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Pavement Design Criteria - TEAM Manual-Transportation Department - Alberta 1997

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Edition 1 J une 1997
Pavement Design Manual Page ii
Pavement Design Manual Foreword - Page iii
The Pavement Design Manual is published by Alberta Transportation and Utilities (AT&U) for use in
the Province of Alberta to promote uniformity of pavement design and to achieve long lasting quality
pavements in a cost-effective manner, that will contribute to traffic safety and efficient roads for the
well-being of the travelling public.
In general, the Manual reflects past AT&U design practices that have resulted in decades of cost-
effective pavement performance conducive to Alberta environmental, traffic and materials conditions.
It reflects the most appropriate design methodologies and strategies, adapted for Alberta conditions
and experience, that are available at the present time. Changes in technology related to design and
construction practices will necessitate revisions to the Manual. It provides the engineering consultant
industry a guideline for pavement design for new roadway construction, final pavements and pavement
rehabilitation. The pavement design methodologies apply to the surfacing of rural highways only. Use
of these design practices will provide cost-effective pavement designs to suit the specific requirements
of each project.
This Manual is not a textbook or a substitute for engineering knowledge, experience or judgement. It
is a guiding Manual that must be used in conjunction with AAASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement
Structures, 1993".
The information presented in this Manual was carefully researched, compiled and presented. However,
no warranty, expressed or implied, is made on the accuracy of the contents or their extraction from
referenced publications. Alberta Transportation and Utilities, AGRA Earth & Environmental and their
sub-consultants assume no responsibility for errors or omissions or possible misinterpretation that may
result from use and interpretation of the material herein contained.
June 1997
Pavement Design Manual Acknowledgements - Page iv
The Manual was prepared by AGRA Earth & Environmental Limited (AEE) under the direction
of the Steering Committee, Alberta Transportation & Utilities. The Steering Committee included
members from the Planning, Programming & Technical Services Division and Regional Services
The following people were directly involved in the preparation of the Manual and their contribution
towards the development of this Manual is appreciated.
Steering Committee Project Team
(AT&U) (AGRA Earth & Environmental)
Vijay Ghai (Chairman) Dave Palsat (Project Manager) (AEE)
Joe Schlaut Doug Cox (AEE)
Tas Kollias Kenneth O. Anderson (University of Alberta)
Jane Stoeck Marian Kurlanda (Trow Consulting Engineers Ltd.)
Jim Gavin Wayne Mah (AEE)
Moh Ashraf Gary Mack (Infrastructure Systems Ltd.)
Don Chan Brian Ross (AEE)
Pavement Design Manual Table of Contents - Page v
Foreword ................................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgements..................................................................................................................... iv
1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1
1.1 Objective.............................................................................................................1
1.2 Scope and Limitations ..........................................................................................1
1.3 Organization of the Manual...................................................................................3
2 MATERIALS.......................................................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................5
2.2 Subgrade Soils.....................................................................................................6
2.2.1 Soil Classification.....................................................................................6
2.2.2 Subgrade Strength Evaluation...................................................................7
2.2.3 Seasonal Variations..................................................................................8
2.2.4 Swelling Soil Potential ............................................................................11
2.2.5 Frost Susceptibility.................................................................................12
2.2.6 Organics................................................................................................13
2.3 Granular Base and Subbase................................................................................13
2.4 Asphalt Concrete...............................................................................................14
2.5 Field Reconnaissance For Design .......................................................................15
2.6 Laboratory Evaluation And Materials Characterization........................................16
2.7 Summary...........................................................................................................16
3 DRAINAGE ......................................................................................................................23
3.1 Cross-section Geometry.....................................................................................23
3.2 Properties of Materials .......................................................................................24
3.3 Moisture and Rainfall..........................................................................................24
4 PAVEMENT EVALUATION............................................................................................27
4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................27
4.2 Pavement Evaluation..........................................................................................28
Pavement Design Manual Table of Contents - Page vi
4.2.1 Pavement Structural Adequacy...............................................................28
4.2.2 Pavement Ride Quality (Roughness) .......................................................30
4.2.3 Pavement Condition (Distress) Survey....................................................31
4.2.4 Pavement Safety Evaluation....................................................................31
4.2.5 PMS Reports.........................................................................................33
5 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................39
5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................39
5.2 Estimating Design ESALs ...................................................................................39
5.2.1 Sources of Traffic Data ..........................................................................39
5.2.2 Lane Distribution Considerations ............................................................40
5.2.3 Traffic Growth.......................................................................................41
5.3 Summary...........................................................................................................41
6 ECONOMIC EVALUATION...........................................................................................43
6.1 Life Cycle Costs ................................................................................................43
6.2 Method of Economic Evaluation.........................................................................45
6.3 Summary...........................................................................................................46
7 '3R/4R' GEOMETRIC DESIGN ........................................................................................47
8 NEW CONSTRUCTION..................................................................................................49
8.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................49
8.2 Design Strategies................................................................................................51
8.3 Economic Analysis .............................................................................................52
8.3.1 Cement Stabilized Base Course .............................................................53
8.3.2 Granular Subbase ..................................................................................53
8.4 Design Methodology for New Construction........................................................54
8.4.1 Background to AASHTO Flexible Pavement Design ..............................54
8.4.2 Agency Practices ...................................................................................56
8.4.3 Design Inputs.........................................................................................57
8.4.4 Staged Design........................................................................................60
8.4.5 Unstaged Design....................................................................................61
8.5 Design Examples - New Construction.................................................................69
Pavement Design Manual Table of Contents - Page vii
8.5.1 Project 1...............................................................................................69
8.5.2 Project 2...............................................................................................76
8.5.3 Staged Design.......................................................................................81
8.6 Low Volume Roads...........................................................................................81
9 FINAL STAGE PAVEMENTS..........................................................................................83
9.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................83
9.2 AASHTO Design Procedures ............................................................................84
9.2.1 Background ...........................................................................................84
9.2.2 Design Inputs.........................................................................................85
9.2.3 DARWin 3.0 .........................................................................................88
9.3 Methodology - Final Stage Pavement Design......................................................89
9.4 Design Example - Final Stage Pavement .............................................................90
10 REHABILITATION.........................................................................................................99
10.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................99
10.2 AASHTO Rehabilitation Design Procedures.....................................................100
10.2.1 Background .........................................................................................100
10.2.2 Design Inputs.......................................................................................101
10.2.3 DARWin 3.0 .......................................................................................104
10.3 Rehabilitation Design Strategies ........................................................................105
10.4 Methodology - Rehabilitation Design ................................................................107
10.5 Design Example - Structural Overlay................................................................108
10.6 Design Example - Non-Structural Rehabilitation................................................111
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................127
Appendix A Glossary of Acronyms and Terms
Appendix B Conversion Factors
Appendix C Executive Summary - ABackcalculation of Pavement Layered Moduli In Support of The
1993 AASHTO Guide For The Design of Pavement Structures@, Brent Rahut
Engineering Inc.
Pavement Design Manual Table of Contents - Page viii
Table 2.1 Chart for Estimating Effective Roadbed M
Table 2.2 AT&U ESAL Criteria for Selection of Asphalt Concrete Mix Types ...................20
Table 2.3 AT&U Asphalt Concrete Mix Types and Characteristics ....................................21
Table 8.1 Typical Pavement Structures Reported By AT&U For Selected
Subgrade And Traffic Loading............................................................................51
Table 8.2 Recommended Predicted Service Lives For GBC And CSBC Pavement
Structures ..........................................................................................................53
Table 8.3 Recommended Levels of Reliability for New Construction...................................58
Table 8.4 Recommended Layer Coefficients ......................................................................59
Table 8.5 Recommended Minimum Thickness of First Stage ACP......................................61
Table 8.6 Trial Sections For SN = 144 mm........................................................................73
Table 8.7 DARWin 3.0 Output for Recommended Pavement Structure ..............................75
Table 8.8 Trial Sections For SN = 119 mm........................................................................78
Table 8.9 DARWin 3.0 Output for Recommended Pavement Structure ..............................80
Table 9.1 Recommended Levels Of Reliability For Final Stage Pavements..........................87
Table 10.1 Recommended Levels Of Reliability For Rehabilitation Overlay Design..............103
Pavement Design Manual Table of Contents - Page ix
Figure 1.1 Pavement Design System......................................................................................4
Figure 2.1 Modified Unified Classification System for Soils..................................................18
Figure 2.2 AT&U Design Map for the Selection of Asphalt Concrete Mix Types.................19
Figure 3.1 30-Year Precipitation Normals...........................................................................26
Figure 4.1 Example of AT&U PMS Data Base...................................................................37
Figure 4.2 Example of AT&U PMS Status Summary..........................................................38
Figure 5.1 Example of AT&U Traffic Report.......................................................................42
Figure 8.1 Typical Pavement Structures...............................................................................50
Figure 8.2 Design Chart for M
= 20 MPa..........................................................................62
Figure 8.3 Design Chart for M
= 25 MPa..........................................................................63
Figure 8.4 Design Chart for M
= 30 MPa..........................................................................64
Figure 8.5 Design Chart for M
= 35 MPa..........................................................................65
Figure 8.6 Design Chart for M
= 40 MPa..........................................................................66
Figure 8.7 Design Chart for M
= 50 MPa..........................................................................67
Figure 8.8 Design Chart for M
= 70 MPa..........................................................................68
Figure 8.9 Design Examples 1 and 2 ...................................................................................72
Figure 9.1 HW 3:10 - Sensor D
Figure 9.2 HW 3:10 - Profile Plots......................................................................................95
Figure 9.3 Hwy 3:10 - DARWin 3.0 Output for km 13.5 to km 14.5...................................96
Figure 9.4 HW 3:10 Recommended Final Stage Pavement Design.......................................97
Figure 10.1 HW 8:06 - RCI Plot ........................................................................................117
Figure 10.2 HW 8:06 - Rut Plot..........................................................................................118
Figure 10.3 HW 8:06 - Sensor D
Figure 10.4 HW 8:06 - Profile Plots....................................................................................120
Figure 10.5 HW 8:06 - Recommended Structural Overlay Design .......................................121
Figure 10.6 HW 2:76 - RCI Plot ........................................................................................122
Figure 10.7 HW 2:76 - Rut Plot..........................................................................................123
Figure 10.8 HW 2:76 - Sensor D
Figure 10.9 HW 2:76 - Profile Plots....................................................................................125
Pavement Design Manual Table of Contents - Page x
Pavement Design Manual Section 1 Introduction - Page 1
1.1 Objective
This Manual provides a comprehensive guideline to be followed by engineering consultants for
pavement design for new roadway and final stage pavement construction, including reconstruction and
widening, and rehabilitation. Engineering consultants are responsible for the surfacing strategy and
detailed structural pavement design on roadway design project assignments. For the purposes of this
Manual, pavement refers to all layers of the pavement structure above the subgrade.
An objective of the Manual is to ensure a degree of consistency in designs provided by engineering
consultants by following specific structural design methodologies within a general framework. At the
same time the design process provides sufficient flexibility to allow for the judgement and innovation by
experienced pavement design engineers to address the specific conditions of each project.
Alberta Transportation and Utilities (AT&U) will continue to be the custodian of all pavement
evaluation, management and inventory data. These data will be available for use by engineering
consultants. AT&U=s role in the design process will be to review pavement designs provided by
consultants for completeness, conformance to the design philosophies and methodologies outlined in
the Manual, and to ensure that the design is supported by appropriate engineering investigation and
1.2 Scope and Limitations
The methodologies provided in this Manual apply to the design of flexible (granular base course) and
semi-rigid (cement stabilized base course) pavement structures on Alberta Primary Highways and
Secondary Highways. These methodologies apply to the design of rural highways only and may not
be directly transferable to urban roadways where traffic speeds, drainage conditions etc. may be
different. The design of seal coat, slurry seal and micro-surfacing applications, which are generally
considered to be maintenance or preservation strategies, are not addressed.
The Manual reflects the most appropriate design methodologies, adapted for Alberta conditions and
experience, that are available at the present time. Changes in technology related to non-destructive
Pavement Design Manual Section 1 Introduction - Page 2
pavement evaluation testing, laboratory testing and analysis, mechanistic pavement design and SHRP
SUPERPAVE new materials; new maintenance practices; and changing traffic conditions and loadings
will all influence the future performance of pavements and will result in necessary changes to the Manual
in the future.
The Manual is not all encompassing in terms of addressing all factors that may influence the design and
performance of a pavement. Pavement designers will need to address these factors on a project-by-
project basis and, where necessary, will have to carry out additional research to ensure appropriate and
cost-effective design solutions are provided.
It is important that the design engineer have ready access to background publications and the research
of others (eg. Asphalt Institute [AI], American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials [AASHTO], Federal Highway Administration [FHWA], Transportation Research Board
[TRB], Transportation Association of Canada [TAC], Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists
[AAPT], Canadian Technical Asphalt Association [CTAA], etc.) that form the technical background
to the design and performance of flexible pavement structures. This Manual must be used in
conjunction with the AASHTO Guide [AASHTO 93]. The details and background included within the
Guide are extensively referenced within the Manual.
In general, this Manual reflects past AT&U design practices that have resulted in decades of cost-
effective pavement performance experience under Alberta environmental, traffic and materials
conditions. AT&U chooses to design new pavement structures to last 20 years before rehabilitation
becomes necessary according to Department standards of acceptance and performance expectations.
The Department places a high priority on the ride quality and serviceability of pavements. Pavements
are design and constructed as economically as possible and, on a network basis, the occasional failure
for structural reasons is deemed acceptable and a demonstration that pavement structures are not being
over designed.
The general philosophy to stage the design and construction of new construction pavements has been
maintained. The Manual includes state-of-the-art methods for the structural design of new roadway
construction, final stage pavements and rehabilitation. The Manual will allow for the use of granular
subbase and cement stabilized base courses where proven cost-effective.
Rehabilitation design will require life cycle cost analysis in order to assess various alternative strategies
and to identify the preferred alternative.
Pavement Design Manual Section 1 Introduction - Page 3
1.3 Organization of the Manual
The system outlined in the Manual for pavement design is presented in Figure 1.1. Also shown in the
figure are the referenced sections within the Manual. Within the Manual, brief descriptions of the
significant factors affecting the design and performance of pavements are provided.
The background, design inputs, and outline of the pavement design methodology, including worked
through examples, are provided for:
$ new construction
$ final stage pavement
$ rehabilitation - structural overlays
$ non-structural rehabilitation.
Application of life cycle cost analysis to rehabilitation design is presented. The design of pavement
structures for low volume roads is addressed.
Pavement Design Manual Section 1 Introduction - Page 4
Figure 1.1 Pavement Design System
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 5
2.1 Introduction
The components and definitions of materials essential to Alberta flexible pavement structures include
the subgrade, a granular base course, and a surfacing of asphalt concrete. Granular base pavement
structures comprise about 75 percent of the secondary and primary highway network. To a lesser
extent, cement stabilized base courses (soil cement) or full depth asphalt concrete pavements have been
designed and constructed in the past. These latter two pavement types together would represent about
25 percent of the secondary and primary highway network pavement structures.
The subgrade is comprised of the uppermost materials placed in the road bed embankment or the soil
remaining at the base of a cut. The subgrade soil is often referred to as the foundation or road bed soil.
This foundation component is usually constructed of native inorganic soil often in combination with
imported soils from select borrow sources, and would be compacted to a specified density and
moisture content.
The granular base course (GBC) is that material placed immediately above the prepared subgrade. The
GBC used in Alberta consists of a well graded crushed gravel with a maximum particle size varying
from 20 mm to 40 mm. On occasion the GBC is separated from the subgrade by a granular subbase
course of lower quality and less expensive material. Granular subbase course (GSBC) generally
consists of pit run gravel fill with a maximum particle size of 80 mm to 125 mm.
Asphalt stabilized base courses (ASBC) were traditionally used as temporary wearing courses on first
stage granular base or cement stabilized base course projects. Based upon AT&U analysis, 50 mm
of ASBC has been superseded by 60 mm ACP. Presently ASBC is only used under special
circumstances by some municipalities.
The top layer of the flexible pavement structure is comprised of a densely graded, hot mix, asphalt
concrete pavement (ACP). In addition to functioning as a structural component of the pavement
structure, the ACP must also resist the abrasive forces of traffic and climatic and environmental
conditions, minimize surface moisture infiltration to the underlying pavement structure, provide a skid
resistant surface, and provide a smooth riding surface. The selection of asphalt concrete mix types has
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 6
been previously developed for Alberta traffic volume and temperature conditions and will be
subsequently discussed.
Specific requirements relating to physical and quality attributes of materials utilized in pavement
construction are included in Table Specification for Aggregate in the AT&U Standard
Specifications For Highway Construction [AT&U 97].
2.2 Subgrade Soils
2.2.1 Soil Classification
The basic components of soils are differentiated on the basis of grain size as follows:
Cobbles plus 75 mm
Gravel 75 mm to 5 mm
Sand 5 mm to 0.075 mm
Silt 0.075 mm to .002 mm
Clay minus .002 mm
Fine grained soils are defined as materials having more than 50 percent of the dry mass smaller than the
0.075 mm particle size. Although size limitations are arbitrary, such limitations allow standardization
by definition. It is necessary to understand as well that plasticity is an extremely important property to
differentiate between silt and clay, and to predict behaviour. The pavement design engineer is most
interested in the strength of the soil and the extent to which this strength varies with climate, environment
and drainage effects.
A typical soil profile for highway design purposes consists of three horizons. The surface or 'A' horizon
materials will consist of organic soils, followed by 'B' horizon which is a semi-weathered zone followed
by 'C' horizon which represents the parent material type.
A significant portion of Alberta=s near surface soils utilized for road building purposes originated from
the glaciation process. As the glaciers advanced and retreated, materials were mixed, segregated and
deposited. Some materials became homogeneous, some materials were deposited as granular outwash,
while others settled out in still waters and formed some of Alberta=s lacustrine clays.
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 7
The Modified Unified Soil classification system originally developed by Casagrande is the basis for the
system utilized in Alberta. This system uses plasticity to differentiate between silts and clays. A
plasticity chart presented in Figure 2.1 follows which correlates liquid and plastic limit test results to Soil
Group symbols used for soil description.
