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HCL PROJECT MANAGERS' Z010: Determination of Valuation Base TRAINING MATERIAL

ON PCRs Related to: Processing Class 01 Wage Types: Wage types used for creation of valuation bases. This PCR is used to create valuation base such as /001 and /002, hich are si!ply su!!ation of a group of age types. "n so!e other PCR, these valuation bases are used in calculation of factors such as /#01, /#02 so on. $ere, t o !ore specifications %&' and %(' are added. "f a age type is assigned %&' specification in processing class, this is used for su!!ation of ages in the technical age types /001, /002, /0)01, /0)12, /0)2*. $o ever the specification %(' is used for su!!ation of ages in the technical age types /001, /002, /0)1 and /0)2. Z01 : Di!ision of Valuation "ases Pro#essing #lass: 01 Wage types: Te#$ni#al Wage types% !aluation "ases &'001% '00(% '0)1% '0)(* +nce the valuation bases are created, they !ust be divided by suitable days to arrive at the correct factor. ,o!e factors are based on fi-ed days in a !onth, vi.., *0, or fi-ed or/ing days in a !onth, vi.. 20 1or 222 or actual calendar days in a !onth vi.., 2#/2)/*0/*1. ,3P defaults gives the valuation based on the total or/ing hours in the !onth 1Payroll Period2. We have created t o !ore specifications 4 and 5 for divisions by average 1constant2 calendar days in the payroll period 1!onth2, T67"8P and average or/ing days in a !onth, T37"8P, respectively. These are used for calculation of the basis for 9eave encash!ent of Wor/ers and ,ub:staff. Wor/er;s leave encash!ent basis is based on 20days 1T37"8P2 and staff;s and ,ub:staff is based on *0 days 1T67"8P2. Note: 1+ 7elete the specifications for processing class 01, for age types <001 and <002. 2. 7elete the specification /0)0 for processing 01, *. 7elete the ,pecification %&' for processing class 01. =. 7elete ,pecification %&', in PCR 5010. <. 7elete 5 fro! PCR 501*.

1 2 3

This valuation base is used to valuate the leave encashment of Executives- This is deleted. This valuation base is used to valuate the leave encashment of workmen This valuation base is used to valuate the leave encashment of Sub staff

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ZV,-: Valuate payroll .lements using Partial Period /a#tors Pro#essing Class: 10 Wage Types: Wage types, hich is valuated using valuation bases /0)1, /0)2 or partial period factors /#01, /#02> $e the age types /0)1 1valuation bases2 or /#01 1partial factors2 are set as the rate for valuation of age types. Note: 7elete specification valuating Processing Class 10 ZNP1: Partial fa#tors of 0ndia Processing Class? @one Wage types Created? /#01, /#02 >. This is the place here the technical age types are created for factoring. When an e!ployee re!ains leave ithout pay for so!eti!e, here e define, ho the salary is going to be deducted. Aoreover there are !any age types hich are based on the no. of days or/ed The for!ula used here is 1+ /or -WP @o. of days in the !onth B @o. of days of leave ithout pay CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC @o. of days in the !onth (+ /or Days 1or2ed
1@o. of days in the !onth : @o. of Paid 9eave B @o. of Dnpaid 9eave B @o. of Public $olidays E 2 daily age rate

ith /0)0 as basis fro! the PCR 5839 and

The values for @o. of days in the !onth and no. of leaves etc are ta/en fro! the table P3RTT and P3RT3, hich are generated by the PR"@T function at the step %Processing of Ti!e 7ata'.

