2016 12D Tower Report
2016 12D Tower Report
2016 12D Tower Report
Tower Municipal Airport (12D)
Prepared for:
Office of Aeronautics
Minnesota Department of Transportation
222 East Plato Boulevard
Saint Paul, MN 55107
(800) 657‐3922
Prepared by:
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
6314 Odana Rd
Madison, WI 53719
(608) 274‐6409
December 2016
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Project Background .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Pavement Management Approach .......................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Scope of Work .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Project Approach ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Update Pavement Inventory .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Pavement Network Definition ...................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Naming Scheme ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Pavement Evaluation ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Distress Types ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 PCI Results ................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.4 Projected PCI .......................................................................................................................................... 14
3. Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Near Term Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 15
3.2 Major Rehabilitation .............................................................................................................................. 16
3.3 Federal Guidelines ................................................................................................................................. 16
Appendix A ‐ Sample Unit Maps
Appendix B ‐ Pictures
Appendix C ‐ PCI Distress Report
Appendix D ‐ Distress Identification
Appendix E ‐ Maintenance and Major Rehabilitation Policies
Appendix F ‐ Localized Maintenance Recommendations
Appendix G ‐ Maintenance Repair Guidelines
List of Figures
Figure 1. Pavement condition life cycle. ....................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2. Network definition map ................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 3. PCI rating scale and repair levels. .................................................................................................. 7
Figure 4. 2016 PCI map ............................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5. Condition distribution. ................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 6. Area‐weighted PCI by pavement use. .......................................................................................... 14
Figure 7. Projected PCI by percent area. .................................................................................................... 14
List of Tables
Table 1. Branch definition. ............................................................................................................................ 4
Table 2. PCI distress types. ............................................................................................................................ 8
Table 3. PCI section summary table. ........................................................................................................... 10
Table 4. Summary of maintenance work plan. ........................................................................................... 15
Table 5. Recommended 5‐year major rehabilitation plan. ......................................................................... 16
12D Tower Municipal Airport
AAC Asphalt Overlaid with Asphalt
AC Asphalt Concrete
APC PCC Overlaid with Asphalt
APMS Airport Pavement Management System
CAD Computer‐aided Drafting
CIP Capital Improvement Plan
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FOD Foreign Object Debris
GIS Geographic Information System
L&T Longitudinal & Transverse Cracking
LCD Last Construction Date
Mn/DOT Minnesota Department of Transportation Office of Aeronautics
PCC Portland Cement Concrete
PCI Pavement Condition Index
Since 1995, Federal grant assurances have required that to continue receiving Federal funding, airports
implement a pavement maintenance‐management program for any pavement constructed or repaired
using Federal money. To help individual airports meet this grant assurance and improve the statewide
airport system, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) Office of Aeronautics
contracted with Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) to provide pavement evaluation and
management inspections at local airports. This report contains the results of the 2016 pavement
inspections at Tower Municipal Airport (12D).
Pavement conditions were assessed using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) procedure, outlined in
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5380 and ASTM D5340 for airfield
pavements. The PCI was developed to provide a numerical value indicating overall pavement condition
that correlates well with the ratings of experienced engineers. During a PCI survey, visible signs of
deterioration within a selected sample unit are recorded and analyzed. The final calculated PCI value is
a number from 0 to 100, with 100 representing a pavement in excellent condition. The PCI evaluation
makes possible forecasting of future deterioration and allows for accurate projections of maintenance
and rehabilitative needs.
The data collected during this project were entered into the MicroPAVER pavement management
software program developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research
Laboratory. The capabilities of MicroPAVER were utilized to meet the following project objectives:
Update and store pavement inventory and condition data.
Develop models to predict future conditions.
Develop maintenance and repair recommendations.
Report the results at the individual and statewide level.
Aviation throughout Minnesota plays a key role in the movement of goods and services with an
estimated overall economic impact of $12.2 billion. Mn/DOT realizes the value in maintaining the paved
facilities by implementing and updating an airport pavement management system (APMS). An APMS
provides guidance for decisions regarding pavement maintenance and repair policies at an airport and
can identify short‐, medium‐, and long‐term rehabilitation needs. Mn/DOT typically has performed PCI
inspections at each airport on a 3‐year cycle so that the most recent pavement condition data in the
APMS reflect the field conditions.
The main goal of any pavement management system is to identify pavements that will receive the most
benefit from an optimally timed repair. By projecting the rate at which the pavement condition will
deteriorate, the optimal time for applying treatments can be determined. Typically, the optimal repair
time is the point at which a gradual rate of deterioration begins to increase to a much faster rate, as
illustrated in figure 1. It is critical to identify this point in time to avoid higher rehabilitation costs caused
by excess deterioration. Figure 1 also shows conceptually how it is cheaper to maintain pavements that
are in good to fair condition, rather than wait until the poor condition requires an expensive
reconstruction treatment.
Often, the identified needs will cost more than the available budget and will need to be prioritized. The
APMS can measure the impact of a limited budget scenario by projecting the future condition of
deferred projects. Ultimately, the APMS will provide Mn/DOT and the airport a planning tool that can
help identify pavement needs, optimize the selection of projects and treatments over a multi‐year
period, and understand the consequences of these plans.
Since 2008, Mn/DOT has retained ARA to update the APMS for 105 of Minnesota’s publicly owned
general aviation airports. Mn/DOT identified approximately 1/3 of the airports to be inspected each
year and provided the available construction history information and existing MicroPAVER databases for
each airport. ARA coordinated the PCI inspections with each airport. After the field work was
completed, ARA updated the MicroPAVER database and computer‐aided drafting (CAD) map for each
airport. MicroPAVER was then used to develop a maintenance work plan based on current distresses.
