39 MysteryTherapist
39 MysteryTherapist
39 MysteryTherapist
Section: ________________________
Date: __________________________________________ This activity will test your knowledge of the various types of psychotherapy. The Specific Types of Therapies Complete the table below by filling in one main point about each of the eight types of therapy and listing the case number and name of the client receiving that type of treatment. Case Number and Client
Case 7: Heather
Type of Therapy
Brief Description
a form of psychotherapy that attempts to give clients insight into their repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conicts stemming from early childhood; developed by Sigmund Freud a type of humanistic therapy in which the therapist reects the clients feeling, and fosters personal growth and self-awareness offers genuineness, acceptance, and empathy; also called person
a type of behavioral therapy in which a state of relaxation is classically conditioned to a hierarchy of gradually increasing anxiety- provoking stimuli
Client-centered therapy
Case 3: Daniel
Systematic desensitization
Case 4: Jenna
Aversive conditioning
a type of behavioral therapy that attempts to reduce the frequency of a problem behavior by associating it with an unpleasant experience
a type of cognitive therapy that helps people discover and change their habitually negative patterns of thinking; developed by Aaron Beck
Case 1: James
Case 8: Rebecca
Family therapy
a form of psychotherapy that treats the family as a unit, focusing on relationships and problems among the various members of the family
Case 6: Rosa
Drug therapy
a biomedical therapy focused on prescribing medications that alter mental functions to alleviate psychological symptoms
Case 2: Shelia
Electroconvulsive therapy
a biomedical therapy used primarily in the treatment of depression; involves electrically inducing a brief brain seizure; also called shock therapy or electric shock therapy
Case 5: Randall
Commonalities of Effective Therapies As you tried to identify the various types of therapies represented in this activity, did you notice any common themes that ran through all of the therapies?
Despite their differences, all effective therapies offer at least three benets: (1) They all offer hope. The patient expects that things can and will get better. (2) Every therapy offers a fresh perspective, by providing a plausible explanation of clients symptoms, and an alternative way of looking at themselves and responding to their worlds. (3) Regardless of their therapeutic technique, all effective therapists provide an empathic, caring, and trustworthy relationship.