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2016 Pavement Management Analysis Report

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City of Lynnwood, WA

Pavement Management Analysis Report

December 2016

City of Lynnwood
Attn.: Ngan Ha Yang, P.E., Project Manager
19100 44 Avenue
Lynnwood, WA 98036

IMS Infrastructure Management Services

1820 West Drake Drive, Suite 104, Tempe, AZ 85283
Phone: (480) 839-4347, Fax: (480) 839-4348



1.1 Principles of Pavement Management 1
1.2 The Pavement Management Process 4
1.3 Functional Class Review 7
1.5 Understanding the Pavement Condition Index Score 11


2.1 Roadway Network Size 19
2.3 Structural and Load Associated Distress Analysis 25
2.4 Condition By Functional Classification 29
2.5 Evaluating Quality of the Network and Reconstruction Backlog 30


3.1 Key Analysis Set Points 32
3.2 Fix All and Annual Estimates 36
3.3 Network Budget Analysis Models 37
3.4 Lynnwood Comparison to Other Agencies 41
3.5 Selection Summary and Post Rehabilitation Condition 43
3.6 Network Recommendations and Comments 48

APPENDED REPORTS Following Page 48

Appendix A Street Inventory and Condition Summary, Sorted by Street Name

Appendix B $2.65M/year Rehab Plan by Segment
Appendix C $2.65M/year Rehab Plan by Need Year

APPENDED MAPS Located on Thumb Drive

Functional Classification Designation

Pavement Condition Rating by Project
Pavement Condition Index and Rating by Segment Using PCI
Pavement Condition Index and Rating by Segment Using Descriptive Terms
Five Year Rehabilitation Plan for $2.65M/year Budget

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page i

or Acronym Definition

$k Dollars in thousands ($,000)

$M Dollars in millions
%SP Percent Spreadability - component of deflection analysis
AC Asphalt Concrete - asphalt streets, flexible pavements, also know n as ACP
ACP Asphalt Concrete Pavement - asphalt streets, flexible pavements, also know n as AC
ART Arterial roadw ay functional classification
ASTM American Society of Testing Methods
Avg Average
BCI Base Curvature Index - component of deflection analysis
Brk Break
CAL Coarse Aggregate Loss
CDV Corrected Deduct Value - part of the ASTM D6433 PCI calculation
COL Collector roadw ay functional classification
Crk Crack
DeflCON Deflection Condition - structural load analysis based on traffic loading and deflection
DMD Dynamic Maximum Deflection - temperature corrected deflection
Dvdd Slab Divided Slab
DynaCON Dynamic Condition - structural layer analysis
ft or FT Foot
ft2 or FT2 Square foot
FunCL Functional Classification
FWD Falling w eight deflectometer
GCI Gravel Condition Index
GFP Good - Fair - Poor
GIS Geographic Information System
GISID GIS segment identification number
H&V Horizontal and Vertical
IRI International Roughness Index
Jt Joint
L&T Longitudinal and Transverse
LAD Load associated distress
LOC Local roadw ay functional classification - same as RES
LOG Lip of Gutter
m Metre or meter
M Moderate
m2 square metre or square meter
MART Major arterial roadw ay functional classification
Max Maximum
MaxDV Maximum Deduct Value
MCOL Major collector roadw ay functional classification
mi or Mi Mile
Min Minimum
MnART Minor arterial roadw ay functional classification
MnCOL Minor collector roadw ay functional classification
MOD Moderate
NLAD Non-load associated distress
OCI Overall condition index, also know n as PCI
Olay Overlay
PART Primary arterial roadw ay functional classification
Pavetype Pavement Type
PCC Portland Cement Concrete - concrete streets
PCI Pavement Condition Index - generic term for OCI
R&R Remove and replace
RART Rural arterial roadw ay functional classification
PWF Priority Weighting Factor
Recon Reconstruction
Rehab Rehabilitation
RES Local roadw ay functional classification - same as LOC
RI or RCI Roughness Index
S Strong
SART Secondary arterial roadw ay functional classification
SCI Surface Curvature Index - componenent of deflection analysis
SDI Surface Distress Index
SI Structural Index
STA Station or chainage
Surf Trtmt Surface Treatment
TDV Total Deduct Value
W Weak

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Nationwide, billions of dollars have been invested in roadway networks by municipal, state, and federal
governments. Locally, Lynnwood has 95.0 miles of roadways, encompassing over 2 million square yards
of asphalt and concrete surfacing. At an average replacement cost for a typical roadway just over $846k
per mile, not including the value of the land, the City has approximately $88.8 million invested in its paved
roadway network.

Figure 1 – Replacement Value of Lynnwood Paved Roadway Network

Preservation of existing roads and street systems has become a major activity for all levels of
government. There is a shortage of funds to maintain street systems at the state and local government
levels. Therefore, funds that have been designated for pavements must be used as effectively as
possible. One proven method to obtain maximum value of available funds is through the use of a
pavement management system.

Pavement management is the process of planning, budgeting, funding, designing, constructing,

monitoring, evaluating, maintaining, and rehabilitating the pavement network to provide maximum
benefits with available funds.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 1

A pavement management system is a set of tools or methods that assist decision makers in finding
optimal strategies for providing and maintaining pavements in a serviceable condition over a given period
of time.

As shown in Figure 2, streets that are repaired when they are in a good condition will cost less over their
lifetime than streets that are allowed to deteriorate to a poor condition. Without an adequate routine
pavement maintenance program, streets require more frequent reconstruction, thereby costing the City
millions of extra dollars. Over time, pavement quality drops until the pavement condition becomes
unacceptable. For each street, the shape of the curve, and hence, the rate of deterioration, is dependent
on many factors – foremost of which being the strength of the roadway structure and traffic loading. The
key to a successful pavement management program is to develop a reasonably accurate performance
model of the roadway, and then identify the optimal timing and rehabilitation strategy. The resultant
benefit of this exercise is realized by the long term cost savings and increase in pavement quality over
time. As illustrated in Figure 2, pavements typically deteriorate rapidly once they hit a specific threshold.
A $1 investment after 40% lifespan is much more effective than deferring maintenance until heavier
overlays or possibly reconstruction are required just a few years later.

Figure 2 – Pavement Deterioration and Life Cycle Costs

Once implemented, an effective pavement information management system can assist agencies in
developing long-term rehabilitation programs and budgets. The key is to develop policies and practices
that delay the inevitable total reconstruction for as long as practical yet still remain within the target zone
for cost effective rehabilitation. That is, as each roadway approaches the steep part of its deterioration
curve, apply a remedy that extends the pavement life, at a minimum cost, thereby avoiding costly heavy
overlays and reconstruction.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 2

The goal of a pavement management system is to identify the optimal level of funding, timing, and to
create a renewal strategy that agencies can adopt to keep their roadway network at a satisfactory level of
service. Figure 3 illustrates the concept of extending pavement life through the application of timely

Pavement Life Cycle Curve

Pavement Quality

Target Zone for Pavement Rehabilitation

Increased Pavement Life

Pavem ted
ent Pe

Figure 3 – Pavement Life Cycle Curve

Ideally, the lower limit of the target zone shown in Figure 3 would have a minimum PCI value in the 65 to
75 range to keep as many streets as possible requiring a thin overlay or less. The upper limit would tend
to fall close to the higher end of the Very Good category – that is a pavement condition score
approaching 85. Other functions of a pavement management system include assessing the effectiveness
of maintenance activities, new technologies, and storing historical data and images.

For Lynnwood, a prioritization methodology based on pavement condition, pavement materials, condition,
and strength rating was used to analyze the network condition and develop the proposed 5 year
rehabilitation plan.

The analysis methodologies and data collection technologies were based on the latest version of ASTM
D6433 Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys (hereinafter
ASTM D6433) for assessment of pavement surface condition and the International Roughness Index (IRI)
for quantification of pavement roughness on all city streets. These measurements of pavement quality
are combined to form an overall 0 to 100 Pavement Condition Index (PCI), with 100 being the best.

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The actual pavement management process involves three unique, but important steps, and is presented
graphically in Figure 4. Each activity builds on the previous, until the end result is a prioritized paving
and rehabilitation program.

Figure 4 – The Pavement Management Process

Highlights of the pavement management process include:

1. System Configuration – This step involves identifying all roadways in the city’s network,
assigning them a unique identifier, listing their physical characteristics (length, width, etc.) and
demographic attributes (pavement type, traffic, functional classification), and linking the network
to the city’s GIS map.

2. Field Surveys – Following a set of pre-defined assessment protocols matching the pavement
management software (ASTM D6433), a specialized piece of survey equipment – referred to as a
Laser Road Surface Tester (Laser RST, Figure 5, pictured on page 6) – is used to collect
observations on the condition of the pavement surface, as well as collect digital imagery and
spatial coordinate information. The Laser RST surveys each local street from end to end in a
single pass, while all other roadway classifications are completed in two passes.

Key pavement condition data elements collected by the Laser RST include:

• Roughness Index – Roughness is measured following the industry standard “International

Roughness Index” (IRI), an open-ended score that measures the number of bumps per
mile and reports the value as millimeters/meter. The IRI value is converted to a 0 to 100
score and reported as the Roughness Index (RI) as follows:

RI = (11.0 – 3.0 x ln(IRI)) x 10

where ln(IRI) is the natural logarithm of IRI.

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In common terms, a newer street would have a Roughness Index above 85, while one
due for an overlay would be in the range 45 to 75. Failed streets typically have
roughness values below 45.

• Surface Distress Index – The Laser RST collects surface distress observations based on
the extent and severity of distresses encountered along the length of the roadway
following ASTM D6433 protocols for asphalt and concrete pavements. The surface
distress condition (cracking, potholes, raveling, and the like) is considered by the
traveling public to be the most important aspect in assessing the overall pavement

Presented on a 0 to 100 scale, the Surface Distress Index (SDI) is an aggregation of the
observed pavement defects. Within the SDI, not all distresses are given equal weight.
Certain load associated distresses (caused by traffic loading), such as rutting or alligator
cracking on asphalt streets, or divided slab on concrete streets, have a much higher
impact on the surface distress index than non-load associated distresses such as
raveling or patching. Even at low extents and moderate severity – less than 10% of the
total area – load associated distresses can drop the SDI considerably. ASTM D6433 also
has algorithms within it to correct for multiple or overlapping distresses within a segment.

For this project, extent and severity observations were collected, processed, and loaded
into the pavement management. Within the software, the following distresses, listed in
order from greatest to lowest impact, are presented as a 0 to 10 rating for review and

Alligator Cracking – Alligator cracking is quantified by the severity of the failure and
number of square feet. Even at low extents, this can have a large impact on the
condition score as this distress represents a failure of the underlying base materials.

Wheel Path Rutting – Starting at a minimum depth of ¼ inch, wheel path ruts are
quantified by their depth and the number of square feet encountered. Like alligator
cracking, low densities of rutting can have a large impact on the final condition score.

Longitudinal, Transverse, Block (Map), and Edge Cracks – These are quantified by
their length and width. Longitudinal cracks that intertwine are the start of alligator

Patching – Patching is quantified by the extent and quality of patches. When the
majority of a roadway surface is covered by a patch, such as a large utility replacement,
the rating of the patch is minimized. All potholes are rated as patches.

Distortions – All uneven pavement surfaces such as depressions, bumps, sags, swells,
heaves, and corrugations are included as distortions and are quantified by the severity
and extent of the affected area.

Raveling – Raveling is the loss of fine aggregate materials on the pavement surface and
is measured by the severity and number of square feet affected.

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Bleeding – Bleeding is the presence of free asphalt on the roadway surface caused by
too much asphalt in the pavement or insufficient voids in the matrix. The result is a
pavement surface with low skid resistance and is measured by the amount and severity
of the area.

Similar distresses were collected for concrete streets including divided slab, corner
breaks, joint spalling, faulting, polished aggregate, and scaling.

• Structural Index – The street network was tested for structural adequacy using a
Dynaflect device. The field data is then compared to what loads the road is expected to
carry as well as used to develop a layer analysis to evaluate if the base materials and
pavement structure are working as a single unit. The final result is a single 0 to 100
index value. Scores above a 75 indicate the pavement is structurally adequate, between
a 45 and 75 indicate additional structure is required, and those below a 45 generally
require replacement. On streets where no deflection testing was completed, the
relationship between the final pavement condition score and amount of load associated
distresses is used.

3. Analysis and Reporting – Following the field surveys, the condition data is assembled to create
a single score representing the overall condition of the pavement. The Pavement Condition Index
(PCI) is calculated as follows:

PCI = 25% Roughness + 25% Structural Index + 50% Surface Distress for major roadways

PCI= 33% Roughness Index + 67% Surface Distress Index for minor roadways

Development of the pavement management plan and budgets were completed using Lynnwood-
specific rehabilitation strategies, unit rates, priorities, and pavement performance curves. The
process was iterative in its attempt to obtain the greatest efficiency and cost benefit.

Figure 5 – Laser Road Surface Tester (Laser RST)

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As part of the scope of this assignment, the functional classification designations currently used by
Lynnwood were reviewed for their suitability in the pavement management analysis. There is no uniform
standard for functional classification designation used by municipalities in the nation or within any given
state. Assignment of functional classifications is left to the individual municipalities. The Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA), American Public Works Association (APWA) and Institute of
Transportation Engineers (ITE) offer some broad guidelines on how to assign classifications that were
followed in this study. The City’s functional classification definitions used in the assessment are as

1. Principal Arterial (PART) - All cross town corridors consisting of at least 2 to 4 lanes across,
generally spaced on the 1 or ½ mile section line with daily traffic counts generally between 10,000
and 20,000 vehicles per day.

2. Minor Arterial (MnART) – continuous and discontinuous cross city corridors that are 2 to 4
lanes across and generally have an average daily traffic (ADT) between 10,000 and 20,000
vehicles per day. These streets exhibit arterial like traffic patterns, but at a slightly lower volume.
They are typically spaced on the ½ or ¼ mile section line and may have a non-landscaped

3. Collector (COL) – Discontinuous inter-district corridors that are 2 lanes across and generally
have a centerline stripe. The ADT is generally up to 5,000 vehicles per day range. They are
typically the streets that connect the residential roadways to the arterial network. Collectors are
also assigned to street segments leading to, or adjacent to, a major traffic generator site such as
a regional shopping complex.

4. Residential (RES) – The majority of the street segments consisting of all residential and frontage
roads not defined above.

Alleys and bicycle paths were not included in this study even though they are part of the overall
transportation network. The implication of this is that the final CIP and budget developed under this
program will not cover upkeep of alleys and bicycle paths. Also, non-City owned streets were not
surveyed as they are not maintained by the City.

The following figure (Figure 6) highlights the functional classifications used for the Lynnwood roadway
network. An electronic version of this map is appended to this report.

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Figure 6 – Lynnwood Functional Classification Designation

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Lynnwood’s GIS was used as the basis for segmenting the roadway network on a block-by-block basis.
Each segment was assigned a unique identifier referred to as a GISID, establishing a one-to-one
relationship between the GIS and the street inventory. The segments form the basic building block of the
pavement management system and are where all attribute and condition data are stored.

The centerline segments were aggregated together within the pavement management system to form
logical projects that the analysis and rehabilitation program are developed against.

In general:

• Arterial projects run from major intersection to major intersection up to 1 mile in length.

• Similar to arterials, collector streets within a neighborhood were aggregated together to form a
single project where practical.

• Local streets within a single neighborhood were aggregated together so long as their combined
length was less than 1 mile.

Segments were joined only when the pavement condition and functional classification were
homogeneous in nature such that when joined they have a relatively uniform condition that may be
rehabilitated using a single strategy.

The following figure (Figure 7) highlights the projects used for the analysis. An electronic version of this
map is appended to this report.

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Figure 7 – Lynnwood Assembled Projects (SuperSegments)

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The following illustration, Figure 8, compares the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) to commonly used
descriptive terms. The divisions between the terms are not fixed, but are meant to reflect common
perceptions of condition.

Figure 8 – Understanding the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Score

The general idea of what these condition levels mean with respect to remaining life and typical
rehabilitation actions is included in the following table:
PCI Range Description Remaining Life Definition

85 – 100 Excellent 15 to 25 Years Like new condition – little to no maintenance required when
new; routine maintenance such as crack and joint sealing.

70 – 85 Very Good 12 to 20 Years Routine maintenance such as patching and crack sealing with
surface treatments such as seal coats or slurries.

60 – 70 Good 10 to 15 Years Heavier surface treatments and thin overlays. Localized panel
40 – 60 Fair to Marginal 7 to 12 Years Heavy surface-based inlays or overlays with localized repairs.
Moderate to extensive panel replacements.
25 – 40 Poor 5 to 10 Years Sections will require very thick overlays, surface replacement,
base reconstruction, and possible subgrade stabilization.
0 – 25 Very Poor 0 to 5 Years High percentage of full reconstruction.

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The images presented below provide a sampling of the Lynnwood streets that fall into the various
condition categories with a discussion of potential rehabilitation strategies.

Very Poor (PCI = 0 to 25) – Complete Reconstruction

36 Avenue West between segments 148 and 1246 (GISID 1247, PCI = 21) Rated as Very Poor, this
example street displays extensive base failure as evidenced by the severe amount of fatigue (alligator)
cracking, wheel path rutting and patching. A mill and overlay on this street would not be suitable as the
base has failed and would not meet an extended service life of at least 15 years. The curb lines are
aged, but functioning at a minimal level as to provide satisfactory drainage and safety.

Deferral of reconstruction of streets rated as Very Poor will not cause a substantial decrease in pavement
quality as the streets have passed the opportunity for overlay-based strategies. Due to the high cost of
reconstruction, Very Poor streets are often deferred until full funding is available in favor of completing
more streets that can be rehabilitated at lower costs, resulting in a greater net benefit to the Town. This
strategy however must be sensitive to citizen complaints forcing the street to be selected earlier. In
addition, this type of street can pose a safety hazard for motorists, since severe potholes and distortions
may develop. It is important to consistently monitor these streets and check for potholes or other
structural deficiencies until the street is rebuilt.

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Poor (PCI = 25 to 40) – Last Opportunity for Surface Base Rehabilitation

th nd st
36 Avenue West from 172 Street South West to 171 Street South West (GISID 140, PCI = 34) –
Rated as Poor, this segment is close to becoming a critical reconstruction need. On this street, the base
is starting to fail extensively in the wheel paths where the drainage is poor and will continue to spread
across the full width of the pavement. Some of the distresses present in this segment include linear and
transverse cracking, alligator cracking, and raveling/weathering. If the drainage was repaired and the
failed area dug out, a grind and overlay or partial reconstruction would return this roadway to a like new
pavement. If left untreated, within a short period of time, a full reconstruction would be required. This is
the worst part of this segment.

On arterial roadways, Poor streets often require partial to full reconstruction – that is removal of the
pavement surface and base down to the subgrade and rebuilding from there. On local roadways, they
require removal of the pavement surface through grinding or excavation, base repairs, restoration of the
curb line and drainage, and then placement of a new surface.

In general, the service life of Poor streets is such that if deferred for too long, it would require a more
costly reconstruction. Streets rated as Poor are typically selected first for rehabilitation as they provide the
greatest cost/benefit to the City – that is the greatest increase in life per rehabilitation dollar spent.

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Marginal (PCI = 40 to 50) – Progressively Thicker Overlays, Often with Extensive Patching

172 Street Southwest from between segments 1254 and 1255 (GISID 243, PCI = 44) – Marginal
streets have distresses that tend to be localized and moderate in nature – that is they do not extend the
full length of the segment and can be readily dug out and repaired. This street segment highlights this
characteristic as the failed area does not quite extend the full length or width of the roadway and is still
serviceable. However, it also highlights the relationship between base and pavement quality. Placing an
overlay on this street without repairing the base would not achieve a full 15 year life as the failure would
continue to occur over time.

Similar to streets rated as Poor, Marginal streets that display high amounts of load associated distresses
are selected as a priority for rehabilitation as they provide the greatest cost/benefit to the city. If left
untreated, Marginal streets with high amounts of load associated distresses would deteriorate to become
partial reconstruction candidates. Marginal streets that are failing due to materials issues or non-load
associated failures may become suitable candidates for thick overlays if deferred without a significant
cost increase.

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Fair (PCI = 50 to 60) – Thin to Moderate Overlays

th th
177 Place Southwest from West End to 36 Avenue (GISID 239, PCI = 55) – Rated in the Fair
category, these streets require thin to moderate overlays for asphalt and slab replacements for concrete
when they enter their need year (generally within 2-3 points of the lower PCI in the defined range).
Several distresses are present, but tend to be more localized and moderate in severity, and non-load
related (primarily longitudinal cracking at the joint, patching and rutting). On this segment of road, the
signs of deterioration are evident in the right hand travel lane of the pavement and are moderate in
severity indicating the base has not yet failed, a simple dig out and repair would remove the distressed
areas prior to an overlay.

Asphalt streets rated as Fair tend to receive a lower priority when developing a rehabilitation program.
The reason for this is the cost to complete an overlay now would be on the order of $11 to $19/yd
depending on the functional classification. If deferred, the rehabilitation cost would only increase by about
$3 to $6/yd in about 5 to 10 years. Thus, the cost of deferral is low when compared to deferring a thick
overlay to a reconstruction with a two to threefold increase in cost. Rehabilitation of concrete roads has
limited options as it is difficult to complete surface-based overlays. Rehabilitation strategies tend to focus
on removal and replacement of whole or partial slabs and surface grinding to restore the longitudinal
profile of the roadway.

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Good (PCI = 60 to 70) – Surface Treatments to Thin Overlays

th th
38 Avenue West from 172nd Street Southwest to 170 Street Southwest (GISID 205, PCI = 62) –
Rated as Good, it displays small amounts of distresses that can easily be removed, replaced, and
covered to restore the visual appearance of the roadway. The existing cracks should be sealed and the
pavement seal coated, with a heavier surface treatment such as microsurfacing or double slurry to fully
waterproof the pavement and cover the crack sealant. The occasional dig out and replacement may be
required to correct localized deficiencies. Alternatively, depending on the extent of the distressed areas,
base strength and drainage, a thin overlay may be applied.

Streets rated as Good are ideal candidates for thinner surface-based rehabilitations and local repairs.
Depending on the amount of localized failures, a thin edge mill and overlay, or possibly a surface
treatment, would be a suitable rehabilitation strategy for
streets rated as Good. Streets that fall in the high 60 - low
70 PCI range provide the greatest opportunity for extending
pavement life at the lowest possible cost, thus applying the
principals of the perpetual life cycle approach to pavement
maintenance. The adjacent photo is a great example of a
street segment (not a Lynnwood Road) that displayed low
load associated distresses and thus, high structural
characteristics, and once the distressed areas were
replaced, a slurry seal was applied. The patching
accounted for less than 5 to 10% of the total area and
resulted in a good looking, watertight final surface at a much
lower cost than an overlay with less disruption to the
neighborhood and curb line. The patches were paver laid
and roller compacted.

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Very Good (PCI = 70 to 85) – Surface Treatments and Routine Maintenance

th nd
169 Street Southwest from 36 Avenue West to 32 Avenue West (GISID 1024, PCI = 83) – Rated
as Very Good, displaying minor amounts of cracking that are localized and in good condition (this is about
the worst part of the street). The ride is smooth, the surface is non-weathered, and the base is still
strong. This street is an example of a candidate for preventative maintenance and light weight surface
treatments to extend the life of a roadway.

Streets rated as Very Good generally need lightweight surface-based treatments such as surface seals,
slurries, chip seals or microsurfacing. Routine maintenance such as crack sealing and localized repairs
often precede surface treatments. The concept is to keep the cracks as waterproof as possible through
crack sealing and the application of a surface treatment. By keeping water out of the base layers, the
pavement life is extended without the need for thicker rehabilitations such as overlays or reconstruction.
Surface treatments also tend to increase surface friction and visual appearance of the pavement surface
but do not add structure or increase smoothness. Surface treatments may include:

• Double or single application of slurry seals (slurries are a sand and asphalt cement mix).
• Microsurfacing – asphalt cement and up to 3/8 sand aggregate.
• Chip seals and cape seals (Chip seal followed by a slurry).

Additional cost benefits of early intervention include:

• Less use of non-renewable resources through thinner rehabilitation strategies.

• Less build-up of crown for the first and possibly second rehabilitation cycle.
• Less intrusive rehabilitation and easier to maintain access during construction.
• Easier to maintain existing drainage patterns.

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Excellent (PCI = 85 to 100)

th nd st
166 Place Southwest From 42 Avenue West to 41 Place West (GISID 1039, PCI = 94) – Rated as
Excellent, displaying little to no surface distresses. The ride is smooth and the surface is non-weathered
and the base is strong. In a couple of years, this street segment would be an ideal candidate for routine
maintenance activities such as crack sealing.

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The paved roadway network consists of four functional classes, covering approximately 95 miles of
pavement. The average pavement condition index (PCI) of the roadway network is a 68. The network
has two pavement types, asphalt and concrete, with asphalt being predominant. The following table and
figure summarize the functional classification splits within the system. Note, given the ever changing
nature of this data, current PCI refers to the PCI when this report was written, and Survey PCI refers to
the PCI at the time of the Survey.

Figure 9 – Functional Classification Distribution by Area

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Figure 10 presented below shows distribution of pavement condition for the roadway network in
Lynnwood on a 0 to 100 scale, 0 is the worst condition and 100 is the best condition. The average
pavement condition index (PCI) of the roadway network is 68. While direct comparisons to other
agencies is difficult due to variances in ratings systems, overall, Lynnwood is slightly above average of
other agencies recently surveyed by IMS, which typically fall in the 60 to 65 range.

Figure 10 – Roadway Network Present Status

The current PCI distribution exhibits a relatively young network that has been subject to a relatively
effective maintenance program, combined with a first round of surface treatments and overlays. It is
apparent from the current distribution profile that the City of Lynnwood has placed an emphasis on its
roadway network and has invested in its ongoing renewal.

The following graph (Figure 11) plots the same pavement condition information, but instead of using the
actual Pavement Condition Index (PCI) value, descriptive terms are used to classify the roadways. From
the chart, about sixteen percent (15.5%) of the network can be considered in Excellent condition with a
PCI score greater than 85. These streets are in like new condition and require only routine maintenance.
Nationwide, the amount of roadways falling into the excellent category is about fifteen percent (15%), so
this value is slightly below the average. Twenty-five percent (25.4%) of the network falls into the Very
Good classification. These are roads that benefit most from preventative maintenance techniques such

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as micro-surfacing, slurry seals and localized repairs. If left untreated, these roadways will drop in quality
to become heavy surface treatment or overlay candidates. Twenty-three percent (23.1%) of the streets
are rated as Good and are candidates for lighter surface-based rehabilitations such as heavy micro-
surfacing or thin overlays. Thirty percent (30.8%) of the network can be considered Fair to Marginal
condition, representing candidates for progressively thicker overlay-based rehabilitation or panel
replacements. If left untreated, they will decline rapidly into reconstruction candidates. The remaining
four percent (4%) of the network (backlog) is rated as Poor (or Very Poor), meaning these roadways have
failed or are past their optimal due point for overlay or surface-based rehabilitation and may require
progressively heavier or thicker forms of rehabilitation (such as surface reconstruction or deep patch and
paving) or total reconstruction.

Figure 11 – Roadway Network Present Status Using Descriptive Terms

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 21

Figures 12 and 13 present the surveyed condition of the streets using PCI and descriptive terms,
respectively. Electronic versions of these maps are appended to this report.

Figure 12 – Lynnwood by Segment Using Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

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Figure 13 – Lynnwood Pavement Condition by Segment Using Descriptive Terms

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The role of the street network as a factor in the City’s well-being cannot be overstated. In simplest of
terms, roadways form the economic backbone of a community. They provide the means for goods to be
exchanged, commerce to flourish, and commercial enterprises to generate revenue. As such, they are an
investment to be maintained.

The overall condition of an agency’s infrastructure and transportation network is a key indicator of
economic prosperity. Roadway networks in general are one of the most important and dynamic sectors in
the global economy, having a strong influence on not only the economic well-being of a community, but a
strong impact on quality of life. Well-maintained road networks experience multiple socio-economic
benefits through greater labor market opportunities and decreasing income gap. As a crucial link between
producers and their markets, quality road networks ensure straight forward access to goods and drive
global and local economies. Likewise, higher network quality has a strong correlation to improvements in
household consumption and income. Roads also act as a key element to social cohesion by acting as a
median for integration of bordering regions (Gertler). This social integration promotes a decreased gap in
income along with diversity and a greater sense of community that can play a large role in decreasing
rates of poverty (Amparo).

Conversely, deterioration of roads can have adverse effects on a community and may bring about
important and unanticipated welfare effects that the governments should be aware of when cutting
transportation budgets (Gertler). Poor road conditions increase fuel and tire consumption while shortening
intervals between vehicle repair and maintenance. In turn, these roads result in delayed or more
expensive deliveries for businesses and consumers (Economic Dependence on Good Roads). Economic
effects of poor road networks, such as time consuming and costly rehabilitation, can be reduced if a
proactive maintenance approach is successfully implemented.

Lynnwood has a centerline mileage to population ratio that is at the average trend of agencies recently
surveyed by IMS. When the centerline mileage is out of proportion to the population, an increased
burden is placed on rate payers to maintain the network. The following plot (Figure 14) presents a
comparison of population versus centerline mileage of several recent surveys. As can be seen,
Lynnwood falls near the trend line for centerline mileage.

The primary concern for the long term health of Lynnwood’s roadway network from a pavement
management perspective is to maintain the current profile of the network – that is keep a very low backlog
while simultaneously preventing a slide in PCI at the higher end of the scale.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 24

Figure 14 – Agency Population versus Centerline Mileage


Structural testing and analysis was completed on the full roadway network using a Dynaflect device.

Dynaflects apply a known load to the pavement and measures the pavement response to the load
through a series of geophones. From these results, the structural integrity of the roadway segment may
be assessed. The purpose of the structural analysis is threefold, namely:

1. The results are used to identify and report sections with inadequate structural capacity by
completing a layer analysis of the subgrade, base and pavement layers combined with an
evaluation against traffic loading.

2. The structural index provides input into which performance curve each segment is to use –
performance curves are used to predict pavement deterioration over time.

3. Structural analysis assists in rehabilitation selection by constraining inadequate pavement

sections from receiving too light of rehabilitation, and conversely, identifying segments suitable for
lighter weight treatment.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 25

Figure 15 presents the structural adequacy of the roadway network against its average pavement
condition, with each marker representing one segment of roadway. The diagonal black line in the plot
provides an indication of roadway segments that are performing above structural expectations and those
that do not provide full structural benefits over the life of the pavement.

Figure 15 – Structural Adequacy of the Arterial Roadway Network

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 26

Surface distresses may be categorized into two classifications – load associated distresses (LAD) and
non-load associated distresses (NLAD). Load associated distresses are those that are directly related to
traffic loading and structural capacity. Non-load associated distresses are those that result from materials
or environmental issues including shrinkage (transverse) cracking, bleeding and raveling. Generally, load
associated distresses affect the overall condition score more than non-load associated distresses – as is
the case in Lynnwood. For asphalt streets, roadways were classified as Weak, Moderate, or Strong.

Weak pavements are those with a high ratio of load associated distresses compared to their PCI score
and generally require increased pavement thickness to achieve long-term pavement life. Moderate
pavements are those that require localized rehabilitation and/or increased thickness to achieve full
pavement life. Strong pavements are those that have a low LAD to PCI ratio and have suitable structural
capacity to accept lightweight surface treatments with minimal preparation. These are pavements that are
starting to display structural and base failures such as rutting or alligator cracking.

The purpose of the structural analysis is twofold:

• The structural index provides input into which performance curve each segment is to use –
performance curves are used to predict pavement deterioration over time.

• Structural analysis assists in rehabilitation selection by constraining inadequate pavement

sections from receiving too light of a rehabilitation and conversely, identifying segments suitable
for lighter weight treatment.

The primary area of concern is the street segments that have a high pavement condition score (greater
than 65), yet exhibit low structural characteristics (weak to moderate pavement strengths). When an
overlay is to be applied, project level testing and design should be completed to ensure their structural
integrity is restored. The second area of concern is the shortened pavement life due to low structural
capacity – these are segments with a lower Structural Index score than PCI score. The cause of this
issue can generally be traced back to three primary sources:

• Incorporation of streets into the network that were never designed to carry heavy loads resulting
in premature failure. This is common in rapidly expanding agencies that annex county roads.

• Too thin of structural cross section and overlays – this is often caused by the use of standard
designs that simply result in inadequate structural capacities. A firm understanding of subgrade
and base conditions combined with a qualified structural design typically results in a thicker cross
section being specified, but increases the pavement life considerably.

• Increase traffic loading beyond initial design limits, combined with ever-increasing truck weights
and tire pressures. Heavier garbage and recycling trucks, along with increased transit bus size
can dramatically alter pavement quality in a very short period of time.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 27

Figure 16 plots the relationship of the load associated distresses (shown in red) and non-load associated
distress (shown in blue) against pavement condition. As can be seen from the plot, at higher PCI scores,
it is the non-load associated distresses that have a higher concentration of deducts over the load
associated distresses. As the PCI score drops, the load associated distresses typically affect the PCI
score to a higher degree. This is indicative of a network that has good pavement performance for the first
half of a street’s life, and then suffers from progressive structural or base failures over time. High PCI
score (above 65) rehab selections should focus on pavement preservation activities such as surface
treatments or thin overlays, possibly with some localized pavement repairs and crack sealing.

The upper black diagonal line identifies segments that have a high ratio of load associated distresses
compared to their PCI score and are defined as weak. The lower black diagonal line identifies segments
that have a low ratio of load associated distresses compared to their PCI score and are defined as strong.
In between the two lines, and all segments with a PCI > 80 are assigned a moderate pavement strength.

In a recent study completed by IMS for the City of Longview, WA, garbage and recycle trucks accounted
for approximately 33% to 50% of the pavement damage done to a local street, yet represented only a
fraction of the traffic. The reason for this imbalance is that local streets were never designed for heavy
garbage or recycle trucks and cannot effectively withstand the structural loading – often following the
same wheel path.

Figure 16 – Pavement Condition Index versus Sum of Distress Deducts

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 28


Figure 17 highlights the pavement condition distribution for the principal arterial, minor arterial, collector,
and residential streets. The residential roadway network forms the majority of the City’s street system.
Local roadways are the streets that people live on or are used for driving within the community.
Residential roadways have an average PCI of 67. Principal arterials have an average PCI of 71 (shown in
red). Arterial roadways are the streets that have the majority of traffic use and link various parts of the
City together. They may be considered the thoroughfares of the City and during the budget development
process, should receive the highest priority when selecting rehabilitation candidates. Collector roads form
the rest of the network and have an average PCI score of 68. All functional classes meet the key
performance metric of having an average PCI greater than or equal to the 60 to 65 range.

Figure 17 – Condition Rating by Functional Classification

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 29


The concept of the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) score, backlog percentage and number of streets
rated as Excellent must be fully understood in order to understand and develop an effective pavement
management program. These three metrics should fall into certain ranges in order to measure the quality
and long term viability of a network.

The PCI score indicates the overall pavement condition and represents the amount of equity in the
system; it is the value most commonly considered when gauging the overall quality of a roadway network.
It may also be used to define a desired level of service: that is, an agency may wish to develop a
pavement management program such that in five years the overall network score meets a set minimum
value. Obviously, the higher the PCI score the better off the overall network condition is. Agencies with
an average PCI score above 80 (when considering surface distress, roughness and possibly strength) are
rare and found only in a few select communities. Less than 1 in 20 communities surveyed by IMS have
that high of a condition average. Averages between 65 and 80 are indicative of either newer networks, or
ones that have an ongoing pavement rehabilitation program and tend to be fully funded. Scores between
60 and 65 are common and represent a reasonable average providing a satisfactory balance between
levels of service and funding, and when taken with the other two metrics may represent a well-managed
and funded network. A minimum score of 60 means that overall the network falls at the lower end of the
range where light weight surface treatments and thin overlays are the standard rehabilitation practice.
Below a 60 means an agency has to rely on more costly rehabilitations and reconstructions to address
condition issues.

At the upper end of the condition scale, a minimum of 15% of the network should be rated as Excellent.
Generally, at or above 15%, means that a noticeable percentage of the roadway network is in like new
condition, requiring only routine maintenance. While higher percentages of streets rated as Excellent are
certainly desirable, the annual cost to maintain this rate is often cost prohibitive. Below 15% means the
agency is struggling to effectively rehabilitate their network on an annual basis.

Backlog roadways are those that have dropped sufficiently in quality to the point where surface based
rehabilitation efforts would no longer prove to be cost effective. These roadways are rated Poor or Very
Poor and will require either partial or total reconstruction. Backlog is expressed as the percentage of
roads requiring reconstruction as compared to the network totals.

It is the backlog, however, that defines the amount of legacy work an agency is facing and is willing to
accept in the future. It is the combination of the three metrics that presents the true picture of the
condition of a roadway network, and conversely defines improvement goals.

Generally, a backlog of 10% to 15% of the overall network is considered manageable from a funding point
of view with 12% being a realistic target. Backlog rates below 10%, again are certainly desirable, but
financially unachievable for a large percentage of agencies. Backlogs approaching 20% or more tend to
become unmanageable, unless aggressively checked through larger rehabilitation programs, and will
grow at an alarming rate. At about 20% backlog, the rate of decrease in average condition, and hence
growth in backlog, exceeds most agencies ability to arrest the decline and address the large volumes of
streets in need of rehabilitation. Basically, at 20% a tipping point has been met and the backlog tends to
increase faster than an agency’s ability to reconstruct their streets.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 30

Lynnwood has met three out of the three metrics for evaluating the quality of its roadway network.
Lynnwood’s average overall pavement condition score is above the recommended target zone of 60 to 65
with an average score of 68. The number of streets rated as Excellent was above the minimum target of
15% at 16%. The backlog amount is 4%, well below the recommended target of 12%.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 31



Pavement management analysis requires user inputs in order to complete its condition forecasting and
prioritization. A series of operating parameters were developed in order to develop an efficient program
that is tailored to the City’s needs.

Some of the highlights include:

• The pavement performance curves that are used to predict future pavement condition. Asphalt
streets are classified as weak, moderate, or strong, and then assigned the appropriate pavement
performance curve based on their functional classification to use in the analysis.

• The shape of performance curves reflect the concept of deferred maintenance and salvage life.
Instead of dropping to an absolute PCI value of 0 after 40 years of service, the curves are
designed to become asymptotic to the age axis and have a whole life of approximately 50 to 60
years depending on pavement type. This indicates the concept that once a street deteriorates
past a specific threshold – about a PCI of 20, age becomes less important in rehab selection.

• Priority ranking – analysis uses prioritization for rehab candidate selection. It is designed to
capture as many segments in their need year based on the incremental cost of deferral. The
higher the functional classification of a street, the higher priority a segment is given.

Pavement Performance Curves

The basic shape of the asphalt performance curves follows traditional sigmoidal deterioration models
such as those contained in MicroPAVER and other commonly used pavement management applications.
The curves are constructed such that a typical overlay following new pavement construction does not
occur until 20 to 30 years have passed, and full reconstruction does not occur until 40 to 65 years have
passed or the street has a PCI below 10. Each street is assigned a curve based on its pavement type,
functional classification, and pavement strength as determined in Section 2. The curves assume an
ultimate life between 60 and 100 years and are designed to be asymptotic to the X-axis (Time) to reflect
the salvage value of the pavement once it has reached the end of its service life with a PCI less than 10.

It is important to recognize that even though all streets fall into specific rating categories (as highlighted
by the horizontal black dotted lines in Figure 18 and their respective rehabilitation strategies), it is not
until a street falls to within a few points of the lower end of the range that it will become a critical need
selected for rehabilitation.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 32

Figure 18– Asphalt (ACP) and Concrete (PCC) Performance Curves

Rehabilitation Strategies and Unit Rates

The rehab strategies and unit rates used in the pavement analysis can be found in the following table.
Some important parameters include:

• RR Code and Activity – The assigned identifier and name to each rehabilitation strategy. The
term “RR” refers to remove and replace – that is, structural patching. When this term is present,
additional funds have been assigned to the strategy to allow for an increased amount of
preparation work and patching. The relative terms of thin, moderate and thick are used to
describe the overlay thickness. This is to facilitate consistency in the naming convention, but
does not imply the same material thickness has to be used for each functional classification.

• Unit Rates – The rehab costs are presented on a per square feet basis for each pavement type,
functional class, and rehab activity combination. The rates were developed using typical national
averages for similar activities and adjusted for Lynnwood’s location and unique conditions. Rates
include a 20% burden for miscellaneous activities (such as striping removal or loop detector
replacement), traffic control and engineering inspection.

• Min PCI, Max PCI, and PCI Reset – These define the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and
Structural Index range applicable to the rehab selection. PCI Reset is the applied Post-Rehab

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 33

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 34
Below, Figure 19 graphically presents the application of pavement rehabilitations for asphalt streets by
PCI and Structural Index (SI). The Rehab numbers are simply placeholders that separate each
rehabilitation project. For example, Rehab 43 is a Mod Olay with an allowance for RR, where Mod is short
for Moderate and Olay is a contraction for overlay.

Unit rates increase slightly between functional classes to reflect increase costs in pavement thickness,
traffic control, and striping. Rehabs 26 and 30 share the same rehab location, and is an example of
where the lighter of the two options (rehab 26 – surface treatment) may be suitable in place of an overlay.

Figure 19 – Applied Rehabilitation Strategies

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 35


Three different approaches may be taken to identify and confirm the amount of funds the city needs to set
aside each year to maintain the roadway network at its current condition. All three are completed
externally to the pavement management system and are simply used to validate the final results.

Option 1 – Estimated Life Cycle Cost Based on Network Value

A ballpark value for the annual street maintenance budget may be quickly determined by taking the total
value of Lynnwood’s roadway network, estimated at $88.9M, and dividing that by the ultimate life of a
roadway – assumed to be 50 to 100 years for asphalt and concrete respectively (please note, the 50 to
100 year lifespan of the roadway is the theoretical life of the roadway surface from construction, until the
point at which there not usable surface remaining, it is not simply the lifespan of the pavement surface
until the next overlay). By this method, the annual budget is estimated at $1.78M.

Life Cycle
Pavement Annual Cost
Pavement Type Value ($) Ultimate Life Span (yrs) ($/yr)

Asphalt Network 88,964,000 50 1,780,000

Concrete Network 0 100 0
All Streets 88,964,000 1,780,000

Option 2 – Estimated Life Cycle Cost Based on Current Condition

A second method to validate the annual budget is to identify the average network PCI and associated
rehabilitation requirements, and then estimate the number of miles required to be rehabilitated each year
based on a typical life cycle for that rehabilitation activity. At the time of the survey Lynnwood held an
average PCI for asphalt roads is a 68, which places the city in the surface treatment range. At an
2 2
average cost of $19.80/yd for asphalt EM+ Thin Overlay and $0.00/yd for concrete PCC Reconstruction,
the city needs to spend approximately $3M/year to maintain the current condition average.

Pavement Blended Average Life Cycle

Condition Typical Rehab Based on Rehab Unit Rehab Life Miles To Do Cost Per Mile Annual Cost
Pavement Type Index (PCI) Condition Rate ($/yd2) Cycle (yrs) Each Year (mi) ($/mi) ($/yr)

Asphalt Network 68 EM + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 19.8 15 7.0 430,000 3,010,000
Concrete Network 0 PCC Reconstruction 0.00 75 0.0 0 0
All Streets 3,010,000

Option 3 - Estimated Life Cycle Cost Based on Network Deficiency

The third methodology to confirm the required amount of annual funding is to identify the current network
deficiency, that is the amount required to rehabilitate all streets in the network assuming unlimited
funding, and then divide by the typical life cycle of each rehabilitation activity. This is referred to as the
Fix All Estimate and Life Cycle Cost. The rehab strategies listed in the table are generic in nature and not
necessarily the final set that was applied to Lynnwood. For Lynnwood, the Fix All Estimate for the network
deficiency is approximately $37.4 Million and the Life Cycle Cost is $2.53M/year, broken down as follows:

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 36

Total Cost Life Cycle Life Cycle
Asphalt Deficiency ($) % of Total PART MnART COL RES (years) Cost ($)

Reconstruction (Base) 13,000 0.0 0 13,000 0 0 50 0

Reconstruction (Surface) 3,465,000 9.2 0 997,500 131,200 2,336,300 30 116,000
FWM Thick Olay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 5,915,000 15.8 421,300 1,082,700 586,700 3,824,300 20 296,000
E/FWM Mod Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 10,631,000 28.4 1,375,000 2,123,200 2,192,000 4,940,800 18 591,000
EM + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 14,091,600 37.6 5,730,200 1,672,800 2,355,100 4,333,500 15 939,000
Surf Trtmnt / Chip/Fiber Seal 1,827,000 4.9 432,500 519,200 390,700 484,600 7 261,000
Slurry Seal 1,480,000 3.9 104,800 392,100 288,700 694,400 5 296,000
Routine Maintenance 65,900 0.2 500 21,700 7,300 36,400 2 33,000

Total Asphalt Network: 37,488,500 100 8,064,300 6,822,200 5,951,700 16,650,300 2,532,000

Total Cost Life Cycle Life Cycle

Concrete Deficiency ($) % of Total PART MnART COL RES (years) Cost ($)

PCC Reconstruction 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 75 0

PCC Partial Recon 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 50 0
Extensive Pnl Rplcmnt 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 25 0
Moderate Pnl Rplcmnt 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 20 0
Slight Pnl Rplcmnt 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 15 0
Localized Rehab 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 10 0
Joint Rehab 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 5 0
Routine Maintenance 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 2 0

Total Concrete Network: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Network : 37,488,500 8,064,300 6,822,200 5,951,700 16,650,300 2,532,000


An analysis containing a total of 10 budget runs ($500k through $5M per year) plus Unlimited and Do
Nothing options was prepared for Lynnwood.

The analysis results are summarized below:

• Unlimited - The Unlimited (or Fix All) budget assumes each street is rehabilitated with unlimited
funds available. The idea is to identify the upper limit of spending the city would require without any
constraints on budgets. For Lynnwood, the unlimited budget is approximately $36.5M over 5 years.
This increases the network PCI to a maximum of 90 and tapering off to an 88 in 5 years.

• Do Nothing - This option identifies the effect of spending no capital for 5 years. After 5 years, the
Do Nothing option results in an average PCI drop from a 65 to a 57.

• $500k through $5M - Identifies the resultant network PCI at various funding levels. From these
budgets, the final recommended annual budget was determined.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 37

The results of the analysis are summarized in Figure 20 below. The X-axis highlights the annual budget,
while the Y-axis plots the 5 Year Post Rehab PCI value. The diagonal blue line is the analysis results.
As can be seen from the plot, a budget of $2.20M per year (shown in red) would maintain the network at it
PCI at 67. This is known as the Steady State PCI Budget. The control budget of 1.40M per year would
slightly decrease the PCI to 65 and increases the backlog to 11%. A recommended budget of 2.95M per
year would raise the PCI to 72 and move the backlog to 6%.

Figure 20 – 5 Year Post Rehab Network PCI Analysis Results

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 38

Figure 21 presents the resultant network backlog against annual budget. Similar to figure 20, but instead
of plotting the average PCI score, the blue diagonal line represents the total backlog after 5 years (the
lower the backlog the better, with a maximum of 12% recommended). A budget of 3.70M per year would
maintain the Backlog at 4% and improve the PCI to 75.

Figure 21 – 5 Year Post Rehab Network Backlog Results

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 39

Figure 22 presents the analysis results on an annual basis. This shows that if the budget falls below
$1.40M/year, over time the overall condition of the roads will deteriorate as the backlog increases. It is
recommended to select a pavement management program that does not continue to let the City
infrastructure fail or the City will be paying more to maintain the system.

Figure 22 – 5 Year Annual PCI

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The following table presents the steady state versus actual funding levels of various agencies that use
similar reporting and analysis software. The list is by no means representing all agencies that use a
pavement management system, but rather is a sampling of what other agencies are doing.

In comparison to other agencies, Lynnwood’s steady state budget requirement of approximately

$15,000/mile is below the sample average of $15,800.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 41

Figure 23 illustrates the overall network health of various agencies by developing a relative scoring
system (Network Index) that compares the Network average PCI and the agency’s Backlog (Very Poor
and Poor roadways). An agency with a PCI of 100 and no backlog would score a perfect Network Index
of 100. A very well managed network would score above 71, while one in healthy condition would fall
between 58 and 71, representing a PCI score of 65 with no more than 10% backlog up to a PCI of 75 with
only 5% backlog. The minimum target Network Index is 51 representing a PCI of 60 with 15% backlog.

Lynnwood current Network Index is 66 placing it in a very healthy and Manageable Target Zone (shown
as the blue square).

Figure 23 – Network Index

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The following figure (Figure 24) compares the current network condition distribution against what the five-
year post rehabilitation distributions of budgets.

Figure 24 – Five-Year Post Rehabilitation Condition Distribution

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 43

Figure 25 through Figure 28, present the network rehabilitation plans by year and activity that includes a
12% surface treatment, as well as how the network condition would appear on a segment by segment
basis with surface treatment. Electronic versions of these maps are appended to this report.

Figure 25 – Five-Year Rehabilitation Plan by Year and Activity

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 44

Figure 26 – Five-Year Rehabilitation Plan and Activity Including Surface Treatment

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 45

Figure 27 – Five-Year Post Rehabilitation PCI by Segment

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Figure 28 – Five-Year Post Rehabilitation PCI by Segment with Surface Treatment

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The following recommendations are presented to Lynnwood as an output from the pavement analysis, and
must be read in conjunction with the attached reports.

1. Lynnwood should adopt a policy to maintain the PCI above 70 and keep the backlog under or at

A select annual budget of $2.65M/year will increase the average network PCI to a 70 and the
backlog would slightly increase to 7%.

2. The full suite of proposed rehabilitation strategies and unit rates should be reviewed annually as
these can have considerable effects on the final program.

3. All unit rates include a 25% burden in addition to their actual construction cost to cover traffic
control, miscellaneous activities, and inspection. The unit rates have no funding for ADA
compliance as these are assumed to be funded separately.

4. All costs are in constant 2016 dollars. No allowances have been made for inflation or fluctuations in
rehabilitation costs.

5. No allowance has been made for network growth or conversion of gravel roadways to pavement.
As the city expands or increases the amount of paved roads, increased budgets will be required.

6. No allowance has been made for routine maintenance activities such as asphalt crack sealing,
sweeping, striping or patching within the budget runs and analysis. These costs are assumed to be
outside the pavement management costs.

7. The city should resurvey their streets every few years to update the condition data and
rehabilitation program.

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Report_Rev1 Page 48

Appendix A

Street Inventory and Condition Summary, Sorted by Street Name

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

1026 101625010 1000 10 162ND PL SW WEST END 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 646 1,922 10.0 9.4 8.8 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.4 75 55 60 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
16 101625020 1000 20 162ND PL SW 66TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 107 479 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
107 101635010 1010 10 163RD PL SW WEST END EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 361 1,241 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.9 92 76 60 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 1
94 101637020 1020 10 163RD ST SW 66TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 199 752 10.0 8.4 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.9 80 61 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
1028 101645010 1030 10 164TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 26 503 1,496 10.0 9.3 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.7 75 57 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
1027 101645020 1040 10 164TH PL SW WEST END 40TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 349 1,277 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 98 89 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1029 101645030 1040 20 164TH PL SW 40TH PL W PRIVATE Residential Asphalt 31 213 756 9.5 9.0 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 58 32 60 49 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 31
1244 101645030 1040 30 164TH PL SW PRIVATE 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 50 54 310 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 93 78 60 88 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
3 101647010 1050 10 164TH ST SW WEST END 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 628 1,939 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.6 80 64 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
1030 101647020 1050 20 164TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 65TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 320 953 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.0 83 64 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
1031 101647030 1050 30 164TH ST SW 65TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 316 759 10.0 9.6 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.3 80 61 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
1128 1070 10 164TH ST SW SR 99 NE END Principal Arterial Asphalt 30 112 384 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 89 70 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
1245 101647040 1080 10 164TH ST SW 164TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 325 2,228 10.0 8.9 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 72 77 79 75 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 16
134 101647040 1080 20 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 164TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 45 332 1,709 10.0 8.9 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 71 77 28 62 6/1/2016 1 Weak Good 18
1243 101647040 1080 30 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 43 212 1,044 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 10.0 84 75 71 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
1126 1080 50 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 44TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 30 83 285 10.0 9.7 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 81 62 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
1127 1080 40 164TH ST SW (RAMP) 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 13 249 370 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 91 72 60 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
20 101655010 1110 10 165TH PL SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 332 1,102 10.0 9.0 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 64 41 60 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 21
56 101655020 1110 20 165TH PL SW 64TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 259 683 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.0 78 58 60 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 16
34 101655030 1110 30 165TH PL SW 63RD AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 22 251 632 10.0 9.3 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
1033 101655040 1110 40 165TH PL SW 62ND PL W 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 87 230 10.0 10.0 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.6 65 48 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
1045 101655090 1120 10 165TH PL SW 41ST PL W 40TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 284 1,105 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
141 101655050 1130 10 165TH PL SW 37TH PL W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 425 1,704 10.0 8.4 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.5 55 55 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
1040 101665010 1140 10 166TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 27 265 818 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 7.3 75 63 60 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 22
1041 101665020 1140 20 166TH PL SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 262 720 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.6 85 66 60 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
49 101665030 1150 10 166TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 455 1,822 10.0 8.8 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.8 75 66 60 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 13
1035 101665070 1160 10 166TH PL SW 44TH AVE W 43RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 285 1,206 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 9.4 9.8 92 76 60 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 3
1037 101665071 1160 20 166TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 42ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 297 1,190 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 94 81 60 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1039 101665072 1160 30 166TH PL SW 42ND AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 34 276 1,075 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 88 60 94 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
200 101665040 1170 10 166TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 35 250 1,001 10.0 8.3 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.4 59 67 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
1036 101665050 1170 20 166TH PL SW 37TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 337 1,428 10.0 9.1 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.5 71 49 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 20
293 101665060 1180 10 166TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 648 2,004 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 7.8 73 54 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
1248 101665060 1180 20 166TH PL SW 167TH PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 27 470 1,452 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.1 83 64 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
1057 101670010 1210 10 167TH DR SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 495 1,927 9.9 9.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.8 76 56 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 14
1055 101675010 1190 10 167TH PL SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 209 716 10.0 9.8 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.0 70 69 30 70 6/1/2016 1 Weak Good 27
1052 101675020 1200 10 167TH PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 239 931 10.0 9.6 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 81 63 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 16
1048 101675030 1220 10 167TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 37 689 2,918 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.7 88 69 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
1058 101670020 1230 10 167TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 450 2,058 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.6 91 74 60 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 3
1249 101677010 1250 10 167TH ST SW WEST END 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 211 894 10.0 9.4 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.0 83 64 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
1054 101677010 1250 20 167TH ST SW 37TH PL W 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 550 2,142 10.0 9.3 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 84 65 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
1064 101685005 1260 10 168TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 43 190 935 10.0 7.5 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 41 20 80 34 6/1/2016 3 Strng Poor 31
1062 101685010 1270 10 168TH PL SW 39TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 416 1,667 10.0 8.2 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 78 68 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
1025 101685020 1280 10 168TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 494 2,262 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.4 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
60 101687010 1290 10 168TH ST SW 70TH PL W 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 374 1,369 10.0 8.2 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 8.5 39 60 60 46 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 43
84 101687020 1290 20 168TH ST SW 69TH PL W 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 722 2,725 10.0 8.1 6.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.9 46 56 60 49 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 34
116 101687030 1290 30 168TH ST SW 168TH ST SW 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 673 1,617 10.0 8.5 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.9 50 59 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 36
67 101687040 1290 40 168TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 27 1,030 3,184 10.0 8.5 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.9 62 58 64 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
1069 101687050 1290 50 168TH ST SW 63RD AVE W OLYMPIC VIEW DR Collector Asphalt 46 142 745 10.0 9.4 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 7.4 71 48 79 67 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 21
1071 101687068 1290 60 168TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 62ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 162 1,078 8.8 8.4 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 64 59 80 67 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 21
35 101687070 1290 70 168TH ST SW 62ND AVE W 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 656 4,352 10.0 8.2 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.8 69 83 82 76 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 14
24 101687080 1290 80 168TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 522 3,462 10.0 8.1 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.7 68 81 70 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
100 101687091 1290 90 168TH ST SW 58TH PL W 57TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 291 1,934 10.0 8.3 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.9 63 79 75 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 22
74 101687090 1290 100 168TH ST SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 494 3,282 10.0 8.3 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 71 88 76 77 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 12
95 101687195 1290 110 168TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 484 3,213 10.0 8.3 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.7 73 89 84 80 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 11
5 101687100 1290 120 168TH ST SW 55TH PL W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 855 5,675 10.0 8.1 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.5 65 76 73 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
25 101687110 1290 130 168TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,362 9,038 9.8 8.3 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.0 58 78 81 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 26
103 101687120 1290 140 168TH ST SW 48TH AVE W SR 99 Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 823 5,460 9.4 8.7 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.4 59 60 83 65 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 27
249 101687130 1290 150 168TH ST SW SR 99 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 61 534 3,731 9.6 8.6 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.7 54 47 83 59 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 28
1068 101687140 1300 10 168TH ST SW 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 405 1,576 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 97 88 60 94 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
77 101695010 1310 10 169TH PL SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 235 1,051 9.7 8.8 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.5 47 22 60 39 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 41
46 101695020 1310 20 169TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,328 5,168 10.0 7.6 7.8 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.2 50 56 60 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 29
129 101697010 1320 10 169TH ST SW SPRUCE WAY 39TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 253 984 10.0 9.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.0 78 59 60 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
265 101697020 1320 20 169TH ST SW 39TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 619 2,621 10.0 9.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.5 82 69 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
1024 101697040 1330 10 169TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,331 5,179 10.0 9.6 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.9 89 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 3
310 101697030 1340 10 169TH ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 24 369 1,013 10.0 8.8 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 8.1 38 26 60 34 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 47
61 101705010 1350 10 170TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 27 198 611 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
11 101705020 1350 20 170TH PL SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 26 426 1,267 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
27 101705030 1360 10 170TH PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 545 2,120 10.0 8.8 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.2 70 51 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
15 101705040 1360 20 170TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 54TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 529 2,058 10.0 9.0 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.5 60 60 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 31
14 101705050 1360 30 170TH PL SW 54TH PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 816 3,174 10.0 9.4 7.8 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.6 60 62 30 60 6/1/2016 1 Weak Good 35
1136 1370 10 170TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 310 1,241 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 89 60 94 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
303 101707050 1380 10 170TH PL SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 365 1,169 10.0 9.1 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.2 72 49 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 1 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

1026 101625010 1000 10 162ND PL SW WEST END 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 646 1,922 3440 3440 - 66TH AVE W + Others 7 2,436 7,724 64 Good 2 4 1
16 101625020 1000 20 162ND PL SW 66TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 107 479 3440 3440 - 66TH AVE W + Others 7 2,436 7,724 64 Good 2 4 1
107 101635010 1010 10 163RD PL SW WEST END EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 361 1,241 3440 3440 - 66TH AVE W + Others 7 2,436 7,724 64 Good 2 4 1
94 101637020 1020 10 163RD ST SW 66TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 199 752 3440 3440 - 66TH AVE W + Others 7 2,436 7,724 64 Good 2 4 1
1028 101645010 1030 10 164TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 26 503 1,496 3130 3130 - 58TH PL W + Others 3 1,642 5,006 53 Fair 2 4 1
1027 101645020 1040 10 164TH PL SW WEST END 40TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 349 1,277 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
1029 101645030 1040 20 164TH PL SW 40TH PL W PRIVATE Residential Asphalt 31 213 756 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
1244 101645030 1040 30 164TH PL SW PRIVATE 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 50 54 310 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
3 101647010 1050 10 164TH ST SW WEST END 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 628 1,939 1000 1000 - 164TH ST SW + Others 4 1,460 4,505 65 Good 2 4 1
1030 101647020 1050 20 164TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 65TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 320 953 1000 1000 - 164TH ST SW + Others 4 1,460 4,505 65 Good 2 4 1
1031 101647030 1050 30 164TH ST SW 65TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 316 759 1000 1000 - 164TH ST SW + Others 4 1,460 4,505 65 Good 2 4 1
1128 1070 10 164TH ST SW SR 99 NE END Principal Arterial Asphalt 30 112 384 4030 4030 - 164TH ST SW 1 112 384 80 V Good 2 1 1
1245 101647040 1080 10 164TH ST SW 164TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 325 2,228 2670 2670 - 44TH AVE W + Others 7 3,352 16,031 68 Good 2 1 1
134 101647040 1080 20 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 164TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 45 332 1,709 2670 2670 - 44TH AVE W + Others 7 3,352 16,031 68 Good 2 1 1
1243 101647040 1080 30 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 43 212 1,044 2670 2670 - 44TH AVE W + Others 7 3,352 16,031 68 Good 2 1 1
1126 1080 50 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 44TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 30 83 285 2670 2670 - 44TH AVE W + Others 7 3,352 16,031 68 Good 2 1 1
1127 1080 40 164TH ST SW (RAMP) 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 13 249 370 2670 2670 - 44TH AVE W + Others 7 3,352 16,031 68 Good 2 1 1
20 101655010 1110 10 165TH PL SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 332 1,102 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
56 101655020 1110 20 165TH PL SW 64TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 259 683 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
34 101655030 1110 30 165TH PL SW 63RD AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 22 251 632 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
1033 101655040 1110 40 165TH PL SW 62ND PL W 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 87 230 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
1045 101655090 1120 10 165TH PL SW 41ST PL W 40TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 284 1,105 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
141 101655050 1130 10 165TH PL SW 37TH PL W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 425 1,704 2470 2470 - 167TH ST SW + Others 8 2,535 10,019 63 Good 2 4 1
1040 101665010 1140 10 166TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 27 265 818 1010 1010 - 166TH PL SW + Others 3 879 2,667 59 Fair 2 4 1
1041 101665020 1140 20 166TH PL SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 262 720 1010 1010 - 166TH PL SW + Others 3 879 2,667 59 Fair 2 4 1
49 101665030 1150 10 166TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 455 1,822 3850 3850 - HILLPOINTE CIRCLE + Others 6 3,202 12,816 84 V Good 2 4 1
1035 101665070 1160 10 166TH PL SW 44TH AVE W 43RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 285 1,206 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
1037 101665071 1160 20 166TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 42ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 297 1,190 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
1039 101665072 1160 30 166TH PL SW 42ND AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 34 276 1,075 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
200 101665040 1170 10 166TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 35 250 1,001 2470 2470 - 167TH ST SW + Others 8 2,535 10,019 63 Good 2 4 1
1036 101665050 1170 20 166TH PL SW 37TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 337 1,428 2470 2470 - 167TH ST SW + Others 8 2,535 10,019 63 Good 2 4 1
293 101665060 1180 10 166TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 648 2,004 1020 1020 - 166TH PL SW 2 1,118 3,456 68 Good 2 4 1
1248 101665060 1180 20 166TH PL SW 167TH PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 27 470 1,452 1020 1020 - 166TH PL SW 2 1,118 3,456 68 Good 2 4 1
1057 101670010 1210 10 167TH DR SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 495 1,927 1030 1030 - 167TH PL SW + Others 2 1,184 4,845 74 V Good 2 4 1
1055 101675010 1190 10 167TH PL SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 209 716 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
1052 101675020 1200 10 167TH PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 239 931 3090 3090 - 57TH PL W + Others 4 1,109 4,654 77 V Good 2 4 1
1048 101675030 1220 10 167TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 37 689 2,918 1030 1030 - 167TH PL SW + Others 2 1,184 4,845 74 V Good 2 4 1
1058 101670020 1230 10 167TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 450 2,058 1050 1050 - 169TH ST SW + Others 3 2,275 9,499 82 V Good 2 4 1
1249 101677010 1250 10 167TH ST SW WEST END 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 211 894 2470 2470 - 167TH ST SW + Others 8 2,535 10,019 63 Good 2 4 1
1054 101677010 1250 20 167TH ST SW 37TH PL W 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 550 2,142 2470 2470 - 167TH ST SW + Others 8 2,535 10,019 63 Good 2 4 1
1064 101685005 1260 10 168TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 43 190 935 1090 1090 - 169TH PL SW + Others 3 1,754 7,154 45 Marginal 2 4 1
1062 101685010 1270 10 168TH PL SW 39TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 416 1,667 1100 1100 - 169TH ST SW + Others 4 1,526 6,197 74 V Good 2 4 1
1025 101685020 1280 10 168TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 494 2,262 1050 1050 - 169TH ST SW + Others 3 2,275 9,499 82 V Good 2 4 1
60 101687010 1290 10 168TH ST SW 70TH PL W 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 374 1,369 1060 1060 - 168TH ST SW + Others 5 2,454 8,411 47 Marginal 2 4 1
84 101687020 1290 20 168TH ST SW 69TH PL W 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 722 2,725 1060 1060 - 168TH ST SW + Others 5 2,454 8,411 47 Marginal 2 4 1
116 101687030 1290 30 168TH ST SW 168TH ST SW 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 673 1,617 1060 1060 - 168TH ST SW + Others 5 2,454 8,411 47 Marginal 2 4 1
67 101687040 1290 40 168TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 27 1,030 3,184 1070 1070 - 168TH ST SW 2 1,172 3,929 59 Fair 2 3 1
1069 101687050 1290 50 168TH ST SW 63RD AVE W OLYMPIC VIEW DR Collector Asphalt 46 142 745 1070 1070 - 168TH ST SW 2 1,172 3,929 59 Fair 2 3 1
1071 101687068 1290 60 168TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 62ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 162 1,078 1080 1080 - 168TH ST SW 10 6,183 41,225 67 Good 3 2 1
35 101687070 1290 70 168TH ST SW 62ND AVE W 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 656 4,352 1080 1080 - 168TH ST SW 10 6,183 41,225 67 Good 3 2 1
24 101687080 1290 80 168TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 522 3,462 1080 1080 - 168TH ST SW 10 6,183 41,225 67 Good 3 2 1
100 101687091 1290 90 168TH ST SW 58TH PL W 57TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 291 1,934 1080 1080 - 168TH ST SW 10 6,183 41,225 67 Good 3 2 1
74 101687090 1290 100 168TH ST SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 494 3,282 1080 1080 - 168TH ST SW 10 6,183 41,225 67 Good 3 2 1
95 101687195 1290 110 168TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 484 3,213 1080 1080 - 168TH ST SW 10 6,183 41,225 67 Good 3 2 1
5 101687100 1290 120 168TH ST SW 55TH PL W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 855 5,675 1080 1080 - 168TH ST SW 10 6,183 41,225 67 Good 3 2 1
25 101687110 1290 130 168TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,362 9,038 1080 1080 - 168TH ST SW 10 6,183 41,225 67 Good 3 2 1
103 101687120 1290 140 168TH ST SW 48TH AVE W SR 99 Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 823 5,460 1080 1080 - 168TH ST SW 10 6,183 41,225 67 Good 3 2 1
249 101687130 1290 150 168TH ST SW SR 99 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 61 534 3,731 1080 1080 - 168TH ST SW 10 6,183 41,225 67 Good 3 2 1
1068 101687140 1300 10 168TH ST SW 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 405 1,576 2560 2560 - 41ST PL W + Others 4 1,824 7,396 73 V Good 2 4 1
77 101695010 1310 10 169TH PL SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 235 1,051 1090 1090 - 169TH PL SW + Others 3 1,754 7,154 45 Marginal 2 4 1
46 101695020 1310 20 169TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,328 5,168 1090 1090 - 169TH PL SW + Others 3 1,754 7,154 45 Marginal 2 4 1
129 101697010 1320 10 169TH ST SW SPRUCE WAY 39TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 253 984 1100 1100 - 169TH ST SW + Others 4 1,526 6,197 74 V Good 2 4 1
265 101697020 1320 20 169TH ST SW 39TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 619 2,621 1100 1100 - 169TH ST SW + Others 4 1,526 6,197 74 V Good 2 4 1
1024 101697040 1330 10 169TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,331 5,179 1050 1050 - 169TH ST SW + Others 3 2,275 9,499 82 V Good 2 4 1
310 101697030 1340 10 169TH ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 24 369 1,013 1110 1110 - 32ND AVE W + Others 7 1,981 5,129 49 Marginal 2 4 1
61 101705010 1350 10 170TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 27 198 611 1120 1120 - 170TH PL SW 2 624 1,879 94 Excellent 2 4 1
11 101705020 1350 20 170TH PL SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 26 426 1,267 1120 1120 - 170TH PL SW 2 624 1,879 94 Excellent 2 4 1
27 101705030 1360 10 170TH PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 545 2,120 1170 1170 - 172ND PL SW + Others 4 2,991 11,637 63 Good 2 4 1
15 101705040 1360 20 170TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 54TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 529 2,058 1130 1130 - 170TH PL SW + Others 4 2,959 11,586 56 Fair 2 4 1
14 101705050 1360 30 170TH PL SW 54TH PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 816 3,174 1130 1130 - 170TH PL SW + Others 4 2,959 11,586 56 Fair 2 4 1
1136 1370 10 170TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 310 1,241 1140 1140 - 170TH PL SW 1 310 1,241 93 Excellent 2 4 1
303 101707050 1380 10 170TH PL SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 365 1,169 1110 1110 - 32ND AVE W + Others 7 1,981 5,129 49 Marginal 2 4 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 2 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

184 101707040 1390 10 170TH ST SW 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 474 1,843 10.0 9.6 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.4 61 55 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
267 101707010 1400 10 170TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 38TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 502 1,952 10.0 7.6 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.6 58 48 80 55 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 20
125 101707020 1400 20 170TH ST SW 38TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 137 519 10.0 8.4 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 76 56 80 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 4
242 101707030 1410 10 170TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 332 1,404 10.0 8.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.8 81 62 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
282 101707060 1410 20 170TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 705 2,745 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 98 89 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
44 101715010 1420 10 171ST PL SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 41 280 1,312 10.0 9.1 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.4 74 56 60 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
54 101717010 1440 10 171ST ST SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 503 2,015 10.0 9.4 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.6 69 57 60 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 24
1073 101717021 1450 10 171ST ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 762 2,964 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 94 83 60 90 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1075 101717020 1450 20 171ST ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 603 2,621 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 96 87 60 93 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1106 110100103 1460 10 172ND PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 502 1,551 10.0 10.0 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.4 57 41 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 41
1105 101725020 1460 20 172ND PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 31 556 1,972 10.0 8.6 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.4 59 55 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
42 101725030 1470 10 172ND PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 553 2,151 10.0 8.5 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.2 66 64 60 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
69 101725040 1470 20 172ND PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,339 5,209 10.0 8.9 9.0 10.0 9.8 9.9 10.0 9.7 8.5 65 69 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 24
251 101725050 1480 10 172ND PL SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 550 1,448 9.8 8.0 8.6 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.5 47 27 80 41 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 31
45 101727010 1490 10 172ND ST SW SE END MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 17 1,243 2,417 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 9.0 80 61 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
64 101727030 1500 10 172ND ST SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 65 105 779 10.0 9.0 5.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.6 39 75 30 51 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 49
72 101727040 1500 20 172ND ST SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 1,335 5,040 10.0 7.9 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 50 72 60 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
79 101727050 1510 10 172ND ST SW 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 397 908 9.7 8.6 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.3 67 42 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 16
172 101727055 1520 10 172ND ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD PL W Collector Asphalt 20 305 697 10.0 8.9 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 8.3 66 50 77 65 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 18
1252 101727060 1520 30 172ND ST SW 43RD AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 148 322 10.0 7.9 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 7.9 57 65 82 66 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 22
1253 101727060 1520 40 172ND ST SW UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 228 496 10.0 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 7.8 62 55 76 64 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 24
169 101727060 1520 50 172ND ST SW UNNAMED SPRUCE WAY Collector Asphalt 19 369 803 10.0 8.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.4 73 61 83 73 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 10
126 101727070 1520 60 172ND ST SW SPRUCE WAY 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 329 715 10.0 8.4 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 6.3 37 41 79 48 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 41
1254 101727080 1520 70 172ND ST SW 40TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 84 182 10.0 8.3 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 6.4 35 35 76 45 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 42
243 101727080 1520 80 172ND ST SW UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 112 245 10.0 7.7 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 6.1 30 43 73 44 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 46
1255 101727080 1520 90 172ND ST SW UNNAMED 39TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 112 243 10.0 8.3 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 6.9 43 46 75 52 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 40
164 101727090 1520 100 172ND ST SW 39TH PL W 38TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 307 667 10.0 8.3 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 8.1 60 53 82 64 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 22
256 101727100 1520 110 172ND ST SW 38TH AVE W 37TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 298 648 10.0 8.2 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.1 8.1 47 40 67 50 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 28
227 101727110 1520 120 172ND ST SW 37TH AVE W 36TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 316 688 10.0 8.2 8.7 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 8.3 9.7 60 44 78 60 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 16
295 101727120 1520 130 172ND ST SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 507 1,101 9.9 8.4 8.5 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.9 59 48 60 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 25
298 101727131 1520 140 172ND ST SW 34TH PL W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 19 380 827 9.9 8.7 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.3 56 62 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
284 101727130 1520 150 172ND ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 19 442 960 10.0 8.7 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.1 9.9 65 54 60 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 15
306 101727140 1520 160 172ND ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 452 1,293 9.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.2 79 60 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
117 101735010 1530 10 173RD PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 34 203 788 10.0 9.5 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.3 63 41 60 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 30
106 101735020 1530 20 173RD PL SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 41 91 426 9.8 9.2 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 7.6 54 34 60 47 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 37
1102 110100105 1540 10 173RD PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 509 1,456 10.0 9.1 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.0 60 49 60 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 32
40 101735050 1540 20 173RD PL SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 265 1,030 10.0 8.7 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.1 64 67 60 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 23
7 101735060 1540 30 173RD PL SW 59TH PL W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 287 1,084 10.0 7.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.8 70 62 80 67 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 7
96 101735070 1540 40 173RD PL SW 58TH AVE W 57TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 266 1,036 10.0 9.1 5.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.5 42 35 60 39 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 48
78 101735080 1540 50 173RD PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 530 2,001 10.0 8.4 7.8 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.2 8.6 48 56 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 34
48 101735090 1540 60 173RD PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,345 5,233 10.0 8.4 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.5 68 65 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
231 101735100 1550 10 173RD PL SW SPRUCE WAY EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 834 3,246 9.8 8.7 8.7 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 8.7 8.3 52 48 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
177 101735110 1560 10 173RD PL SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 297 1,292 10.0 8.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.6 81 62 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
287 101735120 1570 10 173RD PL SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 498 1,423 10.0 9.1 9.6 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.3 72 52 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
66 101737020 1580 10 173RD ST SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 339 1,320 10.0 8.9 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.9 65 62 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 24
230 101737010 1600 10 173RD ST SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 40 298 1,366 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 9.7 10.0 85 66 60 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
1103 110100113 1610 10 174TH PL SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 128 483 10.0 8.3 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 7.8 52 33 60 45 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 32
271 101745050 1620 10 174TH PL SW WEST END SR 99 Collector Asphalt 33 659 2,488 10.0 8.6 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.6 10.0 82 63 82 77 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 5
255 101745060 1620 20 174TH PL SW SR 99 EAST END Collector Asphalt 41 151 708 10.0 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 80 64 68 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
218 101745010 1630 10 174TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 316 1,301 9.7 8.4 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.7 44 38 60 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 41
132 101745020 1640 10 174TH PL SW 38TH AVE W 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 320 1,356 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 95 85 60 92 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
163 101745030 1640 20 174TH PL SW 37TH PL W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 256 996 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.5 94 83 60 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 4
290 101745040 1650 10 174TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 43 306 1,504 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 96 87 60 93 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
119 101747010 1660 10 174TH ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 545 1,122 9.9 9.8 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 8.2 36 13 60 28 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 55
9 101755010 1670 10 175TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 167 629 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.2 83 64 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
317 101755020 1680 10 175TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 45 222 1,142 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 95 85 60 92 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1096 110100111 1690 10 175TH ST SW WEST END 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 154 528 10.0 7.9 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.7 60 39 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 23
1095 110100112 1690 20 175TH ST SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 125 443 10.0 8.5 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.9 51 33 60 45 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 32
37 101757010 1700 10 175TH ST SW 55TH PL W 54TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 406 1,487 10.0 8.8 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.7 61 43 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
206 101757020 1710 10 175TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 555 2,286 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.5 78 59 60 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
1180 1710 20 175TH ST SW 42ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 56 61 394 9.9 8.3 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 73 56 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 13
124 101757040 1720 10 175TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 568 2,404 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.5 91 72 60 85 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
302 101757030 1730 10 175TH ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 612 1,751 10.0 9.4 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.4 71 60 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
190 101765030 1750 10 176TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 37 318 1,347 10.0 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 7.6 66 61 60 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 24
214 101765010 1760 10 176TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 868 2,186 10.0 8.3 7.8 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.8 8.7 52 59 60 54 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 34
131 101765020 1760 20 176TH PL SW 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 882 3,433 10.0 7.7 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.5 38 56 60 44 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 39
291 101765040 1760 30 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 531 2,067 9.6 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 9.3 9.1 82 64 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
893 101767010 1770 10 176TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 67TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 135 493 10.0 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.8 81 62 72 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
996 101767015 1770 20 176TH ST SW 67TH PL W 66TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 283 1,037 10.0 9.3 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.8 70 63 85 72 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 23
964 101767020 1770 30 176TH ST SW 66TH PL W 65TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 334 994 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 87 76 84 83 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 0
888 101767030 1770 40 176TH ST SW 65TH PL W 65TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 180 514 10.0 8.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 84 68 74 77 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
938 101767040 1770 50 176TH ST SW 65TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 323 961 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 88 71 83 82 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 0

