BPM Studio 4.9.1 Manual
BPM Studio 4.9.1 Manual
BPM Studio 4.9.1 Manual
BPM Studio 4 Pro
Content BPM Studio
Description of the program 3 3.01. The Program Window of BPM Studio ....... 16
BPM Studio Content
Content BPM Studio
BPM Studio Content
First Steps with 4 4.01. Where can I get MP3 files? ...................... 86
BPM Studio Software
4.02. How can I play MP3 files? ......................... 86
ALCATech RC Units:
Remote Control RC V3 5 5.01. RC V3 view ................................................ 100
5.02. RC V3 description ....................................... 101
5.03. RC V3 and fader start .................................. 104
Content BPM Studio
BPM Studio Introduction
Installation BPM Studio
1.03. Supply 3.) Insert your installation CD into your CD-ROM
Please make sure that following parts are drive.
4.) If your PC has auto notify enabled, the
1. BPM Studio Pro CD installation program will now be started. If this
2. Dongle (Hardware Copy Protection for isn’t the case, choose run in your Windows start
printer port LPT1 (or USB Port, optionally) menu, and enter: ”D:\setup”, D representing your
3. Manual CD-ROM drives drive letter.
4. Registering post card
5. RC unit with, depending on box sticker, with 5.) Now the setup for the main application,
- Power supply unit additional modules, and the online manuals will
- serial cable start.
BPM Studio Installation
Installation BPM Studio
11.) The following dialog box confirms that new 13.) Upon completing this process, according
entries have been created into the Windows start entries will be added to your Windows registry,
menu for BPM Studio LE, and other useful links. and program shortcuts will be created in the start
BPM Studio Installation
Installation BPM Studio
2.04. The First Program Start 2.05. Defining Remote Control
Double click the program icon on Unit Parameters
the desktop or, from your BPM Studio remote control units allow for
windows start menu choose: variable, individual settings. Thus, for example,
programs -> ALCATech -> BPM the pitch slider
Studio. The program will now start, and ask if you can be used
want the small player to be default player for MP- either to adjust
3 files. If you do not want the player to be your the pitch value or,
default program for such files, click no. You can alternatively as
also prevent this dialog from showing at the next the player’s
program start, by checking the “don’t ask me volume control. To
again” check box. adjust such
settings, choose
“options” in the
players pop up
menu (Right click
into the play list
area), and click
on the control unit
Upon this, the program will search for all local
MP-3 files on your system, The search result will
be shown in the “HARD DRIVE” group in File
BPM Studio Installation
2.06. Defining Driver and Audio This suggests to prefer the Kernel, or Direct
Sound driver, since both work on the kernel level
parameters of the operating system, and therefore operate
BPM studio offers extensive features, and rather independent from the systems user
therefore requires more system resources than resource. The ASIO, and Wave drivers also work
simpler MP-3 players like WinAMP™ for example. rather stable, and are especially suitable for
The capability of playing 10 MP-3 files background music, like in dance schools,
simultaneously, or various channel signal output restaurants, etc. BPM Studio supports Wave
for example, demand a well configured PC. drivers, since they are available for almost any
Further BPM Studio offers extensive possibilities sound card, and usually provide smooth
to manipulate audio engine settings. The audio operation. Normally they are also deployable
engine represents the core of BPM Studio, and under Windows NT.
is responsible for highest quality play backs with
shortest possible remote control latency intervals. Direct Sound Driver:
This is the fastest and most stable common driver.
Therefore make sure of the following: Depending on hardware outfit, it allows switching
from Cue to Play within 20 to 30ms. For the
1.) Every sound card in your system must have demanding DJ, who is very conscious about
it’s own, assigned IRQ. This interrupt can not be mixing on single-beat level accuracy, utilizing the
shared with other system components. Cue/Play- and loop functions to accomplish this,
this driver is essential. Although, if your sound
2.) Also the serial port used to connect the remote card is compatible with the kernel driver, it should
control unit must have it’s own, unshared interrupt. be preferred, since it has even shorter latency
3.) Background programs, like real time virus intervals while still maintaining stability.
scanners, power- and print management, etc.
should be deactivated. Kernel Driver:
This device driver, developed by ALCATech,
4.) For utmost compatibility to various different addresses the sound card on a very low kernel
sound cards, BPM Studio provides various mode level. Due to the very high priority kernel
different driver models: drivers have within the system, they provide
shortest latency intervals from 4..13ms, while still
Kernel driver: 4..13ms, this driver is definitely maintaining system stability. The kernel driver
the fastest utilizes common driver functionalities like direct
sound for example, and therefore supports many
Direct Sound driver: 20..30ms, when emulating different cards, even models that, for the reason
drivers up to150..300ms (!) of unavailable direct sound drivers, had to be used
with ASIO wave drivers, and therefore tended to
MME Wave driver: 70..180ms, depending on produce drop outs.
buffer size, and program chosen options Ex version 4.2 the Kernel driver is also able to
operate under Windows® 2000 and Windows® XP.
ASIO/EASI driver: 20..50ms, latency is usually
So, this operating systems can be used as full
defined manually in the ASIO drivers program
options multimedia systems, too.
Installation BPM Studio
ASIO Driver:
This driver developed by Steinberg, serves as All important audio engine, and sound driver
interface for many multi channel sound cards. It settings are defined on the “Audio IO” tab, located
is usually a bit slower than direct sound driver, in the program options.
and, in user mode, tends to drop out, if system Read in the according chapter 3.7. How to adjust
resources are low. For the most practical BPM Studio’s sound card utilization to fit your
operations, where background music is the only needs.
objective, they work sufficiently well and stable
though. Usually latency is anywhere between 6 Should you encounter problems playing titles with
and 50ms, and can usually be adjusted in the BPM Studio try at first to change the following
driver options. To avert drop outs when using BPM parameters.
Studio, latency should be set to 20..46ms. The
best value is usually determined by trying out.
Some tested cards have been reported to operate
unstable, when used with this driver. Size of BPM Studio’s internal buffer. Change this
value if you occasionally experience dropouts
EASI driver: when playing titles, or the players don’t start right.
This drivers, developed by Ematic, performance
in regards of stability, and functionality equals the
ASIO drivers. As a matter of fact, it was developed
as Ematics answer to Steinberg’s ASIO. All Size of the drivers buffer. Change this value if
statements made about the ASIO, can be applied you can not achieve clean audio playback. (This
to the EASI as well, since these two drivers hardly value can only be edited when using wave drivers.
differ at all, although the Ematic driver is only
sporadically supported, and therefore is of almost Lowest Latency
no importance. BPM Studio operates with smallest buffer sizes,
and latency times. Deactivate this check box if
Wave driver (wave out): you experience difficulties with your sound card.
This is a very stable driver that can be used
instead of direct sound drivers, although it has
higher latency times. On multi channel cards not
supporting direct sound, or ASIO drivers, this is This option enables you to manually enter the
the only possibility though, to address different latency interval of your driver. If necessary
channels separately. This driver is well suitable increase this value until you achieve clean
for background music, but hardly for live DJs at playback.
all. Latency times are located between 120 and
BPM Studio The Program Window
The program window contains following modules: The center are, containing both play lists, can be
switched to single play list, or wait list view.
Player A The lower area displays optionally either file
Player B archive, mixer, or CD-player/ripper. Read the
Play list for player A referring sections on how to switch to the
Play list for player B according sub modules.
Sample Player The following chapter covers structure, and
BPM File Archive functionality of these modules in detail. To quickly
get into working with BPM Studio, we recommend
The lower and center areas (play list, and file the step-by-step instructions in chapter 4.
archive) are multi functional.
The appearance of the program window can be changed completely. (Skin support) In
program options (Chapter 3.18.), choose a skin you like. On the ALCATech website,
(www.alcatech.com) a “design-pack” with tools and hints for your own skin creation is
available for download.
Player BPM Studio
3.02. Player
Loop/Search keys:
BPM Studio Player
Stops the player, and repositions to 3.02.3 Pitch, and Master Speed
current cue point. When holding this With these two functions the playback
button for 2 sec., it can reposition speed of a title is manipulated, and
either to current cue point, or title subsequently, the BPM value. Pitch
start. function, contrary to master speed
also raises the audio frequency. These
Plays title from last cue point on. two functions are used for title speed
adjustment when mixing. The
universal buttons and ,
can be programmed for different
Optionally, the alternative cue point variation ranges. Assigned by default are:
function can be activated in the program
options. This will cause the player to Pitch:
play as long as the CUP key remains A: +/- 8%, B: +/- 16%, and C: +/- 24%
held. Upon releasing it, the player will
reposition back to the cue point. Master Tempo:
A: +/- 4%, B: +/- 8%, and C: +/- 12%
Player BPM Studio
3.02.4. Fine Adjustment of Sliders 3.02.5. Real Time BPM Counter
When you click on the scale beside a slider, the Both players automatically calculate the exact
pitch range will be changed continuously in 0.1% BPM value of a title, if no value is indicated in the
increments. Thus, depending on mouse pointer titles ID3-tag. Via pop up menu, ranges from
position, a value can in- and decreased by very 50..100, 75..150, 100..200, and 150..300, are
fine nuances. available, and can easily be inserted into the titles
ID3-tag, so that it is not necessary anymore to
determine a title’s BPM rate with a separate
counter. By clicking [RESET] in the pop up menu,
the counter will anew determine the BPM rate,
which is useful, for example, to check applied
modifications to the ID3-tag.
BPM Studio Player
Play List BPM Studio
BPM Studio Play List
Play List, Preview Player BPM Studio
3.03.3. Adjustable Column Width The content of a column can be changed as
and Content follows:
The columns in the play list can freely be resized, Right click into the head row of the column you
or assigned to fields of the ID-3 tag. For example want to change.
you can display annotations in place of the
version, and reduce the column width for artist. Here you can
To change a column’s width, point the mouse choose what content
pointer into the head row between to columns. It should be displayed
will change into a bi-directional arrow. Now click, in this column. With
hold, and move to your liking. the “Align” function,
you can set the
justification of this
column to left or
Refer to chapter 4.4. (How to work with play lists),
for a detailed description of BPM Studios
drag&drop functionality.
BPM Studio File- and playlist archive
The many available features of the file and play This can also be accomplished by using File
list archive make it a ideal tool to manage your Archive’s pop up menu. Once available files have
titles, play lists, and programs, and program been imported, they can conveniently be dragged,
archives. and dropped within categories. (Be reminded
though that this will only change a files list
position, not it’s location on your hard drive!) This
3.05.1 File Archive allows convenient, most simple sorting, and
archiving of your titles.
By clicking the button in the lower area Also by dragging and dropping, audio files are
of mixer, and CD player interface, you can change added to, and positioned in play lists. More
into the archive mode. The master archive, functions are available with following buttons:
containing all mp-3 files on your system can be
accessed with the button. Here titles removes marked files
can be categorized by genre, release date, dance selects all files in a list
style or other criteria. BPM Studio does not limit
the number of categories, and sub categories to inverts the selection
be created. They will be displayed in the left-hand
window of file archives. The right hand window cancels the selection
shows the content of these categories, like titles,
performers, BPM (if available), and play time. automatic sorting
When creating categories, do not use special opens the File Info Box
characters like / or \. Windows will interpret these
as sub-directories, which may cause difficulties. opens title search dialog
File- and playlist archive BPM Studio
Pop up menu in category list
BPM Studio File- and playlist archive
3.05.2 Play list Archive than once. With dragging and dropping, parts of
The play list archive is used to conveniently play lists can be copied and pasted in another
manage play lists of, for example, events, list, or as new selection. Buttons in the lower row
programs, or artists. All play lists can be stored of the archive, function the same as buttons
in flexible categories. Loading complete play lists described in 3.5.1.
into the player is accomplished by using the same
drag & drop functionality as with a single title. 3.05.3. Play List History Function
You can access the play list archive by clicking BPM Studio automatically creates a “PLAYED
SONGS” category. In this category play logs will
on (If you want to access play list be created containing information about what
archive from Mixer or Player, you have to switch titles have been played on a particular date. This
allows you to analyze successful events, and to
to archive mode first by clicking reuse parts of them at another occasion – simply
by dragging and dropping. Also, printing of lists
Not like in file archive, the title sequence will not of played titles for license royalty payments, or
be changed, and titles can be positioned at event promoter billing, are no problem with BPM
multiple locations if they are to be played more Print Designer.
File- and playlist archive BPM Studio
Monitor switch for player A The information a column contains can be
and B. If the monitor player changed as follows: Right click the column you
has it’s own sound card wish to modify in the head row, a pop up menu
assigned, and monitor functions are enabled in will appear.
the systems options ( I/O register tab), player A
and B output can be configured on monitor out. In this pop up
menu chose what
In the right lower information your
corner of the file column is
archive a status supposed to
display, and another preview player, for screening display. The
of selected titles, can be found. In the status “ALIGNMENT”
display the number of titles in the current play list option allows you
is indicated. to choose the
c o l u m n s
justification, right
or left aligned.