In addition, a 5‐year projection identifying work levels of recommended pavement repair needs was
prepared at the state level for the various stakeholders to use as a planning tool. Individual reports,
such as this one, were prepared for each airport documenting the results of the pavement inspections.
A statewide analysis report was prepared based on that inspection year’s airports. The airport maps
were linked to the MicroPAVER database to allow for geographic information system (GIS) viewing of
data. In addition, training was provided on the use of the MicroPAVER software and PCI procedure.
2. Project Approach
2.1 Update Pavement Inventory
The pavement inventory at 12D represents the airfield pavements that are intended for aviation‐related
traffic. The main objective in updating the pavement inventory was to determine the year of the
construction (or most recent overlay), the limits of the project, and the surface type for each pavement
area based on construction history. When available, Mn/DOT provided this information for the
pavement‐related projects for areas not already included in previous inspections. ARA then used this
information to update the pavement section definitions on the CAD map and MicroPAVER database
based on project limits, surface type, layer properties, traffic patterns, and overall condition.
2.1.1 Pavement Network Definition
The construction history information was used to divide the pavement network at 12D into
management units—branches, sections, and sample units. A branch is a single entity that serves a
distinct function. For example, a runway is considered a branch because it serves a single function
(allowing aircraft to take off and land). On an airfield, a branch typically represents an entire runway,
taxiway, or apron.
Because of the disparity of characteristics that can occur throughout a branch, it is further subdivided
into units called sections. A section is a portion of the pavement that has uniform construction history,
pavement structure, traffic patterns, and condition throughout its entire length or area. Sections are
used as a management unit for the selection of potential maintenance and rehabilitation projects. The
guideline used in deciding where section breaks are located is to think of the section as the "repair
unit"—a portion of the pavement that will be managed independently and evaluated separately for
pavement maintenance and rehabilitation.
Pavement sections are further subdivided into sample units for inspection purposes. The typical sample
unit size for asphalt concrete (AC) pavements is 5,000 square feet ± 2,000 square feet and 20 slabs ± 8
slabs for portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. A statistical based sampling rate was used to
determine the number of sample units to inspect for each section. The inspected sample units were
representative of the overall condition within a section and were used to extrapolate the condition as a
2.1.2 Naming Scheme
For the pavement management system to work efficiently, some unique identifiers were added to the
database. The branch names assigned were designed to assist in identification of the pavement area.
The first characters are used to identify the pavement use—apron, runway, taxiway, or taxilane
(pavement in and around hangar areas). The next character is a number or letter used to further
identify the pavement branch (such as RY826 for Runway 08/26 or CTA for Connecting Taxiway A). The
sections for each branch are assigned a number starting with 001, 002, and so on. Table 1 presents the
branches defined for 12D and their corresponding areas. For those airports with taxiway guidance signs,
the branch ID may or may not match up with the signage in the field; however, the branch name will
Figure 2 presents the network definition for 12D and represents the pavements included in the APMS.
Some privately built/maintained pavements and “driveways” leading into hangars may not be included
here because they are considered outside the scope of work.
Table 1. Branch definition.
Branch Id Name Number of Sections Area (SF)
APA APRON A 2 51,000
RY826 RUNWAY 8‐26 1 262,400
Airport Total 381,275
To better understand the cause of pavement deterioration, it is necessary to look at the distress types
associated with each PCI. Each distress type has been classified into one of three groups based on
cause—load, climate/durability, or other. Load‐related distresses such as alligator cracking in asphalt
pavements, or corner breaks in PCC pavements, indicate that the structural integrity of the pavement
has been compromised. Climate‐related distresses indicate that the pavement has aged due to seasonal
environmental effects. Distresses that cannot be attributed solely to either load or climate are classified
as other. Table 2 presents the asphalt and PCC distress types in the PCI procedure, their classification,
and identifies which distresses were observed at 12D during the pavement inspection.
Table 2. PCI distress types.
Asphalt Distresses Cause PCC Distresses Cause
Classification Classification
Alligator cracking Load Blowup Climate
Bleeding Other Corner break Load
Block cracking Climate Linear cracking Load
Corrugation Other Durability cracking Climate
Depression Other Joint seal damage Climate
Jet blast Other Small patch Other
Joint reflection cracking Climate Large patch Other
L&T cracking Climate Popouts Other
Oil spillage Other Pumping Other
Patching Other Scaling/crazing Other
Polished aggregate Other Faulting Other
Raveling Climate Shattered slab Load
Rutting Load Shrinkage cracking Other
Shoving Other Joint spalling Other
Slippage cracking Other Corner spalling Other
Swelling Other Alkali Silica Reaction Climate
Weathering Climate
Indicates distresses found at 12D
Table 3. PCI section summary table.