For all new construction it is very important that in-situ moisture contents, Atterberg limits and grain size
analysis of subgrade soil materials be determined to assess subgrade soil characteristics and to infer
resilient modulus (M
) values.
2.2.2 Subgrade Strength Evaluation
The characteristic material property of subgrade soils used for pavement design is the resilient modulus
). The resilient modulus is defined as being a measure of the elastic property of a soil recognizing
selected non-linear characteristics. Methods for the determination of M
are described in AASHTO
T294-92 test method. For many years, standard California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests were utilized
to measure the subgrade strength parameter as a design input.
For roadbed materials, the AASHTO Guide [AASHTO 93] recommends that the resilient modulus be
established based on laboratory testing of representative samples in stress and moisture conditions
simulating the primary moisture seasons. Alternatively, the seasonal resilient modulus values may be
determined based on correlations with soil properties.
Since the resilient modulus test equipment is currently not present in many laboratories, researchers have
developed correlations to converting CBR values to approximate M
values. The correlation
considered reasonable for fine grained soils with a soaked CBR of 10 or less is:
(MPa) = 10.3 * ( CBR) [AASHTO 93]
Since 1991, AT&U has used the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) to obtain deflection data. The
ELMOD (Evaluation of Layer Moduli and Overlay Design) computer program was used to analyze the
FWD deflection data. With the recent adoption of the AASHTO method for the design of pavement
structures by AT&U, a computer program called DARWin 3.0 (Design, Analysis and Rehabilitation
for WINdows) has been adapted to analyze FWD deflection data and to establish a backcalculated
subgrade modulus.
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 8
For the purposes of this Manual, the backcalculated subgrade modulus is used to represent the in-situ
subgrade resilient modulus which in turn is an input for the design of final stage pavements and overlays.
For the design of new construction pavement structures, the subgrade resilient modulus is estimated
using an existing representative roadway located near the new project, with similar subgrade soils and
drainage conditions, as a prototype. The prototype should preferably meet the following criteria [TAC
C be a minimum of 3 years old
C be a minimum of 0.5 km in length
C be reasonable free of structural distress
C be slightly under-designed for the loading conditions on the new highway.
The prototype can be tested with the FWD and the deflection data analyzed with DARWin 3.0 to
determine the backcalculated subgrade modulus. This value can then be used as an approximation of
the strength of the subgrade materials that would exist in the new subgrade.
2.2.3 Seasonal Variations
One of the most critical conditions that develops in a seasonal frost area such as Alberta is the
weakening of the subgrade during the spring thaw period. This weakening results from the melting of
ice segregation within the subgrade soils and, to a lesser extent, due to higher moisture contents during
this period associated with reduced drainage.
Seasonal variations of subgrade strength is a difficult factor to model. The task is one of determining
the extent to which the subgrade strength is reduced during or immediately following the thaw period.
Nevertheless, the seasonal variations model is important to the structural design of pavements.
A study of subgrade strength seasonal variations was conducted by AT&U from 1989 to 1994
[Kurlanda 94]. This study was based on FWD deflection testing of several pavement test sections and
subsequent analysis using the ELMOD computer program. Although the strength reductions were
contingent upon several factors, for many subgrades the reduction was up to 50 percent of the summer
strength. Pavements with cement stabilized base courses generally indicated less reduction in subgrade
strength. For full-depth asphalt concrete pavements the reduction was similar to that of granular base
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 9
pavements but the period of minimum subgrade strength occurred in the late spring to early summer
rather than early spring as for the other base types. As a result of this research, subgrade seasonal
variation factors were developed that were used in the ELMOD analysis.
The AASHTO Guide [AASHTO 93] outlines guidelines for determining the seasonal variation of the
subgrade modulus based either upon laboratory resilient modulus testing or from backcalculated moduli
determined from FWD deflection data. A procedure is described which allows the effective roadbed
soil resilient modulus to be determined based on the estimated relative damage that corresponds to the
seasonally adjusted subgrade modulus for each month of the year.
Table 2.1 provides an example of the application of the procedure used to estimate the effective M
In this example, an average backcalculated subgrade modulus of 82 MPa was determined using the
results of FWD test data collected on a prototype section in June and an acceptable backcalculation
program. This value is presented in bold in the Table. This value was adjusted for other months, using
the seasonal factors developed by AT&U.
These seasonally adjusted values were then multiplied by 0.33 to obtain corrected values for the
subgrade modulus.
These reduced subgrade moduli were then used to estimate Relative Damage
following the methods used in the AASHTO Guide (Part II Figure 2.3) for estimating the effective
roadbed soil resilient modulus. The Relative Damage, u
, was calculated using the equation:
= 1.18 x 10
x M

where M
is in psi.
Since this empirically derived equation is in psi, the conversion from MPa to psi was made using the
factor of 1 MPa = 145 psi. The average u
was used to obtain an M
value which corresponded
to the Relative Damage, u
. This can be done by solving the above equation for M
, or by using the
scale on Figure 2.3. These calculations should be performed using spreadsheet methods which

AASHTO methodology requires that M
values backcalculated from FWD deflection data be adjusted to be
consistent with the values used to represent the AASHO Road Test subgrade in the development of the flexible
design equation. A correction factor of C=0.33 is recommended within the Guide to adjust backcalculated M
values to design M
values. For purposes of this Manual, the term design M
is equivalent to the AASHTO
term of Effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus.
A recent FHWA Design Pamphlet prepared by Brent Rauhut Engineering Inc. [BRE 97] as part of a research study
entitled Backcalculation Of Pavement Layered Moduli In Support Of The 1993 AASHTO Guide For The Design Of
Pavement Structures recommended a C-value of 0.35 for subgrade soil below a pavement with an unbound granular
base layer. This study in essence supports the use of the AASHTO correction factor of 0.33. The Executive
Summary of this report is contained in Appendix C.
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 10
have been verified using the given data in the AASHTO Guide (Part II, Figure 2.4). The Effective
Roadbed M
, in psi, was then converted to MPa.
Table 2.1 was imported from a spreadsheet developed in Excel with the Seasonal Adjusted Modulus
values in MPa. Reduced Soil Modulus values were converted to both MPa units as well as psi units,
in order to verify the calculations. This would explain the large number of digits reported for the M
in psi which are not considered significant.
Month AT&U Seasonal Roadbed Reduced Reduced Relative
Seasonal Adjusted Soil Soil Soil Damage
Factors Modulus Modulus Modulus Modulus U
(MPa) M
(psi) M
(MPa) M
Jan 5.00 410 59462 135 19623 0.01
Feb 5.00 410 59462 135 19623 0.01
Mar 2.75 226 32704 74 10792 0.05
Apr 0.625 51 7433 17 2453 1.61
May 0.875 72 10406 24 3434 0.74
June 1.00 82 11892 27 3925 0.54
July 1.00 82 11892 27 3925 0.54
Aug 1.00 82 11892 27 3925 0.54
Sept 1.00 82 11892 27 3925 0.54
Oct 1.00 82 11892 27 3925 0.54
Nov 2.00 164 23785 54 7849 0.11
Dec 4.00 328 47570 108 15698 0.02
' u =
= 0.44
Effective Roadbed M
(psi) 4300
Effective Roadbed M
(MPa) 30
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 11
In order to provide a simplified method of determination of the design M
for use by designers in
Alberta, a parametric study was undertaken for the Southern, Central and Peace River regions of the
Province using the seasonal factors developed by AT&U. Such factors were considered representative
of Central Alberta and were adjusted subjectively to reflect seasonal differences in southern and
northern Alberta.
The 0.33 reduced backcalculated M
values were used to estimate relative damage and determine the
effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus following the methods used in Figure 2.4 of the AASHTO
Guide and demonstrated in the previous example.
For FWD testing performed during the months of June to October, the calculated Effective Roadbed
Soil Resilient Modulus was approximately 10 percent higher than the Reduced soil Modulus values,
over the range of 20 to 150 MPa. This relationship is dependent upon the particular seasonal
parameters assumed and therefore should be considered as climatic/geographic specific. It is suggested
that this be considered a regional adjustment factor (C
) of 1.10 for Alberta. Combining the
adjustment factor (C) of 0.33 with this regional adjustment factor (C
) of 1.10, the Effective
Roadbed Resilient Modulus for design purposes can be determined by the following equation:
Design M
= 0.36 x (backcalculated M
This combined adjustment factor would only apply to pavements tested by the FWD during the months
of June through October when the subgrade is in a relatively stable and unfrozen condition.
2.2.4 Swelling Soil Potential
Excessively expansive soils such as highly plastic clays or bentonitic shales require special attention
particularly when in close proximity to the surface of the road embankment. These materials contain
minerals which result in volume changes (swelling and shrinking) with changes in moisture content.
Utilization of swelling materials in only lower portions of the embankment is often undertaken in order
to minimize these effects. Compaction of this soil type at moisture contents slightly in excess of optimum
moisture content will also often result in reduced swelling potential. Alternatively, the use of soil
modifiers such as lime or Portland cement have been utilized as effective and economical solutions to
reduce the swelling potential of these soils.
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 12
The need to control the intrusion of moisture into such soils is of major importance in order to mitigate
swelling. Special considerations should be directed at pavement surface cracks and joints as well as
at culvert locations.
2.2.5 Frost Susceptibility
The Alberta climate results in freezing of near surface subgrade soils for several months each year. The
depth of frost penetration generally increases from the south to the north of the province.
Although some volumetric expansion occurs due to the freezing, a more significant issue relates to the
spring melt period. The thaw will release excess water which causes a loss of subgrade strength and
potential damage to the roadway pavement structure if the structure has not been designed to account
for weakened subgrade support.
The term frost heaves refers to the upward vertical movement of a pavement surface as a direct result
of the formation of ice lenses in a frost susceptible subgrade. For true frost heave to occur the
following three factors must be present:
1. A frost susceptible soil.
2. Slowly depressed air temperatures.
3. A supply of water.
The removal of any one of the three factors will usually be sufficient to significantly reduce the potential
for frost heaving and resulting surface distress. Differential frost heave can be mitigated at the design
and construction stages by selective utilization of embankment and subgrade soil types.
Several methods have been developed for the characterization of frost susceptible soils. Casagrande
initially formulated a guideline relating frost susceptibility to the percentage of particles by mass finer than
0.02 mm. The U.S. Corps of Engineers expanded the system as shown in the following table with F1
soils the least frost susceptible and F4 soils the most frost susceptible.
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 13
U.S. Corps of Engineers Frost Design Soil Classification
Soil Type Percentage
finer than
0.02 mm, by
Typical soil types under Unified Soil
Classification System
Gravelly soils
a) Gravelly soils
b) Sands
a) Gravelly soils
b) Sands, except very fine silty sands
c) Clays, PI > 12
a) All silts
b) Very fine silty sands
c) Clays, PI < 12
d) Varved clays and other fined-grained, banded
3 to 10
10 to 20
3 to 15
CL and ML; CL, ML, and SM; CL,
CH, and ML; CL, CH, ML, and SM
2.2.6 Organics
The extremely compressible nature of highly organic materials in the subgrade often leads to problems
related to pavement performance. These problems are further intensified when the depths and the
properties of the organic deposits are non-uniform. Prudent practice includes removal of the organic
layer, and stockpiling for future use, particularly where the deposits are shallow (0 - 2.5 m).
Deeper and/or more extensive peat or muskeg deposits require considerations such as displacement,
surcharge embankments for preloading often with special drainage provisions, or the use of geo-
2.3 Granular Base and Subbase
Base courses and granular subbase courses are used in flexible pavements to increase the load
supporting capacity of the structure. Secondary benefits related to the use of untreated granular
materials include improved drainage and added protection against frost action. As described earlier
the base course is constructed near the pavement surface and is required to possess a high resistance
to deformation. Subbase materials placed between the base and the subgrade can be of lower quality
and are generally a less expensive material. Subbase materials used in Alberta in the past generally have
been limited to the occasional use of pitrun aggregates.
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 14
Base course materials designed for maximum stability must possess high internal friction which is a
function of particle size distribution, particle shape and density. Aggregates with little or no fines are
also desirous due to being pervious (free draining) and less frost susceptible.
In general, it has been determined for Alberta conditions that performance and economy are well
balanced when the largest maximum aggregates size are utilized assuming the crush count criteria has
been achieved.
2.4 Asphalt Concrete
High quality asphalt concrete mixtures are capable of being produced in Alberta largely due to the
availability of good quality aggregates and the high quality and consistency of locally produced asphalt
cements. Air temperature affects asphalt concrete pavement with respect to low temperature cracking,
fatigue cracking, and rutting. In general, softer grades of asphalt cements tend to be used for colder
climates and/or lower traffic volumes, while harder grades of asphalt cements are more suitable for
warmer climates and/or higher traffic volumes. Specific asphalt concrete selections coupling both
temperature and traffic considerations have been developed based on experience for Alberta
conditions. These selections of asphalt concrete mix types includes the asphalt cement selection. A
design map for the selection of mix types, Figure 2.2, and the accompanying Table 2.2 follow. Table
2.3 presents the most recent AT&U specification requirements for asphalt concrete mix types and
characteristics [AT&U 97].
SUPERPAVE (SUperior PERforming asphalt PAVEments) is a product of the Strategic Highway
Research Program (SHRP) and incorporates performance-based asphalt materials characterization and
new mix design procedures to improve rutting, low temperature cracking and fatigue cracking
performance of asphalt concrete pavements. The SUPERPAVE system comprises specifications, test
methods and selection criteria for binders and asphalt mixtures, and a mix design process using the
gyratory compactor.
SUPERPAVE Level 1 mix design methodology and the use of modified binders are being evaluated
or assessed by AT&U. The application of these new technologies should be considered where project
conditions eg. improved performance, reduced life cycle costs etc., would justify their use.
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 15
2.5 Field Reconnaissance For Design
Field reconnaissance is an integral component of pavement design. The reconnaissance should be
carried out in conjunction with the assessment other pavement evaluation information obtained from the
Pavement Management System (PMS), the Maintenance Management System (MMS) and FWD
testing. During the reconnaissance some additional information which is not identified during the
preliminary stage and which may be important for rehabilitation design can be obtained. Such
information may include:
$ Identification of the predominant pavement distress mode, the potential causes of the distress and
the influence the distress may have on the performance of proposed alternative rehabilitation
treatments. Attention should be especially given to the extent and cause of pavement rutting as
different rehabilitation measures may be needed for different causes of rutting. Assessment of
frequency and severity of transverse cracking is also important. Pre-overlay repair of severe
transverse cracking may be a cost-effective treatment to reduce the severity and occurrence of
reflective cracks.
$ Identification of localized areas of fatigue distress, severe settlements and frost heaves as such
areas may require removal and replacement.
$ Location of pavement areas experiencing drainage or subdrainage problems. The subdrainage
problem areas may initially be located by assessing the FWD data but the field inspection will
often reveal moisture-related distresses. Distresses such as asphalt stripping, structural rutting,
depressions, fatigue cracking and potholes may be good indications of subdrainage problems.
$ Identification of the need for levelling course or re-profiling to re-establish pavement cross-
section, superelevation, rut-filling, treatment of existing crack filler, or other remedial work.
Coring and drilling may be required after the reconnaissance to confirm pavement layer thicknesses,
structure and material types, and to characterize and evaluate subgrade soil conditions. In addition,
coring is required for projects where asphalt recycling and Hot In-place Recycling (HIR) are
considered as potential rehabilitation strategies.
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 16
2.6 Laboratory Evaluation And Materials Characterization
Laboratory evaluation and material characterization are usually conducted for rehabilitation projects
where recycling, HIR, or pavement reconstruction involving reuse of existing pavement and granular
materials is considered.
In cases where recycling of the asphalt concrete pavement is being considered, the asphalt cement
rheology of the existing pavement is characterized. This usually involves determination of the recovered
asphalt cement penetration and viscosity. In addition, the asphalt content, in-situ pavement density and
air voids, aggregate gradation and degree of asphalt stripping are evaluated. These results are used to
determine deficiencies in the asphalt concrete pavement properties and to assess the potential for
recycling of the pavement.
Laboratory testing of the reclaimed granular material may involve such tests as sieve analysis, Los
Angeles abrasion loss, petrographic number, plasticity index and the percentage of crushed particles.
These tests help to determine if there is any degradation of the in-situ granular material and to classify
it for reuse either as granular base or subbase.
Subgrade soil investigation usually involves particle size analysis, moisture content determination,
Atterberg Limits and moisture/density relationship (Proctor test). In addition to those standard tests
some other specialized tests may be needed as well. Specialized testing may include the California
Bearing Ratio (CBR) test and the resilient modulus test which can provide information on the strength
of the subgrade material.
2.7 Summary
One of the most important inputs into the structural pavement design process is the evaluation of the
subgrade strength. The continued philosophy and practice to use stage design and construction
mitigates the inherent difficulty in determining the effective roadbed soil resilient modulus (design M
Recommendations for determination of subgrade strength design inputs are as follows:
1. For final stage paving and overlays, the design M
should be determined by conducting FWD
testing on the actual roadway and analysing the deflection data with DARWin 3.0 to determine
the backcalculated subgrade modulus.
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 17
2. For new construction roadways, the design M
should be determined by evaluating a suitable
prototype roadway in the vicinity of the project and analysing FWD deflection data with DARWin
3.0 to determine the backcalculated subgrade modulus.
This evaluation should be supplemented with an assessment of the results of laboratory testing to
determine soil classification, moisture content and plasticity index of materials proposed for
subgrade construction of the new roadway if available.
