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Notes On DC Track Circuit

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1. Introduction

Track Circuit is a low powered electrical circuit

in which running rails are used as a part. With
the help of track circuit, one can easily identify
whether the particular section is clear or
occupied by a train/vehicles or Track Circuit is
in failed condition.

The advantages of DC track circuit are :

 It is very simple to maintain.

 It is highly reliable for effective and safe

running of trains.

A DC track circuit has mainly two ends i.e. feed

end and relay end as shown in fig. no. 1.

A track circuit gives two indications.

 Yellow/White/No light indication -

When track circuit portion is clear i.e.
when line is unoccupied.

 Red indication - When track circuit

portion is occupied by a vehicle or track
circuit is in fail condition.

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2. Requirements

Permanent Way Requirements

♦ Glued joints or insulation joints of

approved type are to be provided for
defining boundary of track circuit. In all
future works of track circuiting, glued
insulated joints is to be preferably been
♦ Insulated joints wherever provided is to
be maintained as square joints. Where
staggering can not be avoided the distance
between staggered joints shall not exceed the
minimum wheel based of the vehicles.
♦ Rail ends of insulated joints shall be
square and true. All rough edges and burrs
shall be removed from bolts holes. Battered
ends shall be put right and the gap between
the rails is to be equal to the thickness of the
end post.
♦ Fish bolts at the joints must be kept tight
and the sleepers well packed in the vicinity
of the joints.
♦ Proper drainage should be ensured so as
to avoid flooding of tracks during rains,
particularly in the yards where watering of
coaches is done and in the water columns
and ash pits. It would be desirable to provide
washable concrete aprons on platform lines
at originating stations, in track circuited

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♦ Ballast shall be kept clean throughout the

track circuited section should be taken do
see that the ballast is kept clear off the rails
and rail fastenings. The clearance from the
foot of the rail should not less than 50 mm.
Well screened ballast right up to the
formation level shall be provided.
♦ Rail ends shall be kept free from brake-
dust, sand, rust, other foreign materials etc.
all rough edges and burrs at rail ends must
be removed.
♦ To avoid crushing of end posts of
insulated rail joints due to creep at least one
rail length in either side of insulated joint
should be provided with anti creep devices.
♦ Rail screws should preferably be used in
place of dog spikes at insulated joints.
♦ Wooden sleepers concrete sleepers or
any other approved type insulated sleepers
shall be provided for track circuiting.
Concrete sleepers where used shall have a
minimum resistance of 500 ohms between
♦ Where short welded rail panels are used,
SWR shall not but against insulated joints.
Two rails lengths of 13 meters/12 meters
shall be interposed to isolate short welded
rail from insulated joint. This standard
length of rails shall be anchored effectively
to arrest movement in either direction.
♦ In case of turnouts and crossings,
insulated stretchers, insulated gauge ties

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plates and insulated crossings plates shall be

provided as per approved drawings.
♦ GEN liners shall be provided in the
track-circuited area using concrete sleepers.

3. Types of track circuits

A closed type track circuit shall be provided to

prove the clearance of rail track.

♦ Double rail track circuit

Double rail track circuit is to be provided on

non RE areas, as for as practicable.
In double rail track circuit both the running
rails are insulated from adjoining sections by
insertion of block joints.



+ -

Double Rail Track circuit

(Figure – 1)

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 Single rail track circuit

♦ In RE area, generally single rail track
circuit is used where one of the rails is
reserved for the traction return current.
This rail is referred to as the un-insulated
♦ Any connection from the OHE mast or
other structure shall be made only to the
un-insulated rails.
♦ Similarly, connections for the return
current at feeding points as well as from
booster transformers and return
conductors shall be made only to the un-
insulated rail.
♦ Other rail carries positive polarity of DC
rack circuit. This positive polarity rail is
insulated from either side.


6 Amp Fuse


+ -

Single Rail Track Circuit

(Figure – 2)

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♦ As far as practicable, the rail adjacent to

the O.H.E mast shall be utilised as the
insulated rail. However, this may not
always be possible, particularly in yards
where there are a large number of points
and crossings or where the O.H.E masts
are not always on the same side or where
track circuits are staggered.
♦ In single rail track circuits, in the event
of a break in the un-insulated rails, very
heavy current will flow through the
track relay as well as the equipment at
the feed point. To avoid this the un-
insulated rails of the adjacent tracks shall
be cross-bonded at intervals of not more
then 100 mts. In case the track circuit is
less then 100 mts. The cross bonding
shall be provided on the un-insulated rail
at either end of the track circuit.