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HR-Payroll T.C3N0C,- W,4. T5P.6 /090 LEAVE ENCASH BASIS- Sub.St. /091 LEAVE ENCASH BASIS- Work /101 Total gross amount S !on"ar# $ag t#% /101 &s a !umulat&on o' $ag t#% s $(&!( ar &n!lu" " &n t( total gross amount. T( $ag t#% !an b us " to !al!ulat t( %a#m nt amount. /110 N t %a#m nts/" "u!t&ons T$e follo1ing list of 1age types% for t$e "asis for some ot$er Payments or Dedu#tions /111 E)* Bas&s /11+ ESI Bas&s /11, ESI Bas&s Nom&nal- T(&s !( !ks t( ESI El&g&b&l&t# /11. H/A Bas&s /110 C1A/CLA Bas&s /112 3ratu&t# Bas&s /114 Su% rannuat&on Bas&s /115 )Ta6 Bas&s /119 )Ta6 Bas&s Nom&nal- *or !( !k&ng t( l&g&b&l&t# 'or )TA7 /1+. 8on / g In!om - Summat&on o' All r gular In!om 98ont(l#: /1+0 8on Irr In!om - Summat&on o' all &rr gular In!om 9A""&t&onal or r !urr&ng %a#m nts: /1+4 Annual ) rk /1,0 E6 m%t&on ;/S 10 /1,1 An# ot( r In!om /1,+ 8ont(l# E6 m%t&ons /1,, Annual E6 m%t&ons /1,. Annual Non-% rk amounts /1,0 *orm +14 +9A: Annual ) rk /1,5 *orm +14 +9A: Bas&s /1,9 V)* Bas&s /150 B1N;S BASE-BASIC<=A - T(&s &s t( # arl# !umulat&on o' a!tual bas&! an" =A on $(&!( Bonus &s !al!ulat ". ARREARS /,01 Bas&! arr ars /,0, V=A arr ars Page * of 1=0

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HR-Payroll /,10 LTA arr ars /,+0 Con> #an! Arr ars /,,0 H/A arr ars CAR & CONVEYANCE /,C1 Ann !ar % rk /,C+ Ann "r&> r % rk /,C. Con> #an! mont(l#

6 m%.

ESI & PF COMPUTATION /,E1 E ESI !ontr&but&on /,E+ Er ESI !ontr&but&on /,*1 E )* !ontr&but&on /,*+ E V)* !ontr&but&on /,*, Er )* !ontr&but&on /,*. Er ) ns&on !ontr&but&on /,*0 E 8on )* !ontr&but&on /,*2 E Ann )* !ontr&but&on /,*L E=LI Bas&s 'or Er Contr&b GRATUITY /,31 3rat Contr&b -mont(l# /,3+ 3rat Contr&b - annual /,3, 3rat )ro> - sum o' s%l&t /,3. 3ratu&t# Bas&s ? A!tual SECTION 80 DEDUCTION and SECTION 88 REBATE /,I1 = "u!t&on u/s 50 /,I+ 3ross amount u/s 55 /,I, @ual&'# amount u/s 55 /,I. / bat u/s 55 REIMBURSEMENT WAGE TYPES /,L1 LTA r &mburs m nt /,81 8 "&!al r &mburs m nt /,8+ 8 "&!al &nsuran! !la&m OTHER WAGE TYPES REQUIRED FOR TAX CALCULATION /,14 In!om 'rom ot( r sour! s /,15 = "u!t&ons S ! +, /,19 = "s S+. 9Int r st: /,1A = "s S+. 9Hous / %a&rs: /,1B = "s S+. 91t( rs: /,1= Lng trm !a% gns s% !&al /,71 1t( r E6 m%t&ons

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ONE DAT SALARY DEDUCTION /,1E E 1 "a# salar# " "u!t&on /,1* Er 1 "a# salar# !ontr&b.

THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RENT AND CLA ENTITLEMENT PAID OR DEDUCTED FROM AN EMPLOYEE /,/H )os&t&> "&''./ nt A CLA /,/I N gat&> "&''./ nt A CLA /,/N CLA Bas&s Amount SUPERANNUATION /,S0 San)ro>-s%l&t % r&o" /,S1 San Contr&b -mont(l# /,S+ San Contr&b - annual /,S, San )ro> - sum o' s%l&t /,S. Su% rannuat&on Bas-A!tual TAX CALCULATION /.01 )roB !t&on *a!tor /.0+ Ta6 E6 m%t&on Amount /.0, 8arg&nal ta6 rat /.0. 8rgnl ta6 rat $&t( sr!(. /.10 Ann / g In!om /.11 Ann Irr In!om /.1, Annual ) rk /.1. E6m.un" r %ro.to s !149+: /.12 3ross Salar# /.15 Balan! /.+0 St" = "u!t&on /.++ Em%mnt ta6 9)ro' Ta6: /.+. Aggrg = "u!t&on /.+2 In!m un" r H" Salar# /.,0 3ross Tot In!om /.,+ Agg o' C(a%t r VI /.,. Total In!om / !" Ta# $n %$%a& In'$() /.,5 S ! 55 /..0 S ! 55B /..1 S ! 55C /... Agg o' C(a%t r VIII /..2 Ta6 %a#abl