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 3 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

184 101707040 1390 10 170TH ST SW 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 474 1,843 2560 2560 - 41ST PL W + Others 4 1,824 7,396 73 V Good 2 4 1
267 101707010 1400 10 170TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 38TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 502 1,952 1150 1150 - 40TH AVE W + Others 5 2,273 8,955 51 Fair 3 4 1
125 101707020 1400 20 170TH ST SW 38TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 137 519 1150 1150 - 40TH AVE W + Others 5 2,273 8,955 51 Fair 3 4 1
242 101707030 1410 10 170TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 332 1,404 2450 2450 - 37TH AVE W + Others 2 829 3,454 78 V Good 2 4 1
282 101707060 1410 20 170TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 705 2,745 1160 1160 - 171ST ST SW + Others 4 2,348 9,379 90 Excellent 2 4 1
44 101715010 1420 10 171ST PL SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 41 280 1,312 3060 3060 - 56TH AVE W + Others 10 2,447 9,446 64 Good 2 4 1
54 101717010 1440 10 171ST ST SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 503 2,015 3680 3680 - MEADOWDALE DR + Others 10 3,951 13,151 62 Good 2 4 1
1073 101717021 1450 10 171ST ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 762 2,964 1160 1160 - 171ST ST SW + Others 4 2,348 9,379 90 Excellent 2 4 1
1075 101717020 1450 20 171ST ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 603 2,621 1160 1160 - 171ST ST SW + Others 4 2,348 9,379 90 Excellent 2 4 1
1106 110100103 1460 10 172ND PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 502 1,551 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
1105 101725020 1460 20 172ND PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 31 556 1,972 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
42 101725030 1470 10 172ND PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 553 2,151 1170 1170 - 172ND PL SW + Others 4 2,991 11,637 63 Good 2 4 1
69 101725040 1470 20 172ND PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,339 5,209 1170 1170 - 172ND PL SW + Others 4 2,991 11,637 63 Good 2 4 1
251 101725050 1480 10 172ND PL SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 550 1,448 1180 1180 - 172ND PL SW + Others 2 866 2,750 38 Poor 3 4 1
45 101727010 1490 10 172ND ST SW SE END MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 17 1,243 2,417 3680 3680 - MEADOWDALE DR + Others 10 3,951 13,151 62 Good 2 4 1
64 101727030 1500 10 172ND ST SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 65 105 779 3060 3060 - 56TH AVE W + Others 10 2,447 9,446 64 Good 2 4 1
72 101727040 1500 20 172ND ST SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 1,335 5,040 1130 1130 - 170TH PL SW + Others 4 2,959 11,586 56 Fair 2 4 1
79 101727050 1510 10 172ND ST SW 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 397 908 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
172 101727055 1520 10 172ND ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD PL W Collector Asphalt 20 305 697 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
1252 101727060 1520 30 172ND ST SW 43RD AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 148 322 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
1253 101727060 1520 40 172ND ST SW UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 228 496 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
169 101727060 1520 50 172ND ST SW UNNAMED SPRUCE WAY Collector Asphalt 19 369 803 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
126 101727070 1520 60 172ND ST SW SPRUCE WAY 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 329 715 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
1254 101727080 1520 70 172ND ST SW 40TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 84 182 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
243 101727080 1520 80 172ND ST SW UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 112 245 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
1255 101727080 1520 90 172ND ST SW UNNAMED 39TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 112 243 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
164 101727090 1520 100 172ND ST SW 39TH PL W 38TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 307 667 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
256 101727100 1520 110 172ND ST SW 38TH AVE W 37TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 298 648 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
227 101727110 1520 120 172ND ST SW 37TH AVE W 36TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 316 688 1190 1190 - 172ND ST SW 11 2,609 5,707 56 Fair 3 3 1
295 101727120 1520 130 172ND ST SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 507 1,101 1200 1200 - 172ND ST SW 4 1,780 4,182 60 Fair 2 4 1
298 101727131 1520 140 172ND ST SW 34TH PL W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 19 380 827 1200 1200 - 172ND ST SW 4 1,780 4,182 60 Fair 2 4 1
284 101727130 1520 150 172ND ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 19 442 960 1200 1200 - 172ND ST SW 4 1,780 4,182 60 Fair 2 4 1
306 101727140 1520 160 172ND ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 452 1,293 1200 1200 - 172ND ST SW 4 1,780 4,182 60 Fair 2 4 1
117 101735010 1530 10 173RD PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 34 203 788 3680 3680 - MEADOWDALE DR + Others 10 3,951 13,151 62 Good 2 4 1
106 101735020 1530 20 173RD PL SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 41 91 426 3680 3680 - MEADOWDALE DR + Others 10 3,951 13,151 62 Good 2 4 1
1102 110100105 1540 10 173RD PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 509 1,456 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
40 101735050 1540 20 173RD PL SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 265 1,030 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
7 101735060 1540 30 173RD PL SW 59TH PL W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 287 1,084 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
96 101735070 1540 40 173RD PL SW 58TH AVE W 57TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 266 1,036 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
78 101735080 1540 50 173RD PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 530 2,001 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
48 101735090 1540 60 173RD PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,345 5,233 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
231 101735100 1550 10 173RD PL SW SPRUCE WAY EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 834 3,246 1220 1220 - 173RD PL SW + Others 2 1,133 4,612 56 Fair 2 4 1
177 101735110 1560 10 173RD PL SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 297 1,292 1240 1240 - 176TH ST SW + Others 7 2,604 10,971 84 V Good 2 4 1
287 101735120 1570 10 173RD PL SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 498 1,423 2350 2350 - 32ND AVE W + Others 9 3,422 8,074 60 Good 2 4 1
66 101737020 1580 10 173RD ST SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 339 1,320 3680 3680 - MEADOWDALE DR + Others 10 3,951 13,151 62 Good 2 4 1
230 101737010 1600 10 173RD ST SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 40 298 1,366 1220 1220 - 173RD PL SW + Others 2 1,133 4,612 56 Fair 2 4 1
1103 110100113 1610 10 174TH PL SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 128 483 3260 3260 - 62ND AVE W + Others 9 1,711 5,802 55 Fair 2 4 1
271 101745050 1620 10 174TH PL SW WEST END SR 99 Collector Asphalt 33 659 2,488 1230 1230 - 174TH PL SW 2 810 3,196 74 V Good 3 3 1
255 101745060 1620 20 174TH PL SW SR 99 EAST END Collector Asphalt 41 151 708 1230 1230 - 174TH PL SW 2 810 3,196 74 V Good 3 3 1
218 101745010 1630 10 174TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 316 1,301 1180 1180 - 172ND PL SW + Others 2 866 2,750 38 Poor 3 4 1
132 101745020 1640 10 174TH PL SW 38TH AVE W 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 320 1,356 1240 1240 - 176TH ST SW + Others 7 2,604 10,971 84 V Good 2 4 1
163 101745030 1640 20 174TH PL SW 37TH PL W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 256 996 1240 1240 - 176TH ST SW + Others 7 2,604 10,971 84 V Good 2 4 1
290 101745040 1650 10 174TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 43 306 1,504 2400 2400 - 34TH PL W + Others 8 2,551 10,628 79 V Good 2 4 1
119 101747010 1660 10 174TH ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 545 1,122 1250 1250 - 174TH ST SW 1 545 1,122 25 Poor 2 4 1
9 101755010 1670 10 175TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 167 629 3430 3430 - 66TH AVE W + Others 3 581 2,382 61 Good 2 4 1
317 101755020 1680 10 175TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 45 222 1,142 2400 2400 - 34TH PL W + Others 8 2,551 10,628 79 V Good 2 4 1
1096 110100111 1690 10 175TH ST SW WEST END 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 154 528 3260 3260 - 62ND AVE W + Others 9 1,711 5,802 55 Fair 2 4 1
1095 110100112 1690 20 175TH ST SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 125 443 3260 3260 - 62ND AVE W + Others 9 1,711 5,802 55 Fair 2 4 1
37 101757010 1700 10 175TH ST SW 55TH PL W 54TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 406 1,487 2990 2990 - 54TH PL W + Others 4 1,094 4,225 53 Fair 2 4 1
206 101757020 1710 10 175TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 555 2,286 1260 1260 - 175TH ST SW + Others 3 859 3,929 75 V Good 2 4 1
1180 1710 20 175TH ST SW 42ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 56 61 394 1260 1260 - 175TH ST SW + Others 3 859 3,929 75 V Good 2 4 1
124 101757040 1720 10 175TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 568 2,404 1240 1240 - 176TH ST SW + Others 7 2,604 10,971 84 V Good 2 4 1
302 101757030 1730 10 175TH ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 612 1,751 2350 2350 - 32ND AVE W + Others 9 3,422 8,074 60 Good 2 4 1
190 101765030 1750 10 176TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 37 318 1,347 3820 3820 - 176TH PL SW 1 318 1,347 62 Good 2 4 1
214 101765010 1760 10 176TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 868 2,186 1270 1270 - 176TH PL SW 2 1,750 5,619 45 Marginal 2 4 1
131 101765020 1760 20 176TH PL SW 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 882 3,433 1270 1270 - 176TH PL SW 2 1,750 5,619 45 Marginal 2 4 1
291 101765040 1760 30 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 531 2,067 2400 2400 - 34TH PL W + Others 8 2,551 10,628 79 V Good 2 4 1
893 101767010 1770 10 176TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 67TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 135 493 1280 1280 - 176TH ST SW 10 2,580 7,943 77 V Good 3 2 1
996 101767015 1770 20 176TH ST SW 67TH PL W 66TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 283 1,037 1280 1280 - 176TH ST SW 10 2,580 7,943 77 V Good 3 2 1
964 101767020 1770 30 176TH ST SW 66TH PL W 65TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 334 994 1280 1280 - 176TH ST SW 10 2,580 7,943 77 V Good 3 2 1
888 101767030 1770 40 176TH ST SW 65TH PL W 65TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 180 514 1280 1280 - 176TH ST SW 10 2,580 7,943 77 V Good 3 2 1
938 101767040 1770 50 176TH ST SW 65TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 323 961 1280 1280 - 176TH ST SW 10 2,580 7,943 77 V Good 3 2 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 4 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

1004 101767050 1770 60 176TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 146 433 10.0 8.9 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 83 71 86 81 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 5
1003 101767060 1770 70 176TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 337 1,002 10.0 8.2 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 80 79 87 82 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 5
1001 101767070 1770 80 176TH ST SW 62ND PL W 62ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 171 510 10.0 8.4 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 79 72 81 78 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 9
1269 101767080 1770 90 176TH ST SW 62ND AVE W 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 284 844 10.0 8.4 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 74 76 80 76 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 12
1002 101767080 1770 100 176TH ST SW 176TH ST SW 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 388 1,155 10.0 8.7 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 82 69 88 80 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 7
998 101767090 1770 110 176TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 682 2,029 10.0 9.8 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 94 84 86 90 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 3
1017 101767091 1770 120 176TH ST SW 58TH AVE W 57TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 278 828 10.0 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 87 76 67 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
1307 101767100 1770 130 176TH ST SW 57TH AVE W UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 150 446 10.0 8.9 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 87 75 75 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
1268 101767100 1770 140 176TH ST SW UNNAMED 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 173 516 10.0 8.5 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 78 79 69 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
1016 101767100 1770 150 176TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 391 1,165 10.0 9.4 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 85 83 87 85 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 8
1015 101767110 1770 160 176TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 54TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 187 556 10.0 8.5 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 81 84 82 82 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 7
1018 101767120 1770 170 176TH ST SW 54TH PL W 53RD PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 257 764 10.0 8.3 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 72 72 82 74 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 13
1020 101767130 1770 180 176TH ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 559 2,175 10.0 8.8 9.4 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.7 80 74 70 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
1014 101767140 1770 190 176TH ST SW 52ND AVE W SR 99 Minor Arterial Asphalt 47 951 5,118 10.0 8.9 8.9 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 78 59 37 63 6/1/2016 1 Weak Good 11
266 101767150 1770 200 176TH ST SW SR 99 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 1,724 7,890 9.9 8.5 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.4 51 62 76 60 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 35
197 101767170 1800 10 176TH ST SW SPRUCE WAY EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 710 2,845 10.0 8.2 5.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.3 30 52 60 37 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 54
136 101767200 1810 10 176TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 660 2,793 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.2 90 71 60 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
314 101767190 1820 10 176TH ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 17 428 833 10.0 8.8 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.9 79 60 60 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
297 101767180 1820 20 176TH ST SW 32ND AVE W 31ST PL W Residential Asphalt 20 332 760 10.0 8.5 9.3 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.5 10.0 78 63 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
1258 101767180 1820 30 176TH ST SW 31ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 27 262 810 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
920 101775010 1830 10 177TH PL SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 24 459 1,261 10.0 9.0 8.8 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.6 68 43 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 24
239 101775020 1850 10 177TH PL SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 898 2,261 10.0 9.4 7.5 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.7 57 52 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 36
301 108311030 1850 20 177TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 41 317 1,488 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.8 93 79 60 88 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 2
285 101775060 1860 10 177TH PL SW WEST END 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 30 304 1,042 10.0 9.6 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.3 73 51 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
283 101775050 1860 20 177TH PL SW 33RD PL W 32ND PL W Residential Asphalt 21 306 735 10.0 8.5 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.0 60 34 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
279 101775040 1860 30 177TH PL SW 32ND PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 193 574 10.0 8.3 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 62 40 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 24
274 101775030 1860 40 177TH PL SW 32ND AVE W 30TH PL W Residential Asphalt 27 675 2,085 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 90 60 97 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
929 101777010 1870 10 177TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 29 497 1,650 10.0 8.2 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.6 63 44 60 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 21
994 101787010 1880 10 178TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 266 1,216 10.0 8.9 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.3 79 60 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
866 101785008 1890 10 178TH PL SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 390 1,072 9.7 8.7 7.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.2 48 25 60 41 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 41
857 101785010 1900 10 178TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 1,314 4,059 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.3 88 69 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
1013 101785020 1900 20 178TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 124 468 10.0 8.3 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 59 38 60 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
985 101785030 1900 30 178TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 199 752 10.0 9.5 3.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 33 29 60 31 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 63
254 101785040 1920 10 178TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 32 361 1,321 9.9 8.6 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 7.6 49 28 60 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 37
281 101785050 1940 10 178TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 45 284 1,462 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.9 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
308 101785060 1950 10 178TH PL SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 45 307 1,583 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 94 82 60 90 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
962 101787020 1960 10 178TH ST SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 579 1,723 10.0 8.1 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.5 61 46 60 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 20
986 101787030 1960 20 178TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 534 1,466 10.0 9.3 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.0 8.9 64 41 60 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 23
933 101787040 1960 30 178TH ST SW 58TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 656 1,727 10.0 8.8 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 7.5 55 44 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
226 101787050 1970 10 178TH ST SW 39TH PL W 39TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 154 564 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
966 101795010 1980 10 179TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 205 866 9.8 8.4 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.0 53 34 60 47 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 32
130 101795020 1990 10 179TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 351 1,166 9.2 9.0 8.7 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.1 62 50 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 28
182 101795030 2000 10 179TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 138 631 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 95 85 60 92 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
222 101797010 2010 10 179TH ST SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 40 558 2,553 10.0 8.1 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.8 64 49 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 19
316 101797020 2020 10 179TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 494 1,808 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 86 67 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
289 101797030 2020 20 179TH ST SW 34TH PL W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 33 435 1,643 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 93 81 60 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
313 101797040 2020 30 179TH ST SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 389 1,467 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 89 70 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
397 101805003 2030 10 180TH PL SW 49TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 162 666 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.7 87 68 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
486 101805008 2040 10 180TH PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 315 1,334 10.0 8.3 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.5 42 39 60 41 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 44
179 101805010 2050 10 180TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 33 239 904 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.8 9.5 90 70 60 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
189 101805020 2060 10 180TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 668 2,827 10.0 8.3 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 10.0 47 57 60 50 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
344 101805030 2070 10 180TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 26 788 2,344 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.8 8.7 82 63 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
354 101805040 2080 10 180TH PL SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 359 1,232 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 9.9 9.7 9.5 82 63 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
858 101807010 2090 10 180TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 629 2,664 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 83 64 60 77 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
935 101807030 2090 20 180TH ST SW 180TH ST SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 745 1,876 10.0 10.0 6.5 10.0 8.5 9.5 10.0 9.5 8.3 38 29 60 35 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 59
892 101807040 2090 30 180TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD PL W Collector Asphalt 17 473 920 10.0 8.2 8.3 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 60 57 78 64 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 22
914 101807050 2090 40 180TH ST SW 63RD PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 860 1,771 10.0 8.8 9.5 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 8.9 7.6 59 64 73 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 25
911 101807060 2090 50 180TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 57TH CT W Collector Asphalt 28 979 3,137 9.9 8.4 9.4 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 8.9 8.5 60 61 82 66 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 21
1276 101807060 2090 60 180TH ST SW 57TH CT W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 456 991 10.0 7.6 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 8.8 51 53 77 58 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 24
947 101807070 2090 70 180TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 288 626 10.0 8.1 8.9 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 71 59 63 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 13
887 101807080 2090 80 180TH ST SW 54TH PL W 54TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 221 480 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 90 87 75 85 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
941 101807090 2090 90 180TH ST SW 54TH PL W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 19 914 1,988 10.0 8.4 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.6 65 69 64 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 20
439 101807100 2090 100 180TH ST SW SR 99 49TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 622 1,423 10.0 7.9 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.9 58 76 67 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 25
393 101807110 2090 110 180TH ST SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 526 1,204 10.0 8.3 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.7 49 70 62 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 36
443 101807120 2090 120 180TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 47TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 349 760 10.0 7.0 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.5 34 60 41 42 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 39
1012 101807121 2090 130 180TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 195 445 10.0 8.2 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 7.9 57 67 78 65 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 25
501 101807130 2090 140 180TH ST SW 46TH PL W 44TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 536 1,166 10.0 8.3 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.1 37 57 61 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 47
1275 101807130 2090 150 180TH ST SW 44TH PL W 44TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 261 568 10.0 7.6 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.9 56 66 75 63 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 20
904 100641200 2100 10 181ST PL SW 182ND ST SW 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 233 694 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.8 83 65 60 77 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
1005 101815010 2100 20 181ST PL SW 181ST PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 888 2,946 10.0 8.6 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 8.8 63 48 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 19
972 101815020 2110 10 181ST PL SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,447 5,631 10.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.5 8.5 73 57 60 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 13
459 101815030 2120 10 181ST PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 535 2,326 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 7.8 72 50 60 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 5 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

1004 101767050 1770 60 176TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 146 433 1280 1280 - 176TH ST SW 10 2,580 7,943 77 V Good 3 2 1
1003 101767060 1770 70 176TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 337 1,002 1280 1280 - 176TH ST SW 10 2,580 7,943 77 V Good 3 2 1
1001 101767070 1770 80 176TH ST SW 62ND PL W 62ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 171 510 1280 1280 - 176TH ST SW 10 2,580 7,943 77 V Good 3 2 1
1269 101767080 1770 90 176TH ST SW 62ND AVE W 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 284 844 1280 1280 - 176TH ST SW 10 2,580 7,943 77 V Good 3 2 1
1002 101767080 1770 100 176TH ST SW 176TH ST SW 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 388 1,155 1280 1280 - 176TH ST SW 10 2,580 7,943 77 V Good 3 2 1
998 101767090 1770 110 176TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 682 2,029 1290 1290 - 176TH ST SW 8 2,678 8,479 79 V Good 3 2 1
1017 101767091 1770 120 176TH ST SW 58TH AVE W 57TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 278 828 1290 1290 - 176TH ST SW 8 2,678 8,479 79 V Good 3 2 1
1307 101767100 1770 130 176TH ST SW 57TH AVE W UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 150 446 1290 1290 - 176TH ST SW 8 2,678 8,479 79 V Good 3 2 1
1268 101767100 1770 140 176TH ST SW UNNAMED 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 173 516 1290 1290 - 176TH ST SW 8 2,678 8,479 79 V Good 3 2 1
1016 101767100 1770 150 176TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 391 1,165 1290 1290 - 176TH ST SW 8 2,678 8,479 79 V Good 3 2 1
1015 101767110 1770 160 176TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 54TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 187 556 1290 1290 - 176TH ST SW 8 2,678 8,479 79 V Good 3 2 1
1018 101767120 1770 170 176TH ST SW 54TH PL W 53RD PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 257 764 1290 1290 - 176TH ST SW 8 2,678 8,479 79 V Good 3 2 1
1020 101767130 1770 180 176TH ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 559 2,175 1290 1290 - 176TH ST SW 8 2,678 8,479 79 V Good 3 2 1
1014 101767140 1770 190 176TH ST SW 52ND AVE W SR 99 Minor Arterial Asphalt 47 951 5,118 1300 1300 - 176TH ST SW 2 2,675 13,008 57 Fair 2 2 1
266 101767150 1770 200 176TH ST SW SR 99 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 1,724 7,890 1300 1300 - 176TH ST SW 2 2,675 13,008 57 Fair 2 2 1
197 101767170 1800 10 176TH ST SW SPRUCE WAY EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 710 2,845 1310 1310 - 176TH ST SW 1 710 2,845 34 Poor 2 4 1
136 101767200 1810 10 176TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 660 2,793 1240 1240 - 176TH ST SW + Others 7 2,604 10,971 84 V Good 2 4 1
314 101767190 1820 10 176TH ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 17 428 833 1320 1320 - 176TH ST SW 3 1,022 2,402 74 V Good 2 4 1
297 101767180 1820 20 176TH ST SW 32ND AVE W 31ST PL W Residential Asphalt 20 332 760 1320 1320 - 176TH ST SW 3 1,022 2,402 74 V Good 2 4 1
1258 101767180 1820 30 176TH ST SW 31ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 27 262 810 1320 1320 - 176TH ST SW 3 1,022 2,402 74 V Good 2 4 1
920 101775010 1830 10 177TH PL SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 24 459 1,261 3300 3300 - 62ND PL W + Others 2 981 2,874 55 Fair 2 4 1
239 101775020 1850 10 177TH PL SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 898 2,261 1330 1330 - 177TH PL SW 2 1,215 3,749 66 Good 2 4 1
301 108311030 1850 20 177TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 41 317 1,488 1330 1330 - 177TH PL SW 2 1,215 3,749 66 Good 2 4 1
285 101775060 1860 10 177TH PL SW WEST END 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 30 304 1,042 1340 1340 - 177TH PL SW + Others 4 1,047 3,050 58 Fair 2 4 1
283 101775050 1860 20 177TH PL SW 33RD PL W 32ND PL W Residential Asphalt 21 306 735 1340 1340 - 177TH PL SW + Others 4 1,047 3,050 58 Fair 2 4 1
279 101775040 1860 30 177TH PL SW 32ND PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 193 574 1340 1340 - 177TH PL SW + Others 4 1,047 3,050 58 Fair 2 4 1
274 101775030 1860 40 177TH PL SW 32ND AVE W 30TH PL W Residential Asphalt 27 675 2,085 1350 1350 - 177TH PL SW 1 675 2,085 95 Excellent 2 4 1
929 101777010 1870 10 177TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 29 497 1,650 1390 1390 - 178TH ST SW + Others 6 2,821 8,456 56 Fair 2 4 1
994 101787010 1880 10 178TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 266 1,216 3490 3490 - 66TH PL W + Others 3 1,704 6,535 68 Good 2 4 1
866 101785008 1890 10 178TH PL SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 390 1,072 1360 1360 - 65TH PL W + Others 3 1,626 4,632 38 Poor 3 4 1
857 101785010 1900 10 178TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 1,314 4,059 1370 1370 - 178TH PL SW 2 1,438 4,528 76 V Good 2 4 1
1013 101785020 1900 20 178TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 124 468 1370 1370 - 178TH PL SW 2 1,438 4,528 76 V Good 2 4 1
985 101785030 1900 30 178TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 199 752 2970 2970 - 54TH AVE W + Others 3 1,203 4,728 41 Marginal 2 4 1
254 101785040 1920 10 178TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 32 361 1,321 1380 1380 - 178TH PL SW 1 361 1,321 39 Poor 2 4 1
281 101785050 1940 10 178TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 45 284 1,462 1420 1420 - 179TH ST SW + Others 8 3,048 12,870 85 V Good 2 4 1
308 101785060 1950 10 178TH PL SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 45 307 1,583 1420 1420 - 179TH ST SW + Others 8 3,048 12,870 85 V Good 2 4 1
962 101787020 1960 10 178TH ST SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 579 1,723 1390 1390 - 178TH ST SW + Others 6 2,821 8,456 56 Fair 2 4 1
986 101787030 1960 20 178TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 534 1,466 1390 1390 - 178TH ST SW + Others 6 2,821 8,456 56 Fair 2 4 1
933 101787040 1960 30 178TH ST SW 58TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 656 1,727 1390 1390 - 178TH ST SW + Others 6 2,821 8,456 56 Fair 2 4 1
226 101787050 1970 10 178TH ST SW 39TH PL W 39TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 154 564 2500 2500 - 39TH AVE W + Others 5 945 4,225 83 V Good 2 4 1
966 101795010 1980 10 179TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 205 866 2970 2970 - 54TH AVE W + Others 3 1,203 4,728 41 Marginal 2 4 1
130 101795020 1990 10 179TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 351 1,166 1400 1400 - 179TH PL SW 1 351 1,166 55 Fair 2 4 1
182 101795030 2000 10 179TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 138 631 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
222 101797010 2010 10 179TH ST SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 40 558 2,553 1410 1410 - 179TH ST SW 1 558 2,553 56 Fair 2 4 1
316 101797020 2020 10 179TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 494 1,808 1420 1420 - 179TH ST SW + Others 8 3,048 12,870 85 V Good 2 4 1
289 101797030 2020 20 179TH ST SW 34TH PL W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 33 435 1,643 1420 1420 - 179TH ST SW + Others 8 3,048 12,870 85 V Good 2 4 1
313 101797040 2020 30 179TH ST SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 389 1,467 1420 1420 - 179TH ST SW + Others 8 3,048 12,870 85 V Good 2 4 1
397 101805003 2030 10 180TH PL SW 49TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 162 666 1430 1430 - 49TH PL W + Others 2 364 1,431 79 V Good 2 4 1
486 101805008 2040 10 180TH PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 315 1,334 2700 2700 - 180TH PL SW + Others 2 555 2,211 40 Marginal 2 4 1
179 101805010 2050 10 180TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 33 239 904 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
189 101805020 2060 10 180TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 668 2,827 1440 1440 - 180TH PL SW 1 668 2,827 47 Marginal 2 4 1
344 101805030 2070 10 180TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 26 788 2,344 2390 2390 - 180TH PL SW + Others 4 1,430 4,402 74 V Good 2 4 1
354 101805040 2080 10 180TH PL SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 359 1,232 2390 2390 - 180TH PL SW + Others 4 1,430 4,402 74 V Good 2 4 1
858 101807010 2090 10 180TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 629 2,664 1450 1450 - 180TH ST SW 1 629 2,664 74 V Good 2 4 1
935 101807030 2090 20 180TH ST SW 180TH ST SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 745 1,876 1460 1460 - 180TH ST SW 1 745 1,876 32 Poor 2 4 1
892 101807040 2090 30 180TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD PL W Collector Asphalt 17 473 920 1470 1470 - 180TH ST SW 7 4,189 9,911 62 Good 3 3 1
914 101807050 2090 40 180TH ST SW 63RD PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 860 1,771 1470 1470 - 180TH ST SW 7 4,189 9,911 62 Good 3 3 1
911 101807060 2090 50 180TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 57TH CT W Collector Asphalt 28 979 3,137 1470 1470 - 180TH ST SW 7 4,189 9,911 62 Good 3 3 1
1276 101807060 2090 60 180TH ST SW 57TH CT W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 456 991 1470 1470 - 180TH ST SW 7 4,189 9,911 62 Good 3 3 1
947 101807070 2090 70 180TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 288 626 1470 1470 - 180TH ST SW 7 4,189 9,911 62 Good 3 3 1
887 101807080 2090 80 180TH ST SW 54TH PL W 54TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 221 480 1470 1470 - 180TH ST SW 7 4,189 9,911 62 Good 3 3 1
941 101807090 2090 90 180TH ST SW 54TH PL W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 19 914 1,988 1470 1470 - 180TH ST SW 7 4,189 9,911 62 Good 3 3 1
439 101807100 2090 100 180TH ST SW SR 99 49TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 622 1,423 1480 1480 - 180TH ST SW 6 2,490 5,567 53 Fair 2 3 1
393 101807110 2090 110 180TH ST SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 526 1,204 1480 1480 - 180TH ST SW 6 2,490 5,567 53 Fair 2 3 1
443 101807120 2090 120 180TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 47TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 349 760 1480 1480 - 180TH ST SW 6 2,490 5,567 53 Fair 2 3 1
1012 101807121 2090 130 180TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 195 445 1480 1480 - 180TH ST SW 6 2,490 5,567 53 Fair 2 3 1
501 101807130 2090 140 180TH ST SW 46TH PL W 44TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 536 1,166 1480 1480 - 180TH ST SW 6 2,490 5,567 53 Fair 2 3 1
1275 101807130 2090 150 180TH ST SW 44TH PL W 44TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 261 568 1480 1480 - 180TH ST SW 6 2,490 5,567 53 Fair 2 3 1
904 100641200 2100 10 181ST PL SW 182ND ST SW 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 233 694 1490 1490 - 181ST PL SW 2 1,121 3,639 59 Fair 2 4 1
1005 101815010 2100 20 181ST PL SW 181ST PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 888 2,946 1490 1490 - 181ST PL SW 2 1,121 3,639 59 Fair 2 4 1
972 101815020 2110 10 181ST PL SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,447 5,631 1500 1500 - 181ST PL SW + Others 3 2,433 9,509 61 Good 2 4 1
459 101815030 2120 10 181ST PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 535 2,326 1510 1510 - 181ST PL SW + Others 2 1,880 6,176 61 Good 2 4 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 6 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

408 101815040 2130 10 181ST PL SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 1,346 3,850 10.0 9.4 8.8 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.4 64 62 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 29
1277 101817010 2140 10 181ST ST SW 67TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 79 324 10.0 8.4 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 56 24 80 45 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 27
951 101817010 2140 20 181ST ST SW 67TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 275 1,072 10.0 8.2 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.1 57 43 60 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
981 101817020 2150 10 181ST ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 394 1,668 10.0 9.1 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 76 56 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 14
957 101825070 2160 10 182ND PL SW 183RD ST SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 23 276 727 10.0 8.8 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.5 64 50 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 23
945 101825010 2170 10 182ND PL SW NW END 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 50 86 490 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 95 84 60 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
982 101825020 2170 20 182ND PL SW 58TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 246 1,097 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.0 86 68 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
454 101825030 2180 10 182ND PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 641 1,759 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.2 86 67 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
476 101825040 2190 10 182ND PL SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 1,337 3,520 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.1 81 68 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
151 101825050 2200 10 182ND PL SW WEST END 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 25 185 530 10.0 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 9.6 7.8 60 38 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
216 101825060 2210 10 182ND PL SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 502 1,954 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.4 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
853 101827010 2220 10 182ND ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 14 209 335 9.9 8.7 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 9.3 53 39 60 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 29
891 101827020 2220 20 182ND ST SW 67TH AVE W 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 1,068 3,665 10.0 8.7 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.9 74 58 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 8
860 100641190 2230 10 182ND ST SW 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 251 689 10.0 9.1 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 59 37 60 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
873 101827030 2230 20 182ND ST SW 182ND ST SW 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 703 1,930 10.0 9.5 4.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.4 37 36 60 37 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 57
361 101827040 2240 10 182ND ST SW WEST END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Residential Asphalt 38 443 1,927 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 95 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
953 101835010 2250 10 183RD PL SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 944 2,594 10.0 9.2 9.8 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 9.4 9.1 72 49 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
856 101835020 2260 10 183RD PL SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 510 1,986 10.0 8.9 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 8.8 34 45 60 37 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 50
995 101835030 2270 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 162 594 10.0 8.7 5.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.7 35 39 60 36 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 48
498 101835040 2280 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 541 2,166 10.0 9.3 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.7 63 59 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 28
499 101835050 2290 10 183RD PL SW 48TH AVE W 46TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 533 2,013 10.0 8.8 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.8 40 77 30 52 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 51
406 101835060 2290 20 183RD PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 146 552 10.0 8.6 6.8 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 9.3 42 66 30 50 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 46
450 101835070 2300 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 539 2,159 9.9 8.6 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.3 42 41 60 41 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 45
199 101835080 2310 10 183RD PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 46 169 891 10.0 7.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.6 65 61 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 16
879 101837010 2320 10 183RD ST SW WEST END 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 112 371 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 8.7 9.6 79 60 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 13
872 101837020 2320 20 183RD ST SW 67TH AVE W 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 547 1,817 10.0 8.9 8.5 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.6 7.1 51 27 60 43 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 39
906 101837030 2330 10 183RD ST SW 61ST AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 355 854 10.0 8.9 6.1 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 49 63 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 41
881 101837040 2330 20 183RD ST SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 163 615 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 92 76 60 87 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
874 101837050 2330 30 183RD ST SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 403 1,569 10.0 8.8 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.9 80 95 60 85 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 9
876 101837060 2330 40 183RD ST SW 58TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 248 964 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.2 10.0 82 76 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
122 101837070 2340 10 183RD ST SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 559 2,241 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 96 87 60 93 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
493 101845002 2350 10 184TH PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 564 2,518 9.9 9.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.2 46 53 60 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 44
435 101845004 2350 20 184TH PL SW 48TH AVE W 47TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 246 958 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 91 74 60 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 6
144 101845006 2370 10 184TH PL SW 43RD PL W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 33 244 920 10.0 8.5 4.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 31 60 30 41 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 54
261 101845010 2380 10 184TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 44 208 1,050 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.7 84 66 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
213 101845020 2390 10 184TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 548 2,258 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.6 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 3
149 101847040 2400 10 184TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 27 513 1,585 10.0 9.6 8.9 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.8 73 53 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 22
322 101847060 2410 40 184TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 1,003 6,540 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 90 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1279 101847070 2410 50 184TH ST SW WEST END 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 46 426 2,243 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 90 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1280 101847070 2410 60 184TH ST SW 33RD AVE W PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC Minor Arterial Asphalt 65 652 4,851 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 90 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
372 101847070 2410 70 184TH ST SW PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 59 1,142 7,710 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 90 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
921 101855010 2430 10 185TH PL SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 547 1,877 9.9 10.0 8.2 10.0 9.7 9.8 10.0 9.3 9.7 71 49 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 24
861 101855020 2440 10 185TH PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 512 1,932 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.1 81 62 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
497 101855030 2450 10 185TH PL SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 520 2,024 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.3 86 67 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
432 101855050 2450 20 185TH PL SW 48TH AVE W 46TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 210 817 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 98 89 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
483 101855060 2450 30 185TH PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 143 555 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
191 101855110 2460 10 185TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 516 2,303 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 94 84 60 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
983 101857005 2470 10 185TH ST SW 70TH AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR Residential Asphalt 34 300 1,168 10.0 8.7 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 8.4 58 45 60 54 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 23
959 101857010 2480 10 185TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 290 1,160 10.0 9.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.5 86 67 60 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
868 101857020 2490 10 185TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 66TH PL W Residential Asphalt 28 339 1,086 10.0 9.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.4 81 63 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
875 101857030 2490 20 185TH ST SW 66TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 516 1,771 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.2 82 64 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
849 101857040 2490 30 185TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 269 1,049 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.2 9.3 83 70 60 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
870 101857050 2490 40 185TH ST SW 63RD PL W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 267 1,038 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.8 88 69 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 1
997 101857060 2490 50 185TH ST SW 62ND PL W 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 35 337 1,348 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.6 82 63 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 3
965 101857070 2490 60 185TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 236 892 9.9 8.8 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.3 69 45 80 61 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 14
157 101857100 2510 10 185TH ST SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 494 1,864 10.0 8.6 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 51 70 30 57 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 38
898 101865003 2520 10 186TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 18 523 1,078 10.0 8.4 6.9 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.9 10.0 55 54 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
956 101865004 2520 20 186TH PL SW 58TH PL W 57TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 315 686 10.0 9.1 6.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 53 54 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 38
943 101865005 2520 30 186TH PL SW 57TH PL W HURST RD Residential Asphalt 19 260 566 10.0 8.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.6 80 61 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
992 101865007 2520 40 186TH PL SW HURST RD SR 99 Residential Asphalt 19 694 1,509 9.9 8.9 8.6 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.8 69 60 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
422 101865010 2530 10 186TH PL SW 52ND AVE W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 761 2,962 10.0 9.3 5.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.9 45 66 30 52 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 44
467 101865020 2530 20 186TH PL SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 808 3,328 10.0 9.2 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.7 62 56 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 30
236 101865030 2540 10 186TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 42 154 742 9.8 8.6 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.1 44 17 60 35 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 44
988 101867010 2550 10 186TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 183 691 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.8 84 65 60 77 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
977 101867080 2560 10 186TH ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 525 2,341 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.4 93 81 60 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 5
886 101867040 2570 10 186TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 26 973 2,895 10.0 8.4 8.7 10.0 9.4 10.0 9.9 9.7 9.3 64 61 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
237 101867050 2580 10 186TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD PL W Residential Asphalt 33 259 980 10.0 10.0 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.8 71 50 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 28
156 101867060 2580 20 186TH ST SW 43RD PL W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 301 1,171 10.0 9.6 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.8 57 65 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 34
145 101867070 2580 30 186TH ST SW 42ND PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 520 2,022 10.0 8.3 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 8.9 46 42 60 44 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 33
923 101875010 2590 10 187TH PL SW 71ST AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 451 1,805 10.0 8.9 8.5 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 8.7 8.4 52 53 60 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
960 101875020 2590 20 187TH PL SW 70TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 281 1,189 10.0 8.5 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.7 60 32 80 50 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 22
970 101875030 2600 10 187TH PL SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 408 1,728 9.8 9.0 5.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 9.2 31 31 60 31 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 53

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 7 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

408 101815040 2130 10 181ST PL SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 1,346 3,850 1510 1510 - 181ST PL SW + Others 2 1,880 6,176 61 Good 2 4 1
1277 101817010 2140 10 181ST ST SW 67TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 79 324 1520 1520 - 181ST ST SW + Others 4 885 3,169 46 Marginal 2 4 1
951 101817010 2140 20 181ST ST SW 67TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 275 1,072 1520 1520 - 181ST ST SW + Others 4 885 3,169 46 Marginal 2 4 1
981 101817020 2150 10 181ST ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 394 1,668 1530 1530 - 181ST ST SW 1 394 1,668 67 Good 2 4 1
957 101825070 2160 10 182ND PL SW 183RD ST SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 23 276 727 3480 3480 - 67TH AVE W + Others 10 4,495 14,153 51 Fair 2 4 1
945 101825010 2170 10 182ND PL SW NW END 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 50 86 490 1610 1610 - 183RD ST SW + Others 7 1,503 6,406 84 V Good 2 4 1
982 101825020 2170 20 182ND PL SW 58TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 246 1,097 1610 1610 - 183RD ST SW + Others 7 1,503 6,406 84 V Good 2 4 1
454 101825030 2180 10 182ND PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 641 1,759 1540 1540 - 182ND PL SW + Others 2 1,978 5,280 75 V Good 2 4 1
476 101825040 2190 10 182ND PL SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 1,337 3,520 1540 1540 - 182ND PL SW + Others 2 1,978 5,280 75 V Good 2 4 1
151 101825050 2200 10 182ND PL SW WEST END 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 25 185 530 2580 2580 - 42ND PL W + Others 4 1,535 4,840 63 Good 2 4 1
216 101825060 2210 10 182ND PL SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 502 1,954 1550 1550 - 182ND PL SW 1 502 1,954 82 V Good 2 4 1
853 101827010 2220 10 182ND ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 14 209 335 3530 3530 - 182ND ST SW + Others 3 1,948 5,075 65 Good 2 4 1
891 101827020 2220 20 182ND ST SW 67TH AVE W 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 1,068 3,665 3530 3530 - 182ND ST SW + Others 3 1,948 5,075 65 Good 2 4 1
860 100641190 2230 10 182ND ST SW 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 251 689 1560 1560 - 182ND ST SW + Others 6 1,768 4,951 42 Marginal 2 4 1
873 101827030 2230 20 182ND ST SW 182ND ST SW 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 703 1,930 1560 1560 - 182ND ST SW + Others 6 1,768 4,951 42 Marginal 2 4 1
361 101827040 2240 10 182ND ST SW WEST END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Residential Asphalt 38 443 1,927 1570 1570 - 182ND ST SW 1 443 1,927 95 Excellent 2 4 1
953 101835010 2250 10 183RD PL SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 944 2,594 3460 3460 - 183RD PL SW + Others 4 1,908 5,912 67 Good 2 4 1
856 101835020 2260 10 183RD PL SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 510 1,986 1580 1580 - 183RD PL SW + Others 2 953 3,706 34 Poor 2 4 1
995 101835030 2270 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 162 594 1560 1560 - 182ND ST SW + Others 6 1,768 4,951 42 Marginal 2 4 1
498 101835040 2280 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 541 2,166 1590 1590 - 183RD PL SW + Others 4 1,784 7,249 50 Fair 2 4 1
499 101835050 2290 10 183RD PL SW 48TH AVE W 46TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 533 2,013 1590 1590 - 183RD PL SW + Others 4 1,784 7,249 50 Fair 2 4 1
406 101835060 2290 20 183RD PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 146 552 1590 1590 - 183RD PL SW + Others 4 1,784 7,249 50 Fair 2 4 1
450 101835070 2300 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 539 2,159 1600 1600 - 183RD PL SW 1 539 2,159 38 Poor 2 4 1
199 101835080 2310 10 183RD PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 46 169 891 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
879 101837010 2320 10 183RD ST SW WEST END 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 112 371 3480 3480 - 67TH AVE W + Others 10 4,495 14,153 51 Fair 2 4 1
872 101837020 2320 20 183RD ST SW 67TH AVE W 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 547 1,817 3480 3480 - 67TH AVE W + Others 10 4,495 14,153 51 Fair 2 4 1
906 101837030 2330 10 183RD ST SW 61ST AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 355 854 1560 1560 - 182ND ST SW + Others 6 1,768 4,951 42 Marginal 2 4 1
881 101837040 2330 20 183RD ST SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 163 615 1610 1610 - 183RD ST SW + Others 7 1,503 6,406 84 V Good 2 4 1
874 101837050 2330 30 183RD ST SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 403 1,569 1610 1610 - 183RD ST SW + Others 7 1,503 6,406 84 V Good 2 4 1
876 101837060 2330 40 183RD ST SW 58TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 248 964 1610 1610 - 183RD ST SW + Others 7 1,503 6,406 84 V Good 2 4 1
122 101837070 2340 10 183RD ST SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 559 2,241 1620 1620 - 183RD ST SW + Others 3 1,624 6,802 87 Excellent 2 4 1
493 101845002 2350 10 184TH PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 564 2,518 1590 1590 - 183RD PL SW + Others 4 1,784 7,249 50 Fair 2 4 1
435 101845004 2350 20 184TH PL SW 48TH AVE W 47TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 246 958 1640 1640 - 46TH PL W + Others 5 1,436 5,610 86 Excellent 2 4 1
144 101845006 2370 10 184TH PL SW 43RD PL W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 33 244 920 1700 1700 - 186TH ST SW + Others 6 2,115 8,131 51 Fair 2 4 1
261 101845010 2380 10 184TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 44 208 1,050 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
213 101845020 2390 10 184TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 548 2,258 1620 1620 - 183RD ST SW + Others 3 1,624 6,802 87 Excellent 2 4 1
149 101847040 2400 10 184TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 27 513 1,585 2580 2580 - 42ND PL W + Others 4 1,535 4,840 63 Good 2 4 1
322 101847060 2410 40 184TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 1,003 6,540 1625 1625 - 184TH ST SW 2 1,429 8,783 93 Excellent 2 2 1
1279 101847070 2410 50 184TH ST SW WEST END 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 46 426 2,243 1625 1625 - 184TH ST SW 2 1,429 8,783 93 Excellent 2 2 1
1280 101847070 2410 60 184TH ST SW 33RD AVE W PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC Minor Arterial Asphalt 65 652 4,851 1630 1630 - 184TH ST SW 2 1,794 12,561 93 Excellent 2 2 1
372 101847070 2410 70 184TH ST SW PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 59 1,142 7,710 1630 1630 - 184TH ST SW 2 1,794 12,561 93 Excellent 2 2 1
921 101855010 2430 10 185TH PL SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 547 1,877 1690 1690 - 186TH ST SW + Others 2 1,520 4,773 61 Good 2 4 1
861 101855020 2440 10 185TH PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 512 1,932 3250 3250 - 61ST PL W + Others 3 1,058 4,057 64 Good 2 4 1
497 101855030 2450 10 185TH PL SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 520 2,024 2810 2810 - 185TH PL SW + Others 2 838 3,298 82 V Good 2 4 1
432 101855050 2450 20 185TH PL SW 48TH AVE W 46TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 210 817 1640 1640 - 46TH PL W + Others 5 1,436 5,610 86 Excellent 2 4 1
483 101855060 2450 30 185TH PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 143 555 1640 1640 - 46TH PL W + Others 5 1,436 5,610 86 Excellent 2 4 1
191 101855110 2460 10 185TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 516 2,303 1620 1620 - 183RD ST SW + Others 3 1,624 6,802 87 Excellent 2 4 1
983 101857005 2470 10 185TH ST SW 70TH AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR Residential Asphalt 34 300 1,168 1710 1710 - 71ST AVE W + Others 7 3,462 13,523 51 Fair 2 4 1
959 101857010 2480 10 185TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 290 1,160 3520 3520 - 68TH AVE W + Others 2 1,084 4,250 63 Good 2 4 1
868 101857020 2490 10 185TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 66TH PL W Residential Asphalt 28 339 1,086 3460 3460 - 183RD PL SW + Others 4 1,908 5,912 67 Good 2 4 1
875 101857030 2490 20 185TH ST SW 66TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 516 1,771 3460 3460 - 183RD PL SW + Others 4 1,908 5,912 67 Good 2 4 1
849 101857040 2490 30 185TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 269 1,049 1650 1650 - 185TH ST SW + Others 5 1,282 5,216 72 V Good 2 4 1
870 101857050 2490 40 185TH ST SW 63RD PL W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 267 1,038 1650 1650 - 185TH ST SW + Others 5 1,282 5,216 72 V Good 2 4 1
997 101857060 2490 50 185TH ST SW 62ND PL W 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 35 337 1,348 1650 1650 - 185TH ST SW + Others 5 1,282 5,216 72 V Good 2 4 1
965 101857070 2490 60 185TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 236 892 1650 1650 - 185TH ST SW + Others 5 1,282 5,216 72 V Good 2 4 1
157 101857100 2510 10 185TH ST SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 494 1,864 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
898 101865003 2520 10 186TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 18 523 1,078 1660 1660 - 186TH PL SW 4 1,793 3,839 59 Fair 2 4 1
956 101865004 2520 20 186TH PL SW 58TH PL W 57TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 315 686 1660 1660 - 186TH PL SW 4 1,793 3,839 59 Fair 2 4 1
943 101865005 2520 30 186TH PL SW 57TH PL W HURST RD Residential Asphalt 19 260 566 1660 1660 - 186TH PL SW 4 1,793 3,839 59 Fair 2 4 1
992 101865007 2520 40 186TH PL SW HURST RD SR 99 Residential Asphalt 19 694 1,509 1660 1660 - 186TH PL SW 4 1,793 3,839 59 Fair 2 4 1
422 101865010 2530 10 186TH PL SW 52ND AVE W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 761 2,962 1670 1670 - 186TH PL SW 2 1,569 6,290 53 Fair 2 4 1
467 101865020 2530 20 186TH PL SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 808 3,328 1670 1670 - 186TH PL SW 2 1,569 6,290 53 Fair 2 4 1
236 101865030 2540 10 186TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 42 154 742 2540 2540 - 41ST PL W + Others 3 701 2,886 43 Marginal 2 4 1
988 101867010 2550 10 186TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 183 691 1710 1710 - 71ST AVE W + Others 7 3,462 13,523 51 Fair 2 4 1
977 101867080 2560 10 186TH ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 525 2,341 1680 1680 - 186TH ST SW 1 525 2,341 88 Excellent 2 4 1
886 101867040 2570 10 186TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 26 973 2,895 1690 1690 - 186TH ST SW + Others 2 1,520 4,773 61 Good 2 4 1
237 101867050 2580 10 186TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD PL W Residential Asphalt 33 259 980 1700 1700 - 186TH ST SW + Others 6 2,115 8,131 51 Fair 2 4 1
156 101867060 2580 20 186TH ST SW 43RD PL W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 301 1,171 1700 1700 - 186TH ST SW + Others 6 2,115 8,131 51 Fair 2 4 1
145 101867070 2580 30 186TH ST SW 42ND PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 520 2,022 1700 1700 - 186TH ST SW + Others 6 2,115 8,131 51 Fair 2 4 1
923 101875010 2590 10 187TH PL SW 71ST AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 451 1,805 1710 1710 - 71ST AVE W + Others 7 3,462 13,523 51 Fair 2 4 1
960 101875020 2590 20 187TH PL SW 70TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 281 1,189 1710 1710 - 71ST AVE W + Others 7 3,462 13,523 51 Fair 2 4 1
970 101875030 2600 10 187TH PL SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 408 1,728 1720 1720 - 187TH PL SW 1 408 1,728 28 Poor 2 4 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 8 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

760 101885010 2610 10 188TH PL SW WEST END 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,347 5,240 9.9 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.0 71 68 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 17
350 101885020 2620 10 188TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 22 558 1,406 10.0 9.7 9.4 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 8.9 8.2 69 54 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 22
865 101887010 2630 10 188TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 321 734 10.0 8.5 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.1 52 49 74 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 35
883 101887020 2630 20 188TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 65TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 500 1,145 10.0 8.5 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 7.4 37 54 77 51 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 50
910 101887030 2630 30 188TH ST SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 500 1,144 10.0 8.5 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 7.5 51 46 79 57 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 36
902 101887040 2630 40 188TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Collector Asphalt 20 539 1,234 10.0 7.3 8.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.6 50 57 83 60 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 25
919 101887050 2630 50 188TH ST SW 62ND PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 28 796 2,550 10.0 8.6 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 9.3 65 49 84 66 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 15
1007 101887060 2630 60 188TH ST SW 60TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 38 1,312 5,706 9.6 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.1 70 65 81 72 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 17
479 101887070 2630 70 188TH ST SW SR 99 55TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 463 1,748 10.0 8.9 4.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 35 57 50 44 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 54
421 101887080 2630 80 188TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 914 3,451 10.0 9.2 3.9 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.6 27 65 40 40 6/1/2016 1 Weak Poor 65
395 101887090 2630 90 188TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 51ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 417 1,624 10.0 8.4 4.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.7 33 62 43 43 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 54
409 101887100 2630 100 188TH ST SW 51ST PL W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 920 3,475 10.0 8.0 6.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.9 41 71 35 47 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 39
438 101887110 2630 110 188TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 47TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 313 1,218 9.8 8.8 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.7 72 62 35 60 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 14
463 101887120 2630 120 188TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 358 1,350 10.0 8.3 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 71 81 50 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 11
1011 101887130 2630 130 188TH ST SW 46TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 669 2,526 10.0 8.5 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 80 68 65 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
500 101887140 2630 140 188TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 288 1,352 10.0 9.5 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.6 73 52 83 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 22
263 101887150 2630 150 188TH ST SW 43RD AVE W 42ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 242 1,138 10.0 9.3 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 90 70 82 83 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 4
270 101887160 2630 160 188TH ST SW 42ND PL W 41ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 253 1,303 10.0 9.5 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 92 77 80 85 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 4
198 101887170 2630 170 188TH ST SW 41ST PL W 41ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 78 355 10.0 9.2 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 85 70 88 82 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 8
154 101887180 2630 180 188TH ST SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 450 2,162 9.1 9.5 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.6 67 55 65 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 29
388 101887195 2630 190 188TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 38TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 673 3,082 9.6 9.6 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 85 70 74 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
1282 101887190 2630 200 188TH ST SW 38TH AVE W PRIVATE Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 38 176 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 94 83 77 87 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
387 101887190 2630 210 188TH ST SW PRIVATE 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 593 3,869 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.9 82 63 67 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
332 101887200 2630 220 188TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 993 6,475 10.0 9.6 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.0 84 65 71 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
334 101887210 2630 230 188TH ST SW 33RD AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 73 211 1,761 9.8 8.1 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 68 44 80 60 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 11
796 101895010 2640 10 189TH PL SW 72ND AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 445 917 9.8 10.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.8 42 48 30 44 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 52
772 101895020 2640 20 189TH PL SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 891 1,835 10.0 9.7 8.0 10.0 9.1 9.9 10.0 9.3 9.3 64 55 60 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 31
812 101895030 2650 10 189TH PL SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 501 1,950 10.0 8.8 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.9 8.7 64 55 60 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 23
822 101895040 2650 20 189TH PL SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 559 1,599 10.0 9.6 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.6 63 43 60 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 30
758 101895050 2660 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 508 2,035 10.0 8.8 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.4 61 43 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 28
491 101895055 2670 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 224 897 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 9.4 9.3 82 63 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
394 101895060 2680 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 788 2,434 9.9 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.4 9.4 84 65 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
353 101895070 2690 10 189TH PL SW 44TH AVE W 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 378 1,167 10.0 9.1 7.7 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.3 58 58 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 35
331 101895090 2690 20 189TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 19 527 1,146 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 7.2 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 86 68 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
338 101895080 2690 20 189TH PL SW 189TH PL SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 978 3,805 10.0 9.9 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.0 76 69 30 74 6/1/2016 1 Weak V Good 22
478 101897010 2710 10 189TH ST SW WEST END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 288 924 10.0 9.9 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 92 77 60 87 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 3
495 101897020 2710 20 189TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 919 2,840 10.0 10.0 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.4 68 60 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 27
480 101897030 2720 10 189TH ST SW 50TH PL W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 18 271 558 10.0 8.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.5 71 48 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
458 101897040 2720 20 189TH ST SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 275 567 10.0 9.2 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 83 64 60 77 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
686 101905010 2730 10 190TH PL SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 231 766 10.0 9.0 8.7 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 70 46 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 15
379 101905020 2740 10 190TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 647 2,516 10.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.0 71 57 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 28
741 101907003 2750 10 190TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 228 912 10.0 9.7 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 10.0 58 30 60 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 31
679 101907006 2760 10 190TH ST SW 72ND AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 434 993 10.0 9.2 7.6 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.3 57 60 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
690 101907008 2760 20 190TH ST SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 861 1,970 10.0 9.2 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.4 52 62 60 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 38
750 101907010 2770 10 190TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 876 3,407 10.0 9.9 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 7.9 56 76 30 63 6/1/2016 1 Weak Good 40
810 101907020 2780 10 190TH ST SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 621 2,134 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.1 87 68 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
402 101907040 2790 10 190TH ST SW SW END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 208 619 10.0 9.2 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.5 74 52 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 13
423 101907050 2790 20 190TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 949 2,932 10.0 9.0 5.9 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.9 46 48 60 46 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 43
488 101907080 2800 10 190TH ST SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 653 2,542 9.9 8.5 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.2 44 37 60 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 39
711 101915010 2810 10 191ST PL SW 72ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 485 1,555 10.0 9.5 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.9 65 58 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 29
845 101915015 2820 10 191ST PL SW WEST END 68TH PL W Residential Asphalt 43 160 790 10.0 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.6 77 57 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
494 101915030 2830 10 191ST PL SW 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 525 2,341 9.8 9.5 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
335 101915020 2840 10 191ST PL SW 40TH AVE W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 1,303 5,218 9.9 9.2 9.4 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 9.2 8.1 63 53 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
780 101917010 2850 10 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW 74TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 478 1,367 10.0 9.0 7.4 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.1 8.8 50 54 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 38
709 101917020 2850 20 191ST ST SW 74TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 197 633 9.9 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.7 84 65 60 77 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 3
813 101917030 2860 10 191ST ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 309 921 10.0 9.1 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 8.4 51 45 60 49 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 33
701 101917040 2860 20 191ST ST SW 67TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 521 1,432 10.0 10.0 5.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 8.5 33 57 30 41 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 60
714 101917050 2860 30 191ST ST SW 191ST ST SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 507 1,971 10.0 8.6 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 9.3 50 66 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
398 101917055 2870 10 191ST ST SW 56TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 779 2,498 10.0 9.5 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.3 62 44 60 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 28
416 101917060 2870 20 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 255 730 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 7.9 76 55 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
425 101917065 2880 10 191ST ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 362 1,451 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.8 91 72 60 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 2
348 101917070 2890 10 191ST ST SW 44TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 1,097 3,264 10.0 10.0 7.4 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.4 56 66 30 60 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 42
325 101917080 2890 20 191ST ST SW 191ST ST SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 216 814 10.0 9.2 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 77 61 60 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
804 101925010 2900 10 192ND PL SW 74TH AVE W 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 865 3,465 10.0 8.4 7.3 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 8.7 9.6 49 61 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
844 101925040 2910 10 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 30 280 963 10.0 9.5 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 8.7 49 68 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 38
847 101925050 2910 20 192ND PL SW 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 394 1,351 10.0 9.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 9.4 53 47 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 30
767 101925060 2920 10 192ND PL SW 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 411 1,600 10.0 8.6 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.6 62 64 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 23
1232 101925060 2920 30 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 260 1,011 10.0 8.3 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.5 64 57 60 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 20
687 101925070 2920 40 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 694 2,145 10.0 9.7 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 7.8 40 50 60 43 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 50
428 101925090 2940 10 192ND PL SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 429 1,768 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.8 92 79 60 87 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 2
373 101925100 2950 10 192ND PL SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,310 5,096 10.0 9.7 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.3 64 65 30 64 6/1/2016 1 Weak Good 32
704 101925020 2960 10 192ND ST SW 72ND AVE W 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 25 136 388 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 8.2 78 58 60 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 9 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

760 101885010 2610 10 188TH PL SW WEST END 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,347 5,240 1730 1730 - 188TH PL SW 1 1,347 5,240 67 Good 2 4 1
350 101885020 2620 10 188TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 22 558 1,406 1740 1740 - 188TH PL SW + Others 3 1,037 2,694 61 Good 2 4 1
865 101887010 2630 10 188TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 321 734 1750 1750 - 188TH ST SW 6 3,967 12,512 62 Good 3 3 1
883 101887020 2630 20 188TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 65TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 500 1,145 1750 1750 - 188TH ST SW 6 3,967 12,512 62 Good 3 3 1
910 101887030 2630 30 188TH ST SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 500 1,144 1750 1750 - 188TH ST SW 6 3,967 12,512 62 Good 3 3 1
902 101887040 2630 40 188TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Collector Asphalt 20 539 1,234 1750 1750 - 188TH ST SW 6 3,967 12,512 62 Good 3 3 1
919 101887050 2630 50 188TH ST SW 62ND PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 28 796 2,550 1750 1750 - 188TH ST SW 6 3,967 12,512 62 Good 3 3 1
1007 101887060 2630 60 188TH ST SW 60TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 38 1,312 5,706 1750 1750 - 188TH ST SW 6 3,967 12,512 62 Good 3 3 1
479 101887070 2630 70 188TH ST SW SR 99 55TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 463 1,748 1760 1760 - 188TH ST SW 4 2,714 10,299 39 Poor 1 2 1
421 101887080 2630 80 188TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 914 3,451 1760 1760 - 188TH ST SW 4 2,714 10,299 39 Poor 1 2 1
395 101887090 2630 90 188TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 51ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 417 1,624 1760 1760 - 188TH ST SW 4 2,714 10,299 39 Poor 1 2 1
409 101887100 2630 100 188TH ST SW 51ST PL W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 920 3,475 1760 1760 - 188TH ST SW 4 2,714 10,299 39 Poor 1 2 1
438 101887110 2630 110 188TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 47TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 313 1,218 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
463 101887120 2630 120 188TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 358 1,350 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
1011 101887130 2630 130 188TH ST SW 46TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 669 2,526 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
500 101887140 2630 140 188TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 288 1,352 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
263 101887150 2630 150 188TH ST SW 43RD AVE W 42ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 242 1,138 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
270 101887160 2630 160 188TH ST SW 42ND PL W 41ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 253 1,303 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
198 101887170 2630 170 188TH ST SW 41ST PL W 41ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 78 355 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
154 101887180 2630 180 188TH ST SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 450 2,162 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
388 101887195 2630 190 188TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 38TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 673 3,082 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
1282 101887190 2630 200 188TH ST SW 38TH AVE W PRIVATE Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 38 176 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
387 101887190 2630 210 188TH ST SW PRIVATE 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 593 3,869 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
332 101887200 2630 220 188TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 993 6,475 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
334 101887210 2630 230 188TH ST SW 33RD AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 73 211 1,761 1770 1770 - 188TH ST SW 13 5,158 26,767 70 V Good 2 2 1
796 101895010 2640 10 189TH PL SW 72ND AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 445 917 1780 1780 - 189TH PL SW + Others 5 2,956 6,609 56 Fair 2 4 1
772 101895020 2640 20 189TH PL SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 891 1,835 1780 1780 - 189TH PL SW + Others 5 2,956 6,609 56 Fair 2 4 1
812 101895030 2650 10 189TH PL SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 501 1,950 3400 3400 - 189TH PL SW + Others 3 1,001 3,893 65 Good 2 4 1
822 101895040 2650 20 189TH PL SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 559 1,599 1790 1790 - 189TH PL SW 1 559 1,599 53 Fair 2 4 1
758 101895050 2660 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 508 2,035 1800 1800 - 189TH PL SW 1 508 2,035 51 Fair 2 4 1
491 101895055 2670 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 224 897 1810 1810 - 189TH ST SW + Others 6 2,746 8,932 72 V Good 2 4 1
394 101895060 2680 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 788 2,434 1810 1810 - 189TH ST SW + Others 6 2,746 8,932 72 V Good 2 4 1
353 101895070 2690 10 189TH PL SW 44TH AVE W 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 378 1,167 1820 1820 - 189TH PL SW 3 1,883 6,118 69 Good 1 4 1
331 101895090 2690 20 189TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 19 527 1,146 1820 1820 - 189TH PL SW 3 1,883 6,118 69 Good 1 4 1
338 101895080 2690 20 189TH PL SW 189TH PL SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 978 3,805 1820 1820 - 189TH PL SW 3 1,883 6,118 69 Good 1 4 1
478 101897010 2710 10 189TH ST SW WEST END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 288 924 1810 1810 - 189TH ST SW + Others 6 2,746 8,932 72 V Good 2 4 1
495 101897020 2710 20 189TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 919 2,840 1810 1810 - 189TH ST SW + Others 6 2,746 8,932 72 V Good 2 4 1
480 101897030 2720 10 189TH ST SW 50TH PL W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 18 271 558 1830 1830 - 189TH ST SW + Others 4 866 2,534 72 V Good 2 4 1
458 101897040 2720 20 189TH ST SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 275 567 1830 1830 - 189TH ST SW + Others 4 866 2,534 72 V Good 2 4 1
686 101905010 2730 10 190TH PL SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 231 766 1840 1840 - 190TH ST SW + Others 2 852 2,899 73 V Good 2 4 1
379 101905020 2740 10 190TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 647 2,516 1950 1950 - 191ST PL SW + Others 3 2,605 10,362 62 Good 2 4 1
741 101907003 2750 10 190TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 228 912 3640 3640 - 75TH AVE W + Others 3 1,356 4,289 59 Fair 2 4 1
679 101907006 2760 10 190TH ST SW 72ND AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 434 993 1780 1780 - 189TH PL SW + Others 5 2,956 6,609 56 Fair 2 4 1
690 101907008 2760 20 190TH ST SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 861 1,970 1780 1780 - 189TH PL SW + Others 5 2,956 6,609 56 Fair 2 4 1
750 101907010 2770 10 190TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 876 3,407 1880 1880 - 191ST ST SW + Others 6 2,861 9,587 51 Fair 1 4 1
810 101907020 2780 10 190TH ST SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 621 2,134 1840 1840 - 190TH ST SW + Others 2 852 2,899 73 V Good 2 4 1
402 101907040 2790 10 190TH ST SW SW END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 208 619 1850 1850 - 190TH ST SW 2 1,157 3,551 47 Marginal 2 4 1
423 101907050 2790 20 190TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 949 2,932 1850 1850 - 190TH ST SW 2 1,157 3,551 47 Marginal 2 4 1
488 101907080 2800 10 190TH ST SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 653 2,542 1860 1860 - 190TH ST SW + Others 2 852 3,382 39 Poor 2 4 1
711 101915010 2810 10 191ST PL SW 72ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 485 1,555 3620 3620 - 72ND AVE W + Others 4 1,452 5,312 46 Marginal 2 4 1
845 101915015 2820 10 191ST PL SW WEST END 68TH PL W Residential Asphalt 43 160 790 1920 1920 - 192ND ST SW + Others 5 1,072 4,428 72 V Good 2 4 1
494 101915030 2830 10 191ST PL SW 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 525 2,341 1870 1870 - 191ST PL SW 1 525 2,341 82 V Good 2 4 1
335 101915020 2840 10 191ST PL SW 40TH AVE W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 1,303 5,218 1950 1950 - 191ST PL SW + Others 3 2,605 10,362 62 Good 2 4 1
780 101917010 2850 10 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW 74TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 478 1,367 3640 3640 - 75TH AVE W + Others 3 1,356 4,289 59 Fair 2 4 1
709 101917020 2850 20 191ST ST SW 74TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 197 633 3630 3630 - 74TH AVE W + Others 5 2,163 6,645 48 Marginal 2 4 1
813 101917030 2860 10 191ST ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 309 921 1880 1880 - 191ST ST SW + Others 6 2,861 9,587 51 Fair 1 4 1
701 101917040 2860 20 191ST ST SW 67TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 521 1,432 1880 1880 - 191ST ST SW + Others 6 2,861 9,587 51 Fair 1 4 1
714 101917050 2860 30 191ST ST SW 191ST ST SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 507 1,971 1880 1880 - 191ST ST SW + Others 6 2,861 9,587 51 Fair 1 4 1
398 101917055 2870 10 191ST ST SW 56TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 779 2,498 1890 1890 - 191ST ST SW + Others 3 1,532 4,937 55 Fair 2 4 1
416 101917060 2870 20 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 255 730 1890 1890 - 191ST ST SW + Others 3 1,532 4,937 55 Fair 2 4 1
425 101917065 2880 10 191ST ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 362 1,451 2720 2720 - 47TH AVE W + Others 3 1,483 5,873 77 V Good 2 4 1
348 101917070 2890 10 191ST ST SW 44TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 1,097 3,264 1940 1940 - 191ST ST SW + Others 5 3,929 14,408 59 Fair 1 4 1
325 101917080 2890 20 191ST ST SW 191ST ST SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 216 814 1940 1940 - 191ST ST SW + Others 5 3,929 14,408 59 Fair 1 4 1
804 101925010 2900 10 192ND PL SW 74TH AVE W 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 865 3,465 1910 1910 - 192ND PL SW + Others 6 2,471 8,413 48 Marginal 2 4 1
844 101925040 2910 10 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 30 280 963 1910 1910 - 192ND PL SW + Others 6 2,471 8,413 48 Marginal 2 4 1
847 101925050 2910 20 192ND PL SW 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 394 1,351 1910 1910 - 192ND PL SW + Others 6 2,471 8,413 48 Marginal 2 4 1
767 101925060 2920 10 192ND PL SW 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 411 1,600 1900 1900 - 192ND PL SW 3 1,365 4,756 50 Fair 2 4 1
1232 101925060 2920 30 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 260 1,011 1900 1900 - 192ND PL SW 3 1,365 4,756 50 Fair 2 4 1
687 101925070 2920 40 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 694 2,145 1900 1900 - 192ND PL SW 3 1,365 4,756 50 Fair 2 4 1
428 101925090 2940 10 192ND PL SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 429 1,768 2930 2930 - 192ND ST SW + Others 4 1,472 5,952 82 V Good 2 4 1
373 101925100 2950 10 192ND PL SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,310 5,096 1940 1940 - 191ST ST SW + Others 5 3,929 14,408 59 Fair 1 4 1
704 101925020 2960 10 192ND ST SW 72ND AVE W 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 25 136 388 1910 1910 - 192ND PL SW + Others 6 2,471 8,413 48 Marginal 2 4 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 10 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

