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III Semester (22 weeks)
Sub. Code Name of the Subject Teaching hours / week Duration
of Exam
in hours
Marks for Total
Marks Lecture
Practical Practical
IA Exam
10 MPD 31 Robust Design

4 - 3 50 100 150
10 MPD 32 Elective III

4 - 3 50 100 150
10 MPD 33 Elective IV

4 - 3 50 100 150
10 MPD 34 Project Phase-I
( 5 week duration)
- - * - - - -
10 MPD 35 Evaluation of project
phase -I
- - 3 - 50 - 50
Total 12 - 03 09 200 300 500

Elective III Elective IV
Sub. Code Name of the Subject Sub. Code Name of the Subject
10 MPD 321 Optimization Techniques for Decision Making 10 MPD 331 Product Analysis and Cost Optimization
10 MPD 322 Product Planning and Marketing 10 MPD 332 Advanced Manufacturing Practices
10 MPD 323 Agile Manufacturing 10 MPD 333 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
*3 Days Course work and 3 days for Project work



Subject Code : 10MPD31 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total No. of Lecture Hours : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Quality by Experimental Design : Quality, western and Taguchi quality philosophy, Elements of cost, Noise
factors causes of variation, Quadratic loss function and variation of quadratic loss functions. Robust Design :
Steps in robust design : parameter design and tolerance design, reliability improvement through experiments,
illustration through numerical examples.

Experimental Design: Classical experiments: factorial experiments, terminology, factors. Levels, Interactions,
Treatment combination, randomization, 2-level experimental design for two factors and three factors. 3-level
experiment deigns for two factors and three factors, factor effects, factor interactions, Fractional factorial
design, Saturated design, Central composite designs, Illustration through numerical examples.

Measures of Variability : Measures of variability, Concept of confidence level, Statistical distributions :
normal, log normal and Weibull distributions. Hipothesis testing, Probability plots, choice of sample size
illustration through numerical examples.

Analysis and interpretation of experimental data: Measures of variability, Ranking method, column effect
method and ploting method, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), in factorial experiments : YATEs algorithm for
ANOVA,Regression analysis, Mathematical models from experimental data, illustration through numerical

Taguchis Orthogonal Arrays : Types orthogonal arrays, Selection of standard orthogonal arrays, Linear
graphs and interaction assignment, dummy level technique, Compound factor method, modification of linear
graphs, Column merging method, Branching design, Strategies for constructing orthogonal arrays.

Signal to Noise ratio (S-N Ratios) : Evaluation of sensitivity to noise, Signal to noise ratios for static problems,
Smaller the better types, Nominal the better type, larger the- better type. Signal to noise ratios for
dynamic problems, Illustrations through numerical examples.

Parameter Design and Tolerance Design : Parameter and tolerance design concepts, Taguchis inner and outer
arrays, Parameter design strategy, Tolerance deign strategy, Illustrations through numerical examples.

Reliability Improvement Through Robust Design : Role of S-N ratios in reliability improvement ; Case
study; Illustrating the reliability improvement of routing process of a printed wiring boards using robust design


1. Quality Engineering using Robust Design - Madhav S. Phadake: Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifts,
New Jersey 07632, 1989.
2. Design and analysis of experiments - Douglas Montgomery: Willey India Pvt. Ltd., V Ed., 2007.
3. Techniques for Quality Engineering - Phillip J. Ross: Taguchi 2
edition. McGraw Hill Int. Ed.,


1. Quality by Experimental Design - Thomas B. Barker - Marcel Dekker Inc ASQC Quality Press,
2. Experiments planning, analysis and parameter design optimization - C.F. Jeff Wu, Michael
Hamada - John Willey Ed., 2002.
3. Reliability improvement by Experiments - W.L. Condra, - Marcel Dekker Inc ASQC Quality
Press, 1985

Elective - III


Subject Code : 10MPD321 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total No. of Lecture Hours : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Introduction: Engineering application of optimization, multivariable optimization Statement of a optimization
problem. Design Vector, Design constraints, objective function, classification of optimization problems.

Classical Optimization Technique: Single variable optimization, with equality Constraints solution by direct
substitution, solution by the method of constrained Variation. Solution by the method of Lagrange multipliers,
multivariable optimization with inequality constraints Kuhn Tucker condition.

Non-linear Programming: (One Dimensional minimization method) Numerical method, Unimodal function,
Unrestricted search, Exhaustive search. Dichotomous search, Fibonacci and Golden section method.

Interpolation Method: Quadratic and Cubic Nonlinear programming (Unrestricted Optimization Technique)
Random search methods, Univariate method, powels method, Simplex method.

Descent Methods: Steepest descent, conjugate gradient, variable metric method.

Non Linear Programming: (Constrained Optimization problem) Characteristic of a constrained problem.

Direct Methods: The complex method, cutting plane method, methods of Feasible directions.

Indirect Methods: Transformation technique, change variables and elimination of variables, penalty function
methods- interior and exterior penalty function.