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HR-Payroll /..5 / *0 /.01 /.0+ /.0. / *" / "0 / "4 / 60 /.CE /.CH /.CT /.E1 /.E+ /.E, /.E. /.E0 /.E2 /.E4 /.E5 /.H1 /.H+ /.1C /.V1 /.V+ /.V, /.V. /.V0 /.V2 /.V4 /.V5 /.V9 /.VC /.VD /000 /001 /00+ /00, /**6 /005 /**7 /*"0 /*"9 /02+ /02, Sur!(arg %a#abl Ta# +a,a-&) and ./0'1a02) S ! 59 r l& ' Ta6 - ;nus " Sur!(arg - ;nus " Ta# d)d/'%)d .$ 3a0 In'$() Ta# Add5%5$na& V$&/n%a0, Ta# T$%a& Ta# d)d/'%5-&) CEA 8ont(l# E6 m%t&on CHA 8ont(l# E6 m%t&on Custom r Ta6 Ann. E6m%tn. CEA Annual E6 m%t&on CHA Annual E6 m%t&on Con> #an! Annual E6 m%t H/A Annual E6 m%t&on LTA Annual E6 m%t&on Voluntar# / t. E6 m%t&on L a> Salar# E6 m%t&on 3ratu&t# Cont. E6 m%t&on H*S % rk >alu S*S % rk >alu T=S ot( r t(an salar& s )r > 3ross salar# )r > 6 m% u/s10 )r > %ro'. ta6 %a&" )r > )* !ontr&but " )r > Ta6 = "u!t " )r > 8 "&!al E6 m%t L a> En!as(m nt E6 mt 3ratu&t# E6 m%t&on V/S E6 m%t&on Val o' % rk u/s 149+: )ro'ts $rt sal u/s 149,: Statutor# n t %a# Stat.n t r !al!."&''. Stat.n t subs.a"Bustm nt / !al!."&''.to last %a#r. Ca.1 +a,()n% )a#m nt o' balan! Ban8 %0an.3)0 N)% +a, C&a5( Balan! o' n t %a# Cla&m 'rom %r >&ous mont(

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HR-Payroll /02. /020 /022 /212 /2++ /200 /2I+ /400 A">an! %a#m nt Carr#-o> r 'or n 6t mont( Carr#-o> r 'r.%r >.mont( A"" 3ross Salar# C* Em%mnt ta6 9)ro' Ta6: A"" Ta6 %a#abl an" sur!( C* S !t&on 55 In> stm nt Wag /salar# < E/ s(ar s

WAGE TYPES WHICH ARE USED FOR FACTORING OF WAGE TYPES BASED ON DAYS PAID OR DAYS WOR:ED /501 )art&al % r&o" 'a!tor 1 /50+ )art&al % r&o" 'a!tor + /50, )art&al % r&o" 'a!tor , /50. )art&al % r&o" 'a!tor . /500 )art&al % r&o" 'a!tor 0 /502 )art&al % r&o" 'a!tor 2 /A11 /A1+ /A12 /A14 /ABS /ACE /ACH /AC/ /AE1 /AE+ /A*0 /A*A /A*B /A*C /A*= /A*C /A*L /AHA /AH/ /A)1 /A)+ /A)/ /A/9 /A;A /AV= B/* E)* Bas&s B/* ESI Bas&s B/* 3ratu&t# Bas&s B/* Su% rannuat&on Bas&s C* Bas&! Arr ars C* !(&l" "n. allo$an! C* C(&l" (ost l allo$an! C* Con> #an! C* E ESI arr ars C* Er ESI arr ars C* )' mont(l# B/* E E)* Bas&s B/* Er E)* Bas&s B/* Er ) ns&on Bas&s C* *&6 " =A Arr ars B/* E V)* Bas&s B/* E=LI Bas&s C* H/A Allo$an! C* H/A Allo$an! )ta6 %a&" 'or r tro )ta6 bas&s arr ars )Ta6 r 'un" - &n'lo$ C* =&''-/ nt A C1A/CLA El C* ;n&'orm Allo$an! C* Var&abl =A Arr ars

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/E11 /E1+ /E12 /E14 /EBS /ECE /ECH /EC/ /EE1 /EE+ /E*0 /E*A /E*B /E*C /E*= /E*C /E*L /EH/ /E)1 /E)+ /E)B /E)3 /E)I /E)/ /E)T /E/9 /E;A /EV=

