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English Scheme of Work Year 5 SK

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WORLD OF SELF, FAMILY AND FRIENDS TOPIC FAMILY FIRST 1, 2 , 3 , & 4 OBJECTIVES By the end of this unit, pupi s shou d !e "! e to# "$ %epe"t "&&u%"te y the &o%%e&t p%onun&i"tion "nd inton"tion of 'o%ds, ph%"ses "nd senten&es$ !$ As( )uestions to o!t"in info%*"tion &$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd ph%"ses, senten&es, p"%"+%"phs "nd te,ts$ d$ Const%u&t si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es$ ED CATIONAL EMPHASES MI SO RCES TE-TBOOK PG . / .0 .$.$. .$.$0 .$0$. .$0$0 0$0$. 4$.$4 4$4$4 4$5$. 7$4$4

1isten to "nd %epe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound# 'o%d &ont%"&tions$ 1isten to "nd identify diffe%ent types of ette% sounds 1isten to "nd %epe"t the p%onun&i"tion of &o*pound 'o%ds$ P%onoun&e &o*pound 'o%ds &o%%e&t y$ As( 2Wh3 )uestions to see( info%*"tion$ Re"d " oud 'o%ds 'ith 'o%d &ont%"&tions$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd si*p e p"%"+%"ph 6nde%st"nd the *e"nin+ of 'o%ds !y oo(in+ "t the 'o%ds !efo%e "nd "fte% Co*p ete si*p e inst%u&tions, te,t %hy*es, noti&es, %e&ipes, sto%ies 'ith the *issin+ 'o%d8s9 8 itt e o% no +uid"n&e9$ Const%u&t si*p e senten&es "nd &o*pound senten&es !"sed on " +i:en sti*u us$ Const%u&t si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es independent y !y oo(in+ "t pi&tu%es$

PRONO NS Pe%son" P%onouns I, you , he ,she, 'e , they Possessi:e My !oo( His !oo( M"%i";s !oo( SENTENCE PATTERNS I;* S"%"h$ I 2* e e:en ye"%s o d$ VOCAB LARY Aunt, !%othe%, &ousin, d"u+hte% G%"ndf"the%, e dest They, un& e$ MORAL VAL ES o:in+, &"%in+ SO ND SYSTEM 'o%d &ont%"&tions 2 , 2 %e CCTS I*"+inin+

7$7$0 7$7$4



1isten to "nd %epe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the

Mod" s < &ou d, 'ou d

WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE 5 , !, " &# TOPIC TRAVEL AND ADVENT RES OBJECTIVES By the end of this unit, pupi s shou d !e "! e to= "9 isten "nd %epe"t &h"nts !9 t" ( "!out t%":e "nd "d:entu%e &9 use &ou d "nd 'ou d in senten&es d9 '%ite !%o&hu%es ED CATIONAL EMPHASES MI SO RCES TE-TBOOK PG .4 /05

fo o'in+ sound# fin" &onson"nts/>+>,>p>,> > .$0$4$ 1isten to "nd %epe"t &h"nts, poe*s, %hy*es "nd son+s p"yin+ "ttention p%onun&i"tion, st%ess "nd inton"tion &o%%e&t y$ .$5$4 1isten to si*p e des&%iptions %e&ounts "nd f"&tu" te,ts "nd t" ( "!out the*$ 0$7$. Re&ite si*p e poe*s "nd ?"@@ &h"nts 'ith e,p%essions "nd "pp%op%i"te +estu%es$ 0$5$. Gi:e det"i s "!out the peop e "nd "ni*" s of " sto%y he"%d, %e"d o% :ie'ed 0$4$5 6nde%st"nd o%din" nu*!e%s # Si,teenth < thi%ty/fi%st 8.Ath/4.st9 4$7$4$ Re"d " oud poe* "nd sto%ies & e"% y "nd E,p%essi:e y$ 4$A$0 Gi:e 'o%ds opposite in *e"nin+$ 4$B$. Re"d "nd unde%st"nd diffe%ent te,ts su&h "s inst%u&tions, di%e&tions, noti&es$ 7$4$4 Co*p ete si*p e inst%u&tions, te,ts,%hy*es, noti&es,%e&ipes,sto%ies 'ith *issin+ 'o%ds$ 7$7$7 Const%u&t si*p e p"%"+%"phs th"t &ont"ins *"in ide"s "nd suppo%tin+ det"i s$ 7$A$0 Indent 'hen '%itin+ p"%"+%"ph$

