Indu Lagna and Janma Lagna
Indu Lagna and Janma Lagna
Indu Lagna and Janma Lagna
Article Author Page
Earthquake Sanjay 2
causes a Rath,
new river Hony.
through Editor
Special Gauranga 6
Ascendants Das
In Jyotish
S r i J a g a n n a th V e d ic C e n te r
152B Pocket-C, Mayur Vihar P-2, Delhi, INDIA 110091; : 2489531;
Honorary Editor: Sanjay Rath, Email:
Hony. Managing Editor: J Sarat Chander, Email:
This is the only rocky landmark in the over 30,000-sq km of the barren salty
expanse of the Rann of Kutch. Besides the river, dozens of small and large
palaeo channels (underground rivers) have surfaced.
The Indian remote sensing satellite IRS-1D images were taken on January 29
and compared with those taken on January 4. The result showed numerous
geographical changes in the Rann area, which is out of bounds due to the hostile
climate as well as for security reasons.
The 23-metre resolution camera images show that the second channel comes up
to Khadir and takes a westward turn before going south up to Ekalma Temple,
north of Chobari village in Bhachau taluka.
The new rivers - some of which have dried up since the images were taken - and
others might have salty or fresh water and could be part of either the Saraswati
river network or that of the Hakra that disappeared in the 14th century.
``Even in the Moti Banni area, near Bhojardo village that lies east of Udai village,
a 24-km-long and 600-metre wide river channel has emerged. It extends up to
Lakhaba in the Little Banni region. It was full of water on January 29,'' the
scientist says.
Another channel, about 20 km long and 250 metres wide, originates near Kunvar
Beyt and extends southwards to Pachchham Island, which is north-east of Kuran
village and Nirona Vandh. Yet another channel, almost six km long, originates
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somewhere near Kunvar Beyt and flows southwards in the west of Khavda area.
A branch of the channel flows westwards.
A river flowing from Nagarparkar desert in Pakistan to Bela Island has also been
observed in the images. Significant disturbances are believed to have taken
place in the area south-south-west of Nada Beyt in the Great Rann, north of
Santalpur taluka of Patan district and the area west of Suigam in Vav taluka of
Banaskantha district. Scientists are awaiting confirmation of reports about the
changes in these locations.
EDITORS NOTE: It had been predicted by Sri Achyuta Das (disciple of Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) of the Jyotish Tradition of Puri, Orissa that the year
2000 AD shall mark the turning point in the sub-cycles of time (Brahma Vidya ) when the small period of Satya for 480 years shall commence.
This editor had envisaged a period of renewed learning and emergence of all
signs for the reestablishment of Satya Sanatana Dharma (Vedic Remedies in
Astrology Published by Sagar Publications). Thus one of the important symbols
of Vidya is Saraswati the presiding deity of Knowledge. She is worshipped as a
river near which Lord Krishna established Dwarka and Somanath (the Latta-
highest form for worshipping Lord Shiva and the most powerful of the twelve
Jyotirlinga’s worshipped on Mondays. This is the only form of the Lord Shiva as a
giver of great wealth being seated on Nandi with Durga on His left and with the
Mudras similar to that of Mahalakshmi).
This emergence of the river Saraswati has proved once again that the words of
Paramguru Achyuta Dasa cannot fail. Learning and wisdom shall be on the rise,
as Satya Sanatana will be reestablished as time progresses.
Saraswati is Bharati or the Goddess of India. Many believe that Ganga is the
symbol of Satya Sanatana Dharma, but that is not true. Ganga washes the sins
as She emrges from the head of Shiva (Gangotri/Shiva associated with the
Himalaya) and hence has the highest cleansing power being the Neela Shakti of
Shiva. Bharati is another name for Saraswati and She symbolizes the Satya
Sanatana Dharma as given in the prayer:
Thus, Sarasati is Mother India, Who has emerged to again grant freedom from
bondage for India and this Golden eagle (Garuda-symbol of Satya Sanatana on
which Bhagavan rides) shall fly again.
Yes, there were tears when we heard the shocking news for the first time. This is
not the first time that India sees sorrow nor will this be the last. We Indians have
learnt to drink our tears and look ahead for we know and believe that birth and
death is but another event in the long life of the Atma and that those who have
performed their Dharma shall find a better opportunity in the lives to come. After
all it is this very land of Gujarat that taught the most glorious spiritual path of
“Ahimsa” in politics (Mahatma Gandhi) to the world. My tears were more personal
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also as I (Sanjay Rath) identify this as the land of my forefathers who had
migrated from Somanath (due to the terrible onslaught of the Muhammad of
Ghazni) to Kanyakubja and later to Puri on an invitation of Gajapati Maharaja Sri
Balabhadra Deva.