3. If suitable prototypes are unavailable, the results of laboratory testing to determine soil
classification, moisture content and plasticity index of materials proposed for subgrade
construction should be used to estimate the design M
. Consideration should be given to
environmental conditions in selecting the design M
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 18
Figure 2.1 Modified Unified Classification System for Soils
Pavement Design Manual Section 2 Materials - Page 19
Figure 2.2 AT&U Design Map for the Selection of Asphalt Concrete Mix Types
Pavement Design Manual Section 3 Drainage - Page 20
1 2 3 or 4 5 6 7
A >2.0 1.0 - 2.0 0.5 - 1.0 0.3 - 0.5 <0.3 -
B >3.0 1.5 - 3.0 0.7 - 1.5 0.4 - 0.7 <0.4 -
C >4.0 2.0 - 4.0 1.0 - 2.0 0.5 - 1.0 0.2 - 0.5 <0.2
D >5.0 2.5 - 5.0 1.5 - 2.5 0.8 - 1.5 0.3 - 0.8 <0.3
Also for Community Airports.
ESAL criteria given are the total ESALs (x10
) in the
design lane that will be applied to the asphalt
pavement over its design life.
Pavement Design Manual Section 3 Drainage - Page 21
Pavement Design Manual Section 3 Drainage - Page 22
Pavement Design Manual Section 3 Drainage - Page 23
3.1 Cross-section Geometry
Highway engineers have long recognized the critical necessity of good drainage in the design and
construction of pavements. Drainage is an important feature in determining the ability of a given
pavement structure designed for specific traffic conditions to withstand the effects of traffic and the
environment. Drainage affects the strength and behaviour of both the subgrade soil and the granular
base course, and to a lesser extent, the durability of the asphalt concrete.
Highway drainage may be considered in two categories, surface and subsurface, each of which are
separately treated. Surface drainage, as a result of rainfall and/or snow melt, is dealt with by
incorporating the following minimum requirements:
1. Cross slope on driving lanes and shoulders of 2%.
2. Utilization of densely graded asphalt concrete mixtures with low permeabilities.
3. Routine maintenance procedures to seal surface cracks.
4. Design of roadway subgrade crown minimum of 1.0 m above ditch elevation.
5. Utilization of free draining granular materials within the pavement structure.
6. Lateral extension of the granular materials through the shoulder to drain out onto the
side slope.
In rehabilitation projects where road widening and/or flattening of side slopes is a part of the
rehabilitation strategy, lateral drainage is most important to maintain. In order to provide this drainage
the granular drainage layer must be extended to at least the depth of the existing subgrade. The use of
granular sub-base such as pit run is an appropriate materials.
More detailed information is provided in the AT&U 1996 Highway Geometric Design Guide [AT&U
Subsurface drainage is a somewhat less required circumstance in Alberta. However on occasion the
need arises in selected situations involving a high water table, active springs, or significant infiltration of
surface water.
Pavement Design Manual Section 3 Drainage - Page 24
3.2 Properties of Materials
The permeability of granular materials used as base course or subbase course is dependent upon grain
size distribution, grain shape and relative density. Of these factors, grain size including the percentage
of fines is of major significance. In general, the lower the percentage passing the 80 m sieve size while
still allowing sufficient fines for construction compactibility, the better the drainage characteristics of the
material. It is also mandatory that the granular material be drained through the shoulder so as not to
impede the escape of water from the granular base course or subbase zone. Notwithstanding the above
criteria, the AASHTO pavement design procedures for new construction takes into account duration
of the time required to drain the GBC layer as well as the frequency and time period that the pavement
materials are exposed to saturated conditions. AASHTO provides the following definitions
corresponding to various drainage levels from the pavement structure:
Quality of Drainage Water Removal Within
Excellent 2 hours
Good 1 day
Fair 1 week
Poor 1 month
Very Poor no drainage
3.3 Moisture and Rainfall
Moisture that exists within a pavement structure or within the subgrade soils beneath a pavement may
be generated from many sources including:
1. Cracks in the pavement surface.
2. A permeable pavement surface.
3. Pavement side slope.
4. Lateral movement from the shoulder.
5. Near surface water table.
The effect of rainfall on performance is related to intensity since surface runoff is lowest and moisture
absorption highest under conditions of prolonged low intensity rainfall. A map showing 30 year
precipitation normals for Alberta is presented in Figure 3.1
Pavement Design Manual Section 3 Drainage - Page 25
Spring rainfalls coupled with freezing temperatures typically represent a negative set of conditions.
Although rainfall per se is not a design criteria, the design must account for weakened subgrade
conditions taking into consideration the time required for drainage of gravel base layers as described
above .
Additional measures currently employed in Alberta include the utilization of adequate (2%) cross slopes,
paved shoulders, and daylighting of GBC to the side slopes.
Pavement Design Manual Section 3 Drainage - Page 26
Figure 3.1 30-Year Precipitation Normals
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 27
4.1 Introduction
In order to carry out design of final stage pavements or pavement rehabilitation, the existing pavement
condition must be evaluated. Such an evaluation usually involves the assessment of the existing
pavement structural adequacy, surface distress, roughness, rutting, and to lesser extent, skid resistance.
The design of final stage pavements may only involve the assessment of pavement structural adequacy
because the first stage pavement is usually not old enough to exhibit distresses related to traffic loading
and the environment.
Pavement evaluation techniques differ between different highway agencies. Within AT&U, emphasis
has been placed on carrying out structural evaluation of pavements using non-destructive deflection
testing. Another consideration which should be recognized is that AT&U was one of the first highway
agencies in North America to develop and implement a Pavement Management System (PMS). The
AT&U PMS database provides a wealth of information about the pavement network and individual
pavement section performance. This information should not be overlooked during the pavement
evaluation stage of pavement rehabilitation design.
At present AT&U is maintaining the following pavement performance data:
$ structural strength information
$ roughness information
$ visual distress data
$ rut data
This information is collected to provide input for:
$ final stage pavement and rehabilitation design
$ the review of the structural and functional performance of various pavement sections
$ operational research
$ the Pavement Management System
$ Rehabilitation Programming.
AT&U=s current Pavement Management System uses Riding Comfort Index (RCI), Structural
Adequacy Index (SAI), Visual Condition Index (VCI) and Pavement Quality Index (PAI) to measure,
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 28
monitor and predict the condition of highway network. The Pavement Quality Index (PQI) is a
composite index that incorporates RCI, SAI and VCI into one index in the following relationship.
PQI = 1.1607 + 0.0596 (RCI x VCI) + 0.4264 (RCI x log
The PMS uses PQI for identifying pavement sections that are in need of rehabilitation and for
monitoring and predicting network performance and budgetary needs.
All four indices are scaled from 0 to 10; 0 being very poor to absolute minimum, and 10 being very
good to near perfect. AT&U=s PMS uses minimum acceptable levels (also known as critical levels)
of these indices to flag sections needing rehabilitation or treatment. The values for minimum acceptable
levels are:
PQI 4.7
RCI 5.5
SAI 3.0
VCI 3.5
4.2 Pavement Evaluation
4.2.1 Pavement Structural Adequacy
In Alberta, the evaluation of the existing pavement strength has been carried out using pavement
deflections. Deflection testing has been a standard evaluation procedure by AT&U for the last 35
years. The oldest of the deflection testing techniques was with the Benkelman beam. This procedure
was discontinued in 1991. Since the mid-1960s the Department was also using Dynaflect testing to
measure pavement deflections. The Dynaflect deflections were converted to the equivalent Benkelman
beam rebounds using AT&U developed correlation equations.
In 1989 AT&U acquired its first Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and since 1992 pavement
structural evaluation has been exclusively performed based on FWD deflection data. At that time a
decision was also made to replace the structural overlay design system based upon Benkelman beam
rebound deflections with a simplified mechanistic-empirical design procedure based on the interpretation
of the FWD deflection basin using the ELMOD computer program.
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 29
The Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is a trailer-mounted device that measures the deflection of
the pavement under a simulated vehicular load. The load is obtained by dropping a weight on a
specially designed spring system and a steel plate placed on the pavement. Such a drop can produce
an impact load of 25 - 30 millisecond duration, and a peak force of up to 120 kN. Research and
practice indicates that stress and strain conditions developed in the pavement by the FWD are very
similar to the conditions under a heavy wheel load [Ullidtz 87].
At present there are several FWD manufacturers: Dynatest, KUAB, Foundation Mechanics, and
others. All FWD units used on AT&U projects are of the Dynatest 8000 type.
The FWD testing procedure is fully automated and computerized. The unit is run by one technician,
who operates the machine through a computer in the pulling vehicle. Dynatest uses several software
(field programs) to operate the units. The units operated in Alberta are currently using the 25.03 release
of the Dynatest Field Program. The collected data are stored in computer files. The structure of the
files is in test form and corresponds to the release of the field program and the selected format of the
data output.
The testing procedures used for various types of FWD testing is described fully in the AT&U Falling
Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Field Operation Manual Version 2.1 [AT&U 92].
The FWDs used in Alberta are equipped with 9 deflection sensors. The sensors are located in the
following offset distances from the centre of the load plate: 0, 200, 300, 450, 600, 900, 1200, 1500
and 1800 millimetres. For both inventory and project level testing the load plate radius used is 150 mm.
At each tested location four FWD drops from different heights are performed. The first drop is for
seating the plate on the pavement and is not recorded. The following three drops are performed from
such heights to result in the following loads being applied to the pavement: 26.7 kN, 40.0 kN, and 53.3
kN. All these loadings are recorded with targeted load tolerances of +/- 10 percent.
Presently ten FWD tests per kilometre are performed for inventory and project level testing. The tests
are taken in the outside wheel path. The tests are performed with 100 metre intervals and are staggered
on both lanes of the highway. On divided highways, the tests are staggered over the inside and outside
travel lanes.
During the FWD testing, the in-situ pavement temperatures and air temperatures are recorded. The
in-situ pavement temperature is obtained by drilling a 50 mm hole in a pavement, filling the hole with oil
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 30
and inserting a thermometer. The reading is recorded after a minimum of 15 minutes and input into a
FWD field program. The air temperature is measured automatically by installed sensors and
automatically input into the field program.
The ELMOD computer program was used by AT&U to analyze the FWD deflection data for the
design of final stage pavements and overlays. With the adoption of the AASHTO method by AT&U,
the DARWin 3.0 [AASHTO 97] computer program has been adapted to process and analyze the
FWD deflection data,. DARWin stands for Design, Analysis, and Rehabilitation for Windows.
DARWin 3.0 is designed to operate under the Windows 95/NT environment. It will be necessary for
consultants engaged in the preparation of pavement designs to acquire the DARWin 3.0 software. The
program and Users=guide can be purchased through ERES Consultants, Inc., Toll Free (888)443-
2794, FAX (217)356-3088 or E-mail darwin@eresnet.com. The procedures for the design of final
stage pavement and rehabilitation projects are described in Sections 9 and 10 respectively.
4.2.2 Pavement Ride Quality (Roughness)
Roughness is an indication of the longitudinal irregularities of the pavement surface which influence
vehicle ride. Roughness is a good indicator of how well the road is serving the travelling public.
Studies have shown that roughness affects the costs of vehicle operation and the life cycle costs of
pavements. A significant portion of pavements are rehabilitated due to an unacceptable ride rather than
the structural problems. For this reason roughness monitoring constitutes an important rehabilitation
design input.
AT&U collects the Riding Comfort Index (RCI) data by utilizing the James Cox Roadmeter. In
addition, the Automatic Road Analyzer (ARAN) was used from 1993 to 1995 to provide RCI data.
The RCI is an index on the scale of 0 to 10, with 10 representing a smooth pavement providing an
excellent ride. The Department is in the process of changing to the International Roughness Index (IRI).
The Cox Roadmeter is mounted on a trailer and towed by a van. The van is equipped with an
operator=s control panel which enables the control and monitoring of the testing operation. The data
are collected continuously at a traffic speed of 80 km/hr. All pertinent information for the section of
roadway being tested is preprogrammed prior to conducting the test. The data collected are recorded
on a cassette tape. The field data from the cassette tape are subsequently down loaded onto a main
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 31
frame computer and analysed. The analysed information is usually averaged over 500 metres and
presented in graphical and tabular format. The RCI data can be averaged over different intervals, if
It was found in Alberta that the RCI of new pavements is close to 8.5 - 9, while older pavement
sections rarely have RCI values lower than 4. The RCI trigger value for rehabilitation due to roughness
has been set at 5.5 by AT&U.
Typical RCI plots are presented in the design examples in Section 10.
4.2.3 Pavement Condition (Distress) Survey
The surface condition of a pavement at any time reflects the degree of damage caused by traffic and
the environment based upon a visual evaluation of the pavement surface. The surface condition rating
is useful as an input for predicting the remaining life of a pavement. It also assists in the preliminary
evaluation and programming of appropriate maintenance and rehabilitation treatments.
Currently two procedures of pavement condition survey are used by AT&U. These procedures
provide Visual Condition Index (VCI) for the PMS and quantities and severities of rutting, cracking and
transverse cracking for the Maintenance Management System (MMS).
These condition surveys carried out by the Department would not normally be used by the pavement
designer. It would be necessary for the designer to carry out a field evaluation at the time of the design
of the pavement to confirm pavement performance and to collect other inputs required for the detailed
design and estimation of quantities for the project.
4.2.4 Pavement Safety Evaluation
Pavement Rutting
Ruts are longitudinal depressions in the pavement wheel paths created by repeated repetitions of heavy
traffic. Ruts can result from the densification of pavement layers and the subgrade under the traffic
loads. More often, rutting can result from the deformation and shoving of the asphalt concrete layers
under truck traffic. There are several possible causes of rutting including unstable granular and subgrade
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 32
material, unstable asphalt mixes, and unstable shoulder material. Rutting may be accompanied by
longitudinal cracking in the wheel paths. Rutting may be considered as both structural distress and a
safety issue.
In Alberta, rut measurements are carried out for the purposes of pavement evaluation and maintenance
activities. The procedures and the interval of rut measurements are different for each purpose.
Network rut measurements were carried out prior to 1996 with use of ARAN. The rut bar of ARAN
operated by sending ultrasonic signals toward the pavement surface. The signals reflected back to a
receiver and based on the time elapsed from sending and receiving the signal the distance from the rut
bar to the pavement surface was calculated. All this information was stored on the onboard ARAN
computer. The rut bar consisted of seven ultrasonic sensors distributed at one-foot intervals along the
bar. In addition, extension wings with 2 or 3 sensors could be attached to the main bar. AT&U used
the rut bar with two wings (2-foot on the centerline side and 3-foot on the shoulder side). In such a rut
bar configuration there were 12 ultrasonic sensors. The distance interval between measurement was
typically 10 metres. The rut depth output was reported as the mean rut depth in each wheel path over
a distance equal to the sample interval and averaged over a specified 100 metres length. All rut
measurements were carried out at a speed of 80 km/h. Based on ARAN rut data, a plot of rut depth
in each wheel path over the length of pavement section was produced. Examples of the ARAN
produced rut profiles are presented in the design examples in Section 10.
In 1996, AT&U collected the roughness data and rut data with the RT 3000 van. This equipment has
a rut bar equipped with ultrasonic sensors and receivers, which can simultaneously collect rut
measurements and the IRI (International Roughness Index).
For PMS purposes the rut depth is classified as:
$ minimal 0 to 3 mm
$ minor 4 to 6 mm
$ moderate 7 to 12 mm
$ major 13 to 25 mm
$ severe over 25 mm.
For MMS purposes 10 measurements are taken in each 50-metre long gauging unit with a 1.2 metre
straight edge and a wooden wedge.
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 33
The severity of rutting for MMS purposes is classified as:
$ slight rut depth of 5 to 10 mm
$ moderate rut depths of 11 to 15 mm
$ extreme rut depths greater than 15 mm.
Pavement Skid Resistance
When the aggregate in the surface of pavement becomes smooth or when there is bleeding or flushing,
i.e. the presence of free asphalt binder on the pavement surface, the pavement skid resistance may be
reduced. Several methods are used by agencies to evaluate the skid resistance of in-service pavements.
AT&U has used a Mu-Meter skid trailer for this purpose.
The trailer is equipped with two freely rotating test wheels that are angled to the direction of the motion.
The test is conducted at a constant speed of approximately 65 km/h. During the test the pavement is
wetted under the testing wheels. The friction factor measurements are reported as the Skid Number.
The Skid Number is equal to 100 times the friction factor and can be described as:
$ 46 or greater adequate friction characteristics
$ 45 to 30 medium friction characteristics
$ 29 or lower poor friction characteristics.
4.2.5 PMS Reports
Several reports can be produced by AT&U=s PMS. Out of these reports three are very commonly
used by pavement engineers. These reports are:
$ PMS Data Base
$ PMS Cross-sections
$ Status Summary Report
PMS Data Base
The PMS Data Base contains extensive historical information regarding construction, performance and
rehabilitation of the Alberta=s Primary and Secondary Highway Systems. The database includes
information dating back to 1959 and is probably the most comprehensive pavement database in North
America. The database contains the following information:
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 34
$ highway control section number, length, and location
$ pavement inventory section from - to and width of pavement
$ ST soil type (soil classification is Unified System as modified by P.F.R.A {similar
to ASTM D-2487})
$ pavement layer types and thicknesses (all thicknesses in inches):
- GB granular base thickness
- SC soil-cement base thickness
- CS cement-treated base thickness
- A asphalt stabilized base course thickness
- AC asphalt concrete thickness
- T type of asphalt cement used
- SA sulphur-asphalt layer thickness
$ traffic data
-ESAL cumulative Equivalent Single Axle Loads per day per direction
(these data should not be used for design purposes)
- AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
$ pavement evaluation data
- RCI Riding Comfort Index
- VCR Visual Condition Rating
- Benkelman Beam Data (since 1992, FWD central deflections have been
converted to equivalent Benkelman beam rebounds):
MM month when deflection testing was carried out
DD day of month when deflection testing was carried out
PT pavement temperature (/C)
DBAR mean equivalent Benkelman beam rebound for a section
DMAX mean plus two standard deviation of equivalent Benkelman beam
rebounds for a pavement section
- SKD Mu-Meter skid data
- RUT ARAN rut data (since 1989)
$ CM digital comments
A typical example of the PMS data base is presented in Figure 4.1.
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 35
PMS Cross-sections
In addition to the PMS Data Base, AT&U also updates the pavement cross-section information. The
updates have been performed manually and provide useful information to the pavement designer. The
cross-section information is especially valuable to identify cases of pavement widening, shifting of
centerline, where asphalt concrete inlays were constructed, pavements with different thicknesses for
each lane etc.
