Production Planning and Control01
Production Planning and Control01
Production Planning and Control01
Sections: 1. Aggregate Production Planning and the Master Production Schedule 2. Material Requirements Planning 3. Capacity Planning 4. Shop loor Control !. "n#entory Control $. %&tensions o' MRP
Production Planning
Concerned (ith: 1. +eciding (hich products to ma,e* ho( many o' each* and (hen they should )e completed 2. Scheduling the deli#ery and-or production o' the parts and products 3. Planning the manpo(er and equipment resources needed to accomplish the production plan
Production Control
Concerned (ith determining (hether the necessary resources to implement the production plan ha#e )een pro#ided "' not* it attempts to ta,e correcti#e action to address the de'iciencies Ma/or topics in production control: Shop 'loor control Manu'acturing e&ecution systems "n#entory control Manu'acturing resource planning %nterprise resource planning
"ndicates production output le#els 'or the ma/or product lines o' the company
MRP :utputs
1. Planned order releases Purchase orders . to )uy ra( materials and parts ;or, orders . to ma,e parts and products 1. Report o' planned order releases in 'uture periods 2. Rescheduling notices 3. Cancellation notices 4. "n#entory status reports !. Per'ormance reports $. %&ception reports <. "n#entory 'orecasts
Capacity Planning
Concerned (ith determining la)or and equipment resources required to meet the current master schedule as (ell as long3term 'uture production needs o' the 'irm Also ser#es to identi'y the limitations o' the a#aila)le production resources so that an unrealistic master schedule is not planned Accomplished in t(o stages: 1. Rough3cut capacity planning . to assess 'easi)ility o' master production schedule 2. Capacity requirements planning . detailed capacity calculation 'or indi#idual departments and (or, cells
:rder Release
Pro#ides documentation to process a production order through the 'actory +ocumentation 0shop pac,et1: Route sheet . process plan Material requisitions . to dra( ra( materials 'rom in#entory ?o) cards 3 to report direct la)or hours e&pended on order and trac, progress o' order Mo#e tic,ets 3 to authori>e transport o' parts )et(een (or, centers Parts list 0i' assem)ly1
:rder Scheduling
Assigns production orders to (or, centers in the plant %&ecutes the dispatching 'unction in production planning and control Sol#es t(o pro)lems in production control: 1. Machine loading . allocating orders to (or, centers Shop loading . loading all machines in the plant 1. ?o) sequencing . determining the sequence in (hich orders (ill )e processed through each (or, center
Priority Control
Sets appropriate priority le#els 'or production orders Possi)le dispatching rules in priority control: irst3come3'irst3ser#e %arliest due date Shortest processing time 9east slac, time Slac, time 8 time remaining until due date minus processing time remaining Critical ratio Ratio o' time remaining until due date di#ided )y processing time remaining
:rder Progress
Monitors the status o' the orders in the plant* ;"P* and other parameters that indicate production progress and per'ormance Purpose is to pro#ide in'ormation use'ul to manage the 'actory )ased on data collected 'rom the 'actory Reports generated )y order progress module: ;or, order status reports . (hether orders are on schedule or )ehind Progress reports . num)er o' orders completed #s. num)er that should ha#e )een completed %&ception reports . o#erdue /o)s* other e&ceptions
"n#entory Control
Concerned (ith achie#ing an appropriate compromise )et(een t(o opposing o)/ecti#es: 1. Minimi>ing the cost o' holding in#entory "mplies ,eeping in#entory to a minimum 1. Ma&imi>ing customer ser#ice "mplies ,eeping large stoc,s on hand so the customer can immediately ta,e possession
Ch Q Csu Da TIC = + 2 Q
(here Ch 8 holding cost* Q 8 order quantity* Csu 8 setup cost* and Da 8annual demand 'or the item
%:= ormula
6y ta,ing the deri#ati#e o' TIC (ith respect to Q and setting the deri#ati#e equal to >ero* the minimum cost order quantity can )e determined
Q = EOQ =
2 Da Csu Ch
;hen in#entory le#el reaches the reorder point* the ne&t order 'or quantity Q is placed