3.05.4. Adjustable column width,
and contents With “RESET”,
(File Archive and Play List Archive) you can restore
The columns in the play list can now be assigned the default
to ID3 tag fields, and resized. For example, assign settings. This is particularly useful, if a column
annotations to the field that displays the version has been deleted by accident.
number, or resize the column for the artist’s name.
This way you can configure File Archive to best
suit your needs.
3.05.5. Sorting Order
To change a column width, move your mouse
(Only File Archive)
pointer over the line between two columns in the
Titles in File Archive are arranged in alphabetical
head row of a play list. The mouse pointer will
order. By double clicking into a head row, titles
change into a bi-directional arrow. Click and hold,
will arranged in order of this columns content. A
and move the line to your liking.
little arrow in the head row marks this column.
BPM Studio Loop Sampler
With the loop sampler it is possible to clip Sample will be played to monitor
sequences from the title playing in the according channel, instead of player channel
player, quickly and efficiently; for fur ther
processing like editing, playing, or storing for later Starts recording
use. For each player, a loop sampler is available,
which can be opened by clicking the Stops both playback and recording
[LOOP] button.
Loop samplers are independent modules, Plays the sample
which do by no means hinder regular
operation of BPM Studio Pro. The operation mode Opens a dialog box, to save sample
of loop samplers is indicated by a blinking, red as file
Sample Player BPM Studio
By utilizing the “+” and “-“ buttons, values can be The display to the top right represents the sample
adjusted with millisecond accuracy. Adjustments graphically. The display right below it shows the
can also be made by utilizing the keyboard. The following parameters:
tab key switches back and forth between the four
controllers. Cursor keys change values in - current volume
millisecond steps, and page up and /down apply - current pitch
10-millisecond-steps. - Time difference between start of the
sample anddefined insertion point (P-IN)
3.06.2. The Loop Sampler Display - Time difference between start of the
This display is divided in three parts. To the lower sample and defined ending point. (P-OUT)
left a resource meter for the sample buffer can
be found. The sample buffer is a reserved RAM
area of limited size. When exceeding this limit, If you want to use the sample at a later
which is indicated by the resource meter, reaching time, you have to save it to disk. When
100%, the sample will randomly loop through, and dragging a sample on the player, and
only the last recorded part not exceeding the dropping it, a merely temporary file will
available, reserved memory will be recorded. be created.
BPM Studio Sample Player
Loads a audio file directly from your hard drive for this key
Sample Editor BPM Studio
The sample editor allows editing of all 9 channels Deletes all files in the open
of the sample player. It is possible to make sample block
adjustments like LOOP, VOLUME, PITCH FADE
IN, and FADE OUT. Adopts all current settings, and
The nine channels form a sample block, in which closes the editor window.
any number, or all adjustments can be saved
as*.SMP-file by using the button. Closes the sample editor,
discarding all current settings
Opens a dialog box for loading When LOOP function is active, (see also
of previously saved sample sample player pop up menu) the sample
blocks will be played in an endless loop.
BPM Studio Sample Editor
Defining the fade out time for this file Use Sample Editor to save files that have
between 0 and 5 sec. (Depending on previously been assigned a key in the
file size) sample block out of Loop Sampler.
More information, current sound card test results, program updates, and frequently asked
questions can be found on our web site at www.alcatech.de
Cross Fader BPM Studio
BPM Studio Cross Fader, BPM Counter
When using the MANUAL FADE control, the set fade mode is disregarded
Fade modes 1 to 6
BPM Counter BPM Studio
3.10.2. BPM Determining in Manual Mode Since it can happen that a title can not be correctly
displayed with a standard filter (e.g. red area
Switch counter to doesn’t blink, but stays red), this filter can be
manual. Start the title in modified. To do so, activate [Filter Correction] in
Monitor-Player. the lower left corner of the filter window.
BPM Studio File Editor
With the file editor it is possible to cut sequences Once loaded the file will be graphically displayed.
out of a file, or to set cue points with single beat The field editor consists of two windows, of which
accuracy. All applied settings like volume, pitch the lower one always displays the file in it’s whole
control, cue in, and cue out will be detected by length. This way you always have a complete
the players and applied, and can also be saved overview of the file, and are able to quickly
in Play Lists. navigate within it. The top window is used to edit,
set cue- start- and endpoints, or to select a certain
3.11.1. Loading and displaying a Title area for export to a file.
When loading an audio file for the first time,
initially, peaks will be created, and saved.
File Editor BPM Studio
bottom, and upper window. The upper window The Toolbar
always shows the area, marked in the lower Stops playback in file editor
3.11.3. Marking ranges, and exporting Displays the audio file in wave format
into files
Deactivate the magnifier function , and mark Displays audio file as dots
an area in the upper or lower window by holding
right mouse button and moving. The marked area
will appear red. To
modify keep right
mouse button
pressed, to open pop
up menu, with options 3.11.5. Functions of different markers
like zoom, play, and The file editor recognizes four different markers,
save as *.wav or which can be used to mark different positions or
*.mp3 single right click. Save as file, if you wish areas within an audio file. All markers can be
to work with selection at a later point. edited via pop up menu in the in the marker row,
or moved with the mouse pointer.
BPM Studio File Editor
The blue entrance and end markers – Since players have only one CUE and CUP
button, one of these points will be defined as
mark the beginning and end of a title. They, also,
standard cue
can be moved either with the mouse pointer, or
point. This
via pop up menu. Once placed, the position slider
point will be
in the players will use these markers as new start
used as
and endpoint of a title.
d e f a u l t
whenever CUE or CUP is clicked. To manage cue
The yellow cue point markers – indicate cue points, the file editors cue point list, in the upper
points. They also can be moved with the mouse right corner is used. Here the cue points are listed
pointer. Via the pop up menu in the marker row, with their exact location (1/1000sec. Accuracy)
additional cue points can be inserted The current cue point is marked with a blue bar.
When playing the title in the field editor, this bar
travels, and always indicates the last passed cue
The blue cue point marker – indicates the point.
active cue point. The active point is defined by
either in the cue point list to the top right, the pop
Adds a cue point
up menu, or the CUP button in the player.
Ex version 4.2 of BPM Studio the cue points defined within the File Editor are also
wrapped as DirectCue points when loading the title.
File Info Box BPM Studio
Confirms changes
The File Info Box allows editing the entire ID3
tag. In the program options you can choose to
save this information in the new ID3v3 format, or
Cancels without saving changes
to keep the old ID3 format. If the File Info Box is
opened from multiple selections, an additional
Retrieves additional information if
drop down menu appears, allowing you to select,
the file has been ripped from CD
and edit particular titles.
by using CD-at-once. This button
only appears if the whole CD has been ripped as
one title
BPM Studio Mixer
3.13. Mixer
The Mixer contains of four components, which limiter module (AGC – Automatic-Gain-Control)
are displayed as pairs. In standard view, to the can be switched into the channel, by clicking the
left the audio channels are located, and the button, below the master volume control.
equalizer to the right. In the master channel (sum Optionally the equalizer display can be replaced
of all audio signal sources) a Compressor / with the recorder by clicking the button.
The mixer merges all internal, and external audio 3.13.1. Audio Channels
sources. For players A and B, and the CD-ROM The audio mixer has four internal
drive frequency ranges can be adjusted and stereo inputs (Players A and B,
corrected. The AGC is responsible for a steady, CD-ROM drive, and Sampler),
constant output level, and prevents through a and two stereo outputs (Master,
limiter overload of the connected PA system. With Monitor). The recorder supports
the Recorder it is possible to record the audio two sound card inputs (MIC and
signal from an external audio source (MIC or LINE IN). The level control allows
LINE IN). Recordings can also be done from the adjusting the volume for every
currently loaded program of both players. single stereo channel separately.
Recordings can be saved as either *.mp3 or *.wav A level indicator to the right of
files, or they can also be sent to a streaming the control indicates the volume.
server. The dB values of the individual
channels are indicated to the top
right. Using the panning field to the top right, the
Level indicators can be turned off in the channel balance can be shifted. A right click
program options. This saves system resets to zero. Channels can be muted by clicking
resources. the [MUTE] button.
MIxer BPM Studio
Each input channel’s monitor button (Players A permanently, the overall amplification of the
and B, CD-ROM, and Sampler), allows to route equalizer is set to high, which can cause
the audio signal through the MONITOR output distor tions. In this case it is recommended
channel, where it can be played independently activate the PREAMP (Limiter) function, or to
from titles currently played by the players. This make according adjustments to the equalizer
requires of course that the monitor options are settings.
enabled in the program options, and that the The to start the recorder click on the
monitor has disposition over it’s own sound card. button
BPM Studio Mixer
Limiter function
Signal Subsidizing
Mixer, AGC BPM Studio
Recorder Popup menu
Save settings
System functions
To record a current program, all virtual devices need to be assigned to the same, duplex
capable, sound card. The windows mixer settings for this card need to be set on enable
WAVE recording and LOOP functions. And this card needs to be chosen as recording
device in the RECORDER field.
Especially when recording MP3 files serious encoding software is used. The AGC module
differences in volume level may occur. Reason compensates these differences in real time, and
for this are usually differently mastered CDs, or provides a stable audio output signal. The module
deferring encoding parameters, when different can be adjusted in three level-, and two time
The AGC-Modul is developed primary for
using with background music or pre-
defined playlists. So this module will be
work only in Autofade Mode in the current
program version.
BPM Studio AGC
Threshold Limiter
(Adjustment level –60 to 0 dB) (Adjustment level –18 to 0 dB)
This parameter defines the trigger level of the The limiter restricts levels at very short reaction
control. Soft passages or silence at the beginning time. It’s purpose is to restrict the signal level, to
and end of a title will not be changed to avoid protect devices in the following signal course like
negative impact on a titles total dynamic. This external mixers, cross overs, output stages, and
also prevents unwanted increasing and amplifying speakers from over modulation and overloading.
of unwanted background noise. Below it’s predefined trigger level it stays inactive.
(Adjustment level 0 to 21 dB) Displays within the AGC Module
This value defines the max. amplification or The display within the AGC modules consists of
diminution, thus defining the intensity of the the compressor display (left), and the limiter
control. If, for example, a peak level exceeds more display (right). If the amplification indicator is
than the scope value over the target, it will only positioned in the center, the signal
be decreased by the max. Scope value. loops through the AGC module
without modification. If the indicator
Attack travels below the zero level, the input
(Adjustment level from 1 to 500ms) signal is too strong, and is weakened
With this parameter the latency of this control can by the module in accordance with
be adjusted. Peak levels lasting shorter than this predefined parameters. Vice Versa,
value, will not be recognized by the AGC. the signal will be amplified, if the
indicator travels above the zero level.
(Adjustment level 1 to 500ms) The red bar in the top right hand
This parameter defines how long it takes for the corner indicates the trigger level of
intervention to abate res. how long it takes to go the limiter. The peak level at the
back to regular output level. AGC’s signal output is marked in
yellow. As long as this marker moves
below the red area, no modifications
will be applied. Should this marker touch the red
area, the signal will rapidly be lowered to the
defined maximum peak level.
The Limiter also allows to restrict very
short peak levels, which the AGC would
not address, since the AGC response time
is way shor ter than the duration of The AGC only works in the auto fade
exposure it would take to overmodulate, mode. Even if the AGC is active, it will not
or even damage equipment. be of any effect if auto fade is not active.
AGC BPM Studio
AGC Presets From point B on, the input signal is less den 15dB
For quick deployment of AGC, (Scope) smaller than the target, and the AGC is
five pre defined parameter sets now able to define the output level to accurately
are available. These are –15dB. The volume difference between point B,
adjusted situation specific. and point C will be balanced out, since in any
Select a preset most suitable for case the deviation is less than the 15dB scope.
your need, and fine adjust it for
your purpose. From point C on the input signal is more than
15dB stronger. The AGC lowers the signal by
Meanwhile the output signal exceeds the 10dB
starts and stops the AGC limit set by the limiter, and will immediately cut
module off. At point D then, the volume difference of input
signal to target is lower than the scope value,
Mixer switches back to the and the AGC can level to the –15dB target again.
mixer audio channels. Between E and F, the amplification reaches it’s
limit of 15dB again.
From point F on, the input level will again fall short
Work method of the AGC of the action range of the AGC, and the input
Following is a quick description of the work signal will again be routed to the output
method of AGC at different input levels. (See also unchanged.
diagram on next page)
All shown values are standard values and can In this diagram it is assumed that changes are
be, depending on application, changed. made without delay. If according values are
defined for attack and release, the controls trigger-
Up to point A the AGC does not take effect, since and fade behavior is delayed accordingly.
the input level does not reach the threshold level
of –42dB.
