )oo2 after %rah)ad /e))( and to remo,e that mean thou'hts of de,otion from his mind1 He a)so cautioned the teachers to 'uard %rah)ad a'ainst an* possib)e approach b* a 'od( ascetic or Brahmin1 3uruputras -the teacher of %rah)ad. tried their best and trained %rah)ad in po)icies of Sama( Dama( Dand( Bhed -con,iction( temptation( fear of punishment and partia)it*1. Then the* trained him in Arth( Dharma and Kama -economic matters( re)i'ion and carna) 2no/)ed'e1. 6hen the* fe)t satisfied /ith their efforts the 3uruputras brou'ht %raha)d a'ain to his father( the demon 2in' Miran*2asipu1 Hiran*2ashipu 2issed %rah)ad:s head and too2 him in his )ap and as2ed( FM* son %rah)ad( te)) me in detai) /hat *ou ha,e )earned from *our teacher durin' *our sta* /ith them1F %rah)ad said( FDather there are nine 2inds of de,otion for "ord Vishnu1 &f one de,e)ops these nine 2inds of de,otion /ith dedication( & understand( it /ou)d be the best education1F &nfuriated b* these /ords( Hiran*2ashipu thre/ %rah)ad on the f)oor and be'an to scoff at 3uruputras1 &='9'; Attempts to Kill :rahlad Hearin' his father scoffin' at 3uruputras( %rah)ad said( FDather it /as not tau'ht to me b* them( it is m* natura) inc)ination1F These /ords further infuriated Hiran*2ashipu1 B)inded b* an'er he ordered his so)diers to 2i)) %rah)ad at once1 Dormidab)e demons hit %rah)ad /ith their arms1 At that time %rah)ad:s conscience /as focused in 3od1 A)) the b)o/s of the demons *ie)ded no resu)t1 Thereafter( %rah)ad /as tramp)ed b* into9icated e)ephants( bitten b* poisonous sna2es thro/n from the hi'h c)iffs into the sea and e,en in fire( buried under the mountain but a)) in ,ain1 !one of the attempts cou)d do an* harm to the sin)ess %rah)ad1 !o/( Hiran2ashipu be'an to fee) /orried because of his inabi)it*1 Seein' him /orried the teacher assured him( FBe free of /orries( $ 2in'1 Keep *our son tied in Varunpash -the noose of ,arun. unti) our father Shu2rachar*a returns1F Then the* a'ain too2 %rah)ad to their hermita'e to teach him 3rihasthdharm -duties of a married man.1 $ne da* the teachers /ere a/a* for some ur'ent /or21 %rah)ad ca))ed his c)assmates and be'an to preach them about "ord Vishnu1 %reachin' to Demon Bo*s b* %rah)ad: %rah)ad preached( FDriends( human incarnation is a rare thin' in this /or)d1 So ta2in' she)ter at the feet of 3od in this human incarnation is a success for )ife1 Brothers( 3od is the friend( be)o,ed and the sou) of each and e,er* bein'1 Sensua) p)easures are easi)* a,ai)ab)e in e,er* incarnation( so it is use)ess to ma2e ph*sica) efforts to achie,e sensua) p)easures1 But this human bod* is a means to 'et 3od1 So( as )on' as the bod* is sound and hea)th* and it has stren'th one must /or2 for his benefits1
)al o the li e o a man is simply wasted in sleeping' >irst twenty years pass in playingF Young age passes in satis ying the ego while during the twenty years o old age human body becomes crippled' /o riends donLt waste your li e running a ter the physical pleasuresF luHuriesF wealth and all that leads to a certain all' (ne needs not work hard to please the -od' )e is soul o every living being' )e is sel ? achieved' (nly do good to every living beingF be kind to them unconditionally'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
-od is pleased with these actions only' 1mpressed by the beauti ul preaching o :rahlad about Bhagwad DharmaF the demon boys askedF R( princeF you have never been away rom the hermitage' )ow then did you get such a knowledge at such a raw ageN :rahlad told his ellow disciples that when his ather was away on *andarachal or penanceF 1ndra had kidnapped his mother Kayadhu' )e was taking her to Devloka when Devarshi 4arad stopped him in the way and asked why he was taking such a helpless woman so orcibly' 1ndra had told then that he would destroy her oetus who was going to be a demon and therea ter would let her go' 4arad had saidF RDevaraD there is a great devotee o -od in this oetusF you cannot kill him' But you need not ear him'R 0hus convinced by 4aradF 1ndra had released Kayadhu who then came to stay at 4aradLs hermitage to pass her time' 1n the pious company o 4arad whoF with a desire to bene it my mother and meF had preached us about Bhagwad dharmaF and absolute knowledge (Vishuddha -yana)'R 1t is that knowledge which 1 have preached you Dust now' -od is pleased with unconditional love only' /o you too develop devotion or -od'R
7(8 Vaivasvata *anvantaraK /hri /hukdev saysF R :arikshit in the present eraF the seventh *anuF /hardhdev is the son o /urya' )e has ten sons? 1kshvakuF 4abhagF DrishtF /haryatiF 4arishyantaF 4abhagF DishtF KarushF :rishadhra and Vasumana' :urandar is the name o 1ndra' )e has AdityaF VasuF "udraF VishvadevF *arudganaF AshwiniF Kumar and "ishi as his main courtiers' KashyapaF AtriF VashishthaF VishvamitraF -autamF #amadagni and BhardwaD are the /aptarishi' During this *anvantaraF -od has arrived in Vamana incarnation as the son o Kashyapa and his wi e Aditi' 7-8 /avarni *anvantaraK /avarniF the son o /urya and <hhaya would be the eighth *anu' 0he king /urathF who had occurred in /warachish *anvantaraF had worshiped -oddess Bhagwadi intenselyF and thus received a boon o having an unbroken empire on earth' 1n later course he will be the son o /urya and become the eighth *anu also' )e would have sons like 4irmakaF ViraDask etc' Vairochana Bali would be 1ndraF Amritprabha etc' as his main courtiers' -alavaF DiptimanaF :arashuramaF AshwatthamaF KripacharyaF "ishyshring and Vyas? these great sages would be the /aptarishi during the eight *anvantara' -od would take incarnation as /arvbhaumF the sons o Devguhya and his wi e /araswati' -od as /arvbhaum would snatch the kingdom o /warga (heaven) rom :urandara 1ndra and give it to the king Bali' 748 4inth *anvantaraK /hri /hukdev saysF VarunaLs son Dakshasavarni would be the ninth *anu' )e would have sons like BhutaketuF DiptketuF Dyutimana etc' -od would take birth as the incarnation o "ishabhF the son o sage Ayushmana and his wi e Ambudhara' A person named Adbhut would be 1ndra and he would have :araF *arichigarbh etc' as his main courtiers' 71080he 0enth *anvantaraK %pshloksaLs son Brahma /avarni would be the tenth *anu' )e would be very pious in nature and have sons like Bhurishen etc' )avishmanaF /ukritiF /atyaF #ayF *urti etc' would be /aptarishi' /hambhu would be 1ndraF with /uvasanaF Viruddh etc' as his main courtiers' -od would appear in the incarnation o Vishwasen as the son o VishwasriD and his wi e Vishuchi' )e would be a riend o 1ndra' 71180he .leventh *anvantaraK 0he sel ?restraining Dharmasavarni would be the eleventh *anu' )e would have ten sons' Vaidhrita would be 1ndra with VihangamaF KamagamaF etc' as main courtiers' Vedic sages like Arun etc' would be the /aptarishi' -od would appear as DharmasetuF the sons o Aryak and Vaidhrita' 1n this incarnation he would protect 0riloki (all the three worlds)' 71280welveth *anvantraK "udrasavarni would be the twel th *anu' )e would have sons named DevavanaF %pdev and Devshreshth etc' "itdhama would be 1ndra with )ari etc' as his main courtiers' As the son o /atyasahay and his wi e /unritaF the -od would protect this *anvantara in the orm o /wadham' 71380hirteenth *anvantaraK Devsavarni would be the thirteenth *anvantara' )e would have sons named <hitrasenF Vichitra etc' Divaspati would be 1ndra o the gods like /ukarmF /utram etc' /ages like 4irmokaF 0atvadarsh etc' would be the /aptarishi' -od would appear as YogeshwarF the sons o Devhotra and his wi e Brihati' )e would bestow the designation o 1ndra to Divaspati' 71/8>ourteenth *anvantaraK 1ndrasavarmi would be the ourteenth *anu' )e would have sons like %ruF -ambhir Buddhi etc' /huchi would be 1ndra and have :avitra <hakshush etc' as his main courtiers' AgniF BahuF /huchiF *agadh etc' would be the /aptarishi' -od would appear in the incarnation o Brihadbhahu as the son o /atrayana and his wi e Vinata and cause the eHtension o Karmakand (actions)'R /hukdev saysF R( :arikshitF these ourteen *anvantaras had continued in pastF are continuing in the present and they would continue in the uture also' 1t is by themF that a Kalp (a period o thousand <haturyugas) is completed' <alculation o time is also done through these *anvantaras' :eriod o a *anvantra is slightly more then seventy one <haturyugas (all the our Yugas passing seventy?one times)' A <haturyugya (period o all the our Yugas taken together) lasts or about 3 million yearsF while a Kalpa lasts or about our thousand three hundred and twenty million years' 0his is eMual to a day o Brahma' BrahmaLs night is *ahapralaya (the great deluge)' 8hen that night is overF Brahma again begins the work o new creation eHactly as per the previous Kalpa' <arrying out this responsibility continuously or a centuryF Brahma goes back to Bhagwad dham (the abode o Lord Vishnu)'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
)is responsibilities are taken over by the neHt BrahmaF who carries out the work o creationF by the inspiration o Lord 4arayana'
%ra*er of 3od b* 3ajendra: 3ajendra had the memor* of his pre,ious birth fresh1 So concentratin' his mind in the beautifu) appearance of 3od( he be'an to pra*( F& ta2e refu'e at 3od( /ho is the base of the entire /or)d( /ho is the u)timate refu'e for e,er*one1 &t is difficu)t to unfo)d the m*steries of His p)a*s1 He ta2es man* 'uises1 !ot e,en the sa'es and the 'ods 2no/ His appearance and ')or*1 Ma* such a "ord protect me1 $ "ord( *our po/ers are unendin'1 +ou are 'racious to those /ho ta2e refu'e in *ou1 &))usioned b* *ou( this humb)e creature does not reco'niBe *ou1 $ "ord( & am in *our refu'e1F Shu2de, sa*s( F%ari2shit( 3ajendra had pra*ed 3od impartia))* and unspecifica))* so other 'ods did not come to sa,e him1 Bein' the sou) of e,er*one( "ord Shri Hari appeared Himse)f and sa/ 3ajendra in deep crisis1 6hen 3ajendra sa/ that "ord Shri Hari had arri,ed on his ,ehic)e 3aruda from the s2*( he pic2ed a )otus from the )a2e and raised it in his trun2 and said( F$ 5a'adish/ar -3od of a)) /or)d. !ara*ana( here is a sa)utation for *ou1F B* then "ord jumped do/n from the 3aruda and dra''ed both of them out of /ater1 Then He tore the ja/s of the crocodi)e b* his /hee) and sa,ed 3ajendra1 A)) the 'ods( Brahma and "ord Shi,aa /orshiped 3od and sho/ered f)o/ers on Him1 %re,ious Births of 3aja G 3rah: Ki))ed b* the 3od( the crocodi)e at once ac8uired a di,ine appearance1 He /as a 'ood4natured 3andhar,a -demi'od. named Huhu( in his pre,ious birth1 B* the curse of Mahatma De,a)( he had to ta2e birth in crocodi)e form1 But no/( b* the 'race of 3od he /as sa),ed and /ent to his hea,en)* abode1 3ajendra too recei,ed sa),ation b* mere touch of 3od1 He too /ent to the hea,en)* abode of 3od1 &n his pre,ious birth( 3ajendra /as a 2in' of %and*a d*nast*1 His name /as &ndrad*umna1 He /as a fer,ent de,otee of 3od1 So he had abandoned his 2in'dom and ta2en to penance on Ma)a* Mountain1 $ne da* he /as en'rossed in his /orship /hen sa'e A'ast*a arri,ed there /ith his discip)es1 Dor not 'ettin' due /e)come from the 2in'( A'ast*a cursed him( F+ou /ith a du)) mind( /ho ne')ect his 'uests
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/i)) be born as an e)ephant1F But e,en in e)ephant incarnation( and b* the ,irtues of his de,otion( 3ajendra retained the memor* of his pre,ious birth1 3od appointed him as his courtier and departed to his di,ine abode ridin' on 3aruda1F &=','3 <hurning o the /ea
King :arikshit askedF R( great sageF how did -od cause churning o the sea' 8hat was the purpose behind itN Kindly tell meNR /hukdev saysF R:arikshitF in the siHth <hakshush *anvantaraFthe demons king Bali had de eated the gods' 1ndra had also lost his glory by insulting the garland which sage Durvasa had presented to him as a -odLs gi t' 1ndra had put the garland in elephantLs neck and then got it crushed under its eet' But now having lost his kingdom and struck by mis ortuneF 1ndra and other gods with Brahma prayed to the Lord ' *elted by their prayersF -od appeared be ore them' All the gods laid be ore )im and worshiped' 0he omnipotent -od inspired the gods to churn the sea' Lord asked the gods to churn the sea and produce nectar' )e also advised them to take the help o demons in that great task' Drinking the nectar one becomes immortal' -od asked the gods to put various medicinal plants and vegetations in Kshirsagar (sea o milk) and churn it by *andarachal *ountain moving it with the help o Vasuki the naga' -od promised them o all help rom )is part' 0herea terF 1ndra and other gods went unarmed to the demon king Bali and told him o their intention' Demons too liked the idea' 8ith a riendly attitude then the gods and the demons together uprooted the mount *andarachal' But they could not carry it to the sea' Lord appeared on -aruda and carried the mountain to the sea' 0he gods and demons had promised VasukiF the 4aga his due share in the nectar' /o Vasuki allowed them to use him as a ropeF wound around *andarachal as a means to move it' 1n the incarnation o ADitF Lord told the gods to hold the head o Vasuki' But the demons suspecting some mischie said they would hold the head and asked the gods to hold the 4aga rom the tail or churning' 0hus the gods held the tail while the demons took hold o VasukiLs head' 0hus they began the churning' But as soon as the churning began the mountain started sinking or not having a irm base' Lord then took Kachchhap (tortoise) incarnation and supported *andarachal on )is back' (n the mountain also Lord appeared in /ahastrabahu ormF and held it' 0he gods and the demons churned the sea or long but nothing emerged' /oF Lord ADit himsel began to churn the sea' >irst o allF it was )alahalF the deadly poison to emerg' 0he intensity o the poison began to torment every being' 0o save their subDects rom itF :raDapatis prayed Lord Lord /hiva' 0he li e?giverF Lord Bholenath (an epithet o Lord /hiva) drank all the poison' By the impact o the poisonF Lord Lord /hivaLs throat turned blue in color' )ence Lord /hiva got the name 4ilakantha' .mergence o -ems P 4ectarK A ter Lord /hiva drank the poisonF the gods and the demons began to churn the sea again with greater enthusiasm' 4owF KamadhenuF the divine cow emerged' /he was use ul or Yagya etc' so the sages received it' 0hen a horse named %chchaishravaF emerged and taken up by Bali the king o demons' 0he horse was ollowed by Airavat the elephant' 1ndra took it' 0he divine gemF Kaustubh *aniF emerged then' Lord ADit took it on )is chest' 0hen emerged the KalpvrikshaF the divine tree that reached the heavens' 0hen the elves emerged' 0hey all accepted to serve 1ndra in )eaven' -oddess Lakshmi emerged a ter the elves' All the aCimuths were lighted because o her brilliance' .veryone was attracted towards her beautyF generosityF youth ulnessF appearance and glory' DevaraD 1ndra presented a throne or her to sit' "ivers brought water or her ceremonial bath' 0he earth presented medicinal bath' <ows gave :anchganyas and Vasant (spring) presented many kinds o ruits and lowers' 0he sages welcomed Lakshmi with "igsuktas (hymns o "igveda)' -andharvas sang in her praise' 0hen taking the lotus in her handF Lakshmi took a seat on the throne' /ea donned her with a beauti ul silk saree' Varun presented a garland' /araswati gi ted her with a necklace o pearls' Brahma
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
presented lotus while 4agas presented two earrings' A ter the singing by Brahmins in her praiseF Lakshmi took lotus garland in her hand and put it around Lord VishnuLs neck in a gesture o accepting )im as her husband' #agatpitaF Lord Vishnu too gave Lakshmi a supreme position in )is heart' Lakshmi was ollowed by Varuni who was taken up by the demons' 0he gods and the demons began to churn the sea again' At last lord Dhanvantari emerged with an urn o nectar' 1t was Dhanvantari who developed AyurvedF the ancient 1ndian system o medicine' As soon as the demons saw the urnF they snatched it and ran away' A row then began among the demons over the drinking o nectar' <onsoling the godsF Lord appeared among the demons in the guise o an eHtremely pretty womanF *ohini' Distribution o 4ectar by Lord as *ohiniK 0he demons who were ighting over the potions o nectar orgot everything when they saw *ohiniF who was actually a guise o Lord Vishnu' Lured by her prettiness the demons came to *ohini and reMuested her to solve the dispute or them' 1llusioned by -odF the demons even gave the nectar to *ohini and sat peace ully showing their con idence in her' 1n *ohiniLs guiseF Lord thought that the demons were congenitally cruel and giving nectar to them would be akin to eeding sakes with milk' 0heir evils would increase' /oF *ohini o ered the nectar to the gods only while o ered wine to the demons' 8hen the nectar was being distributedF a demon named "ahu took the guise o a god and sitting among them drank the nectar' /uurya and <handra spotted him and revealed his identity to -odF who at once beheaded him' ButF by then "ahu had drunk enough nectar'
by your grace my married li e is running well' But 1 am sorry or the pitiable condition o my sonsF the gods' /trong demons have snatched their abode' /o kindly tell me the remedy'R At her reMuest Kashyap preached Aditi about a worship named R:ayovratR to seek the blessing -od' 0his worshipF :ayovrat is carried out during the waHing phase o the month :halgun (that correspond to >ebruary?*arch months in -regorian calendar) or twelve days continuously' (ne must drink milk only during the worship' (ne?day be ore starting the VratF that is on the day o Amavasya (moonless night) one must smear his body with the earth dug out by the boars and take bath in the river' 0henF one must worship -od with /hodushopchar (siHteen treatments) while ollowing the rules prescribed or daily routine' )e must recite Dwadashakshari *antra (hymn containing twelve letters)F per orm )avan with Kheer (rice cooked in milk) and distribute 4aivadya (remaining ood rom )avan) among the devotees' "eciting the twelve?lettered hymnF one must tell the rosary?string at least once about the wish' 0husF the same worship must be per ormed or twelve days continuously' 1 one eeds a Brahmin daily during the VratF he can be sure o -odLs grace' *other o the godsF Aditi per ormed :ayovrat as per the advice o her husband Kashyap' :leased by her VratF the Lord appeared be ore her in <haturbhuD ( our?armed) orm' *other Aditi laid lat on the ground to greet the -od' /he prayedF R( Lord you are the -od o YagyaF and Yagya yoursel ' 0hoseF who take re uge at your eet are saved when you are pleasedF nothing remains ungettable'R Lord saidF R ( mother o the godsF 1 know about your desire' You have worshipped me or your sonsF But it is di icult yet to de eat the demons' But because o your worshipF 1 will protect your sons by becoming your child'R Vaman incarnation o -odK 8hen the Lord arrived in AditiLs wombF Brahma prayed to )im' By BrahmaLs prayersF the unborn -od appeared be ore Aditi' /hukdev saysF R ( :arikshitF on the twel th day o the waHing phase o Bhadrapada month (corresponding to /eptember) Lord tok birth in AbhiDit *uhurta' .verywhereF everybody celebrated the arrival o -od with Doy' 0he gods showered lowers on )im' 0he -od had arrived in Vaman (dwar ) orm' )is continence appearance caused tremendous Doy or the sages' During %pnayan consecration o LordF the ruling deity o the -ayatri mantraF /avitri (an epithet or /urya) preached )im the hymn' -uru gave him YagyopavitF Kashyap gave neck?kerchie F the earth gave black buck skinF <handra gave scepterF *other gave loin clothF the sky gave umbrellaF Brahma gave Kamandalu (coconut shell bowl) /aptrishi gave kush (sacred grass) while -oddess /araswati presented -od with a string o "osaries' YakshraD (king o Yakshas) Kuber gave him the alms bowl and mother Annapurnna gave him alms' 0hus everyone payed due respect to -od in Vaman (dwar ) incarnation who was radiating with divine glory' Lord was intimated that the king Bali was per orming many Ashvamegha Yagyas with Bhrigu Brahmans' )e at once le t or the Yagya siteF at a place named Bhrigu Kachch on the banks o the river 4armada' As soon as Lord Vaman reached the siteF all the sagesF hosts and others present there became dull be ore the radiance o -od' 0hey elt as i /urya himsel had arisen there' .veryone stood up to welcome -od' )ost Bali o ered )im the best seat and washed )is eet with a ection' 0hen Bali reMuested -od or his service' Demanding three steps o Land by VamanK King Bali reMuestedF R( Brahmin F now tell me how 1 can serve you' You are the tangible representation o the penance o Brahmarishis' By your arrivalF all my ancestors are salvedF my clan is blessedF my Yagya has succeeded' Ask me whatever you wish' 1 am ready to give you your desired obDect'R )earing the pious talk o the king BaliF Lord Vaman blessed him and saidF R( kingF no one have been impatient and rugal in your clan' "eputation o your grand ather :rahlad is still alive' You great grand ather )iranykashipu had chased the illusionary Vishnu who had hid in your great grand atherLs heart itsel ' 8hen the in uriated )iranykashipu could not ind Vishnu anywhere in all the three worldsF he presumed that Vishnu had died because o his ear alone'R R( kingR continued Lord VamanF R You are eHcellent among the religious people' ( demon kingF you can
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
ul ill any great desire' But 1 demand only as much land as could be covered in three steps o mine' 1 need nothing else'R King Bali saidF R ( BatuF (dwar Brahmin) you talk like aged persons but your mind is childish' 1 am the ruler o all the three worldsF and you are asking or three steps o land onlyF you can still ask or anything else' Lord Vaman repliedFR ( kingF greedy ones are not sated even i they get whole o the earth' But 1 donLt want more than my reMuirement'R King Bali agreed to donate Vaman the Land as per his demands and picked up the water pot to make resolution' 8hen -uru /hukracharyaF saw that Bali had agreed to donate landF he tried to persuade himF R( BaliF this Vaman is none other than indestructible Lord Vishnu' )e has taken incarnation o Vaman as a son o AditiF KashyapLs wi eF in the interest o the gods' %nknowingly you have made a promise to ul il )is desire' But )e will snatch everything rom you and hand it over to 1ndra' 0his illusionary Batu will measure whole o your empire in all the three worlds with his two stepsF so you will not be able to keep your promise also' )enceF show your inability to make donation as per )is demandF send )im back'R *easuring o .arthLs heaven by VamanK /hukdev saysF R:arikshit withF politeness king Bali asserted to his teacherF R -urudevF your words are true' But 1 am the grandson o great :rahlad' 4ow 1 cannot reverse my promise' 4o religion is greater than truth' 1Lm not a raid o any calamity eHcept o deceiving a Brahmin'R 8henF /hukracharya saw that his disciple Bali was determined to violate his dictateF he cursedF R ( kingF soon you will be devoid o the wealth you have been enDoying'R But despite having been cursed by his teacherF Bali stayed irm to his promise' 8orshipping Vaman ormallyF he took some water on his palm and made the promise to donate land' As soon as Bali made the promiseF Lord Vaman assumed a gigantic appearance and measured BaliLs entire empire in his steps' 1n irst )e measured the whole o the earth' 1n the neHt )e measured the heaven' 0he second step itsel reached /atyalokaF where Brahma had once washed LordLs eet and kept the waterF in a Kamandalu (a bowl o coconut shell) that came on earth later as the river -anges' 4ow there was no room or -od to put )is third step' Lord ridiculed Bali or not keeping his promise ullyF RYour everything is mine nowF but your promise is still incomplete' /hukdev says Lord ridiculed Bali but he remained unmoved with patience' )e saidK L( LordF 1 keep my promise ullyF you put your third step on my head' 1 donLt want a blemish on my reputation'L Lord saidK L1 snatch all the wealth rom people who are bestowed with my grace' 0hey then become an inseparable devotee o meF ree rom every blemish'L 0hus Lord Vishnu gave Bali the empire o /utal Loka (hades) that was even richer than the heaven and saidK L1 will protect you there rom all the obstacles'L Your hundredth Ashvamudh Yagya shall be completed' 1n due course o time you shall be the king o the heaven'L 0his wayF without ighting a battleF Lord took the empire o heaven rom the demons and gave it to )is brother 1ndra'
grew too big to be accommodated in the Kamandalu' /o the King trans erred the ish into anotherF bigger potF but again it grew too big to be accommodated in the pot' 0he seMuence continued till the ish outgrew even the big lake' /o the King decided to put the ish in the sea' 0he ishF which was actually an incarnation o -odF reMuested the King not to put it in a sea inhabited by ierce monsters' King /atyavrat grew suspicious' /o with olded handsF the King reMuested the ish to appear in its real orm' 1nstantaneouslyF Lord 4arayana appeared and told the KingK L.Hactly on the seventh day rom nowF :ralaya will inundate all the three lokas' But 1 will send a boat or you' You will board the boat and tether it to my horns with VasukiF the 4aga'L )aving received the in ormation o delugeF the King began to wait or its arrival while re lecting on -odLs virtues' (n the seventh dayF dense clouds gathered in the sky and began to rain torrentially' /oon whole o the earth was inundated' 0he King /atyavrat ound the boat sent by Lord' Boarding the boatF /atyavrat began to pray to -od' At his prayersF Lord preached him the knowledge o metaphysical' 0herea terF the -od killed the demon )ayagreev and recovered the Vedas' 8hen Brahma awoke rom his sleepF Lord handed the Vedas to him'L