Si*p e P"st Tense/ i%%e+u "% Ce%!s$ SENTENCE PATTERNS Mount Kin"!" u is in S"!"h$ The%e "%e *"ny !e"utifu is "nds in S"!"h$ VOCAB LARY Butte%f y, &%o"(, p"&("+e Ce e!%"te, h"!it"t MORAL VAL ES P"t%iotis*, %"tion" ity Cou%"+e SO ND SYSTEM Fin" &onson"nt D D , DpD , D+D CCTS M"(in+ de&ision

$ , 10,

.$.$. W%&'( %) K*%+',(-,

1isten to "nd %epe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound # initi" :o'e s$

Con?un&tions So "nd !e&"use

11 & 12

TOPIC S":in+ Ou% En:i%on*ent OBJECTIVES By the end of this unit, pupi s shou d !e "! e to= "9 isten to te,t !9 t" ( "!out ou% en:i%on*ent &9 fo%* )uestions d9 '%ite si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es$ ED CATIONAL EMPHASES 1HT1 CC SO RCES PG 0A / 4B

.$.$0 0$.$. 0$4$4 0$5$0 4$4$4 4$7$4 4$B$7 7$7$0 7$E$4

1isten to "nd +%oup 'o%ds "&&o%din+ to the s"*e sound$ Repe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sounds initi" :o'e s$ T" ( "!out thin+s seen o% %e"d$ T" ( "!out "&tions of peop e "nd "ni*" s in " sto%y %e"d, he"%d o% :ie'ed$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd si*p e p"%"+%"phs$ Re"d " oud poe*s "nd sto%ies & e"% y "nd e,p%essi:e y$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd si*p e f"&tu" te,ts !y "ns'e%in+ &o*p%ehension )uestions %e "ted to *"in ide"s$ Const%u&t si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es !"sed on +i:en sti*u us$ W%ite si*p e des&%iptions 'ith +uid"n&e$

Tenses < Si*p e P%esent Tense P%esent Continuous Tense$ Senten&e P"tte%ns

The garbage collector collects garbage very morning. Vocabulary Factory, during, morning, Collected, dump, reduce Moral values Good citizen, cooperation Sound system Initial vo els !a" # a ay, all CCTS decision ma$ing

.$.$. 14, 15, 1! & 1" W%&'( %) .,') .$.$0 TOPIC A*/01'. 1*( . O2JECTIVES By the end of this unit, pupi s shou d !e .$0$4

1isten to "nd %epe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound # fin" &onson"nts >t> "nd >d> 1isten to "nd +%oup 'o%ds "&&o%din+ to diffe%ent sounds 1isten to "nd %epe"t &h"nts, poe*s, %hy*es "nd son+s p"yin+ "ttention p%onun&i"tion, st%ess "nd inton"tion &o%%e&t y$

Nouns Co e&ti:e nouns Si*p e p"st tense /d , ed Senten&e P"tte%ns e.g. The whale is a

"! e to=

a. name and tal$ about animals b. read and respond to te%t c. as$ &h 'uestions d. rite a (ournal

0$0$. 0$4$4 4$A$E 4$B$0 4$F$0 7$.$7 7$4$0 'o%ds 7$7$4

MI ,)*T)