Insulation Break Un insulated

Joint rail

Traction 6 Amp Fuse

Return current


+ -

Single Rail Track Circuit with Breakage on

Un –insulated Rail

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♦ To avoid this the un-insulated rails of the

adjacent tracks shall be cross-bonded at
intervals of not more than 100 mts. In
case the track circuit is less than 100 mts.
The cross bonding shall be provided on
the un-insulated rails at either end of the
track circuit.
♦ In case of adjacent track circuits, the
return rail shall be staggered as shown in
fig. Below.

2T 1T

Traction Bond

Adjacent Track Circuit


4. Length of track circuits

4.1 Minimum length

♦ The length of the track circuit shall not

be less then the maximum wheel base of any
vehicle, except in marshalling yards.
♦ Track circuits shall cover at least two rail
lengths (Min.26 meters)

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4.2 Maximum length

♦ As per SEM pera 17.15.5 the maximum length

of track circuit under different track parameters
are given in the table below.
RE/Non Sleeper Section Mini. TSR Max. Type of
RE area yard Ballast in length track relay
Block resista Ohms of to be used
section nce in track
Ohms circuit
Non RE Wooden/ Block 4 0.5 1000 QT type 4 or
PSC 9 Ohms or
shelf type
Non RE Wooden/ Yard 2 0.5 670 -Do-
RE Wooden Block 4 0.50 450 QT 9 Ohms
AC immune
or shelf type
9 Ohms AC
RE Wooden Yard 2 0.5 450 -Do-
RE PSC Block 4 0.5 450 -Do-
RE PSC Yard 2 0.5 350 -Do-
RE PSC Yard 2 0.5 750 QBAT in
with QSPA1
with B type
choke at
relay end.

(Table - 1)

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5. Description & working (Closed Type)

♦ Track circuit is designed to know

whether the portion of rail (track circuited)
is clear or occupied by a train.

♦ A D.C. track circuit has two ends i.e.

feed end and relay end. Both the ends are
insulated by a Nylon joint or glued joint.

♦ Feed end is connected to power source

and relay end is connected to track relay.
Track relay will be in de-energised position
under following conditions:

♦ A vehicle occupies any part of

the track circuit or

♦ It is short-circuited by any

♦ Otherwise track relay will be in

energised position.

♦ Since it is a vital safety circuit, hence

installation is to be made according to the
approved interlocking plan.

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6. Specification of equipment required for DC

track circuit in RE area.

S. Equipment Specification No.

1 Track feed IRS-89/93
2 “B” type IRS-65/83
3 “F” type RE/S&T/ALD/SPEN/128
4 AC BRS 939 A
Immunized BRS 966 A/BS 1659
track relay WITH RE
5 Secondary IS-1651
cells 40 AH
(Table - 2)

7. Main parts

 Non- RE Area

Following are the main parts of a DC track


♦ Relay

♦Relay must conform to British Standard

Specification No.1659, unless otherwise

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


specially permitted. The approved type

issue relays are:
♦Shelf type
♦Q series type

♦ The resistance of the track relay

should be 9 ohm for the length of track
circuits up to and less than 100 Mtrs.

♦ The resistance of the track relay

should be 2.25 Ohm for a length of track
circuit above 100 Mtrs. if the track is laid
on wooden sleepers and 9 Ohm if laid on
concrete sleepers.

♦ Track Feed

Power supply given to DC track circuit at feed


♦ Approved type of primary cells or lead

acid secondary cells shall be used.
♦ Where primary cells are used, two
batteries in parallel shall be used to increase
♦ Where secondary cell(s) is/are used, they
shall be used with battery charger/solar
panels of adequate capacity.
♦ Separate feed shall be provided for each
track circuit.

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♦ The polarity of a DC track circuit must

differ with adjacent DC track circuit as
shown in fig. no.5

+ -

01 T 01 AT

- +

Track Feed and Relay Arrangement with

Adjacent DC Track Circuit

 Adjustable Resistance 0-15 Ohms and 0-25


This resistance is used at power source and feed

end voltage is adjusted according to the
condition of ballast and pickup voltage of track

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 Cables

The cable from feed location/cabin to feed end

junction box and relay end junction box to relay
location should preferably be made of copper
conductors of min. 2.5 Sq.mm. cross-section.

 Bond wires

A straight track portion of welded rails does not

need any props to enhance its conductivity. But
if smaller panels or individual rails are to be
included, the ordinary fish plated and bolted
joints themselves cannot give good electrical
continuity. In such cases, the rails are to be
connected with continuity Rail bonds.

