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Synopsis of The Dissertation Proposed For The M.Tech. Degree of The Jagan Nath University, Jaipur

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Enrl.No: 00!"0!#
!$ S%&'%()%r, 0!*

Today the fat !"o#th of i$te"$et tech$o%o!ie ha e$co&"a!e the eay "ep"od&ctio$ of
di!ita% 'edia( thi 'a)e a$ &"!e$t $eed to "eo%*e ec&"ity a$d copy"i!ht p"otectio$+
The"efo"e, fie%d of di!ita% #ate"'a")i$! ha !"o#$ e-t"e'e%y fat i$ thee %at fe# yea".1/
.2/.0/+ Di!ita% #ate"'a")i$! i 1aed o$ the p"i$cip%e of e'1eddi$! o'e a&-i%ia"y
i$fo"'atio$ i$to a di!ita% i!$a% that ca$$ot 1e detecta1%e 1y it i$te$ded "ecipie$t+ Fo"
i$ta$ce, i$ the cae of '&%ti'edia #ate"'a")i$!, the"e #i%% 1e $o p"ee$ce of a$y *ii1%e o"
a&di1%e dito"tio$ i$ the hidde$ i!$a%+ A i$*ii1%e ta! ca$ 1e attached to di!ita% doc&'e$t
#ith the he%p of e'1edded i!$a%, #ate"'a")i$! ha*e ho#$ it po#e"f&% ca%i1e" i$ o%*i$!
the !"o#i$! p"o1%e' of ide$tificatio$ of di!ita% p"ope"ty .2/+
Today each a$d e*e"y thi$! !o$e i$ di!ita%, o the"e i $eed to de*e%op 'o"e "o1et ec&"ity
a%!o"ith'3 a te!a$o!"aphy, c"ypto!"aphy, #ate"'a")i$! etc+4 fo" ec&"e co''&$icatio$+
5te!a$o!"aphy hide the fact #hich a"e e$di$! to the e$d &e"+ 6ate"'a")i$! i i'i%a", 1&t
ha a co'p%ete%y diffe"e$t p&"poe+ 6ate"'a")i$! i the p"oce of e'1eddi$! i$fo"'atio$
o$ the '&%ti'edia .0/+ P%aci$! a #ate"'a") i$ 'edia fi%e e"*e to ide$tify the a"tit o" a&tho"
of the #o") i+e+ it i &ed fo" copy"i!ht p"otectio$ .2/+ A #ate"'a") ca$ 1e eithe" *ii1%e o"
i$*ii1%e+ A "e%atio$ 1et#ee$ *a"io& data hidi$! tech$i7&e a$d "e%ated pa"a'ete" i
i%%&t"ated 1e%o# i$ ta1%e 1
Ta1%e 1
Co'pa"io$ of 5te!a$o!"aphy, C"ypto!"aphy a$d 6ate"'a")i$!
S'%/.no/r.&+0 W.'%r(.r12n/ Cr0&'o/r.&+0
C.rr2%r A$y di!ita% 'edia
8ot%y i'a!e9a&dio
U&a%%y te-t 1aed
In&3' 42l%5 At %eat t#o N9A O$e
D%'%6'2on B%i$d U&a%%y i$fo"'ati*e B%i$d
T0&% o4 .''.615 5te!a$a%yi I'a!e p"ocei$! C"ypta$a%yi
V252)2l2'0 Ne*e" *ii1%e 5o'eti'e *ii1%e A%#ay *ii1%e

