This document provides the program for a concert featuring the music departments of Birchland Park Middle School and East Longmeadow High School. The concert will include performances by the orchestras, bands, and choruses of both schools. It also includes information on the benefits of music education, citing research showing that music instruction is linked to improved academic performance, cognitive abilities, and life skills. The program outlines the various musical pieces that will be performed by each ensemble.
This document provides the program for a concert featuring the music departments of Birchland Park Middle School and East Longmeadow High School. The concert will include performances by the orchestras, bands, and choruses of both schools. It also includes information on the benefits of music education, citing research showing that music instruction is linked to improved academic performance, cognitive abilities, and life skills. The program outlines the various musical pieces that will be performed by each ensemble.
This document provides the program for a concert featuring the music departments of Birchland Park Middle School and East Longmeadow High School. The concert will include performances by the orchestras, bands, and choruses of both schools. It also includes information on the benefits of music education, citing research showing that music instruction is linked to improved academic performance, cognitive abilities, and life skills. The program outlines the various musical pieces that will be performed by each ensemble.
This document provides the program for a concert featuring the music departments of Birchland Park Middle School and East Longmeadow High School. The concert will include performances by the orchestras, bands, and choruses of both schools. It also includes information on the benefits of music education, citing research showing that music instruction is linked to improved academic performance, cognitive abilities, and life skills. The program outlines the various musical pieces that will be performed by each ensemble.
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Music In Our Schools Month Concert
Featuring the Birchland Park Middle School
& East Longmeadow High School Music Departments East Longmeadow High School Wednesday March !" th !#$% &'## PM POSITIVE EFFECTS OF MUSIC INSTRUCTION: IMPROVED READING SKILLS The combined results of 30 studies indicate that music instruction has a significant positive effect on reading. (pdate' )pplications o* +esearch in Music Education !##, HIGHER GRADE POINT AVERAGES High school music students have better grades than non-musicians in the same school. -ational Educational Longitudinal Study $.,,/ STAYING FOCUSED Studies have shown that diligent instrument training from an early age can help the brain remain focused when absorbing other subjects, from literature to tensor calculus. Scienti*ic )merican !#$#/ IMPROVING CONGNITION The cognitive structures developed through music instruction help to epose and illuminate more general organi!ing structures relevant for other disciplines. +esearch in Music Education !