pitch dark in the cattleshedF so :rishadhru could not see whom he had killed' 1n the morning he realiCed that he had killed the cow and not the tiger' )e elt eHtremely sorry' 0heir amily teacher cursed him to lead a li e o a shudra' :rishadhruF therea ter passed his li e as a celibate and mingled with the supreme /oul at last' 0AL. (> /)A"YA01 K? /haryati was the second son o Vaivasvat *anu' )e was a great scholar o Vedas' )e had an eHtremely beauti ul daughter named /ukanya' (ne dayF king /haryati was in the orests with his amily' 0hus roamingF they reached the hermitage o the sage <hyavan' <hyavan was immersed in deep meditation' )is whole body was covered with termiteLs nestsO only eyes were shining like ire lies' (ut o curiosityF the princess /ukanya pricked those shining eyes o the sage with thorns' All the kingLs army ell in crises by this incidence' 8hen the king learned about the princessL crimeF he begged pardon o the sage <hyavan and gave the princess in his service and himsel returned to his palace' 1n the orest /ukanya served <hyavan with dedication' <hyavan received youth and vigor by the grace o Ashwini Kumar' :leased by /hukanyaLs dedicationF sage <hyavan provided her with all Mueenly luHuries' A ter many daysF king /haryati again visited the orests' 0here he saw /ukanya talking to a beauti ul young prince' At irst /haryati scolded at /ukanya or violating the norms o a chast woman' But /ukanya told him about the trans ormation o the sage <hyavan by the grace o Ashwini Kumar' Learning the reality the king elt overDoyed to see his son?in?law <hyavan in youth ul state' 0AL. (> A*B"1/) K? /hukdev saysF R :arikshitF /haryati was the king 4abhag' )is son was 4aabhaag' )e was a great devotee o his parents' As a result o his service or his parentsF 4aabhaag was very much com ortable' )e had a son Ambarish who was a great devotee o Vishnu' .ven the great wealth on earth had no value or Ambarish'0he king Ambarish served the -od with his own hands and remained immersed in )is love' (nceF Ambarish ollowed 4irDala .kadashi Vrat (waterless ast observed on the eleventh day o each phase o lunar month) or a year' During one such astF on the twel th dayF king Ambarish was about to break his astF when sage Durvasa arrived there along with his ten thousands disciples' 8elcoming himF the king reMuested Durvasa to accept ood' But the sage turned down the reMuest saying that it was prayer time or himF so he would irst go to take bathF then worship and take alms ( ood) ultimately' But the sage Durvasa did not return or long' 0hus by the dictate o BrahminsF king Ambarish broke his ast with basil leaves and water' #ust then sage Durvasa returned and saw Ambarish breaking his ast' /o taking it as an insultF the in uriated Durvasa invoked Kritya in order to kill the king' King Ambarish stood unmovedF and begged pardon with olded hands' Lord 4arayana saw )is devotee in trouble and inspired )is /udarshan <hakra (wheel) to save the king' /udarshan <hakra irst incinerated KrityaF then aimed at sage Durvasa' 8hen Durvasa saw /udarshan aimed at himF he ran or his li e' >irst he reached Brahma' But Brahma told him that he was not able to protect the person who had done harm to a devotee o -od' 0hen Durvasa reached to "udra' Lord /hiva also saidF R DurvasaF by the wish o LordF "udras are engaged in the service o the universe' 0his <hakra is unstoppable by me' /o you go to )is re ugeF only )e can save you'R >rom Lord /hivaLs abode Durvasa reached VaikunthdhamF the supreme abode o Lord Vishnu' )e was eeling intense heat o the wheel' /oF shivering with earF he elt at the LordLs eet and saidF R( endlessF you are the only venerable o all the saints' ( LordF 1 have committed a great crime against your devotee' ( Lord please save meR' /eeing sage Durvasa in his re ugeF Lord Vishnu saidF R Durvasa' 1 am bound to my devotee' 1 am not independent' As the devotees abdicate their everything to receive me' /imilarly 1 am also devoted to my devotee' /o 1 too canLt protect you' -o to the person who you wanted to hurtF and pray him' (nly he can save you rom the <hakra' 0husF by the dictate o -odF aggrieved Durvasa returned to the king Ambarish and ell at his eet' Ashamed o the sage actF king Ambarish prayed -odF R( Lord i 1 had done any pious deedF may it be enough to calm you and may the heat that torments this Brahmarishi Muenched'R 0hus by the prayers o
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
king AmbarishF /udarshan was Muietened and returned to its position on Lords inger and sage Durvasa recovered rom his su erings' )e blessed the king and le t'
organiCed a grand Yagya and pleased Varun' :leased by their unshakable aith in truth ulness sage Vishvamitra blessed )arishchandra and his wi e and preached them about metaphysical knowledge' /A-A" K? 1n the lineage o "ohit later onF had occurred a King Bahuk' %n ortunatelyF he met an untimely death' (ne o his widowed wi e got ready to be immolated with her husbandLs pyre' /he was pregnant thenF so the sage Aurv prevented her rom getting /ati' 8hen her ellow Mueens learnt about her pregnancyF they ed her with poisoned ood' But the poison proved ine ective on the unborn baby' 0he baby was born in due course with poisonF so he came to be known as /agar' /agar had a great reputation as the King' )e had siHty thousand sons' )e had also resolved to organiCe one hundred Ashvmamegh Yagyas' )is ninety?nine Yagyas completed without hasslesF but during the hundredth YagyaF 1ndra stole the horse and tethered it in the hermitage o the sage Kapil' /agarLs siHty thousand sons set out in search o the horseF but could not ind it anywhere on earth' At lastF they reached the hermitage o the sage Kapil' Be ore thatF with their enormous powerF they had dug out huge pitsF which illed with water and ormed the sea' 0he sea derived its )indi /ynonym /aagar rom /agar' 8hen those siHty thousand princes saw that the Yagya horse was 0ethered in KapilLs hermitageF they began to abuse the sage' Disturbed by the noiseF the sage Kapil opened his eyesF and instantaneously all the siHty thousand princes got incinerated' 1t was AnshumanaF the grandson o /agarF who paci ied sage Kapil with his politeness and brought back the horse' )e also discovered the ashes o his ancestors' /age Kapil told Anshumana that the salvation o his ancestors would be possible only i touched by -angaDiF (the sacred -anges)' /ince thenF all the kings in /agarLs lineage observed severe penance to bring the -anges on earth or the salvation o their ancestors' Bhagirath K? >irst o allF king Anshumana observed hard penance' But even a ter many years o penance he could not succeed in his e orts' )is son Dileep also observed sever penanceF but his e orts tooF could not succeed' Bhagirath was the son o Dileep' A ter DileepF Bhagirath started severe penance' A ter many years o penanceF Bhagirath succeeded in pleasing the -anges' /he appeared be ore him and asked him to seek a boon' Bhagiratha reMuested the -anges to arrive on earth' 0he -anges accepted his wishF but put a Muestion as to who would support her when she ell on earth rom the heaven' Bhagiratha then began his penance again to please Lord /hiva so that )e could support the -anges on earth' Lord /hiva accepted BhagirathLs prays and supported the -anges on his head' 0herea ter )e moved on the path shown by Bhagirath with sacred -anges ollowing' 0husF the sacred -anges reached at the place where ashes o BhagirathLs ancestors were lying' 0he holy waters o the -anges washed the ashes to the con luence at -anga /agar' By the mere touch o -angesL holy waterF Bhagirath ancestors received salvation' A ter Bhagirath many great kings like *ichsahF KhatvangF DhirghbahuF "aghu etc' occurred in the 1kshvaku dynasty' "aghuLs son was ADa and his son was Dashrath' 1t was in the home o King DashrathF and by the prayer o the godsF that Lord /hri )ari took birth as our sons o Dashrath' Description o Lord "amaLs :lays K? /hukdev saysF R :arikshitF to keep the words o his atherF Lord "ama abdicated the entire kingdom and took eHile in the orest' /taying in the orest Lord "ama protected many sagesF and helped them complete their religious rituals success ully' )e slayed many ormidable demons there' ButF or cutting the nose and ears o /hupanakhaF the sister o demon king "avanF )e had to bear the separation o his wi e sita' "ama had won /ita as his wi e in a swayamvar in #anakpur' 1n his teenageF sage Vishmatria had taken "ama and LaHmana with him to his hermitage to guard his religious proceedings against the demons' "ama and LaHmana had killed many demons then' 1t was during this period that the swayamvar was organiCed in #anakpur' LakshmiF the better hal o Lord VishnuF had hersel appeared as /ita in #anakpur' /age Vishvamitra himsel taken "ama and LaHmana to the swayamvar' *any more brave and strong kings and princes had gathered there' But no one could train the Bow o Lord /hiva as per the condition o the swyamvar' 1t was only "amaF who not only li ted the bow but trained it also' 1n the process o trainingF the bow broke with a loud noise' 0hus Lord "ama won /ita as )is wi e' But during the eHile the demon king "avan deceit ully abducted /ita to avenge the insult o his sister
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/hurpanakha' 0herea terF the circumstances avored Lord "ama and )e soon ound out the whereabouts o /ita' 8ith a huge army o monkeys and bearsF Lord "ama reached the seashore there )e prayed to the sea to make way or )im' But the sea did not pay heed to his prayersF so angrily )e got ready to evaporate the sea' 0hus rightenedF the sea revealed to )im the way to make a bridge over it' Lord "ama then built a bridge over the sea and landed in Lanka' A ierce battle ollowed in which Lord "ama and LaHman together slayed the demon king "avanF his brother Kumbhkarn and *egnaadF the son o "avan' 0husF they got /ita ree rom "avanLs captivity' <rowning VibhishanF the brother o "avan as the King o LankaF they returned to Ayodha on :ushpak Vimana' Brahmrishis crowned "ama as the king o Ayodhya' All the three worlds became happierF healthier and wealthier' BharatF LakshmanaF /hatrughn and )anumanDi stayed orever in the service o Lord "ama always ollowing the moral dictates and put an eHample or the world o high morals' As a kingF Lord "ama also organiCed Ashvmegh Yagya'
sorrowsF melancholis and ignorance o the devotees are removed' 0hrough the battle o *ahabharata between Kauravas and :andavasF Lord Krishna relieved the earth o most o her burdens' )e )imsel slayed many demonsF while got many slain by Balarana' %ltimatelyF preaching %ddhav about metaphysical knowledgeF Lord Krishna departed to )is divine abode'
utureF people would worship her as DurgaF <handikaF BhadrakaliF 4arayaniF Vaishnavi etc' 8hen the seventh etus was trans erredF Kansa got worried how was it destroyed' )is ears and melancholy increased since then' A ear gripped him that his death was very near now'
proceeded to throw her on the stone' But be ore he could throw herF the baby escaped rom his hands and assumed AshtbhuDi (eight?armed) Durga appearance in the sky and reprimanded himK R( oolF why are you trying to kill meF when you canLt even harm meF the one who will kill youF has already appearred' 4ow stop killing the innocent children'R Kansa stood stunned by the talks and appearance o the goddess' -oddess Bhagwadi disappeared and became omnipresent' /he is now venerable with di erent names in di erent locations' A ter the disappearance o -oddess (Yogmaya) Kansa elt remorse' )e at once ell at the eet o his sister Devaki and brother?in?law Vasudev and began to beg their pardon' 0herea terF Kansa released both o them' 1n the morningF Kansa held a discussion with his ministers' 0he ministersF who were ormidable demons themselvesF assured Kans that they would kill all the babies born within ten days and destroy the BrahminsF cowsF godsF ascetics and all those who could pose potential danger to him' /hukdev saysK R( :arikshitF the demons were "aDoguni (having royal virtues) and 0amoguni (Virtues o darkness) and hence were unable to di erentiate good rom evils' 0heir eHtermination was imminent' 0hat was why they cultivated hostility towards saints and saintly people' ( KingF thoseF who disregard saintly peopleF loose their li eF wealthF reputationF religion and everything'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&='&5';/alvation o :ootana
/hukdev saysK L:arikshitF a ter many daysF entrusting other -opals with the onus o guarding -okulF 4and went to *athura to pay annual taHes in KansaLs court' Vasudev too learned about his arrival and went to see him' 4and elt overDoyed to see Vasudev and embraced him a ectionately' Vasudev asked 4andK RYour age is declining now' 1t is very ortunate now that you have also got a son' *y /on Balarama and wi e "ohini are staying with you' )e would be regarding you as his parents'R 4and saidK 0he evil Kansa killed many o your children' )e did not even spare your daughterF 4o doubtF happiness and sorrow are bound to ones ate'R Vasudev saidK RBrotherF now your duties here are over' You should not stay here or longF because 1 ear some disturbances in -okul in your absence' )earing thisF 4and at once set out or -okul' 1n the wayF he re lected over the words o Vasudev and prayed -odK R*ay -odF everything thing be well in -okul' 0here in -okul however a curious incidence took place' A ter his discussion with evil ministersF Kansa had sent a cruel ogress :ootana to kill all the newly born babies in his kingdom' 1n the guise o an eHtremely pretty womanF :ootana entered -okul' /he hypnotiCed the men olk with her sweet smile and lirting glances' /he searched new?born babies here and there and entered 4andLs home eventually' Baby Lord Krishna was sleeping in the cradle' )e had known about her arrivalO but posed as i )e were asleep' :ootana is a orm o non?knowledge with an alluring outward appearance' Lord Krishna was only siH days old then' :ootanaLs breasts were illed with poison' /uch as someone li ts a sleeping snake mistaking it or a rope' /imilarly :ootana li ted the baby who proved her death' :ootana took the baby to secluded place and began to breast eed him' Lord prayed to Lord /hiva who came to stay in )is throat and drank all the poison rom the milk' 0herea ter the Lord began to suck :ootanaLs li e' :erpleHed :ootana began to cry loudly and writhe nervously' As her death approached she regained her realF ogress appearance' All the men and women were rightened when they saw the hugeF ormidable body o :ootana' But when they saw Krishna playing nearbyF their ear gone and with Doy they li ted the baby and soothed him' *eanwhileF 4and and his ellow -opas too arrived rom *athura' :ootanaLs body testi ied the truth o VasudevLs words' -opas cut :ootanaLs body into many pieces and burnt them outside -okul' 8hen her body was burningF a sweet smell o Agar (a kind o scented wood used in incense making) spread all around' Because Lord himsel had ed on her milkF /o all her sins were destroyed' Lord regarded her as his mother and hence salved her'
&='&5'=Killing o /hakat
8hen lord Krishna was twenty?seven days oldF a estival was organised in -okul' *ata Yashoda bathed the baby while the Brahmins recited hymns' Yashoda saw that baby was eeling sleepyF so putting him in a cradleF she le t it under a cart' 0he cart was loaded with pitchers o milkF curd and butter' A ter sometimeF lord Krishna awoke and began to cry or a eed' But amidst estivitiesF Yashoda could not hear his cries' *eanwhile a demon /hakatasur rode the cart wishing to press the cart and thereby kill the Lord' But be ore he could actF the Lord touched the cart with )is eet and lo and behold$ 0he cart turned over and all the utensils kept on it came crashing down' .ven the demon was crushed to death under the cart' (ther boysF who were playing nearbyF in ormed the -opis (ladies olk) that the little Kanhaiya had turned over the loaded cartF but they did not believe the kids' Yashoda ran in horror and li ted the baby in her lap' 0he Brahmins recited paci ying hymns then' 0herea ter the baby was bathed again with sancti ied water' A east o Brahmins ollowed then' %ltimately they were seen o with many gi ts'
&='&5'9/alvation o 0rinavart
(nce *ata Yashoda was playing with the baby lord in her home' All o a sudden she elt as i the baby was getting disproportionately heavy' /oonF she elt hersel unable to bear the child anymore' /o she
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
le t the child on the ground and began to pray :urushottama Lord "ama' /oon a terwards she orgot about the eventF but all was not over yet' 0rinavartF a demon minister o KansaF had arrived in -okul as a ierce cyclone' )e covered entire -okul with dust and blinded the people temporarily' >or a moment people could not see anything and during that moment 0rinavart blew the baby in air with him' 8hen the dust settledF Yashoda did not ind the baby Krishna where she had le t him' /he elt eHtremely sorry and ell on ground in depression' (ther women olk also gathered round her' 0hey too began to cry not seeing baby Krishna there' 1n the orm o cycloneF the demon 0rinavart had blown baby Krishna with himO but he too could not bear his heavy burden' /o he began to lose his velocity' Lord Krishna caught him by neck' 0he demon died in a ew moments and his dead body ell in VraD' And Yashoda got a new lease o li e when she saw baby Krishna sa e and sound' 4and and other -opas too were overDoyed'
any mud' 0hey are telling yoou a lie' 1 you donLt believeF me see yoursel 'R /aying thisF Krishna opened his little mouth' Yashoda peeped into his mouth and what she saw there amaCed her' /he could not believe it' 0he entire universe was visible in his little mouth' Yashoda saw strange placesF entire VraD and even hersel in the little mouth o Krishna' /he elt diCCy' 8ith his illusionary powersF Lord wiped out the memory o this incidence rom the mind o YashodaF and she again immersed in love with her child'
&='&5'&&*igration to Vrindavana
0he uprooted ArDun trees ell with thundering sound' All the people shivered with ear and elt as i lightning had struck somewhere' All the elders including 4and met together and discussed the matter' %nanimously they concluded thatF o late disturbance had increased in -okul and the circumstances were no longer conducive to raise the kids like Balarama and Krishna there' /o they unanimously decided to leave -okul and migrate to a verdant place named Vrindavana' 1n their opinionF Vrindavana had ample vegetation and ertility to support them and their cattles' 0husF on an auspicious dayF the entire population o -okul set out or Vrindavana' 0hey packed their households on bullock carts and drove their cattles in herds and started in convoy' 1n Vrindavana they built their houses and started their li e once again' /hukdev saysK R( :arikshitF verdant environment o VrindavanaF -ovardhan mountain and crystal clear
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
waters and sandy banks o Yamuna river together illed the hearts o Balarama and Krishna with Doy' Along with the ellow cowherdsF they began diverse kinds o plays there'
&='&5'&+/alvation o Vatsasur
(ne dayF Balarama and Krishna were graCing their cattles on the bank o Yamuna "iver' A demonF meanwhileF took the guise o a cal and miHed with the herd' (bviouslyF he had malicious intentions' Lord Krishna had already seen the demon taking cal Ls guise and miHing up with the herd' )e signaled Balarama and they together reached near the cal ' 0he cal appeared particularly healthyF so Krishna and Balarama mockingly saw it with admiring eyes' /uddenly they held the cal with its hind legs and tail twirling it in air they threw it in the sky' 8hen the demon diedF they threw him on a Kath (wood? apple) tree'
&='&5'&3/alvation o Bakasur
(ne dayF all the cowherds took their cattles to a large pond to let them drink water' 0here they say a huge creature sitting like a hillock on the bank' 0hey were rightened by its appearance' 0he creature was in act a demon named Bakasur who had arrived there in the guise o a storke' )e was himsel very strong and had a long pointed bill' As soon as the cowherds drew near himF 0he storke hastily picked up Krishna and swallowed him' (ther cowherds including Balaram were stupe ied' 0hey could not believe their eyes' But inside the beakF Lord Krishna made himsel eHtremely hot and caused severe burning in demonLs throat' /o the demon could not swallow Krishna and regurgitated himF and began to hit him with his strong beak' But Lord held his beak with both his hands and tore the demonLs mouth apart' And as son as the demon diedF a ripple o Doy surged among the cowherds'
&='&5'&6/alvation o Aghasur
(ne dayF Krishna planned a picnic near 4andanvan' /o rising early in the morningF )e awakened his ellow cowherds sounding a horn' 0ogetherF all the cowherdsF and their cattles went to the orest' 0hereF on the bank o Yamuna river they began to play Doy ully' 4andanvana was in act an abode o the demon Aghasur' )e was sent there by Kansa' /eeing the boys playingF he elt eHtremely Dealous' Knowing that Krishna had killed his brothers Bakasur and sister :ootana' 1t seemed an ideal moment or the demon to avenge the death o his siblings' 0hinking thusF the demon took guise o python and lay in the way and opening his mouth like an opening o a cave' 0he cowherds too ell in his trap' 0hus driven by curiosityF all the cowherds entered the demon mouth one by one' 8hen Lord Krishna saw that his riends had entered demonLs mouth' )e too entered it to protect them' Aghasur wanted to masticate the cowherds including lord KrishnaO but the lord increased his body and choked demon throat' 4ow the breath o demon stopped' )is eyes rolled over and at last his li e le t his body through Brahmrandhra (cosmic pore)' 8ith his ambrosial eyeF Lord resurrected these dead ellows and their cattles and together they came out o the demonLs mouth' As soon as the demon diedF a divine lame emerged rom the pythonLs mouth' 1t waited there sometime or -od' And when lord Krishna came outF the lame mingled with him'
&='&5'&;Attachment o BrahmaDi
/hukdev saysK :arikshitF the cowherds told the tale o AghasurLs salvation to their parents only a ter a year o the incidence' During that period o one yearF Lord Krishna multiplied himsel and took the guise o his ellow cowherd and their stock o cattles to remove the 1llusion o BrahmaFwho was the cause o the ollowing incidence' A ter AghasurLs li e mingled with -odF Lord Krishna came with this ellow cowherd on the bank o Yamuna' 0hey le t their cattles to graCe reely and they sat together to take their lunch' All o the cowherds tasted one?anotherLs oodF as they wanted to eed Krishna with the tasty ood' *eanwhile
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
surprised by AghasurLs salvationF Brahma too had arrived their and saw Krishna eating ood de iled by the cowherds' 8ith that sightF Brahma grew suspicious i Krishna was indeed an incarnation o lord' 0hus driven by the illusion and to test the authenticity o lordLs incarnationF Brahma kidnapped all the cattles irst and when Krishna went out to search the cattles Brahma kidnapped and concealed the cowherds also' /oon lord Krishna understood the cra tiness o BrahmaF so he multiplicated himsel into his ellow cowherds and cattles' "eplicas resembled truly to the cowherds in appearanceF compleHionF natureF activitiesF voiceF sticks and even in costumes' 0he replicas remain in eHistence or complete one year' Back thereF when Brahma returned a ter hiding the cowherds and the cattlesF he was stunned to see the cowherds and cattles as usual' Brahma was eeling diCCy when lord bestowed his grace on him' Brahma saw 4arayana in every dust particle' Brahma there ore bowed his head at the eet o lord and saidK R( lordF 1 submit be ore you' You can be won only with devotion and not by ego' 4o one can know your omnipresent appearance' 0hus praying and worshipping lord 4arayanaF Brahma returned to his abode' /hukdev saysK 0he cowherds remained separated rom -od or one year' But they elt as i only hal a second had passed because o the illusionary in luence o -od' 0hat is why they related the incidence o Aghasurs killing to their parents only a ter a year it took place'
&='&5'&=/alvation o Dhenukasur
8hen Krishna and Balarama entered siHth year o their agesF they got the permission to take the cattles out or graCing' Along with their ellow cowherds the two brothers too began to take their cattle to Vrindavana' 0hus they sancti ied the earth o Vrindavana with their pious eet' /eeing the beauty o VrindavanaF with beauti ulF colour ul lowers and sweet ruitsF Lord Krishna elt overDoyed' )e then used to graCe his cattles at the oothills o -ovardhan and on the banks o Yamuna "iver' :laying lute was his avourite pass time' (ne day KrishnaLs beloved riend /udama saidK KanhaiyaF there is a beauti ul orest name 0alvana' 1t has uncountable numbers o trees laden with ripe ruits' But a ormidable demon Dhenukasur guards that orestF )e is very strong' /o no oneF even animals and birdsF doesnLt go there' But we are tempted to eat those sweet delicious ruits' 1 you and Daau (Balarama) wishF we may go there and eat those delicious ruits'R 0hus hearing thisF Krishna and Balarama guided all o them to 0alvana' 0here they shook the trees and in no time a heap o ripeF delicious ruits gathered under the trees' All the cowherds began to eat ruits' 8hile eatingF they were also making lot o noises' Disturbed by the sound o ruits alling and noise o the cowherdsF the demon Dhenukasur arrived there as a donkey' )e was braying loudly and tried to hit BalaramaF but Balrama caught him by his hind legs and threw him in the air' 0he demon died in an instance' /ince that dayF everyone visited 0alvana earlessly and the cattles graCed there reely'
between them' Lord dodged the 4aga or a long time' 0herea ter he rode on KaliyLs hood and began to dance there' 0he ollowers o -odF like -andharvas etc' began to play *ridangF Dhol etc' to give him a company' 0ired rom the blows o lordLs eetF Kaliy soon began to vomit blood' 4agaLs wives began to pray -odF R( lordF your incarnation is to punish the evil ones or their sins' You have shown your grace on us also' 8e are ortunate to have a sight and touch o your eet' :ity ( lord' 0his 4aga can no longer bear your momentum' )e will die' 8e are all your slaves' Kaliy is our lord' Kindly orgive him'R 8ith kindnessF lord released KaliyF who prayed thusK ( lord in your creation we snakes represent 0amoguna (dark virtues)' 8e are con used by your illusions'R Lord dictated Kaliy to migrate with his amily to "amanakdweep' /ince then water o Yamuna became pure or humans and animals'
&='&5'&2/alvation o :ralambasur
(ne dayF Balarama and Krishna were play ully graCing their cattles along with other cowherds in the orests' 8hen a demon :ralamb arrived there with an intention o kidnapping Krishna and Balarama' 0he demon had come in the guise o a cowherdF but the -od easily recognised him' 0hey accepted his proposal o riendshipF but were thinking about the way or his salvation' -od therea ter summoned all his riends and saidK R:alsF today we shall divide ourselves in to two teams and play Doy ully' 0hus the teams were divided and each team chose Krishna and Balarama as its captain respectively' 1t was stipulated that the members o de eated team would carry the members o winner team on their back up to the place pointed by them' 0hus the game began and soon both the teams reached a secluded place' At one timeF the team headed by Balarama won' /o the members o KrishnaLs team were to carry them on their back' Demon :ralambasur o ered Balarama a ride on his back' Balarama agreed to ride on the demonLs backO but as soon as he rode on the demonLs backF the demon galloped' But he could not go ar or not being able to bear BalaramaLs weight' 0hem the demon regained his huge ormidable siCe and tried to escape by lying' >irst Balarama elt terroriCed but soon he realised his real powers and hit on the demonLs head with a power ul ist' 0he blow shattered demonLs head and he ell on earth dead like a huge mountain'
