Failure Analysis
Failure Analysis
Failure Analysis
VGO, Inc. Engineers 10220 SW Nimbus, Ste K10 Portland, OR 97223
Who we are
VGO, Inc. Consulting Engineering firm
Mechanical & Electrical Forensic Engineers (since 1970)
Licensed Professional Engineers (PEs) Certified Welding Inspectors (CWIs) Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and instrumentation techs Work with number of consultants
Services We Provide
Forensics / Failure Analysis Test and Measurement
Design of experiments Data Acquisition Machine Design Analysis Inspections On-site investigations and inspections Laboratory analysis
Industrial / Manufacturing
Manufacturing equipment (presses, fixtures)
Consumer Products
Design improvement, validation
NDT, weld inspection, cracking, corrosion
Failure analysis, Fitness for purpose, Stress analysis, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Metallurgical
Load testing, cycle testing, instrumented tests, impact test, tensile test
Failure Analysis
Vast topic, many failure modes and mechanisms, overlap, disputes Always exceptions Focus on:
Failure analysis process Some common failures
Highlight some interesting failures Primarily steel, but present in most materials
What is failure?
Part and/or system no longer complies with design intent for part or system Subjective definition based on operation Not always structural
Leaking hydraulic seals Inappropriate stiffness in component Rate of corrosive decay/breakdown Part/system lifetime Operating/maintenance costs Aesthetics
Repair Procedures
Weld Repair
Investigator Requirements
OBJECTIVENESS Visual Cues Verbal Cues Documentation
Names, dates, times, quantities, history
Questioning Attitude
Vagueness of English Opposing views of an incident
Technological Tools
Photography and lighting Optical Microscopy up to 600X Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) over 10,000X Chemical Analysis
SEM/EDS Spark Emission Spectroscopy Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR)
Elements give distinct peaks, often primary and secondary
FTIR (4)
Measurement of frequencies that are absorbed by organic media
Technological Tools
Mechanical Testing
Hardness, micro-hardness, tensile, shear, physical testing
Strain Gages, accelerometers, thermocouples, ect.
Mechanical Testing
Up to 100,000 lbf in the lab Over 1 million lbf in the field
Strain Gages
Attach to surface to measure surface strains Available in hundreds of configurations Used to calibrate FEA models, measure loads, dynamic Signal conditioning, error elimination, ground loops etc.
Limited depth of detection Interpretation required
MT with PT background
5 inch Vertical crack toe of SMAW multipass weld 3 inch MS plate Detected by MT PT background
Limitations on inspect-able areas Many discontinuities are shown Difficult to interpret results
Trojan Example, grain size Interstate Bridge, old steel, unknown geometry
8. Microhardness
Traverse across crack, HAZ. Determine gradients Inclusions, metallographic phases
10. Microprobe
SEM-EDS of individual areas Graphite, carbides, precipitates
Failure Mechanisms
Parts Fail for many reasons (Deficiency) Operational
Plastic deformation (permanent set, buckling) Excessive deflection (floors, beams, shafts) Excessive vibration (machine mounts) Acoustics issues
Ductile, Brittle, Fatigue, Thin Lip
Failure Mechanisms
Thinning Stress Concentrators (risers) Corrosion Products
Thinning Wear Products
Synergistic Effects
All failures have components of multiple failure mechanisms associated Simultaneous presence, interacting Task is to determine the important ones from the auxiliary modes
Fracture Brittle
Typical of glass, cast iron, chalk, HSS, plane strain situations, low temperature Ductile to brittle transition temp Austenitic SS for cryogenics No or limited plastic deformation
Macro- verses Micro Macroscopic fracture features may differ from microscopic features Microscopically ductile features
Micro-void coalescence Associated energy
Overload Fracture
Abuse of device Inaccurate estimate of service loading Analysis errors Inappropriate material No account for rare / one-time loads Sometimes Fast Food engineering
Ductile Overload
Necking or plastic deformation Dull and fibrous fracture surface Shear lips Plastic distortion of grains Irregular trans-granular fracture Micro-voids elongation in direction of load Singular crack with limited/no branching
Brittle Overload
Little/no plastic deformation Shiny, course, crystalline fracture surface Chevrons Minimal deformation Inter-granular or trans-granular Cleavage or inter-granular Discontinuity or stress riser at origin
Fracture Fatigue
Very common form of fracture Multi stage cracking phenomenon
Ph 1 Initiation (ratchet-marks) Ph 2 Propagation (beach marks and striations) Ph 3 Final Fracture (ductile/brittle overload)
Cycling component, plastic strains, tensile strains (can be produced by compressive load)
Preventing Fatigue
Remain below endurance limit (steels) Be aware of factors
Stress risers
Inclusions Weld defects
Anisotropic materials Low occurrence loads Residual stresses Impart residual / applied compressive stresses
Tie-rod Peening
Welding Failures
GTAW (TIG), SMAW (Stick), GMAW/FCAW (MIG) Ductile Fracture, Brittle Fracture, Fatigue Geometry: Undercut, overlap, underfill Lack of Penn, Lack of fusion, inclusions porosity HAZ microstructure / ductility
Welding Failures
Solidification Cracking (Hot Cracking) Fish Eyes Hydrogen Embrittlement (Cold Cracking) Lamellar Tearing
Welding Failures
Lincoln, Miller, Hobart produce high quality welding wires and electrodes
Killing agents (Al, Ti, Si in steel) High Alloy content Designed for solidification with good properties
Inclusions, lack of fusion, lack of penetration, porosity, produce stress risers Large residual tensile stresses Amazing that welding and airplanes work
Undercut (8)
Incomplete penetration Undercut Underfill Joint design
Hydrogen cracking
AKA cold cracking Delayed, hours to days Seen in welding Also seen in Plated products (Cadium, chromium, black oxide) with improper thermal treatment Migration of elemental hydrogen to grain boundaries at room temperature
Glycerin demonstration
H2 Sources:
Acids, electroplating, corrosion byproduct, water, oils, etc.
Highly soluble in molten steel, significant drop with declining temp More of a concern in HSS Can cause brittle fracture at low stresses Loss of ductility
Helps drive carbon equivalent requirements for welding alloy steels XX18 SMAW electrodes, requirements for sealing and rod ovens XX10 SMAW high hydrogen rods for root pass Post weld thermal treatment helps remove excess hydrogen, relieve high stresses, lower hardness
Hot Cracking
AKA Solidification cracking Centerline cracking in welds Similar to shrinkage voids in castings Joint restraint Can be simulated by external stress
Devletian et al.
Corrosion Related
Generalized/Uniform Corrosion Galvanic Corrosion Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Inter-granular Corrosion Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Selective Leaching Hydrogen Damage/Embrittlement Liquid Metal Embrittlement (Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn) Biological Corrosion
Wear Failures
Abrasive Wear Fretting Rolling Contact Fatigue
Bearings Roads, potholes
Bronze SCC on Columbia Dam Re-occurring cracking 3500 ton press Weld repair of 4140 shafting Welding of 12L14, sulfide inclusions Weld quality inspection of water tank SCC criminal case Switzerland/Netherlands
Remain OBJECTIVE Be aware of various failure mechanisms Design to ACTUAL loads, not estimates Analyze stress concentrations Know your material Design for ductile fracture
Any Questions? Please feel free to contact me to ask.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ASM Handbook volume 11, Failure Analysis and Prevention (9) (10)