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rOBOTICS Unit-2,3

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Subject: ME2028 ROBOTICS UNIT 2 Branch: Mechanical Engineering Year/Semester: IV/ VII Part A 1.

. Write the Characteristics of actuating system. 2. State the advantages and limitations of hydraulic drives. 3. Write the basic principle of servo motor. 4. Give some examples of robot end effector. 5. Define End effectors. 6. What are the types of grippers? 7. What are the types of Mechanical Grippers? 8. What is meant by Gripper? 9. What is vacuum gripper? 10. Give some examples of tool as robot End effectors. 11. Name some feedback devices used in robotics. 12. What are the types of encoders? 13. List out the types of Drive systems used in Robots. 14. Write the characteristics of actuating systems. Part B 1. Write a short note on the following: i. Magnetic Gripper, ii. Gripper Selection and Design 2. Explain electric actuator system with neat sketch. 3. Explain Mechanical drives system with neat sketch. 4. Explain Pneumatic actuators system with neat sketch. 5. Explain the different types of end effectors with neat sketch. 6. Explain various types of Gripper mechanisms. 7. Explain power and signal transmission of robot actuators system. Robotics Important Question Paper 3 rd unit Part . A 1. What are the needs of sensors in Robotics? 2. What are the desirable features of a sensor? 3. How are Robotic sensors classified? 4. What is tactile sensor? 5. How tactile sensors are classified? 6. What is Touch sensor? 7. What is a Proximity sensor? 8. State range sensor. 9. Brief on the working of inductive type proximity sensor. 10. Define voice sensor. 11. What is potentiometer? 12. What are the two major types of optical encoders? 13. What are the phases of A/D conversion? 14. What are the functions of machine vision system? 15. What are the desirable features of sensors? 16. List the different types of tactile sensor.

17. What are the applications of Machine Vision System? 18. What are the various techniques in image processing and analysis? 19. What is smoothing in vision system? 20. What is triangulation? 21. Name the different basic lighting devices involved in machine vision. 22. Write the different stages of machine vision. 23. Enumerate the basic types of machine vision system. 24. Classify the position sensors. Part . B 1. Briefly explain the working principles of proximity sensors with neat sketch. 2. What are the different methods of classification in sensors? (8) 3. With the help of a neat sketch, explain the working principle of a LVDT? (8) 4. List the internal state sensors and explain its function (any two) with neat sketches. 5. Describe the construction, working and application of incremental encoder. (8) 6. Explain the working principle of proximity sensors (8) 7. Explain the working principle of pneumatic sensors with necessary diagrams. (8) 8. Enlist the different range sensing Techniques. Explain the Triangulation principle (8) 9. Briefly explain the characteristics of sensors (8) 10. Explain in detail the techniques of image processing and analysis. 11. Explain the two object recognition techniques used in industries.(8) 12. Explain the various techniques in image processing and analysis? 13. Explain the segmentation methods used in vision system with suitable example. 14. Write down three functions of a vision system and explain with a suitable sketch.(8) 15. For an image digitized at 128 points per line and 128 lines ,determine (1) The total number of bits to represent the grey level values required if an 8 bit A/D converter is used to indicate various shades of gray (2) The reduction in data volume if only black and white values and digitized.(8) 16. Explain the sensing and digitalizing functions in machine vision in detail

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