George Zimmerman
George Zimmerman
George Zimmerman
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!George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show! Share: Share on emai"
#eor$e %immerman si$ns a&to$ra'hs( )R*+,T: -esh(com #eor$e %immerman, the man ho shot an. /i""e. Tray0on Martin, as the 1eat&re. $&est at a centra" 2"ori.a $&n sho this ee/en., here he a&to$ra'he. 'hoto$ra'hs 1or c&stomers( 3r$ani4ers o1 the 5e 3r"an.o #&n Sho a"most cance"e. the e0ent beca&se o1 bac/"ash, b&t instea. a$ree. to re"ocate %immerman6s si$nin$ to a sma""er 0en&e(
%immerman ante. to ret&rn a 1a0or to The 7rms Room, an 3r"an.o $&n store that s&''orte. him a1ter he /i""e. Martin( 8The conce't o1 bein$ ab"e to 'ay them bac/ 1or hat they .i. 1or me an. seein$ my s&''orters 1ace to 1ace as somethin$ , 9&st co&".n6t 'ass &',: %immerman to". 2o; 3<( 3n T itter, he .escribe. the contro0ersy as 8another com'any bo in$ to threats o1 bein$ "abe"e. racist(: The on"y thin$ %immerman is 1amo&s 1or is /i""in$ an &narme. b"ac/ teena$er( 7n. he is, in many ays, the 'oster chi". 1or 2"ori.a6s Stan. =o&r #ro&n. "a ( 8, a"/ aro&n. arme.> , a"/ aro&n. ith a b&""et 'roo1 0est> it6s not so m&ch 1or my sa1ety as it is so m&ch 1or those aro&n. me,: he sai.( 8, can be aro&n. my 1ami"y an. somethin$ mi$ht ha''en to them( There6s chi".ren aro&n. me, etc( Those threats? , ha0e to be ab"e to .e1en. myse"1 "i/e any 7merican(: Since the tria", %immerman has remaine. in the hea."ines 1or t o .ro''e. char$es o1 .omestic 0io"ence an. e0en a$reein$ to a "ater@cance"e. charity ce"ebrity bo;in$ match A on hat o&". ha0e been Martin6s birth.ay(