As( GWh; )uestions to see( info%*"tion$ T" ( "!out thin+s he"%d ,seen o% %e"d St"te &o e&ti:e nouns S&"n fo% spe&ifi& info%*"tion in te,ts$ Re"d "nd +i:e det"i s "!out the peop e "nd "ni*" s in the sto%y$ W%ite 'o%ds,ph%"ses "nd senten&es in & e"%, e+i! e &u%si:e '%itin+$ Co*p ete si*p e inst%u&tions %e&ipes des&%iptions,%hy*es 'ith the *issin+ "nd si*p e ph%"ses$ Const%u&t si*p e p"%"+%"phs th"t &ont"in *"in ide"s "nd suppo%tin+ det"i s$

mammal. It is the largest It weights

Vocabulary +nimals ,bat, chic$s,coop,goat, sealion, s arm Moral values Cleanliness,)ove ,or +nimals Sound system Final consonants -t-, -d-

1#, 1$ 20, 21

W%&'( %) K*%+',(-, TOPIC B%3*4/)3' H1&5,.4

.$.$. .$.$0 .$.$4 0$0$0 0$E$4 0$E$7 4$A$4 4$B$0 4$B$4 7$.$7

By the end of this unit, pupi s shou d !e "! e to= "$ Re"d "nd "ns'e% )uestions !$ M"(e "nd %espond to su++estions &$ W%ite " sto%y d$ 6se sin+u "% "nd p u%" nouns



MI ,)*T)
SO RCES PG 54 < A5

1isten to "nd %epe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound# initi" ! ends 1isten to "nd +%oup 'o%ds "&&o%din+ to diffe%ent sounds$ 1isten to "nd +%oup 'o%ds "&&o%din+ to the s"*e sounds$ As( othe% fo%*s of )uestions to see( info%*"tion$ Su++estin+ ide"s to do thin+s$ Respondin+ to su++estions$ Re"d "nd distin+uish ho*o+%"phs$ S&"n fo% spe&ifi& info%*"tion in te,t$ Re"d "nd o!t"in *e"nin+ of 'o%ds "nd "nd ph%"ses fo% &onte,tu" & ues$ W%ite 'o%ds,ph%"ses "nd senten&es in & e"%, e+i! e &u%si:e '%itin+$ Const%u&t si*p e senten&es "nd &o*pound senten&es !"sed on " +i:en sti*u us$

Nouns Sin+u "% "nd P u%" s Senten&e P"tte%ns i$ W614 do you i(e to doD
I i(e to HHHH ii$ W614 "%e you doin+D I "* HHHHHH iii$ W6,&, "%e you +oin+D I "* +oin+ to HHHH

Vocabulary +nts, harvest, estate, pesticides, mouse Moral values Cooperation, diligence Sound system Initial blends -c- , -b-,-br-

22, 23


1isten to (ey 'o%ds "nd ph%"ses in sto%ies,

ARTICLES 7+/46 ./*-3'1&

24 & 25

W%&'( %) .4%&/,. .$5$0 TOPIC 0$0$. Peop e OBJECTIVES By the end of this unit, pupi s shou d !e "! e to= "$ isten to (ey 'o%ds "nd ph%"ses$ !$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd si*p e f"&tu" te,ts$ &$ W%ite des&%iptions$ ED CATIONAL EMPHASES 0$4$A 4$.$. 4$B$7

4$7$4 7$7$. 7$E$4

MI ,)*T)

%e&ount "nd des&%iptions he"%d$ 1isten to si*p e des&%iptions %e&ounts "nd si*p e f"&tu" te,ts "nd +i:e det"i s As( othe% fo%*s of )uestions to see( info%*"tion$ T"(e p"%t in te"&he% +uided dis&ussions$ 1oo( "t ette%s "nd s"y " oud the fo o'in+ Sound# *edi" di+%"phs$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd si*p e f"&tu" te,ts !y "ns'e%in+ &o*p%ehension )uestions in %e "tion to/ *"in ide"s . det"i s Re"d " oud poe*s "nd sto%ies & e"% y "nd E,p%essi:e y$ Const%u&t si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es !"sed on " +i:en sti*u us$ W%ite si*p e des&%iptions 'ith +uid"n&e$