C/* E)* Bas&s C/* ESI Bas&s C/* 3ratu&t# Bas&s C/* Su% rannuat&on Bas&s B* Bas&! Arr ars B* C(&l" "n. allo$an! B* C(&l" (ost l allo$an! B* Con> #an! B* E ESI arr ars B* Er ESI arr ars C* )' mont(l# C/* E E)* Bas&s C/* Er E)* Bas&s C/* Er ) ns&on Bas&s B* *&6 " =A Arr ars C/* E V)* Bas&s C/* E=LI Bas&s B* H/A Arr ars )ta6 " "u!t&on !arr# '$". )ta6 bas&s arr ars /,)1 F1/TG broug(t *$". Int rm. " "n. !arr# '$" )Ta6 r 'un" - &n'lo$ &nt" )Ta6 r 'un" - 1ut'lo$ Int rm. gross !arr# '$" C* =&''-/ nt A C1A/CLA El B* ;n&'orm Allo$. Arr ars B* Var&abl =A Arr ars

R)'$;)0, $3 0$/nd5n2 $33 a($/n%. V& $VHT4INI1 Cl& nt- ,00

C3r%g Al3r% En" =at .0 .0

/n"to /!o%t /n". o'' Start =at Cr!# ; ; ; 01.01.1995 IN/ 01.01.1995 IN/ 01.01.1995 IN/

E701 ,1.1+.9999 1.00 N ,1.1+.9999 1.00 N 8T01 ,1.1+.9999 1.00 N

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.0 .0 .0 .0 .0

S)01 ,1.1+.9999 1.00 N ST01 ,1.1+.9999 1.00 N T801 ,1.1+.9999 1.00 N T/01 ,1.1+.9999 1.00 N WD01 ,1.1+.9999 1.00 N

; ; ; ; ;

01.01.1995 IN/ 01.01.1995 IN/ 01.01.1995 IN/ 01.01.1995 IN/ 01.01.1995 IN/

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HR-Payroll Authorisations are meant to give you authority to work on a particular work area in the systems. Just like yahoo mail id you will be given an Id and pass word through which you are supposed to enter into SA systems and you can work System administrator ! "ASIS consultant will give you this authority on the instructions of your pro#ect manager. $or e%ample in your team there are three members . &ach person is sharing the work . their share of work only they are supposed to do. 'eans they are permitted i.e.( authorised to do that work only other areas they should not do ... instead of manual instructions "ASIs consultant will instruct the system that you should enter only certain areas by manupulating throough the system the another reason is that your ' wants know how much of work you did .. there also he can assess )uantity of work delivered by you by accessing you account thro.*. +hat is ayroll Accounting, -.. +hat is Schema / It0s $unctions, -.1. +hat is 2ifference between H3 Schema / 4ima 'anagement Schema , -.5. +hat is ayroll 2river what is it0s use, +hich is India ayroll driver, How to set up ayroll 2river, -.6. +hat is Subschema what are the functions of Subschema -.7.Ho+e have scenario in which we have to calculate the salary up to last working day of an employee without running leaving action. AS IS 8 +hen i run Leaving action the employee status becomes Inactive and i can see the prorated Salary upto last working day. In Schema + " picks up the leaving action date. I am pondering on a Idea of creating 2ate 4ype in I4 995* and include the same in + " ( further to date i m not able go ahead where else i should modify schema or any kind of config. I would not like to :pdate the 34 as we will perform Leaving action later. I #ust need the remaining salary so that i can include the figure in our employee e%it program. any ideI49;9<( is used for =lobal erson I2( which is used
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Partial Period Factor

>ou can find a definition of the term artial eriod $actor in the glossary.

4he SA System uses the following formula to calculate the partial period factor8 ? lanned working time or flat rate period working time @ absenceA divisor All of this formulaBs parameters are time entries that must be based on the same calculation unit. 4he following calculation units e%ist8 +orking hours ?SA +ork days ?AA Calendar days ?CA

4he parameters for the factoring formula are available in table S ? Personal Work ScheduleA in all three calculation units. In the personnel calculation rule( the calculation unit of the individual parameters is indicated by the above letters.

