This document provides rules and reference for the Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition tabletop miniatures game. It outlines the basic turn sequence and phases of movement, shooting, combat, reserves, magic, rallying, and psychology. Specific rules are given for terrain types, unit formations, simple maneuvers like wheeling and turning, mixed rank units, and wedge formations. The document also covers characters, standards, weapons, and tests for routing and reforming units.
This document provides rules and reference for the Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition tabletop miniatures game. It outlines the basic turn sequence and phases of movement, shooting, combat, reserves, magic, rallying, and psychology. Specific rules are given for terrain types, unit formations, simple maneuvers like wheeling and turning, mixed rank units, and wedge formations. The document also covers characters, standards, weapons, and tests for routing and reforming units.
This document provides rules and reference for the Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition tabletop miniatures game. It outlines the basic turn sequence and phases of movement, shooting, combat, reserves, magic, rallying, and psychology. Specific rules are given for terrain types, unit formations, simple maneuvers like wheeling and turning, mixed rank units, and wedge formations. The document also covers characters, standards, weapons, and tests for routing and reforming units.
This document provides rules and reference for the Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition tabletop miniatures game. It outlines the basic turn sequence and phases of movement, shooting, combat, reserves, magic, rallying, and psychology. Specific rules are given for terrain types, unit formations, simple maneuvers like wheeling and turning, mixed rank units, and wedge formations. The document also covers characters, standards, weapons, and tests for routing and reforming units.
The document outlines the rules for the Warhammer Fantasy Battle tabletop game and describes the different phases in a turn such as movement, shooting, combat, reserves, magic, rallying, psychology, and routing.
The different phases in a turn are the turn start, movement phase, shooting phase, combat phase, reserve phase, magic phase, rallying phase, psychology phase.
There are rules for different types of terrain and movement such as simple maneuvers, complex maneuvers, and aerial movement. Units can declare charges and make remaining moves.
REFERENCE Version 1.3
25-1-2013 Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
1 INDEX THE TURN ............................................................................................................................ 2 The Turn Start ................................................................................................................. 2 Turn Sequence ................................................................................................................. 2 MOVEMENT.......................................................................................................................... 3 Terrain ............................................................................................................................. 3 Simple Manoeuvres ......................................................................................................... 3 Complex Manoeuvres ...................................................................................................... 6 Aerial Movement ............................................................................................................. 8 The Movement Phase ...................................................................................................... 9 Declare Charges .............................................................................................................. 9 Move Chargers .............................................................................................................. 10 Remaining Moves .......................................................................................................... 11 SHOOTING ...................................................................................................................... 12 Terrain ........................................................................................................................... 12 The Shooting Phase ....................................................................................................... 13 COMBAT .......................................................................................................................... 15 The Combat Phase ........................................................................................................ 16 RESERVES ....................................................................................................................... 19 The Reserve Phase ......................................................................................................... 19 MAGIC .............................................................................................................................. 20 The Magic Phase ........................................................................................................... 20 RALLYING ....................................................................................................................... 21 The Rallying Phase ........................................................................................................ 21 PSYCHOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 22 The Psychology Test ...................................................................................................... 22 ROUTS AND REFORMING ............................................................................................ 24 The Rout Test................................................................................................................. 24 WEAPONS ........................................................................................................................... 27 CHARACTERS................................................................................................................. 30 Characters and Units .................................................................................................... 30 Challenges ...................................................................................................................... 31 STANDARDS AND MUSICIANS ..................................................................................... 33 Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
2 THE TURN The Turn Start Wizards, who did not move, fire missiles, fight or use magic during their last turn gain 1MP (up to power level). Wizards employing Magic Awareness last turn become aware of the presence and magic level of any other wizards within 48 Resolve any spell effects beginning to act in this turn. Dispel any which expired at the end of the previous turn. Roll for burning buildings and creatures: D3 damage points/wounds (p137) Roll for damaged buildings. Roll for unexploded mortar shells: 6 on 1D6 indicates an explosion (p111) Roll for entry of trailing units: roll under units highest Ld on 2D6 for each unit meant to appear this turn or earlier (p141) Roll for return of off-table aerial units: 6 on 1D6 indicates the unit returns from collecting missiles (p124). Roll for panic: if within 4 of friendly rout (p73) Roll for stupidity: if subject to stupidity (p73) Roll for animosity: if subject to animosity against a unit within 12 (p205). Roll for instability: if within 12 of a wizard using an appropriate zone spell (p206). Turn Sequence 1. Movement 2. Shooting 3. Combat 4. Reserves 5. Magic 6. Rallying
Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
3 MOVEMENT Terrain Difficult Ground (p40) Models crossing difficult ground do so at half movement rate; round up to the nearest ". Bush, scrub or otherwise clinging vegetation Debris, wreckage, loose rocks, boulders Fords or shallow water Marshes, bogs or thick mud Soft sand Stairs, steps and ladders Steep or treacherous slopes Woods and dense foliage Very Difficult Ground (p41) Models crossing very difficult ground do so at quarter movement rate; round up to the nearest ". Linear Obstacles (p41) Models crossing obstacles lose half of their total movement rate. Hedges, fences and low walls Ditches, streams and narrow crevasses Single Characters and Singe File Formations (p49/92) No penalty for difficult ground Half movement rate penalty for very difficult ground Expand quarter of total movement rate for crossing obstacles Simple Manoeuvres Any unit may make 1 simple manoeuvre during its movement and/or reserve phase providing: The unit is not crossing an obstacle or otherwise positioned so that the formation is split by an obstacle. The unit is not engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Exceptions 1. a unit which pushes-back and follows-up its combat opponent is allowed to expand its formation once as it does so. 2. a unit engaged in hand-to-hand combat automatically turn any unengaged models to face a fresh enemy charge from the sides or rear. If any members of the unit are positioned on difficult or very difficult ground the unit may not make any formation change. The unit may make one other simple manoeuvre, but may not attempt a subsequent manoeuvre that phase. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
4 The First Simple Manoeuvre The first (or free) manoeuvre occurs automatically. The Second Simple Manoeuvre If a unit has a leader it may attempt a second simple manoeuvre, a unit which has no leader may not do so. It is necessary to make a Ld test to initiate a second simple manoeuvre. If the test is failed, the unit comes to an immediate halt, loses any movement remaining to it and may attempt no further manoeuvres that phase. The Third Simple Manoeuvre So long as a unit performs its second simple manoeuvre successfully, it may attempt a third simple manoeuvre in the same way. No unit may attempt more than three simple manoeuvres during the same movement or reserve phase. The Wheel (p48) A wheel is one simple manoeuvre and must be accomplished in a single sweep. The Turn (p48) A single turn of either 90 or 180 is a single simple manoeuvre. The turn can take place at any point during movement, either before the unit is moved, once movement is completed, or at any point in between. Formation Change (p48) A unit may increase or decrease the number of models in its front rank by one or two models on each flank (a maximum of four models in total). Once a units frontage has been changed, remaining troops are lined up in full ranks behind. Mixed Ranks (p125) Mixed rank units must be deployed either with one type in front of the other, or with one type evenly deployed upon the flanks of the other. Mixed rank units are allowed two special manoeuvres: Change ranks The unit simple swaps its leading troop type for its rear one. The units front rank position remains unchanged. Deploy flanks The unit divides and deploys either front or rear troop type upon its flanks. The remaining troop type remains stationary. The same manoeuvre may be used to reverse the situation. These manoeuvres may be achieved in the same way as any other simple manoeuvre. In addition, either manoeuvre may be attempted if the unit is charged. If the test for the manoeuvre fails the manoeuvre does not occur, and the unit must fight the ensuing hand-to- hand combat in its current formation with an additional -1 to hit modifier. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
5 The Wedge (p126) A unit is only allowed to form into a wedge when it charges. It must do this as soon as the charge is declared, before either moving or manoeuvring. Once formed into a wedge the unit charges as normal and it may not make or attempt any subsequent turns. It may attempt to wheel, in which case wheels are worked out from the rear rank. If a second simple manoeuvre fails during the charge, the wedge formation is lost, and the charge reverts to a normal formation with a width equivalent to the widest rank of the wedge. Because a manoeuvre test has been failed, the chargers are considered to be unformed for the first round of combat and all charge bonuses are lost. Assuming the wedge successfully reaches its target, proceed as follows: 1. Work out the combat between the leading model and any troops in base contact as normal. 2. If the wedge causes more wounds than the defenders it wins the combat and the enemys first rank is penetrated. The wedges second rank fights a further round of hand-to-hand combat immediately. The enemy fights back with models in its own second rank covering an equal frontage. Carry on fighting until the wedge or the defenders run out of ranks or until the wedge fails to win a round. 3. If the wedge fails to win a combat round it is immediately reorganized into a standard formation with a frontage equivalent to that of the widest rank. 4. If a wedge is pushed-back, it is considered to be the loser and may have to take a rout test. If the final round is a draw, both sides hold. 5. If the wedge succeeds in penetrating through all of the defenders ranks, the defending unit must take an immediate route test. It does not matter how many casualties have been caused. 6. If the wedge has no more ranks remaining to strike, and the enemys formation has not been penetrated, the wedge is reorganized into a standard formation. Unless the wedge lost the final round, the result of the whole round is a draw. 7. If the defending unit routs, the wedge is instantly reformed into a standard formation with a frontage equivalent to its rear rank. Subsequent pursuit is as normal. 8. If a defending unit does not rout when it is penetrated, the wedge moves through it. The defending unit is not moved, but it remains stationary and may do nothing until the end of its following movement phase. The wedge is immediately reorganized into a standard formation with a frontage equivalent to its widest rank. The unit is then moved up to its normal movement distance, measuring from the back rank of the penetrated formation. The unit may not move during this break-through move. If enemy models lie within the units path they are automatically engaged in the same way as enemy units moved through by routers and contacted by pursuers. If no enemy models lie within the break-through distance, the attackers become unformed, as if they were pursuers who had lost contact with routers. The unit must remain halted until the end of its next movement phase, during which time it is reforming. 9. Where a defenders rank includes characters, these are automatically assumed to be amongst those eligible to fight. 10. Characters in wedge formations may not issue challenges and may not be challenged. If the wedge fails to penetrate, and hand-to-hand combat continues next turn, challenges may be issued and accepted as normal. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
