Newborn Nursing Care Plan With Refernces
Newborn Nursing Care Plan With Refernces
Newborn Nursing Care Plan With Refernces
Cox’s Clinical Applications of Nursing Diagnosis; pg.141
Cox’s; pg.141
If temp is < 97.0F, take
measures to bring temp to
normal range:
o place Young infants cannot initiate
infant compensatory regulation of
under temperature and can become
warmer septic at body temps below 97.0F
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Goals & Expected Outcomes Nursing Interventions Rationale for interventions Evaluation
Old’s Maternal and Newborn Nursing; pg.
Cox’s; pg.141
(Supporting data) (NANDA diagnostic statement) (Realistic, timed, measurable) (Strategies or actions for care) (Include source and page numbers) (Client’s response to nursing actions
& progress toward achieving goals
& outcomes)
MOC states “I have no milk Ineffective Assess a feeding for proper Collect baseline data Baby L was able to consume 20mL
because I had a c-section”; Baby will feed four times technique during four feedings
MOC is using S&S to breastfeeding r/t during shift,
supplement feedings. maternal breast supplementing with 20 Determine effect of altered Maternal-infant response
anomaly AEB need for mL of formula per feed breastfeeding pattern on provides important
supplemental feedings mother and infant by information in determining
and no observable spending 30 minutes talking how serious the breastfeeding
maternal milk with mother. Observe issue is. This will dictate how
Baby L is consuming 20-30 mL production mother-infant interactions to approach the problem and
of formula per feeding; MOC’s and maternal feelings promote realistic follow-up.6
breasts are very tubular in expressed.
shape, very little mammary
tissue present; cannot express
milk with pump. Baby’s weight Measure I/Os
has remained constant since
birth (6 lb, 5 oz)
Cox’s; pg. 149
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Goals & Expected Outcomes Nursing Interventions Rationale for interventions Evaluation
(Supporting data) (NANDA diagnostic (Realistic, timed, (Strategies or actions for care) (Include source and page (Client’s response to nursing actions
measurable) numbers) & progress toward achieving goals
statement) & outcomes)
Baby will remain free from Monitor vital signs every 4 Provides baseline and allows for Baby L remained free from infection
infection for duration of hours quick identifications of any
Risk for infection R/T hospital stay. deviations that could indicate
maturational factors and infection7
immature immune system
Institute aseptic precautions, Protects baby from pathogens
especially handwashing, around
Objective: infant.
Cox’s pg. 54