PMS Status Summary
The PMS Status Summary is produced by AT&U every year based on yearly update of the PMS
inventory data base and Pavement Inventory Need System report (PINS).
These reports include the following information:
Field(s) Description Explanation
INV Inventory Sections are specific to data base and may vary from year to
year. They are simply a method of indicating a
change in structure or other attribute.
LN Lane is used to sort out the lanes in multi-lane highways. A
blank here means a two-lane highway and the A&@
character means that all lanes are combined for one
direction of a multi-lane highway.
SOIL TYPE refers to AT&U records of the general type of soil to
be expected in the subgrade of the given Inventory
GB, SC, CS Layer Depths Since the data base still requires entries to be made
SA, OB, in Imperial units, the figures shown in here have
FIRST ACP, been converted to metric. A base depth of A254
O/L mm@, for example, represents A10 inches@.
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 36
Field(s) Description Explanation
PRESENT should be interpreted with extreme caution. The
CONDITION various indices are brought up to date for each
Inventory Section when it is tested or re-tested.
SKID Skid Numbers represents the results of spot-testing in wet conditions
with the AMu-Meter@, and gives an idea of the
dynamic Coefficient of Friction between the road
surface and a standardized tire. The collection of skid
data has been discontinued since 1993.
RUT Rut Depths refer to average for the given Inventory Section. They
will not reflect isolated deep ruts.
PREDICTED These are open to misinterpretation. Here Aneeds@
NEED means simply that one or more of the performance
indices for the given Section is expected to move
down to the Aminimum acceptable value@in the year
quoted. This may or may not be the year for
ESAL AND Traffic figures are taken directly (and electronically)
AADT from
the database maintained by Planning and
Programming Branch. They are updated when new
information becomes available. In the case of
ESALs, this is about once every two years.
This report is a quick reference, for use on field trips or in conversations over the phone. The need year
is not intended for making decisions on construction or rehabilitation matters without referring to other,
much more reliable and detailed information.
A typical example of a PMS Status Summary is presented in Figure 4.2.
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 37
Figure 4.1 Example of AT&U PMS Data Base
Pavement Design Manual Section 4 Pavement Evaluation - Page 38
Figure 4.2 Example of AT&U PMS Status Summary
Pavement Design Manual Section 5 Traffic Analysis - Page 39
5.1 Introduction
Traffic-related data, which includes axles loads, axle configurations and number of applications, are
required for both new construction and rehabilitation pavement structural design.
Cars and light truck traffic produce only small stresses in normal pavement structures and therefore
truck traffic is the major consideration in the structural design of pavements. The project design ESALs
are expressed as the cumulative Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs) in the design lane for the design
The results of the AASHO Road Test indicated that the damaging effect on the pavement structure of
an axle load of any mass can be represented by a number of 80 kN ESALs. For example, one
application of a 100 kN single axle load would result in the same damage as 2.5 applications of an 80
kN single axle load. Conversely it would take about 62 applications of a 50 kN single axle load to
result in the same damage as one 80 kN single axle load. This relationship characterizing the relative
destructive effect of various axle loads in terms of equivalent 80 kN single axle loads is sometimes
referred to as the AFourth Power Rule@. Load equivalency factors allow any axle group configuration
and loading to be converted into an equivalent number of ESALs.
5.2 Estimating Design ESALs
5.2.1 Sources of Traffic Data
Statistics for traffic volumes and Single Unit Trucks (SUT) and Tractor Trailer Combinations (TTC)
on the Primary Highway System are published annually by AT&U [AT&U 96]. This report provides
values for ESALs per day per direction for all Traffic Control Sections (TCS) monitored on the primary
highway system. An example of a typical report is presented in Figure 5.1.
The determination of the ESALs per day per direction is related to the AADT:
ESALs/day/direction =
( ) ( )

+ 2.073
Pavement Design Manual Section 5 Traffic Analysis - Page 40
where AADT, Average Annual Daily Traffic, is the average daily two way traffic expressed as vehicles
per day for the period of January 1 to December 31, and where the traffic volumes are assumed to be
split 50:50 for both directions.
These data can be used directly as initial inputs to determine design ESALs. However, the following
should be noted:
$ Although all types of trucks are counted, they are sorted into only two categories: Single Unit
Trucks and Tractor Trailer Combinations.
$ The factors, in ESALs per unit, used to convert the SUT and TTC counts are 0.881 and 2.073
respectively and were recently updated [KPMG 95]. The previous factors used were
established in 1983 and were 0.56 and 1.37 respectively. Legal load limits were changed in
1987/88 and it is probable that ESAL factors probably started to change shortly after.
$ Traffic statistics on Secondary Highways were not collected by AT&U since 1993 for the
period of 1994 to 1996.
5.2.2 Lane Distribution Considerations
The reported ESALs/day/direction are based upon a 50:50 split between directions. There may be
special cases where this does not hold true (such as more loaded trucks in one direction and more
empty trucks in the other). In these special cases it may be necessary to confirm actual distribution
through a count survey.
The statistics reported are for total ESALs/day/direction. On multilane highways, the total would
represent all lanes in one direction. For 4 lane divided highway, an 85/15 split between the outside and
inside lane can be used as guideline to determine the design. This split may require adjustment on some
highways located near major urban areas.
In cases where directional distribution factors are used and the pavement structure is designed on the
basis of distributed traffic, consideration should be given to the design of variable cross-sections. This
is addressed in more detail in Section 8.
Pavement Design Manual Section 5 Traffic Analysis - Page 41
5.2.3 Traffic Growth
The average growth in traffic on the Alberta primary highway network is about 2.3% per annum.
Guidelines for growth factors to be used to estimate design ESALs for a project are:
New Construction 5% per annum compounded
Rehabilitation and Twinning Projects 3% per annum compounded
These values may require adjustment based upon local conditions, future development, etc.
Growth can be accounted for in design using the Traffic Growth Factors presented in Table D.20
[AASHTO 93] or by calculation:
Traffic Growth Factor (TGF) = [(1 + g)
- 1]/g

where g = rate/100 and is not zero and n is the design period in years. If the annual rate is zero, the
growth factor is equal to the design period.
Alternatively, for a 20 year design period, the following factors can be used directly:
$ for 3% growth TGF = 26.87
$ for 5% growth TGF = 33.06.

These factors multiplied by the first-year ESALs estimate will give the total number of ESAL
applications expected during the 20 year design period.
5.3 Summary
The process of determining the design ESALs to be used on a particular project is:
1. Determine the Design Period (n).
2. Determine present ESALs/day/direction.
3. Adjust ESALs/day/direction based on lane distribution considerations.
4. Select Traffic Growth Factor (TGF).
5. Calculate Design ESALs/lane for the design period = ESALs/day/direction x 365 x TGF.
Pavement Design Manual Section 5 Traffic Analysis - Page 42
Figure 5.1 Example of AT&U Traffic Report
Pavement Design Manual Section 6 Economic Evaluation - Page 43
6.1 Life Cycle Costs
At the project level there often exists a need to maximize economy and compare different pavement
structure options. Life Cycle Costs (LCC) is a term coined to reference the economic analyses
undertaken to compare either new construction or rehabilitation alternatives. LCC refer to all costs
related to a highway over the life cycle of the pavement structure. These cost components include
capital costs, maintenance costs, rehabilitation including overlay costs, as well as residual value, and
user costs. User costs are generally more difficult to quantify compared to the other input costs, and
for the purposes of this Manual, user costs are not generally included in the analysis.
Although the economic analysis will provide a basis for decision making, several additional factors need
to be considered and together with LCC will allow a rational decision making process. These factors
include, but are not limited to, geometrics, drainage, safety, climate, budgets, maintenance levels,
materials availability, past experience with similar pavements, and good engineering judgement.
LLC analysis requires the following inputs:
Initial Capital Costs
Initial capital costs are the total sum of the investments to design and construct a highway or a highway
improvement. The most significant items include grading, base course, surfacing, bridge structures,
right-of-way, engineering, signing, and signals. These costs can be determined from current AT&U
published unit price reports and modified for local conditions.
Rehabilitation Costs
Rehabilitation costs are associated with upgrading or overlaying a pavement when the riding quality or
serviceability decreases to a minimum level of acceptability. Items include overlays, recycling, seal
coats, and reconstruction. Rehabilitation cost inputs are similarly available from AT&U unit price
Pavement Design Manual Section 6 Economic Evaluation - Page 44
Maintenance Costs
Maintenance costs are those costs that are essential to maintain a pavement investment at a specified
level of service or at a specified rate of deterioration. For LCC analysis, items directly affecting
pavement surface performance include crack filling, crack repair, grinding, and patching. Until a larger
data base of cost information is developed, this input will have to be estimated by the pavement
Residual Value
The residual value is the value of the investment or capital outlay remaining at the end of the analysis
period. For a valid LCC analysis, the residual value must be included. Current AT&U policy for
determination of residual value involves a simple calculation using a linear relationship for the value
remaining in the last overlay. Therefore if an overlay is made at year 20, the residual value at the end
of a 30 year analysis period (assuming a service life of 15 years) will be 5/15 x overlay cost. This cost
is then discounted to year 0.
Analysis Period
The analysis period is the time period over which the economic analysis is conducted. For Alberta
highways, an analysis period of 30 years is used to compare alternatives.
Design Period
The design period is the time period for which the pavement structure is designed to carry the
anticipated traffic loadings. As a matter of policy, 20 years is used by AT&U and this would generally
apply to the design of new construction, final stage and structural overlay pavements.
Service Life
The service life is the estimate of the time period for which the pavement will provide adequate
structural and/or ride quality performance before rehabilitation is necessary. The estimated service lives
of alternative strategies are critical inputs into LCC analysis.
Pavement Design Manual Section 6 Economic Evaluation - Page 45
Discount Rate
The discount rate is the rate of interest used to adjust future values to present values, normally taken
as the difference between the prime interest rate and the rate of inflation. Current AT&U policy is to
use 4% [AT&U 91].
6.2 Method of Economic Evaluation
There are several economic models applicable to the evaluation and comparison of alternative pavement
design/rehabilitation strategies, all of which incorporate to varying degrees, future costs and/or benefits.
A very basic method utilized by many transportation agencies, and selected for Alberta, is the present
worth method, using costs alone.
This method discounts all future sums to the present using an appropriate discount rate. The empirical
relationship to determine the present worth of some future expenditure is solved by the following
PW = F
(1 + I)
where PW = present worth
F = future value
I = discount rate = 4%
n = number of years in the future that the amount is to be received.
It is essential that comparisons only be made for analysis periods of equal length. Caution must also
be exercised such that the economic analyses data is coupled with sound engineering judgement in order
to select and finalize a pavement design alternative.
Pavement Design Manual Section 6 Economic Evaluation - Page 46
6.3 Summary
The process of carrying out a life cycle cost analysis to allow potential design strategies to be evaluated
on an economic basis is:
1. Estimate unit and per km construction costs of each alternative.
2. Estimate yearly maintenance costs if there are significant differences between alternatives.
3. Estimate the service life for each alternative.
4. Determine the unit and per km construction costs, maintenance costs and future rehabilitation
costs for each alternative for a 30 year analysis period.
5. Estimate the residual value of the final rehabilitation at the end of the analysis period.
6. Using a 4% discount rate, calculate the present worth of initial construction, rehabilitation, and
maintenance costs and residual value for each alternative.
Pavement Design Manual Section 7 '3R/4R' Geometric Design - Page 47
Projects that generally include resurfacing, restoration or rehabilitation of existing paved roads are
termed 3R projects. Projects that include some reconstruction of existing paved roads, which generally
takes place in conjunction with resurfacing, restoration or rehabilitation of the existing pavement are
termed 4R projects.
Pavements are designed with an intended life of 20 years and therefore, the first and subsequent
rehabilitations will generally occur in 15 - 25 year cycles. This pattern establishes a logical timetable
for the review of geometric design standards on existing paved roads. If geometric improvements are
required it is generally most cost-effective to construct these improvements at the time of rehabilitation.
3R/4R Geometric Design Guidelines have been developed by AT&U [AT&U 96]. These guidelines
focus on the most safety-cost effective improvements and also encourage the use of low-cost
opportunities to improve safety where major reconstruction is not cost-effective. The guidelines
contained in this document are general in nature and are not a substitute for engineering judgement. The
guidelines should be used when the terms of reference on rehabilitation projects requires a geometric
assessment to be carried out.
Pavement Design Manual Section 7 '3R/4R' Geometric Design - Page 48
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 49
8.1 Introduction
The design of flexible pavements involves a study of soils and paving materials, their behaviour under
load and the design of the pavement structure to carry that load under all climatic conditions [Yoder
75]. Additionally, in the cases of new construction, the thickness of the designed pavement structure
is a necessary input into the geometric design of the roadway. The subgrade must be designed to a
sufficient width to accommodate the projected width of the pavement structure and still achieve the
design roadway width after final paving.
The methods outlined in this section address the design of pavement structures for new construction,
reconstruction and widening.
The use of granular base pavements as a standard pavement structure type has been adopted by
AT&U based upon long experience with their performance across the province. The availability of
good quality aggregates and the benefits related to permeability and drainage, which may be more
critical with the fine grained soils typically used for subgrade construction in Alberta, are supporting
Cement stabilized base courses (soil cement) in more recent years have not been widely used, either
on the grounds of performance or economy, except where there are pressing problems with gravel
supply and associated higher costs related to haul. For these reasons, very few cement stabilized base
course pavement structures are designed.
AT&U experience with full depth asphalt concrete pavements has been mixed. Performance problems
with projects constructed in the 1970's along with the increased costs of asphalt cement materials
associated with this pavement structure type, resulted in the discontinuance of the use of full depth
pavements in the early 1980s.
Typical pavement structures used in Alberta are presented in Figure 8.1.
Typical granular base pavement structures used in the past, as reported by AT&U for a range of design
ESALs from 3 x 10
to 5 x 10
and for two typical subgrade soil types, are presented in Table 8.1.
Using AASHTO procedures will provide similar pavement thicknesses for low and medium traffic levels
and increased pavement structures for high traffic levels.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 50
Figure 8.1 Typical Pavement Structures
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 51
The provision of relatively thick granular bases has historically provided acceptable pavement
performance. The pavement structures derived from the methods outlined in this Manual should follow
a similar design philosophy.
Design ESALs
Subgrade Type Conventional Pavement
Structure Course
0.3 x 10
0.5 x 10
1 x 10
3 x 10
5 x 10
APoor@(CBR. 3)
Unified Soil
Class. - CH-CI
ACP (Final Paving)
ACP (1st Stage Paving)
AGood@(CBR. 4)
Unified Soil Class
- CL, SC
ACP (Final Paving)
ACP (1st Stage Paving)
all thicknesses in mm.
8.2 Design Strategies
Staged design and construction of new pavement structures has been adopted as a design policy by
AT&U. The primary advantage related to staged design and construction is reduced life cycle costs
and more effective use of funds as compared to unstaged construction .
Staged design and construction methodology as defined by AT&U can be outlined as follows:
$ The full pavement structure is designed for a 20 year design period.
$ The full base structure and a component of the asphalt concrete layer is constructed under one
contract as the first stage.
$ After 1 or more years of service, the final asphalt concrete pavement stage is designed and
For high traffic primary highways, the final asphalt concrete stage is normally programmed to follow the
first stage pavement by one or two years. For lower traffic primary and secondary highways, the
programming of the final asphalt concrete stage is based upon pavement evaluation testing and
monitoring of the first stage pavement and can be delayed by 3 to 5 years.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 52
The average pavement service lives for staged and unstaged pavement structures, as measured from
the time of the original first stage base and paving to the first overlay, have been determined by AT&U
to be:
Pavement Base Type Average Service Life to First Overlay (yrs.)
Staged Unstaged
Granular Base 22 18
Cement Stabilized Base 18 14
These service lives are average values for the entire primary highway network. The actual service lives
for highly trafficked highways may be less. However the difference of about 4 years between staged
and unstaged pavement structures would still be expected.
The staged design and construction approach allows for the stabilization of the subgrade and base
course and initial differential consolidation and settlement of the subgrade to occur prior to the
application of the final stage asphalt concrete. The staging approach also allows for fine tuning of the
thickness of the final stage pavement based upon the analysis of FWD test results to account for varying
subgrade and pavement conditions throughout the length of the project.
Unstaged pavement design and construction would only be considered on widening projects, selective
reconstruction, where remobilization construction costs may be high or in other special cases.
However, in order to achieve the lower life cycle costs related to staged design and construction, it is
critical that funding for the final stage asphalt concrete be programmed and that timely performance
testing and monitoring programs of the first stage pavement structures are in place.
8.3 Economic Analysis
Except for the special cases as noted, the staged design and construction approach is to be adopted
on all new construction projects. In general, life cycle cost analysis to justify staged design and
construction will not be required.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 53
8.3.1 Cement Stabilized Base Course
The design of new construction projects located in areas short of high quality gravel which would result
in very long gravel hauls may require that pavement structure alternatives other than conventional
granular base be considered. In these circumstances, it will be necessary to carry out an economic
analyses, as outlined in Section 6, to assess the relative life cycle costs of both granular base course and
cement stabilized base course design alternatives.
The recommended estimated service lives to be used in this analysis are presented in Table 8.2. These
estimated service lives are based upon average service life values over all ranges of traffic for the whole
province as reported by AT&U. These service lives may be based upon limited performance data
especially for very high traffic levels and may need to be modified based upon local experience and
engineering judgement.
GBC 0 2 - 4 21 - 23 35 -37
CSBC 0 2 3 17 - 19 31 -33
The unit costs used in the economic analysis would be based on Unit Price Reports prepared by AT&U
adjusted to reflect actual haul costs of both gravel and sand materials and estimated design Portland
cement requirements for the geographic area the project is located in. Maintenance costs over the
design period for both the alternatives would be estimated based upon experience and other inputs.
8.3.2 Granular Subbase
The use of granular subbase courses (GSBC) as part of a new construction structural design is a viable
alternative. However their inclusion must be supported by an economic analysis to demonstrate
potential cost savings. There may be other situations where the inclusion of granular subbase courses
can provide cost effective engineering solutions with respect to frost protection, drainage, aggregates
management, etc..
