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APAR Budgetary

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Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

APR FORM (Budgetary)

To: The Asst General Manager / Chief Manager HRM Department I have received A.P.R orm for !ear ended "#.$".%$ 'C. from Mr. /Ms.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& and have for)arded it to Mr Reporting/ Revie)ing part. .ignat/re (ame 'C. (o. Designation Date &&&&&&&&&&


/Ms. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

presentl! )or*ing at &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& +ranch / ,ffice- for completing the


+ranch/,ffice &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

........................................................ Cut here .................................................................

(To be ha ded o!er to A""ra#$ee) I have received A.P.R orm for !ear ended "#.$".%$ from Mr / Ms.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 'C.(o. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& and have for)arded it to Mr. /Ms. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& presentl! )or*ing at &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& +ranch / ,ffice- for completing the Reporting / Revie)ing part. .ignat/re (ame 'C. (o. Designation Date &&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& +ranch/,ffice &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

FORM % &A'


(To be filled in by the Appraisee)

(AM' , APPRAI.'': 'C.(,. : &&&&&&&&&&

0./rname irst1

.CA2' :&&&&&&&&&&

D'.IG(ATI,(:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& R'GI,(/, IC': &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

+RA(CH/D'PARTM'(T: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&


i. A""ra#$ee to fill in his/her name on all the pages of APR form. Details given in +io3data to 4e filled in acc/ratel! along )ith his/her signat/re.

ii. Partic/lars on page no35 to 4e filled in 4! the A""ra#$ee and rated 4! the Reporting A/thorit!.

(AM' , REPORT*NG A(T-OR*T.: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .CA2': &&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& D'.IG(ATI,(: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& IC': &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

+RA(CH/D'PARTM'(T: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& R'GI,(/,

(AM' , RE)*EW*NG A(T-OR*T.:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&& .CA2': &&&&&&&&&& D'.IG(ATI,(: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& IC': &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

+RA(CH/D'PARTM'(T: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& R'GI,(/,

(AM' , ACCEPT*NG A(T-OR*T.:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .CA2': &&&&&&&&&& D'.IG(ATI,(: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& IC': &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

+RA(CH/D'PARTM'(T: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& R'GI,(/,

i. ii.


The Re"ort# g Author#ty to give comments against all parameters and a)ard mar*s on relevant pages. The Re!#e0# g Author#ty to a)ard mar*s and give comments and training needs along )ith his signat/re on page37 8 page39. iii. The A11e"t# g Author#ty to a)ard mar*s and give comments along )ith his signat/re on page39. iv. Mar*s sho/ld 4e a)arded o/t of ma:. mar*s allotted for each attri4/te. No a2terat#o # 3a45 3ar6$ #$ "er3#tted5 v. P2ea$e e $ure that Tota2 Mar6$ ta22y. In case of error in total- arithmetical total )ill 4e ta*en as correct. vi. No o!er0r#t# g # 3ar6$ be do e5 . In case of changes in mar*s- the same sho/ld 4e c/t 4! t)o hori;ontal parallel lines and mar*s to 4e )ritten afresh )ith signat/re of the concerned a/thorit!. vii. If an officer is rated 7Be2o0 A!erage8 0i.e. Total Mar*s less than 5$1 4! either Reporting or Revie)ing A/thorit! or 4! 4oth- the appraisee to 4e advised 4! the concerned A/thorit! in )riting a4o/t his shortcomings in this regard so that he gets an opport/nit! to improve. Cop! of the letter to 4e attached to the APR form and s/4mitted to HRD Dept.- H,.

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

PAG' < #/9

(To be filled in by Appraisee) Re"ort a$ o (A) PER,ONAL DATA = EC5No5= &&&&&&&&&&&&& &
0./rname irst1



Region&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& +ranch/Dept.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Date of +irth&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Age: &&&&&&&& =ears: &&&&&&&Months:&&&&&& Present Designation&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .cale&&&&&&&&&&& .ince&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 'd/cational >/alification&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Position regarding ?AII+/CAII+&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Professional >/alification- if an! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C/rrent Assignment &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .ince&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ?oined the 4an* on &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& as &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& @or*ing /nder the reporting official since &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .tat/s 3 .C / .T / ,+C / G'( / 'A.M / PH &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&& &&&

