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Yasmine Aouad - Resume

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Yasmine Melissa Aouad

Address: Stephen F. Austin State University, Box 4165, Nacogdoches, T, !5"6#

Cell No: 6$#.#41.$%46
Nationality: British
Email: &e'issaaouad(yahoo.co.u)
An experienced &edia technician and *T assistant, a+out to &a,or in -ass .o&&unications / 0adio 1
Te'evision. * possess exce''ent interpersona' s)i''s and the a+i'ity to co&&unicate e22ective'y at a''
'eve's. * a& an enthusiastic 3or)er re&aining 2ocused on the tas) set, 3hi'st appreciating the need to
re&ain 2'exi+'e. * a& a se'2/starter, a+'e to 3or) 3e'' +oth independent'y and as part o2 a tea&. * have
the s)i''s essentia' 2or 3or)ing 3ith peop'e 2ro& a'' +ac)grounds. * +e'ieve in organi4ation, punctua'ity
and a+iding +y the 3or) ethic and code o2 every environ&ent * step into. * a& approacha+'e and
re'ia+'e and recogni4e that these traits are essentia' 3hen de'ivering exce''ent c'ient or custo&er
service. * a& a 2ast 'earner, a'3ays 3i''ing to e&+race ne3 experiences and cha''enges.
5xce''ent co&&unication s)i''s
6ro+'e& so'ver
Tea& p'ayer
6'anner 1 7rgani4er
$%&' ( $%&)
Accepted onto BA -ass .o&&unications 8 0adio 1 T9 degree course co&&encing Fa'' #:1%
;i'gore .o''ege/ Associate o2 Arts <egree
Core Courses/ =overn&ent State and >oca', .oncepts o2 Fitness, *ntro to Theater, Bio'ogy, ?istorica'
=eo'ogy. US ?istory 1, =overn&ent State and >oca', -ath
Communi*ation Courses/ Ne3s =athering@0eporting 11#, *ntro to -ass .o&&unications, 5diting
and >ayout, 9oice 2or the Theater, -otion 6icture
Ele*ti+es/ Ba''et Tech 1, -odern <ance 1, <ance Appreciation
Tarrant .ounty .o''ege
Core Courses/ Funda&enta's o2 Speech, Theater Appreciation, 5ng'ish .o&p 11#, *ntro to
6sycho'ogy, US ?istory since 1$!6, US =overn&ent, -icroco&puter App'ications, Aor'd >iterature
Ele*ti+es( Ba''et 11#, <ance 6er2or&ance
Aarren .o&prehensive Schoo', >ondon, 5ng'and
/" =.S5Bs
/4 AS 'eve's/ 5ng'ish >iterature, -edia Studies, <ra&a, 6er2or&ing Arts.
A3arded # Bron4e, 1 Si'ver, 1 =o'd -erit A3ard .erti2icate
7utstanding Attendance 1 6unctua'ity .erti2icate
.o&&unity Service a3ards
Su+,ect pri4e 3inner/ 5ng'ish, .atering, *.T
For& 0epresentative
0epresentative 2or 'oca' youth 2oru&
6hi Theta ;appa, ?onor Student A3ard
.o&&unity .o''ege 5ng'ish A3ard
;i'gore .o''ege Ca3ard 3inning co''egeD Ne3spaper sta22 3riter@editor
9oice/over 2or ;i'gore .o''ege s&o)ing po'icy video and conduct o2 re'ated intervie3s 8
video can +e vie3ed atE
5xa&p'e o2 a co'u&n * 3rote 2or the ;i'gore .o''ege ne3spaper can +e vie3ed atE
-y passion is in -edia and the Arts. * thorough'y en,oy &usica' theater, acting and &edia techno'ogy.
* participate active'y in dance and dra&a and have +een privi'eged to per2or& in 2ront o2 a variety o2
audiences. * have taught hip hop c'asses at co&&unity co''ege and a +rea) out center to students and
