Academic Knowledge and Skills 201011 Gwinnetts curriculum for grades K12 is called the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS). The AKS for each grade level spell out the essential things students are expected to know and be able to do in that grade or subject. The AKS offer a solid base on which teachers build rich learning experiences. Teachers use curriculum guides, textbooks, technology, and other materials to teach the AKS and to make sure every student is learning to his or her potential. The Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) were developed by our teachers, with input from our parents and community, in response to Gwinnett County Public Schools mission statement: The mission of Gwinnett County Public Schools is to pursue excellence in academic knowledge, skills, and behavior for each student resulting in measured improvement against local, national, and world-class standards. Read on to learn more about what your child will learn during 2nd grade and how you can support your childs learning at home. We encourage you to talk to your child about what he or she is learning. WELCOME TO 2nD GRADE! Language Arts Learning to read and write is the basis for all learning. In 2nd grade, students work on reading and writing skills that will lead to success in subsequent grade levels. Specifcally, the focus is on sounds and words, as well as reading and writing with accuracy and expression. Students use reading and writing skills throughout the school day as part of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies classroom activities. Activities include shared reading and writing experiences, choral reading, small-group guided reading, and independent reading and writing times all within the context of classroom instruction and Writing Workshop. By the end of 2nd grade, all students are expected to: Understand sound/letter relationships and patterns in words, such as consonant and vowel sounds, consonant blends, and word families (-eam, -ight); Use grade-appropriate grammar and spelling skills in writing; Acquire skills to become lifelong readers and writers, such as self-selection of books, self-monitoring to correct errors when reading and writing, and talking with and listening to peers about ones reading and writing; Use reading and writing to communicate through listening, speaking, and viewing. Balanced Literacy Teachers follow these principles to determine the best teaching methods, strategies, and materials to meet the needs of our students: Learning to read and write is a complex process with many facets. Reading and writing are about experiencing language, not merely practicing isolated skills. Reading and writing are interconnected forms of communication that emerge from listening and speaking. Tere is no one way to teach reading or writing. Teachers will incorporate a wide variety of strategies to teach every student. Learning to read and write occurs along a developmental progression of stages. All children can learn to read and write along this developmental progression with appropriate accommodations. Knowing where each child is developmentally enables teachers to evaluate, plan, and teach appropriately. Children should be immersed in a print-rich environment. Reading and writing to, with, and by children should occur daily. Each day, children should have opportunities to read materials they select themselves and write on self-selected topics. Reading and writing are integrated into all subject areas. Listening, Speaking, and Viewing 2nd graders listen to and write about a variety of literary forms, such as stories and poems, in a variety of fction and nonfction genres. Tese include poetry, fables, folktales, biographies, and reports. Tey learn to listen attentively in order to respond to questions and directions. Students communicate in conversation with descriptive language by relating experiences and retelling stories. Tey discuss various literary and nonliterary elements, such as character, setting, plot, and theme, cause/efect, and main idea and supporting details. Reading Strategies and Comprehension 2nd graders read texts with photographs and illustrations to summarize, compare and contrast, evaluate, and develop inferences based on what they read. Students read a variety of texts for both pleasure and purpose. Tey distinguish between fact and fction. 2nd graders read and discuss their own writings in conversations with adults and peers. Tey are expected to read grade-level texts with appropriate accuracy, speed, and expression in order to efectively comprehend what they read. Word Work, Fluency, and Vocabulary By the end of the year, 2nd graders should be able to read and spell common sight words. Ask your childs teacher for a list of common sight words. During the 2nd grade year, teachers assess students knowledge of these words and their ability to use them easily in their reading and writing. Writing At this age, students write fction and nonfction stories with appropriate beginning, middle, and end. Tey are continuing to develop a sense of their audience and their own voice. 2nd graders are learning to write for a specifc purpose. Students use grade-appropriate grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation in their writing. Tey are able to share their writing with others. Books to Read with Your 2nd Grade Student The Random House Book of Poetry for Children Get Ready for Second Grade, Amber Brown The Adventures of Taxi Dog Frog and Toad series We are Best Friends Duck for President Roger the Jolly Pirate Cam Jansen series Diary of a Worm More Great Books for Children Georgia Book Award Books: 100 Best Books: American Library Association Notable Books for Children: Help your child build his personal library. Visit the used book store, garage sales, book swaps, and school book sales. Set aside daily reading time at home. Read aloud a chapter or two together each night. Be a good example. Let your child see you reading. Visit the library regularly. Literacy Tips for Parents Learn more about the Language Arts AKS online. Science In 2nd grade, children investigate the world around them and learn to ask questions and make predictions about their observations. Trough inquiry-based exploration, students learn content in the earth, life, and physical sciences. Tey use scientifc tools to collect data and begin to practice