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Ped 372 - Skill Progression Lesson

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Student Teaching Example Lesson Plan

Name: Caitlin Brendum

Lesson Title or Subject/Topic: Skill Progression: How to Set a Volleyball
Unit: Volleyball
Date: 02/17/15
Estimated Time/Length of Lesson: 30 minutes
Grade Level: 7th Grade-High School
Central Focus
What is the
Central Focus for
the content in the
learning segment?

During this lesson, which is focused on learning the proper form on how to set a volleyball.
Students will be learning how to correctly set a volleyball with their hands and how to use
their whole body for power.


National P.E. Standards:

What standard(s)
are most relevant
to the learning

Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,

strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

Include SHAPE
Standards and
WI Content

What are the
specific learning
goal(s) for
student in this

Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Wisconsin State Teacher Standards:
Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity
Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
and/or social interaction.

Learn how to cooperate in a given space through doing different body movements in a
controlled environment and through different activities and exercises
Learn how to move in a different ways with yours body without running into other
Learn how to communicate through doing different movement patterns and body
Learn how to share equipment during different activities

Psychomotor The 8th grade student will be able to complete the different hand
placement of how to hold a volleyball in preparation to set. The student will be
able to place their hands like they are drinking from a two-liter bottle of their
favorite soda, juice, or water. They will raise their imaginary pop bottle above and in
front of their forehead with their thumbs pointing towards their forehead. The
contact should be with the finger tips and digits of the hand. Once the ball reaches
their hands, the student will extend their arms and hold their follow-through like
they are flying like Superman. The students will hold their form until the ball


reaches their target. It is a way the students can check to see if they had proper form
and accuracy.
Cognitive - (ACADEMIC LANGUAGE USED) The students will be able to
understand the form and exercises involved in how to set a volleyball after seeing a
demonstration done by a peer in class.
Affective The student will be able to perform all the activities done in class and
able to work with their partners. The partners will work together as a team/unit to
work on correct form/technique during each exercise.

Students will maintain their own person space while running within the
gym as they use their own equipment by themselves or with a partner.
Students will keep their equipment to themselves and not touch other
groups equipment.

Assessment of
Describe your
formative and
assessments you
will use.
What procedures
will you use to
ensure students
are safe, on task
and engaged?
What might
happen that you
might not

Formative: The students will be graded on the participation in the

activity during the day. Were they giving it their best effort, did they work
well with their partner and others, what skill/activity did they perform

The instructor will demonstrate and describe how to perform/execute

each different bod shapes in a safe, controlled manner. Some students
may become frustrated or overwhelmed easily if they are not able to
maintain balance or perform one of the body shapes, as their fellow
classmates may be doing. The instructor will be walking around and
encouraging all students. If students become too frustrated with the
activity, the instructor will have to class take a break.
If students act up, the instructor will hold their hand or an object up in
the air which will mean for the students to please stop what they
students are doing and make a better choice. The student must give a
high five or hand the object back when they are ready and tell the
instructor how they will make a better choice during the activities.
The instructor will be walking throughout the gym giving feedback to
students that are participating in hard work or who may be in need of
help while performing the skill.
Students may be setting the volleyball further than the specified length.
They also may not be making the correct contact with their hands while
setting back and forth.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.

Motivational Set
_____5_____ Minutes
How will you start the
lesson to engage and
motivate students in

Instant Activity:

Steal Space Martin Ships

Material needed: 6 hoops at least, lots of beanbags or yarn balls
Description of Activity: There will be 3 hoops on each side of a
half of the basketball court. The hoop on both ends that is
placed in the middle will be the hoop filled with all the space
ships aka beanbags. Then there will be the two others on both
sides that are safe zones where the opposite team can stand
in so they cant be tagged by the other team. The goal is to
give all of your space ships to the other teams hoop without
getting tagged. If you become tagged go on the side line and
you do 10 pushups or crunches or jumping jacks to get back
Important Safety Practices: Be aware of your surroundings so
we dont bump into each other when running back and forth on the
other side.

