Marketing and Sales Promotion Research Report
Marketing and Sales Promotion Research Report
Marketing and Sales Promotion Research Report
+hapter No. Declaration, Tit&e from Pa,e No. Student
1. 1.1 1.# 1.% 1.& II #.1 #.# #.# #.% #.%.1 #.%.# #.%.% #.& #.&.1 #.&.# #.&.% #.. #.0 #.2 III I3 3
Certificate from organization Certificate from Guide Acknowledgement List if Abbreviations Introduction ackground of t!e stud" ackground of t!e to$ic Com$an" $rofile Statement of t!e $roblem 'esearc! (et!odolog" 'esearc! (et!odolog" )rimar" data Secondar" data Sam$le design )o$ulation Sam$le size Sam$ling met!od Method o- data co&&ection Instrument for data collection Drafting of a *uestionnaire +esting of ,uestionnaire-)ilot surve" /ield work Data1anal"sis tec!ni*ues Limitations Data $rocessing and Anal"sis Conclusions 'ecommendations ibliogra$!" A$$endices-Anne4ure ,uestionnaire- 5s6 +ec!nical literature related to t!e stud" 7t!ers
I, (r.- (s. A8a" 9umar )al !ereb" declare t!at t!is $ro8ect re$ort in t!e record of aut!entic work carried out b" me during t!e $eriod form :# nd ;une to 1:t! August and !as not been submitted to an" ot!er <niversit" or Institute for t!e award for t!e award of an" degree- di$loma etc.
57n t!e letter!ead of t!e Com$an"- 7rganization, given and signed b" t!e concerned aut!orit" in t!e Com$an"- 7rganization w!ere student !as done !is summer +raining. It s!ould also !ave Com$an"- 7rganization Seal-Stam$.6
+!is is to certif" t!at (r.- (s. A8a" 9umar )al of '.9.G.I.+. G!aziabad. !as successfull" com$leted t!e $ro8ect work titled SALES PROMOTION AND MARKETING in )artial fulfillment of re*uirement for t!e com$letion of )G) course as $rescribed b" t!e '.9.G.I.+. G!aziabad. +!is $ro8ect re$ort is t!e record of aut!entic work carried out b" !im- !er during t!e $eriod from :#nd ;une to 1:t! August. =e !as worked under m" guidance.
Si, Na/e Project G.ide 5Interna&6 Date! +o.nter Si,ned b# Signature >ame Director Date?1
+!oug! ever" da" of life teac!es somet!ing or t!e ot!er, but t!e knowledge and e4$erience remember. +!is $ro8ect was like a c!allenge, w!ic! took si4t" da"s for com$letion regardless of m" immense labour. +!is $ro8ect !el$ed me to understand t!e wa" market works. =ow to stud" and anal"ze t!e market $ro$erl"B I would like to t!ank Mr. A8hi&e1h Sin,h 5Mar8etin, Mana,er 9 +EO6 m" $ro8ect guide a lot because !e was alwa"s t!ere to !el$ me regardless of !is !ectic sc!edule. And finall" I would also like to t!ank Mr1. Pa&&a:i Moda8; w!o alwa"s gave me t!e su$$ort and guidance for t!e com$letion of t!is $ro8ect. gained w!ile working in @RED+4IE* S4OESA on @SALES PROMOTION AND MARKETINGA $ro8ect is somet!ing w!ic! I would alwa"s
+!e $ro8ect was basicall" to access t!e current $osition of t!e business of 5'ead C!ief6, 'o!it Surfactants )vt. Ltd. and for t!at market surve" was a necessit".
+!e $rime issue of t!e surve" was to identif" $rofitable markets and t!e be!avior of t!e consumer under different conditions, t!eir needs and t!eir re*uirements from t!e com$an" directl" as well as indirectl". +!e information collected from consumers and retailers uncovered t!e e4$ectations of bot! consumer as well as retailers, from t!e com$an".
+!is $ro8ect was $rimaril" concerned wit! t!e assessment of local markets. +!oug! t!e com$an" deals in leat!er footwear in bot!, local markets and e4$orts also. +!e background of t!e to$ic was to stud" t!e current market trends and future growt! $ros$ective for t!e com$an". So t!at t!e com$an".