IS THE Indus coming back to dry and rocky Kutch? In the post-quake folklore,
the myth that the river used to flow here once upon a time has been resurrected.
Also, that the Indus shifted to Sindh (in Pakistan) due to seismic upheavals, and
that it will once again come back due to the Republic Day earthquake.
Sprouts of fresh water have emerged in this saline landscape of salt clusters left
by sea waters. This has strengthened the belief that the Indus might be making a
'revisit'. People speak of the river as if it always existed here. The Indus is deeply
imbibed in the cultural subconscious here, as Ganga is in the Hindi heartland.
There are 60 Indus valley sites in the Rann, including Dholavira, which is one of
the five major sites of the earliest civilisation, along with Mohenjodaro, Harappa,
Ganweriwala (now in Pakistan) and Rakhigarhi in Haryana.
Medical practitioner KB Thakkar in Khavda says that the old Khavda was situated
beside a river, which shifted track after the 1819 quake. "So our forefathers built
a new village. I am sure the Indus was around."
Ramabai Thakur, the lone chowkidar guarding the precious Harappan site at
Dholavira says, "Surely, there must be a river around. It could be the Indus."
Bisht should know. He has excavated the Harappan city here from 1991 to 93.
"There were two river streams surrounding the fortified city full of water tanks," he
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says. "They were Manhar and Mansar. There is no evidence that the Indus was
anywhere around."
Then why is it called an Indus Valley site? "Kutch was never an agricultural
terrain. So the Indus was never a factor in the growth of this early civilisation with
layers of cities which survived for 1500 years. The question is: why did the
Harappans then choose this barren landscape for building an architectural
masterpiece?" And that is an enigma.
EDITORS NOTES: At the outset I applaud the reporters for their brilliant and
truthful reporting. They have correctly proved that Saraswati was not a myth for
the majority of Indians. We always knew and believed that Saraswati (River &
Goddess) will surely emerge from Her subjugation underground when the period
of Dasatwa (subordination/bondage) of the people of India ends. The words of
Achyuta Dasa have proved to be true and She has risen. The fact that this has
happened in a most macabre manner in the form of an earthquake is also
nothing new to the great Gujarat. From time immemorable the civilizations in
these lands have always been the envy of the world due to their immence
prosperity caused by Lord Somanath and their great strength of Dharma caused
by the fact of their being the favorites of Sri Krishna (Dwaraka will always give
pearls - symbolic of purity and prosperity, to this land). These civilizations also
mark periods of major changes as the Harappan civilization that was buried by
an earthquake. The truth remained in the spoken words of the people, which the
unbelieving world tends to term as myth. It is not a myth as the future will show.
This land will again become so prosperous and powerful that the world shall envy
for a piece of the cake.
The reporters have left the conclusion in a fine question “why did the Harappans
then choose this barren landscape for building an architectural masterpiece?”
Neither the latter day Harappans nor Sri Krishna (the great civilization of Dwarka
just before the beginning of Kali Yuga) build their masterpiece cities on a barren
landscape. The Saraswati network fed these people with clear water and the
Dwaraka Civilisation was also finished by a natural calamity a short while after
Bhagavan Sri Krishna departed for His heavenly abode.
Such was the intensity of the earthquake that the world-famous shaking minarets
at the Bibiji ki Masjid in Ahmedabad have collapsed.
Similarly, the Sheikh Farid Tomb at Patan and the Ram Lalla 'chatri' at Bhuj have
been reduced to rubble. What has amazed the authorities is the manner in which
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the Dholavira site withstood the tremors that reduced several parts of the State to
a pile of dust.
Editors Note: Not at all surprising for those who have understood the values and
scientific basis of Vedic architecture. This is based on utilizing the forces of
nature for light, ventilation and temperature control of the rooms besides
structural strength and foundations necessary for Indian subcontinent in
particular and the world at large. It is time the Government woke up and
established this as an independent subject so that we can find out “Why the
Asokan pillar which is made of some steel with a peculiar surface treatment does
not rust?” Even if scratched the temporary rust developing on the surface due to
atmospheric moisture dries away and the iron gets back to its original shape. If
today’s so called steel expert Johnnies think they know better, let them develop
this steel or surface coating and prove it.
What is more, let them use in saline environment structures like the steel used in
the Konarak temple architecture that was built over the sead with a huge magnet
to anchor the ships.
We need to wake up and the time for that has come. “Rise and shine before we
miss this turning point in the tide of time and the future India deplores our inability
and incompetency”.
Part I.
Most Jyotishas nowadays use only the positions of the Lagna and the Navagraha
for readings, and even these points they note only in the framework of the Rasi
and Navamsa chart. This article is intended to call their attention to other tools
given by the fathers of Jyotish like Maharishi Parasara, Jamini and others.