Instruction: (Body of
the lesson)
Write the step by step

activities for
the whole
Example: Hit
the ball over to
your partner
10 times.

) Simple
secrets to
Example: Hand
in the cookie

What will you say and

do? What questions
will you ask?
How will you engage
students to help them
understand the


What will students do?

Challenges :
(Applications)More game like
chances to
practice the
same tasks at
the same
difficulty level.
Example: In 90
seconds see
how many
times you can
hit the ball to
your partner.

: Add
to make the
tasks easier
and harder
according to
the skill level
of the

Greet Students
Explain the focus of the day
Whats your favorite drink?
Has anyone played volleyball---recreation, competitive, pick-up
We need to be patient when setting the ball, cant rush to make contact---let the ball
come to your hands.

Demonstration #1:

Activity 1:. (20 minutes)

After the instant activity the students will meet at the white board
to discuss the skill progression of how to set a volleyball with many

--First Progression: Go through the steps on how to make contact

with the volleyball, once the ball makes contact with your hands,
the follow through and holding the position until your target
receives the volleyball.
--Each student will grab their own volleyball and find their own
space on a wall. They will individually work on the wrist movements
with setting the ball back on the wall. Working on controlling the
volleyball with their arms and wrist.
--The students will find a partner and put one volleyball away.
Between each group of partners, they will set back and forth
working on the height of the set and their controlled form. Once
they get comfortable with the setting back and forth under control,
the partners will challenge each other and try to alternate the set
by one partner will set low and the other partner will set high, going
back and forth under control. If they mess up or the ball goes away
from the group, the partner set will start over under control.
--CHALLENGE TIME: Challenge your class and have a setting back
and forth contest to see what group can go the longest and set the
ball under control.


each of the Tasks:
Students will help clean up and pick up equipment and then meet
back at the white board in a circle to discuss what we
accomplished today with all the activities.
(1 minute)

How will you end the
Write out the questions
that relate to your
learning goals and
Questions that Check
For Understanding

By asking the students the following questions the instructor will

check for understanding
1. How do you prepare to set---what do you imagine you are holding
to remember hand placement for setting a volleyball
2. When holding your follow through what are you pretending to fly
3. What was the most difficult thing about setting?

Hook to next lesson


Students with IEPs or 504 plans or students requiring other

Gifted/Talented Students: N/A
Language Differences (ELL): N/A
Learning Styles/Preferences: Will be giving verbal cues, visual
demonstrations, and putting words on board to read and visually

What specific
does the teacher need
for this lesson?

Volleyballs, gym space and happy/energetic students

What materials do the

students need for this

Academic Language Demand(s):

What content
specific terms
(vocabulary) do
students need to
support learning of
the learning
objective for this

Soda-Pop Form: Imagining your are holding a 2-liter bottle of pop for pr
setting a volleyball.
Super Man: Holding follow-through, makes you look like Superman flying
Safety: establishing boundaries and limits. Being aware of surroundings
around you so no one bumps into anyone else
Body awareness and balance

Working in groups
Reading different locomotor skills and safety precautions
Understanding the difference between each locomotor skill, body shape d
importance, and the safety behind body awareness/management

By demonstrating the different body movement and shapes and their effe
own space and showing the students how they used those turns through
through large group discussion.

What specific way(s)

Body awareness and balance
Working in groups
will students need to use
language (reading,
Reading different locomotor skills and safety precautions
writing, listening and/or
Understanding the difference between each locomotor skill, body shape differences, its impo
speaking) to participate
behind body awareness/management
in learning tasks and
By demonstrating the different body movement and shapes and their effectiveness in their ow
demonstrate their
learning for this lesson? the students how they used those turns through doing activities and through large group disc
Describe the language
function and demands
required a how you will
support your students
during the lesson.

PRE-PLANNING: Explain if their was previous instruction in this activity (


POST PLANNING: Assessment informs Teaching: what are future need

assessment results.


Include any assessment, task cards, exit slips you used): Describe and numbered.

List references and
Other Resources
used to support or
develop the lesson.

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