768 101925030 2960 20 192ND ST SW 71ST PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 537 1,413 10.0 8.8 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 7.8 45 62 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 42
718 101927010 2970 10 192ND ST SW 69TH PL W 68TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 356 1,344 10.0 9.1 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 8.1 68 70 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
827 101927013 2970 20 192ND ST SW 68TH PL W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 158 635 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 97 89 60 94 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
740 101925080 2980 10 192ND ST SW 64TH AVE W DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 27 181 561 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.5 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
468 101927015 2990 10 192ND ST SW WEST END 53RD PL W Residential Asphalt 37 367 1,556 10.0 9.1 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.7 76 60 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
471 101927017 2990 20 192ND ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 442 1,720 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 95 85 60 92 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
445 101927020 2990 30 192ND ST SW 52ND AVE W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 817 3,086 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.8 95 85 60 92 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 2
427 101927025 2990 40 192ND ST SW 49TH PL W 49TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 253 985 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
477 101927030 2990 50 192ND ST SW 49TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 264 1,028 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
391 101927040 2990 60 192ND ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 672 1,845 9.9 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 92 78 60 87 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 1
346 101927050 3000 10 192ND ST SW 44TH AVE W 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 655 2,699 9.9 8.2 6.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.8 35 57 60 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 48
352 101927055 3000 20 192ND ST SW 192ND ST SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 651 2,534 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.2 79 75 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
366 101927060 3010 10 192ND ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 656 2,628 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.3 79 60 60 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
703 101935003 3020 10 193RD PL SW 73RD PL W 72ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 357 1,390 10.0 9.4 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.0 76 60 60 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 16
753 101935006 3020 20 193RD PL SW 72ND PL W 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 34 299 1,164 9.9 9.1 6.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 10.0 46 53 60 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 38
744 101935008 3020 30 193RD PL SW 71ST PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 509 1,399 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.3 9.6 88 69 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
400 101935010 3030 10 193RD PL SW WEST END 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 567 1,558 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
755 101937010 3040 10 193RD ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 535 1,531 10.0 9.4 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 9.5 57 59 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 30
722 101937020 3040 20 193RD ST SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 802 2,295 9.9 8.6 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.2 37 64 60 46 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 47
675 101937030 3040 30 193RD ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 23 660 1,739 10.0 9.1 7.2 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.6 52 56 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 38
749 101945010 3050 10 194TH PL SW 74TH AVE W 73RD PL W Residential Asphalt 32 297 1,088 10.0 9.4 5.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.7 35 27 60 33 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 57
825 101945020 3050 20 194TH PL SW 73RD PL W 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 81 343 10.0 8.6 6.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 8.8 36 28 60 33 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 48
680 101945030 3050 30 194TH PL SW 73RD AVE W 72ND PL W Residential Asphalt 35 372 1,492 10.0 9.1 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 55 65 30 59 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 38
702 101947060 3060 10 194TH ST SW 70TH PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 208 810 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 93 80 60 88 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
783 101947010 3070 10 194TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 38 491 2,133 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.0 86 72 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
1172 3080 10 194TH ST SW 58TH PL W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 43 293 1,443 10.0 8.8 8.5 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 8.7 9.3 60 54 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 23
455 101947020 3090 10 194TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 34 1,327 5,164 10.0 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.6 9.1 73 72 76 73 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 14
452 101947030 3090 20 194TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 669 2,986 10.0 8.3 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 60 71 74 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 25
474 101947040 3090 30 194TH ST SW 46TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 674 2,854 10.0 8.6 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.7 62 65 74 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 25
369 101947050 3090 40 194TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 1,309 6,293 9.6 8.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.1 73 71 85 75 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 17
360 101957020 3100 10 195TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 569 2,017 10.0 8.7 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.8 9.4 69 61 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 9
754 101957010 3110 10 195TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 22 334 840 9.4 9.6 6.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 52 43 60 49 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 39
781 101977010 3130 10 197TH ST SW HEINZ PL 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 23 307 808 9.6 9.0 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 10.0 44 36 60 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 38
692 101987010 3140 10 198TH ST SW 76TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 497 1,763 9.9 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 8.3 8.7 68 54 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 23
723 101987020 3150 10 198TH ST SW HEINZ PL SE END Residential Asphalt 26 268 798 10.0 9.7 7.9 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.2 60 38 60 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 32
596 101987030 3160 10 198TH ST SW SCRIBER LAKE RD 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 528 2,056 10.0 9.3 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 8.4 67 56 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
629 101987035 3160 20 198TH ST SW 198TH ST SW 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 415 1,046 9.4 9.2 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.3 68 42 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 21
603 101987040 3170 10 198TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 1,292 5,768 9.7 8.2 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.3 43 63 71 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 38
672 101997010 3190 10 199TH ST SW WEST END 76TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 344 1,062 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.6 85 66 60 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 3
731 102007010 3200 10 200TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 74TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 678 1,474 10.0 9.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.0 75 56 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 15
829 102007020 3210 10 200TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH PL W Collector Asphalt 41 504 2,365 10.0 8.4 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 64 72 83 71 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 18
707 102007030 3210 20 200TH ST SW 66TH PL W 64TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 34 805 3,131 10.0 8.0 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.0 55 79 91 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 24
842 102007040 3210 30 200TH ST SW 64TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 41 345 1,618 10.0 8.5 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 51 52 75 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
646 102007050 3210 40 200TH ST SW SR 99 61ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 454 1,870 10.0 8.6 7.1 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 8.6 10.0 52 55 77 59 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 30
1284 102007050 3210 50 200TH ST SW 61ST PL W 61ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 45 187 10.0 8.7 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 61 50 59 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
663 102007060 3210 60 200TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 496 2,042 9.5 8.4 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.0 39 54 75 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 46
650 102007070 3210 70 200TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 1,341 5,524 10.0 9.1 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.2 80 71 78 77 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 12
527 102007080 3210 80 200TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 677 3,178 10.0 8.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 83 81 76 81 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 6
580 102007090 3210 90 200TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 148 713 10.0 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 83 77 88 83 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 6
575 102007100 3210 100 200TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 53RD PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 139 670 10.0 8.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 76 78 83 78 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 14
555 102007110 3210 110 200TH ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 176 846 10.0 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.0 67 75 77 71 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 22
576 102007120 3210 120 200TH ST SW 52ND PL W 50TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 869 4,179 10.0 9.2 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.4 81 67 58 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
531 102007130 3210 130 200TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 670 3,221 10.0 9.9 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 91 73 30 71 6/1/2016 1 Weak V Good 6
542 102007140 3210 140 200TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 672 3,076 9.7 9.7 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 64 59 52 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
550 102007150 3210 150 200TH ST SW 46TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Minor Arterial Asphalt 60 666 4,571 8.2 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.5 71 56 85 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 22
830 102015010 3220 10 201ST PL SW 75TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 173 674 10.0 8.5 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 9.5 48 58 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 32
800 102015020 3230 10 201ST PL SW 68TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 38 285 1,240 9.9 8.9 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.8 82 63 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
651 102015030 3240 10 201ST PL SW 54TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 641 2,642 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 94 83 60 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 4
770 102017010 3250 10 201ST ST SW 76TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 668 1,528 9.9 9.9 8.9 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.8 70 49 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 23
567 102025010 3260 10 202ND PL SW 54TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 293 1,139 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.0 85 66 60 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
688 102027010 3270 10 202ND ST SW 76TH AVE W 75TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 266 1,036 10.0 7.8 7.7 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.0 39 45 60 41 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 39
748 102027020 3270 20 202ND ST SW 75TH PL W 75TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 94 366 10.0 7.6 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.6 39 41 60 39 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 39
778 102027030 3270 30 202ND ST SW 75TH AVE W 74TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 176 664 10.0 8.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.2 43 51 60 46 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 36
695 102027040 3270 40 202ND ST SW 74TH PL W 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 247 960 10.0 5.5 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.6 31 48 80 37 6/1/2016 3 Strng Poor 29
763 102027050 3280 10 202ND ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH PL W Residential Asphalt 21 502 1,207 10.0 8.5 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.8 70 62 60 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 16
775 102027060 3280 20 202ND ST SW 66TH PL W SR 99 Residential Asphalt 29 764 2,535 10.0 8.3 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.9 76 56 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 8
656 102027070 3280 30 202ND ST SW SR 99 61ST Pl W Residential Asphalt 29 880 2,921 10.0 9.1 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.6 75 60 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 15
1021 102027080 3280 40 202ND ST SW 61ST Pl W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 501 1,663 10.0 9.1 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.6 75 60 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 15
640 102027090 3280 50 202ND ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 1,336 5,047 10.0 9.9 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.2 73 67 60 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 23
605 102037010 3290 10 203RD ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 1,340 3,680 10.0 10.0 7.5 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.6 64 58 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 28
1111 102047020 3310 10 204TH ST SW 68TH AVE W SR 99 Residential Asphalt 24 864 2,372 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.9 98 89 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 1
607 102047030 3310 30 204TH ST SW 204TH ST SW 63RD PL W Collector Asphalt 37 563 2,386 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.3 10.0 96 86 76 88 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 11 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

768 101925030 2960 20 192ND ST SW 71ST PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 537 1,413 1910 1910 - 192ND PL SW + Others 6 2,471 8,413 48 Marginal 2 4 1
718 101927010 2970 10 192ND ST SW 69TH PL W 68TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 356 1,344 1920 1920 - 192ND ST SW + Others 5 1,072 4,428 72 V Good 2 4 1
827 101927013 2970 20 192ND ST SW 68TH PL W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 158 635 1920 1920 - 192ND ST SW + Others 5 1,072 4,428 72 V Good 2 4 1
740 101925080 2980 10 192ND ST SW 64TH AVE W DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 27 181 561 3830 3830 - DALE WAY + Others 8 3,183 9,879 58 Fair 2 4 1
468 101927015 2990 10 192ND ST SW WEST END 53RD PL W Residential Asphalt 37 367 1,556 2930 2930 - 192ND ST SW + Others 4 1,472 5,952 82 V Good 2 4 1
471 101927017 2990 20 192ND ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 442 1,720 2930 2930 - 192ND ST SW + Others 4 1,472 5,952 82 V Good 2 4 1
445 101927020 2990 30 192ND ST SW 52ND AVE W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 817 3,086 1930 1930 - 192ND ST SW + Others 5 2,325 8,186 91 Excellent 2 4 1
427 101927025 2990 40 192ND ST SW 49TH PL W 49TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 253 985 1930 1930 - 192ND ST SW + Others 5 2,325 8,186 91 Excellent 2 4 1
477 101927030 2990 50 192ND ST SW 49TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 264 1,028 1930 1930 - 192ND ST SW + Others 5 2,325 8,186 91 Excellent 2 4 1
391 101927040 2990 60 192ND ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 672 1,845 1930 1930 - 192ND ST SW + Others 5 2,325 8,186 91 Excellent 2 4 1
346 101927050 3000 10 192ND ST SW 44TH AVE W 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 655 2,699 1940 1940 - 191ST ST SW + Others 5 3,929 14,408 59 Fair 1 4 1
352 101927055 3000 20 192ND ST SW 192ND ST SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 651 2,534 1940 1940 - 191ST ST SW + Others 5 3,929 14,408 59 Fair 1 4 1
366 101927060 3010 10 192ND ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 656 2,628 1950 1950 - 191ST PL SW + Others 3 2,605 10,362 62 Good 2 4 1
703 101935003 3020 10 193RD PL SW 73RD PL W 72ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 357 1,390 1960 1960 - 193RD PL SW + Others 6 1,762 7,020 59 Fair 2 4 1
753 101935006 3020 20 193RD PL SW 72ND PL W 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 34 299 1,164 1960 1960 - 193RD PL SW + Others 6 1,762 7,020 59 Fair 2 4 1
744 101935008 3020 30 193RD PL SW 71ST PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 509 1,399 3570 3570 - 193RD PL SW + Others 2 761 2,147 81 V Good 2 4 1
400 101935010 3030 10 193RD PL SW WEST END 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 567 1,558 1970 1970 - 193RD PL SW 1 567 1,558 94 Excellent 2 4 1
755 101937010 3040 10 193RD ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 535 1,531 1980 1980 - 193RD ST SW 3 1,998 5,565 48 Marginal 2 4 1
722 101937020 3040 20 193RD ST SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 802 2,295 1980 1980 - 193RD ST SW 3 1,998 5,565 48 Marginal 2 4 1
675 101937030 3040 30 193RD ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 23 660 1,739 1980 1980 - 193RD ST SW 3 1,998 5,565 48 Marginal 2 4 1
749 101945010 3050 10 194TH PL SW 74TH AVE W 73RD PL W Residential Asphalt 32 297 1,088 1990 1990 - 73RD AVE W + Others 3 843 3,292 34 Poor 2 4 1
825 101945020 3050 20 194TH PL SW 73RD PL W 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 81 343 1990 1990 - 73RD AVE W + Others 3 843 3,292 34 Poor 2 4 1
680 101945030 3050 30 194TH PL SW 73RD AVE W 72ND PL W Residential Asphalt 35 372 1,492 1960 1960 - 193RD PL SW + Others 6 1,762 7,020 59 Fair 2 4 1
702 101947060 3060 10 194TH ST SW 70TH PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 208 810 3580 3580 - 70TH AVE W + Others 4 753 3,090 78 V Good 2 4 1
783 101947010 3070 10 194TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 38 491 2,133 2000 2000 - 194TH ST SW 1 491 2,133 79 V Good 2 4 1
1172 3080 10 194TH ST SW 58TH PL W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 43 293 1,443 3100 3100 - 56TH AVE W + Others 4 1,783 7,676 45 Marginal 2 4 1
455 101947020 3090 10 194TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 34 1,327 5,164 2010 2010 - 194TH ST SW 4 3,979 17,296 69 Good 3 3 1
452 101947030 3090 20 194TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 669 2,986 2010 2010 - 194TH ST SW 4 3,979 17,296 69 Good 3 3 1
474 101947040 3090 30 194TH ST SW 46TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 674 2,854 2010 2010 - 194TH ST SW 4 3,979 17,296 69 Good 3 3 1
369 101947050 3090 40 194TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 1,309 6,293 2010 2010 - 194TH ST SW 4 3,979 17,296 69 Good 3 3 1
360 101957020 3100 10 195TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 569 2,017 2020 2020 - 195TH PL SW 1 569 2,017 64 Good 2 4 1
754 101957010 3110 10 195TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 22 334 840 2030 2030 - 195TH ST SW 1 334 840 45 Marginal 2 4 1
781 101977010 3130 10 197TH ST SW HEINZ PL 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 23 307 808 3600 3600 - HEINZ PL + Others 8 1,850 5,848 47 Marginal 2 4 1
692 101987010 3140 10 198TH ST SW 76TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 497 1,763 2100 2100 - 200TH ST SW + Others 4 2,186 5,828 65 Good 2 4 1
723 101987020 3150 10 198TH ST SW HEINZ PL SE END Residential Asphalt 26 268 798 3600 3600 - HEINZ PL + Others 8 1,850 5,848 47 Marginal 2 4 1
596 101987030 3160 10 198TH ST SW SCRIBER LAKE RD 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 528 2,056 2080 2080 - 198TH ST SW 2 944 3,102 59 Fair 2 4 1
629 101987035 3160 20 198TH ST SW 198TH ST SW 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 415 1,046 2080 2080 - 198TH ST SW 2 944 3,102 59 Fair 2 4 1
603 101987040 3170 10 198TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 1,292 5,768 2090 2090 - 198TH ST SW 1 1,292 5,768 51 Fair 2 3 1
672 101997010 3190 10 199TH ST SW WEST END 76TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 344 1,062 2100 2100 - 200TH ST SW + Others 4 2,186 5,828 65 Good 2 4 1
731 102007010 3200 10 200TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 74TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 678 1,474 2100 2100 - 200TH ST SW + Others 4 2,186 5,828 65 Good 2 4 1
829 102007020 3210 10 200TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH PL W Collector Asphalt 41 504 2,365 2110 2110 - 200TH ST SW 3 1,653 7,114 64 Good 3 3 1
707 102007030 3210 20 200TH ST SW 66TH PL W 64TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 34 805 3,131 2110 2110 - 200TH ST SW 3 1,653 7,114 64 Good 3 3 1
842 102007040 3210 30 200TH ST SW 64TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 41 345 1,618 2110 2110 - 200TH ST SW 3 1,653 7,114 64 Good 3 3 1
646 102007050 3210 40 200TH ST SW SR 99 61ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 454 1,870 2115 2115 - 200TH ST SW 3 995 4,100 52 Fair 2 2 1
1284 102007050 3210 50 200TH ST SW 61ST PL W 61ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 45 187 2115 2115 - 200TH ST SW 3 995 4,100 52 Fair 2 2 1
663 102007060 3210 60 200TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 496 2,042 2115 2115 - 200TH ST SW 3 995 4,100 52 Fair 2 2 1
650 102007070 3210 70 200TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 1,341 5,524 2120 2120 - 200TH ST SW 9 5,359 25,978 70 Good 2 2 1
527 102007080 3210 80 200TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 677 3,178 2120 2120 - 200TH ST SW 9 5,359 25,978 70 Good 2 2 1
580 102007090 3210 90 200TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 148 713 2120 2120 - 200TH ST SW 9 5,359 25,978 70 Good 2 2 1
575 102007100 3210 100 200TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 53RD PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 139 670 2120 2120 - 200TH ST SW 9 5,359 25,978 70 Good 2 2 1
555 102007110 3210 110 200TH ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 176 846 2120 2120 - 200TH ST SW 9 5,359 25,978 70 Good 2 2 1
576 102007120 3210 120 200TH ST SW 52ND PL W 50TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 869 4,179 2120 2120 - 200TH ST SW 9 5,359 25,978 70 Good 2 2 1
531 102007130 3210 130 200TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 670 3,221 2120 2120 - 200TH ST SW 9 5,359 25,978 70 Good 2 2 1
542 102007140 3210 140 200TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 672 3,076 2120 2120 - 200TH ST SW 9 5,359 25,978 70 Good 2 2 1
550 102007150 3210 150 200TH ST SW 46TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Minor Arterial Asphalt 60 666 4,571 2120 2120 - 200TH ST SW 9 5,359 25,978 70 Good 2 2 1
830 102015010 3220 10 201ST PL SW 75TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 173 674 3650 3650 - 202ND ST SW + Others 9 2,235 8,698 44 Marginal 2 4 1
800 102015020 3230 10 201ST PL SW 68TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 38 285 1,240 3450 3450 - 66TH PL W + Others 2 947 3,436 78 V Good 2 4 1
651 102015030 3240 10 201ST PL SW 54TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 641 2,642 2130 2130 - 201ST PL SW + Others 2 934 3,781 86 Excellent 2 4 1
770 102017010 3250 10 201ST ST SW 76TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 668 1,528 2100 2100 - 200TH ST SW + Others 4 2,186 5,828 65 Good 2 4 1
567 102025010 3260 10 202ND PL SW 54TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 293 1,139 2130 2130 - 201ST PL SW + Others 2 934 3,781 86 Excellent 2 4 1
688 102027010 3270 10 202ND ST SW 76TH AVE W 75TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 266 1,036 3650 3650 - 202ND ST SW + Others 9 2,235 8,698 44 Marginal 2 4 1
748 102027020 3270 20 202ND ST SW 75TH PL W 75TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 94 366 3650 3650 - 202ND ST SW + Others 9 2,235 8,698 44 Marginal 2 4 1
778 102027030 3270 30 202ND ST SW 75TH AVE W 74TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 176 664 3650 3650 - 202ND ST SW + Others 9 2,235 8,698 44 Marginal 2 4 1
695 102027040 3270 40 202ND ST SW 74TH PL W 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 247 960 3650 3650 - 202ND ST SW + Others 9 2,235 8,698 44 Marginal 2 4 1
763 102027050 3280 10 202ND ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH PL W Residential Asphalt 21 502 1,207 2140 2140 - 202ND ST SW 5 3,983 13,372 67 Good 2 4 1
775 102027060 3280 20 202ND ST SW 66TH PL W SR 99 Residential Asphalt 29 764 2,535 2140 2140 - 202ND ST SW 5 3,983 13,372 67 Good 2 4 1
656 102027070 3280 30 202ND ST SW SR 99 61ST Pl W Residential Asphalt 29 880 2,921 2140 2140 - 202ND ST SW 5 3,983 13,372 67 Good 2 4 1
1021 102027080 3280 40 202ND ST SW 61ST Pl W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 501 1,663 2140 2140 - 202ND ST SW 5 3,983 13,372 67 Good 2 4 1
640 102027090 3280 50 202ND ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 1,336 5,047 2140 2140 - 202ND ST SW 5 3,983 13,372 67 Good 2 4 1
605 102037010 3290 10 203RD ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 1,340 3,680 2150 2150 - 203RD ST SW 1 1,340 3,680 59 Fair 2 4 1
1111 102047020 3310 10 204TH ST SW 68TH AVE W SR 99 Residential Asphalt 24 864 2,372 2160 2160 - 204TH ST SW 1 864 2,372 94 Excellent 2 4 1
607 102047030 3310 30 204TH ST SW 204TH ST SW 63RD PL W Collector Asphalt 37 563 2,386 2170 2170 - 204TH ST SW 9 5,078 20,608 82 V Good 2 3 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 12 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

566 102047040 3310 40 204TH ST SW 63RD PL W 61ST PL W Collector Asphalt 37 683 2,893 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 96 87 80 90 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
565 102047050 3310 50 204TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 492 2,083 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.0 9.3 88 69 74 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
529 102047060 3310 60 204TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 1,346 5,700 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.4 9.4 88 69 75 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
595 102047070 3310 70 204TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 331 1,402 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.2 10.0 95 85 75 88 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
553 102047080 3310 80 204TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 333 1,411 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.4 10.0 97 88 81 91 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
515 102047090 3310 90 204TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 329 1,394 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.4 9.5 92 76 73 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
661 102047100 3310 100 204TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 347 1,471 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.5 10.0 94 84 70 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
648 102047101 3310 110 204TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 25 653 1,868 10.0 9.6 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.4 87 68 81 81 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 7
1001311 3320 10 204TH ST SW 44TH AVE W RAMP ROAD Minor Arterial Asphalt 17 236 460 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 96 87 66 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1311 3320 20 204TH ST SW RAMP ROAD 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 23 104 274 10.0 9.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 85 67 65 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
1313 3320 30 204TH ST SW 204TH ST SW LARCH WAY Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 1,330 5,326 9.5 8.9 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 76 66 65 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
1314 3320 40 204TH ST SW LARCH WAY EAST END Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 198 792 10.0 7.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 75 72 84 76 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 6
601 102067010 3330 10 206TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 329 1,205 9.5 9.9 6.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 10.0 51 30 60 44 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 40
660 102067020 3330 20 206TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 333 1,221 9.7 9.6 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.9 56 25 60 46 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 37
541 102067030 3330 30 206TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 331 947 10.0 8.9 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.1 54 49 60 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
506 102067040 3330 40 206TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 336 1,039 10.0 8.7 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.2 9.0 57 34 80 49 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 25
577 102075010 3340 10 207TH PL SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 32 929 3,401 10.0 8.9 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.1 75 63 60 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
729 102087010 3350 10 208TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 681 3,350 10.0 8.9 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.0 10.0 82 75 83 80 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 4
721 102087020 3350 20 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 681 3,194 10.0 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.7 78 80 82 80 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 9
801 102087030 3350 30 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW 70TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 43 681 3,351 9.6 8.4 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.7 9.7 73 79 83 77 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 12
708 102087040 3350 40 208TH ST SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 683 3,281 9.4 8.9 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.9 70 66 78 71 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 19
843 102087050 3350 50 208TH ST SW 68TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 54 173 1,066 9.0 9.1 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.3 65 38 82 63 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 26
619 102087060 3350 60 208TH ST SW SR 99 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 153 646 9.2 9.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.5 10.0 68 44 78 65 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 21
587 102087070 3350 70 208TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 328 1,391 10.0 8.7 6.2 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 8.5 9.2 35 57 76 51 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 46
549 102087080 3350 80 208TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 1,004 4,252 9.8 8.8 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 8.8 54 59 69 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
513 102087090 3350 90 208TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 61ST AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 637 2,842 10.0 8.5 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.5 67 72 79 71 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 19
671 102087100 3350 100 208TH ST SW 61ST AVE W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 318 1,419 10.0 8.9 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.9 79 62 70 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
613 102087110 3350 110 208TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Collector Asphalt 39 182 814 10.0 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 80 71 85 79 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 6
624 102087120 3350 120 208TH ST SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Collector Asphalt 39 315 1,406 10.0 8.5 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.9 78 74 84 78 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 8
564 102087130 3350 130 208TH ST SW 58TH PL W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 835 3,725 10.0 8.6 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.3 73 79 73 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
649 102087140 3350 140 208TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 328 1,463 10.0 8.6 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.8 79 80 73 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
627 102087150 3350 150 208TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 40 341 1,559 10.0 8.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 79 75 80 78 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 6
573 102087160 3350 160 208TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 31 328 1,164 10.0 9.0 9.1 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.8 71 72 77 73 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 19
569 102087170 3350 170 208TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Collector Asphalt 40 348 1,591 10.0 8.7 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.5 73 54 65 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 14
546 102087180 3350 180 208TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 658 1,731 10.0 9.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 8.3 57 41 60 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 27
539 102087190 3350 190 208TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 870 2,289 10.0 9.1 7.9 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 66 67 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 23
633 110100100 3360 10 209TH PL SW 59TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 637 2,699 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 98 89 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
631 102097020 3380 10 209TH ST SW 45TH PL W 44TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 294 1,078 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
612 102097030 3380 20 209TH ST SW 44TH PL W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 255 845 9.6 8.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.5 67 47 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
535 102107050 3390 20 210TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 332 1,404 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 9.2 84 66 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
512 102107030 3400 10 210TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 45TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 449 1,697 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.8 89 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
538 102117010 3410 10 211TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 594 2,310 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.2 87 68 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
540 102117020 3420 10 211TH ST SW WEST END 50TH PL W Residential Asphalt 35 287 1,148 10.0 9.6 5.8 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.9 44 28 60 39 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 51
626 102117040 3430 20 211TH ST SW 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 176 703 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
517 102117030 3440 10 211TH ST SW SW END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 448 1,437 9.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.2 8.8 76 56 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 11
643 102127010 3450 10 212TH ST SW SR 99 68TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 501 2,409 8.7 8.3 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 36 47 49 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 44
583 102127020 3450 20 212TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 314 1,509 10.0 8.9 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.4 52 57 73 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 37
600 102127030 3450 30 212TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 320 1,538 10.0 9.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.7 62 56 83 66 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 24
636 102127040 3450 40 212TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 1,005 4,602 10.0 8.9 8.1 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 8.7 8.6 53 60 80 61 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 31
544 102127050 3450 50 212TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 529 2,482 9.1 9.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.1 9.0 44 60 87 59 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 42
658 102127060 3450 60 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 304 1,462 9.4 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.7 8.2 72 50 54 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 20
571 102127070 3450 70 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 58TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 708 3,405 9.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.9 8.2 68 52 67 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 24
524 102127080 3450 80 212TH ST SW 58TH AVE W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 1,039 4,877 9.5 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.8 8.9 76 69 66 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
634 102127085 3450 90 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,121 5,387 9.3 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.8 10.0 90 70 66 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
586 102127090 3450 100 212TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 548 2,636 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 74 90 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
578 102127100 3450 110 212TH ST SW 50TH PL W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 124 594 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 83 93 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
620 102127110 3450 120 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 49TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 165 793 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 82 92 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
562 102127120 3450 130 212TH ST SW 49TH AVE W 48TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 274 1,315 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 99 90 81 92 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 1
604 102127132 3450 140 212TH ST SW 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 220 1,059 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.9 97 88 79 90 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 1
511 102127130 3450 150 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 1,341 6,600 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 91 80 92 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
597 102127131 3460 10 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW 47TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 340 1,363 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 100 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
611 102147010 3470 10 214TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 325 744 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.9 10.0 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
505 102167010 3480 10 216TH ST SW SR 99 EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 603 2,693 10.0 8.4 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.3 46 50 60 47 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 38
367 100241032 3490 10 24TH AVE W SOUTH END 24TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 168 652 9.8 8.3 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.8 42 46 60 43 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 43
384 100241031 3490 20 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 300 1,169 9.7 8.7 5.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.5 33 47 60 38 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 52
357 100241030 3490 30 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 533 2,500 9.9 9.0 5.7 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 9.8 9.5 38 42 60 40 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 52
333 100241020 3490 40 24TH AVE W 196TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 264 1,269 10.0 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.3 74 52 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
326 100261010 3500 20 26TH AVE W ASH WAY BEECH RD Residential Asphalt 24 390 1,072 9.5 8.8 5.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.3 39 33 60 37 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 50
355 108308042 3510 10 28TH AVE W SOUTH END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 21 406 976 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 86 68 75 79 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 0
337 100281080 3520 10 28TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 331 1,627 10.0 8.3 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 77 57 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
328 100291010 3530 10 29TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD NW END Residential Asphalt 22 472 1,189 10.0 8.6 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.4 63 61 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 25
276 100300010 3540 10 30TH PL W MAPLE RD 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 42 843 4,054 10.0 8.1 7.9 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 51 71 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 34

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 13 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

566 102047040 3310 40 204TH ST SW 63RD PL W 61ST PL W Collector Asphalt 37 683 2,893 2170 2170 - 204TH ST SW 9 5,078 20,608 82 V Good 2 3 1
565 102047050 3310 50 204TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 492 2,083 2170 2170 - 204TH ST SW 9 5,078 20,608 82 V Good 2 3 1
529 102047060 3310 60 204TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 1,346 5,700 2170 2170 - 204TH ST SW 9 5,078 20,608 82 V Good 2 3 1
595 102047070 3310 70 204TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 331 1,402 2170 2170 - 204TH ST SW 9 5,078 20,608 82 V Good 2 3 1
553 102047080 3310 80 204TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 333 1,411 2170 2170 - 204TH ST SW 9 5,078 20,608 82 V Good 2 3 1
515 102047090 3310 90 204TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 329 1,394 2170 2170 - 204TH ST SW 9 5,078 20,608 82 V Good 2 3 1
661 102047100 3310 100 204TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 347 1,471 2170 2170 - 204TH ST SW 9 5,078 20,608 82 V Good 2 3 1
648 102047101 3310 110 204TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 25 653 1,868 2170 2170 - 204TH ST SW 9 5,078 20,608 82 V Good 2 3 1
1001311 3320 10 204TH ST SW 44TH AVE W RAMP ROAD Minor Arterial Asphalt 17 236 460 2180 2180 - 204TH ST SW 4 1,868 6,852 70 Good 2 2 1
1311 3320 20 204TH ST SW RAMP ROAD 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 23 104 274 2180 2180 - 204TH ST SW 4 1,868 6,852 70 Good 2 2 1
1313 3320 30 204TH ST SW 204TH ST SW LARCH WAY Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 1,330 5,326 2180 2180 - 204TH ST SW 4 1,868 6,852 70 Good 2 2 1
1314 3320 40 204TH ST SW LARCH WAY EAST END Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 198 792 2180 2180 - 204TH ST SW 4 1,868 6,852 70 Good 2 2 1
601 102067010 3330 10 206TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 329 1,205 2190 2190 - 206TH ST SW + Others 5 1,985 6,889 47 Marginal 2 4 1
660 102067020 3330 20 206TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 333 1,221 2190 2190 - 206TH ST SW + Others 5 1,985 6,889 47 Marginal 2 4 1
541 102067030 3330 30 206TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 331 947 2190 2190 - 206TH ST SW + Others 5 1,985 6,889 47 Marginal 2 4 1
506 102067040 3330 40 206TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 336 1,039 2190 2190 - 206TH ST SW + Others 5 1,985 6,889 47 Marginal 2 4 1
577 102075010 3340 10 207TH PL SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 32 929 3,401 2200 2200 - 207TH PL SW 1 929 3,401 68 Good 2 4 1
729 102087010 3350 10 208TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 681 3,350 2210 2210 - 208TH ST SW 5 2,898 14,242 74 V Good 3 3 1
721 102087020 3350 20 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 681 3,194 2210 2210 - 208TH ST SW 5 2,898 14,242 74 V Good 3 3 1
801 102087030 3350 30 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW 70TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 43 681 3,351 2210 2210 - 208TH ST SW 5 2,898 14,242 74 V Good 3 3 1
708 102087040 3350 40 208TH ST SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 683 3,281 2210 2210 - 208TH ST SW 5 2,898 14,242 74 V Good 3 3 1
843 102087050 3350 50 208TH ST SW 68TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 54 173 1,066 2210 2210 - 208TH ST SW 5 2,898 14,242 74 V Good 3 3 1
619 102087060 3350 60 208TH ST SW SR 99 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 153 646 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
587 102087070 3350 70 208TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 328 1,391 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
549 102087080 3350 80 208TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 1,004 4,252 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
513 102087090 3350 90 208TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 61ST AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 637 2,842 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
671 102087100 3350 100 208TH ST SW 61ST AVE W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 318 1,419 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
613 102087110 3350 110 208TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Collector Asphalt 39 182 814 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
624 102087120 3350 120 208TH ST SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Collector Asphalt 39 315 1,406 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
564 102087130 3350 130 208TH ST SW 58TH PL W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 835 3,725 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
649 102087140 3350 140 208TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 328 1,463 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
627 102087150 3350 150 208TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 40 341 1,559 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
573 102087160 3350 160 208TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 31 328 1,164 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
569 102087170 3350 170 208TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Collector Asphalt 40 348 1,591 2220 2220 - 208TH ST SW 12 5,116 22,272 67 Good 2 3 1
546 102087180 3350 180 208TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 658 1,731 2230 2230 - 208TH ST SW + Others 3 1,901 5,433 51 Fair 2 4 1
539 102087190 3350 190 208TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 870 2,289 2230 2230 - 208TH ST SW + Others 3 1,901 5,433 51 Fair 2 4 1
633 110100100 3360 10 209TH PL SW 59TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 637 2,699 2240 2240 - 209TH PL SW 1 637 2,699 94 Excellent 2 4 1
631 102097020 3380 10 209TH ST SW 45TH PL W 44TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 294 1,078 2250 2250 - 209TH ST SW + Others 10 2,843 11,038 86 Excellent 2 4 1
612 102097030 3380 20 209TH ST SW 44TH PL W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 255 845 2250 2250 - 209TH ST SW + Others 10 2,843 11,038 86 Excellent 2 4 1
535 102107050 3390 20 210TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 332 1,404 3410 3410 - 66TH AVE W + Others 5 2,643 11,620 77 V Good 2 3 1
512 102107030 3400 10 210TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 45TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 449 1,697 2250 2250 - 209TH ST SW + Others 10 2,843 11,038 86 Excellent 2 4 1
538 102117010 3410 10 211TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 594 2,310 3210 3210 - 61ST AVE W + Others 3 1,526 5,893 80 V Good 2 4 1
540 102117020 3420 10 211TH ST SW WEST END 50TH PL W Residential Asphalt 35 287 1,148 2830 2830 - 50TH PL W + Others 2 617 2,055 42 Marginal 2 4 1
626 102117040 3430 20 211TH ST SW 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 176 703 2250 2250 - 209TH ST SW + Others 10 2,843 11,038 86 Excellent 2 4 1
517 102117030 3440 10 211TH ST SW SW END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 448 1,437 2260 2260 - 211TH ST SW 1 448 1,437 67 Good 2 4 1
643 102127010 3450 10 212TH ST SW SR 99 68TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 501 2,409 2270 2270 - 212TH ST SW 4 2,140 10,058 53 Fair 3 2 1
583 102127020 3450 20 212TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 314 1,509 2270 2270 - 212TH ST SW 4 2,140 10,058 53 Fair 3 2 1
600 102127030 3450 30 212TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 320 1,538 2270 2270 - 212TH ST SW 4 2,140 10,058 53 Fair 3 2 1
636 102127040 3450 40 212TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 1,005 4,602 2270 2270 - 212TH ST SW 4 2,140 10,058 53 Fair 3 2 1
544 102127050 3450 50 212TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 529 2,482 2280 2280 - 212TH ST SW 5 3,702 17,613 66 Good 2 2 1
658 102127060 3450 60 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 304 1,462 2280 2280 - 212TH ST SW 5 3,702 17,613 66 Good 2 2 1
571 102127070 3450 70 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 58TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 708 3,405 2280 2280 - 212TH ST SW 5 3,702 17,613 66 Good 2 2 1
524 102127080 3450 80 212TH ST SW 58TH AVE W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 1,039 4,877 2280 2280 - 212TH ST SW 5 3,702 17,613 66 Good 2 2 1
634 102127085 3450 90 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,121 5,387 2280 2280 - 212TH ST SW 5 3,702 17,613 66 Good 2 2 1
586 102127090 3450 100 212TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 548 2,636 2290 2290 - 212TH ST SW 6 2,672 12,998 90 Excellent 3 2 1
578 102127100 3450 110 212TH ST SW 50TH PL W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 124 594 2290 2290 - 212TH ST SW 6 2,672 12,998 90 Excellent 3 2 1
620 102127110 3450 120 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 49TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 165 793 2290 2290 - 212TH ST SW 6 2,672 12,998 90 Excellent 3 2 1
562 102127120 3450 130 212TH ST SW 49TH AVE W 48TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 274 1,315 2290 2290 - 212TH ST SW 6 2,672 12,998 90 Excellent 3 2 1
604 102127132 3450 140 212TH ST SW 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 220 1,059 2290 2290 - 212TH ST SW 6 2,672 12,998 90 Excellent 3 2 1
511 102127130 3450 150 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 1,341 6,600 2290 2290 - 212TH ST SW 6 2,672 12,998 90 Excellent 3 2 1
597 102127131 3460 10 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW 47TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 340 1,363 2250 2250 - 209TH ST SW + Others 10 2,843 11,038 86 Excellent 2 4 1
611 102147010 3470 10 214TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 325 744 3410 3410 - 66TH AVE W + Others 5 2,643 11,620 77 V Good 2 3 1
505 102167010 3480 10 216TH ST SW SR 99 EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 603 2,693 2300 2300 - 216TH ST SW 1 603 2,693 44 Marginal 2 4 1
367 100241032 3490 10 24TH AVE W SOUTH END 24TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 168 652 2310 2310 - 24TH AVE W 4 1,265 5,590 43 Marginal 2 4 1
384 100241031 3490 20 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 300 1,169 2310 2310 - 24TH AVE W 4 1,265 5,590 43 Marginal 2 4 1
357 100241030 3490 30 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 533 2,500 2310 2310 - 24TH AVE W 4 1,265 5,590 43 Marginal 2 4 1
333 100241020 3490 40 24TH AVE W 196TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 264 1,269 2310 2310 - 24TH AVE W 4 1,265 5,590 43 Marginal 2 4 1
326 100261010 3500 20 26TH AVE W ASH WAY BEECH RD Residential Asphalt 24 390 1,072 2320 2320 - 26TH AVE W 1 390 1,072 34 Poor 2 4 1
355 108308042 3510 10 28TH AVE W SOUTH END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 21 406 976 3710 3710 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY + Others 4 2,611 17,886 62 Good 3 1 1
337 100281080 3520 10 28TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 331 1,627 2330 2330 - 29TH AVE W + Others 2 803 2,817 64 Good 2 4 1
328 100291010 3530 10 29TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD NW END Residential Asphalt 22 472 1,189 2330 2330 - 29TH AVE W + Others 2 803 2,817 64 Good 2 4 1
276 100300010 3540 10 30TH PL W MAPLE RD 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 42 843 4,054 2340 2340 - 30TH PL W 1 843 4,054 54 Fair 2 4 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 14 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

288 100290080 3560 10 32ND AVE W SOUTH END 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 165 415 10.0 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 84 66 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
309 100290070 3560 20 32ND AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 19 534 1,160 9.9 8.2 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.8 55 64 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 24
311 100290060 3560 30 32ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 482 994 10.0 7.3 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.1 10.0 46 63 80 52 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 21
304 100290050 3560 40 32ND AVE W 175TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 385 792 9.9 7.9 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.7 51 65 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 28
273 100290040 3560 50 32ND AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 445 916 10.0 8.8 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 10.0 62 69 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
275 100290020 3560 60 32ND AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 153 315 9.9 8.6 9.6 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.3 74 53 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 12
1257 100290020 3560 70 32ND AVE W 171ST PL SW 171ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 149 307 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.7 87 68 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
1256 100290020 3560 80 32ND AVE W 171ST ST SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 131 271 9.8 8.0 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.4 38 41 60 39 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 43
286 100290010 3560 90 32ND AVE W 170TH PL SW 169TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 19 437 951 9.9 8.2 6.6 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 43 45 60 44 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 36
315 100290011 3560 100 32ND AVE W 169TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 98 259 10.0 10.0 6.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 57 60 30 58 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 39
296 100290012 3560 110 32ND AVE W 169TH ST SW 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 315 830 10.0 9.6 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 82 63 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
307 100321010 3560 120 32ND AVE W WEST END 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 265 637 8.6 9.9 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 55 34 60 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 41
292 100290090 3570 10 32ND PL W 177TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 25 245 700 10.0 9.9 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.1 9.1 74 61 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 15
375 100331010 3580 10 33RD AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 33 1,999 7,550 9.1 8.8 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.5 38 57 76 52 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 51
343 100331020 3580 20 33RD AVE W 188TH ST SW 184TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,369 6,582 9.1 9.4 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.6 64 64 77 67 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 29
1110 110100200 3590 10 33RD AVE W 184TH ST SW MAPLE RD Collector Asphalt 42 2,093 10,063 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 90 78 92 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
272 100335060 3600 10 33RD PL W SW END 179TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 819 3,657 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.9 93 80 60 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 1
318 100335050 3600 20 33RD PL W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 148 561 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 93 80 60 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
300 100340010 3600 30 33RD PL W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 32 350 1,280 10.0 9.4 6.4 10.0 10.0 7.8 10.0 9.5 10.0 42 41 60 41 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 52
277 100340020 3600 40 33RD PL W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 543 1,554 9.9 8.9 8.0 10.0 9.8 9.7 10.0 9.1 8.4 49 35 60 45 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 36
280 100340030 3600 50 33RD PL W 176TH ST SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 1,318 2,716 9.7 7.2 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.9 54 62 80 57 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 16
1074 100335040 3610 10 33RD PL W 171ST ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 278 1,049 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.9 88 69 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
1196 3620 10 33RD PL W 180TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 120 357 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 85 66 60 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
341 100335020 3620 20 33RD PL W 180TH PL SW 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 25 164 468 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.3 90 71 60 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
294 100342010 3630 10 34TH PL W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 172 688 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 93 79 60 88 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
299 100341030 3640 10 34TH PL W 176TH PL SW 175TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 227 911 10.0 9.2 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.2 81 62 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
305 100341020 3640 20 34TH PL W 175TH PL SW 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 482 1,929 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 91 74 60 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1273 100341010 3640 30 34TH PL W 174TH PL SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 35 237 950 10.0 8.5 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 82 63 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 3
278 100341010 3640 40 34TH PL W UNNAMED UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 244 949 10.0 8.2 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 79 64 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
1272 100341010 3640 50 34TH PL W UNNAMED 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 302 1,176 10.0 8.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.4 76 63 60 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
358 100361010 3650 10 36TH AVE W 195TH PL SW 192ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 942 6,256 10.0 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 79 71 81 77 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 6
374 100361020 3650 20 36TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 280 1,861 7.2 9.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.5 34 48 80 49 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 56
382 100361030 3650 30 36TH AVE W 191ST PL SW 188TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,098 7,291 8.0 8.8 7.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.3 8.6 26 59 68 45 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 60
1374 100361040 3650 40 36TH AVE W 188TH ST SW PRIVATE Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 597 3,825 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.9 89 72 83 83 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 1
389 100361040 3650 50 36TH AVE W PRIVATE 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 52 753 4,483 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.9 90 77 80 84 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 1
165 100361050 3650 60 36TH AVE W 184TH ST SW 180TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,162 7,716 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 90 83 84 87 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
153 100361060 3650 70 36TH AVE W 180TH PL SW MAPLE RD Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 407 2,702 10.0 7.8 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.1 46 44 81 54 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 34
135 100361165 3650 80 36TH AVE W MAPLE RD 179TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 106 701 8.3 9.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 8.8 40 41 63 46 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 47
188 100361070 3650 90 36TH AVE W 179TH ST SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 561 3,723 8.6 8.8 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.3 38 53 78 52 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 48
152 100361080 3650 100 36TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 261 1,730 7.8 8.9 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.4 34 49 77 49 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 55
137 100361090 3650 110 36TH AVE W 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 253 1,677 8.2 7.9 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.5 42 46 82 53 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 40
1109 100361091 3650 120 36TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 247 1,101 8.6 9.3 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.0 41 54 86 56 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 48
1022 100361170 3650 130 36TH AVE W 36TH AVE W 174TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 250 1,117 8.4 8.6 6.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.8 32 58 56 45 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 51
142 100361100 3650 140 36TH AVE W 174TH PL SW 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 503 2,244 8.0 8.7 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.6 32 54 69 47 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 53
250 100361110 3650 150 36TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 270 1,019 8.5 9.3 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 54 45 51 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 34
140 100361120 3650 160 36TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 393 1,531 7.2 9.0 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.5 9.0 19 36 60 34 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 69
1301 100361120 3650 170 36TH AVE W 171ST ST SW 170TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 38 250 1,089 7.2 8.9 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.5 20 41 77 39 6/1/2016 3 Strng Poor 71
1061 100361195 3650 180 36TH AVE W 170TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 38 241 1,049 7.3 9.2 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.5 23 41 23 27 6/1/2016 1 Weak Poor 67
1060 100361190 3650 190 36TH AVE W 169TH ST SW 168TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 273 1,126 8.2 9.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.5 28 48 53 40 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 61
1059 100361130 3650 200 36TH AVE W 168TH PL SW 167TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 235 996 6.6 9.4 8.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.3 34 53 86 52 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 58
148 100361140 3650 210 36TH AVE W 167TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 236 1,082 8.1 8.9 6.7 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.8 29 43 44 36 6/1/2016 1 Weak Poor 61
1247 100361140 3650 220 36TH AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 36 165 8.7 8.5 5.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.8 22 33 9 21 6/1/2016 1 Weak V Poor 65
1246 100361140 3650 230 36TH AVE W UNNAMED 166TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 70 320 8.3 8.9 4.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 23 46 50 35 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 67
150 100361150 3650 240 36TH AVE W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 407 1,862 8.5 8.9 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.4 23 53 54 38 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 66
1129 3650 250 36TH AVE W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Minor Arterial Asphalt 50 128 730 8.4 9.0 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.7 29 46 54 40 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 61
349 100371010 3670 10 37TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 68 403 3,134 10.0 8.5 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 81 62 82 76 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 6
175 100371020 3680 10 37TH AVE W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 36 498 2,050 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.6 91 71 60 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
268 100375020 3690 10 37TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 46 191 1,007 10.0 8.1 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 71 48 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 12
244 100375030 3700 10 37TH PL W 174TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 278 1,177 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 95 85 60 92 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1132 3710 10 37TH PL W 167TH ST SW 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 126 346 10.0 9.2 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.3 60 50 60 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 32
155 100375040 3710 20 37TH PL W 37TH PL W 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 338 1,315 10.0 8.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 73 51 80 66 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 9
173 100375050 3710 30 37TH PL W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 297 1,191 10.0 8.0 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 62 54 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 19
359 100381030 3720 10 38TH AVE W SOUTH END 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 53 163 991 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.2 86 67 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
146 100381020 3730 10 38TH AVE W SOUTH END MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 42 175 840 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 95 84 60 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
248 100381008 3740 10 38TH AVE W 174TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 225 953 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 94 82 60 90 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
205 100381010 3750 10 38TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 627 2,370 9.9 7.3 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.2 65 56 80 62 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 12
127 100381004 3760 10 38TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 331 1,400 10.0 8.6 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.8 41 46 60 43 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 41
247 100391010 3770 10 39TH AVE W MAPLE RD 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 325 1,267 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1063 107701022 3780 10 39TH AVE W 169TH ST SW 168TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 238 925 10.0 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 82 80 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
210 100395020 3790 10 39TH PL W SOUTH END 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 48 100 548 10.0 9.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 87 68 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
159 100395010 3800 10 39TH PL W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 354 1,501 10.0 8.2 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 8.6 39 37 60 39 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 41
632 100401010 3810 10 40TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 198TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 630 2,595 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.9 97 89 77 90 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 15 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

288 100290080 3560 10 32ND AVE W SOUTH END 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 165 415 2350 2350 - 32ND AVE W + Others 9 3,422 8,074 60 Good 2 4 1
309 100290070 3560 20 32ND AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 19 534 1,160 2350 2350 - 32ND AVE W + Others 9 3,422 8,074 60 Good 2 4 1
311 100290060 3560 30 32ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 482 994 2350 2350 - 32ND AVE W + Others 9 3,422 8,074 60 Good 2 4 1
304 100290050 3560 40 32ND AVE W 175TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 385 792 2350 2350 - 32ND AVE W + Others 9 3,422 8,074 60 Good 2 4 1
273 100290040 3560 50 32ND AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 445 916 2350 2350 - 32ND AVE W + Others 9 3,422 8,074 60 Good 2 4 1
275 100290020 3560 60 32ND AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 153 315 2350 2350 - 32ND AVE W + Others 9 3,422 8,074 60 Good 2 4 1
1257 100290020 3560 70 32ND AVE W 171ST PL SW 171ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 149 307 2350 2350 - 32ND AVE W + Others 9 3,422 8,074 60 Good 2 4 1
1256 100290020 3560 80 32ND AVE W 171ST ST SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 131 271 1110 1110 - 32ND AVE W + Others 7 1,981 5,129 49 Marginal 2 4 1
286 100290010 3560 90 32ND AVE W 170TH PL SW 169TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 19 437 951 1110 1110 - 32ND AVE W + Others 7 1,981 5,129 49 Marginal 2 4 1
315 100290011 3560 100 32ND AVE W 169TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 98 259 1110 1110 - 32ND AVE W + Others 7 1,981 5,129 49 Marginal 2 4 1
296 100290012 3560 110 32ND AVE W 169TH ST SW 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 315 830 1110 1110 - 32ND AVE W + Others 7 1,981 5,129 49 Marginal 2 4 1
307 100321010 3560 120 32ND AVE W WEST END 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 265 637 1110 1110 - 32ND AVE W + Others 7 1,981 5,129 49 Marginal 2 4 1
292 100290090 3570 10 32ND PL W 177TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 25 245 700 1340 1340 - 177TH PL SW + Others 4 1,047 3,050 58 Fair 2 4 1
375 100331010 3580 10 33RD AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 33 1,999 7,550 2360 2360 - 33RD AVE W 2 3,368 14,132 56 Fair 3 3 1
343 100331020 3580 20 33RD AVE W 188TH ST SW 184TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,369 6,582 2360 2360 - 33RD AVE W 2 3,368 14,132 56 Fair 3 3 1
1110 110100200 3590 10 33RD AVE W 184TH ST SW MAPLE RD Collector Asphalt 42 2,093 10,063 2370 2370 - 33RD AVE W 1 2,093 10,063 91 Excellent 3 3 1
272 100335060 3600 10 33RD PL W SW END 179TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 819 3,657 1420 1420 - 179TH ST SW + Others 8 3,048 12,870 85 V Good 2 4 1
318 100335050 3600 20 33RD PL W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 148 561 1420 1420 - 179TH ST SW + Others 8 3,048 12,870 85 V Good 2 4 1
300 100340010 3600 30 33RD PL W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 32 350 1,280 2380 2380 - 33RD PL W 3 2,211 5,550 47 Marginal 2 4 1
277 100340020 3600 40 33RD PL W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 543 1,554 2380 2380 - 33RD PL W 3 2,211 5,550 47 Marginal 2 4 1
280 100340030 3600 50 33RD PL W 176TH ST SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 1,318 2,716 2380 2380 - 33RD PL W 3 2,211 5,550 47 Marginal 2 4 1
1074 100335040 3610 10 33RD PL W 171ST ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 278 1,049 1160 1160 - 171ST ST SW + Others 4 2,348 9,379 90 Excellent 2 4 1
1196 3620 10 33RD PL W 180TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 120 357 2390 2390 - 180TH PL SW + Others 4 1,430 4,402 74 V Good 2 4 1
341 100335020 3620 20 33RD PL W 180TH PL SW 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 25 164 468 2390 2390 - 180TH PL SW + Others 4 1,430 4,402 74 V Good 2 4 1
294 100342010 3630 10 34TH PL W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 172 688 1420 1420 - 179TH ST SW + Others 8 3,048 12,870 85 V Good 2 4 1
299 100341030 3640 10 34TH PL W 176TH PL SW 175TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 227 911 2400 2400 - 34TH PL W + Others 8 2,551 10,628 79 V Good 2 4 1
305 100341020 3640 20 34TH PL W 175TH PL SW 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 482 1,929 2400 2400 - 34TH PL W + Others 8 2,551 10,628 79 V Good 2 4 1
1273 100341010 3640 30 34TH PL W 174TH PL SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 35 237 950 2400 2400 - 34TH PL W + Others 8 2,551 10,628 79 V Good 2 4 1
278 100341010 3640 40 34TH PL W UNNAMED UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 244 949 2400 2400 - 34TH PL W + Others 8 2,551 10,628 79 V Good 2 4 1
1272 100341010 3640 50 34TH PL W UNNAMED 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 302 1,176 2400 2400 - 34TH PL W + Others 8 2,551 10,628 79 V Good 2 4 1
358 100361010 3650 10 36TH AVE W 195TH PL SW 192ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 942 6,256 2440 2440 - 36TH AVE W + Others 2 1,345 9,390 75 V Good 3 2 1
374 100361020 3650 20 36TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 280 1,861 2410 2410 - 36TH AVE W 2 1,379 9,151 42 Marginal 2 2 1
382 100361030 3650 30 36TH AVE W 191ST PL SW 188TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,098 7,291 2410 2410 - 36TH AVE W 2 1,379 9,151 42 Marginal 2 2 1
1374 100361040 3650 40 36TH AVE W 188TH ST SW PRIVATE Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 597 3,825 2420 2420 - 36TH AVE W 3 2,512 16,023 84 V Good 3 2 1
389 100361040 3650 50 36TH AVE W PRIVATE 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 52 753 4,483 2420 2420 - 36TH AVE W 3 2,512 16,023 84 V Good 3 2 1
165 100361050 3650 60 36TH AVE W 184TH ST SW 180TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,162 7,716 2420 2420 - 36TH AVE W 3 2,512 16,023 84 V Good 3 2 1
153 100361060 3650 70 36TH AVE W 180TH PL SW MAPLE RD Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 407 2,702 2430 2430 - 36TH AVE W 9 2,856 16,014 98 Excellent 3 2 1
135 100361165 3650 80 36TH AVE W MAPLE RD 179TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 106 701 2430 2430 - 36TH AVE W 9 2,856 16,014 98 Excellent 3 2 1
188 100361070 3650 90 36TH AVE W 179TH ST SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 561 3,723 2430 2430 - 36TH AVE W 9 2,856 16,014 98 Excellent 3 2 1
152 100361080 3650 100 36TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 261 1,730 2430 2430 - 36TH AVE W 9 2,856 16,014 98 Excellent 3 2 1
137 100361090 3650 110 36TH AVE W 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 253 1,677 2430 2430 - 36TH AVE W 9 2,856 16,014 98 Excellent 3 2 1
1109 100361091 3650 120 36TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 247 1,101 2430 2430 - 36TH AVE W 9 2,856 16,014 98 Excellent 3 2 1
1022 100361170 3650 130 36TH AVE W 36TH AVE W 174TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 250 1,117 2430 2430 - 36TH AVE W 9 2,856 16,014 98 Excellent 3 2 1
142 100361100 3650 140 36TH AVE W 174TH PL SW 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 503 2,244 2430 2430 - 36TH AVE W 9 2,856 16,014 98 Excellent 3 2 1
250 100361110 3650 150 36TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 270 1,019 2430 2430 - 36TH AVE W 9 2,856 16,014 98 Excellent 3 2 1
140 100361120 3650 160 36TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 393 1,531 2435 2435 - 36TH AVE W 10 2,270 9,950 98 Excellent 2 2 1
1301 100361120 3650 170 36TH AVE W 171ST ST SW 170TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 38 250 1,089 2435 2435 - 36TH AVE W 10 2,270 9,950 98 Excellent 2 2 1
1061 100361195 3650 180 36TH AVE W 170TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 38 241 1,049 2435 2435 - 36TH AVE W 10 2,270 9,950 98 Excellent 2 2 1
1060 100361190 3650 190 36TH AVE W 169TH ST SW 168TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 273 1,126 2435 2435 - 36TH AVE W 10 2,270 9,950 98 Excellent 2 2 1
1059 100361130 3650 200 36TH AVE W 168TH PL SW 167TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 235 996 2435 2435 - 36TH AVE W 10 2,270 9,950 98 Excellent 2 2 1
148 100361140 3650 210 36TH AVE W 167TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 236 1,082 2435 2435 - 36TH AVE W 10 2,270 9,950 98 Excellent 2 2 1
1247 100361140 3650 220 36TH AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 36 165 2435 2435 - 36TH AVE W 10 2,270 9,950 98 Excellent 2 2 1
1246 100361140 3650 230 36TH AVE W UNNAMED 166TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 70 320 2435 2435 - 36TH AVE W 10 2,270 9,950 98 Excellent 2 2 1
150 100361150 3650 240 36TH AVE W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 407 1,862 2435 2435 - 36TH AVE W 10 2,270 9,950 98 Excellent 2 2 1
1129 3650 250 36TH AVE W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Minor Arterial Asphalt 50 128 730 2435 2435 - 36TH AVE W 10 2,270 9,950 98 Excellent 2 2 1
349 100371010 3670 10 37TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 68 403 3,134 2440 2440 - 36TH AVE W + Others 2 1,345 9,390 75 V Good 3 2 1
175 100371020 3680 10 37TH AVE W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 36 498 2,050 2450 2450 - 37TH AVE W + Others 2 829 3,454 78 V Good 2 4 1
268 100375020 3690 10 37TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 46 191 1,007 2500 2500 - 39TH AVE W + Others 5 945 4,225 83 V Good 2 4 1
244 100375030 3700 10 37TH PL W 174TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 278 1,177 1240 1240 - 176TH ST SW + Others 7 2,604 10,971 84 V Good 2 4 1
1132 3710 10 37TH PL W 167TH ST SW 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 126 346 2470 2470 - 167TH ST SW + Others 8 2,535 10,019 63 Good 2 4 1
155 100375040 3710 20 37TH PL W 37TH PL W 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 338 1,315 2470 2470 - 167TH ST SW + Others 8 2,535 10,019 63 Good 2 4 1
173 100375050 3710 30 37TH PL W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 297 1,191 2470 2470 - 167TH ST SW + Others 8 2,535 10,019 63 Good 2 4 1
359 100381030 3720 10 38TH AVE W SOUTH END 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 53 163 991 2480 2480 - 38TH AVE W 1 163 991 78 V Good 2 4 1
146 100381020 3730 10 38TH AVE W SOUTH END MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 42 175 840 2500 2500 - 39TH AVE W + Others 5 945 4,225 83 V Good 2 4 1
248 100381008 3740 10 38TH AVE W 174TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 225 953 1240 1240 - 176TH ST SW + Others 7 2,604 10,971 84 V Good 2 4 1
205 100381010 3750 10 38TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 627 2,370 1150 1150 - 40TH AVE W + Others 5 2,273 8,955 51 Fair 3 4 1
127 100381004 3760 10 38TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 331 1,400 2490 2490 - 38TH PL W 1 331 1,400 40 Poor 2 4 1
247 100391010 3770 10 39TH AVE W MAPLE RD 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 325 1,267 2500 2500 - 39TH AVE W + Others 5 945 4,225 83 V Good 2 4 1
1063 107701022 3780 10 39TH AVE W 169TH ST SW 168TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 238 925 1100 1100 - 169TH ST SW + Others 4 1,526 6,197 74 V Good 2 4 1
210 100395020 3790 10 39TH PL W SOUTH END 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 48 100 548 2500 2500 - 39TH AVE W + Others 5 945 4,225 83 V Good 2 4 1
159 100395010 3800 10 39TH PL W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 354 1,501 1150 1150 - 40TH AVE W + Others 5 2,273 8,955 51 Fair 3 4 1
632 100401010 3810 10 40TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 198TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 630 2,595 2510 2510 - 40TH AVE W 3 1,928 8,410 78 V Good 3 3 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 16 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

652 100401020 3810 20 40TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 558 2,425 10.0 9.7 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.7 83 65 83 79 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 13
664 100401030 3810 30 40TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 741 3,390 10.0 9.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.6 76 66 79 74 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 14
365 100401040 3810 40 40TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 321 992 9.7 9.5 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.3 75 65 76 73 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 18
380 100401050 3810 50 40TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 362 1,035 9.6 9.7 9.2 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.8 7.6 64 63 76 67 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 32
340 100401060 3810 60 40TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 140 338 10.0 10.0 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 79 59 74 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 19
342 100401070 3810 70 40TH AVE W 191ST PL SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 20 165 378 10.0 9.4 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 73 51 80 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 19
363 100401080 3810 80 40TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 145 348 10.0 9.8 7.2 10.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 60 59 74 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 34
336 100401090 3810 90 40TH AVE W 190TH PL SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 247 565 10.0 10.0 6.8 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 64 56 76 65 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 34
347 100401100 3810 110 40TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 22 524 1,318 10.0 9.9 5.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 8.7 31 53 73 47 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 59
215 100401110 3810 120 40TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 31 875 3,105 9.7 8.9 8.5 10.0 9.9 9.9 10.0 9.2 9.2 62 52 57 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 25
232 100401111 3810 130 40TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 35 162 650 10.0 9.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.9 82 64 73 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
245 100401141 3810 140 40TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 284 1,169 10.0 9.0 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 72 75 78 74 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 18
171 100401140 3810 150 40TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 183RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 21 342 822 10.0 8.4 8.3 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 9.2 9.9 64 70 81 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 19
212 100401150 3810 160 40TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 28 298 953 10.0 8.5 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 72 68 79 73 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 13
223 100401160 3810 170 40TH AVE W 182ND PL SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 38 358 1,556 10.0 9.2 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.3 83 64 79 77 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 9
1274 100401160 3810 180 40TH AVE W UNNAMED 180TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 29 155 516 10.0 9.3 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.9 77 66 76 74 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 15
121 100401170 3810 190 40TH AVE W 180TH PL SW MAPLE RD Collector Asphalt 26 482 1,433 9.9 8.9 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.5 76 65 74 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
183 100401180 3820 10 40TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 653 2,614 9.9 6.8 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.8 53 55 80 53 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 18
238 100405010 3830 10 40TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 293 1,141 10.0 9.4 8.6 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 9.2 9.6 66 43 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 25
1044 100405030 3840 10 40TH PL W SOUTH END 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 61 86 598 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 93 79 60 88 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1043 100405020 3840 20 40TH PL W 165TH PL SW 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 619 2,408 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.8 96 86 60 92 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 2
377 100415005 3850 10 41ST PL W 188TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 238 627 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 9.5 8.3 75 54 60 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
187 100415010 3860 10 41ST PL W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 399 1,552 10.0 8.9 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.2 57 37 60 50 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
269 100415020 3860 20 41ST PL W 186TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 148 592 10.0 8.9 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.2 49 45 60 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 42
241 100415030 3870 10 41ST PL W 185TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 335 1,343 10.0 8.7 6.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.7 38 51 60 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 48
196 100415040 3870 20 41ST PL W 184TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 299 1,231 10.0 7.8 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 56 65 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 27
221 100415050 3870 30 41ST PL W 183RD PL SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 288 1,121 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 82 70 30 78 6/1/2016 1 Weak V Good 18
178 100415060 3870 40 41ST PL W 182ND PL SW MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 33 478 1,806 10.0 9.6 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.0 81 74 60 79 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
181 100415070 3870 50 41ST PL W MAPLE RD 180TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 172 670 10.0 9.3 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 81 62 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 13
1308 100415070 3870 60 41ST PL W 180TH PL SW 179TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 170 683 10.0 9.3 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 85 74 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
201 100415080 3870 70 41ST PL W 179TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 245 1,066 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
252 100415090 3880 10 41ST PL W SOUTH END 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 122 490 9.8 8.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 73 51 80 66 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 8
1065 100415100 3880 20 41ST PL W 170TH ST SW 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 823 3,487 10.0 8.7 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 83 65 60 77 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 3
1046 100415110 3890 10 41ST PL W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 231 872 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 96 87 60 93 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1047 100415111 3890 20 41ST PL W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 278 1,369 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 97 87 60 93 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
257 109100100 3900 10 42ND AVE W SOUTH END 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 45 243 1,249 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 94 82 60 90 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1038 100425040 3910 10 42ND AVE W 166TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 478 2,188 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.7 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
229 100425010 3920 10 42ND PL W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 554 2,345 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 98 89 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
180 100425020 3930 10 42ND PL W 186TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 431 1,676 10.0 9.4 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 66 70 30 67 6/1/2016 1 Weak Good 29
207 100425030 3940 10 42ND PL W 184TH ST SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 389 1,291 10.0 9.1 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.8 70 61 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 22
225 100425035 3940 20 42ND PL W 182ND PL SW MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 28 448 1,434 10.0 8.7 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.2 70 65 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
345 100431010 3950 10 43RD AVE W 188TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 241 661 10.0 9.9 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 8.4 66 52 60 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
192 100431020 3960 10 43RD AVE W SW END 180TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 38 231 1,004 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.1 87 68 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
1034 100431030 3980 10 43RD AVE W 166TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 46 222 1,169 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 98 89 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
211 100435010 3990 10 43RD PL W 186TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 361 1,363 10.0 7.8 6.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.5 43 68 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 38
138 100435020 4000 10 43RD PL W SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 46 262 1,381 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.2 10.0 90 71 60 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
608 100441010 4010 10 44TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 55 417 2,625 8.3 8.3 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 10.0 33 60 89 54 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 45
520 100441020 4010 20 44TH AVE W 211TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 582 3,732 9.5 8.1 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.2 42 72 86 60 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 36
1289 100441030 4010 30 44TH AVE W 209TH ST SW 49TH PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 533 3,419 8.8 6.9 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 8.9 32 61 56 45 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 38
100518 100441030 4010 40 44TH AVE W 49TH PL W RAMP RAMP Principal Arterial Asphalt 51 651 3,798 8.6 8.7 8.8 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.2 9.5 54 55 67 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
669 100441080 4010 100 44TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 64 674 4,936 9.6 9.5 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.9 86 68 79 80 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 7
426 100441090 4010 110 44TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 422 2,029 9.0 9.9 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.4 9.3 78 58 80 73 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 17
412 100441100 4010 120 44TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 344 1,653 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.6 10.0 93 81 64 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
413 100441110 4010 130 44TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 299 1,436 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 98 89 75 90 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
453 100441120 4010 140 44TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 189TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 513 2,465 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 98 89 69 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
436 100441130 4010 150 44TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 404 2,636 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 98 89 89 93 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
167 100441140 4010 160 44TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 757 4,854 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 66 88 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
170 100441150 4010 170 44TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 631 3,034 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 100 91 73 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
193 100441160 4010 180 44TH AVE W 184TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 120 563 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 92 80 69 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
220 100441170 4010 190 44TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 182ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 259 1,243 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 96 88 75 89 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
208 100441180 4010 200 44TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 181ST PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 341 1,639 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 47 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
162 100441190 4010 210 44TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 562 2,702 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 77 91 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
219 100441200 4010 220 44TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 179TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 172 847 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 99 100 63 90 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
168 100441210 4010 230 44TH AVE W 179TH PL SW 179TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 44 194 978 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 98 89 74 90 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1306 100441220 4010 240 44TH AVE W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 273 1,345 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 98 94 64 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
253 100441220 4010 250 44TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 44 367 1,848 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 100 50 87 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1305 100441220 4010 260 44TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 19 93 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 100 74 93 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1304 100441220 4010 270 44TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 274 1,287 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 95 70 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1302 100441220 4010 280 44TH AVE W 176TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 29 138 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 97 88 75 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
228 100441230 4010 290 44TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 305 1,431 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 59 87 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
185 100441240 4010 300 44TH AVE W 175TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 247 1,161 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 99 99 61 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
202 100441250 4010 310 44TH AVE W 174TH PL SW 172ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 551 2,588 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 92 64 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 17 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

652 100401020 3810 20 40TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 558 2,425 2510 2510 - 40TH AVE W 3 1,928 8,410 78 V Good 3 3 1
664 100401030 3810 30 40TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 741 3,390 2510 2510 - 40TH AVE W 3 1,928 8,410 78 V Good 3 3 1
365 100401040 3810 40 40TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 321 992 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
380 100401050 3810 50 40TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 362 1,035 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
340 100401060 3810 60 40TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 140 338 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
342 100401070 3810 70 40TH AVE W 191ST PL SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 20 165 378 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
363 100401080 3810 80 40TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 145 348 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
336 100401090 3810 90 40TH AVE W 190TH PL SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 247 565 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
347 100401100 3810 110 40TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 22 524 1,318 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
215 100401110 3810 120 40TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 31 875 3,105 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
232 100401111 3810 130 40TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 35 162 650 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
245 100401141 3810 140 40TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 284 1,169 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
171 100401140 3810 150 40TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 183RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 21 342 822 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
212 100401150 3810 160 40TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 28 298 953 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
223 100401160 3810 170 40TH AVE W 182ND PL SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 38 358 1,556 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
1274 100401160 3810 180 40TH AVE W UNNAMED 180TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 29 155 516 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
121 100401170 3810 190 40TH AVE W 180TH PL SW MAPLE RD Collector Asphalt 26 482 1,433 2520 2520 - 40TH AVE W 15 4,859 15,177 64 Good 3 3 1
183 100401180 3820 10 40TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 653 2,614 1150 1150 - 40TH AVE W + Others 5 2,273 8,955 51 Fair 3 4 1
238 100405010 3830 10 40TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 293 1,141 2460 2460 - 40TH PL W 1 293 1,141 55 Fair 2 4 1
1044 100405030 3840 10 40TH PL W SOUTH END 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 61 86 598 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
1043 100405020 3840 20 40TH PL W 165TH PL SW 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 619 2,408 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
377 100415005 3850 10 41ST PL W 188TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 238 627 1740 1740 - 188TH PL SW + Others 3 1,037 2,694 61 Good 2 4 1
187 100415010 3860 10 41ST PL W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 399 1,552 2540 2540 - 41ST PL W + Others 3 701 2,886 43 Marginal 2 4 1
269 100415020 3860 20 41ST PL W 186TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 148 592 2540 2540 - 41ST PL W + Others 3 701 2,886 43 Marginal 2 4 1
241 100415030 3870 10 41ST PL W 185TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 335 1,343 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
196 100415040 3870 20 41ST PL W 184TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 299 1,231 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
221 100415050 3870 30 41ST PL W 183RD PL SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 288 1,121 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
178 100415060 3870 40 41ST PL W 182ND PL SW MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 33 478 1,806 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
181 100415070 3870 50 41ST PL W MAPLE RD 180TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 172 670 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
1308 100415070 3870 60 41ST PL W 180TH PL SW 179TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 170 683 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
201 100415080 3870 70 41ST PL W 179TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 245 1,066 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
252 100415090 3880 10 41ST PL W SOUTH END 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 122 490 2560 2560 - 41ST PL W + Others 4 1,824 7,396 73 V Good 2 4 1
1065 100415100 3880 20 41ST PL W 170TH ST SW 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 823 3,487 2560 2560 - 41ST PL W + Others 4 1,824 7,396 73 V Good 2 4 1
1046 100415110 3890 10 41ST PL W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 231 872 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
1047 100415111 3890 20 41ST PL W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 278 1,369 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
257 109100100 3900 10 42ND AVE W SOUTH END 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 45 243 1,249 1260 1260 - 175TH ST SW + Others 3 859 3,929 75 V Good 2 4 1
1038 100425040 3910 10 42ND AVE W 166TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 478 2,188 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
229 100425010 3920 10 42ND PL W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 554 2,345 2570 2570 - 42ND PL W 1 554 2,345 94 Excellent 2 4 1
180 100425020 3930 10 42ND PL W 186TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 431 1,676 1700 1700 - 186TH ST SW + Others 6 2,115 8,131 51 Fair 2 4 1
207 100425030 3940 10 42ND PL W 184TH ST SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 389 1,291 2580 2580 - 42ND PL W + Others 4 1,535 4,840 63 Good 2 4 1
225 100425035 3940 20 42ND PL W 182ND PL SW MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 28 448 1,434 2580 2580 - 42ND PL W + Others 4 1,535 4,840 63 Good 2 4 1
345 100431010 3950 10 43RD AVE W 188TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 241 661 1740 1740 - 188TH PL SW + Others 3 1,037 2,694 61 Good 2 4 1
192 100431020 3960 10 43RD AVE W SW END 180TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 38 231 1,004 2550 2550 - 41ST PL W + Others 13 3,467 14,263 69 Good 2 4 1
1034 100431030 3980 10 43RD AVE W 166TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 46 222 1,169 2530 2530 - 166TH PL SW + Others 13 3,672 15,524 87 Excellent 2 4 1
211 100435010 3990 10 43RD PL W 186TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 361 1,363 1700 1700 - 186TH ST SW + Others 6 2,115 8,131 51 Fair 2 4 1
138 100435020 4000 10 43RD PL W SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 46 262 1,381 3770 3770 - 43RD PL W 1 262 1,381 82 V Good 2 4 1
608 100441010 4010 10 44TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 55 417 2,625 2600 2600 - 44TH AVE W 4 2,184 13,575 50 Fair 2 1 1
520 100441020 4010 20 44TH AVE W 211TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 582 3,732 2600 2600 - 44TH AVE W 4 2,184 13,575 50 Fair 2 1 1
1289 100441030 4010 30 44TH AVE W 209TH ST SW 49TH PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 533 3,419 2600 2600 - 44TH AVE W 4 2,184 13,575 50 Fair 2 1 1
100518 100441030 4010 40 44TH AVE W 49TH PL W RAMP RAMP Principal Arterial Asphalt 51 651 3,798 2600 2600 - 44TH AVE W 4 2,184 13,575 50 Fair 2 1 1
669 100441080 4010 100 44TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 64 674 4,936 2630 2630 - 44TH AVE W 2 1,096 6,965 76 V Good 3 2 1
426 100441090 4010 110 44TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 422 2,029 2630 2630 - 44TH AVE W 2 1,096 6,965 76 V Good 3 2 1
412 100441100 4010 120 44TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 344 1,653 2640 2640 - 44TH AVE W 9 3,668 19,523 87 Excellent 2 2 1
413 100441110 4010 130 44TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 299 1,436 2640 2640 - 44TH AVE W 9 3,668 19,523 87 Excellent 2 2 1
453 100441120 4010 140 44TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 189TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 513 2,465 2640 2640 - 44TH AVE W 9 3,668 19,523 87 Excellent 2 2 1
436 100441130 4010 150 44TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 404 2,636 2640 2640 - 44TH AVE W 9 3,668 19,523 87 Excellent 2 2 1
167 100441140 4010 160 44TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 757 4,854 2640 2640 - 44TH AVE W 9 3,668 19,523 87 Excellent 2 2 1
170 100441150 4010 170 44TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 631 3,034 2640 2640 - 44TH AVE W 9 3,668 19,523 87 Excellent 2 2 1
193 100441160 4010 180 44TH AVE W 184TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 120 563 2640 2640 - 44TH AVE W 9 3,668 19,523 87 Excellent 2 2 1
220 100441170 4010 190 44TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 182ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 259 1,243 2640 2640 - 44TH AVE W 9 3,668 19,523 87 Excellent 2 2 1
208 100441180 4010 200 44TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 181ST PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 341 1,639 2640 2640 - 44TH AVE W 9 3,668 19,523 87 Excellent 2 2 1
162 100441190 4010 210 44TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 562 2,702 2650 2650 - 44TH AVE W 8 1,892 9,239 88 Excellent 2 2 1
219 100441200 4010 220 44TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 179TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 172 847 2650 2650 - 44TH AVE W 8 1,892 9,239 88 Excellent 2 2 1
168 100441210 4010 230 44TH AVE W 179TH PL SW 179TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 44 194 978 2650 2650 - 44TH AVE W 8 1,892 9,239 88 Excellent 2 2 1
1306 100441220 4010 240 44TH AVE W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 273 1,345 2650 2650 - 44TH AVE W 8 1,892 9,239 88 Excellent 2 2 1
253 100441220 4010 250 44TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 44 367 1,848 2650 2650 - 44TH AVE W 8 1,892 9,239 88 Excellent 2 2 1
1305 100441220 4010 260 44TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 19 93 2650 2650 - 44TH AVE W 8 1,892 9,239 88 Excellent 2 2 1
1304 100441220 4010 270 44TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 274 1,287 2650 2650 - 44TH AVE W 8 1,892 9,239 88 Excellent 2 2 1
1302 100441220 4010 280 44TH AVE W 176TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 29 138 2650 2650 - 44TH AVE W 8 1,892 9,239 88 Excellent 2 2 1
228 100441230 4010 290 44TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 305 1,431 2660 2660 - 44TH AVE W 7 2,723 12,978 82 V Good 2 2 1
185 100441240 4010 300 44TH AVE W 175TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 247 1,161 2660 2660 - 44TH AVE W 7 2,723 12,978 82 V Good 2 2 1
202 100441250 4010 310 44TH AVE W 174TH PL SW 172ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 551 2,588 2660 2660 - 44TH AVE W 7 2,723 12,978 82 V Good 2 2 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 18 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