+o/pan# Pro-i&e
? ?
'o!it Surfactants )vt. Ltd. 112-!1#-#:# )andu >agar, 9an$ur D #:E::. /a4 D F11.1#1#F..20 Contact >o1:.11##F01E0, ##&12&F, ##1.0E:.
1FE1b, Dada >agar, 9A>)<'. Contact >o.1:.1#1##F01E0, ##&12&F, /a4 D ##&12.: 4ARID7AR )lot >o.11b Sec12, SIDC<L
Del!i 7ffice
State ank Colon", (a!arana )rata$ ag!, Del!i111:::0 Contact >o11112ࡉ, 2#2#
State/ent o- Prob&e/
+!e basic $roblems faced b" com$an" are?1 1. #. %. &. .. Cut t!roat com$letion due t t!e $resence of indigenous and small scale $roducers. Identif" t!e $otential markets and t!reats. +o find out t!e recent trends and $ublic demand. +o anal"ze out t!e market s!are of t!e com$etitor com$anies. Decrease in t!e volume of sales of lat!er footwear in t!e local market as com$ared to t!e $revious assessment "ear.
Re1earch De1i,n!"
+!e t"$e of $ro8ect t!at was being !andled b" me re*uired e4tensive researc! and e4$loring, t!erefore t!e design of t!e $ro8ect is @GH)L7'A+7'IA
Pri/ar# Data!"
)rimar" data is directl" collect from t!e market t!roug! t!e medium of ,uestionnaire. +wo different t"$es of ,uestionnaires were $re$ared for Interviewing different classes of market?1
Consumer 'etailers ot! consumers and retailers !ad to be interviewed constantl", because t!e" not onl"
$rovide relevant information, but also, in toda"Js market t!e consumer is t!e god and retailers are t!e $ersons w!o come in direct contact wit! t!e consumer, t!erefore t!e" !ave better information about t!e tastes and $references of t!e consumer and t!e $resent and future $ros$ects of t!e market.
Secondar# Data!"
+!ere was no need to collect t!e secondar" data as t!e $rimar" data was sufficient in it self to $rovide all necessar" information.
Sa/p&e De1i,n!"
+!e nature of researc! conducted necessitated t!e sam$le to be collected from different markets, i.e. from various different $arts of t!e cit", so as to !ave t!e ma4imum variabilit" and t!e $o$ulation is re$resented $ro$erl".
2.).0 Pop.&ation!"
+!e $o$ulation in t!is $ro8ect com$rises of t!at $art of t!e $o$ulation of t!e 9an$ur w!o are interested in $urc!asing branded footwear s!oe, sli$$er or sandals.
+!e (et!od of Data collection was t!roug! t!e surve" of t!e individuals. +!e following t!ings were ke$t in mind.
+arget Audience1 +arget audience for t!e t"$e of surve" were? i. ii. iii. iv. v. Students Servicemen usinessmen 7ld age $ersons 7t!ers
+!ese $eo$le were based on a. i. ii. iii. iv. v. b. i. ii. iii. iv. Age?1 1:1#: #:1%: %:1&: &:1.: Above .: 7ccu$ations?1 Students Servicemen usinessmen 7t!ers
2.?.0 In1tr./ent o- data co&&ection!" The in1tr./ent or the too& .1ed to co&&ect the data @a1 AB.e1tionnaireC
1. #. Consumers 'etailers
1. #. %.
Language1 Language used in *uestionnaire s!ould be as eas" as $ossible. (onoton"1 +!e *uestionnaire s!ould not be monotonous. Se*uencing of *uestions1 +!e *uestionnaire s!ould be $re$ared in a logical fas!ion so t!at t!e consumers donJt get sus$icious.
avoided as it creates dilemma in t!e mind of t!e consumer and discre$anc" in t!e data collected.
*ie&d @or8!"