*%3*.8 0$. 2"; is used !efo%e &onson"nts$ e.g. a book, a pencil$ 0$0 2"n; is used !efo%e :o'e s$ S BJECT 9 VERB AGREEMENT S,*4,*:, P144,&*. e.g. This is my pet rabbit$ 8sin+u "% :e%! fo% sin+u "% noun9

Vocabulary /olite, hard or$ing, e%cited )eader, enemy, courageous Moral values 0espect, love, patriotism Sound system
Medi" di+%"phs

/h -,Ch-$Ir -12-

2!, 2", 2# & 2$

W%&'( %) ;*%+',(-, TOPIC In:ention OBJECTIVES By the end of this unit, pupi s shou d !e "! e to= "$ "&)ui%e :o&"!u "%y "nd unde%st"nd *e"nin+ of 'o%ds !$ spe"( & e"% y !y p%onoun&in+ 'o%ds &o%%e&t y$ &$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd si*p e f"&tu" te,t d$ Const%u&t si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es$ ED CATIONAL EMPHASES

MI ,)*T) VC

.$.$. 1isten to "nd %epe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound$ .$4$0 1isten to "nd unde%st"nd ph%"ses in sto%ies Re&ounts "nd des&%iptions he"%d$ .$5$4 1isten to si*p e des&%iptions, %e&ounts "nd f"&tu" te,ts "nd t" ( "!out the*$ 0$.$. Repe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound fin" di+%"phs$ 0$5$. Gi:e det"i s "!out peop e "nd "ni*" s in " sto%y he"%d, %e"d o% :ie'ed$ 0$4$4 T" ( "!out thin+s seen o% %e"d$ 4$A$0 Gi:e 'o%ds si*i "% in *e"nin+$ 4$B$. Re"d "nd unde%st"nd diffe%ent te,t su&h "s inst%u&tions, di%e&tions, noti&es "nd *ess"+es$ 4$B$0 Re"d "nd o!t"in *e"nin+s of 'o%ds "nd ph%"ses fo% &onte,tu" 7$7$0 Co*p ete si*p e inst%u&tions, %e&ipes, des&%iption, %hy*es 'ith *issin+ 'o%ds "nd ph%"ses$ 7$7$0 Const%u&t si*p e p"%"+%"phs th"t &ont"in M"in ide"s "nd suppo%tin+ det"i s$

Nouns P%ope% Nouns Positi:e senten&es Ne+"ti:e senten&es Senten&e P"tte%ns e.g. My name is Jamil. I am a boy. I like to eat durians$ e.g. I am not Tong Seng. This is not a pen. No, it is not a pen.

Vocabulary *andle, motor, heels, reduce, improve Moral Values Courage, patriotism CCTS )isting, se'uencing Sound System Final digraphs Ch -$Gh -,-

30, 31,

Wo% d of sto%ies

.$.$. 1isten to "nd %epe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound #$si ent ette%

Con?un&tions /"nd

32, 33 & 34

TOPIC Cu tu%e "nd t%"dition OBJECTIVES By the end of this unit(, pupi s shou d !e "! e to= "$ 1isten to "nd dis&%i*in"te si*i "% o% diffe%ent sound$ !$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd si*p e f"&tu" te,t $ &$Const%u&t si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es$ ED CATIONAL EMPHASES


MI ,)*T) VC

1isten to (ey 'o%ds "nd ph%"ses in sto%ies, %e&ount "nd des&%iptions he"%d$ .$5$0 1isten to si*p e des&%iptions %e&ounts "nd si*p e f"&tu" te,ts "nd +i:e det"i s$ 0$0$0$ As( othe% fo%*s of )uestions to see( info%*"tion$ 0$4$4$ T" ( "!out thin+s he"%d ,seen o% %e"d$ 0$5$0$ T" ( "!out "&tions of peop e "nd "ni*" s in " sto%y %e"d, he"%d o% :ie'ed$ 4$B$4 S&"n fo% spe&ifi& info%*"tion in te,ts$ 4$B$7 Re"d "nd unde%st"nd si*p e f"&tu" te,t !y "ns'e%in+ &o*p%ehension )uestions$ 7$7$0 Const%u&t si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es B"sed on " +i:en sti*u us$ 7$E$4 W%ite si*p e des&%iptions 'ith +uid"n&e$

