Microbial Contamination of Diesel Fuel: Impact, Causes and Prevention
Microbial Contamination of Diesel Fuel: Impact, Causes and Prevention
Microbial Contamination of Diesel Fuel: Impact, Causes and Prevention
Biofilm formation
Virtually all diesel fuel contains some moisture. Additional water accumulates in tanks as
atmospheric moisture condenses. Moisture accumulates in diesel tanks as condensate
droplets on exposed tank surfaces, as dissolved water in the fuel and as water bottoms
beneath the fuel (Figure 1 - see page 2). As will be discussed later, microbes depend on this
water for growth. Additionally, microbes depend on the organic and inorganic molecules in
diesel fuel for nutrition. Consequently, some species attack the fuel directly, growing at the
expense of hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbon fuel components. The biodegradation of
fuel, in support of microbial growth, is a direct impact of contamination. Color, heat of
combustion, pour point, cloud point, detergent and anti-corrosive properties change as
microbes selectively attack fuel components. Sulfur-containing molecules are metabolized
by a series of species, leading ultimately to the production of high concentrations of
hydrogen sulfide. In addition to creating new cells, many microbes produce metabolites
which promote further attack. Surfactants facilitate the emulsification of fuel, leading to the
formation of a cloudy, invert-emulsion layer above the fuel:water interface (Figure 2).
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Polysaccharide slimes create microenvironments wherein mixed populations (consortia)
of bacteria and fungi carry out biodegradation reactions that would be impossible for a single
species outside the microenvironment.
The slime also serves as a barrier, protecting the
microbes from preservatives. A variety of organic acids (primarily 2 - 4 carbon atoms) are
also produced as by-products of bacterial and fungal growth. As the acids accumulate, they
cause a number of indirect effects. These effects will be considered later in this profile.
Figure 1
Fungal growth at
interface, in a
diesel fuel storage
Figure 2
Invert emulsion
layer forming in
diesel fuel above
biofilm which is
growing at
Figure 3
Example of
accumulation on
fuel tank surfaces.
Table 2
Microbially influenced corrosion
Indirect Effects
Sludge formation
of Microbial
Organic acid accumulation
Contamination of
Hydrogenase-caused depolarization of metallic surfaces
Diesel Fuels
Transfer-line flow restrictions
Filter plugging
Engine wear
Fuel property changes: color, pour point, cloud point, thermal stability
Each aspect contributes to successful minimization of microbial contamination problems,
and consequently to reduction of operating costs attributed to these problems.
Fuel systems can be divided into storage, transfer, purification and delivery/combustion
components. Storage takes place in tanks. Tanks vary in size from 5-gallon portable units to
underground caverns holding several million barrels of distillate fuel.
The opportunity for
contamination and the facility with which contaminants are removed are, in large part, a
function of tank design. Small service tanks (day tanks, vehicle tanks, etc.) should be
equipped with a drain-plug at their lowest point. Service tanks should be mounted so that
water and sediment bottoms can be drained off easily. Conical bottom configurations are
advantageous, since they make it easier to concentrate and drain sludge and bottoms water.
Tank vents should be equipped with filters to prevent particles from being drawn in as fuel is
removed (Figure 6).
Figure 6
Schematic drawing
of a typical
storage tank.
Large-tank design should follow the same principles as those recommended for service
tanks. In larger tanks it is even more critical to provide a means for removing water and
sludge from the bottoms at regular intervals. Tanks also need access for periodic inspection
and maintenance. Access-port location options are limited in the cases of shipboard and
underground tanks. Manholes fitted into tank tops should be large enough to permit
personnel and equipment to enter the tank. Access ports for surface tanks should be located
about two feet above the ground. This permits easy entry, but reduces the risk of
contamination due to standing water seepage.
Mild steel and stainless steel are the most common fuel storage tank construction materials.