+!e /iled t!at com$rised of t!e areas?1 1. Ar"a >agar #. Swaroo$ >agar %. ). 'oad &. (estem 'oad .. Gama >o.. (arket 0. Lal agla (" basic target was to surve" as man" retailers and consumers as $ossible.
/or data anal"sis tec!ni*ue various Statistical +ec!ni*ues were used. +!ese are as followers?1
1. )ercentage #. Average %. Sum And for t!e anal"sis various gra$!s and tables !ave been $re$ared as$er t!e res$onse of t!e consumers.
/ollowing wee t!e limitations t!at were faced w!ile conducting t!e surve". 1. It was not $ossible to cover all of area of t!e cit" #. 'etailers !esitate in giving answers to some *uestions like $rice elated and com$etition $olic" etc, %. Sometimes res$ondents do not give correct information &. (one" is a ma8or constraint to limit sco$e of t!e stud" .. +ime again is no less constraint.
'esults obtained from t!e surve" of .:: consumers scattered around t!e citizens
H a,e
No. o- per1on1
Demand of consumer Incentive basis Advertisement 7n basis of sc!eme Durabilit" 1&K 1.K :2K
%% 1. &:
5Tab&e No.26
S!oes .&K
Sli$$ers ##K
Sandals 11K
An" 1%K
Tab&e No.)
>o #0K
Yes No
Tab&e No.?
>o &#.&K
Yes No
Tab&e No.F
'ed c!ief
'ed ta$e
0.:K 1:.:K
+able >o..
Red Chief Bata Action Red Tape Lakhani Liberty Woodland Lee Cooper Others
Graph No.F
asis of Selection of footwear )ercentage 5K6 1#.: K +able >o.0 1:.#K %EK 1:.EK 1E.&K 1:.0K St"le Design Comfort )rice Durabili ,ualit"
Graph No.G
Tab&e No.( )referred )rice 'ange )ercentage 5K6 .::1F:: #:.0K F::11::: &0.#K 11::11%:: ##K Above 1%:: 11.#K
Graph No.(
Tab&e No.3 (ost Attractive Adv. (edia )ercentage 5K6 +.3. 'adio %EK >ews$a$er (agazine #:.&K /riends 2.#K /as!ion #:.&K =oardings 1&.:K
Graph No.3
Tab&e No.I )referred colour of footwear )ercentage 5K6 lack .&K rown &1K 7t!ers &K
Graph No.I
Tab&e N'.0' )referred Season to bu" footwear )ercentage 5K6 %0K 1%K #%K /estival 7ccasion C!en 'e*uired eginning of Academics #EK
Graph No.0'
+able >o.11 )referred Guarantee $eriod )ercentage 5K6 % mont! >il 0 mont! 1%K 1 "ear 1EK Above 1 "ear 0FK
Graph No.00
+able >o.1#
)3C .EK
+)' ##K
)< #:K
Graph No.02
Tab&e No.0) )referred St"le of footwear )ercentage Long 10.: S!or 11.0 oot 2.0 Cit! laces ##.# Cit!out &#.0
Graph No.0)
Tab&e No.0? rand s!ifting )ercentage 5K6 Ies %0K >o 0&K
Yes No
Graph No.0?
Tab&e No.0F
Graph No.0F
Tab&e No.0G Gffect )ercentage 5K6 Ies &0.EK >o .%.#K
Yes No
Graph No.0G
Tab&e No.0( 'ed C!ief footwear users )ercentage 5K6 Ies &2.0K >o .#.0K
Yes No
Red Chief Bata Action Red tape Lakhani Liberty Woodland Lee Cooper Others
Graph No.03
Tab&e No.0I
'ed c!ief
Red Chief Bata Action Red tape Lakhani Liberty Woodland Lee Cooper Others
Graph No.0I
Tab&e No.2' /ootwear sold most )ercentage 5K6 /ormal #&K Casual #0K S$orts 1.K Ladies %2K
Graph No.2'
Tab&e No.20
lack ..K
rown &&K
7t!ers &K
Long 10K
S!ort FK
oots 0K
Graph No.22
Tab&e No.2)
Student &2K
Servicemen #%K
usinessmen 2K
7t!ers 12K
Graph No.2?
