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To Be Filled by The Student's Parents

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[To be filled by the students parents]

Date: Year/Semester: Branch: Academic Year:
Dear Parents,
We thank you for having chosen our college your ward. In an endeavor to provide world class training and teaching KCG College of Technology is striving to
upgrade its practices. In one of the steps to achieve this, we provide you with a feedack for! and re"uest you to duly fill the sa!e and it will help us to evaluate our
principles and practices. #our ti!e and effort will !ake us even etter and we assure you of the est.
Thanking you
To further i!prove the "uality of engineering education that we i!part, please give us your valuale feedack as per the following points$
tem !"rades An# other comments
$ n%rastr&ct&re Faci'ities name'# 'i(rar#) 'a(orator#)
canteen and other cam*&s %aci'ities
+ Pro,rammes arran,ed (# the de*artment %or achie-in,
ind&str# e.*os&re
/ Enco&ra,ement to st&dents %or *artici*ation in -ario&s co0
c&rric&'ar acti-ities
1 2&a'it# o% academic reso&rces name'# teachers) co&rse
materia' etc.
3 P'acement acti-ities
4 E%%orts ta5en (# de*artment %or o-era'' ,roomin, and
*ersona'it# de-e'o*ment
6 St&dent mentorin,
"rades!: % & '(cellent ) & Good C & %verage D & Poor


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