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Resume Spring 2014

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Loui si ana State Uni versi ty, Baton Rouge, La. Graduati on Date: May 2014
Manshi p School of Mass Communi cati on
Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication
Major: Public Relations Minor: Business


Cl i ent Devel opment and Recrui ti ng Coordi nator Tayl or Porter, LLP Baton Rouge, La.
June 2013 - present
Manage collateral materials including corporate brochures, industry team profiles, practice section profiles, attorney
biographies and request for proposals
Supervise integrated marketing across service areas, e.g. logo, templates, website, social media, PowerPoint and
promotional items
Coordinate and supervise clerkship program and events
Manage participation in sponsorships and community programs
Plan and implement client gift program, seminars, fundraisers and speaking engagements, as well as manage
appropriate follow-up for each
Student worker - Loui si ana Oi l and Gas Associ ati on - Baton Rouge, La.
August 2011- June 2013
Assist with the planning and execution of fundraising events
Fulfill office duties such as: mail outs, spreadsheets, and inventory
Assemble binders for company meetings and retreats
Assistance with the Annual Meeting and silent auction
Student l eader - LSU Greek Mi ssi on tri p - Puerto Ri co
August 2012 - December 2012
Promote the trip by: speaking at meetings and social media
Liaison with Magnificat Travel Agency
Develop and execute fundraisers
Collecting and turning in payments in a timely manner
Greek Board of Di rectors - Fundrai si ng commi ttee member
August 2011- May 2012
Obtain donations and corporate sponsorships for Greek Week throughout Baton Rouge community
Led fundraising letter writing parties for all Greek chapters
Use excel to keep track of donations received


Tuition Opportunity Program for Students Award | Ben and Claire Thibodeaux Scholarship | Houston Pipeliner Association
Scholarship | American Petroleum Institute Scholarship | Louisiana Petroleum Institute Scholarship


OS X | Windows 7 Professional | Microsoft Office Suite | Adobe Photoshop and InDesign | PDF Converter Enterprise 8.1 |
iManage | LawCruit | Micron Portal | Westlaw | Assembly of Media Kits and News Releases | AP writing

kaLherlne lremln | [kaL_fremln | kaLfremln.weebly.com | kaLfremln.Lumblr.com | kaLfremln.wordpress.com
kaLherlne lremln | 1669 Pood Ave | 8aLon 8ouge, LA | 70808 | 337.849.3963 | kaLfremln[gmall.com


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