From point A on, the AGC gets active, trying to
raise the output level to the target of –15dB since
scope is set to a value of 15dB, the signal can
only be amplified by 15dB.
BPM Studio MP3 Streaming Modul
Are also to be defined in accordance with the
stream server’s settings.
MP3 Streaming Modul BPM Studio
if you have checked the “Public Server” check Terminates the connection to
box. the stream server. (This should
always be done before exiting
BPM Studio)
BPM Studio CD Player / CD Writer
The CD player / CD-writer provides all functions The Play List and the player module are similar
necessary to work with CDs. Here, reading in in structure and handling to the two main players
CDs, and compressing to MP3 for mat is and the Play Lists.
accomplished. You can also burn titles on CD-Rs The CD-Reader also functions as device for
as audio CD to be played with conventional CD reading in audio CDs, and copying them to hard
players, or as data CD for back up purposes. drive. Read also in chapter 4 step-by step
instructions for copying, and compressing audio
To do so, three different modules are available: CDs.
, and
, with buttons located in the center 3.15.2. Encoding audio CDs
area of the CD player. Generally encoding (compressing into MP3
format) can be done in two different ways. Either
by saving an audio file in WAVE format and later
on conversion or by immediate compression to
3.15.1. CD-Reader ( ): MP3 while reading in. This choice is made in the
With this module, also called CD Player, you can Program Options, on the register tab CDDA-Copy
use your CD-ROM drive as fully functional audio / Configuration / . If this
CD player. All functions like Pitch, Master-Speed, checkbox is marked, copying and encoding will
Pitch Bend, Cue-Points, etc. are available without be done in a one step process. When
restrictions. The playback can be routed through compressing large numbers of audio CDs it is
a separate sound card channel, and will be treated recommended to read all of these in, in high-
as separate audio channel in the mixer. Also, MP3 speed mode as wave format, and then batch
files can be played with this player. Simply drag a compress them in Encoder Mode over night, for
title out of a Play List or archive, and drop it on example.
the CD player; and use it this way conveniently
as Monitor Player!
CD Player / CD Writer BPM Studio
3.15.3. CDDB-Query 3.15.4. Copying Audio CDs (Ripping):
Upon inserting an audio CD in the CD-ROM drive, After successful CDDB query all CD titles will be
the titles in the Play List will appear as numbered displayed in the Play List.
tracks. Now click the button.
Provided so configured in windows, the PC will
connect to the Internet, logs on to the CDDB
(database for administration of title information
of audio CDs) and attempts to find information
about the inserted CD.
BPM Studio CD Player / CD Writer
3.15.6. Encoder ( ):
The encoder converts WAVE files Info the MP3
format. Here you will find all previously read in
audio-CDs, if you do not have activated the
“COPY/ENCODE” option in the Program Options,
before ripping. Also, the encoder can convert
other, already present WAVE files, that have been
All titles will be ripped as single track, and also ripped with other programs. Simply drag them out
added to the file archive as single title. f the Windows Explorer, and drop them on the
encoder Play List, or, add with the button.
But information about single titles won’t be lost!
The button “MORE”, in the File Info Box, the
CD Player / CD Writer BPM Studio
For screening, and controlling also the CD Player 3.15.7. CD-Writer ( ):
can be used. The files can be played, controlled, Produce your own audio CDs with your own mix
and edited with the File-Editor. Following, the or compilation - all with only one program: BPM
marked part will be transferred to the MP3 format Studio.
The integrated burner supports all common CD
by clicking the button.
writers and media. Even burning MP3 files is no
problem. Thus you can conveniently create
After compression is completed, you’ll find a new backup copies, and quickly transfer play lists with
entry in the BPM file archive under NEW FILES the according tracks to another system.
with the actual date, in which the compressed
files are being stored. This folder can be renamed Before you start to create CDs, we recommend
with the RENAME button, or you can assign those that you make yourself familiar with the handling
titles to other present categories. of CD-R's, and CD-RW's. Also check the CD
Writer settings on the according register tab in
the Program Options. In this manual, chapter
Program Options, you'll find all impor tant
instructions and explanations to optimally
Eject button opens and closes the configure your CD Recorder. Once set up, the
selected CD-ROM drive. BPM Studio CD writer allows you to very simply
and quickly create Audio- and Data-CDs.
CD-ROM Selection field. Here
you can select the CD-ROM drive
to be displayed. Generally start a new CD project with the
button. In the following dialog you can decide
Starts copying selected titles. whether to create a Data- or a Audio-CD:
By right clicking you can open
a pop up menu, allowing you
to copy a whole CD as CD-at-once track
BPM Studio CD Player / CD Writer
3.15.8. Creating Audio CDs (Pay attention not to exceeding the media’s
Select this mode if you want to create a CD that maximum play length when assembling the title
can be played with any common CD player or list. If you do, an according message will warn
changer. The maximum play length depends on you before the write process.)
the type of media you use, and vary between 74 The title order can be modified by Drag&Drop.
and 80 minutes. Start writing with the button. In the
following dialog fields, progress can be monitored,
After confirming the dialog box by clicking and modified.
[OK] the selected CD format will be
displayed in the track list status bar.
It is not necessary to convert MP3 files Please avoid writing CDs over a network.
into the WAVE format. All tracks can be If you use BPM Studio in a network, the
loaded into the writer as MP3s. CD Writer should be local, with the MP3
Decompression is done in real time or WAVE files to be burned.
during the burn process.
CD Player / CD Writer BPM Studio
The following status windows keeps you informed Now insert the media into the Recorder. The CD
about the whole writing process status window to the right below the status bar
indicates, as when creating audio
CDs, the contents of the CD, and
the Recorder.
After successfully writing the CD, the drives slide 3.) With the button you can load
will open, and you can take out .the CD any Play List present on the hard drive.
BPM Studio CD Player / CD Writer
Adding another Session: (German)
(Data CD only)
You can add data to an unfinished media that http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~aa571/aspi.htm
contains data already, in a new session. To do (English)
so, the “import session” function on the CD-Writer
register tab in Program Options must be enabled. http://www.goldenhawk.com/firmware_body.html
When inserting such a media, the used storage (English)
capacity will be indicated in the status bar.
We recommend paying especial attention to sites
concerning firmware upgrades, and ASPI drivers.
Eject button opens the tray of the selected
BPM Print Designer BPM Studio
Need to print a Play List? Need a printed summary Depending on selected category or Play List, up
of a particular category, or complete archive? A to three selections can be made:
list of titles played last Saturday to report to the
promoter, or the GEMA? A taker asks for your Print Group:
repertoire? Titles of selected category will be adopted into
All this is no problem with the BPM Print Designer! Print Designer for printout,
Printouts can be fitted to any need with extensive
selections of sorting orders, and a variety of Print Group with Subgroups:
possible adjustments. Of course print previews All titles in a selected category, including all
are also possible. To use lists in other programs, subcategories will be adopted into Print Designer
they can be saved as text files, as well as in other for printout.
Print Archive:
3.16.1. Starting BPM Print Designer All titles of all categories, and subcategories will
The BPM Print Designer can be started from be adopted into Print Designer
within File Archive, Play List Archive, or the
different Play Lists via the according pop up Now the main screen of Print Designer will be
menu entries. displayed, with all selected titles. Here you have
the opportunity to make various adjustments, and
to choose which title information is to be printed.
BPM Studio BPM Print Designer
BPM Print Designer BPM Studio
Multiple sorting: Exporting lists to file:
Use this feature to define your sorting order by BPM Print Designer offers the
more than one column. When check box ability to export lists in various
is selected, the arrow to indicate formats for further processing
with other programs. For a list of available file
sorting order changes to yellow, and will be
formats see screenshot. In the dialog box file
marked with a 1. Now you can select more
name, and target folder are entered. The pulldown
columns by holding down the ‘SHIFT” key, and
menu determines the file format.
clicking on the selected columns. Additional
arrows will then be numbered in consecutive
BPM Studio BPM Print Designer
BPM Print Designer BPM Studio
Register tab Show Header
“Layout”: Select this check box if a head row should be
printed on every page. In the following fields, text
Show title and font for this head row can be entered.
Select if a page title
should be printed. This button defines the justification of
The following fields the head row. (Aligned left, aligned
you can enter a page center, aligned right)
title, and choose a
font. Additionally to the regular text, four
variables fields are available, which
will be updated while printing
This button defines the justification of
the page title. (Aligned left, aligned {PAGES} automatically adds page numbers
center, aligned right) {NUMPAGES} adds the number of pages
{DATE} Adds the current date
Show margins {TIME} Adds current time
Show margins in preview.
Show Header Line
Show grid lines Prints a line between the head row and the page
Prints the lines between columns and rows of a title. In the following fields you can define color
list. and width of this line.
Register tab
Register tab “Footer”:
“Head row”:
On this tab the
On this tab parameters for the
settings for the footer are entered.
head rows of all
pages are Show footer:
entered. Analog to Select this check
this, on the forth box if footer
register tab the should be printed
footer settings are on every page. In
defined. the following
fields, text and font for this footer can be entered.
BPM Studio BPM Print Designer, Server Components
The BPM Studio server components are a a network the reaction time on a released signal
universal interface to control the most software may be delayed.
functions remotely. This functionality has been
developed mainly to be able to cross platform with Both servers make many important functions
other programs. Since the interface is based on available via a command prompt or also as a URL.
open standards though, control is available via
standard protocols like HTTP or Telnet. This Complete documentation is provided on the BPM
enables you to control different workstations (PCs Studio Webser ver at http://localhost:port/
with BPM Studio installed) that are located in cmds.html
different rooms. If the server component is
activated (Register tab “Server” in Program Please have understanding for the fact that only
Options) BPM Studio will establish an HTTP- and limited support is available when implementing
a Telnet-Server. The HTTP-server port and the this interface, especially in ver y specific
Telnet port are freely configurable. Be aware implementation cases.
though, that when controlling a component over
BPM Studio File Formats BPM Studio
BPM Studio Program Options
3.19.1 Preset –
Language and Internet
Language Pack:
Select here your language
preference. Should your
language not yet be
supported by BPM Studio
you can, provided you’re
interested, order our SDK
language pack, and create a
translation for your language.
Skin Pack:
Here you can select a skin.
The list will display all
available skins compatible
with this version of BPM
Studio installed in the folder
...\BPM Studio\Skins\. The
download area of the
ALCATech website,
information about new or
updated skins can be obtained. Match Speed:
Defines the time for BPM match
Program Options BPM Studio
3.19.2. Options –
General Settings
BPM Studio Program Options
Program Options BPM Studio
3.19.3. Audio I/O-
Configuring the Sound
Here the device driver is
selected (Direct Sound),
WAVE, ASIO, EASI, or Kernel
driver), the settings of the
ASIO driver can be configured
right here.
Defines on which sound card,
res. which channel the preview
player output will be assigned
Lowest Latency
Preload Size The Kernel Driver operates with a very small
Size of the internal playback buffer. Manipulate buffer, and shortest latency times. Deactivate this
this value if you experience dropouts during function if you experience playback difficulties,
playing, or the players don’t start clean. or drop outs with your sound card.
Auto-Cue Level
Here the trigger level for the auto cue function
(skip silence at title beginning) can be defined.
This value can be set from –inf (absolute silence) Starts the sound card test. More information is
to –30 dB (a quiet level). provided in the Monitor-Functions
BPM Studio Program Options
ASIO-Driver settings
(Only if ASIO driver is selected) With the config
buttons, located beside the pulldown menus of
the virtual devices you can access the ASIO
Driver settings for a particular device.
Select the audio driver: Please refer also to chapter 2.5 / Adjusting
Select the driver to modify audio parameters!
Driver Latency
Here you can manipulate the driver’s latency
times. For a minimal delay between a button being
pushed, and the reaction of the sound card;
meaning, for a rapid response of the Cue-, Play-
, and Direct Cue buttons and Loop functions, this
value should be kept as small as possible. Only
increase this value if you experience problems
with playback.
Program Options BPM Studio
3.19.4. Storing -
Defining directories
BPM Studio Program Options
Block Count
Number of blocks on a media, that
will be read if the CD-ROM drive is
Program Options BPM Studio
CD Type Format
Here you can select out of the list of your CD- This selection field shows all audio compression
ROM drives. This setting is only necessary when codes available on a system. The BPM Studio’s
you are experiencing problems while reading in own supplied MPEG Layer 3.
CDs, and “AutoDetect” does not solve the
problem. Format Options
Here the quality of the compression is defined.