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 54
8.4 Design Methodology for New Construction
8.4.1 Background to AASHTO Flexible Pavement Design
The procedures developed in the Guide [AASHTO 86, 93] for new construction or reconstruction are
basically an extension of the algorithms originally developed from the AASHO Road Test and provide
the designer with the opportunity to use state-of-the-art design techniques. Major modifications to
previous practices are described in the 1993 Guide include:
1) The introduction of the resilient modulus to provide a rational testing procedure that can be used
by an agency to define material properties.
2) The layer coefficients for the various materials are defined in terms of resilient modulus as well
as standard methods such as CBR.
3) The environmental factors of moisture and temperature are objectively included to replace the
subjective regional factor term previously used.
4) Reliability is introduced to permit the designer to use the concept of risk analysis for various
classes of roadways.
Material properties for structural design are based on characterization of an elastic or resilient modulus.
For roadbed materials, AASHTO recommends that laboratory resilient modulus tests (now AASHTO
T294-92) be performed on representative samples in stress and moisture conditions simulating those
of the primary moisture seasons. Procedures are described in the Guide to allow the determination of
an effective roadbed soil resilient modulus which is equivalent to the combined effect of all the seasonal
modulus values. Alternatively, the resilient modulus values may be determined by correlations with
other measured soil strength properties. The purpose of identifying seasonal moduli is to quantify the
relative damage a pavement is subjected to during each season of the year and treat it as part of the
overall design.
Pavement layer coefficients may be based on those traditionally developed and used in the original
AASHTO procedure or, more preferably, derived from test roads or satellite sections. Charts are also
available in the Guide for estimating structural layer coefficients from various base strength parameters
as well as resilient modulus test values.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 55
The effectiveness of the ability of various drainage methods to remove moisture from the pavement is
not described with detailed criteria, but is recognized through the use of modified layer coefficients. The
factor for modifying the layer coefficient is referred to as an m
value and has been integrated into the
structural number (SN) equation along with the layer coefficient (a
) and thickness (D
); thus:
SN = a
+ a
Recommended m
values, as a function of the quality of drainage and percent of time during the year
the pavement structure would normally be exposed to moisture levels approaching saturation, are also
tabulated in the Guide.
Determination of the required structural number (SN) involves the use of a nomograph which solves a
specific design equation and parameters required for specific conditions, including:
1) the estimated future traffic for the performance period
2) the reliability, R, which assumes all inputs reflect an average value,
3) the overall standard deviation, S
4) the effective resilient modulus of roadbed material, M
5) the design serviceability loss, PSI = p
- p
The DARWin 3.0 computer program can be used to analyze the FWD deflection data from
representative prototype pavements and determine the backcalculated subgrade modulus. This
program can also be used to determine the required structural number (SN) and provide pavement
design alternatives for the design inputs.
An example given in Appendix H of the Guide [AASHTO 93] may be referred to in order to familiarize
the designer with the AASHTO flexible pavement design procedure. For purposes of this Manual,
design examples applicable to typical projects in Alberta are presented in subsequent sections.
Since the AASHTO Guide utilizes Imperial units, conversions to the metric system are required to be
made manually. Metric Conversion Factors are given in Appendix B of this Manual. The metric version
of the Guide is expected to be published in 1997. The computerized design system DARWin 3.0
performs on-the-fly conversions between the Imperial and metric systems.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 56
8.4.2 Agency Practices
A Synthesis of agency pavement structural design practice was conducted in 1990 and 1991 and
reported in NCHRP Synthesis 189 [NCHRP 93]. For flexible pavement, the information revealed that
51 agencies employed empirical procedures, predominately those in the AASHTO Guide for Design
of Pavements [AASHTO 86]. The AASHTO 1972 procedures were reportedly used by some 22
agencies. AASHTO 1986 procedures were mentioned as used in full or partially by 20 agencies, with
10 others anticipating changing to this procedure in the future.
There has been concern expressed that despite the major efforts towards advancing pavement
technology, much of this research has not found its way into the daily design procedures used by
practicing engineers. It has been reported that only about half of the State Highway Agencies have
formally incorporated or use the 1986/93 AASHTO Guide for flexible pavement design [ERES 95].
Approximately 28 percent still use the 1972 AASHTO Interim Guide, although more design
capabilities are provided in the newer Guides. In view of this seemingly low percentage of
implementation, a number of reasons were presented. The increased size, compared to the relatively
small and simple 1972 Interim Guide, may have led to a perceived increase in complexity for the new
Guide. Another cause may be in the difficulty in obtaining and demonstrating the applicability of some
of the new inputs, such as the resilient modulus of the subgrade soil, reliability and the drainage
coefficients. Despite these and other difficulties, improvements in pavement design practice can be
achieved with recently developed efforts.
As major research activity to enhance implementation and use of the 1993 AASHTO Design Guide has
recently been performed in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration, by Brent Rauhut Engineering Inc. [BRE 97]. This analysis was conducted on relating
pavement performance to specific pavement layers utilizing data contained in the Long Term Pavement
Program National Information Management System (LTPP). Specifically, the focus of this research
activity was to identify differences that exist between laboratory measured and backcalculated resilient
moduli; determine the applicability of the C-Values, drainage coefficients, and relative damage factors
that are included in the Design Guide; and to provide procedures to adequately consider the seasonal
variation of material properties as related to flexible pavement designs. Based on these results, design
pamphlets have been prepared in support of the AASHTO Design Guide. Detailed review of these
reports may be considered of interest to the users of this Manual.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 57
8.4.3 Design Inputs
The design inputs required by the AASHTO method and the DARWin 3.0 program and the
recommended values for the design of new construction are as follows:
Design Traffic
The Design ESALs/lane for the design period is determined as outlined in Section 5.
Serviceability Loss
In Alberta the Ride Comfort Index (RCI) measures the riding quality provided by the pavement. The
RCI scale ranges from 10 (excellent) to 0 (very poor). From the experience in Alberta, the minimum
desirable RCI levels for highways is 5.5.
In the AASHTO system the roughness scale for ride quality ranges from 5 to 0. For design it is
necessary to select both an initial and terminal serviceability index. An initial serviceability index of 4.2
is suggested to reflect a newly constructed pavement. A terminal serviceability index of 2.5 is suggested
to be used in the design of major highways. The design serviceability loss, PSI, is the difference
between the newly constructed pavement serviceability and that tolerated before rehabilitation.
For the Design Charts developed for this Manual, the recommended PSI is 1.7, based on p
= 4.2
(initial serviceability) and p
= 2.5 (terminal serviceability). This corresponds to a relative difference in
RCI values of 3.4. These values for initial and final serviceability have also been adopted within this
Manual for final stage pavement and rehabilitation design.
Reliability concepts are given in detail in the AASHTO Guide, and are intended to account largely for
chance variations in traffic prediction and performance prediction, and therefore provides a
predetermined level of assurance (R) that pavement sections will survive the period for which they were
designed. Suggested levels of Reliability for various Functional Classifications are given in Table 2.2
of the AASHTO Guide and range from 50 to 99.9% for local roads to Interstate and other Freeways,
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 58
It is recommended that Reliability Levels shown in Table 8.3 be used for design of new construction.
Design ESALS (x10
) Reliability %
<0.1 75
0.1 to 5.0 85
5.0 to 10.0 90
>10.0 95
Overall Standard Deviation
The value for Overall Standard Deviation as developed at the AASHO Road Test for flexible
pavements was 0.45. This value is recommended for use in this Manual.
Resilient Modulus Correction Factor
Resilient modulus values are used to characterize subgrade strength values for use in design. Where
the subgrade modulus is backcalculated from the results of FWD deflection test data, the recommended
combined factor, to correct the backcalculated subgrade modulus to make it consistent with the value
used to represent the AASHO Road Test subgrade and to adjust it for seasonal variations in subgrade
strength is 0.36. Further background to determination of subgrade moduli values for design purposes
was presented in Section 2.2.3.
Design Charts
In order to simplify the application of the AASHTO design method in this Manual, a series of design
charts have been developed for a suitable range of traffic and effective roadbed resilient modulus values
that would be encountered in Alberta. These design charts are intended to be used for initial preliminary
designs, rather than the nomograph shown as Figure 3.1 in the AASHTO Guide. They are based on
parametric solutions provided initially by the DARWin 2.0 (non-metric) design program. The SN
values have been converted to metric units and have been verified with DARWin 3.0.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 59
These charts provide a range of Structural Numbers (SN) from 25 to 200 mm, for Design ESAL values
from 2 x 10
to 3 x 10
. Ranges of Reliability levels are plotted for various traffic values. An overall
standard deviation value S
of 0.45 was used.
Seven individual charts (Figures 8.2 - 8.8) are provided for Effective Roadbed Resilient Modulus values
of 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, and 70 MPa, corresponding to approximate CBR values of 2 through 7
respectively. If modulus values other than those provided in the charts are considered necessary,
interpolation of the SN required from adjacent chart values may be used.
Alternatively, DARWin 3.0 can be used directly to provide the design outputs.
Structural Layer Coefficients
In the AASHTO system for structural design, layer coefficients (a
values) are assigned to each layer
material in the pavement structure in order to convert actual layer thicknesses into a structural number
(SN). This layer coefficient expresses the empirical relationship between SN and thickness and is a
measure of the relative ability of the material to function as a structural component of the pavement.
In lieu of actual laboratory resilient modulus values for each material, it is recommended that the
following coefficients be used for local materials:
Material Layer Coefficient (a
Asphalt Concrete (ACP) 0.40
Asphalt Stabilized Base Course (ASBC) 0.23
Cement Stabilized Base Course (CSBC) 0.23
Granular Base Course (GBC) 0.14
Granular Subbase Course (GSBC) 0.10
Guidelines for selection of other values for layer coefficients are given in the AASHTO Guide and
earlier documentation. [NCHRP 72].
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 60
Drainage Coefficients
Section 2.4 of the AASHTO Guide provides general definitions corresponding to different drainage
levels in the pavement structure. Recommended m-values for untreated base and subbase materials
are given in Table 2.4 of the Guide. Local experience would determine the most appropriate drainage
coefficient to be used, however it is expected that the range of 1.20 to 0.80 would be suitable for Ahigh
and dry@subgrades to Alow and wet@subgrades, respectively. Normally an m-value of 1.00 would be
Other Considerations
It should be recognized that changes in surfacing structural design cross-sections may have implications
on the geometric sections for grade design. Drainage provided for the pavement structure may also
have profound effects on the drainage coefficients used for design.
Improved, or other changes in material properties and availability may also have significant changes on
the layer coefficients used for design.
It was recognized that the design input parameters and values will need to be validated and updated
based upon pavement performance and experience as designers become more familiar and experienced
with the new design methodology.
8.4.4 Staged Design
Minimum ACP thicknesses for the first stage pavement structure are required to ensure that the
structural and fatigue capacity of the relatively thin initial ACP layer is not exceeded. Recommended
first stage minimum ACP thicknesses as a function of Design ESALs are given in Table 8.5. These
minimum thicknesses have been established to allow for minimum two lift final stage pavement design.
A minimum two lift final stage pavement design is a requirement to ensure that grade, cross-section
and smoothness can be restored.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 61
Design ESALs (x10
) Minimum Thickness of 1st Stage ACP
< 2.0 60 mm
2.0 to 5.0 80 mm
5.0 to 10.0 100 mm
> 10.0 120 mm
8.4.5 Unstaged Design
The structural design of unstaged pavements follows the same methodology as for staged pavements
except that the full asphalt concrete pavement structure is designed and constructed at one time.
For unstaged design and construction of widening projects, it is necessary to consider the following
factors when designing the new full unstaged pavement section:
$ the base type of the existing pavement structure
$ pavement layer thicknesses of the existing pavement structure
$ the location of the transition between the existing pavement structure and the new widened
structure with respect to wheelpath locations and travel lanes.
It is critical to ensure the continuity of lateral drainage of the subbase and base course layers through
the existing and adjoining new pavement structure.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 62
Figure 8.2 Design Chart for M
= 20 MPa
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 63
Figure 8.3 Design Chart for M
= 25 MPa
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 64
Figure 8.4 Design Chart for M
= 30 MPa
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 65
Figure 8.5 Design Chart for M
= 35 MPa
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 66
Figure 8.6 Design Chart for M
= 40 MPa
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 67
Figure 8.7 Design Chart for M
= 50 MPa
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 68
Figure 8.8 Design Chart for M
= 70 MPa
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 69
8.5 Design Examples - New Construction
8.5.1 Project 1
Project 1 is the design of new westbound lanes of a four lane divided highway located west of
Establish Design Inputs
Design ESALs
ESALs/day/direction = 888 (1995 Traffic Volumes Report)
Lane distribution = 85% outside lane: 15% inside lane
Seasonal distribution = uniform
Design period = 20 years
Traffic growth factor = 3% (for twinning projects)
Design ESALs = 888 x .85 x 365 x 26.87
= 7.4 x 10
(in design lane)
Initial Serviceability = 4.2
Terminal Serviceability = 2.5
R = 90% (for 7.4 x 10
Design ESALs) in accordance with Table 8.3.
Overall Standard Deviation
Overall Standard Deviation S
= 0.45
Environmental Impacts
Specific attention to potential heaving due to frost and the possibility of swelling soils should be
considered, however loss of serviceability due to these conditions is very difficult to quantify. The
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 70
climate in Alberta corresponds to Region VI in the United States, i.e., dry, hard freeze, spring thaw
(Fig.4.1 AASHTO Guide 93). The subgrade soil is classified as a CI-CL in the Unified System, having
a Plasticity Index of approximately 12%. As such, the soil is not considered to be a highly swelling soil.
It does have potential for frost heaving in the presence of moisture, especially in the cut sections. The
fill sections vary from 2 to 3 m in height from surrounding terrain.
Recognition of these environmental impacts is not directly designed for, however consideration is given
to these conditions in the selecting of effective roadbed resilient modulus values and drainage
Effective Roadbed Resilient Modulus
A nearby section of the existing east bound where soil types and drainage conditions were considered
to be representative of the new west bound lanes was selected as a prototype. The FWD deflection
testing of the prototype was carried out in June. The raw data was converted into a format recognizable
by DARWin 3.0. The average backcalculated subgrade modulus for the prototype section was 82
MPa when processed with the DARWin 3.0 program. Using the recommended combined factor of
0.36 to correct the backcalculated subgrade modulus and to adjust it for seasonal variations in
subgrade strength resulted in an Effective Roadbed Resilient Modulus of 30 MPa.
Structural Layer Coefficients
The structural layer coefficients were selected in accordance with Table 8.4.
Drainage Coefficients
A drainage coefficient of 1.0 was selected for both the base and subbase courses.
Design of Pavement Structure
Selection Structural Number
Since the Effective Roadbed M
value was 30 MPa, the chart for 30 MPa was selected for design
purposes. Using this chart and the Design ESALs of 7.4 x 10
, a Structural Number SN of 144 mm
was determined for a Reliability of 90%. This is presented in Figure 8.9.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 71
Selection of Layer Thickness
The following basic equation provides the basis for converting SN into actual thicknesses of surfacing,
base and subbase:
SN = a
+ a
and a
= layer coefficients representative of various courses,
and D

= actual thicknesses in mm of various courses, and
, m
= drainage coefficients for base and subbase courses.
Trial No. 1- Surface and Granular Base Course:
An initial trial thickness of 180 mm of ACP was selected, in consideration of local experience and
= (180 mm x 0.40) = 72 mm
The resulting thickness of granular base course is determined:

Required SN
= (144-72) = 72
Calculated D
= (72/0.14) = 514 mm; rounded off to 520 mm.
Calculated SN
= (520 x 0.14 x1.0) = 73
Total SN provided = (72 +73) = 145
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 72
Figure 8.9 Design Examples 1 and 2
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 73
Trial No. 2 - Subbase Course in addition to Surface and Granular Base Course
The initial thickness of 180 mm of ACP and 350 mm of granular base course is selected.
= (180 mm x 0.40) = 72 mm
Calculated SN
= (350 x 0.14 x1.0) = 49
Subtotal SN = (72 + 49) =121
Required SN
= (144 - 121) = 23
The resulting thickness of subbase is determined:
= (23/0.10 x 1.0)

= 230 mm of subbase
Total SN provided = (72 + 49 +23) = 145
These, and other trial sections shown in Table 8.6 were calculated with the above general equations to
satisfy a SN of 144 mm, using various combinations of structural layer type, thickness and layer
Trial No. Structural Layer ai Di (mm) mi SNi sum SNi SN Total
1 ACP 0.40 180 1.0 72 72
GBC 0.14 520 1.0 73 145 145
2 ACP 0.40 180 1.0 72 72
GBC 0.14 350 1.0 49 121
GSBC 0.10 230 1.0 23 144 144
3 ACP 0.40 220 1.0 88 88
GBC 0.14 400 1.0 56 144 144
4 ACP 0.40 250 1.0 100 100
CSBC 0.23 195 1.0 45 145 144
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 74
Four acceptable pavement sections that satisfy the design criteria are:
Structural Layer Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
ACP 180 mm 180 mm 220 mm 250 mm
GBC 520 mm 350 mm 400 mm -
GSBC - 230 mm - -
CSBC - - - 195 mm
Other combinations of thicknesses could be used to satisfy the SN of 144, depending upon availability
and cost of the individual components in place.
Based upon knowledge that large deposits of high quality aggregates are located near the project, the
recommended pavement structure is:
120 mm ACP (thickness to be confirmed at the time of the final stage design)
100 mm ACP first stage
400 mm GBC
The computerized design system DARWin 3.0 was also used to carry out the pavement design. The
output of the Flexible Structural Design Module run in metric mode for the recommended pavement
structure is presented in Table 8.7.
Separate analysis and structural design should be carried out for the inside lane. Because design traffic
ESALs are significantly less, a more economic final design utilizing a thinner pavement structure in the
inside lane should be considered.
Material Types
Granular Base Course
Based on the knowledge of the aggregate in the pit, Designation 2 Class 25 is selected for the project
since the Designation 2 Class 40 does not meet the crush count criteria.