♦ Bond wires shall be of an

approved type or 8 SWG GI bond wires
may be used for rail bonds.

♦ These bond wires are fitted with

channel bond pins, which have grooves
to hold the wires.

♦ It is desirable to used bond wire

clips to secure the bond wired.

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 Object of track bonding

The objectives of track bonding are:

♦ To provide a path for traction return current,

which ensures that no component of the
track/traction return network rises above 25
Volt to remote earth, under normal traction
load conditions and 430Volt under traction
short circuit conditions.
♦ To ensure that protective equipment operates
♦ To minimize damage to installations due to
traction short circuit.
♦ To maintain correct operation of track circuits.

 Bonding of single rail track circuits

♦ The track circuit rail must be series bonded in

order to ensure that defective bonding can not
cause a wrong side failure of the track circuit.
Accordingly, the bonding arrangement of the
track circuit rail must ensure that the
conductive path between the track circuit feed
connection and the relay or receiver end
connection is interrupted in the event of a
♦ Because of traction return considerations, it is
not possible for the traction return rail to be
series bonded. It is therefore essential to avoid
bonding disconnection to minimize the risk of
loss of train shunt.

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 Insulation Rail Joint

Two types of insulated joints are presently in


♦ Nylon insulated rail joints [Supplied by

S&T dept.]
♦ Glued joints [Supplied by Engg. dept.]

For one Nylon insulation joint, following

insulation components are required :

♦ Bushes 8 nos.
♦ End post 1 no.
♦ Channel side plate LH 2 nos.
♦ Channel side plate RH 2 nos

 Insulation Rail Joint

Two types of insulated joints are presently in

use :

♦ Nylon insulated rail joints [Supplied by

S&T dept.]
♦ Glued joints [Supplied by Engg. dept.]

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


For one Nylon insulation joint, following

insulation components are required:

♦ Bushes 8 nos.
♦ End post 1 no.
♦ Channel side plate LH 2 nos.
♦ Channel side plate RH 2 nos
♦ Nylon insulating plate 4 nos.
♦ Steel backing plate 4 nos.

Maintainer shall select suitable insulation

components with care, as these are available in
various sizes to suit Rail sections of 90 R, 52
kg., 60 Kg. etc.

 Track lead junction box

Track Circuit is provided with two track lead

junction boxes, one at feed end insulation joint
and another at relay end insulation joint.
Jumpers are used for connecting track feed to
rails from feed end junction box. Similarly
jumpers are used for connecting rails to relay
end junction box.

Cable from power source and feed end jumpers

are terminated in feed end junction box.
Similarly cable from track relay and relay end
jumpers are terminated in relay end junction

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 Main parts of DC track circuit on RE area

In RE area, all parts are similar to NON-RE’s

track circuit except choke & relay.

 Choke B type 0-3 Ohm, impedance 120 Ohm.

This is used for the safety of track circuit. This

prevents damage to the feed source at the time
of a caternary snap resulting in heavy currents in
un-insulated rail.

 Relay

 Relay must be AC immunised.

 Track relay resistance must be 9 ohms
only for any length of track circuit.
 The permissible lengths for different
types of track relays are shown in table I


1 ACI Shelf 50 V Wooden 450 m A 10 V induced
type or QTA2 voltage drop is
type. considered in 90 m
long rail length @
600 Amp. current.
2 QBAT type 80 V Wooden 750 m -do-
(with relay
end choke)
3 ACI shelf 50 V Wooden 200 m The voltage drop
type or will be more @
QTA2. 800 Amp. In S/L
Wooden 300 m & 1000 Amp. in
D/L track circuits.

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4 QBAT type 80 V Wooden 450 m 800 Amp. in S/L &
1000 Amp. in D/L
Wooden 450 m track circuits.
5 ACI shelf 50 V Concrete 350 m The workable
type or QTA2 length is restricted
type. to a lesser value
due to 0.6/Km.
Ballast Resistance
6 QBAT type 80 V Concrete 350 m -do-

(Table - 3)

 Length of DC track circuit is restricted

depending upon rail return current with
caternary current restricted to 300 amps. on
single track section and 600 amps on double
track section. Length of DC track circuit shall be
restricted depending upon the use of type of
relay and sleepers.
 The length of DC single rail track circuit in AC
electrified area with AC immune 9 ohms shelf
type relay shall not exceed 450 meters where
wooden sleepers are used and 350 meters where
concrete sleepers are used. The length of track
circuit can be extended up to 450 meters when
QTA2 plug in relay used.
 Restriction on the track circuit length due to use
of concrete sleepers can be relaxed up to 450
meters by CSTE of Railway if adequate ballast
resistance can be consistently obtained.