259 100441260 4010 320 44TH AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 212 996 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 97 89 54 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
235 100441270 4010 330 44TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 438 2,104 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 95 84 64 85 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 2
1251 100441270 4010 340 44TH AVE W 170TH PL SW COBBLESTONE DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 340 1,675 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 68 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1250 100441270 4010 350 44TH AVE W COBBLESTONE DR 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 629 3,024 9.7 9.9 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 82 69 70 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
264 100441281 4010 360 44TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 43 462 2,274 10.0 8.6 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.7 67 68 70 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
194 100441280 4010 370 44TH AVE W 166TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 42 1,690 8,122 9.7 9.1 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.9 73 80 59 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 18
557 100445020 4020 10 44TH PL W SOUTH END 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 31 228 809 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.9 84 65 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 13
504 100451010 4040 10 45TH PL W 210TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 135 508 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 97 88 60 94 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
559 100461005 4050 10 46TH AVE W RAMP 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 45 609 3,136 10.0 8.9 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 63 62 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 28
449 100461010 4060 10 46TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 671 2,610 10.0 7.2 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 42 72 60 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 36
496 100461020 4060 20 46TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 481 1,872 10.0 9.1 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 70 89 30 77 6/1/2016 1 Weak V Good 22
419 100461030 4060 30 46TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 834 3,244 10.0 9.4 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.2 74 72 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
460 100461040 4060 40 46TH AVE W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 367 1,471 10.0 10.0 6.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 57 56 60 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 37
433 100465030 4070 10 46TH PL W 185TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 649 2,527 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.7 93 81 60 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 3
448 100465010 4080 10 46TH PL W 180TH PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 240 877 10.0 8.3 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.5 48 47 60 47 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 38
203 100465020 4080 20 46TH PL W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 24 676 1,857 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 94 81 60 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 5
635 100471031 4090 10 47TH AVE W SOUTH END 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 47 184 989 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
622 100471030 4090 20 47TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 283 1,100 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 88 60 94 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
487 100471010 4100 10 47TH AVE W SOUTH END 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 289 1,090 9.9 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 78 59 60 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
434 100471020 4100 20 47TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 832 3,331 10.0 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.9 80 74 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
174 100471040 4110 10 47TH AVE W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 502 1,840 9.6 9.1 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.5 80 61 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
404 100475010 4120 10 47TH PL W SOUTH END 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 188 753 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 7.9 79 60 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 16
514 100481020 4130 10 48TH AVE W 211TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 515 1,649 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.7 87 70 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
1291 100481020 4130 20 48TH AVE W 209TH ST SW 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 316 724 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.5 83 70 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 16
662 100481030 4150 10 48TH AVE W SOUTH END 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 671 3,301 10.0 9.2 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.9 9.0 67 47 68 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
510 100481040 4150 20 48TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 1,336 6,269 9.6 8.9 5.9 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.2 9.4 36 54 76 51 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 51
668 100481050 4150 30 48TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 654 2,845 10.0 9.6 4.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.5 10.0 32 46 49 40 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 51
466 100481060 4150 40 48TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 661 2,722 10.0 9.0 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.8 63 68 73 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
451 100481070 4150 50 48TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 510 2,101 10.0 9.0 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.7 66 75 67 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 25
461 100481080 4150 60 48TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 464 1,912 10.0 8.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.6 73 84 76 76 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 17
440 100481090 4150 70 48TH AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 347 1,429 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.5 80 71 76 77 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 12
470 100481100 4150 80 48TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 545 2,245 10.0 8.4 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.8 57 72 65 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 29
447 100481110 4150 90 48TH AVE W 186TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 292 1,202 10.0 8.7 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.0 52 69 65 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 32
411 100481120 4150 100 48TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 351 1,448 10.0 8.4 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 60 79 76 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 25
429 100481130 4150 110 48TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 25 103 10.0 8.4 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 61 75 70 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 23
490 100481140 4150 120 48TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 274 1,129 10.0 8.5 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.8 60 80 76 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 26
405 100481150 4150 130 48TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 59 245 10.0 8.6 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.4 10.0 57 70 75 65 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 28
456 100481170 4150 140 48TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 24 134 367 10.0 8.9 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.3 10.0 61 59 69 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
465 100481160 4150 150 48TH AVE W 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 112 384 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 86 75 61 77 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
475 100481180 4150 160 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 31 35 125 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 90 76 92 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
446 100481190 4150 170 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 323 1,109 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 76 91 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
417 100481200 4150 180 48TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 63 217 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 98 89 71 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
473 100481210 4150 190 48TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 31 439 1,558 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 100 90 73 90 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
26 100481220 4160 10 48TH AVE W SOUTH END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 678 3,179 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.4 88 74 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
43 100481240 4160 20 48TH AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 41 778 3,650 9.9 8.4 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.1 70 57 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 14
534 100481010 4170 10 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 500 1,946 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 98 89 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
630 100491010 4180 10 49TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 1,534 3,511 9.9 9.6 8.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.6 65 70 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
462 100491020 4190 10 49TH AVE W SOUTH END 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 319 1,242 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 98 89 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
464 100495010 4210 10 49TH PL W 192ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 199 841 10.0 9.6 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 8.3 41 48 60 43 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 47
399 100495020 4220 10 49TH PL W SOUTH END 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 159 690 10.0 9.2 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.1 71 49 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
430 100495030 4230 10 49TH PL W 186TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 318 1,274 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 94 83 60 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
469 100495040 4240 10 49TH PL W 180TH PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 203 765 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.8 87 69 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
598 100501010 4250 10 50TH AVE W 208TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 33 374 1,413 9.7 9.4 5.9 10.0 8.9 9.2 10.0 9.8 9.5 36 37 60 36 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 58
532 100501020 4260 10 50TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 51 1,340 7,819 9.8 8.8 7.3 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.4 9.5 54 62 78 62 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 33
592 100505010 4270 10 50TH PL W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 330 907 10.0 10.0 6.7 10.0 7.8 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.9 53 57 30 55 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 43
415 100505020 4280 10 50TH PL W SOUTH END 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 161 718 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.6 94 82 60 90 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 3
431 100515020 4290 10 51ST PL W SOUTH END 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 806 2,398 10.0 9.6 6.1 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 8.9 8.8 41 46 60 43 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 50
503 100521010 4300 10 52ND AVE W 212TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 59 1,328 8,967 9.5 8.8 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.2 67 71 78 71 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 22
655 100521020 4300 20 52ND AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 55 659 4,146 10.0 8.4 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.0 63 77 80 71 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 21
623 100521030 4300 30 52ND AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 665 3,427 10.0 9.3 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.2 76 82 87 80 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 17
420 100521050 4310 10 52ND AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 659 3,091 9.6 8.5 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 9.8 57 72 75 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 22
1008 100521060 4310 20 52ND AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 159 764 10.0 8.2 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.9 55 88 77 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 24
401 100521070 4310 30 52ND AVE W 193RD PL SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 38 293 1,272 10.0 8.9 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.6 54 85 76 67 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 35
457 100521080 4310 40 52ND AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 204 1,004 10.0 8.8 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.4 68 74 75 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 21
482 100521090 4310 50 52ND AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 286 1,246 10.0 8.9 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.2 65 78 74 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 23
1009 100521101 4310 60 52ND AVE W 191ST ST SW 191ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 32 73 267 10.0 7.7 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.2 53 71 75 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
437 100521100 4310 70 52ND AVE W 191ST PL SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 426 1,950 10.0 8.8 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.3 59 79 83 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 29
444 100521110 4310 80 52ND AVE W 189TH PL SW 189TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 198 860 10.0 8.5 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 59 76 75 68 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 25
489 100521120 4310 90 52ND AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 331 1,480 10.0 8.7 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.1 59 61 49 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 28
1010 100521130 4310 100 52ND AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 510 2,274 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 97 87 80 90 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 3
492 100521140 4310 110 52ND AVE W 186TH PL SW SR 99 Collector Asphalt 41 1,724 8,088 9.9 8.5 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.2 51 70 75 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 32
115 100521150 4320 10 52ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 873 2,998 9.6 8.3 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.3 51 61 37 50 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 33

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 19 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

259 100441260 4010 320 44TH AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 212 996 2660 2660 - 44TH AVE W 7 2,723 12,978 82 V Good 2 2 1
235 100441270 4010 330 44TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 438 2,104 2660 2660 - 44TH AVE W 7 2,723 12,978 82 V Good 2 2 1
1251 100441270 4010 340 44TH AVE W 170TH PL SW COBBLESTONE DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 340 1,675 2660 2660 - 44TH AVE W 7 2,723 12,978 82 V Good 2 2 1
1250 100441270 4010 350 44TH AVE W COBBLESTONE DR 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 629 3,024 2660 2660 - 44TH AVE W 7 2,723 12,978 82 V Good 2 2 1
264 100441281 4010 360 44TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 43 462 2,274 2670 2670 - 44TH AVE W + Others 7 3,352 16,031 68 Good 2 1 1
194 100441280 4010 370 44TH AVE W 166TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 42 1,690 8,122 2670 2670 - 44TH AVE W + Others 7 3,352 16,031 68 Good 2 1 1
557 100445020 4020 10 44TH PL W SOUTH END 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 31 228 809 2250 2250 - 209TH ST SW + Others 10 2,843 11,038 86 Excellent 2 4 1
504 100451010 4040 10 45TH PL W 210TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 135 508 2250 2250 - 209TH ST SW + Others 10 2,843 11,038 86 Excellent 2 4 1
559 100461005 4050 10 46TH AVE W RAMP 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 45 609 3,136 2680 2680 - 46TH AVE W 1 609 3,136 60 Fair 2 4 1
449 100461010 4060 10 46TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 671 2,610 2690 2690 - 46TH AVE W 4 2,353 9,197 62 Good 2 4 1
496 100461020 4060 20 46TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 481 1,872 2690 2690 - 46TH AVE W 4 2,353 9,197 62 Good 2 4 1
419 100461030 4060 30 46TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 834 3,244 2690 2690 - 46TH AVE W 4 2,353 9,197 62 Good 2 4 1
460 100461040 4060 40 46TH AVE W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 367 1,471 2690 2690 - 46TH AVE W 4 2,353 9,197 62 Good 2 4 1
433 100465030 4070 10 46TH PL W 185TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 649 2,527 1640 1640 - 46TH PL W + Others 5 1,436 5,610 86 Excellent 2 4 1
448 100465010 4080 10 46TH PL W 180TH PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 240 877 2700 2700 - 180TH PL SW + Others 2 555 2,211 40 Marginal 2 4 1
203 100465020 4080 20 46TH PL W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 24 676 1,857 2710 2710 - 46TH PL W 1 676 1,857 88 Excellent 2 4 1
635 100471031 4090 10 47TH AVE W SOUTH END 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 47 184 989 2250 2250 - 209TH ST SW + Others 10 2,843 11,038 86 Excellent 2 4 1
622 100471030 4090 20 47TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 283 1,100 2250 2250 - 209TH ST SW + Others 10 2,843 11,038 86 Excellent 2 4 1
487 100471010 4100 10 47TH AVE W SOUTH END 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 289 1,090 2720 2720 - 47TH AVE W + Others 3 1,483 5,873 77 V Good 2 4 1
434 100471020 4100 20 47TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 832 3,331 2720 2720 - 47TH AVE W + Others 3 1,483 5,873 77 V Good 2 4 1
174 100471040 4110 10 47TH AVE W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 502 1,840 2730 2730 - 47TH AVE W 1 502 1,840 71 V Good 2 4 1
404 100475010 4120 10 47TH PL W SOUTH END 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 188 753 1640 1640 - 46TH PL W + Others 5 1,436 5,610 86 Excellent 2 4 1
514 100481020 4130 10 48TH AVE W 211TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 515 1,649 2740 2740 - 49TH AVE W + Others 3 2,365 5,883 70 V Good 2 4 1
1291 100481020 4130 20 48TH AVE W 209TH ST SW 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 316 724 2740 2740 - 49TH AVE W + Others 3 2,365 5,883 70 V Good 2 4 1
662 100481030 4150 10 48TH AVE W SOUTH END 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 671 3,301 2750 2750 - 48TH AVE W 3 2,661 12,415 48 Marginal 3 3 1
510 100481040 4150 20 48TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 1,336 6,269 2750 2750 - 48TH AVE W 3 2,661 12,415 48 Marginal 3 3 1
668 100481050 4150 30 48TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 654 2,845 2750 2750 - 48TH AVE W 3 2,661 12,415 48 Marginal 3 3 1
466 100481060 4150 40 48TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 661 2,722 2760 2760 - 48TH AVE W 4 1,982 8,165 68 Good 2 3 1
451 100481070 4150 50 48TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 510 2,101 2760 2760 - 48TH AVE W 4 1,982 8,165 68 Good 2 3 1
461 100481080 4150 60 48TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 464 1,912 2760 2760 - 48TH AVE W 4 1,982 8,165 68 Good 2 3 1
440 100481090 4150 70 48TH AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 347 1,429 2760 2760 - 48TH AVE W 4 1,982 8,165 68 Good 2 3 1
470 100481100 4150 80 48TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 545 2,245 2770 2770 - 48TH AVE W 8 1,792 7,123 62 Good 2 3 1
447 100481110 4150 90 48TH AVE W 186TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 292 1,202 2770 2770 - 48TH AVE W 8 1,792 7,123 62 Good 2 3 1
411 100481120 4150 100 48TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 351 1,448 2770 2770 - 48TH AVE W 8 1,792 7,123 62 Good 2 3 1
429 100481130 4150 110 48TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 25 103 2770 2770 - 48TH AVE W 8 1,792 7,123 62 Good 2 3 1
490 100481140 4150 120 48TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 274 1,129 2770 2770 - 48TH AVE W 8 1,792 7,123 62 Good 2 3 1
405 100481150 4150 130 48TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 59 245 2770 2770 - 48TH AVE W 8 1,792 7,123 62 Good 2 3 1
456 100481170 4150 140 48TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 24 134 367 2770 2770 - 48TH AVE W 8 1,792 7,123 62 Good 2 3 1
465 100481160 4150 150 48TH AVE W 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 112 384 2770 2770 - 48TH AVE W 8 1,792 7,123 62 Good 2 3 1
475 100481180 4150 160 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 31 35 125 2780 2780 - 48TH AVE W 4 861 3,009 89 Excellent 2 3 1
446 100481190 4150 170 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 323 1,109 2780 2780 - 48TH AVE W 4 861 3,009 89 Excellent 2 3 1
417 100481200 4150 180 48TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 63 217 2780 2780 - 48TH AVE W 4 861 3,009 89 Excellent 2 3 1
473 100481210 4150 190 48TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 31 439 1,558 2780 2780 - 48TH AVE W 4 861 3,009 89 Excellent 2 3 1
26 100481220 4160 10 48TH AVE W SOUTH END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 678 3,179 2790 2790 - 48TH AVE W 2 1,456 6,830 71 V Good 2 4 1
43 100481240 4160 20 48TH AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 41 778 3,650 2790 2790 - 48TH AVE W 2 1,456 6,830 71 V Good 2 4 1
534 100481010 4170 10 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 500 1,946 2250 2250 - 209TH ST SW + Others 10 2,843 11,038 86 Excellent 2 4 1
630 100491010 4180 10 49TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 1,534 3,511 2740 2740 - 49TH AVE W + Others 3 2,365 5,883 70 V Good 2 4 1
462 100491020 4190 10 49TH AVE W SOUTH END 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 319 1,242 1930 1930 - 192ND ST SW + Others 5 2,325 8,186 91 Excellent 2 4 1
464 100495010 4210 10 49TH PL W 192ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 199 841 1860 1860 - 190TH ST SW + Others 2 852 3,382 39 Poor 2 4 1
399 100495020 4220 10 49TH PL W SOUTH END 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 159 690 1830 1830 - 189TH ST SW + Others 4 866 2,534 72 V Good 2 4 1
430 100495030 4230 10 49TH PL W 186TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 318 1,274 2810 2810 - 185TH PL SW + Others 2 838 3,298 82 V Good 2 4 1
469 100495040 4240 10 49TH PL W 180TH PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 203 765 1430 1430 - 49TH PL W + Others 2 364 1,431 79 V Good 2 4 1
598 100501010 4250 10 50TH AVE W 208TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 33 374 1,413 2230 2230 - 208TH ST SW + Others 3 1,901 5,433 51 Fair 2 4 1
532 100501020 4260 10 50TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 51 1,340 7,819 2820 2820 - 50TH AVE W 1 1,340 7,819 59 Fair 3 3 1
592 100505010 4270 10 50TH PL W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 330 907 2830 2830 - 50TH PL W + Others 2 617 2,055 42 Marginal 2 4 1
415 100505020 4280 10 50TH PL W SOUTH END 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 161 718 1830 1830 - 189TH ST SW + Others 4 866 2,534 72 V Good 2 4 1
431 100515020 4290 10 51ST PL W SOUTH END 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 806 2,398 2840 2840 - 51ST PL W 1 806 2,398 39 Poor 2 4 1
503 100521010 4300 10 52ND AVE W 212TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 59 1,328 8,967 2850 2850 - 52ND AVE W + Others 4 4,162 23,971 70 Good 3 2 1
655 100521020 4300 20 52ND AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 55 659 4,146 2850 2850 - 52ND AVE W + Others 4 4,162 23,971 70 Good 3 2 1
623 100521030 4300 30 52ND AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 665 3,427 2850 2850 - 52ND AVE W + Others 4 4,162 23,971 70 Good 3 2 1
420 100521050 4310 10 52ND AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 659 3,091 2860 2860 - 52ND AVE W 9 2,629 11,933 64 Good 2 3 1
1008 100521060 4310 20 52ND AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 159 764 2860 2860 - 52ND AVE W 9 2,629 11,933 64 Good 2 3 1
401 100521070 4310 30 52ND AVE W 193RD PL SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 38 293 1,272 2860 2860 - 52ND AVE W 9 2,629 11,933 64 Good 2 3 1
457 100521080 4310 40 52ND AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 204 1,004 2860 2860 - 52ND AVE W 9 2,629 11,933 64 Good 2 3 1
482 100521090 4310 50 52ND AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 286 1,246 2860 2860 - 52ND AVE W 9 2,629 11,933 64 Good 2 3 1
1009 100521101 4310 60 52ND AVE W 191ST ST SW 191ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 32 73 267 2860 2860 - 52ND AVE W 9 2,629 11,933 64 Good 2 3 1
437 100521100 4310 70 52ND AVE W 191ST PL SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 426 1,950 2860 2860 - 52ND AVE W 9 2,629 11,933 64 Good 2 3 1
444 100521110 4310 80 52ND AVE W 189TH PL SW 189TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 198 860 2860 2860 - 52ND AVE W 9 2,629 11,933 64 Good 2 3 1
489 100521120 4310 90 52ND AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 331 1,480 2860 2860 - 52ND AVE W 9 2,629 11,933 64 Good 2 3 1
1010 100521130 4310 100 52ND AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 510 2,274 2870 2870 - 52ND AVE W 1 510 2,274 89 Excellent 3 3 1
492 100521140 4310 110 52ND AVE W 186TH PL SW SR 99 Collector Asphalt 41 1,724 8,088 2880 2880 - 52ND AVE W 1 1,724 8,088 58 Fair 2 3 1
115 100521150 4320 10 52ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 873 2,998 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 20 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

89 100521160 4320 20 52ND AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 257 1,323 10.0 9.6 8.2 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.1 59 66 69 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 36
59 100521170 4320 30 52ND AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 203 837 10.0 8.6 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 59 65 50 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
86 100521180 4320 40 52ND AVE W 172ND ST SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 96 352 10.0 8.2 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.9 64 71 77 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 17
1235 100521190 4320 50 52ND AVE W 172ND ST SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 160 641 10.0 8.4 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.7 64 73 58 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 16
1236 100521190 4320 60 52ND AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 57 196 10.0 8.4 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 74 80 73 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
31 100521190 4320 70 52ND AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 156 465 10.0 8.9 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 9.6 69 69 57 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 15
1237 100521190 4320 80 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 29 32 107 10.0 8.3 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 61 57 45 56 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 18
1234 100521200 4320 90 52ND AVE W 170TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 175 641 10.0 8.7 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 74 74 72 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
33 100521200 4320 100 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 169TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 187 726 8.1 8.4 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 60 56 64 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
1233 100521210 4320 110 52ND AVE W 169TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 161 588 10.0 8.6 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 80 61 74 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
6 100521210 4320 120 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 345 1,422 10.0 8.4 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 10.0 68 53 74 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 11
23 100521220 4320 130 52ND AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 780 3,841 9.5 7.6 8.8 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 8.2 9.8 53 58 66 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 18
554 100525010 4330 10 52ND PL W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 511 2,220 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.7 87 68 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
537 100531010 4340 10 53RD AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 672 2,767 10.0 9.5 9.1 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 9.3 9.4 73 52 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
594 100531020 4340 20 53RD AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 656 3,077 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
521 100531030 4340 30 53RD AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 663 1,744 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 97 88 60 94 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
642 100531040 4340 40 53RD AVE W 204TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 36 226 930 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.4 94 82 60 90 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 5
644 100531050 4350 10 53RD AVE W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 666 2,667 10.0 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.2 65 59 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 20
591 100535003 4360 10 53RD PL W SOUTH END 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 42 184 886 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 7.5 76 55 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 20
410 100535008 4370 10 53RD PL W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 234 909 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.5 91 72 60 85 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
53 100535010 4380 10 53RD PL W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 692 3,168 10.0 9.5 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.3 82 63 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
588 100541020 4390 10 54TH AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 959 3,074 9.8 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.7 10.0 8.3 8.8 74 53 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 15
585 100541030 4390 20 54TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 645 2,512 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.5 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
647 100541040 4390 30 54TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 664 2,585 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 95 86 60 92 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
639 100541050 4390 40 54TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 521 2,026 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 93 79 60 88 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 1
602 100541060 4390 50 54TH AVE W 202ND PL SW 201ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 327 1,236 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 98 89 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
653 100541070 4390 60 54TH AVE W 201ST PL SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 494 1,811 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 9.8 10.0 97 89 60 94 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 1
980 100541080 4400 10 54TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 799 3,111 10.0 8.4 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.2 52 37 60 47 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 34
867 100545010 4410 10 54TH PL W SOUTH END 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 504 1,615 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 9.8 89 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 2
855 100545015 4420 10 54TH PL W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 21 440 1,056 9.9 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.1 84 66 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
58 100545020 4430 10 54TH PL W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 372 1,362 10.0 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.1 67 54 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
12 100545030 4430 20 54TH PL W 175TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 154 669 10.0 8.7 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 8.2 44 45 60 44 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 40
13 100545040 4440 10 54TH PL W SOUTH END 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 41 280 1,314 10.0 9.0 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.0 67 42 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 24
502 100551010 4450 10 55TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 656 2,477 10.0 7.9 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 7.9 57 51 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 25
547 100551020 4450 20 55TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 669 2,525 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.1 89 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
403 100551030 4460 10 55TH AVE W 56TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 246 733 10.0 8.8 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.7 69 72 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 20
396 100551027 4460 20 55TH AVE W 190TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 28 129 412 10.0 9.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.4 81 62 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
481 100551035 4470 10 55TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 206 659 9.9 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.7 8.9 83 64 60 77 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
418 100551070 4470 20 55TH AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 322 1,177 10.0 9.6 9.8 10.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.4 81 62 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 16
57 100555010 4480 10 55TH PL W 175TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 163 707 10.0 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.0 64 44 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 22
91 100555030 4490 10 55TH PL W SOUTH END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 44 264 1,331 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 96 87 60 93 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
28 100555020 4490 20 55TH PL W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 178 874 9.7 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.4 82 63 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 16
599 100561010 4500 10 56TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 666 2,971 10.0 9.6 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 7.8 62 63 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 32
579 100561020 4500 20 56TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 669 2,755 10.0 9.5 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 8.1 65 64 60 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 25
610 100561030 4500 30 56TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 203RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 338 1,469 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
530 100561040 4500 40 56TH AVE W 203RD ST SW 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 327 1,422 10.0 9.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 9.9 70 84 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
645 100561050 4500 50 56TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 661 2,799 10.0 9.2 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.2 56 59 60 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
525 100561060 4500 60 56TH AVE W 200TH ST SW FIRWOOD DR Residential Asphalt 30 188 647 10.0 9.9 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 92 75 60 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 6
523 100561070 4500 70 56TH AVE W FIRWOOD DR FIRWOOD DR Residential Asphalt 26 190 566 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 60 96 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
568 100561080 4500 80 56TH AVE W FIRWOOD DR 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 299 923 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 97 88 60 94 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
441 100561090 4510 10 56TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 515 1,767 9.5 8.2 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.8 49 24 60 40 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 36
472 100561095 4520 10 56TH AVE W SOUTH END 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 498 1,710 10.0 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.6 66 41 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 27
939 100561100 4530 10 56TH AVE W SW END 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 628 2,443 9.9 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 8.2 64 56 60 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
950 100561110 4530 20 56TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 358 1,436 10.0 9.5 6.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.4 52 56 30 53 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 43
932 100561120 4530 30 56TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 179TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 198 771 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 91 73 60 85 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
889 100561130 4530 40 56TH AVE W 179TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 292 1,137 10.0 9.9 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 90 70 60 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
968 100561241 4540 10 56TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 293 1,141 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.7 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 2
2 100561140 4560 20 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 212 874 10.0 9.2 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.5 60 27 60 49 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 31
118 100561150 4560 30 56TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 262 1,078 10.0 9.4 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.1 75 84 30 78 6/1/2016 1 Weak V Good 19
81 100561160 4560 40 56TH AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 1,086 10.0 8.9 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 77 70 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
19 100561170 4560 50 56TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 237 923 10.0 9.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.1 77 57 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 13
22 100561180 4560 60 56TH AVE W 171ST PL SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 294 1,142 10.0 9.7 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.2 85 70 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
114 100561190 4560 70 56TH AVE W 170TH PL SW 169TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 288 989 9.6 9.1 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.7 72 51 60 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
105 100561200 4560 80 56TH AVE W 169TH PL SW 168TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 23 281 741 10.0 7.2 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.2 52 48 80 51 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 19
30 100561210 4560 90 56TH AVE W 168TH PL SW 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 21 217 522 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 7.8 69 44 60 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
50 100561220 4560 100 56TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 42 471 2,263 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 10.0 89 70 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
62 100561230 4560 110 56TH AVE W 166TH PL SW HILLPOINTE CIRCLE Residential Asphalt 40 311 1,423 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 90 76 60 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
87 100561240 4560 120 56TH AVE W HILLPOINTE CIRCLE NW END Residential Asphalt 20 539 1,233 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
1053 100565010 4570 10 56TH PL W 167TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 291 1,266 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.1 79 60 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
39 100571010 4580 10 57TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 585 2,343 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.6 94 84 60 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 3
987 108308048 4600 10 57TH PL W SOUTH END 186TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 38 627 2,726 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 93 81 60 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
80 100575010 4610 10 57TH PL W 173RD PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 200 960 10.0 8.4 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.8 44 38 60 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 40

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 21 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

89 100521160 4320 20 52ND AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 257 1,323 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
59 100521170 4320 30 52ND AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 203 837 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
86 100521180 4320 40 52ND AVE W 172ND ST SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 96 352 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
1235 100521190 4320 50 52ND AVE W 172ND ST SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 160 641 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
1236 100521190 4320 60 52ND AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 57 196 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
31 100521190 4320 70 52ND AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 156 465 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
1237 100521190 4320 80 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 29 32 107 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
1234 100521200 4320 90 52ND AVE W 170TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 175 641 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
33 100521200 4320 100 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 169TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 187 726 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
1233 100521210 4320 110 52ND AVE W 169TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 161 588 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
6 100521210 4320 120 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 345 1,422 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
23 100521220 4320 130 52ND AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 780 3,841 2890 2890 - 52ND AVE W + Others 14 3,880 15,048 56 Fair 2 2 1
554 100525010 4330 10 52ND PL W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 511 2,220 2920 2920 - 53RD AVE W + Others 3 1,361 5,773 68 Good 2 4 1
537 100531010 4340 10 53RD AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 672 2,767 2910 2910 - 53RD AVE W 1 672 2,767 64 Good 2 4 1
594 100531020 4340 20 53RD AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 656 3,077 2900 2900 - 53RD AVE W 3 1,544 5,750 93 Excellent 2 4 1
521 100531030 4340 30 53RD AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 663 1,744 2900 2900 - 53RD AVE W 3 1,544 5,750 93 Excellent 2 4 1
642 100531040 4340 40 53RD AVE W 204TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 36 226 930 2900 2900 - 53RD AVE W 3 1,544 5,750 93 Excellent 2 4 1
644 100531050 4350 10 53RD AVE W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 666 2,667 2920 2920 - 53RD AVE W + Others 3 1,361 5,773 68 Good 2 4 1
591 100535003 4360 10 53RD PL W SOUTH END 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 42 184 886 2920 2920 - 53RD AVE W + Others 3 1,361 5,773 68 Good 2 4 1
410 100535008 4370 10 53RD PL W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 234 909 2930 2930 - 192ND ST SW + Others 4 1,472 5,952 82 V Good 2 4 1
53 100535010 4380 10 53RD PL W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 692 3,168 2940 2940 - 53RD PL W 1 692 3,168 73 V Good 2 4 1
588 100541020 4390 10 54TH AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 959 3,074 2960 2960 - 54TH AVE W 1 959 3,074 64 Good 2 4 1
585 100541030 4390 20 54TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 645 2,512 2950 2950 - 54TH AVE W 5 2,652 10,170 89 Excellent 2 4 1
647 100541040 4390 30 54TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 664 2,585 2950 2950 - 54TH AVE W 5 2,652 10,170 89 Excellent 2 4 1
639 100541050 4390 40 54TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 521 2,026 2950 2950 - 54TH AVE W 5 2,652 10,170 89 Excellent 2 4 1
602 100541060 4390 50 54TH AVE W 202ND PL SW 201ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 327 1,236 2950 2950 - 54TH AVE W 5 2,652 10,170 89 Excellent 2 4 1
653 100541070 4390 60 54TH AVE W 201ST PL SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 494 1,811 2950 2950 - 54TH AVE W 5 2,652 10,170 89 Excellent 2 4 1
980 100541080 4400 10 54TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 799 3,111 2970 2970 - 54TH AVE W + Others 3 1,203 4,728 41 Marginal 2 4 1
867 100545010 4410 10 54TH PL W SOUTH END 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 504 1,615 2980 2980 - 54TH PL W + Others 2 944 2,671 79 V Good 2 4 1
855 100545015 4420 10 54TH PL W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 21 440 1,056 2980 2980 - 54TH PL W + Others 2 944 2,671 79 V Good 2 4 1
58 100545020 4430 10 54TH PL W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 372 1,362 2990 2990 - 54TH PL W + Others 4 1,094 4,225 53 Fair 2 4 1
12 100545030 4430 20 54TH PL W 175TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 154 669 2990 2990 - 54TH PL W + Others 4 1,094 4,225 53 Fair 2 4 1
13 100545040 4440 10 54TH PL W SOUTH END 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 41 280 1,314 1130 1130 - 170TH PL SW + Others 4 2,959 11,586 56 Fair 2 4 1
502 100551010 4450 10 55TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 656 2,477 2190 2190 - 206TH ST SW + Others 5 1,985 6,889 47 Marginal 2 4 1
547 100551020 4450 20 55TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 669 2,525 3000 3000 - 55TH AVE W 1 669 2,525 81 V Good 2 4 1
403 100551030 4460 10 55TH AVE W 56TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 246 733 3010 3010 - 55TH AVE W 2 375 1,145 69 Good 2 4 1
396 100551027 4460 20 55TH AVE W 190TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 28 129 412 3010 3010 - 55TH AVE W 2 375 1,145 69 Good 2 4 1
481 100551035 4470 10 55TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 206 659 1810 1810 - 189TH ST SW + Others 6 2,746 8,932 72 V Good 2 4 1
418 100551070 4470 20 55TH AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 322 1,177 1810 1810 - 189TH ST SW + Others 6 2,746 8,932 72 V Good 2 4 1
57 100555010 4480 10 55TH PL W 175TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 163 707 2990 2990 - 54TH PL W + Others 4 1,094 4,225 53 Fair 2 4 1
91 100555030 4490 10 55TH PL W SOUTH END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 44 264 1,331 3020 3020 - 55TH PL W 2 442 2,205 84 V Good 2 4 1
28 100555020 4490 20 55TH PL W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 178 874 3020 3020 - 55TH PL W 2 442 2,205 84 V Good 2 4 1
599 100561010 4500 10 56TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 666 2,971 3030 3030 - 56TH AVE W 8 3,338 13,553 67 Good 2 4 1
579 100561020 4500 20 56TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 669 2,755 3030 3030 - 56TH AVE W 8 3,338 13,553 67 Good 2 4 1
610 100561030 4500 30 56TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 203RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 338 1,469 3030 3030 - 56TH AVE W 8 3,338 13,553 67 Good 2 4 1
530 100561040 4500 40 56TH AVE W 203RD ST SW 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 327 1,422 3030 3030 - 56TH AVE W 8 3,338 13,553 67 Good 2 4 1
645 100561050 4500 50 56TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 661 2,799 3030 3030 - 56TH AVE W 8 3,338 13,553 67 Good 2 4 1
525 100561060 4500 60 56TH AVE W 200TH ST SW FIRWOOD DR Residential Asphalt 30 188 647 3030 3030 - 56TH AVE W 8 3,338 13,553 67 Good 2 4 1
523 100561070 4500 70 56TH AVE W FIRWOOD DR FIRWOOD DR Residential Asphalt 26 190 566 3030 3030 - 56TH AVE W 8 3,338 13,553 67 Good 2 4 1
568 100561080 4500 80 56TH AVE W FIRWOOD DR 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 299 923 3030 3030 - 56TH AVE W 8 3,338 13,553 67 Good 2 4 1
441 100561090 4510 10 56TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 515 1,767 3100 3100 - 56TH AVE W + Others 4 1,783 7,676 45 Marginal 2 4 1
472 100561095 4520 10 56TH AVE W SOUTH END 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 498 1,710 1890 1890 - 191ST ST SW + Others 3 1,532 4,937 55 Fair 2 4 1
939 100561100 4530 10 56TH AVE W SW END 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 628 2,443 1500 1500 - 181ST PL SW + Others 3 2,433 9,509 61 Good 2 4 1
950 100561110 4530 20 56TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 358 1,436 1500 1500 - 181ST PL SW + Others 3 2,433 9,509 61 Good 2 4 1
932 100561120 4530 30 56TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 179TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 198 771 3040 3040 - 56TH AVE W 2 490 1,907 82 V Good 2 4 1
889 100561130 4530 40 56TH AVE W 179TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 292 1,137 3040 3040 - 56TH AVE W 2 490 1,907 82 V Good 2 4 1
968 100561241 4540 10 56TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 293 1,141 1390 1390 - 178TH ST SW + Others 6 2,821 8,456 56 Fair 2 4 1
2 100561140 4560 20 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 212 874 3060 3060 - 56TH AVE W + Others 10 2,447 9,446 64 Good 2 4 1
118 100561150 4560 30 56TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 262 1,078 3060 3060 - 56TH AVE W + Others 10 2,447 9,446 64 Good 2 4 1
81 100561160 4560 40 56TH AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 1,086 3060 3060 - 56TH AVE W + Others 10 2,447 9,446 64 Good 2 4 1
19 100561170 4560 50 56TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 237 923 3060 3060 - 56TH AVE W + Others 10 2,447 9,446 64 Good 2 4 1
22 100561180 4560 60 56TH AVE W 171ST PL SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 294 1,142 3060 3060 - 56TH AVE W + Others 10 2,447 9,446 64 Good 2 4 1
114 100561190 4560 70 56TH AVE W 170TH PL SW 169TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 288 989 3060 3060 - 56TH AVE W + Others 10 2,447 9,446 64 Good 2 4 1
105 100561200 4560 80 56TH AVE W 169TH PL SW 168TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 23 281 741 3060 3060 - 56TH AVE W + Others 10 2,447 9,446 64 Good 2 4 1
30 100561210 4560 90 56TH AVE W 168TH PL SW 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 21 217 522 3060 3060 - 56TH AVE W + Others 10 2,447 9,446 64 Good 2 4 1
50 100561220 4560 100 56TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 42 471 2,263 3850 3850 - HILLPOINTE CIRCLE + Others 6 3,202 12,816 84 V Good 2 4 1
62 100561230 4560 110 56TH AVE W 166TH PL SW HILLPOINTE CIRCLE Residential Asphalt 40 311 1,423 3850 3850 - HILLPOINTE CIRCLE + Others 6 3,202 12,816 84 V Good 2 4 1
87 100561240 4560 120 56TH AVE W HILLPOINTE CIRCLE NW END Residential Asphalt 20 539 1,233 3850 3850 - HILLPOINTE CIRCLE + Others 6 3,202 12,816 84 V Good 2 4 1
1053 100565010 4570 10 56TH PL W 167TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 291 1,266 3090 3090 - 57TH PL W + Others 4 1,109 4,654 77 V Good 2 4 1
39 100571010 4580 10 57TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 585 2,343 3070 3070 - 57TH AVE W 1 585 2,343 89 Excellent 2 4 1
987 108308048 4600 10 57TH PL W SOUTH END 186TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 38 627 2,726 3120 3120 - 57TH PL W + Others 2 1,054 4,732 86 Excellent 2 4 1
80 100575010 4610 10 57TH PL W 173RD PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 200 960 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 22 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

17 100575040 4620 10 57TH PL W 172ND PL SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 554 2,158 10.0 8.9 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.3 72 61 60 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
1051 100575020 4630 10 57TH PL W 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 270 1,082 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 97 88 60 94 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1050 100575030 4630 20 57TH PL W 167TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 39 308 1,374 10.0 9.6 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 80 65 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
392 100581010 4650 10 58TH AVE W SCRIBER LAKE RD 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 42 495 2,379 9.9 7.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.4 54 52 80 54 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 19
864 100581030 4660 10 58TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 601 2,544 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 7.3 70 48 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 22
36 100581020 4670 10 58TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 360 1,401 10.0 8.3 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.3 53 54 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 30
519 100585010 4680 10 58TH PL W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 1,085 9.7 9.6 8.7 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 9.5 8.9 69 55 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 25
407 100585020 4690 10 58TH PL W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 480 2,086 9.8 9.6 6.4 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 7.9 10.0 44 42 60 43 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 42
963 101865200 4700 10 58TH PL W 186TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 41 427 2,006 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.9 91 73 60 85 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 1
993 100585030 4710 10 58TH PL W 183RD ST SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 252 980 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.9 98 90 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 1
937 100585035 4720 10 58TH PL W 178TH ST SW 177TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 262 749 9.8 8.1 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.6 60 50 60 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 21
4 100585040 4730 10 58TH PL W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 522 1,671 9.8 9.2 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.4 56 65 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 36
71 100585050 4730 20 58TH PL W 166TH PL SW 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 618 1,839 10.0 9.0 6.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.2 41 48 60 43 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 44
616 100595011 4740 10 59TH PL W SOUTH END 209TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 327 1,311 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.5 93 81 60 89 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 4
558 100595010 4740 20 59TH PL W 209TH PL SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 417 1,573 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.8 83 64 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
924 100595020 4750 10 59TH PL W 183RD ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 57 106 692 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 92 78 60 87 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
73 100595040 4760 10 59TH PL W 173RD PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 126 548 10.0 10.0 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 8.7 53 39 60 49 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 42
1042 100595050 4770 10 59TH PL W SOUTH END 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 352 1,128 10.0 9.3 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 8.8 46 40 60 44 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 41
545 100601010 4780 10 60TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 207TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 37 338 1,431 10.0 8.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 79 76 77 78 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 5
570 4780 20 60TH AVE W 207TH PL SW 204TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 991 4,196 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 90 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
556 100601030 4780 30 60TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 203RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 331 1,402 10.0 8.5 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.9 71 63 76 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 16
560 100601040 4780 40 60TH AVE W 203RD ST SW 202ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 331 1,402 10.0 8.9 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.5 81 68 80 77 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 9
507 100601050 4780 50 60TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 34 651 2,533 9.6 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 83 65 59 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
799 100601060 4790 10 60TH AVE W SR 99 DALE WAY Collector Asphalt 27 1,077 3,328 10.0 8.5 9.3 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.8 77 62 79 74 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 10
725 100601070 4790 20 60TH AVE W DALE WAY 190TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 338 1,046 10.0 8.9 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.4 77 58 78 73 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 12
717 100601080 4790 30 60TH AVE W 190TH PL SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 186 574 10.0 9.2 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 80 62 80 76 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 11
713 100601090 4790 40 60TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 345 1,067 10.0 9.1 9.4 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 81 62 76 75 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 12
730 100601100 4790 50 60TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 294 909 10.0 8.7 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 85 66 82 79 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 3
925 100601110 4790 60 60TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 187TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 24 323 886 10.0 9.5 9.3 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.8 76 56 76 71 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 18
854 100601120 4790 70 60TH AVE W 187TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 24 422 1,159 10.0 9.4 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 84 77 80 82 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 8
899 100601130 4790 80 60TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 359 1,028 10.0 8.7 9.7 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 84 74 80 81 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 3
885 100601140 4790 90 60TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 707 1,861 10.0 9.3 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 73 73 81 75 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 19
878 100601150 4790 100 60TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 23 489 1,286 10.0 8.8 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.5 80 72 78 78 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 8
984 100601160 4790 110 60TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 345 907 10.0 8.5 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.2 65 52 64 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
999 100601170 4790 120 60TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 533 1,282 10.0 9.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.4 8.0 57 57 78 62 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 31
850 100601180 4790 130 60TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 178TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 224 589 10.0 7.8 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.6 60 61 71 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
918 100601190 4790 140 60TH AVE W 178TH ST SW 177TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 254 872 10.0 7.7 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.6 61 60 78 65 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 14
974 100601200 4790 150 60TH AVE W 177TH ST SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 247 849 10.0 8.2 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.4 70 47 77 66 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 11
863 100601210 4790 160 60TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 817 2,058 10.0 9.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 71 59 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 14
88 100601211 4790 170 60TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 284 976 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 89 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 1
99 100601240 4800 10 60TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 536 1,472 9.9 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.1 78 63 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
1241 100601250 4800 20 60TH AVE W 166TH PL SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 29 52 174 10.0 9.1 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.3 72 53 60 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
110 100601250 4800 30 60TH AVE W UNNAMED 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 232 690 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.2 87 83 60 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 6
1240 100601250 4800 40 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 52 173 10.0 9.1 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.7 72 55 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
1122 4800 50 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 239 792 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.8 10.0 9.5 10.0 76 56 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 15
1239 100601250 4800 60 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 255 1,021 10.0 9.1 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 86 81 60 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
1238 100601260 4800 70 60TH AVE W 164TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 233 881 10.0 9.5 8.4 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.7 73 52 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
657 100611010 4820 10 61ST AVE W 211TH ST SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 550 2,138 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.4 9.6 90 72 60 84 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
1293 100611010 4820 20 61ST AVE W UNNAMED 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 383 1,445 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 9.4 87 68 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
990 100611020 4830 10 61ST AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 139 413 10.0 8.4 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.6 54 43 60 50 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
913 100611030 4830 20 61ST AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 159 472 10.0 8.9 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.6 59 64 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 30
1286 100615010 4840 10 61ST PL W SOUTH END UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 153 596 10.0 8.7 9.2 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 9.3 10.0 75 54 60 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 11
584 100615010 4840 20 61ST PL W UNNAMED 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 491 1,855 10.0 8.8 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.8 59 57 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 25
508 100615020 4850 10 61ST PL W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 657 1,880 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.9 79 64 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
794 100615030 4870 10 61ST PL W DALE WAY NORTH END Residential Asphalt 25 211 605 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 9.3 10.0 81 62 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
927 100615040 4880 10 61ST PL W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 308 1,197 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 7.8 73 59 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
936 100615050 4880 20 61ST PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 238 927 9.9 8.1 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.4 51 39 60 47 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 30
1101 110100114 4890 10 61ST PL W SW END 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 126 474 10.0 8.5 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.4 68 44 80 60 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 14
1099 110100106 4890 20 61ST PL W 62ND AVE W 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 269 799 10.0 8.6 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.5 51 33 60 45 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 34
1094 110100104 4890 30 61ST PL W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 282 871 9.8 8.9 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.7 71 48 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
1093 110100110 4900 10 62ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 320 1,099 10.0 9.1 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.1 71 57 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
1098 110100109 4900 20 62ND AVE W 175TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 239 764 10.0 8.4 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.9 76 58 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
1100 110100108 4900 30 62ND AVE W 61ST PL W 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 94 268 10.0 7.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.5 66 42 80 58 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 9
1097 110100107 4900 40 62ND AVE W 61ST PL W NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 258 944 10.0 9.1 9.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.9 8.0 65 56 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 27
1072 100621050 4910 10 62ND AVE W SOUTH END OLYMPIC VIEW DR Residential Asphalt 23 504 1,325 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.0 88 69 60 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
47 100621060 4920 10 62ND AVE W 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 188 603 10.0 9.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 66 40 60 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 25
52 100621070 4920 20 62ND AVE W 167TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 618 1,908 10.0 9.0 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.0 67 57 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 24
946 100625010 4940 10 62ND PL W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 53 265 1,609 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.7 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 2
930 100625020 4950 10 62ND PL W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 442 1,720 9.6 9.0 6.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.2 35 40 60 37 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 54
852 100625030 4960 10 62ND PL W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 522 1,613 9.9 8.5 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 8.4 61 47 60 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 22
101 100625035 4970 10 62ND PL W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 30 390 1,338 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.5 10.0 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 1
659 100631010 4980 10 63RD AVE W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 362 1,369 10.0 9.2 7.8 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 8.8 10.0 59 65 60 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 28

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 23 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

17 100575040 4620 10 57TH PL W 172ND PL SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 554 2,158 1170 1170 - 172ND PL SW + Others 4 2,991 11,637 63 Good 2 4 1
1051 100575020 4630 10 57TH PL W 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 270 1,082 3090 3090 - 57TH PL W + Others 4 1,109 4,654 77 V Good 2 4 1
1050 100575030 4630 20 57TH PL W 167TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 39 308 1,374 3090 3090 - 57TH PL W + Others 4 1,109 4,654 77 V Good 2 4 1
392 100581010 4650 10 58TH AVE W SCRIBER LAKE RD 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 42 495 2,379 3100 3100 - 56TH AVE W + Others 4 1,783 7,676 45 Marginal 2 4 1
864 100581030 4660 10 58TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 601 2,544 3110 3110 - 58TH AVE W 1 601 2,544 60 Fair 2 4 1
36 100581020 4670 10 58TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 360 1,401 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
519 100585010 4680 10 58TH PL W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 1,085 3140 3140 - 59TH PL W + Others 3 1,015 3,969 75 V Good 2 4 1
407 100585020 4690 10 58TH PL W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 480 2,086 3100 3100 - 56TH AVE W + Others 4 1,783 7,676 45 Marginal 2 4 1
963 101865200 4700 10 58TH PL W 186TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 41 427 2,006 3120 3120 - 57TH PL W + Others 2 1,054 4,732 86 Excellent 2 4 1
993 100585030 4710 10 58TH PL W 183RD ST SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 252 980 1610 1610 - 183RD ST SW + Others 7 1,503 6,406 84 V Good 2 4 1
937 100585035 4720 10 58TH PL W 178TH ST SW 177TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 262 749 1390 1390 - 178TH ST SW + Others 6 2,821 8,456 56 Fair 2 4 1
4 100585040 4730 10 58TH PL W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 522 1,671 3130 3130 - 58TH PL W + Others 3 1,642 5,006 53 Fair 2 4 1
71 100585050 4730 20 58TH PL W 166TH PL SW 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 618 1,839 3130 3130 - 58TH PL W + Others 3 1,642 5,006 53 Fair 2 4 1
616 100595011 4740 10 59TH PL W SOUTH END 209TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 327 1,311 3140 3140 - 59TH PL W + Others 3 1,015 3,969 75 V Good 2 4 1
558 100595010 4740 20 59TH PL W 209TH PL SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 417 1,573 3140 3140 - 59TH PL W + Others 3 1,015 3,969 75 V Good 2 4 1
924 100595020 4750 10 59TH PL W 183RD ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 57 106 692 1610 1610 - 183RD ST SW + Others 7 1,503 6,406 84 V Good 2 4 1
73 100595040 4760 10 59TH PL W 173RD PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 126 548 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
1042 100595050 4770 10 59TH PL W SOUTH END 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 352 1,128 1010 1010 - 166TH PL SW + Others 3 879 2,667 59 Fair 2 4 1
545 100601010 4780 10 60TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 207TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 37 338 1,431 3150 3150 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,642 10,965 80 V Good 2 3 1
570 4780 20 60TH AVE W 207TH PL SW 204TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 991 4,196 3150 3150 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,642 10,965 80 V Good 2 3 1
556 100601030 4780 30 60TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 203RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 331 1,402 3150 3150 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,642 10,965 80 V Good 2 3 1
560 100601040 4780 40 60TH AVE W 203RD ST SW 202ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 331 1,402 3150 3150 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,642 10,965 80 V Good 2 3 1
507 100601050 4780 50 60TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 34 651 2,533 3150 3150 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,642 10,965 80 V Good 2 3 1
799 100601060 4790 10 60TH AVE W SR 99 DALE WAY Collector Asphalt 27 1,077 3,328 3160 3160 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,240 6,923 72 V Good 3 3 1
725 100601070 4790 20 60TH AVE W DALE WAY 190TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 338 1,046 3160 3160 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,240 6,923 72 V Good 3 3 1
717 100601080 4790 30 60TH AVE W 190TH PL SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 186 574 3160 3160 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,240 6,923 72 V Good 3 3 1
713 100601090 4790 40 60TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 345 1,067 3160 3160 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,240 6,923 72 V Good 3 3 1
730 100601100 4790 50 60TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 294 909 3160 3160 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,240 6,923 72 V Good 3 3 1
925 100601110 4790 60 60TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 187TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 24 323 886 3170 3170 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,300 6,221 75 V Good 3 3 1
854 100601120 4790 70 60TH AVE W 187TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 24 422 1,159 3170 3170 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,300 6,221 75 V Good 3 3 1
899 100601130 4790 80 60TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 359 1,028 3170 3170 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,300 6,221 75 V Good 3 3 1
885 100601140 4790 90 60TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 707 1,861 3170 3170 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,300 6,221 75 V Good 3 3 1
878 100601150 4790 100 60TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 23 489 1,286 3170 3170 - 60TH AVE W 5 2,300 6,221 75 V Good 3 3 1
984 100601160 4790 110 60TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 345 907 3180 3180 - 60TH AVE W 5 1,603 4,499 60 Good 3 3 1
999 100601170 4790 120 60TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 533 1,282 3180 3180 - 60TH AVE W 5 1,603 4,499 60 Good 3 3 1
850 100601180 4790 130 60TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 178TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 224 589 3180 3180 - 60TH AVE W 5 1,603 4,499 60 Good 3 3 1
918 100601190 4790 140 60TH AVE W 178TH ST SW 177TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 254 872 3180 3180 - 60TH AVE W 5 1,603 4,499 60 Good 3 3 1
974 100601200 4790 150 60TH AVE W 177TH ST SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 247 849 3180 3180 - 60TH AVE W 5 1,603 4,499 60 Good 3 3 1
863 100601210 4790 160 60TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 817 2,058 3190 3190 - 60TH AVE W 2 1,102 3,034 69 Good 2 4 1
88 100601211 4790 170 60TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 284 976 3190 3190 - 60TH AVE W 2 1,102 3,034 69 Good 2 4 1
99 100601240 4800 10 60TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 536 1,472 3200 3200 - 60TH AVE W 7 1,600 5,204 72 V Good 2 4 1
1241 100601250 4800 20 60TH AVE W 166TH PL SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 29 52 174 3200 3200 - 60TH AVE W 7 1,600 5,204 72 V Good 2 4 1
110 100601250 4800 30 60TH AVE W UNNAMED 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 232 690 3200 3200 - 60TH AVE W 7 1,600 5,204 72 V Good 2 4 1
1240 100601250 4800 40 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 52 173 3200 3200 - 60TH AVE W 7 1,600 5,204 72 V Good 2 4 1
1122 4800 50 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 239 792 3200 3200 - 60TH AVE W 7 1,600 5,204 72 V Good 2 4 1
1239 100601250 4800 60 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 255 1,021 3200 3200 - 60TH AVE W 7 1,600 5,204 72 V Good 2 4 1
1238 100601260 4800 70 60TH AVE W 164TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 233 881 3200 3200 - 60TH AVE W 7 1,600 5,204 72 V Good 2 4 1
657 100611010 4820 10 61ST AVE W 211TH ST SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 550 2,138 3210 3210 - 61ST AVE W + Others 3 1,526 5,893 80 V Good 2 4 1
1293 100611010 4820 20 61ST AVE W UNNAMED 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 383 1,445 3210 3210 - 61ST AVE W + Others 3 1,526 5,893 80 V Good 2 4 1
990 100611020 4830 10 61ST AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 139 413 1560 1560 - 182ND ST SW + Others 6 1,768 4,951 42 Marginal 2 4 1
913 100611030 4830 20 61ST AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 159 472 1560 1560 - 182ND ST SW + Others 6 1,768 4,951 42 Marginal 2 4 1
1286 100615010 4840 10 61ST PL W SOUTH END UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 153 596 3220 3220 - 63RD PL W + Others 3 1,311 5,123 60 Fair 2 4 1
584 100615010 4840 20 61ST PL W UNNAMED 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 491 1,855 3220 3220 - 63RD PL W + Others 3 1,311 5,123 60 Fair 2 4 1
508 100615020 4850 10 61ST PL W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 657 1,880 3230 3230 - 61ST PL W 1 657 1,880 72 V Good 2 4 1
794 100615030 4870 10 61ST PL W DALE WAY NORTH END Residential Asphalt 25 211 605 3830 3830 - DALE WAY + Others 8 3,183 9,879 58 Fair 2 4 1
927 100615040 4880 10 61ST PL W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 308 1,197 3250 3250 - 61ST PL W + Others 3 1,058 4,057 64 Good 2 4 1
936 100615050 4880 20 61ST PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 238 927 3250 3250 - 61ST PL W + Others 3 1,058 4,057 64 Good 2 4 1
1101 110100114 4890 10 61ST PL W SW END 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 126 474 3260 3260 - 62ND AVE W + Others 9 1,711 5,802 55 Fair 2 4 1
1099 110100106 4890 20 61ST PL W 62ND AVE W 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 269 799 3260 3260 - 62ND AVE W + Others 9 1,711 5,802 55 Fair 2 4 1
1094 110100104 4890 30 61ST PL W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 282 871 1210 1210 - 173RD PL SW + Others 12 5,227 19,143 55 Fair 2 4 1
1093 110100110 4900 10 62ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 320 1,099 3260 3260 - 62ND AVE W + Others 9 1,711 5,802 55 Fair 2 4 1
1098 110100109 4900 20 62ND AVE W 175TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 239 764 3260 3260 - 62ND AVE W + Others 9 1,711 5,802 55 Fair 2 4 1
1100 110100108 4900 30 62ND AVE W 61ST PL W 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 94 268 3260 3260 - 62ND AVE W + Others 9 1,711 5,802 55 Fair 2 4 1
1097 110100107 4900 40 62ND AVE W 61ST PL W NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 258 944 3260 3260 - 62ND AVE W + Others 9 1,711 5,802 55 Fair 2 4 1
1072 100621050 4910 10 62ND AVE W SOUTH END OLYMPIC VIEW DR Residential Asphalt 23 504 1,325 3270 3270 - 62ND AVE W 1 504 1,325 80 V Good 2 4 1
47 100621060 4920 10 62ND AVE W 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 188 603 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
52 100621070 4920 20 62ND AVE W 167TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 618 1,908 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
946 100625010 4940 10 62ND PL W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 53 265 1,609 3290 3290 - 62ND PL W 1 265 1,609 80 V Good 2 4 1
930 100625020 4950 10 62ND PL W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 442 1,720 1580 1580 - 183RD PL SW + Others 2 953 3,706 34 Poor 2 4 1
852 100625030 4960 10 62ND PL W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 522 1,613 3300 3300 - 62ND PL W + Others 2 981 2,874 55 Fair 2 4 1
101 100625035 4970 10 62ND PL W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 30 390 1,338 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
659 100631010 4980 10 63RD AVE W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 362 1,369 3310 3310 - 63RD AVE W 2 1,314 3,766 59 Fair 2 4 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 24 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

526 100631020 4980 20 63RD AVE W 211TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 22 952 2,397 10.0 8.7 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.6 64 62 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 23
70 100631030 5000 10 63RD AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 22 531 1,337 10.0 9.9 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.7 66 51 60 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 33
113 100631040 5010 10 63RD AVE W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 374 1,113 10.0 9.4 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.9 67 63 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
637 100635030 5020 10 63RD PL W SOUTH END 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 667 2,672 9.9 7.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.4 69 57 60 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 12
991 100635010 5030 10 63RD PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 45 173 889 10.0 8.6 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 9.9 77 58 80 71 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 4
851 100635020 5040 10 63RD PL W SOUTH END 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 182 521 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.4 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
790 100641010 5050 10 64TH AVE W SR 99 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 536 2,392 9.5 8.7 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.2 42 53 65 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 42
833 100641020 5050 20 64TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 1,329 5,931 9.7 9.1 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.3 69 62 76 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 18
716 100641030 5050 30 64TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 195TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 342 1,526 10.0 9.1 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.9 66 55 79 67 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 19
737 100641040 5050 40 64TH AVE W 195TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 219 976 10.0 8.9 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 75 73 81 76 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 12
819 100641050 5050 50 64TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 265 1,181 10.0 8.8 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 81 77 75 78 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 7
762 100641060 5050 60 64TH AVE W 193RD ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 311 1,387 10.0 8.4 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 75 81 75 76 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 7
728 100641070 5050 70 64TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 94 418 10.0 8.7 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 79 82 74 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 8
838 100641080 5050 80 64TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 260 1,161 10.0 8.3 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 65 81 55 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
791 100641090 5050 90 64TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 323 1,481 10.0 8.5 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 78 80 77 78 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 7
835 100641100 5050 100 64TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 337 1,542 10.0 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.4 75 80 78 77 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 11
802 100641110 5050 110 64TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 490 2,129 10.0 8.6 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 79 68 80 77 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 7
944 100641120 5050 120 64TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 562 2,510 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.5 9.5 88 69 80 81 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 4
989 100641131 5050 130 64TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 163 727 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.2 9.5 10.0 89 73 73 81 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
967 100641130 5050 140 64TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 162 723 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.5 10.0 94 82 80 87 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
897 100641140 5050 150 64TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 262 1,169 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 9.5 9.8 89 69 73 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 2
871 100641150 5050 160 64TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 22 100 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 9.5 10.0 90 70 77 82 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 0
961 100641160 5050 170 64TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 317 1,416 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.5 10.0 95 84 77 88 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
954 100641170 5050 180 64TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 130 580 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.6 9.5 10.0 87 69 79 80 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 0
903 100641180 5050 190 64TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 182ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 328 1,466 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.8 9.5 10.0 87 71 77 81 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 0
1309 100641180 5050 200 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 182ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 66 293 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.7 9.5 10.0 87 70 74 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
928 100641210 5050 210 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 181ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 292 1,305 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.6 9.2 87 68 76 79 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 6
907 100641220 5050 220 64TH AVE W 181ST ST SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 339 1,512 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 9.7 10.0 89 70 80 82 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 0
896 100641230 5050 230 64TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 25 511 1,463 10.0 7.8 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.6 10.0 73 72 78 74 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 6
848 100641234 5050 240 64TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 25 272 777 10.0 8.1 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 65 79 77 72 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 16
900 100641238 5050 250 64TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 527 1,507 10.0 8.4 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 64 73 80 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 20
1092 110100101 5060 10 64TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 174TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 670 1,534 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.8 95 85 60 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 1
120 100641250 5060 20 64TH AVE W 174TH ST SW 173RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 297 679 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.5 90 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 4
1270 100641250 5060 30 64TH AVE W 173RD ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 20 62 141 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 92 76 60 87 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
83 100641261 5070 10 64TH AVE W SOUTH END 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 141 404 10.0 9.8 6.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 9.2 46 22 60 38 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 44
38 100641260 5070 20 64TH AVE W 165TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 523 1,495 10.0 9.9 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.7 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
915 100651010 5080 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 65TH PL W Residential Asphalt 26 209 622 10.0 8.4 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 7.6 54 23 60 44 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 33
869 100651020 5090 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 514 1,704 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 95 84 60 91 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
1032 100651030 5100 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 196 854 9.5 8.5 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 7.7 45 21 60 37 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 39
764 100655010 5110 10 65TH PL W 189TH PL SW PENNY LANE Residential Asphalt 34 292 1,135 10.0 9.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 84 66 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
818 100655020 5110 20 65TH PL W PENNY LANE 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 208 808 10.0 8.5 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.1 74 57 60 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 13
908 100655030 5120 10 65TH PL W 65TH AVE W 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 1,027 2,938 9.7 7.6 8.1 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.5 48 26 80 41 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 30
617 100661010 5130 10 66TH AVE W 214TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 666 3,200 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.9 97 88 64 86 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
593 100661020 5130 20 66TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 659 3,165 10.0 9.9 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.7 77 59 76 72 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 19
654 100661030 5130 30 66TH AVE W 210TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 662 3,106 10.0 9.3 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 89 76 66 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 3
832 100661040 5140 10 66TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 799 2,376 9.8 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.4 9.4 77 61 60 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
942 100661050 5150 10 66TH AVE W 67TH AVE W 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 942 3,018 10.0 8.0 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.6 48 43 60 46 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 36
979 100661060 5150 20 66TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 253 724 10.0 9.9 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 7.6 48 31 60 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 49
955 100661070 5150 30 66TH AVE W 67TH AVE W 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 264 756 10.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.3 79 60 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 14
92 100661080 5160 10 66TH AVE W SOUTH END 175TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 41 136 636 9.7 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.2 75 55 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18
90 100661090 5160 20 66TH AVE W 175TH PL SW NE END Residential Asphalt 35 279 1,117 9.9 8.9 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.8 64 35 60 54 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 23
82 100661100 5170 10 66TH AVE W 168TH ST SW MEADOWDALE RD Collector Asphalt 30 713 2,450 9.7 8.1 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.0 9.9 71 49 75 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 8
51 100661110 5170 20 66TH AVE W MEADOWDALE RD 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 602 1,721 9.3 9.5 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 8.5 54 18 60 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 34
112 100661120 5170 30 66TH AVE W 164TH ST SW 163RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 269 831 10.0 9.7 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.4 65 52 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 32
68 100661130 5170 40 66TH AVE W 163RD ST SW 162ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 252 777 10.0 9.2 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.9 82 63 60 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 10
705 100665010 5180 10 66TH PL W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 662 2,197 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.9 88 71 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 6
691 100665020 5190 10 66TH PL W 190TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 339 1,008 9.9 9.4 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.5 44 30 60 39 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 44
909 100665030 5200 10 66TH PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 109 462 9.8 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.5 74 53 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 11
880 100665040 5210 10 66TH PL W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 952 3,706 9.9 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.0 84 65 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
618 100671011 5220 10 67TH AVE W SOUTH END 214TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 14 182 292 9.2 9.8 6.9 10.0 9.7 9.8 10.0 6.7 9.7 37 41 60 39 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 43
522 100671010 5220 20 67TH AVE W 214TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 22 662 1,668 9.9 9.6 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.7 10.0 64 61 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 20
543 100671020 5220 30 67TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 665 2,817 10.0 9.6 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 7.8 59 42 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 32
574 100671030 5220 40 67TH AVE W 210TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 656 2,776 10.0 7.3 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 9.0 46 60 80 51 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 24
710 100671040 5230 10 67TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 309 848 10.0 9.6 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.0 71 51 60 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 23
917 100671050 5240 10 67TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 219 703 10.0 9.4 9.5 10.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.0 78 59 60 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 16
890 100671060 5240 20 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 1,340 4,292 10.0 8.6 8.1 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 9.4 8.5 52 58 60 54 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 34
859 100671070 5240 30 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W 183RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 232 717 10.0 8.1 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.2 51 26 80 43 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 29
905 100671080 5240 40 67TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 310 1,028 10.0 8.9 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.6 80 61 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
973 100671090 5240 50 67TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 181ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 319 876 9.4 7.6 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 57 28 80 47 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 21
934 100671095 5250 10 67TH AVE W 181ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 212 897 10.0 7.9 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.3 53 44 60 50 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 29
8 100671100 5260 10 67TH AVE W MEADOWDALE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 243 892 10.0 8.4 9.3 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.7 75 54 60 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 9
901 100675010 5270 10 67TH PL W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 486 1,614 10.0 9.1 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.6 63 33 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 30

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 25 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

526 100631020 4980 20 63RD AVE W 211TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 22 952 2,397 3310 3310 - 63RD AVE W 2 1,314 3,766 59 Fair 2 4 1
70 100631030 5000 10 63RD AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 22 531 1,337 3320 3320 - 63RD AVE W 1 531 1,337 58 Fair 2 4 1
113 100631040 5010 10 63RD AVE W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 374 1,113 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
637 100635030 5020 10 63RD PL W SOUTH END 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 667 2,672 3220 3220 - 63RD PL W + Others 3 1,311 5,123 60 Fair 2 4 1
991 100635010 5030 10 63RD PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 45 173 889 1650 1650 - 185TH ST SW + Others 5 1,282 5,216 72 V Good 2 4 1
851 100635020 5040 10 63RD PL W SOUTH END 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 182 521 3330 3330 - 63RD PL W 1 182 521 81 V Good 2 4 1
790 100641010 5050 10 64TH AVE W SR 99 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 536 2,392 3340 3340 - 64TH AVE W 5 2,690 12,005 64 Good 3 3 1
833 100641020 5050 20 64TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 1,329 5,931 3340 3340 - 64TH AVE W 5 2,690 12,005 64 Good 3 3 1
716 100641030 5050 30 64TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 195TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 342 1,526 3340 3340 - 64TH AVE W 5 2,690 12,005 64 Good 3 3 1
737 100641040 5050 40 64TH AVE W 195TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 219 976 3340 3340 - 64TH AVE W 5 2,690 12,005 64 Good 3 3 1
819 100641050 5050 50 64TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 265 1,181 3340 3340 - 64TH AVE W 5 2,690 12,005 64 Good 3 3 1
762 100641060 5050 60 64TH AVE W 193RD ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 311 1,387 3350 3350 - 64TH AVE W 6 1,814 8,118 73 V Good 3 3 1
728 100641070 5050 70 64TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 94 418 3350 3350 - 64TH AVE W 6 1,814 8,118 73 V Good 3 3 1
838 100641080 5050 80 64TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 260 1,161 3350 3350 - 64TH AVE W 6 1,814 8,118 73 V Good 3 3 1
791 100641090 5050 90 64TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 323 1,481 3350 3350 - 64TH AVE W 6 1,814 8,118 73 V Good 3 3 1
835 100641100 5050 100 64TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 337 1,542 3350 3350 - 64TH AVE W 6 1,814 8,118 73 V Good 3 3 1
802 100641110 5050 110 64TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 490 2,129 3350 3350 - 64TH AVE W 6 1,814 8,118 73 V Good 3 3 1
944 100641120 5050 120 64TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 562 2,510 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
989 100641131 5050 130 64TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 163 727 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
967 100641130 5050 140 64TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 162 723 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
897 100641140 5050 150 64TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 262 1,169 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
871 100641150 5050 160 64TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 22 100 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
961 100641160 5050 170 64TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 317 1,416 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
954 100641170 5050 180 64TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 130 580 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
903 100641180 5050 190 64TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 182ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 328 1,466 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
1309 100641180 5050 200 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 182ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 66 293 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
928 100641210 5050 210 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 181ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 292 1,305 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
907 100641220 5050 220 64TH AVE W 181ST ST SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 339 1,512 3360 3360 - 64TH AVE W 11 2,644 11,801 80 V Good 3 3 1
896 100641230 5050 230 64TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 25 511 1,463 3370 3370 - 64TH AVE W 3 1,310 3,747 69 Good 3 3 1
848 100641234 5050 240 64TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 25 272 777 3370 3370 - 64TH AVE W 3 1,310 3,747 69 Good 3 3 1
900 100641238 5050 250 64TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 527 1,507 3370 3370 - 64TH AVE W 3 1,310 3,747 69 Good 3 3 1
1092 110100101 5060 10 64TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 174TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 670 1,534 3380 3380 - 64TH AVE W 3 1,028 2,354 87 Excellent 2 4 1
120 100641250 5060 20 64TH AVE W 174TH ST SW 173RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 297 679 3380 3380 - 64TH AVE W 3 1,028 2,354 87 Excellent 2 4 1
1270 100641250 5060 30 64TH AVE W 173RD ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 20 62 141 3380 3380 - 64TH AVE W 3 1,028 2,354 87 Excellent 2 4 1
83 100641261 5070 10 64TH AVE W SOUTH END 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 141 404 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
38 100641260 5070 20 64TH AVE W 165TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 523 1,495 3280 3280 - 165TH PL SW + Others 11 3,371 10,224 66 Good 2 4 1
915 100651010 5080 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 65TH PL W Residential Asphalt 26 209 622 1360 1360 - 65TH PL W + Others 3 1,626 4,632 38 Poor 3 4 1
869 100651020 5090 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 514 1,704 3390 3390 - 65TH AVE W 1 514 1,704 90 Excellent 2 4 1
1032 100651030 5100 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 196 854 1000 1000 - 164TH ST SW + Others 4 1,460 4,505 65 Good 2 4 1
764 100655010 5110 10 65TH PL W 189TH PL SW PENNY LANE Residential Asphalt 34 292 1,135 3400 3400 - 189TH PL SW + Others 3 1,001 3,893 65 Good 2 4 1
818 100655020 5110 20 65TH PL W PENNY LANE 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 208 808 3400 3400 - 189TH PL SW + Others 3 1,001 3,893 65 Good 2 4 1
908 100655030 5120 10 65TH PL W 65TH AVE W 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 1,027 2,938 1360 1360 - 65TH PL W + Others 3 1,626 4,632 38 Poor 3 4 1
617 100661010 5130 10 66TH AVE W 214TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 666 3,200 3410 3410 - 66TH AVE W + Others 5 2,643 11,620 77 V Good 2 3 1
593 100661020 5130 20 66TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 659 3,165 3410 3410 - 66TH AVE W + Others 5 2,643 11,620 77 V Good 2 3 1
654 100661030 5130 30 66TH AVE W 210TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 662 3,106 3410 3410 - 66TH AVE W + Others 5 2,643 11,620 77 V Good 2 3 1
832 100661040 5140 10 66TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 799 2,376 3420 3420 - 66TH AVE W 1 799 2,376 69 Good 2 4 1
942 100661050 5150 10 66TH AVE W 67TH AVE W 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 942 3,018 3480 3480 - 67TH AVE W + Others 10 4,495 14,153 51 Fair 2 4 1
979 100661060 5150 20 66TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 253 724 3480 3480 - 67TH AVE W + Others 10 4,495 14,153 51 Fair 2 4 1
955 100661070 5150 30 66TH AVE W 67TH AVE W 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 264 756 3480 3480 - 67TH AVE W + Others 10 4,495 14,153 51 Fair 2 4 1
92 100661080 5160 10 66TH AVE W SOUTH END 175TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 41 136 636 3430 3430 - 66TH AVE W + Others 3 581 2,382 61 Good 2 4 1
90 100661090 5160 20 66TH AVE W 175TH PL SW NE END Residential Asphalt 35 279 1,117 3430 3430 - 66TH AVE W + Others 3 581 2,382 61 Good 2 4 1
82 100661100 5170 10 66TH AVE W 168TH ST SW MEADOWDALE RD Collector Asphalt 30 713 2,450 3890 3890 - 66TH AVE W + Others 4 1,510 4,481 60 Good 2 3 1
51 100661110 5170 20 66TH AVE W MEADOWDALE RD 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 602 1,721 3440 3440 - 66TH AVE W + Others 7 2,436 7,724 64 Good 2 4 1
112 100661120 5170 30 66TH AVE W 164TH ST SW 163RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 269 831 3440 3440 - 66TH AVE W + Others 7 2,436 7,724 64 Good 2 4 1
68 100661130 5170 40 66TH AVE W 163RD ST SW 162ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 252 777 3440 3440 - 66TH AVE W + Others 7 2,436 7,724 64 Good 2 4 1
705 100665010 5180 10 66TH PL W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 662 2,197 3450 3450 - 66TH PL W + Others 2 947 3,436 78 V Good 2 4 1
691 100665020 5190 10 66TH PL W 190TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 339 1,008 1880 1880 - 191ST ST SW + Others 6 2,861 9,587 51 Fair 1 4 1
909 100665030 5200 10 66TH PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 109 462 3460 3460 - 183RD PL SW + Others 4 1,908 5,912 67 Good 2 4 1
880 100665040 5210 10 66TH PL W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 952 3,706 3490 3490 - 66TH PL W + Others 3 1,704 6,535 68 Good 2 4 1
618 100671011 5220 10 67TH AVE W SOUTH END 214TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 14 182 292 3470 3470 - 67TH AVE W + Others 6 3,871 12,899 51 Fair 2 4 1
522 100671010 5220 20 67TH AVE W 214TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 22 662 1,668 3470 3470 - 67TH AVE W + Others 6 3,871 12,899 51 Fair 2 4 1
543 100671020 5220 30 67TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 665 2,817 3470 3470 - 67TH AVE W + Others 6 3,871 12,899 51 Fair 2 4 1
574 100671030 5220 40 67TH AVE W 210TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 656 2,776 3470 3470 - 67TH AVE W + Others 6 3,871 12,899 51 Fair 2 4 1
710 100671040 5230 10 67TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 309 848 1880 1880 - 191ST ST SW + Others 6 2,861 9,587 51 Fair 1 4 1
917 100671050 5240 10 67TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 219 703 3480 3480 - 67TH AVE W + Others 10 4,495 14,153 51 Fair 2 4 1
890 100671060 5240 20 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 1,340 4,292 3480 3480 - 67TH AVE W + Others 10 4,495 14,153 51 Fair 2 4 1
859 100671070 5240 30 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W 183RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 232 717 3480 3480 - 67TH AVE W + Others 10 4,495 14,153 51 Fair 2 4 1
905 100671080 5240 40 67TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 310 1,028 3480 3480 - 67TH AVE W + Others 10 4,495 14,153 51 Fair 2 4 1
973 100671090 5240 50 67TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 181ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 319 876 1520 1520 - 181ST ST SW + Others 4 885 3,169 46 Marginal 2 4 1
934 100671095 5250 10 67TH AVE W 181ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 212 897 1520 1520 - 181ST ST SW + Others 4 885 3,169 46 Marginal 2 4 1
8 100671100 5260 10 67TH AVE W MEADOWDALE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 243 892 3890 3890 - 66TH AVE W + Others 4 1,510 4,481 60 Good 2 3 1
901 100675010 5270 10 67TH PL W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 486 1,614 3490 3490 - 66TH PL W + Others 3 1,704 6,535 68 Good 2 4 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 26 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

