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Pe Lesson Plan

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Teacher Candidate(s): Mr.

Roberts School: UNCP Date: 10/17/18

Unit/Activity: football Grade: 6th

Lesson Plan
2 of 8 Essential/National Central Focus (entire lesson segment): Students will demonstrate proper use of offensive and defensive skills and strategies,
Standards demonstrate knowledge of scoring and officiating rules, as a well as respect for teammates and opponents. # in class:
Lesson Focus: football
Assessment Tool Length of class: 12 mins
Situation / Task / Criteria
Teaching Styles:
Psychomotor Command
PE.6.MS.2.1 /1 1. By the end if the lesson students will be able to pass and catch a football correctly Peer assessment; checklist Practice

Affective 2. During the lesson students will demonstrate teamwork by giving feedback to at
PE.6.PR.4.1/4 Exit slip
Domain least one peer.

Cognitive 3. By the end of the lesson students will be able correctly describe the correct way
PE.6. M.C.2.3/2 Exit slip
Domain to throw and catch a football
Fitness Objective Equipment: 4 medium cones, 14
Teacher observation and
Health/Skill PE 6.HF.3.3/3 By the end of the lesson students will complete at least 5 to 15 minute of running polyspots (7 blue polyspots/7 orange
polyspots), 7 volleyballs
List of Academic
Pass(throw), catch(receive), touchdown(score), receiver(catcher)
Language Used
Students will NOT tackle, after receiver catch ball and takes two steps they References(e.g. Book, course packet, pg #, complete web address URL):
Safety Statement must stop. Defense can ONLY play the ball in the air.

National Standards – The physically literate individual:

Essential Standards 1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard= Subject. Grade level. Essential Standard. Clarifying objective 2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement
and performance.
1.Motor Skill-MS
3. Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing
2.Movement Concepts-MC level of physical activity and fitness.
3.Health-related fitness-HF 4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
4.Personal/Social Responsibility-PR 5. Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-
expression, and/or social interaction.
Lesson Time Organization Assessments, Reminders
Components (mins) CFU, Academic Language,
Alignment to objectives
Assessments- Fit assessment –
teacher will fill out checklist
indicating who completed all 4
stations of 30 sec each.

AL – thrower(quarterback),

10/15 Student will play “we it ball”. In which a random student will start with a ball making him “it”. He is then able to tag his fellow CFU - How will you know what to
Instant Activity minute students with this ball and once their it, they can work together to tag fellow students by passing the ball to each other and tagging do after the catch ?
s people with and making them it. This will continue until all students are it.
Safety – make sure you are
completing the exercise correctly
rather than fast. Completing
muscular exercise incorrectly could
result in injury,

20 sec Transition Get students attention and proceed to the next activity.
I – My name is Mr. Roberts, We will be working on the throwing and catching a football; the cues are dominant foot towards
target, throw at target, release at your ear (thrower(QB)) eyes on ball, catch with hands not body(receiver(catcher))
Signal – When I say “3, 2, 1 Freeze” I want you to stop what you are doing, put the footballs on the ground and turn to face me for
Introduction, further instructions.
Signal for T Hook – To properly pass and catch a football, teams must not only follow the correct techniques, but also move correctly to put
Attention, 1 min. yourself in position to make the pass and catch as easy of a process as possible.
Hook, SSSSSSSSSSSS P – Students will be able to pass and catch a football to a partner 5/7 times.
Expectations C – Students will be able to correctly describe the step sequence of catching and throwing.
A – Students will demonstrate teamwork by giving encouraging their peers.
F – Students will complete at least 10/15 minute of running and building arm strength through catching and passing a football.
Safety – If a student loses control of the volleyball they will yell, “Ball, Ball, Ball” to alert other students.
20 sec Transition On teachers signal students will move to one of the four stations

