Elements of Telecommunication: Frequency Modulation
Elements of Telecommunication: Frequency Modulation
Elements of Telecommunication: Frequency Modulation
To equip participants with the fundamental knowledge of
modulation and its applications in telecommunication
At the end of the chapter participants should be able to:
• For small values of mf (mf < l) there are only one or two
pairs of significant side frequencies.
• These cases correspond to so called narrow band FM. For
values of mf>>1 the side frequencies cover a wide
• They show clearly that an increase in the modulation
index of an FM wave will result in an increase in the
number of side frequencies generated.
• When the number of side frequencies is greater than
about 10, the number of significant side frequencies
does not depend very much on mf.
Frequency modulation
• In the case of an amplitude modulated signal the bandwidth
required is twice the maximum frequency of the modulation.
• Whilst the same is true for a narrowband FM signal, the situation
is not true for a wideband FM signal.
• The required bandwidth can be very much larger, with detectable
sidebands spreading out over large amounts of the frequency
• Usually it is necessary to limit the bandwidth of a signal so that it
does not unduly interfere with stations either side.
• As a frequency modulated signal has sidebands that extend out to
infinity, it is normal accepted practice to determine the bandwidth
as that which contains approximately 98% of the signal power.
• For the case of fd = 75 KHz and fm(max) = 15 KHz, which
is typical for a normal FM broadcast system, we obtain a
bandwidth of 180KHz.
• A corresponding AM system (2 x fm(max) = 30 KHz and
accounts for the inherent wideband nature of FM.
• The use of a large bandwidth leads to a considerable
improvement in signal-to-noise ratio, which is one of the
main advantage of FM compared to AM.
• Narrowband PM does not possess this property due to
its small frequency deviation.
Key points for frequency modulation
bandwidth and sidebands
• The main disadvantage of f.m is the much wider bandwidth required if the
possible S/N improvement is to be realized.
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