Warriors of Chaos
Warriors of Chaos
Warriors of Chaos
Official Update Version 1.0
Although we strive to ensure that our books are perfect,
sometimes mistakes do creep in. When such issues arise
we feel that it is important to deal with them as promptly as
we can, and we therefore produce regular updates for all
of our books. When changes are made, the version
number will be updated, and any changes from the
previous version will be highlighted in Magenta. Where a
version number has a letter, E.g. 1.1a, this means it has
had a local update, only in tha language, to clarify a
translation issue or other minor correction.
This update is split into three sections: Errata,
Amendments and Frequently Asked Questions. The
Errata corrects any mistakes in the book, while the
Amendments bring the book up to date with the latest
version of the rules. The Frequently Asked Questions (or
FAQ) section answers commonly asked questions about
the rules. These questions have been gathered from many
sources. We are always happy to consider more
questions, so please send any queries to:
Although you can mark corrections directly in your book,
this is by no means necessary just keep a copy of the
update with your book.
Page 24 Army Special Rules, Mark of Khorne.
Add the following line to the second paragraph: In the case of
models with the cavalry, monstrous cavalry, chariot or monster
unit type, only the rider has the Extra Attack special rule.
Page 85 Lords, Kholek Suneater.
Add the following to Kholek Suneaters unit entry:
Heavy armour
Q: Which units in the Warriors of Chaos army count as Daemons
for the purposes of the Lore of Lights lore attribute? (p30/42)
A: Daemon Princes and Hellcannons only, as they are the only
Daemons that can be targeted separately from any non-
daemonic elements.
Q: Does a Chaos Warshrine convey its ward save to a character that
has replaced the Shrinemaster? (p43/88)
A: No.
Q: Do Valkia the Bloody and Scyla already have the extra attack
granted to them from their Mark of Khorne included in their profile?
A: No.
Q: Does the Warpflame special rule confer Flaming Attacks? (p58)
A: No.
Last updated April 2013