.tat/s of disciplinar! action initiated &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& d/ring the period /nder revie)/pendingif an!: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (B) .r. # % " 5 B PROMOT*ON DETA*L,: rom Cadre/.cale To Cadre/.cale Date of effect

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

PAG' < %/9

C) (#) PRE)*O(, A,,*GNMENT, CO)ER*NG PRECED*NG > .EAR, : .r . # % " 5 B (##) OT-ER *MPORTANT A,,*GNMENT, -ELD PR*OR TO T-E ABO)E : .r. # % " (D) ,r5 # % " 5 B C (E) TRA*N*NG NEED, FOR NEBT .EAR= MA?OR TRA*N*NG PROGRAMME, ATTENDED ,O FAR : 0.eminar/@or*shop not to 4e incl/ded1 ,ub@e1t * $t#tute Durat#o (Aro3 % to) Position Grade +r./,ffice D/ration 0from 3 to1 Position .cale +r./,ffice D/ration 0 rom 3 To1

0a1&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 041&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (F) a1 41 (G) LEA)E PO,*T*ON A, ON 9:$t Mar1hC <; 5 ..2.&&&&&&&&&&&& .p...2. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& MA?OR -EALT- PROBLEMC *F AN.=

P.2.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Date : &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

.ignat/re of Appraisee

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

PAG' < "/9

,ELF APPRA*,AL (To be filled in by appraisee - Not More than 2 pages) (ame of the ,fficer: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& #1 Highlights of m! performance d/ring the !ear are as /nder:


Areas in )hich I feel I have not done )ell are as /nder:


Constraints faced:


@hat according to me )o/ld ena4le me to perform 4etter:


,/tstanding achievements d/ring the !ear /nder revie)- in addition to reg/lar/ro/tine assignments:


An! o/tstanding performance o/tside the +an* 0Assigned 4! the +an*1:


Contri4/tion in implementation of ,fficial 2ang/age Polic!- i.e.- Hindi


Details of m! participation in stri*e/agitation called 4! Dnion/Association d/ring the period /nder revie). ./ggestions- if an!- for f/rther gro)th 8 development of 4ranch/+an*.



.ignat/re of the Appraisee

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

B(,*NE,, D*MEN,*ON,
(To be filled by Appraisee & rated by Appraiser) Bu$# e$$ goa2$ D Key re$"o $#b#2#ty area$: (ame of the ,fficer: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
,r FACTOR, : RE,O(RCE MOB*L*,AT*ON= .avings A/cs. C/rrent A/cs. Term Deposits 2ead Generation A1h#e!e3e t # F# a 1#a2 * 12u$#o (o .of FCC8GCC iss/ed (o. of ho/sehold covered Monitoring of /ltra small 4ranches < DEPLO.MENT OF F(ND,= (e) Credit proposals sanctioned Total Advances Priorit! .ector Adv. ,f )hich: 3 Agric/lt/re 3 .M' CG. covered /nder .M' 3 ,ther P... Achievement of target /nder advances to .C/.T/ @ea*er .ections of societ! ormation of armersG Cl/4 0no. to 4e mentioned1 2ead Generation R'TAI2 2'(DI(G " 2ead Generation T-*RD PART. PROD(CT, G a. Ins/rance 4. M/t/al /nds c. Govt. +/siness d. 2ead Generation NPA MANAGEMENT (H) > a. 4. c. d. e. (PA Total Recover! ,f )hich- Cash Recover! Dpgradation of A/cs. Recover! in @ritten ,ff A/cs. :; (A3t5) (A3t5) (A3t5) (A3t) > > :; G F A1tua2 Pre!#ou$ .ear A3t5 * 2a1$ Target .ear e ded 9:/9/<;55 No5oA A3t5 # A/1$5 2a1$ A1h#e!e3e t .ear e ded 9:/9/<;55 No5oA A3t5 # A/1$5 2a1$ E )ar#a% t#o o!er Pre!5 year Ma45 Mar6$ Mar6$ A0ar% ded

PAG' < 5a/9

H Trf to asset recover! 4ranch or sale of asset/technical )rite off sho/ld not 4e part of the recover! fig/re

