MBA-Executive (Working Professionals) : Syllabus - First Semester
MBA-Executive (Working Professionals) : Syllabus - First Semester
MBA-Executive (Working Professionals) : Syllabus - First Semester
Course Objective:
The aim of this course is to develop the understanding of the various statistical models used for decisions
making and how each applies to and can be used in the business environment using contemporary
computerbased technology.
Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction
Application of Statistics in Business & Management; Basic Concepts of Statistical Studies: Variable and
Classification of Data; Diagrammatic & Graphical Presentation of Data: Bar Diagram, Histogram, Pie –
Diagram, Stem Leaf Display, Frequency Polygons, and Ogives.
(Independent Samples),Tests for two population variances (Dependent Samples), F-test, Non-parametric
Tests (Chi – Square Test)
Examination Scheme
Components C A CT EE
Weightage 10 5 15 70
Syllabus – Second Semester
Course Code: MWP4202 Credit Units: 04
Course Objective:
The course aims to provide a thorough understanding of the essential features, relevance, application,
tools and techniques of Operations Research. The objective of this course is to develop the understanding
of models building and quantitative approach to decisions making in the functions of the management of
any organization with special focus on International Business. It also aims to develop the understanding
of the various optimization techniques used for decisions making in the functions of the management of
any organization.
On Completion of this module, students will be able to understand the Importance of learning Operations
Research. The student will also be able to mathematically capture the behavior in strategic situations.
They will better analyze the situation among the two, which will increase the Decision Making
Course Contents:
Module 1: Introduction to Operations Research
History, models
Modeling in operations research
Methods of solving operations research problems
Applications and scope
Types of Models
Unbalanced Assignment Problems
Restrictions in Assignment problems
Maximization models
Traveling Sales man problems
Module 8 B: Annuities
Present value of annuities, perpetual annuities, deferred annuities
Examination Scheme:
Components P1 A C1 EE
Weightage (%) 15 5 10 70
Course Code: MWP4204 Credit Units: 04
Course Objective:
The course aims to provide a thorough understanding of the essential characteristics and the basic tenets
of research methodology and report preparation. The course will focus on quantitative and descriptive
research methods and techniques that are essential for the validity and reliability of the research process.
The course will identify and review the components essential for preparation of research proposals,
research reports, business proposals and feasibility studies in order to develop report writing and formal
presentation skills of the research
projects undertaken.
Course Contents:
Module I: Research Methodology and Research Methods
Objective, significance and types of research
Research Methods vis-à-vis Methodology
Research Process and criterion for good research
Ethics in Business Research
Module VI: Design and Analysis of Experiments
Analysis of Variance
Completely Randomized Design
Factorial Design (22 Factorial Experiment, 23 Design)
Learning Methods:
Occasional, non-graded homework sets will be handed out in class. It is also expected that students will
work the problems as the part of assignments.
The class will be doing Cases throughout the semester. Students will prepare three written cases in small
groups of 4-6 students. There will be presentations also in which the student have to collect, collate and
analyze the data.
Examination Scheme:
Components P1 C1 CT1 EE
Weightage (%) 10 10 20 70
Syllabus – Third Semester
Course Objective:
The main objective of the course is to make the students learn and conceptualize the entire gamut of
developing new products, improving the existing products and managing the performance of product
items and product line(s) as a whole to maximize the company’s profit. The course also gives students the
insight of process involved in branding decisions and strategies for growth of brands.
Course Contents:
Module I: The Product Management Process
The Product Management
Product Management Decisions
What is a Product Portfolio?
Drawbacks of the Product
Portfolio Approach
Product Management Basics
Defining competitive set
Category Attractiveness Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Customer Analysis
Module V: Economic Analysis Evaluation of New Product ideas/concepts
Purpose of Economic Analysis
Market Potential
Market Demand
Estimating Sales
Sales Forecasting Methodologies
Estimating Costs, Sales and Profits
Break-Even Analysis
Return on Investment
Economic Analysis Summary Form
Positioning of a Brand
Repositioning the Competition
Learning Methods:
Tutorials, Interactive sessions, Case studies, Field visits, Management games, Extensive research
projects,Seminars, Weekend experience in companies - the course is covered by adopting a combination
of lecture methods, class presentation by groups of students, self study sessions. Each student is required
to do the back ground reading from the specified chapters of the prescribed book before coming to class.
ases are also to be analyzed, discussed in groups (teams) outside the class as preparatory work.
Examination Scheme:
Components P1 C1 CT1 EE
Weightage (%) 10 10 20 60