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Street Children 7

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Teachers name: Cornelia STOICESCU
Date: 24
April 2!!"
Title: Street chil#ren
Communicative aims: Tal$in% a&o't #i((erent li(e con#itions
Skills covered: S)EA*I+G Rea#in% ,ritin% Listenin%
Grammar: a#-ecti.es .er&s
oca!ular": homeless em&arrasse# &lister )ara#ise to /histle to seem t/ice
Class: "0
A#e: 12
Teac$in# materials: a pict're o( a street &o3 cassette pla3er
Timin# Procedure %odes o&
1min In(ormin% the Ss a&o't the aims o( the lesson T4 Ss
2 min As$ the chil#ren to spea$ a&o't themsel.es: What are you? How
old are you? Where do you live? Do you eat enough? Do you sleep
in warm and clean beds? So, do you live a happy life?
T4 Ss
Ss4 T
2 min Tell the Ss to loo$ at the pict're o( a street &o3 in 5anila. As$ them
i( the3 thin$ he is happ3. What is he doing? Why6
T4 Ss
Ss 4T
2 min )air /or$: Ima%ine 3o' are E#'ar#o. ,hat are 3o'r tho'%hts6
,rite them in 3o'r note&oo$.
T4 Ss
S4 S
S 4 T
1! min ,rite the sentences on the &lac$&oar# in the reporte# speech.
Eduardo thought/said to himself that he was very poor.
Ss 4 T
1! min In(orm the Ss that the3 are %oin% to %et a son% te7t a&o't a poor
/oman. 8irst the3 ha.e to (ill in some /or#s an# then the3 /ill
chec$ listenin%. )air /or$.
T 4 Ss
S 4 S
9 min E7plain the ne/ /or#s: blister, sole, whistle, embarrassed,
T4 Ss
9 min 8in# some action /or#s relate# to the /or# STREET T 4 Ss
Ss4 T
" min Ss ha.e to ans/er some :'estions a&o't the te7t o( the son%: How
does the woman feel? What about the man? What is your attitude?
T 4 Ss
S 4T
1 min Home/or$ : 5a$e a comparison &et/een 3o' an# the chil#ren o(
the street.
T4 Ss

03 )hil Collins

She calls o't to the ====== on the street:
>Sir can 3o' ===.. me6
Its col# an# I.e no/here to ======
Theres some/here 3o' can tell me6

He /al$s on #oesnt loo$ ====..
He preten#s he cant hear her
Starts to /histle as he crosses the street
Seems ======.. to &e there.

Chor's: Oh thin$ t/ice
>Ca'se its another #a3
8or 3o' an# me in )ara#ise
Thin$ a&o't it.

She calls o't to the man on the street
He can see shes &een =======..
Shes %ot &listers on the soles o( her (eet
She cant /al$ &'t shes tr3in%

Chor's: Oh thin$ t/ice =

Oh Lor# is there nothin% more an3&o#3 can #o
Oh Lor# there m'st &e somethin% 3o' can sa3.

1. Loo$ at the te7t o( the son% an# (ill in the &lan$s /ith one o( the /or#s in the list:
embarrassed, help, crying, sleep, man, bac
2. Listen to the son% to see i( 3o' /ere ri%ht.
2. Gi.e a short #e(inition (or or e7plain the (ollo/in% /or#s:
street, Paradise, cry, day
4. 8in# rh3mes (or the /or#s in E7. 2.
9. 8in# some action /or#s relate# to the /or# >street.
?. Thin$ a&o't it:
a. Ho/ #oes the /oman (eel6
&. ,hat a&o't the man6
c. ,hat is 3o'r attit'#e@ ,hat /o'l# 3o' #o6
". 5a$e a comparison &et/een 3o' an# the chil#ren on the street.

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