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

B(,*NE,, D*MEN,*ON,
(To be filled by Appraisee & rated by Appraiser) Bu$# e$$ goa2$ D Key re$"o $#b#2#ty area$: (ame of the ,fficer: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& PAG' < 5a/9

J a. 4. F a. 4. c. d. K a. 4. :; *NCOME GENERAT*ON= Interest Income (on3Interest Income EBPEN,E, MANAGEMENT= Int.paid on Deposits Int.paid on H, +alances .taff ':penses ,ther ,perating ':penses Profit / 2oss

Target a$ o 9:/9/<;55 A3t5 # 2a1$

Po$#t#o a$ o 9:/9/<;55 A3t5 # 2a1$

A1h#e!e 3e t

Ma45 Mar6$

Mar6$ A0ar %ded



> +/siness per 'mplo!ee RE)*EW OF CRED*T FAC*L*T*E,= Position of Revie) of overd/e proposals as of "#/$"/ 3 3 3 Total no. of proposals (o. of proposals revie)ed (o. of proposals pending for revie) : :

: :

TOTAL MARK, (To be 1arr#ed o!er to PAGE%J)


.ignat/re of the Appraisee

.ignat/re of the Reporting A/thorit! Date: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Date: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

(To be filled by Appraisee & rated by Appraiser)

PAG' < 5a/9

Bu$# e$$ goa2$ D Key re$"o $#b#2#ty area$:

(ame of the ,fficer: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
,r FACTOR, A1tua2 Pre!#ou$ .ear A3t5 * 2a1$ : RE,O(RCE MOB*L*,AT*ON= .avings A/cs. C/rrent A/cs. Term Deposits 2ead Generation A1h#e!e3e t # F# a 1#a2 * 12u$#o (o. of FCC8GCC iss/ed (o. of ho/sehold covered Monitoring of /ltra small 4ranches < DEPLO.MENT OF F(ND,= (e) Credit proposals sanctioned Total Advances Priorit! .ector Adv. OA 0h#1h= 3 Agric/lt/re 3 .M' CG. covered /nder .M' 3 ,ther P... Achievement of target /nder advances to .C/.T/ @ea*er .ections of societ! ormation of mentioned1 armersG Cl/4 0no. to 4e Target .ear e ded 9:/9/<;55 Le!e2/ De$1r#"t#o oA A1h#e!e3e t$ aga# $t ea1h KRA (M#d% ter3 "erAor3a 1e) Re$ett# g oA Goa2$ Target$ / ob@e1t#!e$C #A a y Co33e t$ oA RA

No5oA A/1$5

A3t5 # 2a1$

2ead Generation RETA*L LEND*NG 9 G 2ead Generation T-*RD PART. PROD(CT, a. Ins/rance 4. M/t/al /nds c. Govt. +/siness d. 2ead Generation > a. 4. c. d. NPA MANAGEMENT (H) (PA Total Recover! ,f )hich- Cash Recover! Dpgradation of A/cs. Recover! in @ritten ,ff A/cs. (A3t5) (A3t5) (A3t5) (A3t) :;


H Trf to asset recover! 4ranch or sale of asset/technical )rite off sho/ld not 4e part of the recover! fig/re

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

(To be filled by Appraisee & rated by Appraiser)

PAG' < 5a/9

Bu$# e$$ goa2$ D Key re$"o $#b#2#ty area$:

(ame of the ,fficer: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
,r5 No5 FACTOR, Target .ear e ded 9:/9/<;55 Le!e2/ De$1r#"t#o oA A1h#e!e3e t$ aga# $t ea1h KRA (M#d% ter3 "erAor3a 1e) Re$ett# g oA Goa2$ Target$ / ob@e1t#!e$C #A a y Co33e t$ oA RA

A3t5 # 2a1$

A3t5 # 2a1$

J a. 4. F a. 4. c. d. K :;

*NCOME GENERAT*ON= Interest Income (on3Interest Income EBPEN,E, MANAGEMENT= Int.paid on Deposits Int.paid on H, +alances .taff ':penses ,ther ,perating ':penses a. Profit / 2oss 4. +/siness per 'mplo!ee RE)*EW OF CRED*T FAC*L*T*E,= Position of Revie) of overd/e proposals as of "#/"/ H Total no. of proposals H (o. of proposals revie)ed H (o. of proposals pending for revie) TOTAL MARK, (To be 1arr#ed o!er to PAGE%J)