Surface Section 2013 2016 Drop in % Deduct due to
Branch ID Section ID LCD2 Distress types
type1 area (SF) PCI PCI PCI/Yr3 Load4 Climate5
APA 001 AC 30,000 09‐30‐1990 69 57 2 ‐ 100 L&T CR
APA 002 AC 21,000 09‐30‐1990 39 27 3 44 40 ALLIGATOR CR, L&T CR, PATCH, SWELL
CTA 001 AC 7,650 09‐01‐2012 100 93 2 ‐ 24 RAVELLING, SWELL
CTA 002 AC 24,935 09‐30‐1990 69 51 2 22 76 ALLIGATOR CR, L&T CR, SWELL
CTB 001 AC 6,920 09‐01‐2012 100 98 1 ‐ 100 L&T CR
CTB 002 AC 3,920 09‐30‐1991 66 66 1 ‐ 100 L&T CR
RY826 001 AC 262,400 09‐01‐2012 100 92 2 ‐ 100 L&T CR
TLA 001 AC 9,200 07‐01‐2013 100 100 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
TLA 002 AC 15,250 07‐16‐2006 77 66 3 19 81 ALLIGATOR CR, L&T CR, WEATHERING
AC = asphalt cement; AAC = asphalt overlaid with asphalt; PCC = portland cement concrete; APC = PCC overlaid with asphalt
LCD = last construction date (original construction, last overlay, or reconstruction [whichever is most recent])
Drop in PCI/Yr = (100 – PCI)/age where age = 2016 ‐ LCD
Percent of deduct due to load = Percentage of PCI points subtracted from 100 for load related distresses
Percent of deduct due to climate = Percentage of PCI points subtracted from 100 for climate/durability related distresses
350,000 Major
Reconstruction Rehabilitation Preventive Maintenance
300,000 86‐100
Pavement Area (SF)
50,000 41‐55
0‐10 11‐25 71‐85
Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Range
Figure 5. Condition distribution.
Average PCI
Apron, 45
Statewide Avg, 69
Runway, 92
Pavement Use
Statewide Avg, 78
Taxilane, 79
Statewide Avg, 58
Taxiway, 67
Statewide Avg, 75
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
Figure 6. Area‐weighted PCI by pavement use.
2.4 Projected PCI
After the 2016 distress data was entered into MicroPAVER and the PCI determined, a modeling
approach was used to predict future PCI levels based on historical PCI data from Mn/DOT’s airports.
Pavements were grouped together in performance families based on similar construction, traffic,
pavement use, and other factors affecting pavement performance. These performance models predict
future PCI, not future distresses.
Figure 7 shows the projected PCI at 12D by percent area for the next 5 years assuming no major repairs
(overlays, reconstruction, etc.) are performed during that period. It shows how quickly a pavement
network can deteriorate when no capital improvements are made.
Figure 7. Projected PCI by percent area.
3. Recommendations
A 5‐year maintenance and rehabilitation program was developed for 12D based on the 2016 pavement
inspections and the anticipated PCI deterioration for this period. The recommendations are divided into
two categories—near term maintenance (Local M&R) and major rehabilitation (Major M&R). The near
term maintenance is intended to address annual maintenance needs such as crack sealing and localized
patching. The major rehabilitations are applied globally and are capable of returning the pavement to a
nearly distress free‐state. Costs for both categories are based on industry averages and may have to be
adjusted to account for local costs.
The last portion of the report covers the FAA Grant Assurance Number 11 and the steps the airport must
take to remain in compliance with this program.
3.1 Near Term Maintenance
Near term maintenance is considered activities such as crack sealing, patching, and surface treatments
that help to slow down the rate that a pavement is deteriorating. Localized maintenance policies and
unit costs were developed with Mn/DOT for both asphalt and PCC surfaces; each policy presents the
recommended maintenance treatment for each distress/severity combination and are presented in
appendix E.
Table 4 presents the summarized maintenance work quantities and estimated cost to apply this near
term maintenance plan at 12D. The repair quantities are based on extrapolated distress quantities from
the 2016 PCI inspection. National averages of unit costs are used to estimate total costs for each
treatment type; adjustments of local unit costs rates may be necessary for each airport to more
accurately determine the maintenance budgetary needs.
Table 4. Summary of maintenance work plan.
Work Description Work Quantity Work Units Unit Cost Work Cost
Crack Sealing ‐ AC 7,606 Ft $1.22 / Ft $9,279
Patching ‐ AC Deep 545 SqFt $11.42 / SqFt $6,220
Surface Treatment 1,525 SqFt $0.50 / SqFt $763
Total $16,262
Detailed results are reported by section and by treatment type in appendix F. Table F1 summarizes the
maintenance that could be done for each pavement section by type of repair, and estimated quantity of
repair. Likewise, table F2 summarizes the quantity for each repair type across the entire airport.
When using this plan, it is recommended that the entire section be viewed to determine whether the
identified distress types are so advanced in density and severity that maintenance efforts will no longer
be cost‐effective. Maintenance treatments are most cost‐effective when applied to pavements that are
generally in good condition. It is also important to understand that the maintenance plan is based on
the distress types, severities, and quantities found during the 2016 PCI survey. As field conditions
change, the maintenance plan will become less accurate. Therefore, the maintenance plan will be most
useful the sooner it is implemented. Applying maintenance treatments should be an annual event at
the airport, and this maintenance plan can serve as a baseline for that work. Guidelines for performing
crack sealing and patching techniques are provided in appendix G.
Document detailed inspection information with a history of recorded pavement deterioration by
PCI survey (e.g., this report).
An example of a form that can be completed during “drive‐by” inspections is provided in appendix G.