Asphalt Concrete
The project is located in Zone D. Based upon the Design ESALs of 7.4 x 10
, Asphalt Mix Type 1
is selected from Table 2.2.
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8.5.2 Project 2
Project 2 is the design of a new two lane highway located north-west of Edmonton. All design inputs
used in this example are the same as for Project 1 except for the design traffic and reliability.
Establish Design Inputs
Design ESALs
ESALs/day/direction = 207 (1995 Traffic Volumes Report)
Seasonal distribution = uniform
Design period = 20 years
Traffic growth factor = 5% (for new construction)
Design ESALs = 207 x 365 x 33.06
= 2.5 x 10
(in design lane)
Initial Serviceability = 4.2
Terminal Serviceability = 2.5
R = 85% (for 2.5 x 10
Design ESALs) in accordance with Table 8.3.
Overall Standard Deviation
Overall Standard Deviation S
= 0.45
Environmental Impacts
The same comments provided in Design Example 1 would apply.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 77
Effective Roadbed Resilient Modulus
The same comments provided in Design Example 1 would apply.
Structural Layer Coefficients
The structural layer coefficients were selected in accordance with Table 8.4.
Drainage Coefficients
A drainage coefficient of 1.0 was selected for both the base and subbase courses.
Design of Pavement Structure
Selection of Structural Number
Since the Effective Roadbed M
value was 30 MPa, the chart for 30 MPa was selected for design
purposes. Using this chart and the Design ESALs of 2.5 x 10
, a Structural Number SN of 119 mm
was determined for a Reliability of 85%. This is presented in Figure 8.9.
Selection of Layer Thickness
The approach presented in Design Example 1 was followed using various combinations of layer types,
thicknesses and coefficients. These trial sections are presented in Table 8.8.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 78
Trial No. Structural Layer ai Di (mm) mi SNi sum SNi SN Total
1 ACP 0.40 180 1.0 72 72
GBC 0.14 350 1.0 49 121 121
2 ACP 0.40 180 1.0 72 72
GBC 0.14 200 1.0 28 100
GSBC 0.10 200 1.0 20 120 120
3 ACP 0.40 250 1.0 100 100
GBC 0.14 150 1.0 21 121 121
4 ACP 0.40 180 1.0 72 72
CSBC 0.23 210 1.0 48 120 120
Four acceptable pavement sections that satisfy the design criteria are:
Structural Layer Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
ACP 180 mm 180 mm 250 mm 180 mm
GBC 350 mm 200 mm 150 mm -
GSBC - 200 mm - -
CSBC - - - 210 mm
Other combinations of thicknesses could be used to satisfy the SN of 119, depending upon availability
and cost of the individual components in place.
Based upon knowledge that large deposits of high quality aggregates are located near the project, the
recommended pavement structure is:
100 mm ACP (thickness to be confirmed at the time of the final stage design)
80 mm ACP first stage
350 mm GBC
The computerized design system design system DARWin 3.0 was also used to carry out the pavement
design. The output of the Flexible Structural Design Module run in metric mode for the recommended
pavement structure is presented in Table 8.9.
Pavement Design Manual Section 8 New Construction - Page 79
Material Types
Granular Base Course
Based on the knowlede of the aggregate in the pit, Designation 2 Class 40 is selected for the project
since this meets the crush count criteria.
Asphalt Concrete Mix Type
The project is located in Zone D. Based upon the design ESALs of 2.5 x 10
, Asphalt Mix Type 2 is
selected from Table 2.2.
Numerous other designs with different parameters can be readily and quickly performed in a similar
manner with the DARWin Pavement Design and Analysis System.
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8.5.3 Staged Design
The pavement structures provided in the design examples would apply directly to unstaged construction.
For staged design and construction, which is the usual case for new construction, the first stage design
would include the total base and subbase thickness and a portion of the total design ACP . The
recommended minimum thickness of first stage ACP would be selected based on the values presented
in Table 8.5 in consideration of other project specific conditions.
8.6 Low Volume Roads
Historically in Alberta, the hard surfacing of low volume roads has been accomplished through the
design and construction of "Sealed Bases" and conventional pavement structures.
Sealed bases consist of layers of conventional granular base course, with a final running surface of two
applications of a high float seal coat. Sealed bases are known to perform well, provided traffic volumes
are light and the surface is properly maintained. It is AT&U experience that sealed bases, when
properly designed and constructed, can carry relatively small numbers of fully loaded trucks, without
failure, for a similar number of years to conventionally designed pavement structures. However, the
sealed base structure is fragile and if truck traffic increases, an asphalt concrete pavement surface
should be designed and constructed.
Conventional pavement structures generally consist of layers of granular base with a temporary running
surface of asphalt stabilized base course and a final pavement layer of asphalt concrete, applied later.
Conventional pavements are very smooth and are known to perform well.

The design charts provided in the Manual would apply to the design of conventional pavement
structures, which would include an ASBC or ACP wearing surface, for design ESALs greater than 2
x 10
ESALs. The recommended levels of reliability to be used are presented in Table 8.3.
The design charts are not considered appropriate for the structural design of sealed base structures.
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9.1 Introduction
Most new pavement structures in Alberta are built using the staged design and construction
concept. According to Alberta=s past practice, the first stage pavement consists of the subbase
(if any) and granular base course, and a minimum of 60 mm (based upon Table 8.5 and the
project design ESALs) of the first stage asphalt concrete layer. (Where special conditions
warrant, a cement stabilized base course may be designed.) The final asphalt concrete
pavement stage is deferred and is designed and constructed one or more years following
original construction.
The structural evaluation of the existing first stage pavement structure considered for final
paving is standard practice in Alberta. Until 1991, AT&U used the Benkelman beam to
measure pavement deflections. Based on the deflections the required final stage pavement
thickness was determined. The design method which was used by AT&U was developed by
Alberta Research Council (ARC) and was an empirical procedure.
In 1989, with the acquisition by the Department of its first FWD, work commenced to
replace the existing empirical design method with a mechanistic-empirical approach. It was
decided at that time to adopt the ELMOD computer program as the design methodology to
interpret the FWD deflection data. ELMOD is a computer program which incorporates a
simplified mechanistic-empirical design procedure.
AT&U practice was to design the final stage pavement thickness based upon several inputs:
ELMOD analysis, new construction design principles, past experience and engineering
More recently, the AASHTO method for the design of pavement overlays, based upon
nondestructive deflection testing of the existing pavement with the FWD, has been adopted
by AT&U. A computer program called DARWin (Design, Analysis and Rehabilitation for
WINdows) is used to analyze the FWD deflection data and determine final stage pavement
thickness requirements using AASHTO design procedures for rehabilitation of existing
pavements and design input values developed for Alberta conditions.
Pavements are tested using the FWD, usually one or two years following construction of the
first stage based upon the roadway classification and design traffic. The collection of FWD
test data and other pavement evaluation testing is coordinated by AT&U. The raw FWD test
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 84
results will be provided, along with any available pavement evaluation test results, to the
consultant retained to carry out the pavement design. These are discussed in more detail in
Section 4.
The design of final stage pavements is therefore very similar to the design of structural
overlays. The main difference between the two design approaches is that in the design of
structural rehabilitation, there may be several cost-effective rehabilitation strategies available
to the designer to remedy both functional and structural pavement distresses.
The design of a final pavement structure in most cases is governed by structural needs
because the first stage pavement is usually not old enough to exhibit distresses related to
traffic loading and the environment. Therefore the design strategy is generally to only
increase the structural capacity of the pavement structure through the addition of an ACP
9.2 AASHTO Design Procedures
9.2.1 Background
The AASHTO methodology and design procedures for rehabilitation of existing pavements
is presented in PART III of the Guide [AASHTO 93] and would apply to the design of final
pavement structures. The design steps to determine the required final stage pavement
thickness as outlined in the Guide are:
1. Assessment of existing pavement design and construction
2. Traffic analysis
3. Condition survey
4. Deflection testing
5. Coring and materials testing
6. Determination of required structural number for future traffic (SN
). The effective
design subgrade modulus is determined by backcalculation from deflection data.
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 85
7. Determination of effective structural number (SN
) of the existing pavement. The
determination of SN
is based upon an assumption that the structural capacity of the
pavement is a function of its total thickness and overall stiffness. The effective
modulus of the pavement layers is backcalculated from FWD deflection data.
8. Determination of overlay thickness. The thickness of the AC overlay is computed as
= SN
= (SN
- SN
= Required overlay Structural Number
= Structural layer coefficient for the AC overlay
= Required overlay thickness
= Structural Number for future traffic
= Effective Structural Number of the existing pavement
DARWin 3.0 [DARWIN 97] is used to analyze the FWD deflection data to determine the
backcalculated subgrade and pavement moduli. These values along with other required
design inputs are used to determine pavement overlay requirements in accordance with the
design methodology presented in the AASHTO Guide. Familiarity with the AASHTO
Guide and knowledge of the requirements of this design manual, AASHTO design principles
and FWD testing methods are required in order to use the DARWin program as an effective
design and analysis tool.
9.2.2 Design Inputs
The adaptation of AASHTO design methodology required the calibration of AASHTO input
design parameter values to past and present AT&U practice, experience and pavement
performance. A number of projects were selected to evaluate and compare ELMOD and
AASHTO design methodologies. Based upon the analysis of these designs, values for the
required design inputs were determined for Alberta conditions. In general, the use of these
design inputs and values for the design of final stage pavements will result in total pavement
structures that fit AT&U typical pavement structures for Design ESAL levels less than about
1 x 10
and reasonable total pavement structures for Design ESAL levels greater than about 1
x 10
. It was recognized that the design input parameters and values will need to be
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 86
validated and updated based upon pavement performance and consultant experience as
designers become more familiar and experienced with the new design method.
The design inputs required by the AASHTO method and the DARWin 3.0 program along
with recommended values follow.
FWD Deflection Data
The FWD raw data provided to consultants by AT&U are in electronic files generated by the
Dynatest Field Program Edition 25.03. These files include basic project identification
information, pavement temperatures and uncorrected deflections in m for all nine sensors
and for the three loading drops. Text comments may also be included.
The format of the Dynatest 25.03 data file cannot be read by DARWin 3.0. The designer
will be required to develop a program that will convert the Dynatest 25.03 data file into a
format that DARWin can recognize. This conversion program must be able to:
C remove any comments
C convert load, deflections and pavement temperatures to Imperial units, eg. lbf, mils,
C select seven sensors to be used in the design.
DARWin 3.0 only processes seven of the nine deflections. In general, it is recommended
that the following sensor arrangement be used:
Sensor No. Location Used Not Used
No. 1 0 mm (0") T
No. 2 200 mm (8") T
No. 3 300 mm (12") T
No. 4 450 mm (18") T
No. 5 600 mm (24") T
No. 6 900 mm (36") T
No. 7 1200 mm (48") T
No. 8 1500 mm (60") T
No. 9 1800 mm (72") T
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 87
The deflection from the No. 1 sensor is used to determine the backcalculated pavement
stiffness modulus. One of the outer sensors is used to determine the backcalculated subgrade
modulus. Experience to date has indicated that the sensors at 200 mm and 1800 mm are not
normally required. The DARWin 3.0 program reports which sensor was used to
backcalculate the subgrade modulus. The designer should be aware that it may be necessary
to adjust which sensors should be used.
It may be useful to apply the ASTM Standard Guide [ASTM 94] or procedures developed as
a product from the Strategic Highway Research Program [BRE 97] for analyzing deflection
basin results.
Design Traffic
The Design ESALs/lane for the design period is determined as outlined in Section 5.
Serviceability Loss
The recommended values for Initial Serviceability (p
) and Terminal Serviceability (p
) are
4.2 and 2.5 respectively.
The Reliability to be used for final stage pavement design is a function of the Design ESALs
shown in Table 9.1:
Design ESALs (x10
) Reliability (%)
<0.1 75
0.1 - 5.0 75
5.0 - 10.0 85
> 10.0 90
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 88
Overall Standard Deviation, S
The recommended value for Overall Standard Deviation is 0.45.
Resilient Modulus Correction Factor
The recommended combined factor to adjust the backcalculated subgrade modulus to make it
consistent with the value used to represent the AASHO Road Test subgrade and to adjust it
for seasonal variations in subgrade strength is 0.36. Further background to this adjustment
factor is presented in Section 2.2.3.
Structural Coefficient
The recommended value for the structural layer coefficient of asphalt concrete is 0.40.
Other Design Inputs
Other design inputs include the Total Pavement Thickness (combined thickness of all
pavement layers above the subgrade), the Existing AC Thickness (total thickness of all
asphalt bound layers), Pavement Temperature at the time of FWD testing (this is included in
the FWD data file), pavement base type (granular, cement treated, etc.), and Milling
Thickness (any material that will be milled is not counted in the structural contribution of the
existing pavement) which would normally be 0.
9.2.3 DARWin 3.0
DARWin 3.0 allows the designer to utilize FWD deflection data to determine the subgrade
soil and pavement moduli through back calculation techniques built into the program. The
original version of DARWin 3.0 was released in April 1997 and replaced DARWin 2.0. In
addition to its capabilities to design both rigid and flexible new pavement structures and
pavement overlays, the program also include other features such as life cycle cost analysis
and the ability to convert metric/Imperial units.
For the design of pavement overlays, DARWin 3.0 will allow the designer to determine the
average backcalculated subgrade and pavement moduli and required overlay thickness for
any user specified section of roadway. The program will also provide profile plots of
subgrade or pavement moduli over the length of roadway being analyzed. However, the
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 89
current program will not provide profile plots of required final stage pavement thickness on a
point-by-point basis. DARWin 3.0 also currently lacks flexibility with respect to exporting
of analysis results. It will be necessary for consultants to develop required plots and other
report formats by manually inputting DARWin 3.0 output into a spreadsheet (Excel or
Lotus). Users are also cautioned that as with any new programs, future modification and
enhancements will be required as the program is implemented and more widely tested.
9.3 Methodology - Final Stage Pavement Design
The recommended design steps to be followed by consultants using AASHTO methodology
and DARWin 3.0 are:
1. Review Existing Information (Existing pavement structures, historical strength test
results, historical QA test results, etc.)
2. Carry Out Preliminary Pavement Structural Design
C Establish Design Inputs (Design period, Design ESALs, Reliability, subgrade
correction factors, etc.)
C Analyze Project
- Divide project into preliminary sections based on design ESALs, existing
pavement structure and pavement performance and condition.
- Analyze preliminary sections in 0.5 km segments using DARWin 3.0 and
review point-by-point FWD deflections and moduli values. Determine the
backcalculated moduli and the final stage pavement thickness requirement for
each segment.
C Develop preliminary structural pavement design
- Subdivide project into uniform sections based on backcalculated moduli and
final stage thickness requirements for each segment and determine average
backcalculated moduli and preliminary final stage pavement thickness for
each uniform section using DARWin 3.0.
3. Carry Out Field Evaluation
C Confirm/validate pavement performance
C Identify requirements for preliminary leveling, localized repairs, reprofiling,
C Identify needs for field sampling and testing.
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 90
4. Carry Out Laboratory Testing And Evaluation (if required)
5. Finalize Design, Documentation And Report
C The final report should summarize all background information and test data
referenced; document all design analysis, field observations, additional field
testing, laboratory testing and evaluation, and all assumptions; and provide
the recommended strategy and detailed design and ACP Mix Type selection.
Depending upon the complexity and other project specific requirements, it may not be
necessary to carry out each step in detail. Alternatively, it may be necessary to broaden the
design process in some cases. In general, it is expected that each step will be addressed by
the consultant.
9.4 Design Example - Final Stage Pavement
Highway 3:10 Eastbound Lanes from Lethbridge to Junction Highway 36N, km 13.58 to km
21.30, was designed as two lane roadway to twin the existing roadway, with 3.75 m wide
lanes and 2.5 m wide paved median shoulder and 3.0 m wide paved outside shoulder. The
subgrade, granular base and first stage ACP layer was constructed in 1994. FWD testing of
this facility was carried out in August 1995. The final stage pavement was programmed for
construction in 1996.
This example is for the eastbound outer travel lane.
1. Review Existing Information
The Pavement Management System Status Summary report indicates the following structure
for the outside eastbound lane:
Section Structure
13.58 - 21.30 60mm ACP 1994
300mm GBC 1994
CL Subgrade
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 91
2. Carry Out Preliminary Pavement Structural Design
2.1 Establish Design Inputs
C FWD Deflection Data - The FWD testing was carried out in July 1995. The raw data
was converted into a format recognizable by DARWin. 3.0. The recommended seven
sensors were used.
C Design ESALs - ESALs/day/direction = 567 (1993 Traffic Volumes Report)
Lane distribution = 85% outside lane: 15% inside lane
Seasonal distribution = uniform
Design period = 20 years
Traffic growth factor = 3% (changed from 5% based on local
Design ESALs = 567 x .85 x 365 x 26.87
= 4.7 x 10
(in design lane)
C Serviceability Initial Serviceability = 4.2
Terminal Serviceability = 2.5
C Reliability R = 75% (for 4.7 x 10
Design ESALs) in accordance with
Table 9.1
C Overall Standard Deviation S
= 0.45
C Resilient Modulus Correction Factor = 0.36
2.2 Analyze Project
C The project was broken into preliminary sections based upon existing pavement
structure. Each 0.5 km section was analyzed using DARWin 3.0 and the design input
values. A review of the profile plots of the FWD central deflection (Figure 9.1)
highlighted one single test result at km 16.7 which was considered an outlier and was
not included in further analysis. Special note was made to take a close look at this
location during the field evaluation. The DARWin 3.0 reported average subgrade
modulus, pavement modulus and required final stage pavement thickness for each 0.5
km section was manually transferred into Excel. Excel profile plots generated are
presented in Figure 9.2.
C Based upon a visual evaluation of the profile plots, the project was divided into the
following uniform sections:
km 13.5 - km 14.5
km 14.5 - km 21.3
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 92
The actual individual deflection data and backcalculated moduli values for each
tested location between km 13.5 to 14.5 were reviewed. This review indicated that
the data and values were consistent and reflected the roadway structural condition.