##./ TRANSCENDING SOCIOECONOMIC LEVELS Students in high-"uality school music programs score higher on standardi!ed tests compared to students in schools with deficient music education programs, regardless of the socioeconomic level of the school or school district. 0ournal o* +esearch in Music Education !##&/ 1When 2 hear people asking how do we *i3 the education system 2 tell them we need to do the opposite o* what is happening cutting 4udgets 4y cutting music programs5/ -othing could 4e stupider than remo6ing the a4ility *or the le*t and right 4rains to *unction/ )sk a 7E8 what they are looking *or in an employee and they say they need people who understand teamwork people who are disciplined people who understand the 4ig picture/ 9ou know what they need: ;hey need musicians/< = Former )rkansas >o6ernor Mike Hucka4ee ME-7 7entennial 7ongress 8rlando Florida 0une !##& 2 ha6e made a career doing things that weren?t e6en in6ented when 2 graduated *rom high school %# years ago/ 2t will 4e the same *or today?s graduates only on a sharply accelerating timeline/ Much o* what 2 learned in the classroom is o4solete or at 4est only marginally use*ul/ What has made a di**erence in my li*e has 4een the a4ility to learn as 2 go to adapt to new ideas to ha6e the courage to take risks and to *eel con*ident 2 will 4e a4le to per*orm and success*ully meet the challenges o* new situations/ ;hese skills 2 learned through participation in 4and and drama/ @ Fred Behning retired *rom 2BM 7orporation a*ter a A!@year career that included assignments in systems engineering product de6elopment management and customer technology 4rie*ings and is still an 2BM consultant/ ) li*e@long musician Fred plays o4oe and English horn in the Williamson 7ounty Symphony 8rchestra and the )ustin Symphonic Band/ Birchland Par Middle School and East !on"#eado$ %i"h School Orchestra 0/P/ Biernan = Director Bristen Flanagan = )ccompanist #ohemian Stomp Traditional arr/ Sandra Dackow $rpheus %n The &nderworld 'ac"ues $ffenbach arr/ Sandra Dackow The #est of (reen )ay #illie 'oe *rmstrong + (reen )ay arr/ Douglas Wagner Birchland Par Middle School Si&th 'rade Chorus De4ra -imetC = Director )44y ;homsen = )ccompanist 'oy in ,y Heart )dapted and )rranged 4y +ollo Dilworth -lijah .oc/0 Traditional Spiritual arr/ +oger Emerson Birchland Par Middle School Se(enth and Ei"hth 'rade Chorus De4ra -imetC = Director )44y ;homsen = )ccompanist The Shenandoah #lues )avid '. -lliott Small -nsemble 1 Theresa 2ervic/, 2aitlyn 3erman, -mily .ou, *llison Stevens and ,arina 4il/ins *-Tis/et, *-Tas/et -lla 5it!gerald and *l 5eldman arr/ Da6id 0/ Elliott Birchland Par Middle School Si&th throu"h Ei"hth 'rade Co#)ined Choruses De4ra -imetC = Director )44y ;homsen = )ccompanist #oogie 4oogie #ugle #oy )on .aye and Hughie 3rince arr/ Ed LoDeski *ul+ Noted ,o#ens- Select Chorus 7arol L/ Forward = Director )44y ;homsen = )ccompanist The *pril .ainbow 6aura 5arnell The O..)eats Mens- Chorus 7arol L/ Forward = Director )44y ;homsen = )ccompanist The 6ion Sleeps Tonight (eorge 4eiss, 6uigi 7reatore arr/ 0e** Funk -very 6ittle Thing She )oes %s ,agic Sting arr/ >reg >ilpin E!%S /d(anced Chorus 7arol L/ Forward = Director )44y ;homsen = )ccompanist Har/, % Hear the Harp8s -ternal Traditional Hymn arr/ )lice Parker 7hopin 3relude 5rederic 7hopin arr/ Michael Scott 4itness )ic/ #ol/s arr/ 0ack Halloran E!%S Concert Chorus 7arol L/ Forward = Director )44y ;homsen = )ccompanist Sing a ,ighty Song (reg (ilpin ,y Heart8s in the Highlands 6on #eery % *m the .iver *my #ernon