/hri /hukdevDi saysK R( kingF most o the time o Lord KrishnaLs boyhood passed in Vrindavana' 0here he graCed cattles and played lute' )is lute had a divineF enchanting sound'0he -opis (girls) gathered around him under the in luence o enchanting tunes'R 0hey also heard the enchanting Venu geet that ills one hearts with the memory o Bhagwad' (ne o the girl said to her riendK R( dear riendF )aving the privilege o seeing Lords beauty and receving his kindness is the real salvation' Another girl saidK R( riendF what penance this lute had observed that it has got a closer contact with lips o 4andnandan (an epithet or Krishna)' .ven the siblings o this luteF trees and other vegetationLs are pleased with its ortune and are hence showering their leaves and lowers on him'R (ne more saidK R( riendF lookF even Bhagwadi Lakshmi has le t her luHurious abode in Vaikunth and arrived in Vrindavana to have a look o lord Devakinandan'R A -opi eHpressed her
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
DealousyK R.ven this doe is better than usF ( riendsF look how engrossed is she looking at -odF that her eyes are not blinking'R )earing the sweet enchanting tunes o lute even the heavenly elves gather in the sky over Vrindavana' 0hey also see the beauty o lord Krishna and showered the lowers o their braids on him' .ven the cows orgot graCing when then heard the enchanting music o lute' 0he calves too orgot drinking milk and began to look at lord Krishna with Doy' 0his is the real devotion or lord Krishna' You have to orget yoursel in order to ind him' <ondition o girls o Vrindavana was eHactly the same' A ter having the sight o lord Krishna they remembered nothingO not even the way back to home' 0hey stood in the orests in a tranceF completely tiredF unaware o their sel ' A girl said pointing to the aunaK RLook ( riendsF look at these birds' Do you know that these birds were the saints and sages in their previous births' 1n this birth also they are sitting in a state o trance' Look they have orgotten their knowledge hearing the sweet enchanting music o the lute' And look at YamunaDi' /he is also ale to contain her eHhilaration' /he is eagerly spalshing her waves to wash lords eet' Yet another girl saidK RLook riends the clouds cannot see their lord scorching in the sun' /o they have covered the sun and shaded Lord Krishna' 4ow they are driCCling as i showering petals'R A girl saidK R>riendsF lookF these Bheelanis are better than us' 0hey have such a strong urge o KrishnaLs sight that when -ovind returns homeF they smear their body with dusts o his eet' Blessed is this mountain which has dedicated its entire sel in the eet o BraDnandan and eels overDoyed' 1t is his supreme devotee' Kanhaiya has in used even non?living things with li e by his sweet tunes o lute'
&='&5'+&/tealing o <lothes
0he unmarried girls o Vrindavana elt as i their lives were dedicated to Lord Krishna' .ach o them wished heartly to have lord Krishna as her husband' /o in order to get their desire ul illedF all o the spinster girls o VraD began to take bath in Yamuna early in morning o )emant season and worshipped goddess Katyayani' 8hen *adan*ohan learned that the spinsters girls wished to marry him' )e went to see them at dawn' 0he girls were bathing naked in the riverO 0heir clothes were kept on the bank' Lord Krishna stealthy took those clothes and climbed on a <adamb tree' Lord had not stolen their clothes with malicious intentions' )e had stolen them to remove their laws and make them realiCe their real appearance that they were not mere girlsF but pure souls' 8ithout realiCation o the real sel F one can not eHperience the -od' 0he girl were in act the hymns o VedasF /adhanaF /iddhisF /ages and Brahmvidyas (Vedas) themselvesF that took the guise o girls to enDoy the vicinity o -od' -od removed their clothes that symboliCed lust' Because o the lords grace they all were able to enDoy -odLs company' /hukdevDi saysK R( :arikshitF 0hus Lord Krishna removed the shyness o the girls o VraD through his sweet talks' )e derided at themF made them dance like puppets and even stole their clothes when they were bathing nakedF but they did not deter his actions' 1nstead they elt overDoyed by the close presence o their beloved Kanha'
is the duty o 1ndra to cause rain' /o it will rain even i you donLt worship 1ndra' But to eed the poors and satis y them with clothes and other gi ts is real worship' By their blessingF we shall be more happier' 1 desire that with all these materials we should worship -iriraD -ovardhan and distribute the prasad among the poors' 8ith which their souls will be sated and will have the grace o -od' 0hus Lord Krishna told his ather that all the people should worship unitedly and unitedly they should receive prasad' 1 you are ready to do as per my desireF its all rightF otherwise 1 will not worship your haughty godF nor receive his prasad'
&='&5'+31ndignation o 1ndra
0hus convinced by KanhaiyaLs wise reasoningF all the gopas agreed to him' 4and Baba saidF R( KrishnaF we are making all these preparation or you only and we will do as you say' 8e will worship -ovardhan' >or us -ovardhan is also like a god' 1t gives us grassF waterF and uel etc'F which are necessary or our lives' 0hus with lordsF consentF they dropped their plan to worship 1ndra and resolved to worship -ovardhan aith ully'
&='&5'+68orship o -overdhan
(n the :urnima ( ull moon) day in the month o Kartik (4ovember) all the -opas (people o VraD region) gathered near mount -ovardhan' During the night all o them circumambulated the mountain' Lord invoked the -anges by his wish and bathed -ovardhan with her water'0hen they put vermilion on itF o ered basil?leavesF lowers etc and worshipped it' Brahmins recited hymns in its praise' 0o make the people believe in their ritualsF Lord Krishna himsel appeared on the mountain in huge orm and eHclaimedK R1 am -iriraD (the king o the mountain) and began to eat the o erings' But he as a child was still among the villagers who aith ully bowed be ore the mountain' Among themF the child Krishna saidK RlookF what a surprise -iriraD has appeared himsel and bestowed his grace on us' )e has accepted our worship'R 0here a ter all the -opas distributed :rasad among themselves and elt supremely satis ied'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&='&5'+9"aas Leela
/hukdevDi related to :arikshit the tale o KamadevLs humiliation' /hridhar /wami calls "aasleela as Kama?viDay leela (de eating o Kamadeva? )indu eMuivalent o cupid)' #agad guru BallabhacharyaDi decribes it as Lords Divy Vihar (divine enDoyment)' 0he purpose o describing this tale is Dust that common people should re lect on the sel less love o -opis or Lord Krishna and eHperience the love o -od or them as well' Lord is an embodiment o "asa (:leasure)K R"A/(VA1/A) S "A/A*)Y.VAL ABD)VAA4A4D1 B)AVA01 SR A ter conMuering Brahma and other godsF ego o Kamadev had surged to great heights' )eF there oreF reMuested -od to Muench his thirst or war' -od invited Kamadev to visit Vrindavana on the night o /harad :urnima (>ull moon night) in season preceding winter)F and told him that on that divine night' )e would enDoy the company o crores o -opis' R1 1 have slightest passion or any o themF you will winF otherwise you will lose'R 0hat night Lord Krishna added more divinityF more brilliance to it with a resolution o "aas with the help o Yogmaya (personi ied illusion)' 1t was a per ect night or the purpose ? lowers bloomed in VrindavanaF ull moon shoneF and gentleF cool breeCe blew rom the banks o river Yamuna' Amidst this stimulating ambience Lord Krishna began to play an enchanting tune on his lute' 0he tune attracted -opisFtheir passion surged to its Cenith and under the in luence o love or lord Krishna and as i in tranceF all o them ran to meet their beloved Kanhaiya leaving all their earF BondagesF patience and shyness behind' /ome o them were intercepted by their husbands and dragged back to home' But only their physical bodies stayed putF their souls reached Vrindavana' 1n Vrindavana on the bank o YamunaF -opis saw Vrindavana Vihari (epithet or Krishna) near their amiliar cadamb tree' Yogmaya adorned all the -opis rom tip to toe' 1n act those -opis were not ordinary women' :arikshit askedK R-opis had not regarded Krishna as :arbrahma' 8hat was the basis or their passion thenN /hukdevDi saidK R8hen a wretched person like /hishupalF who always abused lord Krishna could ind supreme positionF there should be no doubt or -opis who had such a pro ound passion or Lord'R /o -opis arrived and gathered around Lord Krishna' 0o test their devotion and to enhance the honour o KamadevF Krishna said to themK R( -opisF the pure onesF it is not it or you to stay here at this hour o night' -o and serve your husbands' Your duties must be irst to your husbandLs children and cows' 0hey will be waiting or you eagerly' -o and console them' You can gain me by hearingF recitingF seeing etc' You need not sit here' -o to your homes'R -opisF however saidK R-ovindF we have come to you leaving all the mundane lusts behind' 4ow going back is like ruining over lives'1t is the greatest mis ortune i someone returns to mundane a airs even a ter being at your eet'R 0hese words that re lected divine eelings o -opis pleased Lord' )e began to enDoy their company' But a eeling o ego began to creep in the minds o -opis because o lordLs closeness' 0hey began to assume themselves as highly ortunate' 0o remove their egoF Lord disappeared right among them'
thought' Lord had indeedF a ter disappearing rom amidst -opisF taken "adha to an isolated place' /he had then began to think hersel superior to other -opis' /o at one placeF she saidK R( LordF 1 canLt walk now' *y tender eet are tired' Kindly carry me on your shoulders to wherever you wish'R At her reMuestF Lord Krishna agreed to carry her on his shoulder' But as soon as she proceeded to rideF Lord disappeared rom there also' 4owF "adhaD began to cry and wail and ainted' At the same timeF other -opis also reached there and ound "adha lying unconscious on the ground' All o them including "adha then returned to the bank o Yamuna and began to wait or KrishnaLs appearance'
&='&5'+2-opika -eet
( LordF your incarnation has increased the glory o VraDbhumi' .ven the glory o VaikunthF goddess Lakshmi hersel came to stay in VraD' -ovind we have dedicated our lives at your eet' 4ow we are searching you everywhere' ( *adan*ohanF kindly show your beauti ulF ace once' :rananathF your eyesF that are even more beauti ul than the lotus that bloom in pondsF is pricking our hearts' 8e are all your slaves' 1 you kill us by your separationF will not you be criticised' ( :urushottamF you have protected us on many occasions' You are the remover o miseries o VraD people' ( LordF you are not the son o Yashoda onlyF but you are the soul o all the living beings' At the reMuest o BrahmaF you have arrived on earth to remove her burden' 8hy donLt you protect usF our lives are in danger because o your separation' ( LordF your tales are like ambrosia' Your ambrosial tales paci y those who are in licted with mundane obstaclesF and sorrows' 0hey are indeed great and ortunate who recite your tales' ( :urushottamF or the musics o your lute we gave up everything ? our husbandsF childrenF social bindings everything' 8e even dedicated our lives or the sake o your love' 4ow nothing amuses us eHcept you' 8e are livingF only to have a sight o youO now you are wandering rom orest to orest with your tender eetF which even we did not bear in our hearts or the ears o hurting them' )ow much would they be su eringN 8e are ainting in your worry' ( the dearest oneF we were yoursF we are yours and we shall be yours orever'R /aying these words -opis burst into tears'
>rom the words o the LordF -opis orgot the pains o separation' >rom the closeness o their belovedF their lives were success ul now' 8ith those -opisF Lord Krishna started *aharaas on the pious banks o river Yamuna' All the gods gathered in sky to witness that divine estival' -opis were even more ortunate than Lakshmi' But even amidst crores o -opisF who were eager to devote their everything to )imF Lord completely re rained rom desiresF eelings and even actions' 0hus Lord de eated even Kamadev and removed his ego'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&='&5'33/alvation o Arishtasur
(nceF Kansa sent a demon Arishtasur to Vrindavana' 0he demon arrived there in a bullLs guise' 0hat huge bull came to Vrindavana and began to terroriCe the people with his loud sound' /eeing the bullF Balaram said to KrishnaK RKanhaiyaF 1 have never seen such a huge bull be ore'R All the people began to cry or help' Lord consoled them and challenged the bull demonK ( oolF why are you terroriCing these cows and cowherdsN 1 am going to shatter your ego'R 0he challenge rom -od pinched the demon' 0apping his hooves angrilyF the demon attacked -od' )e wished to gore )imF but -od held his horns and pushed him back' 0hen kicking the demon -od killed him in no time'
themF Akrur ell at their eet' Both the brothers raised Akrur and addressed him as R<hachaR (uncle)Fand escorted him into the house' Akrur was given a warm welcome and treatment there' A ter the dinnerF they assembled in 4andLs drawing room' 4and inMuired about the reason o his sudden arrival' Akrur saidK RKansa is organiCing a wrestling competition in *athura' )e has invited all the big and small kings to the competitions' )e has invited you with Krishna and Balarama as well' Beauti ul *athura is worth seeing' -ullible 4and elt pleased by AkrurLs talking and saidK RKing Kansa has shown a great honour to me' )e has sent invitation only to other kingsF but has sent his minister to call me and a golden chariot or my kids'R /o it was announced in -okul that all the people would go to *athura the neHt day and witness the estivities there'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&='&5'39Arrival in *athura
A ter the departure o AkrurF 4andbaba too set out or *athura along with the -opas' (n the way itsel F they caught up with Krishna and Balaram' All o them then reached *athura together' 0here they stayed in a garden' A ter sometimeF with 4andLs permissionF both the brothers set out to see the city o *athura' *athura was indeed a beauti ul town' All the residents o *athura thronged on roadsF roo s and attices to have a sight o Krishna and Balrama'
&='&5'3,-race on KubDa
(n the wayF they met a pretty but hunched women' /he introduced hersel as KubDaF the maid o Kansa' )er duty was to smear the members o the royal amily with sandal?wood paste' -od asked her i she would smear him with sandal paste' KubDa saidK R( *an*ohanF 1 see no one more itting than you or the sandal paste'R 0hus she smeared LordLs orehead with sa ron' (n DauLs orehead she smeared musk containing sandal pasteF other -opas smeared all the remaining sandal paste on their heads' Lord thenF put )is eet on KubDaLs and holding her chin gave her head a slight Derk' And in no timeF KubDaLs hunch was gone and she turned into a pretty woman' /he begged lord or )is love' 0he Lord promised her a meeting in utureF and proceeded ahead'
them' But be ore elephant could attack themF Balarama caught its trunkF while Krishna caught its tail' Both the brothers then dragged the elephant out o the gate and lo ted it in the air' 0he elephant ell on the ground with a loud thud and died on the spot'
&='&5'6&/alvation o 8restlers
Kansa elt very nervous by the news o elephantLs killing' Be ore he could take stock o the situationF Lord Krishna and Balaram arrived in the amphi? theatre' 0he spectators present in the amphitheatre saw Lord as per their eelings' 0he men olk saw Lord as a #ewel among the men' 8omen olk saw him as an incarnation o Kamadev' <owherds saw their natural riend in LordF while to Kansa )e appeared as his death' But to his mother and atherF Devaki and Vasudev and to 4andF Krishna and Balarama appeared as small kids' /ages and ascetics saw nothing but metaphysical coming in boysL guise' Learned ones sighted )is cosmic orm while to Yadavas )e appeared as their tutelery -od' As soon as the Lord and Balarama arrived in the ringF the wrestlersF who were already present thereF stood up like springs' A wrestler <hanur dragged Krishna and one named *ushtik dragged Balarama into the ring' 0hey said to themK RBoth o you and we are the subDects o the great king Kansa' 1t is our duty to please our king with our art and skill' *ore over we will receive many rewards also'R Krishna saidK R( wrestlersF you please ight among yourselves' 8e are boys yetF so we shall witness your ight rom a distance'R <hanur saidK R4o you are neither boy nor teenagers' You are stronger than the strongest' You have Dust killed an elephant which was stronger than thousand elephants'R 0husF both the brothers were compelled to wrestle with the royal wrestlers' *ushtik was beaten on the ground by Balarama so hard that he died at once on the spot' Krishna similarly killed second wrestler <hanur' All the remaining wrestlers met similar ate one by one' 0he massive crowd present there applauded them Doy ully'
&='&5'6+/alvation o Kansa
/eeing the shame ul de eat o his wrestlersF Kansa in uriated with anger and proclaimedK R0ie all the opponentsO tie %garsenF DevakiF VasudevF 4and in ropes and bring them be ore me'R Lord Krishna could not tolerate this and in a single DumpF )e reached on the stage where Kansa was present' Lord Krishna caught him by hair and saidK R( KansaF once you have caught a helpless woman by hairF 1 have avenged that insult' 4ow you will receive the ruits or your atrocities'R /aying thisF Lord began to twirl Kansa catching him by hairF and threw him down rom the stage' 0hen Lord Dumped once again and landed on the chest o Kansa' Kansa died instantaneously' 0husF Kansa who was an incarnation o the demon Kalnemi received salvation' Lord Krishna thenF released his parents rom the prison and crowned his maternal grand ather %grasen as the king o *athura'
&='&5'63Yagyopavit o Krshna?Balarama
A ter the success ul completion o all the royal ceremoniesF the consecration o Krishna and Balarama was carried out' 0herea terF they came to stay at the hermitage o sage /andipani or ormal education' .Htraordinarily brilliant Krishna success ully learned all the knowledge in short period o time' 0henF as -urudakshina (paying respect to the teacher) Krishna brought back his dead sons rom the abode o YamaraD' 0aking his convocational bathF therea terF Lord Krishna returned to *athura' 0hereF though living among royal luHuries and grandeur Lord Krishna remained indi erent' *emory o his sentimentalF beloved devotees riend and other people o VraD kept on pricking him'
to VraD in his chariot' 0here he stayed at 4andLs home' At nightF %ddhav enMuired about 4and and YashodaLs well being and about VraD in general' 0hat whole might passed in chatting'
&='&5'6;Bhramar -eet
4eHt dayF when the -opis got the news o %ddhavLs arrivalF they thronged in and around 4andLs residence' 0hey recogniCed the chariot parked in ront o the gate' 1t was the same chariot on which Krishna and Balarama had departed or *athura' >irst they thought that their beloved Krishna had returned' But their belie did not last long' /ome o them opined that Akrur might have come again' But what orN But then someone in ormed that it was %ddhavF KrishnaLs /avant riendF who had come to preach them about metaphysical knowledge' /oon a terwardsF %ddhav came out and spoke out loudK R( -opisF listen to the preaching o %ddhav'R But instead o listening to himF -opis covered their ears' >eeling insultedF %ddhav eHpressed his dissatis action over their behaviour' -opis said to himK ( gentlemanF irstly we are not amiliar with youF secondly we have no capacity to hear your preaching' Yes i you wish to give us a message o our most belovedO thousand o ears are eager to hear that'R %ddhav then introduced himsel as the intimate riend o Lord Krishna' Knowing his identi y -opis welcome and treated %ddhav warmly' %ddhav then began to say againK R( -opisF the personF whom you are declaring as your beloved riendF in act has no motherF no ather' )e has no ormF no colour and no body' )e is above allF non?eHisting all pervasive and the giver o Doy' )e is never separate rom his devotee and beloved ones' All o youF tooF eel the presence o that /upreme Being and be happy orever'R -opis saidK R%ddhavF as long as -hanashyam stayed with usF we saw endless virtues in him' But only within siH months o his stay in *athuraF you wiped out all o his virtues and turned him virtueless' 0ell us with which mouth did he eat butterF with which hand did he break our pitchersF with which eet did he pasture cows in the orests and with which eet did he dance on the hood o Kaliy' 8as he another KrishnaNR )arsh reaction o the -opis startled %ddhav' )e began to think where he had been caught' )is knowledge o Vedant was proving ine ective on the -opis' 8ho are sunk in so much love' (n the other handF -opis too were eeling embarassed or treating the guest bitterly' But they were also not prepared to listen to such preaching that condemned love' *oreoverF they had let out their long accumulating eeling' *eanwhile a bumblebee perched at "adhaLs eet mistaking them or lotus' :ointing to itF all the -opis saidK RBeware ( bumblebeeF beware i you dare to touch the eet o our "adha' 1t appears that you are a disciple o Krishna' 0here is now no secret regarding the virtues and actions o your riend' But it is good that he and you tied in riendship' You are black and your riend has a black heart' Virtues o both o you are same' >irst )e imbibed us in )is loveO then le t us ruthlessly orever' )e is not sorry or us' But why does Lakshmi serves in those eetN /he must be care ulF lest she should be deceived like us' ( bumblebee you also appear to be a polymath who has come here to preach us' But you wonLt get an audience in BraD' You should better go to *athura' 0here is one KubDa go and relate your tale to her' You will receive ample donations rom her' 8hat will you get rom the -opis hereN 0hey have already lost their mental balanceF because o their separation rom the beloved Krishna' 1 you have come to askF why we loved Krishna' ( bumblebeeF we have no knowledge' But we know that our love or Krishna was not a mistake' .ven the goddess Lakshmi does not leave )is eet or a moment' 8hy should we leave his eet thenN But ( bumblebeeF have you really come to convince us' 8hen )e could not come out o shameF )e sent you to console us ? the dea and dumb -opisF But be care ul i you put your head at the eet o "adha'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
-et awayF we have already seen enough o lattery and lirtation o your riend' Deserting our a ection or ephemeral thingsF we loved that eternal one' but )e too abandoned us' <an you guess about our conditionN 0ell usF ( %ddhavF shall we ever get the sight o /hri Krishna againN )earing the tragic tale o the -opisF %ddhav too elt very sorry or them' )e elt as i *athuranathF lord Krishna was indeed neglecting those -opis' %ddhav stayed in Vrindavana or siH months' 0here he saw every placeF every spot where lord Krishna had played once' 8hen he was returning to *athuraF mother Yashoda presented him with butterF "adha gave him the lute' 0hus immersed in the love and overwhelmed by its eelingsF %ddhav reached *athura' )e said to KrishnaK RLordF the real appearance o loveF that 1 saw in Vrindavana is the only truth'R /hri Krishna saidK R%ddhavF You are weeping' #ust look at me'R %ddhav looked at him with wideF opened eyes' 1n every single hair o LordF there eHisted -opis' %ddhav was indeed a /avant' But Lord had sent him to BraD only to be taught a lesson o love'
&='&5'690ale o *uchkund
:arikshit askedK R-urudevF who was that sleeping manNR /hukdev saysK R( kingF that sleeping man was *uchkundF the son o the king *andhata' 0he gods had sought his assistance in their war against the demon during the /atyayug' 8ith *uchkundLs helpFthe gods had de eated the demons and thus pleased had asked him to seek a boon' *uchkund then had sought a boon o seeing -od in tangible orm' 0he gods had assured him that he would have a sight o -od in Dwapar Yuga' /ince Dwapar Yuga was still ar awayF so *uchkund had askedK R8hat should 1 do till thenNR 0he gods asked him to sleep somewhere and blessed him with a boon that whoever waked him up would be incinerated at onceF by his glance' 0husF in order to get Kalyavan incinerated
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
and show *uchkund with his Divine ormF Lord had gone to that spot where *uchkund was sleeping' *uchkund got the sight o -od in <haturbhuD ormO and seeked a boon o continuous devotion or three births' 0husF Lord de eated *alechchh army and captured all their wealth' )e also de eated #arasandha and caused great Doy or the people o Dwaraka'
&='&5'6,*arriage o Balarama
0he king o AnartF "aiwat got his daughter "ewati married to Balarama with the blessing o Brahma'
(n her way backF "ukmani was walking very slowly or she was awaiting LordLs arrivalF which was due in any moment' #ust thenF Lord Krishna appeared be ore her' Be ore she could ride her chariot Lord li ted her rom amidst the crowd' And in the presence o hundrerds o kingsF Krishna and Balarama eloped away with "ukmani'
oot prints o a great bear' >ollowing the ootprintsF )e reached in the cave where #ambvanLs daughter #ambvati was playing with the gem' As soon as lord Krishna proceeded to take the gemF #ambvan arrived' A ierce duel resulted between them' 0hey continued to ight or twenty?siH days without truce' (n the twenty?seventh day #ambvan reMuested Lord$ R:lease wait ( Lord'R Lord saidK RDo you want to take restNR R4oRF said #ambvanF R1 have recognised you' You are non other than Lord 4arayana )imsel ' 4obody else has the power to de eat me'R Lord appeared be ore #ambvan as /hri "ama' #ambvan prayed and worshipped )im' )e was eeling guilty that he dared to ight Lord' Lord said that )e had arrived there or the gem only' #ambvan gave him the gem and also his daughter #ambvati' Lord returned the gem to /atraDit and married #ambvati ormally'
&='&5';;0he t o /yamantak
Akrur and Kritvarma were not pleased with the marriage o /atyabhama' /o they got /atraDit killed by /hatdanva' /hatdanva killed /atraDit in his sleep and absconded with the gem' Lord Krishna was then away in )astinapur' /atyabhama too reached there and in ormed Krishna about her atherLs assassination' 8ith BalaramaF Lord Krishna chased /hatdhanva' But even a ter killing himF they could not trace the gem' /hatdhanva had given the gem to Akrur to keep till his return' But a ter the death o /hatdhanvaF rightened Akrur came to stay in Kashi' >rom the e ect o the gem Akrur per ormed many grand Yagyas there' Lord summoned Akrur rom Kashi' A ter welcoming and treating him in the courtF Lord asked him about the gem' Akrur showed the gem in the court' But Lord returned the gem to Akrur' Other marria;es of 6ord 0rshna!