6ate"'a")i$! i the p"oce of e'1eddi$! i$fo"'atio$ i$to a di!ita% i!$a% i$ &ch a #ay that
i diffic&%t to "e'o*e a$d to co&$te"feit+ The i!$a% 'ay 1e a&dio, i'a!e o" *ideo+ 5e*e"a%
#ate"'a") ca$ 1e ca""ied 1y a i$!%e i!$a% at the a'e ti'e+ Fi! 1+1 p"o*ide a$ i%%&t"atio$
of a !e$e"ic a&dio #ate"'a")i$! p"oce of *a"io& i!$a% type+
Fi!+ 1+1 Ge$e"a% A&dio 6ate"'a")i$! P"oce
Di!ita% #ate"'a")i$! ca$ 1e c%aified a *ii1%e o" i$*ii1%e #ate"'a")i$!: I$ *ii1%e
#ate"'a")i$!, the i$fo"'atio$ i *ii1%e i$ the pict&"e o" *ideo+ Typica%%y, the i$fo"'atio$ i
te-t o" a %o!o #hich ide$tifie the o#$e" o" o"i!i$ato" of the 'edia, #he"ea, i$ i$*ii1%e
#ate"'a")i$!, i$fo"'atio$ i added a the fo"' of di!ita% data to a&dio, pict&"e o" *ideo fi%e+
I$ *ii1%e #ate"'a")i$!, the o1:ecti*e i to attach te$&"e o" othe" dec"ipti*e i$fo"'atio$ to
the i!$a% i$ a #ay that i diffic&%t to "e'o*e+
S&%6'r.l W.'%r(.r12n/
The data 1%oc) of the a&dio i!$a% i 1ei$! affected 1y app%yi$! ce"tai$ f"e7&e$cy t"a$fo"'
of pect"a% a&dio #ate"'a")i$! .1/.2/, &ch a Fat Fo&"ie" t"a$fo"' 3FFT4,Dic"ete Coi$e
t"a$fo"' 3DCT4, a$d Dic"ete #a*e%et t"a$fo"'3 D6T4 etc, #hich a%o hide the #ate"'a")
i$fo"'atio$ i$to the t"a$fo"'ed data 1%oc)+
5p"ead pect"&' tech$i7&e a"e #ide%y &ed fo" a&dio #ate"'a")i$! a$d a"e the &1:ect
'atte" i$ c&""e$t #o")+ 5pect"a% #ate"'a")i$! i$*o%*e hidi$! a fai$t 1&t a&di1%e o&$d
&$de" a$othe" %o&de" o&$d 3o"i!i$a% o&$d4 #hich i a%o $oie e$iti*e, o the fai$t o&$d
1eco'e i$a&di1%e a$d it act a a #ate"'a") fo" the o"i!i$a% o&$d.0/.2/+ The #ate"'a") i

!e$e"ated fi"t%y 1y c"eati$! a pe&do;$oie e7&e$ce 3PN e7&e$ce4 f"o' a hift "e!ite"+
The hift "e!ite" co$it of ' f%ipf%op #ith a 'a-i'&' %e$!th of 32'4 ; 1 .</+ The pe&do;
"a$do' $oie 3PN4 e7&e$ce i fi%te"ed 1y a fi%te" i$ o"de" to ad:&t it to 'a)i$!
th"eho%d a$d, app"o-i'ate the f"e7&e$cy cha"acte"itic of the h&'a$ a&dito"y yte'
3HA54 i$ f"e7&e$cy do'ai$ .2/+
The f"e7&e$cy 'a)i$! a%!o"ith' i "o1&t to codi$!, '&%tip%e #ate"'a")i$!, a$d "e;
a'p%i$!+ Diffe"e$t #ate"'a") ca$ 1e e'1edded 1y thi a%!o"ith' i$to the a'e i!$a% a$d
a"e eay to detect 1y thei" o#$e"+ The detectio$ che'e fo" thi a%!o"ith' $eed the o"i!i$a%
i$p&t i!$a%, #hich i $ot f%e-i1%e f"o' the e-t"actio$ che'e( f"e7&e$cy 'a)i$! i a p"i*ate
#ate"'a")i$!+ The p"ead;pect"&' #ate"'a")i$! che'e i a$ e-a'p%e of a co""e%atio$
'ethod #hich e'1ed a pe&do;"a$do' e7&e$ce a$d detect the #ate"'a") 1y ca%c&%ati$!
the co""e%atio$ 1et#ee$ pe&do;"a$do' $oie e7&e$ce 3PN4 a$d the #ate"'a")ed a&dio
i!$a% .1, 2/+
Attac): The #ate"'a")ed i!$a% i the$ t"a$'itted to to"e 1y a$othe" pe"o$+ If the
"epecti*e pe"o$ a%te" the 'odified i!$a% the$ thi i ca%%ed a$ attac)+ 6hi%e, it 'ay $ot 1e
a 'a%icio& attac), it co'e f"o' copy"i!ht p"otectio$ app%icatio$, #he"e a$ attac)e" t"ie to
"e'o*e the #ate"'a") 1y app%yi$! o'e 'odificatio$ a %oy co'p"eio$, c"oppi$! a$
i'a!e fi%e o" *ideo fi%e+
Detectio$: 3ofte$ ca%%ed e-t"actio$4 i ca""ied o&t 1y app%yi$! a$ a%!o"ith' #hich i app%ied
to the attac)ed i!$a% to atte'pt to e-t"act the #ate"'a") f"o' it+ If the i!$a% #a
&$'odified d&"i$! the t"a$'iio$ the$ #ate"'a") ca$ 1e e-t"acted eai%y.=/.>/.?/+
A$y t"o$! 'odificatio$ #o&%d $ot 1e a1%e to dit&"1 the #ate"'a") d&"i$! the e-t"actio$
a%!o"ith' i$ the "o1&t #ate"'a")i$! #he"ea, i$ f"a!i%e #ate"'a")i$!, the #ate"'a") ca$
1e 'odified eai%y d&"i$! the e-t"actio$ a%!o"ith'+

