Course Description: Me2035 Entrepreneurship Development Prerequisite
Course Description: Me2035 Entrepreneurship Development Prerequisite
Course Description: Me2035 Entrepreneurship Development Prerequisite
"e #"!e 1. To define Entreprene r !nd entreprene r"#ip !nd "t!te t#e f!$tor" !ffe$tin% entreprene ri!l %ro&t# in Indi!. 2. To !n!l'(e )!*or )oti+!tin% f!$tor" infl en$in% Entreprene r !nd nder"t!nd t#e i)port!n$e of Entreprene r"#ip de+elop)ent pro%r!))e. 3. To nder"t!nd &#!t i" , "ine"" !nd it" $l!""ifi$!tion".T#e' &ill !l"o ,e !,le "t!te t#e pro$ed re of prep!rin% ! pro*e$t report re- ired "t!rtin% ! , "ine"". .. To "t!te t#e "o r$e" of fin!n$e !nd )et#od" of t!/!tion !nd t!/ ,enefit". 5. To "t!te &#!t i" "i$0ne"" in ")!ll , "ine"" !nd $orre$ti+e )e!" re" re- ired. 1l"o t#e' &ill !,le to "t!te t#e +!rio " %ro&t# "tr!te%ie" in ")!ll ind "trie". COURSE S$%%ABUS
: Nil
UNIT I ENTREPRENEURS+IP , Entreprene r 2 T'pe" of Entreprene r" 2 Differen$e ,et&een Entreprene r !nd Intr!prene r 2 Entreprene r"#ip in E$ono)i$ 3ro&t#4 5!$tor" 1ffe$tin% Entreprene ri$!l 3ro&t#. UNIT II &OTIVATION , M!*or Moti+e" Infl en$in% !n Entreprene r 2 1$#ie+e)ent Moti+!tion Tr!inin%4 "elf R!tin%4 6 "ine"" 3!)e4 T#e)!ti$ 1pper$eption Te"t 2 Stre"" )!n!%e)ent4 Entreprene r"#ip De+elop)ent Pro%r!)" 2 Need4 O,*e$ti+e". UNIT III BUSINESS , S)!ll Enterpri"e" 2 Definition4 7l!""ifi$!tion 2 7#!r!$teri"ti$"4 O&ner"#ip Str $t re" 2 Pro*e$t 5or) l!tion 2 Step" in+ol+ed in "ettin% p ! 6 "ine"" 2 identif'in%4 "ele$tin% ! 3ood 6 "ine"" opport nit'4 M!r0et S r+e' !nd Re"e!r$#4 Te$#no E$ono)i$ 5e!"i,ilit' 1""e"")ent 2 Prep!r!tion of Preli)in!r' Pro*e$t Report" 2 Pro*e$t 1ppr!i"!l 2 So r$e" of Infor)!tion 2 7l!""ifi$!tion of Need" !nd 1%en$ie". UNIT IV -INANCIN. AND ACCOUNTIN. , Need 2 So r$e" of 5in!n$e4 Ter) Lo!n"4 7!pit!l Str $t re4 5in!n$i!l In"tit tion4 )!n!%e)ent of &or0in% 7!pit!l4 7o"tin%4 6re!0 E+en 1n!l'"i"4 Net&or0 1n!l'"i" Te$#ni- e" of PERT87PM 2 T!/!tion 2 In$o)e T!/4 E/$i"e D t' 2 S!le" T!/. UNIT V SUPPORT TO ENTREPRENEURS , Si$0ne"" in ")!ll 6 "ine"" 2 7on$ept4 M!%nit de4 $! "e" !nd $on"e- en$e"4 7orre$ti+e Me!" re" 2 3o+ern)ent Poli$' for S)!ll S$!le Enterpri"e" 2 3ro&t# Str!te%ie" in ")!ll ind "tr' 2 E/p!n"ion4 Di+er"ifi$!tion4 9oint Vent re4 Mer%er !nd S , 7ontr!$tin%.
Tot!l .5 #r"
TE/T BOO0S: 1. S.S.:#!n0! ;Entreprene ri!l De+elop)ent< S.7#!nd = 7o. Ltd. R!) N!%!r Ne& Del#i4 1>>>. 2. : r!t0o = Hod%ett"4 ;Enterpren er"#ip 2 T#eor'4 pro$e"" !nd pr!$ti$e"<4 T#o)"on le!rnin% ?t# edition. RE-ERENCES: 1. Hi"ri$# R D !nd Peter" M P4 ;Entreprene r"#ip< 5t# Edition T!t! M$3r!&@Hill4 2002. 2. M!t#e& 9 M!ni)!l!4< Enterpren er"#ip t#eor' !t $ro"" ro!d"A p!r!di%)" !nd pr!/i"< Dre!) te$# 2nd edition 200?. 3. R!,indr! N. :!n n%o ;Entreprene r"#ip !nd inno+!tion<4 S!%e P ,li$!tion"4 Ne& Del#i4 1>>B. .. EDII ; 5! lt' !nd E/tern!l E/pert" 2 1 H!nd 6oo0 for Ne& Entreprene r" P ,li"#er"A Entreprene r"#ip De+elop)ent< In"tit te of Indi!4 1#)!d!,!d4 1>B?.