Teaching Progressions – Show some of the major tasks/activities listed on your Activity Progression Worksheet.
Cues (Refinements) – Variations / Modification –
Learning Tasks Adaptations,
Simple words to Add variations to the learning tasks to make it
a) For each learning task, please describe task/skill,/demo common Assessments, Reminders
improve performance easier and harder according to needs and abilities
mistakes . CFU, Academic Language,
and understanding. of the students (lower and higher skilled students).
Alignment to objectives
Body of Lesson E.g. Eyes at target
(Lesson Focus) Task #1 a. Description of task-
Students will be shown how to hold and throw a football/ following this, that will each get a ball, get a comfortable throwing space
between each and practice their throwing motions. After 5/7 successful attempts, students will then be shown how to catch, then splint
10 min T into pairs and will thrown and catch the ball with each other.
AL –laces( laces on ball)
Description of skill :
nose of the ball(front of the ball)
To hold a football, you spread your finger and grip the laces, if you have a smaller hand, bring it towards the nose of the ball. To CFU - Everyone stand up and show
B W throw the ball, look at your target and point your dominant foot towards it. You want to release the ball at your ear and throw it at me their throwing form.
T your target. To catch a football you keep your eyes on the ball and as you catch it, catch it with your hands and not your body. CFU - Why should you keep your
Demo of Task: dominant foot towards targetf?
B W -have students practice throwing motions by themselves, and the have them splits into pairs to practice catching and thowing.
-show each part and cue slowly and explain with students if they have any questions.
-demo from side view 2-3 times CFU – What should catcher do
-review common mistakes after he catches ?
Common mistakes:
-Make sure you know when to release the ball ATO- Cog obj – teacher will teach
-Don’t loose sight of the ball when trying to catch the correct sequence before
demoing skill.
Safety- see safety statement

b. Extension- 1. foot towards target

-Students will practice throwing motion. 2.Eyes on ball Easier – start in the taught stance before the going
-Students shouldn’t throw ball during this. 3.throw at target through motions
-catch with hands not body
Harder - have partners throw ball to one another

Signal; students will take volleyball with them and go stand on an orange polyspot.
30 sec Transition
a. Description of task:
have students split into even teams and play stop and go football..
Task #2 Description of skill :
In this, the thrower will throw the ball to any receiver of his choosing. After the receiver catches the ball, he is limited to two steps
afterwards to which the he will become the thrower. This will go on until the team will the all score or has a turnover by dropping the
6 min S S ball or having the it intercepted
S S Demo of Task:
S S -N/A
Common mistakes
-Make sure you know when to release the ball
-Don’t loose sight of the ball when trying to catch
B; teams will run and try to get open, once they’re 1. foot towards target
open, if the thrower finds him and he catches the 2.Eyes on ball Adaptations-N/A
ball he can take two steps before he becomes the 3.throw at target Assessments--Psych assessment –
thrower. If the ball is dropped, the ball goes to the see how many catches vs drops
other team. students have
AL –turnover
CFU- What are the three cues for
S S Easier – have students practice catching from
this skill?
S S being close to a distance.
ATO-- Psych obj – students are
practicing catching and thrownig
S S Harder - throw and catch at least 10 times
Safety - be cure to stay in your
lane/area when bumping. DO not
run after a ball to bump it back to
your partner. This will help to
avoid collisions.

Transition Signal; students will pick up all the equipment, then jog back to the baseline and sit facing the middle of the gym.

Lesson Plan Instructions

Section 1: Contextual Information
Lesson Plan Component Directions
Lesson plan # Indicate the # in the lesson sequence or unit
Teacher Candidate/s Write name of teacher(s)
School UNCP or the school where lesson is taught
Unit/Activity List the unit or activity
Central Focus: A statement that captures or summarizes the overarching learning outcomes associated with content standards and
learning objectives. It may not be as broad or comprehensive as a central focus used in a longer unit of instruction, but it should
Central Focus
represent a focus beyond facts and skills. For example, the central focus for a physical education learning segment might be
executing basic basketball skills in a small-sided game.
More specific than the central focus as in what is being taught today and what are the national outcomes that are being
Lesson Focus

Date Date or anticipated date the lesson is expected to be taught.

