SP 4 Pro Paved Design Method
SP 4 Pro Paved Design Method
SP 4 Pro Paved Design Method
SpectraPave4 PR O v3
MSL Coefficient
SN = a1D1+a2D2m2
June 2010
TriAx Geogrid
Geogrid usage has steadily evolved since the products were first introduced in early 1980s. Tensar biaxial geogrids have gained widespread acceptance in the Americas over the last 25 years primarily as a solution to problems associated with pavements, haul roads and working surfaces constructed on soft or problematic soils. By examining all the design characteristics of biaxial geogrids, and through independent testing and research, Tensar International has identified the key geogrid parameters that affect performance with Tensar geogrids. These parameters are the profile of the rib section, rib thickness, junction efficiency, aperture size and in-plane stiffness. This research evolved into a revolutionary change from a rectangular to a triangular grid aperture. This fundamental change to the grid structure, coupled with an increase in rib thickness and junction efficiency, gives greatly improved aggregate confinement and interaction, leading to improved structural performance of the mechanically stabilized layer (MSL). The new TriAx Geogrid outperforms Tensar biaxial geogrid for the following reasons: Load Distribution Load distribution is 3-dimensional and is distributed radially throughout the aggregate. For a stabilized layer to be effective it must have the ability to distribute load through 360 degrees. To ensure optimum performance, the geogrid reinforcement in a Mechanically Stabilized Layer (MSL) should have a high radial stiffness throughout the full 360 degrees. TriAx geogrid starts as an extruded sheet of polypropylene. The unique TriAx structure is the result of punching an array of holes in the polymer sheet and stretching it to its final form. This patented process, coupled with the design of the junctions, results in a product with high junction strength and stiffness. Rigorous testing has been conducted in line with each of the three rib directions. In each direction tested, the junction strength is found to be essentially equal to the rib strength - giving a junction efficiency greater than 90%.
Junction Integrity
Junction Efficiency
Multi -Directional Properties As the name implies and because of their bi-directional structure, biaxial geogrids have tensile stiffness predominantly in two directions. TriAx geogrids exhibit three principal directions of stiffness, which is further enhanced by their rigid triangular geometry. This produces a significantly different structure than any other geogrid available on the market today and provides high strength 360 degrees stiffness. TriAx is truly a multi-axial product with near isotropic properties and proven multi-directional performance. TriAx geogrids have greater rib depth compared with conventional biaxial geogrids of similar weight. To compare performance advantages between both forms of geogrid with various rib depths, Tensar International commissioned trafficking tests and analytical modeling. The results were conclusive in confirming that an improved structural performance of a mechanically stabilized layer (MSL) demonstrated the advantage of the TriAx geogrids deeper rib depth. In addition, numerical modeling techniques confirmed the importance of geogrid rib thickness on aggregate confinement and load dissipation.
Background Information
Readily available research suggests that the two main types of geosynthetic reinforcement, geogrids and geotextiles, perform differently due to a different set of mechanisms that become mobilized under the influence of vehicular traffic. Evaluation of the effects associated with the use of geosynthetics in paved applications is based on pavement trials undertaken in both small-scale laboratories and full-scale field-testing. Extensive research summaries from such work are provided by Perkins and Ismeik (1997) and within GMA White Paper II (2000). Further, past versions of Tensars commercial software package, SpectraPave, relied on AASHTOs guidance as found in its publication entitled (AASHTO Designation PP 46-01 [2001] and renamed R 50-09 [2009]). Within R 50-09 and its predecessor, PP 46-01 a single Traffic Benefit Ratio (TBR) or Base Course Reduction (BCR) value approach is used to account for the benefit derived from inclusion of a geogrid within a flexible pavement structure. R 50-09 and PP46-01 provide no guidance on how to conduct a study to arrive at a TBR/BCR range. In addition, variations in pavement structure geometry and loading conditions are noticeably missing. Furthermore, these guidelines do not delineate the applications of subgrade stabilization and base course reinforcement.