The Birchland Par Middle School and E!%S Co#)ined Choruses De4ra -imetC and 7arol L/ Forward = Directors )44y ;homsen @ )ccompanist 6i/e a ,ighty Stream ,oses Hogan + 'ohn 'acobson 2ntermission Birchland Par Middle School Si&th 'rade Band Larry Humason = Director ,arch .oyale ,ar/ 4illiams *lpha S"uadron (reg Hills Birchland Par Middle School 'rades Si& Throu"h Ei"ht Co#)ined Bands Larry Humason = Director )ar/ *dventure .alph 5ord Birchland Par Middle School Se(enth and Ei"hth 'rade Band Larry Humason = Director 'oy 5ran/ Ticheli 3rimeval Stormfront ,att 7onaway E!%S Concert Band 0/P/ Biernan @ Director *mparito .oca 'aime Teidor arr/ )u4rey Winter ,usic from The %ncredibles ,ichael (iacchino arr/ 0ay Bocook The Birchland Par Middle School and East !on"#eado$ %i"h School 'rades Se(en throu"h T$el(e Co#)ined Bands Larry Humason and 0/P/ Biernan = Directors -icole >ousy and )llison Hayes @ 7onductors 9ueen %n 7oncert arr/ 0ay Bocook adapted 4y 0/P/ Biernan Personnel Birchland Par Middle School Orchestra Violin *bigail #rown *llison 7arrington 2aylie 7assidy *bigail )onaghue *very )unais/y (race 5ilippi 4yatt (arber: 'oseph (elin %sabella (omes ;adia (omes *idan (urule %sabel Hansmann Violin cont. 2atelyn 'ohnston Samuel 6eone 6eah ,orabito ,adison 3anniello )ylan .ushford )avid Sand Viola -douard #eau!ile (lenna (arber #enjamin 3han *nthony 9uinn 6indsay .obinson 7asandra Smith Cello Samuel #eau!ile (illian #utler Timothy 2ir/ %ris 3ar/: ,artin .yan: -mily 4ing Bass 'ocelyn ,aillou East !on"#eado$ %i"h School Orchestra Piccolo *llison Hayes:< Flute *leandra -stanislau O)oe ,adelyn *ustin Clarinet -rin )emarest *rnab Sar/er :; Violin 6oryn 7rutchfield Sara 6areau Sarah ,c7andlish )evin 3ere! 7harlotte .oss Sadie Shaw ;atalie Thibodeau Samantha 4rin/le Cello 'ulia *damo 7olin #liss ;icole Howell 'ose =arela Bass ,ar/ 6areau Percussion *very Singh:< ;ic/ .aschilla Piano 2risten 5lanagan Si&th 'rade Chorus =iolet #arney 7aroline #ocwins/i (illian #utler 2aylie 7assidy *very )unais/y ,ia -c/ert Samantha -ger #ailey 5oley ,argaret 2uhn 2ayla ,aylor *mber ,iracle ,adison 3anniello -mily 4ing Se(enth and Ei"hth 'rade Chorus ,arjorie #ec/er *begail #rown *bby )onaghue Hannah )ube 'ordan (allagher =ictoria 2elliher Theresa 2ervic/ %relis 6oren!i 'ocelyn ,aillou ,egan ,iracle -li!abeth ,onteiro >oie $uellette 2aitlyn 3erman 6indsay .obinson -mily .ou )ylan .ushford 7asandra Smith *llison Stevens 'ulianne Surrette ,arina 4il/ins E!%S Concert Chorus =ictoria *uthier- 3ietrucci: 2arly #ednar!y/ 7arlie )aggett *shley )owd Samantha (odfrey ;aomi Hill *lana 6a3orte 2evin 6em/e 2arla ,artin ,itchell ,c2ittric/ 7atherine ,erton:< #renna ,orrison 'oshua ,orrison: 7hristopher ,ullins #renna ;ichols (abrielle $sborne )ylan 3ereira: 7hristine 3erry -mily 3lourde Hunter .aub %sabel .eis 'asmine Sabadosa >achary Seyler: *manda Spear *melia Spear 'ase Snyder ,ya )owling Sydney $liver 'eadon ?elle E!