SSDLL contains the value for planned working time in hours( and ASDLL contains the value in work days. +hen calculating the partial period factor you must specify the period that should be used8 artial period If a + " split indicator e%ists for a basic pay wage type( you should use a partial period as the calculation basis. In this case( the period of each partial period is used as planned working time. In this case a E4E is set before the calculation formula parameters in the personnel calculation rules. +hole period If there is no + " split indicator or if it is not relevant to the proportional calculation of remuneration( use the whole period as the calculation basis. $or e%ample( this is the case for recurring payments!deductions or additional payments. In this case( the period of the whole period is used as planned working time. A E=E is set before the calculation formula parameters in the personnel calculation rules.

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*.How do u differentiate different clients in the same system, ..In &nterprise Structure is it possible to assign ersonnel Subarea =rouping and &mployee Subgroup =rouping, 1.+hat is the infotype used for assigning an employee to &nterprise structure, 5.+hether ayroll area is part of enterprise structure, 6.2o you assign personnel area to controlling area anywhere, 7.+hat is the importance of the table 4691F, ;.Can we assign one personnel area to more than one company code, 6.+hat is e%pertmode and how can we use it, in e%pert mode we develop the reporting structure(reporting of position to position with the time period. e%pert mode simple maintanence( now in the screen goto GGreporting structure... create the relation with dates 7. 2ifference between e%pert mode and simple maintenance, e%pert mode( in simple maintanence we create the reporting structure ;. 2ifference between simple and detailed maintenance. +hich is best, H. 2ifference between organiIational plan and orgnl. matri%, <.How do you create work center, Ans. use tcodeG D9* *9. How do you assign relationships between two positions, in e%pert mode **. Can we create multiple personnel areas, if there is demand
G Show )uoted te%t G


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can suggest you is that if the e-e!ption is appearing in the RT table and not getting added in the /1*0 this !eans that you had not tic/ed the Cu!ulation class *0 for the age type. Please fo to s!*1 :G Table? 8C<12WC7 :G Aolga =0 :G Clic/ on the age type :G select the chec/bo- for the cu!ulation class *0. 3nd also please revie the attached ,3P @otes @o?:<)*F<F and <22F** Than/s & Regards 8ineet Tyagi 3ctive Hlobal ,upcan suggest you is that if the e-e!ption is appearing in the RT table and not getting added in the /1*0 this !eans that you had not tic/ed the Cu!ulation class *0 for the age type. Please fo to s!*1 :G Table? 8C<12WC7 :G Aolga =0 :G Clic/ on the age type :G select the chec/bo- for the cu!ulation class *0. 3nd also please revie the attached ,3P @otes @o?:<)*F<F and <22F** Than/s & Regards 8ineet Tyagi 3ctive Hlobal ,upport:$CAport:$CA

Symptom Annual!'onthly e%emptions are not considered during CLA!CDA perk computation Other terms

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Company leased accomodation ?CLAA( Company owned accomodation ?CDAA( Children &ducation!Hostel Allowance ?C&A!CHAA( Annual &%emptions ?!*11A( 'onthly &%emptions ?!*1.A( Annual JonG erk Amounts ?!*15A( CHA 'onthly &%emption ?!5CHA( C&A 'onthly &%emption ?!5C&A( C&A Annual &%emption ?!5&*A( CHA Annual &%emption ?!5&.A( House perk calculation. Reason and Prerequisites 4his Jote e%plains as to how Housing perk ?CLA!CDA perkA calculation happens and how the monthly or annual e%emption impacts the computation of housing perk. 4his note also e%plains( what steps a customer could implement in order to include C&A!CHA e%emptions into CLA!CDA perk calculations depending upon the parameter settings to the ayroll $unction IJC&A. 4his note can be used as a reference if you are using any one of the parameters among &AA( &A3( KDA or KD3 for Child &ducation e%emptions ?$unction IJC&AA. 4his note can be referred by customers who are using =eneric 4a% e%emption function ?IJC4KA. 3efer to I'= documentation and $unction documentation for further help. SolutionBackground 4he basis on which CLA!CDA perk calculation happens( will be computed in the following manner8 CLA!CDA basis L M 'onthly earnings?!*.5A G 'onthly &%emptions ?!*1.A N Annual &%emptions ?!*11A N 'onthly part is calculated using 3ule IJCA in subschema IJJ* !**6 L !*.5 G !*1. Annual part is calculate in $unction IJH3A. CLA!CDA "asis L CLA!CDA basis?>42A O !**6 O !**6 P pro#ection O ?!*15 G !*11A P Jo. of 'onths?CLA!CDAA ! 4otal Jo.'onths lease refer to documentation of function IJH3A for further details. mpact of Child !ducation"Hostel !#emption In the Children &ducation!Hostel Allowance $unctionality wagetypes !5C&(!5CH(!5&*(!5&. are generated depending upon the parameter settings of ayroll $unction IJC&A8 It may be noted that the +agetypes !5&* and !5&. are Annual &%emption +agetypes( whereas !5C& and !5CH are 'onthly &%emption +agetypes. SA recommends and provides a default setting of Jone. Standard system is configured for monthly e%emption wagetypes for C&A!CHA. If IJC&A parameter settings are such that 'onthly &%emptions +agetypes are generated( then it is not re)uired to make any ad#ustments in the system for inclusion of C&A!CHA e%emptions in CLA!CDA perk computations. 'onthly e%emption wagetypes !5C&(!5CH are configured to cummulate in !*1.. O M Annual &arnings?!*15A G