/!ut /o% Senten&e P"tte%ns A !et"s go to the playground. # $es%&kay. &r # No, I can"t. No one is He%e$ Co&"!u "%y A *ost, !e+"n, &%oss, &u tu%e, hei%, is "nd

Moral Values *umility, 0espect, *onesty CCTS Gathering in,ormation Sound System Silent letters !t" , ! 3, !h", !s"

.$.$. 35, 3! , 3" & 3# W%&'( %) K*%+',(-, .$0$4 T%</: Wh"t +"*es do you p "yD .$A$. OBJECTIVES By the end of this unit, pupi s shou d !e 0$0$0

1isten to "nd %epe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound= initi" di+%"phs$ 1isten to "nd %epe"t &h"nts, poe*s, %hy*es "nd son+s p"yin+ "ttention to p%onun&i"tion st%ess "nd inton"tion &o%%e&t y$ 1isten to "nd en?oy &hi d%en;s son+s, %hy*es, poe*s "nd ?"@@ &h"nts$ 6nde%st"nd nu*!e%s in sto%ies, f"! es "nd

Ad:e%! of *"nne% ='> To sho' ho' " pe%son does so*ethin+ e.g. She walks 'uickly to school. (They happily walked back home. Senten&e P"tte%ns

"! e to= "$ spe"( & e"% y !y p%onoun&in+ 'o%ds$ !$ Re"d " oud ton+ue t'iste%s &$ Const%u&t si*p e p"%"+%"phs d$ 6se "d:e%!s "nd &o e&ti:e nouns

0$7$. 0$5$0 4$.$0 4$4$0 4$7$0 4$E$. 7$.$7


7$7$0 7$E$4

MI ,)*T) VC
SO RCES PG ..B < .40

situ"tions# 7. <5I Re&ite si*p e poe*s "nd ?"@@ &h"nts 'ith e,p%essions "nd "pp%op%i"te +estu%es$ T" ( "!out the "&tions of peop e "nd "ni*" s in " sto%y he"%d ,%e"d of :ie'ed$ Re"d " oud 'o%ds 'ith initi" di+%"phs$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es$ Re"d " oud senten&es in te,t o!se%:in+ &o%%e&t st%ess "nd inton"tion$ Re"d "nd o&"te the %e)ui%ed 'o%ds in the di&tion"%y$ W%ite 'o%ds, ph"ses "nd senten&es in & e"% e+i! e &u%si:e '%itin+$ Const%u&t si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es !"sed on " +i:en sti*u us$ W%ite des&%iptions 'ith +uid"n&e$

)hat is this book about* +ow many legs has ,aterpillar* Co&"!u "%y Med" , ho&(ey, +o" (eepe% G o:es, f%esh, foot!"

Moral Values *umility, 0espect, *onesty CCTS Gathering in,ormation Sound system Initial digraphs - -, -h-, -,r-

.$.$. 3$, 40, 41 & 42 Wo% d of Se f Topi& Whe%e do you i:eD OBJECTICES By the end of this unit, pupi s shou d !e "! e to= "$ isten to "nd %e"d " oud " poe* !$ t" ( "!out one;s house "nd othe% houses in +ene%" $

1isten to "nd %epe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound= diphthon+s$ .$0$4 1isten to "nd %epe"t &h"nts, poe*s, %hy*es "nd son+s p"yin+ "ttention to p%onun&i"tion st%ess "nd inton"tion &o%%e&t y$ .$A$. 1isten to "nd en?oy &hi d%en;s son+s, %hy*es, poe*s "nd ?"@@ &h"nts$ 0$.$. Repe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound$ 0$4$$0 T" ( "!out thin+s he"%d, seen o% %e"d$