Despite the possibility of issuing correct predictions with usage of only the above
mentioned basic tools, there’s more scope for shading the interpretations with the
help of the supplementary tools given by the classics.
The first point of reference in the horoscope is usually the Janma Lagna, or the
natal ascendant, which is the point of the zodiac arising on the eastern horizon at
the time of the native’s birth. The degree of the Lagna depends on the latitude,
longitude of the place, and the time and date of the solar year. This point is the
basis of the chart, and we number the houses usually from here. The sign
occupied by the Lagna is considered to be the first house (Tanu Bhava), which
will indicate, the physique, basic nature, intelligence and karma of the native. I
will refer to the Janma Lagna as simply Lagna in the following, but it should be
distinguished from the special Lagnas. The degree occupied by the Lagna also
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becomes the Bhava Sphuta (house cusp) of the first house. The exact opposite
point of the zodiac is called the Astha Lagna. This is the house cusp of the 7th
house, which will be the strongest and most influential point of this house.
Usually we take the house cusps to be at the same degree in every sign as the
Lagna is in his Rasi. The general method of house division is to consider the
signs to be equal with the houses, with the above mentioned Bhava Sphutas.
However, Parasara also mentions another method for house division, which is
usually called Vedic Equal Houses. Here the Bhava Sphutas are the same as
above, but they are always in the middle of the houses, therefore in most charts
the Bhava Sandhis (junctions of houses) will not coincide with the Rasi Sandhis
(junctions of signs). But this chart called the Bhava Chakra is used for specific
purposes as determination of Sphuta Bala (residential strength) of a planet which
will proportionally increase according to its proximity to the Bhava Sphuta. It is
also used to judge the effects of the Bhava Lagna (see later).
The significance of the Astha Lagna as the cusp of the 7th house lies in the
following: it will indicate our basic paradigms in relationships, especially
marriage, but not excluding business contacts as well. The 7 th sign from lagna is
always supplementary to it, and will indicate those things or qualities that are
missing from the native or that are attractive to him in others, for the very same
reason. It indicates the way to balance out our personality traits, and also the
direction of one’s desires. As the Lagna indicates the entrance into the stage of
this lifetime and this body, Astha Lagna will indicate the exit or death and the
next destination of the soul. The Nakshatras and Vargas occupied by the two
Lagnas may be also taken into consideration while judging them. If the two
lagans are in dual signs and thus aspect each other, especially if their lords also
aspect or conjoin, then the significance of relationships increases very much in
the life of the native. This is also a case when the lords of Lagna and 7 th
exchange places or conjoin.
Another method of house divisions was introduced by Sripati. This is also called
the Porphyrii or Unequal House System. Here another two Lagans are also
mentioned. According to some interpretations, Maharishi Parashara himself
introduced this method in his great classic, but this theory is not yet proved.
Anyway, the two points themselves stand as astronomical facts, so we might
accept them as having some significance. One point is the Midheaven or Madhya
Lagna, also called Medium Coeli or Zenith in western astrology. This is the point
occupied by the Sun when he crosses the meridian of the place of nativity, in
other words the highest point of the Sun’s path, occupied by him at the time of
local noon. This will usually fall into the 10th sign from Lagna, although its exact
degree may differ from the cusp of the 10 th house as determined above, if the
nativity is not at the equator. So the position of Madhya Lagna with respect to
Lagna differs depending on the latitude where the nativity is. The exact opposite
point of the zodiac from Madhya Lagna is called Patala Lagna or Imum Coeli, or
Nadir as well. This point usually falls into the 4th house. As I mentioned, in most
of the places with the exception of the equator, these four points will not make up
90º angles between themselves. So Sripati based a house system on this,
considering the Madhya and Patala Lagnas as the cusps for the 10th and 4th
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Janma Lagna: D-1 (physique), D-6 (health), D-60 (previous life), D-24 (study
and intelligence)
Astha Lagna: D-9 (marriage and spirituality), D-20 (dharma and devotion)
Madhya Lagna: D-10 (career), D-5 (power and authority), D-11 D-27 (strengths
and weaknesses)
If we study the structure of the zodiac and the nature of the planets, we will see
that the Sun and the Moon are the two most important planets, as they are the
overlords of all the signs of the Bhacakra, and the rest of the planets reflect their
qualities in different ways. In the Sudarshana Chakra we also use their positions
as Lagnas. While the Janma lagna will indicate the fortunes of the person from
the point of view of the body, the Moon will indicate his mind, and the Sun will
indicate his soul. So examining the chart from the angles of these special
ascendants will give us a view of the effects on these different levels. The
position of the Sun as Lagna and the houses from him will indicate the spiritual
potency and success of the native, ad because the Sun also indicates the ego
(ahamkara), he may indicate the professional success, influence and fame of the
native. The Moon on the other hand will indicate the more subtle influences on
the mind, and the houses therefrom will show how the different life areas have
their effect on the mental/emotional level of existence of the native. Of course we
could take practically any planets as Lagnas and assess the houses therefrom,
as they indicate different personalities in our lives, depending on their
Karakatwas and house rulership. This will give us an eye-of-the-bird view into
that particular relative’s life and fortunes. The positions of the Sun and the Moon
are also used for determining the beginning of Moola Dasa for example.