%S /d(anced Chorus =ictoria *uthier- 3ietrucci: 2imberly #onac/er ,ya )owling 2ayla -bner:< Samantha (odfrey 7ody ,inahan: 'oshua ,orrison: #renna ;ichols #enjamin $87onnor: %saac 3ys! *nyjah Santiago- -rilus >achary Seyler: Sadie Shaw The O..)eats Men-s 'rou0 'a/e ;ichols >achary Seyler: )ylan 3ereira: 'oshua ,orrison: 'ose =arela 'oe 3iemonte 7ody ,inahan: %saac 3ys! #en $87onnor: Hunter .aab
*ul+ Noted ,o#en-s Choir *mani *burub =ictoria *uthier- 3ietrucci: 2imberly #onac/er Samantha #outin 7arlie )aggett ,ya )owling 2ayla -bner:< 'ennifer 5onseca Samantha (odfrey 2imberly 'oyce 2elsey ,ancuso 7atherine ,erton:< (abrielle $sborne %sabel .eis *nyjah Santiago Sadie Shaw *melia Spear ,aya Spruell : @ Selected to 4estern ,ass. Senior )istrict ,usic 5estival < @ Selected to ,,-* *ll-State ,usic 5estival ; @ Selected to ;ational Honors -nsemble Si&th 'rade Band Flte 2ha!ire *hmad 'ulianna *iello (abrielle #erthiaume 'amie #ilton $livia 7al/ins Samantha -ger 2irsten )ieni Samantha (utierre! .eina 'acobs 6ina 2elly 6eah ,orabita O!oe 'ason 7hartier Percssion 6iam Harper -mily ,c,anus Cl"rinet 'a/e #erry 5ai! 5aroo"ui *shley 5onte ,argaret 2uhn *mber ,iracle 6ynisa $rti! Auan Tu ,adison 4ajda Alto S"#o$%one .ic/y (ao *nna Hugney 2ayla ,aylor #randon ;guyen Hunter Sweeney 3eter =an #uren Tr&$et )aniel #iggins (illian #utler 2aylie 7assidy ,att 5is/ 'ac/ 5risbie ,egan Holmes *nthony ,eccia %an 3ahl )evan 3atry )ylan Twining #radley =oight Tro&!one 2atelyn 'oyce 2yle 2orhonen (ianna 6i"uori $livia Taylor *leis 3fal!graff 'oseph Smith Se(enth and Ei"hth 'rade Band Flte *licia 7ochran 7aitlin Hogan *lea 'arvis 7arolyn 2ennedy Tim 2ir/ *lanna 6o,ascolo Siena ,c*doo *ndrew Sarnelli '"ssoon 2elsey 7hartier Cl"rinet Hannah #lac/ %rene )imitroglou ,aria )imitroglou 2ristina 5ran/lin 'enny (ao 7hristina (ebo ,ary 6avallee ,egan 3hillips Hannah Sterling -rin Thibodeau '"ss Cl"rinet *begail #rown *ngelica ,ushen/o Alto S"#o$%one ,ichael *dam Sydney *ppel *rturo 7andelaria 2aitlin )enno *manda ,unson ;igel $gelsby 6aurel 4ildfong .achel 4ood Tenor S"#o$%one =inson )uong 3hillip 5ran/lin '"ritone S"#o$%one Sajen 3levya/ '"ritone 3hilip )imitroglou Tr&$et Teagan #oucher ,amerto 7ru! *leander ,aserati 'ordan ,iller ,eghan ,iracle >ach .obidou ,artin .yan : ;athan Santos Tro&!one -mily 7hapdelaine 7aitlin Tedeschi T!" 6ily .usso : Percssion Sebastien *louidor Seth #racci ;elson #runette 'anelle 7avanaugh ,aya )ave 6iam Harper -mily ,c,anus >achary 3ahl : @ Selected to 4estern ,ass. 'unior )istricts E!%S Concert Band Piccolo *llison Hayes: Flute *shlee #elden ,aria #oucher 'aney 7honmany -lisabeth 7oo/e *manda )rumheller *leandra -stanislau 'ennifer 5onseca =ictoria (our ;icole (ousy *llison Hayes: 'ulia 6acopo *bigayle 3olane/ *maliya 3olane/ 7harlotte .oss ;atalie Thibodeau O)oe ,adeline *ustin Sierra #ur/e Samantha Surrette Bassoon 7arolyn 4elch Clarinet %ndia #aren Theo 7hoi 2aylen 7ianfarani -rin )emarest ,adelyn Hayes 7atherine ,erton:< 6auren ;ichols *lison 3hillips *rnab Sar/er:; *ndreia Singh 7olin Sirard Bass Clarinet 7olin Sirard /lto Sa&o0hone ;athan *rnt! 