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Health Assignment Unit Plan Netball

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Health and Physical Education Unit Plan

ACU EDPH306/366/500 Unit Plan Unit Title: Netball KLA: Health and Physical Education Year Level/s: Year 3 Duration of Unit: 5 weeks of 2 x hr lesson per week

Identify Curriculum Ways of Working

Students will be able to: - pose questions and plan simple activities and investigations - propose and take action to promote health and wellbeing, movement capacities and personal development - apply fundamental movement skills when participating in physical activities - apply personal development skills when interacting with others - Reflect on learning to identify new understandings.

Knowledge and Understanding

Physical activity Fundamental movement skills are foundations of physical activity. - Development of body and spatial awareness improves movement and confidence in a variety of physical activities - Development of locomotor and non-locomotor movements and manipulative skills can improve the quality of physical performance and support participation in physical activities - Regular participation in physical activity develops movement capacity and promotes health and wellbeing

Context for Learning

The students will gain skills and knowledge of netball; by playing games, practicing specific skills and working in groups. The students will learn how to pass, shoot and participate in whole games of netball. The students will work in groups to create/teach each other different skill games.

School Priorities
Literacy Numeracy History within Sport Background Behaviour Management

Over a 5 week period students will enhance their sense of self and group identity through the development and application of specialised movement skills in an increasing variety of preference physical activities, individually and in teams.

Classroom Links
Students are studying the Olympics and the different sports that are within the olympics and how they are taught.

Develop Assessment
Type of Assessment Assessment Instrument - Test - Check List Strategies will include: *observation * consultation * focused analysis When it will be Assessed Students within the The check-list will take check list will be place after each of the assessed on there lessons to show me participation, team work, what they are up to and gaining of each of the if some of the children individual skills eg need extra support Catching, Passing footwork The exam will be assessed at the end of Students within the the unit within Lesson 5. exam will be assessed on the knowledge and understanding that the students have received from all the lessons and evidence of this. What will be Assessed

Make Judgements
Purpose of Assessment The genuine purpose of the check list is to inform me of the students ability and for the teacher to give the student feedback. The purpose of the exm is to meausre how much the students know about Netball. It is also to measure how much the students have learnt about the material that was taught throughout . Assessable elements Knowledge and Understanding Implementing and Applying

Sequence of Learning Overview

Learning Experiences
Lesson One (orienting/enhancing/synthesising) Passing and Catching

Ways of Working
Movement & Physical Activity Combine motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performance. Movement & Physical Activity Proficiently perform complex movements and manipulative skills.

Knowledge and Understanding 1. Demonstrate understanding of the role of each position in a game situation. 2. Demonstrate offensive and defensive tactical skills. 1. Demonstrate proficiency in passing, catching, footwork, defending and goal shooting in game situations. (Garnham, 2007) 1. Take on the responsibility of a different role each week (eg. Coach, captain, equipment organiser, etc.) in order to gain knowledge of the different roles within the game of Netball. 2. Explore and try ideas of classmates when searching for various game plans and strategies.

Lesson Two (orienting/enhancing/synthesising) Foot work (Run to stop and Pivioting)

Lesson Three (orienting/enhancing/synthesising)

Offensive and Defensive Strategies

Interpersonal Development Students accept responsibility as a team member & support other team members to share information, explore the ideas of others and work cooperatively to achieve a shared purpose.

Lesson Four (orienting/enhancing/synthesising) Goal Shooting and Defending

Interpersonal Development Students accept responsibility as a team member & support other team members to share information, explore the ideas of others and work cooperatively to achieve a shared purpose.

3. Take on the responsibility of a different role each week (eg. Coach, captain, equipment organiser, etc.) in order to gain knowledge of the different roles within the game of Netball. 4. Explore and try ideas of classmates when searching for various game plans and strategies. 1. Display the use of problem solving to discover multiple ways in which to use offensive and defensive strategies.