Some relevant D-charts to Chandra lagna are D-9 and D-27, both strongly linked
to the Nakshatra Chakra. Chandra lagna will also play increased role in judging
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the Sarvatobhadra Chakra and Gochara charts in general. For Surya Lagna, D-
10 and D-5 will be important as above.
The above three special ascendants are introduced in the 6 th chapter of BPHS by
Maharishi Parashara. They are all counted on the basis of the Sun’s position at
sunrise and the time elapsed from sunrise (the previous sunrise is taken for night
birth). Thus there is a technical point called Udaya Lagna, which is identical with
the Sun’s exact position at sunrise. It is not used for much interpretation, as the
Sun will usually be less than a degree away from the Udaya lagna, but is used
for determining the exact positions of the above three special Lagnas.
The Bhava Lagna passes one sign or 30 degrees within 5 ghatis (one ghati is 24
minutes). So it will pass through the 12 Bhavas within one day, thereby its name
is derived. So after calculating the time from sunrise till birth, if we do not want to
bother with converting hours and minutes into ghatis, we should just divide the
time by 2, and the remaining hours will indicate the signs and each remaining
minute will indicate two degrees while the seconds will indicate minutes of arc.
So after it’s converted into signs and degrees, it should be added to the Udaya
Lagna and thus we get the exact position of the Bhava Lagna. The Bhava Lagna
will indicate the personality of the native in the etheric level, showing the
constitution of his aura, the dominant colours in it etc. I recommend taking
special interest in judging Bhava lagna in D-9, D-27, D-40, D-45 and D-60 charts.
D-30 may also be of significance as it will indicate the evils that may also
damage the etheric body.
The Hora Lagna passes a sign within 2.5 ghatis, or in one Hora, i.e. twice as
quickly as Bhava Lagna. So for its calculation we should just convert the hours
and minutes form sunrise into signs and degrees as above, without dividing by 2.
This should be added to Udaya Lagna. The Hora Lagna is also indicative of the
native, but from the point of view of financial situation or wealth. The house, sign
and benefic planets conjoined or aspected by the Hora Lagna may indicate the
source of wealth. It is also important to assess the relationship between the Hora
Lagna, and the 2nd house (income), 11th house (gains) and their Arudhas. Jupiter
as the Bhava Karaka for wealth should also be considered. D-2 (Hora chart), D-
4, D-10, and D-16 are also important in this regard.
The Ghati lagna passes through each sign within one Ghati, so it moves 2.5
times faster than Hora Lagna. For its calculation we should take the time from
sunrise till birth, multiply by 2.5 and convert into signs and degrees as above.
Then this should be added to the Udaya Lagna. The Ghati Lagna’s position will
indicate the person from the point of view of power and influence. While Surya
Lagna will indicate the traits of his popularity and fame, Ghati Lagna may give
power and control but not necessarily distinction. The periods of planets
conjoining the Ghati Lagna in Vimsottari dasa may make the native self-reliant
and feel him powerful, while the periods of Rasis having the Ghati Lagna may
bring actual promotion or increase in power. This should also be looked at in D-5
(Panchamsa) chart. We would be wise finding out the effect of Ghati Lagna in D-
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10 (career) and D-11 (victory or loss in battle) and possibly in D-30 for seeing the
evils threatening one’s position.
Speaking about Raja-yogas both Maharishi Parashara and Jaimini stress the
point that if Lagna, Bhava Lagna and Hora lagna are linked by being aspected,
conjoined or disposited by the same planets, then a Raja-yoga will arise, the
strength of which depends on the number, strength and beneficence of the
planets acting as yogada. This principle is primarily functioning in the D-1 (Rasi)
chart, but partially may be extended to the above mentioned divisional charts
influencing wealth and status as well. Of course a Raja-yoga arising here will
have more limited effects in comparison to the Raja-yogas in the Rasi chart.