proper processes and lab techniques used in the study of science. Characteristics of Science Students in 2nd grade recognize the value in repeating steps in a scientifc investigation and begin to conduct multiple trials of experiments to collect data. Children explore the multiple parts that make up a larger object and begin to dissemble and re- assemble models that represent science concepts. Tey discuss the importance of caring for and meeting the needs of living things. Types of Science Earth Science 2nd graders describe the universe the moon, sun, planets, and stars. Tey discuss the physical attributes of objects in the sky. Students investigate the position of the sun and moon at various times of the year. Tey recognize how the lengths of day and night change as the seasons change. Life Science Children investigate the life cycles of diferent organisms and illustrate the life cycle of common animals. Students relate seasonal changes to observations of how trees change during the school year. Physical Science Children explore properties of matter and the changes that matter undergo. Students learn to sort samples based on their state of matter at room temperature. Tey learn how to observe the physical properties of matter. 2nd graders identify sources of energy and how energy is used in the world. Children explore speed and changes of speed as a result of force acting on an object. GCPS Social Studies program prepares students to participate as constructive citizens in a democratic society. Students understand their role and responsibility as citizens. Tey discover Americas heritage and its role and responsibility in the world. Students relate the past to the present. Tey learn the similarities and diferences between nations, cultures, and peoples of the world. Students interpret maps and globes, process information, and solve problems. Temes of study include: Beliefs and ideas infuence decisions and laws, and beliefs determine decision-makers; confict causes change; culture is the product of society; actions afect society; and the movement of ideas and people afects everyone. Interpretive Skills/Where We Live/Personal Finance 2nd grade students use grid, scale, and key/legend in identifying features and using maps. Tey locate topographical features of Georgia on a map. Students construct charts and tables and analyze artifacts. Tey use primary and secondary sources of information. 2nd graders learn about allocation of goods and services. Our Nation In the K5 Social Studies program, students focus on Our Heritage, learning about Georgia in 2nd grade. Students learn about the states beginnings and the history of native Georgians of the Creek and Cherokee cultures. Children learn about leaders in government, rules and laws, and the role of elected ofcials. Lessons about the Civil Rights and Human Rights movements illustrate positive character traits. (See the section on Character Education to learn more about this area of emphasis.) Social Studies Mathematics Trough GCPS K12 Mathematics program, students will become confdent and competent mathematical problem- solvers. Tey will be able to compute and have a deep conceptual understanding of numbers. Students will think critically. Tey will communicate their thoughts and mathematical reasoning appropriately as they prepare to compete globally. Te 2nd grade curriculum focuses on the areas of process skills, numbers and operations, geometry (shapes), measurement, algebra (patterns), and data analysis. By the end of 2nd grade, students should be able to do the following: Understand number relationships in addition and subtraction; Use simple concepts of multiplication; Model and compare simple fractions; Measure length with appropriate units; Determine perimeter; Classify shapes and see relationships by recognizing their geometric attributes; Know the relationships of time; Count back change; and Analyze tables, charts, diagrams, and graphs. 2nd grade students use a number of strategies and tools as they learn math. Students work together in solving problems. Tey write math journals and make connections between the classroom and real-world examples. Students use hands-on manipulatives, technology, and word problems and numeric problems. Tey use data, graphs, symbols, charts, rulers, and problem-solving strategies. Look for and talk about patterns. Theyre all around us Think walkways, wallpaper, tiles, and windows. Estimate measurement in inches, feet, and yards. Keep math fashcards in the car. Practice when youre stuck in trafc or waiting for an appointment. Math Tips for Parents Stand outside with your child one evening a week and observe the position of the moon. Keep a record of the moons position in the sky over several months to see how the position changes. Record how long it takes for a glass of ice cubes to melt. Discuss with your child why the ice stays frozen in the freezer and melts on the counter. Science Tips for Parents Learn more about the Math AKS online. Learn more about the Social Studies AKS online. Learn more about the Science AKS online. Compare and contrast family rules and privileges with laws that everyone must follow and rights we have as U.S. citizens. Discover Georgia together. In Gwinnett, Atlanta, and around the state, you can visit historic homes and sites, battleelds, forts, local museums, and cemeteries to bring history alive. Civics Tips for Parents Health and Physical Education Health In Health, students learn how to live a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risks linked with illness and injury. Tey also learn the consequences of unhealthy behaviors. Students learn to be responsible for their decisions and actions, and to understand the infuence they have on others. Each year, students learn grade-appropriate lessons about emotional health, relationships, nutrition, the benefts of physical activity, substance abuse prevention, basic human anatomy, personal health, and safety. 2nd grade students learn what to do in an emergency. Tey learn to prevent injuries related to unsafe situations. Children recognize unhealthy situations and how to choose health behaviors and nutrition practices that promote good health. Tey learn about maintaining healthy respiratory and circulatory systems and preventing illness. 