2.3 Develop Preliminary Structural Pavement Design
The DARWin 3.0 output for the section from km 13.5 to 14.5 is presented in Figure 9.3.
DARWin 3.0 was used to determine the average required final stage pavement thickness for
each section:
Section Preliminary Overlay Thickness (mm)
km 13.5 - km 14.5 155
km 14.5 - km 21.3 131
This was considered the preliminary structural pavement design.
3. Carry Out Field Evaluation
The field evaluation indicated that the existing first stage pavement appeared to be in an
acceptable condition with no signs of structural distress. The pavement condition in the area
of km 16.7 was evaluated in detail. This area was located near a median cross-over. No
particular distress was observed during the evaluation. This location should be inspected
again at the time of construction to determine if any deterioration is present which could
require special remediation or repair.
Additional field testing or sampling was not identified as a need.
4. Carry Out Laboratory Testing and Evaluation
A laboratory testing and evaluation program was not identified as a need.
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 93
5. Finalize Design, Documentation and Report
The final recommended final stage pavement thickness design was:
Section Final Stage Pavement Thickness (mm)
km 13.5 - km 14.5 150 (60mm final lift)
km 14.5 - km 21.3 130 (60 mm final lift)
This is presented in Figure 9.4.
The pavement condition in the area of km 16.7 should be inspected again at the time of
construction to determine if any deterioration is present which could require special
remediation or repair.
In this case the pavement design for the inside lane is the same as for the outside lane since
no centreline shift was allowed for during the construction of the first stage ACP.
The project is located in Zone B. Based upon the Designs ESALs of 4.7 x 10
, Asphalt Mix
Type 1 was selected from Table 2.2.
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 94
Figure 9.1 HW 3:10 - Sensor D
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 95
Figure 9.2 HW 3:10 - Profile Plots
Pavement Design Manual Section 9 Final Stage Pavements - Page 96
Figure 9.3 Hwy 3:10 - DARWin 3.0 Output
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Figure 9.4 HW 3:10 Recommended Final Stage Pavement Design
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Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 99
10.1 Introduction
The roadway network in Alberta has gone through a rapid expansion in the 1950's, 1960's
and 1970's. Many of the pavements are now reaching the end of their service lives.
Rehabilitation treatments are required to further extend pavement life and provide acceptable
As the expansion of the highway network is reduced and the existing network matures, a
greater proportion of transportation budgets will be focused on maintenance and
rehabilitation of paved roadways.
The reasons for rehabilitating a pavement include:
C unacceptable level of service in terms of riding comfort
C unacceptable level of distress
C inadequate structural capacity for expected traffic loads
C unacceptable level of safety
C unacceptable maintenance costs.
In the design of structural rehabilitation, factors such as traffic, environment, pavement
materials, performance prediction and economic evaluation of alternative design strategies
need to be considered.
The design of structural rehabilitation is therefore very similar to the design of final
pavement structures. The main difference between the two design approaches is that in the
design of structural rehabilitation, there may be several cost-effective rehabilitation strategies
available to the designer to remedy both functional and structural pavement distresses. The
design of a final pavement structure in most cases is governed by structural needs because
the first stage pavement is usually not old enough to exhibit distresses related to traffic
loading and the environment.
The structural evaluation of the existing pavement considered for rehabilitation is standard
practice in Alberta. Until 1991, AT&U used the Benkelman beam to measure pavement
deflections. Based on the deflections the required structural overlay thickness was
determined. The design method which was used by AT&U was developed by Alberta
Research Council (ARC) and was an empirical procedure.
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 100
In 1989, with the acquisition by the Department of its first FWD, work commenced to
replace the existing empirical design method with a mechanistic-empirical approach. It was
decided at that time that the ELMOD computer program be adopted as the design
methodology to interpret the FWD deflection data. ELMOD is a computer program which
incorporates a simplified mechanistic-empirical design procedure.
More recently, the AASHTO method for the design of pavement overlays based upon
nondestructive deflection testing of the existing pavement with the FWD has been adopted
by AT&U. A computer program called DARWin (Design, Analysis and Rehabilitation for
WINdows) is used to analyze the FWD deflection data and determine pavement overlay
requirements in accordance with the design methodology presented in the AASHTO Guide
and using design input values developed for Alberta conditions.
Pavements are tested using the FWD, usually one or two years prior to a project being
programmed for rehabilitation. The collection of FWD test data and other pavement
evaluation testing is coordinated by AT&U. The raw FWD test results are provided, along
with all other pavement evaluation test results, to the consultant retained to carry out the
pavement design. These are reported on in more detail in Section 4.
10.2 AASHTO Rehabilitation Design Procedures
The AASHTO methodology and design procedures for rehabilitation of existing pavements
is presented in PART III of the Guide [AASHTO 93]. The design steps to determine the
required overlay thickness as outlined in the Guide are:
1. Assessment of existing pavement design and construction.
2. Traffic analysis
3. Condition survey
4. Deflection testing
5. Coring and materials testing
6. Determination of required structural number for future traffic (SN
). The effective
design subgrade modulus is determined by backcalculation from deflection data.
7. Determination of effective structural number (SN
) of the existing pavement. The
determination of SN
is based upon an assumption that the structural capacity of the
pavement is a function of its total thickness and overall stiffness. The effective
modulus of the pavement layers is backcalculated from FWD deflection data.
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 101
8. Determination of overlay thickness. The thickness of the AC overlay is computed as
= SN
= (SN
- SN
= Required overlay Structural Number
= Structural layer coefficient for the AC overlay
= Required overlay thickness
= Structural Number for future traffic
= Effective Structural Number of the existing pavement
DARWin 3.0 [DARWIN 97] is used to analyze the FWD deflection data to determine the
backcalculated subgrade and pavement moduli. These values along with other required
design inputs are used to determine pavement overlay requirements in accordance with the
design methodology presented in the AASHTO Guide. Familiarity with the AASHTO
Guide and knowledge of the requirements of this design manual, AASHTO design principles
and FWD testing methods are required in order to use the DARWin program as an effective
design and analysis tool.
10.2.2Design Inputs
The adaptation of AASHTO design methodology required the calibration of AASHTO input
design parameter values to past and present AT&U practice, experience and pavement
performance. A number of projects were selected to evaluate and compare ELMOD and
AASHTO overlay design methodologies. Based upon the analysis of these designs, values
for the required design inputs were determined in order that similar overlay thicknesses
would be provided by the AASHTO method as had been provided in the past for low and
medium Design ESAL levels. The AASHTO method may provide thicker overlays for very
high Design ESALs than provided for in the past.
It was recognized that the design input parameters and values will need to be validated and
updated based upon pavement performance and consultant experience as designers become
more familiar and experienced with the new design method.
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 102
The design inputs required by the AASHTO method and the DARWin 3.0 program along
with recommended values follow.
FWD Deflection Data
The FWD raw data provided to consultants by AT&U are in electronic files generated by the
Dynatest Field Program Edition 25.03. These files include basic project identification
information, pavement temperatures and uncorrected deflections in m for all nine sensors
for the three loading drops. Text comments may also be included.
The format of the Dynatest 25.03 data file cannot be read by DARWin 3.0. The consultant
will be required to develop a program that will convert the Dyntatest 25.03 data file into a
format that DARWin can recognize. This conversion program must be able to:
C remove any comments
C convert the load, deflections and pavement temperatures to Imperial units, eg. lbf,
mils, F.
C select seven sensors to be used in the design.
DARWin 3.0 only processes seven of the nine deflections. In general, it is recommended
that the following sensor arrangement be used:
Sensor No. Location Used Not Used
No. 1 0 mm (0") T
No. 2 200 mm (8") T
No. 3 300 mm (12") T
No. 4 450 mm (18") T
No. 5 600 mm (24") T
No. 6 900 mm (36") T
No. 7 1200 mm (48") T
No. 8 1500 mm (60") T
No. 9 1800 mm (72") T
The deflection from the No. 1 sensor is used to determine the backcalculated pavement
stiffness modulus. One of the outer sensors is used to determine the backcalculated subgrade
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 103
Experience to date has indicated that the sensors at 200 mm and 1800 mm are not normally
required. The DARWin 3.0 program reports which sensor was used to backcalculate the
subgrade modulus. The designer should be aware that it may be necessary to adjust which
sensors should be used.
It may be useful to apply the ASTM Standard Guide [ASTM 94] or procedures developed as
a product from the Strategic Highway Research Program [BRE 97] for analyzing deflection
basin results.
Design Traffic
The Design ESALs/lane for the design period is determined as outlined in Section 5.
Serviceability Loss
The recommended values for Initial Serviceability (p
) and Terminal Serviceability (p
) are
4.2 and 2.5 respectively.
The Reliability to be used for overlay design is a function of the Design ESALs as shown in
Table 10.1
Design ESALs (x10
) Reliability (%)
<0.1 50
0.1 - 5.0 50
5.0 - 10.0 75
> 10.0 85
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 104
Overall Standard Deviation, S
The recommended value for Overall Standard Deviation is 0.45.
Resilient Modulus Correction Factor
The recommended combined factor to adjust the backcalculated subgrade modulus to make it
consistent with the value used to represent the AASHO Road Test subgrade and to adjust it
for seasonal variations in subgrade strength is 0.36. Further background to this adjustment
factor is presented in Section 2.2.3.
Structural Layer Coefficient
The recommended value for the structural layer coefficient of asphalt concrete is 0.40.
Other Design Inputs
Other design inputs include the Total Pavement Thickness (combined thickness of all
pavement layers above the subgrade), the Existing AC Thickness (total thickness of all
asphalt bound layers), Pavement Temperature at the time of FWD testing (this is included in
the FWD data file), pavement base type (granular, cement treated, etc.), and Milling
Thickness (any material that will be milled is not counted in the structural contribution of the
existing pavement).
10.2.3 DARWin 3.0
DARWin 3.0 allows the designer to utilize FWD deflection data to determine the subgrade
soil and pavement moduli through back calculation techniques built into the program. The
original version of DARWin 3.0 was released in April 1997 and replaced DARWin 2.0. In
addition to its capabilities to design both rigid and flexible new pavement structures and
pavement overlays, the program also include other features such as life cycle cost analysis
and the ability to convert metric/Imperial units.
For the design of pavement overlays, DARWin 3.0 will allow the designer to determine the
average backcalculated subgrade and pavement moduli and required overlay thickness for
any user specified section of roadway. The program will also provide profile plots of
subgrade or pavement moduli over the length of roadway being analyzed. However, the
current program will not provide profile plots of required overlay thickness on a point-by-
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 105
point basis. DARWin 3.0 also currently lacks flexibility with respect to exporting of analysis
results. It will be necessary for consultants to develop required plots and other report formats
by manually inputting DARWin 3.0 output into a spreadsheet (Excel or Lotus). Users are
also cautioned that as with any new programs, future modification and enhancements will be
required as the program is implemented and more widely tested.
10.3 Rehabilitation Design Strategies
Where rehabilitation is required only to strengthen the pavement structure, the design
strategy for the project may be relatively straight forward and simple.
However in many cases, although rehabilitation may be governed by a structural deficiency
and a pavement overlay is required to strengthen the existing pavement structure, the
pavement may also exhibit VCI and RCI needs. In these cases the overlay design process
will only identify the thickness of the overlay required to strengthen the pavement structure.
This design thickness may need to be increased based upon project logistics and existing
pavement condition to allow for a two lift overlay in order to restore the pavement cross-
section, fill ruts, treat existing crackfiller etc.. Alternatively, there may be other more cost
effective strategies that may be appropriate for the project.
Potential rehabilitation strategies include:
$ Thick two lift structural overlay ($ 80mm)
$ Two lift overlay (20 mm + 50mm min.)
$ One lift overlay (60 mm)
$ Reprofile by cold milling plus overlay (50 mm min.)
$ HIR (Hot In-place Recycling) plus overlay (50 mm min.)
$ Mill & inlay plus overlay (50 mm min.)
$ Preoverlay repairs (eg. crack pre-treatment) plus overlay.
Rehabilitation needs frequently are related to pavement roughness. Pavement roughness
distress may be due to frost heaving, differential settlements, rutting, pavement cracks
('cupping' or 'dipping' resulting from the ingress of water into the pavement structure) or
localized pavement failures.
There are cases where pavement rehabilitation is required only to restore the riding quality of
the pavements. In many other cases, although pavement rehabilitation may be driven by
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 106
roughness needs, there may be a requirement for some degree of pavement strengthening to
achieve the design pavement life.
In cases where the need for rehabilitation is governed by roughness needs and no additional
thickness of the pavement structure is required to strengthen the pavement for the design
period, potential rehabilitation strategies include:
$ Mill & inlay
$ Two lift overlay
$ Preoverlay repairs (eg crack pre-treatment) plus overlay.
Economic analysis following the life cycle costing approach outlined in Section 6 must be
carried out to evaluate potential strategies. Pavement performance experience with respect to
actual service lives of all potential alternative strategies may be limited. It will be necessary
for the design engineer to estimate the service lives and associated maintenance costs of the
alternative strategies being evaluated based upon available information, experience and
engineering judgement.
For primary highways, approximately 38% of the network has been overlaid once and
approximately 12% of the network has been overlaid two or more times. A network analysis
of primary highway pavement performance data by AT&U indicated the following service
lives have been historically been achieved:
Pavement Base Type Average Service Life of First Overlay (yrs.)
Granular Base 14 - 15
Cement Stabilized Base 12 - 14
There may be exceptional circumstances where reconstruction should be considered as a
rehabilitation strategy. In these cases the original roadbed may be the cause of the reduced
serviceability and excessive maintenance costs and rehabilitation of the pavement surface
may only provide a very short term solution. A detailed geotechnical investigation would be
required to identify causes of the poor pavement performance, eg frost heaving, swelling
soils, poor drainage, organic materials etc. and necessary remedial measures. In these cases
where reconstruction is required, consideration should be given to salvage of the existing
asphalt concrete and granular base materials. The potential to recycle these materials on the
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 107
project should be assessed through a laboratory testing and evaluation program as discussed
Section 2. The pavement design for reconstruction sections would follow the methodology
outlined in Section 8.
10.4 Methodology - Rehabilitation Design
The recommended design steps to be followed by consultants using AASHTO methodology
and DARWin 3.0 are:
1. Review Existing Information (Existing pavement structures, RCI test results,
historical strength test results, historical QA test results, etc.)
2. Carry Out Preliminary Pavement Structural Design
C Establish Design Inputs (Design period, Design ESALs, Reliability, subgrade
correction factors, etc.)
C Analyze Project
- Divide project into preliminary sections based on design ESALs, existing
pavement structure and pavement performance and condition.
- Analyze preliminary sections in 0.5 km segments using DARWin 3.0 and
review point-by-point FWD deflections and moduli values. Determine the
backcalculated moduli and overlay thickness requirement for each segment.
C Develop preliminary structural pavement design
- Subdivide project into uniform sections based on backcalculated moduli and
overlay thicknesses requirements for each segment and determine average
backcalculated moduli and preliminary overlay thickness for each uniform
section using DARWin 3.0.
3. Carry Out Field Evaluation
C Confirm/validate pavement performance
C Identify requirements for preliminary levelling, localized repairs, pre-overlay
repairs, reprofiling, etc.
C Identify needs for field sampling and testing.
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 108
4. Carry Out Laboratory Testing And Evaluation (if required)
5. Finalize Alternative Strategies And Carry Out Life Cycle Cost Analysis
C Life cycle cost analysis will be required to assess alternatives where the
serviceability of structurally adequate pavements needs to be restored. A
detailed analysis may not be required in cases where multilift overlays are
required to increase pavement structural capacity.
6. Finalize Design, Documentation And Report
C The final report should summarize all background information and test data
referenced; document all design analysis, field observations, additional field
testing, laboratory testing and evaluation, life cycle cost analysis and all
assumptions; and provide the recommended strategy and detailed design and
ACP Mix Type selection.
Depending upon the complexity and other project specific requirements, it may not be
necessary to carry out each step in detail. Alternatively, it may be necessary to broaden the
design process in some cases. In general, it is expected that each step will be addressed by
the consultant.
10.5 Design Example - Structural Overlay
Highway 8:06, from the Junction Highway 22 to west of the Calgary City Limits, is a two
lane roadway with 3.75 m wide lanes and 2.5 m wide paved shoulders. The base and
pavement was designed and constructed in 1981 and can be considered >unstaged=.
1. Review Existing Information
The Pavement Management System Status Summary report indicates the following;
Section Structure PQI RCI SAI VCI RUT (mm)
0.00 - 14.40 110mm ACP 1981 4.4 5.1 3.9 5.6 6
250mm GBC 1981
CI-CH Subgrade
14.40 - 15.80 160mm ACP 1981 5.1 5.2 6.3 5.9 5
250mm GBC 1981
CL Subgrade
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 109
These parameters indicate that the pavement is rough, with substantial surface distress, and
minor rutting. The first section is substantially weaker than the second one. The RCI and
Rut profiles are presented in Figures 10.1 and 10.2.
2. Carry Out Preliminary Pavement Structural Design
2.1 Establish Design Inputs
C FWD Deflection Data - The FWD testing was carried out in September 1996. The
raw data was converted into a format recognizable by DARWin. 3.0. The
recommended seven sensors were used.
C Design ESALs - ESALs/day/direction = 253 (1993 Traffic Volumes Report)
Lane distribution = 50:50
Seasonal distribution = uniform
Design period = 20 years
Traffic growth factor = 3%
Design ESALs = 253 x 365 x 26.87
= 2.5 x 10
(in design lane)
C Serviceability Initial Serviceability = 4.2
Terminal Serviceability = 2.5
C Reliability R = 50% (for 2.5 x 10
Design ESALs) in accordance with
Table 10.1.
C Overall Standard Deviation S
= 0.45
C Resilient Modulus Correction Factor = 0.36
2.2 Analyze Project
C The project was broken into preliminary sections based upon existing pavement
structure. Each 0.5 km section was analyzed using DARWin 3.0 and the design input
values. A review of the profile plots of the FWD central deflection (the plot for km
0.0 to 6.5 is presented in Figure 10.3) identified results at km 2.40 and km 5.00 that
were considered outliers and were not included in any further analysis. Special note
was make to take a closer look at these locations during the field evaluation. The
DARWin 3.0 reported average subgrade modulus, pavement modulus and required
overlay thickness for each 0.5 km section was manually transferred into Excel.