Internal MP3 Code (Depending on file format). It should be at least a
When encoding, BPM Studio’s own internal code 128 kBit/s, 44,100 Khz stereo.
is used (Recommended). If additional codes are
installed on your PC, they can also be selected
BPM Studio Program Options
3.19.6. CD Writer
Adjusting Recorder Parameters
Select a Recorder out of a list of all
Recorders available in the system.
The following six checkboxes
indicate which functions are
supported by the selected Recorder.
Functions not supported by the
selected Recorder will be displayed
in gray. (Inactive)
Here the burner speed is defined.
MAX adjusts the speed to the
maximum possible on the selected
Recorder. Decrease the speed if
you frequently receive errors
caused by the performance of your
system, or the used media.
Program Options BPM Studio
Following CD Recorders are currently capable CD-ROM/XA
to read and write CD-Text*: The CD-ROM/XA is a mixture of the specifications
for CD-I, CD-ROM mode 2, and the current format
- Teac 56S/58S later than Firmware 1.0j for data CDs. Deactivate this option if you are
(SCSI) having problems reading in the CDs created with
- Plexwriter 4220 later than Firmaware 1.02 BPM Studio. Some older CD-ROM drives do not
(SCSI) support this format. When writing multi session
- Plexwriter 8220 (SCSI) CDs, this format is a requirement in most
- Ricoh 7040 later than Firmware 1.20 (SCSI recorders.
- Ricoh 7060 later than Firmware 1.20 (SCSI
& ATAPI) Close Disc
- Sony 948S later than Firmware 1.0h (SCSI) Finalizes the CD after the burn procedure. Older
- Sony CDX 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 145 CD-ROM drives can not read Data-CDs if they
- HP 8100 / 8110 / 8200 / 8210 / 9100 / 9110 are not finalized. Audio CDs will always be
(Same vendor as Sony) finalized in general, since here it is not possible
to write on the CD in several sessions.
To find regular CD players capable of reading CD-
Text, visit your local consumer electronics store. Burn Proof
Activates the burn proof function of the recorder.
Record on Rewriteable Discs (if any) Buffer underrun errors will be averted, and
The Recorder supports writing on CD-RWs. Media the burn process will be faster.
that can be reused.
Eject Disc from Recorder
Record with Burn Proof If this option is selected, the tray of the drive will
Burn Proof is a procedure developed by Sanyo® automatically be opened when the burning
in which throughout the whole process of burning process is complete.
the Recorder’s internal buffer is monitored. When
system performance becomes slow, or even Test Mode
critical, the drive notices that a buffer underrun is
When in test mode, writing will only be simulated.
unavoidable – and stops the burning procedure
All functions of a “real” burn will be performed,
at a suitable location. This gives the buffer time
with the exception that the laser is switched of.
to reload, the data is compared and synchronized,
Thus the media will not be changed or damaged.
and the writing process continues right after
This mode is used for troubleshooting, to avoid
where it stopped. This averts the media to become
to many plain media will turn out as scrap. Keep
unusable, if the data throughput should be
the function “Eject Disc from Recorder” activated,
interrupted again.
since many Recorders only allow another
recording on the same media if it has been
Import Sessions removed, put back into the device, and scanned
Sessions already present on the CD will be back in anew.
imported, the CD may not be finished though.
Select this option if you want to write more data
on a multi session CD. Important! When writing
on a multi session CD without activated import,
all previous sessions will be destroyed.
* no Guarantee
BPM Studio Program Options
Program Options BPM Studio
3.19.7. Remote Control
Configuring external control
BPM Studio Program Options
Program Options BPM Studio
User Administration
A detailed description of
these features can be
found at a later point in this
manual later.
BPM Studio Program Options
Server components
Further informations about
this feature can be found in
the chapter BPM Studio
Server Components.
Telnet Port:
Here the port number for the Telnet server is
defined. Default is 23 HTTP Default Doc:
Define the file that will be displayed as start page
HTTP Port: if the user enters merely the IP address of the
Here the port number for the HTTP Server is computer into his browser, without specifying a
defined. Default is 80. If the server is active, particular file.
access to the PC with a web browser is possible.
This is done, in the best case scenario, by
entering http:// -followed by the IP address of the
computer. If this checkbox is selected, both servers will be
If access is to be gained on the same computer, activated and BPM Studio is accessible, and can
on which the program is installed, you can enter be controlled from every PC connected to the
“localhost” instead of the IP address. network. Provided appropriate measurements
have not been taken against this.
HTTP Doc path:
The HTTP server will make this folder as main
directory publicly available. It can contain
proprietary information, e.g. web pages with
control functions for BPM Studio
Additional Functions BPM Studio
BPM Studio Additional Functions
Before the monitor functions can be used a sound 3.20.5. The back-up- and Update
card test, and synchronization need to be
perfor med. Otherwise differing sample
Via the pop up menus of the Group window and
frequencies would cause runtime differences
the File Archive you can access the BackUp and
between monitor channel and player when
Update function.
playing. To synchronize sound cards proceed as
The back up Function allows you to create a
backup copy of the entire File Archive in a
First select the desired driver. (Synchronization
predefined folder. From there it can be restored
is necessary with Direct Sound, WAVE, and
later on. With this method a copy of the File
KERNEL driver. )
Archive can be transferred to another PC also.
Then click on the button “Test Sound Card”. Each
The Update-Function offers two options.
Sound Card will now be tested for 1 min. BPM
“Search Hard Drive” scans the entire system,
Studio then analyzes the results, and
including all connected network drives for playable
synchronizes the Sound Cards. This test needs
titles, and lists them under NEW FILES + date.
to be performed separately for WAVE and Direct
“Update Archive” removes all titles no longer
Sound Driver, if both are to be used.
present out of the File Archive, and lists all new
titles in the NEW FILES category.
3.20.4. The Program internal BPM
Database 3.20.7. Interface for Visualization
BPM Studio disposes over it’s own database, in
which the BPM values of all titles are stored. A
Via the Recorder pop up menu the interface for
basic supply of BPM values is included. Additional
WinAMP Visualization Plugins can be activated.
titles will be added through the File Info Box, or
In a list, the in the folder \BPM
the BPM Counter.
Studio\Studio\Plugin installed plugins are listed.
Whenever you add a new title to the system, the
Some of these plugins can be configured within
program checks if a BPM value is already
the range of their functions. To do so, click on the
available, and assigns it to the file.
button “Configure” and make the desired
If a new MP3 file is loaded, that has a BPM Value
adjustments. To compensate for resource
in it’s ID3 tag already, then this tag will be adopted
problems the “Priority” control is uses. ALCATech
into the internal BPM database. If a value is
GmbH does not guarantee that BPM Studio will
already determined for this title, it will be updated.
work with these Plugins.
More information about current sound card tests, program updates, and answers to frequently
asked questions can be found on our website www.alcatech.de
User Administration BPM Studio
BPM Studio User Administration
User Administration BPM Studio
3.21.3. Example Configurations If you upgrade from BPM Studio Home
A given PC is used by the system administrator to BPM Studio Pro, the settings of the
(e.g. the dance club owner) and two DJs. The use administration will not be
owner keeps the File Archive current, and automatically adopted. If so, please
frequently adds new titles. Both DJs work with specify the old folder during the
those titles available on the system. DJ 1 merely installation. Read also the more
uses the File Archive provided by the owner, DJ extensive explanation in the Update
2 has created his own File Archive, and updates instructions.
it himself. Both DJs work independently at
different times.
DJ 1: DJ 2:
* Ripper * Ripper
. File Info . File Info
. BPM Counter . BPM Counter
. File Editor . File Editor
. Sample Editor . Sample Editor
. Recorder . Recorder
. Mixer . Mixer
* Options * Options
BPM Studio Network Functions
3.22.1 Addressing MP3 Files At the end of this page two example entries are
You can install BPM Studio on several client PCs, shown. In the first section of the entry, the location
and then use a shared pool of MP3 files, which is of the files becomes obvious. Also, at initial
basically a requirement when working with program start, only logical drives, meaning local
network file archives. Although we recommend drives, and network drives will be scanned. A
the use of a 100Mbit network, but also 10Mbit network drive can be connected in Windows
networks of up to 5 clients are known to run Explorer -> connect network drive.
smoothly. The folder /s with the MP3 files will be
shared on the server PC. On the client PCs
access can now be gained either over a network
drive (recommended), or via the network client
of Windows98.
Network Functions BPM Studio
Addressing MP3 files via the computer name 3.22.2. Network File-Archives
If no network drives are supposed to installed on A BPM File Archive consists of a group of text
a client PC, for example if the client PC is files located at the DATA folder of the particular
connected to particular servers only randomly, it BPM Studio installation. The files Groups.gps and
is possible to access the files through the Groups.idx contain the folder directory of the File
Windows network client. Here also the files or Archive. The *.grp files, like Default.grp, contain
folders are loaded with +DIR or +FILE, but now the paths to the different MP3 files. These files
via the network neighborhood of Windows, not can be located on a local drive, a connected
“My Computer” network drive, or on a PC addressed via
The address of the MP3 files will then be in form \\[computer name]\ See also addressing via
of\\[Computername]\[Folder]\ computer name. With no regards to the type of
[Subfolder]\*.mp3 the file archives, it is always the MP3 files provided
An example of a File Archive row, in which the by the central server that are actually accessed.
file is addressed via the computer name, can be In general one tells apart between a Master File
found at the end of this page. In place of the drive Archive, and user file archives.
letter here \\HOLI\ (the computer name) and the A Master File Archive will be provided by the
name of the shared folder DATA1 are displayed. server, and is only editable from there. It can be
When using this method of addressing though, viewed on the clients in read only mode. Any given
at every access a Windows name resolution user can use this File Archive, without having to
needs to be performed, which can, under worry about updating or maintenance. This will
circumstances, lead to timing problems for be the network administrator’s task.
example if the address of the WIN-S- A user file archive can be created on the client
Masterbrowser changes. Until now though, PCs or, similar to the Master File Archive, on the
dropouts due to this addressing method are server. If the user file archive stored locally, there
unheard of. Be also reminded though, that the is no way to access it from another client PC.
BPM File Archive “Update” functions don’t work Modifications would have to be made by each
correctly. particular user.
In mobile use with local server connectivity it is
recommended, to create a user for every place
of use, and then load the files via the network
BPM Studio Network Functions
For this reason it is possible to store the user file On the client PCs a new drive letter will be
archives on the server. This way the user can created, and assigned to the shared DATA folder.
find his own, current archive on every client PC. Afterwards, in the BPM Studio Program Options
All these settings can be adjusted in the user of the client PCs, the server PCs folder can be
administration on the “Storing” register tab. What selected via this drive letter. When closing the
type of network file archives actually will be used, Program Options, BPM Studio will now announce
depends on the type of network, number of users, the presence of a File Archive, after a security
maintenance strategy, and other local inquiry, this Master File Archive will be displayed,
circumstances. In general it is recommended to instead of the user File Archive.
analyze these facts before the installation, and
to coordinate with the network operator. Protected Access of Network File Archives
To ensure that current information is available on
Creating a Master File Archive all clients, BPM Studio has two background
When initially installing BPM Studio on the server functions.
(or the client PC that will later on provide server
services) a default archive is created in the 1.) The File Archive can only be edited on the
program folder under \DATA. This archive will not server, and will be provided to the clients in
be deleted, even if new user accounts are created, read only mode. BPM Studio automatically
and can be edited through the administrator detects if a File Archive is located on the
account. server, or no a client.
The path to this File Archive is defined in the
Program Options-> file storage. Additionally the 2.) Each client inquires the server in short
equalizer presets (eq.eqp), and the locally stored intervals for modifications of the file archive,
CDDB (cdda.cdb) inquiry results are stored here. and updates its own archive accordingly.
Also the default path to the encoded mp3 files is
located here after the initial installation, which Title search function when loading
should at this point be modified to the shared When several PCs use a shared File Archive, it
folder for MP3 Files. (See also shared MP3 files) can not be guaranteed that a MP3 file will be
located under the same drive letter, although it
To be able to access this File Archive from a BPM will be in the same folder res. the same directory.
Studio client on another PC, some adjustments Therefore BPM Studio scans all logical drives for
are necessary. a file when it is loaded. This is also useful on
To begin with the folder \DATA in the BPM Studio standalone platforms, when additional hard drives
directory must be unlocked in the file sharing are added to the system. BPM Studio will
options if Windows Explorer. (There is also the automatically scan for the same directory under
possibility to grant access to the whole drive c: of all other drive letter.
the server PC, for security reasons this ids not
recommendable though).