6 The Archer Wedge (p128) Any unit of bow or crossbow armed troops may form itself into a stationary wedge. The front rank may be a single model, as in a fighting wedge, but may equally well be two or more. A unit in this formation may not turn, but may wheel around the centre of the rear rank. Other than by wheeling from the centre of its rear rank, the archer wedge must remain stationary. If the wedge is charged it will immediately assume a linear formation, with the same frontage as its rear rank; this does not count as a manoeuvre and happens automatically. Shieldwall (p128) This formation is only possible to infantry equipped with shields. At the start of the turn, before moving, a player may declare any appropriate units to be forming a shieldwall. The unit may not move whilst in a shieldwall and may not use any missile weapons. Whilst in a shieldwall, a unit may add +1 to all armour saving throws to represent its higher level of protection. The shieldwall may be abandoned at the beginning of one of his following movement phases by means of a simple manoeuvre. The shieldwall is automatically lost if the unit follows-up or is pushed-back in hand- to-hand combat, becomes subject to a compulsory movement rule, or a psychological effect such as frenzy. Complex Manoeuvres No unit without a leader may attempt a complex manoeuvre. A complex manoeuvre is the equivalent to three simple manoeuvres. If a unit attempts a complex manoeuvre, it must be the first and only manoeuvre attempted that phase. Before a complex manoeuvre begins, a Ld test must be taken. If this is failed the unit comes to an immediate halt, loses all move distance remaining to it and may attempt no further manoeuvres until its next movement phase. If a unit fails a complex manoeuvre in its movement phase it may not take a reserve move. Moving Backwards (p49) Half movement rate penalty for moving backwards; combined with any existing penalty for difficult terrain. The Backwards Wheel (p49) No other movement during the phase; not even ordinary straight forward movement. Half movement rate penalty for moving backwards; combined with any existing penalty for difficult terrain. Wheel from the Centre (p49) Half movement rate penalty for moving backwards; combined with any existing penalty for difficult terrain. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
7 Square (p125) The manoeuvre is completed as follows. Divide the frontage equally, or as equally possible into four. Either of the two central divisions forms the static edge of the formation, whilst the remaining divisions are arranged around it into a box shape. The manoeuvre may not be attempted if the units initial position or its final position places any model on difficult or very difficult ground or over obstacles. Once in position the square cannot be moved. A unit in a square formation cannot be pushed-back. A square counts as a prepared position and its constituent troops never follow-up an enemy they push-back. If a square contains mixed ranks of troops, one type may be positioned at the corners, or in the centre forming a smaller square within the larger. This happens automatically and as part of the original manoeuvre, but once the square is formed the position of the troops may not be changed. A square may revert to a normal linear formation by reversal of the forming procedure. Either of the squares faces may be chosen to remain static, whilst the remaining sides are arranged on its flanks. Testudo (p128) This formation is only possible to infantry equipped with hand weapons and shields. The unit forms a solid block with as many ranks as it has frontage, any odd models are placed in the rear. Once in this formation, a unit is reduced to half movement rate and its armour saving throw is increased by +2. If the testudo becomes involved in hand-to-hand combat, it is immediately abandoned. The unit remains in the same formation of ranks and files, but its armour saving throw returns to normal. The testudo may be abandoned at any time by means of a simple manoeuvre. This does not alter the units formation of ranks and files. Curving Path/Snaking (p49) Units in single file formation can follow snaking paths. Does not count as a manoeuvre Not possible to move backwards, wheel backwards or wheel from the centre Single Characters (p92) Characters not associated with a unit may make as many turns during its move as the player wishes without penalty. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
8 Aerial Movement Limitations (p121) Coherence: each model need only be within 2 and one height level of one other in the unit. In any other case position must be made coherent in the following turn, or as soon as possible. Maximum flight speed: flyers top speed. Minimum flight speed: flyers minimum speed, crashes if slower. Acceleration: number of inches flyer can increase speed per turn. Deceleration: number of inches flyer can decrease speed per turn (double acc. rate), and max landing speed. Turning: made in an arc with a radius equal to the distance to be moved. Climbing: flyer may climb one height level for each 20 of forward movement (or part thereof). Diving: flyer may dive one height level for each 10of forward movement (or part thereof); diving faster causes a crash. Hovering: flyer may move up or down one height level per turn. Taking off: flyer never move on the ground and in the air during the take-off turn; fly no faster than acc/dec rate. Landing: flyer may land if within dec rate and at attack level; may reserve move that turn. Collecting Missiles (p124) Aerial troops may leave the table to collect suitable missiles to drop; requiring at least one full turn off-table. At the beginning of each subsequent turn roll a D6. A score of 6 indicates that the unit returns with replenished supplies. A unit may give up looking for missiles and return to its own players table edge at the beginning of their next turn. Crashing (p125) A flyer that crashes causes D4 wounds for each height level. To determine where it falls, move it D12 in a random direction. If it lands on another model, building etc. the wounds caused equal D4 per height level plus the falling objects T minus the targets T. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
9 The Movement Phase Associated characters may leave units or if leading it, declare to abandon the unit to leave next turn (see Characters). Proximity to Enemy Units (p47) Units may not approach closer than 1 to an enemy unit or any single enemy model unless they intend to enter hand-to-hand combat. Halt as soon within 1. Any movement remaining during that movement phase is automatically lost. Measurement is not allowed until the player declares what he intends to do. A unit that became unformed last turn is considered reformed at the end of this movement phase and may act normally. Declare Charges Declaring Chargers (p57 60) At the beginning of the movement phase, a player must declare which of his units are charging and towards which targets. A unit is not allowed to charge against an enemy it could not have seen at the start of the turn. The general idea is, if you dont know theyre there, you cant charge them! A unit charging moves twice their normal movement rate. A unit that charges at a slight angle to the target are repositioned in a straight line as contact is made. The maximum angle which may be neatened this way is 22. A unit must charge a hated enemy if possible. These affects can be avoided by a successful Cl test (see Psychology). A unit in single file formation at the start of the turn may not declare a charge. Nor may a unit adopt a single file formation once it has declared a charge. A unit in a single file formation at the start of the turn may not change formation and then charge. Declaring Charge Responses (p59) Turning models to face If charged in the side or rear, unengaged models may turn to face the enemy (unless crossing an obstacle). If a model turns it may not fire missiles at its attackers. Stand & Shoot 1. Only attempt this if the chargers began their move at more than half their maximum permitted charge distance away. 2. Measure the range and fire before the chargers move, or if the chargers are out of range at the beginning of their charge, at the maximum range of the weapon. 3. Declare that the unit is going to shoot at the chargers and make a Ld test. 4. If failed they may not fire and must receive the charge at a halt. 5. A unit which fires upon a charging foe will be unnerved, suffering the -1 to hit penalty. 6. A unit firing at a charging enemy may not use their shields in the first round of the ensuing combat. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