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 In view of increased AC immunity due to the

presence of biased magnetic arrangement,
QBAT relays can be used up to a maximum
length of track circuit of 750 meters using one
“B” type choke and the relay end, under
minimum ballast resistance of 2 Ohms/km.
Operation of track circuit with this type of relay
will required four cells delivering 8.8 volts
QBAT relays shall be used in conjunction with
QSPA relays confirming to BRS 933A.
 As an interim measure, length of DC track
circuit may be retained at the existing level at
higher caternary current of 800 amps. on single
track section and 1000 amps. on double track
section by providing “B” type 120 Ohms
impedance choke in series with track relay.
Audio frequency track circuit shall be used on
sections where caternary current exceed 300
amps. on single track section and 600 amps. on
double track section.

8.0 D.C. Track Circuit Parameters

The performance of a D.C. track circuit depends

upon the parameters explained below :

 Ballast resistance

 This is the total resistance of various

leakage paths across the track circuit rails
offered by ballast and sleepers.

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 The ballast resistance of the dc track

circuit should be as high as possible. Its
value also changes for track circuit
situated in different areas as below :


 Block section 4 ohm/km

 Station section 2 ohm/km
 D/rail track circuit
with concrete sleeper 1 ohm/km
 S/rail track circuit
with concrete sleeper 0.6 ohm/km
( In RE area )
 Train shunt resistance

 This is the maximum value of resistance,

when applied across the track, drops the
track relay. The min. permissible value is
0.5 Ohm for DC track circuit.
 Maximum permitted voltage at relay
terminal under maximum ballast
resistance condition shall not be more
than 250% of relay pickup value for shelf
type relays and 300% for plug in type

 The permitted voltage under minimum

ballast condition shall be 125 % of relay
pick up value.

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 The maximum permitted relay

terminal voltage with 0.5 Ohm TSR
(Train Shunt Resistance) shall be less
than 85% of drop away value of relay.

 Rail resistance

 The resistance of rail and bonding per

1000 mtrs. of track should not exceed 0.5
Ohm for track circuits longer than 700

 A rail and bond resistance up to

1.5 ohm per 1000 meters of track may be
allowed for length of track circuit less
than 700 Mtrs.

 Minimum length of Track Circuit :

Double rail track circuit on non-RE area
shall not exceed 1300 Mtrs. on wooden
sleepers and 670 Mtrs. on concrete

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9.0 Intallation

 Track Feed

 Track feed equipment and secondary

cells shall be installed in separate
location box & as near as possible to the

 Separate track feed shall be used for each

track circuit.

 The no. of secondary cells required for

track circuit shall be selected as per
length of track circuit/type of
sleeper/type of relay.

 The track feed charger cell selector knob

shall be kept in a position of no. of cells

 The rating of the fuse at feed end shall

be decided depending upon no. of cell

 The track feed equipment wiring shall be

done with 7/0.37 cable.

 Slow to pick up repeater relay (QSPA1)

shall be used in conjunction with plug-
in-type track relays i.e. QTA1/QTA2

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 The QSPA1 relay used in conjunction

with plug-in-type track relay having no
back contact, shall be kept in location
box and it shall be kept in relay room, if
track relay is having back contact.

 In the case of short track circuit (up to 50

m.), the track relay and QSPA1 relay
shall be kept in track feed location box
and beyond 50 m. a separate location
box shall be used.

 Connect all the spare contacts in parallel

to the loaded contacts.

 Insulation joints

 Select the correct insulation components

as per Rail section i.e. 90 R, 52 Kg. & 60
Kg. etc.
 Check that track circuit rail section is
welded or not, if not than provide rail
joint bonding. These bonding are
provided by drilling 7.2 MM. holes in the
rail webs closer to the fish plate joints on
either ends and on rail joints. The bond
wires are inserted into the holes along
with channel pins which are having
grooves to hold the wires.