Tab&e No.2F
ata #:K
Lakani 1.K
7t!er #K
Red Chief Bata Action Red tape Lakhani Liberty Woodland Lee Cooper Others
Graph No.2F
Tab&e No.2G
A$r1;une &2K
;ul"1Aug. 1FK
S$et.1Dec ##K
Graph No.2G
Tab&e No.2( )referred $rice range )ercentage 5K6 .::1F:: %%K F::11::: 1.K 1:::11%:: &:K Above 1%:: 1#K
Graph No.2(
Tab&e No.23
1:1#: 2K
#:1%: %.K
%:1&: %0K
&:1.: 1&K
Above .: EK
. 3 4 5 6
Graph No.23
Tab&e No.2I
St"le 1#K
Design 0K
Comfort 12K
)rice %&K
Durabilit" #%K
,ualit" EK
Graph No.2I
Tab&e No.)' Sole $referred )ercentage 5K6 )3C .FK +') #.K )< 10K
Graph No.)'
+able >o.%1
/rom customer and retailer surve" and t!e collected data, we can conclude?1
>ew brands are emerging in t!e market ot!er t!an e4isting oneJs and t!e" ca$ture tine market s!are. +!ese brands include /ranco Leone, )icasso, Lee Coo$er etc.
+!e branded s!oes between t!e $rice range 's..::1 's.11:: !ave t!e ma4imum sales.
Students are influenced b" range, design, st"le and t!e looks of t!e leat!er s!oes. C!ereas t!e service class and t!e business class em$!asizes on $rice, *ualit", durabilit", discount 5if an"6, and above all on guarantee $eriod.
+!e most im$ortant factor to increase t!e sales is M,<ALI+IJ C!ere *ualit" refers to durabilit" along wit! comfort.
Advertisement $la"s t!e most im$ortant role to educate $eo$le about t!e com$an" and its $roduct 5s6.
0. 2.
Glectronic media is t!e first c!oice of t!e consumer followed b" t!e $rint media. (ost of t!e time consumer are brand lo"al but at times consumer are influenced b" t!e retailers suggestion and t!e $rice difference.
Sale of leat!er s!oes is directl" linked wit! t!e re*uirements of t!e consumer, but t!ere is definitel" a boost in its sales during t!e @festive seasonA
)ackaging $la"s an im$ortant role in attracting t!e consumer, w!ic! is a sure s!ot remed" of increasing t!e sales of $roduct.
'eduction in selling $rice of branded s!oes affects its sales to a great e4tent.
+!e minimum guarantee $eriod t!at is demanded b" t!e customer is t!at of M7>G "earJ
rand image is a factor w!ic! encourages t!e retailers to dis$la" t!e s!oes of a com$an".
'etailers firstl" em$!asize on *ualit", w!ic! is succeeded b" t!e margin t!e" get over s!oes.
1&. 1..
Action is t!e M=IG=GS+ I>CG>+I3G )AIG'J among all t!e brands. (edia of advertisement used b" t!e retailers are basicall" banners, followed b" $rint media and !oardings.
Libert" !as t!e ma4imum defects according to retailers. Leat!er s!oes of size 2 !ave t!e ma4imum sales. /actors t!at affect t!e sales of leat!er s!oes are?1 Lig!t weig!ted Softness of t!e leat!er. Sole durabilit". Design
'etailers are full" satisfied wit! t!e incentives !e" get. 'etailerJs affect t!e be!aviour of consumer to a great e4tent. )3C sole s!oes are covering t!e largest segments of consumer do to com$arativel" less $rices.
##. #%.
Consumers desire footwear of latest trend and innovative designs. Com$an" s!ould accentuate more on *ualit" $roduct.
Consumer are interested in !aving t!e re$lacement facilit" w!ere as retailers are interested in giving t!em t!e re$air facilit" 5even if t!e s!oe is in guarantee $eriod6, in order to minimize t!e conflicts among t!e retails and consumer t!e com$an" s!ould $rovide s!oes wit! minimum $ossibilit" do defects, and tr" to en!ance after sales service for better consume res$onse.