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12D APA 001 (PCI = 69)
Branch: CTA Name: CONNECTING TAXIWAY A Use: TAXIWAY Area: 32,585 SqFt
Branch: CTA Name: CONNECTING TAXIWAY A Use: TAXIWAY Area: 32,585 SqFt
Branch: CTB Name: CONNECTING TAXIWAY B Use: TAXIWAY Area: 10,840 SqFt
Branch: CTB Name: CONNECTING TAXIWAY B Use: TAXIWAY Area: 10,840 SqFt
Branch: RY826 Name: RUNWAY 8-26 Use: RUNWAY Area: 262,400 SqFt
Distress Identification
This appendix lists and describes distress types most commonly identified during the PCI inspections of
Minnesota airports. Note that the pictures provided in this appendix are for illustration purposes and do
not necessarily reflect the conditions or pavements at this airport. Descriptions and measurement
inspection criteria are provided herein.
Longitudinal and transverse cracks are caused by pavement aging, by construction, and by subsurface
movement. Aging occurs as pavement loses some of its components to the atmosphere and becomes
more brittle. Consistent application of pavement sealcoats can help to prevent the occurrence of age
related cracks. Cracks will also develop along poorly constructed paving lane joints. Ensuring that joints
are made when both sides are still hot, and near the same temperature, is one of the best ways to
mitigate this potential problem. Seasonal movement caused by changes in moisture content or
temperature differences can also cause pavement cracks. Asphalt pavement placed over a PCC
pavement or cement stabilized base course may evidence reflective cracking from the underlying
material. Longitudinal and transverse cracks are not caused by wheel loads, although traffic may
worsen their condition.
Low severity longitudinal and transverse cracks are less than ¼ inch wide, or if sealed with suitable filler
material in satisfactory condition can be any width, less than 3 inches, if they are not spalled.
Maintenance usually is not indicated for low-severity cracking. Moderately spalled cracks and cracks
wider than ¼ inch which are not satisfactorily sealed are at medium severity. Medium-severity cracks
should be sealed with a high-quality crack filling material. Severely spalled cracks and cracks wider than
3 inches are at high severity. High-severity L&T cracks normally require patching.
Block cracking is longitudinal and transverse cracking that has established a pattern of blocks ranging in
size from 1ft x 1ft to 10ft x 10ft. This distress typically happens in older asphalt pavements and is an
indication that the bituminous binder has lost most of its flexibility. The severity determination is
basically determined by the crack width criteria defined for longitudinal and transverse cracking. Crack
sealing typically is used to repair block cracking; however, the amount of required sealant can be
extensive due to the high density of cracks.
Alligator (or fatigue) cracks are a series of interconnected load-related cracks caused by fatigue of the
asphalt surface. Alligator cracking is a significant structural distress and develops only in places subject
to traffic loads. These cracks typically initiate at the bottom of the asphalt layer (where tensile strains
At low severity, alligator cracks are evidenced by a series of parallel hairline cracks (usually in a wheel
path). Further traffic and deterioration leads to the interconnection of these cracks. Medium severity
alligator cracking is a well-defined pattern of interconnected cracks, some spalling may be present. High
severity alligator cracks have lost aggregate interlock between adjacent pieces, the cracks may be
severely spalled with FOD potential, and most likely the pieces will move freely under traffic.
Alligator cracking is a structural failure and cannot be repaired with sealant, the proper repair is full-
depth patching.
Example of Raveling/Weathering
Raveling and weathering are the wearing away of the pavement surface. Raveling is the condition
where the mid- to large size aggregates are becoming dislodged; weathering is when the fine aggregate
wears away exposing the edges of the larger aggregate. These distresses are usually evident over large
areas and may occur together (pictured above) or separately. Raveling and weathering may indicate
that the asphalt binder has hardened significantly.
Raveling – At low severity, the number of missing coarse aggregates (> 3/8 inch) is between 5-20
missing/yd2, medium severity (pictured below where the missing coarse aggregates have been dotted
with yellow paint) is 21-40 missing/yd2, and high severity is > 40 missing/yd2.
Low severity
Medium severity
High severity
Patched areas are defined when a portion of the original pavement is replaced with a material intended
as a semi-permanent repair. A patch is documented as a defect because it is considered a break in the
integrity of the pavement structure. Patches are constructed for a variety of reasons including utility
repairs, correcting grade issues, and addressing a defect in the original pavement.
The severity level of patches is determined by the amount of distress (i.e. cracking, depression,
weathering/raveling, etc.) occurring within the limits of the patched area.
Example of Rutting
Ruts are localized, load related, areas of pavement having elevations lower than the surrounding
sections. Rutting is due to base and subgrade consolidation, caused by excessive wheel loads or poor
compaction. Ruts indicate structural failure, and can cause hydroplaning. At low severity, ruts have an
LTD cracking is most often a result of externally applied loads and/or constrained temperature
deformations. External loads cause LTD cracking through flexure. Temperature changes on restrained
slabs will result in stresses due to friction or curling. When any of these stresses exceed the strength of
the slab, cracking will occur. LTD cracking is recorded at low, medium, or high severity, depending on the
width of crack opening and degree of deterioration. At low severity, the crack is less than 1/8th inch
wide with little spalling and no corrective action is indicated. At medium severity, LTD cracks can be up
to 1 inch wide with moderate spalling, and should be repaired and sealed using procedures similar to
joint sealing. At high severity, cracks exceed 1 inch in width and may be severely spalled. High-severity
LTD cracking is evidence of serious load failure of the slab, and correction may require patching or slab
replacement. If the distress occurs in several adjacent slabs at medium or high severity, major
rehabilitation of that pavement area is indicated.