621 100681010 5280 10 68TH AVE W SOUTH END 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 1,044 3,226 10.0 9.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.3 70 59 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 16
572 100681020 5280 20 68TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 662 2,121 9.6 9.8 5.4 10.0 9.4 9.9 10.0 8.5 9.5 34 38 60 35 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 56
745 100681040 5290 10 68TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,330 6,395 10.0 9.5 5.5 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.1 9.5 41 72 74 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 49
831 100681050 5290 20 68TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 661 3,176 10.0 9.6 6.8 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.0 8.9 51 64 71 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 41
726 100681060 5290 30 68TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 201ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 290 1,396 10.0 9.1 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 7.9 30 59 75 49 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 57
752 100681070 5290 40 68TH AVE W 201ST PL SW 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 358 1,721 10.0 8.9 6.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 7.8 33 51 75 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 55
734 100681080 5290 50 68TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,320 6,343 9.9 8.9 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.2 43 64 76 56 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 42
776 100681090 5290 60 68TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 839 4,032 10.0 8.6 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 8.5 58 70 74 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
785 100681100 5290 70 68TH AVE W 193RD ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 222 1,065 10.0 8.3 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 62 82 75 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 17
784 100681110 5290 80 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 151 725 10.0 8.5 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.5 63 85 73 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 23
837 100681120 5290 90 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 104 498 10.0 8.8 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.8 63 91 73 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 25
736 100681130 5290 100 68TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 205 986 10.0 8.6 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.6 77 86 78 79 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 10
788 100681140 5290 110 68TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 47 295 1,585 10.0 8.7 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.2 58 83 76 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 28
676 100681150 5290 120 68TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 194 931 10.0 8.8 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.0 62 73 75 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
766 100681160 5290 130 68TH AVE W 189TH PL SW PENNY LANE Collector Asphalt 42 388 1,865 10.0 8.9 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.6 62 90 74 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 27
677 100681170 5290 140 68TH AVE W PENNY LANE 188TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 50 238 10.0 8.4 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 73 69 73 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 13
1006 100681181 5290 150 68TH AVE W 188TH PL SW BLUE RIDGE DR Collector Asphalt 42 189 908 10.0 8.7 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.2 69 63 80 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 19
969 100681190 5300 10 68TH AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 794 3,090 10.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 8.7 59 63 60 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
976 100681200 5310 10 68TH AVE W SOUTH END 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 350 1,480 10.0 8.8 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.3 67 41 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 21
926 100681210 5320 10 68TH AVE W 182ND ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Residential Asphalt 14 671 1,075 9.9 9.9 9.2 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 8.1 9.8 77 57 60 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 12
826 100685010 5330 10 68TH PL W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 195 758 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 89 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 0
787 100695010 5340 10 69TH PL W SOUTH END 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 631 1,734 9.9 8.8 8.2 10.0 9.9 9.6 9.8 9.4 7.4 44 32 60 40 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 43
807 100695020 5350 10 69TH PL W SOUTH END 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 260 833 9.9 9.5 6.4 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 8.8 9.0 37 24 60 33 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 53
809 100695025 5360 10 69TH PL W 192ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 39 202 902 10.0 7.9 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.3 71 49 80 64 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 11
912 100695030 5370 10 69TH PL W BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 381 1,482 10.0 9.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 9.2 68 66 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 16
922 100695040 5370 20 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 368 1,392 10.0 8.7 8.9 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.7 71 56 60 66 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 14
75 100695050 5380 10 69TH PL W SW END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 1,087 10.0 8.8 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.6 50 44 60 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 40
727 100701010 5390 10 70TH AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 666 2,285 9.8 9.2 6.3 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.4 9.3 44 53 60 47 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 45
100761 100701020 5400 10 70TH AVE W SOUTH END 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 98 439 9.6 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 8.8 10.0 85 66 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
761 100701020 5400 20 70TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 256 967 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.2 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
811 100701030 5400 30 70TH AVE W 193RD PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 252 749 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 10.0 91 73 60 85 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
808 100701040 5410 10 70TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 325 894 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.3 9.7 88 69 60 82 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 2
931 100701050 5420 10 70TH AVE W 187TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 660 2,568 10.0 7.8 8.8 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.6 56 49 60 54 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 24
817 100705010 5430 10 70TH PL W SOUTH END 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 40 191 874 10.0 8.5 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 78 59 60 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 7
108 100705021 5440 10 70TH PL W SW END 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 36 123 507 10.0 8.7 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 56 25 60 46 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 33
10 100705020 5440 20 70TH PL W 71ST PL W 70TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 256 969 10.0 8.3 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.7 63 51 60 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 22
1120 5440 30 70TH PL W 70TH PL W SE END Residential Asphalt 34 94 365 10.0 10.0 5.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.4 10.0 46 35 60 43 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 45
1271 100705020 5440 40 70TH PL W 70TH PL W NE END Residential Asphalt 35 174 698 10.0 9.0 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 56 43 60 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 32
952 100711030 5460 10 71ST AVE W 187TH PL SW 186TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 673 2,543 9.8 8.9 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 7.7 55 48 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 32
958 100711040 5460 20 71ST AVE W 186TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR Residential Asphalt 34 915 3,559 9.9 8.3 8.1 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.3 9.1 55 50 60 54 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 27
877 100711050 5460 30 71ST AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 727 2,746 10.0 7.7 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.8 64 56 80 61 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 11
706 100715010 5470 10 71ST PL W SOUTH END 197TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 31 207 733 10.0 9.9 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.9 51 20 60 41 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 41
743 100715020 5480 10 71ST PL W SOUTH END 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 494 1,525 9.6 9.9 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 8.9 54 59 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 37
779 100715030 5480 20 71ST PL W 193RD PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 347 1,032 10.0 10.0 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.3 66 63 60 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
97 100715040 5490 10 71ST PL W 70TH PL W NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 415 1,613 10.0 9.0 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.0 58 55 60 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 31
821 100721003 5500 10 72ND AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 306 1,224 10.0 9.1 5.7 10.0 9.0 10.0 9.9 9.9 9.5 41 54 30 45 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 51
756 100721006 5500 20 72ND AVE W 191ST PL SW 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 334 1,222 10.0 8.8 8.3 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.3 7.3 47 44 60 46 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 40
777 100721008 5500 30 72ND AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 327 1,311 10.0 9.3 7.4 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.0 9.1 7.8 44 38 60 42 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 45
803 100725010 5510 10 72ND PL W 194TH PL SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 352 1,409 10.0 8.5 7.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 52 67 60 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 35
696 100731010 5520 10 73RD AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 677 2,557 10.0 9.1 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.7 63 53 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
773 100731015 5530 10 73RD AVE W HEINZ PL NORTH END Residential Asphalt 28 221 708 10.0 9.9 9.4 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 84 66 60 78 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
733 100731020 5540 10 73RD AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 465 1,861 10.0 8.9 5.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.0 35 49 60 40 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 52
792 100735020 5550 10 73RD PL W 194TH PL SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 244 923 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.0 80 61 60 73 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 16
694 100735030 5550 20 73RD PL W 193RD PL SW NW END Residential Asphalt 41 137 644 10.0 9.9 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.7 81 62 60 74 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 13
697 100741010 5560 10 74TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 554 1,837 10.0 9.8 6.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 8.8 47 45 60 46 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 45
683 100741020 5560 20 74TH AVE W 194TH PL SW 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 567 1,558 10.0 8.9 6.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 9.7 46 54 60 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 38
834 100741030 5560 30 74TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 557 1,465 10.0 9.3 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 8.8 46 57 60 50 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 41
793 100741040 5560 40 74TH AVE W 191ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 288 1,152 10.0 9.1 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 9.8 53 52 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 32
739 100745010 5570 10 74TH PL W SOUTH END 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 219 903 9.8 9.1 4.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.8 32 43 60 36 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 59
786 100751010 5590 10 75TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 201ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 175 682 10.0 9.4 5.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.2 44 46 60 45 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 47
747 100751020 5600 10 75TH AVE W 191ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 27 651 2,010 10.0 9.9 8.9 10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.9 81 62 60 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 16
771 100755010 5610 10 75TH PL W SOUTH END 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 208 856 10.0 9.3 7.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 7.7 46 37 60 43 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 40
693 100761010 5620 10 76TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 668 3,213 10.0 8.6 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.9 76 78 69 75 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 12
798 100761020 5620 20 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 672 3,232 10.0 8.7 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.0 68 89 85 78 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 20
681 100761030 5620 30 76TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 221 1,062 10.0 8.6 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.0 59 84 76 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 28
674 100761040 5620 40 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 352 1,692 10.0 8.8 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 55 87 81 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 35
815 100761050 5620 50 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 202ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 70 338 10.0 8.6 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 61 71 81 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 28
823 100761060 5620 60 76TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 72 347 10.0 8.7 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.1 66 70 81 71 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 23
719 100761070 5620 70 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 291 1,400 10.0 8.3 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.0 67 81 91 76 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 18
820 100761080 5620 80 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 201ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 107 515 10.0 8.6 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.3 57 76 83 68 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 30
698 100761090 5620 90 76TH AVE W 201ST ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 197 947 10.0 8.0 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.9 57 78 88 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 23
673 100761100 5620 100 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 200TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 120 576 9.8 8.0 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.4 70 72 64 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 12

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 27 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

621 100681010 5280 10 68TH AVE W SOUTH END 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 1,044 3,226 3470 3470 - 67TH AVE W + Others 6 3,871 12,899 51 Fair 2 4 1
572 100681020 5280 20 68TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 662 2,121 3470 3470 - 67TH AVE W + Others 6 3,871 12,899 51 Fair 2 4 1
745 100681040 5290 10 68TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,330 6,395 3500 3500 - 68TH AVE W 5 3,959 19,030 52 Fair 2 3 1
831 100681050 5290 20 68TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 661 3,176 3500 3500 - 68TH AVE W 5 3,959 19,030 52 Fair 2 3 1
726 100681060 5290 30 68TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 201ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 290 1,396 3500 3500 - 68TH AVE W 5 3,959 19,030 52 Fair 2 3 1
752 100681070 5290 40 68TH AVE W 201ST PL SW 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 358 1,721 3500 3500 - 68TH AVE W 5 3,959 19,030 52 Fair 2 3 1
734 100681080 5290 50 68TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,320 6,343 3500 3500 - 68TH AVE W 5 3,959 19,030 52 Fair 2 3 1
776 100681090 5290 60 68TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 839 4,032 3510 3510 - 68TH AVE W 10 2,635 12,832 67 Good 2 3 1
785 100681100 5290 70 68TH AVE W 193RD ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 222 1,065 3510 3510 - 68TH AVE W 10 2,635 12,832 67 Good 2 3 1
784 100681110 5290 80 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 151 725 3510 3510 - 68TH AVE W 10 2,635 12,832 67 Good 2 3 1
837 100681120 5290 90 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 104 498 3510 3510 - 68TH AVE W 10 2,635 12,832 67 Good 2 3 1
736 100681130 5290 100 68TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 205 986 3510 3510 - 68TH AVE W 10 2,635 12,832 67 Good 2 3 1
788 100681140 5290 110 68TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 47 295 1,585 3510 3510 - 68TH AVE W 10 2,635 12,832 67 Good 2 3 1
676 100681150 5290 120 68TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 194 931 3510 3510 - 68TH AVE W 10 2,635 12,832 67 Good 2 3 1
766 100681160 5290 130 68TH AVE W 189TH PL SW PENNY LANE Collector Asphalt 42 388 1,865 3510 3510 - 68TH AVE W 10 2,635 12,832 67 Good 2 3 1
677 100681170 5290 140 68TH AVE W PENNY LANE 188TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 50 238 3510 3510 - 68TH AVE W 10 2,635 12,832 67 Good 2 3 1
1006 100681181 5290 150 68TH AVE W 188TH PL SW BLUE RIDGE DR Collector Asphalt 42 189 908 3510 3510 - 68TH AVE W 10 2,635 12,832 67 Good 2 3 1
969 100681190 5300 10 68TH AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 794 3,090 3520 3520 - 68TH AVE W + Others 2 1,084 4,250 63 Good 2 4 1
976 100681200 5310 10 68TH AVE W SOUTH END 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 350 1,480 3550 3550 - 69TH PL W + Others 4 1,826 7,099 60 Fair 2 4 1
926 100681210 5320 10 68TH AVE W 182ND ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Residential Asphalt 14 671 1,075 3530 3530 - 182ND ST SW + Others 3 1,948 5,075 65 Good 2 4 1
826 100685010 5330 10 68TH PL W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 195 758 1920 1920 - 192ND ST SW + Others 5 1,072 4,428 72 V Good 2 4 1
787 100695010 5340 10 69TH PL W SOUTH END 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 631 1,734 3540 3540 - 69TH PL W 1 631 1,734 36 Poor 2 4 1
807 100695020 5350 10 69TH PL W SOUTH END 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 260 833 1910 1910 - 192ND PL SW + Others 6 2,471 8,413 48 Marginal 2 4 1
809 100695025 5360 10 69TH PL W 192ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 39 202 902 1920 1920 - 192ND ST SW + Others 5 1,072 4,428 72 V Good 2 4 1
912 100695030 5370 10 69TH PL W BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 381 1,482 3550 3550 - 69TH PL W + Others 4 1,826 7,099 60 Fair 2 4 1
922 100695040 5370 20 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 368 1,392 3550 3550 - 69TH PL W + Others 4 1,826 7,099 60 Fair 2 4 1
75 100695050 5380 10 69TH PL W SW END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 1,087 1060 1060 - 168TH ST SW + Others 5 2,454 8,411 47 Marginal 2 4 1
727 100701010 5390 10 70TH AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 666 2,285 3560 3560 - 70TH AVE W 1 666 2,285 44 Marginal 2 4 1
100761 100701020 5400 10 70TH AVE W SOUTH END 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 98 439 3580 3580 - 70TH AVE W + Others 4 753 3,090 78 V Good 2 4 1
761 100701020 5400 20 70TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 256 967 3580 3580 - 70TH AVE W + Others 4 753 3,090 78 V Good 2 4 1
811 100701030 5400 30 70TH AVE W 193RD PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 252 749 3570 3570 - 193RD PL SW + Others 2 761 2,147 81 V Good 2 4 1
808 100701040 5410 10 70TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 325 894 1780 1780 - 189TH PL SW + Others 5 2,956 6,609 56 Fair 2 4 1
931 100701050 5420 10 70TH AVE W 187TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 660 2,568 1710 1710 - 71ST AVE W + Others 7 3,462 13,523 51 Fair 2 4 1
817 100705010 5430 10 70TH PL W SOUTH END 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 40 191 874 3580 3580 - 70TH AVE W + Others 4 753 3,090 78 V Good 2 4 1
108 100705021 5440 10 70TH PL W SW END 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 36 123 507 3590 3590 - 70TH PL W 4 647 2,538 49 Marginal 2 4 1
10 100705020 5440 20 70TH PL W 71ST PL W 70TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 256 969 3590 3590 - 70TH PL W 4 647 2,538 49 Marginal 2 4 1
1120 5440 30 70TH PL W 70TH PL W SE END Residential Asphalt 34 94 365 3590 3590 - 70TH PL W 4 647 2,538 49 Marginal 2 4 1
1271 100705020 5440 40 70TH PL W 70TH PL W NE END Residential Asphalt 35 174 698 3590 3590 - 70TH PL W 4 647 2,538 49 Marginal 2 4 1
952 100711030 5460 10 71ST AVE W 187TH PL SW 186TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 673 2,543 1710 1710 - 71ST AVE W + Others 7 3,462 13,523 51 Fair 2 4 1
958 100711040 5460 20 71ST AVE W 186TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR Residential Asphalt 34 915 3,559 1710 1710 - 71ST AVE W + Others 7 3,462 13,523 51 Fair 2 4 1
877 100711050 5460 30 71ST AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 727 2,746 3550 3550 - 69TH PL W + Others 4 1,826 7,099 60 Fair 2 4 1
706 100715010 5470 10 71ST PL W SOUTH END 197TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 31 207 733 3600 3600 - HEINZ PL + Others 8 1,850 5,848 47 Marginal 2 4 1
743 100715020 5480 10 71ST PL W SOUTH END 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 494 1,525 3610 3610 - 71ST PL W 2 840 2,557 56 Fair 2 4 1
779 100715030 5480 20 71ST PL W 193RD PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 347 1,032 3610 3610 - 71ST PL W 2 840 2,557 56 Fair 2 4 1
97 100715040 5490 10 71ST PL W 70TH PL W NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 415 1,613 1060 1060 - 168TH ST SW + Others 5 2,454 8,411 47 Marginal 2 4 1
821 100721003 5500 10 72ND AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 306 1,224 3620 3620 - 72ND AVE W + Others 4 1,452 5,312 46 Marginal 2 4 1
756 100721006 5500 20 72ND AVE W 191ST PL SW 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 334 1,222 3620 3620 - 72ND AVE W + Others 4 1,452 5,312 46 Marginal 2 4 1
777 100721008 5500 30 72ND AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 327 1,311 3620 3620 - 72ND AVE W + Others 4 1,452 5,312 46 Marginal 2 4 1
803 100725010 5510 10 72ND PL W 194TH PL SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 352 1,409 1960 1960 - 193RD PL SW + Others 6 1,762 7,020 59 Fair 2 4 1
696 100731010 5520 10 73RD AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 677 2,557 3650 3650 - 202ND ST SW + Others 9 2,235 8,698 44 Marginal 2 4 1
773 100731015 5530 10 73RD AVE W HEINZ PL NORTH END Residential Asphalt 28 221 708 3600 3600 - HEINZ PL + Others 8 1,850 5,848 47 Marginal 2 4 1
733 100731020 5540 10 73RD AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 465 1,861 1990 1990 - 73RD AVE W + Others 3 843 3,292 34 Poor 2 4 1
792 100735020 5550 10 73RD PL W 194TH PL SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 244 923 1960 1960 - 193RD PL SW + Others 6 1,762 7,020 59 Fair 2 4 1
694 100735030 5550 20 73RD PL W 193RD PL SW NW END Residential Asphalt 41 137 644 1960 1960 - 193RD PL SW + Others 6 1,762 7,020 59 Fair 2 4 1
697 100741010 5560 10 74TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 554 1,837 3630 3630 - 74TH AVE W + Others 5 2,163 6,645 48 Marginal 2 4 1
683 100741020 5560 20 74TH AVE W 194TH PL SW 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 567 1,558 3630 3630 - 74TH AVE W + Others 5 2,163 6,645 48 Marginal 2 4 1
834 100741030 5560 30 74TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 557 1,465 3630 3630 - 74TH AVE W + Others 5 2,163 6,645 48 Marginal 2 4 1
793 100741040 5560 40 74TH AVE W 191ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 288 1,152 3630 3630 - 74TH AVE W + Others 5 2,163 6,645 48 Marginal 2 4 1
739 100745010 5570 10 74TH PL W SOUTH END 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 219 903 3650 3650 - 202ND ST SW + Others 9 2,235 8,698 44 Marginal 2 4 1
786 100751010 5590 10 75TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 201ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 175 682 3650 3650 - 202ND ST SW + Others 9 2,235 8,698 44 Marginal 2 4 1
747 100751020 5600 10 75TH AVE W 191ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 27 651 2,010 3640 3640 - 75TH AVE W + Others 3 1,356 4,289 59 Fair 2 4 1
771 100755010 5610 10 75TH PL W SOUTH END 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 208 856 3650 3650 - 202ND ST SW + Others 9 2,235 8,698 44 Marginal 2 4 1
693 100761010 5620 10 76TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 668 3,213 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
798 100761020 5620 20 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 672 3,232 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
681 100761030 5620 30 76TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 221 1,062 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
674 100761040 5620 40 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 352 1,692 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
815 100761050 5620 50 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 202ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 70 338 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
823 100761060 5620 60 76TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 72 347 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
719 100761070 5620 70 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 291 1,400 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
820 100761080 5620 80 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 201ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 107 515 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
698 100761090 5620 90 76TH AVE W 201ST ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 197 947 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
673 100761100 5620 100 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 200TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 120 576 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 28 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

738 100761110 5620 110 76TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 199TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 209 1,006 10.0 8.7 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.3 75 67 79 74 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 12
732 100761120 5620 120 76TH AVE W 199TH ST SW 198TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 143 690 10.0 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.9 78 80 68 76 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 13
751 100761130 5620 130 76TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 517 2,483 10.0 8.9 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.4 54 71 80 65 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 36
828 100761140 5620 140 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 335 1,610 10.0 8.7 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 64 54 80 66 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 19
795 100761150 5620 150 76TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 256 1,229 8.4 8.8 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 9.0 52 32 74 52 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
836 100761160 5620 160 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 250 1,203 9.3 8.7 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.3 69 62 78 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 19
699 100761170 5620 170 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 297 1,426 10.0 8.6 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.3 61 54 81 64 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 26
789 100761180 5620 180 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 587 2,822 9.6 8.7 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.3 55 62 70 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 32
735 100761190 5620 190 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 355 1,704 9.5 8.6 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.4 61 68 79 67 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 23
685 100761200 5620 200 76TH AVE W 190TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 2,067 9,933 9.9 8.3 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 8.4 54 62 63 59 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 26
528 102007160 5630 10 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 53 1,315 7,973 9.5 9.4 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 79 61 80 75 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 15
665 107106010 5630 20 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 40TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 46 1,920 10,109 9.5 8.6 7.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.6 51 76 61 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 36
1299 107106010 5630 30 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 196TH ST SW 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,042 5,008 9.3 8.9 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.5 63 71 74 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 27
356 107106020 5630 40 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 33RD AVE W 29TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,852 8,900 9.9 8.7 7.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.5 58 80 78 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 27
324 107106030 5630 50 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 29TH AVE W 28TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 284 1,364 10.0 8.3 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 50 78 93 68 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 33
376 107106040 5630 60 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 28TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 572 2,750 9.8 8.3 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 10.0 69 74 80 73 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 13
1091 100281000 5640 10 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY UNNAMED Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 879 6,738 10.0 7.6 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.9 68 61 78 69 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 9
1285 100281000 5640 20 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY UNNAMED 28TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 857 6,568 10.0 6.0 9.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 54 69 71 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 9
385 100281010 5640 30 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 28TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 470 3,604 10.0 6.9 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.5 60 63 78 65 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 9
329 100281020 5640 40 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 196TH ST SW ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 651 4,991 10.0 9.2 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 82 64 82 78 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 3
368 100281030 5640 50 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 1,774 13,606 10.0 8.2 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.7 72 70 80 73 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 8
1298 100281030 5640 60 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD BEECH RD Principal Arterial Asphalt 59 251 1,692 9.4 8.2 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 69 69 91 75 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 13
378 107106050 5640 70 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY BEECH RD 184TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 1,447 11,258 9.4 8.7 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.8 49 70 74 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 39
364 107106060 5640 80 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 184TH ST SW 182ND ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 814 6,333 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 90 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
386 107106070 5640 90 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 182ND ST SW 33RD AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 913 7,104 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 97 90 60 95 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
320 107106071 5640 100 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 33RD AVE W NW END Principal Arterial Asphalt 57 414 2,702 10.0 9.6 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.4 88 77 81 84 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 7
390 108311020 5650 10 ASH WAY 26TH AVE W MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 39 631 2,814 10.0 7.8 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.8 68 53 80 63 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 9
319 108311010 5650 20 ASH WAY MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 375 1,719 10.0 8.4 8.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.8 63 58 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 23
327 1008161010 5660 10 BEECH RD ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 184TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 1,701 7,592 9.5 7.6 6.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.4 30 52 60 38 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 44
1281 1008161010 5660 20 BEECH RD 184TH ST SW 26TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 303 1,143 10.0 8.5 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 67 53 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
916 107152010 5670 10 BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 377 1,814 10.0 8.3 5.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.4 36 63 76 53 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 46
862 107152020 5670 20 BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 694 3,177 10.0 8.1 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.2 28 69 75 50 6/1/2016 3 Strng Marginal 55
884 107152030 5670 30 BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 230 1,078 9.6 8.4 6.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.0 36 60 75 52 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 48
940 107152040 5670 40 BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW 69TH PL W Collector Asphalt 40 404 1,850 10.0 8.4 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.9 41 59 74 54 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 44
971 107152050 5670 50 BLUE RIDGE DR 71ST AVE W 69TH PL W Collector Asphalt 40 262 1,199 10.0 9.1 6.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 10.0 45 41 75 51 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 39
894 107152060 5670 60 BLUE RIDGE DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 71ST AVE W Collector Asphalt 52 179 1,064 10.0 9.4 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 54 28 73 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
625 100521040 5680 10 CEDAR VALLEY RD 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 1,510 7,430 10.0 9.2 8.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.4 74 75 66 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
1283 107308010 5700 10 DALE WAY 192ND ST SW DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 27 234 723 10.0 9.2 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.2 67 51 60 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 26
1169 5700 20 DALE WAY NW END DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 28 94 303 10.0 9.5 9.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 78 59 60 72 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 15
797 107308010 5700 30 DALE WAY DALE WAY 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 26 608 1,810 10.0 9.0 6.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.1 49 62 60 54 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 37
682 107308020 5700 40 DALE WAY 61ST PL W PARK WAY Residential Asphalt 28 309 991 10.0 9.4 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.0 62 56 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 32
774 107308030 5700 50 DALE WAY PARK WAY 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 174 499 10.0 9.9 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.2 75 54 60 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
589 107402010 5730 10 FIRWOOD DR 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 1,265 4,054 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.4 89 70 60 83 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 5
769 107505010 5770 10 HEINZ PL WEST END 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 197 563 9.5 9.6 7.8 10.0 8.2 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.0 42 35 60 40 6/1/2016 2 Mod Poor 51
678 107505020 5770 20 HEINZ PL 73RD AVE W 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 153 491 9.7 10.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 7.1 40 39 30 39 6/1/2016 1 Weak Poor 56
816 107505030 5770 30 HEINZ PL 198TH ST SW 197TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 228 729 10.0 9.7 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 8.0 47 51 60 49 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 46
720 107505035 5770 40 HEINZ PL 197TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 269 1,017 10.0 7.6 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.5 56 53 60 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 21
65 107525010 5790 10 HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 46 172 906 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.9 87 68 60 80 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 9
93 107525020 5790 20 HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE Residential Asphalt 36 1,254 5,168 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 96 87 60 93 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 2
949 107626010 5810 10 HURST RD 186TH PL SW NE END Residential Asphalt 30 885 3,037 9.8 9.3 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.1 70 47 60 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 17
143 107706010 5830 10 MAPLE RD 181ST PL SW 42ND PL W Collector Asphalt 33 536 2,024 10.0 9.1 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.6 76 56 62 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 16
204 107706020 5830 20 MAPLE RD 42ND PL W 41ST PL W Collector Asphalt 34 228 886 10.0 8.0 8.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 62 40 59 56 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 17
147 107706030 5830 30 MAPLE RD 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Collector Asphalt 30 365 1,254 9.0 8.6 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 8.5 53 55 27 47 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 33
123 107706040 5830 40 MAPLE RD SPRUCE WAY 40TH PL W Collector Asphalt 30 342 1,175 10.0 8.8 7.2 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.8 57 66 72 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 31
258 107706050 5830 50 MAPLE RD 40TH PL W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 30 178 610 10.0 9.8 7.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 75 64 70 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 22
217 107706060 5830 60 MAPLE RD 40TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 40 272 1,244 10.0 9.2 8.4 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.9 72 69 38 63 6/1/2016 1 Weak Good 18
1263 107706070 5830 80 MAPLE RD 39TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 46 132 694 10.0 9.0 9.5 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.2 76 55 33 60 6/1/2016 1 Weak Fair 14
195 107706070 5830 90 MAPLE RD UNNAMED 38TH PL W Collector Asphalt 44 148 747 10.0 8.1 9.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.8 75 63 60 69 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 7
176 107706080 5830 100 MAPLE RD 38TH PL W 38TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 45 130 668 8.2 8.3 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 65 67 50 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 21
246 107706081 5830 110 MAPLE RD 38TH AVE W 37TH PL W Collector Asphalt 45 407 2,096 6.5 8.8 8.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.4 39 52 63 48 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 50
262 107706082 5830 130 MAPLE RD UNNAMED 36TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 31 203 719 10.0 8.5 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 9.5 62 61 68 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 20
321 107701020 5840 20 MAPLE RD 33RD AVE W ASH WAY Collector Asphalt 45 346 1,784 9.2 9.4 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 8.9 10.0 78 58 67 70 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 11
312 107701021 5840 30 MAPLE RD ASH WAY EAST END Collector Asphalt 62 121 861 8.5 9.4 9.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.1 10.0 71 48 64 64 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 19
32 107802010 5850 10 MEADOWDALE DR 173RD PL SW 173RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 283 1,168 10.0 8.8 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 73 66 60 71 6/1/2016 2 Mod V Good 17
18 107802020 5850 20 MEADOWDALE DR 173RD ST SW MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 35 506 2,026 10.0 8.8 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.3 68 66 60 67 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 20
63 107802030 5850 30 MEADOWDALE DR MEADOWDALE DR 171ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 458 1,729 10.0 8.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.0 61 58 60 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 23
85 107802080 5850 40 MEADOWDALE DR 172ND ST SW MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 33 64 243 9.8 8.6 8.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.1 60 40 60 53 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 27
98 107802040 5870 10 MEADOWDALE DR 171ST ST SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 262 1,018 10.0 8.8 7.8 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.3 58 59 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 29
55 107802043 5880 10 MEADOWDALE RD WEST END 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 245 504 10.0 8.0 7.5 10.0 9.6 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.9 54 50 72 57 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 27
111 107802047 5880 20 MEADOWDALE RD 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 309 636 10.0 7.0 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 9.9 44 41 74 51 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 25
684 107902160 5890 10 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 76TH AVE W OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 1,546 6,548 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 99 90 80 92 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 1
814 107902010 5890 20 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 186TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 436 1,496 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 100 90 87 94 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0

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City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

738 100761110 5620 110 76TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 199TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 209 1,006 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
732 100761120 5620 120 76TH AVE W 199TH ST SW 198TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 143 690 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
751 100761130 5620 130 76TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 517 2,483 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
828 100761140 5620 140 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 335 1,610 3660 3660 - 76TH AVE W 14 3,976 19,110 69 Good 3 2 1
795 100761150 5620 150 76TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 256 1,229 3670 3670 - 76TH AVE W 6 3,811 18,318 57 Fair 2 2 1
836 100761160 5620 160 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 250 1,203 3670 3670 - 76TH AVE W 6 3,811 18,318 57 Fair 2 2 1
699 100761170 5620 170 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 297 1,426 3670 3670 - 76TH AVE W 6 3,811 18,318 57 Fair 2 2 1
789 100761180 5620 180 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 587 2,822 3670 3670 - 76TH AVE W 6 3,811 18,318 57 Fair 2 2 1
735 100761190 5620 190 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 355 1,704 3670 3670 - 76TH AVE W 6 3,811 18,318 57 Fair 2 2 1
685 100761200 5620 200 76TH AVE W 190TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 2,067 9,933 3670 3670 - 76TH AVE W 6 3,811 18,318 57 Fair 2 2 1
528 102007160 5630 10 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 53 1,315 7,973 3690 3690 - ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 2 3,235 18,082 63 Good 2 2 1
665 107106010 5630 20 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 40TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 46 1,920 10,109 3690 3690 - ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 2 3,235 18,082 63 Good 2 2 1
1299 107106010 5630 30 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 196TH ST SW 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,042 5,008 3700 3700 - ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 4 3,749 18,022 66 Good 3 2 1
356 107106020 5630 40 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 33RD AVE W 29TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,852 8,900 3700 3700 - ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 4 3,749 18,022 66 Good 3 2 1
324 107106030 5630 50 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 29TH AVE W 28TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 284 1,364 3700 3700 - ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 4 3,749 18,022 66 Good 3 2 1
376 107106040 5630 60 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 28TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 572 2,750 3700 3700 - ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 4 3,749 18,022 66 Good 3 2 1
1091 100281000 5640 10 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY UNNAMED Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 879 6,738 3710 3710 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY + Others 4 2,611 17,886 62 Good 3 1 1
1285 100281000 5640 20 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY UNNAMED 28TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 857 6,568 3710 3710 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY + Others 4 2,611 17,886 62 Good 3 1 1
385 100281010 5640 30 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 28TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 470 3,604 3710 3710 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY + Others 4 2,611 17,886 62 Good 3 1 1
329 100281020 5640 40 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 196TH ST SW ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 651 4,991 3720 3720 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 4 4,123 31,547 66 Good 3 1 1
368 100281030 5640 50 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 1,774 13,606 3720 3720 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 4 4,123 31,547 66 Good 3 1 1
1298 100281030 5640 60 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD BEECH RD Principal Arterial Asphalt 59 251 1,692 3720 3720 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 4 4,123 31,547 66 Good 3 1 1
378 107106050 5640 70 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY BEECH RD 184TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 1,447 11,258 3720 3720 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 4 4,123 31,547 66 Good 3 1 1
364 107106060 5640 80 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 184TH ST SW 182ND ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 814 6,333 3730 3730 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 3 2,141 16,139 91 Excellent 2 1 1
386 107106070 5640 90 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 182ND ST SW 33RD AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 913 7,104 3730 3730 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 3 2,141 16,139 91 Excellent 2 1 1
320 107106071 5640 100 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 33RD AVE W NW END Principal Arterial Asphalt 57 414 2,702 3730 3730 - ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 3 2,141 16,139 91 Excellent 2 1 1
390 108311020 5650 10 ASH WAY 26TH AVE W MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 39 631 2,814 3740 3740 - ASH WAY 2 1,006 4,533 59 Fair 3 4 1
319 108311010 5650 20 ASH WAY MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 375 1,719 3740 3740 - ASH WAY 2 1,006 4,533 59 Fair 3 4 1
327 1008161010 5660 10 BEECH RD ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 184TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 1,701 7,592 3750 3750 - BEECH RD 2 2,004 8,735 38 Poor 2 4 1
1281 1008161010 5660 20 BEECH RD 184TH ST SW 26TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 303 1,143 3750 3750 - BEECH RD 2 2,004 8,735 38 Poor 2 4 1
916 107152010 5670 10 BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 377 1,814 3760 3760 - BLUE RIDGE DR 6 2,146 10,181 48 Marginal 3 3 1
862 107152020 5670 20 BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 694 3,177 3760 3760 - BLUE RIDGE DR 6 2,146 10,181 48 Marginal 3 3 1
884 107152030 5670 30 BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 230 1,078 3760 3760 - BLUE RIDGE DR 6 2,146 10,181 48 Marginal 3 3 1
940 107152040 5670 40 BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW 69TH PL W Collector Asphalt 40 404 1,850 3760 3760 - BLUE RIDGE DR 6 2,146 10,181 48 Marginal 3 3 1
971 107152050 5670 50 BLUE RIDGE DR 71ST AVE W 69TH PL W Collector Asphalt 40 262 1,199 3760 3760 - BLUE RIDGE DR 6 2,146 10,181 48 Marginal 3 3 1
894 107152060 5670 60 BLUE RIDGE DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 71ST AVE W Collector Asphalt 52 179 1,064 3760 3760 - BLUE RIDGE DR 6 2,146 10,181 48 Marginal 3 3 1
625 100521040 5680 10 CEDAR VALLEY RD 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 1,510 7,430 2850 2850 - 52ND AVE W + Others 4 4,162 23,971 70 Good 3 2 1
1283 107308010 5700 10 DALE WAY 192ND ST SW DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 27 234 723 3830 3830 - DALE WAY + Others 8 3,183 9,879 58 Fair 2 4 1
1169 5700 20 DALE WAY NW END DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 28 94 303 3830 3830 - DALE WAY + Others 8 3,183 9,879 58 Fair 2 4 1
797 107308010 5700 30 DALE WAY DALE WAY 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 26 608 1,810 3830 3830 - DALE WAY + Others 8 3,183 9,879 58 Fair 2 4 1
682 107308020 5700 40 DALE WAY 61ST PL W PARK WAY Residential Asphalt 28 309 991 3830 3830 - DALE WAY + Others 8 3,183 9,879 58 Fair 2 4 1
774 107308030 5700 50 DALE WAY PARK WAY 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 174 499 3830 3830 - DALE WAY + Others 8 3,183 9,879 58 Fair 2 4 1
589 107402010 5730 10 FIRWOOD DR 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 1,265 4,054 3840 3840 - FIRWOOD DR 1 1,265 4,054 81 V Good 2 4 1
769 107505010 5770 10 HEINZ PL WEST END 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 197 563 3600 3600 - HEINZ PL + Others 8 1,850 5,848 47 Marginal 2 4 1
678 107505020 5770 20 HEINZ PL 73RD AVE W 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 153 491 3600 3600 - HEINZ PL + Others 8 1,850 5,848 47 Marginal 2 4 1
816 107505030 5770 30 HEINZ PL 198TH ST SW 197TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 228 729 3600 3600 - HEINZ PL + Others 8 1,850 5,848 47 Marginal 2 4 1
720 107505035 5770 40 HEINZ PL 197TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 269 1,017 3600 3600 - HEINZ PL + Others 8 1,850 5,848 47 Marginal 2 4 1
65 107525010 5790 10 HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 46 172 906 3850 3850 - HILLPOINTE CIRCLE + Others 6 3,202 12,816 84 V Good 2 4 1
93 107525020 5790 20 HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE Residential Asphalt 36 1,254 5,168 3850 3850 - HILLPOINTE CIRCLE + Others 6 3,202 12,816 84 V Good 2 4 1
949 107626010 5810 10 HURST RD 186TH PL SW NE END Residential Asphalt 30 885 3,037 3860 3860 - HURST RD 1 885 3,037 60 Fair 2 4 1
143 107706010 5830 10 MAPLE RD 181ST PL SW 42ND PL W Collector Asphalt 33 536 2,024 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
204 107706020 5830 20 MAPLE RD 42ND PL W 41ST PL W Collector Asphalt 34 228 886 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
147 107706030 5830 30 MAPLE RD 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Collector Asphalt 30 365 1,254 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
123 107706040 5830 40 MAPLE RD SPRUCE WAY 40TH PL W Collector Asphalt 30 342 1,175 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
258 107706050 5830 50 MAPLE RD 40TH PL W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 30 178 610 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
217 107706060 5830 60 MAPLE RD 40TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 40 272 1,244 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
1263 107706070 5830 80 MAPLE RD 39TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 46 132 694 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
195 107706070 5830 90 MAPLE RD UNNAMED 38TH PL W Collector Asphalt 44 148 747 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
176 107706080 5830 100 MAPLE RD 38TH PL W 38TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 45 130 668 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
246 107706081 5830 110 MAPLE RD 38TH AVE W 37TH PL W Collector Asphalt 45 407 2,096 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
262 107706082 5830 130 MAPLE RD UNNAMED 36TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 31 203 719 3870 3870 - MAPLE RD 11 2,940 12,118 56 Fair 2 3 1
321 107701020 5840 20 MAPLE RD 33RD AVE W ASH WAY Collector Asphalt 45 346 1,784 3880 3880 - MAPLE RD 2 468 2,645 65 Good 2 3 1
312 107701021 5840 30 MAPLE RD ASH WAY EAST END Collector Asphalt 62 121 861 3880 3880 - MAPLE RD 2 468 2,645 65 Good 2 3 1
32 107802010 5850 10 MEADOWDALE DR 173RD PL SW 173RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 283 1,168 3680 3680 - MEADOWDALE DR + Others 10 3,951 13,151 62 Good 2 4 1
18 107802020 5850 20 MEADOWDALE DR 173RD ST SW MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 35 506 2,026 3680 3680 - MEADOWDALE DR + Others 10 3,951 13,151 62 Good 2 4 1
63 107802030 5850 30 MEADOWDALE DR MEADOWDALE DR 171ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 458 1,729 3680 3680 - MEADOWDALE DR + Others 10 3,951 13,151 62 Good 2 4 1
85 107802080 5850 40 MEADOWDALE DR 172ND ST SW MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 33 64 243 3680 3680 - MEADOWDALE DR + Others 10 3,951 13,151 62 Good 2 4 1
98 107802040 5870 10 MEADOWDALE DR 171ST ST SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 262 1,018 3680 3680 - MEADOWDALE DR + Others 10 3,951 13,151 62 Good 2 4 1
55 107802043 5880 10 MEADOWDALE RD WEST END 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 245 504 3890 3890 - 66TH AVE W + Others 4 1,510 4,481 60 Good 2 3 1
111 107802047 5880 20 MEADOWDALE RD 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 309 636 3890 3890 - 66TH AVE W + Others 4 1,510 4,481 60 Good 2 3 1
684 107902160 5890 10 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 76TH AVE W OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 1,546 6,548 3900 3900 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 3 2,942 10,791 91 Excellent 3 2 1
814 107902010 5890 20 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 186TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 436 1,496 3900 3900 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 3 2,942 10,791 91 Excellent 3 2 1

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City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

895 107902020 5890 30 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 186TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 960 2,747 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 90 80 93 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
978 107902030 5890 40 OLYMPIC VIEW DR BLUE RIDGE DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 304 1,289 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 90 79 92 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
1000 107902040 5890 50 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 68TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 969 2,882 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 79 92 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
882 107902050 5890 60 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 68TH AVE W 180TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 171 704 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 99 90 80 92 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
975 107902060 5890 70 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 295 1,251 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 90 82 93 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
948 107902070 5890 80 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 178TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 776 2,664 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 90 94 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
104 107902080 5890 90 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 176TH ST SW 175TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 392 1,616 10.0 9.8 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.9 95 85 91 91 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 3
29 107902090 5890 100 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 175TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 28 218 698 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 99 90 96 96 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
41 107902100 5890 110 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 306 876 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 90 88 94 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
1 107902110 5890 120 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 173RD PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 620 1,844 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.9 97 93 93 95 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 1
76 107902120 5890 130 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 739 2,198 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 90 90 95 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
21 107902130 5890 140 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 34 155 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 97 88 93 93 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
102 107902140 5890 150 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 170TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 571 2,419 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 90 90 95 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
1070 107902150 5890 160 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 350 1,201 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 92 77 84 86 6/1/2016 3 Strng Excellent 0
806 108008010 5900 10 PARK WAY 192ND ST SW DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 28 1,370 4,389 10.0 9.3 7.1 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.8 9.4 58 57 60 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 35
724 108104010 5910 10 PENNY LANE 68TH AVE W 65TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 828 1,800 9.9 8.8 8.6 10.0 9.3 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.3 57 33 60 49 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 32
330 108158010 5920 10 POPLAR WAY SOUTH END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Collector Asphalt 60 519 3,563 9.7 8.4 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.6 66 67 80 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 21
381 108158020 5920 20 POPLAR WAY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 80 743 6,805 9.6 8.7 6.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.8 41 63 82 57 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 44
1362 6700 10 RAMP ROAD RAMP RAMP 204TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 26 591 1,757 10.0 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 92 77 60 87 6/1/2016 2 Mod Excellent 0
606 108206010 6150 10 SCRIBER LAKE RD 200TH ST SW 198TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 769 3,257 9.4 9.1 6.7 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 8.4 38 56 77 52 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 52
628 108206020 6150 20 SCRIBER LAKE RD 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 774 3,367 9.6 9.2 6.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.2 9.5 44 57 76 55 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 45
139 108308010 6160 10 SPRUCE WAY MAPLE RD 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 515 1,179 10.0 8.4 7.2 10.0 8.9 10.0 10.0 8.6 9.7 44 62 43 48 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 36
186 108308020 6160 20 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 237 543 10.0 8.6 5.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 40 71 71 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 42
1261 108308020 6160 30 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 32 74 10.0 8.7 4.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.6 10.0 30 70 68 50 6/1/2016 2 Mod Marginal 51
1260 108308020 6160 40 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 30 229 785 10.0 9.0 6.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 10.0 53 67 74 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 36
1259 108308020 6160 50 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED 176TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 24 60 10.0 9.5 6.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.3 10.0 54 71 68 62 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 38
240 108308040 6160 60 SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 116 293 10.0 8.8 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.4 9.9 63 58 75 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 24
209 108308041 6160 70 SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 22 248 624 10.0 8.6 5.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.9 9.8 39 68 44 48 6/1/2016 1 Weak Marginal 43
160 108308050 6160 80 SPRUCE WAY 176TH ST SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 22 357 898 10.0 8.5 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 54 67 64 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 27
1266 108308050 6160 90 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 22 140 352 10.0 9.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 59 75 65 65 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 30
1265 108308050 6160 100 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED 173RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 259 651 10.0 8.6 7.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.8 10.0 55 71 64 61 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 27
1267 108308070 6160 110 SPRUCE WAY 173RD PL SW 173RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 32 115 420 10.0 9.3 5.5 10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 9.5 10.0 44 58 73 55 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 48
224 108308070 6160 120 SPRUCE WAY 173RD ST SW 172ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 408 1,260 10.0 9.4 7.0 10.0 8.4 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.4 48 63 75 59 6/1/2016 3 Strng Fair 42
133 108308080 6160 130 SPRUCE WAY 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 555 1,904 10.0 9.2 6.8 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.7 10.0 54 62 63 58 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 33
234 108308090 6160 140 SPRUCE WAY 170TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 415 1,948 10.0 9.3 7.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.8 58 69 76 65 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 30
1067 108308100 6160 150 SPRUCE WAY 169TH ST SW 168TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 335 1,611 10.0 8.9 8.1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 9.0 62 61 54 60 6/1/2016 2 Mod Fair 27
1066 108308105 6160 160 SPRUCE WAY 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 32 232 850 10.0 8.9 8.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 8.6 64 58 80 66 6/1/2016 3 Strng Good 26
1056 108308120 6160 170 SPRUCE WAY 167TH PL SW 167TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 41 271 1,274 10.0 8.8 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.7 66 71 79 70 6/1/2016 3 Strng V Good 23
1049 108308130 6160 180 SPRUCE WAY 167TH PL SW 166TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 296 1,353 10.0 8.9 7.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.8 10.0 66 62 56 63 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 24
166 108308140 6160 190 SPRUCE WAY 166TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 709 3,004 10.0 8.8 8.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.5 71 65 67 68 6/1/2016 2 Mod Good 18

State Highways, Private Roads and No-City Roads removed from the Analysis and Reporting

742 101967220 3120 10 196TH ST SW WEST END 76TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 52 348 2,011 9.16 8.6 9.44 10 10 10 10 9.86 8.6 100 63.3 87.8 6/1/2016
712 101967010 3120 20 196TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 74TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 478 2,974 9.26 8.31 9.04 10 10 10 10 9.75 9.35 100 73.8 91.3 6/1/2016
757 101967020 3120 30 196TH ST SW 74TH AVE W 73RD AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 47 322 1,682 8.94 8.22 8.93 10 10 10 10 9.69 9.94 100 78.2 92.7 6/1/2016
746 101967030 3120 40 196TH ST SW 73RD AVE W HEINZ PL Principal Arterial Asphalt 42 433 2,021 8.24 8.02 8.48 10 10 10 10 9.23 10 100 67.3 89.1 6/1/2016
824 101967040 3120 50 196TH ST SW HEINZ PL 69TH PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 42 926 4,323 8.6 8.44 8.14 10 10 10 10 9.17 9.59 100 77.2 92.4 6/1/2016
715 101967050 3120 60 196TH ST SW 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 53 504 2,971 8.03 8.48 8.97 10 10 10 10 9.8 8.94 100 81.8 93.9 6/1/2016
846 101967060 3120 70 196TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 59 538 3,524 7.95 8.17 8.36 10 10 10 10 9.7 9.5 100 73.5 91.2 6/1/2016
700 101967070 3120 80 196TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 792 4,931 8.14 8.44 8.74 10 10 10 10 9.18 9.55 100 71.9 90.6 6/1/2016
782 101967081 3120 90 196TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 339 2,300 8.8 9.04 9.54 10 10 10 9.99 8.66 9.24 100 70.1 90 6/1/2016
1231 101967080 3120 100 196TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 62ND PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 146 988 10 9.19 9.68 10 10 10 9.88 8.69 8.83 100 61.9 87.3 6/1/2016
689 101967080 3120 110 196TH ST SW 62ND PL W SR 99 Principal Arterial Asphalt 79 639 5,611 10 9.23 9.38 10 10 10 9.95 8.91 9.56 100 58.5 86.2 6/1/2016
638 101967090 3120 120 196TH ST SW SR 99 58TH PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 71 696 5,489 8.66 8.72 9.42 10 10 10 9.99 9.19 9.23 100 54.2 84.7 6/1/2016
582 101967100 3120 130 196TH ST SW 58TH PL W SCRIBER LAKE RD Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 299 2,027 8.62 8.96 9.54 10 10 10 9.99 9.64 9.93 100 64.9 88.3 6/1/2016
615 101967110 3120 140 196TH ST SW SCRIBER LAKE RD 56TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 580 3,934 8.97 8.61 9.54 10 10 10 9.8 8.57 9.52 100 67.4 89.1 6/1/2016
614 101967120 3120 150 196TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 1,359 9,211 7.88 9.2 10 10 10 10 9.84 8.75 10 100 77.2 92.4 6/1/2016
667 101967130 3120 160 196TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 57 663 4,198 8.4 9.24 10 10 10 10 9.54 8.93 9.44 100 76.9 92.3 6/1/2016
670 101967140 3120 170 196TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 58 666 4,295 7.66 9.59 10 10 10 10 9.96 9.59 9.24 100 66.4 88.8 6/1/2016
666 101967150 3120 180 196TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 1,330 8,868 6.14 9.66 10 10 10 9.9 9.66 9.58 9.7 100 70.1 90 6/1/2016
641 101967160 3120 190 196TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 1,304 8,691 5.75 9.52 10 10 10 10 9.41 8.72 10 100 65.3 88.4 6/1/2016
509 101967170 3120 200 196TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 37TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 999 8,877 8.53 8.47 8.78 10 10 10 10 9.25 9.11 100 68.2 89.4 6/1/2016
563 101967180 3120 210 196TH ST SW 37TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Principal Arterial Asphalt 90 508 5,079 10 8.13 8.43 10 10 10 10 9.36 8.85 100 57.3 85.8 6/1/2016
323 101967190 3120 220 196TH ST SW ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD POPLAR WAY Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 819 5,461 10 8.63 9.73 10 10 10 10 9.65 9.76 100 66.7 88.9 6/1/2016
1300 101967200 3120 230 196TH ST SW POPLAR WAY UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 52 809 4,675 10 8.79 9.44 10 10 10 10 9.8 9.32 100 71.5 90.5 6/1/2016
371 101967200 3120 240 196TH ST SW UNNAMED ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 818 5,092 8.52 9.44 10 10 10 10 9.98 9.79 9.71 100 75.3 91.8 6/1/2016
383 101967210 3120 250 196TH ST SW ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 24TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 1,298 8,075 8.35 9.71 9.75 10 10 10 10 9.26 9.39 100 74.2 91.4 6/1/2016
351 101967211 3120 260 196TH ST SW 24TH AVE W EAST END Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 797 3,986 6.79 9.87 10 10 10 10 10 10 9.14 100 80.4 93.5 6/1/2016
518 100441030 4010 50 44TH AVE W RAMP RAMP 204TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 74 383 3,151 8.44 8.98 9.22 10 10 10 10 9.03 9.52 100 66.2 88.7 6/1/2016

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 31 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

895 107902020 5890 30 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 186TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 960 2,747 3900 3900 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 3 2,942 10,791 91 Excellent 3 2 1
978 107902030 5890 40 OLYMPIC VIEW DR BLUE RIDGE DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 304 1,289 3910 3910 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 5 2,515 8,790 91 Excellent 3 2 1
1000 107902040 5890 50 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 68TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 969 2,882 3910 3910 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 5 2,515 8,790 91 Excellent 3 2 1
882 107902050 5890 60 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 68TH AVE W 180TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 171 704 3910 3910 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 5 2,515 8,790 91 Excellent 3 2 1
975 107902060 5890 70 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 295 1,251 3910 3910 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 5 2,515 8,790 91 Excellent 3 2 1
948 107902070 5890 80 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 178TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 776 2,664 3910 3910 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 5 2,515 8,790 91 Excellent 3 2 1
104 107902080 5890 90 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 176TH ST SW 175TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 392 1,616 3920 3920 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 8 3,229 11,006 92 Excellent 3 2 1
29 107902090 5890 100 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 175TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 28 218 698 3920 3920 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 8 3,229 11,006 92 Excellent 3 2 1
41 107902100 5890 110 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 306 876 3920 3920 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 8 3,229 11,006 92 Excellent 3 2 1
1 107902110 5890 120 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 173RD PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 620 1,844 3920 3920 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 8 3,229 11,006 92 Excellent 3 2 1
76 107902120 5890 130 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 739 2,198 3920 3920 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 8 3,229 11,006 92 Excellent 3 2 1
21 107902130 5890 140 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 34 155 3920 3920 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 8 3,229 11,006 92 Excellent 3 2 1
102 107902140 5890 150 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 170TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 571 2,419 3920 3920 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 8 3,229 11,006 92 Excellent 3 2 1
1070 107902150 5890 160 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 350 1,201 3920 3920 - OLYMPIC VIEW DR 8 3,229 11,006 92 Excellent 3 2 1
806 108008010 5900 10 PARK WAY 192ND ST SW DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 28 1,370 4,389 3830 3830 - DALE WAY + Others 8 3,183 9,879 58 Fair 2 4 1
724 108104010 5910 10 PENNY LANE 68TH AVE W 65TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 828 1,800 3930 3930 - PENNY LANE 1 828 1,800 46 Marginal 2 4 1
330 108158010 5920 10 POPLAR WAY SOUTH END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Collector Asphalt 60 519 3,563 3940 3940 - POPLAR WAY 2 1,262 10,368 58 Fair 3 3 1
381 108158020 5920 20 POPLAR WAY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 80 743 6,805 3940 3940 - POPLAR WAY 2 1,262 10,368 58 Fair 3 3 1
1362 6700 10 RAMP ROAD RAMP RAMP 204TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 26 591 1,757 3950 3950 - RAMP ROAD 1 591 1,757 85 V Good 2 1 1
606 108206010 6150 10 SCRIBER LAKE RD 200TH ST SW 198TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 769 3,257 3960 3960 - SCRIBER LAKE RD 2 1,543 6,624 51 Fair 3 3 1
628 108206020 6150 20 SCRIBER LAKE RD 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 774 3,367 3960 3960 - SCRIBER LAKE RD 2 1,543 6,624 51 Fair 3 3 1
139 108308010 6160 10 SPRUCE WAY MAPLE RD 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 515 1,179 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
186 108308020 6160 20 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 237 543 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
1261 108308020 6160 30 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 32 74 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
1260 108308020 6160 40 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 30 229 785 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
1259 108308020 6160 50 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED 176TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 24 60 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
240 108308040 6160 60 SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 116 293 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
209 108308041 6160 70 SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 22 248 624 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
160 108308050 6160 80 SPRUCE WAY 176TH ST SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 22 357 898 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
1266 108308050 6160 90 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 22 140 352 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
1265 108308050 6160 100 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED 173RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 259 651 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
1267 108308070 6160 110 SPRUCE WAY 173RD PL SW 173RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 32 115 420 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
224 108308070 6160 120 SPRUCE WAY 173RD ST SW 172ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 408 1,260 3970 3970 - SPRUCE WAY 12 2,679 7,139 53 Fair 2 3 1
133 108308080 6160 130 SPRUCE WAY 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 555 1,904 3980 3980 - SPRUCE WAY 7 2,813 11,943 61 Good 2 3 1
234 108308090 6160 140 SPRUCE WAY 170TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 415 1,948 3980 3980 - SPRUCE WAY 7 2,813 11,943 61 Good 2 3 1
1067 108308100 6160 150 SPRUCE WAY 169TH ST SW 168TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 335 1,611 3980 3980 - SPRUCE WAY 7 2,813 11,943 61 Good 2 3 1
1066 108308105 6160 160 SPRUCE WAY 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 32 232 850 3980 3980 - SPRUCE WAY 7 2,813 11,943 61 Good 2 3 1
1056 108308120 6160 170 SPRUCE WAY 167TH PL SW 167TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 41 271 1,274 3980 3980 - SPRUCE WAY 7 2,813 11,943 61 Good 2 3 1
1049 108308130 6160 180 SPRUCE WAY 167TH PL SW 166TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 296 1,353 3980 3980 - SPRUCE WAY 7 2,813 11,943 61 Good 2 3 1
166 108308140 6160 190 SPRUCE WAY 166TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 709 3,004 3980 3980 - SPRUCE WAY 7 2,813 11,943 61 Good 2 3 1

State Highways, Private Roads and No-City Roads removed from the Analysis and Reporting

742 101967220 3120 10 196TH ST SW WEST END 76TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 52 348 2,011
712 101967010 3120 20 196TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 74TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 478 2,974
757 101967020 3120 30 196TH ST SW 74TH AVE W 73RD AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 47 322 1,682
746 101967030 3120 40 196TH ST SW 73RD AVE W HEINZ PL Principal Arterial Asphalt 42 433 2,021
824 101967040 3120 50 196TH ST SW HEINZ PL 69TH PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 42 926 4,323
715 101967050 3120 60 196TH ST SW 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 53 504 2,971
846 101967060 3120 70 196TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 59 538 3,524
700 101967070 3120 80 196TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 792 4,931
782 101967081 3120 90 196TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 339 2,300
1231 101967080 3120 100 196TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 62ND PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 146 988
689 101967080 3120 110 196TH ST SW 62ND PL W SR 99 Principal Arterial Asphalt 79 639 5,611
638 101967090 3120 120 196TH ST SW SR 99 58TH PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 71 696 5,489
582 101967100 3120 130 196TH ST SW 58TH PL W SCRIBER LAKE RD Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 299 2,027
615 101967110 3120 140 196TH ST SW SCRIBER LAKE RD 56TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 580 3,934
614 101967120 3120 150 196TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 1,359 9,211
667 101967130 3120 160 196TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 57 663 4,198
670 101967140 3120 170 196TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 58 666 4,295
666 101967150 3120 180 196TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 1,330 8,868
641 101967160 3120 190 196TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 1,304 8,691
509 101967170 3120 200 196TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 37TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 999 8,877
563 101967180 3120 210 196TH ST SW 37TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Principal Arterial Asphalt 90 508 5,079
323 101967190 3120 220 196TH ST SW ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD POPLAR WAY Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 819 5,461
1300 101967200 3120 230 196TH ST SW POPLAR WAY UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 52 809 4,675
371 101967200 3120 240 196TH ST SW UNNAMED ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 818 5,092
383 101967210 3120 250 196TH ST SW ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 24TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 1,298 8,075
351 101967211 3120 260 196TH ST SW 24TH AVE W EAST END Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 797 3,986
518 100441030 4010 50 44TH AVE W RAMP RAMP 204TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 74 383 3,151

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 32 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Condition Details Condition Summary

Surface Distress Index (SDI)

Pavement Condition Index

L&T Cracking / Linear Crk

Load Associated Distress

Map Crk / Crnr Brk / D Crk

Joint Spall / Joint Sealant

Bleeding / Polished Agg

Raveling / Scaling / CAL

Divided Slab / Blow Up

Roughness Index (RI)

Strength Rating Code

Distortions / Faulting
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Structural Index (SI)

Pavement Width (ft)

Rutting (ACP Only)

Patches / Potholes
Alligator Cracking

Condition Rating
PCI Survey Date

Deducts (LADD)
Strength Rating
Edge Cracking
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID


On Street From Street To Street

533 100441040 4010 60 44TH AVE W 204TH ST SW RAMP RAMP Principal Arterial Asphalt 63 1,010 7,073 9.64 9.22 9.68 10 10 10 10 9.72 9.92 100 76.9 92.3 6/1/2016
548 100441050 4010 70 44TH AVE W RAMP RAMP ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Principal Arterial Asphalt 83 397 3,658 8.28 9.12 9.07 10 10 10 10 8.99 10 100 70.3 90.1 6/1/2016
516 100441060 4010 80 44TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 198TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 70 761 5,916 6.09 9.27 9.34 10 10 10 10 9.48 10 100 65.8 88.6 6/1/2016
552 100441070 4010 90 44TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 79 568 4,986 6.44 8.98 9.51 10 10 10 9.09 9.62 9.81 100 69.7 89.9 6/1/2016
561 107603010 6170 10 SR 99 SW END 216TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 81 484 4,352 9.3 6.64 8 10 10 10 10 9.77 9.3 100 68.1 89.4 6/1/2016
551 107603020 6170 20 SR 99 216TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,467 13,043 8.76 6.65 7.9 10 10 10 10 9.61 9.52 100 70.3 90.1 6/1/2016
536 107603030 6170 30 SR 99 212TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,460 12,974 8.48 6.78 8.32 10 10 9.91 10 9.62 9.91 100 72.2 90.7 6/1/2016
840 107603040 6170 40 SR 99 208TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,472 13,089 10 6.95 7.47 10 10 10 10 9.68 9.91 100 76.4 92.1 6/1/2016
841 107603050 6170 50 SR 99 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 751 6,678 10 5.62 7.61 10 10 10 10 9.5 10 100 82.7 94.2 6/1/2016
805 107603060 6170 60 SR 99 202ND ST SW 64TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 129 1,144 10 7.3 7.57 10 10 10 10 9.43 10 100 74.1 91.4 6/1/2016
839 107603070 6170 70 SR 99 64TH AVE W 200TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 85 616 5,813 10 7.47 7.74 10 10 10 10 9.47 9.89 100 75.2 91.7 6/1/2016
1310 107603080 6170 80 SR 99 200TH ST SW 199TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 424 3,765 10 7.38 7.62 10 10 10 10 9.51 10 100 73.8 91.3 6/1/2016
581 107603080 6170 90 SR 99 199TH PL SW 196TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,102 9,797 9.82 6.86 7.96 10 10 10 10 9.65 9.55 100 81.8 93.9 6/1/2016
442 107603090 6170 100 SR 99 196TH ST SW SR 99 Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 434 3,860 10 7.5 7.29 10 10 10 10 8.95 9.96 100 68.8 89.6 6/1/2016
414 107603100 6170 110 SR 99 SR 99 190TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,836 16,320 10 7.43 7.27 10 10 10 10 9.56 10 100 80.8 93.6 6/1/2016
1372 107603100 6170 120 SR 99 190TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 748 6,649 10 7.45 7.37 10 10 10 10 9.57 9.9 100 76.6 92.2 6/1/2016
485 107603110 6170 130 SR 99 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 784 6,970 8.98 7.34 7.92 10 10 10 10 9.63 9.74 100 81.1 93.7 6/1/2016
424 107603115 6170 140 SR 99 186TH PL SW 52ND AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,902 16,909 10 6.81 7.7 10 10 10 10 9.63 9.92 100 79.6 93.2 6/1/2016
484 107603120 6170 150 SR 99 52ND AVE W 180TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 371 3,295 10 7.5 7.37 10 10 10 10 9.12 10 100 76.4 92.1 6/1/2016
233 107603131 6170 160 SR 99 180TH ST SW PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 526 4,676 9.18 7.92 6.56 10 10 10 10 9.55 10 100 63 87.7 6/1/2016
128 107603130 6170 170 SR 99 PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC 176TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 994 8,836 8.77 7.99 7 10 10 10 10 9.59 9.72 100 77.3 92.4 6/1/2016
260 107603141 6170 180 SR 99 176TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 789 7,012 8.73 8.19 8.24 10 10 10 10 8.46 9.72 100 73.3 91.1 6/1/2016
158 107603140 6170 190 SR 99 174TH PL SW 168TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 2,159 19,188 8.63 8.03 7.96 10 10 10 10 9.24 9.87 100 73.6 91.2 6/1/2016
161 107603150 6170 200 SR 99 168TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,386 12,321 9.45 8.02 8.28 10 10 10 10 9.24 9.42 100 80.1 93.4 6/1/2016
1130 1240 10 167TH PL SW 166TH PL SW SE END Residential Asphalt 11 568 694 10 9.84 5.92 10 10 9.43 10 8.88 9.57 100 42.7 80.9 6/1/2016
1185 1910 10 178TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 22 345 843 9.66 9.25 5.66 10 9.76 10 10 8.29 10 100 43 81 6/1/2016
1183 1930 10 178TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 12 661 881 10 9.53 7.54 10 10 9.38 10 7.49 7.84 100 15.4 71.8 6/1/2016
1193 2210 20 182ND PL SW 182nd Pl SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 18 310 620 9.9 9.38 6.9 10 10 10 10 9.7 9.99 100 72.7 90.9 6/1/2016
1198 2410 80 184TH ST SW 184TH ST SW BEECH RD Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 1,055 5,275 9.63 8.62 7.42 10 10 10 10 9.78 9.6 100 42.7 80.9 6/1/2016
1230 2920 20 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 103 479 10 9.5 10 10 10 10 10 8.62 10 100 69.3 89.8 6/1/2016
1135 3970 10 43RD AVE W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 14 362 562 9.5 9.83 6.09 10 8.27 10 10 8.57 10 100 18.2 72.7 6/1/2016
1287 4140 10 48TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 21 358 834 10 9.53 10 10 9.25 9.9 10 8.37 10 100 72.4 90.8 6/1/2016
1288 4200 10 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 1,418 3,308 9.86 8.82 8.88 10 10 9.57 10 9.29 9.52 100 53.9 84.6 6/1/2016
1163 4550 10 56TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 22 272 664 10 10 10 10 9.63 10 10 9.54 10 100 86.4 95.5 6/1/2016
1162 4560 10 56TH AVE W WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 180 360 10 8.88 10 10 10 10 10 8.87 9.02 100 57.1 85.7 6/1/2016
1166 4590 10 57TH CT W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 16 290 515 10 9.96 10 10 10 10 10 9.76 10 100 89.5 96.5 6/1/2016
1228 4860 10 61ST PL W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 18 256 512 9.42 8.95 10 10 9.65 9.84 10 9.24 9.63 100 56.2 85.4 6/1/2016
1500 6500 10 61ST PL W WEST END CDS 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 45 83 417 10 8.32 6.11 10 10 10 10 9.22 9.93 100 37.2 79.1 6/1/2016
1400 6500 20 61ST PL W 61ST PL W EAST END CDS Residential Asphalt 45 88 440 9.82 8.52 6.64 10 10 10 10 9.47 8.81 100 48.6 82.9 6/1/2016
1224 5580 10 74TH PL W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 22 134 329 9.18 9.78 10 10 10 10 10 8.51 10 100 63.5 87.8 6/1/2016
1174 6300 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1174) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 141 469 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9.61 9.29 100 77.5 92.5 6/1/2016
1175 6290 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1175) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 257 570 9.92 8.76 9.5 10 10 10 10 9.66 10 100 63.7 87.9 6/1/2016
1176 6330 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1176) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 315 700 10 10 4.62 9.67 10 10 10 9.44 8.27 100 22.1 74 6/1/2016
1177 6340 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1177) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 300 765 9.25 10 10 10 10 10 10 9.71 10 100 74.5 91.5 6/1/2016
1186 6410 10 CDS OFF 178TH PL SW (GISID 1186) 178TH PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 16 274 488 9.71 9.96 5.53 10 10 10 10 8.23 8.81 100 16.9 72.3 6/1/2016
1187 6350 10 CDS OFF 34TH PL W (GISID 1187) WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 21 128 298 9.79 8.72 10 10 10 10 10 9.69 10 100 72.9 91 6/1/2016
1188 6360 10 CDS OFF 34TH PL W (GISID 1188) WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 141 313 9.12 9.76 10 10 10 10 10 9.5 10 100 68.1 89.4 6/1/2016
1133 6440 10 CDS OFF 36TH AVE W (GISID 1133) WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 16 271 481 9.88 9.95 10 10 10 10 10 9.56 10 100 86.7 95.6 6/1/2016
1134 6430 10 CDS OFF 36TH AVE W (GISID 1134) WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 19 237 501 9.88 9.94 10 10 10 9.21 10 9.87 9.4 100 68.3 89.4 6/1/2016
1156 6260 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1156) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 16 269 479 9.75 9.32 10 10 10 10 10 9.63 9.33 100 66.1 88.7 6/1/2016
1157 6250 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1157) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 19 273 576 9.67 9.52 8.85 10 10 10 10 9.84 9.07 100 83 94.3 6/1/2016
1158 6240 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1158) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 21 236 551 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9.67 10 100 89.3 96.4 6/1/2016
1159 6230 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1159) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 232 514 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9.73 10 100 89.5 96.5 6/1/2016
1123 6450 10 CDS OFF 60TH AVE W (GISID 1123) WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 273 607 9.48 9.4 10 10 10 10 10 9.27 8.29 100 50.8 83.6 6/1/2016
1292 6190 10 CDS OFF 61ST AVE W (GISID 1292) NW END 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 282 626 9.61 10 10 10 10 10 10 8.71 10 100 69.9 90 6/1/2016
1225 6200 10 CDS OFF 61ST PL W (GISID 1225) WEST END 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 24 329 878 9.47 9.69 8.64 10 10 9.87 10 9.04 10 100 50.9 83.6 6/1/2016
1191 6380 10 CDS OFF MAPLE RD (GISID 1191) SOUTH END MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 18 201 402 10 8.84 7.89 10 10 9.63 10 9.57 10 100 36.6 78.9 6/1/2016
1192 6390 10 CDS OFF MAPLE RD (GISID 1192) SOUTH END MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 18 238 477 10 9.26 8.87 10 10 10 10 9.88 10 100 63.4 87.8 6/1/2016
1182 6420 10 CDS OFF SPRUCE WAY (GISID 1182) WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 24 331 882 9.57 9.58 10 10 10 10 10 9.74 9.24 100 66.4 88.8 6/1/2016
1124 1060 10 164TH ST SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 163 560 10 9.68 9.75 10 10 10 10 8.99 8.84 100 61.1 87 6/1/2016

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 33 of 34

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix A - Inventory and Condition Summary Sorted by Street Name Project Summary

Project Condition Rating

Project Pavetype Code

Project Strength Code
Pavement Length (ft)

Pavement Area (yd2)

Project Block Count

Pavement Width (ft)

Project FunCl Code

Project Current PCI
Project Description

Project Area (Yd2)