When interior coatings are used, the materials of choice are polyurethane or two-component
epoxy systems. If coatings are used, uniform coverage and coating integrity are essential.
The problems generated by intrusion of moisture or fuel between the coating and underlying
tank wall have been discussed previously. Interior surfaces should be smooth. Corrosion
cells often start along weld seams and other surface irregularities. Seals and gaskets should
be made of material which is both resistant to the effects of weathering, and chemically
compatible with fuel.
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Pipe fittings should be designed and located with a clear idea of their intended function. To
prevent possible contamination with bottoms water or sludge-dwelling microbes, filler pipes
should not extend more than 3/4 of the depth of the tank from the tank roof. Fuel transfer
piping should not draw from the bottom of tanks. Some storage tanks are fitted with
adjustable-level discharge piping. Theoretically, these can be used to draw fuel from just
above the water:fuel interface (Figure 7). This is meant to facilitate first-in, first-out fuel
transfer. There is risk in potentially drawing off a slug of invert emulsion, biofilm and water,
instead of fuel. Fuel discharge lines should draw fuel from the middle third of the tank
volume, instead. Both fill and discharge line ends should be U configured to reduce the risk
of disturbing the fuel:water boundary layer, and thereby increasing the risk of fuel
contamination. Water and sludge discharge piping should draw from the lowest point in the
tank. Fuel transfer lines should never be used to draw off bottoms.
Figure 7
Flotation system,
discharge piping,
illustrated in
Figure 6. Note
accumulation on
and beneath floats.
Permanent transfer piping should be clearly marked as to inlet and outlet valves and
orifices. Tanks should be equipped with fittings for attaching fuel purification equipment.
Optimally, each storage facility would have an installed fuel oil purifier. Large-pore screens
(>20mm) and water traps help to reduce the chances of transferring gross contamination
from one tank to another, but they are inadequate for removing microbes from the fuel.
Centrifuge units are well-suited for removing particles, and mixed-media filtration systems
can polish (remove particles and microbial detritus) fuel. Typically, sand or diatomaceous
earth filters precede fiber filters in series (Figure 8). Water traps and fiber filters prevent
entrained water, biomass and other particulates from reaching engines.
Figure 8
Schematic drawing
of a typical,
installed fuel
filtration system.
Well-designed storage, transfer and purification systems reduce the risk of serious microbial
contamination problems. When problems do occur, they can be corrected at substantially
less cost than that required to treat systems in which the aforementioned contamination
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control measures were not incorporated into the system design. By keeping fuel
contamination-free at each stage of the production-to-combustion trail, refinery operators,
distributors and fleet operators all benefit. Good engineering practices make a major
contribution to the effort. However, without well-conceived and properly-executed
monitoring, maintenance and treatment programs, good engineering is of limited value.
Westbrook and Stavinoha
list four objectives of fuel-monitoring programs:
To provide criteria for scheduling preventive maintenance on fuel and fuel systems,
thereby avoiding unexpected failures during operations.
Monitoring programs consist of four phases:
Sampling procedures are detailed in ASTM D 4057 - 81
and D 4177 - 82.
The former
standard identifies various types of samples, sampling strategies (location and number of
samples) and sampling devices. It also provides guidance on handling samples to ensure
that subsequent analyses reflect conditions existing in the bulk fluid from which the samples
were drawn.
Although it contains a great deal of useful information, ASTM D 4057 - 81 does not
specifically discuss sampling for microbiological contamination. A paper by Hebda et al.
presents a sampling tool for collecting bulk samples from fuel tanks. Hebda recommends
sterilizing the sampler with denatured ethanol when collecting multiple samples in the field.
The experienced sample collector can draw samples from the fuel:water interface, thereby
retrieving biofilm material. This type of sample, comprised of approximately 1/3 fuel and 2/3
water is most useful for examining the extent and impact of microbial contamination at this
critical boundary (Figure 9). Fuel, water and water/sludge samples should also be collected.