1. Optimization, Theory and Application - S.S. Rao - Willey Eastern - 1984


1. Optimization methods for Engg. Design - R.L Fox - Addison Wesley ISBN 0201020785 -1971
1. Optimisation Theory and Practice - GSG Beveridge and R.S. Schechter - McGraw Hill, New York
2. Optimisation and Probability in System Engg.- Ram - Van Nostrand 1974.


Subject Code : 10MPD322 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total No. of Lecture Hours : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Product strategy and planning product - market evolution, successful product development process,
characteristics of successful product development

New Product Strategy: Strategic response, reactive verses proactive strategies, marketing verses Research and
Development, Comprehensive strategy.

Proactive new product development process - Sequential decision process, reasons for product failure and
strategies to avoid failures, cost, time, risk and expected benefit in new product development.

Opportunity Identification - Market definition and entry strategy, desirable characteristics of markets, market
profile analysis, methods for market definition, target group selection through market segmentation, market
selection, idea generation idea sources, method of generating ideas, idea management.

Consumer measurement and Perceptual mapping Consumer measurement process, research methods,
sampling, measuring instruments, attitude scaling, Consumers perceptions of new and existing products:
Perceptual positioning, Perceptual maps, Analytic Methods used to produce Perceptual maps, Managerial
review of maps.

Product positioning Preference analysis and benefits, segmentation- Role of preference in product
positioning, proactive product positioning, Analytic preference models and estimation methods, Benefit
segmentation, managerial use of preference models.
Forecasting sales potential Role of purchase potential in design process, models of purchase potential,
models of sales formation, managerial use of purchase models.

Launching the products and Strategy for Testing new products Planning and tracking launch of durable
and industrial products, advertising testing and product quality testing


1. Glen L. Urban. .John R. Hauser, Design and Marketing of New products A Prentice Hall, Englewood
cliffs, New Jersey, 1993

2. William L. Moore & Edgar, Product Planning and Management, A. Pessemier

Subject Code : 10MPD323 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total No. of Lecture Hours : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Introduction: what is agile Manufacturing? -Competitive environment of the future- the business case for agile
manufacturing conceptual framework for agile manufacturing.

Four Core Concepts: strategy driven approach- integrating organization, people technology interdisciplinary
design methodology.

Agile Manufacturing and Change Management: The change implications, post failures in advanced
manufacturing, changes on the way, traditional management accounting, paradigm, investment appraisal,
product costing -performance, Measurement and control systems.

Control technological and Design paradigms - traditional problems in workplace- organizational issues -role of

Agile Manufacturing Enterprise Design: Agile manufacturing enterprise design -system concepts as the
basic manufacturing theory-joint technical & organizational design as a model for the design of agile
manufacturing enterprise,, enterprise design process -insights into design processes, what is interdisciplinary
design, Main issues -simple design example.

Skill & Knowledge Enhancing Technologies For Agile Manufacturing: Skill and Knowledge enhancing
Technologies -scheduling -technology design strategic-

Design Concepts. Design & Skill of Knowledge enhancing Technologies for machine tool systems- Historical
Overview, Lessons, Problems and Future Development.


1. Agile Manufacturing -Forging new Frontiers - Paul T. Kidd - Addison Wesley- Publication- 1994.
2. Agile Manufacturing -Proceeding of International Conference on Agile Manufacturing Dr. M.P
Chowdiah (Editor), TATA Mc Graw Hill Publications 1996.
3. Concurrent Engg - Paul T Kidd Addison Wesley Publication -1994
4. World Class manufacturing - Paul T Kidd Addition Wesley Pub - 1994
Elective - IV
Subject Code : 10MPD331 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total No. of Lecture Hours : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Introduction: New products, new product strategy -market definition Idea generation introduction to the design
process -forecasting sales potential -product engineering and markets-monopoly competitive.

Manufacturing Planning: Selection of optimum process, standardization. Break even analysis- application and
area of use -problems -multi - product analysis.

Value Analysis: Steps in selection, analysis and implementation, Selection of cutting speed for optimum cost -

Cost Accounting: Cost estimation -difference -types -steps involved in cost estimation.

Types of Cost: Cost Centres, Direct indirect, material cost -direct indirect material cost Overhead cost,
Elements in overheads: Preparation of cost sheet, machine hour rate, apportioning methods

Variance Analysis Labour variance, Material variance and Overhead variance, Activity based costing -
Introduction to target costing.

Cost Calculation: Cost calculation for machined components, welding, casting and forged components
illustrations -calculation of sales cost.
Cost Optimization Techniques: Analytical, Graphical and incremental methods Learning curves.

1. Design and Marketing of New Products - Glen L Urban - John R Hauser- Prentice Hall. New
Jersey, 1980.
2. Production and Costing - Narang CBS & Kumar V - Khanna Publishers- 2001.

1. Cost management in the New Manufacturing Age -Yasuhiro Monden, ProductivityPress-1992.
2. Technique for Value Analysis And Engineering - Miles Lewrence.D - McGraw Hill, New york-
Subject Code : 10MPD332 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total No. of Lecture Hours : 52 Exam Marks : 100

JIT Introduction The spread of JIT Movement, some definitions of JIT, core Japanese practices of JIT,
Creating continuous Flow Manufacture, Enabling JIT to occur, Basic elements of JIT, Benefits of JIT.

