Volleyball Master Plan
Volleyball Master Plan
Volleyball Master Plan
ng Teacher: Serge Godin Supervisor: John McConnell Grade level: Grades 6, 7, & 8 Date(s): March 26 May 2 /2014 Subject: Physical Health & Education Unit: Net-Wall (Volleyball)
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Universal Design for Learning Representation 1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information - Pictures of exercises on Fitness Charts - Student handouts - Teacher/student visual models - iPad video feedback 3.2 Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas and relationships - Focusing on concept skills such as defense and offense Focus on how to determine if successful Action and Expression 4.1 Vary methods for response and navigation - Response from students will come in forms of visual, written and verbal discussion 4.2 Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies - Use of different equipment in different environment
Outcomes General DOING Students will be expected to - Demonstrate efficient and effective movement skills and concepts - Demonstrate a functional level of activity specific motor skills - Demonstrate efficient and effective body mechanics - Demonstrate an ability to cooperate with others KNOWING Students will be expected to - Understand the principles and concepts that support active living - Understand how to maintain a personal level of functional physical fitness - Understand the importance of safety rules and procedures - Understand the basic concepts and principles related to all movement categories VALUING Students will be expected to - Demonstrate efficient and effective movement skills and concepts - Demonstrate a functional level of activity specific motor skills - Demonstrate efficient and effective body mechanics - Demonstrate an ability to cooperate with others Specific Grade 6 DOING 4. Demonstrate ways to receive, retain, and send an object with increasing accuracy individually and with others. 6. Demonstrate sport specific skills through cooperative modified games that involve everyone. 7. Consistently and confidently demonstrate offensive and defensive positions and strategies. 9. Demonstrate activityspecific motor skills in a variety of alternative environments. KNOWING 4. Follow rules, routines, and procedures of safety in a variety of activities and facilities. 5. Identify basic concepts in relation to body mechanics and skill analysis. 7. Identify strategies and concepts related to offensive and defensive positions/strategies. VALUING 2. Demonstrate fair play and etiquette. 4. Demonstrate a willingness to participate in a variety of activities. Grade 7 DOING 4. Demonstrate ways to receive, retain, and send an object with varying speeds and accuracy in skills specific to an activity. 6. Demonstrate sport specific skills through lead-up games that reinforce specific game skills. 7. Demonstrate challenging strategies, tactics and rules that coordinate effort with others. 9. Demonstrate activity-specific skills in a variety of environments using appropriate equipment. KNOWING 4. Follow rules, routines, and procedures of safety in a variety of activities and facilities in and out of the school environment. 7. Identify challenging strategies, tactics and rules that coordinate effort with others. VALUING 2. Demonstrate fair play and etiquette. 4. Demonstrate a willingness to
7.1 Optimize individual choice and autonomy - Choice of exercise exertion within warm-up - Choice of game play is offered to students - Reflection section of Exit Slip will allow for a candid response to materials, skills and games covered 8.2 Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge - Game/drill choice provides varying skill difficulties and different degree of challenge 9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection - Video reflection - Exit Slip - Various worksheets - Peer analysis and discussion2
participate in a variety of activities and in one new activity that is personally challenging. Grade 8 DOING 4. Demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object with varying speeds, accuracy and distance in skills specific to an activity. 6. Refine sport specific skills through practice with small group, unit, and team situations. 7. Demonstrate specific strategies and tactics that coordinate effort with others. 9. Apply activity-specific skills in a variety of environments and using appropriate equipment. KNOWING 4. Show an understanding of rules with regard to safety. Show an understanding of rules in a game situation. 5. Identify, analyze, and coach basic concepts in relation to body mechanics and skill analysis in themselves and others. 7. Identify specific strategies and tactics that coordinate effort with others. VALUING 2. Demonstrate fair play and etiquette. 4. Demonstrate a willingness to participate in a variety of activities, including those in an alternative setting.
Required Materials, Tools and Technology Laptop, iPad, Volleyballs, Music, Speaker System, Volleyball Poles & Nets (on badminton court), Pylons, Pennies, Worksheets/Notes
Assessment (formative/summative, self/peer) What prior data is informing your instruction? - Students in grade 7 and 8 have had previous years instruction in basketball, they are familiar with the skills and the teachers expectations. - Grade 6 have had some instruction in elementary school therefore we will tap into their prior knowledge of what they have learned. - Students will gain an understanding of the rules and skills in volleyball. - This unit allows students to apply strategies needed to be successful. What assessment strategies will measure the learning from the outcomes? - A rubric will be used at the end of the unit that will assess what they have learned throughout the unit. - The coachs eye application is used to assess each skill (video analysis on iPad), based on game play for formative assessment on success of play/involvement. Also implicit teaching comes from video viewing of defensive and offensive strategies. - Students are evaluated everyday on Doing, Knowing, and Valuing. The Teachers Kit application on the iPad is used as an assessment tool.
Special Considerations - Safety concerns in gymnasium - Allow students to feel comfortable with their skills. If a student is struggling, offer modifications, one on one, watch the group first then join. For those with special needs, offer different strategies (smaller groups).
Differentiation - Choices of activity for all students as the games have varying difficulty. - Handouts and worksheets if necessary for visual/linguistic review. In-Class Support - EA support and team teaching support. Cross-curricular Connections - Mathematics: link with angles, force, speed, accuracy, percentages, score keeping - Biology: RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)
Timeline / Elaboration 60 Minutes Before (Introduction) 10-15 minutes - Students arrive in the gymnasium, get changed, and then begin their warm-up. After warm-up they stretch - Students assemble into their squads; the teacher takes attendance and has a brief chat with the class about what we did last class and what we are doing this class.
During 20 minutes - History of volleyball, rules, skills, strategies, drills, games, etc. will be taught throughout this unit. - Classes will end with King of the Court game 4 vs. 4 - The students will learn and be assessed on: Passing Ready position Position of hands Movement Positions on the court Serving Skill promotion Attacks Blocking Practice (Individual / Guided), Opportunity for individual/small group instruction 20 minutes - Various individual and guided practices will take place throughout the unit. - Practices will be modified as necessary once the teachers gain an understanding of the students understanding of the rules, skills, etc. - Practice activities will occur in partners, small groups, and large groups. Few activities will be individual. A teacher will partner up with a student if necessary or if the student needs extra help. - There will be lots of opportunities for different types of instruction and practice. - Practices and/or instruction will be repeated if they work well with the students. After (Closing) 3-5 minutes - Students will be instructed to go sit in their squads. - The teacher will briefly discuss with the students what we did during that days lesson and what we plan to do next class. The teacher will discuss any upcoming events, sporting activities, etc. if necessary. - Discuss strengths and needs from student perspective - Discuss Rate of Exertion how can we improve success, physical activity level in games.
Reflection (How did it go? / Changes for next time) - Be sure to fill out concerns or comments ASAP for lesson improvement or future considerations.
Additional Information / Notes - The teacher can make additional notes/information as necessary after each lesson.