10 Hold An unformed unit charged while reforming must receive the charge at the halt, although models may be turned to face their enemy as normal. Run Away On a successful Ld test the unit is turned round and moved at double rate directly away from their attackers; otherwise, the unit routs. A unit running away during the enemys turn may make a normal move during its own following turn, but may not charge. A unit charged while in single file formation must run away. A unit that charges an enemy that runs away may wheel in order to try and contact another enemy unit within charge reach. In order to wheel the unit must make a successful Ld test. If it had already made three manoeuvres that turn or it has failed one, it is not eligible to wheel. If the test failed or there are no new target units for the charger to attack, the charger completes its original charge move, following directly in the path of the retreating foe. Chargers may not make any additional manoeuvres during this part of the charge. Psychological Reactions Test for psychological reactions (see Psychology). Fear: if charged by a feared enemy (p71). Frenzy: if charging and subject to frenzy (p72). Panic: if charged in the side or rear, charged while crossing an obstacle or entering a building, or a character leaves while unit is engaged (p73). Move Chargers Charging in the Sides and Rear (p59) A unit that charges an enemys flank may not at any point approach within 4 of the target units front during the charge. A unit that charges an enemys rear may not at any point approach within 4 of the target units front and/or flank during the charge. Manoeuvre in a Charge (p58) A charging unit may not make any manoeuvres within 4 of its target, except that it may wheel to come within 22 of the targets front/flank/rear. If a charging unit wheels within the last 4 of its charge, all charge bonuses are lost, including charge bonuses from weapons. If a charging unit fails a manoeuvre test at any point during the charge it may attempt no further manoeuvres during that charge. However, the charge continues. If the chargers need to wheel to complete their charge, they may now do so automatically. The unit is said to be unformed. Oblique Charges (p58) A unit charging at an angle greater than 22 or that fails to complete a charge the unit is said to be unformed. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
11 Failing to Complete a Charge (p60) A unit that fails a charge comes to a halt and becomes unformed. A unit that charges at an angle to its target, it is possible that models at one end of a formation will have insufficient move to make contact. Staggering models do not take part in the first round of combat, but can be moved into contact at the end of the round. In addition, the units formation becomes unformed. Attacked while Crossing an Obstacle (p60) If a unit is charged while divided by an obstacle, it must take a panic test. Models may not be turned to face their attackers. If attacking from the side or rear, opponents will be able to strike blows without taking any in return. Discount the effect of shields when making saving throws. Remaining Moves Once charges have been resolved, it is time to move the rest of your troops. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
12 SHOOTING Fire Arcs (p51) Missile troops have a 90 fire arc projected from the front of the shooter. Mounted models, or models on chariots, etc, can fire all round regardless of the direction in which the model is pointing. Firing through Gaps (p51) Missile troops may not fire through a gap between possible enemy targets, or between a possible target and blocking scenery, or a friendly unit, if the course of their missiles approaches within 2 of either edge of the gap. Terrain Hills, large boulders and buildings will normally block line of sight totally. Positive linear obstacles, ie hedges and walls, block line of sight on level ground. However, it is possible to draw a line of sight to a target behind a hedge or wall, so long as the target is not more than 1 from the obstacle. Similarly, if a missile equipped model is behind a wall (within 1), it may fire over it. Woods will block line of sight if the shooter and target lie on either side of the wood. If the target is inside a wood, the line of sight is blocked if there is more than 2 of woodland between firer and target. If the target is inside a wood and within 2 of the edge it can be seen and fired at by troops outside. Interposing units, like interposing terrain, block line of sight. Elevated position Troops on hills, occupying the upper storeys of buildings, flying or otherwise placed in an elevated position relative to their target can draw a line of sight over lower terrain features, linear obstacles, units and ranks. Cover (p52) To claim protection behind a positive linear obstacle (hedge, wall, etc) it must lie between the shooter and target, and the target must be within 1of the cover. If shooter and target are both within 1 of the same cover it is effectively cancelled out and is ignored. The corner of a building, large rock, wagon etc, can be counted as cover by one model. The model is placed at the edge so that it is partially, but not wholly, obscured. Woods offer automatic protection to models that are inside it. In woods all shooting is reduced to 2 range, except that models within 2 of the edge of a wood may be seen and fired at normally, although they are within cover. Models further than 2from a woods edge may not fire outside. Negative linear obstacles such as trenches and pits offer cover from shooters outside. Models at windows and doors count as behind cover to shooters from outside. Troops behind a hedge, wall, etc may draw line of sight over it if within 1, enabling them to shoot at targets on the other side. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
13 The Shooting Phase This phase covers shooting and similar attacks, such as hawks cast by falconers (p97), Dragons breath weapons (p243) and firing Engines of War (p105). Psychological Reactions Test for psychological reactions (see Psychology). Fear: if wishing to fire missiles at feared enemy within charge range (p71). Hatred: if wishing not to shoot at a hated enemy within range (p72) Rout: if any unit lost a quarter of its current strength to missile fire. Aerial Shooting (p123) Height levels may alter the effective range (attack level being treated as ground level): +10 for each height level the target is above firing model. +10 for each height level the target is below firing model after first 20+ difference. Dropping Things (p124) Aerial models may drop objects rather than shooting normally. Nominate a target and roll a D6, modifying it by: -1 if the attacker is at level +20 -2 if the attacker is at level +10 -3 if the attacker is at attack level 0 or less equals a direct hot. A positive score is a miss in a random direction by a number of inches equal to the result. Damage is rolled at the flyers S plus 1 per level above attack. For missiles dropped from level +30 and higher, roll 1D20 and deduct 1 to give the number of inches from the target. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
SOFT COVER HARD COVER Hedges Wagons, carts etc Woods Corner of a building A large rock Pits and trenches Wall Wooden palisades, barricades etc Models at windows and doors
TO HIT BS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D6 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 A dice score of 1 is always a miss.