&='&5';,8ith /atya
/atya was the daughter o 4agnDitF the king o Kaushal' /he was eHtremely beauti ul lady' 0he king had resolved that he would marry his daughter only to him who would de eat his seven most ormidable oHen' *any princes has tried their luck since then but ailed' 8hen Lord Krishna heard about thatF )e reached Kaushal with his army' 0he king o Kaushal welcomed and treated him wellF and told him about his resolution' Lord then took seven guises and in no time de eated his seven ormidable oHen' -ladly the king married his daughter /atya to Lord Krishna'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&='&5';28ith Bhadra
/hukdev saidK R:arikshitF LordLs aunt ( atherLs sister) /hrutkirti was married in the kingdom o KaikauDa' Bhadra was the daughter o /hrutkirti' BhadraLs brothers like /antardan etc' themselves had got their sister married to Lord Krishna'
&='&5'=58ith Lakshmana
Lakshmana was the daughter o the king o *adra' /he was very beauti ul and meritorius' Lord abducted her all alone rom the /wayamvar organised or her marriage' LaterF Lord married to her ormally'
&='&5'=&/alvation o Bhaumasur
/hukdev saidK :arikshitF :rayDyotishpur was the capital o the demon Bhaumasur' )e was very strong and power ul' )e had snatched the canopy o VarunaF ear?rings o Aditi the mother o the godsF and *aniparvat o the gods on *eru' Apart rom theseF he had also captured siHteen thousand and one hundred princesses as well' DevraD 1ndra himsel visited Dwaraka and :rayed Lord to get them rid o BhaumasurLs atrocities' 8ith the dear wi e /atyabhama and riding his vehicle -aruda' Lord Krishna arrived in the capital o Bhaumasur' But to enter :ragDyotishpur was a impossible task' But with the blows o his mace and arrowsF Lord easily broke the hillsF destroyed strategic positions and cut the snares with sword' By his wheel he destroyed the walls o ireF water and air' 8ith the loud sound o conchF lord renderered the machinesF installed thereF useless' %ltimatelyF -od destroyed the rampart o the citadel' Disturbed by the noiseF the ive?headed demon *ur ran with a trident to kill -od' But with a single shot o his arrowF Lord broke his trident and cut his head with his wheel' /oldiers and commanders o Bhaumasur were also killed' Bhaumasur then came himsel to ight' )e had donned a shinning crown and was wearing big earrings' 8ith his wheelF Lord cut the demonLs head' As soon as )e beheaded the demonF the gods showered lowers on the Lord and worshipped )im' .ven the mother earth came and put a garland o ive colours around lords neck' /he also presented to him the earrings o AditiF canopy o VarunaF and a great gem' At the reMuest o earthF Lord assured BhaumasurLs son Bhagdatt reedom rom his ears'
&='&5'=6*arriage o %sha?Anirudha
0he son o the demon king BaliF Banasur was a great devotee o Lord Lord /hiva' Banasur ruled over the kingdom /honitpur' By the grace o Lord Lord /hivaF he had received thousand arms' .ven all the gods including 1ndra used to serve him' 0hus blinded by his physical strengthF Banasur sought a boon rom Lord to meet a match or his strength' Lord /hiva saidK R( oolF your thirst or war shall be Muenched when your lag is broken'R Banasur had a daughter named %sha' (nce she had a dream in which Anirudh was making love with her' /he was very much perpleHed by the dream' A ter a ew days with the help o her riend
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
<hitralekhaF Anirudh sneaked into her palace' )e stay there and enDoyed the company o %sha or long' But AnirudhLs clandestine stay could not remain hidden rom the eyes o Banasura' /o he put Anirudh in prison' 0here in DwarakaF everyone was worried by AnirudhLs long absence' 1t was 4aradF who ultimately revealed the act that Anirudh was in the prison o Banasur' )earing the newsF Lord Krishna launched an attack on Banasur' )is armies surrounded /honitpur' During -hurabandi the lag o BanasurLs palace ell' Lord /hanker arrived to assist Banasur' Lord Krishna cut all the arms o Banasur' At the reMuest o Lord /hivaF he le t only our o his arms intact' Banasur bowed his head be ore Lord Krishna and brought Anirudh and %sha respect ully be ore )im' 8ith them Lord Krishna returned to Dwaraka where ormal marriage o %sha and Anirudh took place'
&='&5'=9/alvation o Dvivid
0he king :arikshit eHpressed his desire to hear about the li e o Balarama' /hukdev saidKF R( kingF there was once a monkey named Dwivid' )e was the riend o Bhaumasur' 8hen Dwivid heard about BhaumasurLs killing by /hri KrishnaF he began to cause large scale destruction in the kingdom' )is disruptive activities in the country began to terroriCe the subDects o Lord Krishna' (nce hearing sweet musicF the monkey was drawn towards the "aivtak mountain' 0here he saw Balarama amidst beauti ul
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
young women' 0he monkey began to behave indecently' Angered by his indecencyF Balarama hit him with his pestelF named /unandF and killed the monkey'
&='&5'=,*arriage o /amb
/amb was the son o lord Krishna and born to #ambvati' )e had Kidnapped LakshmanaF the daughter o Duryodhana rom her /wayamvar' 1n uriated Kauravas chased them andF with di icultyF they caught /amb and tied him' 8hen the Yaduvanshis got the newsF they began preparations to launch an attack on Kauravas' Balarama paci ied them and reached )astinapur alone' 0here he received a warm welcome rom the Kauravas' Balarama said to themK R1t is an order o the king %grasen that you should see /amb o with his newly wedded wi e'R )earing BalaramaLs words Kauravas got angry and began to deride Yaduvanshis' 1n uriated by Kauravas derisionsF Balarama trained his pestle and plough' )e intended to turn over the town o )astinapur into the river Yamuna' 8hen the city began to shakeF Kauravas elt perpleHed and begged Balarama or his pardon' Balarama assured them to be earless and returned to Dwaraka with /amb and his newly wedded wi e Lakshmana'
&='&5'9&Killing o #arasandh
During YudhishthirLs "aDsuy YagyaF all the :andavas set out in all the directions to conMuer the kings and eHpand the boundaries o their kingdom' 8arriors like BheemF ArDun de eated great kings all around and eHtended the boundaries o YudhisthirLs empire' But to de eat #arasandhF ? BheemaF ArDuna and Lord Krishna went in the guise Brahmins' 0hey reached #arasandh capital -irivraD and prayed him or donations' #arasandh promised to give them the things o their desires' Lord Krishna then introduced themselves and begged #arasandh or a duel with any o them' #arasandh accepted to ight a duel with Bheema' )e gave Bheema a mace and both o them came out to the outskirts o the townF where they began their duel' Both o them were eMually strong and eMually brave and well pitted' 0wenty?seven days passedF but their duel remained inconclusive' (n the twenty?eighth dayF during the ightF Lord signaled Bheema a way to kill #arasandh' )e took a small twig in his hands and tore it apart into two' Bheema understood the signal and beating #arasandh on groundF he tore him apart in two pieces and threw them in opposite directions' 0hus came the end o evil #arasandh' Lord Krishna and ArDuna heartily greeted Bheema or his success' 0hey then enthroned #arasandhLs son /ahdev and also got the captive kings released'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&='&5'9+/alvation o /hishupal
King Yudhishthir had invited great vedic Brahmins and Acharayas on the occasion' 0hose great /ages included Ved VyasF BhardwaDF /umantuF -autamF AsitF VashishthF <hyvanF KanvF *aitreyF KavashF <hitF VishvamitraF VamdevF /umatiF #eminiF KratuF :ailF :arashuramaF /hukracharyaF AsuriF VitihotraF *adhuchchandaF Veersen and Akritvarn etc' :ersons rom Kauravas side like DronaF BheeshmaF KripacharyaF DhritrashtraF Vidhur and Duryodhan etc' were too invited to witness the celebrations' .ven BrahmaF /hivF 1ndraF -andharvasF Vidyadhars had too arrived' But be ore the Yagya could start a dispute cropped up among the great sages as to who ought to be worshipped irst in the Yagya' 1n the opinion o /ahdeva (youngest o the :andava brothersF not the son o #arasandh)F Lord Krishna deserved the irst worship' .very one supported him' (nly /hishupal could not tolerate the decision' )e stood up and saidK R1n the presence o such great asceticsF savantsF polymaths and sagesF how can this cowherd deserve the irst worship'R Despite /hishupal bitter remarks Lord Krishna kept Muiet' But /hishupal did not' .ncouraged by LordLs silence he began to attack the kingsF who stood by LordLs sideF with sword' )e was simultaneously abusing Lord Krishna also' Lord had assured /hishupal o this orgiveness or up to one hundred sins' But now /hishupalLs sins have crossed that permitted number' /oF Muieting allF Lord cut his head with )is wheel' As soon as the dead body o /hishupal ell on the groundF a lame emerged rom it and merged with Lord Krishna' /hukdev saysK R( :arikshitF eelings o hostility had been accumulating in the heart o /hishupal or his past three births against Lord Krishna' 1t was because o these intense hostile eelings that /hishupal met salvation eventually' A ter the salvation o /hishupalF ceremonies and rituals o Yagya proceeded unabated' At the end king Yudhishthir presented all those present there with itting gi ts and took ceremonial bath' At the reMuest o :andavasF lord Krishna stayed in 1ndraprastha or many months'
&='&5'93/alvation o /halva
/hukdev saysK R:arikshitF now listen to the tale o how Lord caused salvation or /halv' /halv was the childhood riend o /hishupal and had attended the marriage o "ukmani as a member o /hishupalLs wedding party' At that timeF Yaduvanshis had de eated them all including #arasandh and /halv' "ight at that momentF /halv had resolved to destroy Yaduvanshis and began worshipping -ods o the gods :ashupati (/hiv)' Lord Ashutosh Lord /hiva was pleased with him' As a boonF /halv had got an aeroplane that was invincible even or the godsF demonsF humansF nagasF etc and was particularly ormidable or Yaduvanshis' By the dictate o Lord Lord /hivaF the demon *aya constructed such an aeroplane o iron' 0he aeroplane named /aubh was as big as a city and was di icult to be spotted or caught' 1t could move as ast as oneLs wishes' /oon a ter getting the aeroplaneF /halv launched an attack o Dwaraka' /urrounding DwarakaF /halv began to destroy buildings and houses there' /eeing the people terroriCedF :radyumn consoled them to be earless and himsel set out on a chariot to counter /halv' )e pierced /halv with arrows' But /halvLs minister Dyumana attacked :radyumn with a mace' By the blow o the maceF :radyumn lost his consciousness' But soon he came around and began to slay /halvLs orces' 0he ierce battle continued or twenty?seven days' Lord was away then in 1ndraprastha Yagya' But )e was sure that in his absence Kshatriya kings o /hishupal side would be attacking on Dwaraka' Lord reached Dwaraka and saw a ierce battle between :radyumn and /halv' /eeing Lord arriveF /halv began to attack )im with sharp arrows' Lord hit /halv with a power ul blow o mace and he began to spit blood rom his mouth' )e then tried to show many illusions and showered Lord with weapons' But Lord wounded /halv with his arrowsF broke his aeroplane with his mace' Very soon therea ter the aeroplane plunged in to the sea' /halv then attacked Lord with mace but Lord cut his head with /udarshan wheel' /eeing his endF all the gods showered lowers on Lord'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
L)enceF 1 will give him the wealth that is rare even or the gods'''L thought Lord Krishna and snatched the bundle o raw rice and opened it with great respect' )e put one hand ul o it in his mouth' 8hen Lord proceeded to take neHt hand ulF Mueen "ukmani held his hand and prayedK R( Vishvambhar ( osterer o the world) or the prosperity o entire world this one hand ul is su icient'R /udama stayed that night in the palace o /hri Krishna' 0here he eHperienced the com ort o Vaikunth (abode o -od)' /taying there or many daysF /udama at lastF took leave o /hri Krishna and set out or his home' Lord did not give /udama anything apparently nor did /udama asked or )is avour' )e was travelling overwhelmed by a divine sense o devotion and elt that Krishna might have not given him wealth lest he should orget )im' 0husF sunk in myriad kinds o thoughtsF /udama reached his home' But at the placeF where his dilapidated hut stood once there was now a divine palace surrounded by verdant gardens' 0he loors o the palace were embedded with precious gems and stones' /tanding at the gateF /udama elt con usedF when his wi e /usheela came out with scented water to welcome him' 0ears were rolling on her cheeks' 8ith love she greeted /udama and escorted him inside the palace' /udama was still re lecting over the -odLs grace and prayingK R*ay 1 have the riendship o lord in every birthF may my a ection increase or LordLs eet' 1 donLt want wealth'L /ince thenF /udama enDoyed the com orts o the palace as the bounty o Lord bestowed upon him by non other than the Lord Krishna himsel ' )is devotion increased day by day'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&='&5',5:rayers o Vedas
King :arikshit askedK RBrahminF Brahma is beyond the limit o doLs and whyLs' )e is ree rom the virtues like /atF "aDa and 0ama' )e cannot be seen by mind' (n the other hand -una (Virtues) is the subDect o all the /hrutis (Vedas)' )ow do Vedas then depict BrahmaNR /hukdev saysK R:arikshitF Lord is omnipotent and a treasure o all the virtues' /hrutis (Vedas) do depict /aguna (with virtues) clearly' But re lect on them deeply and you get virtuesless meaning rom them' (nceF Lord Badrinarayana had arrived among the inhabitant sages o Kalaygram' Devarishi 4arad had asked him the same Muestion' 1n the assembly o the great sagesF Lord then narrated the same taleF
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
which the inhabitants o #anloka had asked' 0he supreme sages like /anakadi and his brothers were eMual in knowledgeF penance etc' Yet they chose /anandan as the narratorF and rest three became the audience' /anandan had saidK R/uch as the savants and balladiers sing in praise their king to wake him up in the morningF similarly annihilating the entire universe in )imF :aramatma (supreme soul) lies asleep with all )is powers' At the end o :ralayaF Vedas (/hurtis) wake )im up through the words that demonstrate )im'R /hrutis (Vedas) saysK R( ADit (invincible one)F you are supremeF no one can conMuer youO may you win everywhere' ( LordF you are complete with all the luHuriesF hence destroy the illusion that allures all the living beings' 8e are unable to describe your appearance' But when your powers mani est in creation' 8e get some ability to describe you' Description o BrahmaF 1ndraF AgniF /urya and other godsF by us (Vedas) appears as separateF 0he complete universe is not di erent rom you' 1t is a description o your various orms' You are unbornF even in those idols' You do not take birth' All the Vedas describe your merits' All the savants love none but you through hearing and remembering o your auspiciousF benevolent virtues' (F endlessF i anybody in human incarnations does not recite or remember your name he is breathing in vain' Dharma(duty)F Arth (8ealth)F Kama (/ensual pleasure) and *oksha (/alvation) have no meaning or those who remember you with pure heart' ( endlessF glorious LordF common people are wandering in abDect darkness o unnecessary disputes' Your realiCation is impossible' 8hen will that moment arrive in my li e' 8hen 1 shall recite your names like *adhavF VamanaF 0rilochanF -ovind etc' with Doy and get ree rom all the miseries' ( LordF this entire universe is alse' But still appears as real' 8e pray to that -od who is present as an illuminating truth in this alse creation' ( Lord o allF people can not sail across this ocean o death without youF no matter what they do to achieve salvation' 0heir all e orts are utile' ( LordF all the living beings are wandering in your illusion' But the learned ones donLt regard themselves separate rom the cycle o li e and death' 1n your shelterF they have nothing to ear' /hukdev saysK R:arikshit as per your MueryF 1 told you how Vedas describe :arabrahma :aramatma who is ree rom natural virtues and invisible' ( kingF it is the lord who conceptualiCes the universe and is present in the beginningF mid and the end o it' )e is the Lord o nature and creatures' 1t is )e who created the universe and entered it with the creatures' )e created the bodies and controls them' /uch as a human beingF who is immersed in deep sleepF is not aware o his body' /imilarlyF on receiving -odF the creature is reed rom illusion' /o one must continuously re lect on the virtues o Lord /hri Krishna'R
1n replyF Lord Krishna had saidK R( YudhishthirF 1 take away all the wealth rom those whom 1 bestow my grace' 8hen they are poorF their relatives desert them' 1 even render their e orts useless when they try to earn money' 0hus being unsuccess ul repeatedlyF the people develop an attitude o indi erence or wealth' 0hen they begin to take shelter as my devotee and mingle with me' (nly thenF 1 bestow my ull grace on them and they receive me as /achchidanand :arbrahma' 0husF pleasing me through my worship is eHtremely di icult' )enceF ordinary people give me up and worship other deitiesF which are in act di erent orms o me' Lord /hiva is Ashutosh and bestows his devotees Muickly with grace' )e gives wealth and other riches to his devotees' But once they get wealthF the devotees become despotic and even orget the -od who had blessed them'R 1n this conteHt /hukdev narrated one ancient tale to :arikshit' (nce upon a timeF there was a demon Vrikasur' )e had pleased Lord /hiva and sought a boon that the personF upon whose head the demon put his handF should be incinerated at once' Lord /hiva granted the boon without considering the conseMuences' But as soon as the demon got this supernatural powerF he ran to incinerate Lord /hiva irst' 0he demon was eyeing -auri :arvatiF so he was determined to eliminate Lord Lord /hiva' 4ow a raid o his own boonF Lord /hiva ran or his li eF with the demon ollowing him in hot pursuit' At last Lord /hiva reached in Vaikunth and told Lord Vishnu about his crisis' Lord at once illusioned the demon and made him put his handF on his own head' By the virtue o the boonF the demon was incinerated in no time and thus Lord /hiva could be saved'
&='&5',+0esting o 0rinity
(nce upon a timeF all the sages assembled on the bank o /araswati river' A dispute errupted among them as to who among the trinity was the greatest' By consensus they appointed sage Bhrigu to test the trinity o BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahesh' Bhrigu reached to BrahmaF but did not greet him' Brahma got in uriated but since the sage Bhrigu was his own sonF )e did not curse him' 0hen Bhrigu visted Lord /hiva' Lord /hiva proceeded to embrace the sage' But instead o accepting Lord /hivaLs welcomeF the sage began to abuse )imF sayingK RYou violate the dignity o VedasF so 1 will not meet with you'R Angry Lord /hiva raised his trident to kill himF but Bhagawati stopped )im' At last Bhrigu reached Vaikunth to see Lord Vishnu' Lord was lying with head in the lap o Lakshmi' Bhrigu kicked hard at )is chest' But instead o getting angryF Lord got upF bowed his head be ore the sage and begged pardonK R( /ageF pardon meF 1 could not welcome you at onceF at your arrival' Your eet are so tF 1 hope they are not hurt' All my sins have been washed by the touch o your eet'R Bhrigu elt very pleased by the serious talks o Lord' )is heart elt overwhelmed with eHcess o devotion' )e returned to the assembly o the sages and narrated his eHperience' /ince then Lord Vishnu is regarded as the /upreme and giver o peace and earlessness'
*eanwhileF Lord Krishna too learned about ArDunLs vow and stopped him rom sel ?immolation' 0herea terF riding a divine chariotF Lord set out with ArDunF towards west' Beyond the limits o cosmos' 0hey reached the abode o Lord Vasudev in 0ripadvibhuti' 0here ArDun saw that Lord was present in :urushottams appearance' /hri Krishna and ArDun greeted )im' Lord :urushottam said in a serious voiceK R( Krishna and ArDunaF only to have a sight o both o youF 1 brought the BrahminLs sons to me' Both o you had taken incarnation on earth rom my part to protect the religion' All the demons have been slain by now' 4ow you too return to me' /hri Krishna and ArDun again greeted Lord and returned on earth with all the sons o the Brahmin' ArDun was greatly surprised to see the supreme abode o Lord' )e elt that whatever strength a living being hadF it was all by /hri KrishnaLs grace' Like commonF ordinary peopleF the Lord stayed on earth enDoing mundane com ortsF per ormed Yagyas like kingsF behaved like idealistic peopleO deterred )is subDects and slayed evil kings to re?establish religion on earth'
0he king then asked about the characteristics o the LordLs devotees' Another Yogeshwar )ari saidK RA true devotee o the Lord remains una ected by eelings like hungerF thirstF li eF deathF labourF painF ear and desire' /uch a devotee is the eHcellent kind o Bhagwad' .ven the wealth o all the three worlds cannot shake the aith o such a devoteeF because Lord /hri )ari himsel stays in his heart'R R8hat is illusionNR A Yogeshwar Antariksh repliedK RKingF an illusion is also -odLs play' )aving a possessive eeling about mundane is illusion' 0hinking in terms o L1LF L*eLF L*ineLF L*yLF LYouLF LYourL is also illusion' 1 one can have such an a ection or -od as he has or worldly thingsF one can easily surmount the illusion'R King #anak then asked about the method o worshipping Lord' A yogeshwarF KarbhaDan saidK R ( kingF the Lord had a air compleHion in /atyuga' :eople used to receive )im through methods like meditationF reconciliationF etc' 1n 0retayugaF the Lord had reddish compleHion and Yagyas were the main means to achieve )im' 1n DwaparyugaF the Lord had yellowish compleHion and )e could be pleased through worships' 1n the present KaliyugaF Lord has dark compleHion and one can receive )im through means like recitationF narration and hearing o )is name and plays' 0husF narad preached Vasudev about Bhagwad dharma' 4ow the heart and mind o Vasudev were thoroughly clean and pure'
loving this body is nothing but sorrow' 0hus our own body also helps us to learn about metaphysical knowledge' Lord Krishna also eHplained %ddhav regarding utility o physical and heavenly luHuries' 0his human body is like a treeF on which two birds ? #eevatma and :aramatma (microcosm and supreme soul) ? have taken shelter' 0wo ruits ? happiness and sorrow ? appear on it' 0hese ruits are eaten by #eevatma (micrososm) while :aramatma (supreme soul) stays as an indi erent onlooker' 0here are three kinds o #eev ? Baddh (Bound)F Bhakt (devotee) and *ukt(liberated)' Baddh #eevas (bound souls) are those who indulge in sensual pleasures and those who dislike pious company' *ukt #eev (liberated souls) are those who are ree rom attachment and bindings' Bhakt (devotees) are those who meditate on me and dedicate their everything in my eet and have love or my virtues' *y devotee is kindF ree rom lawsF tolerantF has eeling o raternity or all and controls his desires'
&='&&'6Bhikshu?-eet "ord said: FUddha,( in the /or)d( there is indeed a dearth of such to)erant peop)e /ho can to)erate bitter remar2s of e,i) ones1 &n this conte9t there is a ta)e of a 'reed* Brahmin /ho )i,ed in Ujjain1 That Brahmin had been bad)* tormented b* the e,i) peop)e after he had )ost his /ea)th1 But sti)) the Brahmin did not )ose his patience and re'ardin' his present state as a resu)t of his pre,ious birth:s deeds( he e9pressed his fee)in's thus: These peop)e are not the cause of m* miseries0 neither the 'ods( nor bod*( not e,en p)anets and time( can be b)amed for m* miseries1 Scriptures and )earned ones he)d the mind itse)f 'ui)t* of one:s miseries1 &t is the mind that runs the c*c)e of the /or)d and ma2es e,er* 2ind of efforts1 &n the absence of mind( e,en the sou) is rendered motion)ess1 6hen one accepts the dictates of the mind and indu)'es in sensua) p)easures( sou) too comes to be bound /ith them1 The u)timate outcome of a)) the spiritua) efforts )i2e ce)ibac*( stud* of Vedas etc1 and abidance to pious actions is the concentration of mind1 Concentration of mind and is abstaintation from sensua) p)easures are the primar* conditions for attainment of %aram*o'a -supreme meditation.1 Thus "ord preached Uddha, about 3*ana 3eeta1 Uddha, too too2 Bha'/ad -/hich is a form of the "ord. /ith honour and departed for Badri2ashrama1
11&1!0hapter 1! 0his chapter contains = sub?sections'
parents till their marriage onlyF not a ter that' Boys would not touch the eet o their own parentsF but would pay ull respect to their ather and mother?in?lawF Brother?in?law would be dearer to them than their own brother' /hukdev saysK :arikshitF Kaliyug is the mine o aultsF But it has only one great virtue ? that the people will acMuire divine position only by reciting LordLs name' "ecitation o LordLs nameF regardless o intention and motivation?? whether it is loveF derisionF laCiness or maliceness? would destroy oneLs sins' But ( :arikshitF the sinister people would do even the most di icult tasks in KaliyugF but they would not recite LordLs name' 0hey would not have an interest in the Lord' 0heir interests would be more in sensuous things like soundF touchF beautyF scent etc' ( :arikshitF the :aramgati (supreme salvation) that people could receive by ten thousand years o meditation in /atyugaO by per orming Yagya or hundred years in 0retayuga and by worshiping LordFs idol or ten years in DwaparF that supreme salvation is easily available or people in Kaliyug simply by reciting LordLs name or one day and one night continuously' But stillFin Kaliyug people would not have aith in LordLs name' 1t is their mis ortune'
&='&+'64agayagya o #anameeDaya
8hen #anmeDayF the son o :arikshitF learned that a snake had stung his atherF he organisedF /arpsatra' During the /atraF and invoked by the hymns o BrahminsF snakes drew rom ar and near and got burnt in the ire' >rightened 0akshak approached 1ndra or re uge' 1ndra promised to help him' 0hereF on earthF #anmeDay asked the BrahminsK R8hy has 0akshakF the killer o my atherF not arrived yetNR 0hrough reconciliationF Brahmins saw that 0akshak was clinging to 1ndraLs throne' 0he Brahmin invoked 0akshak along with 1ndra' 1ndraLs throne began to move earthward' But then BrahaspatiF the teacher o the godsF intervened and stopped the Yagya'
&='&+'=:enance o *arkandey P /ighting o *aya SUT5& narrated the ta)e of Mri2andu:s son Mar2ande*1 Ta2in' she)ter at Maha2aa) -"ord Shi,a.( Mar2ande* had turned a/a* e,en Kaa) -death.1 And b* penance had a si'ht of "ord Shri !ara*ana1 He
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