The Vighati Lagna moves four times faster as the Ghati Lagna, so it passes one
sign in 15 Vighatis, or two degrees in 1 Vighati. For calculation of Vighati Lagna
the time from sunrise till birth should be multiplied by 10, converted into signs
and degrees as above, and added to Udaya lagna. However, Maharishi Jaimini
indicates another method for using Vighatis of Janma Kaala. He says that the
time form sunrise to birth should be converted into Vighatis and divided by 9. The
remainder if not an integer should be increase upto the next integer. Then the
planets are allotted to the numbers from 1 to 9 in the order of the weekdays,
followed by the nodes as follows: 1 – Sun; 2 – Moon; 3 – Mars; 4 – Mercury; 5 –
Jupiter; 6 – Venus; 7 – Saturn; 8 – Rahu; 9 – Ketu. The sex and colour of the
planet will determine the same features of the native. Sun, Mars, Jupiter and
Rahu give a male child, Moon, Venus and Ketu give a female. Mercury and
Saturn give an eunuch. The Sun and Mars give reddish or golden yellow
complexion. Jupiter gives tawny skin. Moon and Ketu indicate whitish
complexion. Mercury gives bluish complexion, while Saturn, Venus and Rahu
give dark complexion. So this may be used for birth time rectification within one
Vighati (24 seconds). Experience shows that Vighatis will give proper results if
Lahiri (Chitrapaksha) Ayanamsha is used for the calculations.
In Aquarius it gives sweet temper and charming manners, but can also show
deceit and insincerity, if malefics aspect.
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If only benefics are in 3rd from Pranapada, the native is attached to his father.
If benefics in 3rd are aspected by malefics or vice versa, then the native is neither
attached to parents nor co-borns.
The question of Adhana or Nisheka Lagna is also very interesting. This will mean
the time of conception. Maharishi Parashara gives a vague method for
determining the Adhana Lagna from the Janma Kaala as follows: Find out the
difference between the position of Saturn and Mandi, and add to it the difference
between the Lagna and cusp of the 9 th house. The resultant signs will represent
the months, the degrees the days, and the minutes of Arc the Ghatis elapsed
since the time of conception. He leaves us uncertain however regarding the
nature of months and days: whether it’s savana (30-day) months or solar or lunar
months, savana or solar or lunar days, so it’s not so easy to determine the
accurate result. It is much easier to note down the exact time of conception by
observation. Of course it’s not so easy to decide the exact time of the fertilization
of the ovum, as it may be delayed from the act of conception itself. Still,
according to Jaiminin and the Nadi astrologers, the time of falling of the sperm
leading to conception should be taken as Adhana Lagna. The classic writers
such as Jaimini, Varahamihira, Prithu Yasas and others give a wealth of
information deciphered from the Adhana Lagna, including the progress and
outcome of the pregnancy, the sex, complexion, appearance, and defects of the
child to be born, and the exact time of birth and planetary positions at birth. It
also allows us to say a few words about the further fortunes of the child.
Part II.
For the calculation of Varnada Lagna, we should check the position lf Lagna. If
Lagna is in odd house, then count the distance from the beginning of Aries to the
Lagna. If it’s in even sign, then count backwards from the end of Pisces. Do the
same with the Hora Lagna. If both are in odd signs or both are in even signs,
then the two should be added, and if they are in different sign, then the two
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Maharishis Jaimini however gives many more details about Varnada Lagna. He
says that the lord of the Varnada lagna will determine the profession of the
native. His occupation of different signs will give different situation on different
Varnas (castes or social groups) as follows:
Fiery signs represent Kshatriyas: politicians (Leo); armed forces (Aries); and
bureaucrats (Sagittarius);
The planets being lords of Varnada Lagna or conjoining or aspecting it will also
play a role in determining the profession as follows: Brahmanas (intellectuals,
priests) are represented by Jupiter and the Moon; Vaishyas (traders) by Mercury
and Venus; Kshatriyas (politicians, armymen) by Sun and Mars; Shudras
(workers) by Saturn; Rahu represents foreigners and Ketu represents sweepers,
and other low occupations.
The Varna may also be seen from the 11th or the 5th from the Varnada lagna,
whichever’s lord is stronger.
The lord of Varnada Lagna in quadrants and trines from Lagna indicates the
income sources and socially acceptable activities by the native.
If the Varnada Lagna is in 12th from Lagna or Sun, then the native has demoniac
attitudes and gains by the loss of others.
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If the Varnada Lagna is in the 2nd, the native has many beautiful women.
If all the six planets from Sun to Venus ascpect/conjoin the Varnada Lagna, the
native is very happy.
The birth constellation (Janma Nakshatra) should be divided into twelve parts,
and the number of parts (including the fractions as well), gained by the Moon
should be converted into signs (degrees and minutes) and added to the longitude
of the ascendant to obtain Sri Lagna. The Shri Lagna is the starting point for
Sudasa (or Lagnadi Rasi Dasa) which indicates the fortunes related to money
matters and marriage as well.