Just in Time Production Primary purpose, profit through cost reduction, Elimination of over production,
Quality control, Quality Assurance, Respect for Humanity, Flexible work Force, JIT Production Adapting to
changing production Quantities, process layout for shortened lead Times, Standardization of operation,

Sequence and scheduling used by suppliers: Monthly and daily Information. Sequenced withdrawal system
by sequenced schedule table, problems and counter measures in applying the Kanban system to sub contractors.

Toyota Production System-The philosophy of TPS, Basic Frame work of TPS, Kanban, Determining the
Number of Kanban in Toyota Production System.

Kanban Number under Constant Quantity Withdrawal System.
Constant Cycle, Non-constant Quantity Withdrawal System.Supplier Kanban and the Sequence
Schedule for Use by Suppliers.
Later Replenishment System by Kanban.
Sequenced Withdrawal System.
Circulation of the Supplier Kanban within Toyota.

Production Smoothing in TPS, Production Planning, Production Smoothing
Adaptability to Demand Fluctuations, Sequencing Method for the Mixed Model Assembly Line to Realize
Smoothed Production of Goal.

Just-in-Time Production with Total Quality Control just in time concept, cutting lot sizes, cutting set-up times,
cutting purchase order costs, the JIT cause-Effect chain, Scrap/Quality Improvements, Motivational effects,
Responsibility effects, small Group improvement Activities, withdrawal of Buffer Inventory, the total Quality
Control Concept.

Total Quality Control-Introduction-Total Quality Control concepts, responsibility, learning from the west,
TQC concepts categorized, Goals, Habit of improvement, perfection, Basics, process control, Easy to see
Quality control as facilitator, small lot sizes, Housekeeping, Less than full capacity scheduling, Daily machine
checking, Techniques and Aids, Exposure of problems, Fool proof Devices, Tools of Analysis, QC Circles,
TQC in Japanese-owned US Electronics plant, TQC in Japanese-owned Automotive plants.

Plant Configurations: Introduction-ultimate plant configuration, job shop Fabrication, Frame Welding,
Forming Frame parts from Tubing, Dedicated production lines, overlapped production, the daily schedule,
Forward Linkage by means of Kanban, physical merger of processes, Adjacency, mixed Models, Automated
production Lines, Pseudo Robots, Robots, CAD and Manufacturing, Conveyors and stacker Cranes, Automatic
Quality Monitoring.


1. Toyota Production system An integrated approach to just in time by Yasuhiro Monden - Hardcover
2. Lean Thinking By James Womack.- ISBN: 0-7432-4927-5.
3. The machine that changed the World The story of Lean production by James P. Womack, Daniel T
Jones, and Daniel Roos Harper Perennial edition published 1991.
4. Just in time manufacturing (manual) Kargoanker.


Subject Code : 10MPD333 IA Marks : 50
No. of Lecture Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total No. of Lecture Hours : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Artificial Intelligence: Introduction, definition, underlying assumption, important of AI, AI & related fields
State space representations, defining a problem, production systems and its characteristic, search and control
strategies Introduction, preliminary concepts, examples of Search problems.

Uniformed or Preliminary Concepts: Examples of search problems, Uniformed or Blind Serach, Informed
Search, Or Graphs, Heuristic Search techniques Generate and Test, Hill climbing, best first search, problem
reduction, constraint satisfaction, Means Ends Analysis.

Knowledge Representation Issues: Representations and Mapping, Approaches, Issues in Kr, Types of
Knowledge procedural Vs Declarative, Logic programming, Forward Vs Backward reasoning, Matching, Non
monotonic reasoning and it logic.

Use of Predicate Logic: Representing simple facts, Instance and is a relationships, Syntax and Semantics for
Propositional logic, FOPL, and properties of Wffs, conversion to causal form, Resolution, Natural deduction

Statistical and Probabilistic Reasoning: Symbolic reasoning under uncertainly, Probability and Bayes
theorem, Certainty factors and Rule based systems, Bayesian Networks, Dempster Shafer Theory, Fuzzy

Expert Systems: Introduction, Structure and uses, Representing and using domain knowledge, Expert System
shells. Pattern recognition, introduction, Recognition and classification process, learning classification patterns,
recognizing and understanding speech.
Introduction to Knowledge Acuqistion: Types of learning, General learning model, and performance

Typical Expert Systems: MYCIN, Variants of MYCIN, PROSPECTOR, DENDRAL, PUFF etc.



1. Artificial intelligence - Elaine Rich & Kevin Knight - M/H -1983.
2. Artificial Intelligence in Business - Wendry B.Ranch - Science & Industry Vol II application, Ph -
3. A Guide to Expert Systems - Waterman, D.A., Addison Wesley inc - 1986.
4. Building expert systems Hayes - Roth - Waterman - D.A (ed), AW -1983.
5. Designing Expert Sysems - S. M and Kulliknowske - Weis, London Champion Hull - 1984

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