.ignat/re of the Appraisee Date: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

.ignat/re of the Reporting A/thorit! Date: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

L(AL*TAT*)E A,PECT, OF B(,*NE,, PAG' < B/9

(ame of the ,fficer:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

,r5 No
# %

Lua2#tat#!e A$"e1t$
-ou$e Kee"# g= Reconciliation of G.2. Heads- +alancing of +oo*s 8 red/ction in ,ther Assets/F=C compliance * $"e1t#o D Aud#t= A/dit Rating of the +ranch.

Co33e t$ oA Re"ort# g Author#ty

Ma45 Mar6$

Mar6$ A0arded by Re"ort# g Author#ty

@hether A/dit Rating )as /pgraded / do)ngraded / stagnant. Co3"2#a 1e oA * $"e1t#o Re"ort$= 0@hether compliance s/4mitted 4efore stip/lated time/on time according to norms. Give adverse remar*s if compliances are given 4e!ond stip/lated time/)ith /nd/e dela!.1 A. Internal Inspection/ Conc/rrent A/dit +. Reven/e A/dit C. R+I Inspection/2 AR D. Comp/ter A/dit ,ub3#$$#o oA "er#od#1a2 Retur $ Cu$to3er ,er!#1e= ,verall level of c/stomer satisfaction 8 response to c/stomer grievances. (o. of complaints recd. (o. of complaints pending 4e!ond #B da!s. Bra 1h/OAA#1e Pre3#$e$= Cleanliness/Maintenance of Premises/2ease of Premises Responsiveness to vario/s IT initiatives 8 Compliance Attit/de to)ards .C/.T/ @ea*er .ections of .ociet! Aptit/de for Povert! Alleviation Programmes

" 5 a. 4. c. B a. 4. C 7 9 E A

Implementation of .)avalam4an .cheme

NA)N*RMAAN ,verall +ranch Certification #. +ranch Process Compliance %.C/stomer .atisfaction ./rve! ". 'mplo!ee .atisfaction ./rve! Alternate Channels Migration Increase in #. (o. of ATM hits 0onl! for 4ranches having onsite ATM Machines %. Dsage of net 4an*ing ". (o. of cheI/es deposited in cheI/e deposit 4o:es

Good / Average / Poor Good / Average / Poor Good / Average / Poor


TOTAL MARK, (To be 1arr#ed o!er to PAGE%J)


J or non3+PR 4ranches onl! parameters in .r. no. # to B )ill 4e applica4le for a total of #$ mar*s 0% mar*s for each arameter1. The FRAs related to (avnirmaan 0point no. 91 ma! 4e ignored.


.ignat/re of the Reporting A/thorit!

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

PAG' < Ca/9

MANAGER*AL D*MEN,*ON, (ame of the ,fficer:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

,r5 No # ATTR*B(TE,
?ob K o02edge Fno)ledge of r/les/ reg/lations/ g/idelines/ policies- concept/al a4ilities- etc. as reflected in comm/nication )ith higher a/thorities/R,/H, An! serio/s irreg/larities in Inspection Reports to reflect on inadeI/ac! of Ko4 *no)ledge Fno)ledge a4o/t mar*et environment has 4een /sed for 4/siness gro)th Leader$h#" Development of team spirit 8 achievement of 4/siness goals as a team Delegation of responsi4ilities for developing emplo!ees .etting standard of performance for staff to follo) .tim/lates top performance/ Capacit! to lead in crisis sit/ations s/ccessf/ll! Integrit! and Honest!/ 'motional .trength




i1 Integrit! 4e!ond do/4t ii1 .ince the Integrit! of the ,fficer is do/4tf/l- a secret note is attached. iii1 (othing adverse reported.