After t!e com$letion of t!e $ro8ect I would like to suggest following findings w!ic! were drawn t!roug! consumer 5s6 and retailer 5s6 surve"?1 1. #. Com$an" s!ould $rovide e*ual discount to all retailers )rint media im$acts for long time and gives detailed information but electronic media is best o$tion for advertisement but it im$acts for a s!ort time. +!roug! t!e im$act is for a s!ort time but re$eated advertisement leads to learning be!avior. +!erefore, com$an" s!ould resort to regular advertisement, so t!at t!e consumer s!ould retain t!e image of t!e $roduct in !is-!er mind. %. &. Com$an" s!ould be d"namic in nature wit! c!ange in fas!ion and st"le. Com$an" s!ould consider t!e emergence of new brands like Lee Coo$er, /ranco Leone, )icasso etc. .. During t!e surve" I !ave found t!at !oarding and banners $la" an im$ortant role in ca$turing t!e market. So !oardings and banners s!ould be $laced at t!e main market areas, crossroads, offices and banks etc. 0. Com$an" s!ould !ave its own retail outlets at ma8or t!e market $laces to $ro8ect a better brand image. 2. $ro$er training of t!e staff member at outlets is necessar" for better satisfaction of customers and better interaction wit! customer. E. Audio-visual advertisements !ave t!e greatest im$act on t!e mind of consumer t!erefore, retailers as well as t!e s!ould advertise t!e $roduct on t!e local c!annels for better $ublicit", like?1
9tv Sur"a +3 Cit" Cable etc /or better !old on markets )rint media s!ould also be used, as it is muc! c!ea$er t!an t!e electronic
audio-visual media. 1:. 11. Com$an" s!ould !ave a stock of size 2 and size E on festive sasons. 7ne of t!e biggest !urdles in t!e sales of s!oes in ). road market is t!at t!ere is no $ro$er $aring structure in t!e w!ole market t!erefore t!e generall" t!e elite class 5consumers !aving four w!eelers6 refrains from s!o$$ing t!ere. 1#. +!ere is a !uge sco$e of e4$ansion of tanneries and s!oe manufacturing com$anies G4$orts !ave risen from 's.1E% Cr.51F2#6 to 's.F#1# Cr. 5#::16 Domestic consum$tion !as risen from 's.112 Cr.51F2#6 to 's..2EE Cr.5#::16 Sources? Council for leat!er e4$orts, <nion ministr" of commerce and industr" +!e following data strongl" su$$orts t!e com$an" to e4$ort, t!e $resent scenario of t!e countries w!ere K s!are is?1 Guro$e 5including >ordic Countries? 'ussia6 <.S. and Canada Asia 5middle east6 Africa Australia->ew Nealand 7t!ers ? ? ? ? ? ? 0. 12 1# :1 :# :%
1. #. %. &. ..
)!ili$ 9otler ? (arketing (anagement, 1#t! Gdition, #::2 Cilliam ;. Standon L C!asles /utrell ? /undamentals of (arketing S. >ama 9umari L 3.S. 'amaswam"? (arketing (anagement S.9. Gu$ta ? )rinci$als of (arketing (anagement 'a8endra >argundkar ? (arketing 'esearc! 5+e4t L Cases6, #nd Gdition, Ft! re$rint #::2.
C!ic! t"$e of leat!er footwear does "ou $referB anded >on D randed
C!ic! rand do "ou likeB 'ed C!ief Libert" ata Coodland Action Lee Coo$er 'ed ta$e 7t!er Lak!ani
7n w!at basis do "ou $refer footwearB St"le ,ualification Design Comfort )rice Durabilit"
C!ic! is $referable $rice range of footwearB 's.2::1F:: 's.F::111:: 's.11::11%:: Above 1%::
C!ic! medium attracts "ou for $urc!asing leat!er footwearB +elevision-'adio /as!ion-+rend >ews$a$er-(agazine =oardings /riends
C!en would "ou like to bu" leat!er footwearB /estival 7ccasions C!en re*uired
eginning of Academics ,1:. C!at s!ould be t!e guarantee $eriod according to "ouB % (ont!s ,11. 0 (ont!s above 0 (ont!s
C!ic! t"$e of t!e guarantee $eriod according to "ouB )3C +') )<
C!ic! st"le of /ootwear does "ou like mostB Long S!ort oot Cit! laces wit!out laces
=ave "ou c!anged "our rand wit! in last two "earsB Ies >o
etter ,ualit" in com$arison of earlier used brand ,1.. Could reduction in $rices of t!e recognized brand does affect "our be!avior 5for eg1sale etc6 Ies ,10. >o
An" Suggestions.