pra*ed 3od to sho/ His Ma*a -i))usion.1 Thus Mar2ande* sa/ the scene of %ra)a*a1 A)) the creatures /ere dro/nin' in the de)u'e1 $n a )eaf of Ban*an( then he sa/ Ba) Mu2und1 Mar2ande* entered "ord:s heart and sa/ end)ess cosmos there1 Then( b* 3od:s instinct( Mar2ande* returned to his hermita'e1 Thus Mar2ande* had the 2no/)ed'e of "ord:s metaph*sica) state1 &n the )ast chapters( a brief content of Bha'/ad and ')or* of "ord:s de,otion ha,e been discussed1 SUT5& sa*s: $ 'reat sa'es( & ha,e described /hat *ou ha,e as2ed on the occasion of this pious assemb)a'e1 That ,oice is use)ess( /hich cannot recite "ord:s name and can not praise His ,irtues1 A)) the sins and omens are destro*ed b* constant recitation of "ord:s name1 $ne then recei,es de,otion for "ord /ith pure heart and be'ins to e9perience and fee) 3od:s tan'ib)e form1 Thou'h a)) the other %urans contain description of "ord:s appearance( but in Shrimad Bha'/ad Mahapuran( there is profuse description of Shri Hari in e,er* chapter1 Shrimad Bha'/ad has a conf)uence of 2no/)ed'e( asceticism and de,otion1 $ne recei,es de,otion for "ord and sa),ation e,entua))* mere)* b* recitin'( )istenin' and ref)ectin' o,er it1 !AMA SA!K&RTA!AM +AS+A SARV%A% %RA!ASHA!AM # %RA!AM$ DUKHSHAMA!AM TAM !AMAM& HAR& %ARAM ##
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
1( 6in;a Purana
0his is the >i th :urana' :reaching about the greatness o Lord /hiva and propagation o Ling?puDa (worship o /hiva?Ling) are the main obDectives o this :urana' 0his :urana has ive partsK &) Description o the creation' (rigin o Ling and its worship' Yagya by Daksha' 1mmolation o *adan (Kamadev)' 8edding o Lord /hiva' 0ale o Varaha' 0ale o 4arasimha' Description o /urya and /oma vansh' +) -reatness o Lord VishnuF Lord Brahma becomes the creatorF1ncarnations ( /hiva During Various Dwapar Yugas FDadhichi /ubDugates 0he /ages and /hiladLs 1mpossible Demand' 3) *ani estation ( Lord 4andishwar FKaliyuga F0he /even 1sland F0he *eru *ountainF0he :rominent *ountains FLord Brahma Assigns Lordships 0o 0he Deities and 0he "adiance ( /urya' 6) Dhruva ? 0he /upreme Devotee F0he (rigin ( DeitiesF0he Lineage ( AadityaFYadu DynastyF Appointment ( Andhak As 0he Lord ( -anasF0he Liberation ( .arth FKilling ( #alandhar and 0he (rigin ( Lord -anesh' ;) /tory ( %pamanyuF -reatness ( Dwadakshar *antra F-reatness ( /hadakshar *antraF 0he *aDestic Lord *aheshwarF0he /un *ani estation ( /hivaLs :owerF 1mportance ( -uru F1nstallation ( /hiva Linga FVaDreshwari Vidya And Di erent 0ypes ( Yoga is covered in >i th :art' As per the :uranaF a iery /hivaling appeared a ter the :ralaya' >rom this /hivalingF emerged all the Vedas and other scripturesF even BrahmaF Vishnu and all other deities' <urrent prevalence o worship o /hivaling and idols seems to be an outcome o this :urana'
14&1 'inga Purana Part 1 0his section contains &6 sub?sections (to ollow)K
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
/hiva is both invisible as well as the root cause o all the delusions o the world' 0his is why /hiva is also known as Alinga (unknowable)' Linga is nothing but the non?mani ested (Auyakta) orm o /hiva' 0his implies that the visible world is the medium through which /hiva mani ests himsel ' 4ature (:rakriti) in itsel is devoid o Mualities like smellF tasteF touch etc' ButF all these Mualities become apparent in it only because o /hivaF who is imperishable and whose characteristics are the natural Mualities like tasteF smellF touch and sound' 0he whole world along with the gross and subtle has originated rom Alinga /hiva' 0he whole world comes into being with the help o eleven components?&5 sense organs and mind' 1t is pervaded by the delusions o LAlinga /hivaL' 0he three prominent deities???Brahma Vishnu and *ahesh are the mani estations o /hiva' )e is the creator in the orm o BrahmaF the nurturer in the orm o Vishnu and the annihilator in the orm o *ahesh' 4ature is pervaded by the delusion o /hivaF which is also known as ADaa (unborn)' 0he three basic colour ?redF white and black are the symbolic eHpressions o the three Mualities "aDaF /at and 0amo respectively' *aDorities o people all prey to the delusions o this world and get entangled in its illusionary appearancesF but there are ew that understand the utility o this illusionary world' 8ith the desire o beginning creationF the supreme Almighty mani est himsel in the imperceptible which results into the creation o the *ahattatva ( ive basic elements)' >rom *ahattatva mani ests the ego or Lahankara which comprises o three gunas' >rom .go mani ests the 0anmantras or subtle orms o matter?soundF ormF taste smell and touch' Among these subtle orms o matterF /ound came into being irst o all and space originated rom it' 0he second tanmantraF touch originated rom the space' Air mani ested rom touch or sparsh' 0he third tanmantraF orm or roopa originated rom air or Yayu' >ire or Agni mani ested rom roopa' 0he ourth tanmantraF taste or rasa mani ested rom Agni' /imilarlyF water or #al mani ested rom "asaF smell or -andha rom #al and .arth mani ested rom -andha respectively' All the ive organs o action (Karmendriya) sense organs and mind originated rom pure .go (/atva ahankara)' 1n course o time all these elements got trans ormed into a mammoth egg (Anda)F inside which Lord Brahma mani ested himsel ' 0he whole universe is said to be established inside the above mentioned egg'
0he egg is covered by seven layers and Lord Brahma dwells inside itF seated on a lotus lower' 0he mammoth egg contains crores o universes inside its old'
"ord Brahma commences creation at the fa' end of ni'ht and a)) his creations e9ist for the /ho)e da*1 6hen the ni'ht descends( e,er*thin' is annihi)ated1 This is the time /hen Ka)pa ends1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&9'&'3 0he (rigin o <reation &n the initia) phase of his creation( "ord Brahma created immo,ab)e natura) thin's )i2e trees( mountains etc4then birds and anima)s1 &n the process of creation( he created ,arious thin's and human bein' /as his se,enth creation1 Dirst of a)) "ord Brahma created his Manasputras4Sana2( Sanandan etc( /ho had no /or)d)* desires1 He then created the nine supreme sa'es444Marichi( Bhri'u( An'iras( %u)ast*a( %u)aha( Kratu( Da2sha( Atri and Vashishth b* the he)p of his *o'ic po/ers1 After that( it /as the turn of the t/e),e %rajapatis4Ribhu( Sanat2umar( Sanatan etc1 A)) of them /ere di,ine( e9treme)* ,irtuous and had rea)iBed the supreme 4 se)f( Brahma1Shatarupa had be'otten four chi)dren from S/a*ambhu,a Manu4%ri*a,rata( Uttanpad( Aa2uti and %rasuti1
Aakuti was married to a :raDapati named "uchiF while :rasuti married Daksha' Aakuti gave birth to two children?Dakshina and Yagya' Dakshina had twelve sons':rasuti?the youngest daughter o /hatarupa had begotten twenty our daughters rom Yaksha?/hraddhaF LakshmiF DhritiF 0ushtiF :ushtiF *eghaF KriyaF BuddhiF LaDDaF VapuF /iddhiF KeertiF KhyatiF /ambhutiF /mritiF :reetiF KshamaF /annatiF AnusuyaF %rDaF /wahaF /ura Arani and /wadha' 0hirteen o them were married to Dharma?a :raDapati' Khyati was married to sage Bhrigu while Arani married sage Bhargava' /imilarly various sages like *arichiF AngiraF :ulastyaF :ulahaF "ituF Atri and Vashishth got married with /ambhutiF /mritiF :reetiF KshamaF /annati Anusuya and %rDaa respectively' /waha was married to Vibhavasu while /wadha married the :itrishwaras' Dharma had begotten all together &; sons rom his thirteen wives?KaamF DarpF 4iyamF /antoshF AlobhaF /hrutF DandF /amayF BodyF *ahadyutiF ApramaddF VinayF VyavasayF KshemF /ukh and Yash' Khyati?wi e o sage Bhrigu gave birth to /hri who later became the consort o lord Vishnu' /he also had two sons named Dhata and Vidhata' :rabhuti?wi e o sage *arichi gave birth to two sons?:uranama and *aarich' /he also had our daughters?0ushtiF DrishtiF Krishi and Apachi'Kshama?wi e o /age :ulaha had many o spring among whom Kardam P /ahishnu were prominent' :reetiF wi e o /age :ulastya had two sons named Dattarnavr and Dahvahu' /he also had a daughter named Dwashdwati' KratuLs wi e?/annati had siH thousand o spring who became amous as Baalkhilyas' /mriti?8i e o /age Angiras had given birth to ive daughters??? /iniF ValiF KuhuF "aka and Anumati' AnusuyaF wi e o /age Atri had siH children? ive sons and one daughter' 0he names o the sons were ? /atyanetraF BhavyamuniF *urtirayF /hanaishchar and /omatha'%rDaaF wi e o sage Vashishth gave birth to seven sons?#yayDiF :undarikaakshF "aDF /uhotraF BahuF 4ishpaapF /hravanF 0apasvi and /hukra' AgniLs consort /waha gave birth to three sons?:avamaanF :aavak and /huchi'
&9'&'; 1ncarnations o *anu P Vyas $n bein' as2ed about the incarnation of Sa'e V*as durin' ,arious eras and Man,antars( Sutji rep)ied4$ BrahminA !o/ & am 'oin' to mention the names of a)) the incarnations of V*as /ho e9isted durin' Vai,as,at man,antar of Varah 2a)p1 The names are as fo))o/s4Ritu( Sat*a( Bhar'a,a( An'ira( Sa,ita( Mrit*u( Shata2ratu( Vashishth( Saras/at( Tridhatma( Tri,rit( S/a*am( Dharm( !ara*an( Tara2shu( Aaruni( Kritanja*( Trina( Bindu( Ru2sha( Muni( Sha2ti( %arashar( 5atu2arn*a and Sri Krishna D/aipa*an1 The names of Manu:s be)on'in' to different man,antars of Varah 2a)p are4S/a*ambhu( S/arochi:s( Uttam( Tamas( Rai,at( Cha2chhus( Vai,as/at( Sa,arni( Dharmasa,arni( Vishan'( A,ishan'( Shaba) and Varna21 A)) of these Manu:s /ere named accordin' to their appearances and comp)e9ions1 Dor e9amp)e ,ai,as/at Manu /as of dar2 comp)e9ion1 &9'&'= 0he .ssence o Yoga +o'a means union /ith 3od1 The state of *o'a is impossib)e to attain /ithout the b)essin's of "ord Shi,a1 &t needs a concentrated and focussed mind1 There are some specific spots in the human bod* concentratin' upon /hich( enab)es a man to attain the state of *o'a4spot bet/een the e*ebro/s( )o/er part of the throat( !a,e) and si9 inches abo,e it etc1
0he state o yoga can never be attained until and unless a person has ully controlled the tendencies o sense organs' 1t can be achieved with the help o eight means?Yama (:enance)F 4iyam (discipline)F Aasan (:osture)F :ranayam (Breath?control)F :ratyahar (restraint o passion)F Dharan (retention)F Dhyan (concentration) and /amadhi (deep meditation)' .ach o them holds an important position in the path o yoga' Describing about the methods o per orming yogaF /utDi says??? A person should sit with his legs crossed in :admasan and try to concentrate his mind by iHing his gaCe between his eyebrows' )e should keep his spine erect' )e should meditate either on the orm o (mkar or on the orm o lord /hiva' Breath control is an important aspect o yogic eHercise' A man should eHhale deeply or 3+ times and then breathe in deeply' )e should then retain his breath as long as possible and visualiCe lord /hiva within his body' By constant practice he will achieve mastery over this art and a time will come when he will eHperience divine bliss' 0his divine bliss can not be eHperienced unless one has attained a deep state o meditation (/amadhi)'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&9'&'&5Lord Vaamdev
(nceF during thirtieth kalpa named "aktaF Lord Brahma was meditating on :arameshthi /hiva' /uddenly a divine child appeared be ore him who was o red compleHion and who had put on red apparels' )e was none other than Lord Vaamdev' Lord Brahma immediately realiCed the divinity o that child and was convinced that he was the embodiment o Almighty -od' Lord Brahma eulogiCed Vaamdev who was pleased by his devotions' >our divine entities?ViriDaF VivahuF Vishoka and Vishwabhavana mani ested rom the body o Vaamdev' All o them had great resemblance to Lord Vaamdev' Vaamdev preached them on the iner points o religiousness so that mankind could be bene ited by this knowledge'
&9'&'&&Lord 0atpurush
0he thirty? irst kalpa was known as :eet Kalpa' 0he term L:eetL means yellow and this Kalpa was named :eet because Lord Brahma had put on yellow apparels during this Kalpa' (nceF while he was meditating on the orm o Lord /hivaF a divine child mani ested be ore him' 0he child had a halo o light all around him and had put on yellow coloured clothes' .ven his turbanF sacred?thread and garland were yellow in colour' )is arms were abnormally long' Lord Brahma immediately realiCed that the child was none other than Lord *aheshwar himsel ' /uddenly a divine cow appeared rom the mouth o *aheshwarF who had our aces and possessed all the thirty?two Mualities' 0he divine cow was none other than -oddess -ayatri hersel 'Lord Brahma eulogiCed her and *aheshwar was very pleased by his deep devotion' *aheshwar also blessed him with divine knowledge and unrevealed the secret o yoga to him' "ight thenF many divine children appeared rom the body o lord *aheshwar' .ach o them had put on yellow apparels and had great resemblance to lord *aheshwar' 0hey were eHtremely virtuous and served the mankind by giving sermons' A ter having completed their mission o spreading the message o virtuosity to the mankindF all o them got united with Lord *aheshwar ultimately' A personF who is desirous o getting liberated rom all his sinF must seek the blessings o Lord *aheshwar who is also known as 0atpurush'
&9'&'&+Lord Aghoresh
:eet kalpa was ollowed by :radhritta kalpa' Black was the predominant colour o this kalpa' 1nitiallyF the whole earth was submerged in the water and Lord Brahma desirous o commencing his creations wished or a son' As a resultF a divine child mani ested whose compleHion was dark' 4ot only that he had put on black apparels and a black crown on his head' A black sacred thread was hanging across his shoulder'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Lord Brahma immediately recogniCed Aghoresh and eulogiCed him' Lord Aghoresh became pleased by his devotion and blessed him' #ust like the preceding KalpasF our divine children mani ested rom lord AghoreshLs body' All o them had great resemblance with Aghoresh in every respect' 1n course o timeF they did tremendous penance and preached the virtue o religiousness to the mankind' A person who worships Lord Aghoresh and has deep devotion in him becomes liberated rom gravest o sins like Brahmhatya (sin acMuired due to killing a Brahmin) etc'
&9'&'&3Lord 1shaan
1n the beginning o Vishwaroopa kalpaF lord BrahmaF desirous o commencing creation was engrossed in deep meditation' 0his resulted into the mani estation o a divine cowF which puCCled lord Brahma very much' ActuallyF this divine cow was none other then Vishwaroopa /araswatiF but lord Brahma ailed to recogniCe her' Lord Brahma decided to take the help o Lord 1shaan and started meditating on him' 8hen Lord 1shaan appeared be ore himF he was reMuested by Lord Brahma to shed light on the identity o that divine cow' Lord 1shaan replied by saying?R0he present kalpa is called Vishwaroopa kalpa' 1t has originated rom the le t side o my body and is the thirty?third kalpa' 0his divine cow has also originated rom me' /he is goddess -auri?the source o all creation' A ter saying like thisF Lord 1shaan created our divine entities rom the body o the cow?#atiF *undiF /hikhandi and Ardhamund' All o them were very luminous and virtuous' A ter preaching the world or thousands o divine year' 0hey got reunited with lord "udra'
14&! 'inga Purana Part ! 0his section contains &3 sub?sections (to ollow)K
R1 am very pleased with both o youF Both o ? R ( Vishnu$ You are the creatorF Lord /hiva' 0his made Lord /hiva eHtremely pleased and he the preserver as well as the destroyer o this world' 1 am the supreme youF though having distinct identities have actually mani ested rom my body?Brahma rom my le t side and Vishnu rom my right'R almighty and distinct rom all three o you?BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahesh'Lord Vishnu eHpressed his undiluted devotion towards Lord /hiva' 0his made Lord /hiva eHtremely pleased and he said' R( Vishnu$ You are the creatorF the preserver as well as the destroyer o this world' 1 am the supreme almighty and distinct rom all three o you?BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahesh'R Linga is the personi ication o the Almighty -od' 0he term Linga means usion and the /hivalinga are said to be the symbolical eHpression o all the deities'
Lord /hiva then blessed Brahma and made him the creator' Lord Brahma did a tremendous penanceF which continued or a very long period' 0he severe penance strained his eyes as a result o which tears started rolling down his cheeks' :oisonous snakes mani ested rom those teardrops' Lord Brahma became disillusioned by his maiden creation and gave up his li e' .leven "udras emerged rom his body and started wailing' 0hey then brought Lord Brahma back to li e'A ter becoming aliveF Lord Brahma eulogiCed Vishveshwar and goddess -ayatri' )e was amaCed to see the eHistence o whole universe inside the body o Lord Vishveshwar all the kalpas including the di erent incarnations o lord /hiva about origin o these kalpas and various incarnations like sadyaF etc'
our sons?BalaF BandhuF 4iramitra and Ketu'R R/age 0rivat will be the Vyas during eleventh dwapar' 1 will take incarnation as %gra' *y sons will be? LambodarF Lambaksha P Lambakesh'R R/age /hatateDa will per orm the duties o Vyas during twel th dwapar' 1 will have our sons?/arvagyaF /ambuddhiF /aadhya and /arva'R RDharma will be the Vyas during thirteenth dwapar' 1 will take incarnation as Bali and live at the hermitage o the Baalkhilya' 1 will have our sons?/udhamaF KashyapF Vashishth and ViraDa'R 0his wayF Lord /hiva elaborated upon his various incarnations till the period o twenty?eight dwaparF which went as ollows' D8A:A" &6th &;th &=th &9th &,th &2th +5th +&st ++nd +3rd +6th +;th +=th +9th +,th VYA/ 0arakshu 0raiyyaruni Deva KritanDay "itanDay BhardwaD -autam Vachashrava /hushmayan 0rinabindu "iksha /hakti :arashar #atuk Karnya Dwaipayan /)1VA -autam Vedshira -okarn -uhavasi /hikhani #atamali Attahaas Daruko Langli Bheem KalanDar /hooli Dandi?*undishvar /ahishnu /omsharma Lakuli /)1VAL/ /(4/ AtriF DevarudraF /hravan P /hrivishthak KuniF KunibahuF Kusharir P Kunetrak KashyaoF /hukracharyaF <hyavn P Vrihaspati %tathyaF VamadevF *ahayoga P *ahabal VachashravaF"ichikF/hyavashva P Yateeshwar )iranyabhF KaushalF Laungakshi P Kuthumi /umantuF VarvariF Kavandh P Kushi Kandhar "ampkshodaF BhayaniF Ketuman P -autam' DharmikF *ahayotriF BhallaviF *adhupingaF/hwetuF Ketu P Kush %shikF VrihadashvaF Deval P Kavirevach /halihotraF AgniveshF %nashva P /haradvasu' <hhagalF KundakF Kumbhand P :rawahaD %lookF ViddyutF /hambuk P Aashwalayan' AkshapadF KumarF %look P Vatsa' KushikF -argF *itra P Kaurushya
&9'+'= "ituals o /hiva?Linga 8orship (:urity) $nce( 3oddess %ar,ati as2ed "ord Shi,a about the proper methods of /orshippin' Shi,a4)in'a1 6hi)e Shi,a /as e)ucidatin' upon the ritua)s( !andi /ho /as present there too 'ot en)i'htened on this sacred topic1 &n course of time( this 2no/)ed'e /as passed on to Sanat Kumar( /ho in turn re,ea)ed it to Sa'e V*as1 Sutji came to 2no/ about it from Shai)adi1"ord Shi,a had described the fo))o/in' three methods( b* the he)p of /hich a de,otee shou)d become pure before commencin' his /orship1
Varun /nan (0aking bath in open) Bhashma /nan (/mearing ashes on the body) *antra /nan (<hanting o mantra) Lord /hiva had stressed upon the importance o taking bath in a river or a pond' According to him a manLs mindF which is like a lotusF could never blossom unless it received the radiance o the sun' Describing about the methods o taking BhasmsnanF he said?A ter washing his hands and eetF a devotee should smear any o the ollowing things on his body to make it pure?mudF cowdung ashes etc' 8hile smearing mud on his bodyF he should chant the mantra ?%ddhatashivarahen' A ter becoming pure according to the methods mentioned aboveF he should then worship Lord Varun' )aving doneF thisF he should take a dip in the river a ter puri ying the water by chanting the sacred LAdhamarshanL
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
mantra' )e should then worship all the deities by sprinkling water rom the /hankh (<onch) and amidst the chanting o mantras like L"udren :avamanenL etc' )e should then concentrate upon the orm o a /hivalinga' )e should drink some water holding some Kusha grass in his right hand simultaneously' A devotee should commence his worship only a ter becoming pure' 1n the beginning he should per orm :ranayam or three times so that his lungs are illed up with resh air' A ter thisF he should concentrate his mind on the orm o Lord 0rayambak in all his glory' )e should puri y all the articles reMuired or the worship by per orming ablution and by chanting (* 4A*A) /)1VAY' )e should also make o erings o lowersF rice grainsF barley etc' to the deity' 8orship o Lord /hiva is believed to be incomplete without the worship o his amily?4andiF KartikeyaF Vinayak and -oddess :arvati' /oF the devotee must not orget to worship them'
challenged LKaalL that being a devotee o /hiva he was beyond the reach o death' ButF Kaal made un o him and told him that nobody could escape death' /age /hwet had unshakable aith in Lord /hiva' :ointing towards the /hiva LingaF he told Kaal that he would remain unharmed because o Lord /hiva who was present in that /hivalinga' /uddenlyF Kaal tied him with his noose and said???/eeF 4ow you are absolutely under my control and even your deity seems to be helpless' 0o protect his devoteeF Lord /hiva arrived on the scene accomplished by -oddess AmbaF -anapati and 4andi' LKaalL got scared to such an eHtent that he ainted and died'R 0he sages curiously asked Lord Brahma about the means with which /hiva could be pleased' Lord Brahma told them that only deep devotion and nothing else could please Lord /hiva'
Dadhichi then went to ight Kshoopa' )e kicked Kshoopa on his chest' Kshoopa retaliated by attacking Dadhichi with his VaDra' But this time Dadhichi remained unharmed' Kshoopa was surprised to see his assault going in vain' )e decided to take the help o Lord Vishnu and engaged himsel in austere penance'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
14&* 'inga Purana Part * 0his section contains &3 sub?sections (to ollow)K
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&9'3'&50he /un
0he movement o /un is rapid when it is positioned south o eMuator (Dakshinayan)F on the other hand its movement is slow when positioned north os eMuator (%ttarayan)'0he time is indicated by the various positions o /un while it is on its course o movement in the horiCon' 8hile the sun is situated in the /outh?.ast direction it is believed to be the morning time' /imilarltF when the /un has positioned itsel in the south?westF 4orth?west or /outh?.ast directionF it is said to be the Lbe ore?noonLF La ter?noonL and 4ight respectively' 0he /un is believed to be mounted on a chariot while on its course o movement in the )oriCon' All the deitiesF apsaras and gandharvas are believed to ollow its movement'0he periods o day and night consist o 35 ghadi each' 0he /un causes rain all due to the process o evaporation' 8ater is the source o li e and is the mani estation o Lord /hiva himsel '
Animals 8omen "udras (bstacles :ower o /peech *ountains "ivers (ceans 0rees -andharvas /erpents Birds
"udra %ma 4eelalohit -aDanan /araswati )imalaya -anga Ksheersagar :eepal ()oly >ig) <hitrarathi 0akshak -aruda
:rithu was made the lord o .arth and Lord /hiva the lord o whole universe'
14&, 'inga Purana Part , 0his section contains &+ sub?sections (to ollow)K
appeared be ore him mounted on -aruda' Lord Vishnu touched DhruvaLs ace with his conch as a result o which he attained /el knowledge' Lord Vishnu blessed Dhruva by saying ??? 1 give you the supreme placeF which even the deities and the sages long or' 0his wayF Dhruva attained a supreme status among all the stars with the blessings o Lord Vishnu'
kept on insisting she revealed to him that it was not proper or a mourn ul women to adorn hersel ' /he also told him how his ather??/hakti had been killed by "udhirF the demon' :arashar consoled Arundhati by saying that he would avenge his atherLs lord /hiva' )e then made an earthen /hivalinga and started worshipping it by chanting the scared mantras o /hiva?/ukta and trayambak /ukta' Lord /hiva became pleased by his devotion and blessed him with a divine vision which enabled him to see his dead ather' :arashar then commenced a yagya with the purpose o annihilating the demons' All the demons started being tormented by the eHtreme heat generated by that oblation' Vashishth prevented by that oblation' Vashishth prevented :arashar rom contiuing with that Yagya as many innocent demons had su ered' :arashar stopped per orming the rituals at his atherLs reMuest' /age :ulastya had also been invited in that yagya' )e was very pleased by his devotion toward his ather and blessed him with the knowledge o all the scriptures' 1n course o timeF :arashar became amous or his treatise??Vishnu :uran'
0he deities went to Lord Vishnu and reMuested help' Lord Vishnu created thousands o spirits (Bhootganas) and instructed them to destroy those three orts' ButF the Bhootganas were unsuccess ul in their attempt and were charred to death' Lamenting their death the deities went to Lord Vishnu and sought help once again' Lord Vishnu was aware that the demons derived their power rom Lord /hiva' /oF )e decided to deviate them rom the path o /hivaLs devotion' )e then created an illusionary entity' 0he illusionary entity went to the place where demons lived and was success ul in in luencing them by his illusionary tactics' All the demons became so impressed by him that they stopped worshipping Lord /hiva and became )is disciples' 0his resulted into a total degradation o moral values among the demons' >inding the time opportuneF Lord Vishnu eulogiCed /hiva who appeared and agreed to destroy those three orts'Vishwakarma made a divine chariot or Lord /hiva and Lord Brahma became the charioteer' *ounted on that chariotF Lord /hiva proceeded towards the demon' All the deities ollowed him' Lord Brahma said???L"ight now it is :ushya yoga and it is very auspicious or launching and it is very auspicious or launching an attack on the demonLs orts'LLord /hiva then released his arrowF which a ter destroying all the three orts returned to his Muiver' 0he deities became pleased and eulogiCed lord /hiva'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
&9'6'&5Killing o #alandhar
0he /ages reMuested /utDi to reveal how Lord /hiva had killed the notorious demon?? #alandhar' /utDi narrated the ollowing tale??? 0here was a demon named #alandhar' )e had mani ested rom the ocean' )e had acMuired divine power by the virtue o his austere penance'#alandhar had de eated the deities and conMuered the heaven' )e even de eated Lord Vishnu and boasted???L1 have conMuered everybody' 4ow$ (nly /hiva is li t to be conMuered'L #alandhar went to ight a battle with Lord /hiva accompanied by a huge army' Lord /hiva was aware o the boonF which Lord Brahma had given to Andhak and which had made him invincible' #alandhar derived his power rom his wi e? Vrinda who was an eHtremely chaste woman'As per the plans o the deitiesF Lord Vishnu disguised as #alandhar and went to breach the modesty o Vrinda' Vrinda could not recogniCe Lord Vishnu and mistook him to be her husband??#alandhar' %ltimatelyF Lord Vishnu was success ul in his motives' *eanwhileF the battle had commenced between #alandhar and Lord /hiva' Lord /hiva destroyed the whole army o #alandhar by the sight o his third eye' #alandhar became urious and tried to kill Lord /hiva with the /udarshan <hakraF which he had snatched rom Vishnu' Butas soon as he li ted the /udarshan chakraF his body got cut into two parts' 0he death o #alandhar brought immense Doy to the deities'