SHOOTING MODIFIERS +1 Firing at a large target Anything over 10 high or long counts as a large target. -1 Firing at a small target Anything under 1 high or long counts as a small target. -1 Firing while moving If the firer moved in the movement phase the chances of hitting are reduced. -1 Firing at a rapidly moving target A rapidly moving target is defined as any creature or object traveling more than 6 during its previous reserve phase. -1 Firing at a charging enemy This modifier applies to units shooting at enemies who are charging them. -1 Firing at over half range If the target is more than half the weapons total range distant. -1 Throwing improvised weapons Stones, bricks and other impromptu missiles are poorly balanced and relatively inaccurate. -1 The target is behind soft cover -2 The target is behind hard cover -1 Firing at feared opponent with ranged effects
-1 Firing at a character. This modifier applies to characters under 10 tall. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
15 COMBAT Stomp - A stomp can be directed from the front, side or rear of the model and is the most versatile of all attacks. Bite and Gore - They may be directed only from the front of the model like a normal attack. Claw - This may be directed from the front or side of the model. Tail - This may be directed from the rear or sides but not to the front. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
16 The Combat Phase Either player may reveal concealed special troop types in engaged units. Either player may make challenges (see Characters). Resolving the Combat 1. Establish the order of attack 2. Throw to hit 3. Throw to damage 4. Saving Throw 5. Remove Casualties 6. Results The Order of Attack Those with the highest initiative characteristic strike first. Where enemy units have the same initiative, any unit which has charged that turn may strike first, followed by any unit which won last turns combat round. Where neither situation applies players roll a dice, the winner striking first, or the attacks may take place simultaneously. Combat Results (p64) Push-back As a side loses a combat it is pushed-back by the enemy. A pushed-back unit is moved directly backwards 2. This happens outside the normal turn sequence and represents the giving of ground by the losing unit. Follow-up The unit is moved 2 forward so that it is once again in base-to-base contact with its foes. Declining to Follow-up A unit occupying a defensive position, such as a wall or hedge, or protected by a magic zone spell, or other magic which will be dispelled if the unit moves, may decline to follow-up. Otherwise a unit must always follow-up where the rules allow it. Not Followed-up If a unit is pushed-back but not followed-up by its opponent, the unit comes to an immediate halt and must remain halted for the remainder of that turn. Draw The units remain in place and are said to have held. Rout Test for rout in any unit that lost a quarter of its numerical strength and has just lost a round of combat (see Psychology). Manoeuvre during Combat Units which followed-up their enemy may expand their frontage by up to two models either side as they do so. No manoeuvre test is required, but the unit must have a leader Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
COMBAT MODIFIERS +1 Charging If a unit wheeled within 4 of its charge, it does not qualify for the bonus. The unit must also have made no formation changes. +1 Following-up +1 Advantage of higher ground +1 Frenzied +1 Fighting hated opponent -1 Enemy behind obstacle -1 Fighting feared opponent with ranged effects -1 Fighting with 2 weapons right hand -2 Fighting with 2 weapons left hand -2 Fighting unarmed This does not apply to creatures that have stomp, bite, gore, claw or tail attacks.
Flying troops receive no associated bonuses for charging or following-up
Rider Animal Saving Throw Movement Reduction None None 6 - None Cloth or metal 5 Shield None 5 Shield Cloth or metal 4 1 Light armour None 5 Light armour Cloth or metal 4 1 Light armour + shield * None 4 1 Light armour + shield * Cloth or metal 3 1 Heavy armour None 4 1 Heavy armour Cloth or metal 3 1 Heavy armour + shield * None 3 1 Heavy armour + shield * Cloth or metal 2 2
+1 to roll if frenzied * Units employing double-handed weapons may not simultaneously claim protection of a shield. * Units firing at a charging enemy may not use their shields in the first round of the ensuing combat. * Units attacked in the rear derive no benefit from shields.
COMBAT RESULTS Total up the number of wounds caused by each side and add: +1 If the unit charged that turn +1 If the unit followed-up during the previous combat round +1 For each complete second or subsequent rank in the unit, up to a maximum bonus of +3. At least 4 models must be engaged in combat in the front rank. +1 If the unit has a standard in its front rank which is up and flying. +1 If the unit has an army standard in its front rank which is up and flying.
Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
19 RESERVES The Reserve Phase Units may not approach closer than 4 to any enemy even if the enemy is routing. If they approach to within 4, they come to an immediate halt and any remaining movement is lost. Which Units May Move (p71) The following models may not reserve move: Units engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Routing and pursuing units. Units within 4 of any routing troops, no matter whether they are enemy or friends. The proximity of routers has a disturbing influence which hinders their movement. A unit which fails a manoeuvre test for a complex manoeuvre in its movement phase may not reserve move that turn. Flying creatures of any type. Large or cumbersome engines, vehicles and war machines never reserve move. Chariots may make a reserve move if they are pulled by one or two horses or horsed- sized creatures, but not otherwise. Units which begin the reserve phase with any models positioned on difficult ground or on very difficult ground may not reserve move. A unit which begins the reserve phase divided be an obstacle may not reserve move. Units which failed a fear test before charging a feared enemy. Units within range of a feared creature. Units subject to animosity. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
20 MAGIC The Magic Phase Dispel any spells whose duration has now expired and remove relevant effects from play. The GM or player may move or redirect existing spells where appropriate.
Wizards who were wounded during the combat phase or who are routing may not cast spells.
Wizards with less than 12 magic points left must roll under their Int or the number of remaining points (whichever is higher) on 2D6 successfully to cast a spell (p147) the relevant magic points must be expended regardless of the spells success or failure.
Spell targets may be allowed a magic save, requiring a 2D6 roll under the targets WP. Wizards may augment their magic save, gaining +1 to their roll per magic point expended: the caster may enhance his spell and reduce the targets save by -1 per extra point expended these points must be spent before the saving throw is made.
