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Sketch To Stretch

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Date: November 12, 2013 Grade: P

Sketch to stretch Alligator Baby by Robert Munsch

Subject (s): Language Arts
Time of day: Morning or Afternoon (Whenever the class time is allotted)
Length of lesson: 50-60 minutes
Whole Group/ Individual

Going from the known to the new: Before this lesson, students should have the
ability to sketch a basic picture that they are able to describe.

GCO 4: Students will be expected to select, read, and view with understanding a
range of literature, information, median and visual texts.

SCO 4.1: Students will be expected to regard reading/viewing as sources of interest,
enjoyment, and information

Curriculum Overlaps: This lesson overlaps with Visual Arts outcomes (please see
the Curriculum Document for Visual Arts).


Introduction: The purpose of this lesson is to create visualizations of the
story that will be read (Alligator Baby by Robert Munsch)

Time to Teach

Time Allotment: 5-10 minutes

Overview: For the first 5-10 minutes of the lesson, give a small mini lesson
about visualizations. Use this time to speak to students about how,
sometimes, one must take the time to read only the words of a story. This
allows them to make their own pictures in their heads, or in our case, on

Time to Practice

Time Allotment: 20-30 minutes

Overview: Take this time to read the story to the students in sections. Read
the story all the way through, without showing them the images. Then, after
have done a complete reading, stop and explain to the student that you are
going to re-read to them a certain section (For example, you could read the
section on page 23, in which the baby reaches up to the gorilla and bites it on
the nose). After this section is read, they will take the time to draw a picture
of what they are visualizing.

Time to Reflect and Share

Time Allotment: 10 minutes

Overview: In this section, the class will come back together as a whole to
discuss the reasons why they interpreted the stories in certain ways. In order
to prompt the students, the teacher could organize a series of questions to
prompt answers. For example, say that a student has drawn a picture of the
gorilla crying. The teacher could ask the student, Why is the gorilla crying in
your drawing?. One possible answer they may give to this question is The
gorilla is crying because the baby bit it on the nose.


This lesson can be easily differentiated for a variety of learners. For those
students who struggle with writing, this lesson is appropriate, as it allows them to
use a different way of representing to display their ideas. For students with
difficulty drawing (i.e. perhaps their drawings are not very clear), they will have the
opportunity to explain as a group what their visualization was when hearing the
passage. Finally, for those learners who are shy, they will be able to spend time
putting their ideas down pictorially in order to demonstrate to their peers and
teacher what they have visualized.

Criteria for Success

Students should be able to listen attentively to the teacher while he/she is
reading the story.

Students should be able to work independently on their illustrations.

Students should be able to demonstrate the ability to explain their
visualizations in some form, whether as a whole group, with a friend, or
through a detailed drawing.


Feedback will be provided to students throughout their discussions of the
story. The teacher will refrain from providing negative feedback, or criticism.
Instead, he/she will focus on what the student has been able to achieve in
their investigation of visualization.


Alligator Baby by Robert Munsch
Blank Paper (enough for each student)
Coloring Pencils/Crayons

Teacher reflection

This area will be designate for reflection following the lesson. This section
can only be completed once the lesson has occurred.

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