'ustin #arnes ,ichael #eau!ile *bygail 7hapdelaine *aron 7ochran *nthony 5ederici 2risten 5lanagan 'oshua Heropoulos Sarah ,c7andlish 'enna 3appas 3aige Suse Tenor Sa&o0hone 2athleen #ur/e #enjamin (uilmette #randon St. )enis 'ames 4hite Baritone Sa&o0hone ,atthew #oucher Tru#0et 7olin #liss Hannah 7hoi 7arter 5erranti 7hristopher 2oestch ,atthew 3ahl Baritone 5rancesca Tarbell Tanner 4ildfong Tro#)one ,atthew )onovan 2abir 2hurana ,ichael Holman *ndrew 2at! 6ouis ,unson 7hristopher ?eomans Tu)a Sara 6areau #ryanna 4elch Percussion Sierra #ur/e 7ameron 7oo/ )avid 7onnors 'ohn )iSabito .yan 5oley ,ohit ,ali: #ryan ,eara 'acob ;ichols: ,atthew $8#rien ;icholas .aschilla *very Singh: 'essica Sleator Samantha Surrette 'ose =arela 7arolyn 4elch : @ Selected to 4estern ,ass. Senior )istrict ,usic 5estival < @ Selected to ,ass. *ll State ,usic 5estival ; @ Selected to ;ational Honors -nsemble /cno$led"e#ents ,r. (ordon Smith Superintendent )r. (ina 5lanagan 3rincipal -6HS ,r. .yan 2elly *ssistant 3rincipal -6HS ,r. 5ran/ 3aige *ssistant 3rincipal -6HS )r. Tim *llen 3rincipal #3,S ,r. 7onor ,artin *ssistant 3rincipal #3,S ,r. ,ar/ (reene (raphic *rts *dvisor -6HS %ouse Mana"ers Ticet Sales Mana"er Tech Mana"ers Sarah ,c7andlish #enjamin $87onnor Sarah =enn =ictoria (our 7hristopher ?eomans #enjamin (uilmette S0ecial Thans The music department would li/e to than/ the -ast 6ongmeadow -ducational -ndowment 5und, %nc. The office staffB Terry Hellyer, 6inda #ushey and 6ouise )isa, 'ac/ S!yn/aru/ and the entire custodial staff for their daily help and support. $ur students receive a comprehensive music education than/s to the hard wor/ and dedication of their elementary and middle school music teachersB *my (rossi, =eronica .ichter, 'eanne ,ar/er, )ebra ;imet! and 6arry Humason. Special than/s to the -6HS faculty, parents, guardians, friends and family members for their support and assistance. / .e$ $ords on Concert Eti1uette 2 2 2 Ple"se Trn (or cell $%ones "n) !ee$ers o**. Re&"in se"te) "n) +iet ,%ile &sic is in $ro-ress. Do not t".e *l"s% $ictres ,%ile -ro$s "re $er*or&in-. En/o( *oo) "n) !e0er"-es otsi)e t%e ")itori&. U0co#in" Musical E(ents: E!%S Cha#)er Music Concert 1 4ednesday, *pril C th at DB00 3, - *ree/ Featuring solos and small groups *rom the ELHS Eocal Ensem4les 8rchestra and 7oncert Band/ E!%S S0rin" Concert 1 4ednesday, ,ay D th at DB00 3, - EF.00 7hildren under $! *ree/ Featuring the ELHS Eocal Ensem4les 0aCC Ensem4le 8rchestra and 7oncert Band/ Me#orial *a+ Ser(ice 3 Monda+4 Ma+ 56 th at 77:88 /M ) memorial ceremony to honor those who ha6e gi6en their li6es in the ser6ice o* their countryF held on the lawn at ELHS and concluding in the ELHS auditorium with music 4y the ELHS 7oncert Band/ BPMS S0rin" Concert - 4ed. ,ay GH th at DB00 3, - EF.00 7hildren under $! *ree/ Featuring the BPMS 7oncert Bands 8rchestra and Eocal Ensem4les/ Ele#entar+ Music Ni"ht - 4ed. 'une I th at DB00 3,- EF.00 - 7hildren under $! *ree/