Recommended practice for Geosynthetic Reinforcement of Aggregate Base Course of Flexible Pavement Structures
additional sets of traffic improvement values. Within this document, the collection of numerous individual traffic improvement factor (TIF) values for each separate pavement geometry (thicknesses & material types) and subgrade condition form the basis of Tensars catalogue of pavement structures (Formally referred to as a TBR range). Although not expressed as a TIF data set in the past, values associated with traffic improvement for a given set of experimental conditions for Tensars BX1100 and BX1200 geogrids ranged from 1.5 to 6 respectively for use in SpectraPave2 and SpectraPave3 software. This early work may have led to the incorrect perception that TBR values are constant for all pavement sections independent of variables such as asphalt thickness, subgrade support value, aggregate thickness and aggregate quality. Tensar International has conducted numerous empirical or accelerated pavement studies and from recent and past data, it is evident that the TIF value for a single product is not constant. Instead, it varies depending upon several important factors. These factors include but are not limited to, thickness of aggregate in which the geogrid is placed, location of the geogrid relative to the pavement surface, initial strength of the subgrade soils and the quality of aggregate used in construction of the pavement section. Factors affecting each experimental TIF value include: Aggregate Thickness Aggregate Quality Location of Geogrid (Stabilization and/or Base Course Reinforcement) Asphalt Thickness (Thick vs. Thin) Partially confined zone and fully confined zone of aggregate above the geogrid (MSL Stiffness) Subgrade strength or resilient modulus
Research results presented in the Tensar Technical Note TTN: BR-96 (Design Guideline for Flexible Pavements with Tensar Geogrid Base Layers) report, as well as other research conducted since this time, led to the identification of
Keeping these factors in mind, identification of a stiffness increase in the unbound materials surrounding Tensar geogrid was documented at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, (Kwon, et. al., 2008 and 2009) and the enhanced confinement effect associated with use of TriAx geogrid was field verified by Iowa State University (White, 2010) through subgrade stabilization of an unpaved road project. As depicted in Figures 1 and 2 below, a base course aggregate was placed over a 2% CBR subgrade in two (2) compacted 12-inch lift thicknesses. Figure 1 illustrates the layout of horizontal and vertical stress cells. Figure 2 depicts the readings of horizontal stress within the subgrade versus the passage of construction and truck traffic during test pad construction and trafficking.
Subbase Lift 2
12 inches
Subbase Lift 1
Treatment layer Vertical stress cell
12 inches
Lift 1
Lift 2
Case CAT Truck
CAT Truck
0 0 50 100 150
Figure 2 Horizontal Stress within the subgrade layer after roller compaction and test vehicle passes Evident within Figure 2, is the minimal amount of post traffic stress remaining within the subgrade in comparison to the level of horizontal stress exhibited in the control section. The lateral stress below the TriAx geogrid is a little over 5 kPa versus 20 kPa for the control test section. This equates to a stress state value that is 25% of the control stress state thus indicating a high level of subgrade protection.
Figure 3, below, depicts the horizontal stress state post trafficking exhibited within the first 12-inch lift of subbase material. In contrast to the control, TriAx geogrid confines the unbound aggregate leading to an increased lateral stress within the aggregate and a higher resilient modulus for the reinforced subbase.
Lift 1
Case 20 CAT Truck
Lift 2
Case CAT Truck
0 0 50 100 150
Figure 3 Horizontal Stress within the subbase layer 1 after roller compaction and test vehicle passes This work demonstrated an enhanced fully confined zone above the TriAx resulting in uniform vertical stress across the subgrade resulting in less lateral stress. This mechanism is graphically depicted in Figure 4. This field study also demonstrated the difference between performance of TriAx and biaxial geogrids. This information formed the logic behind development of SpectraPave4 PRO around only the TriAx geogrid. As such, other geosynthetics are not included within SpectraPave4 PRO design software.
Figure 4 Graphic Representation of the TriAx Enhanced Aggregate Confinement Mechanism Copyright 2010, Tensar International
The horizontal stress values shown in Figures 2 and 3 were confirmed through field determination of the following relative density values for the second or upper subgrade lift after the completion of 21 truck passes: Control = 90.2% TX160 = 98.5% These numbers demonstrated that the aggregate placed over the TriAx geogrid can be compacted to a much higher degree than for a control section or even one containing a Biaxial geogrid. This in turn results in a higher resilient modulus for the aggregate immediately above the TriAx geogrid. A pavement designer can now confidently account for the presence of TriAx geogrid through consideration of this enhanced confinement mechanism. The result of increased mechanical interlock in and lower subgrade and/or subbase stresses leads to an increase in the resilient modulus of aggregate adjacent to the TriAx geogrid. As such, aggregate used specifically with a TriAx geogrid is referred to as a m echanically stabilized layer or MSL within the SpectraPave4 PRO software.