,1E. Are "ou satisfied about *ualit" of brand 'ed C!ief. Agree >ormal Disagree
>ame of t!e firm-s!o$ PPPPPPPPPPPPP Contact >oPPPPPPPP... ,11. C!ic! brand do "ou stockB 'ed C!ief ,#. ata Action 'ed +a$e 7t!er
C!ic! t"$e of rand sales moreB 'ed C!ief ata Action 'ed +a$e 7t!er
C!ic! size range sales moreB >o. 0 >o.2 >o.E >o.F >o.1:
C!ic! is most $referable colour $urc!ased b" consumerB lack rown 7t!ers
C!ic! is most $referable st"leB Casual S!ort oot Cit! laces Cit!out laces
C!ic! categor" of consumer $urc!ases more leat!er s!oesB Student ,E. Servicemen usinessmen 7t!ers
7n w!at bases "ou $urc!ase t!e leat!er footwearB Incentive basis Durabilit" Advertisement
C!ic! brand is more reliable and salable as $referableB 'ed C!ief ata Action 'ed +a$e 7t!er
Season of ma4imum salesB ;an D (ar A$r. D ;une ;ul" D Se$t 7ct 1 Dec
C!ic! $rice range is most $referable b" consumerB 's.2::1F:: 's.F::11::: 's.11::11%:: Above 1%::
" w!ic! age grou$ leat!er footwear is liked mostB 1:1#: #:1%: %:1&: &:1.: Above .:
7n w!at basis customer $urc!ases t!e leat!er footwearB St"le Design Comfort )rice ,ualit"
C!ic! t"$e of sole is $referred b" t!e customerB )3C +') )<
,1.. ,10.
C!ic! brand gives most incentive-(arginBPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. In C!ic! formB Cas! Discount )rofit (argin )romotion Sc!eme +rade Discount
,12. ,1E.
An" suggestionsPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. C!ic! t"$e of footwear demand is !ig!B Durb" s!oes Sli$$er Sandle Sli$on s!oes
+!e working of t!e fore said division can be understood b" t!e following literature, w!ere t!e mac!ines involved 5and t!e work done b" t!em6 are being mentioned ste$ b" ste$. 3arious sub $rocesses involved in t!is $rocess are?1 1. #. %. ea/ ho.1e operation!" In t!is $rocess leat!er is divided into t!ree $arts. =ides include leat!er of buffalo, cow etc. Skins include leat!er of lion, rabbit, goat, s!ee$ etc. 'e$tiles includes leat!er of snakes etc.
Soa8in,!" In t!is leat!er is $ut into t!e $addle. Li/in, !1 In t!is $rocess lime water is introduced into t!e leat!er to remove natural fat and also for un !earing of leat!er.
De&i/in,!" It is t!e $rocess b" w!ic! t!e introduced lime is removed from t!e leat!er t!e c!emicals like MAmmonium C!lorideJ.
Pic8in,!" In t!is $rocess leat!er is treated wit! salt and acid 5Sul$!uric acid 1 H #: times6 and formic acid6 to increase t!e life of leat!er.
Tannin,!" It can be of t!ree t"$es?1 Tannin, b# a&./?1 7nl" t!e leat!er of re$tiles is treated wit! t!is $rocess. Tannin, b# chro/e!" An" t"$e of leat!er can be treated wit! t!is $rocess and it can be used for ever" $rocess. Tannin, b# :e,etab&e!" It is use for making belts.
