4 Angle Modulation: QUESTIONS:ANSWERS:What Do You Call of The General Term That Includes Frequencyand Phase
4 Angle Modulation: QUESTIONS:ANSWERS:What Do You Call of The General Term That Includes Frequencyand Phase
4 Angle Modulation: QUESTIONS:ANSWERS:What Do You Call of The General Term That Includes Frequencyand Phase
Angle Modulation
QUESTIONS:ANSWERS:What do you call of the general term that includes frequencyand phase modulation?Angle Modulation1. radio broadcasting2. sound signal in televisionWhat are the applications of FM?3. t o! ay fi"ed and mobileradio systems#. satellite communications$. cellular telephone system1. data communicationWhat are the applications of %M?2. used in some FM transmitteras an intermediate step in generation of FMWhat is the most important advantage of FM of %M over AM?&he possibility of greatlyimproved signal!to!noise ratio'n FM( the ))))) of the modulated signal varies ith the frequencyamplitude of the modulating signal.'n %M( the ))))) varies directly ith the modulating!signal phaseamplitude.What is the most important thing to remember in all types of't is the amplitude of the modulation?modulating signal that varies the carrier ave.&he FM transmitter can use as *lass ))))) amplifiers throughoutsince amplitude linearity is not important.*What can be accomplished at lo po er levels?ModulationWhen the frequency is greater than the )))))( the phase anglegradually moves ahead( and hen the frequency is lo er thancarrier frequencythe carrier frequency( the phase begins to lag.What is generated hen changing the amplitude of a sine ave?side frequencies or sidebandsWhat is the simplest method that can be use in generation use +*,of FM signal?-voltage!controlled oscillator.What is proportional to the amplitude( not the frequency( of themodulating signal?frequency deviationWhat is defined as the pea/ deviation( in radians?phase modulation inde"What is proportional to frequency deviation and inversely proportional to modulating frequency?modulation inde"&he ))))) the frequency change( the greater the ))))) in phasegreater( increaseangle.What type of filter hen the baseband is passed through a lo !pass filter ith the frequency response?integratorWhat produces an infinite number of sidebands even for a single!tone modulation?angle modulationWhat can be used to e"press a series of sinusoids?0essel FunctionsWhat represents normali1ed voltages for the various frequencycomponents of an FM or %M signal( that is( the numbers in the0essel Functionstable represents the actual voltages if the unmodulated carrier has amplitude of 1+?'n 0essel Function hat represents the amplitude of the component at the carrier frequency?2oWhat is the other term for 2o?rest frequency'n 0essel Function( What represents the amplitude of each of the first$ set of sidebands?21&he band idth( for practical purposes( is equal to t ice the number of the ))))) significant 0essel coefficient( multiplied highestby the modulating frequency.What appro"imation that can be used to find the band idth of an FM signal?*arson3s 4ule'n general hat can be used for voice communication?narro band idth))))) due to noise are associated ith frequency shifts that illbe interpreted by the receiver as part of the modulation.phase shift QUESTIONS:ANSWERS:What effect can be observed by simply driving a ay from anFM broadcast transmitter hile listening to it on a car radio? threshold effectWhat do you call of the effect of the strong signal that capturesthe receiver( and in fact this property of FM?capture effectWhat do you call of the noise po er that is evenly distributed across the channel at the receiver band idth? hite noiseAn improvement in 567 can be made by boosting or ))))) thesehigh frequencies before modulation( ith a corresponding cut inpre!emphasi1ingthe receiver after demodulation.When FM as stereo introduced?1891What is used such as bac/ground music stores and offices?5ubsidiary *arrier AssociationWhat is the ma"imum audio frequency of 5*A signal?: ;<1What instrument allo s the po er in the carrier and each sidebandto be measured( and it allo s the modulation frequency to be 5pectrum analy1erfound by measuring the separation bet een sidebands?What do you call of the method of measuring deviation that is elegant and simple( but requires an e"pensive spectrum analy1er0essel 1ero methodand complete control over the modulating frequency?What includes the angle modulation?frequency modulationphase modulationWhat is idely used for analog communications? frequency modulationWhat is used for data communications?phase modulation&he ))))) of an angle modulation signal does not change ithmodulation( but the ))))) increases due to generation of po er( band idthmultiple sides of sidebands.What can be used to calculate the voltage and po er of each sidebands?0essel FunctionWhat rule is an appro"imation of band idth?*arson3s 4uleFM has significant advantage compared ith AM in the presenceof noise interference( provided that the ))))) is relatively largedeviationand the signal is reasonably strong.What can be used to improve the 567 for FM?pre! emphasisWhat do you call of the scheme that preserves compatibility ith monaural receiver and requires only a slight increase in multiple"ing schemeband idth?What is much more useful than an oscilloscope for the analysisof FM signals?spectrum analy1er GlossaryQUESTIONS:ANSWERS:What do you call of the general term that includes frequency and angle modulation?angle modulationWhat do you call of the ability of FM receiver to receive the stronger of t o signals( ignoring the ea/er?capture effectWhat do you call of the frequency of signal before modulationis applied?carrier frequencyWhat is used of lo !pass filter in a receiver to remove the effect of pre!emphasis on the frequency response?de!emphasisWhat do you call of the
Angle Modulation
amount by hich the frequency of an FMsignal shifts to each side of the carrier frequency?frequency deviation'n FM and %M( hat do you call of the pea/ amount in radiansby hich the phase of the signals deviates from its resting value?modulation inde"What do you call of an FM ith a relatively lo modulation inde"?-70FM.7arro band FMWhat is use of a high!pass filter in an FM transmitter to improvethe signal!to! noise ratio= and al ays used ith de!emphasis atpre!emphasisthe receiver?What do you call of the frequency of the unmodulated carrierof an FM signal?rest frequencyWhat is the synonyms for rest frequency?carrier frequencyWhat do you call of the secondary carrier that can carry an additional modulating signal and is itself modulated onto the subcarriermain carrier?What do you call of the noise reduction effect that occurs ithstrong FM signals?threshold effectWhat do you call of an FM ith relatively large modulation inde"?-W0FM. ideband FM