Pro)l%( S'.'%(%n'
I$ today@ Di!ita%iAe e"a, the Di!ita% Data i ha"ed 1y '&%tip%e &e", i dit"i1&ted
o*e" $et#o"), a$d 'a$a!ed fo" %o$! pe"iod of ti'e #itho&t a$y da'a!e, th& the
copy"i!ht p"otectio$ p"o1%e' a"ie a$d the '&ic i$d&t"y a%o &ffe" a '&%ti;1i%%io$
do%%a" a$$&a% "e*e$&e %o d&e to pi"acy a$d o'e ec&"ity a$d copy"i!ht p"otectio$
Di!ita% Data ca$ 1e ha"ed 1y '&%tip%e &e", o*e" co'p&te" $et#o"), a$d 'a$a!e fo" %o$!
pe"iod ti'e #itho&t a$y cha$!e+ Co$e7&e$t%y, the copy"i!ht p"otectio$ p"o1%e' a"ie a
&$a&tho"iAed copyi$! a$d dit"i1&tio$ of di!ita% data a"e i'p%ified+ A tech$i7&e ca%%ed di!ita%
#ate"'a")i$! p"otect the o#$e"hip of thee co$te$t+ Di!ita% A&dio 6ate"'a")i$! i a
tech$o%o!y to hide i$fo"'atio$ i$ a$ a&dio fi%e #itho&t 'a)i$! the i$fo"'atio$ 1ei$! a&di1%e
to the %ite$e", a$d #itho&t cha$!e i$ a&dio 7&a%ity of the o"i!i$a% fi%e+ T"aditio$a% data
p"otectio$ 'ethod &ch a c"a'1%i$! o" e$c"yptio$ ca$$ot 1e &ed i$ce the co$te$t '&t
1e p%ayed 1ac) i$ the o"i!i$a% fo"', at #hich poi$t, it ca$ a%#ay 1e "e;"eco"ded a$d the$
f"ee%y dit"i1&ted+

Pro&o5%, Al/or2'+(
The 1%oc) dia!"a' i ho#i$! the co'p%ete dia!"a''atic p"oced&"e !oi$! i$ the
i'p%e'e$tatio$ ta!e+
FFT T"a$fe"
IFFT T"a$fe"
Fi!+ F%o# Dia!"a' of P"opoed tech$i7&e
E7&%r2(%n' S%'3&
I$p&t A&dio i!$a%
I$p&t a'p%e fi%e i
di*ided i$ to 1%oc)
6ate"'a")ed A&dio
6ACE fi%e
6ate"'a")ed A&dio
6ACE fi%e
I$p&t A&dio

E-pe"i'e$t a"e co$d&cted to e*a%&ate the pe"fo"'a$ce of p"opoed tech$i7&e fo" A&dio
#ate"'a")+ The p"opoed 'ethod i'p%e'e$ted i$ 8ATDAB R2E10a a$d "&$ o$ a pe"o$a%
co'p&te" #ith co$fi!&"atio$ a 2+? GHA i> a$d 2 GB RA8 &$de" the ope"ati$! yte' of
6i$do# >+
In'ro,36'2on 'o MATLA8
The $a'e 8ATDAB ta$d fo" 8AT"i- DABo"ato"y+The 'at"i- i the 1aic 1&i%di$! 1%oc) of
8ATDAB+ The 1aic data t"&ct&"e i the a""ay, a$ o"de"ed et of "ea% o" co'p%e- e%e'e$t+
Thi o1:ect i $at&"a%%y &ited to the "ep"ee$tatio$ of i'a!e, "ea%;*a%&ed, o"de"ed et of
co%o" o" i$te$ity data+ 38ATDAB doe $ot &ppo"t co'p%e-;*a%&ed i'a!e4+ Cecto",
ca%a", "ea% 'at"ice a$d co'p%e- 'at"ice a"e a%% a&to'atica%%y ha$d%ed a pecia% cae of
the 1aic data type+ 5e*e"a% optio$a% Ftoo%1o-eG a"e a%o a*ai%a1%e i$ 8ATDAB+ Thee
too%1o-e a"e et of f&$ctio$ #"itte$ fo" pecia% app%icatio$ &ch a i'a!e p"ocei$!,
$e&"a% $et#o"), co$t"o% yte' dei!$, tatitic a$d y'1o%ic co'p&tatio$+ The %it of
too%1o-e i
R%53l' An.l0525
The i'p%e'e$tatio$ i$ thi p"o:ect &e the 5i!$a% P"ocei$!, 5pect"a% A$a%yi, a$d
5y'1o%ic 8a$ip&%atio$ f&$ctio$ too% of 8at%a1, #hich i$c%&de the FFT a$d IFFT
t"a$fo"', 1&t a%o &e $e# "a# p"o!"a' code fo" de*e%op'e$t.1E/+