Lesson Five (orienting/enhancing/synthesising)

Position Responsibilities/Rules of Netball

Thinking Processes Apply creative thinking strategies to explore possibilities and generate multiple options, problem definitions and solutions.

Sequenced Learning
Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Lesson One:
Warm up - 2 laps jogging around netball court - Christmas tree activity: Jog on diagonal, side-step or straight 2 lines starting at one end of court either side of goal post

Differentiation for diverse Explicit teaching/focus questions learners Within this Unit i will be Get students actively involved in the class by able to apply different giving them task cards challenges and tasks to be and allowing them to able to work for all give their classmates students, so that they all feedback on the skills benefit from the unit and they have learned can all walk away with the Use whistle to stop all same learning and activity

15 Netballs 2 lots of different colour bands

1st 2 people go, once they reach the outside of the court, next pair can go Stop at other end of court - Stretches as a group: - especially hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, ankles, shoulders. Passing/catching drills - Task cards with the teaching points of the chest pass, 1-handed pass, bounce pass, lob and catch. - Class split into 4 groups of 5-6 students. - 1 student from each group is designated as leader to use the task cards and give feedback to fellow students. - Leader changes each time activity changes. - Teacher demonstrates each activity and gives teaching points before class splits up students practice activities in a zig-zag pattern. - Whistle = activity changeover Partner passes - 1 ball between each pair - Person with the ball cannot step - Person without the ball must run forward to receive the pass - Continue up and back of the netball court - Try each of the passes previously learnt 1. Chest pass 2. 1-handed pass (both hands) 3. Bounce pass 4. Lob - Ultimately have 2 netball courts, otherwise pairs will have to take turns

understanding. A few examples will include the following students: AD/HD Students that suffer with the following, I will continuously remind them about there behavioural management cards that need to be followed not only within the classroom content but out side of the classroom. I will continoulsy be firm with them and make sure they fully understand everything that is going on and to make sure that they understand that they need to be in control of there activities. Hearing impaired Within these students i would ensure that there are alot of visuals being used at all times to ensure

Try to give all students individual feedback at some stage throughout the class Have students continuously thinking about what there arms need to be doing in order to catch the ball? How are they required to pass the ball to their other players.

Pass vs. Sprint - 2 even teams - 1 team in middle of court are the passes - Each person must take turns in standing in the middle of the circle and passing a ball around to each of their team members. The ball must go back to the centre person each time - Meanwhile, the running team is lined up on court sideline - They must take in turns of running around the passing team - When each of the passes have had their turn in the middle they must yell STOP - Runners score a point for each of the runs they made back to the start position - Teams swap roles Closure - Pack up all equipment Designate students for different things - Go over teaching points of the different throws and the catch

that the students understand what is going on and what is expected of them. I would try and keep these students with a buddy who understands the concept and isable to progress the student through all the tasks. If needed i would request for a teachers aid to be on hand incase the student is not grasping the tasks and activities to ensure this learner can be on the same level as any other student and can benefit as much as the rest of the class.

Sequenced Learning
Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Lesson Two:
Warm Up - Students run up and down court, when whistle blows run on spot, when told keep going. (Can change the locomotor activity). - Stretches as a group: - especially hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, ankles, shoulders. Explain Basic Rules - Tell students of basic rules involved in the game of Netball No stepping with ball Must be 3 feet away to defend someone No contact Cannot bounce ball Different positions - Explain and demonstrate: Pivot Having a grounded foot Run-to-stop activity - 2 groups, 1 group goes first, then other

Differentiation for diverse Explicit teaching/focus questions learners Within this Unit i will be Students to understand that you able to apply different cannot step in challenges and tasks to be Netball and what able to work for all classifies as students, so that they all stepping benefit from the unit and To make good use can all walk away with the of whistle for same learning and stopping activities understanding. Complete a number A few examples will include the following students: AD/HD Students that suffer with the following, I will continuously remind them about there behavioural management cards that need to be followed not
of activities so students can use their skills in a range of situations Continously ask do we use stepping within Netball? How should they stand when they are receiving the ball and passing