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 Insulation joint must be located

according to the approved interlocking
 The ends of rails, where insulation joint
are fitted, must be square and smooth.
There should not be any burr or rough
edge which can damage the insulation

 The gap between the rails where the end

post is provided must be maintained
properly. Fig. no. 5 & 6 are example of
improper gaps, which results in crushing
of insulation material frequently.
 Holes must be proper in accordance with
fish plate hole i.e. oblong holes crush the
 Jumper connections must be so made
that the whole of track circuit is in
series as shown in fig. no.3.
 The insulated rail joint shall be installed
at least one rail length in advance of the
 In case of turnouts and crossings,
insulated stretchers, gauge tie plates and
crossing plate shall be provided.
 The distance between the Track Circuit
termination and fouling mark shall not
be less than 3.0 Mtrs.
 Insulated rail joints shall be as for as
possible not be provided on the outer rail
in curves.

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 Steel backing plate of 4 MM. thickness

with bends shall be used at ends to
prevent damage to insulating plate.

 In case, the top edge of the Nylon end

post protrudes above, the top of the rail
surface, it shall be made in level with the
rail surface by cutting off the extra
portion of the end post.
- +

01 T
01 AT

+ -


FIG. NO. 6

 Increase the track circuit length by 7'

beyond fouling mark in BG and 5’.5” in
MG in point track circuits.

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 Where DC track circuit are adjacent, the

polarity on adjacent the rail should be

 Relays

 Relay end should be located at the

entering end of train where ever possible.

 Where relays are likely to be subjected to

vibration they shall be mounted on shock

 Shelf type relays must be housed with

antitilting arrangement.

 All the contacts of the track relay

shall be loaded as far as possible. Where
spare contacts and available, they shall
be connected in parallel to the loaded

 Connections between track relay and

track repeating relay must be made in
accordance with approved wiring

 The regulating resistance shall be

adjustable and of an approved type. It
must have markings to show the value of
resistance introduced in the circuit.

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10.0 Failsafe adjustment of track circuit

 Select the required track relay and calculate

and record 250%, 125 % of Pick Up value
and 85 % DA value of the relay


{R-3 OHM, IR
Z-120 OHM}
+ -
A= Ammeter, V= Voltmete r, TR= Track
Relay FIG.NO. 7

 Find out the minimum permitted value of

ballast resistance for the given track
circuit length by formula given below
and shown in fig. no. 4 :

Ballast resistance = ------------------
2 ( IF-IR )

 Connect the relay directly to cell with

regulating resistance in series. (Cell
voltage must be 2.2 Volts)
 Connect a resistance equivalent to min.
ballast resistance across the relay and
adjust the regulating resistance so that
the voltage across the relay is just above
125 % of rated pick up value.

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 Now disconnect the equivalent ballast

resistance connected and take reading
across the relay without changing the
value of regulating resistance and the
voltage shall not be more than 250 % of
rated pick up voltage, if voltage is high,
increase the value of regulating
resistance and ensure the voltage is not
exceeding 250 % limit.
 Shunt the relay with 0.5 Ohm TSR and
check the voltage at relay terminal, it
shall be less than 85 % of DA (drop
away) value of the relay.
 Now disconnect the relay and power
supply and connect the same without any
alteration in regulating resistance to the
rails at the respective end i.e. relay to the
relay end and power to the feed end.
 Test the track circuit with 0.5 Ohm shunt
and check up the relay voltage which
should be less than 85 % of DA (drop
away) value and relay is in dropped
 Measure and record the actual value of
voltage and working current.
 If the track relay voltage is less than 125
% of rated pick up value it means ballast
resistance is less than minimum required
value and if it is impossible to improve
the value of ballast resistance than split
the track circuit.

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 Dead section

 By any means the dead section should

not be longer than the minimum distance
between the wheel of a four wheeler
vehicle. So that the vehicle must shunt
adjacent live portion of track circuit
while being on dead section.
 In BG section, the distance between two
axle of a four wheeler is 6 m. ( 20' ) and
in MG/NG sections, it is 3.6 m. (12').

 The dead section may be due to:

 Creep (in curved portion mainly)

 Cross over out of square

 A track portion is excluded of

adjacent track circuits due to level
crossing or bridge/culvert or a rail
portion where tramline crosses the

 Glued joint

Before installation insulation of glued joint must

be tested. Glued joint should be kept in dry
wooden sleepers.

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 Insulation test in dry condition

The value of resistance shall not be less than 25

Mega ohms when a meggering voltage of 100 V
DC is applied across the joint and resistance is
calculated by dividing the voltage by current..

 Insulation test in wet condition

Wet sand can be applied on the joint for 24 hr.

and thereafter the value of resistance shall not be
less than 3 Kilo ohm when obtained with
application of 100V DC megger.