Test for rout in any unit that has just lost a quarter of its current strength to the combined effects of missile and magical attacks this turn (see Rout, Rallying and Reforming). Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
21 RALLYING The Rallying Phase The player may roll under Ld on 2D6 to rally and units that began routing last turn or earlier. Rallied unit may not move but can adopt any permitted formation and facing reverting to normal after this phase. Rallying a Broken Unit (p67) To make a rally test the unit must qualify as follows: 1. The unit must be free of any pursuers. If pursuers remain in base-to-base contact with a routing unit it may not rally. 2. The unit must still have at least a quarter of its original numerical strength left. This does not include any additional character that may have joined the unit during the battle. Always round odd numbers down for this purpose. 3. The unit must be closer to at least 1 friendly unit than any enemy units. Units comprising less than 5 models do not count. Characters do not count. Other routing units do not count. 4. If the unit is within the fear range of an enemy creature, it may not attempt to rally. 5. The unit may not take a rally test during the turn in which it began to rout. If their general or subordinate commander of their own race is within 12, the unit may use this models Ld bonus instead of their own leaders. Units within 12of their army standard may add +1 to Ld (max. Ld of 10). See Characters for more details. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
22 PSYCHOLOGY The Psychology Test Units are subject to their own psychology and that of their leader. Leaders and characters are always subject to the psychology of the unit they accompany. Unless otherwise noted, all tests are made against the units Cl value, although the presence of a character as the units leader will confer a bonus. Fear A fear test must be taken in the following situations: A unit wishing to fire missiles at an enemy it fears must make a fear test, if it lies within the enemys charge reach (irrespective of terrain). If failed the unit may not fire for the remainder of that turn. A unit wishes to charge a feared opponent, if failed the unit may not charge or move for the remainder of the turn. When a unit is charged by an enemy it fears, the unit automatically routed if it fails its fear test. A unit pushed-back and followed-up by an enemy it fears is automatically routed. If engaged against a mixed formation of troops (some of whom case fear and some of whom do not) this rile only applies if the element causing fear has inflicted sufficient damage to win the combat round. Creatures which instill fear over a distance cause the following effects: Opponents automatically fight and shoot at -1 to hit. Routing units within the fear range of an opponent may not rally. A unit may never reserve move within range of a feared opponent. Frenzy If a unit subject to frenzy charges, a test is made on the units Cl value. If failed the entire unit becomes frenzy. The unit remains frenzied as long as it remains in base-to-base contact with the enemy. Frenzy applies during all free-hacks. Frenzied troops must always follow-up and pursue their opponents. Frenzied troops never take rout tests and ignore all other psychological effects. Frenzied troops fight at +1 to hit, +1 to wound and gain +1 saving throw bonus. Character models can use their Cl bonus to deduct the overall Cl value for the unit. Hatred If possible a unit must charge a hated enemy; a missile equipped unit must instead fire at a hated enemy. These affects can be avoided by a successful test. Troops in base-to-base contact with a hated enemy fight at +1 to hit, have a +1 Ld bonus for purposes of rout tests, and always pursue. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
23 Panic A test must be made in the following circumstances: If, at the start of the sides turn, a unit finds itself within 4 of a visible, friendly routing unit. If, during the enemys turn, a unit is charged in the side or rear by an enemy force emerging from concealing cover. If a friendly unit within 12 routs from combat. Measurement is made before rout. If the testing unit has four times as many models as the routing unit, the test is made with a Cl bonus of +1. If, during the enemys turn, a unit is charged while it is crossing an obstacle. Note that a unit may make no manoeuvres while crossing an obstacle and therefore models may not turn to meet their attackers. Models unable to turn may take free hacks from the enemy. If, during the enemys turn, a unit is charged in the side or rear while already engaged in frontal hand-to-hand combat. Note, if the charging unit fails to contact the unit at more than the normal 22, this test is not necessary. If the unit being attacked in this way has stomp attacks, or is being attacked in the back and has tail attacks to the rear, there is no need to make a panic test providing the majority of models under rear/side attacks are able to deliver at least one blow against both their frontal and side/rear enemy. If a unit is engaged in close combat, and one or more character models leaves, the unit must take an immediate panic test. However, if a unit includes three or more character models, and the character with the lowest (or equal lowest) character level leaves, there is no need to test. A unit which fails a panic test routs. Stupidity A unit which fails its stupidity test is subject to the following rules: If already in close combat, half the unit will suddenly stop fighting. If uneven, the odd will fight on a D6 score of 4 or more. A character model stops fighting on a D6 roll of 1-3. A unit not engaged in combat may not fire missiles or use magic. In addition roll a D6.
1-3. The unit moves in a D12 random direction at half speed, making no deductions for turns or wheels.
If a friendly or enemy model or unit of any kind, or an inanimate object, lies in the units path roll another D6: 1-2. The unit halts. 3-4. The unit members attack; 1 attack per model. 5-6. The unit attacks normally. 4-6. The unit stops. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
24 ROUTS AND REFORMING The Rout Test The Ld value is used to make the route test. A rout test must be made in the following situations: 1. If a unit has lost 25% (a quarter) of its original number of troops, and has just lost a round of combat. The test occurs before the push-back takes place. If the unit makes a successful rout test, it is still pushed-back. 2. A unit has lost 25% (a quarter) or more of its current numerical strength to missile fire, magic missile attack, or a combination of both during a single turn. Routing Troops Routing units are moved at double-rate, although normal movement penalties apply for terrain. If the routing units path is blocked by impassable terrain or friendly units it will move around them where possible. If friendly units block the routing units path there must be a gap of at least 2 for the routers to funnal through. If there is no such gap the routers will simply pile through the formation of the friendly unit. A unit which has been routed through must take a panic test, as must all units within 12 of the routing unit when it breaks. Unless it routs as a result of this panic test, a unit routed through is said to be unformed. A routed unit loses its standard, its musician, and any captured enemy standards. Any standards dropped during the last round of combat are automatically captured. Other standards are simple dropped onto the ground and remain there until after the battle, when they are captured by the winning side. The Free Hack Fight the free hack as soon as the rout has been established, before the routers are moved. Every attack automatically hits. Damage rolls are still made as normal. Routers still receive armour saving throws, but shields are ignored. Routing Units with Fast and Slow Members Unless a faster model is a character model or individual creature, all are reduced to the speed of the slowest. Character models which are faster, and models which can fly, may rout away from the unit and all subsequent rally tests are made separately. Pursuers Losing Contact If the pursuers move distance is insufficient to catch the routers, the pursuing unit is placed behind, but not in contact with, the routing unit. It then strikes a further free hack with the same number of attackers as before. The unit comes to an immediate halt. The unit is now unformed just as if it had charged and failed to make contact. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