C!#ss 1 Tutori#! Schedu!e: 7l!"" i" #eld fo r ti)e" per &ee0 in 50 )in te" le$t re "e""ion". COURSE OUTCO&ES: Student i!! "e #"!e to 1. Under"t!nd t#e "$ope of !n entreprene r !nd entreprene r"#ip in Indi!. 2. Identif' t#e 0e' !re!" of de+elop)ent !nd Entreprene r"#ip de+elop)ent pro%r!))e. nder"t!nd t#e i)port!n$e of
3. Identif' t#e "o r$e" of fin!n$i!l !""i"t!n$e pro+ided ,' t#e in"tit tion". .. Under"t!nd !,o t t#e , "ine"" !nd it" $l!""ifi$!tion". 5. Prep!re t#e pro*e$t report ! prere- i"ite to !ppl' for fin!n$i!l !""i"t!n$e !nd to "t!rt p ! , "ine"". ?. Under"t!nd t#e )et#od" of t!/!tion !nd t!/ ,enefit"4 et$. C. 3et 0no&led%e on 3o+ern)entD" poli$ie" on re+i+in% ! "i$0 , "ine"". B. Under"t!nd t#e %ro&t# "tr!te%ie" in ")!ll "$!le ind "trie". PRO.RA&&E OUTCO&ES 2DEPART&ENT3 !E 1n !,ilit' to !ppl' 0no&led%e of )!t#e)!ti$"4 "$ien$e !nd en%ineerin% ,E 1n !,ilit' to de"i%n !nd $ond $t e/peri)ent" !" &ell !" to !n!l'(e !nd interpret d!t! $E 1n !,ilit' to de"i%n ! "'"te)4 $o)ponent or pro$e"" to )eet de"ire need" &it#in re!li"ti$ $on"tr!int" " $# !" e$ono)i$4 en+iron)ent!l4 "o$i!l4 politi$!l4 et#i$!l4 #e!lt# !nd "!fet'4 )!n f!$t r!,ilit' !nd " "t!in!,ilit' dE 1n !,ilit' to f n$tion on ) ltidi"$iplin!r' te!)" eE 1n !,ilit' to identif'4 for) l!te !nd "ol+e en%ineerin% pro,le)" fE 1n nder"t!ndin% of profe""ion!l !nd et#i$!l re"pon"i,ilit'
%E 1n !,ilit' to $o)) ni$!te effe$ti+el' #E T#e ,ro!d ed $!tion ne$e""!r' to nder"t!nd t#e i)p!$t of en%ineerin% "ol tion" in ! %lo,!l4 e$ono)i$4 en+iron)ent!l !nd "o$iet!l $onte/t iE 1 re$o%nition of need for4 !nd !n !,ilit' to en%!%e in life@lon% le!rnin% *E 1 0no&led%e of $onte)por!r' i"" e" 0E 1n !,ilit' to "e t#e te$#ni- e"4 "0ill"4 !nd )odern en%ineerin% tool" ne$e""!r' for en%ineerin% pr!$ti$e PRO.RA&&E EDUCATIONA% OBJECTIVES 2DEPART&ENT3 I. Pro%re"" profe""ion!ll' !" ! re" lt of #i"8#er !,ilit' to "ol+e te$#ni$!l pro,le)" !nd to &or0 in ) ltidi"$iplin!r' te!)" on pro,le)" &#o"e "ol tion" le!d to "i%nifi$!nt "o$iet!l ,enefit" II. De)on"tr!te profe""ion!l en%ineerin% $o)peten$e +i! pro)otion" !nd8or po"ition" of in$re!"in% re"pon"i,ilit'4 or " $$e""f ll' tr!n"ition fro) t#e Ftr!dition!lF Me$#!ni$!l En%ineerin% $!reer p!t# into , "ine""4 %o+ern)ent4 or ed $!tion III. IV. M!0e "$#ol!rl' $ontri, tion" to 0no&led%e ,' p ,li"#in% p!per"4 !ppl'in% for p!tent"4 deli+erin% effe$ti+e $onferen$e pre"ent!tion"4 !nd $ontri, tin% to le!der"#ip !rti$le" De)on"tr!te ! $o))it)ent to t#e $o)) nit' !nd t#e profe""ion t#ro %# in+ol+e)ent &it# $o)) nit' !nd8or profe""ion!l or%!ni(!tion" !nd8or )!0e $ontri, tion" to&!rd" "o$iet'D" %re!ter pro"perit' V. De)on"tr!te !n nder"t!ndin% of t#e need for life@lon% le!rnin% +i! pro%re"" to&!rd4 or " $$e""f l $o)pletion of !n !d+!n$ed de%ree4 profe""ion!l de+elop)ent !nd8or ind "tri!l tr!inin% $o r"eG"E4 !nd8or en%ineerin% $ertifi$!tion
COURSE OUTCO&ES, ASSESS&ENT AND ACTION Instructor: &r4.4.un#se5#r#n6 Course Nu7"er: &E'()* 6 Se7ester1$e#r: VIII 1 IV HH 5ir"t ti)e $o r"e t! %#t ðod2s3 of Assess7ent: HH Unit te"t HH 7'$le te"t HH1ttend!n$e HH7l!"" $o))ittee HIHH 7o r"e t! %#t pre+io "l'
HH 7o r"e e/!)"