Once drawn, samples should be dispensed carefully (to minimize perturbance of the phase
boundaries) into sterile sample bottles. Microbiological samples should always be processed
as soon as possible after sampling, since the number and diversity of bacteria and fungi will
continue to change after collection. Samples should be kept on ice between collection and
analysis, whenever possible. Samples analyzed after 30 hours have little resemblance to
the bulk fluid from which they were drawn.
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Figure 9
Typical grab
sample from
interface within a
diesel fuel storage
Table 5 lists tests commonly run on fuel samples. Standard microbiological test protocols
are detailed in several compendia.
and Hebda et al.
provide guidance for
determining microbial contamination levels in distillate fuel and water bottoms.
One test not listed among the ASTM standards, but which should be included among routine
monitoring tests is fuel filterability. A method for determining filterability is suggested by
Creason, et al.
Creasons group recommends filtering 500 mL of clean fuel through a
2.1 m, pore-size filter disc as a benchmark. A pressure filtration apparatus is used,
applying a standard pressure (for example, 15 psig). The filtration time is recorded. The
same procedure is used to determine how long it takes for 500 mL of unknown quality fuel to
pass through the filter. The time ratio for unknown:clean fuel filtration is computed. Ratios
significantly greater than 1.0 indicate that fuel degradation is occurring.
Ultimately the selection of tests to run, and the frequency with which they are performed, are
management decisions. Fuel stored in strategic reserves will not be examined as intensely
as fuel in day tanks for aviation applications. System managers, in consultation with industry
experts, must decide which tests will provide the information required to ensure that
customers consistently receive fuel that meets or exceeds their performance requirements.
Once samples are analyzed, the data must be reported. If replicate analyses were
performed, data should be reported at the mean one standard deviation. Data must be
presented in a standard format, using units of measurement that the intended reader will
understand readily. If criteria values have been established, pass/fail notations should
appear next to the reported values. There are a variety of personal and mainframe computer
data base programs available. If possible, such software should be used to develop a
historical data base.
The only justifiable reason for sampling and analyzing fuel is to provide useful system
management information. To be useful in this sense, the data must be interpreted, in order
to determine further action. At the simplest level, if test data are interpreted to indicate that a
fuel shipment does not pass all criteria, the decision may be to reject the shipment.
Interpretation becomes more complex when operators are trying to understand why a large
volume of fuel has deteriorated. In order to select the most appropriate corrective actions,
operators need to be able to diagnose causes accurately. Recently, computer expert-
systems have been developed to facilitate data interpretation.
They promise to be easier to
use than older failure-analysis statistical packages, but may also have use-flexibility
limitations. This is an exciting new developmental area, likely to mature over the next five to
ten years.
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Table 5 Sampling
Fuel Tests ASTM D 4057 Standard Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Useful for Tests
ASTM D 2276 Standard Test Method for Particulate Contamination in Aviation Turbine Fuels
ASTM D 473 Standard Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel Oils by the Extraction Method
Contamination in
ASTM D 1796 Standard Test Method for Water and Sediment in Fuel Oils by the Centrifuge Method
Diesel Fuels (laboratory procedure)
ASTM D 240 Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb
ASTM D 2382 Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb
Calorimeter (high-precision method)
ASTM D 2550 Standard Test Method for Water Separation Characteristics of Aviation Turbine Fuels
ASTM D 3620 Standard Field Test Methods for Water Separation Characteristics of Aviation Turbine Fuels
ASTM D 3948 Standard Test Methods for Determining Water Separation Characteristics of Aviation Turbine
Fuels by Portable Separometer
ASTM D 1094 Standard Test Method for Water Reaction of Aviation Fuels
ASTM D 1744 Standard Test Method for Water in Liquid Petroleum Products by Karl Fischer Reagent
ASTM D 2709 Standard Test Method for Water and Sediment in Distillate Fuels by Centrifuge
ASTM D 3240 Standard Test Method for Undissolved Water in Aviation Turbine Fuels
ASTM D 4176 Standard Test Method for Free Water and Particulate Contamination in Distillate Fuels (Clear
and Bright Pass/Fail Procedures)
ASTM E 1259 Standard Method for Evaluation of Antimicrobials in Distillate Fuels (based on preliminary
screening and compatibility)
APHA 907 Standard Plate Count
At present, there is a great deal of intuitive knowledge about problem causes and effects.