25 Pursuers in Contact If the pursuers move distance is sufficient to remain in base-to-base contact with the routers they are positioned immediately behind. Once again, the pursuers strike a free hack. The pursuing unit assumes any convenient formation, and may attack with any models in base-to-base contact. All subsequent rounds of combat against routers are free hacks, all attacks automatically hit. If all the enemies are slain during close combat the pursuing unit becomes unformed and reforms during its following movement phase. If routers are chased from the table, pursuers must halt and reform at the table edge. Close Combat against Pursuers The pursuing unit is permitted to turn models to face the new attacker, and a normal round of close combat is fought. The pursuing unit is not allowed to run away from or shoot at the chargers. The pursuing unit is automatically routed if pushed-back during the first round of combat. Initiating Close Combat during a Rout The unit contacted must remain stationary; it may not use missile weapons against the attackers or run away from them. The first round of hand-to-hand combat is fought in the following turn. A pursuing unit which encounters fresh enemy models during the initial pursuit will be routed if it is pushed-back in the first round of hand-to-hand combat. Not Whishing to Pursue Initially The controlling player may, if he wishes, make an immediate Ld test. If the test is passed, the unit does not pursue. If the test is failed the unit must pursue. A unit which does not pursue does not have to reform and may continue normally. No follow-up is made, and only a single free hack is struck. Wishing to Halt an Ongoing Pursuit If a player wishes to cease a pursuit, he must declare his intention as the enemy unit moves away in its own movement phase. The pursuing unit must have a leader, otherwise it must continue until the enemy is either destroyed, or driven from the table, or charged by a fresh enemy unit. If the unit has a leader a normal Ld test is taken, but with a characteristic modifier of - 1. If the player succeeds, the unit comes to an immediate halt and is considered to be unformed. Multiple Combats If a unit is fighting several enemy units, one may route leaving the other still engaged. Continue to fight the engagement as normal until the last enemy unit routs. The victorious unit still strikes a free hack as the routers turn to flee. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
26 Reforming (p70) An unformed unit must remain halted if not in hand-to-hand combat until the end of its next movement phase. During this time the unit is reforming. An unformed unit loses all charging bonuses, including those applying to weapons. An unformed unit pushed-back in the first round of the hand-to-hand combat is automatically routed. An unformed unit that takes any Ld, Int, Cl and WP tests suffer a -1 modifier. An unformed unit charged while reforming must receive the charge at the halt, although models may be turned to face their enemy as normal. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
27 WEAPONS Fighting with two Weapons In combat the unit may attack as normal with each weapon carried; where models have a single attack this means they now have two. However, it is difficult to use to weapons at once, so right-handed attacks suffer a -1 to hit penalty, and left-handed attacks suffer a- 2 to hit penalty. A unit equipped in this way always has the option of fighting with just one weapon if the player wishes, in which case the additional attack is ignored and the above penalties do not apply. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
HAND WEAPONS (p84) Weapon I Mod To Hit Mod S Save Mod Notes Hand Weapon - - - - Improvised Weapon - -1 - +1 Daggers +1 - -1 +1 Double-handed Weapon -1 - +1 -1 Require two hands, cannot be used with shield. Improvised weapon if used one- handed. Fail - - +1 - Improvised weapon if WS less than 3. Charge and pursuit at normal rate; abandon fails if the unit routs and is pursued. - if pushed-back -1 Halberd - - +1 - Require two hands, cannot be used with shield. - Vs. aerial/mounted targets if not pushed-back +1 Net -1* +1** Cannot employ both net and shield at the same time. * mod. counts for opponent; ** mod. counts for user. Pike +3* - - - Require two hands, cannot be used with shield. Max two manoeuvres in one turn; test against Ld within difficult ground. No manoeuvres in very difficult ground or wood. Requires 1 movement phase for a single rank to cross an obstacle. Fight in 4 ranks; every 2 nd model in 2 nd , 3 rd model in 3 rd and 4 th model in 4 th rank. * If pushed-back only 1 st rank may fight and loses all initiative bonuses. - Vs. mounted targets +3* - Vs. aerial targets +1* Spears - - - - Fight in two ranks; every 2 nd model in 2 nd rank. - if 1 st round of combat +1 - Vs. mounted enemy if not pushed-back +2 - Vs. aerial enemy +1 Pistol - -1* - -2 Only fire once in a combat. Use WS not BS. * if used as a second weapon.
MOUNTED WEAPONS (p86) Weapon I Mod To Hit Mod S Save Mod Notes Hand Weapon - +1* - - * Vs. enemy under 10 feet and not pushed-back. Improvised Weapon - -1 - +1 Daggers +1 - -1 +1 Fail - - +1 - Improvised weapon if WS less than 4. - if not 1 st round of combat -1 Lance
+2 - +2 -1 Used only in 1 st round of combat. Spear +1* +1** +1*** - * if 1 st round of combat; ** Vs. enemy under 10 feet and not pushed-back; *** if charging. Pistol - -1* - -2 Only fire once in a combat; use WS not BS; * if used as a second weapon.
All double-handed weapons, count as improvised when used mounted.
Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
MISSLE WEAPONS Weapon Range S Save Mod Notes Up to /over Short bow 16 3 - Bow 24 3 - Long bow 30 3 -1/0 Crossbow 30 4 -1/0 Cannot move and fire. Repeating crossbow 16 3 - -1 to hit when fired twice. Throwing spear/axe 4 S -1/0 Improvised when used in combat. -1 to hit if 1 st rank throws before contact when charging or charged; include damage in combat results; weapons not lost. Throwing dart/knife 6 S - Same as throwing spears and axes. Javelin 8 S - Same as throwing spears and axes. Sling 18 3 - May fire twice at range if not moved that turn; except in stand and fire. Blowpipe 12 D6 - Improvised Weapon 3 S-2 +1
S use the firers strength
GUNPOWDER WEAPONS Weapon Range S Save Mod Notes Up to /over Arquebus 24 4 -2/-1* Cannot move and fire; no constructive fire; misfires on roll of 1; S4 hit. Blunderbuss 16 3/1** -2/0 Cannot move and fire; no constructive fire; misfires on roll of 1; S4 hit. Pistol 6 4 -1 No constructive fire; may stand and fire if not moved. Grenade 6 3 -2 Cannot move and throw but may reserve move; see p90 for usage. Torinoko Grenade 6 TT - Cannot move and throw but may reserve move; see p90 for usage.