2nd graders recognize the harmful efects of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use and abuse. Students explore coping strategies in family life. Te integumentary system (skin, hair, nails, and glands) and dental structures are part of the 2nd grade curriculum. Physical Education (PE) Physical Education emphasizes lifetime ftness, physical activity, and skill development. Trough carefully planned classes, students learn the importance of physical activity for their health and for their success in school. Te curriculum promotes increased ftness as students acquire skills and develop physically. In PE, students learn about physical activities that enhance their health. Students develop skills such as throwing, catching, kicking, and hitting a variety of objects. Students identify personal and shared space. Tey use acceptable behaviors in groups. Movement and motor skills including jumping, rolling, balancing, stopping and starting, and changing direction are important parts of the 2nd grade PE program. Art and Music Te 2nd grade student is a natural artist and musician. Teachers encourage childrens natural enthusiasm for music and art. Visual Arts Teachers emphasize joyful exploration and discovery in the Visual Arts program. Trough repetition in the elementary grades, students master art concepts. Elementary students learn the elements of art and the principles of design that are found in all artworks. Students are introduced to artists and artworks from around the world and across the centuries. As students learn about art, they will create works of their own, such as drawings, paintings, and sculptures. Tey use imagination in creating art. 2nd grade students create works of art using balance, texture, and primary and secondary colors. Tey use a variety of materials and techniques in composing original art. 2nd graders compare similarities, diferences, themes, and mood in artworks. Tey distinguish between diferent kinds of artwork from many cultures. General Music Te processes of learning, creating, performing, responding to, and understanding music are the primary goals of the elementary school General Music program. Trough singing, playing instruments, creating, moving to music, guided listening, and other involvement, young children discover and develop their musical abilities. Students learn to recognize and demonstrate the basic musical elements of rhythm, beat, melody, harmony, texture, tempo, dynamics, timbre, and form. Children learn to distinguish between selected orchestra instruments. 2nd grade students participate in musical activities that represent a variety of time periods and cultures. Tey accompany music with classroom instruments and body percussion. Children iden- tify repeating and contrasting sections in music. Tey have op- portunities to develop their creative skills. Students perform with increasing accuracy in pitch by singing songs in a limited range. Plan family trips that include movement activities, such as hiking, biking, or swimming. Establish a family emergency plan. Practice an evacuation. Serve a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, especially dark green, red, and yellow vegetables, and a variety of fruits. Health & PE Tips for Parents Please sign and return to your childs teacher. If you have any questions, please contact the teacher and/or administrator at the school. I understand that my child who is enrolled in 2nd grade must successfully master the current grade-level Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) in order to earn promotion to the next grade level.* Readiness for the 3rd grade will be determined by my childs classroom grades and/or input from the schools Student Support Team (SST). * Note: A special education students promotion is determined by his or her Individualized Education Program (IEP). Promotion for a student with Limited English Profciency (LEP) is determined by his or her AKS Modifcation and Intervention Plan, or by recommendation of the English Language Learner (ELL)/Test Participation Committee. Student name (please print) Parent signature Date Learn more about the Fine Arts AKS online. Learn more about the Health and PE AKS online. Take your child to the park with a drawing pad. Ask your child to draw what she sees. Visit the childrens art museum. Family passes are avail- able for checkout from the county library. Make instruments out of common household items. Try an oatmeal canister drum or wrap a comb in wax paper and hum along with favorite songs. Fine Arts Tips for Parents Gifted Education Te GCPS Gifed Education program, called FOCUS at the elementary level, provides academic challenges for children who are intellectually advanced. Te program ofers valuable learning opportunities that are advanced in content and accelerated in pace. All gifed education classes ofer experiences that extend GCPS AKS curriculum. Tese experiences help students develop thinking strategies and processes. Classes are taught by teachers with gifed certifcation. Students served through the Gifed Education program meet eligibility requirements set by the state. Both student performance and results on national assessments are used to determine a childs participation in the program. Special Education and Psychological Services GCPS Department of Special Education and Psychological Ser- vices focuses on meeting the educational needs of students with disabilities, beginning at age 3. Students served in the program have physical, mental, or emotional impairments. Tey must meet the eligibility requirements set by the Georgia Department of Education. GCPS provides comprehensive special education programs and services, including assessment and interventions. English to Speakers of Other Languages
English instruction is available for students whose primary