Project Length (ft)
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

533 100441040 4010 60 44TH AVE W 204TH ST SW RAMP RAMP Principal Arterial Asphalt 63 1,010 7,073
548 100441050 4010 70 44TH AVE W RAMP RAMP ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Principal Arterial Asphalt 83 397 3,658
516 100441060 4010 80 44TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 198TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 70 761 5,916
552 100441070 4010 90 44TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 79 568 4,986
561 107603010 6170 10 SR 99 SW END 216TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 81 484 4,352
551 107603020 6170 20 SR 99 216TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,467 13,043
536 107603030 6170 30 SR 99 212TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,460 12,974
840 107603040 6170 40 SR 99 208TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,472 13,089
841 107603050 6170 50 SR 99 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 751 6,678
805 107603060 6170 60 SR 99 202ND ST SW 64TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 129 1,144
839 107603070 6170 70 SR 99 64TH AVE W 200TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 85 616 5,813
1310 107603080 6170 80 SR 99 200TH ST SW 199TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 424 3,765
581 107603080 6170 90 SR 99 199TH PL SW 196TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,102 9,797
442 107603090 6170 100 SR 99 196TH ST SW SR 99 Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 434 3,860
414 107603100 6170 110 SR 99 SR 99 190TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,836 16,320
1372 107603100 6170 120 SR 99 190TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 748 6,649
485 107603110 6170 130 SR 99 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 784 6,970
424 107603115 6170 140 SR 99 186TH PL SW 52ND AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,902 16,909
484 107603120 6170 150 SR 99 52ND AVE W 180TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 371 3,295
233 107603131 6170 160 SR 99 180TH ST SW PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 526 4,676
128 107603130 6170 170 SR 99 PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC 176TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 994 8,836
260 107603141 6170 180 SR 99 176TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 789 7,012
158 107603140 6170 190 SR 99 174TH PL SW 168TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 2,159 19,188
161 107603150 6170 200 SR 99 168TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,386 12,321
1130 1240 10 167TH PL SW 166TH PL SW SE END Residential Asphalt 11 568 694
1185 1910 10 178TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 22 345 843
1183 1930 10 178TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 12 661 881
1193 2210 20 182ND PL SW 182nd Pl SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 18 310 620
1198 2410 80 184TH ST SW 184TH ST SW BEECH RD Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 1,055 5,275
1230 2920 20 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 103 479
1135 3970 10 43RD AVE W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 14 362 562
1287 4140 10 48TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 21 358 834
1288 4200 10 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 1,418 3,308
1163 4550 10 56TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 22 272 664
1162 4560 10 56TH AVE W WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 180 360
1166 4590 10 57TH CT W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 16 290 515
1228 4860 10 61ST PL W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 18 256 512
1500 6500 10 61ST PL W WEST END CDS 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 45 83 417
1400 6500 20 61ST PL W 61ST PL W EAST END CDS Residential Asphalt 45 88 440
1224 5580 10 74TH PL W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 22 134 329
1174 6300 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1174) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 141 469
1175 6290 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1175) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 257 570
1176 6330 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1176) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 315 700
1177 6340 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1177) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 300 765
1186 6410 10 CDS OFF 178TH PL SW (GISID 1186) 178TH PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 16 274 488
1187 6350 10 CDS OFF 34TH PL W (GISID 1187) WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 21 128 298
1188 6360 10 CDS OFF 34TH PL W (GISID 1188) WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 141 313
1133 6440 10 CDS OFF 36TH AVE W (GISID 1133) WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 16 271 481
1134 6430 10 CDS OFF 36TH AVE W (GISID 1134) WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 19 237 501
1156 6260 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1156) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 16 269 479
1157 6250 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1157) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 19 273 576
1158 6240 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1158) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 21 236 551
1159 6230 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1159) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 232 514
1123 6450 10 CDS OFF 60TH AVE W (GISID 1123) WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 273 607
1292 6190 10 CDS OFF 61ST AVE W (GISID 1292) NW END 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 282 626
1225 6200 10 CDS OFF 61ST PL W (GISID 1225) WEST END 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 24 329 878
1191 6380 10 CDS OFF MAPLE RD (GISID 1191) SOUTH END MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 18 201 402
1192 6390 10 CDS OFF MAPLE RD (GISID 1192) SOUTH END MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 18 238 477
1182 6420 10 CDS OFF SPRUCE WAY (GISID 1182) WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 24 331 882
1124 1060 10 164TH ST SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 163 560

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App A - Inventory page 34 of 34

Appendix B

$2.65M Rehab Plan by Segment

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

1026 101625010 1000 10 162ND PL SW WEST END 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 646 68 3440 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 55
16 101625020 1000 20 162ND PL SW 66TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 107 83 3440 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 75
107 101635010 1010 10 163RD PL SW WEST END EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 361 86 3440 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 79
94 101637020 1020 10 163RD ST SW 66TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 199 74 3440 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 62
1028 101645010 1030 10 164TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 26 503 69 3130 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 40,385 40,385 91
1027 101645020 1040 10 164TH PL SW WEST END 40TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 349 95 2530 0 0 Not Selected 90
1029 101645030 1040 20 164TH PL SW 40TH PL W PRIVATE Residential Asphalt 31 213 49 2530 0 0 Not Selected 35
1244 101645030 1040 30 164TH PL SW PRIVATE 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 50 54 88 2530 0 0 Not Selected 81
3 101647010 1050 10 164TH ST SW WEST END 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 628 75 1000 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 63
1030 101647020 1050 20 164TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 65TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 320 76 1000 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 66
1031 101647030 1050 30 164TH ST SW 65TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 316 74 1000 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 62
1128 1070 10 164TH ST SW SR 99 NE END Principal Arterial Asphalt 30 112 82 4030 0 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 0 1,691 1,691 82
1245 101647040 1080 10 164TH ST SW 164TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 325 75 2670 0 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 47,910 47,910 91
134 101647040 1080 20 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 164TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 45 332 62 2670 0 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 36,733 36,733 91
1243 101647040 1080 30 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 43 212 79 2670 0 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 22,437 22,437 91
1126 1080 50 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 44TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 30 83 74 2670 0 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 6,128 6,128 91
1127 1080 40 164TH ST SW (RAMP) 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 13 249 84 2670 0 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 7,955 7,955 91
20 101655010 1110 10 165TH PL SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 332 56 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 42
56 101655020 1110 20 165TH PL SW 64TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 259 71 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
34 101655030 1110 30 165TH PL SW 63RD AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 22 251 83 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 75
1033 101655040 1110 40 165TH PL SW 62ND PL W 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 87 59 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 45
1045 101655090 1120 10 165TH PL SW 41ST PL W 40TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 284 96 2530 0 0 Not Selected 90
141 101655050 1130 10 165TH PL SW 37TH PL W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 425 55 2470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 41
1040 101665010 1140 10 166TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 27 265 71 1010 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
1041 101665020 1140 20 166TH PL SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 262 79 1010 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 69
49 101665030 1150 10 166TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 455 72 3850 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
1035 101665070 1160 10 166TH PL SW 44TH AVE W 43RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 285 86 2530 0 0 Not Selected 79
1037 101665071 1160 20 166TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 42ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 297 89 2530 0 0 Not Selected 83
1039 101665072 1160 30 166TH PL SW 42ND AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 34 276 94 2530 0 0 Not Selected 88
200 101665040 1170 10 166TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 35 250 62 2470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48
1036 101665050 1170 20 166TH PL SW 37TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 337 64 2470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 51
293 101665060 1180 10 166TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 648 67 1020 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 54
1248 101665060 1180 20 166TH PL SW 167TH PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 27 470 76 1020 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 66
1057 101670010 1210 10 167TH DR SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 495 69 1030 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 57
1055 101675010 1190 10 167TH PL SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 209 70 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 56
1052 101675020 1200 10 167TH PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 239 75 3090 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 64
1048 101675030 1220 10 167TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 37 689 81 1030 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 72
1058 101670020 1230 10 167TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 450 86 1050 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 78
1249 101677010 1250 10 167TH ST SW WEST END 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 211 76 2470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 66
1054 101677010 1250 20 167TH ST SW 37TH PL W 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 550 78 2470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 68
1064 101685005 1260 10 168TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 43 190 34 1090 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 36,711 36,711 94
1062 101685010 1270 10 168TH PL SW 39TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 416 75 1100 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 64
1025 101685020 1280 10 168TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 494 82 1050 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 73
60 101687010 1290 10 168TH ST SW 70TH PL W 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 374 46 1060 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 53,718 53,718 94
84 101687020 1290 20 168TH ST SW 69TH PL W 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 722 49 1060 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 106,963 106,963 94
116 101687030 1290 30 168TH ST SW 168TH ST SW 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 673 53 1060 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 63,474 63,474 94
67 101687040 1290 40 168TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 27 1,030 61 1070 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 47
1069 101687050 1290 50 168TH ST SW 63RD AVE W OLYMPIC VIEW DR Collector Asphalt 46 142 67 1070 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 54
1071 101687068 1290 60 168TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 62ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 162 67 1080 0 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 7,812 7,812 87
35 101687070 1290 70 168TH ST SW 62ND AVE W 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 656 76 1080 0 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 31,552 31,552 87
24 101687080 1290 80 168TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 522 72 1080 0 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 25,098 25,098 87
100 101687091 1290 90 168TH ST SW 58TH PL W 57TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 291 70 1080 0 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 14,022 14,022 87
74 101687090 1290 100 168TH ST SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 494 77 1080 0 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 23,795 23,795 87
95 101687195 1290 110 168TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 484 80 1080 0 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 23,298 23,298 87
5 101687100 1290 120 168TH ST SW 55TH PL W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 855 70 1080 0 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 41,146 41,146 87
25 101687110 1290 130 168TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,362 69 1080 0 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 65,525 65,525 87
103 101687120 1290 140 168TH ST SW 48TH AVE W SR 99 Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 823 65 1080 0 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 39,584 39,584 87
249 101687130 1290 150 168TH ST SW SR 99 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 61 534 59 1080 0 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 27,052 27,052 87
1068 101687140 1300 10 168TH ST SW 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 405 94 2560 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 88
77 101695010 1310 10 169TH PL SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 235 39 1090 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 41,235 41,235 93
46 101695020 1310 20 169TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,328 52 1090 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 202,849 202,849 93
129 101697010 1320 10 169TH ST SW SPRUCE WAY 39TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 253 72 1100 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
265 101697020 1320 20 169TH ST SW 39TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 619 78 1100 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 67
1024 101697040 1330 10 169TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,331 83 1050 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 75
310 101697030 1340 10 169TH ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 24 369 34 1110 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 39,757 39,757 96

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 1 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

61 101705010 1350 10 170TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 27 198 96 1120 0 0 Not Selected 90
11 101705020 1350 20 170TH PL SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 26 426 96 1120 0 0 Not Selected 90
27 101705030 1360 10 170TH PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 545 64 1170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 50
15 101705040 1360 20 170TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 54TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 529 60 1130 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
14 101705050 1360 30 170TH PL SW 54TH PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 816 60 1130 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
1136 1370 10 170TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 310 94 1140 0 0 Not Selected 89
303 101707050 1380 10 170TH PL SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 365 64 1110 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 45,883 45,883 96
184 101707040 1390 10 170TH ST SW 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 474 59 2560 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 45
267 101707010 1400 10 170TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 38TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 502 55 1150 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 42
125 101707020 1400 20 170TH ST SW 38TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 137 70 1150 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 58
242 101707030 1410 10 170TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 332 75 2450 0 0 Not Selected 64
282 101707060 1410 20 170TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 705 95 1160 0 0 Not Selected 90
44 101715010 1420 10 171ST PL SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 41 280 68 3060 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 55
54 101717010 1440 10 171ST ST SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 503 65 3680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 52
1073 101717021 1450 10 171ST ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 762 90 1160 0 0 Not Selected 84
1075 101717020 1450 20 171ST ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 603 93 1160 0 0 Not Selected 87
1106 110100103 1460 10 172ND PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 502 51 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 37
1105 101725020 1460 20 172ND PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 31 556 58 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 44
42 101725030 1470 10 172ND PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 553 65 1170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 52
69 101725040 1470 20 172ND PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,339 66 1170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
251 101725050 1480 10 172ND PL SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 550 41 1180 0 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 62,647 62,647 96
45 101727010 1490 10 172ND ST SW SE END MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 17 1,243 73 3680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 62
64 101727030 1500 10 172ND ST SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 65 105 51 3060 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 36
72 101727040 1500 20 172ND ST SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 1,335 57 1130 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 43
79 101727050 1510 10 172ND ST SW 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 397 59 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
172 101727055 1520 10 172ND ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD PL W Collector Asphalt 20 305 65 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 51
1252 101727060 1520 30 172ND ST SW 43RD AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 148 66 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 53
1253 101727060 1520 40 172ND ST SW UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 228 64 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
169 101727060 1520 50 172ND ST SW UNNAMED SPRUCE WAY Collector Asphalt 19 369 73 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 61
126 101727070 1520 60 172ND ST SW SPRUCE WAY 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 329 48 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 34
1254 101727080 1520 70 172ND ST SW 40TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 84 45 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 31
243 101727080 1520 80 172ND ST SW UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 112 44 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 29
1255 101727080 1520 90 172ND ST SW UNNAMED 39TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 112 52 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 37
164 101727090 1520 100 172ND ST SW 39TH PL W 38TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 307 64 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 51
256 101727100 1520 110 172ND ST SW 38TH AVE W 37TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 298 50 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 35
227 101727110 1520 120 172ND ST SW 37TH AVE W 36TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 316 60 1190 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
295 101727120 1520 130 172ND ST SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 507 56 1200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 42
298 101727131 1520 140 172ND ST SW 34TH PL W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 19 380 58 1200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 44
284 101727130 1520 150 172ND ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 19 442 61 1200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 47
306 101727140 1520 160 172ND ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 452 73 1200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 61
117 101735010 1530 10 173RD PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 34 203 56 3680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 41
106 101735020 1530 20 173RD PL SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 41 91 47 3680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 33
1102 110100105 1540 10 173RD PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 509 56 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 42
40 101735050 1540 20 173RD PL SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 265 65 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 51
7 101735060 1540 30 173RD PL SW 59TH PL W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 287 67 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
96 101735070 1540 40 173RD PL SW 58TH AVE W 57TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 266 39 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 26
78 101735080 1540 50 173RD PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 530 51 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 36
48 101735090 1540 60 173RD PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,345 67 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
231 101735100 1550 10 173RD PL SW SPRUCE WAY EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 834 51 1220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 36
177 101735110 1560 10 173RD PL SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 297 75 1240 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
287 101735120 1570 10 173RD PL SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 498 66 2350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
66 101737020 1580 10 173RD ST SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 339 64 3680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
230 101737010 1600 10 173RD ST SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 40 298 79 1220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 69
1103 110100113 1610 10 174TH PL SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 128 45 3260 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 31
271 101745050 1620 10 174TH PL SW WEST END SR 99 Collector Asphalt 33 659 77 1230 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 67
255 101745060 1620 20 174TH PL SW SR 99 EAST END Collector Asphalt 41 151 73 1230 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
218 101745010 1630 10 174TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 316 42 1180 0 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 56,276 56,276 96
132 101745020 1640 10 174TH PL SW 38TH AVE W 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 320 92 1240 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 86
163 101745030 1640 20 174TH PL SW 37TH PL W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 256 91 1240 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 84
290 101745040 1650 10 174TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 43 306 93 2400 0 0 Not Selected 88
119 101747010 1660 10 174TH ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 545 28 1250 0 1 Selected Yr 1 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 48,518 48,518 92
9 101755010 1670 10 175TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 167 76 3430 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 66
317 101755020 1680 10 175TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 45 222 92 2400 0 0 Not Selected 86
1096 110100111 1690 10 175TH ST SW WEST END 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 154 53 3260 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 39
1095 110100112 1690 20 175TH ST SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 125 45 3260 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 31
37 101757010 1700 10 175TH ST SW 55TH PL W 54TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 406 55 2990 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 41

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 2 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

206 101757020 1710 10 175TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 555 72 1260 0 4 Selected Yr 4 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 16,001 87 16,001
1180 1710 20 175TH ST SW 42ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 56 61 67 1260 0 4 Selected Yr 4 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 2,756 87 2,756
124 101757040 1720 10 175TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 568 85 1240 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 77
302 101757030 1730 10 175TH ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 612 67 2350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 54
190 101765030 1750 10 176TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 37 318 65 3820 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
214 101765010 1760 10 176TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 868 54 1270 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 85,786 85,786 93
131 101765020 1760 20 176TH PL SW 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 882 44 1270 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 134,758 134,758 93
291 101765040 1760 30 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 531 76 2400 0 0 Not Selected 65
893 101767010 1770 10 176TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 67TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 135 74 1280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 60
996 101767015 1770 20 176TH ST SW 67TH PL W 66TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 283 72 1280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
964 101767020 1770 30 176TH ST SW 66TH PL W 65TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 334 83 1280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 74
888 101767030 1770 40 176TH ST SW 65TH PL W 65TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 180 77 1280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 65
938 101767040 1770 50 176TH ST SW 65TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 323 82 1280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 73
1004 101767050 1770 60 176TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 146 81 1280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 71
1003 101767060 1770 70 176TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 337 82 1280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 72
1001 101767070 1770 80 176TH ST SW 62ND PL W 62ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 171 78 1280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 67
1269 101767080 1770 90 176TH ST SW 62ND AVE W 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 284 76 1280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
1002 101767080 1770 100 176TH ST SW 176TH ST SW 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 388 80 1280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 70
998 101767090 1770 110 176TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 682 90 1290 0 0 Not Selected 83
1017 101767091 1770 120 176TH ST SW 58TH AVE W 57TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 278 79 1290 0 0 Not Selected 67
1307 101767100 1770 130 176TH ST SW 57TH AVE W UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 150 81 1290 0 0 Not Selected 70
1268 101767100 1770 140 176TH ST SW UNNAMED 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 173 76 1290 0 0 Not Selected 63
1016 101767100 1770 150 176TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 391 85 1290 0 0 Not Selected 77
1015 101767110 1770 160 176TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 54TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 187 82 1290 0 0 Not Selected 72
1018 101767120 1770 170 176TH ST SW 54TH PL W 53RD PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 257 74 1290 0 0 Not Selected 62
1020 101767130 1770 180 176TH ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 559 76 1290 0 0 Not Selected 63
1014 101767140 1770 190 176TH ST SW 52ND AVE W SR 99 Minor Arterial Asphalt 47 951 63 1300 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
266 101767150 1770 200 176TH ST SW SR 99 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 1,724 60 1300 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
197 101767170 1800 10 176TH ST SW SPRUCE WAY EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 710 37 1310 0 4 Selected Yr 4 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 123,035 123,035 95
136 101767200 1810 10 176TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 660 84 1240 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 75
314 101767190 1820 10 176TH ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 17 428 72 1320 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 61
297 101767180 1820 20 176TH ST SW 32ND AVE W 31ST PL W Residential Asphalt 20 332 73 1320 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 62
1258 101767180 1820 30 176TH ST SW 31ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 27 262 83 1320 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 75
920 101775010 1830 10 177TH PL SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 24 459 60 3300 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 46
239 101775020 1850 10 177TH PL SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 898 55 1330 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 41
301 108311030 1850 20 177TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 41 317 88 1330 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 81
285 101775060 1860 10 177TH PL SW WEST END 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 30 304 66 1340 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 53
283 101775050 1860 20 177TH PL SW 33RD PL W 32ND PL W Residential Asphalt 21 306 51 1340 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 37
279 101775040 1860 30 177TH PL SW 32ND PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 193 55 1340 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 40
274 101775030 1860 40 177TH PL SW 32ND AVE W 30TH PL W Residential Asphalt 27 675 97 1350 0 0 Not Selected 91
929 101777010 1870 10 177TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 29 497 56 1390 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
994 101787010 1880 10 178TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 266 73 3490 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 61
866 101785008 1890 10 178TH PL SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 390 41 1360 0 0 Not Selected 27
857 101785010 1900 10 178TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 1,314 81 1370 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 72
1013 101785020 1900 20 178TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 124 52 1370 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 38
985 101785030 1900 30 178TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 199 31 2970 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 29,502 29,502 92
254 101785040 1920 10 178TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 32 361 42 1380 0 0 Not Selected 28
281 101785050 1940 10 178TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 45 284 82 1420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 73
308 101785060 1950 10 178TH PL SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 45 307 90 1420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 84
962 101787020 1960 10 178TH ST SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 579 56 1390 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
986 101787030 1960 20 178TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 534 56 1390 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
933 101787040 1960 30 178TH ST SW 58TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 656 51 1390 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 37
226 101787050 1970 10 178TH ST SW 39TH PL W 39TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 154 96 2500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 90
966 101795010 1980 10 179TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 205 47 2970 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 33,990 33,990 92
130 101795020 1990 10 179TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 351 58 1400 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 44
182 101795030 2000 10 179TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 138 92 2550 0 0 Not Selected 86
222 101797010 2010 10 179TH ST SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 40 558 59 1410 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
316 101797020 2020 10 179TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 494 80 1420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 70
289 101797030 2020 20 179TH ST SW 34TH PL W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 33 435 89 1420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 83
313 101797040 2020 30 179TH ST SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 389 82 1420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 74
397 101805003 2030 10 180TH PL SW 49TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 162 81 1430 0 0 Not Selected 72
486 101805008 2040 10 180TH PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 315 41 2700 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 52,364 52,364 92
179 101805010 2050 10 180TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 33 239 84 2550 0 0 Not Selected 75
189 101805020 2060 10 180TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 668 50 1440 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 110,976 110,976 94
344 101805030 2070 10 180TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 26 788 76 2390 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 65
354 101805040 2080 10 180TH PL SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 359 76 2390 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 65

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 3 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

858 101807010 2090 10 180TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 629 77 1450 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 66
935 101807030 2090 20 180TH ST SW 180TH ST SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 745 35 1460 0 2 Selected Yr 2 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 81,146 81,146 93
892 101807040 2090 30 180TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD PL W Collector Asphalt 17 473 64 1470 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,441 6,441 85
914 101807050 2090 40 180TH ST SW 63RD PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 860 64 1470 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 12,396 12,396 85
911 101807060 2090 50 180TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 57TH CT W Collector Asphalt 28 979 66 1470 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 21,956 21,956 85
1276 101807060 2090 60 180TH ST SW 57TH CT W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 456 58 1470 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,937 6,937 85
947 101807070 2090 70 180TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 288 66 1470 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 4,379 4,379 85
887 101807080 2090 80 180TH ST SW 54TH PL W 54TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 221 85 1470 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 3,357 3,357 85
941 101807090 2090 90 180TH ST SW 54TH PL W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 19 914 66 1470 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 13,914 13,914 85
439 101807100 2090 100 180TH ST SW SR 99 49TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 622 65 1480 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 39,842 39,842 91
393 101807110 2090 110 180TH ST SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 526 58 1480 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 33,725 33,725 91
443 101807120 2090 120 180TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 47TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 349 42 1480 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 21,273 21,273 91
1012 101807121 2090 130 180TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 195 65 1480 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 12,470 12,470 91
501 101807130 2090 140 180TH ST SW 46TH PL W 44TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 536 48 1480 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 32,657 32,657 91
1275 101807130 2090 150 180TH ST SW 44TH PL W 44TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 261 63 1480 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 15,910 15,910 91
904 100641200 2100 10 181ST PL SW 182ND ST SW 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 233 77 1490 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 67
1005 101815010 2100 20 181ST PL SW 181ST PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 888 58 1490 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 44
972 101815020 2110 10 181ST PL SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,447 68 1500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 55
459 101815030 2120 10 181ST PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 535 65 1510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 52
408 101815040 2130 10 181ST PL SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 1,346 63 1510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 50
1277 101817010 2140 10 181ST ST SW 67TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 79 45 1520 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 12,723 12,723 94
951 101817010 2140 20 181ST ST SW 67TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 275 52 1520 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 42,073 42,073 94
981 101817020 2150 10 181ST ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 394 70 1530 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
957 101825070 2160 10 182ND PL SW 183RD ST SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 23 276 59 3480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 28,548 28,548 96
945 101825010 2170 10 182ND PL SW NW END 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 50 86 91 1610 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 85
982 101825020 2170 20 182ND PL SW 58TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 246 80 1610 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 71
454 101825030 2180 10 182ND PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 641 80 1540 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 70
476 101825040 2190 10 182ND PL SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 1,337 76 1540 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 66
151 101825050 2200 10 182ND PL SW WEST END 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 25 185 53 2580 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 38
216 101825060 2210 10 182ND PL SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 502 83 1550 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 75
853 101827010 2220 10 182ND ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 14 209 48 3530 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 34
891 101827020 2220 20 182ND ST SW 67TH AVE W 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 1,068 69 3530 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
860 100641190 2230 10 182ND ST SW 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 251 52 1560 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 27,028 27,028 92
873 101827030 2230 20 182ND ST SW 182ND ST SW 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 703 37 1560 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 75,749 75,749 92
361 101827040 2240 10 182ND ST SW WEST END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Residential Asphalt 38 443 96 1570 0 0 Not Selected 90
953 101835010 2250 10 183RD PL SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 944 64 3460 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
856 101835020 2260 10 183RD PL SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 510 37 1580 0 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 85,906 85,906 94
995 101835030 2270 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 162 36 1560 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 23,331 23,331 92
498 101835040 2280 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 541 62 1590 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 85,024 85,024 96
499 101835050 2290 10 183RD PL SW 48TH AVE W 46TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 533 52 1590 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 79,009 79,009 96
406 101835060 2290 20 183RD PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 146 50 1590 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 21,667 21,667 96
450 101835070 2300 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 539 41 1600 0 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 93,385 93,385 96
199 101835080 2310 10 183RD PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 46 169 64 2550 0 0 Not Selected 50
879 101837010 2320 10 183RD ST SW WEST END 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 112 73 3480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 14,559 14,559 96
872 101837020 2320 20 183RD ST SW 67TH AVE W 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 547 43 3480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 71,313 71,313 96
906 101837030 2330 10 183RD ST SW 61ST AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 355 53 1560 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 33,503 33,503 92
881 101837040 2330 20 183RD ST SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 163 87 1610 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 80
874 101837050 2330 30 183RD ST SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 403 85 1610 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 78
876 101837060 2330 40 183RD ST SW 58TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 248 80 1610 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 70
122 101837070 2340 10 183RD ST SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 559 93 1620 0 0 Not Selected 87
493 101845002 2350 10 184TH PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 564 48 1590 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 98,817 98,817 96
435 101845004 2350 20 184TH PL SW 48TH AVE W 47TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 246 86 1640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 78
144 101845006 2370 10 184TH PL SW 43RD PL W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 33 244 41 1700 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 26
261 101845010 2380 10 184TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 44 208 78 2550 0 0 Not Selected 68
213 101845020 2390 10 184TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 548 82 1620 0 0 Not Selected 73
149 101847040 2400 10 184TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 27 513 67 2580 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
322 101847060 2410 40 184TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 1,003 95 1625 0 0 Not Selected 88
1279 101847070 2410 50 184TH ST SW WEST END 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 46 426 95 1625 0 0 Not Selected 88
1280 101847070 2410 60 184TH ST SW 33RD AVE W PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC Minor Arterial Asphalt 65 652 95 1630 0 0 Not Selected 88
372 101847070 2410 70 184TH ST SW PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 59 1,142 95 1630 0 0 Not Selected 88
921 101855010 2430 10 185TH PL SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 547 64 1690 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
861 101855020 2440 10 185TH PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 512 75 3250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 64
497 101855030 2450 10 185TH PL SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 520 80 2810 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 70
432 101855050 2450 20 185TH PL SW 48TH AVE W 46TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 210 95 1640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 89
483 101855060 2450 30 185TH PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 143 96 1640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 90
191 101855110 2460 10 185TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 516 91 1620 0 0 Not Selected 85

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 4 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

983 101857005 2470 10 185TH ST SW 70TH AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR Residential Asphalt 34 300 54 1710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 40
959 101857010 2480 10 185TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 290 79 3520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 70
868 101857020 2490 10 185TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 66TH PL W Residential Asphalt 28 339 75 3460 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
875 101857030 2490 20 185TH ST SW 66TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 516 76 3460 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 65
849 101857040 2490 30 185TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 269 79 1650 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 7,340 7,340 84
870 101857050 2490 40 185TH ST SW 63RD PL W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 267 81 1650 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 7,267 7,267 84
997 101857060 2490 50 185TH ST SW 62ND PL W 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 35 337 76 1650 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 9,438 9,438 84
965 101857070 2490 60 185TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 236 61 1650 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,243 6,243 84
157 101857100 2510 10 185TH ST SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 494 57 2550 0 0 Not Selected 42
898 101865003 2520 10 186TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 18 523 55 1660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 41
956 101865004 2520 20 186TH PL SW 58TH PL W 57TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 315 53 1660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 39
943 101865005 2520 30 186TH PL SW 57TH PL W HURST RD Residential Asphalt 19 260 73 1660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 62
992 101865007 2520 40 186TH PL SW HURST RD SR 99 Residential Asphalt 19 694 66 1660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 53
422 101865010 2530 10 186TH PL SW 52ND AVE W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 761 52 1670 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 36
467 101865020 2530 20 186TH PL SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 808 60 1670 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 46
236 101865030 2540 10 186TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 42 154 35 2540 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 29,122 29,122 92
988 101867010 2550 10 186TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 183 77 1710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 67
977 101867080 2560 10 186TH ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 525 89 1680 0 0 Not Selected 83
886 101867040 2570 10 186TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 26 973 63 1690 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 50
237 101867050 2580 10 186TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD PL W Residential Asphalt 33 259 64 1700 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
156 101867060 2580 20 186TH ST SW 43RD PL W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 301 59 1700 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 46
145 101867070 2580 30 186TH ST SW 42ND PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 520 44 1700 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 31
923 101875010 2590 10 187TH PL SW 71ST AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 451 52 1710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 38
960 101875020 2590 20 187TH PL SW 70TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 281 50 1710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 37
970 101875030 2600 10 187TH PL SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 408 31 1720 0 1 Selected Yr 1 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 74,754 74,754 92
760 101885010 2610 10 188TH PL SW WEST END 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,347 70 1730 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
350 101885020 2620 10 188TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 22 558 64 1740 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
865 101887010 2630 10 188TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 321 57 1750 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 5,139 5,139 85
883 101887020 2630 20 188TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 65TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 500 51 1750 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 8,012 8,012 85
910 101887030 2630 30 188TH ST SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 500 57 1750 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 8,009 8,009 85
902 101887040 2630 40 188TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Collector Asphalt 20 539 60 1750 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 8,635 8,635 85
919 101887050 2630 50 188TH ST SW 62ND PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 28 796 66 1750 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 17,849 17,849 85
1007 101887060 2630 60 188TH ST SW 60TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 38 1,312 72 1750 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 39,943 39,943 85
479 101887070 2630 70 188TH ST SW SR 99 55TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 463 44 1760 0 5 Selected Yr 5 60 Surf Recon + Base Rehab / FWM + Strctrl Ptch + Olay 0 93,979 93,979 98
421 101887080 2630 80 188TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 914 40 1760 0 5 Selected Yr 5 60 Surf Recon + Base Rehab / FWM + Strctrl Ptch + Olay 0 185,496 185,496 98
395 101887090 2630 90 188TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 51ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 417 43 1760 0 5 Selected Yr 5 60 Surf Recon + Base Rehab / FWM + Strctrl Ptch + Olay 0 87,298 87,298 98
409 101887100 2630 100 188TH ST SW 51ST PL W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 920 47 1760 0 5 Selected Yr 5 60 Surf Recon + Base Rehab / FWM + Strctrl Ptch + Olay 0 186,778 186,778 98
438 101887110 2630 110 188TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 47TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 313 60 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 41
463 101887120 2630 120 188TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 358 68 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 53
1011 101887130 2630 130 188TH ST SW 46TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 669 73 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
500 101887140 2630 140 188TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 288 70 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 57
263 101887150 2630 150 188TH ST SW 43RD AVE W 42ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 242 83 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 74
270 101887160 2630 160 188TH ST SW 42ND PL W 41ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 253 85 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 77
198 101887170 2630 170 188TH ST SW 41ST PL W 41ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 78 82 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 72
154 101887180 2630 180 188TH ST SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 450 63 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 47
388 101887195 2630 190 188TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 38TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 673 79 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 67
1282 101887190 2630 200 188TH ST SW 38TH AVE W PRIVATE Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 38 87 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 80
387 101887190 2630 210 188TH ST SW PRIVATE 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 593 73 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
332 101887200 2630 220 188TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 993 76 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 62
334 101887210 2630 230 188TH ST SW 33RD AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 73 211 60 1770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 47
796 101895010 2640 10 189TH PL SW 72ND AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 445 44 1780 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 29
772 101895020 2640 20 189TH PL SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 891 61 1780 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
812 101895030 2650 10 189TH PL SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 501 61 3400 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
822 101895040 2650 20 189TH PL SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 559 56 1790 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 42
758 101895050 2660 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 508 55 1800 0 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 54,952 54,952 90
491 101895055 2670 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 224 75 1810 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,278 6,278 84
394 101895060 2680 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 788 78 1810 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 17,041 17,041 84
353 101895070 2690 10 189TH PL SW 44TH AVE W 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 378 58 1820 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 44
331 101895090 2690 20 189TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 19 527 80 1820 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 71
338 101895080 2690 20 189TH PL SW 189TH PL SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 978 74 1820 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 61
478 101897010 2710 10 189TH ST SW WEST END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 288 87 1810 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,471 6,471 84
495 101897020 2710 20 189TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 919 66 1810 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 19,882 19,882 84
480 101897030 2720 10 189TH ST SW 50TH PL W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 18 271 64 1830 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 3,905 3,905 84
458 101897040 2720 20 189TH ST SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 275 77 1830 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 3,969 3,969 84
686 101905010 2730 10 190TH PL SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 231 62 1840 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48
379 101905020 2740 10 190TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 647 66 1950 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 5 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

741 101907003 2750 10 190TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 228 48 3640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 34
679 101907006 2760 10 190TH ST SW 72ND AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 434 58 1780 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 44
690 101907008 2760 20 190TH ST SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 861 56 1780 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
750 101907010 2770 10 190TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 876 63 1880 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 48
810 101907020 2780 10 190TH ST SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 621 80 1840 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 71
402 101907040 2790 10 190TH ST SW SW END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 208 66 1850 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 24,288 24,288 94
423 101907050 2790 20 190TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 949 46 1850 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 115,090 115,090 94
488 101907080 2800 10 190TH ST SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 653 42 1860 0 0 Not Selected 28
711 101915010 2810 10 191ST PL SW 72ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 485 62 3620 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 61,030 61,030 94
845 101915015 2820 10 191ST PL SW WEST END 68TH PL W Residential Asphalt 43 160 70 1920 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 5,527 5,527 84
494 101915030 2830 10 191ST PL SW 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 525 83 1870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 75
335 101915020 2840 10 191ST PL SW 40TH AVE W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 1,303 60 1950 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 46
780 101917010 2850 10 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW 74TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 478 51 3640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 37
709 101917020 2850 20 191ST ST SW 74TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 197 77 3630 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 24,830 24,830 95
813 101917030 2860 10 191ST ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 309 49 1880 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 35
701 101917040 2860 20 191ST ST SW 67TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 521 41 1880 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 27
714 101917050 2860 30 191ST ST SW 191ST ST SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 507 55 1880 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 41
398 101917055 2870 10 191ST ST SW 56TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 779 56 1890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
416 101917060 2870 20 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 255 69 1890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
425 101917065 2880 10 191ST ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 362 84 2720 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 77
348 101917070 2890 10 191ST ST SW 44TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 1,097 60 1940 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 44
325 101917080 2890 20 191ST ST SW 191ST ST SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 216 71 1940 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
804 101925010 2900 10 192ND PL SW 74TH AVE W 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 865 53 1910 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 136,014 136,014 95
844 101925040 2910 10 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 30 280 55 1910 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 37,790 37,790 95
847 101925050 2910 20 192ND PL SW 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 394 51 1910 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 53,041 53,041 95
767 101925060 2920 10 192ND PL SW 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 411 63 1900 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 49
1232 101925060 2920 30 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 260 61 1900 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 48
687 101925070 2920 40 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 694 43 1900 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 30
428 101925090 2940 10 192ND PL SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 429 87 2930 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 80
373 101925100 2950 10 192ND PL SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,310 64 1940 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 50
704 101925020 2960 10 192ND ST SW 72ND AVE W 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 25 136 71 1910 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 15,224 15,224 95
768 101925030 2960 20 192ND ST SW 71ST PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 537 51 1910 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 55,446 55,446 95
718 101927010 2970 10 192ND ST SW 69TH PL W 68TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 356 69 1920 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 9,410 9,410 84
827 101927013 2970 20 192ND ST SW 68TH PL W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 158 94 1920 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 4,442 4,442 84
740 101925080 2980 10 192ND ST SW 64TH AVE W DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 27 181 83 3830 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 75
468 101927015 2990 10 192ND ST SW WEST END 53RD PL W Residential Asphalt 37 367 70 2930 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 58
471 101927017 2990 20 192ND ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 442 92 2930 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 86
445 101927020 2990 30 192ND ST SW 52ND AVE W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 817 92 1930 0 0 Not Selected 86
427 101927025 2990 40 192ND ST SW 49TH PL W 49TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 253 96 1930 0 0 Not Selected 90
477 101927030 2990 50 192ND ST SW 49TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 264 96 1930 0 0 Not Selected 90
391 101927040 2990 60 192ND ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 672 87 1930 0 0 Not Selected 80
346 101927050 3000 10 192ND ST SW 44TH AVE W 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 655 42 1940 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 28
352 101927055 3000 20 192ND ST SW 192ND ST SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 651 78 1940 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 68
366 101927060 3010 10 192ND ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 656 72 1950 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 61
703 101935003 3020 10 193RD PL SW 73RD PL W 72ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 357 71 1960 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
753 101935006 3020 20 193RD PL SW 72ND PL W 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 34 299 48 1960 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 34
744 101935008 3020 30 193RD PL SW 71ST PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 509 81 3570 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 72
400 101935010 3030 10 193RD PL SW WEST END 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 567 96 1970 0 0 Not Selected 90
755 101937010 3040 10 193RD ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 535 58 1980 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 60,083 60,083 95
722 101937020 3040 20 193RD ST SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 802 46 1980 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 90,090 90,090 95
675 101937030 3040 30 193RD ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 23 660 53 1980 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 68,236 68,236 95
749 101945010 3050 10 194TH PL SW 74TH AVE W 73RD PL W Residential Asphalt 32 297 33 1990 0 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 47,058 47,058 94
825 101945020 3050 20 194TH PL SW 73RD PL W 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 81 33 1990 0 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 14,849 14,849 94
680 101945030 3050 30 194TH PL SW 73RD AVE W 72ND PL W Residential Asphalt 35 372 59 1960 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 43
702 101947060 3060 10 194TH ST SW 70TH PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 208 88 3580 0 0 Not Selected 82
783 101947010 3070 10 194TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 38 491 81 2000 0 0 Not Selected 72
1172 3080 10 194TH ST SW 58TH PL W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 43 293 58 3100 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 56,650 56,650 94
455 101947020 3090 10 194TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 34 1,327 73 2010 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 62
452 101947030 3090 20 194TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 669 66 2010 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 52
474 101947040 3090 30 194TH ST SW 46TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 674 66 2010 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 52
369 101947050 3090 40 194TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 1,309 75 2010 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 64
360 101957020 3100 10 195TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 569 66 2020 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
754 101957010 3110 10 195TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 22 334 49 2030 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 32,975 32,975 94
781 101977010 3130 10 197TH ST SW HEINZ PL 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 23 307 42 3600 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 31,712 31,712 95
692 101987010 3140 10 198TH ST SW 76TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 497 64 2100 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
723 101987020 3150 10 198TH ST SW HEINZ PL SE END Residential Asphalt 26 268 52 3600 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 31,313 31,313 95

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 6 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

596 101987030 3160 10 198TH ST SW SCRIBER LAKE RD 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 528 63 2080 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 50
629 101987035 3160 20 198TH ST SW 198TH ST SW 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 415 59 2080 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 45
603 101987040 3170 10 198TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 1,292 55 2090 0 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 161,513 161,513 90
672 101997010 3190 10 199TH ST SW WEST END 76TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 344 79 2100 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 69
731 102007010 3200 10 200TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 74TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 678 69 2100 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
829 102007020 3210 10 200TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH PL W Collector Asphalt 41 504 71 2110 0 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 16,555 16,555 86
707 102007030 3210 20 200TH ST SW 66TH PL W 64TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 34 805 70 2110 0 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 21,914 21,914 86
842 102007040 3210 30 200TH ST SW 64TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 41 345 57 2110 0 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 11,326 11,326 86
646 102007050 3210 40 200TH ST SW SR 99 61ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 454 59 2115 0 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 54,239 54,239 90
1284 102007050 3210 50 200TH ST SW 61ST PL W 61ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 45 58 2115 0 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 5,433 5,433 90
663 102007060 3210 60 200TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 496 52 2115 0 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 59,221 59,221 90
650 102007070 3210 70 200TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 1,341 77 2120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 66
527 102007080 3210 80 200TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 677 81 2120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 71
580 102007090 3210 90 200TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 148 83 2120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 73
575 102007100 3210 100 200TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 53RD PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 139 78 2120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 67
555 102007110 3210 110 200TH ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 176 71 2120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 58
576 102007120 3210 120 200TH ST SW 52ND PL W 50TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 869 72 2120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 57
531 102007130 3210 130 200TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 670 71 2120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 55
542 102007140 3210 140 200TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 672 60 2120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 43
550 102007150 3210 150 200TH ST SW 46TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Minor Arterial Asphalt 60 666 70 2120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 57
830 102015010 3220 10 201ST PL SW 75TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 173 51 3650 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 26,461 26,461 93
800 102015020 3230 10 201ST PL SW 68TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 38 285 75 3450 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 64
651 102015030 3240 10 201ST PL SW 54TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 641 91 2130 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 85
770 102017010 3250 10 201ST ST SW 76TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 668 63 2100 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
567 102025010 3260 10 202ND PL SW 54TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 293 79 2130 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 69
688 102027010 3270 10 202ND ST SW 76TH AVE W 75TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 266 41 3650 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 40,653 40,653 93
748 102027020 3270 20 202ND ST SW 75TH PL W 75TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 94 39 3650 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 14,368 14,368 93
778 102027030 3270 30 202ND ST SW 75TH AVE W 74TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 176 46 3650 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 26,064 26,064 93
695 102027040 3270 40 202ND ST SW 74TH PL W 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 247 37 3650 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 37,668 37,668 94
763 102027050 3280 10 202ND ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH PL W Residential Asphalt 21 502 68 2140 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 55
775 102027060 3280 20 202ND ST SW 66TH PL W SR 99 Residential Asphalt 29 764 70 2140 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 57
656 102027070 3280 30 202ND ST SW SR 99 61ST Pl W Residential Asphalt 29 880 70 2140 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
1021 102027080 3280 40 202ND ST SW 61ST Pl W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 501 70 2140 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
640 102027090 3280 50 202ND ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 1,336 71 2140 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
605 102037010 3290 10 203RD ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 1,340 62 2150 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
1111 102047020 3310 10 204TH ST SW 68TH AVE W SR 99 Residential Asphalt 24 864 95 2160 0 0 Not Selected 89
607 102047030 3310 30 204TH ST SW 204TH ST SW 63RD PL W Collector Asphalt 37 563 88 2170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 82
566 102047040 3310 40 204TH ST SW 63RD PL W 61ST PL W Collector Asphalt 37 683 90 2170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 83
565 102047050 3310 50 204TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 492 80 2170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 70
529 102047060 3310 60 204TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 1,346 80 2170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 70
595 102047070 3310 70 204TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 331 88 2170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 81
553 102047080 3310 80 204TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 333 91 2170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 84
515 102047090 3310 90 204TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 329 83 2170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 74
661 102047100 3310 100 204TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 347 86 2170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 77
648 102047101 3310 110 204TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 25 653 81 2170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 72
1001311 3320 10 204TH ST SW 44TH AVE W RAMP ROAD Minor Arterial Asphalt 17 236 86 2180 0 5 Selected Yr 5 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 9,431 9,431 92
1311 3320 20 204TH ST SW RAMP ROAD 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 23 104 76 2180 0 5 Selected Yr 5 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 5,607 5,607 92
1313 3320 30 204TH ST SW 204TH ST SW LARCH WAY Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 1,330 71 2180 0 5 Selected Yr 5 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 109,173 109,173 92
1314 3320 40 204TH ST SW LARCH WAY EAST END Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 198 76 2180 0 5 Selected Yr 5 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 16,245 16,245 92
601 102067010 3330 10 206TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 329 44 2190 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 47,303 47,303 94
660 102067020 3330 20 206TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 333 46 2190 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 47,925 47,925 94
541 102067030 3330 30 206TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 331 52 2190 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 37,152 37,152 94
506 102067040 3330 40 206TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 336 49 2190 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 40,784 40,784 94
577 102075010 3340 10 207TH PL SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 32 929 71 2200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
729 102087010 3350 10 208TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 681 80 2210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 71
721 102087020 3350 20 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 681 80 2210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 70
801 102087030 3350 30 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW 70TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 43 681 77 2210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 67
708 102087040 3350 40 208TH ST SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 683 71 2210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 59
843 102087050 3350 50 208TH ST SW 68TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 54 173 63 2210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
619 102087060 3350 60 208TH ST SW SR 99 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 153 65 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
587 102087070 3350 70 208TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 328 51 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 36
549 102087080 3350 80 208TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 1,004 59 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 44
513 102087090 3350 90 208TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 61ST AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 637 71 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
671 102087100 3350 100 208TH ST SW 61ST AVE W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 318 72 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
613 102087110 3350 110 208TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Collector Asphalt 39 182 79 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 69
624 102087120 3350 120 208TH ST SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Collector Asphalt 39 315 78 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 68

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 7 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

564 102087130 3350 130 208TH ST SW 58TH PL W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 835 74 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 62
649 102087140 3350 140 208TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 328 78 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 66
627 102087150 3350 150 208TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 40 341 78 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 68
573 102087160 3350 160 208TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 31 328 73 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 61
569 102087170 3350 170 208TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Collector Asphalt 40 348 66 2220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 52
546 102087180 3350 180 208TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 658 52 2230 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 38
539 102087190 3350 190 208TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 870 66 2230 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
633 110100100 3360 10 209TH PL SW 59TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 637 95 2240 0 0 Not Selected 89
631 102097020 3380 10 209TH ST SW 45TH PL W 44TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 294 83 2250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 75
612 102097030 3380 20 209TH ST SW 44TH PL W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 255 60 2250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 47
535 102107050 3390 20 210TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 332 78 3410 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 68
512 102107030 3400 10 210TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 45TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 449 82 2250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 74
538 102117010 3410 10 211TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 594 81 3210 0 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 0 9,239 9,239 80
540 102117020 3420 10 211TH ST SW WEST END 50TH PL W Residential Asphalt 35 287 39 2830 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 45,062 45,062 92
626 102117040 3430 20 211TH ST SW 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 176 96 2250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 90
517 102117030 3440 10 211TH ST SW SW END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 448 69 2260 0 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 28,014 28,014 91
643 102127010 3450 10 212TH ST SW SR 99 68TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 501 42 2270 0 2 Selected Yr 2 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 0 59,611 59,611 89
583 102127020 3450 20 212TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 314 58 2270 0 2 Selected Yr 2 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 0 37,353 37,353 89
600 102127030 3450 30 212TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 320 66 2270 0 2 Selected Yr 2 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 0 38,060 38,060 89
636 102127040 3450 40 212TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 1,005 61 2270 0 2 Selected Yr 2 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 0 113,905 113,905 89
544 102127050 3450 50 212TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 529 59 2280 0 0 Not Selected 44
658 102127060 3450 60 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 304 62 2280 0 0 Not Selected 45
571 102127070 3450 70 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 58TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 708 64 2280 0 0 Not Selected 47
524 102127080 3450 80 212TH ST SW 58TH AVE W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 1,039 72 2280 0 0 Not Selected 57
634 102127085 3450 90 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,121 79 2280 0 0 Not Selected 67
586 102127090 3450 100 212TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 548 90 2290 0 0 Not Selected 83
578 102127100 3450 110 212TH ST SW 50TH PL W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 124 93 2290 0 0 Not Selected 86
620 102127110 3450 120 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 49TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 165 92 2290 0 0 Not Selected 86
562 102127120 3450 130 212TH ST SW 49TH AVE W 48TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 274 92 2290 0 0 Not Selected 86
604 102127132 3450 140 212TH ST SW 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 220 90 2290 0 0 Not Selected 84
511 102127130 3450 150 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 1,341 92 2290 0 0 Not Selected 86
597 102127131 3460 10 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW 47TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 340 96 2250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 91
611 102147010 3470 10 214TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 325 82 3410 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 73
505 102167010 3480 10 216TH ST SW SR 99 EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 603 47 2300 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 105,700 105,700 93
367 100241032 3490 10 24TH AVE W SOUTH END 24TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 168 43 2310 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 25,592 25,592 92
384 100241031 3490 20 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 300 38 2310 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 45,864 45,864 92
357 100241030 3490 30 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 533 40 2310 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 98,144 98,144 92
333 100241020 3490 40 24TH AVE W 196TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 264 67 2310 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 49,818 49,818 92
326 100261010 3500 20 26TH AVE W ASH WAY BEECH RD Residential Asphalt 24 390 37 2320 0 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 46,367 46,367 94
355 108308042 3510 10 28TH AVE W SOUTH END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 21 406 79 3710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 68
337 100281080 3520 10 28TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 331 70 2330 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 58
328 100291010 3530 10 29TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD NW END Residential Asphalt 22 472 62 2330 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
276 100300010 3540 10 30TH PL W MAPLE RD 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 42 843 58 2340 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 44
288 100290080 3560 10 32ND AVE W SOUTH END 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 165 78 2350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 68
309 100290070 3560 20 32ND AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 19 534 58 2350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 44
311 100290060 3560 30 32ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 482 52 2350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 39
304 100290050 3560 40 32ND AVE W 175TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 385 55 2350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 41
273 100290040 3560 50 32ND AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 445 64 2350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
275 100290020 3560 60 32ND AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 153 67 2350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 54
1257 100290020 3560 70 32ND AVE W 171ST PL SW 171ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 149 80 2350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 71
1256 100290020 3560 80 32ND AVE W 171ST ST SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 131 39 1110 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 10,631 10,631 96
286 100290010 3560 90 32ND AVE W 170TH PL SW 169TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 19 437 44 1110 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 37,319 37,319 96
315 100290011 3560 100 32ND AVE W 169TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 98 58 1110 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 10,159 10,159 96
296 100290012 3560 110 32ND AVE W 169TH ST SW 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 315 75 1110 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 32,582 32,582 96
307 100321010 3560 120 32ND AVE W WEST END 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 265 48 1110 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 24,994 24,994 96
292 100290090 3570 10 32ND PL W 177TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 25 245 70 1340 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 57
375 100331010 3580 10 33RD AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 33 1,999 52 2360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 38
343 100331020 3580 20 33RD AVE W 188TH ST SW 184TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,369 67 2360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 54
1110 110100200 3590 10 33RD AVE W 184TH ST SW MAPLE RD Collector Asphalt 42 2,093 92 2370 0 0 Not Selected 86
272 100335060 3600 10 33RD PL W SW END 179TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 819 89 1420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 82
318 100335050 3600 20 33RD PL W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 148 89 1420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 82
300 100340010 3600 30 33RD PL W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 32 350 41 2380 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 50,249 50,249 94
277 100340020 3600 40 33RD PL W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 543 45 2380 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 61,006 61,006 94
280 100340030 3600 50 33RD PL W 176TH ST SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 1,318 57 2380 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 106,601 106,601 94
1074 100335040 3610 10 33RD PL W 171ST ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 278 81 1160 0 0 Not Selected 73
1196 3620 10 33RD PL W 180TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 120 79 2390 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 69

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 8 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

341 100335020 3620 20 33RD PL W 180TH PL SW 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 25 164 84 2390 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 76
294 100342010 3630 10 34TH PL W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 172 88 1420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 81
299 100341030 3640 10 34TH PL W 176TH PL SW 175TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 227 74 2400 0 0 Not Selected 63
305 100341020 3640 20 34TH PL W 175TH PL SW 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 482 86 2400 0 0 Not Selected 78
1273 100341010 3640 30 34TH PL W 174TH PL SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 35 237 76 2400 0 0 Not Selected 65
278 100341010 3640 40 34TH PL W UNNAMED UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 244 74 2400 0 0 Not Selected 63
1272 100341010 3640 50 34TH PL W UNNAMED 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 302 72 2400 0 0 Not Selected 60
358 100361010 3650 10 36TH AVE W 195TH PL SW 192ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 942 77 2440 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 66
374 100361020 3650 20 36TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 280 49 2410 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 80,472 80,472 92
382 100361030 3650 30 36TH AVE W 191ST PL SW 188TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,098 45 2410 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 315,327 315,327 92
1374 100361040 3650 40 36TH AVE W 188TH ST SW PRIVATE Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 597 83 2420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 74
389 100361040 3650 50 36TH AVE W PRIVATE 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 52 753 84 2420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 76
165 100361050 3650 60 36TH AVE W 184TH ST SW 180TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,162 87 2420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 79
153 100361060 3650 70 36TH AVE W 180TH PL SW MAPLE RD Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 407 54 2430 0 0 Not Selected 93
135 100361165 3650 80 36TH AVE W MAPLE RD 179TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 106 46 2430 0 0 Not Selected 93
188 100361070 3650 90 36TH AVE W 179TH ST SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 561 52 2430 0 0 Not Selected 93
152 100361080 3650 100 36TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 261 49 2430 0 0 Not Selected 93
137 100361090 3650 110 36TH AVE W 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 253 53 2430 0 0 Not Selected 93
1109 100361091 3650 120 36TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 247 56 2430 0 0 Not Selected 93
1022 100361170 3650 130 36TH AVE W 36TH AVE W 174TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 250 45 2430 0 0 Not Selected 93
142 100361100 3650 140 36TH AVE W 174TH PL SW 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 503 47 2430 0 0 Not Selected 93
250 100361110 3650 150 36TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 270 51 2430 0 0 Not Selected 93
140 100361120 3650 160 36TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 393 34 2435 0 0 Not Selected 93
1301 100361120 3650 170 36TH AVE W 171ST ST SW 170TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 38 250 39 2435 0 0 Not Selected 93
1061 100361195 3650 180 36TH AVE W 170TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 38 241 27 2435 0 0 Not Selected 92
1060 100361190 3650 190 36TH AVE W 169TH ST SW 168TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 273 40 2435 0 0 Not Selected 93
1059 100361130 3650 200 36TH AVE W 168TH PL SW 167TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 235 52 2435 0 0 Not Selected 93
148 100361140 3650 210 36TH AVE W 167TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 236 36 2435 0 0 Not Selected 92
1247 100361140 3650 220 36TH AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 36 21 2435 0 0 Not Selected 92
1246 100361140 3650 230 36TH AVE W UNNAMED 166TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 70 35 2435 0 0 Not Selected 93
150 100361150 3650 240 36TH AVE W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 407 38 2435 0 0 Not Selected 93
1129 3650 250 36TH AVE W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Minor Arterial Asphalt 50 128 40 2435 0 0 Not Selected 93
349 100371010 3670 10 37TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 68 403 76 2440 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 65
175 100371020 3680 10 37TH AVE W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 36 498 84 2450 0 0 Not Selected 76
268 100375020 3690 10 37TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 46 191 63 2500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 50
244 100375030 3700 10 37TH PL W 174TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 278 92 1240 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 86
1132 3710 10 37TH PL W 167TH ST SW 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 126 57 2470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 42
155 100375040 3710 20 37TH PL W 37TH PL W 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 338 66 2470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
173 100375050 3710 30 37TH PL W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 297 60 2470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 46
359 100381030 3720 10 38TH AVE W SOUTH END 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 53 163 80 2480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,937 6,937 88
146 100381020 3730 10 38TH AVE W SOUTH END MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 42 175 91 2500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 85
248 100381008 3740 10 38TH AVE W 174TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 225 90 1240 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 84
205 100381010 3750 10 38TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 627 62 1150 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 50
127 100381004 3760 10 38TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 331 43 2490 0 0 Not Selected 29
247 100391010 3770 10 39TH AVE W MAPLE RD 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 325 96 2500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 90
1063 107701022 3780 10 39TH AVE W 169TH ST SW 168TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 238 81 1100 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 72
210 100395020 3790 10 39TH PL W SOUTH END 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 48 100 81 2500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 72
159 100395010 3800 10 39TH PL W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 354 39 1150 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 25
632 100401010 3810 10 40TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 198TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 630 90 2510 0 0 Not Selected 84
652 100401020 3810 20 40TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 558 79 2510 0 0 Not Selected 69
664 100401030 3810 30 40TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 741 74 2510 0 0 Not Selected 63
365 100401040 3810 40 40TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 321 73 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 61
380 100401050 3810 50 40TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 362 67 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 54
340 100401060 3810 60 40TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 140 73 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
342 100401070 3810 70 40TH AVE W 191ST PL SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 20 165 69 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 57
363 100401080 3810 80 40TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 145 63 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
336 100401090 3810 90 40TH AVE W 190TH PL SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 247 65 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 52
347 100401100 3810 110 40TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 22 524 47 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 32
215 100401110 3810 120 40TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 31 875 59 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 43
232 100401111 3810 130 40TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 35 162 76 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 64
245 100401141 3810 140 40TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 284 74 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 63
171 100401140 3810 150 40TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 183RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 21 342 70 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 58
212 100401150 3810 160 40TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 28 298 73 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 61
223 100401160 3810 170 40TH AVE W 182ND PL SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 38 358 77 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 67
1274 100401160 3810 180 40TH AVE W UNNAMED 180TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 29 155 74 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 63
121 100401170 3810 190 40TH AVE W 180TH PL SW MAPLE RD Collector Asphalt 26 482 73 2520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 9 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

183 100401180 3820 10 40TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 653 53 1150 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 40
238 100405010 3830 10 40TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 293 59 2460 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 44
1044 100405030 3840 10 40TH PL W SOUTH END 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 61 86 88 2530 0 0 Not Selected 81
1043 100405020 3840 20 40TH PL W 165TH PL SW 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 619 92 2530 0 0 Not Selected 87
377 100415005 3850 10 41ST PL W 188TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 238 68 1740 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 55
187 100415010 3860 10 41ST PL W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 399 50 2540 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 60,903 60,903 92
269 100415020 3860 20 41ST PL W 186TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 148 48 2540 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 23,242 23,242 92
241 100415030 3870 10 41ST PL W 185TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 335 42 2550 0 0 Not Selected 28
196 100415040 3870 20 41ST PL W 184TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 299 59 2550 0 0 Not Selected 45
221 100415050 3870 30 41ST PL W 183RD PL SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 288 78 2550 0 0 Not Selected 67
178 100415060 3870 40 41ST PL W 182ND PL SW MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 33 478 79 2550 0 0 Not Selected 69
181 100415070 3870 50 41ST PL W MAPLE RD 180TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 172 74 2550 0 0 Not Selected 63
1308 100415070 3870 60 41ST PL W 180TH PL SW 179TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 170 81 2550 0 0 Not Selected 72
201 100415080 3870 70 41ST PL W 179TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 245 96 2550 0 0 Not Selected 90
252 100415090 3880 10 41ST PL W SOUTH END 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 122 66 2560 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
1065 100415100 3880 20 41ST PL W 170TH ST SW 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 823 77 2560 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 67
1046 100415110 3890 10 41ST PL W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 231 93 2530 0 0 Not Selected 87
1047 100415111 3890 20 41ST PL W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 278 93 2530 0 0 Not Selected 88
257 109100100 3900 10 42ND AVE W SOUTH END 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 45 243 90 1260 0 4 Selected Yr 4 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 8,745 8,745 87
1038 100425040 3910 10 42ND AVE W 166TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 478 82 2530 0 0 Not Selected 73
229 100425010 3920 10 42ND PL W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 554 95 2570 0 0 Not Selected 89
180 100425020 3930 10 42ND PL W 186TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 431 67 1700 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
207 100425030 3940 10 42ND PL W 184TH ST SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 389 67 2580 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
225 100425035 3940 20 42ND PL W 182ND PL SW MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 28 448 69 2580 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
345 100431010 3950 10 43RD AVE W 188TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 241 61 1740 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 47
192 100431020 3960 10 43RD AVE W SW END 180TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 38 231 81 2550 0 0 Not Selected 72
1034 100431030 3980 10 43RD AVE W 166TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 46 222 95 2530 0 0 Not Selected 89
211 100435010 3990 10 43RD PL W 186TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 361 51 1700 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 37
138 100435020 4000 10 43RD PL W SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 46 262 84 3770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 75
608 100441010 4010 10 44TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 55 417 54 2600 0 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 81,386 81,386 90
520 100441020 4010 20 44TH AVE W 211TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 582 60 2600 0 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 115,689 115,689 90
1289 100441030 4010 30 44TH AVE W 209TH ST SW 49TH PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 533 45 2600 0 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 105,991 105,991 89
100518 100441030 4010 40 44TH AVE W 49TH PL W RAMP RAMP Principal Arterial Asphalt 51 651 58 2600 0 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 117,746 117,746 89
669 100441080 4010 100 44TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 64 674 80 2630 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 70
426 100441090 4010 110 44TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 422 73 2630 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 61
412 100441100 4010 120 44TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 344 83 2640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 72
413 100441110 4010 130 44TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 299 90 2640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 83
453 100441120 4010 140 44TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 189TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 513 89 2640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 80
436 100441130 4010 150 44TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 404 93 2640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 87
167 100441140 4010 160 44TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 757 88 2640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 80
170 100441150 4010 170 44TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 631 91 2640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 84
193 100441160 4010 180 44TH AVE W 184TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 120 83 2640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 73
220 100441170 4010 190 44TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 182ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 259 89 2640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 82
208 100441180 4010 200 44TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 181ST PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 341 84 2640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 74
162 100441190 4010 210 44TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 562 91 2650 0 0 Not Selected 85
219 100441200 4010 220 44TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 179TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 172 90 2650 0 0 Not Selected 83
168 100441210 4010 230 44TH AVE W 179TH PL SW 179TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 44 194 90 2650 0 0 Not Selected 82
1306 100441220 4010 240 44TH AVE W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 273 89 2650 0 0 Not Selected 80
253 100441220 4010 250 44TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 44 367 87 2650 0 0 Not Selected 79
1305 100441220 4010 260 44TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 19 93 2650 0 0 Not Selected 87
1304 100441220 4010 270 44TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 274 91 2650 0 0 Not Selected 84
1302 100441220 4010 280 44TH AVE W 176TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 29 89 2650 0 0 Not Selected 81
228 100441230 4010 290 44TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 305 87 2660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 78
185 100441240 4010 300 44TH AVE W 175TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 247 89 2660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 82
202 100441250 4010 310 44TH AVE W 174TH PL SW 172ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 551 89 2660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 81
259 100441260 4010 320 44TH AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 212 84 2660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 74
235 100441270 4010 330 44TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 438 85 2660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 75
1251 100441270 4010 340 44TH AVE W 170TH PL SW COBBLESTONE DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 340 89 2660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 81
1250 100441270 4010 350 44TH AVE W COBBLESTONE DR 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 629 76 2660 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 62
264 100441281 4010 360 44TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 43 462 68 2670 0 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 48,880 48,880 91
194 100441280 4010 370 44TH AVE W 166TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 42 1,690 71 2670 0 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 174,618 174,618 91
557 100445020 4020 10 44TH PL W SOUTH END 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 31 228 78 2250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 67
504 100451010 4040 10 45TH PL W 210TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 135 94 2250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 88
559 100461005 4050 10 46TH AVE W RAMP 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 45 609 63 2680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
449 100461010 4060 10 46TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 671 52 2690 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 38
496 100461020 4060 20 46TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 481 77 2690 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 65

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 10 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

419 100461030 4060 30 46TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 834 73 2690 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 62
460 100461040 4060 40 46TH AVE W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 367 57 2690 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 43
433 100465030 4070 10 46TH PL W 185TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 649 89 1640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 83
448 100465010 4080 10 46TH PL W 180TH PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 240 47 2700 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 34,432 34,432 92
203 100465020 4080 20 46TH PL W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 24 676 89 2710 0 0 Not Selected 83
635 100471031 4090 10 47TH AVE W SOUTH END 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 47 184 96 2250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 90
622 100471030 4090 20 47TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 283 94 2250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 88
487 100471010 4100 10 47TH AVE W SOUTH END 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 289 72 2720 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 60
434 100471020 4100 20 47TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 832 78 2720 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 68
174 100471040 4110 10 47TH AVE W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 502 74 2730 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 12,882 12,882 84
404 100475010 4120 10 47TH PL W SOUTH END 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 188 73 1640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 61
514 100481020 4130 10 48TH AVE W 211TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 515 81 2740 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 11,543 11,543 84
1291 100481020 4130 20 48TH AVE W 209TH ST SW 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 316 78 2740 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 5,065 5,065 84
662 100481030 4150 10 48TH AVE W SOUTH END 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 671 62 2750 0 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 105,622 105,622 93
510 100481040 4150 20 48TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 1,336 51 2750 0 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 200,602 200,602 93
668 100481050 4150 30 48TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 654 40 2750 0 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 91,041 91,041 93
466 100481060 4150 40 48TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 661 66 2760 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 52
451 100481070 4150 50 48TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 510 68 2760 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 55
461 100481080 4150 60 48TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 464 76 2760 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 66
440 100481090 4150 70 48TH AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 347 77 2760 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 67
470 100481100 4150 80 48TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 545 63 2770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48
447 100481110 4150 90 48TH AVE W 186TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 292 59 2770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 44
411 100481120 4150 100 48TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 351 69 2770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
429 100481130 4150 110 48TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 25 67 2770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
490 100481140 4150 120 48TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 274 69 2770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
405 100481150 4150 130 48TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 59 65 2770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 51
456 100481170 4150 140 48TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 24 134 62 2770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48
465 100481160 4150 150 48TH AVE W 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 112 77 2770 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 66
475 100481180 4150 160 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 31 35 92 2780 0 0 Not Selected 86
446 100481190 4150 170 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 323 91 2780 0 0 Not Selected 85
417 100481200 4150 180 48TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 63 89 2780 0 0 Not Selected 82
473 100481210 4150 190 48TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 31 439 90 2780 0 0 Not Selected 84
26 100481220 4160 10 48TH AVE W SOUTH END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 678 83 2790 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 22,256 22,256 84
43 100481240 4160 20 48TH AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 41 778 66 2790 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 25,551 25,551 84
534 100481010 4170 10 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 500 95 2250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 89
630 100491010 4180 10 49TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 1,534 67 2740 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 24,575 24,575 84
462 100491020 4190 10 49TH AVE W SOUTH END 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 319 95 1930 0 0 Not Selected 90
464 100495010 4210 10 49TH PL W 192ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 199 43 1860 0 0 Not Selected 29
399 100495020 4220 10 49TH PL W SOUTH END 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 159 64 1830 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 4,833 4,833 84
430 100495030 4230 10 49TH PL W 186TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 318 91 2810 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 84
469 100495040 4240 10 49TH PL W 180TH PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 203 81 1430 0 0 Not Selected 72
598 100501010 4250 10 50TH AVE W 208TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 33 374 36 2230 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 23
532 100501020 4260 10 50TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 51 1,340 62 2820 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 49
592 100505010 4270 10 50TH PL W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 330 55 2830 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 35,587 35,587 92
415 100505020 4280 10 50TH PL W SOUTH END 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 161 90 1830 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 5,029 5,029 84
431 100515020 4290 10 51ST PL W SOUTH END 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 806 43 2840 0 0 Not Selected 29
503 100521010 4300 10 52ND AVE W 212TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 59 1,328 71 2850 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 65,014 65,014 88
655 100521020 4300 20 52ND AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 55 659 71 2850 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 30,060 30,060 88
623 100521030 4300 30 52ND AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 665 80 2850 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 24,847 24,847 88
420 100521050 4310 10 52ND AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 659 65 2860 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 51
1008 100521060 4310 20 52ND AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 159 69 2860 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
401 100521070 4310 30 52ND AVE W 193RD PL SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 38 293 67 2860 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
457 100521080 4310 40 52ND AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 204 71 2860 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 58
482 100521090 4310 50 52ND AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 286 70 2860 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 57
1009 100521101 4310 60 52ND AVE W 191ST ST SW 191ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 32 73 63 2860 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48
437 100521100 4310 70 52ND AVE W 191ST PL SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 426 70 2860 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 58
444 100521110 4310 80 52ND AVE W 189TH PL SW 189TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 198 68 2860 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 55
489 100521120 4310 90 52ND AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 331 57 2860 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 42
1010 100521130 4310 100 52ND AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 510 90 2870 0 0 Not Selected 84
492 100521140 4310 110 52ND AVE W 186TH PL SW SR 99 Collector Asphalt 41 1,724 62 2880 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 47
115 100521150 4320 10 52ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 873 50 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 31
89 100521160 4320 20 52ND AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 257 63 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
59 100521170 4320 30 52ND AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 203 58 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 41
86 100521180 4320 40 52ND AVE W 172ND ST SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 96 69 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
1235 100521190 4320 50 52ND AVE W 172ND ST SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 160 65 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
1236 100521190 4320 60 52ND AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 57 75 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 62

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 11 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

31 100521190 4320 70 52ND AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 156 66 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
1237 100521190 4320 80 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 29 32 56 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 37
1234 100521200 4320 90 52ND AVE W 170TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 175 73 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 59
33 100521200 4320 100 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 169TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 187 60 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 44
1233 100521210 4320 110 52ND AVE W 169TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 161 74 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
6 100521210 4320 120 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 345 66 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
23 100521220 4320 130 52ND AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 780 57 2890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 40
554 100525010 4330 10 52ND PL W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 511 81 2920 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 72
537 100531010 4340 10 53RD AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 672 66 2910 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
594 100531020 4340 20 53RD AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 656 96 2900 0 0 Not Selected 90
521 100531030 4340 30 53RD AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 663 94 2900 0 0 Not Selected 88
642 100531040 4340 40 53RD AVE W 204TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 36 226 90 2900 0 0 Not Selected 84
644 100531050 4350 10 53RD AVE W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 666 63 2920 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
591 100535003 4360 10 53RD PL W SOUTH END 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 42 184 69 2920 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 56
410 100535008 4370 10 53RD PL W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 234 85 2930 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 77
53 100535010 4380 10 53RD PL W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 692 75 2940 0 2 Selected Yr 2 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 22,177 22,177 85
588 100541020 4390 10 54TH AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 959 67 2960 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
585 100541030 4390 20 54TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 645 83 2950 0 0 Not Selected 75
647 100541040 4390 30 54TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 664 92 2950 0 0 Not Selected 86
639 100541050 4390 40 54TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 521 88 2950 0 0 Not Selected 81
602 100541060 4390 50 54TH AVE W 202ND PL SW 201ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 327 95 2950 0 0 Not Selected 90
653 100541070 4390 60 54TH AVE W 201ST PL SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 494 94 2950 0 0 Not Selected 89
980 100541080 4400 10 54TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 799 47 2970 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 122,095 122,095 92
867 100545010 4410 10 54TH PL W SOUTH END 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 504 83 2980 0 0 Not Selected 75
855 100545015 4420 10 54TH PL W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 21 440 78 2980 0 0 Not Selected 68
58 100545020 4430 10 54TH PL W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 372 63 2990 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 50
12 100545030 4430 20 54TH PL W 175TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 154 44 2990 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 30
13 100545040 4440 10 54TH PL W SOUTH END 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 41 280 59 1130 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
502 100551010 4450 10 55TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 656 55 2190 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 97,216 97,216 94
547 100551020 4450 20 55TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 669 83 3000 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 74
403 100551030 4460 10 55TH AVE W 56TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 246 70 3010 0 3 Non-Crtcl Yr 3 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 14,298 14,298 90
396 100551027 4460 20 55TH AVE W 190TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 28 129 74 3010 0 3 Non-Crtcl Yr 3 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 8,033 8,033 90
481 100551035 4470 10 55TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 206 77 1810 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 4,611 4,611 84
418 100551070 4470 20 55TH AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 322 74 1810 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 8,242 8,242 84
57 100555010 4480 10 55TH PL W 175TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 163 58 2990 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 43
91 100555030 4490 10 55TH PL W SOUTH END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 44 264 93 3020 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 87
28 100555020 4490 20 55TH PL W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 178 76 3020 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 65
599 100561010 4500 10 56TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 666 62 3030 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 49
579 100561020 4500 20 56TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 669 65 3030 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
610 100561030 4500 30 56TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 203RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 338 82 3030 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 73
530 100561040 4500 40 56TH AVE W 203RD ST SW 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 327 75 3030 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
645 100561050 4500 50 56TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 661 57 3030 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 43
525 100561060 4500 60 56TH AVE W 200TH ST SW FIRWOOD DR Residential Asphalt 30 188 86 3030 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 79
523 100561070 4500 70 56TH AVE W FIRWOOD DR FIRWOOD DR Residential Asphalt 26 190 96 3030 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 90
568 100561080 4500 80 56TH AVE W FIRWOOD DR 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 299 94 3030 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 88
441 100561090 4510 10 56TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 515 40 3100 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 69,361 69,361 94
472 100561095 4520 10 56TH AVE W SOUTH END 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 498 58 1890 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 44
939 100561100 4530 10 56TH AVE W SW END 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 628 61 1500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 47
950 100561110 4530 20 56TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 358 53 1500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 38
932 100561120 4530 30 56TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 179TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 198 85 3040 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 77
889 100561130 4530 40 56TH AVE W 179TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 292 84 3040 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 75
968 100561241 4540 10 56TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 293 83 1390 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 75
2 100561140 4560 20 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 212 49 3060 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 35
118 100561150 4560 30 56TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 262 78 3060 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 67
81 100561160 4560 40 56TH AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 75 3060 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 64
19 100561170 4560 50 56TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 237 70 3060 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 58
22 100561180 4560 60 56TH AVE W 171ST PL SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 294 80 3060 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 70
114 100561190 4560 70 56TH AVE W 170TH PL SW 169TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 288 65 3060 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 52
105 100561200 4560 80 56TH AVE W 169TH PL SW 168TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 23 281 51 3060 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 37
30 100561210 4560 90 56TH AVE W 168TH PL SW 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 21 217 61 3060 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 47
50 100561220 4560 100 56TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 42 471 82 3850 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 74
62 100561230 4560 110 56TH AVE W 166TH PL SW HILLPOINTE CIRCLE Residential Asphalt 40 311 86 3850 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 78
87 100561240 4560 120 56TH AVE W HILLPOINTE CIRCLE NW END Residential Asphalt 20 539 83 3850 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 75
1053 100565010 4570 10 56TH PL W 167TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 291 73 3090 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 61
39 100571010 4580 10 57TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 585 91 3070 0 0 Not Selected 85
987 108308048 4600 10 57TH PL W SOUTH END 186TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 38 627 89 3120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 83

