Social Structure
Social Structure
Social Structure
1. Lesson Plan Information Subject/Course: Social Studies Grade Level: 5 "o'ic: Social Structure Name: Amanda Vitorio Date: Feb ! "ime: #:$%am & 1%:$%am Len(t) of Period: 1 hour
. *+'ectation,s*+'ectation,s- ,Directly from The Ontario Curriculum): - identify and compare the distinguishing features of two or more early civilizations - compare how two or more early civilizations were governed Learnin( S.ills (Where applicable):
/. Content What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do 0 Identif1 t)e levels of social structure in 2ncient *(1't and .no3 t)at ')arao) (overned t)e countr1 "oda1 learners 3ill: 0 C)oose a 'articular 'art of t)e social )ierarc)1 t)at t)e1 3ould li.e to be 'art of and e+'lain 3)1 $. 2ssessment ,collect data- / *valuation ,inter'ret data,4ecordin( Devices ,3)ere a''licable-: anecdotal record5 c)ec.list5 ratin( scale5 rubric!ased on the application" how will I know students ha#e learned what I intended 0 C)ec.list based on t)e criteria and descri'tive feedbac. !. Learnin( Conte+t 2. ")e Learners ,i- What prior e$periences" knowled%e and skills do the learners brin% with them to this learnin% e$perience 0 ")e class )as learned 'reviousl1 about ')arao)s ,ii- &ow will I differentiate the instruction (content" process and/or product) to ensure the inclusion of all learners ,6ust include 3)ere a''licable accommodations and/or modifications for learners identified as e+ce'tional.0 Some students 3ill 'rovide information for t)eir assi(nment in 'oint form 7. Learnin( *nvironment - Students will be seated at their desks C. 4esources/6aterials 0 S624" board 0 S624" noteboo. 'resentation 0 8)o9s 8)o: ;andout 0 Levels of t)e Social Structure )andout 0 Lined 'a'er 0 Ima(es from Goo(le
IN"4=D>C"I=N &ow will I en%a%e the learners ,e.(.5 motivational strate(15 )oo.5 activation of learners9 'rior .no3led(e5 activities5 'rocedures5 com'ellin( 'roblem- ,! min- Ask class to define what the word society means. A society is people living together in an ordered community. - o on to talk about what a social class is and what it represents. Social class refers to the hierarchical distinctions between individuals or groups in societies or cultures !a hierarchy is a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. - "n smart notebook software have those words listed with the definitions behind 6IDDL*: "eac)in(: &ow does the lesson de#elop ;o3 3e teac) ne3 conce'ts5 'rocesses ,e.(.5 (radual release of res'onsibilit1 0 modeled5 s)ared5 and (uided instruction-. , !min"n smart notebook the pyramid will be set up with all the different levels. #ave students come up and select each one. $ach level will correspond with a slide in the notebook presentation %ead through each of the slides and go through the points for each level of the hierarchy $&plain that the hierarchy is split further into ' classes( )pper* +iddle* and ,ower #ave students try to figure out which classes correspond to the parts of the pyramid )sing the different -obs listed on their information sheet and have students try to figure out where the different occupations should go
Consolidation and/or 4eca'itulation Process: &ow will I brin% all the important ideas from the learnin% e$periences to%ether for/with the students &ow will I check for understandin% ,! min.ho was at the top of the hierarchy/ .ho was at the bottom/
2''lication: 8)at will learners do to demonstrate their learnin% ,6ovin( from (uided5 scaffolded 'ractice5 and (radual release of res'onsibilit1.- , %min- 0"f you could be a member of any social class e&cept the pharaoh* who would you choose to be and why/1 - 0)se information from the te&t provided and what we2ve talked about in order to support your answer. 3hese are the criteria " would like you to make sure that you cover.1 - #ave 4 students hand out lined paper to each student - 5ou need to include( 1. 3he member that you have chosen is clearly stated. 4. )se information from the te&t to support your answer. '. )se personal e&periences to support your answer. 6. )se full sentences.
C=NCL>SI=N: &ow will I conclude the lesson ('min) ?If 1ou )aven9t finis)ed on 1our ans3er 'lease com'lete it toni()t for )ome3or..@
A. 61 4eflections on t)e Lesson What do I need to do to become more effecti#e as a teacher in supportin% student learnin% - Allow $S, and Spec. $d. students to demonstrate their decisions of where they would like to be on the social hierarchy in an oral manner ive students time to discuss with their elbow partner - "t would2ve been beneficial to students if there were more opprtunities to come up to the S+A%3 board and participate. 3here are times that " feel the S+A%3 board doesn2t allow very many students to participate.