Profile plots generated are presented in Figure 10.4.
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 110
C Based upon a visual evaluation of the profile plots, the project was divided into the
following uniform sections:
km 0.0 - km 6.5
km 6.5 - km 10.5
km 10.5 - km 13.0, km 13.5 - km 14.5
km 13.0 - km 13.5
km 14.5 - km 15.8
The actual individual deflection data and backcalculated moduli values for each
tested location between km 13.0 to 13.5 were reviewed. This review indicated that
the data and values were consistent and reflected the roadway structural condition.
2.3 Develop Preliminary Structural Pavement Design
DARWIN 3.0 was used to determine the average required overlay thickness for each section:
Section Preliminary Overlay Thickness (mm)
km 0.0 - km 6.5 133
km 6.5 - km 10.5 103
km 10.5 - km 13.0, km 13.5 - km 14.5 65
km 13.0 - km 13.5 110
km 14.5 - km 15.8 4
This was considered the preliminary structural pavement design.
3. Carry Out Field Evaluation
The field evaluation confirmed that varying degrees of structural distress as evidenced by
intermittent fatigue cracking in outer wheel path locations existed from km 0.0 to about km
10.0 and km 13.0 to km 13.5. The pavement the area of km 2.40 and km 5.00 did not
indicate any unusual distress or conditions. The section between km 10.0 to km 13.0, km
13.5 to km 14.5 and km 14.5 to 15.8 did not appear to exhibit any structural distress. Low
temperature transverse cracking was evident between km 0.0 to 14.5; the crack locations
exhibited a build up of crack filler. The section between km 14.5 to 15.8 exhibited only
intermittent hairline transverse cracking; these cracks had not been filled. Additional field
testing or sampling was not identified as a need.
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 111
4. Carry Out Laboratory Testing and Evaluation
A laboratory testing and evaluation program was not identified as a need.
5. Finalize Alternative Strategies and Carry Out Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Based upon a review of all available information, rehabilitation of this project was required
to address pavement structural needs. In order to restore the pavement cross-section and
minimize the risk of existing crackfiller affecting the construction of the pavement, a 20 mm
nominal thickness levelling course was required for the sections between km 10.0 - km 13.0
and km 13.5 - km 14.5. The section between km 14.5 to km 15.8 required only a single lift
overlay. A detailed life cycle cost analysis was not required.
6. Finalize Design, Documentation and Report
The final recommended overlay design was:
Section Design Overlay Thickness (mm)
km 0.0 - km 6.5 130 (60mm final lift)
km 6.5 - km 10.5 100 (60 mm final lift)
km 10.5 - km 13.0, km 13.5 - km 14.5 80 (50 mm final lift)
km 13.0 - km 13.5 110 (60 mm final lift)
km 14.5 - km 15.8 50 (50 mm final lift)
This is presented in Figure 10.5.
The project is located in Zone D. Based upon the Design ESALs of 2.5 x 10
, Asphalt Mix
Type 2 was specified form Table 2.2.
10.6 Design Example - Non-Structural Rehabilitation
Highway 2:76, from km 26.62 to km 44.64, is located in northern Alberta near the British
Columbia border. Highway 2:76 is a two lane roadway with 3.75 m wide lanes and 2.0 m
wide paved shoulders.
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 112
1. Review Existing Information
The Pavement Management System Status Summary report indicated the following;
Section Structure PQI RCI SAI VCI RUT (mm)
26.62 - 44.64 125mm ACP 1975 4.3 4.6 5.5 4.7 7
50mm ACP 1960
50mm ACP 1959
150mm CSBC 1959
Subgrade type unknown
These parameters indicate that the pavement was very rough, with substantial surface
distress, and minor rutting. The RCI and Rut profiles are presented in Figures 10.6 and 10.7
2. Carry Out Preliminary Pavement Structural Design
2.1 Establish Design Inputs
C FWD Deflection Data - The FWD testing was carried out in October 1993. The raw
data was converted into a format recognizable by DARWin. 3.0. The recommended
seven sensors were used.
C Design ESALs - ESALs/day/direction = 170 (1993 Traffic Volumes Report)
Lane distribution = 50:50
Seasonal distribution = uniform
Design period = 20 years
Traffic growth factor = 3%
Design ESALs = 170 x 365 x 26.87
= 1.7 x 10
(in design lane)
C Serviceability Initial Serviceability = 4.2
Terminal Serviceability = 2.5
C Reliability R = 50% (for 1.7 x 10
Design ESALs) in accordance with
Table 10.1.
C Overall Standard Deviation S
= 0.45
C Resilient Modulus Correction Factor = 0.36
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 113
2.2 Analyze Project
C The project had a uniform pavement structure and traffic conditions. Each 0.5 km
section was analyzed using DARWin 3.0 and the design input values. A review of the
profile plots of the FWD central deflection did not identify any obvious outliers which
should be excluded from the analysis. The plot for the section from km 30.50 to km
35.00 is presented in Figure 10.8. The DARWin 3.0 reported average subgrade
modulus, pavement modulus and required overlay thickness for each 0.5 km section
was manually transferred into Excel. Profile plots generated are presented in Figure
2.3 Develop Preliminary Structural Pavement Design
C Based upon a review of all available information, rehabilitation of this project was
required to address pavement roughness needs and generally no additional thickness of
pavement structure was required for strength purposes for a 20 year design period. The
section from km 30.0 to km 30.5 indicated a need for a 3 mm structural overlay which
was considered not to be significant enough to influence the choice of rehabilitation
3. Carry Out Field Evaluation
Field observations confirmed that the pavement was in good structural condition with no
evidence of fatigue cracking or other structural-related distress. Significant transverse
cracking was evident throughout the project which is characteristic of cement stabilized base
pavements. The very low RCI resulted from roughness associated with the transverse cracking.
No additional field sampling or testing was identified.
4. Carry Out Laboratory Testing and Evaluation
If the HIR strategy was determined to be a cost effective alternative, a field coring and
laboratory testing and evaluation program would be initiated in order to evaluate the potential
for recycling the existing pavement.
5. Finalize Alternative Strategies and Carry Out Life Cycle Cost Analysis
The following alternative potential strategies were finalized and the service lives and original
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 114
construction costs estimated. The estimated service lives were based upon engineering
judgement and knowledge of local conditions and would apply to the conditions of this project
Strategy Est. Service Life (yrs.) Est. Capital Cost ($/km)
A. 20 + 50 mm overlay 13 - 15 57 000
B. HIR (50 mm) 7 - 11 25 000
C. Mill and Inlay (50 mm) 9 - 13 34 000
D. Reprofile + 50 mm overlay 11 - 13 47 000
It is assumed that a 60 mm overlay will be required at the end of the estimated service life for
all three alternative strategies. This overlay is estimated to cost $49 000/km and have a 15 year
service life.
It is assumed that maintenance costs are similar for the four alternatives over the analysis
Based upon the service life predictions made for the various strategies, the following proposed
rehabilitation schedule has been developed:
Year Alternative Strategy
0.00 20 + 50 mm
(50 mm)
Mill and Inlay
(50 mm)
Reprofile + 50
mm overlay
9 60 mm overlay
11 60 mm overlay
12 60 mm overlay
14 60 mm overlay
24 60 mm overlay
26 60 mm overlay
27 60 mm overlay
29 60 mm overlay
Maintenance costs have not been included because they have been assumed to be relatively
equal for all alternative strategies.
Based upon the rehabilitation schedule, and the estimated costs of the various alternative
strategies, and following the life cycle cost analysis methodology outlined in Section 6, the
present worth of each alternative, discounted at 4% is summarized as follows:
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 115
Alternative Strategy
20 + 50 mm overlay HIR (50 mm) Mill and Inlay
(50 mm)
Reprofile + 50 mm
Year Capital Discounte
d to year 0
Capital Discounted
to year 0
Capital Discounted
to year 0
Capital Discounted
to year 0
0.00 57,000 57,000 25,000 25,000 34,000 34,000 47,000 47,000
9 49,000 34,427
11 49,000 31,829
12 49,000 30,605
14 49,000 28,296
24 49,000 19,116
26 49,000 17,674
27 49,000 16,994
29 49,000 15,712
Credit for
Value at
Year 30
45,733 14,100 29,400 9,065 35,900 11,069 39,200 12,086
86,908 69,478 72,435 82,513
The ranking of the three alternative rehabilitation strategies, based upon life cycle cost
analysis was:
Alternative Strategy Total Present Worth Discounted to Year 0
B HIR (50 mm) $69 478
C Mill and Inlay (50 mm) $72 435
D Reprofile + 50 mm overlay $82 513
A 20 mm + 50 mm overlay $86 908
6. Finalize Design, Documentation and Report
This preliminary economic analysis would indicate that HIR is the preferred alternative based
upon lowest life cycle costs. In this case, this alternative also has the lowest initial
construction cost. The final selection would be confirmed based upon a field coring and
laboratory evaluation program to assess the potential to recycle the existing pavement
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 116
There may be other factors that may need to be considered before an optimum strategy is
selected. For example, there may be unquantifiable benefits associated with Alternative
Strategies B (HIR) and C (Mill and Inlay) (eg. no reduction in pavement shoulder widths, no
reduction in overpass clearances, a reduction in aggregate and asphalt material requirements)
that need to be considered.
This example demonstrates that the calculated present worth of any alternative is very
sensitive to the estimate of its service life.
Mix type selection should be carried out in accordance with AT&U criteria which are
currently under review.
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 117
Figure 10.1 HW 8:06 - RCI Plot
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 118
Figure 10.2 HW 8:06 - Rut Plot
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 119
Figure 10.3 HW 8:06 - Sensor D
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 120
Figure 10.4 HW 8:06 - Profile Plots
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 121
Figure 10.5 HW 8:06 - Recommended Structural Overlay Design
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 122
Figure 10.6 HW 2:76 - RCI Plot
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 123
Figure 10.7 HW 2:76 - Rut Plot
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 124
Figure 10.8 HW 2:76 - Sensor D
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 125
Figure 10.9 HW 2:76 - Profile Plots
Pavement Design Manual Section 10 Rehabilitation - Page 126
Pavement Design Manual References - Page 127
[AASHTO 86] American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
AAASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures@, 1986.
[AASHTO 93] American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
AAASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures@, 1993.
[AASHTO 97] American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
AAASHTOWare DARWin 3.0 Pavement Design and Analysis
System@, 1997.
[ASTM 94] May, R.W. and Von Quintus, H.L., AThe Quest for a Standard Guide to
NDT Backcalculation@, STP 1198, American Society for Testing and
Materials, December 1994.
[AT&U 91] Alberta Transportation and Utilities, ABenefit - Cost Analysis Guide@,
[AT&U 92] Alberta Transportation and Utilities, AFalling Weight Deflectometer
(FWD) Field Operation Manual, Version 2.1", March 1992.
[AT&U 95] Alberta Transportation and Utilities, APrimary Highway Traffic
Volume, Vehicle Classification, Travel and ESAL Report@, 1995.
[AT&U 96] Alberta Transportation and Utilities, AHighway Geometric Design
Guide@, 1996.
[AT&U 97] Alberta Transportation and Utilities, AStandard Specifications For
Highway Construction@, 1997
[BRE 97] Von Quintus, H.L. and Killingsworth, Brian, AAnalysis Relating to
Pavement Material Characterizations and Their Effects on Pavement
Performance@, Report for DTFH 61-95-00029, March 1997.
Pavement Design Manual References - Page 128
[ERES 95] ERES Consultants, ACatalog of Current State Pavement Design
Features and Practices; Systems for Design of Highway Pavements,
Interim Report@, NCHRP Project 1-32, National Cooperative Highway
Research Program, November 1995. (Unpublished).
[KPMG 95] KPMG Management Consulting, AProtection of Alberta=s Roads - A
Study of Commercial Vehicle Weight and Safety Compliance@, June
[Kurlanda 94] Kurlanda, M.H. AEvaluation of Subgrade E-Modulus Seasonal
Variations using Falling Weight Deflectometer@, Paper presented at the
FWD Users Group, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1994.
[NCHRP 72] Van Til, C.J., McCullough, B.F., Vallerga, B.A. and Hicks, R.G.,
AEvaluation of AASHO Interim Guides for Design of Pavement
Structures@, NCHRP Report 128, 1972.
[NCHRP 93] Forsyth, R.A., ASynthesis of Practice 189 Pavement Structural Design
Practices@, Transportation Research Board, 1993.
[TAC 97] Transportation Association of Canada, APavement Design and
Management Guide@, 1997.
[TRB 93] Forsyth, Raymond A., A Pavement Structural Design Practices@,
Synthesis of Highway Practice 189, Transportation Research Board,
[Ullidtz 87] Ullidtz, P., APavement Analysis@, Elsevier, 1987.
[Yoder 75] Yoder, E.J. and Witczak, M.W., APrinciples of Pavement Design,
Second Edition@, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,1975.
Note: AT&U references are updated periodically. The consultant shall ensure that the most
recent version is used.
Pavement Design Manual Appendix A - Page 129
Pavement Design Manual Appendix A - Page 130
Pavement Design Manual Glossary Acronyms and Terms - Page 131
PSI Design Serviceability Loss (8.4.1)
3R/4R Resurfacing, Restoration, Rehabilitation/Resurfacing, Restoration,
Rehabilitation, Reconstruction (Section 7)
AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic (5.2.1)
AAPT Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists
AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ACP Asphalt Concrete Pavement (2.1)
AI Asphalt Institute
Structural layer coefficients (8.4.3, 9.2.2, 10.2.2)
Analysis Period Analysis Period (6.1)
ARAN Automatic Road Analyzer (4.2.2)
ARC Alberta Research Council
ASBC Asphalt Stabilized Base Course (2.1)
Asphalt Mix Type AT&U designations for asphalt mix types (2.4)
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
C Correction Factor applied to backcalculated subgrade Modulus (2.2.3)
C-SHRP Canadian Strategic Highway Research Program
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CSBC Cement Stabilized Base Course (2.1)
CTAA Canadian Technical Asphalt Association
DARWin Design, Analysis and Rehabilitation for Windows (2.2.2, 4.2.1, 9.2.3,
Design Period Design Period (6.1)
Design ESALs Cumulative ESALs in the design lane for the design period (5.1)
Design M
Same as Effective Roadbed Resilient Modulus (2.2.3)
Pavement Design Manual Glossary Acronyms and Terms - Page 132
Effective Roadbed
Resilient Modulus
Same as Design M
ELMOD Evaluation of Layer Moduli and Overlay Design Computer Program
ESAL Equivalent Single Axle Load (5.1)
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FWD Falling Weight Deflectometer
Regional Correction Factor applied to backcalculated subgrade
modulus (2.2.3)
GSBC Granular Subbase Course (2.3)
HIR Hot In-place Recycling
LCC Life Cycle Costs (6.1)
Drainage coefficients (8.4.3)
MMS AT&U Maintenance Management System (4.1)
Resilient Modulus (2.2.2)
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Pavement Pavement (1.1)
PI Plasticity Index
PMS AT&U Pavement Management System (4.1)
Initial serviceability (8.4.3, 9.2.2, 10.2.2)
PQI Pavement Quality Index (4.1, 4.2.5)
Terminal serviceability (8.4.3, 9.2.2, 10.2.2)
PW Present Worth 6.2)
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
R Reliability (8.4.3, 9.2.2, 10.2.2)
RCI Riding Comfort Index (4.2.2)
SAI Structural Adequacy Index (4.2.5)
Service Life Service Life (6.1)
SHRP Strategic Highway Research Program
Pavement Design Manual Glossary Acronyms and Terms - Page 133
Skid Number Skid Number (4.2.4)
SN Design Structural Number for new construction (8.4.1)
Effective Structural Number (9.2.1, 10.2.1)
Structural Number for Future Traffic (9.2.1, 10.2.1)
Overall Standard Deviation (8.4.3, 9.2.2, 10.2.2)
SUPERPAVE Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements
SUT Single Unit Truck (5.2.1)
TAC Transportation Association of Canada
TCS Traffic Control Section (5.2.1)
TGF Traffic Growth Factor (5.2.3)
TRB Transportation Research Board
TTC Tractor Trailer Combination (5.2.1)
Relative damage factor (2.2.3)
VCI Visual Condition Index (4.2.3)
Pavement Design Manual Glossary Acronyms and Terms - Page 134
Pavement Design Manual Appendix B - Page 135
Pavement Design Manual Appendix B - Page 136
Pavement Design Manual Conversion Factors - Page 137
To convert from To Multiply by
Fahrenheit (temperature) Celsius t
- 32)/1.8
foot metre 0.30480
) metre
inch millimetre (mm) 25.4
mil m 25.4
mile kilometre 1.609344
pound-force newton (N) 4.448222
kilopascal (kPa) 6.894757
tonne (metric) kilogram (kg) 1000
pound (mass) kilogram 0.4535924
Celsius (temperature) Fahrenheit t
*1.8) + 32
metre foot 3.280840
) foot
) 10.763915
millimetre (mm) inch 0.03937
m mil 0.03937
kilometre mile 0.6213711
Newton (N) pound-force 0.2248089
kilopascal (kPa) pound-force/inch
kilogram tonne (metric) 0.001
kilogram(kg) pound (mass) 2.2046
Pavement Design Manual Conversion Factors - Page 138
Pavement Design Manual Appendix C - Page 139
ABackcalculation of Pavement Layered Moduli In Support of
The 1993 AASHTO Guide For The Design of Pavement Structures@
Pavement Design Manual Appendix C - Page 140
Pavement Design Manual Executive Summary - Page 141
Pavement Design Manual Executive Summary - Page 142
Pavement Design Manual Executive Summary - Page 143
Pavement Design Manual Executive Summary - Page 144
Pavement Design Manual Executive Summary - Page 145
Pavement Design Manual Executive Summary - Page 146

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