Exploring Perspectives On Human Resource Developme
Exploring Perspectives On Human Resource Developme
Exploring Perspectives On Human Resource Developme
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Issue Overview
Human Resource Development (HRD) is now, and will continue to be, a major
academic discipline and a key consideration for workplace development in the 21st
and models offer competing explanations concerning different HRD components. The
current theoretical base is challenging for both academics and practitioners who are
explanations can be viewed as falling into four broad general categories: functional,
social constructivist/constructionist, postmodernist, and critical. Functionalism
the postmodernist; and Woodall (2000), for example, laments the limited use of
critical theory and critically reflective discourse in exploring and challenging dominant
thinking within the field. In both theory and practice issues such as pace of change,
central role of learning and development, skills and capabilities, and the value of
knowledge for societies, organizations and individuals (Teece, Pisano & Shuen, 1997;
HRD is addressed in a very broad manner for the purposes of this issue. We
This polarity dominates the literature; however, within this continuum multiple
variations exist which are not always explicitly acknowledged or discussed. This
acknowledges the multidisciplinary nature of HRD (Chalofsky, 2004) and its multi-
constituent composition (Hargreaves & Jarvis, 1998; Woodall, Lee & Stewart, 2003).
In particular, this issue responds to Holton’s call (2003) to explore alternative and
influence practice (Hatcher 1999; Lynham 2002). The HRD field, albeit relatively
young, has strong and deep roots in fields such as training and development,
and development (Evarts 1998; Gilley & Eggland 1989; McLagan 1989). Yorks (2005)
professional fields and understand how we can talk to both academics and
practitioners within the HRD field. He does, however, acknowledge that the gap
between theory and practice remains significant and will not ‘go away any time soon’.
The following discussion about the value of perspectives from a theory and practice
perspective is premised on the idea that both academics and practitioners are
Through examining the role of HRD from multiple perspectives, the focus,
composition and emphasis of HRD shifts, providing the possibility of renewing and
and Kohles (1999) and Morgeson and Hofmann (1999) both argue that through
dynamically through time will be enhanced. Different HRD perspectives can produce
innovative and critical thinking about its value and potential beneficiaries.
(2003) maintains that the practice of HRD is all about agency in a pluralistic,
arises only through the resolution of tensions and that the history of HRD is one of
paradigm (Bierma & Fenwick, 2005) to embrace HRD’s full potentiality. In his
acceptance speech, Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter (2005) acknowledges the fluid
one needs to smash the mirror – for it is on the other side of the
Acknowledging the complexity of HRD and the need for patterning, dynamic
with ways of envisioning the realities of HRD. It may provide us with the tools to
upon theory. McGoldrick, Stewart and Watson (2001) argue in favour of attempting
understanding. Similarly, Mabey (2003) argues that removing the confines of a single
lens deepens our understanding and can produce theoretical, methodological and
practical HRD benefits. Martoccchio and Baldwin (1997) also recommend that
researchers expand their lenses for conducting research in the domain of strategic
HRD decision-making.
Perspectives add both color and flavor. By promoting diversity of thought,
stakeholders. Bierma and Cseh (2003) argue that it is crucial for HRD to critically
assess what is and what is not being studied. In other words, perspectives enable us
to identify that which is missing from the discourse. Given the breadth, diversity
(McLean and McLean 2001), multidisciplinarity (McGoldrick, Stewart & Watson, 2001)
and indefinability of the HRD field (Ruona and Lynham 2004; Lee 2001; Mankin
characteristics and thereby enabling broader and deeper thinking about HRD’s real
range of perspectives invites flux and creative tensions and consequently reflects the
vagaries of societal development, the market and the rapid rates of organizational
change. It follows that perspectives may be situated at the intersection of theory and
practice and foster questioning, change, creativity and innovation in the HRD field.
traveling through institutional terrains hostile to linking theory and practice’. The
quickly, they may adopt reactive rather than proactive stances, and frequently they
are increasingly challenged by the dynamics of the changing workplace, including the
rampant globalization, and the need to contribute to learning at organizational, team
based on the idea that internal knowledge embodied within the firm’s human
1995; Hendry & Pettigrew, 1990). Bates and Phelan (2002) suggest that the
meet the demands of increasingly heavy work loads. HRD practice has a key
suggests that these answers are best achieved through the use of a wide
openness in values, the desire for meritocracy and the need to tolerate
2004; Thomas 2004). This suggests that organizations will need to plan to
suggests that HRD professionals will be instrumental in creating work
show little loyalty towards their corporate employers and expect none in
return. There is, therefore, evidence that levels of loyalty have declined on
both sides of the capital-labor relation (O’Donnell, McGuire & Cross, 2006);
along with shifts in other fundamental work values (Garavan, McCarthy &
2004; O’Donnell, Porter, McGuire, Garavan, Heffernan & Cleary, 2003) and
organizations are increasingly challenged to manage it. In doing so, many are
adopting fewer hierarchies, fewer rules, the elimination of barriers to the free
HRD professionals have a key role to play in the value creating learning
response to advances in technology, the desire for increased workforce
take it for granted that managers have the capabilities to operate in such
experiences so that the organization has the skills it requires at the right time.