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 12 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

80 100575010 4610 10 57TH PL W 173RD PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 200 42 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 28
17 100575040 4620 10 57TH PL W 172ND PL SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 554 68 1170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 55
1051 100575020 4630 10 57TH PL W 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 270 94 3090 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 89
1050 100575030 4630 20 57TH PL W 167TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 39 308 75 3090 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 64
392 100581010 4650 10 58TH AVE W SCRIBER LAKE RD 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 42 495 54 3100 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 93,389 93,389 94
864 100581030 4660 10 58TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 601 63 3110 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
36 100581020 4670 10 58TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 360 53 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 39
519 100585010 4680 10 58TH PL W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 64 3140 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
407 100585020 4690 10 58TH PL W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 480 43 3100 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 81,866 81,866 94
963 101865200 4700 10 58TH PL W 186TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 41 427 85 3120 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 77
993 100585030 4710 10 58TH PL W 183RD ST SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 252 95 1610 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 89
937 100585035 4720 10 58TH PL W 178TH ST SW 177TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 262 57 1390 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 43
4 100585040 4730 10 58TH PL W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 522 59 3130 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 45,128 45,128 91
71 100585050 4730 20 58TH PL W 166TH PL SW 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 618 43 3130 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 49,661 49,661 91
616 100595011 4740 10 59TH PL W SOUTH END 209TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 327 89 3140 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 82
558 100595010 4740 20 59TH PL W 209TH PL SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 417 76 3140 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 66
924 100595020 4750 10 59TH PL W 183RD ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 57 106 87 1610 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 81
73 100595040 4760 10 59TH PL W 173RD PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 126 49 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 34
1042 100595050 4770 10 59TH PL W SOUTH END 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 352 44 1010 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 30
545 100601010 4780 10 60TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 207TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 37 338 78 3150 0 0 Not Selected 68
570 4780 20 60TH AVE W 207TH PL SW 204TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 991 95 3150 0 0 Not Selected 89
556 100601030 4780 30 60TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 203RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 331 70 3150 0 0 Not Selected 58
560 100601040 4780 40 60TH AVE W 203RD ST SW 202ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 331 77 3150 0 0 Not Selected 67
507 100601050 4780 50 60TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 34 651 72 3150 0 0 Not Selected 60
799 100601060 4790 10 60TH AVE W SR 99 DALE WAY Collector Asphalt 27 1,077 74 3160 0 2 Selected Yr 2 20 Surface Treatment 0 18,302 18,302 85
725 100601070 4790 20 60TH AVE W DALE WAY 190TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 338 73 3160 0 2 Selected Yr 2 20 Surface Treatment 0 5,752 5,752 85
717 100601080 4790 30 60TH AVE W 190TH PL SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 186 76 3160 0 2 Selected Yr 2 20 Surface Treatment 0 3,155 3,155 85
713 100601090 4790 40 60TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 345 75 3160 0 2 Selected Yr 2 20 Surface Treatment 0 5,868 5,868 85
730 100601100 4790 50 60TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 294 79 3160 0 2 Selected Yr 2 20 Surface Treatment 0 4,999 4,999 85
925 100601110 4790 60 60TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 187TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 24 323 71 3170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 59
854 100601120 4790 70 60TH AVE W 187TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 24 422 82 3170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 73
899 100601130 4790 80 60TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 359 81 3170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 71
885 100601140 4790 90 60TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 707 75 3170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 64
878 100601150 4790 100 60TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 23 489 78 3170 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 67
984 100601160 4790 110 60TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 345 62 3180 0 1 Selected Yr 1 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,350 6,350 84
999 100601170 4790 120 60TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 533 62 3180 0 1 Selected Yr 1 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 8,974 8,974 84
850 100601180 4790 130 60TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 178TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 224 63 3180 0 1 Selected Yr 1 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 4,121 4,121 84
918 100601190 4790 140 60TH AVE W 178TH ST SW 177TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 254 65 3180 0 1 Selected Yr 1 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,101 6,101 84
974 100601200 4790 150 60TH AVE W 177TH ST SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 247 66 3180 0 1 Selected Yr 1 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 5,945 5,945 84
863 100601210 4790 160 60TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 817 67 3190 0 0 Not Selected 54
88 100601211 4790 170 60TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 284 82 3190 0 0 Not Selected 74
99 100601240 4800 10 60TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 536 73 3200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 61
1241 100601250 4800 20 60TH AVE W 166TH PL SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 29 52 65 3200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 52
110 100601250 4800 30 60TH AVE W UNNAMED 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 232 86 3200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 78
1240 100601250 4800 40 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 52 67 3200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
1122 4800 50 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 239 69 3200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 57
1239 100601250 4800 60 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 255 84 3200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 76
1238 100601260 4800 70 60TH AVE W 164TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 233 66 3200 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
657 100611010 4820 10 61ST AVE W 211TH ST SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 550 84 3210 0 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 0 8,553 8,553 80
1293 100611010 4820 20 61ST AVE W UNNAMED 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 383 81 3210 0 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 0 5,780 5,780 80
990 100611020 4830 10 61ST AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 139 50 1560 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 16,208 16,208 92
913 100611030 4830 20 61ST AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 159 60 1560 0 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 18,515 18,515 92
1286 100615010 4840 10 61ST PL W SOUTH END UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 153 68 3220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 55
584 100615010 4840 20 61ST PL W UNNAMED 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 491 58 3220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 44
508 100615020 4850 10 61ST PL W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 657 74 3230 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 13,158 13,158 84
794 100615030 4870 10 61ST PL W DALE WAY NORTH END Residential Asphalt 25 211 75 3830 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
927 100615040 4880 10 61ST PL W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 308 69 3250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
936 100615050 4880 20 61ST PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 238 47 3250 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 33
1101 110100114 4890 10 61ST PL W SW END 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 126 60 3260 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 47
1099 110100106 4890 20 61ST PL W 62ND AVE W 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 269 45 3260 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 31
1094 110100104 4890 30 61ST PL W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 282 63 1210 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 50
1093 110100110 4900 10 62ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 320 67 3260 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
1098 110100109 4900 20 62ND AVE W 175TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 239 70 3260 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 58
1100 110100108 4900 30 62ND AVE W 61ST PL W 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 94 58 3260 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 46
1097 110100107 4900 40 62ND AVE W 61ST PL W NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 258 62 3260 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48
1072 100621050 4910 10 62ND AVE W SOUTH END OLYMPIC VIEW DR Residential Asphalt 23 504 81 3270 0 0 Not Selected 72

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 13 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

47 100621060 4920 10 62ND AVE W 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 188 57 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 43
52 100621070 4920 20 62ND AVE W 167TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 618 64 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
946 100625010 4940 10 62ND PL W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 53 265 82 3290 0 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 0 6,438 85 6,438
930 100625020 4950 10 62ND PL W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 442 37 1580 0 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 74,395 94 74,395
852 100625030 4960 10 62ND PL W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 522 57 3300 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 42
101 100625035 4970 10 62ND PL W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 30 390 82 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 73
659 100631010 4980 10 63RD AVE W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 362 61 3310 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 47
526 100631020 4980 20 63RD AVE W 211TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 22 952 63 3310 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 49
70 100631030 5000 10 63RD AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 22 531 61 3320 0 4 Selected Yr 4 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 36,100 36,100 93
113 100631040 5010 10 63RD AVE W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 374 66 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 52
637 100635030 5020 10 63RD PL W SOUTH END 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 667 65 3220 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 52
991 100635010 5030 10 63RD PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 45 173 71 1650 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,226 6,226 84
851 100635020 5040 10 63RD PL W SOUTH END 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 182 83 3330 0 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 0 2,086 2,086 85
790 100641010 5050 10 64TH AVE W SR 99 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 536 51 3340 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 16,744 16,744 85
833 100641020 5050 20 64TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 1,329 69 3340 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 41,518 41,518 85
716 100641030 5050 30 64TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 195TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 342 67 3340 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 10,680 10,680 85
737 100641040 5050 40 64TH AVE W 195TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 219 76 3340 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,833 6,833 85
819 100641050 5050 50 64TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 265 78 3340 0 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 8,264 8,264 85
762 100641060 5050 60 64TH AVE W 193RD ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 311 76 3350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 66
728 100641070 5050 70 64TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 94 78 3350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 67
838 100641080 5050 80 64TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 260 67 3350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
791 100641090 5050 90 64TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 323 78 3350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 68
835 100641100 5050 100 64TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 337 77 3350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 67
802 100641110 5050 110 64TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 490 77 3350 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 66
944 100641120 5050 120 64TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 562 81 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 72
989 100641131 5050 130 64TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 163 81 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 71
967 100641130 5050 140 64TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 162 87 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 80
897 100641140 5050 150 64TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 262 80 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 69
871 100641150 5050 160 64TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 22 82 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 73
961 100641160 5050 170 64TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 317 88 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 81
954 100641170 5050 180 64TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 130 80 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 71
903 100641180 5050 190 64TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 182ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 328 81 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 72
1309 100641180 5050 200 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 182ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 66 80 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 69
928 100641210 5050 210 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 181ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 292 79 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 70
907 100641220 5050 220 64TH AVE W 181ST ST SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 339 82 3360 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 73
896 100641230 5050 230 64TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 25 511 74 3370 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 63
848 100641234 5050 240 64TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 25 272 72 3370 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 60
900 100641238 5050 250 64TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 527 70 3370 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 58
1092 110100101 5060 10 64TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 174TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 670 91 3380 0 0 Not Selected 86
120 100641250 5060 20 64TH AVE W 174TH ST SW 173RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 297 83 3380 0 0 Not Selected 75
1270 100641250 5060 30 64TH AVE W 173RD ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 20 62 87 3380 0 0 Not Selected 80
83 100641261 5070 10 64TH AVE W SOUTH END 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 141 38 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 24
38 100641260 5070 20 64TH AVE W 165TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 523 82 3280 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 73
915 100651010 5080 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 65TH PL W Residential Asphalt 26 209 44 1360 0 0 Not Selected 30
869 100651020 5090 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 514 91 3390 0 0 Not Selected 85
1032 100651030 5100 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 196 37 1000 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 24
764 100655010 5110 10 65TH PL W 189TH PL SW PENNY LANE Residential Asphalt 34 292 78 3400 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 68
818 100655020 5110 20 65TH PL W PENNY LANE 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 208 68 3400 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
908 100655030 5120 10 65TH PL W 65TH AVE W 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 1,027 41 1360 0 0 Not Selected 28
617 100661010 5130 10 66TH AVE W 214TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 666 86 3410 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 77
593 100661020 5130 20 66TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 659 72 3410 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 60
654 100661030 5130 30 66TH AVE W 210TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 662 80 3410 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 69
832 100661040 5140 10 66TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 799 71 3420 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
942 100661050 5150 10 66TH AVE W 67TH AVE W 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 942 46 3480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 118,463 118,463 96
979 100661060 5150 20 66TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 253 42 3480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 28,412 28,412 96
955 100661070 5150 30 66TH AVE W 67TH AVE W 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 264 73 3480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 29,657 29,657 96
92 100661080 5160 10 66TH AVE W SOUTH END 175TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 41 136 69 3430 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 56
90 100661090 5160 20 66TH AVE W 175TH PL SW NE END Residential Asphalt 35 279 54 3430 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 40
82 100661100 5170 10 66TH AVE W 168TH ST SW MEADOWDALE RD Collector Asphalt 30 713 67 3890 0 1 Selected Yr 1 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 48,990 48,990 88
51 100661110 5170 20 66TH AVE W MEADOWDALE RD 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 602 42 3440 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 28
112 100661120 5170 30 66TH AVE W 164TH ST SW 163RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 269 60 3440 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
68 100661130 5170 40 66TH AVE W 163RD ST SW 162ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 252 76 3440 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 65
705 100665010 5180 10 66TH PL W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 662 82 3450 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 73
691 100665020 5190 10 66TH PL W 190TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 339 39 1880 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 26
909 100665030 5200 10 66TH PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 109 67 3460 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 54
880 100665040 5210 10 66TH PL W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 952 78 3490 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 67

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 14 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

618 100671011 5220 10 67TH AVE W SOUTH END 214TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 14 182 39 3470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 25
522 100671010 5220 20 67TH AVE W 214TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 22 662 63 3470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 49
543 100671020 5220 30 67TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 665 53 3470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 39
574 100671030 5220 40 67TH AVE W 210TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 656 51 3470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 38
710 100671040 5230 10 67TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 309 64 1880 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
917 100671050 5240 10 67TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 219 72 3480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 27,579 27,579 96
890 100671060 5240 20 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 1,340 54 3480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 168,476 168,476 96
859 100671070 5240 30 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W 183RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 232 43 3480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 28,146 28,146 96
905 100671080 5240 40 67TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 310 74 3480 0 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 40,337 40,337 96
973 100671090 5240 50 67TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 181ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 319 47 1520 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 34,372 34,372 94
934 100671095 5250 10 67TH AVE W 181ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 212 50 1520 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 35,223 35,223 94
8 100671100 5260 10 67TH AVE W MEADOWDALE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 243 68 3890 0 1 Selected Yr 1 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 17,833 17,833 89
901 100675010 5270 10 67TH PL W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 486 53 3490 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 38
621 100681010 5280 10 68TH AVE W SOUTH END 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 1,044 66 3470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
572 100681020 5280 20 68TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 662 35 3470 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 22
745 100681040 5290 10 68TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,330 57 3500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 42
831 100681050 5290 20 68TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 661 59 3500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 44
726 100681060 5290 30 68TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 201ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 290 49 3500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 33
752 100681070 5290 40 68TH AVE W 201ST PL SW 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 358 48 3500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 33
734 100681080 5290 50 68TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,320 56 3500 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 42
776 100681090 5290 60 68TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 839 65 3510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
785 100681100 5290 70 68TH AVE W 193RD ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 222 71 3510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 57
784 100681110 5290 80 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 151 71 3510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
837 100681120 5290 90 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 104 72 3510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
736 100681130 5290 100 68TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 205 79 3510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 70
788 100681140 5290 110 68TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 47 295 69 3510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 56
676 100681150 5290 120 68TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 194 68 3510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 54
766 100681160 5290 130 68TH AVE W 189TH PL SW PENNY LANE Collector Asphalt 42 388 72 3510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
677 100681170 5290 140 68TH AVE W PENNY LANE 188TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 50 72 3510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
1006 100681181 5290 150 68TH AVE W 188TH PL SW BLUE RIDGE DR Collector Asphalt 42 189 70 3510 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
969 100681190 5300 10 68TH AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 794 61 3520 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 47
976 100681200 5310 10 68TH AVE W SOUTH END 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 350 58 3550 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 44
926 100681210 5320 10 68TH AVE W 182ND ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Residential Asphalt 14 671 70 3530 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 58
826 100685010 5330 10 68TH PL W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 195 83 1920 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 5,308 5,308 84
787 100695010 5340 10 69TH PL W SOUTH END 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 631 40 3540 0 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 74,984 74,984 96
807 100695020 5350 10 69TH PL W SOUTH END 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 260 33 1910 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 32,694 32,694 95
809 100695025 5360 10 69TH PL W 192ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 39 202 64 1920 0 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,312 6,312 84
912 100695030 5370 10 69TH PL W BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 381 67 3550 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 54
922 100695040 5370 20 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 368 66 3550 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 53
75 100695050 5380 10 69TH PL W SW END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 48 1060 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 42,667 42,667 94
727 100701010 5390 10 70TH AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 666 47 3560 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 89,691 89,691 93
100761 100701020 5400 10 70TH AVE W SOUTH END 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 98 78 3580 0 0 Not Selected 68
761 100701020 5400 20 70TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 256 82 3580 0 0 Not Selected 73
811 100701030 5400 30 70TH AVE W 193RD PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 252 85 3570 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 77
808 100701040 5410 10 70TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 325 82 1780 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 73
931 100701050 5420 10 70TH AVE W 187TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 660 54 1710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 40
817 100705010 5430 10 70TH PL W SOUTH END 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 40 191 72 3580 0 0 Not Selected 60
108 100705021 5440 10 70TH PL W SW END 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 36 123 46 3590 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 19,885 19,885 95
10 100705020 5440 20 70TH PL W 71ST PL W 70TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 256 59 3590 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 38,019 38,019 95
1120 5440 30 70TH PL W 70TH PL W SE END Residential Asphalt 34 94 43 3590 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 14,329 14,329 95
1271 100705020 5440 40 70TH PL W 70TH PL W NE END Residential Asphalt 35 174 51 3590 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 27,383 27,383 95
952 100711030 5460 10 71ST AVE W 187TH PL SW 186TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 673 53 1710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 38
958 100711040 5460 20 71ST AVE W 186TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR Residential Asphalt 34 915 54 1710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 40
877 100711050 5460 30 71ST AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 727 61 3550 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 48
706 100715010 5470 10 71ST PL W SOUTH END 197TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 31 207 41 3600 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 28,783 28,783 95
743 100715020 5480 10 71ST PL W SOUTH END 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 494 55 3610 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 41
779 100715030 5480 20 71ST PL W 193RD PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 347 65 3610 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 52
97 100715040 5490 10 71ST PL W 70TH PL W NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 415 57 1060 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 63,307 63,307 94
821 100721003 5500 10 72ND AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 306 45 3620 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 48,032 48,032 94
756 100721006 5500 20 72ND AVE W 191ST PL SW 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 334 46 3620 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 47,983 47,983 94
777 100721008 5500 30 72ND AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 327 42 3620 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 51,453 51,453 94
803 100725010 5510 10 72ND PL W 194TH PL SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 352 57 1960 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 43
696 100731010 5520 10 73RD AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 677 60 3650 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 100,352 100,352 93
773 100731015 5530 10 73RD AVE W HEINZ PL NORTH END Residential Asphalt 28 221 78 3600 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 27,805 27,805 95
733 100731020 5540 10 73RD AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 465 40 1990 0 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 80,470 80,470 94
792 100735020 5550 10 73RD PL W 194TH PL SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 244 73 1960 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 62

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 15 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

694 100735030 5550 20 73RD PL W 193RD PL SW NW END Residential Asphalt 41 137 74 1960 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 63
697 100741010 5560 10 74TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 554 46 3630 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 72,105 72,105 95
683 100741020 5560 20 74TH AVE W 194TH PL SW 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 567 48 3630 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 61,155 61,155 95
834 100741030 5560 30 74TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 557 50 3630 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 57,519 57,519 95
793 100741040 5560 40 74TH AVE W 191ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 288 53 3630 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 45,221 45,221 95
739 100745010 5570 10 74TH PL W SOUTH END 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 219 36 3650 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 35,455 35,455 93
786 100751010 5590 10 75TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 201ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 175 45 3650 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 26,768 26,768 93
747 100751020 5600 10 75TH AVE W 191ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 27 651 75 3640 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
771 100755010 5610 10 75TH PL W SOUTH END 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 208 43 3650 0 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 33,602 33,602 93
693 100761010 5620 10 76TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 668 75 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 23,291 23,291 88
798 100761020 5620 20 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 672 78 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 23,431 23,431 88
681 100761030 5620 30 76TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 221 69 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 7,703 7,703 88
674 100761040 5620 40 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 352 69 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 12,265 12,265 88
815 100761050 5620 50 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 202ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 70 69 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 2,454 2,454 88
823 100761060 5620 60 76TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 72 71 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 2,517 2,517 88
719 100761070 5620 70 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 291 76 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 10,147 10,147 88
820 100761080 5620 80 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 201ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 107 68 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 3,732 3,732 88
698 100761090 5620 90 76TH AVE W 201ST ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 197 70 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 6,863 6,863 88
673 100761100 5620 100 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 200TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 120 69 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 4,178 4,178 88
738 100761110 5620 110 76TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 199TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 209 74 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 7,292 7,292 88
732 100761120 5620 120 76TH AVE W 199TH ST SW 198TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 143 76 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 4,999 4,999 88
751 100761130 5620 130 76TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 517 65 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 18,002 18,002 88
828 100761140 5620 140 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 335 66 3660 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 11,674 11,674 88
795 100761150 5620 150 76TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 256 52 3670 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 35
836 100761160 5620 160 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 250 70 3670 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
699 100761170 5620 170 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 297 64 3670 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
789 100761180 5620 180 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 587 61 3670 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 44
735 100761190 5620 190 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 355 67 3670 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 53
685 100761200 5620 200 76TH AVE W 190TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 2,067 59 3670 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
528 102007160 5630 10 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 53 1,315 75 3690 0 2 Selected Yr 2 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 163,454 163,454 89
665 107106010 5630 20 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 40TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 46 1,920 60 3690 0 2 Selected Yr 2 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 207,230 207,230 89
1299 107106010 5630 30 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 196TH ST SW 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,042 68 3700 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 52
356 107106020 5630 40 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 33RD AVE W 29TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,852 69 3700 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 55
324 107106030 5630 50 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 29TH AVE W 28TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 284 68 3700 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 54
376 107106040 5630 60 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 28TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 572 73 3700 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
1091 100281000 5640 10 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY UNNAMED Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 879 69 3710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 53
1285 100281000 5640 20 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY UNNAMED 28TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 857 62 3710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 44
385 100281010 5640 30 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 28TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 470 65 3710 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
329 100281020 5640 40 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 196TH ST SW ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 651 78 3720 0 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 38,683 38,683 86
368 100281030 5640 50 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 1,774 73 3720 0 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 105,447 105,447 86
1298 100281030 5640 60 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD BEECH RD Principal Arterial Asphalt 59 251 75 3720 0 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 13,112 13,112 86
378 107106050 5640 70 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY BEECH RD 184TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 1,447 61 3720 0 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 87,250 87,250 85
364 107106060 5640 80 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 184TH ST SW 182ND ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 814 95 3730 0 0 Not Selected 87
386 107106070 5640 90 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 182ND ST SW 33RD AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 913 95 3730 0 0 Not Selected 87
320 107106071 5640 100 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 33RD AVE W NW END Principal Arterial Asphalt 57 414 84 3730 0 0 Not Selected 74
390 108311020 5650 10 ASH WAY 26TH AVE W MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 39 631 63 3740 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 50
319 108311010 5650 20 ASH WAY MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 375 62 3740 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 48
327 1008161010 5660 10 BEECH RD ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 184TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 1,701 38 3750 0 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 328,373 328,373 96
1281 1008161010 5660 20 BEECH RD 184TH ST SW 26TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 303 62 3750 0 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 49,437 49,437 96
916 107152010 5670 10 BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 377 53 3760 0 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 58,051 58,051 93
862 107152020 5670 20 BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 694 50 3760 0 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 101,657 101,657 93
884 107152030 5670 30 BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 230 52 3760 0 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 34,503 34,503 93
940 107152040 5670 40 BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW 69TH PL W Collector Asphalt 40 404 54 3760 0 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 59,196 59,196 93
971 107152050 5670 50 BLUE RIDGE DR 71ST AVE W 69TH PL W Collector Asphalt 40 262 51 3760 0 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 38,352 38,352 93
894 107152060 5670 60 BLUE RIDGE DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 71ST AVE W Collector Asphalt 52 179 53 3760 0 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 0 34,040 34,040 93
625 100521040 5680 10 CEDAR VALLEY RD 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 1,510 72 2850 0 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 0 53,870 53,870 88
1283 107308010 5700 10 DALE WAY 192ND ST SW DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 27 234 62 3830 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 48
1169 5700 20 DALE WAY NW END DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 28 94 72 3830 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 60
797 107308010 5700 30 DALE WAY DALE WAY 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 26 608 54 3830 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 39
682 107308020 5700 40 DALE WAY 61ST PL W PARK WAY Residential Asphalt 28 309 60 3830 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 46
774 107308030 5700 50 DALE WAY PARK WAY 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 174 68 3830 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 55
589 107402010 5730 10 FIRWOOD DR 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 1,265 83 3840 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 74
769 107505010 5770 10 HEINZ PL WEST END 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 197 40 3600 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 22,107 22,107 95
678 107505020 5770 20 HEINZ PL 73RD AVE W 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 153 39 3600 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 19,282 19,282 95
816 107505030 5770 30 HEINZ PL 198TH ST SW 197TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 228 49 3600 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 28,621 28,621 95
720 107505035 5770 40 HEINZ PL 197TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 269 55 3600 0 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 39,906 39,906 95

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 16 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

65 107525010 5790 10 HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 46 172 80 3850 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 71
93 107525020 5790 20 HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE Residential Asphalt 36 1,254 93 3850 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 87
949 107626010 5810 10 HURST RD 186TH PL SW NE END Residential Asphalt 30 885 63 3860 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
143 107706010 5830 10 MAPLE RD 181ST PL SW 42ND PL W Collector Asphalt 33 536 68 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 54
204 107706020 5830 20 MAPLE RD 42ND PL W 41ST PL W Collector Asphalt 34 228 56 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 40
147 107706030 5830 30 MAPLE RD 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Collector Asphalt 30 365 47 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 30
123 107706040 5830 40 MAPLE RD SPRUCE WAY 40TH PL W Collector Asphalt 30 342 63 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
258 107706050 5830 50 MAPLE RD 40TH PL W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 30 178 71 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 58
217 107706060 5830 60 MAPLE RD 40TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 40 272 63 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
1263 107706070 5830 80 MAPLE RD 39TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 46 132 60 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 43
195 107706070 5830 90 MAPLE RD UNNAMED 38TH PL W Collector Asphalt 44 148 69 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 55
176 107706080 5830 100 MAPLE RD 38TH PL W 38TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 45 130 61 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
246 107706081 5830 110 MAPLE RD 38TH AVE W 37TH PL W Collector Asphalt 45 407 48 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 33
262 107706082 5830 130 MAPLE RD UNNAMED 36TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 31 203 63 3870 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
321 107701020 5840 20 MAPLE RD 33RD AVE W ASH WAY Collector Asphalt 45 346 70 3880 0 3 Selected Yr 3 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 35,680 35,680 90
312 107701021 5840 30 MAPLE RD ASH WAY EAST END Collector Asphalt 62 121 64 3880 0 3 Selected Yr 3 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 17,217 17,217 90
32 107802010 5850 10 MEADOWDALE DR 173RD PL SW 173RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 283 71 3680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 59
18 107802020 5850 20 MEADOWDALE DR 173RD ST SW MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 35 506 67 3680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 54
63 107802030 5850 30 MEADOWDALE DR MEADOWDALE DR 171ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 458 60 3680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 46
85 107802080 5850 40 MEADOWDALE DR 172ND ST SW MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 33 64 53 3680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 39
98 107802040 5870 10 MEADOWDALE DR 171ST ST SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 262 58 3680 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 44
55 107802043 5880 10 MEADOWDALE RD WEST END 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 245 57 3890 0 1 Selected Yr 1 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 10,082 10,082 88
111 107802047 5880 20 MEADOWDALE RD 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 309 51 3890 0 1 Selected Yr 1 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 0 12,715 12,715 88
684 107902160 5890 10 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 76TH AVE W OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 1,546 92 3900 0 0 Not Selected 86
814 107902010 5890 20 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 186TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 436 94 3900 0 0 Not Selected 88
895 107902020 5890 30 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 186TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 960 93 3900 0 0 Not Selected 86
978 107902030 5890 40 OLYMPIC VIEW DR BLUE RIDGE DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 304 92 3910 0 0 Not Selected 86
1000 107902040 5890 50 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 68TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 969 92 3910 0 0 Not Selected 85
882 107902050 5890 60 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 68TH AVE W 180TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 171 92 3910 0 0 Not Selected 86
975 107902060 5890 70 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 295 93 3910 0 0 Not Selected 87
948 107902070 5890 80 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 178TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 776 94 3910 0 0 Not Selected 88
104 107902080 5890 90 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 176TH ST SW 175TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 392 91 3920 0 0 Not Selected 85
29 107902090 5890 100 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 175TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 28 218 96 3920 0 0 Not Selected 89
41 107902100 5890 110 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 306 94 3920 0 0 Not Selected 88
1 107902110 5890 120 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 173RD PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 620 95 3920 0 0 Not Selected 89
76 107902120 5890 130 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 739 95 3920 0 0 Not Selected 89
21 107902130 5890 140 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 34 93 3920 0 0 Not Selected 87
102 107902140 5890 150 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 170TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 571 95 3920 0 0 Not Selected 89
1070 107902150 5890 160 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 350 86 3920 0 0 Not Selected 78
806 108008010 5900 10 PARK WAY 192ND ST SW DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 28 1,370 58 3830 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 44
724 108104010 5910 10 PENNY LANE 68TH AVE W 65TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 828 49 3930 0 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 0 70,654 70,654 94
330 108158010 5920 10 POPLAR WAY SOUTH END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Collector Asphalt 60 519 70 3940 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
381 108158020 5920 20 POPLAR WAY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 80 743 57 3940 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 43
1362 6700 10 RAMP ROAD RAMP RAMP 204TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 26 591 87 3950 0 3 Selected Yr 3 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 0 7,732 7,732 82
606 108206010 6150 10 SCRIBER LAKE RD 200TH ST SW 198TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 769 52 3960 0 1 Selected Yr 1 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 0 78,990 78,990 89
628 108206020 6150 20 SCRIBER LAKE RD 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 774 55 3960 0 1 Selected Yr 1 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 0 81,653 81,653 89
139 108308010 6160 10 SPRUCE WAY MAPLE RD 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 515 48 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 33,026 33,026 91
186 108308020 6160 20 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 237 55 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 15,209 15,209 91
1261 108308020 6160 30 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 32 50 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 2,069 2,069 91
1260 108308020 6160 40 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 30 229 62 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 21,992 21,992 91
1259 108308020 6160 50 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED 176TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 24 62 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 1,668 1,668 91
240 108308040 6160 60 SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 116 65 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 8,194 8,194 91
209 108308041 6160 70 SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 22 248 48 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 17,470 17,470 91
160 108308050 6160 80 SPRUCE WAY 176TH ST SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 22 357 60 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 25,135 25,135 91
1266 108308050 6160 90 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 22 140 65 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 9,843 9,843 91
1265 108308050 6160 100 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED 173RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 259 61 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 18,234 18,234 91
1267 108308070 6160 110 SPRUCE WAY 173RD PL SW 173RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 32 115 55 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 11,767 11,767 91
224 108308070 6160 120 SPRUCE WAY 173RD ST SW 172ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 408 59 3970 0 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 0 35,277 35,277 91
133 108308080 6160 130 SPRUCE WAY 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 555 58 3980 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 43
234 108308090 6160 140 SPRUCE WAY 170TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 415 65 3980 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 52
1067 108308100 6160 150 SPRUCE WAY 169TH ST SW 168TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 335 60 3980 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 45
1066 108308105 6160 160 SPRUCE WAY 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 32 232 66 3980 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
1056 108308120 6160 170 SPRUCE WAY 167TH PL SW 167TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 41 271 70 3980 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 58
1049 108308130 6160 180 SPRUCE WAY 167TH PL SW 166TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 296 63 3980 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 48
166 108308140 6160 190 SPRUCE WAY 166TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 709 68 3980 0 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 54

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 17 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

State Highways, Private Roads and No-City Roads removed from the Analysis and Reporting

742 101967220 3120 10 196TH ST SW WEST END 76TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 52 348 87.8
712 101967010 3120 20 196TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 74TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 478 91.3
757 101967020 3120 30 196TH ST SW 74TH AVE W 73RD AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 47 322 92.7
746 101967030 3120 40 196TH ST SW 73RD AVE W HEINZ PL Principal Arterial Asphalt 42 433 89.1
824 101967040 3120 50 196TH ST SW HEINZ PL 69TH PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 42 926 92.4
715 101967050 3120 60 196TH ST SW 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 53 504 93.9
846 101967060 3120 70 196TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 59 538 91.2
700 101967070 3120 80 196TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 792 90.6
782 101967081 3120 90 196TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 339 90
1231 101967080 3120 100 196TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 62ND PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 146 87.3
689 101967080 3120 110 196TH ST SW 62ND PL W SR 99 Principal Arterial Asphalt 79 639 86.2
638 101967090 3120 120 196TH ST SW SR 99 58TH PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 71 696 84.7
582 101967100 3120 130 196TH ST SW 58TH PL W SCRIBER LAKE RD Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 299 88.3
615 101967110 3120 140 196TH ST SW SCRIBER LAKE RD 56TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 580 89.1
614 101967120 3120 150 196TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 61 1,359 92.4
667 101967130 3120 160 196TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 57 663 92.3
670 101967140 3120 170 196TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 58 666 88.8
666 101967150 3120 180 196TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 1,330 90
641 101967160 3120 190 196TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 1,304 88.4
509 101967170 3120 200 196TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 37TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 999 89.4
563 101967180 3120 210 196TH ST SW 37TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Principal Arterial Asphalt 90 508 85.8
323 101967190 3120 220 196TH ST SW ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD POPLAR WAY Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 819 88.9
1300 101967200 3120 230 196TH ST SW POPLAR WAY UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 52 809 90.5
371 101967200 3120 240 196TH ST SW UNNAMED ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 818 91.8
383 101967210 3120 250 196TH ST SW ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 24TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 1,298 91.4
351 101967211 3120 260 196TH ST SW 24TH AVE W EAST END Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 797 93.5
518 100441030 4010 50 44TH AVE W RAMP RAMP 204TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 74 383 88.7
533 100441040 4010 60 44TH AVE W 204TH ST SW RAMP RAMP Principal Arterial Asphalt 63 1,010 92.3
548 100441050 4010 70 44TH AVE W RAMP RAMP ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Principal Arterial Asphalt 83 397 90.1
516 100441060 4010 80 44TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 198TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 70 761 88.6
552 100441070 4010 90 44TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 79 568 89.9
561 107603010 6170 10 SR 99 SW END 216TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 81 484 89.4
551 107603020 6170 20 SR 99 216TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,467 90.1
536 107603030 6170 30 SR 99 212TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,460 90.7
840 107603040 6170 40 SR 99 208TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,472 92.1
841 107603050 6170 50 SR 99 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 751 94.2
805 107603060 6170 60 SR 99 202ND ST SW 64TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 129 91.4
839 107603070 6170 70 SR 99 64TH AVE W 200TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 85 616 91.7
1310 107603080 6170 80 SR 99 200TH ST SW 199TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 424 91.3
581 107603080 6170 90 SR 99 199TH PL SW 196TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,102 93.9
442 107603090 6170 100 SR 99 196TH ST SW SR 99 Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 434 89.6
414 107603100 6170 110 SR 99 SR 99 190TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,836 93.6
1372 107603100 6170 120 SR 99 190TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 748 92.2
485 107603110 6170 130 SR 99 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 784 93.7
424 107603115 6170 140 SR 99 186TH PL SW 52ND AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,902 93.2
484 107603120 6170 150 SR 99 52ND AVE W 180TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 371 92.1
233 107603131 6170 160 SR 99 180TH ST SW PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 526 87.7
128 107603130 6170 170 SR 99 PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC 176TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 994 92.4
260 107603141 6170 180 SR 99 176TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 789 91.1
158 107603140 6170 190 SR 99 174TH PL SW 168TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 2,159 91.2
161 107603150 6170 200 SR 99 168TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 80 1,386 93.4
1130 1240 10 167TH PL SW 166TH PL SW SE END Residential Asphalt 11 568 80.9
1185 1910 10 178TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 22 345 81
1183 1930 10 178TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 12 661 71.8
1193 2210 20 182ND PL SW 182nd Pl SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 18 310 90.9
1198 2410 80 184TH ST SW 184TH ST SW BEECH RD Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 1,055 80.9
1230 2920 20 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 103 89.8
1135 3970 10 43RD AVE W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 14 362 72.7
1287 4140 10 48TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 21 358 90.8
1288 4200 10 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 1,418 84.6
1163 4550 10 56TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 22 272 95.5
1162 4560 10 56TH AVE W WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 180 85.7

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 18 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix B - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Segment $2.65M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Segment Peripheral Concrete

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Committed Year

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

Costs ($)

On Street From Street To Street

1166 4590 10 57TH CT W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 16 290 96.5
1228 4860 10 61ST PL W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 18 256 85.4
1500 6500 10 61ST PL W WEST END CDS 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 45 83 79.1
1400 6500 20 61ST PL W 61ST PL W EAST END CDS Residential Asphalt 45 88 82.9
1224 5580 10 74TH PL W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 22 134 87.8
1174 6300 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1174) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 141 92.5
1175 6290 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1175) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 257 87.9
1176 6330 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1176) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 315 74
1177 6340 10 CDS OFF 172ND ST SW (GISID 1177) SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 300 91.5
1186 6410 10 CDS OFF 178TH PL SW (GISID 1186) 178TH PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 16 274 72.3
1187 6350 10 CDS OFF 34TH PL W (GISID 1187) WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 21 128 91
1188 6360 10 CDS OFF 34TH PL W (GISID 1188) WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 141 89.4
1133 6440 10 CDS OFF 36TH AVE W (GISID 1133) WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 16 271 95.6
1134 6430 10 CDS OFF 36TH AVE W (GISID 1134) WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 19 237 89.4
1156 6260 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1156) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 16 269 88.7
1157 6250 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1157) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 19 273 94.3
1158 6240 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1158) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 21 236 96.4
1159 6230 10 CDS OFF 52ND AVE W (GISID 1159) 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 232 96.5
1123 6450 10 CDS OFF 60TH AVE W (GISID 1123) WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 273 83.6
1292 6190 10 CDS OFF 61ST AVE W (GISID 1292) NW END 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 282 90
1225 6200 10 CDS OFF 61ST PL W (GISID 1225) WEST END 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 24 329 83.6
1191 6380 10 CDS OFF MAPLE RD (GISID 1191) SOUTH END MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 18 201 78.9
1192 6390 10 CDS OFF MAPLE RD (GISID 1192) SOUTH END MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 18 238 87.8
1182 6420 10 CDS OFF SPRUCE WAY (GISID 1182) WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 24 331 88.8
1124 1060 10 164TH ST SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 163 87

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App B - Rehabs by Segment page 19 of 19

Appendix C

$2.65M/year Rehab Plan by Need Year

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

310 101697030 1340 10 169TH ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 24 369 34 1110 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 39,757 39,757 96
303 101707050 1380 10 170TH PL SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 365 64 1110 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 45,883 45,883 96
1256 100290020 3560 80 32ND AVE W 171ST ST SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 131 39 1110 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 10,631 10,631 96
286 100290010 3560 90 32ND AVE W 170TH PL SW 169TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 19 437 44 1110 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 37,319 37,319 96
315 100290011 3560 100 32ND AVE W 169TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 98 58 1110 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 10,159 10,159 96
296 100290012 3560 110 32ND AVE W 169TH ST SW 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 315 75 1110 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 32,582 32,582 96
307 100321010 3560 120 32ND AVE W WEST END 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 265 48 1110 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 24,994 24,994 96
251 101725050 1480 10 172ND PL SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 550 41 1180 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 62,647 62,647 96
218 101745010 1630 10 174TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 316 42 1180 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 56,276 56,276 96
498 101835040 2280 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 541 62 1590 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 85,024 85,024 96
499 101835050 2290 10 183RD PL SW 48TH AVE W 46TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 533 52 1590 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 79,009 79,009 96
493 101845002 2350 10 184TH PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 564 48 1590 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 98,817 98,817 96
406 101835060 2290 20 183RD PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 146 50 1590 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 21,667 21,667 96
450 101835070 2300 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 539 41 1600 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 93,385 93,385 96
479 101887070 2630 70 188TH ST SW SR 99 55TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 463 44 1760 5 Selected Yr 5 60 Surf Recon + Base Rehab / FWM + Strctrl Ptch + Olay 93,979 93,979 98
421 101887080 2630 80 188TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 914 40 1760 5 Selected Yr 5 60 Surf Recon + Base Rehab / FWM + Strctrl Ptch + Olay 185,496 185,496 98
395 101887090 2630 90 188TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 51ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 417 43 1760 5 Selected Yr 5 60 Surf Recon + Base Rehab / FWM + Strctrl Ptch + Olay 87,298 87,298 98
409 101887100 2630 100 188TH ST SW 51ST PL W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 920 47 1760 5 Selected Yr 5 60 Surf Recon + Base Rehab / FWM + Strctrl Ptch + Olay 186,778 186,778 98
1001311 3320 10 204TH ST SW 44TH AVE W RAMP ROAD Minor Arterial Asphalt 17 236 86 2180 5 Selected Yr 5 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 9,431 9,431 92
1311 3320 20 204TH ST SW RAMP ROAD 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 23 104 76 2180 5 Selected Yr 5 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 5,607 5,607 92
1313 3320 30 204TH ST SW 204TH ST SW LARCH WAY Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 1,330 71 2180 5 Selected Yr 5 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 109,173 109,173 92
1314 3320 40 204TH ST SW LARCH WAY EAST END Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 198 76 2180 5 Selected Yr 5 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 16,245 16,245 92
359 100381030 3720 10 38TH AVE W SOUTH END 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 53 163 80 2480 5 Selected Yr 5 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,937 6,937 88
503 100521010 4300 10 52ND AVE W 212TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 59 1,328 71 2850 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 65,014 65,014 88
625 100521040 5680 10 CEDAR VALLEY RD 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 1,510 72 2850 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 53,870 53,870 88
655 100521020 4300 20 52ND AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 55 659 71 2850 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 30,060 30,060 88
623 100521030 4300 30 52ND AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 665 80 2850 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 24,847 24,847 88
957 101825070 2160 10 182ND PL SW 183RD ST SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 23 276 59 3480 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 28,548 28,548 96
879 101837010 2320 10 183RD ST SW WEST END 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 112 73 3480 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 14,559 14,559 96
942 100661050 5150 10 66TH AVE W 67TH AVE W 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 942 46 3480 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 118,463 118,463 96
917 100671050 5240 10 67TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 219 72 3480 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 27,579 27,579 96
872 101837020 2320 20 183RD ST SW 67TH AVE W 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 547 43 3480 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 71,313 71,313 96
979 100661060 5150 20 66TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 253 42 3480 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 28,412 28,412 96
890 100671060 5240 20 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 1,340 54 3480 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 168,476 168,476 96
955 100661070 5150 30 66TH AVE W 67TH AVE W 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 264 73 3480 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 29,657 29,657 96
859 100671070 5240 30 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W 183RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 232 43 3480 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 28,146 28,146 96
905 100671080 5240 40 67TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 310 74 3480 5 Selected Yr 5 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 40,337 40,337 96
787 100695010 5340 10 69TH PL W SOUTH END 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 631 40 3540 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 74,984 74,984 96
693 100761010 5620 10 76TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 668 75 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 23,291 23,291 88
798 100761020 5620 20 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 204TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 672 78 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 23,431 23,431 88
681 100761030 5620 30 76TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 221 69 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 7,703 7,703 88
674 100761040 5620 40 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 352 69 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 12,265 12,265 88
815 100761050 5620 50 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 202ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 70 69 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 2,454 2,454 88
823 100761060 5620 60 76TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 72 71 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 2,517 2,517 88
719 100761070 5620 70 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 291 76 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 10,147 10,147 88
820 100761080 5620 80 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 201ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 107 68 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 3,732 3,732 88
698 100761090 5620 90 76TH AVE W 201ST ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 197 70 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,863 6,863 88
673 100761100 5620 100 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 200TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 120 69 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 4,178 4,178 88
738 100761110 5620 110 76TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 199TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 209 74 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 7,292 7,292 88
732 100761120 5620 120 76TH AVE W 199TH ST SW 198TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 143 76 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 4,999 4,999 88
751 100761130 5620 130 76TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 517 65 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 18,002 18,002 88
828 100761140 5620 140 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 335 66 3660 5 Selected Yr 5 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 11,674 11,674 88
327 1008161010 5660 10 BEECH RD ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 184TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 1,701 38 3750 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 328,373 328,373 96
1281 1008161010 5660 20 BEECH RD 184TH ST SW 26TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 303 62 3750 5 Selected Yr 5 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 49,437 49,437 96
1071 101687068 1290 60 168TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 62ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 162 67 1080 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 7,812 7,812 87
35 101687070 1290 70 168TH ST SW 62ND AVE W 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 656 76 1080 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 31,552 31,552 87
24 101687080 1290 80 168TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 522 72 1080 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 25,098 25,098 87
100 101687091 1290 90 168TH ST SW 58TH PL W 57TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 291 70 1080 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 14,022 14,022 87
74 101687090 1290 100 168TH ST SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 494 77 1080 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 23,795 23,795 87

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 1 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

95 101687195 1290 110 168TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 484 80 1080 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 23,298 23,298 87
5 101687100 1290 120 168TH ST SW 55TH PL W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 855 70 1080 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 41,146 41,146 87
25 101687110 1290 130 168TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,362 69 1080 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 65,525 65,525 87
103 101687120 1290 140 168TH ST SW 48TH AVE W SR 99 Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 823 65 1080 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 39,584 39,584 87
249 101687130 1290 150 168TH ST SW SR 99 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 61 534 59 1080 4 Selected Yr 4 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 27,052 27,052 87
206 101757020 1710 10 175TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 555 72 1260 4 Selected Yr 4 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 16,001 16,001 87
257 109100100 3900 10 42ND AVE W SOUTH END 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 45 243 90 1260 4 Selected Yr 4 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 8,745 8,745 87
1180 1710 20 175TH ST SW 42ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 56 61 67 1260 4 Selected Yr 4 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 2,756 2,756 87
197 101767170 1800 10 176TH ST SW SPRUCE WAY EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 710 37 1310 4 Selected Yr 4 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 123,035 123,035 95
804 101925010 2900 10 192ND PL SW 74TH AVE W 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 865 53 1910 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 136,014 136,014 95
844 101925040 2910 10 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 30 280 55 1910 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 37,790 37,790 95
704 101925020 2960 10 192ND ST SW 72ND AVE W 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 25 136 71 1910 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 15,224 15,224 95
807 100695020 5350 10 69TH PL W SOUTH END 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 260 33 1910 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 32,694 32,694 95
847 101925050 2910 20 192ND PL SW 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 394 51 1910 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 53,041 53,041 95
768 101925030 2960 20 192ND ST SW 71ST PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 537 51 1910 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 55,446 55,446 95
755 101937010 3040 10 193RD ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 535 58 1980 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 60,083 60,083 95
722 101937020 3040 20 193RD ST SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 802 46 1980 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 90,090 90,090 95
675 101937030 3040 30 193RD ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 23 660 53 1980 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 68,236 68,236 95
517 102117030 3440 10 211TH ST SW SW END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 448 69 2260 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 28,014 28,014 91
1245 101647040 1080 10 164TH ST SW 164TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY Principal Arterial Asphalt 60 325 75 2670 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 47,910 47,910 91
134 101647040 1080 20 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 164TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 45 332 62 2670 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 36,733 36,733 91
1243 101647040 1080 30 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 43 212 79 2670 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 22,437 22,437 91
1127 1080 40 164TH ST SW (RAMP) 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 13 249 84 2670 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 7,955 7,955 91
1126 1080 50 164TH ST SW 164TH ST SW 44TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 30 83 74 2670 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 6,128 6,128 91
264 100441281 4010 360 44TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 43 462 68 2670 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 48,880 48,880 91
194 100441280 4010 370 44TH AVE W 166TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 42 1,690 71 2670 4 Selected Yr 4 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 174,618 174,618 91
662 100481030 4150 10 48TH AVE W SOUTH END 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 671 62 2750 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 105,622 105,622 93
510 100481040 4150 20 48TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 1,336 51 2750 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 200,602 200,602 93
668 100481050 4150 30 48TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 654 40 2750 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 91,041 91,041 93
70 100631030 5000 10 63RD AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 22 531 61 3320 4 Selected Yr 4 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 36,100 36,100 93
108 100705021 5440 10 70TH PL W SW END 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 36 123 46 3590 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 19,885 19,885 95
10 100705020 5440 20 70TH PL W 71ST PL W 70TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 256 59 3590 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 38,019 38,019 95
1120 5440 30 70TH PL W 70TH PL W SE END Residential Asphalt 34 94 43 3590 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 14,329 14,329 95
1271 100705020 5440 40 70TH PL W 70TH PL W NE END Residential Asphalt 35 174 51 3590 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 27,383 27,383 95
781 101977010 3130 10 197TH ST SW HEINZ PL 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 23 307 42 3600 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 31,712 31,712 95
723 101987020 3150 10 198TH ST SW HEINZ PL SE END Residential Asphalt 26 268 52 3600 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 31,313 31,313 95
706 100715010 5470 10 71ST PL W SOUTH END 197TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 31 207 41 3600 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 28,783 28,783 95
773 100731015 5530 10 73RD AVE W HEINZ PL NORTH END Residential Asphalt 28 221 78 3600 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 27,805 27,805 95
769 107505010 5770 10 HEINZ PL WEST END 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 197 40 3600 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 22,107 22,107 95
678 107505020 5770 20 HEINZ PL 73RD AVE W 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 153 39 3600 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 19,282 19,282 95
816 107505030 5770 30 HEINZ PL 198TH ST SW 197TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 228 49 3600 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 28,621 28,621 95
720 107505035 5770 40 HEINZ PL 197TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 269 55 3600 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 39,906 39,906 95
697 100741010 5560 10 74TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 554 46 3630 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 72,105 72,105 95
709 101917020 2850 20 191ST ST SW 74TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 197 77 3630 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 24,830 24,830 95
683 100741020 5560 20 74TH AVE W 194TH PL SW 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 567 48 3630 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 61,155 61,155 95
834 100741030 5560 30 74TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 557 50 3630 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 57,519 57,519 95
793 100741040 5560 40 74TH AVE W 191ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 288 53 3630 4 Selected Yr 4 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 45,221 45,221 95
916 107152010 5670 10 BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 377 53 3760 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 58,051 58,051 93
862 107152020 5670 20 BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 694 50 3760 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 101,657 101,657 93
884 107152030 5670 30 BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 230 52 3760 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 34,503 34,503 93
940 107152040 5670 40 BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW 69TH PL W Collector Asphalt 40 404 54 3760 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 59,196 59,196 93
971 107152050 5670 50 BLUE RIDGE DR 71ST AVE W 69TH PL W Collector Asphalt 40 262 51 3760 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 38,352 38,352 93
894 107152060 5670 60 BLUE RIDGE DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 71ST AVE W Collector Asphalt 52 179 53 3760 4 Selected Yr 4 46 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) + RR 34,040 34,040 93
60 101687010 1290 10 168TH ST SW 70TH PL W 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 374 46 1060 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 53,718 53,718 94
75 100695050 5380 10 69TH PL W SW END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 48 1060 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 42,667 42,667 94
97 100715040 5490 10 71ST PL W 70TH PL W NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 415 57 1060 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 63,307 63,307 94
84 101687020 1290 20 168TH ST SW 69TH PL W 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 722 49 1060 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 106,963 106,963 94
116 101687030 1290 30 168TH ST SW 168TH ST SW 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 673 53 1060 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 63,474 63,474 94
189 101805020 2060 10 180TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 668 50 1440 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 110,976 110,976 94

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 2 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

1277 101817010 2140 10 181ST ST SW 67TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 79 45 1520 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 12,723 12,723 94
934 100671095 5250 10 67TH AVE W 181ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 212 50 1520 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 35,223 35,223 94
951 101817010 2140 20 181ST ST SW 67TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 275 52 1520 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 42,073 42,073 94
973 100671090 5240 50 67TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 181ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 319 47 1520 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 34,372 34,372 94
856 101835020 2260 10 183RD PL SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 510 37 1580 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 85,906 85,906 94
930 100625020 4950 10 62ND PL W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 442 37 1580 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 74,395 74,395 94
402 101907040 2790 10 190TH ST SW SW END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 208 66 1850 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 24,288 24,288 94
423 101907050 2790 20 190TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 949 46 1850 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 115,090 115,090 94
749 101945010 3050 10 194TH PL SW 74TH AVE W 73RD PL W Residential Asphalt 32 297 33 1990 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 47,058 47,058 94
733 100731020 5540 10 73RD AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 465 40 1990 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 80,470 80,470 94
825 101945020 3050 20 194TH PL SW 73RD PL W 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 81 33 1990 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 14,849 14,849 94
754 101957010 3110 10 195TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 22 334 49 2030 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 32,975 32,975 94
829 102007020 3210 10 200TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH PL W Collector Asphalt 41 504 71 2110 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 16,555 16,555 86
707 102007030 3210 20 200TH ST SW 66TH PL W 64TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 34 805 70 2110 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 21,914 21,914 86
842 102007040 3210 30 200TH ST SW 64TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 41 345 57 2110 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 11,326 11,326 86
601 102067010 3330 10 206TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 329 44 2190 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 47,303 47,303 94
502 100551010 4450 10 55TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 656 55 2190 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 97,216 97,216 94
660 102067020 3330 20 206TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 333 46 2190 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 47,925 47,925 94
541 102067030 3330 30 206TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 331 52 2190 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 37,152 37,152 94
506 102067040 3330 40 206TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 336 49 2190 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 40,784 40,784 94
326 100261010 3500 20 26TH AVE W ASH WAY BEECH RD Residential Asphalt 24 390 37 2320 3 Selected Yr 3 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 46,367 46,367 94
300 100340010 3600 30 33RD PL W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 32 350 41 2380 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 50,249 50,249 94
277 100340020 3600 40 33RD PL W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 543 45 2380 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 61,006 61,006 94
280 100340030 3600 50 33RD PL W 176TH ST SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 1,318 57 2380 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 106,601 106,601 94
1172 3080 10 194TH ST SW 58TH PL W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 43 293 58 3100 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 56,650 56,650 94
441 100561090 4510 10 56TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 515 40 3100 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 69,361 69,361 94
392 100581010 4650 10 58TH AVE W SCRIBER LAKE RD 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 42 495 54 3100 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 93,389 93,389 94
407 100585020 4690 10 58TH PL W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 480 43 3100 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 81,866 81,866 94
711 101915010 2810 10 191ST PL SW 72ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 28 485 62 3620 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 61,030 61,030 94
821 100721003 5500 10 72ND AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 306 45 3620 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 48,032 48,032 94
756 100721006 5500 20 72ND AVE W 191ST PL SW 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 334 46 3620 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 47,983 47,983 94
777 100721008 5500 30 72ND AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 327 42 3620 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 51,453 51,453 94
329 100281020 5640 40 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 196TH ST SW ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 651 78 3720 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 38,683 38,683 86
368 100281030 5640 50 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 1,774 73 3720 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 105,447 105,447 86
1298 100281030 5640 60 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD BEECH RD Principal Arterial Asphalt 59 251 75 3720 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 13,112 13,112 86
378 107106050 5640 70 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY BEECH RD 184TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 1,447 61 3720 3 Selected Yr 3 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 87,250 87,250 85
321 107701020 5840 20 MAPLE RD 33RD AVE W ASH WAY Collector Asphalt 45 346 70 3880 3 Selected Yr 3 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 35,680 35,680 90
312 107701021 5840 30 MAPLE RD ASH WAY EAST END Collector Asphalt 62 121 64 3880 3 Selected Yr 3 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 17,217 17,217 90
724 108104010 5910 10 PENNY LANE 68TH AVE W 65TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 828 49 3930 3 Selected Yr 3 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 70,654 70,654 94
1362 6700 10 RAMP ROAD RAMP RAMP 204TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 26 591 87 3950 3 Selected Yr 3 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 7,732 7,732 82
1064 101685005 1260 10 168TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 43 190 34 1090 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 36,711 36,711 94
77 101695010 1310 10 169TH PL SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 235 39 1090 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 41,235 41,235 93
46 101695020 1310 20 169TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,328 52 1090 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 202,849 202,849 93
214 101765010 1760 10 176TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 868 54 1270 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 85,786 85,786 93
131 101765020 1760 20 176TH PL SW 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 882 44 1270 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 134,758 134,758 93
935 101807030 2090 20 180TH ST SW 180TH ST SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 745 35 1460 2 Selected Yr 2 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 81,146 81,146 93
892 101807040 2090 30 180TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD PL W Collector Asphalt 17 473 64 1470 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,441 6,441 85
914 101807050 2090 40 180TH ST SW 63RD PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 860 64 1470 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 12,396 12,396 85
911 101807060 2090 50 180TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 57TH CT W Collector Asphalt 28 979 66 1470 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 21,956 21,956 85
1276 101807060 2090 60 180TH ST SW 57TH CT W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 456 58 1470 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,937 6,937 85
947 101807070 2090 70 180TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 288 66 1470 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 4,379 4,379 85
887 101807080 2090 80 180TH ST SW 54TH PL W 54TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 221 85 1470 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 3,357 3,357 85
941 101807090 2090 90 180TH ST SW 54TH PL W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 19 914 66 1470 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 13,914 13,914 85
439 101807100 2090 100 180TH ST SW SR 99 49TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 622 65 1480 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 39,842 39,842 91
393 101807110 2090 110 180TH ST SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 526 58 1480 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 33,725 33,725 91
443 101807120 2090 120 180TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 47TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 349 42 1480 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 21,273 21,273 91
1012 101807121 2090 130 180TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 195 65 1480 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 12,470 12,470 91
501 101807130 2090 140 180TH ST SW 46TH PL W 44TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 536 48 1480 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 32,657 32,657 91
1275 101807130 2090 150 180TH ST SW 44TH PL W 44TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 261 63 1480 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 15,910 15,910 91

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 3 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

865 101887010 2630 10 188TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 321 57 1750 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 5,139 5,139 85
883 101887020 2630 20 188TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 65TH PL W Collector Asphalt 20 500 51 1750 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 8,012 8,012 85
910 101887030 2630 30 188TH ST SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 20 500 57 1750 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 8,009 8,009 85
902 101887040 2630 40 188TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Collector Asphalt 20 539 60 1750 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 8,635 8,635 85
919 101887050 2630 50 188TH ST SW 62ND PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 28 796 66 1750 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 17,849 17,849 85
1007 101887060 2630 60 188TH ST SW 60TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 38 1,312 72 1750 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 39,943 39,943 85
643 102127010 3450 10 212TH ST SW SR 99 68TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 501 42 2270 2 Selected Yr 2 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 59,611 59,611 89
583 102127020 3450 20 212TH ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 314 58 2270 2 Selected Yr 2 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 37,353 37,353 89
600 102127030 3450 30 212TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 320 66 2270 2 Selected Yr 2 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 38,060 38,060 89
636 102127040 3450 40 212TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 1,005 61 2270 2 Selected Yr 2 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 113,905 113,905 89
505 102167010 3480 10 216TH ST SW SR 99 EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 603 47 2300 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 105,700 105,700 93
53 100535010 4380 10 53RD PL W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 692 75 2940 2 Selected Yr 2 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 22,177 22,177 85
1028 101645010 1030 10 164TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 26 503 69 3130 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 40,385 40,385 91
4 100585040 4730 10 58TH PL W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 522 59 3130 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 45,128 45,128 91
71 100585050 4730 20 58TH PL W 166TH PL SW 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 618 43 3130 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 49,661 49,661 91
799 100601060 4790 10 60TH AVE W SR 99 DALE WAY Collector Asphalt 27 1,077 74 3160 2 Selected Yr 2 20 Surface Treatment 18,302 18,302 85
725 100601070 4790 20 60TH AVE W DALE WAY 190TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 338 73 3160 2 Selected Yr 2 20 Surface Treatment 5,752 5,752 85
717 100601080 4790 30 60TH AVE W 190TH PL SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 186 76 3160 2 Selected Yr 2 20 Surface Treatment 3,155 3,155 85
713 100601090 4790 40 60TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 345 75 3160 2 Selected Yr 2 20 Surface Treatment 5,868 5,868 85
730 100601100 4790 50 60TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 294 79 3160 2 Selected Yr 2 20 Surface Treatment 4,999 4,999 85
790 100641010 5050 10 64TH AVE W SR 99 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 536 51 3340 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 16,744 16,744 85
833 100641020 5050 20 64TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 1,329 69 3340 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 41,518 41,518 85
716 100641030 5050 30 64TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 195TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 342 67 3340 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 10,680 10,680 85
737 100641040 5050 40 64TH AVE W 195TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 219 76 3340 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,833 6,833 85
819 100641050 5050 50 64TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 265 78 3340 2 Selected Yr 2 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 8,264 8,264 85
727 100701010 5390 10 70TH AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 666 47 3560 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 89,691 89,691 93
830 102015010 3220 10 201ST PL SW 75TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 173 51 3650 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 26,461 26,461 93
688 102027010 3270 10 202ND ST SW 76TH AVE W 75TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 266 41 3650 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 40,653 40,653 93
696 100731010 5520 10 73RD AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 677 60 3650 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 100,352 100,352 93
739 100745010 5570 10 74TH PL W SOUTH END 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 219 36 3650 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 35,455 35,455 93
786 100751010 5590 10 75TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 201ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 175 45 3650 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 26,768 26,768 93
771 100755010 5610 10 75TH PL W SOUTH END 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 208 43 3650 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 33,602 33,602 93
748 102027020 3270 20 202ND ST SW 75TH PL W 75TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 94 39 3650 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 14,368 14,368 93
778 102027030 3270 30 202ND ST SW 75TH AVE W 74TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 176 46 3650 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 26,064 26,064 93
695 102027040 3270 40 202ND ST SW 74TH PL W 73RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 247 37 3650 2 Selected Yr 2 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 37,668 37,668 94
528 102007160 5630 10 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 53 1,315 75 3690 2 Selected Yr 2 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 163,454 163,454 89
665 107106010 5630 20 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 40TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 46 1,920 60 3690 2 Selected Yr 2 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 207,230 207,230 89
139 108308010 6160 10 SPRUCE WAY MAPLE RD 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 515 48 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 33,026 33,026 91
186 108308020 6160 20 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 237 55 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 15,209 15,209 91
1261 108308020 6160 30 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 32 50 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 2,069 2,069 91
1260 108308020 6160 40 SPRUCE WAY 178TH PL SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 30 229 62 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 21,992 21,992 91
1259 108308020 6160 50 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED 176TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 24 62 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 1,668 1,668 91
240 108308040 6160 60 SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 116 65 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 8,194 8,194 91
209 108308041 6160 70 SPRUCE WAY 176TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 22 248 48 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 17,470 17,470 91
160 108308050 6160 80 SPRUCE WAY 176TH ST SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 22 357 60 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 25,135 25,135 91
1266 108308050 6160 90 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 22 140 65 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 9,843 9,843 91
1265 108308050 6160 100 SPRUCE WAY UNNAMED 173RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 22 259 61 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 18,234 18,234 91
1267 108308070 6160 110 SPRUCE WAY 173RD PL SW 173RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 32 115 55 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 11,767 11,767 91
224 108308070 6160 120 SPRUCE WAY 173RD ST SW 172ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 27 408 59 3970 2 Selected Yr 2 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 35,277 35,277 91
119 101747010 1660 10 174TH ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 545 28 1250 1 Selected Yr 1 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 48,518 48,518 92
860 100641190 2230 10 182ND ST SW 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 251 52 1560 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 27,028 27,028 92
995 101835030 2270 10 183RD PL SW WEST END 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 162 36 1560 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 23,331 23,331 92
906 101837030 2330 10 183RD ST SW 61ST AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 355 53 1560 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 33,503 33,503 92
990 100611020 4830 10 61ST AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 139 50 1560 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 16,208 16,208 92
873 101827030 2230 20 182ND ST SW 182ND ST SW 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 703 37 1560 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 75,749 75,749 92
913 100611030 4830 20 61ST AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 159 60 1560 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 18,515 18,515 92
991 100635010 5030 10 63RD PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 45 173 71 1650 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,226 6,226 84
849 101857040 2490 30 185TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 63RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 269 79 1650 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 7,340 7,340 84
870 101857050 2490 40 185TH ST SW 63RD PL W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 267 81 1650 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 7,267 7,267 84

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 4 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

997 101857060 2490 50 185TH ST SW 62ND PL W 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 35 337 76 1650 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 9,438 9,438 84
965 101857070 2490 60 185TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 236 61 1650 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,243 6,243 84
970 101875030 2600 10 187TH PL SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 408 31 1720 1 Selected Yr 1 56 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) + RR 74,754 74,754 92
758 101895050 2660 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 508 55 1800 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 54,952 54,952 90
491 101895055 2670 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 224 75 1810 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,278 6,278 84
394 101895060 2680 10 189TH PL SW WEST END 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 788 78 1810 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 17,041 17,041 84
478 101897010 2710 10 189TH ST SW WEST END 55TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 288 87 1810 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,471 6,471 84
481 100551035 4470 10 55TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 206 77 1810 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 4,611 4,611 84
495 101897020 2710 20 189TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 919 66 1810 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 19,882 19,882 84
418 100551070 4470 20 55TH AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 322 74 1810 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 8,242 8,242 84
480 101897030 2720 10 189TH ST SW 50TH PL W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 18 271 64 1830 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 3,905 3,905 84
399 100495020 4220 10 49TH PL W SOUTH END 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 159 64 1830 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 4,833 4,833 84
415 100505020 4280 10 50TH PL W SOUTH END 189TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 161 90 1830 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 5,029 5,029 84
458 101897040 2720 20 189TH ST SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 275 77 1830 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 3,969 3,969 84
845 101915015 2820 10 191ST PL SW WEST END 68TH PL W Residential Asphalt 43 160 70 1920 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 5,527 5,527 84
718 101927010 2970 10 192ND ST SW 69TH PL W 68TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 356 69 1920 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 9,410 9,410 84
826 100685010 5330 10 68TH PL W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 195 83 1920 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 5,308 5,308 84
809 100695025 5360 10 69TH PL W 192ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 39 202 64 1920 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,312 6,312 84
827 101927013 2970 20 192ND ST SW 68TH PL W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 158 94 1920 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 4,442 4,442 84
603 101987040 3170 10 198TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 1,292 55 2090 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 161,513 161,513 90
646 102007050 3210 40 200TH ST SW SR 99 61ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 454 59 2115 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 54,239 54,239 90
1284 102007050 3210 50 200TH ST SW 61ST PL W 61ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 45 58 2115 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 5,433 5,433 90
663 102007060 3210 60 200TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 496 52 2115 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 59,221 59,221 90
367 100241032 3490 10 24TH AVE W SOUTH END 24TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 168 43 2310 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 25,592 25,592 92
384 100241031 3490 20 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 300 38 2310 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 45,864 45,864 92
357 100241030 3490 30 24TH AVE W 24TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 533 40 2310 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 98,144 98,144 92
333 100241020 3490 40 24TH AVE W 196TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 264 67 2310 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 49,818 49,818 92
374 100361020 3650 20 36TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 280 49 2410 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 80,472 80,472 92
382 100361030 3650 30 36TH AVE W 191ST PL SW 188TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,098 45 2410 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 315,327 315,327 92
236 101865030 2540 10 186TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 42 154 35 2540 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 29,122 29,122 92
187 100415010 3860 10 41ST PL W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 399 50 2540 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 60,903 60,903 92
269 100415020 3860 20 41ST PL W 186TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 148 48 2540 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 23,242 23,242 92
608 100441010 4010 10 44TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 55 417 54 2600 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 81,386 81,386 90
520 100441020 4010 20 44TH AVE W 211TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 582 60 2600 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 115,689 115,689 90
1289 100441030 4010 30 44TH AVE W 209TH ST SW 49TH PL W Principal Arterial Asphalt 56 533 45 2600 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 105,991 105,991 89
100518 100441030 4010 40 44TH AVE W 49TH PL W RAMP RAMP Principal Arterial Asphalt 51 651 58 2600 1 Selected Yr 1 40 EM + Moderate Overlay (2.0 - 3.0) 117,746 117,746 89
486 101805008 2040 10 180TH PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 315 41 2700 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 52,364 52,364 92
448 100465010 4080 10 46TH PL W 180TH PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 240 47 2700 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 34,432 34,432 92
174 100471040 4110 10 47TH AVE W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 502 74 2730 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 12,882 12,882 84
514 100481020 4130 10 48TH AVE W 211TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 515 81 2740 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 11,543 11,543 84
630 100491010 4180 10 49TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 1,534 67 2740 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 24,575 24,575 84
1291 100481020 4130 20 48TH AVE W 209TH ST SW 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 20 316 78 2740 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 5,065 5,065 84
26 100481220 4160 10 48TH AVE W SOUTH END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 678 83 2790 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 22,256 22,256 84
43 100481240 4160 20 48TH AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 41 778 66 2790 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 25,551 25,551 84
540 102117020 3420 10 211TH ST SW WEST END 50TH PL W Residential Asphalt 35 287 39 2830 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 45,062 45,062 92
592 100505010 4270 10 50TH PL W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 330 55 2830 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 35,587 35,587 92
966 101795010 1980 10 179TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 205 47 2970 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 33,990 33,990 92
980 100541080 4400 10 54TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 799 47 2970 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 122,095 122,095 92
985 101785030 1900 30 178TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 199 31 2970 1 Selected Yr 1 50 FWM + Thick Overlay (> 2.0 - 3.0) 29,502 29,502 92
984 100601160 4790 110 60TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 345 62 3180 1 Selected Yr 1 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,350 6,350 84
999 100601170 4790 120 60TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 533 62 3180 1 Selected Yr 1 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 8,974 8,974 84
850 100601180 4790 130 60TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 178TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 224 63 3180 1 Selected Yr 1 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 4,121 4,121 84
918 100601190 4790 140 60TH AVE W 178TH ST SW 177TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 254 65 3180 1 Selected Yr 1 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 6,101 6,101 84
974 100601200 4790 150 60TH AVE W 177TH ST SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 247 66 3180 1 Selected Yr 1 26 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 5,945 5,945 84
538 102117010 3410 10 211TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 61ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 594 81 3210 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 9,239 9,239 80
657 100611010 4820 10 61ST AVE W 211TH ST SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 550 84 3210 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 8,553 8,553 80
1293 100611010 4820 20 61ST AVE W UNNAMED 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 383 81 3210 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 5,780 5,780 80
508 100615020 4850 10 61ST PL W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 657 74 3230 1 Selected Yr 1 23 Surface Trtmnt / Chip Seal + RR 13,158 13,158 84
946 100625010 4940 10 62ND PL W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 53 265 82 3290 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 6,438 6,438 85

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 5 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

