Questionnaire Project Report On Consumer Preferencetowards Nestle and Cadbury Chocolates
Questionnaire Project Report On Consumer Preferencetowards Nestle and Cadbury Chocolates
Questionnaire Project Report On Consumer Preferencetowards Nestle and Cadbury Chocolates
Yes No
Que3. Which sub-brand you have purchased? Cadbury Dairy #$tar %er! il! Nestle "it "at unch il!y &ar
Que'. (an! the sub-brands of chocolates accordin) to your preference? *1 for +ost preferred, Cadbury Dairy #$tar %er! il! Nestle "it "at unch il!y &ar
Que#. -o. +uch i+portance do you )ive to the factors .hen you purchase a chocolate? */ic! in the desired colu+n, 0actors 0lavor4taste %rice Quality %ac!a)in) &rand Que5. -o. +uch are you satisfied .ith the factors in your preferred chocolate? */ic! in the desired colu+n, 0actors 0lavor4taste %rice Quality %ac!a)in) Que7. Which for+ of a chocolate do you li!e? -ard Crunchy Nutties Che. 1ery $atisfied $atisfied Nor+al 3east $atisfied Can6t $ay 1ery 2+portant 2+portant Nor+al 3east 2+portant None
Que9. Which pro+otional offers attract you +ost? 0ree )ifts %rice :ffer ;ny other
$u))estion fro+ friends and relatives ;ttractive Display Doctors ;dvice Que11. Which +edia of advertise+ent influence your purchase? /elevision -oardin) Ne.spapers Display
Que12. -o. fre=uently do you purchase chocolates? :nce in a fortni)ht Wee!ly Daily onthly
Que13. What accordin) to you is the reasonable price of chocolate? &elo.# 2<.3< #-1< ;bove 3< 1<-2<
Que1'. 2f your preferred brand is not available for repeat purchase then .hat .ill you do? %ostpone your purchase $.itch over to other brand >o to the other shop to search for your preferred brand Que1#. 2f another brand of the sa+e product appears in the +ar!et? .ill you prefer to stop buyin) this brand and buy the ne. brand?
No? not at all No? 2 shall not to purchase the old brand?
Que15. 2f you don6t li!e to chan)e to the ne. brand? then .hat are the reasons for continuin)
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