Netballs Colour bands (2 colours) Acromats (2)

group Line up along end of court Run up court when told When whistle blows everyone stops and pivots on one foot before continuing up court Pivot and Pass - 2 groups - Each group forms 2 lines - Front person from 1 line runs out to receive ball from person at the front of the other line - After receiving the ball they pivot and throw to the next person in their line - Repeat Closure - designate people to pack up equipment - go over the class what we will be doing next lesson -

only within the classroom content but out side of the classroom. I will continoulsy be firm with them and make sure they fully understand everything that is going on and to make sure that they understand that they need to be in control of there activities. Hearing impaired Within these students i would ensure that there are alot of visuals being used at all times to ensure that the students understand what is going on and what is expected of them. I would try and keep these students with a buddy who understands the concept and isable to progress the student through all the tasks. If needed i would request for a teachers aid to be on hand incase the student is not grasping the tasks and

the ball?

activities to ensure this learner can be on the same level as any other student and can benefit as much as the rest of the class.

Sequenced Learning
Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Lesson Three:
Warm- up - 2 laps around netball court (jogging) - Suicide runs up netball court (1 skipping, 1 jogging) - Stretches as a group: - especially hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, ankles, shoulders. Explain Offence and Defence within Netball - team is offence - team is defence - Centre position does a bit of both - Offensive players try to keep the ball in their possession Accurate passes to own players Use different play situations - Defensive players are responsible for regaining the ball from the opposite team 3 feet rule Intercepts

Differentiation for diverse learners Within this Unit i will be able to apply different challenges and tasks to be able to work for all students, so that they all benefit from the unit and can all walk away with the same learning and understanding. A few examples will include the following students: AD/HD Students that suffer with the following, I will continuously remind them about there behavioural management cards that need to be followed not only within the

Explicit teaching/focus questions

Keep class organised and under control at all times by being well prepared and catering for the needs of all the students Allow students to keep themselves organised when participating in the SEPEP program Keep students active at all times. If not physically active, they can be thinking about different strategies they have used or

Netballs Whistle 2 lots of Netball bibs

Students will be exploring different strategies and tactics Shadowing - Groups of 3 (attacker, thrower, defender) - Defender stands so they can see both players - Thrower should pass ball to attacker at varying intervals - Defender tries to intercept ball - Swap positions when whistle blows Line Work - Players line up in a line of attackers and a thrower in front and 1 defender separate - Defender should shadow first player from the line - First attacker runs out to receive throwers pass - The next attacker then runs out on the other side to receive pass from first attacker - This player then returns ball to thrower - Players rotate positions until everyone has had a turn at each Discuss Strategies and Tactics - Ask lots of open ended questions - Which strategies worked well? - What did you do differently to get the ball in each role? Closure - Pack up - What differences were there when playing an actual game? - Strategies used?

classroom content but out side of the classroom. I will continoulsy be firm with them and make sure they fully understand everything that is going on and to make sure that they understand that they need to be in control of there activities. Hearing impaired Within these students i would ensure that there are alot of visuals being used at all times to ensure that the students understand what is going on and what is expected of them. I would try and keep these students with a buddy who understands the concept and isable to progress the student through all the tasks. If needed i would request for a teachers aid to be on hand incase the student is not grasping the tasks and activities to ensure this learner can be on the same level as any

that they could be using Ask what is defence and offence? What is the main rule within Netball? Can you jump in front of the ball and retrieve it from the opposite team.

other student and can benefit as much as the rest of the class.

Sequenced Learning
Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Lesson Four:
Warm up - Students jog around outside of the court in a line. -Person at the front of the line performs an action everybody else follows once the whistle is blown person at the end of the line runs to the front and continues. Working in pairs complete - 10 right hand straight passes - 10 left hand straight passes - 10 two handed straight passes - 10 passes with each player making a lead - 10 stationary lob passes - 10 lob passes with each player making a lead. Davis (1999) Shooting demo by teacher then by volunteer student.