chi'dren in 'oca' co&&unities. * have directed various dance groups and participated in &any concerts
and co&&unity activities. * a& current'y active in &y church, having served as a ca&era 3o&an,
assisting the technica' director and a &e&+er o2 the dance &inistry. * have a'so served as one o2 the
'eading directors 2or &y previous .hurchBs Foung Adu'ts@ .o''ege and .areers -inistry. * a& part o2
the .o&&unity dance and dra&a &inistry directed +y the 6astor o2 &y .hurch in >ongvie3, Texas. *
a& trans2erring to Stephen. F. Austin University this Fa'' to pursue a Bache'or degree, -ass
.o&&unications / in 0adio and Te'evision.
Telem Center For T2e A3ri*an C2ild
4uly(Au5ust $%&'
*nternship@-edia@.a&p For ;ids
/ 0esearch and 6resentation
/ 0adio Aor)shop >eader
/ 9ideo Transcriptions
T2e 6isdom Center
O*to7er $%&%(4uly $%&&
*nternship@ Assistant to 5ditor/in/.hie2. -y duties *nc'udedE
9ideo 5diting
Te'evision and *nternet Taping.
6articipated in the creation o2 a Te'evision spot.
T2e 6isdom Center
May $%%8(Au5ust $%%8
A 9o'untary ,o+ as the *.T -anagerBs assistant. -y duties inc'udedE
So2t3are *nsta''ations
.o&puter 0epairs
.usto&er services
-eetings 3ith vendors and various co&panies
Set up and +rea) do3n o2 technica' units
<ata entry, &anaging 2i'es, reports and e&p'oyee technica' reGuests
.on2erence 6reparation
T2e 6isdom Center
4uly $%%,( e*em7er $%%,
A vo'untary ,o+ 3or)ing as a -edia <irectorBs assistant. -y duties inc'udedE
.usto&er re'ations
*nsta''ation o2 progra&s
5diting o2 2ootage@graphics
6'anning and organi4ation
.on2erence preparation
7ther duties reGuired +y &anage&ent
<ue to the co&panyBs reputation, standards are a'3ays )ept very high, especia''y e&p'oyee exce''ence.
5ven as a vo'unteer, * +e'ieve in 3or)ing in exce''ence at a'' ti&es and circu&stances. Ahen
vo'unteering at the Aisdo& .enter * 3as constant'y a3are o2 &y duties and responsi+i'ity o2 not on'y
attending to the needs o2 c'ients, +ut a'so ensuring that the reGuire&ents o2 &y day to day targets 3ere
&et. 7ne o2 the &ain contri+utions to the 2oundation o2 the co&pany 3as the tea& e22ort, as it 3as
essentia' that 3e 3or)ed together to i&prove service and e22iciency.
#reater London Aut2ority
Fe7ruary $%%&( Fe7ruary $%%&
A schoo' assigned p'ace&ent ,o+ 3or)ing as a c'erica' assistant 2or the =reen 6arty. -y responsi+i'ities
6reparation o2 artic'es and presentations
5vents organi4ation
.usto&er re'ations
7ver vie3ing o2 party &ani2esto
7ther duties reGuired +y &anage&ent
Ahi'st 3or)ing 2or the =>A 2or the =reen 6arty * 3as a+'e to 3or) in a 2ast pace environ&ent. *
recogni4ed the need to prioriti4e tas)s and enhanced &y &otivation to &eet cha''enging targets.
*n +et3een vo'untary ,o+s and internships * have +een going to co''ege, ta)ing c'asses to3ards &y
1. 6ierre <ic)erson
Te'E $1!.%#%.!46$
#. Ai''ia& ;'edas
Te'E $1!.%#:.::$%
%. 6au' Nya&3eya
AddressE 4:51 <enton ?3y, ?a'to& .ity,
Texas, !611!
Te'E $1!.%#:.%6!%

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