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Change in configuration is needed( in cases where EDJL> AJJ:AL &K&' 4IDJE +agetypes are generated. 4hese changes can be done by either of the two methods e%plained below. $ethod %& Change the following settings for wagetypes !5&* / !5&. using view QR6*.+R2. Cummulation class 11 ?Annual &%emptionsA G Should be marked. ?Cumulation without split eliminationA. rocessing class ;7 G Specification 0*0

Jote8 4here is a remote possibility of the wagtype setting being changed and delivered via a support package in future. 4his may overwrite the settings made by you. lease refer to note *H619. for H3 Support ackage ad#ustment tool. Also refer to documentation of 3 :*.+9S and 3 :*.+9C for saving your wagetype settings. >ou can find more information in service marketplace related to S . $ethod '& 2o not change any wagtype settings. A ersonnel Calculation rule? C3A in the customer name space( may be created specially for the wagetypes ! 5&* and !5&.( which will add them to the +agetype !*11. 4his rule may be placed in the schema e)uivalent to IJJ*( immediately after C3 e)uivalent to IJCA. 4he rule may be written in similar lines as that appears in the following e%ample. Subschema IJJ* ?Dr e)uivalent customer subschemaA $unc. ar* ar. ar1 ar5 2 4e%t 999699 I4 IJ;7 ;7 JDA" 9996*9 I4 IJCA 9996.9 I4 FC&A 999619 IJH3A 3ule FC&A &S grouping P +agetype!4imetype !5&* QarCey JL 4 Dperation Dperation Dperation GGGGGGGGGGGGGOGGGGGGGGGOGGGGGGGGGOGGGGGGGGG 9999*9 A22+4 P A22+4 !*11 Cumulation for 'onthly!annual e%m

'onthly basis for CDA!CLA SSInsert this rule hereTT H3A!CLA!CDA

&S grouping P +agetype!4imetype !5&.

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QarCey JL 4 Dperation Dperation Dperation GGGGGGGGGGGGGOGGGGGGGGGOGGGGGGGGGOGGGGGGGGG 9999*9 A22+4 P A22+4 !*11

mpact of (erneric )a# !#emption lease refer to documentation of $unction IJC4K and I'= nodes under ayroll India GT 4a% &%emptions. Symptom L4A!'edical!C&A?Child &ducation AllowanceA!CHA?Child Hostel AllowanceA &%emptions not getting calculated in ayroll run Other terms L4A( 'edical reimbursement( 'edical Insurance( IJL4A( IJ'&2( IJC4K( IJC&A( C&A?Child &ducation AllowanceA( CHA?Child Hostel AllowanceA( QR4;IJA<( QR4;IJ4<( &%emptions. Reason and Prerequisites &ligibility +age type configuration not properly implemented in QR4;IJA< Solution 4he problem occurs because you have configured multiple wage types per ta%code in the view QR4;IJA< for a 0 ay Scale =rouping for Allowances0. SA recommends you to configure only one and only wage type per ta%code for an Allowance =rouping( in the view QR4;IJA< for a validity period. 'ore than one wage types per 4a%code for an Allowance =rouping should not be maintained for any functionality in any case at a particular point of time. >ou may maintain multiple wage types per 4a%code for an Allowance =rouping provided that their validity periods in the view QR4;IJA< are different.

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