SuzukiRevival of Sick Units
SuzukiRevival of Sick Units
SuzukiRevival of Sick Units
Storage of keys !"#t $ ke "o%er &ater a$s. C'a!ges a!( go)t. "o$ * es % t' res"e*t to e+er* se (#t es, *#sto& (#t es, e+"ort (#t es et*. E&erge!*e of $arge *a"a* ty $ea( !g to !te!se *o&"et t o!. De)e$o"&e!t of !e% te*'!o$ogy. S' ft ! *o!s#&er "refere!*es. Nat#ra$ *a$a& t es
S *k!ess ar ses at t'e t &e of "$a!! !g a!( (#r !g &"$e&e!tat o! S *k!ess ar ses after &"$e&e!tat o!
De$ay or (efa#$t ! "ay&e!t to s#""$ ers. Irreg#$ar ty ! t'e .a!k a**o#!t. De$ay or (efa#$t ! "ay&e!t to .a!ks a!( f !a!* a$ !st t#t o!s. No!/s#.& ss o! of !for&at o! to .a!ks a!( f !a!* a$ !st t#t o!s. Fre0#e!t re0#ests to .a!ks a!( f !a!* a$ !st t#t o!s to a(( t o!a$ *re( t
De*$ !e to *a"a* ty #t $ 1at o!. -oor &a !te!a!*e of "$a!t a!( &a*' !ery. Lo% t#r!o)er assets. A**#&#$at o! of !)e!tor es. I!a. $ ty to take tra(e ( s*o#!ts. E+*ess )e t#r!o)er of "erso!!e$. E+te!s o! of a**o#!t !g "er o(. Resort to 2creative accounting . De*$ !e ! t'e "r *e of e0# ty s'ares a!( (e.e!t#res.
Sett$e&e!t % t' *re( tors. -ro) s o! of a(( t o!a$ *a" ta$. D )est&e!t a!( ( s"osa$. Refor&#$at o! of "ro(#*t/&arket strategy. Mo(er! 1at o! of "$a!t a!( &a*' !ery. Re(#*t o! ! &a!"o%er.
E!) ro!&e!ta$ &o! tor !g Orga! 1at o!a$ str#*t#re Res"o!s . $ ty a**o#!t !g Ma!age&e!t !for&at o! syste& B#(getary *o!tro$
%etermined to fight competition and improve performance" the company too a series of steps: & si' month" wee -(y-wee " cost reduction drive) This resulted in the drop of *# + in the operation cost) & massive e'ercise in value engineering) ,roduct improvement strategy) & renewed mar eting drive)