Network Functions BPM Studio
3.22.3. Example Configuration Three network drives, connected with the server:
With this example the work method of network E:\ as the data directory of the server
functions are explained. F:\, G:\, with D:\ and E:\ of the server
A dance club with 1 server in the office, and 2 Now, in BPM Studio, the data path will be modified
clients in different areas. All DJs work with the from C:\program files\Alcatech\BPM Studio\DATA
same File Archive provided by the dance club, to the server (D:\, since this is the logical drive
but can make their own BPM Studio settings and connected with the server’s DATA folder). Thus
adjustments on the clients. Archiving of new CDs, the administrator of the client PC will hence use
and File Archive maintenance are done at the the Master File Archive. Modifications can from
server. now on only be done on the server.
After a restart of BPM Studio the Master File
Configuration: Archive will be loaded from the server, and the
The MP3 files and a Master File Archive are saved client will automatically log on to the server. If a
on the server. The servers access the File Archive, title of the file archive is selected, BPM Studio
and the files in “read only” mode. scans the two connected network-drives for this
title, and loads it.
The server is consists of a system drive C:\, two Expansion for multi user:
data drives D:\ and E:\, and a CD-ROM drive F:\. More users can be created on the client, which
Reading in CDs is done locally in the office, which will have their own settings, and will also be able
can be done during an event without any to store their own play lists, while still being able
problems. To do so, the server needs to have W98, to access the Master File Archive. To do so, the
and a version of BPM Studio Home installed. two new users will get entries into the user
The User Administration on the server will be administration, get passwords, and the according
unmodified. On drive C:\, the BPM Studio \DATA entries will be made. Additionally, the “File Archive
folder, drive D:\ and drive E:\, will be opened for Write Protected“ function should be enabled.
file sharing.
The client PCs will be configured as follows:
BPM Studio First Steps
First Steps BPM Studio
BPM Studio First Steps
5.) When the BPM values in both players are 10.) Now you can start player B simultaneously
equal, the titles are played with the same
speed. You can ensure this, if you start
to a beat of player A by clicking the
Player B, and screen with headphones
simultaneously to Player A. button. Player B will now play approximately
synchronous to player A.
6.) Now prepare the second title to be mixed
in, by setting a Cue Point directly in front of 11.) Now you can shor tly slow down, or
a beat. To do so start the player B with
headphones. accelerate the player B with the and
7.) Stop player B at approximately the first beat buttons, and compare by
of a new bar. BPM Studio will from now on
remember this point a Cue Point headphones when the beats will be exactly
synchronous. If you discover that the titles
8.) Now start player A, and try to start player B become asynchronous after a little while,
at a beat of player A. You can try this several simply adjust the pitch value with the
times by not stopping player B with the Play/ according control in the smallest, possible
Pause button, but with the Cue button. Thus increments. For this the pitch wheel of the
the player will return to the stored point, and RCP-2001-B remote control unit is
will start from there on again. Should the especially suitable.
two titles not be approximately
synchronized, the Cue Point needs to be
corrected as follows. After BPM equalizing with the [SET]
button the adjusted player will block the
use of RC’s Sliders. As soon as you
9.) Click one of the search buttons or position the pitch slider of the locked
player to its true position at the remote
smartly. The player is now in loop control unit, the block will be removed,
mode, and frequently repeats 160ms of the and thus the pitch value can be modified
title from the Cue Point on. Through clicking again, e.g. to make slight corrections.
these two buttons again (or with the jog The PITCH indicator on the remote
shuttle dial at the remote control unit) you control unit will blink when blocked, and
can now move this Cue Point forward, and will show the difference between remote
backwards, within the title. By screening the control unit slider, and real position of
title through headphones, and by observing the slider, which simplifies positioning
the spectrum analyzer in the player’s display, the remote control unit slider to its real
you can place the Cue Point exactly on the position.
beginning of the beat. The loop mode will
be ended by clicking the Cue- or Play button,
and made adjustments will be adopted. 12.) From now on there are no limits to your
When the Cue Point is placed so accurate imagination when it comes to working with
that you can start player B approximately the two synchronously playing titles.
simultaneously with player A, not until then Alternate between the two players by beat
the title is prepared for accurate beat mixing. or by bar with the manual fader, kill
frequencies at the external mixer, or just play
both titles parallel.
First Steps BPM Studio
BPM Studio First Steps
4.4.3. Storing a Play List 4.4.6. Adding a play list to the archive
Click into the head row of a play list window of a
Click on . An Explorer window will open in player, and hold the mouse button down.
which you can specify a name, and a folder for
the play list to be saved. OK confirms, and the
play list will be stored under this name.
You can also store the complete Play List in the Now drag the play list into the group window of
Play List Archive, by dragging and dropping it on the Play List Archive. There, a list symbol will
the group window. Upon doing so, you can appear beside the mouse pointer.
renamed the newly created list.
4.4.5. Drag&Drop functionality of Play Drop the play list by letting go of the mouse button,
Lists it will now be added to the archive under the name
BPM Studio offers various functions to PLAYLIST. Now choose [rename] in the pop up
conveniently assemble, load, and archive play menu of this entry, and define a name that makes
lists. A central position in this functionality is sense for this list. You can also sort this new list
presented by the Play List Archive. Here, the play into another category by Drag&Drop, or move it
lists can be stored in freely definable categories. freely within the group window.
Also, the play list history is located here. Switch
to the play list archive by clicking the
button. The left window will now display the
different play list categories, and the right window
(title list) will show the titles within a category
selected to the left.
First Steps BPM Studio
4.4.7. Loading a Play List from the 4.4.9. Adding title sequences of a play
Archive into a Player list to an already loaded list
In the group window of the Play List Archive click In the group window select the desired play list
on the list to be loaded, and hold down the mouse containing the titles to be added. Then mark the
button. A note symbol will appear beside the desired titles by clicking right into the title window.
mouse pointer. By holding the [Ctrl] key down, you can select
and deselect multiple titles. When all desired
songs are selected, click on one of the selected
titles, and drag the whole block into the play list
window of the player, and drop them.
4.4.8. Merging a Play List to an The preview player of the File Archive can
already loaded List also be controlled with the Sample Player
Scroll to the end of the play list window of the keys <, 0, and > of the remote control unit.
desired player. In the group window of the Play 0 stops and starts the player, < and > are
List Archive click on the list to be loaded with the used for rewind and fast forward.
left mouse button, and hold it. A little note symbol
appears beside the mouse pointer. Now drag the
play list to the last title of the loaded play list, and
drop it below. The new play list will be amended In chapter 3.3 all functions of the play list are
to the one already loaded. extensively explained
BPM Studio First Steps
First Steps BPM Studio
Assigning a fade to a title Once the fade is assigned, this title will be marked
When all adjustments have been made in the with a little rectangle in front of the time column
cross fader, the prepared fade needs to be of the play list:
assigned to the according title.
This is also accomplished by
Drag&Drop. To do so, click on
an empty spot within the cross
fader display.
BPM Studio First Steps
First Steps BPM Studio
BPM Studio First Steps
First Steps BPM Studio
This category will automatically created by the This category is created individually. As sub
ripper, whenever new CDs are read in. The date, categories, different artists are defined. In one of
of when the CD was ripped, will be used as sub these sub categories all titles of a certain artist
category. In this sub category you will then find present on the system are listed. This is very
all the titles that have been read in at this particular useful if you have a lot of titles from one particular
day. artist, or whole albums are intended to be saved
together. The sub category MIKE OLDFIELD for
FIND RESULTS: example contains a second branch sub category
This category will be created from BPM Studio called TUBULAR BELLS, in which all titles of this
after the initial installation, when all hard drives particular album are saved.
are scanned for MP3 files. This category will
contain sub categories, sorted by drive letter, in TIME:
which all found MP3 files will be located. This also individually created category utilizes
different times as sub directories. Here titles are
DEFAULT: saved for which not the artist, but the release date
If you do not wish to make further modifications is used as index.
in different categories res. subcategories, you can
sort in all titles here. Otherwise just leave the Of course these are only examples. Every user
groups empty. This particular group/category is should create a File Archive according to his own
necessary for BPM Studio to work properly, and needs, and in the for him most overviewable
can not be deleted. fashion, so it can be browsed quickly during
Independent of the File Archive structure, it is
recommended to use the search function, to find
a particular title.
Drag&Drop out of the group window:
You can drag a whole group out of the
Read in the File- and Play List Archive chapter
group window (to the left in File Archive
about even more functions available in BPM
or Play List Archive), and drop it on a
Studio for archiving titles. You can, for example
player. The previous play list will then be
not only archive files, but whole Play Lists, in
replaced with the new titles. If you drag
which the order of titles will also contain all fades.
the titles into a play list, they will all be
amended to this list.
BPM Studio First Steps
First Steps BPM Studio
4.8.2. Scratch mode: The volume of the sample player can be adjusted
When this option is activated (a little check mark at the two [VOLUME] controls. Also the speed of
can be seen in front of the entry), upon clicking the sample player, (Pitch) can be manipulated:
the same button again the sample will not be
stopped, but restarted. With this function a sample
can for example be played repeatedly to the beat
of the title.
BPM Studio
Front view
RC V3 View
Reverse view
RC V3 Description BPM Studio
BPM Studio RC V3 Description
RC V3 Description BPM Studio
Controlling the Preview-Player: [40d] Indicates the pre load buffer
Whenever the Sample-Player is in pause-mode,
meaning, when no sample is played, you can start [40e] Current playtime (Can be switched between
the preview player from within the File Archive ELAPSED and REMAIN with the [TIME] button
with the [0] button. Now the selected title will be [19])
played over the monitor channel and can be
screened independently from the running [40f] Indicates the selected pitch range. This
selection can be made with the multi purpose
program. In this mode the two and
buttons function as rewind and fast forward. A, B, and C ([49], [50] and [51]) if this is set up
accordingly in the Program Options. (see also
[40] LCD Displays page 11)
In the LCD display the most important feedback
of the particular player is indicated. [40g] Signal level indicator
[40c] Current title. Here the title and artist are [47] Manual Fader res. Sampler Pitch
indicated out of the ID3 tag of this MP3 File. This The horizontal control below the Sample Player
display will scroll automatically if not all can be used as manual fader, sample volume
information of this tag can be displayed. If control, or pitch control of the sample player. The
problems with the system’s performance are at according settings are defined in the Program
hand, this scrolling can be deactivated in the Options, on the remote control register tab.
Program Options, on the register tab remote When set as manual fader cross fades between
control unit. player A and B can be created without external
BPM Studio RC V3 Description
[49], [50], [51] Universal keys [38] Serial cable socket (reverse side)
The universal keys can be verified in the program Connect plug (9-pin, Sub-D) of Remote Control
options, section Remote Control , every time as Unit through serial cable to your PC. The maxi-
described below: mal cable’s length is 15 m, however we do not
recommend to use more than 10 m.
The A [49] key: - Pitch range 1
- Player A Monitor [39] Power supply socket (reverse side)
- Loop - Sampler Record Connect delivered power supply cable (9 V, at
The B [50] key: - Pitch range 2 least 500 mA).
- Player B Monitor
- Loop - Sampler play [52] Fader start cable socket (reverse side)
The C [51] key: - Pitch range 2 Connect to this plug (9-pin, Sub-D) an Fader start
- CD Player Monitor cable which is optional available as accessory
- Loop - Sampler Play by ALCATech. Please read instructions of ‘Fader
start’ on the following pages of the manual before
using it the first time.
From Ver. 3.00 B will be supported: Fader Start (Program options / Remote
Mixer with Reedcontact or microsensor,
Control Unit)
Mixer with of impulse control (for example
If this checkbox is active, then Player starts when
PIONEER) is Ver. 3.00 C required.
the control of the external mixer will be put on.
The version number of your Remote Control Unit Fader Stop (Program options / Remote
will be shown during start-up / Program start of Control Unit)
BPM Studio. (By pressing CTRL key, the dialog If this checkbox is active, then Player stops when
box stays visible until the key will be released the control of the external mixer will be put off.
RC V3 Description BPM Studio
BPM Studio
Front view
Reverse view
RCP-1001 view
RCP-1001 Description BPM Studio
BPM Studio RCP-1001 Description
Control elements on the front side Jog Shutter Wheel in Cue Mode:
If the Player is in Pause Mode, then a Cue Point
of device: can be set exactly with the internal disc [2]. If the
Player is stopped and the disc will be moved by
[1] [2] Jog Shuttle Wheel one step, then the Player goes into this mode
The Jog Shuttle Wheel allows you to use a lot of and 160 ms of the current play position will be
the BPM Studio functions easily and played repeatedly as Loop. This position can be
ergonomically. The external ring [1] and the now positioned exactly before the next Beat.
internal disc [2] are working touch sensitive. If Changes of the Cue-Point are taken over by
the ring is moved further i.e. if the internal wheel pressing the Cue key anew.
is moved more quickly so the parameter
modification of the player will be made more Beat-Stepping:
quickly. Jog Shuttle Wheel have 3 operation If in the Cue mode the [ LOAD] key [11] is
modes: Search, Cue und Archive mode. additionally held down, then you can move exactly
step-by-step forward or backwards to a Beat in
Jog Shuttle Wheel in Search Mode: the title. Read chapter “Beat Stepping using the
This is the standard mode which is active during BPM Studio” too.
play of any title. Search Mode will be shown in
the Display [14] by symbol . You can Jog Shuttle Wheel in Archive Mode:
influence the play back of the loaded or played In the Archive mode you can comfortably navigate
title with the wheel. in File Archive or Playlist Archive using this wheel.