 Precaution

 Joint must be well packed 10 sleepers on

either side of glued joint.

 No damage shall be caused to the joint

while inserting in the track.

 Working of Trap circuit

If a dead section in excess of 10.8 mtrs. (36 feet)

occurs, such as on girders bridges, a special trap
circuit should be provided as shown in fig no.7.

Suppose the train is entering from left & it is

trapped in the dead section, BTR which has
dropped cannot pick up since ATR has already

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


picked up and CT is unoccupied, hence CTR is

also in picked up position.

Similarly, for the train coming from right

direction and is trapped in the dead section, BTR
which has dropped cannot pick up since CTR
already picked up & AT is unoccupied.




 Cut section arrangement of track circuits

Where cut section track circuits are installed, the

track relays concerned, when de-energised shall
open the track feed and shunt the track circuit as
shown in figure below.

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2T 1T

+ -
_ +


 Termination of track circuit

For track circuited points or lines in a station, track

circuit termination shall be provided sufficiently
before the fouling mark so as to avoid infringement
to the standard dimension by any portion of vehicle.
The distance track circuit termination and fouling
mark shall not be less than 3 meters.

 Loading of track relay contacts

All the contracts of track relay shall be loaded as far

as possible. Where spare contacts are available, they
shall be connected in parallel to the loaded contacts.

 Measurement of stray direct current before

installation of DC single rail track circuits

Before installing a DC track circuit in areas, which

are to be AC electrified, stray direct current tests

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


shall be carried out so as to ensure that DC track

relay shall not operate with the stray currents.
♦ These test shall be carried out only on
non electrified sections.
♦ If there are already existing track circuit
in the area, these shall be disconnected do safe
guard against false readings being recorded in
case of leakage of block joints.
♦ The length of track required being track
circuited should be insulated by means of block
joints on either end of the rails. The rail joints in
the track circuited length may or may not be
beyond for purpose of these tests.
♦ Selecting a suitable earth, which shall
not exceed 5 Ohms in resistance test shall be
carried out.
♦ A suitable type of Milli Voltmeter and
millimeter shall be used for recording voltages.
♦ These stray current and real earth voltage
measurements shall be recorded in accordance
the diagram for measurements indicated below.

X X1


Fig No.10

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


♦ For measurement of stray current set up

the circuit as shown above and measure current

X X1


Fig No. 11
♦ Where 9 ohms, 4 ohms or 2.25 ohms
relays are used, use 9 ohms, 4 ohms or 2.25
ohms resistance and measure the voltage once at
“X” and next at “X1”.
♦ These measurements shall be recorded at
different periods of the day – one in the
morning, one in the afternoon and one in the
evening. These tests shall be extended for three
♦ Where stray current / voltages are
observed the length of the direct current track
circuit shall be cut down so as not exceed the
following limits for each length of track circuit.
♦ The rail earth voltage as measured across
09 ohms, 4 ohms or 2.25 ohms shall not
exceed 0.1 volt.

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


♦ The total stray current as measured shall

not exceed 100mA. Where all track circuit to
be installed on the line are less than 100
meters long., the highest acceptable figure
stray current 10mA.

11.0 Maintenance

 Insulation joint

 Every joint must be tested by maintainer

to ensure high resistance. If the value of
I.R. is below 5 Mega ohm, such joint
should be marked and insulation must be
replaced on priority as it may fail

 Sleepers edge from insulation joint must

be 4.5 " so that dog spikes/pandrol clip
may not short the insulation.

 Remove accumulation of brake-dust, dirt,

other foreign matter and formation of burrs
from insulated joints.

 Ensure provision of anti-creep devices

on either side of the insulated joint,
specially which are in block section and
near by long welded rail (LWR).

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


 Interpose two-rail length of

13m/12m to isolate SWR from insulated
 Ensure tightness of fish plate bolts and
proper packing of ballast in the vicinity of
the joint.

 Ensure proper drainage to prevent joint

being flooded with rainwater.

 Ensure sound condition of gauge tie

plate insulation, stretcher bar insulation,
D type insulation and rodding insulation.

 Ensure no leakage of current on account

of muddy portion between feed end and
relay end. If leakage is more then advise
to PWI for deep/shallow screening of

 For glued joints on wooden sleepers,

ensure provision of dog spikes. The
spikes should not protude below the

Insulation rail joint

 Before opening an insulated rail joint, the

components required for replacement,
confirming to the rail section, shall be kept
ready by the side of the track.