Grade Indicate the grade level of the lesson. This may be a range for secondary. For example, Grades: 7 th-8th.
# in Class Number of students in the class or give a range (15-20 students).
Length of class Total duration of the lesson.
Essential/National Indicate the State and the National Standards which align with the lesson.
PED 201 writes objectives as proposed goals. Include a situation, task, and criterion in each objective in this format:
Objectives i.e.- SITUATION- TASK (in bold); CRITERIA (underlined). The criteria must be measurable, observable and specific.
Affective and Fitness objectives should be THEMED based
Identify a formal or informal assessment tool for each objective. The tool must match the corresponding objective criteria. Formal
Assessment tool assessment tool examples include: written quiz, rubric, rating scale, checklist, self-report, journal, etc. Examples of informal
procedures include teacher observation and CFUs. Indicate the assessment tool in the right hand column on pg. 2-3.
Teaching Styles Bold the styles used in the lesson
Academic Language A list which includes the “Language of the activity/discipline”. – could include vocabulary, symbols, concepts, cues such as: “drop
shot”, a referee’s ‘T’ for time-out, F.I.T.T., “step w/ opposition”. The students are expected to use these terms within the lesson.
EDU 355 uses academic language at a higher level and goes beyond vocabulary. AL is indicated in the right column on pg. 2-3.
Common Core Standards Identify the CC standard the lesson will support. Copy from the CC website. Physical Education supports Literacy/Language Arts in
the CC. Go to: http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/CCRA/L/
Click on reading, writing, speaking standards and the grade on the right and find the corresponding standard - copy # and text
**Connect the CC standard with your academic language task**
e.g. Grade 3 comprehension: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.1.D: Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.
Equipment List all the equipment and number used in the lesson.
Safety Statement Brief statement or statement in form of a quote/script. Also indicate in the right column on pg. 2-3
References Full internet URL; APA format on books w/ page #, references are proof of standard practice such as:
 Malmberg, E. (2003). Kidnastics: a teacher-centered approach to teaching gymnastics. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
 Internet site- use the FULL url!!! Like this: http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Shoulder.html#anchor102874

Section 2: Lesson Activities

Lesson Plan Component Directions
Column: time Provide a range of estimated time for each task presented
Column: organization A “map” of S and T placement, if space is limited, attach supplement
Column: adaptations, Explain the protocol (management of students, equipment, time and space) used in each assessment. Describe CFU procedures;
assessments, reminders, write out specific questions.
CFUs Academic Language Show the alignment between task, objective and assessment.
Alignment If you have a specific focus student or student that needs individual adaptations, you can write it in here as well.
Plan and describe a task that students will participate in upon arriving to the learning environment. May be used as a 5 minute
Instant Activity
fitness or warm-up activity
Explain how the students will move from one space to another. Example: When I say “go”, when the music stops, when you hear
the signal for attention…Place the equipment in the hula-hoop/ basket and meet in the circle.
Transcribe an introduction to the day’s lesson. Make sure to provide a set induction, outline, and introduce academic language.
Introduction Signal for Attention
Address any objectives/assessments you will expect your students to accomplish – be explicit!
Every lesson should come with an activity where fitness is EXPLICITLY taught. Explain the fitness activity here and be sure it is
Fitness Activity aligned to your fitness objective.
Include the full (words and #) National Outcome!
Describe the task with enough detail so someone else could teach it.
 Tasks In the first row of the task (a), explain how you will get the students engaged in the activity (through questions, or
demonstration?). In the second row (b) you will describe the task in detail.
 Cues List cues used for the task.

 Variations Add modifications to make the tasks easier and harder according to the skill level of the students. (use GLSP)…(examples: change
the time, distance, challenges, 3 of people, etc.).

Lesson closure Review lesson; check for understanding, hook to the next lesson.
 Pre-planning Name of school, date and grade
Knowledge of students, community, personal assets/characteristics. What do the students know and what can they do before the
lesson. Include info about pre-assessment. Include a summary of previous instruction in the activity or related activities. Describe
the present level of performance if known.
 Post-planning Analysis of student performance. What did the students learn in this lesson? Explain what your observations were or what your
assessments tell you.
 Teacher reflection From the data and post planning, what can you do as the teacher moving forward to the next lesson? Teacher reflection includes
notes what worked, what didn’t, why, and what to change.
Instructional supports Attach copies of the assessment tools, recording forms, cue cards, station cards, etc. Be sure to list and number. Remember to
include language cards you will use within your lesson.

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