When a slab is divided by LTD cracks into four or more pieces, the slab is said to be "divided" or
"shattered." Shattered slab is a separate distress category and is indicative of significant structural
failure as the slab loses its ability to distribute loads to subgrade and further slab deterioration can be
expected. Shattered slabs are rated in three severities, with slab replacement recommended for
medium and high severities.
Shrinkage cracks are small, nonworking (no spalling along edge) cracks that are visible at the surface but
do not penetrate through the full depth of concrete. Shrinkage cracks most commonly occur shortly
after construction due to concrete shrinkage during the curing process. Shrinkage cracks are usually so
small that they are not visible until staining or material loss at crack edges begins to take place.
Shrinkage cracks do not represent a structural weakness, and no corrective action is prescribed.
Spalls at slab joints and corners are caused by excessive internal stress in the pavement. Spalls occur
when these stresses exceed the shear strength of the concrete. Spalling usually results from thermal
expansion during warm or hot weather. As slabs expand, they push against one another at joints. If the
joints are filled with incompressibles, such as sand, or if adjacent slabs offset slightly, stresses can
become severe, causing spalls. Spalling can be reduced significantly by conscientious maintenance of
joint sealant.
Spall repair requires patching. The extent and severity of spalling on a pavement surface suggests
appropriate action. For example, at low severity, spalled concrete remains securely in place in the slab.
A low-severity spall should be monitored closely for further deterioration and should be patched when
Durability cracking (D-cracking) is caused by environmental factors, the most common of which is
freezing/thawing. It usually appears as a pattern of hairline cracks running parallel to a joint or crack, or
in a corner, where water tends to collect. This type of cracking eventually leads to disintegration of the
pavement, creating FOD potential. At low severity, D-cracking is evident, but no disintegration has
occurred. As the distress advances to medium severity, the distress pattern is evident over a significant
area of the slab, and some disintegration and FOD potential exists. High severity durability cracking is
evidenced by extensive cracking with loose and missing pieces and significant FOD potential.
Joint seal damage is recorded at three severities: low, medium, and high. When joint sealant is in
perfect condition (no damage), it is not a distress. At low severity, at least 10 percent of the sealant is
debonded but still in contact with the joint edges (i.e., joint sealant is in serviceable condition but should
Joint sealant can stop the evidence of pumping (water forced to surface through joints and cracks) but
will not correct the cause (voids under pavement).
Localized Maintenance
Table F.1. Recommended maintenance by section report (12D)
Section / Work Sum of Work Qty (Ft, SqFt) Sum of Work Cost ($)
APA::001 Preventative: PCI Before: 57 After: 63 2,961
Crack Sealing - AC 2,427 2,961
APA::002 Stopgap: PCI Before: 27 After: 45 9,253
Crack Sealing - AC 2,486 3,033
Patching - AC Deep 545 6,220
CTA::002 Restorative: PCI Before: 51 After: 61 2,141
Crack Sealing - AC 1,755 2,141
CTB::002 Preventative: PCI Before: 66 After: 69 118
Crack Sealing - AC 97 118
RY826::001 Preventative: PCI Before: 92 After: 93 573
Crack Sealing - AC 470 573
TLA::002 Preventative: PCI Before: 66 After: 71 1,215
Crack Sealing - AC 371 453
Surface Treatment 1,525 763
Grand Total 16,262
BranchID SectionID Description Severity Work Description Work Qty Work Unit Work Cost
APA 001 L & T CR Medium Crack Sealing - AC 2,319 Ft $2,829
APA 001 L & T CR High Crack Sealing - AC 108 Ft $132
APA 002 ALLIGATOR CR Low Crack Sealing - AC 449 Ft $548
APA 002 L & T CR Medium Crack Sealing - AC 2,037 Ft $2,485
CTA 002 ALLIGATOR CR Low Crack Sealing - AC 75 Ft $92
CTA 002 L & T CR Medium Crack Sealing - AC 1,664 Ft $2,031
CTA 002 L & T CR High Crack Sealing - AC 16 Ft $19
CTB 002 L & T CR Medium Crack Sealing - AC 97 Ft $118
RY826 001 L & T CR Medium Crack Sealing - AC 470 Ft $573
TLA 002 ALLIGATOR CR Low Crack Sealing - AC 20 Ft $25
TLA 002 L & T CR Medium Crack Sealing - AC 351 Ft $428
Total Crack Sealing - AC $9,279
APA 002 ALLIGATOR CR Medium Patching - AC Deep 272 SqFt $3,110
APA 002 SWELLING Medium Patching - AC Deep 272 SqFt $3,110
Total Patching - AC Deep $6,220
TLA 002 WEATHERING Medium Surface Treatment 1,525 SqFt $763
Total Surface Treatment $763
Ongoing inspections are the cornerstone of a maintenance management program. Crack sealing
prevents surface water from entering the pavement structure and helps prevent the introduction of
incompressible material into the paving joints and cracks, reducing the chances for spalls and further
pavement deterioration.
Maintenance Activities
Longitudinal and transverse (L&T) cracks at medium severity (>¼” wide) should be filled with a good
quality crack filler material. High-severity cracks must normally be patched. Cracks rated at low
severity may be narrow-unsealed cracks or sealed cracks up to 3 inches wide. The PCI procedure does
not distinguish between narrow unfilled cracks and wider filled cracks. When 25 percent or more of
total crack quantity is at medium or high severity, a restorative program becomes cost-effective.
When medium- or high-severity cracking constitutes less than 25 percent of the total, sustaining
maintenance is usually more cost-effective.