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


 For replacement of an end post when there is

no gap at the insulated pail joint, loosen the
rail fastening and pull back the rail sand
insert end post between the rail ends.
 It is imperative that when an insulated rail
joint is provided at least three sleepers on
either side of the insulated rail joint shall be
packed properly.
 Fish bolts shall be kept tight. Nuts shall be
tightened several times during the first two
weeks after installation/replacement, until all
components of an insulated rail joint are
firmly set.
 A metal flow is seen often at the rail table at
the joints. Such metal flow of metal forms a
lip and creates sharp burrs at the rail ends.
Projections formed at the rail ends shall be
chiseled without damaging the end post so
that these do not bridge the rail expansion
gap and cause a short circuit.
 Brake block dust, which may accumulate on
the head and sides of the end post and top
surfaces of the fish plate, shall be brushed
off frequently so that the possibility of
electrical conductivity being established
between the rail ends is eliminated.
 Special type pandrol clips (J types) shall be
provided at nylon insulated joints/ glued
joint to avoid touching of pandrol clip with
the fish plate.
 Periodic coating by insulating varnish/epoxy
over the nylon insulated joint/glued joint to

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


avoid shorting due to brake dust shall be

 A faulty insulated joint may be detected by
taking the voltage readings across the track
relay terminals and noting if this reading
changes when the adjacent track circuit feed
is shunted or disconnected. Any change in
the voltage reading will indicate a faulty
insulated joint.

 Bond wires

 Bond must be checked for rigid

connection with rail to avoid the
possibility of high resistance.

 To avoid failures, two bond wires (in

parallel) may be provided.

 Bonds shall be painted with alluminium

paint, where bond corrosions are

 On every visit maintainer should ensure

that the bond wire has rigid connections
with rails.

 Ballast

 Ballast must be maintained clean

throughout the track circuited section
and care should be taken to see that

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


clearance of ballast from the foot of the

rail shall not be less than 50 MM. Ballast
shall be kept free from vegetation.

 The ballast resistance of the track with

both rails insulated should not be less
than 2.0 Ohm/Km. with wooden sleepers
and 1.0 Ohm./Km. with concrete
sleepers in non-RE area and 0.6
Ohm/Km. with concrete sleepers in RE
 In case of concrete sleepers. ensure
provision of rubber pads & availability of
insulated liners up to 97%.

 Drainage

 Special attention shall be paid during the

rains to track drainage. Defects, if any, shall
be reported to the Permanent Way Inspector.
 All cases of defective valves of overhead
water pipes in track circuited area shall be
reported to the Inspector of Works.
 Relay
 Maintained pick up and drop away values
within the limits specified by the

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


 Relays shall be inspected visually every two

years and the following visual checks
 Movement of armature and
contact carriage
 Wiping of contacts
 Arcing of contact if any
 Pitting or charging of contacts
 Dust on contacts
 Electroplating
 Corrosion, rusting of components
 Presence of fungus, if any
 Charring of cover neat contacts
(for plug in relays)
 Correctness of label
 Presence of seal
 The relay that is any way defective should be
changed at once and sent to shops together
with a brief report stating the nature of the
defects. On no account should any attempt
be made by the line staff to rectify the relay.
 Track relays of all type shall be periodically
over hauled every 10 years subject to a max.
of 12 years. The duration may be reduced
depending on local conditions, decided by
 Check for arcing of contacts, corrosion,
presence of fungus after every six-

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


 Ensure no moisture/ leakage of water

near by track relay.

 Track charger and battery

 On every visit maintainer should put the

charger in off position for one hour &
then check insulation joint, bond wires

 Check the current & voltage at feed end

and relay end with & without charger as
shown in Fig. no. 8 & 9, ensure that it is
with in limit i.e. less than 250% of PU

 Check the battery connection, specific

gravity and voltage.

 Joint inspection of track by ST and

permanent way inspector

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


The track-circuited portion of the track shall be

jointly inspected by SSE/Signal and SSE/Pway at
least once in six months. This is and addition to
routine inspections to be carried out by each branch.
The condition of rail and insulation at the rail joints,
ballast and sleepers, abnormal collection of brake
dust, rusting of the rail and drainage of the yard
shall be particularly noted. It shall be ensured that
percentage of missing liners for track circuit length
not to exceed 3% maintenance work found
necessary on insulation joints after such inspection
should be carried out jointly.

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


 Train Shunt

A train shunt test shall be taken every quarter and

every time the track circuit adjusted or any
alteration is made.

