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Ped 372 Omnikin Lesson Plan 5

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Lesson Plan Five

Name: Eric Liegel

Lesson Title or Subject/Topic: Omnikin Four Square
Unit: Omnikin Ball
Estimated Time/Length of Lesson: 50 minutes
Grade Level: Middle School
Central Focus

Students will apply skills and strategies taught in the game of four square.

What is the
Central Focus for
the content in the
learning segment?

What standard(s)
are most relevant
to the learning
Include SHAPE
Standards and
WI Content

What are the
specific learning
goal(s) for
student in this

National P.E. Standards:

Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of
concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and
Standard 4- The physically literate individual exhibits responsible
personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Wisconsin State Teacher Standards:

Teachers know how to teach.

The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies,
including the use of technology, to encourage children's development of
critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.

Teachers know how to manage a classroom.

The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation
and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive
social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
-Students will apply kin-ball skills like serving and catching in the game of four square.
-Students will demonstrate strategy taught in the game of four square.
-Students will work together as a team and cooperate in the game of four square.
Psychomotor The student will be able to serve and catch the omnikin ball using
proper form with 80% accuracy by the end of the lesson. When serving, three of
their group members will be used as a tee with their arms holding the ball above
their head, themselves down on one knee, and their head down. The server will use
either a volleyball pass form, or use both their arms like a bat. When serving, they
will make a fist with one hand, and wrap their other hand around that fist. They will
call out omnikin and a color, and strike the ball with their elbows bent a little for
safety reasons. When catching the ball, students will keep the ball in the air while
their teammates run to the ball and help catch it.
Cognitive The students will be able to explain and demonstrate how to properly
serve and catch the omnikin ball. When serving, three of their group members will
be used as a tee with their arms holding the ball above their head, themselves down
on one knee, and their head down. The server will use either a volleyball pass form,
or use both their arms like a bat. When serving, they will make a fist with one hand,
and wrap their other hand around that fist. They will call out omnikin and a color,

and strike the ball with their elbows bent a little for safety reasons. When catching
the ball, students will keep the ball in the air while their teammates run to the ball
and help catch it. The also will be able to explain some basic strategy about serving
and when playing defense.
Affective - Students will stay engaged and actively participate throughout the
lesson. They will follow directions, and take care of the equipment. Throughout the
lesson their will demonstrate personal and social behavior by being a good teammate
and showing cooperation and sportsmanship.


I will ensure that I have gone through all of the safety protocols before each activity. If I
notice students are not following directions or breaking the protocol I will address the
issues. Groups will have proper space between them, so they dont have to worry about
running into each other or having any issues.

Assessment of


Describe your
formative and
assessments you
will use.
What procedures
will you use to
ensure students
are safe, on task
and engaged?

Expectations: I expect my students to stay on task and actively

participate throughout the lesson while trying their best. I also expect
that my students take care of the equipment and show respect for self
and others at all times. We will go over teamwork, cooperation, and
sportsmanship as that is a key component of this unit, and I expect that
they demonstrate those things throughout the lesson.

What might
happen that you
might not

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.
Instant Activity: Hot and Cold Tag- There are six colored
Motivational Set
balls for this activity. The colors blue, green, and purple are
5-8 Minutes
designed as the cold colors. The colrs red, yellow, and
orange are designated as the warm colors. Three players
How will you start the
will be the freezers for this game and will hold a cold color
lesson to engage and
ball. Three other players will hold warm colored ball so that
motivate students in
they can unfreeze players that have been tagged with a
cold colored ball. When the game begins, they players will
attempt to tag anyone else without a ball with their ball to
freeze them. Frozen players will sit on the floor with legs

crossed and wait to be saved by a warm color ball. Players

with a warm colored ball will toss their ball to a frozen
player to unfreeze them. When the player is unfrozen, they
must try to unfreeze another player because they now have
possession of the warm colored ball. Change cold ball with
different players now and then.
Instruction: (Body of
the lesson)
30-35 Minutes
Write the step by step
What will you say and
do? What questions
will you ask?
How will you engage
students to help them
understand the

Team four

hold hula hoop
at angle

Challenges :
(Applications)More hula
hoops for each

: Modifications
for students
needs would
be met

1. Greet Students
2. Explain to the students that today we will have a quick instant activity and then get
into a game called four square.
3. Explain to the students the instant activity called Hot and Cold Tag.
4. Hot and Cold Tag
5. Gather student together and go through the rules for team four square
6. Get the Students into 2 teams of 7 and two teams of 8.
7. Team four square
8. Have the students start with hula hoops to catch the ball first.
9. Then take the hula hoops away.
10. Closure

What will students do?

Demonstration #1: Team Four Square- Each team has their own square (1-4) Team
in square 1 starts with a serve to any square. The team tries to catch the omnikin ball
without it hitting the ground. If they do, they serve it to another square and play keeps
going. Once it hits the ground, the square that it lands in has to go to square 4 and
each team moves up one square to fill their spot.

5 Minutes

-Ask the students what the central focus of the day was?
-Ask the students to explain some teamwork or strategies that went into the game.
-Ask the students how they can use some of these strategies outside of class.

How will you end the

Write out the questions
that relate to your
learning goals and
Questions that Check
For Understanding
Hook to next lesson


Students with IEPs or 504 plans or students requiring other

Gifted/Talented Students: N/A
Language Differences (ELL): N/A
Learning Styles/Preferences: Will be giving verbal cues, visual
demonstrations, and putting words on board to read and visually

What specific
does the teacher need
for this lesson?

6 ominkin balls
Hula hoops

What materials do the

students need for this

Academic Language Demand(s):

What content
specific terms
(vocabulary) do
students need to
support learning of
the learning
objective for this
What specific way(s)
Students will use techniques and strategies taught in a culminating activity that leads up to k
will students need to use
language (reading,
writing, listening and/or
speaking) to participate
in learning tasks and
demonstrate their
learning for this lesson?
Describe the language
function and demands
required a how you will
support your students
during the lesson.


PRE-PLANNING: Explain if their was previous instruction in this activity (


POST PLANNING: Assessment informs Teaching: what are future need

assessment results.


Include any assessment, task cards, exit slips you used): Describe and numbered.

List references and
Other Resources
used to support or
develop the lesson.

SPARK Curriculum Attached at end of unit


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