Figure 5: Comparison between reinforced and unreinforced pavement sections. Copyright 2010, Tensar International -6
Figure 6: TIF/TBR vs. Aggregate Thickness Relationship for increasing Subgrade CBR values
In the AASHTO 1993 empirical design formula (Equation 1 below), the predicted pavement life is a function of the structural number (SN), serviceability limits, and reliability. As such, pavem ent life using a TriAx geogrid is calculated based on an enhanced SN. The MSL Coefficient, or a value, of the TriAx geogrid-reinforced pavement section is the key component of the enhanced SN value used within the AASHTO empirically based SN equation (Equation 2). The a value is representative of aggregate quality and degree of enhanced confinement achieved with a particular geogrid. Calibration of this a value has been done with an extensive catalogue of pavement structures (thicknesses & material types), subgrade conditions, and TIF data. Complex algorithms that are based on the a value calibrations have been created and programmed into SpectraPave4 PRO. The program
automatically assigns the proper calibrated a value to the TriAx MSL for the user defined input conditions.
(Equation 1)
PSI log10 4.2 1.5 + 2.32 log M 8.07 log10 (W18 ) = Z R S o + 9.36 log10 ( SN + 1) 0.20 + 10 R 1094 0.40 + 5.19 ( SN + 1)
SN = a1D1 + a2D2m2 + a3D3m3 Where; ai = layer coefficients representative of surface, base and subbase courses; Di = actual thickness (in inches) of surface, base and subbase courses, and; mi = drainage coefficients for base and subbase courses.
(Equation 2)
MSL Coefficient
SN = a1D1+a2D2m2
Figure 7: Tensar International Paved Road Design Protocol Summary The TIF is calibrated to an appropriate modified layer coefficient for the Mechanically Stabilized Layer (MSL) within which the TriAx Geogrid is incorporated. This approach more accurately accounts for the variable performance benefit (effective TIF values) associated with the enhanced confinement effect. Layer coefficients presented in the AASHTO 1993 Design Manual for pavement materials are empirically derived correlations to material properties. As such, the layer coefficient is a measure of the relative ability of the material to function as a structural component within the pavement. It is important to note that the new increased layer coefficient is not a reflection of the aggregate material alone, but is adjusted to account for the improved long-term performance due to inclusion of the TriAx geogrid, yielding a stiffened composite of aggregate and geogrid. In addition, current AASHTO correlations for the resilient modulus of a granular base layer and its layer coefficient are not valid for a composite material that consists of granular aggregate material and Tensar TriAx geogrid reinforcement. Because of increased contact forces and stresses around the geogrid, stiffness of the unbound aggregate increases significantly and improves overall pavement performance. The increase in aggregate stiffness is evident from review of Figures 2 and 3 discussed earlier. This increase in, and retention of, stiffness results in a reduction in the amount of rutting and increased fatigue life of the pavement. In addition to a stiffness enhancement, the MSL provides the drainage benefit associated with an unbound aggregate layer as well as the ductility that is not present in treated or untreated unbound aggregate materials.
Deformation (mm)
TX140 TX160
Number Of Passes
70.00 65.00 60.00 55.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 0
TX140 TX7
Figure 10: Profile of Accelerated Pavement Testing Program at the USCOE Facility in Vicksburg, MS.
Figure 12: Control Section with 2 AC After 24,000 ESALs From this research and the use of SpectraPave4 PRO, it is possible to demonstrate the correlation between full-scale research and the program output using pavement design parameters found within the USACE Interim Report. The screen shot from an adjusted cross section is shown below in Figure 14. Based on a predicted design of 41,000 ESALs for the unreinforced pavement section, the expected design life of the reinforced section is 247,000 ESALs.
Applied ESALs
1 0 0.25 0.5 10 100 1000 10000 100000
0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 Item 1 (TX 140) Item 4 (Control) Item 5 (3 in. AC)
Figure 13: Accumulated Rutting for TX140, Control with 2 of AC, and the 3 AC Section
0.25 inch 20
0.75 inch 8+
1.0 inch 5+
Figure 14: Screen Shot from SP4 PRO Showing the Approximate Correlation to USACE Research
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