You can move the loaded title forward or in the You can switch into the appropriate mode using
reverse direction using the external ring. [Archive] or [P.List] keys [16], [17]. The archive
According to the turn angle of the ring [1], there mode is shown in the display by the symbols
are 3 different search speeds available (+1, +2, or . Choose the desired group in
+3 or -1, -2, -3) and step mode where you can left part of archive window using external ring [1].
play the title in 1 minute steps (+min or -min). Once more you can choose from four different
Scroll speeds. -1 or 1 switches exactly one group
further or back. +2/+ 3 or -2/-3 present two
different search speeds in the list with the groups.
+min/-min finally moves the selcetion bar to the
beginning or to the end of the list.
A group will be opened if you stay longer than
one second on a group using the selection bar.
Then, you can select the subgroups using the
Jog Wheel. Now in this case you can load the
complete group into Playlist by pressing the
[LOAD]-key [11].
You can also select any title from the group using
internal disc [2]. Loading may be made also by
[LOAD]-key [11]. By a simple click, the title will
be loaded into Playlist after the marked position.
RCP-1001 Description BPM Studio
If you would like to play the title immediately, then [11] LOAD Button
load it directly to the Player by double click. The The function of this key depends on the set mode
just selected group or title will be shown in the of the Jog Shuttle Wheel [1] and [2]. In Search
display [14] during the selection using the Jog mode (standard), the next title of the Playlist is
Shuttle Wheel. Therefore the Archive can be loaded into0 the Player by pressing of the [LOAD]
operated without looking constantly at the monitor. key.
You can move back to the Search mode by In Cue mode, additional holding of [LOAD] key
pressing the [ARCHIVES] or [P.List] key [16, 17] will cause a change of current position of Cue-
anew. The Archive mode ends automatically after Point by beat or by tact (see chapter ‘Beat
10 seconds without any entry. stepping using BPM Studio’ too). In Archive mode,
pressing the [LOAD] key will load the selected
[4] Cue Button title into the Playlist using the Jog Shuttle Wheel.
Pressing this key moves the player back to the This title will be loaded into Player immediately
last Cue-Point and goes into Cue mode. by double click.
Press the Cue key longer than one second and Holding the key longer than 3 seconds will replace
the player then moves to the beginning of the the complete Playlist by the selected group or
title or by pressing one second again will move it playlist in the archive.
to the current Cue-Point.
[12] Track Selector
[5] Play Button You can move inside the Playlist using the Track
Pressing this key starts the player from the current Selector. A full turn of the ring switches 24 titles
position (i.e. the Cue-Point). If the Play button is down the list. If you navigate in really big lists,
pressed again, the player goes into Pause Mode. then by pressing the Track Selector and turning it
The current start position of the player (before at the same time, you can move by 10 steps at a
any anew pressing on the Play key is made) is time. By pressing the button the selected title will
stored as a Cue-Point and can be started again be loaded into the Player.
with the [Cue] key any time.
[14] The VFD display
[9] Pitch-Bend Buttons In the VFD display, all the parameters and activity
Using these keys, you can temporarily increase modes of the respective Player will be shown as
or decrease the play speed. These keys are an follows:
indispensable tool for synchronizing the second
title’s Beats. They are used to navigate by Beat
in a title, if the Player is in Cue Mode (see also
chapter ‘Beat stepping using BPM Studio’).
BPM Studio RCP-1001 Description
[14a] Indicates the number of loaded Tracks This display can be also used to show a lot of
supplementary information. In the archive mode
[14b] NEXT TRACK indicator. for example, the respective selected group,
(Not active by RCP-1001) Playlist or the title in archive will be displayed here
[14c] Displays the time. Playtime of the title is
shown in minutes, seconds and in tenth of [14l] Displays the four additional functions: Single-
seconds. Time information can be switched over /Continous-Play, Shuffle and Repeat.
by using the [TIME] key [19] between total title Programming can be done using the [MODE] key
play time (ELAPSED), remaining title play time [20] and [SET] key [21].
(REMAIN) and total remaining play time of the
playlist (TOTAL). If the Player is in Cue mode, [14 m] Display for the Loop-Sampler
then the current Cue-Point will be shown. (not active in BPM Studio LE or RCP-1001)
[14d] Operation mode of the time display, [16], [17] Archive Keys
switchable by the [TIME] key [19] Using the [ARCHIVE] [16] key you can switch
the Jog Wheel [1], [2] into the File Archive Mode.
[14e] BPM value indicator, here the display will It is indicated additionally in the display by symbol.
show BPM value taken from the ID3-Tag of the The [P.List] key [17] switches to the Playlist
loaded title or value of real time BPM Counter. Archive mode. By pressing the key again the
Search mode will be switched back (switching
[14f] Displays Pitch value in percents. back takes place automatically as well, when any
other key of the Player is pressed or after 30
[14g] Displays the Pitch mode type. According seconds, if you have not moved the Jog Shuttle
to the chosen mode in the program panel, you Wheel during this time).
will see if the changes of speed will work with or
without change of the sound level (Master-
[19] Time Button
Using this button you can switch the play time
indicator in display [14] between total play time
[14h] Displays the mode of Jog Wheel. Using the
(ELAPSED) and remaining time of title (REMAIN).
Archive [16], [17] keys it is possible to switch
(TOTAL is not supported at present)
between operation modes of the Jog Wheels.
indicates File Archive Mode,
indicates the Playlist Archive Mode and the
Search Mode (standard operation
RCP-1001 Description BPM Studio
[21] SET Button
(Also BPM Match key) The current BPM value of
respective (Master) Player will be taken over by
pressing the SET key in Standard Mode. Read
also chapter ‘Beat-Matching using BPM Studio’.
Please read in this chapter the exact description
of the function of the SET button. If the
Programming Mode is active ( [MODE]-key [19]
pressed), pressing the SET key will then switch
that function on or off.
Continous Play :
If this mode is activated, then next title in the
Playlist will be automatically loaded and played
at the end of the current title.
Single Play :
If this mode is activated, then next title in the
Playlist will be automatically loaded but not started
at the end of the current title.
Shuffle :
The titles in the Playlist will be played in random
order. Each change of the Playlist will cause a
random new title order of list as long as this mode
is enabled.
Repeat :
If this function is active, then the loaded title is
played continuously. If this function is turned off,
then the next title of the list will be loaded.
BPM Studio RCP-1001 Description
How it works:
Player A is started by locking contact A and is
stopped by locking it once more. The same is
valid for Player B and contact B. Through program
options you can activate fade start and also stop
separate fade.
diese Seite ist zu entfernen und durch das Doppelblatt zu ersetzen
Front view
BPM Studio RCP-2001 view
Reverse view
RCP-2001 Description BPM Studio
BPM Studio RCP-2001 Description
Control elements on the front side Jog Shutter Wheel in Cue Mode:
If the Player is in Pause Mode, then a Cue Point
of device: can be set exactly with the internal disc [2]. If the
Player is stopped and the disc will be moved by
[1] [2] Jog Shuttle Wheel one step, then the Player goes into this mode
The Jog Shuttle Wheel allows you to use a lot of and 160 ms of the current play position will be
the BPM Studio functions easily and played repeatedly as Loop. This position can be
ergonomically. The external ring [1] and the now positioned exactly before the next Beat.
internal disc [2] are working touch sensitive. If Changes of the Cue-Point are taken over by
the ring is moved further i.e. if the internal wheel pressing the Cue key anew.
is moved more quickly so the parameter
modification of the player will be made more Beat-Stepping:
quickly. Jog Shuttle Wheel have 3 operation If in the Cue mode the [ LOAD] key [11] is
modes: Search, Cue und Archive mode. additionally held down, then you can move exactly
step-by-step forward or backwards to a Beat in
Jog Shuttle Wheel in Search Mode: the title. Read chapter “Beat Stepping using the
This is the standard mode which is active during BPM Studio” too.
play of any title. Search Mode will be shown in
the Display [14] by symbol . You can Jog Shuttle Wheel in Archive Mode:
influence the play back of the loaded or played In the Archive mode you can comfortably navigate
title with the wheel. in File Archive or Playlist Archive using this wheel.
You can move the loaded title forward or in the You can switch into the appropriate mode using
reverse direction using the external ring. [Archive] or [P.List] keys [16], [17]. The archive
According to the turn angle of the ring [1], there mode is shown in the display by the symbols
are 3 different search speeds available (+1, +2, or . Choose the desired group in
+3 or -1, -2, -3) and step mode where you can left part of archive window using external ring [1].
play the title in 1 minute steps (+min or -min). Once more you can choose from four different
Scroll speeds. -1 or 1 switches exactly one group
further or back. +2/+ 3 or -2/-3 present two
different search speeds in the list with the groups.
+min/-min finally moves the selcetion bar to the
beginning or to the end of the list.
A group will be opened if you stay longer than
one second on a group using the selection bar.
Then, you can select the subgroups using the
Jog Wheel. Now in this case you can load the
complete group into Playlist by pressing the
[LOAD]-key [11].
You can also select any title from the group using
internal disc [2]. Loading may be made also by
[LOAD]-key [11]. By a simple click, the title will
be loaded into Playlist after the marked position.
RCP-2001 Description BPM Studio
If you would like to play the title immediately, then [6], [7], [8] Loop Player
load it directly to the Player by double click. The Using Loop Player you can repeat any
just selected group or title will be shown in the programmed sequence as often as you wish. You
display [14] during the selection using the Jog can set start and end points on-the-fly. Each Loop
Shuttle Wheel. Therefore the Archive can be can also be stored in Direct Cue key [15] and is
operated without looking constantly at the monitor. also at the disposal again after system restart.
You can move back to the Search mode by You will find exact description how it works in
pressing the [ARCHIVES] or [P.List] key [16, 17] chapter ‘First steps - Working with Loop Player”.
anew. The Archive mode ends automatically after
10 seconds without any entry.
[9] Pitch-Bend Buttons
Using these keys, you can temporarily increase
[3] Cue-Play button or decrease the play speed. These keys are an
This key unites two keys: Cue and Play. If the indispensable tool for synchronizing the second
player is in Play Mode (green LED [46] lights), title’s Beats. They are used to navigate by Beat
then the player moves back to the last Cue-Point in a title, if the Player is in Cue Mode (see also
by pressing the the [Cue-Play] button and begins chapter ‘Beat stepping using BPM Studio’).
to play again from there. If the player is in Cue
Mode, then the title will be started from the current
[10] Pitch Slider
Set the desired playback speed using the Pitch
Slider. The actual speed in BPM appears on the
Alternative Cue-Play function
As alternative to the described function of the
[14] as well as the difference in percent. The slider
[Cue-Play] key, second variant can be chosen
is only active if the [Pitch] key [24] is on and the
from the program options. The title starts then by
Pitch-LED [25] enlights.
pressing the [Cue-Play] key and goes until the
key is released and then it moves back to the
current Cue-Point. [11] LOAD Button
The function of this key depends on the set mode
of the Jog Shuttle Wheel [1] and [2]. In Search
[4] Cue Button
mode (standard), the next title of the Playlist is
Pressing this key moves the player back to the
loaded into0 the Player by pressing of the [LOAD]
last Cue-Point and goes into Cue mode. Press
button. In Cue mode, additional holding of LOAD
the Cue key longer than one second and the
button will cause a change of current position of
player then moves to the beginning of the title or
Cue-Point by beat or by tact (see chapter ‘Beat
by pressing one second again will move it to the
stepping using BPM Studio’ too). In Archive mode,
current Cue-Point.
pressing the LOAD button will load the selected
title into the Playlist using the Jog Shuttle Wheel.
[5] Play Button This title will be loaded into Player immediately
Pressing this key starts the player from the current by double click. Holding the key longer than 3
position (i.e. the Cue-Point). If the Play button is seconds will replace the complete Playlist by the
pressed again, the player goes into Pause Mode.
selected group or playlist in the archive.
The current start position of the player (before
any anew pressing on the Play key is made) is
stored as a Cue-Point and can be started again
with the [Cue] key any time.