851 100635020 5040 10 63RD PL W SOUTH END 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 182 83 3330 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 2,086 2,086 85
82 100661100 5170 10 66TH AVE W 168TH ST SW MEADOWDALE RD Collector Asphalt 30 713 67 3890 1 Selected Yr 1 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 48,990 48,990 88
8 100671100 5260 10 67TH AVE W MEADOWDALE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 243 68 3890 1 Selected Yr 1 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 17,833 17,833 89
55 107802043 5880 10 MEADOWDALE RD WEST END 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 245 57 3890 1 Selected Yr 1 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 10,082 10,082 88
111 107802047 5880 20 MEADOWDALE RD 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 18 309 51 3890 1 Selected Yr 1 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 12,715 12,715 88
606 108206010 6150 10 SCRIBER LAKE RD 200TH ST SW 198TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 769 52 3960 1 Selected Yr 1 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 78,990 78,990 89
628 108206020 6150 20 SCRIBER LAKE RD 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 774 55 3960 1 Selected Yr 1 36 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) + RR 81,653 81,653 89
1128 1070 10 164TH ST SW SR 99 NE END Principal Arterial Asphalt 30 112 82 4030 1 Selected Yr 1 10 Slurry Seal / Prvnttve Mntnnce 1,691 1,691 82
61 101705010 1350 10 170TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 27 198 96 1120 0 Not Selected 90
11 101705020 1350 20 170TH PL SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 26 426 96 1120 0 Not Selected 90
1136 1370 10 170TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 310 94 1140 0 Not Selected 89
1073 101717021 1450 10 171ST ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 762 90 1160 0 Not Selected 84
1074 100335040 3610 10 33RD PL W 171ST ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 278 81 1160 0 Not Selected 73
282 101707060 1410 20 170TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 34 705 95 1160 0 Not Selected 90
1075 101717020 1450 20 171ST ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 603 93 1160 0 Not Selected 87
998 101767090 1770 110 176TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 682 90 1290 0 Not Selected 83
1017 101767091 1770 120 176TH ST SW 58TH AVE W 57TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 278 79 1290 0 Not Selected 67
1307 101767100 1770 130 176TH ST SW 57TH AVE W UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 150 81 1290 0 Not Selected 70
1268 101767100 1770 140 176TH ST SW UNNAMED 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 173 76 1290 0 Not Selected 63
1016 101767100 1770 150 176TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 391 85 1290 0 Not Selected 77
1015 101767110 1770 160 176TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 54TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 187 82 1290 0 Not Selected 72
1018 101767120 1770 170 176TH ST SW 54TH PL W 53RD PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 257 74 1290 0 Not Selected 62
1020 101767130 1770 180 176TH ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 559 76 1290 0 Not Selected 63
274 101775030 1860 40 177TH PL SW 32ND AVE W 30TH PL W Residential Asphalt 27 675 97 1350 0 Not Selected 91
866 101785008 1890 10 178TH PL SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 390 41 1360 0 Not Selected 27
915 100651010 5080 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 65TH PL W Residential Asphalt 26 209 44 1360 0 Not Selected 30
908 100655030 5120 10 65TH PL W 65TH AVE W 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 1,027 41 1360 0 Not Selected 28
254 101785040 1920 10 178TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 32 361 42 1380 0 Not Selected 28
397 101805003 2030 10 180TH PL SW 49TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 162 81 1430 0 Not Selected 72
469 100495040 4240 10 49TH PL W 180TH PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 203 81 1430 0 Not Selected 72
361 101827040 2240 10 182ND ST SW WEST END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Residential Asphalt 38 443 96 1570 0 Not Selected 90
122 101837070 2340 10 183RD ST SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 559 93 1620 0 Not Selected 87
213 101845020 2390 10 184TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 548 82 1620 0 Not Selected 73
191 101855110 2460 10 185TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 516 91 1620 0 Not Selected 85
322 101847060 2410 40 184TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 1,003 95 1625 0 Not Selected 88
1279 101847070 2410 50 184TH ST SW WEST END 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 46 426 95 1625 0 Not Selected 88
1280 101847070 2410 60 184TH ST SW 33RD AVE W PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC Minor Arterial Asphalt 65 652 95 1630 0 Not Selected 88
372 101847070 2410 70 184TH ST SW PRIVATE PROPERTY MISC 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 59 1,142 95 1630 0 Not Selected 88
977 101867080 2560 10 186TH ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 39 525 89 1680 0 Not Selected 83
488 101907080 2800 10 190TH ST SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 653 42 1860 0 Not Selected 28
464 100495010 4210 10 49TH PL W 192ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 199 43 1860 0 Not Selected 29
462 100491020 4190 10 49TH AVE W SOUTH END 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 319 95 1930 0 Not Selected 90
445 101927020 2990 30 192ND ST SW 52ND AVE W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 817 92 1930 0 Not Selected 86
427 101927025 2990 40 192ND ST SW 49TH PL W 49TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 253 96 1930 0 Not Selected 90
477 101927030 2990 50 192ND ST SW 49TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 264 96 1930 0 Not Selected 90
391 101927040 2990 60 192ND ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 672 87 1930 0 Not Selected 80
400 101935010 3030 10 193RD PL SW WEST END 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 567 96 1970 0 Not Selected 90
783 101947010 3070 10 194TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 38 491 81 2000 0 Not Selected 72
1111 102047020 3310 10 204TH ST SW 68TH AVE W SR 99 Residential Asphalt 24 864 95 2160 0 Not Selected 89
633 110100100 3360 10 209TH PL SW 59TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 637 95 2240 0 Not Selected 89
544 102127050 3450 50 212TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 529 59 2280 0 Not Selected 44
658 102127060 3450 60 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 304 62 2280 0 Not Selected 45
571 102127070 3450 70 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 58TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 708 64 2280 0 Not Selected 47
524 102127080 3450 80 212TH ST SW 58TH AVE W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 1,039 72 2280 0 Not Selected 57
634 102127085 3450 90 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 52ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,121 79 2280 0 Not Selected 67
586 102127090 3450 100 212TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 548 90 2290 0 Not Selected 83
578 102127100 3450 110 212TH ST SW 50TH PL W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 124 93 2290 0 Not Selected 86
620 102127110 3450 120 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 49TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 165 92 2290 0 Not Selected 86
562 102127120 3450 130 212TH ST SW 49TH AVE W 48TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 274 92 2290 0 Not Selected 86

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 6 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

604 102127132 3450 140 212TH ST SW 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 220 90 2290 0 Not Selected 84
511 102127130 3450 150 212TH ST SW 212TH ST SW 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 1,341 92 2290 0 Not Selected 86
1110 110100200 3590 10 33RD AVE W 184TH ST SW MAPLE RD Collector Asphalt 42 2,093 92 2370 0 Not Selected 86
290 101745040 1650 10 174TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 43 306 93 2400 0 Not Selected 88
317 101755020 1680 10 175TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 45 222 92 2400 0 Not Selected 86
299 100341030 3640 10 34TH PL W 176TH PL SW 175TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 227 74 2400 0 Not Selected 63
305 100341020 3640 20 34TH PL W 175TH PL SW 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 482 86 2400 0 Not Selected 78
291 101765040 1760 30 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 531 76 2400 0 Not Selected 65
1273 100341010 3640 30 34TH PL W 174TH PL SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 35 237 76 2400 0 Not Selected 65
278 100341010 3640 40 34TH PL W UNNAMED UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 244 74 2400 0 Not Selected 63
1272 100341010 3640 50 34TH PL W UNNAMED 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 302 72 2400 0 Not Selected 60
153 100361060 3650 70 36TH AVE W 180TH PL SW MAPLE RD Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 407 54 2430 0 Not Selected 93
135 100361165 3650 80 36TH AVE W MAPLE RD 179TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 106 46 2430 0 Not Selected 93
188 100361070 3650 90 36TH AVE W 179TH ST SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 561 52 2430 0 Not Selected 93
152 100361080 3650 100 36TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 261 49 2430 0 Not Selected 93
137 100361090 3650 110 36TH AVE W 176TH PL SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 253 53 2430 0 Not Selected 93
1109 100361091 3650 120 36TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 247 56 2430 0 Not Selected 93
1022 100361170 3650 130 36TH AVE W 36TH AVE W 174TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 250 45 2430 0 Not Selected 93
142 100361100 3650 140 36TH AVE W 174TH PL SW 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 39 503 47 2430 0 Not Selected 93
250 100361110 3650 150 36TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 270 51 2430 0 Not Selected 93
140 100361120 3650 160 36TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 393 34 2435 0 Not Selected 93
1301 100361120 3650 170 36TH AVE W 171ST ST SW 170TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 38 250 39 2435 0 Not Selected 93
1061 100361195 3650 180 36TH AVE W 170TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 38 241 27 2435 0 Not Selected 92
1060 100361190 3650 190 36TH AVE W 169TH ST SW 168TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 273 40 2435 0 Not Selected 93
1059 100361130 3650 200 36TH AVE W 168TH PL SW 167TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 235 52 2435 0 Not Selected 93
148 100361140 3650 210 36TH AVE W 167TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 236 36 2435 0 Not Selected 92
1247 100361140 3650 220 36TH AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 36 21 2435 0 Not Selected 92
1246 100361140 3650 230 36TH AVE W UNNAMED 166TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 70 35 2435 0 Not Selected 93
150 100361150 3650 240 36TH AVE W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 407 38 2435 0 Not Selected 93
1129 3650 250 36TH AVE W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Minor Arterial Asphalt 50 128 40 2435 0 Not Selected 93
242 101707030 1410 10 170TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 332 75 2450 0 Not Selected 64
175 100371020 3680 10 37TH AVE W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 36 498 84 2450 0 Not Selected 76
127 100381004 3760 10 38TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 331 43 2490 0 Not Selected 29
632 100401010 3810 10 40TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 198TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 630 90 2510 0 Not Selected 84
652 100401020 3810 20 40TH AVE W 198TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 558 79 2510 0 Not Selected 69
664 100401030 3810 30 40TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 741 74 2510 0 Not Selected 63
1027 101645020 1040 10 164TH PL SW WEST END 40TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 349 95 2530 0 Not Selected 90
1045 101655090 1120 10 165TH PL SW 41ST PL W 40TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 284 96 2530 0 Not Selected 90
1035 101665070 1160 10 166TH PL SW 44TH AVE W 43RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 285 86 2530 0 Not Selected 79
1044 100405030 3840 10 40TH PL W SOUTH END 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 61 86 88 2530 0 Not Selected 81
1046 100415110 3890 10 41ST PL W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 231 93 2530 0 Not Selected 87
1038 100425040 3910 10 42ND AVE W 166TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 478 82 2530 0 Not Selected 73
1034 100431030 3980 10 43RD AVE W 166TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 46 222 95 2530 0 Not Selected 89
1029 101645030 1040 20 164TH PL SW 40TH PL W PRIVATE Residential Asphalt 31 213 49 2530 0 Not Selected 35
1037 101665071 1160 20 166TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 42ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 297 89 2530 0 Not Selected 83
1043 100405020 3840 20 40TH PL W 165TH PL SW 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 619 92 2530 0 Not Selected 87
1047 100415111 3890 20 41ST PL W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 278 93 2530 0 Not Selected 88
1244 101645030 1040 30 164TH PL SW PRIVATE 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 50 54 88 2530 0 Not Selected 81
1039 101665072 1160 30 166TH PL SW 42ND AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 34 276 94 2530 0 Not Selected 88
182 101795030 2000 10 179TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 138 92 2550 0 Not Selected 86
179 101805010 2050 10 180TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 33 239 84 2550 0 Not Selected 75
199 101835080 2310 10 183RD PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 46 169 64 2550 0 Not Selected 50
261 101845010 2380 10 184TH PL SW 41ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 44 208 78 2550 0 Not Selected 68
157 101857100 2510 10 185TH ST SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 494 57 2550 0 Not Selected 42
241 100415030 3870 10 41ST PL W 185TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 335 42 2550 0 Not Selected 28
192 100431020 3960 10 43RD AVE W SW END 180TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 38 231 81 2550 0 Not Selected 72
196 100415040 3870 20 41ST PL W 184TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 299 59 2550 0 Not Selected 45
221 100415050 3870 30 41ST PL W 183RD PL SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 288 78 2550 0 Not Selected 67
178 100415060 3870 40 41ST PL W 182ND PL SW MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 33 478 79 2550 0 Not Selected 69

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 7 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

181 100415070 3870 50 41ST PL W MAPLE RD 180TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 172 74 2550 0 Not Selected 63
1308 100415070 3870 60 41ST PL W 180TH PL SW 179TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 170 81 2550 0 Not Selected 72
201 100415080 3870 70 41ST PL W 179TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 245 96 2550 0 Not Selected 90
229 100425010 3920 10 42ND PL W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 554 95 2570 0 Not Selected 89
162 100441190 4010 210 44TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 562 91 2650 0 Not Selected 85
219 100441200 4010 220 44TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 179TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 172 90 2650 0 Not Selected 83
168 100441210 4010 230 44TH AVE W 179TH PL SW 179TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 44 194 90 2650 0 Not Selected 82
1306 100441220 4010 240 44TH AVE W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 273 89 2650 0 Not Selected 80
253 100441220 4010 250 44TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 44 367 87 2650 0 Not Selected 79
1305 100441220 4010 260 44TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 19 93 2650 0 Not Selected 87
1304 100441220 4010 270 44TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 274 91 2650 0 Not Selected 84
1302 100441220 4010 280 44TH AVE W 176TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 29 89 2650 0 Not Selected 81
203 100465020 4080 20 46TH PL W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 24 676 89 2710 0 Not Selected 83
475 100481180 4150 160 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 31 35 92 2780 0 Not Selected 86
446 100481190 4150 170 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 323 91 2780 0 Not Selected 85
417 100481200 4150 180 48TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 63 89 2780 0 Not Selected 82
473 100481210 4150 190 48TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 31 439 90 2780 0 Not Selected 84
431 100515020 4290 10 51ST PL W SOUTH END 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 806 43 2840 0 Not Selected 29
1010 100521130 4310 100 52ND AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 510 90 2870 0 Not Selected 84
594 100531020 4340 20 53RD AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 41 656 96 2900 0 Not Selected 90
521 100531030 4340 30 53RD AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 663 94 2900 0 Not Selected 88
642 100531040 4340 40 53RD AVE W 204TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 36 226 90 2900 0 Not Selected 84
585 100541030 4390 20 54TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 645 83 2950 0 Not Selected 75
647 100541040 4390 30 54TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 664 92 2950 0 Not Selected 86
639 100541050 4390 40 54TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 521 88 2950 0 Not Selected 81
602 100541060 4390 50 54TH AVE W 202ND PL SW 201ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 327 95 2950 0 Not Selected 90
653 100541070 4390 60 54TH AVE W 201ST PL SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 494 94 2950 0 Not Selected 89
867 100545010 4410 10 54TH PL W SOUTH END 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 504 83 2980 0 Not Selected 75
855 100545015 4420 10 54TH PL W 180TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 21 440 78 2980 0 Not Selected 68
39 100571010 4580 10 57TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 585 91 3070 0 Not Selected 85
545 100601010 4780 10 60TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 207TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 37 338 78 3150 0 Not Selected 68
570 4780 20 60TH AVE W 207TH PL SW 204TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 991 95 3150 0 Not Selected 89
556 100601030 4780 30 60TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 203RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 331 70 3150 0 Not Selected 58
560 100601040 4780 40 60TH AVE W 203RD ST SW 202ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 331 77 3150 0 Not Selected 67
507 100601050 4780 50 60TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 34 651 72 3150 0 Not Selected 60
863 100601210 4790 160 60TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 817 67 3190 0 Not Selected 54
88 100601211 4790 170 60TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 284 82 3190 0 Not Selected 74
1072 100621050 4910 10 62ND AVE W SOUTH END OLYMPIC VIEW DR Residential Asphalt 23 504 81 3270 0 Not Selected 72
1092 110100101 5060 10 64TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 174TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 670 91 3380 0 Not Selected 86
120 100641250 5060 20 64TH AVE W 174TH ST SW 173RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 20 297 83 3380 0 Not Selected 75
1270 100641250 5060 30 64TH AVE W 173RD ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 20 62 87 3380 0 Not Selected 80
869 100651020 5090 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 514 91 3390 0 Not Selected 85
702 101947060 3060 10 194TH ST SW 70TH PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 208 88 3580 0 Not Selected 82
100761 100701020 5400 10 70TH AVE W SOUTH END 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 98 78 3580 0 Not Selected 68
817 100705010 5430 10 70TH PL W SOUTH END 194TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 40 191 72 3580 0 Not Selected 60
761 100701020 5400 20 70TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 256 82 3580 0 Not Selected 73
364 107106060 5640 80 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 184TH ST SW 182ND ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 814 95 3730 0 Not Selected 87
386 107106070 5640 90 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 182ND ST SW 33RD AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 68 913 95 3730 0 Not Selected 87
320 107106071 5640 100 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 33RD AVE W NW END Principal Arterial Asphalt 57 414 84 3730 0 Not Selected 74
684 107902160 5890 10 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 76TH AVE W OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 1,546 92 3900 0 Not Selected 86
814 107902010 5890 20 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 186TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 436 94 3900 0 Not Selected 88
895 107902020 5890 30 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 186TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 960 93 3900 0 Not Selected 86
978 107902030 5890 40 OLYMPIC VIEW DR BLUE RIDGE DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 304 92 3910 0 Not Selected 86
1000 107902040 5890 50 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 68TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 969 92 3910 0 Not Selected 85
882 107902050 5890 60 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 68TH AVE W 180TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 171 92 3910 0 Not Selected 86
975 107902060 5890 70 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 295 93 3910 0 Not Selected 87
948 107902070 5890 80 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 178TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 776 94 3910 0 Not Selected 88
104 107902080 5890 90 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 176TH ST SW 175TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 392 91 3920 0 Not Selected 85
29 107902090 5890 100 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 175TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 28 218 96 3920 0 Not Selected 89

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 8 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

41 107902100 5890 110 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 306 94 3920 0 Not Selected 88
1 107902110 5890 120 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 173RD PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 620 95 3920 0 Not Selected 89
76 107902120 5890 130 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 739 95 3920 0 Not Selected 89
21 107902130 5890 140 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 34 93 3920 0 Not Selected 87
102 107902140 5890 150 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 170TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 37 571 95 3920 0 Not Selected 89
1070 107902150 5890 160 OLYMPIC VIEW DR OLYMPIC VIEW DR 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 350 86 3920 0 Not Selected 78
403 100551030 4460 10 55TH AVE W 56TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 246 70 3010 3 Non-Crtcl Yr 3 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 14,298 14,298 90
396 100551027 4460 20 55TH AVE W 190TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 28 129 74 3010 3 Non-Crtcl Yr 3 30 Edge Mill + Thin Overlay (1.5 - 2.0) 8,033 8,033 90
1040 101665010 1140 10 166TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 27 265 71 1010 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
1042 100595050 4770 10 59TH PL W SOUTH END 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 352 44 1010 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 30
1041 101665020 1140 20 166TH PL SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 262 79 1010 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 69
293 101665060 1180 10 166TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 648 67 1020 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 54
1248 101665060 1180 20 166TH PL SW 167TH PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 27 470 76 1020 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 66
295 101727120 1520 130 172ND ST SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 507 56 1200 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 42
298 101727131 1520 140 172ND ST SW 34TH PL W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 19 380 58 1200 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 44
284 101727130 1520 150 172ND ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 19 442 61 1200 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 47
306 101727140 1520 160 172ND ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 452 73 1200 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 61
433 100465030 4070 10 46TH PL W 185TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 649 89 1640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 83
404 100475010 4120 10 47TH PL W SOUTH END 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 188 73 1640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 61
435 101845004 2350 20 184TH PL SW 48TH AVE W 47TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 246 86 1640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 78
432 101855050 2450 20 185TH PL SW 48TH AVE W 46TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 210 95 1640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 89
483 101855060 2450 30 185TH PL SW 46TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 143 96 1640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 90
438 101887110 2630 110 188TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 47TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 313 60 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 41
463 101887120 2630 120 188TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 358 68 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 53
1011 101887130 2630 130 188TH ST SW 46TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 33 669 73 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
500 101887140 2630 140 188TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 288 70 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 57
263 101887150 2630 150 188TH ST SW 43RD AVE W 42ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 242 83 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 74
270 101887160 2630 160 188TH ST SW 42ND PL W 41ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 253 85 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 77
198 101887170 2630 170 188TH ST SW 41ST PL W 41ST PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 78 82 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 72
154 101887180 2630 180 188TH ST SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 450 63 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 47
388 101887195 2630 190 188TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 38TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 673 79 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 67
1282 101887190 2630 200 188TH ST SW 38TH AVE W PRIVATE Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 38 87 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 80
387 101887190 2630 210 188TH ST SW PRIVATE 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 593 73 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
332 101887200 2630 220 188TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 993 76 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 62
334 101887210 2630 230 188TH ST SW 33RD AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 73 211 60 1770 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 47
353 101895070 2690 10 189TH PL SW 44TH AVE W 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 378 58 1820 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 44
331 101895090 2690 20 189TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 19 527 80 1820 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 71
338 101895080 2690 20 189TH PL SW 189TH PL SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 978 74 1820 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 61
703 101935003 3020 10 193RD PL SW 73RD PL W 72ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 357 71 1960 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
803 100725010 5510 10 72ND PL W 194TH PL SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 352 57 1960 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 43
792 100735020 5550 10 73RD PL W 194TH PL SW 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 244 73 1960 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 62
753 101935006 3020 20 193RD PL SW 72ND PL W 71ST PL W Residential Asphalt 34 299 48 1960 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 34
694 100735030 5550 20 73RD PL W 193RD PL SW NW END Residential Asphalt 41 137 74 1960 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 63
680 101945030 3050 30 194TH PL SW 73RD AVE W 72ND PL W Residential Asphalt 35 372 59 1960 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 43
455 101947020 3090 10 194TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 34 1,327 73 2010 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 62
452 101947030 3090 20 194TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 669 66 2010 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 52
474 101947040 3090 30 194TH ST SW 46TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 674 66 2010 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 52
369 101947050 3090 40 194TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 1,309 75 2010 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 64
650 102007070 3210 70 200TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 1,341 77 2120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 66
527 102007080 3210 80 200TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 677 81 2120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 71
580 102007090 3210 90 200TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 148 83 2120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 73
575 102007100 3210 100 200TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 53RD PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 139 78 2120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 67
555 102007110 3210 110 200TH ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 176 71 2120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 58
576 102007120 3210 120 200TH ST SW 52ND PL W 50TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 869 72 2120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 57
531 102007130 3210 130 200TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 670 71 2120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 55
542 102007140 3210 140 200TH ST SW 48TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 672 60 2120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 43
550 102007150 3210 150 200TH ST SW 46TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD Minor Arterial Asphalt 60 666 70 2120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 57
651 102015030 3240 10 201ST PL SW 54TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 36 641 91 2130 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 85
567 102025010 3260 10 202ND PL SW 54TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 293 79 2130 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 69

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 9 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

605 102037010 3290 10 203RD ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 1,340 62 2150 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
577 102075010 3340 10 207TH PL SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 32 929 71 2200 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
631 102097020 3380 10 209TH ST SW 45TH PL W 44TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 294 83 2250 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 75
512 102107030 3400 10 210TH ST SW 47TH AVE W 45TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 449 82 2250 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 74
597 102127131 3460 10 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW 47TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 340 96 2250 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 91
557 100445020 4020 10 44TH PL W SOUTH END 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 31 228 78 2250 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 67
504 100451010 4040 10 45TH PL W 210TH ST SW 209TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 135 94 2250 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 88
635 100471031 4090 10 47TH AVE W SOUTH END 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 47 184 96 2250 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 90
534 100481010 4170 10 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 500 95 2250 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 89
612 102097030 3380 20 209TH ST SW 44TH PL W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 255 60 2250 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 47
626 102117040 3430 20 211TH ST SW 48TH PL W 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 176 96 2250 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 90
622 100471030 4090 20 47TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 283 94 2250 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 88
412 100441100 4010 120 44TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 344 83 2640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 72
413 100441110 4010 130 44TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 299 90 2640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 83
453 100441120 4010 140 44TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 189TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 513 89 2640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 80
436 100441130 4010 150 44TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 57 404 93 2640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 87
167 100441140 4010 160 44TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 757 88 2640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 80
170 100441150 4010 170 44TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 631 91 2640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 84
193 100441160 4010 180 44TH AVE W 184TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 120 83 2640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 73
220 100441170 4010 190 44TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 182ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 259 89 2640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 82
208 100441180 4010 200 44TH AVE W 182ND PL SW 181ST PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 341 84 2640 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 74
559 100461005 4050 10 46TH AVE W RAMP 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 45 609 63 2680 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
466 100481060 4150 40 48TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 661 66 2760 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 52
451 100481070 4150 50 48TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 510 68 2760 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 55
461 100481080 4150 60 48TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 464 76 2760 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 66
440 100481090 4150 70 48TH AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 36 347 77 2760 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 67
554 100525010 4330 10 52ND PL W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 511 81 2920 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 72
644 100531050 4350 10 53RD AVE W 200TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 666 63 2920 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
591 100535003 4360 10 53RD PL W SOUTH END 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 42 184 69 2920 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 56
1052 101675020 1200 10 167TH PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 239 75 3090 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 64
1053 100565010 4570 10 56TH PL W 167TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 291 73 3090 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 61
1051 100575020 4630 10 57TH PL W 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 270 94 3090 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 89
1050 100575030 4630 20 57TH PL W 167TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 39 308 75 3090 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 64
864 100581030 4660 10 58TH AVE W 176TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 601 63 3110 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
987 108308048 4600 10 57TH PL W SOUTH END 186TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 38 627 89 3120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 83
963 101865200 4700 10 58TH PL W 186TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 41 427 85 3120 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 77
1286 100615010 4840 10 61ST PL W SOUTH END UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 34 153 68 3220 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 55
637 100635030 5020 10 63RD PL W SOUTH END 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 667 65 3220 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 52
584 100615010 4840 20 61ST PL W UNNAMED 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 491 58 3220 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 44
896 100641230 5050 230 64TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 25 511 74 3370 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 63
848 100641234 5050 240 64TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 177TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 25 272 72 3370 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 60
900 100641238 5050 250 64TH AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 527 70 3370 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 58
611 102147010 3470 10 214TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 325 82 3410 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 73
617 100661010 5130 10 66TH AVE W 214TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 666 86 3410 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 77
535 102107050 3390 20 210TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 332 78 3410 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 68
593 100661020 5130 20 66TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 659 72 3410 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 60
654 100661030 5130 30 66TH AVE W 210TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 662 80 3410 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 69
832 100661040 5140 10 66TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 799 71 3420 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 59
800 102015020 3230 10 201ST PL SW 68TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 38 285 75 3450 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 64
705 100665010 5180 10 66TH PL W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 662 82 3450 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 73
994 101787010 1880 10 178TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 266 73 3490 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 61
880 100665040 5210 10 66TH PL W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 952 78 3490 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 67
901 100675010 5270 10 67TH PL W SOUTH END 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 29 486 53 3490 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 38
976 100681200 5310 10 68TH AVE W SOUTH END 69TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 350 58 3550 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 44
912 100695030 5370 10 69TH PL W BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 381 67 3550 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 54
922 100695040 5370 20 69TH PL W 68TH AVE W 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 368 66 3550 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 53
877 100711050 5460 30 71ST AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 727 61 3550 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 48
355 108308042 3510 10 28TH AVE W SOUTH END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 21 406 79 3710 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 68
1091 100281000 5640 10 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY UNNAMED Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 879 69 3710 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 53

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 10 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

1285 100281000 5640 20 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY UNNAMED 28TH AVE W Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 857 62 3710 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 44
385 100281010 5640 30 ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 28TH AVE W 196TH ST SW Principal Arterial Asphalt 67 470 65 3710 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
390 108311020 5650 10 ASH WAY 26TH AVE W MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 39 631 63 3740 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 50
319 108311010 5650 20 ASH WAY MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 40 375 62 3740 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 48
949 107626010 5810 10 HURST RD 186TH PL SW NE END Residential Asphalt 30 885 63 3860 0 Fall Thru Yr 5 49
67 101687040 1290 40 168TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 27 1,030 61 1070 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 47
1069 101687050 1290 50 168TH ST SW 63RD AVE W OLYMPIC VIEW DR Collector Asphalt 46 142 67 1070 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 54
177 101735110 1560 10 173RD PL SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 297 75 1240 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
132 101745020 1640 10 174TH PL SW 38TH AVE W 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 320 92 1240 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 86
124 101757040 1720 10 175TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 568 85 1240 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 77
136 101767200 1810 10 176TH ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 660 84 1240 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 75
244 100375030 3700 10 37TH PL W 174TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 278 92 1240 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 86
248 100381008 3740 10 38TH AVE W 174TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 225 90 1240 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 84
163 101745030 1640 20 174TH PL SW 37TH PL W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 256 91 1240 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 84
893 101767010 1770 10 176TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 67TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 135 74 1280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 60
996 101767015 1770 20 176TH ST SW 67TH PL W 66TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 283 72 1280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
964 101767020 1770 30 176TH ST SW 66TH PL W 65TH PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 334 83 1280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 74
888 101767030 1770 40 176TH ST SW 65TH PL W 65TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 25 180 77 1280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 65
938 101767040 1770 50 176TH ST SW 65TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 323 82 1280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 73
1004 101767050 1770 60 176TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 146 81 1280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 71
1003 101767060 1770 70 176TH ST SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 337 82 1280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 72
1001 101767070 1770 80 176TH ST SW 62ND PL W 62ND AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 171 78 1280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 67
1269 101767080 1770 90 176TH ST SW 62ND AVE W 176TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 284 76 1280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
1002 101767080 1770 100 176TH ST SW 176TH ST SW 60TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 388 80 1280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 70
239 101775020 1850 10 177TH PL SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 898 55 1330 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 41
301 108311030 1850 20 177TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 41 317 88 1330 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 81
285 101775060 1860 10 177TH PL SW WEST END 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 30 304 66 1340 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 53
292 100290090 3570 10 32ND PL W 177TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 25 245 70 1340 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 57
283 101775050 1860 20 177TH PL SW 33RD PL W 32ND PL W Residential Asphalt 21 306 51 1340 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 37
279 101775040 1860 30 177TH PL SW 32ND PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 193 55 1340 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 40
857 101785010 1900 10 178TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 1,314 81 1370 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 72
1013 101785020 1900 20 178TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 124 52 1370 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 38
281 101785050 1940 10 178TH PL SW WEST END 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 45 284 82 1420 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 73
308 101785060 1950 10 178TH PL SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 45 307 90 1420 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 84
316 101797020 2020 10 179TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 34TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 494 80 1420 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 70
272 100335060 3600 10 33RD PL W SW END 179TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 819 89 1420 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 82
294 100342010 3630 10 34TH PL W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 172 88 1420 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 81
289 101797030 2020 20 179TH ST SW 34TH PL W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 33 435 89 1420 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 83
318 100335050 3600 20 33RD PL W 179TH ST SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 148 89 1420 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 82
313 101797040 2020 30 179TH ST SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 389 82 1420 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 74
904 100641200 2100 10 181ST PL SW 182ND ST SW 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 233 77 1490 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 67
1005 101815010 2100 20 181ST PL SW 181ST PL SW EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 888 58 1490 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 44
981 101817020 2150 10 181ST ST SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 37 394 70 1530 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
454 101825030 2180 10 182ND PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 641 80 1540 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 70
476 101825040 2190 10 182ND PL SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 1,337 76 1540 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 66
898 101865003 2520 10 186TH PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 18 523 55 1660 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 41
956 101865004 2520 20 186TH PL SW 58TH PL W 57TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 315 53 1660 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 39
943 101865005 2520 30 186TH PL SW 57TH PL W HURST RD Residential Asphalt 19 260 73 1660 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 62
992 101865007 2520 40 186TH PL SW HURST RD SR 99 Residential Asphalt 19 694 66 1660 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 53
760 101885010 2610 10 188TH PL SW WEST END 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,347 70 1730 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
348 101917070 2890 10 191ST ST SW 44TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 1,097 60 1940 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 44
373 101925100 2950 10 192ND PL SW 44TH AVE W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,310 64 1940 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 50
346 101927050 3000 10 192ND ST SW 44TH AVE W 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 655 42 1940 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 28
325 101917080 2890 20 191ST ST SW 191ST ST SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 216 71 1940 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
352 101927055 3000 20 192ND ST SW 192ND ST SW 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 651 78 1940 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 68
596 101987030 3160 10 198TH ST SW SCRIBER LAKE RD 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 528 63 2080 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 50
629 101987035 3160 20 198TH ST SW 198TH ST SW 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 22 415 59 2080 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 45
763 102027050 3280 10 202ND ST SW 68TH AVE W 66TH PL W Residential Asphalt 21 502 68 2140 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 55
775 102027060 3280 20 202ND ST SW 66TH PL W SR 99 Residential Asphalt 29 764 70 2140 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 57

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 11 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

656 102027070 3280 30 202ND ST SW SR 99 61ST Pl W Residential Asphalt 29 880 70 2140 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
1021 102027080 3280 40 202ND ST SW 61ST Pl W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 501 70 2140 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
640 102027090 3280 50 202ND ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 1,336 71 2140 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
619 102087060 3350 60 208TH ST SW SR 99 67TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 153 65 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
587 102087070 3350 70 208TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 66TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 328 51 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 36
549 102087080 3350 80 208TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 1,004 59 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 44
513 102087090 3350 90 208TH ST SW 63RD AVE W 61ST AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 637 71 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
671 102087100 3350 100 208TH ST SW 61ST AVE W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 318 72 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
613 102087110 3350 110 208TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Collector Asphalt 39 182 79 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 69
624 102087120 3350 120 208TH ST SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Collector Asphalt 39 315 78 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 68
564 102087130 3350 130 208TH ST SW 58TH PL W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 835 74 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 62
649 102087140 3350 140 208TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 39 328 78 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 66
627 102087150 3350 150 208TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 40 341 78 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 68
573 102087160 3350 160 208TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 31 328 73 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 61
569 102087170 3350 170 208TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Collector Asphalt 40 348 66 2220 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 52
669 100441080 4010 100 44TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 64 674 80 2630 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 70
426 100441090 4010 110 44TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 422 73 2630 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 61
425 101917065 2880 10 191ST ST SW 47TH AVE W 46TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 362 84 2720 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 77
487 100471010 4100 10 47TH AVE W SOUTH END 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 289 72 2720 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 60
434 100471020 4100 20 47TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 832 78 2720 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 68
532 100501020 4260 10 50TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 51 1,340 62 2820 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 49
492 100521140 4310 110 52ND AVE W 186TH PL SW SR 99 Collector Asphalt 41 1,724 62 2880 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 47
91 100555030 4490 10 55TH PL W SOUTH END 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 44 264 93 3020 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 87
28 100555020 4490 20 55TH PL W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 178 76 3020 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 65
599 100561010 4500 10 56TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 206TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 39 666 62 3030 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 49
579 100561020 4500 20 56TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 669 65 3030 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
610 100561030 4500 30 56TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 203RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 338 82 3030 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 73
530 100561040 4500 40 56TH AVE W 203RD ST SW 202ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 327 75 3030 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
645 100561050 4500 50 56TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 200TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 661 57 3030 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 43
525 100561060 4500 60 56TH AVE W 200TH ST SW FIRWOOD DR Residential Asphalt 30 188 86 3030 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 79
523 100561070 4500 70 56TH AVE W FIRWOOD DR FIRWOOD DR Residential Asphalt 26 190 96 3030 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 90
568 100561080 4500 80 56TH AVE W FIRWOOD DR 198TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 299 94 3030 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 88
519 100585010 4680 10 58TH PL W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 64 3140 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
616 100595011 4740 10 59TH PL W SOUTH END 209TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 327 89 3140 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 82
558 100595010 4740 20 59TH PL W 209TH PL SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 417 76 3140 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 66
20 101655010 1110 10 165TH PL SW WEST END 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 332 56 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 42
1055 101675010 1190 10 167TH PL SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 209 70 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 56
47 100621060 4920 10 62ND AVE W 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 188 57 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 43
101 100625035 4970 10 62ND PL W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 30 390 82 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 73
113 100631040 5010 10 63RD AVE W 165TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 374 66 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 52
83 100641261 5070 10 64TH AVE W SOUTH END 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 141 38 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 24
56 101655020 1110 20 165TH PL SW 64TH AVE W 63RD AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 259 71 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
52 100621070 4920 20 62ND AVE W 167TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 618 64 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
38 100641260 5070 20 64TH AVE W 165TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 523 82 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 73
34 101655030 1110 30 165TH PL SW 63RD AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 22 251 83 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 75
1033 101655040 1110 40 165TH PL SW 62ND PL W 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 87 59 3280 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 45
659 100631010 4980 10 63RD AVE W 212TH ST SW 211TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 362 61 3310 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 47
526 100631020 4980 20 63RD AVE W 211TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 22 952 63 3310 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 49
953 101835010 2250 10 183RD PL SW 66TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 944 64 3460 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
868 101857020 2490 10 185TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 66TH PL W Residential Asphalt 28 339 75 3460 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
909 100665030 5200 10 66TH PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 109 67 3460 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 54
875 101857030 2490 20 185TH ST SW 66TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 516 76 3460 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 65
776 100681090 5290 60 68TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 193RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 839 65 3510 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 51
785 100681100 5290 70 68TH AVE W 193RD ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 222 71 3510 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 57
784 100681110 5290 80 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 151 71 3510 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
837 100681120 5290 90 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 104 72 3510 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
736 100681130 5290 100 68TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 205 79 3510 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 70
788 100681140 5290 110 68TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 47 295 69 3510 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 56
676 100681150 5290 120 68TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 194 68 3510 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 54

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 12 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

766 100681160 5290 130 68TH AVE W 189TH PL SW PENNY LANE Collector Asphalt 42 388 72 3510 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
677 100681170 5290 140 68TH AVE W PENNY LANE 188TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 50 72 3510 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 59
1006 100681181 5290 150 68TH AVE W 188TH PL SW BLUE RIDGE DR Collector Asphalt 42 189 70 3510 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
741 101907003 2750 10 190TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 228 48 3640 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 34
780 101917010 2850 10 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW 74TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 478 51 3640 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 37
747 100751020 5600 10 75TH AVE W 191ST ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 27 651 75 3640 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
740 101925080 2980 10 192ND ST SW 64TH AVE W DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 27 181 83 3830 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 75
794 100615030 4870 10 61ST PL W DALE WAY NORTH END Residential Asphalt 25 211 75 3830 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 64
1283 107308010 5700 10 DALE WAY 192ND ST SW DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 27 234 62 3830 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 48
806 108008010 5900 10 PARK WAY 192ND ST SW DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 28 1,370 58 3830 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 44
1169 5700 20 DALE WAY NW END DALE WAY Residential Asphalt 28 94 72 3830 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 60
797 107308010 5700 30 DALE WAY DALE WAY 61ST PL W Residential Asphalt 26 608 54 3830 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 39
682 107308020 5700 40 DALE WAY 61ST PL W PARK WAY Residential Asphalt 28 309 60 3830 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 46
774 107308030 5700 50 DALE WAY PARK WAY 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 174 68 3830 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 55
330 108158010 5920 10 POPLAR WAY SOUTH END ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Collector Asphalt 60 519 70 3940 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 58
381 108158020 5920 20 POPLAR WAY ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 80 743 57 3940 0 Fall Thru Yr 4 43
3 101647010 1050 10 164TH ST SW WEST END 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 628 75 1000 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 63
1032 100651030 5100 10 65TH AVE W SOUTH END 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 38 196 37 1000 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 24
1030 101647020 1050 20 164TH ST SW 66TH AVE W 65TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 320 76 1000 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 66
1031 101647030 1050 30 164TH ST SW 65TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 21 316 74 1000 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 62
1057 101670010 1210 10 167TH DR SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 495 69 1030 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 57
1048 101675030 1220 10 167TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 37 689 81 1030 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 72
1062 101685010 1270 10 168TH PL SW 39TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 416 75 1100 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 64
129 101697010 1320 10 169TH ST SW SPRUCE WAY 39TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 253 72 1100 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
1063 107701022 3780 10 39TH AVE W 169TH ST SW 168TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 238 81 1100 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 72
265 101697020 1320 20 169TH ST SW 39TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 619 78 1100 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 67
13 100545040 4440 10 54TH PL W SOUTH END 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 41 280 59 1130 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
15 101705040 1360 20 170TH PL SW 56TH AVE W 54TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 529 60 1130 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
72 101727040 1500 20 172ND ST SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 1,335 57 1130 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 43
14 101705050 1360 30 170TH PL SW 54TH PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 816 60 1130 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
172 101727055 1520 10 172ND ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD PL W Collector Asphalt 20 305 65 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 51
1252 101727060 1520 30 172ND ST SW 43RD AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 148 66 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 53
1253 101727060 1520 40 172ND ST SW UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 228 64 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
169 101727060 1520 50 172ND ST SW UNNAMED SPRUCE WAY Collector Asphalt 19 369 73 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 61
126 101727070 1520 60 172ND ST SW SPRUCE WAY 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 329 48 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 34
1254 101727080 1520 70 172ND ST SW 40TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 84 45 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 31
243 101727080 1520 80 172ND ST SW UNNAMED UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 19 112 44 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 29
1255 101727080 1520 90 172ND ST SW UNNAMED 39TH PL W Collector Asphalt 19 112 52 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 37
164 101727090 1520 100 172ND ST SW 39TH PL W 38TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 307 64 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 51
256 101727100 1520 110 172ND ST SW 38TH AVE W 37TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 298 50 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 35
227 101727110 1520 120 172ND ST SW 37TH AVE W 36TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 19 316 60 1190 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
231 101735100 1550 10 173RD PL SW SPRUCE WAY EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 834 51 1220 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 36
230 101737010 1600 10 173RD ST SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 40 298 79 1220 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 69
271 101745050 1620 10 174TH PL SW WEST END SR 99 Collector Asphalt 33 659 77 1230 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 67
255 101745060 1620 20 174TH PL SW SR 99 EAST END Collector Asphalt 41 151 73 1230 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
1014 101767140 1770 190 176TH ST SW 52ND AVE W SR 99 Minor Arterial Asphalt 47 951 63 1300 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
266 101767150 1770 200 176TH ST SW SR 99 44TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 40 1,724 60 1300 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
314 101767190 1820 10 176TH ST SW 33RD PL W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 17 428 72 1320 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 61
297 101767180 1820 20 176TH ST SW 32ND AVE W 31ST PL W Residential Asphalt 20 332 73 1320 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 62
1258 101767180 1820 30 176TH ST SW 31ST PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 27 262 83 1320 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 75
929 101777010 1870 10 177TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 29 497 56 1390 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
962 101787020 1960 10 178TH ST SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 579 56 1390 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
968 100561241 4540 10 56TH AVE W 178TH PL SW 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 293 83 1390 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 75
937 100585035 4720 10 58TH PL W 178TH ST SW 177TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 262 57 1390 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 43
986 101787030 1960 20 178TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 534 56 1390 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
933 101787040 1960 30 178TH ST SW 58TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 656 51 1390 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 37
222 101797010 2010 10 179TH ST SW WEST END 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 40 558 59 1410 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
858 101807010 2090 10 180TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 629 77 1450 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 66
945 101825010 2170 10 182ND PL SW NW END 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 50 86 91 1610 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 85

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 13 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

993 100585030 4710 10 58TH PL W 183RD ST SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 252 95 1610 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 89
924 100595020 4750 10 59TH PL W 183RD ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 57 106 87 1610 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 81
982 101825020 2170 20 182ND PL SW 58TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 246 80 1610 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 71
881 101837040 2330 20 183RD ST SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 33 163 87 1610 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 80
874 101837050 2330 30 183RD ST SW 59TH PL W 58TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 403 85 1610 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 78
876 101837060 2330 40 183RD ST SW 58TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 248 80 1610 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 70
796 101895010 2640 10 189TH PL SW 72ND AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 445 44 1780 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 29
679 101907006 2760 10 190TH ST SW 72ND AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 434 58 1780 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 44
808 100701040 5410 10 70TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 325 82 1780 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 73
772 101895020 2640 20 189TH PL SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 18 891 61 1780 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
690 101907008 2760 20 190TH ST SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 20 861 56 1780 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
398 101917055 2870 10 191ST ST SW 56TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 779 56 1890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
472 100561095 4520 10 56TH AVE W SOUTH END 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 498 58 1890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 44
416 101917060 2870 20 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 255 69 1890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
692 101987010 3140 10 198TH ST SW 76TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 497 64 2100 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
672 101997010 3190 10 199TH ST SW WEST END 76TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 344 79 2100 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 69
731 102007010 3200 10 200TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 74TH PL W Residential Asphalt 19 678 69 2100 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
770 102017010 3250 10 201ST ST SW 76TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 668 63 2100 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
729 102087010 3350 10 208TH ST SW 76TH AVE W 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 681 80 2210 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 71
721 102087020 3350 20 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 681 80 2210 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 70
801 102087030 3350 30 208TH ST SW 208TH ST SW 70TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 43 681 77 2210 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 67
708 102087040 3350 40 208TH ST SW 70TH AVE W 68TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 42 683 71 2210 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 59
843 102087050 3350 50 208TH ST SW 68TH AVE W SR 99 Collector Asphalt 54 173 63 2210 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
337 100281080 3520 10 28TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 43 331 70 2330 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 58
328 100291010 3530 10 29TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD NW END Residential Asphalt 22 472 62 2330 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
375 100331010 3580 10 33RD AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 33 1,999 52 2360 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 38
343 100331020 3580 20 33RD AVE W 188TH ST SW 184TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,369 67 2360 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 54
344 101805030 2070 10 180TH PL SW 36TH AVE W 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 26 788 76 2390 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 65
354 101805040 2080 10 180TH PL SW 33RD PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 359 76 2390 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 65
1196 3620 10 33RD PL W 180TH PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 120 79 2390 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 69
341 100335020 3620 20 33RD PL W 180TH PL SW 33RD PL W Residential Asphalt 25 164 84 2390 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 76
1374 100361040 3650 40 36TH AVE W 188TH ST SW PRIVATE Minor Arterial Asphalt 56 597 83 2420 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 74
389 100361040 3650 50 36TH AVE W PRIVATE 184TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 52 753 84 2420 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 76
165 100361050 3650 60 36TH AVE W 184TH ST SW 180TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 1,162 87 2420 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 79
358 100361010 3650 10 36TH AVE W 195TH PL SW 192ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 58 942 77 2440 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 66
349 100371010 3670 10 37TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 36TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 68 403 76 2440 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 65
238 100405010 3830 10 40TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 293 59 2460 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 44
365 100401040 3810 40 40TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 27 321 73 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 61
380 100401050 3810 50 40TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 362 67 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 54
340 100401060 3810 60 40TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 140 73 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
342 100401070 3810 70 40TH AVE W 191ST PL SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 20 165 69 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 57
363 100401080 3810 80 40TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 21 145 63 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
336 100401090 3810 90 40TH AVE W 190TH PL SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 20 247 65 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 52
347 100401100 3810 110 40TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 22 524 47 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 32
215 100401110 3810 120 40TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 31 875 59 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 43
232 100401111 3810 130 40TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 35 162 76 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 64
245 100401141 3810 140 40TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 284 74 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 63
171 100401140 3810 150 40TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 183RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 21 342 70 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 58
212 100401150 3810 160 40TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 28 298 73 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 61
223 100401160 3810 170 40TH AVE W 182ND PL SW UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 38 358 77 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 67
1274 100401160 3810 180 40TH AVE W UNNAMED 180TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 29 155 74 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 63
121 100401170 3810 190 40TH AVE W 180TH PL SW MAPLE RD Collector Asphalt 26 482 73 2520 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
79 101727050 1510 10 172ND ST SW 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 20 397 59 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 45
115 100521150 4320 10 52ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 873 50 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 31
89 100521160 4320 20 52ND AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 45 257 63 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
59 100521170 4320 30 52ND AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 203 58 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 41
86 100521180 4320 40 52ND AVE W 172ND ST SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 96 69 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
1235 100521190 4320 50 52ND AVE W 172ND ST SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 35 160 65 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
1236 100521190 4320 60 52ND AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 30 57 75 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 62

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 14 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

31 100521190 4320 70 52ND AVE W UNNAMED UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 26 156 66 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
1237 100521190 4320 80 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 29 32 56 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 37
1234 100521200 4320 90 52ND AVE W 170TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 175 73 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 59
33 100521200 4320 100 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 169TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 34 187 60 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 44
1233 100521210 4320 110 52ND AVE W 169TH PL SW UNNAMED Minor Arterial Asphalt 32 161 74 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
6 100521210 4320 120 52ND AVE W UNNAMED 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 36 345 66 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
23 100521220 4320 130 52ND AVE W 168TH ST SW NORTH END Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 780 57 2890 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 40
925 100601110 4790 60 60TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 187TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 24 323 71 3170 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 59
854 100601120 4790 70 60TH AVE W 187TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 24 422 82 3170 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 73
899 100601130 4790 80 60TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 25 359 81 3170 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 71
885 100601140 4790 90 60TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD ST SW Collector Asphalt 23 707 75 3170 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 64
878 100601150 4790 100 60TH AVE W 183RD ST SW 181ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 23 489 78 3170 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 67
812 101895030 2650 10 189TH PL SW 65TH PL W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 501 61 3400 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
764 100655010 5110 10 65TH PL W 189TH PL SW PENNY LANE Residential Asphalt 34 292 78 3400 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 68
818 100655020 5110 20 65TH PL W PENNY LANE 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 208 68 3400 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
1026 101625010 1000 10 162ND PL SW WEST END 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 646 68 3440 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 55
107 101635010 1010 10 163RD PL SW WEST END EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 361 86 3440 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 79
94 101637020 1020 10 163RD ST SW 66TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 199 74 3440 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 62
16 101625020 1000 20 162ND PL SW 66TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 107 83 3440 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 75
51 100661110 5170 20 66TH AVE W MEADOWDALE RD 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 25 602 42 3440 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 28
112 100661120 5170 30 66TH AVE W 164TH ST SW 163RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 269 60 3440 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
68 100661130 5170 40 66TH AVE W 163RD ST SW 162ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 252 76 3440 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 65
853 101827010 2220 10 182ND ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 14 209 48 3530 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 34
926 100681210 5320 10 68TH AVE W 182ND ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Residential Asphalt 14 671 70 3530 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 58
891 101827020 2220 20 182ND ST SW 67TH AVE W 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 1,068 69 3530 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
743 100715020 5480 10 71ST PL W SOUTH END 193RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 494 55 3610 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 41
779 100715030 5480 20 71ST PL W 193RD PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 347 65 3610 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 52
795 100761150 5620 150 76TH AVE W 196TH ST SW 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 256 52 3670 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 35
836 100761160 5620 160 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 250 70 3670 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 56
699 100761170 5620 170 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 297 64 3670 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 50
789 100761180 5620 180 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 587 61 3670 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 44
735 100761190 5620 190 76TH AVE W 76TH AVE W 190TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 355 67 3670 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 53
685 100761200 5620 200 76TH AVE W 190TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 2,067 59 3670 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 42
1299 107106010 5630 30 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 196TH ST SW 33RD AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,042 68 3700 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 52
356 107106020 5630 40 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 33RD AVE W 29TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 1,852 69 3700 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 55
324 107106030 5630 50 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 29TH AVE W 28TH AVE W Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 284 68 3700 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 54
376 107106040 5630 60 ALDERWOOD MALL BLVD 28TH AVE W ALDERWOOD MALL PKWY Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 572 73 3700 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
49 101665030 1150 10 166TH PL SW 56TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 455 72 3850 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 60
65 107525010 5790 10 HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 46 172 80 3850 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 71
93 107525020 5790 20 HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE HILLPOINTE CIRCLE Residential Asphalt 36 1,254 93 3850 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 87
50 100561220 4560 100 56TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 42 471 82 3850 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 74
62 100561230 4560 110 56TH AVE W 166TH PL SW HILLPOINTE CIRCLE Residential Asphalt 40 311 86 3850 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 78
87 100561240 4560 120 56TH AVE W HILLPOINTE CIRCLE NW END Residential Asphalt 20 539 83 3850 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 75
143 107706010 5830 10 MAPLE RD 181ST PL SW 42ND PL W Collector Asphalt 33 536 68 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 54
204 107706020 5830 20 MAPLE RD 42ND PL W 41ST PL W Collector Asphalt 34 228 56 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 40
147 107706030 5830 30 MAPLE RD 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Collector Asphalt 30 365 47 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 30
123 107706040 5830 40 MAPLE RD SPRUCE WAY 40TH PL W Collector Asphalt 30 342 63 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
258 107706050 5830 50 MAPLE RD 40TH PL W 40TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 30 178 71 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 58
217 107706060 5830 60 MAPLE RD 40TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 40 272 63 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
1263 107706070 5830 80 MAPLE RD 39TH AVE W UNNAMED Collector Asphalt 46 132 60 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 43
195 107706070 5830 90 MAPLE RD UNNAMED 38TH PL W Collector Asphalt 44 148 69 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 55
176 107706080 5830 100 MAPLE RD 38TH PL W 38TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 45 130 61 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 47
246 107706081 5830 110 MAPLE RD 38TH AVE W 37TH PL W Collector Asphalt 45 407 48 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 33
262 107706082 5830 130 MAPLE RD UNNAMED 36TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 31 203 63 3870 0 Fall Thru Yr 3 49
27 101705030 1360 10 170TH PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 545 64 1170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 50
42 101725030 1470 10 172ND PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 553 65 1170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 52
17 100575040 4620 10 57TH PL W 172ND PL SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 554 68 1170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 55
69 101725040 1470 20 172ND PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,339 66 1170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
1106 110100103 1460 10 172ND PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 502 51 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 37

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 15 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

1102 110100105 1540 10 173RD PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 509 56 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 42
80 100575010 4610 10 57TH PL W 173RD PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 42 200 42 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 28
36 100581020 4670 10 58TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 360 53 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 39
73 100595040 4760 10 59TH PL W 173RD PL SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 126 49 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 34
1105 101725020 1460 20 172ND PL SW 60TH AVE W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 31 556 58 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 44
40 101735050 1540 20 173RD PL SW 60TH AVE W 59TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 265 65 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 51
7 101735060 1540 30 173RD PL SW 59TH PL W 58TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 287 67 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
1094 110100104 4890 30 61ST PL W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 27 282 63 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 50
96 101735070 1540 40 173RD PL SW 58TH AVE W 57TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 266 39 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 26
78 101735080 1540 50 173RD PL SW 57TH PL W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 530 51 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 36
48 101735090 1540 60 173RD PL SW 56TH AVE W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,345 67 1210 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
130 101795020 1990 10 179TH PL SW 44TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 351 58 1400 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 44
822 101895040 2650 20 189TH PL SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 559 56 1790 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 42
686 101905010 2730 10 190TH PL SW 60TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 29 231 62 1840 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48
810 101907020 2780 10 190TH ST SW WEST END 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 621 80 1840 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 71
360 101957020 3100 10 195TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 569 66 2020 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
607 102047030 3310 30 204TH ST SW 204TH ST SW 63RD PL W Collector Asphalt 37 563 88 2170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 82
566 102047040 3310 40 204TH ST SW 63RD PL W 61ST PL W Collector Asphalt 37 683 90 2170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 83
565 102047050 3310 50 204TH ST SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 492 80 2170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 70
529 102047060 3310 60 204TH ST SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 1,346 80 2170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 70
595 102047070 3310 70 204TH ST SW 56TH AVE W 55TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 331 88 2170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 81
553 102047080 3310 80 204TH ST SW 55TH AVE W 54TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 333 91 2170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 84
515 102047090 3310 90 204TH ST SW 54TH AVE W 53RD AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 329 83 2170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 74
661 102047100 3310 100 204TH ST SW 53RD AVE W 52ND AVE W Collector Asphalt 37 347 86 2170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 77
648 102047101 3310 110 204TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 25 653 81 2170 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 72
276 100300010 3540 10 30TH PL W MAPLE RD 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 42 843 58 2340 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 44
141 101655050 1130 10 165TH PL SW 37TH PL W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 425 55 2470 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 41
200 101665040 1170 10 166TH PL SW SPRUCE WAY 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 35 250 62 2470 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48
1249 101677010 1250 10 167TH ST SW WEST END 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 37 211 76 2470 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 66
1132 3710 10 37TH PL W 167TH ST SW 37TH PL W Residential Asphalt 24 126 57 2470 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 42
1036 101665050 1170 20 166TH PL SW 37TH PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 337 64 2470 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 51
1054 101677010 1250 20 167TH ST SW 37TH PL W 167TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 550 78 2470 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 68
155 100375040 3710 20 37TH PL W 37TH PL W 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 338 66 2470 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
173 100375050 3710 30 37TH PL W 166TH PL SW 165TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 297 60 2470 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 46
226 101787050 1970 10 178TH ST SW 39TH PL W 39TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 32 154 96 2500 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 90
268 100375020 3690 10 37TH PL W MAPLE RD NORTH END Residential Asphalt 46 191 63 2500 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 50
146 100381020 3730 10 38TH AVE W SOUTH END MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 42 175 91 2500 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 85
247 100391010 3770 10 39TH AVE W MAPLE RD 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 325 96 2500 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 90
210 100395020 3790 10 39TH PL W SOUTH END 178TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 48 100 81 2500 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 72
1068 101687140 1300 10 168TH ST SW 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 405 94 2560 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 88
184 101707040 1390 10 170TH ST SW 41ST PL W SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 34 474 59 2560 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 45
252 100415090 3880 10 41ST PL W SOUTH END 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 122 66 2560 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
1065 100415100 3880 20 41ST PL W 170TH ST SW 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 823 77 2560 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 67
151 101825050 2200 10 182ND PL SW WEST END 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 25 185 53 2580 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 38
149 101847040 2400 10 184TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 27 513 67 2580 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
207 100425030 3940 10 42ND PL W 184TH ST SW 182ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 29 389 67 2580 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
225 100425035 3940 20 42ND PL W 182ND PL SW MAPLE RD Residential Asphalt 28 448 69 2580 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
228 100441230 4010 290 44TH AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 305 87 2660 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 78
185 100441240 4010 300 44TH AVE W 175TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 247 89 2660 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 82
202 100441250 4010 310 44TH AVE W 174TH PL SW 172ND PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 551 89 2660 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 81
259 100441260 4010 320 44TH AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 41 212 84 2660 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 74
235 100441270 4010 330 44TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH PL SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 438 85 2660 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 75
1251 100441270 4010 340 44TH AVE W 170TH PL SW COBBLESTONE DR Minor Arterial Asphalt 43 340 89 2660 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 81
1250 100441270 4010 350 44TH AVE W COBBLESTONE DR 168TH ST SW Minor Arterial Asphalt 42 629 76 2660 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 62
449 100461010 4060 10 46TH AVE W 194TH ST SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 671 52 2690 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 38
496 100461020 4060 20 46TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 481 77 2690 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 65
419 100461030 4060 30 46TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 834 73 2690 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 62
460 100461040 4060 40 46TH AVE W 188TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 35 367 57 2690 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 43
470 100481100 4150 80 48TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 545 63 2770 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 16 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

447 100481110 4150 90 48TH AVE W 186TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 292 59 2770 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 44
411 100481120 4150 100 48TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 351 69 2770 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
429 100481130 4150 110 48TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 184TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 25 67 2770 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
490 100481140 4150 120 48TH AVE W 184TH PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 274 69 2770 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
405 100481150 4150 130 48TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 36 59 65 2770 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 51
456 100481170 4150 140 48TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 48TH AVE W Collector Asphalt 24 134 62 2770 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48
465 100481160 4150 150 48TH AVE W 48TH AVE W 182ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 30 112 77 2770 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 66
497 101855030 2450 10 185TH PL SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 520 80 2810 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 70
430 100495030 4230 10 49TH PL W 186TH PL SW 185TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 318 91 2810 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 84
420 100521050 4310 10 52ND AVE W 196TH ST SW 194TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 659 65 2860 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 51
1008 100521060 4310 20 52ND AVE W 194TH ST SW 193RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 159 69 2860 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
401 100521070 4310 30 52ND AVE W 193RD PL SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 38 293 67 2860 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
457 100521080 4310 40 52ND AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 43 204 71 2860 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 58
482 100521090 4310 50 52ND AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 286 70 2860 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 57
1009 100521101 4310 60 52ND AVE W 191ST ST SW 191ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 32 73 63 2860 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48
437 100521100 4310 70 52ND AVE W 191ST PL SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 426 70 2860 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 58
444 100521110 4310 80 52ND AVE W 189TH PL SW 189TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 198 68 2860 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 55
489 100521120 4310 90 52ND AVE W 189TH ST SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 331 57 2860 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 42
537 100531010 4340 10 53RD AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 672 66 2910 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
428 101925090 2940 10 192ND PL SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 429 87 2930 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 80
468 101927015 2990 10 192ND ST SW WEST END 53RD PL W Residential Asphalt 37 367 70 2930 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 58
410 100535008 4370 10 53RD PL W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 234 85 2930 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 77
471 101927017 2990 20 192ND ST SW 53RD PL W 52ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 442 92 2930 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 86
588 100541020 4390 10 54TH AVE W SOUTH END 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 959 67 2960 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
37 101757010 1700 10 175TH ST SW 55TH PL W 54TH PL W Residential Asphalt 32 406 55 2990 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 41
58 100545020 4430 10 54TH PL W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 32 372 63 2990 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 50
57 100555010 4480 10 55TH PL W 175TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 163 58 2990 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 43
12 100545030 4430 20 54TH PL W 175TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 38 154 44 2990 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 30
932 100561120 4530 30 56TH AVE W 180TH ST SW 179TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 198 85 3040 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 77
889 100561130 4530 40 56TH AVE W 179TH PL SW 178TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 292 84 3040 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 75
44 101715010 1420 10 171ST PL SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 41 280 68 3060 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 55
64 101727030 1500 10 172ND ST SW WEST END 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 65 105 51 3060 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 36
2 100561140 4560 20 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 212 49 3060 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 35
118 100561150 4560 30 56TH AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 36 262 78 3060 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 67
81 100561160 4560 40 56TH AVE W 172ND PL SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 271 75 3060 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 64
19 100561170 4560 50 56TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 237 70 3060 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 58
22 100561180 4560 60 56TH AVE W 171ST PL SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 294 80 3060 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 70
114 100561190 4560 70 56TH AVE W 170TH PL SW 169TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 30 288 65 3060 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 52
105 100561200 4560 80 56TH AVE W 169TH PL SW 168TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 23 281 51 3060 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 37
30 100561210 4560 90 56TH AVE W 168TH PL SW 168TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 21 217 61 3060 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 47
99 100601240 4800 10 60TH AVE W 168TH ST SW 166TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 24 536 73 3200 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 61
1241 100601250 4800 20 60TH AVE W 166TH PL SW UNNAMED Residential Asphalt 29 52 65 3200 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 52
110 100601250 4800 30 60TH AVE W UNNAMED 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 232 86 3200 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 78
1240 100601250 4800 40 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 52 67 3200 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
1122 4800 50 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 29 239 69 3200 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 57
1239 100601250 4800 60 60TH AVE W 60TH AVE W 164TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 35 255 84 3200 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 76
1238 100601260 4800 70 60TH AVE W 164TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 233 66 3200 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
861 101855020 2440 10 185TH PL SW 61ST PL W 60TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 512 75 3250 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 64
927 100615040 4880 10 61ST PL W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 308 69 3250 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 56
936 100615050 4880 20 61ST PL W 185TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 34 238 47 3250 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 33
1103 110100113 1610 10 174TH PL SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 128 45 3260 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 31
1096 110100111 1690 10 175TH ST SW WEST END 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 30 154 53 3260 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 39
1101 110100114 4890 10 61ST PL W SW END 62ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 126 60 3260 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 47
1093 110100110 4900 10 62ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 30 320 67 3260 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 54
1095 110100112 1690 20 175TH ST SW 62ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 31 125 45 3260 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 31
1099 110100106 4890 20 61ST PL W 62ND AVE W 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 26 269 45 3260 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 31
1098 110100109 4900 20 62ND AVE W 175TH ST SW 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 28 239 70 3260 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 58
1100 110100108 4900 30 62ND AVE W 61ST PL W 174TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 25 94 58 3260 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 46
1097 110100107 4900 40 62ND AVE W 61ST PL W NORTH END Residential Asphalt 32 258 62 3260 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 48

IMS Infrastructure Management Services Lynnwood_Appendices, App C - Rehabs by Year page 17 of 19

City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

920 101775010 1830 10 177TH PL SW 64TH AVE W 62ND PL W Residential Asphalt 24 459 60 3300 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 46
852 100625030 4960 10 62ND PL W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 522 57 3300 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 42
762 100641060 5050 60 64TH AVE W 193RD ST SW 192ND PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 311 76 3350 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 66
728 100641070 5050 70 64TH AVE W 192ND PL SW 192ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 94 78 3350 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 67
838 100641080 5050 80 64TH AVE W 192ND ST SW 191ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 260 67 3350 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 53
791 100641090 5050 90 64TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 40 323 78 3350 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 68
835 100641100 5050 100 64TH AVE W 190TH ST SW 189TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 337 77 3350 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 67
802 100641110 5050 110 64TH AVE W 189TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 38 490 77 3350 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 66
959 101857010 2480 10 185TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR 68TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 290 79 3520 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 70
969 100681190 5300 10 68TH AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 794 61 3520 0 Fall Thru Yr 2 47
1058 101670020 1230 10 167TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 450 86 1050 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 78
1025 101685020 1280 10 168TH PL SW 36TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 40 494 82 1050 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 73
1024 101697040 1330 10 169TH ST SW 36TH AVE W 32ND AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,331 83 1050 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 75
267 101707010 1400 10 170TH ST SW 40TH AVE W 38TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 502 55 1150 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 42
205 100381010 3750 10 38TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 627 62 1150 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 50
159 100395010 3800 10 39TH PL W 172ND ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 37 354 39 1150 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 25
183 100401180 3820 10 40TH AVE W 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 653 53 1150 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 40
125 101707020 1400 20 170TH ST SW 38TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 33 137 70 1150 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 58
972 101815020 2110 10 181ST PL SW 60TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 1,447 68 1500 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 55
939 100561100 4530 10 56TH AVE W SW END 181ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 628 61 1500 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 47
950 100561110 4530 20 56TH AVE W 181ST PL SW 180TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 35 358 53 1500 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 38
459 101815030 2120 10 181ST PL SW WEST END 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 38 535 65 1510 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 52
408 101815040 2130 10 181ST PL SW 48TH AVE W 44TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 25 1,346 63 1510 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 50
216 101825060 2210 10 182ND PL SW 41ST PL W 40TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 502 83 1550 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 75
422 101865010 2530 10 186TH PL SW 52ND AVE W 49TH PL W Residential Asphalt 34 761 52 1670 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 36
467 101865020 2530 20 186TH PL SW 49TH PL W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 36 808 60 1670 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 46
921 101855010 2430 10 185TH PL SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 30 547 64 1690 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
886 101867040 2570 10 186TH ST SW 64TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 26 973 63 1690 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 50
144 101845006 2370 10 184TH PL SW 43RD PL W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 33 244 41 1700 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 26
237 101867050 2580 10 186TH ST SW 44TH AVE W 43RD PL W Residential Asphalt 33 259 64 1700 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
180 100425020 3930 10 42ND PL W 186TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 431 67 1700 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
211 100435010 3990 10 43RD PL W 186TH ST SW 184TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 33 361 51 1700 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 37
156 101867060 2580 20 186TH ST SW 43RD PL W 42ND PL W Residential Asphalt 34 301 59 1700 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 46
145 101867070 2580 30 186TH ST SW 42ND PL W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 520 44 1700 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 31
983 101857005 2470 10 185TH ST SW 70TH AVE W BLUE RIDGE DR Residential Asphalt 34 300 54 1710 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 40
988 101867010 2550 10 186TH ST SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 71ST AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 183 77 1710 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 67
923 101875010 2590 10 187TH PL SW 71ST AVE W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 451 52 1710 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 38
931 100701050 5420 10 70TH AVE W 187TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 34 660 54 1710 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 40
952 100711030 5460 10 71ST AVE W 187TH PL SW 186TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 673 53 1710 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 38
960 101875020 2590 20 187TH PL SW 70TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 37 281 50 1710 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 37
958 100711040 5460 20 71ST AVE W 186TH ST SW BLUE RIDGE DR Residential Asphalt 34 915 54 1710 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 40
350 101885020 2620 10 188TH PL SW 43RD AVE W 41ST PL W Residential Asphalt 22 558 64 1740 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
377 100415005 3850 10 41ST PL W 188TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 23 238 68 1740 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 55
345 100431010 3950 10 43RD AVE W 188TH PL SW 188TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 241 61 1740 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 47
494 101915030 2830 10 191ST PL SW 52ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 39 525 83 1870 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 75
750 101907010 2770 10 190TH ST SW 67TH AVE W 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 876 63 1880 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 48
813 101917030 2860 10 191ST ST SW 68TH AVE W 67TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 26 309 49 1880 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 35
691 100665020 5190 10 66TH PL W 190TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 26 339 39 1880 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 26
710 100671040 5230 10 67TH AVE W 191ST ST SW 190TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 309 64 1880 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
701 101917040 2860 20 191ST ST SW 67TH AVE W 191ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 24 521 41 1880 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 27
714 101917050 2860 30 191ST ST SW 191ST ST SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 34 507 55 1880 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 41
767 101925060 2920 10 192ND PL SW 68TH AVE W 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 411 63 1900 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 49
1232 101925060 2920 30 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 260 61 1900 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 48
687 101925070 2920 40 192ND PL SW 192ND PL SW 64TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 27 694 43 1900 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 30
379 101905020 2740 10 190TH PL SW 40TH AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 647 66 1950 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
335 101915020 2840 10 191ST PL SW 40TH AVE W 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 1,303 60 1950 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 46
366 101927060 3010 10 192ND ST SW WEST END 36TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 35 656 72 1950 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 61
598 100501010 4250 10 50TH AVE W 208TH ST SW NORTH END Residential Asphalt 33 374 36 2230 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 23
546 102087180 3350 180 208TH ST SW 52ND AVE W 50TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 658 52 2230 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 38

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City of Lynnwood, WA
Appendix C - $2.65M/Year Rehab Plan, Sorted by Year $2.6M/Year Rehabilitation Plan

Year of First Rehab Selection

Segment Pavement Cost ($)

Pavement Condition Index

Segment Rehab Results

Segment Total Cost ($)

5 Year Post Rehab PCI

Pavement Length (ft)

Rehab Activity Code

Pavement Width (ft)

Rehab Activity
Street Number

Block Number

Street Prefix
Agency ID

Project ID

On Street From Street To Street

539 102087190 3350 190 208TH ST SW 50TH AVE W 48TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 23 870 66 2230 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
287 101735120 1570 10 173RD PL SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 498 66 2350 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
302 101757030 1730 10 175TH ST SW 32ND AVE W EAST END Residential Asphalt 25 612 67 2350 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 54
288 100290080 3560 10 32ND AVE W SOUTH END 177TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 22 165 78 2350 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 68
309 100290070 3560 20 32ND AVE W 177TH PL SW 176TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 19 534 58 2350 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 44
311 100290060 3560 30 32ND AVE W 176TH ST SW 175TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 482 52 2350 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 39
304 100290050 3560 40 32ND AVE W 175TH ST SW 173RD PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 385 55 2350 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 41
273 100290040 3560 50 32ND AVE W 173RD PL SW 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 445 64 2350 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
275 100290020 3560 60 32ND AVE W 172ND ST SW 171ST PL SW Residential Asphalt 18 153 67 2350 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 54
1257 100290020 3560 70 32ND AVE W 171ST PL SW 171ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 18 149 80 2350 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 71
547 100551020 4450 20 55TH AVE W 206TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 669 83 3000 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 74
944 100641120 5050 120 64TH AVE W 188TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 562 81 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 72
989 100641131 5050 130 64TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 186TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 163 81 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 71
967 100641130 5050 140 64TH AVE W 186TH ST SW 185TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 162 87 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 80
897 100641140 5050 150 64TH AVE W 185TH PL SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 262 80 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 69
871 100641150 5050 160 64TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 185TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 22 82 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 73
961 100641160 5050 170 64TH AVE W 185TH ST SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 317 88 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 81
954 100641170 5050 180 64TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 183RD PL SW Collector Asphalt 39 130 80 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 71
903 100641180 5050 190 64TH AVE W 183RD PL SW 182ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 328 81 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 72
1309 100641180 5050 200 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 182ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 66 80 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 69
928 100641210 5050 210 64TH AVE W 182ND ST SW 181ST ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 292 79 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 70
907 100641220 5050 220 64TH AVE W 181ST ST SW 180TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 39 339 82 3360 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 73
9 101755010 1670 10 175TH PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR 66TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 33 167 76 3430 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 66
92 100661080 5160 10 66TH AVE W SOUTH END 175TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 41 136 69 3430 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 56
90 100661090 5160 20 66TH AVE W 175TH PL SW NE END Residential Asphalt 35 279 54 3430 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 40
618 100671011 5220 10 67TH AVE W SOUTH END 214TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 14 182 39 3470 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 25
621 100681010 5280 10 68TH AVE W SOUTH END 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 27 1,044 66 3470 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
522 100671010 5220 20 67TH AVE W 214TH ST SW 212TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 22 662 63 3470 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 49
572 100681020 5280 20 68TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 28 662 35 3470 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 22
543 100671020 5220 30 67TH AVE W 212TH ST SW 210TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 665 53 3470 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 39
574 100671030 5220 40 67TH AVE W 210TH ST SW 208TH ST SW Residential Asphalt 37 656 51 3470 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 38
745 100681040 5290 10 68TH AVE W 208TH ST SW 204TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,330 57 3500 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 42
831 100681050 5290 20 68TH AVE W 204TH ST SW 202ND ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 661 59 3500 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 44
726 100681060 5290 30 68TH AVE W 202ND ST SW 201ST PL SW Collector Asphalt 42 290 49 3500 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 33
752 100681070 5290 40 68TH AVE W 201ST PL SW 200TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 358 48 3500 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 33
734 100681080 5290 50 68TH AVE W 200TH ST SW 196TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 1,320 56 3500 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 42
744 101935008 3020 30 193RD PL SW 71ST PL W 70TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 24 509 81 3570 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 72
811 100701030 5400 30 70TH AVE W 193RD PL SW 192ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 26 252 85 3570 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 77
54 101717010 1440 10 171ST ST SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 35 503 65 3680 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 52
45 101727010 1490 10 172ND ST SW SE END MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 17 1,243 73 3680 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 62
117 101735010 1530 10 173RD PL SW OLYMPIC VIEW DR MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 34 203 56 3680 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 41
66 101737020 1580 10 173RD ST SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 34 339 64 3680 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
32 107802010 5850 10 MEADOWDALE DR 173RD PL SW 173RD ST SW Residential Asphalt 36 283 71 3680 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 59
98 107802040 5870 10 MEADOWDALE DR 171ST ST SW 170TH PL SW Residential Asphalt 34 262 58 3680 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 44
106 101735020 1530 20 173RD PL SW MEADOWDALE DR EAST END Residential Asphalt 41 91 47 3680 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 33
18 107802020 5850 20 MEADOWDALE DR 173RD ST SW MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 35 506 67 3680 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 54
63 107802030 5850 30 MEADOWDALE DR MEADOWDALE DR 171ST ST SW Residential Asphalt 33 458 60 3680 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 46
85 107802080 5850 40 MEADOWDALE DR 172ND ST SW MEADOWDALE DR Residential Asphalt 33 64 53 3680 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 39
138 100435020 4000 10 43RD PL W SOUTH END 172ND ST SW Residential Asphalt 46 262 84 3770 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 75
190 101765030 1750 10 176TH PL SW WEST END SPRUCE WAY Residential Asphalt 37 318 65 3820 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 51
589 107402010 5730 10 FIRWOOD DR 56TH AVE W 56TH AVE W Residential Asphalt 28 1,265 83 3840 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 74
133 108308080 6160 130 SPRUCE WAY 172ND ST SW 170TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 30 555 58 3980 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 43
234 108308090 6160 140 SPRUCE WAY 170TH ST SW 169TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 41 415 65 3980 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 52
1067 108308100 6160 150 SPRUCE WAY 169TH ST SW 168TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 42 335 60 3980 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 45
1066 108308105 6160 160 SPRUCE WAY 168TH ST SW 167TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 32 232 66 3980 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 53
1056 108308120 6160 170 SPRUCE WAY 167TH PL SW 167TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 41 271 70 3980 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 58
1049 108308130 6160 180 SPRUCE WAY 167TH PL SW 166TH PL SW Collector Asphalt 40 296 63 3980 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 48
166 108308140 6160 190 SPRUCE WAY 166TH PL SW 164TH ST SW Collector Asphalt 37 709 68 3980 0 Fall Thru Yr 1 54

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