This lesson plan aims to teach 12-year old students about street children and different living conditions. The teacher will show students a picture of a street boy in Manila and ask them questions to get them thinking about his life and feelings. Students will then imagine they are the boy and write down their thoughts. They will complete a listening activity about a song describing a poor woman's experience. Finally, students will compare their own lives to those of street children in a homework assignment.
This lesson plan aims to teach 12-year old students about street children and different living conditions. The teacher will show students a picture of a street boy in Manila and ask them questions to get them thinking about his life and feelings. Students will then imagine they are the boy and write down their thoughts. They will complete a listening activity about a song describing a poor woman's experience. Finally, students will compare their own lives to those of street children in a homework assignment.
This lesson plan aims to teach 12-year old students about street children and different living conditions. The teacher will show students a picture of a street boy in Manila and ask them questions to get them thinking about his life and feelings. Students will then imagine they are the boy and write down their thoughts. They will complete a listening activity about a song describing a poor woman's experience. Finally, students will compare their own lives to those of street children in a homework assignment.
This lesson plan aims to teach 12-year old students about street children and different living conditions. The teacher will show students a picture of a street boy in Manila and ask them questions to get them thinking about his life and feelings. Students will then imagine they are the boy and write down their thoughts. They will complete a listening activity about a song describing a poor woman's experience. Finally, students will compare their own lives to those of street children in a homework assignment.
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Teachers name: Cornelia STOICESCU WORKING PLAN Date: 24 th April 2!!" Title: Street chil#ren Communicative aims: Tal$in% a&o't #i((erent li(e con#itions Skills covered: S)EA*I+G Rea#in% ,ritin% Listenin% Grammar: .er&s oca!ular": homeless em&arrasse# &lister )ara#ise to /histle to seem t/ice Class: "0 A#e: 12 Teac$in# materials: a pict're o( a street &o3 cassette pla3er Timin# Procedure %odes o& Interacti on 1min In(ormin% the Ss a&o't the aims o( the lesson T4 Ss 2 min As$ the chil#ren to spea$ a&o't What are you? How old are you? Where do you live? Do you eat enough? Do you sleep in warm and clean beds? So, do you live a happy life? T4 Ss Ss4 T 2 min Tell the Ss to loo$ at the pict're o( a street &o3 in 5anila. As$ them i( the3 thin$ he is happ3. What is he doing? Why6 T4 Ss Ss 4T 2 min )air /or$: Ima%ine 3o' are E#'ar#o. ,hat are 3o'r tho'%hts6 ,rite them in 3o'r note&oo$. T4 Ss S4 S S 4 T 1! min ,rite the sentences on the &lac$&oar# in the reporte# speech. Eduardo thought/said to himself that he was very poor. Ss 4 T 1! min In(orm the Ss that the3 are %oin% to %et a son% te7t a&o't a poor /oman. 8irst the3 ha.e to (ill in some /or#s an# then the3 /ill chec$ listenin%. )air /or$. T 4 Ss S 4 S 9 min E7plain the ne/ /or#s: blister, sole, whistle, embarrassed, Paradise T4 Ss 9 min 8in# some action /or#s relate# to the /or# STREET T 4 Ss Ss4 T " min Ss ha.e to ans/er some :'estions a&o't the te7t o( the son%: How does the woman feel? What about the man? What is your attitude? T 4 Ss S 4T 1 min Home/or$ : 5a$e a comparison &et/een 3o' an# the chil#ren o( the street. T4 Ss A+OTHER ;A< I+ )ARA;ISE
03 )hil Collins
She calls o't to the ====== on the street: >Sir can 3o' ===.. me6 Its col# an# I.e no/here to ====== Theres some/here 3o' can tell me6
He /al$s on #oesnt loo$ ====.. He preten#s he cant hear her Starts to /histle as he crosses the street Seems ======.. to &e there.
Chor's: Oh thin$ t/ice >Ca'se its another #a3 8or 3o' an# me in )ara#ise Thin$ a&o't it.
She calls o't to the man on the street He can see shes &een =======.. Shes %ot &listers on the soles o( her (eet She cant /al$ &'t shes tr3in%
Chor's: Oh thin$ t/ice =
Oh Lor# is there nothin% more an3&o#3 can #o Oh Lor# there m'st &e somethin% 3o' can sa3.
1. Loo$ at the te7t o( the son% an# (ill in the &lan$s /ith one o( the /or#s in the list: embarrassed, help, crying, sleep, man, bac 2. Listen to the son% to see i( 3o' /ere ri%ht. 2. Gi.e a short #e(inition (or or e7plain the (ollo/in% /or#s: street, Paradise, cry, day 4. 8in# rh3mes (or the /or#s in E7. 2. 9. 8in# some action /or#s relate# to the /or# >street. ?. Thin$ a&o't it: a. Ho/ #oes the /oman (eel6 &. ,hat a&o't the man6 c. ,hat is 3o'r attit'#e@ ,hat /o'l# 3o' #o6 ". 5a$e a comparison &et/een 3o' an# the chil#ren on the street.