BPM Studio RCP-2001 Description
RCP-2001 Description BPM Studio
[14e] BPM value indicator, here the display will [15] DirectCue keys 1 - 6
show BPM value taken from the ID3-Tag of the (Not active in the BPM Studio LE)
loaded title or value of real time BPM Counter. The Direct-Cue keys make it possible to store up
to 6 favourite positions in any title as Cue-Point
[14f] Displays Pitch value in percents. on-the-fly or optionally to save Loops recorded
with the Loop Player. Then, these points and
[14g] Displays the Pitch mode type. According Loops can be started just by a single touch of the
to the chosen mode in the program panel, you DirectCue key. Stored Cue-Point will be indicated
will see if the changes of speed will work with or by a key lightning in red. If a stored Loop is on
without change of the sound level (Master- this key, then key color is changed into orange.
Tempo). Read all about these keys in chapter “Working
with DirectCue keys” and “Working with the Loop
[14h] Displays the mode of Jog Wheel. Using the Player”.
Archive [16], [17] keys it is possible to switch
between operation modes of the Jog Wheels.
[16], [17] Archive button
[Archive] indicates File Archive Mode, [P.List]
Using the [ARCHIVE]-key [16] you can switch
indicates the Playlist Archive Mode and the
the Jog Wheel [1], [2] into the File Archive Mode.
[Search] Search Mode (standard operation
It is indicated additionally in the display by
symbol. The [P.List] key [17] switches
to the Playlist Archive mode . By pressing
[14i] Bar indicator displays the current play
the key again the Search mode will be switched
back (switching back takes place
automatically as well, when any other key of the
[14k] The title display shows the current loaded
Player is pressed or after 30 seconds, if you have
title and the interpreter from ID3- Tag of the MP3
not moved the Jog Shuttle Wheel during this time).
file. The display scrolls automatically when data
cannot be completely presented.
If you experience problems with the performance [18] NEXT TRACK button
of your system, title scrolling can also be turned Using this function, you can “park” any next title
off in the program options of the Remote Control in waiting position during current reproduction of
Unit. a title. Then, it will be played automatically as next
This display can be also used to show a lot of title irrespective of current Playlist. Press NEXT
supplementary information. In the archive mode TRACK key. In the display [14] will be
for example, the respective selected group, displayed. Now, choose a title from current Playlist
Playlist or the title in archive will be displayed here by the TRACK SELECTOR [12]. (Chosen title is
temporary. shown in the display under ).
Optionnaly you can enlighten a title immediately
[14l] Displays the four additional functions: Single- and then start NEXT TRACK also by pressing
/Continous-Play, Shuffle and Repeat. TRACK-Selector.
Programming can be done using the [MODE] key
[20] and [SET] key [21].
BPM Studio RCP-2001 Description
[19] Time Button By pressing this [MODE] button multiply you can
Using this button you can switch the play time select one of the modes. Corresponding indicator
indicator in display [14] between total play time will blink in display [14]. Now, using the [SET]-
(ELAPSED) and remaining time of title (REMAIN). key [21] function, you can switch it on/off.
(TOTAL is not supported at present)
Continous Play :
If this mode is activated, then next title in the
Playlist will be automatically loaded and played
at the end of the current title.
Single Play :
If this mode is activated, then next title in the
Playlist will be automatically loaded but not started
at the end of the current title.
Shuffle :
The titles in the Playlist will be played in random
[20] MODE Button order. Each change of the Playlist will cause a
By this button you can program four additional random new title order of list as long as this mode
functions: Single-/Continous-Play, Shuffle and is enabled.
Repeat :
If this function is active, then the loaded title is
played continuously. If this function is turned off,
then the next title of the list will be loaded.
RCP-2001 Description BPM Studio
[22] Tempo Button [29] Sampler-Status-LED
Press this key to change the playback speed 3 colors LED display shows the Sample Player
without modification of the pitch. The TEMPO - status. If the green light is on, then Sample Player
LED [23] indicates the Master-Tempo function. is ready to work. Orange light indicates that
Attention! The pitch range changes when closing Scratch mode is ready. Red light indicates that a
the Master Tempo function. Please also read the file is loading into the Sampler Player. During this
information contained in chapter Player of this time no sample can be played.
[30] Sampler Control and Preview
[23] TEMPO - LED Player’s Control
Is lit if the Master Tempo function is active.
With both and keys you can assign
[24] Pitch Button output of the Sample Player to Player A or Player
Using this key, you can deactivate the settings of B. It is only necessary when no own
the playback speed via the [Pitch slider] [10]. sound card channel is assigned or only two output
channels are at disposal (according to the
hardware and software configuration of your
[25] Pitch-LED system). [0] key stops playing all samples.
Is lit if the Pitch or Master Tempo function is active.
Preview Player’s Control:
[26] BRAKE-LED If the Sample Player is in Pause mode, that
Is lit if the function BRAKE is active. If BRAKE is means, if no sample is played, you can start the
in progress, then this LED is blinking. Preview Player of the File archive using the [0]
key. Now, the selected title will be played via the
monitor channel and can be heard irrespectively
[27] BRAKE Button
of the running program. In this mode, the
The BRAKE function simulates braking down to
0 or the push of a turn-table. The effect is triggered and keys work as fast forward and fast
if the BRAKE light is on and the title is started or
stopped using the [PLAY] button [5]. Once the reverse.
breaking effect of the title has started you can
slow it down or stop playing by using the internal [31], [32], [33] Fade Control
Jog Wheel disc. (not active in the BPM Studio LE)
These three keys adjust the automatic Cross
[28] Sample Player [1] to [9] [AUTO] [31] switches Auto-fade mode on or off.
Using these keys you can start the Samples to 9
If the Auto-fade mode is activated then this key
of the BPM Studio Sample Player. Read section
shines in red.
Sample Player in this manual about different
By the [FADE] key [32] you apply the set fade
possibilities of working with samples.
process to the current title. This key blinks in red
as long as Cross fader is on and both Players
run. Using the [MODE] key [33] you can switch
between 6 different fade process presets. The
current running fade process will be deleted.
BPM Studio RCP-2001 Description
RCP-2001 Description BPM Studio
[37] Remote start input (P. START) [38] Serial cable socket
This input works with mixers through the Remote Connect the (9-pin, Sub-D) plug of the Remote
Start function (or Puls Start). An example would Control Unit with the supplied serial cable to your
be some of the BEHRINGER models. Both PC. The maximum length of cable that can be
players will be controlled using one contact. used is 49.2 feet (15 m), however we do not
Connections to the mixer are mostly recommend using more than 32.8 feet (10 m).
accomplished through a ¼ inch - mono jack. Another socket to connect power supply and
Connection to the BPM Studio Remote Control serial connection is on the left side of casing. This
Unit RCP-1001 by the RCP-2001 can be made makes it possible to use Remote Control Unit also
through a 1/8-inch stereo jack. So, please use an as table device without bothering plugs on the
adapter connecting the 1/8-inch stereo jack to ¼ back side of device. To use it you need a special
inch - mono jack. Remote Start Input has to be cable, which is available from your local
chosen in the program options (index card ALCATech dealer or directly from ALCATech.
„Remote Control”, Checkbox „Puls Start”). Finally
you can activate Fader-Start and Fader-Stop. [39] Power supply socket
Connect delivered power supply cable (12 V, at
How it works: least 1 A) to this socket.
Player A is started by locking contact A and is
stopped by locking it once more. The same is
valid for Player B and contact B. Through program
options you can activate fade start and also stop
separate fade.
BPM Studio Professional working with RCP-2001
Using the Loop Player you can reapeat any Press the[RECORD] key [6] to set the start point
programmed sequence as often as you wish. Start of the sample (Point A) and to begin recording of
and exit points can be set on-the-fly and edited the sample. will be shown in display and the
any time later. Using the Tact-Stepping function A key shines.
you can make each Loop wider or shorter in exact
steps of 4 Beats. Each Loop can be also stored
by the DirectCue key [15] or Sample Player key
[28] and will be also at the disposal again after
system restart.
As long as you pressed only the A key, As soon as the B key is pressed, you
you can overwrite the old start point of can set the end point (B) on-the-fly by
the Loop by pressing the A key anew and pressing the B key and again and reduce
you set new point on-the-fly. the Loop in this way.
Professional working with RCP-2001 BPM Studio
Set a start point at any position by pressing the
A key. After that A key lights in orange.
BPM Studio Professional working with RCP-2001
Now the B key and the [EXIT/RELOOP] key will After that this key will light in orange, what
light in green.+ indicates that there is a stored Loop (Cue-Points
will be shown by a red key). The stored Loop can
be activated any time by pressing that key.
Thereupon it will be taken to the Loop Player (keys
[6] to [8]) and started. Also editing functions are
once more at your disposal as usually.
Now, using the Tact-Stepping function (ring of Jog
Shuttle Wheel). you can make the Loop longer or 8.1.5. Loop storing by a Sample
shorter by a tact at a time. The result will be Player key
constantly played by what other interesting effects
The Player has to be in the Loop Play mode (Step
can be produced.
2 on the previous page).
Professional working with RCP-2001 BPM Studio
8.1.7. Editing a Loop
Recorded Loop can be edited and changed using
the Loop Player. Therefore the Player has to be
in the Cue mode. Therefore press the Cue key
[4]. Now, all the three keys of the Loop Player
light in orange and Cue key shines in red:
8.1.8. Beat-Stepping
Hold the [LOAD] key [11] pressed and
additionally turn the disc of Jog Shuttle Wheel,
then you can move the A point exactly one tact
Replacing of the start point (A):
Press the A key [6] now. (per 4 beats).
We recommend to store the BPM value, exactly determined by the Realtime BPM Counter
earlier, using the key combination: [MEMORY] + [SET]. It decreases possible differences of
those positions in the title, where Beat cannot be predetermined exactly.
BPM Studio Professional working with RCP-2001
If you hold the [LOAD] key [11] pressed, you can Replacing of the end point (B):
navigate with the Pitch Bend buttons exactly one The Player has to be again in Pause mode. Press
beat forward or reverse. the B key [7].
After that this key will blink and the complete Loop
will be played. In the title display “MOVING-> B”
will be shown additionally and in the time display
the total length of the Loop, and the time between
A and B as well.
Now you can displace this point by the disc of
the Jog Shuttle Wheel.
You can also change the exit point equally by This way an exact correction of the Loop is
pressing the B key in Edit mode or start the Loop possible, for example if the end point was not
by [EXIT/RELOOP], for example for preliminary exactly met during the first setting.
listening. In every case, edited points are taken
Professional working with RCP-2001 BPM Studio
Shifting of the end point by tacts
Using the ring of Jog Shuttle Wheel, the end point
B can be moved in Edit mode by tacts (exactly 4
This means it is presupposed that the title is a 4/
4 tact. Also at a 2/4 tact, efficient results can be
reached, however not by titles with 3/4 or 6/8 tacts.
Press again on the still blinking B key to take over
(1.) The Player is in Edit mode for the exit point changes.
(B blinks).
You can also change the exit point equally by
pressing the B key in Edit mode or start Loop by
[EXIT/RELOOP], for example for preliminary
listening. In every case, the edited point is taken
BPM Studio Professional working with RCP-2001
The BPM Studio offers beside the standard Cue If you activate now the [CUE] key [4], then the
function additionally 6 Direct-Cue keys. Therefore Play position is set on this CUE point and the
it is possible to store up to 6 favourite positions in Player is switched to CUE. Now, the [CUE] key
any title on-the-fly as Cue-Point. Then, these [4] lights in red and indicates, that the current
points can be called up without delay by a single Play position is at the CUE point.
press of a Direct Cue key. All the stored DirectCue
points are available after system restart and at
your disposal after the title is loaded again. With
the Remote Control Units RCP-2001 you have
comfortable access via the Direct-Cue keys 1 to
6 [15]. In the user interface of the software (only
the BPM Studio Pro from Version 4 on up) all
DirectCue points will be shown alternately in the
title display. Read first how to use the Standard
Professional working with RCP-2001 BPM Studio
Now, move the disc of the Jog Shuttle Wheel [2]. Press again and then the corrections will be
The [CUE] key [4] is extinguished and 160 ms stored by the [CUE] key [4] and the Player
will be played as Loop repeatedly from that CUE remains in Pause Mode.
point. (See also chapter “Beat-Matching with the
BPM Studio”).
BPM Studio Professional working with RCP-2001
Press the Direct Cue key within this 10 seconds 8.2.6. Editing of DirectCue points
to store the Cue-Point onto this key. Start the title to edit the DirectCue point by
pressing the corresponding DirectCue key.
Professional working with RCP-2001 BPM Studio
Based on the exact BPM values of the Realtime This can be attained by simultaneous holding the
BPM Counter you can navigate unrestricted within [LOAD] key and pressing any of the Pitch Bend
the exact Beat Raster of the title as soon as a keys:
Cue-Point has been singly synchronized to a beat.