If the lord of Sri Lagna is exalted or debilitated, the native is very wealthy.
If the lord of Sri Lagna (or Dasa Rasi in Sudasa) is in own sign sign, the native
belongs to the upper class but has mediocre wealth, while if in friendly sign, he
belongs to the middle class. If he is in inimical sign, the native is poor. If the lord
is a natural benefic, he belongs to the ower middle class, but if a malefic, the
utter poverty is caused.
The progress of Rasi Dasas indicates the change of fortunes. They are
subsequent to the natural status of Sri Lagna. A radical change in status is
possible if the lord of the Sri Lagna aspects its sign of exaltation or the
The lord of the Dasa Rasi conjoining/aspecting the ascendant causes good
fortune. If the Dasa Rasi is a beneficial sign or conjoined by benefics or an
exalted planet, then good fortune should be predicted. If the indications are
contrary, then the fortune is lost.
malefic, his wealth is thousands only. If the malefic is exalted, he will be a multi-
millionaire. We can also use the same guidelines to judge the effects of Indu
Lagna as above.
Paaka means to cook or ripen. The Paaka Lagna is usually taken to be the
ascendant lord, and is especially relevant to the bodily constitution and health of
the native. When we want to determine the Ayurvedic constitution (Prakriti) of the
native, we should not only consider the Lagna, but the Paaka Lagna as well. It
will also have a say in the appearance of the native, and the state of his health.
The planets, especially the malefics conjoining the Paaka Lagna may indicate
sources of trouble for health. Also the position of the Paaka Lagna relative to
Lagna should be seen. If lord of Lagna is in Dusthana (3., 6., 8. and 12. houses)
or is debilitated/conjoined by malefics, the native may be even more prone to
The Arudha Padas of all the signs shall be determined by counting from the
house to its lord and then the same number of houses forward. If the Rasi has
two lords, the stronger should be chosen according to Jaimini’s sources of
strength. The Arudha of a sign should never fall into tha same house or the 7th
from it. This is because the Arudhas or images of the signs represent the Maya,
or illusion associated with this world, and the 1 st/7th houses are the Satya-peetha,
or seats of Truth. So if the Arudha would fall into tha house itself, it is moved to
the 10th from it, and if into the 7th from it, it’s placed in the 4th. Now the Arudha of
the Janma Lagna (AL or Arudha Lagna) has very great significance. It will
represent the way how others perceive us in our lives. If it’s not connected
strongly with the Lagna, then this perception or image may be quite different from
what we really are. If we assess the relationship between the AL and Lagna, we
will see whether our image benefits us or harms us. It will also indicate the areas
of our life gaining external importance. The houses from AL will indicate the
effect relating to our image, status or physique. For example the causes and
circumstances of death are deciphered from the 3rd of 8th houses from Arudha
Lagna or Atmakaraka. Benefics conjoining/aspecting the Arudha Lagna will
indicate good fame and honour, while malefics will indicate the contrary. The Drig
Dasa of the Rasi having the Arudha Lagna brings advancement in spirituality and
liberation from the false identity indicated by the Arudha Lagna. Similarly the
Arudhas of all the houses will represent the Maya or illusion connected to the
persons indicated by them. The Arudha of the 12th house gains special
importance and it is called Upapada Lagna. The Upapada indicates the spouse
of the native. I have given details of Upapada analysis in my previous article on
marriage matching. We will find that the Janma Lagna of the spouse is often
times in the same sign or trines from the native’s Upapada. The same holds true
for mother (Arudha of 4th house), brothers (Arudha of 3rd/11th houses), Guru
(Arudha of 9th house) and followers/sons (Arudha of 5th house). Enemies may be
studied from the Arudha of 6th house etc.
August 2000 Jyotish News 15
Now in the final point of our overview we have arrived to the Navamsa Chakra.
The Navamsa occupied by the Janma Lagna is called the Navamsa Lagna or
Lagnamsa. As the D-9 chart is based on the Nakshatra Padas of the Moon, it will
generally indicate the native’s dharma, marriage and psychological abilities.
Therefore the Lagnamsa is also primarily indicative of the psychological
abilities/inner nature of the native. The planets in trines from it may indicate the
abilities developed in previous lives and manifesting in this life. The Lagnamsa
will also indicate the person’s behaviour in marriage, while the 7 th from it will
indicate the nature of the first spouse. The 8th from it is the 2nd spouse (2nd from
Lagna) etc. The Lagnamsa is also called Swamsa. Maharishi Jaimini gives
umpteen rules for judging its effects. It is also mentioned by several classics that
the strongest planet influencing the Lagnamsa will indicate the complexion of the
native, while the 7th from it may indicate his sex, although the final word in this is
given on the basis of the Janma Vighati (refer to above). The nature indicated by
the sign occupied by the Lagnamsa is sometimes much more prominent
psychologically than the Rasi Lagna.