Differentiation for diverse Explicit teaching/focus questions Resources learners - Perform appropriate - 4 cones Within this Unit i will be demonstrations and try to - 12 netballs able to apply different make drills simple and not challenges and tasks to be confusing. able to work for all Continuously ask the students, so that they all students if they know benefit from the unit and all the different can all walk away with the passes? same learning and How many different understanding. passes are within A few examples will include the following students: AD/HD Students that suffer with the following, I will continuously remind them about there behavioural management cards that need to be followed not
netball? Can any team member shoot the ball? If not than, who is allowed to Shoot the ball?

Peer teach shooting, imaginary ring (pick a point on the wall) In pairs practice shooting, partner give feedback if they are meeting the criteria. Hand out task cards so skill points can be checked off. Around the world - Class split in half, one half around each semi circle. - Students can take 2 steps inside semi circle. - 1st play one round no outs, 2nd round out if the person after you gets it in and you missed. - Last person out wins. Two third court circuit - Players line up behind baseline - 1st player performs a 2ft jump over each of the cones then sprints to the 3rd line. - Player sprints back to the circle to receive a pass from the thrower. - Player gets ball and takes 2 large steps into the ring, steady & shoot a goal. - Player then rebounds the shot and takes the place of the thrower. Davis (1999). Once everybody has ran through. Same drill however introduce a defender.

only within the classroom content but out side of the classroom. I will continoulsy be firm with them and make sure they fully understand everything that is going on and to make sure that they understand that they need to be in control of there activities. Hearing impaired Within these students i would ensure that there are alot of visuals being used at all times to ensure that the students understand what is going on and what is expected of them. I would try and keep these students with a buddy who understands the concept and isable to progress the student through all the tasks. If needed i would request for a teachers aid to be on hand incase the student is not grasping the tasks and

Goal circle drill

- 4 throwers outside goal ring with 1 ball. 2 players in goal ring one forward one back. - They should remain on opposite sides of the circle. - Ball can be passed freely between the throwers/attackers. Except attackers may not pass to each other. - Attackers are attempting to shoot goals. - Also have 2 defenders. End zone ball - 2 designated goalies/defenders - No ring players have to pass ball to their goalie in the end zone without being intercepted/defended by defenders. - Netball rules apply (no contact) - Winning team has the most catches by their goalie.

activities to ensure this learner can be on the same level as any other student and can benefit as much as the rest of the class.

Sequenced Learning
Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Lesson Five:
Position responsibility brainstorm - Students split into seven groups each group gets assigned a position. - Students brainstorm as many roles, responsibilities, tactics that position may use that

Differentiation for diverse learners Within this Unit i will be able to apply different challenges and tasks to be able to work for all students, so that they all benefit from the unit and can all walk away with the same learning and

Explicit teaching/focus questions

Try to make the class as interesting as possible by keeping students engaged and to keep prompting students for ideas dont just hand them the answers.

Television and video player - Test Paper - Whiteboard marker Handouts from netball Australia -

they can think of. They must also state where that position is allowed to move on the court.

understanding. A few examples will include the following students: AD/HD Students that suffer with the following, I will continuously remind them about there behavioural management cards that need to be followed not only within the classroom content but out side of the classroom. I will continoulsy be firm with them and make sure they fully understand everything that is going on and to make sure that they understand that they need to be in control of there activities. Hearing impaired Within these students i would ensure that there are alot of visuals being used at all times to ensure that the students understand what is going on and what is expected of them. I would
-Go through all the questions that have been asked in prior classes so that students and you are aware of their prior knowledge.

- Each group presents the ideas that they have brainstormed to the class. - Students discuss add any more ideas. Pass around handouts from netball Australia on position responsibility discuss as a class the tasks of each position covering the points that were not stated by the students. Game analysis - Students in the same groups as before still assigned to their certain position watch a quarter of a netball game and jot down points on how that position is playing, is the player completing the tasks that were discussed earlier, strengths weaknesses etc. Discussion - Each group states what they observed watching their position. - As a class comment on performance of each player were they meeting requirements of position, any strengths weaknesses observed of the team in general. Knowledge test - Short knowledge test for students to demonstrate their understanding of the content covered in class.