After t!e tanning $rocess t!e water content of t!e leat!er rises substantiall" and t!e leat!er now is called Mwet blueJ 2. E. Sha/in, /achine!" In t!is $rocess e4cess water is removed from wet blue. Sp&ittin, /achine!" In t!is $rocess t!e leat!er is s$itted into grain and fles!. Gratn!" is t!e main leat!er w!ic! is used for making s!oes of god *ualit". *&e1h !1 can also be converted artificiall" into lining for making t!e s!oes interior comfortable. F. Sha/in, /achine!" t!ickness. 1:. 11. Tri//in,!" In t!is $rocess t!e edges of t!e s!amed leat!er are trimmed. %ie&d!" In t!is $rocess t!e area of leat!er is measured t!en s!aved leat!er is weig!ted. +!erefore Iield Q Area of leat!er-S!aved weig!t "eald are in t!e accordance wit! gauges. +!is mac!ine is used to give t!e leat!er t!e desired
+able >o.%#
S.b1tance ,a.,e 1.1-1.% mm :.E-1.: mm 1.#-1.& mm 1.&-1.0 mm 1.0-1.E mm 1.E-#.: mm #.:-#.# mm 1#.
%ie&d 2..: to E.:: 1#.:: to 1%..: 2.. to 2.2. 0.. to 0.2. ...: to 0.:: &..: to ...: &.. to &.2.
Dr./1!" In t!is $rocess leat!er is $ut in drums filled wit! d"es and c!emical and t!ese drums are rotated for 0 to E !rs 5or as re*uired6. In t!is $rocess t!e leat!er is given its base colour, fat again is added in t!is $rocess.
Sha/in, /achine!1 In t!is $rocess e4cess water is removed from t!e leat!er. Settin, /achine!" In t!is $rocess leat!er is made flat and even. <ac../ dr#er!" It is used to dr" t!e leat!er and make it smoot!. +on:e#er and hot cha/ber!" +!e $rocessed leat!er is !anged on conve"or w!ic! $asses t!roug! t!e !ot c!amber for fart!er dr"ing.
Mo&&1ha /achine or Sta8in,!" It is used to soften t!e leat!er and ald-so o$en its fibers.
1E. 1F.
To,,in, /achine!" +!e leat!er is stretc!ed from eac! angle to increase its area. P&atin,!" It is not necessar" for ever" kind of leat!er. It de$ends t!e *ualit" of leat!er. If is used for removing t!e wrinkles from t!e leat!er.
*ini1hin, depart/ent!" +!e crust is sent to following de$artment for t!e final finis!ing.
T#pe1 o- &eather
T#pe I 5Tr6
+!ese t"$es of leat!er !ave F:K to F.K cutting value. It includes Aniline leat!er.
T#pe II 5TrII6
+!is t"$e of leat!er !as 0.K to 2:K cutting value. It includes semi aniline leat!er. 1. #. %. Soft" leat!er Smoot! leat!er urnis! leat!er
*ini1hin, depart/ent
Paddin, b# ro&&er coater!" In t!is $rocess snuffed leat!er is $assed t!roug! t!e
mac!ine caller roller coater, to give t!e $igment la"er of colour to t!e snuffed leat!er. 2. 4#dra.&ic p&ate 5i/, /achine6!" In t!is t"$e of leat!er artificial granis and designs imbued on t!e leat!er. ). *ini1hin, /a# b# o- t@o t#pe1!" ?. " !and?1 +!e colour is finis!ed on leat!er b" !ands. " mac!ine?1 It is a good *ualit" $rocess 5new $rocess6 proce11!" +!e colour is s$ra"ed on to leat!er 5it is a controlled $rocess under controlled tem$erature.6
+on-&.= or Roto pre11!" +!is $rocess is undertaken to make t!e leat!er smoot! and s!ining to im$art better look.
G. (.
Tri//in, !" In t!is $rocess edges are trimmed. Se&ection!" In t!is $rocess selection of leat!er is made grade wise 5t"$e1+r 5i66 +r5II6, +r5III6
So&e Di:i1ion!"