Medium- and high-severity existing patches should be replaced with new patches. Small areas
(usually less than 100 square feet per patch) of alligator cracking and rutting at medium and high
severity may also be repaired by patching. Larger patches should be considered if equipment can be
made available to accomplish the work. Patching to repair up to 10 percent of the surface of a
pavement section that is otherwise serviceable can result in significant cost savings as compared to
rehabilitation of the entire section.
Joint seal damage at medium and high severity should be repaired. If medium- and high-severity
damage is limited to less than about 25 percent of total joint length, sustaining maintenance is
recommended. If medium and high-severity damage exceeds about 25 percent of the total joint
length, joint sealant should be removed and replaced under a restorative repair project.
Longitudinal/transverse/diagonal (LTD) cracks at low and medium severity should be considered for
sealing as part of the joint sealing project. High-severity LTD cracks require sealing, patching, or slab
replacement, depending on the extent of deterioration.
Small patches are most often placed to repair medium- and high-severity spalls or to replace
deteriorated older patches. Restorative small patches are typically partial depth repairs, usually to
load transfer steel. Large patches and corner breaks at medium and high severity should be repaired
by full-depth large patches.
Pavement Failure
Before maintenance and repairs are attempted, it helps to have an understanding of the way
pavement performs and deteriorates.
Environmental/Age-Related Deterioration
Seasonal temperature changes cause expansion and contraction of the pavement materials, causing
the pavement to move up to 1 foot per 1,000 feet. Much of this movement can be witnessed as the
opening and closing of existing transverse cracks.
The pavement thickness and type of subgrade plays a large role in the formation and spacing interval
of transverse cracks. If the subgrade material is smooth or rounded, the pavement surface will move
relatively freely, the transverse cracks will usually be spaced far apart (>60 feet). If the subgrade
material is rough or angular the pavement surface will not move freely and transverse cracks will be
spaced more closely (<40 feet). The distance between transverse cracks will also depend on the
pavement thickness, as a thicker pavement can resist cracking for longer lengths, but around 50 feet
is typical for general aviation airport pavements.
Age related distress deals with the pavement oxidation or loss of volatile components to the
atmosphere. An oxidized pavement becomes more brittle with time. Surface treatments and seal
coats are designed, in part, to provide a protective barrier and prevent this type of oxidation.
Subsurface water can have the greatest impact on pavement deterioration. A wet subgrade greatly
reduces the ability of a pavement to support wheel loads, and the results often show up as rutting
and cracking. The fine materials in a wet base can be pumped up through the cracks and eventually
result in a loss of subgrade support. This loss of support can be evidenced as corner breaks and
faulting. Moisture inside a pavement system expands when it freezes; creating stresses that push and
tear at the pavement. The following thaw cycles will leave voids in the pavement structure that
enable further rutting and breaking. Repeated freeze/thaw cycles will eventually cause pavement to
disintegrate. One of the best ways to assure pavement longevity is to provide drainage and keep the
subgrade dry.
Aggregate is the biggest component of any pavement structure, and it is the contact between the
aggregate particles that actually transfers the load and provides the strength. Aggregate durability
and shape are major factors affecting pavement performance. Durability is the ability of the
aggregate to perform satisfactorily over time and resist the detrimental effect of nature. Sharp, well-
angled aggregate that interlock, compact densely, and resists movement are the most desirable.
Well-distributed interconnected air voids allow escape paths for freezing water and generally reduce
susceptibility to freeze/thaw damage. In PCC pavements, closely spaced interconnected air voids
provide the greatest degree of protection.
Asphalt pavements, on the other hand, only tolerate air voids as necessary. Air voids allow for
expansion of the asphalt binder, but also allow water penetration into the pavement. Interconnected
air voids are undesirable here because the voids allow air to penetrate the asphalt layers and oxidize
the binder. As air voids increase, durability and flexibility decrease, but stability and skid resistance
increase. Asphalt pavements should be designed and compacted so that air voids are not
interconnected. The air voids should allow only for the expansion of the asphalt and aggregate
without, bleeding, and air voids should be kept low enough to prevent water and air from penetrating
the asphalt layers.
Regardless of whether the pavement is asphalt or concrete, the binder material is mixed with the
aggregate to coat all particles with a thin film. An asphalt coating allows the pavement to be flexible
and still resist large movements. Durability of the asphalt pavement is increased by a thicker film
because it is more resistant to age hardening; however, too thick of a film and the asphalt acts like a
lubricant, promoting ruts, shoving, and bleeding. Specifications control aggregate and binder mix
quantities, but each mix should be customized for materials available locally.
With a concrete pavement, the aggregate supports the load, but the cement binder interlocks with
the aggregate to inhibit all movement. Hydration is the term for the chemical reaction of portland
cement with water, and in the hydration process, dry cement particles react with water, to form gels,
and then crystals, that grow and bond with the aggregate to form a rigid interlocking structure.
Hydration can continue for years, but much of the ultimate strength will be reached within 28 days.
Hydration is a sensitive chemical process, and typically, any admixtures used to accelerate the
hydration process will reduce durability, and their use should be considered carefully or avoided.
PCC (rigid) and asphalt (flexible) pavements differ in the way loads are distributed. A concrete slab
resists bending and transfers loads evenly, an asphalt pavement is designed to bend, and gradually
spreads loads over wider areas. Rutting is a subgrade failure caused by a compressive yielding of the
Load-related cracks can start at the top or bottom of a pavement section. In asphalt sections, load-
related (fatigue) cracks start at the bottom. If a load-related crack reaches the surface, it usually
indicates significant structural deficiency. In PCC pavement, corner breaks are caused by top tension,
and the crack propagates downward. Mid-slab LTD cracks are examples of bottom tension.