&9'6'&+/hiv 0andav
0he deities were curious to know the story behind L0andavL? the amous dance o Lord /hiva' /oF they asked /utDi how it started and what made /hiva to per orm 0andav' /utDi replied??? 0here lived a demon named Daruk' )e had acMuired divine powers by the virtue o his austere penance' )e started tormenting te deitiesF sages and all the virtuous people'All the deities went to Lord /hiva and reMuested him to give protection rom the tyrany o Daruk' Lord /hiva then reMuested :arvati to help the deities' (ne part o :arvatiLs consciousness entered into the body o Lord /hiva' ButF the deities were not aware o this happening' -oddess :arvati then attained her physical orm with the help o poison stored in the throat o Lord /hiva' 0he e et o poison had made her compleHion dark' Lord /hiva then brought her out rom within his body through his third eye' 0he deities became rightened a ter seeing her terri ic appearance' /he was none other than -oddess Kali' -oddess Kali then killed Daruk with the permission o :arvati'ButF even a ter the death o DarukF her anger did not subside and the whole world was ablaCe due to her anger' Lord /hiva then incarnated as a small child and started crying as i he was hungry' -oddess Kali could not decipher the illusions o /hiva and thought that the child was crying because o hunger' /he started eeding the child her breast?milk' 1n the process o sucking milkF /hiva also sucked out her anger' 0he eHtreme anger o Kali had resulted into the mani estation o eight divine entities who became amous as LKshetrapaal' A ter her anger had subsided -oddess Kali became unconscious' Lord /hiva then per ormed his amous dance??0andav or the irst time to bring Kali back to consciousness' )e was accompanied by all the -hosts and spirits in his terri ic dance' 8hen Kali regained her consciousness she ound /hiva dancing' /he too started dancing and this is the reason why she is also called Yogini'
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
14&/ 'inga Purana Part / 0his section contains &3 sub?sections (to ollow)K
&9';'& %pamanyu
0he sages were curious to know how Lord /hiva had bestowed the designation o -aanpatya and an ocean o milk to %pamanyu' 0hey reMuested /utDi to shed light on the two incidents' /utDi narrated the ollowing tale ??? %pamanyu was a brilliant child' 0here is an interesting story how he became the supreme devotee o Lord /hiva' (nceF during his childhood he had gone to his maternal?uncleLs place' (ne dayF while he was hungry he tried to drink some milk' But his cousin did not allow him to drink milk and a ter snatching the bowl o milk drank himsel ' %pamanyu started crying' )e went to his mother who tried to console him by giving a solution o powdered grains' ButF %pamanyu did not want anything less than milk' )is mother said??LYou should be satis ied with whatever you get' :erhaps we did not worship Lord /hiva in our past lives' (ur hardships are the allouts o those unpardonable sins' (nly a devotee o /hiva is entitled to all kinds o com ort and pleasure'L %pamanyu decided then and there to please /hiva by his penance and attain an ocean o milk rom him' )e went to )imalaya mountain and started doing an austere penance' )is penance had resulted into the generation o unbearable heat' 0he deities became terri ied and went to seek the help o Lord Vishnu' Lord Vishnu along with the deities went to Lord /hiva and sought his help' Lord /hiva decided to test the devotion o %pamanyu' )e disguised himsel as 1ndra and went to the place where %pamanyu was doing penance' )e started abusing /hiva which made %pamanyu so angry that he tried to kill him' 8hen %pamanyu ailed in his attempt to kill /hivaF he tried to kill himsel by chanting LAagneya mantraL' Lord /hiva was very pleased by his total devotion and revealed his identity' )e blessed %pamanyu and a ter accepting him as his son granted the designation o -anpatya' )e also provided oceans o milk and curd to %pamanyu'
.tarevaLs mother used to curse her ate because o his habit o stammering' (ne day she said??LLook$ 1 am no more able to tolerate the humiliation o being a mother o a dull child??Look at your step?brothersF who have achieved ame and respect on account o their learning' 1 have decided to give up my li e'L .tareva became very sad' )e started chanting the dwadashakshar mantra regularly and as a result a day cameF when he could pronounce it correctly and without stammering' (ne day .tareva happened to pass by a place where a yagya was being per ormed' As soon as he reached that placeF the priests ound to their surprise that they had become dumb' All the priests became restlessF as the rituals were still incomplete'Looking at their pitiable conditionF .tareva chanted the dwadakshar mantra?? (* 4A*( B)A-A8A0. VA/%D.VAY' 0he priest regained their power o speech by the virtue o the lawless pronunciation o the mantra' /uch is the greatness o dwadakshar mantra' Later onF .tareva went on to become a renowned scholar' A person who chants this sacred mantra regularly become liberated rom all his sins and attains to Vishnu Lok'
sense organsF 6 type o consciousnessF ; basic elements rom which matter is made and ; subtle orms o matter'A person who worships Lord /hiva with total devotion becomes liberated because devotion is capable o destroying all types o sins'
&9';'= 0he /un ! *ani estation o /hivaAs :ower "ord Shi,a manifests himse)f in the form of Sun1 The Sun radiates t/e),e different t*pes of ra*s /hich ha,e specific impacts and inf)uences on the /or)d1
0he irst ray is called Amrit and the deities derive their power rom it' 0he second ray is called <handra and it helps in the preservation o medicinal herbs' 0he third ray is called /hukla and it helps in the propagation o religiousness in the world' 1t also helps the ood crops to become ripe' 0he name o the ourth ray is )arikesha and all the constellations get their nourishment rom it' 0he i th ray is called Vishwakarma and it gives the planet mercury' 0he siHth ray is called /anyadwasu and it nurtures the planet??*ars' 0he seventh ray is called Arvavasu and it nurtures the planet #upiter' 0he eighth ray is called /urat and it nurtures the planet ??/aturn' 0he nineth ray is called /usumana and it nutures the moonF etc'
and get submerged in me ultimately' 1 am the Lord o Brahma' 1 am the truth itsel ' 1 mani est mysel in the orms o "igvedaF /amavedaF YaDurveda and Atharvaveda' 1 am the light as well as the darkness' 1 am BrahmaF Vishnu and *ahesh' (ne who is aware o my omnipresence is the only person who is worthy o being called an enlightened one'R 0his wayF a ter enlightening the deities on his myssterious sel Lord /hiva disappeared'
A devotee should then worship the /hivalinga and make o erings in the sacri icial ire'
&9';'&+VraDeshwari Vidya
0he sages reMuested /utDi to elaborate upon the rituals o VaDravahanika Vidya or VaDreshwari Vidya' /utDi replied??? Anybody who is desirous o VanMuishing his enemy must per orm the rituals o VaDreshwari Vidya' 0he devotee should worship VaDra (a spear) and make o erings in the sacri icial ire holding it (VaDra) in his hand' 0he ollowing mantra should be chanted while making o erings' (* B)%"B)%VA) /8A) 0A0/AV10%"VA".4YA* B)A"-( D.VA/YA D)1*A)1 D)1Y( Y(4A) :"A<)(DAYA0O (* :)A0 #A)1 )((* :)A0 <))14D)1 *14D)1#A)1 )A4 )A4 /8A)A' 1n the past Lord Brahma had taught this secret Vidya to 1ndra with the help o which he had killed the erocious demon vritrasur'A man can acMuire all the types o supernatural powers with the help o VaDreshwari Vidya' Describing about the rituals o *rityunDay #apF /utDi said?? A person who chants *rityunDay mantra with appropriate rituals becomes ree rom the ear o death' A devotee is reMuired to make o erings o ghee in the sacri icial ire or one lakh times' 1nstead o ghee he can also make o erings o ghee and sesame seeds (" dhoob grassF gheeF milk and honey'
1- "arad Purana
1t is a Vaishnav :urana presented in a style o dialogue between 4arad and /anat kumar in ++ chapters' 0his :urana contains detailed description o maDor places o pilgrimage'
Vedas are re'arded as the o)dest scriptures in the entire 2no/n histor* of human ci,i)iBation1 ,en the Vedas spea2 about %uranas1 A sh)o2a in Mats*a %urana spea2s4
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
%URAA!AM SARVASHASTRAA!AAM %RATHAMAM BRAHMA!AA SMR&TAM A!A!TARAM CHA VAKTR BH+$ V DAASTAS+A V&!&R3ATAH Brahma reca))ed about %uranas e,en before startin' the creation of other scriptures1 Vedas emer'ed thereafter from his mouth1 &t c)ear)* sho/s the anti8uit* of %uranas1 There are in a)) ei'hteen %uranas1 Amon' them( !arad %urana is perhaps the most si'nificant as it has been created b* none other than the sa'e !arad1 !ARD$KTAM %URAA!AM TU !AARD&+AM %RACHACHHAT Meanin'4 !arad %urana is /hat emer'ed from the )ips of Maharshi !arad1 &nitia))*( it had a co))ection of about t/ent*4fi,e thousand stanBas1 But( the current)* a,ai)ab)e ,ersion of !arad %urana contains not more than t/ent*4t/o thousand stanBas1 The /ho)e content of !arad %urana has been di,ided into t/o parts1 The first part contains four chapters /hich inc)ude dia)o'ue bet/een Suta and Shauna2( ori'in of the uni,erse( sa),ation( birth of Shu2ade,( trainin' of the mantras( /orship ritua)s( pro,isions and the resu)ts of the ,arious fasts obser,ed on particu)ar da*s in particu)ar months1 The second part contains beautifu) ta)es re)ated to ,arious incarnations of "ord Vishnu( depiction and si'nificance of pi)'rima'e centers and performin' pi)'rima'e1
18&1 Penance of the )ages in 3aimisharn
$nce upon a time( about t/ent*4si9 thousand sa'es assemb)ed in the ho)* ambience of !aimisharan*a1 A)) of them had renounced their desires and home)* comforts and /ere /orshippin' "ord Vishnu for the benefit of the entire humanit*1 Durin' their sta* in !aimisharan*a( those sa'es ca))ed a hu'e assemb)* to discuss about the means of attainin' a)) the four 'oa)s of )ife )i2e Dharma( Arth( Kama and Mo2sha1 The 'reat sa'e Shauna2 /as presidin' o,er the assemb)*1 He said: F$ sa'esA 6e ha,e assemb)ed here to discuss the most cr*ptic discip)ines of )ife1 But it is be*ond m* po/ers to ans/er the 8uestions *ou ha,e put before me1 $n)* a 'reat sa'e )i2e Suta( /ho is the most )earned discip)e of Veda,*asa( is ab)e to ans/er these 8uestions1 %resent)*( he )i,es in a hermita'e in Siddhipeeth1 "et us a)) 'o there and re8uest him to preach us about the cr*ptic discip)ines of )ife1F Hearin' these /ords( a)) the sa'es than2ed Shauna2 /ith jo*1 Then( )ed b* Shauna2 himse)f( a)) of them reached the hermita'e of the sa'e Suta1 At the hermita'e( sa'e Suta /e)comed them a)) and satisfied their 8ueries1 He said: F $ 'reat sa'esA & narrate to *ou( the 'reat %urana( /hich /as once narrated b* the 'reat saint Sanat2umar to De,arshi !arad and no/ 2no/n as !arad %urana1F
18&! 3arad Prays to 'ord +ishnu
Shauna2 sa*s: FSutaji( ho/ did Sanat2umar unfo)d the m*stic character of the re)i'ion to !aradE 6hen and /here the* had the meetin' to ho)d this pious discussionE Kind)* te)) us in detai)1F Sutaji sa*s: FThe 'reat sa'e Sanat2umar( /ho /as free from i))usions( /as the creation of BrahmaHs ima'ination1 He a)/a*s remained en'rossed in the /orship of Brahma1 $nce( he /as 'oin' to/ards the pea2s of the mi'ht* Meru Mountains -Hima)a*as. /hen on the /a*( he happened to si'ht the sacred 3an'es1 He /as about to ta2e a dip in the /aters /hen De,arshi !arad a)so arri,ed there1 De,arshi
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
!arad 'reeted his e)der brother and too2 bath in the ri,er1 After carr*in' out usua) ritua)s( the* seated there and started a discussion about the ,irtues of "ord Vishnu1F De,arshi !arad as2ed4 F$ brotherA Ho/ can one rea)iBe the "ord VishnuE 6ho is the cause of this /ho)e creationE 6hat is the appearance of de,otion( 2no/)ed'e and penanceE Kind)* e)aborate the m*ster* of treatin' the 'uests a)so1 A)so te)) me( ho/ did "ord Vishnu effected the ori'in of Brahma and other 'odsEF Sanat2umar sa*s: &n the be'innin' of creation( the se)f4i))uminatin' "ord Vishnu created Brahma from His ri'ht hand side( Rudra from His centra) part and Vishnu( his o/n rep)ica from His )eft hand side1 As "ord Vishnu is omnipresent( simi)ar)* his i))usions are a)so omnipresent and 2no/n /ith different names )i2e "a2shmi( Uma( Sha2ti and Chandi1 These are the po/ers of "ord Vishnu1 Some peop)e identif* these po/ers /ith the i))usions created b* the "ord /hereas the sa'es re'ard them as nature1F The 'ods( /ho protect the /or)d( are %urush( and the Supreme Bein'( /ho is abo,e these )e,e)s( is "ord1 !obod* e)se is 'reater than He is1 Drom His na,e) e,en Brahma has ori'inated on a di,ine )otus1 He is the Supreme Bein' the eterna) jo* incorporatin' a)) the three ,irtues1 $ !aradA Di,e senses4 si'hts( sound( scent( touch and taste ha,e ori'inated from the e'o1 'o is the ori'in of other e)e,en senses a)so1 These fi,e senses in turn 'a,e rise to fi,e ph*sica) e)ements4 ether( air( fire( /ater and earth1 &t /as after the creation of these fi,e ph*sica) e)ements that Brahma created the )o/er )i,in' bein's1 Then he created human bein's fo))o/ed b* the creation of a)) the se,en /or)ds and se,en 'uards of these se,en /or)ds1 Dor the inhabitation of the )i,in' bein's( Brahma a)so created 'reat mountains( p)ains and se,en seas1 To/ards the north of the 'reat sa)ine sea and to/ards the south of the 'reat Hima)a*as is situated the Ho)* "and of &ndia1 %eop)e /ho /orship "ord Shi,a and "ord Vishnu inhabit this )and1 Because of their ,irtues( e,en the 'ods /orship the peop)e /ho popu)ate the &ndian )andmass1 Those i'norant peop)e( /ho do not see2 sa),ation despite ha,in' been born in &ndia( ha,e to suffer the tortures of he)) as )on' as the Sun and the Moon shine in the s2*1 The /ho)e /or)d from Brahma to a seemin')* unimportant b)ade of 'rass is the manifestation of Vasude, -"ord Vishnu.1
18&* Profile of the )age Mar.andeya
Sanat2umar sa*s: $ sa'eA Daith has the 'reatest si'nificance1 Achie,ement of e,er*thin' and appeasement of "ord Vishnu depend upon the faith1 !othin' is attainab)e /ithout faith1 Such as a human bein' faces inertia in the absence of )ife and is rendered motion)ess1 Simi)ar)*( faith is )i2e a spiritua) )i'ht /ithout /hich( re)i'ious actions of a man come to cease1 Simi)ar)*( de,otion is a)so 2no/n as the )ife of a)) the achie,ements1 &t is a)so the 'i,er of four supreme 'oa)s of )ife )i2e Dharma( Arth( Kama and Mo2sha1 !o action succeeds /ithout the input of de,otion and faith1 ,en the menia) jobs done /ith faith 'i,es e,er)astin' resu)ts1 $n the contrar*( e,en the pious actions of en,ious peop)e 'o futi)e1 Attainment of 3od b* en,ious peop)e is impossib)e1 n,* is the 'reatest enem* of the human bein'1 &t creates a 'ap as bi' as the one that separates the s2* from the nether /or)d1 $ BrahmanandanA $n)* those peop)e( /ho remain en'rossed in faithfu) de,otion of 3od( attain to the abode of Vishnu1 Da))en are those /ho( despite ha,in' the 2no/)ed'e of Vedas( do not comp)* /ith the mora) code of conduct of their c)an1 !either Vedas nor e,en de,otion can sa),e such peop)e1 &n other /ords( mora) conduct is e,er*thin'1 $ 'reat sa'eA De,otion is )i2e mother /ho is the base of )ife for e,er* )i,in' bein'1 $ !aradA Compan* of the pious peop)e and the saints is the best means to cherish de,otion1 Saints are the teachers of the entire /or)d1 6hen the sins that ha,e been accumu)atin' a)) throu'hout the pre,ious
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
births deca* on)* /hen one 'ets pious compan* and those /ho once 'et pious compan* e9periences eterna) jo*1 !arad sa*s: F$ 'reat de,otee of "ord VishnuA Kind)* re)ate the actions and appearance of the "ordHs de,otees to me1F Sanat2umar sa*s: FDurin' the period of %ra)a*( /hen a)) the /or)d /as inundated( "ord Vishnu /as s)eepin' on a Ban*an )eaf1 That scene had amaBed Mar2ande*a( the supreme de,otee of the "ord1F The sa'es as2ed: F6hen a)) the /or)d /as inundated( ho/ did Mar2ande*a escapeE Sutaji 2ind)* remo,e our doubt1F Sutaji sa*s: F$ 'reat sa'esA !o/( & am 'oin' to narrate the ta)e of Mar2ande*a1 "isten to it carefu))*1F $nce upon a time( there )i,ed a fortunate sa'e in the pious )and of &ndia1 The sa'e /as famous as Mri2andu1 He had obser,ed a ,er* se,ere penance at the ho)* pi)'rima'e center of Sha)i'ram1 His penance be'an to cause /orr* for &ndra1 So( accompanied b* other 'ods( &ndra reached to "ord Vishnu /ho /as restin' on Sheshnaa' in Ksheersa'ar( the ocean of mi)21 The 'ods pra*ed the "ord to protect them from the radiance of Mri2andu1 "istenin' to the pra*ers offered b* the 'ods( "ord Vishnu appeared in His four4armed form ho)din' conch( /hee)( mace and )otus in each of those arms1 His radiance /as enou'h to beat the shine of crore Suns1 His radiance caused tremendous jo* for the 'ods /ho fe)) f)at at the feet of the "ord1 "ord sa*s: F$ 'odsA 3et up1 & am fu))* a/are about *our miseries1 But *our /orries are meanin')ess because Maharshi Mri2andu is rea))* a 'ent)eman1 He is not 'oin' to harm *ou in an* /a*1 ,en if the situation arises( & am a)/a*s read* to protect *ou1F Sa*in' these /ords( the "ord disappeared1 Thus( assured b* the "ordHs /ords( the 'ods a)so returned to their abode1 $n the other hand( p)eased b* Mri2anduHs penance( "ord appeared before him1 As soon as Mri2andu opened his e*es( he sa/ "ord Vishnu standin' before him1 "ordHs four4armed( b)ue and radiant appearance caused 'reat e9hi)aration for Mri2andu1 He fe)) f)at at His feet and pra*ed Him /ith tearfu) e*es1 %)eased /ith his pra*ers( "ord as2ed Mri2andu to see2 a boon1 But Mri2andu refused sa*in' that he had attained sa),ation just b* ha,in' His si'ht1 Sti))( "ord said that His appearance ne,er 'oes in ,ain(F So( & /i)) be *our son /ho /i)) )i,e a )on' )ife1F 3rantin' this boon( the "ord disappeared1F
18&, "ale of the )age Mar.andeya
!arad sa*s: F$ 'reat sa'eA 6h* did "ord Vishnu appear as the son of Mri2anduE 6hat did He do as his sonE The %uranas sa* that durin' the %ra)a*( Mar2ande*a had /itnessed the direct appearance of "ord VishnuHs i))usion1 Kind)* narrate these thin's in detai)1F Sanat2umar sa*s: F"isten $ De,arshiA After obser,in' se,ere penance( the sa'e Mri2andu 'ot married and recei,ed an e8ua))* ,irtuous and chaste /ife1 &n the tenth month after their marria'e( his /ife 'a,e birth to an e9treme)* beautifu) bab*1 The bab* in fact had incorporated the radiance of the "ord1 Mri2andu carried out a)) the necessar* ritua)s and consecrations of the bab* happi)*1 &n his fifth *ear( he carried out the thread ceremon* of his son and started to educate him in Vedas1 His education de,e)oped a)) the pious ,irtues in his son /hom he had named Mar2ande*a1 After finishin' his education( sa'e Mar2ande*a a)so started a se,ere penance to p)ease "ord Vishnu1 %)eased b* his penance( "ord Vishnu b)essed him /ith a boon of creatin' %urana Samhita1 This is the reason /h* the sa'e Mar2ande*a is a)so 2no/n as !ara*an1 $ BrahminsA "ord Vishnu did not annihi)ate Mar2ande*a durin' the %ra)a* on)* to sho/ him His i))usions1 &t /as due to this 'race that Mar2ande*a sur,i,ed the %ra)a* and passed that time f)oatin' on a Ban*an )eaf1 As )on' as the "ord s)ept( Mar2ande*a 2ept f)oatin' on that )eaf1 As )on' as the ni'ht of the "ord )asted( Mar2ande*a sta*ed on
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
that f)ims* )eaf1 At the end of the ni'ht( /hen the inundatin' %ra)a* receded and the "ord a/a2ened from His pro)on'ed s)eep( He be'an the /or2 of creation a'ain1 &t /as e,en more amaBin' for Mar2ande*a to see the inundatin' /ater recede and ne/ creation ta2in' p)ace1 He be'an to pra* the "ord /ith fo)ded hands1 %)eased b* his pra*ers( the "ord said that He a)/a*s protected His de,otees e,en durin' the most se,ere crises1 Mar2ande*a then as2ed about the appearance of the true de,otees of the "ord1 He a)so e9pressed his curiosit* to 2no/ the reasons of their birth1 "ord Vishnu sa*s: F$ 'reat amon' the sa'esA The 'reatest de,otees are those /ho do not harm others /ith their mind( /ords and actions and /ho are free from en,*1 Those /ho ha,e impartia) ,ie/ are best amon' the de,otees1 Those /ho protect the human bein's( co/s( Brahmins( ,e'etation and remain en'rossed in discussion of "ordHs ,irtues1 Those /ho sa)ute the 'arden of basi) and put the earth from basi)Hs roots on their heads( those /ho are be)o,ed to "ord Shi,a( put Tripund on their forehead and /orship Him performin' +a'*as facin' south1 Those /ho a)/a*s donate /ater and cerea)s( co/s and dau'hters are the e9ce))ent amon' a)) the de,otees1 $ 'reat sa'eA These are some of the characteristics of a true de,otee1 Cherish these characteristics and *ou /i)) a)so attain sa),ation in the )ast1F Thus( preachin'( "ord Vishnu disappeared1 Mar2ande*a thereafter )ed a pious )ife and obser,ed penance and in the )ast he too attained to the supreme abode of the "ord1
18&/ "he (reatness of the (anges
Sutaji sa*s4 FThe ')orious description of de,otion for "ord Vishnu caused e9treme jo* for !arad1F !arad sa*s: F$ 'reat sa'e SanatA !o/ 2ind)* te)) me about such a p)ace of pi)'rima'e /hich is e,en ho)ier than the ho)iest p)aces of pi)'rima'e1F Sanat2umar sa*s: $ !aradA Conf)uence of 3an'a and +amuna is the ho)ier than an* other p)ace of pi)'rima'e1 The e9treme)* sacred and pious 3an'a rises from the feet of none other than "ord Vishnu1 +amuna on the other hand is the dau'hter of Sur*a1 ,en the remembrance of 3an'a is enou'h to do a/a* /ith a)) the sins and ma2in' one peacefu)1 This p)ace /here 3an'a and +amuna mer'e is famous as %ra*aa' in the /or)d1 &t is the same p)ace /here Brahma had once in,o2ed "ord Vishnu in a +a'*a1 Since then( innumerab)e sa'es ha,e fo))o/ed Brahma and performed different 2inds of +a'*as there1 ,en a person /ho recites the name of 3an'a hundred mi)es from %ra*aa' attains sa),ation1 Smear the sand of 3an'aHs ban2 on the forehead is )i2e( in a /a*( bearin' the crescent shaped Moon on the head1 Those /ho remember 3an'a recei,e the benefit of performin' pi)'rima'e to a)) the ho)* p)aces1 Amon' other p)aces of pi)'rima'e( Varanasi has a)most e8ua) si'nificance to that of %ra*aa'1 $ BrahminA 3an'a is the mother of the entire /or)d1 Mere touch of her sacred /aters sa),ed the si9t* thousand sons of Sa'ar1 !o one can describe the 'reatness of 3an'a
18&1 >ate of 2ing #aahu
!arad sa*s: F$ 'reat sa'e /ho in the d*nast* of Sa'ar recei,ed sa),ation from %reta Bha,a1 6ho /as Sa'arE Kind)* narrate his /ho)e stor* to me1F Sanat2umar sa*s: F"on' a'o( there occurred a 2in' named Baahu in the d*nast* of Sur*a1 He /as ,er* re)i'ious in nature and )oo2ed after his subjects )i2e his o/n offsprin'1 ,er*one /as happ* in his 2in'dom( /hich he ru)ed /ith po)it* and justiceF1 But destin* /as p)a*in' another 'ame for the 2in'1 6ith time( e,i)s )i2e en,* and e'o be'an to rise in the mind of Baahu1 He be'an to thin2 that nobod* e)se /as as re)i'ious as he /as1 These e,i)s in turn caused the 2in' to inc)ine to/ards sensua) p)easures1 $ !aradA An unconscious mind is the 'reatest
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
cause of destruction1 ,er*one( e,en the better ha)f be'in to nurture hosti)it* a'ainst such a person1 So( the same thin' happened /ith the 2in' Baahu1 Man* nei'hbourin' 2in's to'ether )aunched a massi,e attac2 on the 2in'dom of Baahu and defeated him after a month4)on' fierce batt)e1 After his defeat( the 2in' Baahu )eft his 2in'dom and be'an to /ander a)on' /ith his 8ueens1 At )ast( he came to sta* beside a bi' )a2e1 ,en the )oca) inhabitants and )o/er creatures hid seein' the 2in' approach1 His subjects too had )ost their s*mpathies for him1 !o/ the )ife of the 2in' /as not more than the death1 So( repentin' his condition( 2in' Baahu met his death in the presence of the sa'e Aur,1 At that time( his *oun'est 8ueen /as e9pectin' an issue1 After her husbandHs death( she decided to commit Sati1 But( the sa'e Aur, pre,ented her con,incin' that her /ou)d be son /ou)d enjo* more popu)arit* than his father had1 Besides( nothin' is more /retched than 2i))in' an unborn bab*1 Thus( con,incin' the 8ueen /ith a)) means( sa'e Aur, 'uided the 8ueens to perform cremation of her husband and other ritua)s1 Since then( both the 8ueens be'an to )i,e in the hermita'e of sa'e Aur,1
18&4 "he #irth of )agar
Sanat2umar sa*s :4 F$ !aradA Both the 8ueens /ere passin' their time in the hermita'e of sa'e Aur,1 6hen ha)f of the rain* season had passed( the e)der 8ueen be'an to cu)ti,ate e,i) fee)in's for the *oun'er1 She( therefore( made deceitfu))* the *oun'er 8ueen to consume poison1 But the poison cou)d not affect the 8ueen and her unborn bab* because of the ,irtues she had ac8uired ser,in' the sa'e Aur,1 After three months( the *oun'er 8ueen 'a,e birth to a son1 Sa'e Aur, carried out necessar* ritua)s and consecrations of the chi)d and named him Sa'ar because he /as born /ith the effect of poison1F Sa'ar be'an to 'ro/ in Aur,Hs hermita'e1 The sa'e had started to train the bo* in /eaponr*1 $ne da*( out of curiosit*( Sa'ar as2ed his mother about his father1 His mother re)ated to him a)) the e,ents that too2 p)ace /ith his father 2in' Baahu( her husband1 "istenin' to the fate of his father( Sa'ar too2 an oath to destro* a)) those /ho had caused miser* to his father1 Circumambu)atin' his teacher Aur, and ta2in' his motherHs permission( Sa'ar at once set out on his mission1 His first ha)t /as at the hermita'e of sa'e Vashishta1 Sa'ar narrated the /ho)e thin' to the sa'e Vashishta1 Sa'e Vashishta presented him /ith a number of di,ine /eapons and sa/ him off b)essin' him /ith a boon for ,ictor*1 Armed /ith man* di,ine /eapons and the b)essin's of his mother and teachers( Sa'ar defeated e,en the most po/erfu) enemies of his father in no time and estab)ished his ru)e o,er the entire earth1 The defeated 2in's too2 as*)um in the hermita'e of sa'e Vashishta /ho assured them to be fear)ess1 Spies on the other hand informed Sa'ar about this de,e)opment1 Sa'ar at once set out to the hermita'e of Vashishta /ith an intention of e9terminatin' those 2in's but mean/hi)e( sa'e Vashishta had 'ot a)) the 2in's sha,en1 So( assumin' that his enemies /ere dead( Sa'ar moc2in')* said to sa'e Vashishta: F$ sa'eA 6h* are *ou 'uardin' these character)ess creaturesE & /i)) not spare their )i,es1F Vashishta sa*s: F$ sonA +ou are 'reat1 !o/ )isten to me carefu))* for *our benefit1 & ha,e a)read* 2i))ed *our enemies( so *ou /i)) not 'ain an*thin' 2i))in' them a'ain1 $ 2in'A This ph*sica) bod* is the root of a)) the sins1 +ou /i)) not recei,e popu)arit* 2i))in' the ph*sica) bod*1 So( 'i,e this matter a )itt)e thou'ht before 2i))in' them1F The /ords of sa'e Vashishta soothed Sa'arHs an'er1 Thereafter( sa'e Vashishta carried out the coronation of Sa'ar1 The 2in' Sa'ar had t/o /i,es( Keshini and Sumati1 The* both /ere the dau'hters of VidharbaHs 2in' Kash*ap1 6hen sa'e Aur, heard about Sa'arHs coronation( he ,isited his pa)ace and returned after preachin' him1 Some months )ater( /ith a desire of ha,in' sons( both the 8ueens secret)* summoned