Xin9 Course %e#rnin9 O":ecti;es #9#inst course outco7es Outco7e ' Outco7e * Outco7e ? I * I Outco7e ) Outco7e = Outco7e > Outco7e < Outco7e @ I I I 0 I
%e#rnin9 O":ecti;e
1. To define Entreprene r !nd entreprene r"#ip !nd "t!te t#e I f!$tor" !ffe$tin% entreprene ri!l %ro&t# in Indi!. 2. To !n!l'(e )!*or )oti+!tin% f!$tor" infl en$in% Entreprene r !nd nder"t!nd t#e i)port!n$e of Entreprene r"#ip de+elop)ent pro%r!))e. 3. To nder"t!nd &#!t i" , "ine"" !nd it" $l!""ifi$!tion".T#e' &ill !l"o ,e !,le "t!te t#e pro$ed re of prep!rin% ! pro*e$t report re- ired "t!rtin% ! , "ine"". .. To "t!te t#e "o r$e" of fin!n$e !nd )et#od" of t!/!tion !nd t!/ ,enefit". 5. To "t!te &#!t i" "i$0ne"" in ")!ll , "ine"" !nd $orre$ti+e )e!" re" re- ired. 1l"o t#e' &ill !,le to I "t!te t#e +!rio " %ro&t# "tr!te%ie" in ")!ll ind "trie".
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Course %e#rnin9 O":ecti;e #ssess7ent 1""e"")ent" !re ,!"ed on t&o tool"@"t dent" &or0 !nd !n in@$l!"" " r+e' of e/tent to &#i$# le!rnin% o,*e$ti+e" #!+e ,een !$#ie+ed on 1 to 5 "$!le4 1 J Stron%l' Di"!%ree GSDE4 2 J Di"!%ree GDE4 3 J Ne tr!l GNE4 . J 1%ree G1E !nd 5 J Stron%l' 1%ree GS1E O":ecti;e < A To define Entreprene r !nd entreprene r"#ip !nd "t!te t#e f!$tor" !ffe$tin% entreprene ri!l %ro&t# in Indi!. Too!s of Assess7ent In@7l!"" S r+e' O,*e$ti+e )et "!ti"f!$toril'A Ke" T#e perfor)!n$e of t#e "t dent &!" "!ti"f!$tor'. Po&er point" &ere "#o&n on " $$e""f l Entreprene r" to $re!te i)p!$t of Entreprene r"#ip de+elop)ent. O":ecti;e ' To !n!l'(e )!*or )oti+!tin% f!$tor" infl en$in% Entreprene r !nd t#e i)port!n$e of Entreprene r"#ip de+elop)ent pro%r!))e. Too!s of Assess7ent &e#sures Resu!ts In@7l!"" S r+e' SD4 D4 N4 14 S1 1+%. 1 to 5 "$!le O,*e$ti+e )et "!ti"f!$toril'A Ke" T#e perfor)!n$e of t#e "t dent &!" "!ti"f!$tor'. O":ecti;e ) A To nder"t!nd &#!t i" , "ine"" !nd it" $l!""ifi$!tion".T#e' &ill !l"o ,e !,le "t!te t#e pro$ed re of prep!rin% ! pro*e$t report re- ired "t!rtin% ! , "ine"". Too!s of Assess7ent &e#sures Resu!ts In@7l!"" S r+e' SD4 D4 N4 14 S1 1+%. 1 to 5 "$!le O,*e$ti+e )et "!ti"f!$toril'A Ke" Po&er point" &ere "#o&n on prep!r!tion of Pro*e$t report. T#e perfor)!n$e of t#e "t dent &!" "!ti"f!$tor'. nder"t!nd &e#sures SD4 D4 N4 14 S1 1+%. 1 to 5 "$!le Resu!ts
O":ecti;e = A To "t!te t#e "o r$e" of fin!n$e !nd )et#od" of t!/!tion !nd t!/ ,enefit". Too!s of Assess7ent &e#sures Resu!ts In@7l!"" S r+e' SD4 D4 N4 14 S1 1+%. 1 to 5 "$!le
O,*e$ti+e )et "!ti"f!$toril'A Ke" T#e perfor)!n$e of t#e "t dent &!" "!ti"f!$tor'. O":ecti;e * A To "t!te &#!t i" "i$0ne"" in ")!ll , "ine"" !nd $orre$ti+e )e!" re" re- ired. 1l"o t#e' &ill !,le to "t!te t#e +!rio " %ro&t# "tr!te%ie" in ")!ll ind "trie". Too!s of Assess7ent &e#sures Resu!ts In@7l!"" S r+e' SD4 D4 N4 14 S1 1+%. 1 to 5 "$!le O,*e$ti+e )et "!ti"f!$toril'A Ke" H!ndo t" &ere %i+en on +!rio " %ro&t# "tr!te%ie" of ")!ll "$!le ind "trie". T#e perfor)!n$e of t#e "t dent &!" "!ti"f!$tor'.