Spalls can be caused by either wheel loads or environmental factors, anytime there is movement
between adjacent slabs. If a small rock is allowed into a joint, a differential movement between
adjacent slabs can cause a spall. Spalling can be minimized by keeping joint and crack sealant intact.
Points to Remember
The longer a pavement remains in service, the greater the effort needed to keep it in service. A good
maintenance and repair program will increase service life significantly, but cannot be expected to
extend service life indefinitely.
Pavement moves.
Pavement moves in response to temperature changes. Transverse cracks can vary from nearly closed
in the summer to open an inch or more in winter. This movement cannot be prevented. It must be
understood and provided for during design and construction. The changing crack widths will dictate
the reservoir size required for sealant. Measure cracks at their widest and narrowest states, then
prepare adequate (½ - 1½ inch) sealant reservoirs for crack sealing projects.
The most important reason for sealing cracks is to deny surface water access to the pavement and
subgrade. Most water drains from centerline to shoulders. Longitudinal cracks, which run parallel to
the centerline provide the greatest potential to divert water into the pavement structure, and must
be sealed.
The FAA maximum allowable open trench width on aircraft movement areas is three-inches;
therefore, any crack wider than three-inches should be patched. A severe spall or a crack that has
settled below the pavement elevation indicates a failure. If the pavement has disintegrated to the
point that aggregate interlock is lost, sealant alone will not be sufficient, and patching should be
To achieve optimum results from repairs, proper preparation, use of quality materials, and proper
application are essential. Any shortcuts will reduce the quality and effectiveness of the repairs. A rule
of thumb is that proper maintenance will last twice as long as an unprepared area. Good
maintenance takes time and deserves high-quality materials.
Any pavement defect can be corrected. Concentrate on repairs that are cost-effective, operationally
important, and that extend service life. Some surface blemishes can be ignored safely, and many
structural problems are beyond economical correction. When future rehabilitation is imminent,
maintenance activities should be limited to only those that ensure continued safety and minimize
foreign object damage (FOD) potential.
Many excellent pavement repair and sealing products are available. Specialized tools and equipment
help ensure quality repairs. This section reviews equipment compatible with airport needs.
Air Compressor
Used to remove sand and debris from prepared cracks and joints, the compressor should have a
sustained capacity of 120 cubic feet per minute with a nozzle velocity of 100 psi. Trailer-mounted
compressors typically have capacities in this range.
Concrete Saw
A saw capable of making a minimum 3-inch deep cut is required. The saw should be capable of
making cuts in asphalt or concrete. Gasoline-powered 5-25 hp wheel mounted saws typically are
preferred for this type of work, but electric and pneumatic tools are also available.
Heating Kettle
Applying sealant is the most time-consuming operation, and a sealing machine with heating and
pressure application capabilities is a critical item in a sealing program. The capacity of the sealing
equipment dictates the rate at which a crew progresses. For large sealing projects, a minimum 100
gallons/per hour sustained capacity is recommended. The unit should be a double boiler type, with
mechanical agitators or continuous recirculation.
A concrete saw can be used to prepare joints, but for random cracking, a mechanical router with a
vertical impact mechanism is preferred. When cracks are being routed, this activity will dictate speed
of the crew. Crack routers in the 25hp range are commonly used and are available from a variety of
Sand Cleaner
A sand blaster helps to clean loose particles and dust from prepared cracks. The unit must have
sufficient force to expose fresh, vital pavement to bond with sealant and patching materials.
Required to properly compact plant mixed and packaged patching materials. Small rollers are best for
pothole type applications, plate compactors are best for large areas.
Other Equipment
Other general use equipment that can be helpful in a maintenance program includes bucket loaders,
dump trucks, water tanks, and a power sweeper unit.
Pavement repair materials are constantly being introduced and improved. This section provides
information on products compatible with airport needs.
Hot poured, pressure injected, polymeric rubberized asphalt sealant meeting ASTM D3405
specifications is suitable for most joint and crack sealing requirements. This product is relatively
inexpensive, durable, and suitable for both PCC and asphalt pavements. Other, more expensive, hot
applied sealants that promise longer life are being developed for specialty applications, and twin
component cold applied sealants, similar to URASEAL 200, have also been used with success. Contact
your local distributor.
Long-term patches should be made with a high-quality plant mixed hot asphalt having a ¾-inch
maximum aggregate size and meeting FAA P401, or highest quality highway specifications. High-
performance plant mixed cold patching products that can be stockpiled on-site have been developed.
Low-quality packaged materials available from local hardware type stores should be avoided and only
be used for temporary patches that maintain safety and service.
Permanent patches in PCC pavement should be made with a minimum 6-bag mix of hi-early air-
entrained cement with 1-inch maximum size aggregate. Concrete should have zero slump and a
coarse texture. As with asphalt patches, low-quality packaged materials should only be used as
temporary patches to maintain safety and service until a more permanent repair can be made.
Crack Sealing
Cracks over ¼ inches wide should be sealed. Cracks wider than 3 inches should be patched.
Sealant depth above the backer rope should be equal to the width of the reservoir, or as
recommended by the manufacturer.
Routed cracks should be sand blasted, to prepare the vertical edges for bonding with the
sealant. Clean cracks with compressed air prior to sealing.