Ad?e&ti:es To sho' ho' " pe%son does so*ethin+ e.g. She walks 'uickly to school. (They happily walked back home. Senten&e P"tte%ns .$ Wh"t do 'e &" the house on the hi D 0$ Wh"t (ind of house

&$ Re"d te,t on houses d$ W%ite "nd des&%i!e houses e$ 1isten to , s"y "nd dis&%i*in"te 'o%ds su&h "s o"d, don(ey ,nei+h, %o' "nd pie$ ED CATIONAL EMPHASES

0$7$. 0$A$4 4$.$. 4$0$0

MI ,)*T) VC
SO RCES PG .44/.74

4$4$4 4$E$. 7$7$0 7$E$4

Re&ite si*p e poe*s "nd ?"@@ &h"nts 'ith e,p%essions "nd "pp%op%i"te +estu%es$ Re "te the sto%y to one;s ife$ 1oo( "t ette% "nd s"y " oud the fo o'in+ sound # diphthon+s$ Re"d "nd e"%n the *e"nin+ of (ey 'o%ds fo% e"&h topi& t"u+ht$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd si*p e p"%"+%"phs$ Re"d "nd o&"te the %e)ui%ed 'o%ds in the di&tion"%y$ Const%u&t si*p e senten&es "nd &o*pound senten&es !"sed on " +i:en sti*u us$ W%ite si*p e des&%iption 'ith +uid"n&e$

do you thin( this isD Co&"!u "%y$ A on+, !e+"n, !e o', !e"utifu , f oo%, "%+e$

Moral Values Moderation, 0espect, )ove CCTS ICT s$ills, 0e,erencing s$ills
Sound Syste* Kiphthon+s Ei> ei "s in nei+h Ei>"t "s in pie P%epositions In ,on ,unde%, !et'een Senten&e type Si*p e Co*pound Co*p e, Senten&e P"tte%ns The Inte%net is i(e one "%+e pu! i& i!%"%y$ Wh"t do you thin(D Co&"!u "%y Bed%oo*, edu&"tion" , e,&h"n+e, on ine ICCTS

43 , 44, 45, 4! & 4"

Wo% d of Kno' ed+e TOPIC The Inte%net OBJECTICES By the end of this unit, pupi s shou d !e "! e to= "$ T" ( "nd %e"d "!out the inte%net$ !$ Re"d "nd unde%st"nd 'h"t " 'e!site is &$ Re"d " oud poe* "nd ton+ue t'iste%s$ d$ W%ite &o*pound senten&es usin+ i(e, su&h "s "nd fo% e,"*p e$ ED CATIONAL EMPHASES


1isten to "nd %epe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound= dou! e &onson"nts$ .$A$. 1isten to "nd en?oy &hi d%en;s son+s, Rhy*es, poe*s "nd &h"nts$ 0$.$. Repe"t 'o%ds th"t &ont"in the fo o'in+ sound$, dou! e &onson"nt 0$4$$0 T" ( "!out thin+s he"%d, seen o% %e"d$ 0$7$. Re&ite si*p e poe*s "nd ?"@@ &h"nts 'ith e,p%essions "nd "pp%op%i"te +estu%es$ 4$0$4 Re"d "nd e"%n the *e"nin+ of (ey 'o%ds fo% e"&h topi& t"u+ht$ 4$B$. Re"d "nd unde%st"nd diffe%ent te,t su&h "s inst%u&tions, di%e&tions ,noti&es, "!e s, *ess"+es, ette%s, p"ss"+es, %e&ounts des&%iptions

MI ,)*T) 4+
SO RCES PG .77 / .54

4$.I$. 7$7$0 7$E$0

Re"d "&&o%din+ to one;s inte%est "nd (eep " %e"din+ %e&o%d$ Const%u&t si*p e "nd &o*pound senten&es !"sed on +i:en sti*u us Fi out fo%*s

1istin+, C"te%+o%isin+$ Sound Syste* Kou! e &onson"nt Tt >t> R% >%> Kd>d>

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