If Ketu is in the 12th or 4th from Karakamsa, then this constitutes a Moskha-yoga,
i.e. the native will be liberated from the cycle of birth and death. Malefics in this
place deny deliverance from the cycle of rebirth. The planets in the 12th house
from Karakamsa will indicate the Ishta-devata of the native, i.e. the form of Deity
that will lead him to final emancipation. The 9th from Karakamsa will similarly
indicate the Dharma-devata, or the form of Deity worshipped by the native in this
life for spiritual advancement.
Now let’s take an example chart for checking the applicability of the above rules:
Acharya Rajneesh (Osho) born on 11th December 1931, at 17.49 IST, Narsingpur
(22N57, 78E12)
August 2000 Jyotish News 16
Now let’s first see the impact of Janma Lagna. It is in the first degree of Gemini,
which is a dual airy sign, and gives a person who has very good abilities for
speaking, philosophising and teaching. He was a teacher from the beginning of
his career. Indu Lagna is also there, conjoining the Janma Lagna, which may
give an indication for some wealth. He has also got Sastra Saham in 12 degrees
of Gemini, so is education in philosophy and humanitarian sciences was also an
inborn ability. Varnadas of 10th and 3rd house are also in Gemini, so this increases
the success in career and gives many associates who do not stay for long time.
The Astha lagna falls into the beginning of Sagittarius, conjoining the
constellation of five planets: Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Moon. This will
indicate a very strong attachment to sexuality, as three of these planets, namely
Mercury, Moon and Venus increase the native’s interest in sexuality. Artha
Saham is also there at 8 degrees, giving wealth from the same thing, plus the
Roga Saham at 22 degrees, indicating some disease which may also well be the
consequence of unrestricted sexual enjoyments. He also has Jalapatana Saham
at 13 degrees in Sagittarius, which gave an overseas travel to the USA in 1982,
in Jupiter/Saturn Vimsottari Dasa.
August 2000 Jyotish News 17
Patala Lagna is at 17 degrees in Leo. He has got Gulika there, plus Varnadas of
5th and 11th houses. This gave him a power to infuence the feelings of others and
receive gains through this. We see the lord of Leo, Sun being in the 6th, so the
feelings or emotions were largely subordinate to his sexual desires as all the five
planets give unobstructed Argala on the Sun, and Sun is in Scorpio indicating
perverted sexual desires.
The above reading from the Sun will also give influence on his career and fame,
as Sun’s position will be the Surya Lagna. The Sun in the 6th from Lagna may
indicate that he gains many enemies with his fame, so many people attacked
him, and thus his fame was not equivocally positive. Sun is at 25 degrees in
Scorpio. He also had Putra Saham at 23 degrees in Scorpio, but it seems that
the Sun destroyed its significations as he had no sons according to my
knowledge. Kali Saham is also there at 8 degrees, so it gave some harassment
as he was banned from the US because of the scandals around his missionary
Chandra lagna in the 7th makes his mind focus on sexuality, and is a very strong
combination with four other planets conjoining. Rahu and Ketu are both
aspecting the Moon sign, giving difficulties in life, and Sun is in 12 th from it, giving
both fame abroad and ill fame as well. Moon is in 8th from her own house and in
2nd from her debilitation position, but the Jupiter exalted in Moon’s house
strengthens its position. Also Chandra lagnesh exalted in 8th gives interest in
spirituality, which will manifest in the form of philosophical discourses and Tantric
practices. Jupiter is also Atmakaraka therefore their Parivartana with moon
becomes even more significant. The Moon is at 22 degrees in Sagittarius, almost
exactly conjoining Roga Saham, which could result in psychological distortions
and deviant behaviour. The presence of Pravrajya yoga in the 7th have made him
disrespectful to the traditions of Hinduism and embracing the philosophy of
liberating the mind from the constrictions of ethical rules.
Bhava lagna is at 10 degrees Taurus. It’s in the 12th house from Lagna, indicating
the focus on meditation and self-realization, and its effects on the etheric body.
The aspect of Jupiter from the 2 nd house increases the spiritual significations of
the Bhava Lagna. However, Jupiter is retrograde while being exalted, so it can
give a twist in the understanding of the proper method and goal of meditation.
He’s got Punya (good deeds) and Asha Saham (hopes) close to Bhava Lagna,
which increase the power of the subtle body and enable it to influence others as
well. Gaurava Saham (respect) adds to this reading. He has got a lot fo other
August 2000 Jyotish News 18
Sahams in Taurus as well. This indicate a strong connection of his subtle body to
a lot of issues in life. Sraddha Saham (dedication) and Preeti Saham (affection)
add to his power to gain followers through the influence of his astral body. His
followers often times experienced ecstasy during the collective mediations.