Fi! 1 O"i!i$a% A&dio fi%e 6a*efo"'
Fi! +2 Te-t fo" e'1eddi$! i$to A&dio fi%e

Fi! +0 Te-t FHe%%oGfo" e'1eddi$! i$to A&dio fi%e
Fi! +2 Afte" e'1eddi$! te-t FHe%%oG #a*efo"' of A&dio fi%e


Fi! +< Afte" e-t"actio$ of te-t FHe%%oG f"o' A&dio
The a%!o"ith' p"opoed i$ the c&""e$t #o") dec"i1e a 'ethod &ch that the a&dio fi%e #hich
i o1tai$ed the"e1y ca$$ot 1e p"o*ed a #ate"'a")ed fi%e &i$! diffe"e$t #ate"'a") attac)
app"oach+ Be$efited f"o' the effecti*e opti'iAatio$, a !ood 1a%a$ce 1et#ee$ the ec&"ity a$d
the a&dio 7&a%ity i achie*ed+

.1/ 8+ Da*a"y$e:ad, 5+ 5ed!hi, 8+ Bah"epo&", C+6+ Ah$, 8+ A)1a"Aadeh a$d C+ A+ Coe%%o
Coe%%o, FDetecti$! Hidde$ I$fo"'atio$ f"o' 6ate"'a")ed 5i!$a% &i$! G"a$&%atio$ Baed
Fit$e App"o-i'atio$, App%icatio$ of 5oft Co'p&ti$!: F"o' Theo"y to P"a-i, 5p"i$!e",
5e"ie: Ad*a$ce i$ I$te%%i!e$t a$d 5oft Co'p&ti$!G Co%+ <?92EEB, I5BN B>?;0;<2E;?B=1?;E,
pp+ 2=0;2>2, 2EEB+
.2/ 5+ HatAe$1eie" a$d F+ A+ P+ Petitco%a, FHidi$! Tech$i7&e fo" 5te!a$o!"aphy a$d
Di!ita% 6ate"'a")i$!G, 5+ HatAe$1eie" a$d F+ A+ P+ Petitco%a, Ed+ Boto$, 8A: A"tech
Ho&e, 2EEE + Co%&'e I5BN 1;<?E<0;E0<;2

.0/ T"a$actio$ o$ H+ 5&, D+ H&$d&", a$d D+ HatAi$a)o, F5tatitica% I$*ii1i%ity fo"
Co%%&io$;"eita$t Di!ita% Cideo 6ate"'a")i$!,G IEEE 8&%ti'edia 2EE2 +IEEE T"a$actio$
O$ 8&%ti'edia,COD+>,No+1 Fe1&"a"y 2EE<
.2/ H+ 5&, D+ H&$d&", a$d D+ HatAi$a)o, F5patia%%y Doca%iAed I'a!e;depe$de$t
6ate"'a")i$! fo" 5tatitica% I$*ii1i%ity a$d Co%%&io$ Reita$ce,G IEEE T"a$actio$ o$
8&%ti'edia 2EE2 + Co%&'e > I&e 1, Fe1"&a"y 2EE< +
.</ H+5&, FDi!ita% Cideo 6ate"'a")i$! P"i$cip%e fo" Reita$ce to Co%%&io$ a$d
I$te"po%atio$ Attac)G, 3Co%&'e 29N&'1e" 1E 3I5BN: B>?;B0;?E>2=;2B;24
.=/ I+ Co-, 8+ 8i%%e", a$d I+ B%oo', FDi!ita% #ate"'a")i$!,G 8o"!a$ Ha&f'a$$ P&1%ihe"G,
Oct+ 2EE1, I5BN 1;<<?=E; >12;<+
.>/ Be$de",6 G"&h%, D 8o"i'oto, N+ 31BB=4+ FTech$i7&e fo" data hidi$!G IB8 5yte'
Io&"$a%, 0<304, 010;00=+
.?/ Co-, I+, J 8i%%e", 8+ 32EE14+ E%ect"o$ic #ate"'a")i$!: The fi"t <E yea"+ I$ P"oceedi$!
of the IEEE 6o")hop o$ 8&%ti'edia 5i!$a% P"ocei$! 3pp+ 22<;20E4+ Ca$$e, F"a$ce+
.B/ Ha"t&$!, F+, J H&tte", 8++ F8&%ti'edia #ate"'a")i$! tech$i7&eG+ I$ P"oceedi$! of the
IEEE, Co%+ ?>, No+ >, I&%y+ 1BBB pp+ 1>EB;11E> I&%y1BBB+
.1E/ Ki&y& Lha$!, Ya$:&$ Di, Lhao Di&, Yi1o H&a$! FA Ro1&t A&dio 6ate"'a")i$!
5che'e Baed o$ 5i$!&%a" Ca%&e Deco'poitio$G, Io&"$a% of I$fo"'atio$ J Co'p&tatio$a%
5cie$ce 1E: 2, 11=BM11>> 32E104+

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