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FOW Quickplay Sheet

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Starting Step
1 Check Company Morale
2 Check Victory Conditions
3 Deploy Ambushes
4 Call for Air Support
5 Roll for Reserves
6 Rally Pinned Down Platoons
7 Re-mount Bailed Out Vehicles
8 Free Bogged Down Vehicles
9 Remove Smoke Markers
Steps Score to Hit
Target Score Needed
Conscript 2+
Trained 3+
Veteran 4+
Motivation Test
Motivation Score Needed
Reluctant 5+
Condent 4+
Fearless 3+
Skill Test
Experience Score Needed
Conscript 5+
Trained 4+
Veteran 3+
Movement Distances
Mobility Road Cross-country Rough
Fully-tracked 12/30cm 12/30cm 8/20cm
Half-tracked and Jeeps 16/40cm 12/30cm 4/10cm
Wheeled 16/40cm 8/20cm 4/10cm
Cavalry Wagons 10/25cm 8/20cm 4/10cm
Wagons 6/15cm 6/15cm 4/10cm
Cavalry 10/25cm 10/25cm 10/25cm
Infantry and Man-packed Guns 6/15cm 6/15cm 6/15cm
Light Guns 4/10cm 4/10cm 4/10cm
Medium and Heavy Guns 2/5cm 2/5cm 2/5cm
Immobile Guns can only move if towed
Rally Platoons
Pass a Motivation Test to rally a
Pinned Down platoon.
Remount Vehicles
Pass a Motivation Test to
remount a Bailed Out vehicle.
Free Bogged Down Vehicles
Pass a Skill Test to free a
Bogged Down vehicle.
Company Command Team
Re-roll failed Motivation Tests if
Company Command team joins.
Movement Step
1 Select a Platoon to Move
2 Move Teams in the Platoon
3 Select Next Platoon to Move
Rough Terrain
Roll 2+ in Difcult Going or a
Skill test in Very Difcult Going
to avoid Bogging Down.
Command Distance
Experience Tanks Others
Conscript 4/10cm 2/5cm
Trained 6/15cm 4/10cm
Veteran 8/20cm 6/15cm
Teams must be In Command at
the end of their movement.
Shooting Step
1 Select the Shooting Platoon
2 Select the Target Platoon
3 Check that the Target is Valid
4 Check if Target is Concealed
5 Roll to Hit
6 Allocate Hits to Target Teams
7 Roll Saves for Hit Teams
8 Select Next Platoon to Shoot
9 Pin Down Platoons Hit 5 Times
10 Air Support
11 Check Platoon Morale
Rate of Fire
ROF 1 if moved or will assault.
ROF 1 if Pinned Down.
Score to Hit
Target Score Needed
Conscript 2+
Trained 3+
Veteran 4+
Add +1 to score needed if:
Range is over 16/40cm
Gone to Ground
ROF 1 weapon moving

Roll Armour Save

Target player rolls and adds:
Armour rating
+1 if range is over 16/40cm
If less than Anti-tank, roll
Firepower Test to Destroy tank,
otherwise crew Bail Out.
If equal to Anti-tank, roll
Firepower Test to Bail Out tank.
If greater than Anti-tank, no
At the Double
Roll double the dice if target
moved At the Double.
Platoon Morale
If below half strength and teams
Destroyed or Bailed Out, pass a
Motivation test or be Destroyed.
Roll Other Saves
Target Score Needed
Infantry 3+
Guns 5+
Unarmoured Vehicles 5+
Passengers 5+
Bulletproof Cover
If team is in Bulletproof Cover
attacker must make a success-
ful Firepower test to Destroy it.
Dismount at the start of their
movement or mount at the end
of their movement.
Pinned Down
Pinned Down by 5 hits. Infantry,
guns and unarmoured vehicles
may not move closer to the enemy.
Bailed Out Vehicles
Bailed Out vehicles may not
move, shoot, or ght in assaults.
Bogged Down Vehicles
May not move, shoot, or ght in
Assault Step
1 Select the Assaulting Platoon
2 Charge into Contact
3 Conduct Defensive Fire
4 Roll to Hit
5 Roll Saves
6 Push into Enemy Positions
7 Has Assaulting Platoon Won
8 Counterattack or Breaks Off
9 Pin Down Defending Platoons
10 Consolidate or Breakthrough
11 Pin Down Assaulting Platoons
12 Select next Assaulting Platoon
13 Check Platoon Morale
Charge into Contact
Assaulting teams move up to
4/10cm to contact the enemy.
Conduct Defensive Fire
Any platoon with teams within
4/10cm res.
Full ROF even if moved.
No rotating outside eld of re,
Tanks use Side armour for
If assaulting platoon is Pinned
Down, it falls back to starting
positions, unless whole platoon
is Armoured Tank teams.