Shunt test shall be taken not only at relay end but

also at other parallel portions of the track, such as
turnouts and cross over.

 Track circuit test card

Test cards shall be easily accessible for inspection

by officials.

Test cards shall be kept up to date in accordance

with the instructions given on the card. Reading
shall be recorded every six months.

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


Signal and Telecommunication Department
1. Station of section of line 2. Track circuit no.
3. Type of relay 4. Date installed
5. PU volts 6. DA volts
7. PU current 8. DA current
9. Resistance of relay 10. Length of track circuit (M)
11. Length of leads from feed end to 12. Length of leads relay to track
track (M)
13. Type of ballast 14. Type of track feed
15. Type of track feed conductor 16. Size of conductor to relay
17. Type of sleeper and condition 18. Type of insulated joints
19. No. of ASH pint in track 20. No. of L/xing in track
21. No. of insulated joints in track VF + VR
Ballast Resistance=
( IF - IR )
VF - V R Current at Relay =
Rail Resistance= 1/ Voltage at Relay terminals
( IF + I R )
Resistance of relays
22. Date 23. Weather
24. Condition of ballast wet/damp/ 25. Percentage of ballast clear of rails
26. Drainage of track good, fair or 27. Condition of rail surface
28. Condition of bonds and jumpers 29. Condition of insulated joints
30. Condition of track battery
Track feed end
31. Feed resistance 32. Voltage at battery of track feed voltage
33. VF voltage at rails 34. IF current at rails
Relay end
35. VR voltage at rails 36. Voltage at relay terminals
37. IR current at relay terminals 38. Ballast resistance
39. Rail resistance and bond 40. Drop shunt value
41. Pick up shunt value 42. Signature of section engineer/ signal
Signature of senior section engineer
(Table - 4)

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


12.0 Uses of track circuit in signalling circuit

 To indicate occupied / unoccupied

condition of a track.

 To prevent reception/dispatch of a train

in an occupied section.

 To put back a signal to it’s ON position

immediately after passage of train.

 To prevent operation of a point under


 To lock the route in the face of an

approaching train.

 To prove the arrival of a train.

 To control the aspects of a signal in an

automatic signalling area.

 To achieve one slot one train system of


 To assist effective working of an axle

counters by suppressing counting of
trolley wheels.

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


 Prewarn facility to gate man at the time

of train approaching to gate.

 To close and open the level crossing gate


 To introduce automatic block working.

 To provide Red lamp protection


 To introduce Intermediate block


 To introduce directional sequential

arrival of a train in RRI area.

13.0 Do's and Don'ts


 Check all safety parameters and record

the exact values in track history card.

 Check insulation joint regularly and at

the same time see its previous value. If
changing, then replace such insulation
joint promptly.

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


 Check the due date of overhauling of

each track relay and send them timely for


FIG.NO. 13

 Megger the track circuit tail cable after

every six months and if the value is less
than 1 mega ohm then such cable should
be replaced promptly.

 Measure the stray current, as shown in

the fig. no.10 by disconnecting the feed.
If stray current persist then try any one

 Interchange the positive and

negative connections of the rails,
so that stray voltage becomes
opposite to the track feed.

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


 Interchange the feed and relay

ends of the track circuit. Stray
voltage may disappear.

 Splitting the track circuit, so that

value of stray voltage will be

 Check the bond wire connections to

avoid high resistance, which are causes
of voltage drop.

 Prefer to provide track lead junction box

vertically to avoid water accumulation in
the junction box as shown in fig. no. 8.

 Apply glue/epoxy on the rail and fish

plate of those joints, which are shorting
due to iron filings and iron powder.

 At the time of replacing the insulation

joint apply quick drier paint on the rail
and fish plate.

 Try to replace the insulation joint when

the temp. is between 200 -350 C.

 At insulation joint pandrol clip should be

opposite in direction so that pandrol
clip’s small portion should be towards

D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


fishplate or use J Pandrol clip to avoid

touching of pandrol clip with the fish


 Bypass the regulating resistance at any


 Tamper with the track relay at the time of

track circuit failure.

 Disturb the antitilting arrangement of

track relay.

 Forget to give disconnection memo to

on-duty ASM/CASM at the time of
attending failure.

 Adjust the track circuit beyond the limit

of track circuit parameters given earlier.

 Forget to clean the insulation joint on

every visit.

 Permit relay end voltage to be lesser than

125 % of pick up voltage of relay.


D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004


D.C. Track Circuit – Ver 2.0 March 2004

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