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
sa'e Aur, once a'ain and recei,ed the ta)isman for ha,in' sons1 Meditatin' for a /hi)e( the sa'e Aur, said: F$ fortunate onesA $ne of *ou /i)) recei,e a son /ho /i)) continue his pro'en* in future and the other /i)) ha,e si9t* thousand pro/essi,e sons1F The sa'e a)so ad,ised them to see2 the boon of their respecti,e choices1 6ith time( Keshini 'a,e birth to one son Asmanjas /ho 're/ in a /himsica) person1 Sumati 'a,e birth to si9t* thousand sons /ho /ere ,er* obedient initia))* but fo))o/in' Asmanjas( the* too be'an to beha,e /himsica))*1 Asmanjas had one son( Anshuman /ho /as ,er* obedient to his 'randfather1 Si9t* thousand sons of Sa'ar soon be'an to torment a)) the three /or)ds1 %erp)e9ed b* their atrocities( &ndra appea)ed to the sa'e Kapi) to 'et them rid of their /oes1 6ith the inspiration of Sa'e Kapi)( Sa'ar or'aniBed an Ash/amedha +a'*a1 &ndra 2idnapped the horse of the +a'*a and tethered at the hermita'e of sa'e Kapi)1 6hen a)) the si9t* thousand princes reached Kapi)Hs hermita'e( the* be'an to abuse him seein' the horse there1 &nfuriated Kapi) at once incinerated them /ith his curse1 Kin' Sa'ar then sent Anshuman in search of his si9t* thousand sons and reco,ered the horse1 Sa'e Kapi) assured Anshuman that his 'randson Bha'irath /ou)d p)ease 3an'a to descend and sa),e his ancestors1
18&8 )alvation of )audas 4arad saysK R( great brother$ 8hy did sage Vashishta curse /audas and how did he recover rom this curse by the virtue o the -anges watersNR /anatkumar saysK R( 4arad$ /audas was a virtuous king' )e ruled over his subDects religiously' )e was very ond o hunting' /oF one dayF he went on hunting in the orest' )e continued his eHcursion all day long' 0owards eveningF he reached at the bank o -odavari and decided to pass the night there' 1n the neHt morning alsoF he began his hunting eHcursion one again' During the huntingF he spotted a deer and began to chase it' <hasing the deerF he reached the core o the orest'
0hereF the king saw a pair o tigers copulating' /audas was an eHpert archer' )e trained an arrow and killed the tigress in Dust one shot' As soon as the tigress diedF she assumed the orm o an enormous ogress' Death o his partner in uriated the tigerF which was in act a monster in disguise' )e decided to avenge the death o his mate' (n the other handF the whole event rightened the king' )e held a hasty parley with his ministers' 0hey unanimously took a decision to give up the hunting orever' Long a terwardsF king /audas organiCed an Ashwamedha Yagya in the auspices o sage Vashishta' At the completion o YagyaF sage Vashishta went to take a bath be ore taking his meal' *eanwhileF the monster appeared there in the guise o Vashishta and eHpressed his desire to eat meat' 0henF in the guise o the cookF the monster cooked human lesh and served it in golden bowls' 8hen sage Vashishta arrivedF /audas o ered him the dishes made o human lesh' >or a whileF Vashishta thought in amaCement but soon he realiCed the whole thing' 1ndignantlyF he cursed the king to become a man? eating demon' 0he king tried to assert his ignorance and said? RYou yoursel had eHpressed your desire to eat the meat'R 8ith his divine sightF sage Vashishta learnt that the king had been tricked with' By thenF the king himsel got ready to curse the sage in retaliation' But his prudent wi e *adayanti stopped him' 0husF convinced by the MueenF the anger o /audas subsided' But he had taken water in his palmF so the problem arose where to dispose it o or it was sure to burn anything it ell upon' A ter a little considerationF the king dropped that water right on his eet that burnt immediately' /ince thenF the king /audas came to be known as Kalmaashpaad' /age Vashishta then consoled him'Vashishta saysK R( king$ 1mprudence is the root o all the obstacles and crises' But ( king$ You have no reason to be sorry' Your miseries will end soon and you will regain your original radiance by the virtue o the -angesA waters'R /aying thisF sage Vashishta returned to his hermitage' 0he whole body o the king had turned black' /ince thenF he began to roam in the orests like a wild animal' 0here he ate whatever he ound?animalsF birds and even human beings' 8ithin siH monthsF he devoured all the animals in one hundred YoDan eHpanses o the orests' 0hen he migrated to another
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
area in the orest' (ne dayF in the guise o a monsterF /audas was wandering in a orest on the bank o 4armada' 0here he spotted a sage couple engaged in carnal conDugation' /audas at once got hold o the sage and began to devour him' 0he sageAs wi e pleaded him to release her husband but /audas did not pay heed to her pleas and devoured the sage' 1n anguish and angerF the Brahmini cursed /audas that he would die i he tried to copulate with a woman and that he would always remain a monster' 1n uriatedF /audas cursed her in retaliationK R( evil one$ #ust one curse was su icient' 8hy did you pour down two curses on meN -o and become a devil'R 0he Brahmini at once turned into a devil' A terwardsF both o them began to wander in the orest' (ne dayF they reached to such part o the orest where another monster was living' 0hat monster too had acMuired the ormidable appearance because o not obeying his teacher' /eeing themF the monster enMuired about the reasons o their coming to that orest' 0hey narrated the whole thing to him' /audas saysK R( riend$ 8ho are youN 0ell meF what sins did you committed' Do not conceal anything rom your riends'R 0he monster saysK RBe ore acMuiring this appearanceF 1 was a Brahmin and well versed in all the Vedas' 1 lived in *agadh' (ne dayF blinded by my knowledge and youthF 1 insulted my teacher' 0hat is the reason o my acMuiring this monsterAs appearance' /ince thenF 1 have been eating lesh only and 1 do not know how many Brahmins 1 have devoured so ar' /tillF my hunger is insatiated' ( ortunate one$ )ence 1 advise each and everyone never to insult their teachers'R /audas saysK R8hat is a teacherN 8ho was your teacherNR 0he monster saysK ( brother$ 0here are many kinds o teachers but 1 am telling about the most revered ones' All including the teachers o VedasF preachers o scriptures and mantrasF remover o doubtsF protectorsF wi eAs atherF elder brotherF motherAs brotherF amily priest and own mother and ather all in the category o teachers' 1 had received preaching about all the religions rom sage -autam while staying on the enchanting banks o the -anges' (nceF when 1 went to worship /hivaF 1 did not greet him' /age -autam did not mind my behavior but Lord /hiva turned me into a monster out o anger'R
That sort of pious discussion amon' the monsters attenuated their sins1 &n the meantime( a Brahmin( /ho had hai)ed from Ka)in'a -$rrisa.( arri,ed there carr*in' the ho)* /ater of 3an'es1 The monsters re8uested the Brahmin to sprin2)e some of the /aters o,er them1 The* a)so narrated the 'reatness of 3an'es before the Brahmin1 %)eased /ith their /i))in'ness( and appraisa) of 3an'es( the Brahmin sprin2)ed some 3an'es /ater on them1 The monster and the o'ress resumed their di,ine appearance but Saudas remained unchan'ed1 His /orries be'an to mount but the in,isib)e Saras/ati conso)ed and ad,ised him to recite the "ordHs name1 Saudas then mi'rated to Varanasi /here he continuous)* recited the "ordHs name and too2 bath in the ho)* 3an'es1 Thus( he o,ercame the curse of Brahmini and returned to his 2in'dom1 There( sa'e Vashishta once a'ain carried out his coronation1 Since then( Saudas ru)ed his 2in'dom throu'h re)i'ious means and attained the supreme abode of "ord Vishnu1
18&9 2ing #ali defeats the (ods 4arad saysK R( brother$ Kindly narrate the tale o the -angesA origin rom the eet o lord Vishnu'R
/anatkumar saysK Long agoF in the beginning o creationF one sage Kashyap had two wives Diti and Aditi' 0hey both were the daughters o Daksha' Aditi was the mother o the gods while Diti had given birth to demons' 0husF the demons and the gods were stepbrothers and ought accordingly or the
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
power and prestige' Demons were elder' )iranyakashyapF the demon king was the son o Diti' )is son :rahlad was a great devotee o Lord Vishnu' 1n the lineage o :rahladF occurred the great king Bali who was the son o Virochan'
Ba)i had con8uered entire earth and /as no/ e*ein' the hea,en1 Ba)i had t/o ministers( Kubhand and Koop2arna and an e8ua))* pro/essi,e son Baan1 6ith a hu'e arm*( Ba)i )aunched a massi,e attac2 on hea,en and soon a fierce batt)e bro2e out1 The batt)e )asted for one thousand *ears1 At )ast( the 'ods )ost the hea,en to the demons and be'an to /ander here and there in search of so)ace1 Defeatin' the 'ods( the 2in' Ba)i or'aniBed man* Ash/amedha +a'*as1 Dee)in' sorr* for the p)i'ht of her sons( Aditi be'an a se,ere penance on the Hima)a*as1
18&1:=rigin of the (anges 4arad saysK R( brother$ You narrated a wonder ul tale' 4owF kindly relate to meF how did the -anges originateNR
/anatkumar saysK ( 4arad$ :leased with the severe penance o AditiF Lord Vishnu appeared be ore her and asked her to seek a boon' >eeling elated with eHhilarationF Aditi ell lat at the LordAs eet' /he intimated the Lord about the plight o her sons and sought that )e should help them to regain the heaven without killing the demons or they were also her sons though step' :leased by her indiscrimination or her stepsonsF Lord Vishnu assured Aditi that soon )e would arrive as her son and salve the gods rom their miseries' 0henF the Lord presented Aditi with )is garland and disappeared' 1n due course o timeF Aditi gave birth to a son who was holding a conchF a wheelF a mace and a lotus in each o his our hands' 0he child was named as Vaaman' .ven his atherF sage Kashyap greeted him with respect' By the timeF when the thread ceremony was about to be carried out or VaamanF king Bali organiCed a grand Ashwamedha Yagya in the auspices o his teacher /hukracharya' Lord Vishnu )imsel had been invoked in the Yagya along with Lakshmi' 0aking his parentAs permissionF Vaaman too arrived at the sight o the Yagya' 8ith their divine sightF all the sages who were present there recogniCed Lord Vishnu and elt eHtreme Doy and greeted )im with respect' .ven /hukracharya understood the motive o VaamanAs coming there' )e cautioned Bali in isolation not to grant any demand o Vaaman' )e also advised Bali to abide by his dictate or he would have to ace severe conseMuences' But illumined by the destinyF king Bali did not pay heed to /hukracharyaAs advice and welcomed Vaaman warmly and asked him to seek anything he wished' Vaaman saidK R( king$ 1 you want to give me somethingF kindly grant me three steps o land so that 1 may carry out my Yagyas smoothly' King Bali tried to dissuade Vaaman with temptations o heavenly com orts and other luHuries' But Vaaman stayed to his demand that he needed nothing else but three steps o land or carrying out Yagyas' At last Bali agreed to grant his demand' )e reMuested Vaaman to pour some water rom the Kamandalu on his palm so that he could take a vow' As the last attempt to prevent Bali rom making a vowF /hukracharya assumed a miniature appearance and clogged the snout o the kamandalu' 0he omniscient Lord pricked the snout with a sharp stem and pricked /hukracharyaAs one eye'
Thereafter( ta2in' some /ater on his pa)m( 2in' Ba)i proceeded to 'rant Vaaman three steps of )and1 As soon as Ba)i 'ranted the demand( Vaaman assumed a 'i'antic appearance and measured the entire earth and hea,en in his t/o steps1 6hi)e "ord Vishnu /as measurin' the uni,erse( it bro2e into t/o pieces /ith the impact of His toe1 6ith the tearin' of the uni,erse( mi))ions of streams spran' out1 &n the course of their f)o/( these streams mer'ed into a sin')e mi'htier stream and( sanctif*in' Brahma and other deities( fe)) on the mi'ht* Sumeru Mountain -Hima)a*as.1 As there /as no other room )eft for the "ord to put His third step( Ba)i presented his o/n head for the purpose1 Vaaman put his third step on Ba)iHs head and pressed him do/n into the hades1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
!arad sa*s: F$ 'reat sa'eA Ho/ did the "ord arran'e for Ba)iHs food in the nether /or)dEF Sanat2umar sa*s: F$b)ations offered /ithout h*mns and a)ms 'i,en to undeser,in' person constitute the food for Ba)i1 Thus( the "ord snatched the 2in'dom of hea,en from Ba)i /ithout an* b)oodshed and returned it to the 'ods1F
18&11$efinition of $harma 4arad saysKR( great sage$ 1 have Dust heard the tale o sacred -anges' 4ow kindly describe about the people who deserve to take donations'R
/anatkumar saysK ( 4arad$ Brahmin is considered as the eHcellent among all the our castes' )enceF to make the donation ruit ulF one should donate to the Brahmins only' A Brahmin can accept donation candidly but not a Vaishya or a Kshatriya' .ven among BrahminsF there are many categories who do not deserve to accept donation' 0hese are? Brahmins who practice astrologyF act against the religionF who are greedyF who sell scriptures and other religious materialsF who have relations with other women than their wivesF who are enviousF ungrate ulF singerF who have characterless wi eF who are soldiersF priestsF harbingerF cookF poetF doctorF who eat meat and cereals given by a /hudraF who carry out cremation and the Brahmins who consume the ood given by prostitutes' Donation given to all these types o Brahmins go utile' Besides theseF Brahmins who habitually enDoy sensual pleasures during siestaF who dine during the duskF who have been boycotted by their brothers and societyF who have taken birth illegitimately or a ter the death o their real ather because o dubious relations o their motherF whose younger brother have married earlier and those who are always controlled by lusty womenF who act as pimps or remain indulged in mean activities also do not deserve donation'
Donation( spendin' to meet necessities and /astin' in use)ess acti,ities are the three fates of /ea)th1 A donation made se)f)ess)* to a deser,in' person on a re8uest is e9ce))ent amon' a)) 2inds of donations1 A donation made /ith some desire is mediocre /hi)e donation 'i,en as sacrifice is of the )o/est cate'or*1 Sanat2umar then narrated the ta)e of Bha'irath and Dharmaraaj1 $nce( Dharmaraaj ,isited the 2in'dom of 2in' Sa'ar1 Dharmaraaj praised Sa'ar o,ert)*1 6ith fo)ded hands( 2in' Sa'ar re8uested Dharmaraaj to preach him about re)i'ion and non4re)i'ion and te)) him somethin' about di,ine /or)ds and he))1 Dharmaraaj sa*s:F$ 2in'A %ro,idin' a Brahmin fami)* or a Vedapathi Brahmin /ith a means of sustenance is the most ,irtuous donation1 &nspirin' others to ma2e donation to such a Brahmin is a)so e8ua))* fruitfu)1 Apart from these( di''in' out reser,oirs and maintainin' them and inspirin' others to do the same thin' a)so bears unendin' fruits1F To corroborate his point( Dharmaraaj narrated the ta)e of 2in' Veerbhadra2 and his minister Buddhiraaj1
18&1!$escription of 6eligious Action
Dharmaraaj sa*s: F$ 2in'A Those /ho bui)d temp)es /ith earth sta* in the abode of Vishnu for three 2a)pas1 Then the* attain Brahma)o2a1 $ne recei,es doub)e ,irtues if he bui)ds a temp)e /ith /ood1 Bui)din' a temp)e /ith bric2s and stones 'i,es four4fo)d ,irtue /hi)e /ith the precious stones one 'ets ten4fo)d ,irtues1 Bui)din' of temp)e /ith copper and 'o)d 'i,es hundred fo)d and crore fo)d ,irtues1 Those /ho preser,e temp)es and reser,oirs recei,e hundred times more ,irtues than the bui)ders do1 Virtues of a rich man donatin' /ho)e estate and a poor person donatin' a *ard of )and are e8ua)1F F$ ,irtuous oneA Those /ho de,e)op 'ardens and par2s a)so recei,e same ,irtues1 Those /ho preser,e them recei,e more ,irtues than the de,e)opers1 $ne /ho p)ants a basi) sap)in' sa),es his crores of ancestors1 Simi)ar)*( those /ho bathe the "ordHs ido) /ith mi)2 on D/adashi and %oornamaasi sa),e
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
mi))ions of their ancestors1 Those /ho bathe "ordHs ido) /ith %anchamrit on 2adashi recei,e e,er)astin' jo* and sa),ation1 Simi)ar)*( those /ho bathe "ordHs ido) /ith coconut mi)2( su'arcane juice( and /ater containin' f)o/ers or fi)tered /ater 'et free from a)) their sins1 Simi)ar)*( those /ho bathe "ord VishnuHs ido) durin' ec)ipses or on auspicious dates and conju'ations recei,e the ,irtue of a)) the +a'*as1 Those /ho bathe "ord VishnuHs and Shi,aHs ido)s /ith coconut mi)2( 'hee( hone* and sesame oi) on auspicious dates assume respecti,e appearances of these 'ods1F FThose /ho /orship "ord Vishnu and Shi,a offerin' them f)o/ers of )otus( %andanus( and particu)ar)* offer Dhatura to "ord Shi,a attain their respecti,e abodes1 Simi)ar)*( donation of 3u''u) -scented raisin.( )amp( /ater and cerea) bears ine9haustib)e fruits1 Virtues of donatin' )and and mi)ch co/ to a Brahmin cannot be described in /ords1 &t is the case /ith the donation of 2no/)ed'e( Sha)i'ram( Shi,a)in'a( horse( buffa)o( e)ephant or an* other ,ehic)e1 Those /ho arran'e for the cremation of an orphaned Brahmin recei,e ,irtues e8ua) to thousands of Ash/amedha +a'*as1 Those /ho ser,e the Brahmin deities or co/( those /ho p)a* instruments( be))( and b)o/ conch or c)ap in the temp)e enjo* intimac* /ith di,ine beauties in the hea,en for fi,e Ka)pas1 B)o/in' of conch he)ps one attain the abode of Vishnu1 ,en the remembrance of "ord VishnuHs name does a/a* /ith the imminent crises1F
18&1*E-piation for the )ins DharmaraaD saysK R( king$ 1 am now going to narrate about the religion' Listen to it aith ully' 1 a person touches or gets touched by an impure or irreligious thingF he should observe ast or three days and siH nights or eHpiation' )e should take bath thrice a day' 1 a Brahmin de ecates during diningF he must give up his ood at once and take water only' 0hen he should observe a ast or a day and night and close it taking :anchgavya only to get pure again' 1 a person dines immediately a ter urinationF or urinates during diningF he must observe a day and night long ast and close it with )avan' 0hose women who do not serve their husbands should be eHpelled rom the home or a period o twelve years and should not be helped in any way during the eHile' 1mpurity resulted because o touching a woman in menses takes ast or three nights to get puri ied'R
Dead body o a person who had committed suicide should be smeared with sandalwood paste or any other holy material' 1 a person escapes an attempt to suicideF a ine o two hundred rupees should be imposed on him' 0hose who deliberately eat cereals o washersF skinners and other downtrodden classes and tribes or have illicit contacts with their women are reMuired to observe <handrayan ast in order to get pure' >or those who establish abhorrent connection with their motherF sister or daughterF sel ?immolation is the only way to eHpiate' 0hose who mate with their teacherAs wi e ormal observance o ast is reMuired' 1 someone has killed a pregnant cowF he must eHpiate or it observing <handrayan ast separately or each o the animals'
$ne shou)d not use the soi) co))ected from pondHs bottom( termiteHs mound( mouse burro/( barren )and( road( cremation 'round and 'round used for defecation purpose1 Use of %anch'a,*a /ashes e,en the most se,ere sin1 &f a second death occurs in the fami)* /hi)e the purification period of first death is sti)) on0 separate purification is not re8uired1 &)) effect of an abortion )asts for three da*s1 After marria'e( a /oman adopts her husbandHs name1 Hence( ob)ation for a married /oman must be offered b* her son or someone be)on'in' to her husbandHs c)an1 Ashes must be co))ected on the first( second( third or fourth da* after the cremation1 $ne must offer /ater* ob)ations to his dead ancestors standin' in na,e)4deep /ater facin' south1
18&1,"orture in the ?ell DharmaraaD saysK R( king$ 0hose who commit severe sin on earth are bound to su er eMually severe torturing in hell' 1 am now describing about such sins and the tortures vouchsa ed or them in the hells' 0apanF BalukaakumbhF *aharauravF "auravF KumbhipaakF :ramardanF LalabhakshaF Vasaakup and
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Vaitarni are some o the prominent hells' Drinking o urine in a ditch ull o ecesF eating o canine leshF eating o wormsF drinking o semenF sleeping on cindersF stinging by snakesF boring through bonesF drinking o bileF biting by antsF breaking o teethF tethering to hot iron etc' are some o the tortures one has to ace or his sins in the hell' 0hose who criticiCe Brahmins and dictate them or kill themF drinkerF those who steal goldF have illicit contact with the wi e o their teacher and even those who accompany such people are condemned as great sinners' All o them deserve a place in the hell'R /tealing o items like copperF ironF waterF muskF betelnutF sandalwood etc' is also like the crime o stealing gold' 1llicit contact with sister and daughter?in?law and orce ul copulation with a woman in menses are also like having illicit contact with the wi e o the teacher' (ur great sages have given dictates or the eHpiation o such sins' 0hose who live in Buddhist monasteries or reMuently visit there live in the hells or crores o years' /inners pass initial phase o their eHpiation in the hells' >or the seven births thenF they take incarnation as asses' 0hen or the neHt siH birthsF they appear as snakeF diseased peopleF dogF deerF tree and monitor' ( king$ 0hose who long or and have illicit contacts with women other than wi e are orced to copulate with a pretty but eHtremely hot copper manneMuin and then thrown into the hells' 0hose women who pre er to sleep with men other than husband are orced to embrace hot iron statue on a blaCing bed' 0hen they are orced to embrace a hot iron pillarF take bath in saline waterF and drink it' 0hey have to su er these tortures or thousand years' 0hose who listen to otherAs criticism with interest have to bear lot o su ering' )ot nails are hammered into their ears' 0he pores thus ormed are illed with boiling oil' 0hey are then thrown into Kumbhipaak hell' 0hose who abuse Lord Vishnu and /hiva are ed with salt only or crores o years then they are thrown into "aurav hellF which is ull o hot scorching sand' 0raitors and greedy o otherAs cereals have to eat their own lesh' 0hose who eat astrologerAs and priestAs cereals are kept in di erent hells or crores o years ollowed by their keeping in the wells o boiling oil and saline water where they are ed with eces only' At the completion o their punishmentF such people appear as *alechchha on earth' 0hose who torment others are thrown into Vaitarni' 0hose who do not per orm :anchmaha Yagya or worship deities are kept in Lalabhaksha and "aurav hells respectively' 0hose who do not act as per the scriptures are thrown into the hells or thousand crores o Kalpas' 0hose who throw eHcretion rom their bodies or leave parts like hairF toothF boneF nails etc' in the temple commit sins eMual to killing an unborn baby' 0hey are subDected to severe tortures in the hells be ore being sent into abhorrent incarnations' 0hose who give alse witness undergo su erings in the hells till the rules o ourteen 1ndras' 0hose who do not curb immoral tra ic despite being capable go to hell' 0hose who alsely blame gentlepeople have to live in the hell or crores o years' 0hose who give up a ast be ore stipulated period go to the hell named Asipatra' 0here is no penance or the ones who adopt partial view during Dustice or religious education' 0hose who consume cowAs lesh live in VingbhoDya hell or thousands o years' 0hose who torture Brahmins through their thoughtsF actions and words always all in the hell' 0hose who destroy gardens have to su er all the above mentioned hells'
$ 2in'AF $ne must repent for his sins before "ord Vishnu1 Si'ht of the 3an'es and basi)( sin'in' of de,otiona) son's( ma'nanimit* and non4,io)ence attenuate the effect of the sin1 !o action bears fruit if not offered to "ord Vishnu1 De,otion to "ord Vishnu is the e9ce))ent /a* to repent for the sins1 Abidance to mora)it* is the best /a* to train the re)i'ion1 Re)i'ion /ithout mora)it* is e8ua))* painfu)1 $ 2in'A !o/ & ha,e re)ated a)) about re)i'ion1 Since no/ on/ards( cu)ti,ate de,otion for "ord Vishnu and in,o2e the 3an'es to descend on earth in order to sa),e *our sinister ancestors1 $n)* the 3an'es is capab)e of sa),in' one and a))1F Sanat2umar sa*s: F$ !aradA Thus preachin' the 2in' Sa'ar( Dharmaraaj disappeared from the si'ht1 &t /as due to the se,ere penance of 2in' Bha'irath that the 3an'es descended on the earth and sa),ed the si9t* thousand deceased sons of Sa'ar1F
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
18&1/$escent of (anges and )alvation of )agar<s )ons 4arad saysKR( *uni$ 8hat did king Bhagirath do on )imalayasN )ow did he please -anges to descend on the earthNR
/anatkumar saysK ( 4arad$ "enouncing all his royal com ortsF Bhagirath went to the snow?cappedF lo ty peaks o the )imalayas' 0here he saw dense orest and herds o deer and elephants playing' .ven his hermitage was ull o sweet chattering o the birds' "eciting o Vedas and other scriptures was reverberating all around' Bhagirath came ace to ace with the sage Bhrigu who was surrounded by his disciples' Bhagirath approached and respect ully greeted the sage Bhrigu' Bhagirath saysK R( omniscient sage$ Kindly grace me with the knowledge o the path that leads even the most mourn ul souls to salvation'R Bhrigu saysK R( king$ 1 know that you have arrived here with a beauti ul motive o salving your ancestors' )enceF you are like /hri )ari yoursel ' 4owF 1 describe about the actionsF which please /hri )ari' ( kingF be non?violentF altruisticF virtuousF speak truth and seek pious company to be a devotee o Lord Vishnu' "ecite the ollowing mantras? A%* 4A*( B)A-8A0. VAA/%D.VAAY 4A*A) S A%* 4A*( VAA/%D.VAAY You will de initely attain peace o mind'R Bhagirath saysK R( sage$ 8hat is truthN 8hat is in the interest o all the living beingsN 8ho are evil onesN 8ho are asceticsN 8hat are virtuous actionsN )ow should one remember and worship Lord VishnuN 8hat is peaceN ( great sage$ Kindly describe about these things'R Bhrigu saysK R( knowledgeous one$ All such actionsF which do not harm any living beingF are non? violence' ActionsF which aid in moral conduct and paci y the peopleF are in the interest o the public' All the people who are envious and oppose the religion and the scriptures are evil ones' 0hose who tread the path shown by religion and scriptures and always engage in the bene it o people are ascetics in the true sense' All the actionsF which lead to devotion or Lord Vishnu and cause eHtreme Doy or all are virtuous' Lord Vishnu incorporates all the other deities' )aving such thoughts like G1 will worship )im with correct methodsA is devotion' /eeing Lord Vishnu in each living and non?living things is impartial view' 0o be in peace and harmony in all circumstances with each and everyone is peace' ( king$ 1 have described now all the things to you' -o now and begin your penance' *ay it all be well or you'R 0husF with the permission and blessing o sage BhriguF king Bhagirath started his penance' )e continued his penance or siHty thousand years at length in an enchanting place 4aandeshwar in )imalayas' /eeing his severe penanceF and perpleHed by its radianceF all the gods appeared be ore Lord Vishnu in Ksheersagar'
