Sudharsan Engineering College: UNIT I Fundamentals of Robots
Sudharsan Engineering College: UNIT I Fundamentals of Robots
Sudharsan Engineering College: UNIT I Fundamentals of Robots
YEAR/SEM: IV/VII SUBJECT: IC1404-ROBOTICS STAFF NAME: M.Pugalenthi, M.E., UNIT I Fundamentals of Robots
PART-A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define a Robot. Explain the types of rotary joint notations Name the commonly used robot configuration system What is meant by robot pay load What are the types of hydraulic actuators? What is meant by robot anatomy What is meant by Work space?
(2 marks)
(AU-Apr/May-2010) (AU-Nov/Dec-2010)
What are the three degrees of freedom associated with the arm and body motion What is meant by accuracy of robot?
10. What are the benefits of industrial robots? 11. What is repeatability of robot? 12. What is resolution? 13. What is meant by Quality of robot? 14. Classify the motion control of robot arm? 15. Sketch the revolving joint and show the relative joint motions. 16. What is meant by Work envelope? 17. What is meant by work volume? PART-B 1. Briefly explain the different types of robots.
(AU-Apr/May-2010) (AU-Nov/Dec-2008)
(16 marks)
2. Sketch and explain the four basic robot configurations classified according to the coordinate system. Show the work envelope for each type.
(AU-Nov/Dec-2009; 2010)
3. i) Write short notes on Joint Notation Scheme. ii) Write short notes on technical specification in Robotics. 4. Explain the various parts of a robot with neat sketch. 5. Explain the main Robot anatomy with neat sketch. 6. Draw the types of joints used in robots and explain its application.
(AU-Nov/Dec-2008; 2009) (AU-Nov/Dec-2008)
7. How do you classify robots? Explain the working of polar coordinate robots with neat Sketches. 8. (i) Sketch a robot wrist and indicate wrist pitch, wrist roll and wrist yaw (ii) Briefly explain the role of robots in industries 9. (i) With a neat sketch explain the three degrees of freedom associated with the robot wrist. (ii) Discuss the four types of robot controls. 10. (i) Explain the speed of motion in industrial robots. (ii) Explain the load-carrying capacity of a robot. UNIT II Robots Drive Systems and End Effectors PART-A 1. Define End effector. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Give some examples of Robot End Effector. What is meant by Gripper? What is the difference between internal grippers and external grippers? What are the types of Mechanical Grippers? List any two limitations of magnetic grippers List any four important factors to be considered in the selection and design of grippers. 8. 9. Give some examples of tool as robot End effector. Name some feedback devices used in robotics.
(AU-Apr/May-2011) (AU-Nov/Dec-2008) (AU-Apr/May-2010) (AU-Apr/May-2010) (AU-Apr/May-2010) (AU-Nov/Dec-2010)
(2 marks)
10. What are the types of encoders? 11. List out the types of Drive systems used in Robots. 12. Write the characteristics of actuating systems. 13. List any two unique features of a stepper motor 14. List the type of drives used in robots 15. What is a RCC device? for what purpose is it used in a robot
PART-B 1. Explain Electric Actuators system with neat sketch. 2. Explain Mechanical drives system with neat sketch. 3. Explain Pneumatic actuators system with neat sketch. 4. Explain the types of end effectors with neat sketch. 5. Explain various types of Gripper mechanisms. 6. Explain power and signal transmission of robot actuators system. 7. i) Write note on Gripper selection and design. ii) Write a note on Magnetic Grippers.
(16 marks)
8. Explain the various drive system used with an industrial robot and compare their features, merits and demerits.
9. With suitable illustration explain in detail the four types of robot drive systems. Make a comparative analysis of their features. 10. With a neat sketch explain the working of a DC servo drive. 11. List the types of end effectors and illustrate with sketches. 12. (i) With a neat sketch explain the working of a AC servo drive. (ii) Explain the working of a stepper motor.
(AU-Apr/May-2011) (AU-Apr/May-2011) (AU-Nov/Dec-2010) (AU-Nov/Dec-2010)
UNIT III Sensors and Machine vision PART-A 1. What is the common imaging device used for robot vision systems? 2. What is segmentation? 3. What is thresholding? 4. What are the functions of machine vision system? 5. Define sensors and transducer. 6. What are the basic classifications of sensors? 7. What is a tactile sensor? 8. What are the phases of A/D conversion? 9. What are the techniques involved in Segmentation? 10. What is meant by Region growing? 11. What is meant by Feature Extraction?