Class dismissed!

try and keep these students with a buddy who understands the concept and isable to progress the student through all the tasks. If needed i would request for a teachers aid to be on hand incase the student is not grasping the tasks and activities to ensure this learner can be on the same level as any other student and can benefit as much as the rest of the class.

Layout / Classroom Arrangement

Lesson One:
Christmas tree activity:

Lesson Two:
Running activity - Students lined up along end of court Stretches - Students arranged in a circle so they can see teacher - Teacher in front of class

Lesson Three:
Suicide runs: students line up along end of court Up to 1/3 line and back Up to 2/3 line and back Full court and back

Lesson Four:
- Jog around full court - Full court spread all the way - Around ring students observing - Students spread out across court, taking in turns practice shooting. Partner

Lesson Five:
Teacher at the front students in small groups sitting at their tables. - One or two representatives from each group come to the front of the class and share their

Stretches in a big circle as a group:

explaining and demonstrating - Class in semi-circle

Stretches in a circle so gives feedback then swap can see teacher roles. - Class in half around two semi circles (2 separate games).

groups ideas. - Teacher scribes on whiteboard. - Students sitting at tables teacher at the front of class. - TV and video at the front of the class, students sitting at tables in their small groups.

Students sit in front of teacher in a semi-circle to listen

4 groups of 5-6 students throwing in a zig-zag pattern

2 lines along end of netball court, one line goes first Groups of 3 Defender in between thrower and catcher - Have 2 drills one at each goal circle. - Swap roles.

- Teacher at the front leading the discussion, student sitting at tables in their small groups. -Students sitting on tables, all handouts away.

1 ball each pair Run up and down netball court

2 lines each group

First attacker runs out of line to receive the throwers pass Defender shadows this player

Teacher in front of class

in a semi-circle Next attacker receives pass from the first before passing back to the thrower

Teacher in front and students in a semicircle

- 2 even teams

Teacher in front, students in a semicircle

Students gather in a semi- circle around teacher

Use Feedback
Ways to Monitor Learning and Assessment Student Feedback
Physical cues in regard to execution of: - Passing - Catching - Footwork - Offensive Strategies - Defensive Strategies - Goal Shooting - Goal Defence - Position Responsibilities

Assessment Device
Small test in class conducted during Lesson 5 Test duration 25minutes Students will be tested on: o Positions on the court o Different skills and when they are used o Basic rules of the game Exam is based on short knowledge for students demonstrating their understanding of the content covered in class. Each answer is worth 1 mark and is out of 27marks

Netball Unit Year 3 Student Skills Checklist Student D - Developed S Satisfactory Un - Unsatisfactory Name Catching Passing Throwing Offending Defending Shooting Basic Rules

Criteria Game Skills: Knowledge and Understanding

Name of skill Components of skill

Very Limited Achievement

Has great difficulty demonstrating knowledge and understanding the skill required within netball and is requiring further assistants to achieve the skill. Has great difficulty demonstrating an example of the given task to perform to standard within a game.

Limited Achievement
Has some difficulty demonstrating knowledge and an understanding of the skill required within netball.

Satisfactory Achievement
Demonstrates a satisfactory knowledge and an understanding of the skill required within netball.

High Achievement
Demonstrates a thorough knowledge and an understanding of the skill required within netball.

Very High Achievement

Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and an understanding of the skill required within netball.

Implementing and Applying

Implements skill Combines skill within the game content

Demonstrates in a limited way of the given task to perform to standard within a game.

Satisfactorily demonstrates the given task to perform to standard within a game.

Thoroughly demonstrates the given task to perform to standard within a game.

Comprehensively demonstrates the given task to perform to standard within a game.

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