Backing material should always be placed into the cracks. Commercial products are available,
and several sizes of rope should always be available to accommodate various crack sizes.
Apply sealant after placing the backer rope. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Sealant
should be applied to within ¼ inch of the pavement surface.
The final activity is to clean the surrounding pavement areas. A vacuum sweeper works well
for this. Allow the sealant time to set, before using a broom.
This crack sealing technique is meticulous in its design and procedure. It has a proven record of
performance. Using backer rope forces the sealant into a predictable shape—narrow in the center
and wide on the sides. This sealant profile allows the sealant to firmly bond with the vertical edges,
yet stretch easily with pavement movement. In an effort to minimize labor requirements and reduce
crack-sealing costs, an alternative procedure, the overband technique, is presented on the following
page. This procedure can produce good results for up to 5 years.
Overband Technique
A latex modified, fiber reinforced, asphalt cement sealant using the techniques outlined below.
Blend grade 20 or equivalent asphalt cement with latex rubber at 5 percent by weight of
Again, at 5 percent by weight of asphalt, add polyester fibers into agitator tank.
Maintain blended asphalt temperature at least 20 degrees below flash point.
Continuously recycle hot blended asphalt through pumps and hoses when heating kettle is in
standby mode.
Sealant should be applied to dry pavement, with ambient temperatures above 40 degrees.
Cracks should be sand cleaned and blown free of debris immediately before sealing.
Application of sealant immediately follows cleaning of the crack.
Sealant should be pressure applied from a wand-type applicator with a special "overband"
Seat the sealant with a steel-wheeled roller immediately after placement.
In wider cracks, a backer rope is recommended to limit material quantities required.
Cracks wider than 3 inches should be patched. Cracks with secondary cracking and vertical movement
should also be patched. Failed existing patches should be replaced. Patching can also repair small
areas of alligator cracking and rutting. A patch differs from sealant in that it restores load-bearing
capacity. Therefore, it must be constructed carefully to distribute stresses evenly and perform as an
integral piece of the surrounding pavement. The patch must be wide enough to ensure that it bonds
to fresh, vital pavement on all sides, and deep enough to reach fresh underlying layers, but never less
than 3 inches.
Examine the distressed area and mark the patch outline. This examination may require a pick
or chisel to test the pavement integrity in and around the distressed area.
The patch area should be cut out with a vertical saw cut not less than 3 inches deep.
The enclosed pavement should then be removed, leaving the vertical sawed edges
undamaged and providing a relatively even, flat floor at the appropriate depth.
The sides and bottom should be sand cleaned and blown out with compressed air
The technique outlined here simulates a thin bonded PCC overlay. This procedure has been proven in
service throughout the country.
Examine the distressed area and mark the patch outline. This examination may require a pick
or chisel to test pavement integrity in and around the distressed area.
Saw cut the area to a depth of 2 inches. The enclosed area is then chipped or jack hammered
to solid pavement, but not less than a 2-inch nominal depth.
The sides and bottom are sand cleaned and air-blasted to expose vital, clean concrete.
A 25 percent solution of muriatic acid is applied to all exposed surfaces within the patch.
The muriatic acid solution is thoroughly flushed from the patch area with water.
Compressed air is used to remove excess water from the area, but exposed concrete must be
maintained in a moist condition.
The sides and bottom of the area are then coated with approximately a 1/16-inch layer of
cement grout applied at the consistency of paste. The grout acts as an adhesive to bond the
fresh concrete to existing concrete.
If the patch is adjacent to joints, the continuity of the joint must be maintained by placing
inserts approximately the shape of the desired joint against the wall of the patch.
Before concrete grout begins to dry, concrete is placed in the patch area and is compacted
into position with hand tampers or a vibrating plate tamper.
When the patch has been struck to the proper slope and elevation, a surface texture is
applied to approximate the texture of adjacent pavement.
Joint edges may be edged slightly to remove sharp edges. The patch should be covered with
polyethylene or sprayed with a curing compound.
Clean the surrounding pavement before concrete spillover has a chance to set up.
The patch may be open to traffic in 72 hours.
Seal joints in PCC pavement when existing sealant has deteriorated to a degree that allows water and
incompressibles to enter the joint. Hairline cracks are not yet candidates for sealing.
Rout a reservoir for the sealant. Sealant reservoir should be ½ inch wide and 1 inch deep.
For cracks wider than ½ inch, the reservoir should be ¼ inch wider than the crack. Depth
should be such that sealant above the backer rope is at most equal to reservoir width, or as
recommended by manufacturer.
Routed cracks should be sand cleaned, using fine sand at reduced pressure. Proper cleaning
will expose fresh, vital pavement on the vertical crack edge.
Immediately prior to sealing, cracks should be cleaned with compressed air. Ensure that all
sand, debris, and incompressibles are removed from the crack. A small hand-held hook or
plowing tool may be needed to dislodge some particles. Water cleaning is not recommended,
simply because the drying time delays the sealing operation.
After cleaning with compressed air, a backing material should be placed into the crack. The
backer rope may be any compressible substance compatible with bituminous sealant material
that will wedge into cracks at a designated depth and support the sealant. Several sizes
should be immediately available in the field to accommodate various crack sizes.
Sealant should be pressure applied with a wand type applicator to within ¼ inch of the
pavement surface. Follow the equipment manufacturer’s instructions.
The final activity is to clean the surrounding pavement area. A vacuum sweeper works well.
Brooms should not be used until the sealant has taken an initial set.