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Water & Electrolytes

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Water is one of the most essential components which sustain life. It is most abundant substance on the earth. Water is
renewable source but it is finite. So, it needs to be used judiciously.
Distribution of water
Water accounts for nearly 70% of lean body mass. Water content variation is seen in individual due to difference in fat
content. Water percentage is on lower side in obese individual.
In human being, water is present as etracellular ! intracellular fluids. In an adult male weighing 70 "g. 70% of water is
present in intracellular fluids ! approimately #litres is found in bones. $he water presence in bones does not participate
in fluid echange.
It is very important to maintain e%uilibrium between water inta"e ! output. &ur body obtains water from foods, li%uids !
metabolic water from oidation of food in the body.
&idation of '00g of fat, carbohydrates ! proteins yields '07ml, ((ml ! #'ml of water respectively.
Water requirement
&ne should consume minimum of ')* liters of water per day. $he re%uirement also depends on person+s age, weight,
lifestyle ! temperature
'. &n a regular basis, human body needs * to *.( liters of water
*. $hough the thumb rule of eight glasses or that of eight ounces generally characteri,e climatic variation should
determine the specific needs
-. .part from the height ! weight inde, nature of the activity in which you are involved is also has its role to play
#. &ver drin"ing of water may lead to toicity
(. &ver drin"ing eposes "idney, heart ! systems composing them to uncalled for ris"s
/ost of water re%uirement are met by drin"ing. 0everages such as tea, coffee, mil" sha"es, fruit juices ! vegetable soups
also add to water inta"e.
&ur body gets water from metabolism i.e. oidation of carbohydrates, proteins.
! fat ! that water is called metabolic water
"OOD $ "OOD $
1ettuce 23 4elery 2(
4ucumber 2( 4abbage, raw 2*
Watermelon 2* 0roccoli, boiled 2'
/il", non fat 2' Spinach 2'
5reen beans, boiled 62 4arrots, raw 66
&ranges 67 4ereals, coo"ed 6(
.pples, raw without s"in 6# 5rapes 6'
7otatoes boiled 77 8ggs 77
0anana 7# 9ish, haddoc", ba"ed 7#
4hic"en roasted 70 4orn, boiled 3(
0read, white -7 0utter '3
.lmonds ( Sugar '
"unctions of water
'. $wo third constitute of human body is dependent on water
*. .s an important mechanic, body cannot carry out and sustain its functions without water
-. Water controls the functions of different anatomical units comprising human body
#. It is universal solvent, it forms the foundation of different biological activities
(. Water serves as a major agent of detoification
3. :egulation of temperature ! that of metabolism is facilitated through water
7. Water provides for effective lubrication
6. 0esides being the basis of saliva ! fluid guarding the joint system, water prevents the human body from different
"inds of diseases
2. 8ach ! every human cell needs water for its sustenance, be it the blood cell or neuron the smallest unit of the
nervous system
'0. Water has its part to play in the transportation of nutrients
Water ba%ance
In normal individual, water balance is maintained by adjusting the input versus output. $he loss or inta"e of water also
depends on climatic condition ! activities of an individual.
'. 8cess of water
8cess of water in the body brings about two effects;
a. 1owers osmotic pressure of blood
b. Increases blood volume
Increase in blood volume, increase blood pressure ! affects the cardiovascular system. So, it is important to
maintain the water balance. $his increased volume of fluids sends a signal to pituitary gland to stop release of
antidiuretic hormone or vasopressin. <ence, this reduction in .=< level decreases cell permeability in turn
reduces water reabsorption. While sodium absorption continues. $his produces abundant dilute urine ! brings
fluid volume to normal
*. Shortage of water
If the volume of fluids falls
in the body due to ecessive
bleeding, profuse sweating,
heavy muscular wor", high temperature or prolonged delay in fluid inta"e then glomerular filtration slows down.
$he hypothalamus receives the stimulus ! sends impulse to posterior lobe of pituitary gland to release .=<.
.=< increases water reabsorption by increasing permeability. While active reabsorption of sodium continues
which favors water reabsorption. 1ess filtration ! more reabsorption of water lead to discharge of less urine.
Water inta&e & out'ut Water source
Water inta&e
'#00 9luids
700 9ood
*00 4ellular oidation of food
*-00 $otal
Water out'ut
Norma% tem'erature
'#00 >rine feces
'00 S"in ?perspiration@
Insensible loss
'00 S"in
-(0 :espiratory tract
*-00 $otal
(ot weat)er
'*00 >rine
'00 9eces
'#00 S"in ?perspiration@
Insensible loss
-(0 S"in
*(0 :espiratory tract
--00 $otal
ro%on*e+ e,ercise
(00 >rine
'00 9eces
(000 S"in ?perspiration@
Insensible loss
-(0 S"in
3(0 :espiratory tract
330 total
8lectrolytes which are present in intracellular fluid are sodium, potassium, magnesium ! calcium. $hese
electrolytes direct the fluid movement in various compartments
8lse then water electrolytes are present in nearly all foods. 9ruits ! vegetables are good source of electrolytes
8lectrolyte balance
$he concentration of electrolyte in body is affected by water balance ! other minerals present in the diet. When
ecessive water loss occurs, the concentration of electrolytes particularly sodium increases in etracellular fluids.
$his increases water absorption ! develops thirst sensation. <ypothalamus responds by stimulating thirst
sensation ! by imitating release of antidiuretic hormone which influence the "idney to reabsorb more water. So,
this reabsorption decreases urine output volume. When the level of sodium fall in the body, the "idney functions
by releasing aldosterone hormone. $his hormone helps "idney to retain sodium in echange to potassium ions.

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