The role of water and fuel additives in supporting microbial growth was reviewed in a
previous section of this document. Symptoms of microbial contamination have also been
discussed. Armed with this information, system managers and operators are in a good
position to interpret the data they receive. Good maintenance practices are derived from
good data interpretations.
Perhaps the single most effective maintenance practice is to minimize the exposure of
distillate fuel to water. In some systems (for example, seawater-ballasted marine fuel tanks)
this is impractical. However, tank insulation, recycling through water separators, and routine
discharge of water bottoms all minimize water accumulation in surface-vehicle and
stationary fuel-storage tanks. Systems designed for water removal can also be equipped to
remove particulates - including biomass - from bulk fuel.
Sludge should also be removed
from tanks regularly.
In addition to processing stored fuel and purging bottoms water and sludge, periodic tank
inspection and cleaning should be scheduled. Periodic treatment with preventive doses of
approved fuel preservatives should prolong the interval between most of these labor-
intensive maintenance activities.
The frequency of any maintenance action should be dictated by the data being monitored.
Once a historical record has been developed, advanced maintenance scheduling becomes
easier to accomplish. In the interim, maintenance actions should be triggered by changes in
monitored parameters. Trends, rather than discrete data points, provide better indications for
corrective and preventive actions. For example, if the particulate contamination or filterability
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index increases over three or more successive periodic measurements, the fuel should be
clarified before it fails the quality criteria for these parameters. If experience demonstrates
that the requirement for clarification recurs at predictable intervals, then a schedule for fuel
clarification can be defined.
Despite carefully conceived and executed maintenance programs, stored fuel may still
become heavily contaminated with microbial growth. When this happens, the fuel and water
bottoms must be treated to control the infection and to remove biomass from the system.
Routine treatment, as discussed under Maintenance, has proven to be an effective means of
dramatically reducing the risk of catastrophic contamination events.
In this context, treatment refers to both chemical addition and mechanical processing of the
contaminated fuel and associated water bottoms and sludge. The mechanical phase of the
treatment process is similar to that described under Maintenance. To be most effective,
microbicide is metered into the fuel at the discharge end of the clarification unit, as the
dewatered, clarified fuel is pumped into a clean storage tank. Before being used again,
contaminated tanks should be cleaned thoroughly. All residual material (wall and overhead
slime, bottoms sludge) should be removed. Tank interiors and internal pipe fittings should be
inspected for corrosion and proper function. Waste material generated during the clean-up
process is considered hazardous, and should be hauled-off only by companies certified as
hazardous waste handlers.
The importance of combining mechanical treatment with chemical treatment cannot be over-
stressed. Biocides used to treat contaminated fuel may never come into contact with
microbes imbedded deep within scinnogen, sludge and biofilm layers. Since biocides are
consumed as they kill microbes, survivors will flourish as soon as biocide concentrations
decrease to sub-toxic levels. In fact, sub-toxic concentrations of biocide may stimulate
growth! Moreover, after a kill, the particle count will increase dramatically for a short period.
Unless this dead-biomass particulate material is removed, the treated fuel may not pass test
criteria for particulates. Consequently, heavily-contaminated fuel systems must be cleaned
mechanically in addition to being treated with an approved biocide.
A number of authors have documented the factors to be considered in evaluating biocides to
be used as fuel disinfectants and preservatives.
Key considerations include:
Water/fuel solubility
Speed of kill
Persistence of effect