* -2 at 6 or less; -1 at 12 or less ** S3 up to 8/S1 over 8 TT - Torinoko types: Explosive: as normal grenade but with strength 2 Flash: blind all in template until end of next turn; blind models are hit automatically. Firecracker: bounce through unit reducing WS and I by -1 during the next turn. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
30 CHARACTERS Characters and Units Joining a Unit Any character in base-to-base contact with a friendly unit is associated with it. The model may either join its ranks or simply be placed at the end of the formation. If joining the ranks, the model is positioned in the formation and displaced models are repositioned in a rear rank. Leaving a Unit Once associated with a unit, a character may only leave it at the beginning of the movement phase, and may not leave if subject to any psychological reaction or other compulsive rules. If the unit is engaged in combat, the character may only leave if placed in a non-fighting rank at the beginning of the combat. A character may always be placed into a non-fighting rank as soon as the unit enters combat, unless the character is leading the unit. If the character is the leader of the unit, abandoning the unit must be declared at the beginning of the movement phase. The character remains the leader until the beginning of the sides next movement phase. From then onwards, another character takes command and the character is free to leave as normal. Associated Characters, Units and Psychology Once a character associates with a unit it is bound by all the psychological and other compulsive rules suffered by the unit. The character becomes part of the unit in the same way as its leader and troopers. If associated characters have additional psychological reactions not otherwise suffered by the unit, the player must test for these separately using the models Cl. Any reaction affecting the character does not affect the rest of the unit. Characters as Leaders Any characters associated with a unit may become its leader if its Ld is higher than that of the troops themselves and the units present leader. Characteristic Tests The units Ld, Int, Cl and WP value is the lowest Ld, Int, Cl and WP value of the troops plus the leaders bonus. No bonus may take the Ld, Int, Cl and WP to above 10 or may increase the units Ld, Int, Cl and WP to more than that of the leader. Units without Leaders A unit without leader may make only one simple and free manoeuvre during its movement. No additional manoeuvres or complex manoeuvres may be attempted. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
31 Characters and Missile Fire (p74 and p92) A character or leader may be shot at under the following circumstances: Characters within a unit of less than 5 ordinary models, and not within 5 of a unit of at least 5 models, may be fired at. Characters within a unit of less than 5 ordinary models, or within 5of a unit of at least 5 models, may not be fired at if shooter is at over half range. However, another character may target them as normal. If a sizeable unit sustains casualties from missile fire so that it is reduced to less than 5 ordinary models, subsequent hits may be assumed to strike a character if the shooting player wishes and rules 1-2 above allow it. Missile hits against a group of characters are randomized. Characters over 10 tall or long only gain protection from units which are of equal or greater bulk. Players are allowed to select characters as their target with an area effect template. Champions Champions may not leave their units; otherwise the same rules apply to them as to other characters associated with the unit. Generals Every army must be led by a general. The general is always the character with the highest Ld value. If two or more models have the same Ld value the player may select either or any of them to command the army. Any unit whose own leader is within 12of the general may take any rout or rally tests using the generals Ld bonus rather than that of their own leader. If a unit has no leader, the distance should be measured to the central model of the units front rank, or to the exact centre of the rank if there are an even number of models. Challenges Players may make challenges with characters and leaders; these are fought separately and other models cannot interfere. Issuing a Challenge Characters must challenge in Int order; those with the highest scores making the challenge first. Where characters have the same Int, preference goes to the one whose current turn it is. Challenges issued by a unit leader are always made first. The challenge may be taken up by any character associated with the unit, including the units champion if it has one. Once challenges issued by leaders have been met, any character not already participating in personal combat may issue a challenge against any character not already engaged in personal combat. Any character may take up a challenge issued by another character or a units leader. The model does not have to be in the fighting rank to do this. The challenger has no option but to fight the individual taking up the challenge. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
32 Refusing a Challenge If a challenge is refused, the declining player must retire one character nominated by his opponent. The retiring character is moved to a position in the unit where he is not in base contact with any enemy and replaced with a rank-and-file trooper. If this is not possible, as there are no positions in the unit where the character can avoid being in base contact with an enemy, the challenge cannot be refused and must be met. If a leader refuses combat and loses face, his Ld characteristic bonus is reduced to -1 for the rest of the battle. Unfair Challenges If a challenger is over 10 tall, any number of characters less than 10 tall may take up the challenge or may refuse the challenge without losing face. Uncovering a Refuser If a character refuses the challenge, and the entire front rank of his unit is slain during the ensuing combat round, the cowering refuser is uncovered by his enemies. The model may then be attacked by the original challenger. A further round of personal combat is fought immediately. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - 3rd Edition
33 STANDARDS AND MUSICIANS Capturing Standards When a units standard bearer is slain the model is removed. However, if the unit wins the combat round and follows-up its enemy, a fallen standard may be picked up by another model. If a units standard bearer is slain and it is pushed-back, the enemy may attempt to capture the standard as they advance. Fight another round of hand-to-hand combat. If the side attempting the capture wins the round, they have captured the standard, and the defeated unit must take a standard rout test. If the side attempting to recapture the standard wins, the standard is recovered and the enemy must make a standard rout test. If the result is a draw the standard remains where it falls, and is recovered by the winning side at the end of the battle. If a units standard bearer is slain and the unit is pushed-back, but the enemy player decides not to try and capture the standard, the standard is left in the dirt to be recovered by the winning side at the end of the battle. Once a standard has been captured, the player is entitled to take the model carrying it from his opponent. Models with captured standards need not fight in the front rank. If a units standard is captured its Ld drops by -2 for the remained of the battle. This can only be regained by recapturing the standard. If lost but not captured, the units Ld drops by -1. Musicians A unit with a musician in the front rank may add +1 to its Ld score when testing to make a second or subsequent manoeuvre. However, this modifier may not take the units Ld score to more than 10. Army Standards (p101) The army standard bearer should remain in base contact with the general. If an armys general is slain, the standard bearer may associate with a unit, but will lose all of its bonuses for the rest of the game. An army standard bearer functions exactly like a normal unit standard. If unit also has its own standard, its close combat resolution bonus of +1 is cumulative with the army standard. If any friendly unit within 12of the standard should rout, the player may take the test again. The result of this second test is final. If any friendly unit within 12 takes a rally test, the unit may add a further +1 to its Ld score. As its Ld score will usually includes the generals bonus, the units Ld may rise to 10, but no bonus may take the score to more than 10. If an army standard bearer is slain and wins the combat round, the standard may be passed on to another model. Army standards must be passed on into the care of a character of level 5 of more. If not carried by a character all magical powers the standard may possess are suspended. If an army standard is lost, but not captured, the Ld of the unit, the Ld and Ld bonus of any character associated with the unit drops by -2 for the remainder of the battle. If captured, the penalty is increased to -3. This can only be regained by recapturing the standard.