Vyapara (business) and Vanik (trade) Saham made him a businessman selling
subtle experiences. Paradara Saham (adultery) made him rebel against the
established laws of marriage. Mrityu Saham and Apamrityu Saham also indicate
death in a meditative state of mind. Although there were some spiritual
achievements in his life, it is not likely that he attained Moksha, as the 7 th house
is quite strong, and also having Mars and Saturn in there. The 7th house indicates
the Mooladhara (Root) chakra, and we see that it’s quite strong in his chart.
Therefore he was interested in elevating the consciousness with the help of
raising the Kundalini Shakti (Mars) situated in the 7th house. Sun in the 6th
indicates the importance given by him to the activities of Swadhidthana (Sex)
Chakra in this endeavour. The ruling Twttwa of the Root Chakra is Prithivi or
earth. He has only Ketu in earthly signs, giving ability to elevate the Kuldalini
Shakti quite easily. Ketu also gives a Rasi Dristi on the 7th house.
Hora Lagna is in the 5th from Lagna, indicating wealth from the disciples. Arudha
0f 9th house is also conjoining, indicating income through teaching/philosophical
lectures and being a Guru. Libra is still a Venusian sign, therefore his
philosophical preaching was permeated with thoughts of sexual enjoyment. Lord
of Hora Lagna again conjoins the strong combination I the 7 th house. In D-10,
Lagna is Gemini, conjoined by Venus and Hora Lagna, confirming the above
For birth Vighati we need to know the time from sunrise to birth. It is 9 hours, 1
minute and 31 seconds, which is 1353.79 Vighatis. Dividing by 9 the remainder is
3.79, which is corrected to 4. The 4th Vighati is ruled by Mercury, which ideally
gives eunuchs. He was a male, but did not have children, as far as I know, and
Mercury in this case gives rather strong sexual desires. He is conjoined by a lot
of planets in the 7th house. Of course it may also indicate that the birth time is not
completely accurate, so we may adjust it to either Mars or Jupiter.
Shri Lagna is in Aquarius, its lord Saturn conjoins the four combinations in
Sagittarius, which may give good wealth but because Saturn is in 12 th from Shri
Lagna, the wealth is lost. Also Saturn aspects the Lagna, which may indicate
radical changes in the financial status of the native. The peak of his wealth
situation was in 1981-82, at the end of Sagittarius Sudasa, which is lorded by
exalted Jupiter. Indu Lagna is in Gemini, so conjoining the ascendant and being
aspected by 7 planets, and also receiving the Argala of exalted Jupiter, will give
much wealth.
Paaka Lagna is in the 7th house, and we have explained the effect of so many
planets in the 7th house. Seemingly it gave him good health and a fiery
disposition, although it’s quite mixed because of the influence of the fiery planets.
Arudha Lagna is in the 10th house, in Pisces, making him known as a great
philosopher. Rahu in Arudha Lagna may bring some ill fame as well, which
actually came true. His Upapada (Arudha of 12 th house) and Darapada (Arudha
of the 7th house) are in 6/8 houses relationship, which made him deride the
sanctity of marriage. Darapada is also in the 9th, thus he made adultery a part of
his religious teaching.
Rajneesh stated that he had his first ecstatic trance at the age of seven, in the
Drigdasa of Cancer, having exalted Atmakarak Jupiter. He also claimed that he
attained enlightenment at the age of 21, in Scorpio Drigdasa, containing Sun, but
this is not likely. The Drigdasas of Sagittarius (68-76), Pisces (76-85) and Gemini
(85-91) must have been quite fruitful. The peak of his success as a Guru came in
the Drigdasa of Pisces.
His Navamsa Lagna is in Libra, having Moon in it. This will indicate his
complexion, which was pale. Libra indicates well his neo-tantric and idealistic
philosophy. Moon being there will point to sensuality, and Ghati Lagna adds to
power and fame through his philosophical views. His Karakamsa is quite good,
as Jupiter in Pisces being Atmakaraka, and especially conjoined by Ketu may
give Moksha (liberation). Still the 12th from Karakamsa has only Dun, indicating
Rama or Siva as worshipable Deity. So 12th from Karakamsa is not stronger than
7th from Lagna in Rasi, therefore liberation was not possibly achieved. Also
Karakamsa is in 6th from Lagnamsa. Navamsa Lagnesh being debilitated and in
12th from Lagnamsa and conjoined by Rahu in Moolatrikona is also not a very
favourable combination. We can check many things using the special ascendants
introduced above.
FEBRUARY 2001 Jyotish News 20
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