+"$es of sole?1 1. #. %. &. .. ).<. +.).'. 5+!ermo )lastic 'ubber6 ).3.C. 5)ol" vin"l C!loride6 Leat!er Sole. /oaming.
7t!er t"$e of soles are eit!er boug!t or outsourced. /or manufacturing of soles $lastic granules are fed into t!e mac!ine, w!ic! is melted and t!e final sole is $re$ared wit! t!e !el$ of moulds. I. R.bbin, Machine!" In t!is $rocess soles are rubbed on sides to give it a finis!ing touc!. r.1hin,! In t!is $rocess t!e soles are brus!ed $ro$erl". +o&o.rin,! Soles are coloured as $er t!e re*uirement. +hi&&in, Machine ? +!is mac!ine is used to cool ot!er mac!ines, w!ic! are used to s!a$e t!e sole. III. 1. Shoe di:i1ion 5R9D6 Depart/ent De1i,nin,!" +!e designing de$artment first designs t!e s!oe on $a$er, according to w!ic! t!e leat!er is worked u$on. #. %. &. .. +.ttin,!" +!e leat!er is cut according to d"es. Is done b" !and or b" mac!ine. +hec8in,!" Leat!er is c!ecked in t!is unit. Sta/pin,!1 Designed leat!er is stam$ed $air wise. S8#ber /achine!" +!e edges are rubbed so t!at t!e" become t!inner and can be easil" folded. 0. 2. Sp&itin, /achine!" +!is mac!ine is used to s$lit t!e leat!er. Pre11!" )ress is used to $rovide re*uired t!ickness.
+&o1in, Depart/ent!" In closing de$artment basicall" t!ere main $rocesses are undertaken, t!ese are as follows?1
0. 2.
Mar8in, > In t!is $rocess leat!er is marked at $laces, w!ere it !as to be stitc!ed. Ji,za, /achine D In t!is $rocess two $ieces of leat!er are stitc!ed in a zigzag manner using a mac!ine s$eciall" used for t!is $rocess.
Linin,1 Lining is $rovided to t!e u$$er s!oe to increase it life and comfort. Lining ma" be of leat!er cambril or s"nt!etic.
otto/ Depart/ent!" Lasting is of various t"$es California lasting, struck on lasting, struck on lasting, straw well lasting, starc! down, in8ect molding lasting etc. In 'ed C!ief we use Mstuck on lastingJ w!ic! involves t!e following ste$s?1
i. ii.
Insole is fi4ed over last. Counter molding mac!ine moulds and $astes t!e counter, and to$ is $ressed b" ad!esive.
iii. iv. v.
>ow t!e u$$er is fi4ed to t!e last wit! u$$ersole. +wo lasting mac!ine gives t!e s!a$e to t!e toe and fi4es t!e toe to t!e sole. Afterwards t!e w!ole of t!e remaining $arts are $asted wit! t!e insole. i.e. *uarter and vam$s.
Seat lasting mac!ine t!en t!e rear $art-counter wit! insole. )ounding mac!ine $resses to remove t!e wrinkle if $resent. =eat c!iller mac!ine drives out all t!e e4cess moisture.
'iffing of leat!er is done to give t!e s!ine to t!e leat!er, insole is ad!esive to t!e s!oe from inside and ke$t for !alf an !our and t!e e4tra s$ace is filled wit! scra$ of t!e insole. a. Sole )ressing?1 In t!is sole $ressing de$artment. b. Sole $ressing mac!ine !el$s in $ressing t!e sole. c. Coldc!iller gives t!e s!a$e to t!e leat!er at a tem$erature of fifteen degree centigrade below MNeroJ d. /inall" delasting is done i.e. last is removed from t!e s!oe.
*ini1hin, and pac8in,!" /inall" in $ackaging, t!e last touc! is given to t!e s!oe and remaining accessories i.e. lace, socks are $laced wit! t!e s!oe, t!en eac! $air is ins$ected and sent accordingl" for $ackaging.
Class of Gm$lo"ees Semi skilled L Skilled workers Sr. +ec!nical L Su$ervisor" staff +otal 00.