Thurow (1999) for example, suggests that HRD professionals must think
about employees at all levels and the need to develop flexibility and creativity
discussion suggests that HRD professionals will need to think differently about
practice. As their jobs and roles become more complex, they will be challenged to
respond to novel and unique problems and to use different lenses in order to find
appropriate solutions. Mabey (2003) for example, suggests that by removing the
confines of a single lens, our understanding of HRD will increase and produce
benefits for both academics and practitioners alike. Multiple perspectives may enable
related to HRD practice and facilitate an understanding of how HRD can contribute to
It has been argued that there is value in expanding the range of available
perspectives on HRD. We believe that the diverse papers presented in this issue have
value in explaining the range of perspectives through which it is possible to
understand HRD. It offers the potential for fruitful dialog and helps to expand on
current theory building efforts. The articles in this issue provide insights concerning
the range of theoretical streams through which HRD derives its identity and justifies
its value. The articles identify gaps in theory development and outline areas for
further research.
The first four papers broadly fit within the dominant functionalist-utilitarian
tradition. Garavan examines strategic HRD and explores its focus on performance at
organizational, job and individual levels. Watson and Maxwell examine the emergent
HRD role of line managers and the dilemmas that they face when they are the
primary HRD drivers. Hamlin explores evidence-based HRD and identifies how such
practices can become commonplace within the HRD field. McGuire, Cross and
Murphy focus on HRD branding and image paying particular attention to how the
HRD construct and the HRD field itself is perceived by the general public and in the
The following four papers take a more critical theory and critical
with a critical theoretical flavor. It is argued that critical HRD engages managers and
between their learning and work experience so as to understand and change both
explores HRD within the wider ‘human’ condition’ in presenting a holistic perspective
with a postmodernist flavor. She argues that HRD is about people and people are
influenced by wider global politics and global events. Our conception of HRD,
perspective with a slight postmodernist flavor at a very broad global level of analysis,
a level rarely addressed in the HRD field. Specifically, he examines the notion of
The final article by McGuire, Garavan, O’Donnell and Watson summarizes the
key issues to emerge from the eight papers presented and discusses some
Bierma, L. L. & Cseh, M. (2003). Evaluating AHRD research using a feminist research
Dansereau, F., Yammarino, F. J. & Kohles, J. C. (1999). Multiple levels of analysis
Garavan, T. N., McCarthy, A. & O’Toole, T. (2003). HRD working at the boundaries
(2/3/4), 58-72.
MA: Addison-Wesley.
Hendry, C. & Pettigrew, A. (1990). HRM as an agenda for the 1990s. International
Holton, E. F. (2003). Beyond incrementalism: What’s the next paradigm for HRD?’
Jarratt, D. and Fayed, R. (2001). The impact of market and organisational challenges
Lepak, D. P. & Snell, S. A. (2003). Managing the Human Resource Architecture for
McGuire, D., Garavan, T. N., Saha, S. K. & O’Donnell, D. (2006). The impact of
McLean, G. N. & McLean, L. (2001). If we can’t define HRD in one country, how can
Noe, R. A. (2005). Employee Training and Development (3rd Edi.). New York: Irwin-
O’Donnell, D., Porter, G., McGuire, D., Garavan, T. N., Heffernan, M. & Cleary, P.
Pinter, H. (2005). Art, truth and politics. Lecture delivered to Nobel Foundation, 7th
December 2005.
Ruona, W. E. A., & Lynham, S. A. (2004). A philosophical framework for thought and
Teece D. J., Pisano, G. & Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic
Thurow, L. C. (1999). Building Wealth: The New Rules for Individuals, Companies
Woodall, J., Lee, M. & Stewart, J. (2003). New Frontiers in Human Resource
The need for clarity. Paper presented at the 1st conference on HRD Research
and Practice across Europe, Kingston Business School, London, January 2000.
Yorks, L. (2005). Strategic Human Resource Development. New York: South West
Publishing Company.