This possibility can be useful by editing Cue-
Points and start or end points in the Loop Player.
All the following functions are only practicable if
the Player is in Cue Mode or if the Edit Mode of
the Loop Player is activated. Read corresponding
chapters of manual how Beat-Stepping can be
especially applied.
(3.) By using Tact-Stepping you can navigate
through the title by tacts (4 beats each), beginning
from a already defined Cue-Point.
It is necessary to store the BPM value While the Player is in Cue mode, each time 160
determined exactly by the Realtime BPM ms will be played from the Cue-Point repeatedly
Counter earlier, using the key as a Loop. (See chapter “Beat Matching with BPM
combination: [MEMORY] + [SET] . It Studio”).
decreases possible differences in the
positions of the title, where the Beat
cannot be predetermined exactly.
BPM Studio Keyboard use
Keyboard use BPM Studio
Other functions:
Toggle + P: Load selected Track into Player
Toggle + Q: Load selected Track in Playlist
Toggle + Y: Pitch reset
Toggle + Z: Pitch on/off
BPM Studio Tips and Instructions
Contact BPM Studio
Contact, support
ALCATech GmbH assures the technical support Please remember to give your Registration
by e-mail and fax. Your questions by e-mail please number and program version. We will be glad to
send to support@alcatech.de or by fax to +49 receive your suggestions to improve this manual.
3675 4201 20.
Updated: 06/14/2001.
BPM Studio Glossary
9.4. Glossary
Application Buffer
Software programs that perform different tasks A memory space where data is held temporarily
that otherwise wouldn't be accomplished by an before final treatment. BPM Studio loads the title
operating system itself. Examples of such from the hard disk into the buffer for a few seconds
applications are: a text-editing program such as and then uncompresses it before the sound card
Microsoft WORD, a bookkeeping program and receives it. Thanks to this action, no lockups or
BPM Studio. other malfunctions occur.
ASF Configuration
Abbreviation for Advanced Streaming Format. It "To configure" means to adapt the hardware and
is a streaming format for files developed by Micro- software to meet your own needs. BPM Studio
soft. has a lot of possible different configurations in
the program options context menu. Please, read
Beat the program options section in this manual for a
A repeating sound that defines speed and tempo detailed description of each selection.
of a title and is normally produced by an
instrument such as a drum for example. Constant Bit Rate
It means simply that the bit rate is not changed
Bit during the copying or encoding. (See VBR also -
A Bit is the smallest unit for binary data. With a Variable Bit Rate)
Bit exactly two different states (0 and 1) are
representable. (Bit = binary digit). A Bit is also a Cue
position in the dual system. Most of the PCs and A cue is a position within a title that the player
also the modern information technology are recognizes as a beginning point. BPM Studio
based on this numerical system. makes it possible to set up different Cue-Points
for a title. You can also start playing within a title
Bit Rate from this place.
The bit rate is a measure for the transmission
speed of binary information. The scale unit for Cursor
the bit rate is bps (bits per second, number of Symbol which shows on the monitor the position
transmitted bits at one second). The maximal bit of the next input. The traditionally cursor (e.g. at
rate of a connection is also named as "bandwidth". a DOS operating system) was displayed as a
As greather the bandwidth, as bigger is the simply, blinking underline. Since the era of grafical
transmission speed. Some standard bit rates are user interfaces and operating sytems the cursor
e.g.: 96 Kbit, 128 Kbit, 196 Kbit, 244 Kbit. As can change its design in accordance with its
higher bit rates allow to transfer more information function.
a better sound quality is obtainable. But a higher
bit rate is always associated with a higher demand Desktop
on memory space, as you have to store more The desktop or the background is what you see
information as well. on your computer monitor before you start any
other programs. This is the place where you start
to work with other programs or files that you may
Glossary BPM Studio
Dialogue box In this process, titles are copied from the CD as
The Dialog box is a window that you can use to WAVE files to the hard disk. Then, an encoder
communicate with the computer or application. will read these files and transform them into MP3
Dialog boxes give you information on the progress FORMAT. BPM Studio also offers the option to
of a working application and offer you the option encode the CDs into MP3 format immediately
to put that information to the use in the application. during reading ('ripping'). You can activate that
For example BPM Studio will show the program option (rip and encode) in the program options -
options as a dialog box. > option CDDA.
Directory Encryption
A directory is an area on the hard disk designated Data translation into an appropriate code to
for storage for data files and other directories. As protect information against unauthorized use by
an example, you would store all of your music other persons. To be able to read coded files, you
titles in a directory. must to have access to a code (or to a password)
that authorizes you to decipher the coded
Driver information.
A driver is a program that determines how a
computer will communicate with a peripheral File
device such as a sound card or video card. The Data collection (based on an application or pro-
manufacturers of the peripherals create the gram) of a determined type put on a computer,
drivers. We recommend always visiting the on floppy disks, on CD etc. Each file is stored
manufacturer homepage of your sound card and under an attributed name so that it's quick to find
other peripherals to find the newest information for later use.
about their drivers.
Dynamics This is the preparation of a data medium (for
Dynamics (or dynamic volume) in regard to sound example: a hard disk) to store files. This is usually
is a range between the smallest and the greatest done during the first installation of an operating
value of volume (the softest and the loudest system on a hard disk. It is also done to any
position). If the possibility to copy or play silence additional hard disk in a PC.
or loudness is greater, then greater the dynamics Format is a word that determines arrangement
will be. It is also valid in the same way in the based on rules. For example, there are left hand
recording of audio signals. and right hand text formats and there are
determined audio file formats like WAVE, MP2
Encode, Encoder, Encoding and MP3.
To encode (code) means to transfer messages
or files into an encrypted form. Code is a system Icon
of rules that is applied to transform a message A small image on the Desktop that symbolizes or
into an impossible form so that it can only be read represents a program or file. You can see
by authorized persons (normally to keep a examples of different icons on your Desktop.
message in secrecy). Another way to encode is Normally, they are arranged on left side of the
by decreasing the number of determined rules screen as 'Recycle Bin', 'My Computer', and 'My
used by an application with regards to huge data Documents'. They are also called 'shortcut icons'.
transfer without a considerable loss of content. Programs associated with an icon will start by
MP3 files are created as audio files by using an double clicking on the icon.
audio Codec that holds only a fraction of the ori-
ginal size of the file. The reading of AUDIO CDs
is also called 'ripping'.
BPM Studio Glossary
Interface Module
This is the medium between hardware, software Hardware or software that is a part of a bigger
and the user. Basically, it allows the user to system and represents influences to this system.
communicate with the PC in a simple way. A software module is a program that is developed
to take over a specific part of a bigger program.
Joint Stereo The virtual Player, Mixer and CD - Player/Encoder
This means that the encoder dynamically chooses are modules of BPM Studio. These modules are
an encoding algorithm according to the contents available in some or all versions of software.
of the audio file for each separate frame. This
way each frame is encoded with the best possible MP3
quality. The file size is simultaneously reduced This is a file format developed by Fraunhofer IIS
thanks to a better compression ratio. These files in Germany. It contains compressed audio and
are also known as VBR files. BPM Studio can ID3 tag information. MP3's are intelligently
play these files without any problems. compressed and are adapted to the sensibility of
the human hearing and acoustic susceptibility. It
Kbit (kilobit) dynamically takes away all of the redundant, non-
A kilobit corresponds to 1024 bits (1 kBit = 1024 essential and not perceptible information and only
bits). The BPM Studio glossary definition should stores the necessary information for Hi-fi quality
not be confused with the metric system definition play. The file size can be minimized to 1/8th and
where kilo is 1000. 1/19th of the original Wave file size. Thanks to
the MP3 Format, it was possible for the first time
Metronome to transfer music through Internet in Hi-fi quality
This is a device that utters a fixed or continual with minimal download times. Larger and larger
sound (Tick, Whistle or blinking light). It is hard disks make it possible to store more music
primarily used by musicians to maintain a desired titles directly on your computer. As a result of all
beat or play speed of a title so that it is not slower this, it was possible for BPM Studio to be
or faster than what is designated. developed and introduced as a MP3 technology
into the DJ field.
Midi is a serial communication protocol between Parameter
electronic musical instruments and effect devices. A parameter is a factor that determines a range
It serves to enlarge the sound capacities of a of variations. By adding parameters to the end
device. An example of this would be a PC with of a program command line, you can make the
MIDI software. program run differently. A few examples of
parameters in BPM Studio are: buffer size, data
path and compression rate.
Glossary BPM Studio
Peripheral Subdirectory
An auxiliary device, such as a printer, modem, This is a director y within a director y.
storage system or external Remote Control Unit Subdirectories are used to organize files. This
that works in conjunction with a computer. makes it easier to find files.
Pitch Tempo
Professional CD players allows the user to change Tempo is the original speed of a title. The song
the playback speed of a track. This is neccesary writer or interpreter defines this speed. With the
e.g. for synchronizing two titles with different Pitch function of most professional CD players,
speed (BPM - beats per minute) resp. playback and BPM Studio as well, this speed can be
with the same speed. The measure of the changed in a wide range.
changed speed in contrast to the original speed
is called "pitch" and is stated in percent. A pitch Text field
value of +100% means that the title will be played This is a rectangular box where text can be
with the double speed, -50% plays the titel with entered. There are many different ways to use
the half of the speed. these Text boxes for example: changing standard
text entries or other pretending text (if the change
Pitch Bend is allowed), entering necessar y program
Using the Pitch Bend function a temporary information to enable the program to work and
increaseing or decreasing of the pitch is possible. also editing title entries in the ID3V3 tags for later
This is usefully if two titles, already played back use.
with the same speed, shall be synchronized in
beat. By pressing a Pitch Bend button the speed Track
will be increase or decrease continuously. At We refer to a Track as recorded title, a piece of
releasing the button the title returns continuously music or a song.
to its originally speed as well. With the Pitch Bend
buttons the beats of two titels can synchronized VBR Files
exactly and very small corrections of both players Compared to CBR (Constant bit rate), the encoder
are possible. analyzes the title's VBR (variable bit rate) and
chooses an exact compression algorithm for
Rip, Ripping every frame adapted by the MP3 encoding. This
Ripping is act of reading an Audio CD using the allows for better compression at higher bit rates
CD-ROM drive of a computer and storing the compared to the compression of a simple signal
information onto a hard disk. IBM PC's use the or CBR.
Wave format for ripping and Mac computers use
the AIFF format. The generation of an MP3 file WAVE file
can happen either after a rip or simultaneously This format is used by Windows to store audio
as the rip is being performed. signals free of sound quality loss. Examples of
sources of this sound quality could be: Audio
Root Directory CD's, Film soundtracks and records. All signals
When a floppy or hard disk is formatted for use, are copied exactly. The quality in the WAV file is
this particular directory is created. It is called the the same as in the original data. But, in order to
Root Directory. It contains important systematic have this kind of quality it is necessary to have a
files and is the first level for subdirectories. large amount of free hard disk space.
Selection box
This is a text box that enables a choice between
'ON' and 'OFF' or 'Yes' or 'No'.
BPM Studio
© 1999-2002 by ALCATech GmbH. All rights reserved. CD-ROM on other data storing media. All authors and productive
rights reserved. ALCATECH GmbH takes no responsibility for any
BPM Studio user manual for Windows damage caused by the use of the CD-ROM. Before installing any
new software programs (including BPM Studio) on your computer,
This working manual as well as the software described in it are you should make a backup of your files. Intel is a registered
part of the license agreement and can only be used or copied in trademark of the Intel Corporation. Pentium, Pentium II and Pen-
accordance with conditions of the license and it is not considered tium Pro are trademarks of the Intel Corporation. Microsoft, Win-
as an ALCATech GmbH obligation. ALCATech GmbH does not dows, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows NT
give any guarantee or warranty in regard to the correctness and/ and Windows 2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft in the
or exactness of the contents of this manual. No part of this license USA and other countries. All other trademarks are property of
can be reproduced, stored in data banks, or transferred in any their respective owners.
other form, whether it be electronic, photomechanical, on sound
media or in any other way - unless by the electronically-agreed Composed and designed by ALCATech, Germany.
license, without prior written permission of ALCATech GmbH.
Copyright © 1999-2002 ALCATech GmbH,
License conditions: D-96515 Sonneberg, Otto-Bergner-Strasse 30, Germany.
The program and all its parts are copyright protected.
The buyer is granted the right to use the program on one computer. Internet: www.alcatech.de · www.alcatech.com
This right is not transferable, rentable or distributable. It is forbidden
to change, duplicate, rent, transfer and use the contents of the Printed in Germany