BA$S IN B+IC+ COURSE OUTCO&ES BERE AC+IEVED AND ASSESSED: Assess7ent Resu!ts Gple!"e " ))!ri(e t#e )!*or re" lt" of !ll !""e"")ent feed,!$0 rel!ted to t#e $o r"e inp tE Outco7e O;er#!! Score In@7l!"" S r+e' ..33 GSt dent" feed ,!$0 on 7'$le Te"t 2 I 7'$le Te"t 2 II Model E/!) 1ttend!n$e Pro9r#7 Outco7e Assess7ent !E 1n !,ilit' to !ppl' 0no&led%e of )!t#e)!ti$"4 "$ien$e !nd en%ineerin% Le+el of 1$#ie+e)ent A St dent" !re !,le to "e t#eir 0no&led%e &#i$# t#e' !$- ire fro) pre re- i"ite $o r"e li0e M!$#ine ele)ent De"i%n4 De"i%n of 9i%"4 5i/t re"4Pre"" tool" !nd dr!&in%" et$. $E 1n !,ilit' to de"i%n ! "'"te)4 $o)ponent or pro$e"" to )eet de"ire need" &it#in re!li"ti$ $on"tr!int" " $# !" e$ono)i$4 en+iron)ent!l4 "o$i!l4 politi$!l4 et#i$!l4 #e!lt# !nd "!fet'4 )!n f!$t r!,ilit' !nd " "t!in!,ilit' Le+el of 1$#ie+e)ent A O r prod $tion en%ineerin% ,o'" !re !,le to !$ti+el' p!rti$ip!te in Entreprene r"#ip De+elop)ent pro%r!))e" or%!ni(ed ,' 7olle%e E@$ell !nd do ")!ll pro*e$t". dE 1n !,ilit' to f n$tion on ) ltidi"$iplin!r' te!)" f!$ lt'E .1L 50 L >5 L
Le+el of 1$#ie+e)entA Mit# t#e 0no&led%e t#e' !$- ire fro) t#i" " ,*e$t4 "t dent" !re !,le to &or0 in ) lti di"$iplin!r' te!)". O r "t dent" for) te!) &it# )e$#!ni$!l4 ele$troni$" !nd in"tr )ent!tion en%ineerin% "t dent" to do ")!ll pro*e$t" rel!tin% to doin% , "ine"" in Le)onI+' pro%r!)e or%!ni(ed ,' $olle%e E@$ell. iE 1 re$o%nition of need for4 !nd !n !,ilit' to en%!%e in life@lon% le!rnin% T#i" " ,*e$t #elp" to !d!pt to $#!n%e" #!ppenin% in ! prod $t ,' $o)petitor" !nd t#ere,' it le!d" to life of le!rnin%. *E 1 0no&led%e of $onte)por!r' i"" e" T#e 0no&led%e of N!t r!l re"o r$e"4 Ener%' $on"er+!tion4 Ur,!n de+elop)ent4 M!r0et = Mor0for$e 3lo,!li(!tion 4Infor)!tion )!n!%e)ent4 Poll tion4 M!"te )!n!%e)ent #elp ! "t dent to do ! , "ine"" effe$ti+el'.
Notes of %esson Tutori#! Sheets E/!) P!per" 2 1""i%n)ent" N e"tion"@H!nd o t 7opie" E/!) P!per" 2 1""i%n)ent" S!)ple 7opie"