The poem is about a water nymph who falls in love with a human boy and drowns him so they can be together forever. It describes how the nymph took the boy under the water and clung to him, drowning him. It then explains that if she had left him, he would have faded away with time, but by drowning him she saved him from growing old.
The poem is about a water nymph who falls in love with a human boy and drowns him so they can be together forever. It describes how the nymph took the boy under the water and clung to him, drowning him. It then explains that if she had left him, he would have faded away with time, but by drowning him she saved him from growing old.
The poem is about a water nymph who falls in love with a human boy and drowns him so they can be together forever. It describes how the nymph took the boy under the water and clung to him, drowning him. It then explains that if she had left him, he would have faded away with time, but by drowning him she saved him from growing old.
The poem is about a water nymph who falls in love with a human boy and drowns him so they can be together forever. It describes how the nymph took the boy under the water and clung to him, drowning him. It then explains that if she had left him, he would have faded away with time, but by drowning him she saved him from growing old.
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The Water-Nymph and the Boy
by Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel
I flung me round him, I drew him under; I clung, I drownd him, My own white wonder! . . . !ther !nd mother, Wee"ing !nd wild, #!me to the forest, #!lling the child, #!me from the "!l!ce, $own to the "ool, #!lling my d!rling, My be!utiful! %nder the w!ter, #old !nd so "!le! #ould it be lo&e m!de Be!uty to f!il' (h me for mort!ls! In ! few moons, If I h!d left him, (fter some )unes *e would h!&e f!ded, !ded !w!y, *e, the young mon!rch, whom (ll would obey, !irer th!n d!y; (lien to s"ringtime, )oyless !nd gr!y, *e would h!&e f!ded, !ded !w!y, Mo&ing ! mockery, +cornd of the d!y! Now I h!&e t!ken him (ll in his "rime, +!&ed from slow "oisoning ,itiless -ime, illd with his h!""iness, .ne with the "rime, +!&ed from the cruel $ishonour of -ime. /!id him, my be!utiful, /!id him to rest, /o&ing, !dor!ble, +oftly to rest, *ere in my cryst!lline, *ere in my