Roll to Hit
All assaulting teams within
2/5cm of the enemy roll a Skill
Test to hit.
Consolidate or Breakthrough
Move victorious teams up
to 4/10cm to consolidate
or launch a breakthrough
assault. May only launch one
breakthrough assault.
Tanks in Assaults
Cant re main guns at
Make Bogging Checks each
round if in Rough Terrain.
Infantry must make
Motivation Tests each round
against tanks.

Check Company Morale

If company is below half
strength, pass a Motivation
Test or lose the game.
Pin Down Attacking Platoons
All attacking platoons hit in
assault combat are Pinned Down.
Roll Saves
Armoured vehicles use their Top
armour. Infantry have Anti-tank 2.
Break Off
All teams move at least 4/10cm
away from enemy. Any remaining
within 4/10cm are Destroyed.
Opponent Tests Motivation
Opponent makes Motivation Test
to Counterattack or Break Off. If
no teams hit, pass automatically
unless assaulting Tank teams.
If fail Motivation Test, must
Break Off.
Has Assaulting Platoon Won
Win if no assaulted teams left
ghting within 4/10cm.
Push Into Enemy Positions
Occupy position of Destroyed
team to cross obstacle.
Pin Down Defending Platoons
All originally defending platoons
are Pinned Down unless not hit.
Assaulted platoons become
assaulting platoons and Charge
into Contact starting a new round.
Fight a new assault combat
round starting with roll to hit.
Platoon Morale
If below half strength and
teams Destroyed or Bailed Out,
pass a Motivation Test or be
1 Starting
2 Move
3 Shoot
4 Assault
1. Select the Aiming Point
2. Roll to Range In on the Target
3. Position the Template
4. Roll to Hit
5. Roll Saves
6. Pin Down Hit Platoons
Select the Aiming Point
Aiming Point must be an enemy
Roll to Range In on the Target
Spotting team must have Line of
Sight to the Aiming Point.
Three attempts to range in.
Mortars re-roll rst failed
Target Score Needed
Conscript 2+
Trained 3+
Veteran 4+
Add +1 to the score needed if:
Gone to Ground
Company Command spotting

Roll to Hit
Roll to hit all teams under or
partly under the template.
Artillery Score Needed
Conscript 5+
Trained 4+
Veteran 3+
Add +1 to the score needed if:
ranged on the second
Add +2 to the score needed if:
ranged on the third attempt.
Add +1 to the score needed if:
only one weapon ring.

Roll Saves
Roll saves as for shooting, but use
Top armour rating for vehicles.
Pinned Down
One artillery hit = Pinned Down.
Air Support
Starting Step
1. Roll for Air Support
2. Select the Aiming Point
Shooting Step
1. Conduct Anti-aircraft Fire
2. Roll to Range In on the Target
3. Roll to Hit Teams
4. Roll Saves
5. Pin Down all Hit Platoons
6. Aircraft Return to Base
How Many Aircraft
Score Number of Aircraft
1 or 2 1
3 to 5 2
6 3
Roll to Hit
Use aircraft weapons To Hit rating.
Add +1 to the score needed if:
ranged on the second
Add +2 to the score needed if:
ranged on the third attempt.

Roll Saves
Roll saves as for shooting, but
use Top armour against bombs &
rockets, Side armour against guns.
Conduct Anti-aircraft Fire
Roll one Skill Test to hit per ROF.
Roll Firepower to Destroy per hit.
Roll for Air Support
Level Air Support Pool
Priority 7 dice
Limited 5 dice
Sporadic 3 dice
Ground Attack arrives on 5+.
Fighter Interception arrives on 6.
Reduce Air Support Pool by
1 after each attempt to call
Select the Aiming Point
Aiming Point must be an enemy
team. Place lead aircraft
6/15cm back, rest 6/15cm
diagonally back.
Roll to Range In on the Target
Must abort if friendly team
within 16/40cm.
Three attempts to range in.
Target Score Needed
Conscript 2+
Trained 3+
Veteran 4+
Add +1 to the score needed if:
Concealed by woods
Gone to Ground