(AU-Apr/May-2011) (AU-Nov/Dec-2009)
(2 marks)
12. What are the various techniques in image processing and analysis? 13. Give an application example of a proximity sensor 14. Brief on the working of inductive type proximity sensor 15. Give two examples of contact sensors. 16. What are the applications of vision sensor. 17. Name some feedback devices used in robotics. 18. What are the types of encoders. 19. What is frame grabber. 20. Classify the position sensors
(AU-Nov/Dec-2009) (AU-Nov/Dec-2009)
(16 marks)
1. Briefly explain the characteristics of Sensors. 2. Briefly explain the working principle of position sensors with neat sketch. 3. Briefly explain the working principle of Range sensors with neat sketch. 4. Briefly explain the working principle of Proximity sensors with neat sketch. 5. Explain the Machine vision systems of Robot. 6. Explain the various techniques in Image Processing and Analysis. 7. List the internal sensors and explain the functioning ( any two ) with neat sketches
(AU-Nov/Dec-2009) (AU-Nov/Dec-2009)
8. With suitable applications brief explain the following: 9. (i)Optical encoders (ii) Laser range meters (iii) Capacitive type touch sensors (iv)Ultrasonic proximity sensors
10. How do you classify sensors used in robots? Describe the working principle of any one type range sensor. 11. Explain the segmentation methods used in vision system with suitable example. (AU-Apr/May-2010)
1. What are the methods of robot programming? 2. What are ways of accomplishing lead through programming? 3. What is teachpendant? 4. What are the methods of teaching? 5. What is robot kinematics? 6. What is trajectory planning. 7. Define degrees of freedom. 8. What are the types of robot programming languages? 9. What is meant by Forward position Kinematics of a robot? 10. What is meant by Inverse position Kinematics of a robot? 11. List out motion commands used in VAL programming languages.
(AU-Nov/Dec-2010) (AU-Nov/Dec-2008) (AU-Nov/Dec-2010)
(16 marks)
1. Derive the forward and reverse transformation of 2-Degree of freedom and 3- degree of freedom arm. 2. Briefly explain the Robot Programming Languages in detail. 3. Explain the teach pendant for Robot system 4. Write down the capabilities and limitations of Lead through methods. 5. With an example differentiate forward and inverse kinematics. 6. Explain Motion, End Effector and Sensor commands with example. 7. Explain Manipulator kinematics with neat sketch. 8. Derive the expression for direct and inverse kinematics of 4 degrees of freedom robot manipulator. 9. List the commands used in VAL II programming and describe its functions.(AU-Nov/Dec-2009)
(AU-Nov/Dec-2010) (AU-Nov/Dec-2009) (AU-Nov/Dec-2009) (AU-Apr/May-2010)
1. What are the different types of material handling operation? 2. What are the type of robot is commonly for pick and place operation? 3. What is Gantry Robot? 4. What are the technologies used in manufacturing system? 5. What is meant by FMS? 6. List out types of AGV vehicles? 7. What are parts feeding, storage and retrieval process? 8. List application of robot in loading and unloading. 9. Differentiate palletizing and depalletizing. 10. What are the types of assembly operation? 11. List basic configurations of assembly systems. 12. Explain the importance of economic analysis of robots 13. What is economic analysis? 14. What are the direct savings of robot applications in an industry? 15. What is palletizing. 16. Explain the payback method. 17. What is a dead man switch. 18. Which data are required to perform economic analysis of a robot project?
(AU-Nov/Dec-2009) (AU-Nov/Dec-2008)
PART-B 1. Briefly explain AGV & RGV types of robots in detail. 2. Briefly explain the economic analysis of Robots in detail 3. Briefly explain the Safety sensors and safety monitoring of Robots in detail
(16 marks)
(AU-Nov/Dec-2008 ) (AU-Nov/Dec-2008)
4. Briefly explain the Workplace design consideration for safety of Robots in detail 5. Briefly explain the various steps involved for implementing the robot in industries. 6. List and explain indirect costs and savings in a robot applications project. 7. Explain the logical sequence of steps in implementing robotics
(AU-Nov/Dec-2009) (AU-Nov/Dec-2009)
8. (i) Discuss the factors that influence the safety for robots during industrial operations (ii) Write a note on the steps for implementation of robots in industries
9. Write a critical note on any two method for economic analysis of industrial robots. (AU-Nov/Dec-2010) 10. With suitable sketch, write a critical note on the features, relative merits and demerits of RGV and AGV.