De1#$#o Ma6# g >/alit! of 4/siness decisions as reflected in profita4ilit! 8 health of a/cs >/ic*ness in 4/siness decisions/ le:i4ilit! of mind. Pr/dence of decision ma*ing in dealing )ith diffic/lt 4/siness sit/ations )itho/t dependence on s/periors for constant g/idance Consistenc! in 4/siness decisions


Ad3# #$trat#!e ,6#22 Proper deplo!ment and /tilisation of manpo)er 'nforcing discipline in staff administration Attendance- P/nct/alit!- etc.

Adherence to R/les and Reg/lations relating to staff Handling of Grievances and IR iss/es APR Report ./4mission 3 ,4Kective revie) of emplo!ee performance Responsiveness to vario/s IT initiatives

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

PAG' < C4/9

MANAGER*AL D*MEN,*ON, (ame of the ,fficer:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&


ATTR*B(TE, Pub2#1 Re2at#o $ a d Mar6et# g A4ilit! to mar*et 4an*Gs prod/cts as reflected in the increase 4/siness Re$"o $#!e e$$ to Cor"orate 1o 1er $ Adapting to change in Corporate +/siness Policies Re3organising reso/rces to respond to Corporate concerns 0to 4e correlated )ith 4/siness data1 Disseminating Corporate +/siness Policies and concern to all staff W#22# g e$$ to a$$u3e re$"o $#b#2#t#e$ ':ercising discretionar!/ lending po)ers as delegated 4! the +an* )itho/t referring to R,/H, 'ffective in s/pervision and coordination for achieving 4/siness goals )itho/t shir*ing responsi4ilit! Co33u #1at#o ,6#22$ Clarit! in comm/nication as reflected in da! to da! comm/nication )ith higher a/thorities/R,/H, 'ffectiveness in comm/nication )ith staff mem4ers/c/stomers for 4etter performance Commenda4le )or* done in RaK4hasha 0Hindi1

TOTAL MARK, (To be 1arr#ed o!er to PAGE%J)


&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Date :&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

A/thorit! .ignat/re of the Reporting

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

PAG' < 7/9


(ame of the ,fficer: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Ma45 Mar6$ C$ #$ "$ #$$ By Re"ort# g Author#ty By Re!#e0# g Author#ty

B(,*NE,, D*MEN,*ON, 0Refer Page no.351 L(AL*TAT*)E A,PECT, OF B(,*NE,, 0Refer Page no.3B1 MANAGER*AL D*MEN,*ON,0Refer Page no.3C1 TOTAL MARK,

A + C D

F*NAL RAT*NG TO BE T*CK MARKED ( ) ,DT.TA(DI(G 0E$ 3 #$$1 L'R= G,,D G,,D AL'RAG' +'2,@ AL'RAG' 07B39E1 0C$ 3 751 05$ 3 BE1 0+'2,@ 5$1

By Re"ort# g Author#ty

By Re!#e0# g Author#ty


.ignat/re of Reporting A/thorit!

.ignat/re of Revie)ing A/thorit!

Annual Performance Review (APR) Report as on 31-03-20

PAG' < 9/9

APPRA*,AL B. REPORT*NG / RE)*EW*NG /ACCEPT*NG A(T-OR*T. (ame of the ,fficer: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Designation : &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Grade/.cale: &&&&&&&&&&&&&

+ranch/,ffice : &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .elf Appraisal report received .elf Appraisal report ta*en cogni;ance of =es / (o =es / (o

Re3ar6$ by Re"ort# g Author#ty /Re!#e0# g Author#ty: Rat# g +/siness Performance / FRAs >/alitative Aspects Attri4/tes 4ased appraisal General Comments Comments on area of disagreement- if an! Potentialit! Training (eeds Re"ort# g Author#ty Re!#e0# g Author#ty

.ignat/re of Reporting A/thorit! (ame: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .cale 8 Designation: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Date 8 Place : &&&&&&&&&&&&&

.ignat/re of Revie)ing A/thorit! (ame: &&&&&&&&&&&&& .cale 8 Designation&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Date 8 Place : &&&&&&&&&&&&&

A11e"t# g Author#ty (Mar6$) .ignat/re of Accepting A/thorit! (ame: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .cale 8 Designation: &&&&&&&&&&&& Date 8 Place: &&&&&&&&&&

0(ote: 3 An! /pgrading/do)ngrading of mar*s sho/ld 4e s/4stantiated )ith reasons1

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