Automatic Rifes: No +1 to hit for moving or Pinned Down. Re-roll
misses in Defensive Fire unless Pinned Down.
Dismounting MGs: Dismount as M2 .50 cal MG or LMG team.
Excellent Communications: Platoon commanders may spot for artillery.
Hit em With Everything: Observer can range in other batteries while
calling All Guns Repeat!
Mounting HMGs and LMGs: Fire from side of half-track as MG.
Stabilisers: Shoot at full ROF when moving with a +1 penalty to hit.
Tank Destroyers: Use Cautious Movement, Disengage, and Break Off
rules, and may be held off table.
Time On Target: Re-roll saves if artillery range in on rst attempt.
Truscott Trot: Infantry moves 16/40cm At the Double.
Under Command: Commanders have no +1 to range in if spotting.
Armoured Rocket Launcher: Can Stormtrooper after ring.
Mission Tactics: Destroy another team within Command Distance
instead of Platoon Command team.
Mounted Assault: Transports may Charge into Contact and ght as
Tank team in rst round. Passengers dismount to Counterattack.
Kampfgruppe: Create new platoon.
Recoilless Guns: Not Concealed if shooting. Cannot re in buildings.
Schrzen: Extra 4+ save against side hits from Firepower 5+ or 6.
Stormtroopers: Pass a Skill Test to move 4/10cm instead of assaulting.
Stuka zu Fuss: Start with 6 weapons. Lose 1 per failed range-in attempt.
Tiger Ace: Extra skills for Tigers.
British Bulldog: Re-roll failed Motivation Tests to Counterattack.
Carry On, Sergeant: A leaderless platoon may still Counterattack.
Eight-gun Batteries: Each troop is a separate platoon both can use
Staff team if within Command Distance.
Night Attacks: Infantry Company may attack at night.
Mike Target: Target re-rolls saves from All Guns Repeat!
Rounds on the Ground: If ring both Gun Troops, may re-roll misses or
use a double-width template.
Semi-indirect Fire: Re-roll misses over 16/40cm when stationary.
Tally Ho!: No penalty for moving under 16/40cm. Only turret facing
matters for front or side shots.
Tip and Run: Skill Test to retire 4/10cm if shot at instead of assault.
Tow Hooks: Can tow 6 & 17 pdr guns.
Vehicle MG: Range: 16/40cm, ROF 3, Anti-tank 2, Firepower 6.
.50 cal Vehicle MG: Range: 16/40cm, ROF 3, Anti-tank 4, Firepower 5+.
Big Battalions: Bombardments with 9+ guns use double-wide template.
Centralised Control: Companies are platoons, battalions are
Hen and Chicks: If any tank moves more than 6/15cm none can shoot.
Infltration: Scouts may Inltrate up to 16/40cm when attacking
Komissar: May Destroy a friendly team to re-roll Motivation Tests to
Rally, Counterattack, or Platoon Morale Check.
Limited Vision: Add +1 to hit when shooting to side or rear.
Cupola: No penalty for Limited Vision.
Infltration: Maximum ROF of 1.
Mixed Battalions: Bombardment with 3 or more 122 mm howitzers is
Anti-tank 4 and Firepower 4+.
Quality of Quantity: Company with 15 Infantry or Gun teams requires 10
hits to Pin Down.
Roll Up the Guns: Medium and Heavy Gun teams move as Light.
Tankodesantniki: SMG tank riders can ght from the tanks deck.
Unarmed: May not shoot. Re-roll hits in assaults.
Amphibious: Water is Difcult Going.
Fast Tank: Moves 32/80cm At the Double.
Horse Artillery: Fire at full ROF after unlimbering
Light Tank: Moves 16/40cm on Roads or when going Cross Country.
Mountaineers: Can double across steep hills. Mountains are Difcult
Going. Cliffs are Skill test to cross.
Overloaded: Bog Down on 1 or 2.
Portee: Vehicles gun may dismount.
Slow Tank: Only moves 8/20cm.
Unreliable: Breaks down on 1 if moving At the Double, or when Freeing
from Bogged Down.
Very Slow Tank: Moves 6/15cm.
Wide Tracks: Roll 4+ to immediately free from Bogging Down.
Awkward Layout: No move and re.
HMG Carrier: Fire as MG when moving or HMG if stationary.
Improvised Armour: Extra 5+ save against Firepower 5+ or 6 weapons.
No HE: Can only hit vehicles.
Passenger-fred Weapons: Must have passengers mounted to re.
Protected Ammo: Crew may re-roll to remount Bailed Out vehicles.
Recoilless Guns: Not Concealed if red.
Tank Assault: Gives Anti-tank rating in assaults.
Improvised Tank Assault: Teams are Destroyed if they roll a 1 to hit.
Number of Weapons
1 or 2 Re-roll hits
3 to 5 Normal
6 or more Re-roll misses
Rocket Launchers
No to hit penalty for ranging in.
Number of Aircraft
1 Re-roll hits
2 Normal
3 Re-roll misses

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