The 'ods sa*: F$ remo,er of sorro/sA $ contro))er of a)) the three /or)dsA 6e a)) 'reet *ou1F %)eased b* the pra*ers( "ord Vishnu instincti,e)* )earnt about the moti,e of the 'ods1 He assured them to be fear)ess and Himse)f appeared before Bha'irath1 Bha'irath fe)t hi)arious and 'reeted Shri Hari1 "ord Vishnu sa*s: F+our desires sha)) be fu)fi))ed1 +our ancestors sha)) attain to m* abode1 But no/ 'o and pra* "ord Shi,a /ith *our fu)) capacit*1 He /i)) definite)* benefit *ou1F Sa*in' this( "ord Vishnu disappeared1 The 2in' stood there for some time /onderin' /hether it /as a)) a dream /hen an in,isib)e ,oice announced( Iit /as not a dream $ 2in'A &t is rea)it*1 Do as "ord Vishnu has said1H Kin' Bha'irath be'an e,en more se,ere penance to p)ease "ord Shi,a1 After a pro)on'ed penance( "ord
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Shi,a appeared there1 Bha'irath fe)) f)at at His feet1 %)eased b* his de,otion and pra*ers( "ord Shi,a b)essed Bha'irath that He /ou)d hand o,er the 3an'es to him for the sa),ation of his ancestors1 As soon as "ord Shi,a uttered these /ords( the 3an'es emer'ed from His tussoc2s and fo))o/ed Bha'irath /here,er he /a)2ed1 Thus( fo))o/in' Bha'irath( the 3an'es reached 3an'asa'ar at the hermita'e of sa'e Kapi) /here the ashes of Bha'irathHs ancestors /ere )*in' unattended1 As soon as the ho)* /aters of the 3an'es touched the ashes( Bha'irathHs ancestors 'ot freed from the noose of +ama and ascended to their hea,en)* abode1 Since then( the 3an'es is a)so 2no/n as Bha'irathi1
18&11$escription of $wadashi >ast 0he sages sayK R( ortunate one$ You have obliged us narrating the tale o sacred -anges' 4ow we desire to hear what 4arad asked /anatkumar'R
/utaDi saysK R( great sages$ 4ow 1 narrate what 4arad asked /anatkumarF listen to it care ully'R 4arad saysK R1 am blessed hearing the pious tale o the -anges' 4ow kindly tell me about the ast and rituals per orming whichF /hri )ari could be pleased'R /anatkumar saysK ( 4arad$ *ay -od bless you$ You are the supreme devotee o Lord Vishnu' 0hatAs whyF you are asking about these rituals' 4ow 1 am telling you about these rituals and astsF which make a man earless' ( 4arad$ 0here is a special provision or worshipping Lord Vishnu on the twel th day o /hukla :aksha (brighter phase) in the month o *aargashirsh' 0his worship could be per ormed wearing white or yellow clothes' During the worshipF one should recite the mantra ! K./)AVAAYA 4A*A/0%B)YA*' (ne should then o er oblations o ghee and sesame seeds in sacred ire' During the nightF one should sing devotional songs be ore /haligram and remain awakened' 0hen the idol o Vishnu should be bathed with ive liters o milk' /imilarlyF -oddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu should be worshipped with 4aivedya and edible items three times' 4eHt morningF similar worship should be repeated' At the end o the worshipF one should donate sweetmeats made o milkF ghee and coconut to Brahmin while reciting?G*ay the Lord materialiCe all my wishes'A /eeing o the BrahminF one should break his ast at the end' (n the same dayF in the month o :aushaF one should observe a ast and worship Lord VishnuAs idol bathing it with milk while reciting 4A*( 4A"AYA4A' 1n this worship alsoF there is provision o nightlong prayers and vigilance' Donating the Brahmins with riceF pulsesF ghee etc'F one should respect ully eed them and break his ast in the last' Donation o Dakshina is a must' /imilarlyF on the same day in the month o *aaghF there is a provision o daylong ast and worship' 0his timeF ive kilos o sesame seeds are donated to the Brahmins' (n the twel th day o /hukla :aksha in :hagunF one should bathe /hri )ariAs idol with ive liters o milk' 0hen one hundred and eight oblations o sesame seeds and ghee are made to the sacred ire' 4ightlong prayersF eeding o Brahmins etc' are as usual' 1n this worshipF unhusked rice is donated' 0he reMuired mantra is -(V14DAAY 4A*A/0%B)YA* (n the same day in the month o <haitraF there is a provision o bathing VishnuAs idol with ive liters o
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
ghee and making oblations o honeyF ghee and sesame seeds one hundred and eight times while reciting ? 4A*(/0% V1/)4AV. 0%B)YA* 0hen our kilos o rice are donated to a Brahmin' (n the twel th day in the brighter phase o VaishaakhF there is a provision o bathing VishnuAs idol with milk and making one hundred and eight oblations o ghee reciting ? 4A*A/0. *AD)%)A40. (n the twel th day in the brighter phase o #yeshthaF there is a provision o o ering one hundred and eight oblations o kheer (rice cooked in our liters o milk) while reciting 4A*A) 0"1V1K"A*AAY' 0wenty *aalpuas (wheat lour kneaded in milk and sugar and ried in ghee) are donated to a Brahmin' (n the same day in the month o AshaadhF Lord VishnuAs idol is bathed with our liters o milk' 0hen oblations o ghee are made and cereal miHed with coconut and curd are donated to the Brahmins' 0his worship is directed to Vaaman incarnation o Lord Vishnu' )enceF mantra 4A*A/0. VAA*A4AAY is recited all along the rituals' 1n the month o /hraavanF there is a provision o bathing LordAs idol with milk and honey on the twel th day o the brighter phase' 0hen one hundred and eight oblations are made reciting ! /)"1D)A"AAY 4A*(/0%0.' 0hen our liters o milkF clothes and two golden earrings are donated to the Brahmin' LordAs idol should be bathed with milk while reciting ? )"1/)1K./) 4A*(/0%B)YA* on the twel th day in the month o Bhaadrapad' 0hen one hundred and eight oblations are made with cooked cereals miHed with honey' 8heat donated along with gold to the Brahmins besides eeding them with respect' 1n the month o Ashwin alsoF LordAs idol is bathed with ive liters o milk' 0henF one hundred and eight oblations are o ered with gheeF sesame seeds and rice reciting ? 4A*A/0. :AD*A4AAB)AAY' 0wo hundred and i ty grams o honey are donated to a Brahmin' 1n the month o KartikF on the same dayF LordAs idol is bathed with our liters o milkF curd or ghee while reciting? 4A*( DAA*(DA"AAY' 0henF one hundred and eight oblations are o ered with sesame seeds miHed with honey and ghee' 0his worship is closed with donating ive types o edible items to a deserving BrahminF eeding him and seeing him o with Dakshina' ( *univar$ 0hose who observe this virtuous ast or the twelve months o a year attains to the supreme abode' (bservance o this ast or one or two months only is also eMually bene iting' 1 this ast is
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
observed or a yearF there is a provision o special closing ritual at the end so that one shouldnAt have to observe it again in his li e' 0his closing ritual is per ormed on the twel th day o the darker phase in the month o *aargsheersh' (ne should get up early in the morning that day and a ter attending routine tasksO he should take bathF wear white clothesF smear sandalwood paste on the orehead and make a sMuare?shaped altar on the ground' 0his altar should be decorated with Dingling bellsF whiskersF lags and white cloth' (n the our corners o the altarF our lamps should be lighted' At the center o the altarF a /arvatobhadra wheel is drawn and twelve urns illed with water are kept on it' :utting ive kinds o gems in these urnsF they should be covered with white cloth' 0he worshipper must procure silver or gold idols o Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu and place them on the lids o the urns' >rugality is not eHpected in this ritual' 0hese idols should be bathed with milk containing gheeF honeyF curd and ive types o dry ruits' 1t should be ollowed with proper worship o Lord Vishnu and -oddess Lakshmi' 0hese rituals last nightlong'
!e9t mornin'( ob)ations are offered /ith sesame seeds recitin' a)) the t/e),e mantras described abo,e1 Donation of ten Maa)puas( curd( 2heer( 'hee etc1 are made to t/e),e Brahmins1 At )ast( a)) the ido)s and other materia)s are handed o,er to the priest /ho had 'uided the /orship1 De,otee must dine after a)) and he shou)d not spea2 durin' dinin'1 A)) the desires of the one /ho obser,es a)) these t/e),e fasts and c)oses them proper)* are fu)fi))ed and he attains abode of Vishnu a)on' /ith his t/ent*4one 'enerations1
18&14$escription of >ast for 'a.shmi3arayana /anatkumar saysK R ( great among the sages$ 4ow 1 am narrating about an eHcellent astF which destroys all the sins' (bserving ast on ull *oon day is considered eHcellent among all the asts' 1t leads to ul illment o all the desires and protects the devotee rom in luence o harsh planets' Like the ast o DwadashiF this ast is also begun rom the month o *aargsheersh and observed continuously on every ull *oon day o succeeding months till Kartik when it is closed with proper ritualsR'
0o begin withF one should start worshipping Lord Vishnu since the morning o ull *oon day in the month o *aargsheersh wearing white clothes and reciting 4A*( 4AA"AAYA4AA' A ter the worshipF the devotee must per orm a )avan on a sMuare?shaped altar o ering oblations with cooked cerealsF sesame seedsF ghee etc' 8hite lowersF unbroken rice grains and water are o ered to the Lord' 1n the eveningF the same things are o ered to the rising ull *oon also' A devotee must pass the night engaged in religious discussionF singing o devotional songs etc' 4eHt dayF donations are made to the Brahmins a ter per orming usual worship' 0he same rituals are per ormed every month to observe the ast' "ituals or closing this ast in the month o Kartik on ull *oon day are also elaborate'
Dirst of a))( the de,otee shou)d bui)d a rectan'u)ar canop* and decorate it /ith f)ora) 'ar)ands( arches( )amps( cinnabar( mirrors( /his2ers etc1 At the center of the canop*( on the 'round( Sar,atobhadra /hee) shou)d be dra/n /ith fi,e pi))ars1 Then one to t/e),e urns are 2ept on this /hee) and on these urns( si),er or 'o)den ido)s of "ord Vishnu are p)aced1 These ido)s are bathed /ith mi)2 containin' curd( 'hee( hone* and fi,e t*pes of dr* fruits1 Then a proper e)aborate /orship is carried out for these ido)s1 !i'ht is passed sin'in' de,otiona) son's1 !e9t mornin'( after proper /orship( these ido)s are donated to the presidin' priest1 &t is fo))o/ed b* feedin' of Brahmins1 A)) these ritua)s are c)osed /ith performin' a Ha,an offerin' sesame seeds as ob)ation1 Those /ho perform these /orships /ith proper ritua)s enjo* /or)d)* comforts )ife)on' and attain abode of "ord Vishnu1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
Sanat2umar sa*s: F$ !aradA !o/ & am narratin' about the f)a''in' fast in order to p)ease "ord Vishnu1 He /ho performs this fast is e,en /orshipped b* Brahma and other deities1 This fast accords ,irtues e8ua) to those of donatin' one thousand carats of 'o)d to a Brahmin or those attained ta2in' bath in the 3an'es and /orshippin' Shi,a)in'a and basi) sap)in'1 F The de,otee shou)d obser,e this fast on the tenth da* of the bri'hter phase in the month of Karti21 He shou)d /orship Shri Hari since mornin' after ta2in' bath and /earin' fresh c)othes1 He is e9pected to s)eep before the ido) that da*1 !e9t da*( he shou)d a'ain perform /orship( recite !andishraaddh a)on' /ith four Brahmins and bathe masts of the t/o f)a's1 He shou)d then /orship the Sun( the Moon and 3arud1 Then turmeric( sanda)/ood paste are smeared on the masts and /hite f)o/ers are offered on them1 Thereafter( the de,otee must smear just enou'h 'round /ith co/ dun' and produce a fire in an a)tar1 $ne hundred and ei'ht ob)ations are made /ith 2heer in this fire1 Ha,an thus performed is directed to "ord Vishnu( Brahma and "a2shmi then ei'ht ob)ations are offered recitin' 4 V !T +AA+ S6AHA1 &t is fo))o/ed b* ob)ations offered to the Sun( the Moon and Kaamadhenu1 The ni'ht is passed in /orship and performin' Ha,ans1 !e9t mornin'( the same ritua)s are performed to /orship "ord Vishnu1 At )ast( the f)a's are carried to a temp)e of "ord Vishnu and insta))ed at the pinnac)e or on top of a co)umn1 "ord Vishnu is /orshipped /ith proper ritua)s1 Circumambu)atin' the temp)e( one shou)d then present Brahmins /ith c)othes and Da2shina( feed them and shou)d ta2e food after a))1 &t is said that as )on' as the f)a' f)utters in air( as much sins of the de,otee are destro*ed and he attains the abode of "ord Vishnu1
18&19"ale of 2ing )umit<s Previous #irth
!arad sa*s: F$ Sanat2umarA A 2in' Sumit had performed this f)a''in' fast for the first time1 Kind)* narrate to me the ta)e of his )ife1F Sanat2umar sa*s: Durin' Sata*u'a( a Soma,anshi 2in' Sumit /as ru)in' the entire earth1 He /as ,er* re)i'ious in nature and a 'reat de,otee of "ord Vishnu1 He ser,ed the other de,otees /ith respect and /as a do/n to earth person1 His 8ueen Sat*amati /as a)so a chaste /oman1 Both of them /ere the 'reat /orshippers of Shri Hari and 2ne/ e,er*thin' about their pre,ious birth1 The* re'u)ar)* donated cerea)s and /ater1 Sat*amati used to dance in the temp)e of "ord Vishnu /ith pure fee)in's1 The 2in' a)so /ou)d insta)) a bi' and beautifu) f)a' in the temp)e on the t/e)fth da* of bri'hter phase of e,er* month1 Their reputation had reached a)) the three /or)ds1 $ne da*( a sa'e Vibhaanda2 came to ,isit the 2in' a)on' /ith his discip)es1 The 2in' and the 8ueen treated the sa'e /ith respect and the 2in' himse)f seated on a )o/er seat before the sa'e1 The 2in' sa*s: F& am sa),ed $ sa'eA !o/ order me ho/ can & ser,e *ouEF The sa'e sa*s: F$ 2in'A & am ,er* much p)eased /ith *ou1 !o/ & /i)) as2 *ou a fe/ 8uestions1 Ans/er them honest)*1 +ou re'u)ar)* insta)) a bi' and beautifu) f)a' in the temp)e of "ord Vishnu /hereas there are man* more ritua)s to p)ease Him1 Te)) me the reason for *our actions1F
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
The 2in' sa*s: F$ sa'eA & te)) the reason for m* action1 Kind)* )isten to it1 &n the pre,ious birth( & /as a Shudra named Maa)ini and a)/a*s en'a'ed in appa))in' acti,ities1 $ne da*( & abandoned m* fami)* and societ* and mi'rated to the forest /here & sustained m*se)f on deerHs f)esh1 But there too( & used to rob the passersb*1 $ne da*( & had nothin' to eat nor cou)d & )a* m* hand on an* passerb*1 Scorchin' sun of the summer /as addin' to m* /oe moreo,er1 Thus perp)e9ed b* the thirst( hun'er and intense heat( & /as roamin' in the forest /hen a)) of a sudden & stumb)ed upon a temp)e of "ord Vishnu1 &t had )on' been deserted and /as ,er* much in di)apidated condition1 A sma)) )a2e /as a)so there beside the temp)e1 &n the )a2e( beautifu) birds )i2e s/an and duc2s /ere p)a*in' and de)icious fruits and scented f)o/ers a)so abounded in the forest1 Since & /as fee)in' tired to the point of droppin' do/n( & ate the fruits /hich had fa))en on the 'round1 Then & too2 rest at the ban2 of the )a2e1 Since that da*( & be'an to )i,e in that temp)e1 There & repaired the /a))s( c)eaned the premises and erected a sma)) hut for m*se)f1 But sti))( & used to hunt sma)) anima)s to satisf* m* hun'er1 T/ent* *ears passed )i2e that1 $ne da*( a Saadh,i -a fema)e hermit. named A,a2o2i)a( /ho hai)ed from a !ishaad fami)* in Vindh*aacha)( came there1 Her fami)* members had deserted her because of sinister actions she /as in,o),ed in1 She /as thin and )ean due to continuous star,ation1 Dee)in' pit* on her( & 'a,e her some fruits and f)esh to eat1 6hen she reco,ered( she narrated her ta)e that & am narratin' to *ou as it /as1F Saadh,i sa*s: F& /as born in the fami)* of oarsman( Daaru2 /as m* father1 & /as a 'reat bac2biter( thief and sinner1 M* fami)* therefore deserted me1 Dor sometime( m* husband fostered me but he too died1 Since then( & ha,e been /anderin' from this p)ace to that and it is because of "ordHs 'race that & ha,e arri,ed here1F The 2in' sa*s: F"istenin' to her ta)e( & married her and /e be'an to )i,e in the temp)e1 ,er* da* /e used to eat f)esh and fruit1 $ne da*( under the into9ication of /ine( /e enjo*ed our time 'reat)*1 6e e,en be'an to dance for'ettin' our ph*sica) condition1 Sudden)*( a'ents of +ama arri,ed there and be'an to ti'hten their noose around us1 Simu)taneous)*( Shri Hari too sent His a'ents1F VishnuHs a'ents sa*: F$ imprudent +amadootsA Re)ease this 'reat de,otee of "ord Vishnu1 +amadoots sa*: FThese are abject sinners1 6e /i)) definite)* ta2e them /ith us1F These /ords infuriated the a'ents of Vishnu1 VishnuHs a'ents sa*: FThe* are not sinners1 The* are 'reat de,otees and the ser,ers of "ord Vishnu1 This /oman has performed a dance /hi)e this man has insta))ed a f)a' in the temp)e1 Thus( their sins ha,e been destro*ed and the* ha,e no/ a ri'ht to the supreme abode1 The* ha,e ser,ed this temp)e for the past thirt*4t/o *ears1F Sa*in' this( the a'ents of Vishnu snapped the noose and carried us to the abode of Vishnu in a di,ine aircraft1 Hearin' this ta)e from the 2in' Sumit( sa'e Vibhaanda2 fe)t e9treme jo* and /ent to the forest1
18&!:$escription of ?ariPancha6atra +rata
Sanat2umar sa*s: $ !aradA & am no/ narratin' about another fast1 &t is Haripancha2 fast and is rare in a)) the /or)ds1 &t destro*s a)) the sorro/s of the de,otee( fu)fi))s his a)) desires and he)ps him attain the four 'oa)s of )ife1 &t is obser,ed for fi,e da*s in the month of Maar'sheersh startin' from the tenth da* of the bri'hter phase ti)) the fu)) Moon da*1 $n the first da*( a da* )on' fast is obser,ed after /orshippin' "ord Vishnu in the mornin'1 &t is bro2en /ith a p)ain mea) in the e,enin'1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
!e9t da*( "ordHs ido) is bathed /ith mi)2 containin' 'hee( curd( hone* and fi,e t*pes of dr* fruits fo))o/ed b* usua) /orship1 Vo/s of the fast are recited and pra*ers are made for their successfu) comp)etion1 That /ho)e ni'ht and a)so the subse8uent ni'hts ti)) fu)) Moon ni'ht are passed recitin' "ordHs name and sin'in' de,otiona) son's1 Bathin' of "ordHs ido) /ith mi)2 containin' 'hee( curd( hone* and dr* fruits continues in the mornin' e,er*da* ti)) fu)) Moon da*1 $n the fu)) Moon da*( Ha,an is performed /ith ob)ations of sesame seeds and donations1 $n the si9th da*( the de,otee must drin2 %anch'a,*a and /orship Shri Hari( feed Brahmins and on)* then shou)d ta2e mea) si)ent)*1 This fast is obser,ed e,er* month ti)) Karti2 and c)osin' ritua)s are ta2en up in the month of Maar'sheersh ne9t *ear1 Durin' the c)osin' ritua)s( the de,otee shou)d obser,e da* )on' fast on the e)e,enth da* and ta2e on)* %anch'a,*a on the t/e)fth da*1 Thereafter he shou)d /orship "ord Vishnu( donate hone*( 'hee( fruits( 2heer and an urn fi))ed /ith /ater and containin' fi,e je/e)s to the Brahmin1 He shou)d then feed the Brahmins before himse)f ta2in' an* mea)1 $ !aradA Those /ho obser,e this Haripancha2 fast ne,er return from Brahma)o2a1 Those /ho desire for sa),ation shou)d essentia))* obser,e this fast1 &t destro*s a)) the sins )i2e a fire destro*s a forest1 &ts ,irtues are e8ua) to those of donatin' mi))ions of co/s1
18&!1$escription of the >ruits of the >ast
Sanat2umar sa*s:F!o/ & am narratin' about an e9ce))ent fast for the benefit of the /or)d1 "isten to it carefu))* $ !aradA This fast must be obser,ed in the months of Ashaadh( Shraa,an( Bhaadrapad or Ash/in1 $n an* da* durin' the bri'hter phase of these months( the de,otees must drin2 %anch'a,*a and pass his time in the ,icinit* of "ord VishnuHs ido)1 Then( recitin' scriptures in the 'uidance of )earned Brahmins( he shou)d ta2e a ,o/ to obser,e a month )on' fast pra*in' "ord Vishnu to protect him from an* unforeseen crises1 The de,otee shou)d since then pass his time in a temp)e for one month1 ,er*da*( he shou)d bathe the ido) /ith mi)2 containin' 'hee( curd( hone* and dr* fruits and )i'ht the )amps before the ido)1 He is a)so e9pected to pass his )ife in a natura) /a* /ithout usin' an* artificia) thin' )i2e toothpaste or soap1 Then he shou)d feed a Brahmin and 'i,e them Da2shina1 Accordin' to the pro,ision of fast( the de,otee shou)d feed at )east t/e),e Brahmins and donate je/e)r*1 Virtues of this fast are enormous1 A /ido/ /oman /ho has no son( ascetic( bache)or and Vanaprasthi shou)d essentia))* obser,e this fast1
18&!!"ale of #hadrasheel #rahmin
Sanat2umar sa*s: F$ !aradA A fast on 2adashi -e)e,enth da*. in both the phases of a month p)eases Shri Hari and fu)fi))s a)) the desires1 $n the e)e,enth da* of each phase( one shou)d not dine1 Those /ho dine on the e)e,enth da* commit se,ere sins1 Sa),ation from sins )i2e 2i))in' a Brahmin is possib)e but there is no method to e)iminate the sins incurred because of dinin' on the e)e,enth da*1 Brahmins shou)d essentia))* obser,e fast on the e)e,enth da* of each phase1 The preparations for 2adashi Vrata start on the tenth da*1 The de,otee shou)d /orship Shri Hari in the mornin' /ith proper ritua)s and pass the ni'ht in the ,icinit* of the ido)1F $n the e)e,enth da*( the de,otee shou)d /orship Shri Hari in the mornin' and ta2e an oath to obser,e fast durin' the da* and pra* the "ord to protect him from ca)amities1 The de,otee must pass the ni'ht sin'in' de,otiona) son's( recitin' scriptures and if possib)e dancin'1 &n the mornin' of the t/e)fth da*( he shou)d /orship "ord Vishnu as usua)1 Then he shou)d feed Brahmins and ma2e donations as per his po/ers1 %erformin' fi,e 2inds of +a'*as( the de,otee shou)d brea2 his fast in the )ast1 Durin' the period of fast( the de,otee must not see /retched ones and desist from ta)2in' to such peop)e /ho oppose Brahmins1
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
As there is no pi)'rima'e p)ace ho)ier than the 3an'es0 no teacher 'reater than the Mother and no deit* more ,irtuous than "ord Vishnu1 Simi)ar)* there is no fast 'reater than 2adashi Vrata is1 $ !aradA & am no/ narratin' an o)d ta)e1 "isten to it carefu))*1 &n the ancient times( a 'reat sa'e 3aa)a, )i,ed in the dense forest on the ban2 of the ri,er !armada1 He /as ,er* peace )o,in' and truth abidin' in nature1 The forest surroundin' his hermita'e /as the p)a*'round for beautifu) fauna( +a2shas( 3andhar,as and Vidh*aadhars1 Sa'e 3aa)a, passed his time en'a'ed in penance1 Thus( he )i,ed there for a )on' time1 He had an e8ua))* ,irtuous son named Bhadrashee) /ho /as a 'reat de,otee of "ord Vishnu and /ho 2ne/ e,er*thin' about his pre,ious birth1 &n his chi)dhood( Bhadrashee) used to p)a* /ith his friends but his p)a*s ref)ected his re)i'ious sentiments1 He /ou)d ma2e an earthen ido) of "ord Vishnu and /orship it1 He a)so /ou)d te)) his friends to a)/a*s /orship "ord Vishnu and obser,e fast on the e)e,enth da* of e,er* phase in e,er* month1 His friends too fo))o/ed him1 Durin' the /orship( Bhadrashee) used to /ish /e)) for the entire /or)d1 His acti,ities p)eased the sa'e 3aa)a, ,er* much1 3aa)a, sa*s: F$ fortunate oneA +ou are rea))* Bhadrashee) because e,en the +o'is rare)* ha,e a nature )i2e *ours1 +ou a)/a*s indu)'e in /orship of Hari( benefit of a)) and obser,e fast on 2adashi1 +ou a)/a*s abstain from forbidden /or21 Ho/ come( *ou ac8uired such a peacefu) and unconf)ictin' mind1 & am ,er* much p)eased /ith *ou1 Kind)* te)) me( about *our achie,ements1F Bhadrashee) sa*s: F$ fatherA & ha,e some remembrance of m* pre,ious birth1 Durin' m* pre,ious birth( +ama had preached me about re)i'ion1F These /ords surprised 3aa)a,1 He sa*s: F$ fortunate oneA 6ho /ere *ou in *our pre,ious birthE 6hat did +amaraaj said to *ou and /h*EF Bhadrashee) sa*s: F$ 'reat sa'eA & /as a 2in' in Soma d*nast*1 & had recei,ed 2no/)ed'e from Dharma2eerti and Dattatre*a1 & ru)ed continuous)* for thousand *ears1 Durin' this period( & committed ,arious re)i'ious as /e)) as irre)i'ious tas2s1 &n the compan* of imposters( & too became an imposter1 6or2in' dip)omatica))*( & destro*ed +a'*as1 M* subjects a)so fo))o/ed me and be'an to beha,e irre)i'ious)*1 & recei,ed si9th part of their e,i) deeds1 $ne da*( & /ent to the forest huntin'1 There( & 2i))ed man* anima)s1 After a /hi)e( perp)e9ed b* thirst and hun'er( & reached the ban2 of !armada1 & had stra*ed into deeper forests a)) a)one1 The intense sun /as scorchin' m* bod*1 & /as about to drop do/n because of hun'er /hen & sa/ that peop)e on the ban2 of !armada /ere obser,in' 2adashi Vrata1 & joined them and sta*ed a/a2e a)) a)on' the ni'ht /ithout ta2in' an* food1 But & cou)d not bear the star,ation and e9ertion and died as a resu)t1 Dierce )oo2in' +amadoots too2 me to +amaraaj1 +amaraaj as2ed Chitra'upt to open the account of m* )ife1 Chitra'upt thou'ht for a moment and said: F&ts true $ +amaraaj that this person is a sinner1 But no/ he is free from his sins due to obser,in' fast on 2adashi and passin' his ni'ht in the compan* of pious de,otees1F Hearin' these /ords( +amaraaj 'reeted me and /orshipped me /ith de,otion1 Then( he ca))ed his ser,ers1F +amaraaj sa*s: F"isten to me( $ a'entsA & am narratin' somethin' to *our interest1 !e,er brin' to me in future an*bod* /ho is en'a'ed in re)i'ious tas21 Sta* a/a* from those /ho a)/a*s recite the name of Shri Hari1 3reet them from a distance1 This is m* order as /e)) as teachin' to a)) of *ou1 Spare a)) those /ho ser,e their teachers( )o,e their re)i'ion( are he)p)ess( ser,e the pious one and are tru)* deser,in'1 Brin' a)) such peop)e /ho abuse their mother( hate the /or)d( stea) the /ea)th of temp)es and Brahmins( /ho are 2i))ers( /ho do not obser,e fast on 2adashi( /ho are short tempered( criticiBe me and nurture hosti)it* /ith others1F Hearin' such /ords from +amaraaj( fire of penance be'an to burn /ithin me1 More intense this fire
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda
're/( more of m* sins /ere destro*ed1 & ac8uired an appearance of Shri Hari1 ,en( +amaraaj 'reeted me /ith respect1 His action e,en surprised the +amadoots1 6orshippin' me( +amaraaj sent me on a di,ine aircraft to the abode of Vishnu1 $ fatherA & /as passin' m* time happi)*1 & did not 2no/ ho/ and /hen crores of *ears passed1 Then & arri,ed in &ndra)o2a1 There & sta*ed /ith the 'ods for man* Ka)pas1 &t /as after such a 'reat e9perience that & ha,e arri,ed on the earth1 Ha,in' the 2no/)ed'e of m* pre,ious birth( & a)/a*s en'a'ed in the /orship of Hari and inspire others to fo))o/ suit1 ar)ier( & didnHt 2no/ the ,irtues of 2adashi Vrata1 But no/( because of the 2no/)ed'e of m* pre,ious births( & ha,e come to 2no/ about it1 & obser,ed it /ithout an* desire and /ithout 2no/in' that & /as actua))* obser,in' a fast and recei,ed so much in return1 Hence( & cannot te)) ho/ much /i)) one recei,e if he obser,es 2adashi Vrata /ith some desire1 Those /ho de,oted)* /orship Shri Hari and obser,e 2adashi Vrata attain e,en the supreme abode of "ord Vishnu1F The /ords of his son ')addened sa'e 3aa)a,1 He sa*s4 FM* birth has been successfu) because & 'ot such a de,otee son )i2e *ou /ho to)d me the comp)ete method of /orshippin' "ord Vishnu1F
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Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come rom every side) ! "g Veda