Lgbpa Student Population Presentation-4
Lgbpa Student Population Presentation-4
Lgbpa Student Population Presentation-4
Definition: processes through which social institutions and policies reinforce the notion that there are only two possibilities for sex, gender, and sexual attraction; Male/Masculine/attracted to women and Female/feminine/attracted to men.
Definition: Norms and behaviors that result from the assumption that all people are or should be heterosexual. This system of oppressions assumes that heterosexuality is inherently normal and superior and negates LGBTQ peoples lives and relationships.
Definition: a fear of, hatred of, or discomfort with people who love and sexually desire members of the same sex. Homophobic reactions often lead to intolerance, bigotry, and violence within socio-cultural norms of heterosexuality. (because most LGBTQ people are raised in the same society as heterosexuals they learn the same beliefs and stereotypes prevalent in the dominant society leading to a phenomenon known as internalized homophobia)
How does being considered an invisible identity effect sexual identity expression and peoples assumptions about sexual orientation?
How does being considered an invisible identity effect sexual identity expression and peoples assumptions about sexual orientation?
With every student there are multiple identities playing a role in their lives and in some cases invisible identities like their sexual orientation are not the most salient.
Coming Out is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get
1) Be aware of current issue regarding the LGBTQ movement 2) Safe Space Training/Staff training - Student diversity training - Develop a common language of diversity 3) Conferences - MBLGTACC (Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender and Ally College Conference) -Creating Change 4) Advocate for policies - Gender Neutral Housing - Including Sexual Orientation in your Non-Discriminatory Policies
5) Support Student Groups - Western Illinois University: Unity student Group -University at Buffalo: LGBTQA Student Alliance 6) Resource Center 7) LGBTQA Programming - LGBTQ Bazaar State University of New York at Buffalo