or home language is other than English and whose lack of profciency in English limits their successful participation in the regular classroom. ESOL instruction addresses English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Character Education Te school system supports a mandate from the Georgia General Assembly requiring all schools to teach character education. Society and culture are tied together through common threads that guide the way we live, work, and learn. Tese common beliefs are taught at home and reinforced by the community, schools, religious institutions, and youth service groups. Tese basic tenets guide the way Gwinnett County teachers teach and the way the school system conducts the business of teaching and learning. Character education is thoroughly embedded in the AKS curriculum. Counseling and Advisement Counselors partner with families and teachers to remove barriers to student achievement. Tey deliver a comprehensive and developmentally appropriate program which includes lessons in the areas of academic, career, and life skills. Counselors build strong relationships with their students through classroom guidance, small-group counseling, and individual counseling. Technology/Information & Media Literacy Te school media program contributes to your childs academic achievement and prepares him or her to live and work in our information-rich society. Available resources include books and magazines for pleasure reading and research, an online catalog for locating materials, and computers that provide access to online instructional resources that are age-appropriate. In a GCPS Media Center, your child will fnd a state-certifed, full- time media specialist who supports teaching and learning and encourages lifelong reading. Te media specialist collaborates with teachers to help your child learn to locate, analyze, evaluate, interpret, and communicate information and ideas. Specialized Programs and Services The school system provides a variety of specialized programs and services, including Title I, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Special Education, Gifted Education, and alternative education programs. Guidance, social work, and psychological services provide for students emotional and physical needs, along with limited clinic services for all students and specialized nursing support for medically fragile children. The School Nutri- tion Program operates cafeterias in every GCPS school. Some programs and services have eligibility requirements and require testing for admission. On this page, learn more about some of these programs and services. BE An Involved Parent Be attentive, aware, together A Role Model Be caring, engaged, inuential A Cheerleader Be supportive, positive, fun A Partner Be encouraging, working together Their Favorite Teacher Be there for teachable moments A Friendly Critic Be patient, accepting, exible An Advisor Be ready to help, share your experiences A Good Communicator Be a talker, a listener, stay connected A Lifelong Learner Be inquisitive, share, read together An Advocate For your child, school, community, public education Tips for Parents on 10 Things You Can Do to Be There for Your Child About Testing Gwinnett County Public Schools measures student achievement in a number of ways to ensure students are learning the curriculum. Our assessment program helps teachers monitor students academic progress. Assessment data and information pinpoints students strengths and weaknesses. This focus allows teachers to plan targeted instruction that promotes each students success. Testing in 2nd Grade The states testing program was not fnalized when this publication was printed. Learn more about testing in the 2nd grade on the GCPS website or talk to your childs teacher. Revised June 2010 Gwinnett County Public Schools 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW Suwanee, GA 30045 For more information about the AKS, please visit and click on the AKS/Curriculum link under Quick Links. Research shows that when parents are involved in their childrens education at home, their children do better in school. When parents are involved at school, their childrens achievement excels and the schools they attend become even stronger. Be Tere is a national movement that inspires parents to become more involved in their childs education and their public schools. Teachable moments are everywhere. You can be your childs favorite teacher by connecting in meaningful ways as you go through the ordinary routines of the day driving in the car, preparing a meal, shopping, or doing chores. Below and throughout this brochure, you will fnd tips for helping your child have a successful 2nd grade experience. Look for more helpful tipsheets and other resources on the school system web site and your local school web site. Promote the importance of regular school attendance and being on time. Stress that school is a family priority and being in class each day is important. Stay informed on school and class happenings. Read newsletters and reports that come home. Ask to see your childs work. Keep samples so you can see and celebrate the growth your child makes this year. Become involved in the PTA and attend school events. Be a school volunteer if you are able. Give your child daily responsibilities, such as choosing which clothes to wear to school, setting the dinner table, or making his bed. Encourage healthy habits, such as eating nutritious foods, getting ample rest, having a regular bedtime, and being physically active. Visit local points of interest, including parks, museums, and the public library. Library cards are free for county residents. Share family stories and traditions. Observation and conversation are important skills for your child to develop. About Promotion to 3rd Grade A child enrolled in 2nd grade must successfully master the current grade-level AKS in order to earn promotion to the next grade level.* Readiness for the 3rd grade will be determined by the childs classroom grades and/or input from the schools Student Support Team (SST). * Note: A special education students promotion is determined by his or her Individualized Education Program (IEP). Promotion for a student with Limited English Prociency (LEP) is determined by his or her AKS Modication and Intervention Plan, or by recommendation of the English Language Learner (ELL)/Test Participation Committee. Read, talk, and listen to your child often and about a variety of subjects. Encourage your 2nd graders natural love for learning with praise. Recognize curiosity and hard work. Let your child know that his or her academic success is important to you. Stay in touch with your childs teacher. Participate in parent-teacher conferences in fall and in spring to discuss your childs progress. Talk to your child about what he is learning at school. Use this brochure as a reference. You can nd a complete listing of the 2nd grade AKS on the school systems web site ( Tips for Parents on Helping Your Child Have a Successful 2nd Grade Experience